Thank you...I'm feeling much better (The rEvolution Is) NOW!
As if confiscating the MeatSpace tools and CyberSpace home that the
Author uses to channel the violent demons warring to burst out of the
thin walls of moral character imprisoning them inside his brain wasn't
THEY (TM) have been conspiring to inundate the Author with a multitude
of secret message transfers via the available cable channels in the
small community in which he resides. The blatantly subliminal messages
being ceaselessly spammed into the Author's MeatSpace environment, via
the TV cable originating at an underground Reptilain Nazi resort and spa
deep beneath LizardMoor Labs and Gold Retrievers.
A typical day in the cleverly disguised nuclear/biological laboratory
in the small, quiet prairie town of Bienfait, Saskatchewan, begins with
a variety of subliminal messages pointing out to the Author that his
lifelong dream of being invited as a guest on the David Letterman TV
show, in order to confront him with the fact that the Author is carrying
Dave's baby (despite the lies being spread that it is really just a
'beer belly'), can never be realized unless he makes a concerted attempt
to cash in on the new, improved version of 'National Security,' commonly
known as 'Save The Children.'
[Editor's Note: Current polls indicate that unconstitutional laws and
criminal actions by those in authority are currently very difficult to
justify under the wrapped-flag of 'National Security', since an
increasing number of Americans are probing for weaknesses in that
security in order to judge the viability of attacking it in a
grass-roots rEvolution.
However, the 'Save The Children' scam seems to currently still be an
effective ruse for perpetrating all manner of self-serving
actions/injustices, due to the success of the government's efforts to
hide the fact that the 'innocent' children are murdering their parents,
classmates and total strangers at an increasing rate, by trying them as
TV Reality:
Good Morning America: Interview with the authors of 'The War Against
Beats the drum of working parents being forced by government
regulation, corporate policy and economic reality into being overworked,
underpaid Bad Providers who get no financial support/breaks in the
razing of their children in today's society.
Successful Singles and Childless Couples point out that they are all
in favor of 'saving' the children, as long as they are not expected to
pony-up their hard-earned cash to support the progeny of those who want
to multiply like rabbits at their expense.
Maury Povitch: Child Food Abuse! Felony Fat! Parents Tried As Adults!
The Big Bones of government officials gets shoved up the rectums of
Big Boned citizens who are imprisoned and have their children taken away
for child abuse as a result of having 'overweight' children.
The Defenders of Children Who Eat Too Much fail to point out that
society and government don't seem particularly concerned that these same
children, if they have no health coverage, or are 'protected' by an HMO
plan which needs to cut corners in order to give their chief officers
hefty pay increases, will be allowed to die untreated in a hospital
waiting room, at which point their parents will be guilty of 'felony'
child abuse.
CBC Midday News: Bad Medicine Reactions A Leading Cause of Death.
Makes it obvious that even if the Felony Fat Kids prove to be
financially worthy of receiving medical treatment to counter the effects
of their parent's Child Food Abuse crimes, they still have a good chance
of dying from a bad reaction to the medicine being forced upon them by
government officials, and die, once again making their parents guilty of
'felony' child abuse.
The Fifth Estate: Save The Geese!
A seemingly heartwarming story of CityGeese being saved from the
slaughterhouse by those who train them to fly south for the winter
alongside of ultralight planes (complete with heartwarming scenes and
music from the official Made For TV Movie).
THEY (TM) could not resist, however, slipping in a statement which
might seem innocuous on the surface, but is filled with deep, dark
meaning for he who realizes that, since he is now a toothless old fart
who can no longer receive messages from Mars through the fillings in his
teeth, that the Space Aliens who Hide His Drugs are sending him their
secret messages by communicating with him through the new Electronic
Reality (TM) based on TV-DNA and InterNet-RNA.
"The problem is not an overpopulation of *geese*, but an
overpopulation of *people*"
Excerpt from "Save The Tiger" (c) 1978 C.J. Parker:
"As Jack Lemmon kicked in a contribution to help save a dying breed
similar to himself, I realized that the Tiger did OK for tens of
thousands of years, until man got in the way, so that the true solution
to saving the Tiger was to kill all of mankind.
"So I wrote a group-participation song dedicated to spreading hate and
dissension amoung those listening to it, and the crowd participates, not
just by singing, but also by killing each other at the end of the song."
"The people on your right are homosexual,
The guys have long nails and think they're intellectual,
The women, they are dikes, and their friends all call them Spike,
And they hang around our schoolyards late at night...
"They've won the right to teach school to our children,
And they'll turn them into faggots by the million,
Till the day will finally come, when you have to guard your bum,
With a K-Tel mail-order Asshole Protector,
Or your front, with a K-Tel Double-Dong Rejector.
"Sing, Oh-Oh-Oh, you Dirty Mother,
I've hated you from the first day that we met,
And you know I won't get high, until I see you die,
A slow and painful, unnatural death.
"And we can still Save The Tiger, my friend, it's not too late,
If we all get together, and show a little hate."
It is blatantly obvious that the CyberLamers incapable of buying the
slightest clue as to the true nature of the forces set in motion at 9:02
a.m., 19 April, 1998, are reduced to intercepting the Messages From Mars
directed toward the Author's Digital Implant, and replacing them with
subliminal messages certain to lead her to the conclusion that, if
Freedom, Liberty and Privacy are becoming an endangered species, due to
their being attacked by the selfish needs of Innocent Children (TM),
then the answer to 'preserving' Freedom, Liberty and Privacy is to KILL
all of the Innocent Children.
BE NAMED LATER, an Army of Dog, Cult of One veteran who risked bodily
harm in a night spent physically destroying most of his personal
property, even putting his head through the gyproc and pressed-glue
panelling of his home, the blood dripping from his chin onto his
keyboard, combined with the output of a million spilled Scotch and coke
drinks, wrote:
"The only way to preserve Freedom, Liberty and Privacy in the world
is to KILL THE CHILDREN!!! who are responsible for the attacks on the
Constitution which are designed to 'protect' the Innocent Children.
"Since it is imperative to KILL them all, and let Dog sort them
out, in order to uphold the concept that it is better for ten guilty
children to die, than for one innnocent child to wrongly be allowed to
live, the only way to truly 'save' a child is, therefore, to destroy
that child's innocence.
"Those who are hesitant to do everything possible to crush the human
spirit of innocent children until they strike out savagely by committing
crimes so horrifying that society will allow them to be tried as
'adults', or those who hesitate to make every effort to put an end to
childhood innocence by forcing the children to face Reality (TM),
instead of The Fairy Tale That Passes For History--Past, Present and
Future (TM), should remind themselves that, If It Saves The Life Of A
Single Child..."
The Army of Dog, MeatSpace Division, experiment performed recently in
Jonesboro by two young Army of Dog Warriors, has proven successful in
moving the two out of the line of fire in the battle being waged over
the lives and souls of Innocent Children, and has placed them under the
protective mantle which ensures that those convicted of murder as adults
will live a long and healthy life during the appeals process.
One wonderful aspect of the KILL THE CHILDREN!!! approach to
preserving Freedom, Liberty and Privacy is that it has the potential to
unite the government and the citizens together in a common cause to
remove the pressing need to Destroy the Constitution in order to Save
the Children.
The children who died in the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in
Oklahoma City certainly have no further need of 'protection' by taking
away the Constitutional rights of their parents. The children who died
in the slaughter of non-mainstream religion worshippers at Waco
certainly have no need of further 'protection' by taking away the
weapons the Constitution allows citizens to possess in order to defend
themselves against religious persecution and government oppression.
Those who have an interest in the preservation of Freedom, Liberty and
Privacy should make every effort to support the efforts of the New World
Order to gain access to all communications on the face of the earth, as
well as placing video surveillance systems in all public and private
areas, so that both Innocent Children and UnIndicted Adults can be
proven beyond doubt to be Felons Under An Increasing Number Of Laws,
thus negating the need for their Constitutional Rights to be taken away
in order to 'protect' them from the Bad People (TM).
"When Innocence is Outlawed, Nobody will be Innocent."
~ A Platitude To Be Named Later
Since it may prove impossible for Defenders of the Constitution to
encourage massive numbers of children to committ Adult Crimes, without
overwhelming the legal system, every effort should be made to destroy
the childhood innocence of as many children as possible by helping them
to break through the deadly facade of Offically Recognized Mainstream
Reality, and realize that their inherent birthright of Constitutional
Rights makes them terrorist criminals at war with their government.
Children, unlike Adults, are still capable of recognizing that the
screams of the babies, as their voluntary-mandatory SSN is slapped on
their butts at birth, are a newborn's way of announcing to the whole
world that...