The True Story of the InterNet
Part III
Final Frontier of the Digital Revolution
Behind the ElectroMagnetic Curtain
by TruthMonger <tm(a)dev.null>
Copyright 1997 Pearl Publishing
InfoWar Table of Contents
* Epilogue
* Cowboy
11 May 1905
Walking on the Marktgasse, one sees a wondrous sight. The cherries in the
fruit stalls sit aligned in rows, the hats in the millinery shop are neatly
stacked, the flowers on the balconies are arranged in perfect symmetries, no
crumbs lie on the bakery floor, no milk is spilled on the cobblestones of
the buttery. No thing is out of place.
When a gay party leaves a restaurant, the tables are more tidy than before.
When a wind blows gently through the street, the street is swept clean, the
dirt and dust transported to the edge of town. When waves of water splash
against the shore, the shore rebuilds itself. When leaves fall from the
trees, the leaves line up like birds in V-formation. When clouds form faces,
the faces stay. When a pipe lets smoke into a room, the soot drifts toward a
corner of the room, leaving clear air. Painted balconies exposed to wind and
rain become brighter in time. The sound of thunder makes a broken vase
reform itself, makes the fractured shards leap up to the precise positions
where they fit and bind. The fragrant odor of a passing cinnamon cart
intensifies, not dissipates, with time.
Do these happenings seem strange?
In this world, the passage of time brings increasing order. Order is the law
of nature, the universal trend, the cosmic direction. If time is an arrow,
that arrow points toward order. The future is pattern, organization, union,
intensification; the past, randomness, confusion, disintegration,
Philosophers have argued that without a trend toward order, time would lack
meaning. The future would be indistinguishable from the past. Sequences of
events would be just so many random scenes from a thousand novels. History
would be indistinct, like the mist slowly gathered by treetops in the
In such a world, people with untidy houses lie in their beds and wait for
the forces of nature to jostle the dust from their windowsills and
straighten the shoes in their closets. People with untidy affairs may picnic
while their calendars become organized, their appointments arranged, their
accounts balanced. Lipsticks and brushes and letters may be tossed into
purses with the satisfaction that they will sort themselves out
automatically. Gardens need never be pruned, weeds never uprooted. Desks
become neat by the end of the day. Clothes on the floor in the evening lie
on chairs in the morning. Missing socks reappear.
If one visits a city in the spring, one sees another wondrous sight. For in
springtime the populace becomes sick of the order in their lives. In spring,
people furiously lay waste to their houses. They sweep in dirt, smash
chairs, break windows. On Aarbergergasse, or any residential avenue in
sprint, one hears the sounds of broken glass, shouting, howling, laughter.
In spring, people meet at unarranged times, burn their appointment books,
throw away their watches, drink through the night. This hysterical abandon
continues until summer, when people regain their senses and return to order.
{Excerpt from "Einstein's Dreams" by Alan Lightman}
"All My Lies Are True,
And everything I do,
I really Am."
- Carroll
In other words, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a
duckÂ…it's probably a duck.
Reality is a Freudian slip.
InfoWar has been around since Adam and Eve gobbled down on the fruit from
the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
The fig leaf was the first cover-up. "Sorry, God, but what's under there is
Top Secret."
Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the Serpent, and the Serpent blamed his
publicity department, fired six people, replaced them with Spin Doctors, and
went on to become President.
Figuratively speaking, of course.
Now all of the CypherPunks are sitting around slapping their foreheads and
Old Farts: "I should have listened to Lenny Bruce."
Middle Aged Farts: "I should have listened to Bob Dylan."
Young Farts: "I should have listened to Marilyn Manson."
Stupid Farts: "I should have listened to TruthMonger."
People you should have lynched, and now it's too late:
The person who named a nuclear missile, 'The PeaceKeeper.'
The President who let slip the words, 'New World Order.'
The first person to utter, "What the President meant to say, wasÂ…"
Everyone who said, "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help you."
Â…ad infinitumÂ…
How many Nazi intelligence agents and rocket scientist were brought into the
US after World War II to work with the government and large corporations?
Sorry, Top Secret.
How much biological and germ warfare research is being done with your tax
Sorry, Top Secret.
How many foreign leaders, politicians, diplomats and business men have been
assassinated using your tax dollars?
Sorry, Top Secret.
Of course, now 'National Security' is the 'magic word.' (Or is that 'magic
"Intelligence reports indicate that terrorists breatheÂ…"
{Go ahead and extrapolate the preceding government statement to its final
conclusion. Don't forget the breathing tax that will be necessary to cover
the costs of the digital nose implants.}
Your education wasn't 'free,' was it?
You had to pay for it by Pledging Allegiance every morning. You had to pay
for it by sitting up straight at your desk. You had to pay for it by asking
permission to pee. You had to pay for it by making sure your desk was lined
up straight with the others. You had to pay for it by shutting the fuck up
when you had a creative thought, and hypnotically repeating back the lessons
you were taught.
Who discovered America? And what the fuck were all of those goddamn Indians
doing there when it was 'discovered?' Fucking troublemakersÂ…
Interactive. Doesn't that sound better than Corporate Message Recovery?
Better than Government Access to God-and-Everything?
The cynics make it all sound so dark and damning. All the Fascists really
want is to make certain that everyone is sitting up straight in their
seatsÂ…that the seats are lined up properlyÂ…that no one forgets to pledge
allegianceÂ…that you ask permission before you peeÂ…
We are here to help youÂ…
Tim, sit up straight in your chair. Lucky, sit down, you can go to the
bathroom when I'm finished talking. Bill, Bill and William, no more
back-talk. Adam, apologize to PGP. Duncan, quit fidgeting. Peter, have you
been passing notes to TruthMonger, again? Blanc, Mr. Gates will not be
allowed to pick you up after class unless he brings a note from your
parents. Matthew and Phil, from now on we will be using 3.0 as the value of
pi, as per the new legislation. Toto! Pull up your pants and leave that
puppy alone.
Thank you for the apple, Kent. Would you like to lead the class in pledging
allegiance to PGP for Corporations?
When a US Armed Forces trained killer attacked a Federal Government
Building, who got the blame?
Citizens. Citizens with guns. Citizens with non-government guns. The
When a US Secret Intelligence Agency trained cryptographer attacks a Federal
Government Computer System, who will get the blame?
Citizens. Citizens with crypto-munitions. Citizens with non-government
crypto-munitions. The CypherPunks.
Have you figured out what 'InfoWar' is, yet?
Cryptography is merely a battleground. Encryption is merely one of the most
dangerous weapons against the goals of InfoWar.
The War is over who will control Information.
The War is over who will control Words.
The War is over who will control Thoughts.
The War is over who will control Attention.
The War is over who will control Virtual Reality.
The War is over who will control WebWorld.
World War III is InfoWar!
Whoever controls Information, controls the Past.
Oswald acted alone..
Whoever controls Information, controls the Present.
Gilmore acted alone.
Whoever controls Information, controls the Future.
Tim C. May acted aloneÂ…
Repeat after me:
"Department of Defense secret agencies created the InterNet, but they do not
control and/or monitor all activity and communications that take place on
"The government has shifted the focus of their engineers, physicists and
secret intelligence agencies from nuclear warfare to information warfare,
but they would not manipulate, destroy and murder those who present a threat
to their preeminence in this arena of warfare."
"When the government's secret underground laboratories reveal and share the
technology of radar that can see through solid walls, satellite cameras that
can read the newspaper over your shoulder, and tiny helicopters that can fit
inside a peanut shell, they are not in possession of even greater forms of
clandestine technology."
Reality Check:
Why is strong encryption such a dangerous threat to the secret and
semi-secret agencies, committees and non-government bodies who rule us from
the shadows?
It is because they already have the ability to monitor all of our activities
and communications. Widespread use of strong encryption threatens that
People who control technology and standards are on the inside. People who
make the chips that go into the computers and peripherals are on the inside.
People who supply the physical routes that information travels over are on
the inside.
People who use the above, are on the outside.
Arms for drugs, drugs for money-arms, drugs and money for favors and
Our secret intelligence agencies tell our legislators that use of strong
crypto will interfere with their manipulation of the electronic funds of the
'bad' individuals, corporations, and governments.
Why did Colonel Olive North trade weapons and drugs to have the hostages
held until Ronnie RayGuns election and then released on the day of his
inauguration? Because weapons were what the Iranians wanted.
What if the Iranians had wanted Sun Microsystems financially ruined in
return for the timed release of the hostages? Or Intel? Or Tim C. May? (Who
knows? Maybe the Tim C. Mayonnaise ASCII Art is part of the Iran-Contra
Did the US Secret Intelligence Agencies support the development and release
of cryptography that they couldn't break, or didn't have a backdoor to?
If so, then why was PGP such a threat to 'National Security?'
If the Men in Black don't already have ready access to information hidden
within current forms of encryption, then why would widespread use of strong
encryption be a threat?
Try this:
Go to a command line: type 'cd \PGP262' ; type 'pgp -kxa "My KeyID"
Send the output file to Louis J. Freeh, and ask him to please not read your
encrypted files.
Do the same thing, only dialing in to your machine from a friend's machine.
Write a browser Java script that gets the secring.pgp file from your machine
via a web site.
Go home, kick your fucking door in, place a disk in the floppy drive, and
type 'pgp -kxa "My KeyID" a:\secring.asc secring.pgp'.
Mail the disk to Louis J. Freeh
Does your copy of PGP ask for a password before spitting out the KeyID to
any one of a thousand monkeys who sits at your keyboard and randomly types
in the above?
My copy doesn't.
Below is a copy of a key pulled off of my computer by 19 different people.
It was pulled off of my hard drive by the first individual, who proceeded to
inform a second individual of the method used, and challenged them to do the
same thing, using a different method. The second did so, and passed all the
information along to a third person, etc., etc.
Nineteen people, nineteen different methods.
Version: 2.6.2
Are your 'secret' keys any more secure than mine?
Answer: If you send me a message encrypted to the key above, then it doesn't
really matter, does it? The end result is the same.
Strong crypto is not a threat.
Widespread use of strong crypto is a threat.
The Monitors cannot put the latest-greatest spy chip in every computer,
every printer, every modem. They cannot password-snarf every system. They
cannot compromise every remailer, every ISP, every private network.
At present, they don't need to.
They can enter my house, and your house, and grab our keys. They can't do so
for everyone, but they don't need to, because everyone isn't using strong
crypto. They can monitor your keyboard and mine, but they can't monitor
everybody's. They can beat you and I with rubber hoses, but they can't beat
everyone with rubber hoses (although they can dreamÂ…).
The days of Judicial Safeguards are history.
There is no longer any need to go down to the local Teleco and flash a
warrant to get access to telephone conversations. The Monitors own the
satellites. Warrants are for when they are ready to go to trial, and they
want to do it by the book.
Hackers don't get warrants. Hackers don't need no stinking badgesÂ…and
neither do secret intelligence agencies.
What is the problem with widespread use of strong crypto?
It gets in the way of immediate access to data and communications.
If you understand nothing else about InfoWar, understand this:
The Monitors already have access to almost all data and communications. They
are not attempting to get something they don't have, they are trying to hold
onto something that they already have.
They can't kill a news story or editorial after it comes out. They can't put
genies back in the bottle after they are released. Arranging for you to have
an unfortunate accident tomorrow doesn't erase the email you sent today.
Try this:
Get email accounts in the names of your children. Send messages back and
forth between them. Analyze the send and receive timing of the Dr. Seus
messages, as opposed to those of the 'Death Threat' and 'Tim McVeigh'
Do traceroutes to find out how the accounts travel via routes to a variety
of systems. Then send emails between the accounts which threaten the lives
of world leaders and various politicians. Now do traceroutes and find out
what routes the accounts travel.
And remember, this is for your children's accounts.
The Monitors can get access to the keys of a thousand individuals at a
corporation, but this is unacceptable. They want access to one key that
allows them to access all of the thousand individual's files and
Their goals are quite simply to control and monitor information as close to
the source as possible. This is why they need 'Official' news sources.
'Approved' websites. 'Authorized' encryption programs.
This is why they give away billions of dollars of digital airwaves to
mainstream media. This is why they launch, and then settle, anti-trust
actions, lawsuits, financial and criminal investigations.
Louis J. Freeh just discovered that he can ensure the institution of GAK,
CMR, and all manner of CRAP by killing your newborn child.
Aren't you glad he's one of the 'good' guys?
Follow the Money!
Why do the Monitors want guaranteed access to all information by 1999? Why
are the Europeans planning to introduce a new form of currency in 1999? What
plans do the IRS have for 1999, when it becomes obvious that many
individuals, companies, and countries do not have the capability to keep
their bookwork from falling into chaos?
Nothing? RightÂ…
The US has plans in place for invading Canada in the event that there is a
need to do so, but they have no plans in place for financial and
organizational chaos being created by the Year2000 Bug. RightÂ…
Governments, corporations, the rich and powerfulÂ…none of them have any plans
in place to take advantage of any problems that arise in society, in
government, in financial empires, due to the Y2K Bug. RightÂ…
The 'solutions' are already planned, and in place, waiting for the problem.
The solutions are pre-GAK'ed. The solutions have eyes and ears.
Why is the IRS being 'rehabilitated' by Congressional investigation? In
preparation for 1999. Just as the FBI, the CIA, the DOJ, etc., have been
'rehabilitated.' Just as the government has been 'rehabilitated' by the
Freedom of Information Act, etc., while more and more power is put into the
hands of unelected committees, commissions and semi-secret agencies.
InfoWar is being fought on the battlegrounds of Virtual Reality, which are
linked by the Information Highway. The armies are governmental and
corporate. The victor's prize, as always, is wealth and power.
On the battlefield of Encryption the war is over Access.
On the battlefield of Virtual Private Networks, the battle is for Access.
The warplanes, ships, tanks, rockets and missilesÂ…the air, sea and ground
warsÂ…these are a dog-and-pony show for the masses.
Just as the 'news' is for the masses.
When the Canadian Prime Minister is caught on audio-video calling the US
government criminals and thieves, this is news. This is why he doesn't say
those things into the microphone, except by accident. It is not 'official'
news, not 'managed' news, and it will not be expanded upon for the general
The 'Official' news is 'Blah, blah, blahÂ…'
Even the 'Official' news isn't really 'official' when the governments deny
The Israelis didn't really release a political prisoner as a result of a
deal to have their assassination team returned. Canadian intelligence
agencies don't really help the Mossad obtain false Canadian passports in
return for having their own back scratched.
As long as they pretend they didn't really get caught, then they can keep
pretending that they don't do this type of thing all of the time.
This is InfoWarÂ…
There are good pictures and bad picturesÂ…good words and bad wordsÂ…good
thoughts, ideas and beliefs, and bad ones.
The good people are here, where I am standing, and the bad people are over
there, where I am pointing.
My information is good information. Anything else is bad information.
There are good URL's and bad URL's, good communications and bad
The Constitution needs to be explained to your children by those who wrap
themselves in the flag, not by those who burn the flag. CyberSitter!
The Bill of Rights needs to be explained to your children by those who
imprison and kill marihuana smokers, not by those who smoke marihuana, even
if they are doing so in a place where it is legal. CyberSitter!
The Truth needs to be told to your children by those who the government
gives billions of dollars worth of the citizens' digital airwaves, not by an
armed forces veteran who is telling his story on his own web page as the
life force drains from his body due to his imagined Gulf War Syndrome.
Dimitri Vulis needs to be forcefully unsubscribed from the CypherPunks
Mailing List. SandySitter!
"You want anarchy? You can't HANDLE anarchy!"
- Jack Nicholson, playing Terry Nichols, in "Nuke the Murrah Federal
There will be soldiers, spies, collaborators and members of the resistance.
There will not be any winners, only survivors.
There will be survivors who can hold their heads high, and those who cannot.
Never forgetÂ…
"The Xenix Chainsaw Massacre"
"WebWorld & the Mythical Circle of Eunuchs"
"InfoWar (Part III of 'The True Story of the InterNet')
Soviet Union Sickle of Eunuchs Secret WebSite