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>From: Peter A Steeves - logical(a)
>Subject: What does CPM mean? (Issue #443)
>Please tell me what does CPM mean? I cannot even guess.
Hello Peter,
CPM is a term used in advertising, and there are other acronyms
you'll run across when looking into advertising. These terms are
basically universal, meaning they are used in both offline and
online advertising. Here are some of the more common ones:
CPM - Cost Per Thousand. If you are buying advertising based
on the number of subscribers, it will be on a CPM basis.
CPC - Cost Per Click. An example of this would be the pay
search engines.
CPA - Cost Per Action. Buying advertising based on the number
of responses. Responses could be a number of things, like filling
out a form, all the way to an actual purchase. The cost of this
would be much, much higher than buying advertising based on
I hope this helps in your search for advertising.
Examine carefully - those with email addresses included WILL
trade links with you, you are encouraged to contact them. And,
there are many ways to build a successful business. Just look at
these successful sites/programs other members are involved in...
Affiliates of the World!
Top rated affiliate programs, excellent business
opportunities, great marketing resources and free
advertising for you! Visit the site to trade links.
Trade Links - adrianbold(a)
Being an "affiliate" isn't just slapping a banner on your
site. Learn all the secrets of getting extra cash from your
site, without a product to sell!
FREE Sony MP3 Digital Stereo Player & More
Everything is FREE at iRewards
If you have a product, service, opportunity and/or quality
merchandise that appeals to people worldwide, reach your
target audience!
For a fraction of what other large newsletters charge you
can exhibit your website here for only $8 CPM. Why?...
Because as a valuable member we want you to be successful!
Order today - Exhibits are limited and published on a
first come, first serve basis.
>>>>>> MEMBER *REVIEWS* <<<<<<
Visit these sites, look for what you like and any suggestions
you can offer, and send your critique to MyInput
And, after reviewing three sites, your web site will be added to
the list! It's fun, easy, and it's a great opportunity to give
some help and receive an informative review of your own site.
Site #144:
Site #145:
Len Seider
Site #146:
Melissa Kalmbach
Site #147:
Janice Holton
Comments on Site #143:
~~~~ was very difficult to follow. There was
much too much going on the first page and the frames on the
right weren't working at all. Breaking it up and helping me get
where I need to go would be much better.
I have my internet explorer browser set to the second to
smallest size text, and your text still seemed very big. It also
was hard to tell what was the most important information
with all the different font colors and sizes. Some uniformity
is needed on the home page with the text.
On the program details page the text was to close to the left
border. The 'third' point was not in line with the others. The
steps to follow were good directions, but again the text was
not uniform in size. Also, for step one it would have been
helpful to have a link right after to join the STWO program.
And, why have the steps to follow on both the program
page and a separate steps to follow page?
On the right track. Layout looks good. Maybe make the font
in the middle table a bit smaller so the page doesn't look
overwhelmed. Using header tags will help also, i.e. <H3></H3>
There is a lot of information on this site, and that might scare
some people away. But, reading over the information the
program sounds pretty good. I think it would help to see
comments direct from Alex Shaw on how this is working and
if the whole site has only been viewed 21,000 times I'd like to
know when the program started.
The link to 'today's special' in the upper right hand corner
was very difficult to see, being black on dark blue background.
moderator: Amy Mossel: Moderator(a)
posting: MyInput(a)
Send posts and questions (or your answers) to:
Please send suggestions and comments to:
To change your subscribed address, send both new
and old address to
See below for unsubscribe instructions.
Copyright 2001 AEOpublishing
----- End of Your Membership Exchange
This email has been sent to cypherpunks(a) at your
request, by Your Membership Newsletter Services.
Visit our Subscription Center to edit your interests or unsubscribe.…
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<title>Your Membership Exchange, #444</title>
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<td width="25" bgcolor="#666666">Â </td>
<!-- Begin Title Row -->
<td width="25" bgcolor="#666666">Â </td>
<td width="525" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">Â <font face="Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="5" color="#870000">Your Membership Exchange, Issue #444</font></td>
<td width="25" bgcolor="#666666">Â </td>
<!-- End Title Row -->
<!-- Begin Date String Row -->
<td width="25" bgcolor="#666666">Â </td>
<td width="525" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" align="right"><font face="Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="2" color="#000000">August 8, 2001</font>Â </td>
<td width="25" bgcolor="#666666">Â </td>
<!-- End Date String Row -->
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<!-- Begin Greeting -->
Your place to exchange ideas, ask questions, swap links, and share your skills!
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<br>You are a member in at least one of these programs
<br>- You should be in them all!
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<br>Today's Special Announcement:
<br> says young MLM Millionaire. Discover his secrets to such a
<br>controversial claim in The Ultimate MLM Blueprint to Massive Success.
<br>This 200 page 100% generic training course was featured this
<br>month on the cover of Upline Magazine. Get an unfair advantage
<br>on your competition, generate huge quantities of prospects, find
<br>and build leaders and take your bonus check to the levels you
<br>deserve! Free ezine and training resources!
<br>CLICK HERE!--> <a href=""></a>
<p><p>>> Q & A
<br> - How do I increase my screen resolution?
<br> - What does CPM mean?
<br> S. Mathis: CPM and
other advertising terms
<br> - Sites to Review: #144, #145, #146
& #147!
<br> - Site #143 Reviewed!
<p>>>>>>> <b>QUESTIONS & ANSWERS</b> <<<<<<
<br><i>Submit your questions & answers to <a href="">MyInput(a)</a></i>
<p>From: 3diaz23(a)
<br>Subject: How do I increase my screen resolution?
<p>What can I do to increase my
computers resolution.
<br>I want to increase it to 800x600
SVGA display configuration.
<p>From: Sue Mathis - suzanna27(a)
<br>Subject: CPM and other advertising terms
<p>>From: Peter A Steeves - logical(a)
<br>>Subject: What does CPM mean? (Issue #443)
<br>>Please tell me what does CPM mean? I cannot even guess.
<br>Hello Peter,
<p>CPM is a term used in advertising, and there are other acronyms
<br>you'll run across when looking into advertising. These terms
<br>basically universal, meaning they are used in both offline and
<br>online advertising. Here are some of the more common ones:
<p>CPM - Cost Per Thousand. If you are buying advertising based
<br>on the number of subscribers, it will be on a CPM basis.
<br>CPC - Cost Per Click. An example of this would be the pay
<br>search engines.
<br>CPA - Cost Per Action. Buying advertising based on the number
<br>of responses. Responses could be a number of things, like filling
<br>out a form, all the way to an actual purchase. The cost of this
<br>would be much, much higher than buying advertising based on
<br>CPM or CPC.
<p>I hope this helps in your search for advertising.
<p>>>>>>> <b>WEBSITE SHOWCASES</b> <<<<<<
<p><i>Examine carefully - those with email addresses included WILL</i>
<br><i>trade links with you, you are encouraged to contact them. And,</i>
<br><i>there are many ways to build a successful business. Just look at</i>
<br><i>these successful sites/programs other members are involved in..</i>
<p>Affiliates of the World!
<br>Top rated affiliate programs, excellent business
<br>opportunities, great marketing resources and free
<br>advertising for you! Visit the site to trade links.
<br><a href=""></a>
<br>Trade Links - <a href="">adrianbold(a)</a>
<br>Being an "affiliate" isn't just slapping a banner on your
<br>site. Learn all the secrets of getting extra cash from your
<br>site, without a product to sell!
<br><a href=""></a>
<p> *** FREE MP3 PLAYER ***
<br>FREE Sony MP3 Digital Stereo Player & More
<br>Everything is FREE at iRewards
<br><a href=""></a>
<p><i>If you have a product, service, opportunity and/or quality</i>
<br><i>merchandise that appeals to people worldwide, reach your</i>
<br><i>target audience!</i>
<p><i>For a fraction of what other large newsletters charge you</i>
<br><i>can exhibit your website here for only $8 CPM. Why?...</i>
<br><i>Because as a valuable member we want you to be successful!</i>
<br><i>Order today - Exhibits are limited and published on a</i>
<br><i>first come, first serve basis. <a href=""></a></i>
<p>>>>>>> <b>MEMBER *REVIEWS*</b> <<<<<<
<p>Visit these sites, look for what you like and any suggestions
<br>you can offer, and send your critique to MyInput
<br>And, after reviewing three sites, your web site will be added to
<br>the list! It's fun, easy, and it's a great opportunity to give
<br>some help and receive an informative review of your own site.
<br>Plus, you can also win a chance to have y our site chosen for
<br>a free website redesign. One randomly drawn winner each month!
<p><b>SITES TO REVIEW:</b>
<p>Site #144: <a href=""></a>
<p>Site #145: <a href=""></a>
<br>Len Seider
<p>Site #146: <a href=""></a>
<br>Melissa Kalmbach
<p>Site #147: <a href=""></a>
<br>Janice Holton
<p><b>SITE REVIEWED!</b>
<p>Comments on Site #143:
<br><a href=""></a>
<p> was very difficult to follow. There was
<br>much too much going on the first page and the frames on the
<br>right weren't working at all. Breaking it up and helping me get
<br>where I need to go would be much better.
<p>I have my internet explorer browser set to the second to
<br>smallest size text, and your text still seemed very big. It also
<br>was hard to tell what was the most important information
<br>with all the different font colors and sizes. Some uniformity
<br>is needed on the home page with the text.
<p>On the program details page the text was to close to the left
<br>border. The 'third' point was not in line with the others. The
<br>steps to follow were good directions, but again the text was
<br>not uniform in size. Also, for step one it would have been
<br>helpful to have a link right after to join the STWO program.
<br>And, why have the steps to follow on both the program
<br>page and a separate steps to follow page?
<p>On the right track. Layout looks good. Maybe make the font
<br>in the middle table a bit smaller so the page doesn't look
<br>overwhelmed. Using header tags will help also, i.e. <H3></H3>
<p>There is a lot of information on this site, and that might scare
<br>some people away. But, reading over the information the
<br>program sounds pretty good. I think it would help to see
<br>comments direct from Alex Shaw on how this is working and
<br>if the whole site has only been viewed 21,000 times I'd like to
<br>know when the program started.
<p>The link to 'today's special' in the upper right hand corner
<br>was very difficult to see, being black on dark blue background.
<p><br>moderator: Amy Mossel <a href="">Moderator</a>
<br>posting: <a href="">MyInput(a)</a>
<p>Send posts and questions (or your answers) to:
<br> <a href="">MyInput(a)</a>
<br>Please send suggestions and comments to:
<br> <a href="">Moderator(a)</a>
<p>To change your subscribed address, send both new
<br>and old address to <a href="">Moderator(a)</a>
<br>See below for unsubscribe instructions.
<p>Copyright 2001 AEOpublishing
<p>----- End of Your Membership Exchange
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What can I do to increase my computers resolution.
I want to increase it to 800x600 SVGA display configuration.
>From: Peter A Steeves - logical(a)
>Subject: What does CPM mean? (Issue #443)
>Please tell me what does CPM mean? I cannot even guess.
Hello Peter,
CPM is a term used in advertising, and there are other acronyms
you'll run across when looking into advertising. These terms are
basically universal, meaning they are used in both offline and
online advertising. Here are some of the more common ones:
CPM - Cost Per Thousand. If you are buying advertising based
on the number of subscribers, it will be on a CPM basis.
CPC - Cost Per Click. An example of this would be the pay
search engines.
CPA - Cost Per Action. Buying advertising based on the number
of responses. Responses could be a number of things, like filling
out a form, all the way to an actual purchase. The cost of this
would be much, much higher than buying advertising based on
I hope this helps in your search for advertising.
Examine carefully - those with email addresses included WILL
trade links with you, you are encouraged to contact them. And,
there are many ways to build a successful business. Just look at
these successful sites/programs other members are involved in...
Affiliates of the World!
Top rated affiliate programs, excellent business
opportunities, great marketing resources and free
advertising for you! Visit the site to trade links.
Trade Links - adrianbold(a)
Being an "affiliate" isn't just slapping a banner on your
site. Learn all the secrets of getting extra cash from your
site, without a product to sell!
FREE Sony MP3 Digital Stereo Player & More
Everything is FREE at iRewards
If you have a product, service, opportunity and/or quality
merchandise that appeals to people worldwide, reach your
target audience!
For a fraction of what other large newsletters charge you
can exhibit your website here for only $8 CPM. Why?...
Because as a valuable member we want you to be successful!
Order today - Exhibits are limited and published on a
first come, first serve basis.
>>>>>> MEMBER *REVIEWS* <<<<<<
Visit these sites, look for what you like and any suggestions
you can offer, and send your critique to MyInput
And, after reviewing three sites, your web site will be added to
the list! It's fun, easy, and it's a great opportunity to give
some help and receive an informative review of your own site.
Site #144:
Site #145:
Len Seider
Site #146:
Melissa Kalmbach
Site #147:
Janice Holton
Comments on Site #143:
~~~~ was very difficult to follow. There was
much too much going on the first page and the frames on the
right weren't working at all. Breaking it up and helping me get
where I need to go would be much better.
I have my internet explorer browser set to the second to
smallest size text, and your text still seemed very big. It also
was hard to tell what was the most important information
with all the different font colors and sizes. Some uniformity
is needed on the home page with the text.
On the program details page the text was to close to the left
border. The 'third' point was not in line with the others. The
steps to follow were good directions, but again the text was
not uniform in size. Also, for step one it would have been
helpful to have a link right after to join the STWO program.
And, why have the steps to follow on both the program
page and a separate steps to follow page?
On the right track. Layout looks good. Maybe make the font
in the middle table a bit smaller so the page doesn't look
overwhelmed. Using header tags will help also, i.e. <H3></H3>
There is a lot of information on this site, and that might scare
some people away. But, reading over the information the
program sounds pretty good. I think it would help to see
comments direct from Alex Shaw on how this is working and
if the whole site has only been viewed 21,000 times I'd like to
know when the program started.
The link to 'today's special' in the upper right hand corner
was very difficult to see, being black on dark blue background.
moderator: Amy Mossel: Moderator(a)
posting: MyInput(a)
Send posts and questions (or your answers) to:
Please send suggestions and comments to:
To change your subscribed address, send both new
and old address to
See below for unsubscribe instructions.
Copyright 2001 AEOpublishing
----- End of Your Membership Exchange
This email has been sent to cypherpunks(a) at your
request, by Your Membership Newsletter Services.
Visit our Subscription Center to edit your interests or unsubscribe.…
View our privacy policy:
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<!-- Begin Title Row -->
<td width="25" bgcolor="#666666">Â </td>
<td width="525" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">Â <font face="Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="5" color="#870000">Your Membership Exchange, Issue #444</font></td>
<td width="25" bgcolor="#666666">Â </td>
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<td width="25" bgcolor="#666666">Â </td>
<td width="525" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" align="right"><font face="Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="2" color="#000000">August 8, 2001</font>Â </td>
<td width="25" bgcolor="#666666">Â </td>
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<table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
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<font face="Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="2" color="#000000">
<!-- Begin Greeting -->
Your place to exchange ideas, ask questions, swap links, and share your skills!
<!-- End Greeting -->
<!-- Begin Letter Body -->
<br>You are a member in at least one of these programs
<br>- You should be in them all!
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br>Today's Special Announcement:
<br> says young MLM Millionaire. Discover his secrets to such a
<br>controversial claim in The Ultimate MLM Blueprint to Massive Success.
<br>This 200 page 100% generic training course was featured this
<br>month on the cover of Upline Magazine. Get an unfair advantage
<br>on your competition, generate huge quantities of prospects, find
<br>and build leaders and take your bonus check to the levels you
<br>deserve! Free ezine and training resources!
<br>CLICK HERE!--> <a href=""></a>
<p><p>>> Q & A
<br> - How do I increase my screen resolution?
<br> - What does CPM mean?
<br> S. Mathis: CPM and
other advertising terms
<br> - Sites to Review: #144, #145, #146
& #147!
<br> - Site #143 Reviewed!
<p>>>>>>> <b>QUESTIONS & ANSWERS</b> <<<<<<
<br><i>Submit your questions & answers to <a href="">MyInput(a)</a></i>
<p>From: 3diaz23(a)
<br>Subject: How do I increase my screen resolution?
<p>What can I do to increase my
computers resolution.
<br>I want to increase it to 800x600
SVGA display configuration.
<p>From: Sue Mathis - suzanna27(a)
<br>Subject: CPM and other advertising terms
<p>>From: Peter A Steeves - logical(a)
<br>>Subject: What does CPM mean? (Issue #443)
<br>>Please tell me what does CPM mean? I cannot even guess.
<br>Hello Peter,
<p>CPM is a term used in advertising, and there are other acronyms
<br>you'll run across when looking into advertising. These terms
<br>basically universal, meaning they are used in both offline and
<br>online advertising. Here are some of the more common ones:
<p>CPM - Cost Per Thousand. If you are buying advertising based
<br>on the number of subscribers, it will be on a CPM basis.
<br>CPC - Cost Per Click. An example of this would be the pay
<br>search engines.
<br>CPA - Cost Per Action. Buying advertising based on the number
<br>of responses. Responses could be a number of things, like filling
<br>out a form, all the way to an actual purchase. The cost of this
<br>would be much, much higher than buying advertising based on
<br>CPM or CPC.
<p>I hope this helps in your search for advertising.
<p>>>>>>> <b>WEBSITE SHOWCASES</b> <<<<<<
<p><i>Examine carefully - those with email addresses included WILL</i>
<br><i>trade links with you, you are encouraged to contact them. And,</i>
<br><i>there are many ways to build a successful business. Just look at</i>
<br><i>these successful sites/programs other members are involved in..</i>
<p>Affiliates of the World!
<br>Top rated affiliate programs, excellent business
<br>opportunities, great marketing resources and free
<br>advertising for you! Visit the site to trade links.
<br><a href=""></a>
<br>Trade Links - <a href="">adrianbold(a)</a>
<br>Being an "affiliate" isn't just slapping a banner on your
<br>site. Learn all the secrets of getting extra cash from your
<br>site, without a product to sell!
<br><a href=""></a>
<p> *** FREE MP3 PLAYER ***
<br>FREE Sony MP3 Digital Stereo Player & More
<br>Everything is FREE at iRewards
<br><a href=""></a>
<p><i>If you have a product, service, opportunity and/or quality</i>
<br><i>merchandise that appeals to people worldwide, reach your</i>
<br><i>target audience!</i>
<p><i>For a fraction of what other large newsletters charge you</i>
<br><i>can exhibit your website here for only $8 CPM. Why?...</i>
<br><i>Because as a valuable member we want you to be successful!</i>
<br><i>Order today - Exhibits are limited and published on a</i>
<br><i>first come, first serve basis. <a href=""></a></i>
<p>>>>>>> <b>MEMBER *REVIEWS*</b> <<<<<<
<p>Visit these sites, look for what you like and any suggestions
<br>you can offer, and send your critique to MyInput
<br>And, after reviewing three sites, your web site will be added to
<br>the list! It's fun, easy, and it's a great opportunity to give
<br>some help and receive an informative review of your own site.
<br>Plus, you can also win a chance to have y our site chosen for
<br>a free website redesign. One randomly drawn winner each month!
<p><b>SITES TO REVIEW:</b>
<p>Site #144: <a href=""></a>
<p>Site #145: <a href=""></a>
<br>Len Seider
<p>Site #146: <a href=""></a>
<br>Melissa Kalmbach
<p>Site #147: <a href=""></a>
<br>Janice Holton
<p><b>SITE REVIEWED!</b>
<p>Comments on Site #143:
<br><a href=""></a>
<p> was very difficult to follow. There was
<br>much too much going on the first page and the frames on the
<br>right weren't working at all. Breaking it up and helping me get
<br>where I need to go would be much better.
<p>I have my internet explorer browser set to the second to
<br>smallest size text, and your text still seemed very big. It also
<br>was hard to tell what was the most important information
<br>with all the different font colors and sizes. Some uniformity
<br>is needed on the home page with the text.
<p>On the program details page the text was to close to the left
<br>border. The 'third' point was not in line with the others. The
<br>steps to follow were good directions, but again the text was
<br>not uniform in size. Also, for step one it would have been
<br>helpful to have a link right after to join the STWO program.
<br>And, why have the steps to follow on both the program
<br>page and a separate steps to follow page?
<p>On the right track. Layout looks good. Maybe make the font
<br>in the middle table a bit smaller so the page doesn't look
<br>overwhelmed. Using header tags will help also, i.e. <H3></H3>
<p>There is a lot of information on this site, and that might scare
<br>some people away. But, reading over the information the
<br>program sounds pretty good. I think it would help to see
<br>comments direct from Alex Shaw on how this is working and
<br>if the whole site has only been viewed 21,000 times I'd like to
<br>know when the program started.
<p>The link to 'today's special' in the upper right hand corner
<br>was very difficult to see, being black on dark blue background.
<p><br>moderator: Amy Mossel <a href="">Moderator</a>
<br>posting: <a href="">MyInput(a)</a>
<p>Send posts and questions (or your answers) to:
<br> <a href="">MyInput(a)</a>
<br>Please send suggestions and comments to:
<br> <a href="">Moderator(a)</a>
<p>To change your subscribed address, send both new
<br>and old address to <a href="">Moderator(a)</a>
<br>See below for unsubscribe instructions.
<p>Copyright 2001 AEOpublishing
<p>----- End of Your Membership Exchange
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<td width="525" bgcolor="#870000" align="right"><font face="Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="1" color="#FFFFFF"> </font></td>
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<br>This email was sent to cypherpunks(a), at your request, by <a href="">Your Membership Newsletter Services</a>.
<br>Visit our Subscription Center to <a href="…">edit</a> your interests or <a href="…">unsubscribe</a>.
<br>View our <a href="">privacy policy</a>.
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<!-- end opt-out area -->
What can I do to increase my computers resolution.
I want to increase it to 800x600 SVGA display configuration.
>From: Peter A Steeves - logical(a)
>Subject: What does CPM mean? (Issue #443)
>Please tell me what does CPM mean? I cannot even guess.
Hello Peter,
CPM is a term used in advertising, and there are other acronyms
you'll run across when looking into advertising. These terms are
basically universal, meaning they are used in both offline and
online advertising. Here are some of the more common ones:
CPM - Cost Per Thousand. If you are buying advertising based
on the number of subscribers, it will be on a CPM basis.
CPC - Cost Per Click. An example of this would be the pay
search engines.
CPA - Cost Per Action. Buying advertising based on the number
of responses. Responses could be a number of things, like filling
out a form, all the way to an actual purchase. The cost of this
would be much, much higher than buying advertising based on
I hope this helps in your search for advertising.
Examine carefully - those with email addresses included WILL
trade links with you, you are encouraged to contact them. And,
there are many ways to build a successful business. Just look at
these successful sites/programs other members are involved in...
Affiliates of the World!
Top rated affiliate programs, excellent business
opportunities, great marketing resources and free
advertising for you! Visit the site to trade links.
Trade Links - adrianbold(a)
Being an "affiliate" isn't just slapping a banner on your
site. Learn all the secrets of getting extra cash from your
site, without a product to sell!
FREE Sony MP3 Digital Stereo Player & More
Everything is FREE at iRewards
If you have a product, service, opportunity and/or quality
merchandise that appeals to people worldwide, reach your
target audience!
For a fraction of what other large newsletters charge you
can exhibit your website here for only $8 CPM. Why?...
Because as a valuable member we want you to be successful!
Order today - Exhibits are limited and published on a
first come, first serve basis.
>>>>>> MEMBER *REVIEWS* <<<<<<
Visit these sites, look for what you like and any suggestions
you can offer, and send your critique to MyInput
And, after reviewing three sites, your web site will be added to
the list! It's fun, easy, and it's a great opportunity to give
some help and receive an informative review of your own site.
Site #144:
Site #145:
Len Seider
Site #146:
Melissa Kalmbach
Site #147:
Janice Holton
Comments on Site #143:
~~~~ was very difficult to follow. There was
much too much going on the first page and the frames on the
right weren't working at all. Breaking it up and helping me get
where I need to go would be much better.
I have my internet explorer browser set to the second to
smallest size text, and your text still seemed very big. It also
was hard to tell what was the most important information
with all the different font colors and sizes. Some uniformity
is needed on the home page with the text.
On the program details page the text was to close to the left
border. The 'third' point was not in line with the others. The
steps to follow were good directions, but again the text was
not uniform in size. Also, for step one it would have been
helpful to have a link right after to join the STWO program.
And, why have the steps to follow on both the program
page and a separate steps to follow page?
On the right track. Layout looks good. Maybe make the font
in the middle table a bit smaller so the page doesn't look
overwhelmed. Using header tags will help also, i.e. <H3></H3>
There is a lot of information on this site, and that might scare
some people away. But, reading over the information the
program sounds pretty good. I think it would help to see
comments direct from Alex Shaw on how this is working and
if the whole site has only been viewed 21,000 times I'd like to
know when the program started.
The link to 'today's special' in the upper right hand corner
was very difficult to see, being black on dark blue background.
moderator: Amy Mossel: Moderator(a)
posting: MyInput(a)
Send posts and questions (or your answers) to:
Please send suggestions and comments to:
To change your subscribed address, send both new
and old address to
See below for unsubscribe instructions.
Copyright 2001 AEOpublishing
----- End of Your Membership Exchange
This email has been sent to cypherpunks(a) at your
request, by Your Membership Newsletter Services.
Visit our Subscription Center to edit your interests or unsubscribe.…
View our privacy policy:
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<td width="525" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">Â <font face="Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="5" color="#870000">Your Membership Exchange, Issue #444</font></td>
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<td width="25" bgcolor="#666666">Â </td>
<td width="525" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" align="right"><font face="Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="2" color="#000000">August 8, 2001</font>Â </td>
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<!-- Begin Greeting -->
Your place to exchange ideas, ask questions, swap links, and share your skills!
<!-- End Greeting -->
<!-- Begin Letter Body -->
<br>You are a member in at least one of these programs
<br>- You should be in them all!
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br>Today's Special Announcement:
<br> says young MLM Millionaire. Discover his secrets to such a
<br>controversial claim in The Ultimate MLM Blueprint to Massive Success.
<br>This 200 page 100% generic training course was featured this
<br>month on the cover of Upline Magazine. Get an unfair advantage
<br>on your competition, generate huge quantities of prospects, find
<br>and build leaders and take your bonus check to the levels you
<br>deserve! Free ezine and training resources!
<br>CLICK HERE!--> <a href=""></a>
<p><p>>> Q & A
<br> - How do I increase my screen resolution?
<br> - What does CPM mean?
<br> S. Mathis: CPM and
other advertising terms
<br> - Sites to Review: #144, #145, #146
& #147!
<br> - Site #143 Reviewed!
<p>>>>>>> <b>QUESTIONS & ANSWERS</b> <<<<<<
<br><i>Submit your questions & answers to <a href="">MyInput(a)</a></i>
<p>From: 3diaz23(a)
<br>Subject: How do I increase my screen resolution?
<p>What can I do to increase my
computers resolution.
<br>I want to increase it to 800x600
SVGA display configuration.
<p>From: Sue Mathis - suzanna27(a)
<br>Subject: CPM and other advertising terms
<p>>From: Peter A Steeves - logical(a)
<br>>Subject: What does CPM mean? (Issue #443)
<br>>Please tell me what does CPM mean? I cannot even guess.
<br>Hello Peter,
<p>CPM is a term used in advertising, and there are other acronyms
<br>you'll run across when looking into advertising. These terms
<br>basically universal, meaning they are used in both offline and
<br>online advertising. Here are some of the more common ones:
<p>CPM - Cost Per Thousand. If you are buying advertising based
<br>on the number of subscribers, it will be on a CPM basis.
<br>CPC - Cost Per Click. An example of this would be the pay
<br>search engines.
<br>CPA - Cost Per Action. Buying advertising based on the number
<br>of responses. Responses could be a number of things, like filling
<br>out a form, all the way to an actual purchase. The cost of this
<br>would be much, much higher than buying advertising based on
<br>CPM or CPC.
<p>I hope this helps in your search for advertising.
<p>>>>>>> <b>WEBSITE SHOWCASES</b> <<<<<<
<p><i>Examine carefully - those with email addresses included WILL</i>
<br><i>trade links with you, you are encouraged to contact them. And,</i>
<br><i>there are many ways to build a successful business. Just look at</i>
<br><i>these successful sites/programs other members are involved in..</i>
<p>Affiliates of the World!
<br>Top rated affiliate programs, excellent business
<br>opportunities, great marketing resources and free
<br>advertising for you! Visit the site to trade links.
<br><a href=""></a>
<br>Trade Links - <a href="">adrianbold(a)</a>
<br>Being an "affiliate" isn't just slapping a banner on your
<br>site. Learn all the secrets of getting extra cash from your
<br>site, without a product to sell!
<br><a href=""></a>
<p> *** FREE MP3 PLAYER ***
<br>FREE Sony MP3 Digital Stereo Player & More
<br>Everything is FREE at iRewards
<br><a href=""></a>
<p><i>If you have a product, service, opportunity and/or quality</i>
<br><i>merchandise that appeals to people worldwide, reach your</i>
<br><i>target audience!</i>
<p><i>For a fraction of what other large newsletters charge you</i>
<br><i>can exhibit your website here for only $8 CPM. Why?...</i>
<br><i>Because as a valuable member we want you to be successful!</i>
<br><i>Order today - Exhibits are limited and published on a</i>
<br><i>first come, first serve basis. <a href=""></a></i>
<p>>>>>>> <b>MEMBER *REVIEWS*</b> <<<<<<
<p>Visit these sites, look for what you like and any suggestions
<br>you can offer, and send your critique to MyInput
<br>And, after reviewing three sites, your web site will be added to
<br>the list! It's fun, easy, and it's a great opportunity to give
<br>some help and receive an informative review of your own site.
<br>Plus, you can also win a chance to have y our site chosen for
<br>a free website redesign. One randomly drawn winner each month!
<p><b>SITES TO REVIEW:</b>
<p>Site #144: <a href=""></a>
<p>Site #145: <a href=""></a>
<br>Len Seider
<p>Site #146: <a href=""></a>
<br>Melissa Kalmbach
<p>Site #147: <a href=""></a>
<br>Janice Holton
<p><b>SITE REVIEWED!</b>
<p>Comments on Site #143:
<br><a href=""></a>
<p> was very difficult to follow. There was
<br>much too much going on the first page and the frames on the
<br>right weren't working at all. Breaking it up and helping me get
<br>where I need to go would be much better.
<p>I have my internet explorer browser set to the second to
<br>smallest size text, and your text still seemed very big. It also
<br>was hard to tell what was the most important information
<br>with all the different font colors and sizes. Some uniformity
<br>is needed on the home page with the text.
<p>On the program details page the text was to close to the left
<br>border. The 'third' point was not in line with the others. The
<br>steps to follow were good directions, but again the text was
<br>not uniform in size. Also, for step one it would have been
<br>helpful to have a link right after to join the STWO program.
<br>And, why have the steps to follow on both the program
<br>page and a separate steps to follow page?
<p>On the right track. Layout looks good. Maybe make the font
<br>in the middle table a bit smaller so the page doesn't look
<br>overwhelmed. Using header tags will help also, i.e. <H3></H3>
<p>There is a lot of information on this site, and that might scare
<br>some people away. But, reading over the information the
<br>program sounds pretty good. I think it would help to see
<br>comments direct from Alex Shaw on how this is working and
<br>if the whole site has only been viewed 21,000 times I'd like to
<br>know when the program started.
<p>The link to 'today's special' in the upper right hand corner
<br>was very difficult to see, being black on dark blue background.
<p><br>moderator: Amy Mossel <a href="">Moderator</a>
<br>posting: <a href="">MyInput(a)</a>
<p>Send posts and questions (or your answers) to:
<br> <a href="">MyInput(a)</a>
<br>Please send suggestions and comments to:
<br> <a href="">Moderator(a)</a>
<p>To change your subscribed address, send both new
<br>and old address to <a href="">Moderator(a)</a>
<br>See below for unsubscribe instructions.
<p>Copyright 2001 AEOpublishing
<p>----- End of Your Membership Exchange
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<!-- Begin Phone Number Row -->
<td width="25" bgcolor="#870000">Â </td>
<td width="525" bgcolor="#870000" align="right"><font face="Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="1" color="#FFFFFF"> </font></td>
<td width="25"><img src="" width="25" height="25" border="0" alt=""></td>
<!-- End Phone Number Row -->
<td colspan="3" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" align="center">
<!-- You are required by your Constant Contact user agreement to
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<font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="1">
<br>This email was sent to cypherpunks(a), at your request, by <a href="">Your Membership Newsletter Services</a>.
<br>Visit our Subscription Center to <a href="…">edit</a> your interests or <a href="…">unsubscribe</a>.
<br>View our <a href="">privacy policy</a>.
<p>Powered by
<br><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Constant Contact"></a>
<!-- end opt-out area -->
What can I do to increase my computers resolution.
I want to increase it to 800x600 SVGA display configuration.
>From: Peter A Steeves - logical(a)
>Subject: What does CPM mean? (Issue #443)
>Please tell me what does CPM mean? I cannot even guess.
Hello Peter,
CPM is a term used in advertising, and there are other acronyms
you'll run across when looking into advertising. These terms are
basically universal, meaning they are used in both offline and
online advertising. Here are some of the more common ones:
CPM - Cost Per Thousand. If you are buying advertising based
on the number of subscribers, it will be on a CPM basis.
CPC - Cost Per Click. An example of this would be the pay
search engines.
CPA - Cost Per Action. Buying advertising based on the number
of responses. Responses could be a number of things, like filling
out a form, all the way to an actual purchase. The cost of this
would be much, much higher than buying advertising based on
I hope this helps in your search for advertising.
Examine carefully - those with email addresses included WILL
trade links with you, you are encouraged to contact them. And,
there are many ways to build a successful business. Just look at
these successful sites/programs other members are involved in...
Affiliates of the World!
Top rated affiliate programs, excellent business
opportunities, great marketing resources and free
advertising for you! Visit the site to trade links.
Trade Links - adrianbold(a)
Being an "affiliate" isn't just slapping a banner on your
site. Learn all the secrets of getting extra cash from your
site, without a product to sell!
FREE Sony MP3 Digital Stereo Player & More
Everything is FREE at iRewards
If you have a product, service, opportunity and/or quality
merchandise that appeals to people worldwide, reach your
target audience!
For a fraction of what other large newsletters charge you
can exhibit your website here for only $8 CPM. Why?...
Because as a valuable member we want you to be successful!
Order today - Exhibits are limited and published on a
first come, first serve basis.
>>>>>> MEMBER *REVIEWS* <<<<<<
Visit these sites, look for what you like and any suggestions
you can offer, and send your critique to MyInput
And, after reviewing three sites, your web site will be added to
the list! It's fun, easy, and it's a great opportunity to give
some help and receive an informative review of your own site.
Site #144:
Site #145:
Len Seider
Site #146:
Melissa Kalmbach
Site #147:
Janice Holton
Comments on Site #143:
~~~~ was very difficult to follow. There was
much too much going on the first page and the frames on the
right weren't working at all. Breaking it up and helping me get
where I need to go would be much better.
I have my internet explorer browser set to the second to
smallest size text, and your text still seemed very big. It also
was hard to tell what was the most important information
with all the different font colors and sizes. Some uniformity
is needed on the home page with the text.
On the program details page the text was to close to the left
border. The 'third' point was not in line with the others. The
steps to follow were good directions, but again the text was
not uniform in size. Also, for step one it would have been
helpful to have a link right after to join the STWO program.
And, why have the steps to follow on both the program
page and a separate steps to follow page?
On the right track. Layout looks good. Maybe make the font
in the middle table a bit smaller so the page doesn't look
overwhelmed. Using header tags will help also, i.e. <H3></H3>
There is a lot of information on this site, and that might scare
some people away. But, reading over the information the
program sounds pretty good. I think it would help to see
comments direct from Alex Shaw on how this is working and
if the whole site has only been viewed 21,000 times I'd like to
know when the program started.
The link to 'today's special' in the upper right hand corner
was very difficult to see, being black on dark blue background.
moderator: Amy Mossel: Moderator(a)
posting: MyInput(a)
Send posts and questions (or your answers) to:
Please send suggestions and comments to:
To change your subscribed address, send both new
and old address to
See below for unsubscribe instructions.
Copyright 2001 AEOpublishing
----- End of Your Membership Exchange
This email has been sent to cypherpunks(a) at your
request, by Your Membership Newsletter Services.
Visit our Subscription Center to edit your interests or unsubscribe.…
View our privacy policy:
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Constant Contact(R)
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clients that can properly display it. If you are seeing this message,
it is because your email client cannot properly display HTML. You can
ignore the HTML code you will see below.
<title>Your Membership Exchange, #444</title>
<body bgcolor="#ffffff" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
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<td width="25"><img src="" width="25" height="25" border="0" alt=""></td>
<td width="525" bgcolor="#666666">Â </td>
<td width="25" bgcolor="#666666">Â </td>
<!-- Begin Title Row -->
<td width="25" bgcolor="#666666">Â </td>
<td width="525" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">Â <font face="Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="5" color="#870000">Your Membership Exchange, Issue #444</font></td>
<td width="25" bgcolor="#666666">Â </td>
<!-- End Title Row -->
<!-- Begin Date String Row -->
<td width="25" bgcolor="#666666">Â </td>
<td width="525" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" align="right"><font face="Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="2" color="#000000">August 8, 2001</font>Â </td>
<td width="25" bgcolor="#666666">Â </td>
<!-- End Date String Row -->
<td width="575" colspan="3" height="1" bgcolor="#666666"><img src="" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt=""></td>
<td width="25" bgcolor="#870000">Â </td>
<td width="525" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<!-- Begin Content Table -->
<table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td width="100%">
<font face="Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="2" color="#000000">
<!-- Begin Greeting -->
Your place to exchange ideas, ask questions, swap links, and share your skills!
<!-- End Greeting -->
<!-- Begin Letter Body -->
<br>You are a member in at least one of these programs
<br>- You should be in them all!
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br>Today's Special Announcement:
<br> says young MLM Millionaire. Discover his secrets to such a
<br>controversial claim in The Ultimate MLM Blueprint to Massive Success.
<br>This 200 page 100% generic training course was featured this
<br>month on the cover of Upline Magazine. Get an unfair advantage
<br>on your competition, generate huge quantities of prospects, find
<br>and build leaders and take your bonus check to the levels you
<br>deserve! Free ezine and training resources!
<br>CLICK HERE!--> <a href=""></a>
<p><p>>> Q & A
<br> - How do I increase my screen resolution?
<br> - What does CPM mean?
<br> S. Mathis: CPM and
other advertising terms
<br> - Sites to Review: #144, #145, #146
& #147!
<br> - Site #143 Reviewed!
<p>>>>>>> <b>QUESTIONS & ANSWERS</b> <<<<<<
<br><i>Submit your questions & answers to <a href="">MyInput(a)</a></i>
<p>From: 3diaz23(a)
<br>Subject: How do I increase my screen resolution?
<p>What can I do to increase my
computers resolution.
<br>I want to increase it to 800x600
SVGA display configuration.
<p>From: Sue Mathis - suzanna27(a)
<br>Subject: CPM and other advertising terms
<p>>From: Peter A Steeves - logical(a)
<br>>Subject: What does CPM mean? (Issue #443)
<br>>Please tell me what does CPM mean? I cannot even guess.
<br>Hello Peter,
<p>CPM is a term used in advertising, and there are other acronyms
<br>you'll run across when looking into advertising. These terms
<br>basically universal, meaning they are used in both offline and
<br>online advertising. Here are some of the more common ones:
<p>CPM - Cost Per Thousand. If you are buying advertising based
<br>on the number of subscribers, it will be on a CPM basis.
<br>CPC - Cost Per Click. An example of this would be the pay
<br>search engines.
<br>CPA - Cost Per Action. Buying advertising based on the number
<br>of responses. Responses could be a number of things, like filling
<br>out a form, all the way to an actual purchase. The cost of this
<br>would be much, much higher than buying advertising based on
<br>CPM or CPC.
<p>I hope this helps in your search for advertising.
<p>>>>>>> <b>WEBSITE SHOWCASES</b> <<<<<<
<p><i>Examine carefully - those with email addresses included WILL</i>
<br><i>trade links with you, you are encouraged to contact them. And,</i>
<br><i>there are many ways to build a successful business. Just look at</i>
<br><i>these successful sites/programs other members are involved in..</i>
<p>Affiliates of the World!
<br>Top rated affiliate programs, excellent business
<br>opportunities, great marketing resources and free
<br>advertising for you! Visit the site to trade links.
<br><a href=""></a>
<br>Trade Links - <a href="">adrianbold(a)</a>
<br>Being an "affiliate" isn't just slapping a banner on your
<br>site. Learn all the secrets of getting extra cash from your
<br>site, without a product to sell!
<br><a href=""></a>
<p> *** FREE MP3 PLAYER ***
<br>FREE Sony MP3 Digital Stereo Player & More
<br>Everything is FREE at iRewards
<br><a href=""></a>
<p><i>If you have a product, service, opportunity and/or quality</i>
<br><i>merchandise that appeals to people worldwide, reach your</i>
<br><i>target audience!</i>
<p><i>For a fraction of what other large newsletters charge you</i>
<br><i>can exhibit your website here for only $8 CPM. Why?...</i>
<br><i>Because as a valuable member we want you to be successful!</i>
<br><i>Order today - Exhibits are limited and published on a</i>
<br><i>first come, first serve basis. <a href=""></a></i>
<p>>>>>>> <b>MEMBER *REVIEWS*</b> <<<<<<
<p>Visit these sites, look for what you like and any suggestions
<br>you can offer, and send your critique to MyInput
<br>And, after reviewing three sites, your web site will be added to
<br>the list! It's fun, easy, and it's a great opportunity to give
<br>some help and receive an informative review of your own site.
<br>Plus, you can also win a chance to have y our site chosen for
<br>a free website redesign. One randomly drawn winner each month!
<p><b>SITES TO REVIEW:</b>
<p>Site #144: <a href=""></a>
<p>Site #145: <a href=""></a>
<br>Len Seider
<p>Site #146: <a href=""></a>
<br>Melissa Kalmbach
<p>Site #147: <a href=""></a>
<br>Janice Holton
<p><b>SITE REVIEWED!</b>
<p>Comments on Site #143:
<br><a href=""></a>
<p> was very difficult to follow. There was
<br>much too much going on the first page and the frames on the
<br>right weren't working at all. Breaking it up and helping me get
<br>where I need to go would be much better.
<p>I have my internet explorer browser set to the second to
<br>smallest size text, and your text still seemed very big. It also
<br>was hard to tell what was the most important information
<br>with all the different font colors and sizes. Some uniformity
<br>is needed on the home page with the text.
<p>On the program details page the text was to close to the left
<br>border. The 'third' point was not in line with the others. The
<br>steps to follow were good directions, but again the text was
<br>not uniform in size. Also, for step one it would have been
<br>helpful to have a link right after to join the STWO program.
<br>And, why have the steps to follow on both the program
<br>page and a separate steps to follow page?
<p>On the right track. Layout looks good. Maybe make the font
<br>in the middle table a bit smaller so the page doesn't look
<br>overwhelmed. Using header tags will help also, i.e. <H3></H3>
<p>There is a lot of information on this site, and that might scare
<br>some people away. But, reading over the information the
<br>program sounds pretty good. I think it would help to see
<br>comments direct from Alex Shaw on how this is working and
<br>if the whole site has only been viewed 21,000 times I'd like to
<br>know when the program started.
<p>The link to 'today's special' in the upper right hand corner
<br>was very difficult to see, being black on dark blue background.
<p><br>moderator: Amy Mossel <a href="">Moderator</a>
<br>posting: <a href="">MyInput(a)</a>
<p>Send posts and questions (or your answers) to:
<br> <a href="">MyInput(a)</a>
<br>Please send suggestions and comments to:
<br> <a href="">Moderator(a)</a>
<p>To change your subscribed address, send both new
<br>and old address to <a href="">Moderator(a)</a>
<br>See below for unsubscribe instructions.
<p>Copyright 2001 AEOpublishing
<p>----- End of Your Membership Exchange
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<!-- Begin Phone Number Row -->
<td width="25" bgcolor="#870000">Â </td>
<td width="525" bgcolor="#870000" align="right"><font face="Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="1" color="#FFFFFF"> </font></td>
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<br>This email was sent to cypherpunks(a), at your request, by <a href="">Your Membership Newsletter Services</a>.
<br>Visit our Subscription Center to <a href="…">edit</a> your interests or <a href="…">unsubscribe</a>.
<br>View our <a href="">privacy policy</a>.
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What can I do to increase my computers resolution.
I want to increase it to 800x600 SVGA display configuration.
>From: Peter A Steeves - logical(a)
>Subject: What does CPM mean? (Issue #443)
>Please tell me what does CPM mean? I cannot even guess.
Hello Peter,
CPM is a term used in advertising, and there are other acronyms
you'll run across when looking into advertising. These terms are
basically universal, meaning they are used in both offline and
online advertising. Here are some of the more common ones:
CPM - Cost Per Thousand. If you are buying advertising based
on the number of subscribers, it will be on a CPM basis.
CPC - Cost Per Click. An example of this would be the pay
search engines.
CPA - Cost Per Action. Buying advertising based on the number
of responses. Responses could be a number of things, like filling
out a form, all the way to an actual purchase. The cost of this
would be much, much higher than buying advertising based on
I hope this helps in your search for advertising.
Examine carefully - those with email addresses included WILL
trade links with you, you are encouraged to contact them. And,
there are many ways to build a successful business. Just look at
these successful sites/programs other members are involved in...
Affiliates of the World!
Top rated affiliate programs, excellent business
opportunities, great marketing resources and free
advertising for you! Visit the site to trade links.
Trade Links - adrianbold(a)
Being an "affiliate" isn't just slapping a banner on your
site. Learn all the secrets of getting extra cash from your
site, without a product to sell!
FREE Sony MP3 Digital Stereo Player & More
Everything is FREE at iRewards
If you have a product, service, opportunity and/or quality
merchandise that appeals to people worldwide, reach your
target audience!
For a fraction of what other large newsletters charge you
can exhibit your website here for only $8 CPM. Why?...
Because as a valuable member we want you to be successful!
Order today - Exhibits are limited and published on a
first come, first serve basis.
>>>>>> MEMBER *REVIEWS* <<<<<<
Visit these sites, look for what you like and any suggestions
you can offer, and send your critique to MyInput
And, after reviewing three sites, your web site will be added to
the list! It's fun, easy, and it's a great opportunity to give
some help and receive an informative review of your own site.
Site #144:
Site #145:
Len Seider
Site #146:
Melissa Kalmbach
Site #147:
Janice Holton
Comments on Site #143:
~~~~ was very difficult to follow. There was
much too much going on the first page and the frames on the
right weren't working at all. Breaking it up and helping me get
where I need to go would be much better.
I have my internet explorer browser set to the second to
smallest size text, and your text still seemed very big. It also
was hard to tell what was the most important information
with all the different font colors and sizes. Some uniformity
is needed on the home page with the text.
On the program details page the text was to close to the left
border. The 'third' point was not in line with the others. The
steps to follow were good directions, but again the text was
not uniform in size. Also, for step one it would have been
helpful to have a link right after to join the STWO program.
And, why have the steps to follow on both the program
page and a separate steps to follow page?
On the right track. Layout looks good. Maybe make the font
in the middle table a bit smaller so the page doesn't look
overwhelmed. Using header tags will help also, i.e. <H3></H3>
There is a lot of information on this site, and that might scare
some people away. But, reading over the information the
program sounds pretty good. I think it would help to see
comments direct from Alex Shaw on how this is working and
if the whole site has only been viewed 21,000 times I'd like to
know when the program started.
The link to 'today's special' in the upper right hand corner
was very difficult to see, being black on dark blue background.
moderator: Amy Mossel: Moderator(a)
posting: MyInput(a)
Send posts and questions (or your answers) to:
Please send suggestions and comments to:
To change your subscribed address, send both new
and old address to
See below for unsubscribe instructions.
Copyright 2001 AEOpublishing
----- End of Your Membership Exchange
This email has been sent to cypherpunks(a) at your
request, by Your Membership Newsletter Services.
Visit our Subscription Center to edit your interests or unsubscribe.…
View our privacy policy:
Powered by
Constant Contact(R)
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ignore the HTML code you will see below.
<title>Your Membership Exchange, #444</title>
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<img src="" border="0" vspace="2" alt="">
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<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="575">
<td width="25"><img src="" width="25" height="25" border="0" alt=""></td>
<td width="525" bgcolor="#666666">Â </td>
<td width="25" bgcolor="#666666">Â </td>
<!-- Begin Title Row -->
<td width="25" bgcolor="#666666">Â </td>
<td width="525" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">Â <font face="Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="5" color="#870000">Your Membership Exchange, Issue #444</font></td>
<td width="25" bgcolor="#666666">Â </td>
<!-- End Title Row -->
<!-- Begin Date String Row -->
<td width="25" bgcolor="#666666">Â </td>
<td width="525" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" align="right"><font face="Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="2" color="#000000">August 8, 2001</font>Â </td>
<td width="25" bgcolor="#666666">Â </td>
<!-- End Date String Row -->
<td width="575" colspan="3" height="1" bgcolor="#666666"><img src="" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt=""></td>
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<td width="525" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<!-- Begin Content Table -->
<table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td width="100%">
<font face="Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="2" color="#000000">
<!-- Begin Greeting -->
Your place to exchange ideas, ask questions, swap links, and share your skills!
<!-- End Greeting -->
<!-- Begin Letter Body -->
<br>You are a member in at least one of these programs
<br>- You should be in them all!
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a>
<br>Today's Special Announcement:
<br> says young MLM Millionaire. Discover his secrets to such a
<br>controversial claim in The Ultimate MLM Blueprint to Massive Success.
<br>This 200 page 100% generic training course was featured this
<br>month on the cover of Upline Magazine. Get an unfair advantage
<br>on your competition, generate huge quantities of prospects, find
<br>and build leaders and take your bonus check to the levels you
<br>deserve! Free ezine and training resources!
<br>CLICK HERE!--> <a href=""></a>
<p><p>>> Q & A
<br> - How do I increase my screen resolution?
<br> - What does CPM mean?
<br> S. Mathis: CPM and
other advertising terms
<br> - Sites to Review: #144, #145, #146
& #147!
<br> - Site #143 Reviewed!
<p>>>>>>> <b>QUESTIONS & ANSWERS</b> <<<<<<
<br><i>Submit your questions & answers to <a href="">MyInput(a)</a></i>
<p>From: 3diaz23(a)
<br>Subject: How do I increase my screen resolution?
<p>What can I do to increase my
computers resolution.
<br>I want to increase it to 800x600
SVGA display configuration.
<p>From: Sue Mathis - suzanna27(a)
<br>Subject: CPM and other advertising terms
<p>>From: Peter A Steeves - logical(a)
<br>>Subject: What does CPM mean? (Issue #443)
<br>>Please tell me what does CPM mean? I cannot even guess.
<br>Hello Peter,
<p>CPM is a term used in advertising, and there are other acronyms
<br>you'll run across when looking into advertising. These terms
<br>basically universal, meaning they are used in both offline and
<br>online advertising. Here are some of the more common ones:
<p>CPM - Cost Per Thousand. If you are buying advertising based
<br>on the number of subscribers, it will be on a CPM basis.
<br>CPC - Cost Per Click. An example of this would be the pay
<br>search engines.
<br>CPA - Cost Per Action. Buying advertising based on the number
<br>of responses. Responses could be a number of things, like filling
<br>out a form, all the way to an actual purchase. The cost of this
<br>would be much, much higher than buying advertising based on
<br>CPM or CPC.
<p>I hope this helps in your search for advertising.
<p>>>>>>> <b>WEBSITE SHOWCASES</b> <<<<<<
<p><i>Examine carefully - those with email addresses included WILL</i>
<br><i>trade links with you, you are encouraged to contact them. And,</i>
<br><i>there are many ways to build a successful business. Just look at</i>
<br><i>these successful sites/programs other members are involved in..</i>
<p>Affiliates of the World!
<br>Top rated affiliate programs, excellent business
<br>opportunities, great marketing resources and free
<br>advertising for you! Visit the site to trade links.
<br><a href=""></a>
<br>Trade Links - <a href="">adrianbold(a)</a>
<br>Being an "affiliate" isn't just slapping a banner on your
<br>site. Learn all the secrets of getting extra cash from your
<br>site, without a product to sell!
<br><a href=""></a>
<p> *** FREE MP3 PLAYER ***
<br>FREE Sony MP3 Digital Stereo Player & More
<br>Everything is FREE at iRewards
<br><a href=""></a>
<p><i>If you have a product, service, opportunity and/or quality</i>
<br><i>merchandise that appeals to people worldwide, reach your</i>
<br><i>target audience!</i>
<p><i>For a fraction of what other large newsletters charge you</i>
<br><i>can exhibit your website here for only $8 CPM. Why?...</i>
<br><i>Because as a valuable member we want you to be successful!</i>
<br><i>Order today - Exhibits are limited and published on a</i>
<br><i>first come, first serve basis. <a href=""></a></i>
<p>>>>>>> <b>MEMBER *REVIEWS*</b> <<<<<<
<p>Visit these sites, look for what you like and any suggestions
<br>you can offer, and send your critique to MyInput
<br>And, after reviewing three sites, your web site will be added to
<br>the list! It's fun, easy, and it's a great opportunity to give
<br>some help and receive an informative review of your own site.
<br>Plus, you can also win a chance to have y our site chosen for
<br>a free website redesign. One randomly drawn winner each month!
<p><b>SITES TO REVIEW:</b>
<p>Site #144: <a href=""></a>
<p>Site #145: <a href=""></a>
<br>Len Seider
<p>Site #146: <a href=""></a>
<br>Melissa Kalmbach
<p>Site #147: <a href=""></a>
<br>Janice Holton
<p><b>SITE REVIEWED!</b>
<p>Comments on Site #143:
<br><a href=""></a>
<p> was very difficult to follow. There was
<br>much too much going on the first page and the frames on the
<br>right weren't working at all. Breaking it up and helping me get
<br>where I need to go would be much better.
<p>I have my internet explorer browser set to the second to
<br>smallest size text, and your text still seemed very big. It also
<br>was hard to tell what was the most important information
<br>with all the different font colors and sizes. Some uniformity
<br>is needed on the home page with the text.
<p>On the program details page the text was to close to the left
<br>border. The 'third' point was not in line with the others. The
<br>steps to follow were good directions, but again the text was
<br>not uniform in size. Also, for step one it would have been
<br>helpful to have a link right after to join the STWO program.
<br>And, why have the steps to follow on both the program
<br>page and a separate steps to follow page?
<p>On the right track. Layout looks good. Maybe make the font
<br>in the middle table a bit smaller so the page doesn't look
<br>overwhelmed. Using header tags will help also, i.e. <H3></H3>
<p>There is a lot of information on this site, and that might scare
<br>some people away. But, reading over the information the
<br>program sounds pretty good. I think it would help to see
<br>comments direct from Alex Shaw on how this is working and
<br>if the whole site has only been viewed 21,000 times I'd like to
<br>know when the program started.
<p>The link to 'today's special' in the upper right hand corner
<br>was very difficult to see, being black on dark blue background.
<p><br>moderator: Amy Mossel <a href="">Moderator</a>
<br>posting: <a href="">MyInput(a)</a>
<p>Send posts and questions (or your answers) to:
<br> <a href="">MyInput(a)</a>
<br>Please send suggestions and comments to:
<br> <a href="">Moderator(a)</a>
<p>To change your subscribed address, send both new
<br>and old address to <a href="">Moderator(a)</a>
<br>See below for unsubscribe instructions.
<p>Copyright 2001 AEOpublishing
<p>----- End of Your Membership Exchange
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<td width="25" bgcolor="#870000">Â </td>
<td width="525" bgcolor="#870000" align="right"><font face="Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="1" color="#FFFFFF"> </font></td>
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What can I do to increase my computers resolution.
I want to increase it to 800x600 SVGA display configuration.