>From the offices of . . .
Virginia Claims Corporation
Statewide Claims Investigations
Workers' Compensation Specialists
11232 Midlothian Turnpike, Suite 220
Richmond, Va 23235-4714
Dear Friend:
Hi...my name is Britt Phillips. If you suspect infidelity, or know someone
who does . . .please take a couple of minutes to read this.
I am very excited about the many people from all walks of life who
have truly benefited from the publications that I have put together.
I have been a fully licensed Private Investigator for almost eleven
years. I currently work within a full caseload. My clients include
attorney's,insurance companies, physicians as well as those in
the corporate and private sector. I have very extensive knowledge
as a direct result of working many different types of cases over
this period of time. I currently focus my investigative services in
the areas of insurance fraud and domestic and family issues.
My background includes an honorable tour in the United States
Navy as an Operations Specialist in the operational intelligence
division. In this capacity I held a secret clearance and routinely
handled very sensitive information vital to national security. In
addition to these responsibilities I was also a member of an elite
team who's members gathered intelligence as it relates to other
countries around the world by photographing weapons and
electronics systems and by gathering information about them
useful in strategy. I have served at the Pentagon and have many
personal memories of service to my country.
I also have security experience in a major retail company as a
loss prevention expert. In this capacity I continued my
investigative skills and worked my way up to be placed in charge
of three locations. It was while in this capacity that I was
introduced to the investigative field and fell in love with all that it
has to offer.
I began in the trenches so to speak and worked my way up in a
major investigative firm. I remained there for 4 years. I was well
known by the company president as an eager investigator wanting
to learn every type of case imaginable. I was turned down an offer
to open a satellite office for this company during its expansion
phase. I accepted a position with another firm and took over a
lagging investigative company. I remained there for three years
and ended my tenure with the title of investigations director!
Some of my past cases include:
Workers' Compensation, Narcotics, Homicide, Missing Persons,
Adoption Searches, Skip Traces, Domestic & Family Issues,Child
Custody, Infidelity, Criminal, Civil, Process Service, Witness
Location, Background Checks, Contract Disputes, Asset Checks,
Theft, Fraud, Personal Injury, Auto Liability, Automobile
Repossession, Hit and Run and many many others.
Our hope is that this has given you a tool from which to measure
my knowledge and experience. Your comfort level is very
important to us and it will remain the same way long after you
purchase publications from our office. We are committed to
providing YOU with the quality,efficient, honest, reliable service
that you not only deserve but should demand.
"How to Expose Infidelity" is a publication that I am very
pleased to be a part of. It includes many helpful sections that will
literally change your life forever. I can say this because most
people make many mistakes when they are suddenly confronted
with an infidelity situation. There also is the factor that many don't
discover the infidelity until after the lawyers have walked away and
the case is resolved. This can be a major loss to anyone
especially when children and settlements are concerned. In this
same light it is very crucial to document infidelity from the earliest
stages. The early stages when infidelity is first suspected are the
most crucial to your case. Now you can learn from my many
years of field experience working these types of cases.
This is a very important time and unfortunately most people allow
their emotions to rule their intellect and do things that actually
jeopardize their own case. It's only after these mistakes are
pointed out that they are aware of them.Yes, that's right you
guessed it, by then it's way to late! in "How to Expose Infidelity"
YOU will learn what to do and when to do it. YOU will learn about
hidden clues that are consistent with those involved in infidelity.
YOU will learn the all important things to ask your attorney and
investigator and how to interview each to make sure you are
getting fair,competent representation. YOU will learn the most
common mistakes that almost everyone makes and how to avoid
them! YOU will learn how to channel your emotions and save your
case instead of unknowingly doing things that compromise you.
But please...don't take my word for it.
Read for yourself what other current owners have said:
"Your help made the greatest difference in my personal situation.
I was able to reach a much better settlement and owe many
thanks to you as well as my attorney. Your information revealed
facts I previously was not aware of. If your guide had not been
available, I would have been among the many who make the
same mistakes on your list! Many thanks for a very helpful tool."
"I purchased your infidelity guide because I had never gone
through a divorce. Pride kept me from calling a private
investigator to discus my situation. After reading your information
I interviewed two investigator's.The first one was more interested
in my retainer than my case. I used the techniques learned from
your guide to quickly dismiss him and retained the second one.
We won the case!"
"My attorney commented that often in domestic cases her job
can be very difficult at times, especially due to the mistakes
that many clients routinely make. I was so glad that I had read
your information beforehand.Thank you for being in my corner."
If you or someone you know find themselves in the unfortunate
situation in which infidelity could very well be a real possibility,
YOU owe it to yourself to find out the true facts as they are
happening. As a top private investigator I have helped literally
hundreds of people restore peace of mind during this trying,
emotional period in their lives.
"How to E-X-P-O-S-E Infidelity" is an A-Z guide that walks the
reader throughout the complete process including:
~ Clues to look for
~ Mistakes that are almost always made by those who
suspect their spouse of infidelity
~ How to avoid costly common mistakes
~ What to look for when talking to an investigator
~ The interview process and hiring an attorney
~ Complete question and answer session including
answers to many questions routinely asked over the years.
Take action and restore peace of mind today. You owe it to
yourself to find out the truth.
The cost of "How to E-X-P-O-S-E Infidelity" is $19.95. It
cannot be stressed enough that this price is really insignificant
when you consider what your losses could be. You have my
personal guarantee that if you apply what this guide teaches,
YOU will be very relieved to have had a guide of this nature from
which to learn from BEFORE, instead of after!
Please give this some serious thought.
"How to E-X-P-O-S-E Infidelity" comes with my complete, no
questions asked, money back guarantee. If after receiving this
publication you aren't 100% completely satisfied, simply return
it in its original condition. I will gladly refund your original
purchase price promptly without question.
I am always available to answer any questions you may have
after you get your package. The packages are very clear and
easy to follow however if you should have any questions I will be
here for you. I offer complete customer support and will gladly
field any questions to help you prosper. After you get your
package(s), feel free to drop me a line via Email! This is my FREE
service to you and another way for me to show you that I am
genuinely sincere in my desire to help you.
And you have my personal...
I am so confident that after you receive the publication that you
will be impressed with what it teaches, I am willing to send it to
you totally without risk. Here's my no questions asked money
back guarantee to YOU. Get the publication, study it, apply what
it teaches, keep it for a full 90 days! If YOU have not received what
you feel is a quality, detailed, informative, complete program,
Simply return the complete publication in its original condition and
I will gladly refund your order price less shipping and handling.
YOU cannot lose with this total satisfaction, complete, no
questions asked, money back guarantee. You see, I absolutely
refuse to have any unhappy customers.
YOU risk nothing --- the risk is all mine.
What could be fairer than that?
Britt S. Phillips
(c) 1997 Virginia Claims Corporation, All rights reserved.
( ) Yes! I would like to take action and order your publication.
If for any reason I'm not completely satisfied with . . .
"How to E-X-P-O-S-E Infidelity"
I can just return it in its original condition during the next 90 days
and you'll cheerfully buy it back and refund my $19.95 in full ---
less s&h no questions asked and no hard feelings.
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Make check or money order payable to:
Virginia Claims Corporation
Send your order to: Virginia Claims Corporation
Dept. M2
11232 Midlothian Turnpike, Suite 220
Richmond, VA 23235-4714
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