*** All Natural Energizer
*** Reduce Sugar Cravings
*** Burn fat
*** 100% safe and natural
*** Preferred by fitness & nutrition experts
Are you concerned about your health and weight? Have you tried dieting...and
gained it all back? Are you worried about the upcoming holidays...and the food
that goes with them? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then read
on -- this message is for you!
Many people want and need help in dealing with unwanted extra pounds...without
the serious side-effects from the recently recalled weight loss prescription drugs. I
found that there is finally a safe way to trim down and shed unwanted fat with an
all natural herbal energizer and super fat burner called Thermo-Lift. I take one
Thermo-Lift capsule twice a day... and that's it! Sure, exercise and daily activity
will contribute to the results you achieve, but they are not required! And just
think... no messy powders or mixes. No starvation. No rationing out your food by
the ounce. Thermo-Lift improves your metabolism so your body burns the excess
fat! I actually noticed my clothes fitting better before I noticed the pounds coming off.
Anyone who has struggled to lose weight will tell you that diets alone don't work!
That's because your size, or your weight, has more to do with your metabolism than
what you eat. Changes Int'l, Inc. has designed a product that works several ways
to help you achieve maximum results from your weight-loss program. This unique
blend of herbs, botanicals, and patented Chromium Picolinate improves your
metabolism so your body relies more on stored body fat and less on stored proteins.
On the typical diet, up to 30% of lost weight is muscle! Losing muscle lowers your
metabolic rate and slows the burning of calories. This lower metabolic rate also
makes it hard to keep the lost pounds from creeping back. Result: The Yo-yo
syndrome in which weight is repeatedly lost and then regained! You know, up and
down...up and down. After each yo-yo cycle the proportion of fat actually increases!
To break this vicious cycle, it is important to lose only fat while maintaining...or even
increasing the muscle tone! Our unique formula is a specialized combination of herbs
and botanicals coupled with the very best source of chromium available. Patented
Chromium Picolinate, a bio-active chromium with numerous clinically proven benefits, is
vital to good health and is essential for the efficient functioning of insulin. Studies
have shown chromium nutrition to be an effective part of LONG-TERM fat loss programs!
Several double-blind crossover studies conducted along with clinical and laboratory
tests at a leading university and hospital have proven that the ingredients in
Thermo-Lift are effective. Without changing dietary or exercise habits over a
6-week period, subjects in separate studies lost an average of 23% body fat or
approximately 4.4 pounds of fat, and increased lean body mass by 1.5 pounds.
People over the age of 46 did better and women seemed to do the best! People
with elevated cholesterol levels averaged a 10% drop in LDL cholesterol!
Chromium Picolinate, Bee Pollen, Astralagus, Licorice Root, Ginger Root, Rehmannia
Root, Siberian Ginseng, Ma Huang Extract, Gotu Kola, Bladderwrack, White Willow
Bark, Guarana Extract and Reishi Mushroom.
Chromium Picolinate: Three million readers of Cosmopolitan read a discussion of
Chromium Picolinate's value for dieters under the headline, "A Miracle Mineral?"
The cholesterol-reducing effect of Chromium Picolinate was highlighted in Ladies
Home Journal. Longevity magazine has praised it as a safe alternative to
anabolic steroids. A large number of publications for athletes and health food
shoppers have also run feature articles on Chromium Picolinate, including:
Prevention, Today's Living, Total Health, and Muscular Development.
Bee Pollen: Effective for combating fatigue, depression, and colon disorder.
Licorice Root: Beneficial for hypoglycemia, stress, colds, bronchitis, and
Ginger Root: Used for colitis, nausea, gas, indigestion, hot flashes, and menstrual
Rehmannia Root: Used to treat anemia, fatigue, and to promote the healing of bones.
Siberian Ginseng: Good source of energy and endurance, as well as physical and
mental vigor.
Ma Huang Extract: Helps to increase energy, improves circulation, controls appetite
and is used as a decongestant. The Chinese use it for treatment of asthma and
other respiratory disorders.
Gotu Kola: Aids in the elimination of excess fluids, fights fatigue, and depression.
Bladderwrack: Promotes a healthy thyroid; stimulates blood circulation.
White Willow Bark: Reduces pain, swelling, and fever; good anti-inflammatory;
helps insomnia.
Guarana Extract: Increases mental alertness and fights fatigue - a very high energy
Reishi Mushroom: Strengthens the immune system and is used to help diverse
problems such as allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, and more. Improves
memory and fights stress.
"My name is Denita Kellett. In just 18 months I have been able to lose 212
pounds and over 52 inches over my entire body. I have a non-functioning
thyroid and for years have fought a losing battle with a bad weight problem.
Then I found Thermo-Lift. This product has greatly enriched my life and my health.
I wish everybody could feel as good as I feel. All I can say is, thanks 110%
Thermo-Lift for what you've done for me and my life."
-Denita went from 340 pounds to 128 pounds in 18 months. Before and after
pictures available! (Denita was featured on the Maury Povich show May 12, 1997.)
"My name is Misty McDonald. I'm a twenty-two year old working mother of two
children. In just five months I have lost an amazing seventy pounds. I dropped an
incredible sixteen dress sizes! At 180 pounds, I was very unhappy and depressed.
I felt very insecure about myself and really didn't like to go out. Thank you
Thermo-Lift for changing my life."
-Misty went from 180 pounds to 110 pounds in only 5 months. Pictures available!
"...I have been examined by my doctor and my weight loss has blown his mind!
People that I used to work with and even some family members, have trouble
recognizing me. I wish everyone that is overweight could be sent my way so I
could talk to them. Maybe I could be of help to them, after losing 150 pounds so far."
-Kenny went from 350 pounds to 200 pounds. Pictures available!
"I started taking Thermo-Lift March 1st of this year. My sister just kept after me.
I felt happy eating, and did not want to change my life, so I didn't. I just took
Thermo-Lift, and kept eating. I noticed my clothes getting looser on me, but I
haven't kept a scale in my house for over ten years. The middle of May, I
found a commercial scale and weighed myself. I had lost 50 pounds, in just
2-1/2 months! I celebrated by buying myself a new pair of jeans. I went from a
size 48 waist to a size 42!
The best part is that I am a non-insulin dependent diabetic, and was taking 10 mg
of diabeta every day to control my blood sugar. I monitor my blood sugar myself, and
with Thermo-Lift my sugar level went below 70 for the first time in years. My doctor has
now taken me off my medication. I thank my sister every week for turning me on to
-Bernie has lost 60 pounds so far ...and is still going!
"Over the last 10 years, I have tried a variety of weight loss methods, spent
thousands of dollars and failed at all of them. By December '95, I was the heaviest I
had ever weighed - 235 pounds. I had no energy. My self-esteem had hit rock
bottom... Then I was introduced to Changes Int'l and Thermo-Lift and have never
looked back! My energy is back and in total I have lost 70 pounds and gone from a
size 22 to a size 12. The most amazing part is how easy it was!"
-Becky went from 235 pounds to 165 pounds. Pictures available!
Experience the incredible changes Thermo-Lift can make in your life!
Enjoy the holidays... without feeling guilty about every tasty bite!
Over 90% of our customers report feeling a change within 2-3 days! Even if it
took you 2 to 3 weeks... wouldn't it be worth it?
Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed or your purchase price (less S&H) will be
cheerfully refunded upon return of the unused portion.
Only by starting Thermo-Lift immediately can you begin to feel the boost in energy
and the increased fat burning efficiency of your new metabolic rate! Be prepared
to experience a bit of a "spring" in your step when you use Thermo-Lift and
remember...if you find it curbing your appetite, don't blame me. You were warned! :-)
Complete the form below and mail it with your check or money-order payable to:
Rella Bourn
526 Cedar Ave.
Vinton, VA 24179-3224
Questions about the product or about the status of your order??
Call me at 540-776-5809
Also available -- Changes NOW. An alternative supplement for those who
desire weight loss without the energizing effects of Thermo-Lift. Changes NOW
is a revolutionary combination of fibers, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals designed
to attract and hold fats, helping to remove them from the digestive tract. (Choose
Changes NOW if you have high blood pressure or heart problems.)
Note: Thermo-Lift and Changes NOW can be taken together to accelerate weight
loss. Both bottles contain a one month supply of product.
-----------------CUT HERE--------------------
YES! I want ___ bottles of Thermo-Lift (60 capsules) at $29.95 each: $_______
YES! I want ___ bottles of Changes NOW (90 capsules) at $29.95 ea.: $_______
Shipping and Handling
($3.00 for 1-3 bottles, add $1.00 for each additional bottle): $ 3.00
Total Amount Enclosed (Payable to Rella Bourn): $ _________
Ship To:
Name _________________________________________
Address _______________________________________
City, State, Zip __________________________________
Phone _________________________________________
E-Mail Address __________________________________
Code CEG
Thank you for your order! Drop us a line and let us know how you like it!
The information contained here was derived from many medical, nutritional and
media sources and is for informational and educational purposes only. No medical
claims are implied or intended. Testimonies are offered voluntarily and are not paid
for. Your results may vary. Consult a physician before using Thermo-Lift if you
have high blood pressure, are pregnant, lactating, or are being treated for a
medical condition.