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- 8635 participants
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Prologue 5/0
The Story Thus Far:
(Or so we would have you believe...)
It is now commonly known that:
American overt and covert spook agencies of one sort or
another monitor--legally and illegally--almost all of
the electronic communications in the world.
American overt and covert spook agencies, legally and
illegally make and break the finances of nations and
corporations around the world.
Overt and covert spook agencies of other nations do
exactly the same thing, on differing scales.
Internationally powerful financial agencies, groups
and individuals make daily decisions affecting the lives
of individuals, societies and nations, based on the
desires and goals of individuals who are above and beyond
the control of any nation or group of nations.
Joe and Jane Sheeple are not privy to information as
to who, exactly, these people are, or what their ultimate
designs are for our future.
Human rights and freedoms, throughout the world, are
contingent upon heavily armed governments allowing us
those rights and freedoms which they perceive to be
in our best overall interest.
Those heavily armed governments are increasingly
acting in concert with one another, dividing up our
finances, property and our human rights among themselves
at the slightest whim.
If It Prevents Just A Single Starving Biafran Child
>From Exposure To A Picture Of A Naked Breast...:
This is why 'Higher Authority' (government, business,
a person with a large wallet or a large gun) feels compelled
to 'serve and protect' the Sheeple.
Of course, this all comes at a cost...
Own your own home? Bullshit!
I don't care if you paid cash and have clear title--if you
fail to pay property taxes to men with guns who say that you
*have* to, then you are out on the street, tomorrow.
Growing organic vegetables? Bullshit!
Unless you have proper state certification, after having
filled in the mountains of documentation and paid numerous
filing fees, registration fees, incremental fees and
excremental fees, as well as having paid for a mountain
of testing by an independent (government approved) laboratory, thenyour sorry ass is going to jail if you whisper the word
"organic" in your sleep.
Do you have a name? Bullshit!
I don't care what you call yourself, what your momma calls
you, or what name is on your birth certificate, you are a
number, and you goddamn well better *have* that fucking
number ready if you want to drive a car, cross the street,
make a purchase, sell something, stand in line to get a
number, or breathe.
[Author's Note: You may want to skip the next paragraph,
if you have a weak heart, or have suicidal tendencies,
because it speaks a truth that is too ugly for most of
us to face, even in the best of times.]
The ONLY time that the powers-that-be recognize you as
a unique individual with a personality, character and a
history, is when they want to USE you, or FUCK you.
Trust me, you don't really want to think about this
too much, unless you are prepared to face the truth,
because the more you think about it, the more obviously
true it becomes.
The information you are required to provide in applying
for a driver's license--picture, height, weight, race,
hair and eye color--is for the purpose of connecting you,
and only you, to the number on the license.
Contributed to Social Security all of your life, and now
you are entitled to collect?
If you have the wrong numnber, Fuck You! If the government
has misplaced your number, Fuck You! If the government is
using a new numbering system, Fuck You!
Your name is Joe Sheeple, and you worked at the same job
all of your life, and your employer, your family and your
CongressPerson can all attest to the fact that you paid
your share of SS each and every week, and you are now
old enough to retire? Fuck you! Got a number?
You are a number. Your number is used to categorize
your position and status in life for use by the government
and business during your journey from the cradle to the
Fought for your country in the Gulf War? Picked up some
sort of exotic disease or disability?
Spare me the detail, pal. It doesn't matter how hard you
fought, how valiantly you risked your life, how many kids
you have to feed, what sort of medical history you can
provide about yourself before, during and after the event.
Your number gets lumped in with the other numbers who
got sick or disabled, and then the number-crunchers decide
if the country you defended can afford for you all to
be sick and disabled.
Sorry, pal, but the figures are too high. So you
and all of the other numbers get a big, group,
Fuck You!
You are a number.
Trust me on this. If you can't trust 608-335-345, then
who *can* you trust?
Wasting (Everyone) Away In Mongeritaville:
A man with a gun came to my door recently, and demanded
that I pony-up thirty dollars to members of his gang's
protection racket. If I refuse to pay, he will be back
with other armed thugs.
If I resist them, they will kill me.
Sure, when they drag me in front of one of the big
bosses in their protection racket, I can try to talk
them out of robbing and/or killing me, but it will
inevitably end up with Frank Moretti telling Al Capone,
"If we let this schmuck walk away without ponying-up,
then how are we going to keep the others in line."
In the end, I either pay up or die.
It's all because of my dog...
"Dog running at large." That's what the first threatening
message from the Town of Bienfait said.
"Voluntary fine." It also said that--with a veiled hint
that if I refused to 'do the right thing', that I might
find myself having a little 'trouble'.
I had an uncle who found himself forced to deal with these
kind of thugs when he had a small shop on the bad side of
the tracks in a big city. Then he moved to the 'good side
of town' and found out that the only difference was that
the vigorish was higher, and the thugs were better dressed.
It's the American Way (TM)... If you want to be robbed
by a better class of thugs, then you can expect to pay a
little more for being beaten with gold-knuckles, instead
of brass-knuckles, if you're a little late on your payment.
I'm A Funny Guy, Eh?:
No, I'm serious...
If I fail to pay the Town of Bienfait thirty dollars
for allowing my dog, whom I have not had a single complaint
about from any of my neighbors or fellow citizens, to
experience the freedom that should be the birthright of
every living creature, then those who rule over the
land I currently live on (under the authority of armed
enforcers), are willing to put me to death.
They don't like to kill the goose that laid the golden
egg, Jane or Joe Sheeple, so they prefer to start by
placing them in bondage, kidnapping them, and holding
them prisoner in small cages until they get the message
that they are not to be fucked with.
If you resist being kidnapped and imprisoned, they have
no choice but to send more and better armed thugs to
overcome your resistance, murdering you if you refuse to
recognize and submit to their authority over you, no
matter how unjust or uncivilized their decisions and
their actions.
My dog, Baby, doesn't speak Cherokee, so when the
armed thugs approach, she just barks.
She barks, "The Revolution Is NOW!"
TownShip of MongerItaville -- Population - 1:
I have self-incorporated (self-actualized, for you
people living in New Age, California) the Township of
MongerItaville, in my own mind, and voted myself the
Grand Pooh-Bah(Humbug) of the domain it encompasses,
which can be found by reaching behind myself and
grabbing my ass. (Wherever I go, there I am...)
I was elected unanimusly (not a typo), since in
MongerItaville dogs can vote, but women can't.
(Sorry, Baby, but I only had the Founding Fathers
to use as a role-model...there weren't any Founding
As the sole citizen and the head of government of
MongerItaville, I had to make a decision as to
whether it was better to attempt to reinvent the
wheel, so to speak, by following the example of
the founders of American democracy, or to take a
more realistic approach and automatically grant
myself all of the same powers as have been assumed
by the current governmental and bureacratic
representatives of the evolution of freedom and
In the beginning, I decided to do both, no matter
how schizophrenic the results, since it seemed obvious
that anything less would be the equivalent of bending
over for the soap in the shower at the Home For The
Criminally Insane.
I wrote a 'Realistic Bill of Rights' for the TownShip]
of MongerItaville, including such gems as:
~A well-armed and well-lubricated milita being essential
to the security of my butt-hole, my right to get stinking
fucking drunk and 'Load and Lock' (or whatever) shall not
be a bridge over troubled water.
[Editor's Note: Realistically, the preceeding should
read, "Load (Boom!--"Goddamn, I just blew my foot
off!") and Lock."]
~My right to be secure in my person (especially in the
rear part) and my electronic emmissions (internal and
external) will be the responsibility of no one other
than myself (and possibly Phil Zimmerman and Matt
~I will not discriminate against anyone on the basis
of age, race, sex, sexual orientation, or breed.
(Although I reserve the right to call any living
entity 'old fart', 'nigger', 'slut', 'faggot', or
'mutt', if they--start a sentence with, "Kids
nowdays...'--give me soap, instead of crack, for
my twenty dollars--fuck all of my friends and
everyone in my band--drop the soap in the shower--
jump into bed before me and take the good pillow.)
Hey! Those Aren't Amendments! Those Are Justifications!:
I decided on only two amendments. One to my physical
constitution--a double-shot of Jim Beam, and one to
my intellectual Constitution--I'm the government, and
I can do anything I fucking want..."
I suppose that the latter amendment may no be
politically correct in a Berkeley kind of society,
but at least it is consistent with the recognition
of my right to life, liberty, and pursuit of cynicism.
I May Be A Stupid Fuck, But At Least I'm Not A Stupid Fuck:
Anyone who thinks I am overreacting reads the daily
news with their blinders on...
Remember the old broad in New England whose family
decided she had to be imprisoned against her will in
a looney bin for observation ("We just want to ask
you a few questions...") because she had put up with
society's bullshit long enough to have earned the
right to be 'eccentric'. (That's what you're called
if your filthy fucking rich and let your toenails
grow so long that they curl up like a ram's horns.)
Would the armed thugs pretending to 'serve and
protect' have been using rubber bullets if there was
no press present? (Can you say 'Ruby Ridge'? Sure
you can...)
What if the grandmother busted for helping a stranger
avoid paying vigorish to the armed thugs by plugging
parking meters had told the thugs, "Fuck you! You
assholes are crazy and out of control. I refuse to
be subject to the insanity of your armed rule over
every detail of the citizen's life."?
She would be one dead cunt...
What's Good For The Gander Is Good For Those Getting Goosed:
Am I overreacting?
I am being muscled by thugs that will murder me over
thirty dollars, just to maintain their control over the
Sheeple that they rule.
Any way you want to cut it, you cannot deny that you know
this is true.
Do you understand?
Do you understand that these people are willing to murder
a compound full of people holding 'eccentric' religious
beliefs--men, women and children--justifying their actions
on the grounds of what they later admit are lies?
Do you understand that instead of admitting to their
criminal actions, they will make criminals of the survivors,
placing them in prisons designed to reinforce upon the
citizenry that even their children will be slaughtered if
they are so bold as to say, "The King has no clothes."
I Know You Can Read...But Can You Understand?:
Can you pick up a paper without reading about some
atrocity being perpetrated on individuals and groups of
citizens by the armed thugs in power?
the last three years, 42,384,672 senior and general
Army officers were accused of offenses including child
molestation and adultery--and not one was prosecuted.
Each was allowed simply to retire.
Sgt. Maj. Gene C. McKinney, however, not being an
officer, faces 55 years in prison for lechery, as
a result of being accused of an act of foreplay
that occured during consensual sex with a woman
not his wife.
Sgt. Maj. McKinney, when reached for comment by
the Left Nutly News, said, "I should have 'accidentally'
killed her after sex. Under the Uniform Code of Military
Justice, negligent homicide only carries a maximum
sentence of *three* years."
Joseph Finder, author of the novel "High Crimes," told
Nutly News reportwhores, in response to allegations that
the Nutly News was misquoting his article and inflating
the numbers involved for shock effect, said, "I write
for the mainstream media. I'm supposed to pretend that
murdering a hundred innocent children makes someone
more of a monster than murdering a single innocent child,
especially if the murderer voted to give my publisher
a huge tax-break for requiring his staff to make certain
that the child was born naked, and thus was obviously
involved in some sort of child-pornography ring."
When asked for comment, a Pentagon spin-liar told
Nutly News reportwhores, "It's called the Uniform Code
of Military Justice because we look at what kind of
uniform they are wearing, and then decide what kind of
justice they are going to get."]
Can you pick up a newspaper without reading about some
totally clueless dickwad--who is licensed to carry a gun,
shoot any citizen on the slightest whim, and then lie
about it in court under cover of a neatly-pressed uniform
and shiny badge--performing some outrageous act that an
ordinary citizen would be lynched for?
role of McGruff, the police dog (Take a bite out of crime)
was unavailable, a fellow police monger called upon the
services of an inmate incarcerated for child molestation
to fill in as McGruff, in a school classroom containing
one of the child rapist's victims.
Although the voice of Charles Darwin could be heard
calling out from the grave, "Put a bullet in this ignorant
Pig's head, before he breeds.", the citizenry merely turned
to the weather section of the paper, to see if the weekend
would be nice enough for them to take their children to
the park, where the same ignorant piece-of-shit police
officer would be in charge of 'serving' the children up
to convicted child-molesters, and 'protecting' himself
from suffering the consequences of his incompetence by
making sure that his union dues were paid up.
When asked for comment, McGruff, the police dog, told
this reportwhore, "The regular guy's not back
you have any you have any pictures of
them naked?"
In the 'Real Sports' section of the same newspaper,
the ClueServer Sports Wire reported the results of the
True Justice Championship Game as: Child Molesters - 1,
Children - 0.]
Lucky Strike, Lucky Green -- by Defcon McCullagh Chainsaw
recorded history, the voice of the netizens has triumphed
over the paid political spin-doctoring of the mainstream
In a startling development with global consequences, the
recent actions taking place in a Cult of One community
in Southern Saskatchewan, the TownShip of MongerItaville,
have been embraced by citizens around the globe in light
of the information reported by independent observers
relaying a wide variety of details via the InterNet and
the World-Wide-Web, rather from the standard government
hand-outs provided to the mainstream media reportwhores
gathered around the free drinks and snacks left over from
Desert Storm.
TruthMonger, the Grand Pooh-Bah(Humbug) of the
physico-virtual nation of MongerItaville, launched
a surprise First Strike against the dangerous armed
thugs who had threatened his physico-virtual existence
over the paltry sum of thirty dollars.
TruthMonger told this reportwhore, "John Lennon called
me the 'Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse' because I used
to say, 'Throw them all in the laundry bag, and let the
maid sort them out.' I know that this statement doesn't
make any sense, but, believe it or not, this is one of
my *good* days."
Cult of One analysts from around the globe agree
that the straw-dog that broke Joe Camel's back was
provided by a post to the CypherPunks mailing list
by Lucky Green and his secret lover, Anna R. Christ.
"We finally understand what 'The Xenix Chainsaw
Massacre' was all about.
"It was about an individual whose brain had been
destroyed from too many electroshock treatments and
years of drug abuse, finally taking a stand and
deciding to do what was right, even though he had
no idea what that meant.
"It was about people who heard the voice barfing
in the wilderness, which told them that it was
OK to tell the fruitcakes wearing crystals around
their necks to go fuck themselves, and kick their
ass if they didn't give them back the five hundred
bucks they paid to take a seminar which was nothing
more than 'The Power of Positive Thinking' with
a Barnum & Bailey/New Age spin-doctoring tacked
on to rook Spiritually Correct Rubes.
"It was about learning to follow your own wisdom,
your own conscience, and give the guru whose ass
you just kicked a few dollars to cover the cost
of the hot-dog provided by the Sufi vendor at
the back of the seminar hall, who delivered on
his promise to '...make you one with everything.'
"It was about ninety pages long..."
Jean Chretien, the former Prime Minister of
Canada, the country brought down by the Cult of
One seperatist movement inspired by the seige
at MongerItaville, said, "You can fool some of
the people all of the time, and all of the people
some of they time, but...hey, we kept the citizens
believing, for a hundred years, that Louis Riel
acted alone..."
When contacted by this reportwhore, God, the Supreme
Creator of the Universe, said that, due to the Cult Of
One phenomena currently sweeping over the face
of the earth, due to everyone now having their
own web site, "Now I, like Dog, speak only for
This is Defcon McCullagh Chainsaw, going with the
flow and mediating on the Zen koan, "Is this a new
spin on the revolution, or vice-versa?"]
Am I Being Silly Again?: what's your point?
Subject: Amazing Program! Make $50,000.00 in 2 months with your computer and the net !
The following is a copy of the e-mail I read:
PRINT this letter, read the directions, THEN READ IT AGAIN !!!
You are about to embark on the most profitable and unique program you
may ever see. Many times over, it has demonstrated and proven its ability
to generate large amounts of cash. This program is showing fantastic appeal
with a huge and ever-growing on-line population desirous of additional
This is a legitimate, LEGAL, money-making opportunity. It does not
require you to come in contact with people, do any hard work, and best of all,
you never have to leave the house, except to get the mail and go to the
This truly is that lucky break you've been waiting for! Simply follow
the easy instructions in this letter, and your financial dreams will come
true! When followed correctly, this electronic, multi-level marketing program
works perfectly...100% EVERY TIME!
Thousands of people have used this program to:
- Raise capital to start their own business
- Pay off debts
- Buy homes, cars, etc.,
- Even retire!
This is your chance, so don't pass it up!
Basically, this is what we do:
We send thousands of people a product for $5.00 that costs next to nothing
to produce and e-mail. As with all multi-level businesses, we build
business by recruiting new partners and selling our products. Every
in the U.S. allows you to recruit new multi- level business online (via
The products in this program are a series of four business and financial
reports costing $5.00 each. Each order you receive via "snail mail"
* $5.00 cash
* The name and number of the report they are ordering
* The e-mail address where you will e-mail them the report they ordered.
To fill each order, you simply e-mail the product to the buyer. THAT'S
The $5.00 is yours! This is the EASIEST electronic multi-level marketing
business anywhere!
******* I N S T R U C T I O N S *******
This is what you MUST do:
1. Order all 4 reports shown on the list below (you can't sell them
if you
don't order them).
* For each report, send $5.00 CASH, the NAME & NUMBER OF THE REPORT
(in case of a problem) to the person whose name appears on the list
to the report.
* When you place your order, make sure you order each of the four
reports. You will need all four reports so that you can save them on
computer and resell them.
* Within a few days you will receive, via e-mail, each of the
reports. Save them on your computer so they will be accessible for you
send to the 1,000's of people who will order them from you.
2. IMPORTANT-- DO NOT alter the names of the people who are listed
next to
each report, or their sequence on the list, in any way other than is
instructed below in steps "a" through "d" or you will lose out on the
majority of your profits. Once you understand the way this works,
also see how it doesn't work if you change it. Remember, this method
been tested, and if you alter it, it will not work.
a. Look below for the listing of available reports.
b. After you've ordered the four reports, replace the name and
under REPORT #1 with your name and address, moving the one that
was there down to REPORT #2.
c. Move the name and address that was under REPORT #2 down to REPORT
d. Move the name and address that was under REPORT #3 down to REPORT
e. The name and address that was under REPORT #4 is removed from
list and has NO DOUBT collected their 50 grand.
Please make sure you copy everyone's name and address ACCURATELY!!!
3. Take this entire letter, including the modified list of names, and
it to your computer. Make NO changes to the instruction portion of
4. Now you're ready to start an advertising campaign on the WORLDWIDE
Advertising on the WEB is very, very inexpensive, and there are HUNDREDS
FREE places to advertise. Another avenue which you could use for advertising
is e-mail lists. You can buy these lists for under $20/2,000 addresses
you can pay someone a minimal charge to take care of it for you.
5. For every $5.00 you receive, all you must do is e-mail them the
This will guarantee that the e-mail THEY send out, with YOUR name and
address on it, will be prompt because they can't advertise until they
receive the report!
***Order Each REPORT by NUMBER and NAME***
- Make sure the cash is concealed by wrapping it in at least two sheets
- On one of those sheets of paper, include: (a) the number & name of
report you are ordering, (b) your e-mail address, and (c) your postal
Tgar Enterprise
P.O. Box 1984
Stafford, VA 22555-1984
RWC Ent.
Unit 50 Hamlyn Road Plaza
Suite #110
St. John's, Newfoundland
Canada, A1E 5X7
MMS Publications
P.O. Box 116101
Carrollton, TX 75011
1011 Cimarron Cir. N.W.
Bradenton, FL 34209
Let's say you decide to start small just to see how well it works. Assume
your goal is to get 10 people to participate on your first level. (Placing
lot of FREE ads on the internet will EASILY get a larger response.)
assume that everyone else in YOUR ORGANIZATION gets ONLY 10 downline
members. Follow this example to achieve the STAGGERING results below.
1st level--your 10 members with $5...........................$50
2nd level--10 members from those 10 ($5 x 100...............$500
3rd level--10 members from those 100 ($5 x 1,000).........$5,000
4th level--10 members from those 1,000 ($5 x 10,000).....$50,000
THIS TOTALS ----------->$55,550
Remember friends, this assumes that the people who participate only
10 people each. Think for a moment what would happen if they got 20
to participate! Most people get 100's of participants! THINK ABOUT
Your cost to participate in this is practically nothing (surely you
afford $20). You obviously already have an internet connection and e-mail
is FREE!!! REPORT#3 shows you the most productive methods for bulk e-mailing
and purchasing e-mail lists. Some list & bulk e-mail vendors even work
About 50,000 new people get online every month!
*******TIPS FOR SUCCESS*******
* TREAT THIS AS YOUR BUSINESS! Be prompt, professional, and follow
directions accurately.
* Send for the four reports IMMEDIATELY so you will have them when
orders start coming in because:
When you receive a $5 order, you MUST send out the requested
product/report to comply with the U.S. Postal & Lottery Laws, Title
18,Sections 1302 and 1341 or Title 18, Section 3005 in the U.S. Code,
Code of Federal Regs. vol. 16, Sections 255 and 436, which state that
product or service must be exchanged for money received."
* Be patient and persistent with this program. If you follow the
instructions exactly, the results WILL undoubtedly be SUCCESSFUL!
Follow these guidelines to guarantee your success:
If you don't receive 10 to 20 orders for REPORT #1 within two weeks,
continue advertising until you do. Then, a couple of weeks later you
receive at least 100 orders for REPORT #2. If you don't, continue
advertising until you do. Once you have received 100 or more orders
REPORT #2, YOU CAN RELAX, because the system is already working for
you, and
the cash will
continue to roll in!
Every time your name is moved down on the list, you are placed in front
a DIFFERENT report. You can KEEP TRACK of your PROGRESS by watching
report people are ordering from you. If you want to generate more income,
send another batch of e-mails and start the whole process again! There
no limit to the income you will generate from this business!
NOTE: If you need help with starting a business, registering a business
name, how income tax is handled, etc., contact your local office of
Small Business Administration (a Federal agency) for free help and answers
to questions. Also, the Internal Revenue Service offers free help via
telephone and free seminars about business taxes.
*******T E S T I M O N I A L S*******
This program does work, but you must follow it EXACTLY! Especially
the rule of not trying to place your name in a different position, it
work and you'll lose a lot of potential income. I'm living proof that
works. It really is a great opportunity to make relatively easy money,
little cost to you. If you do choose to participate, follow the program
exactly, and you'll be on your way to financial security.
Sean McLaughlin, Jackson, MS
My name is Frank. My wife, Doris, and I live in Bel-Air, MD. I
am a cost accountant with a major U.S. Corporation and I make pretty good
money. When I received the program I grumbled to Doris about receiving "junk
mail ". I made fun of the whole thing, spouting my knowledge of the population
and percentages involved. I "knew" it wouldn't work. Doris totally ignored
my supposed intelligence and jumped in with both feet. I made merciless
fun of her, and was ready to lay the old "I told you so" on her when the thing
didn't work... well, the laugh was on me! Within two weeks she had
received over 50 responses. Within 45 days she had received over $147,200
in $5 bills! I was shocked! I was sure that I had it all figured and that
it wouldn't work. I AM a believer now. I have joined Doris in her "hobby."
I did have seven more years until retirement, but I think of the "rat
race" and it's not for me. We owe it all to MLM.
Frank T., Bel-Air, MD
I just want to pass along my best wishes and encouragement to you.
Any doubts you have will vanish when your first orders come in. I even checked
with the U.S. Post Office to verify that the plan was legal. It definitely
is! IT WORKS!!!
Paul Johnson, Raleigh, NC
The main reason for this letter is to convince you that this system
is honest, lawful, extremely profitable, and is a way to get a large amount
of money in a short time. I was approached several times before I checked
this out. I joined just to see what one could expect in return for the minimal
effort and money required. To my astonishment, I received $36,470.00
in the first 14 weeks, with money still coming in.
Sincerely yours, Phillip A. Brown, Esq.
Not being the gambling type, it took me several weeks to make up
my mind to participate in this plan. But conservative that I am, I decided
that the initial investment was so little that there was just no way that
I wouldn't get enough orders to at least get my money back. Boy, was I
surprised when I found my medium-size post office box crammed with orders!
For awhile, it got so overloaded that I had to start picking up my mail
at the window. I'll make more money this year than any 10 years of my life
before. The nice thing about this deal is that it doesn't matter where
in the U.S. the people live. There simply isn't a better investment with
a faster return.
Mary Rockland, Lansing, MI
I had received this program before. I deleted it, but later I wondered
if I shouldn't have given it a try. Of course, I had no idea who to
contact to get another copy, so I had to wait until I was e-mailed another
program...11 months passed then it came...I didn't delete this one!...I
made more than $41,000 on the first try!!
D. Wilburn, Muncie, IN
This is my third time to participate in this plan. We have quit
our jobs, and will soon buy a home on the beach and live off the interest
on our money. The only way on earth that this plan will work for you is if
you do it. For your sake, and for your family's sake don't pass up this golden
opportunity. Good luck and happy spending!
Charles Fairchild, Spokane, WA
My name is John and I live in Bradenton, FL. a friend of mine has
mad $15,000 and is driving around a new jeep chrrokee and it makes me jealous!!!
So I am going to try it and collect my $5 bills!!!!!!!!
John Miller, Bradenton Florida
Saturday 2/28/98 7:22 PM
Tim May
Just saw your stuff at
Got in the mail today
Volume 9, Number 4, 1997
The Official Journal of the
Division of Military Psychology
American Psychological Association
Special Issue: Effects of Chemical Protective
Clothing of Military Performance
Guest Editors: Gerald P. Krueger and
Louis E. Banderet
IÂ’ll transcribe some of the text.
The US government drugs soldiers before they go into battle.
Trust me.
Banderet was ANOTHER of my Ph. D. students.
Title: HP Crypto Export
28 February 1998
Date: Sat, 28 Feb 1998 14:18:22 -0500
To: cypherpunks(a)
From: Michael Elder <melder(a)>
Subject: HP Crypto Export
>From the NY Times online (
February 28, 1998
Hewlett-Packard Granted License For Encryption System
By Peter Wayner
The Commerce Department has granted Hewlett-Packard an export license for
its VerSecure encryption architecture allowing the company and its
licensees to export strong encryption tools, the company announced Friday.
The catch is that the products must take their orders from a central
computer system that will dictate how all the products will behave in each
The company hopes that the solution would break the deadlock between the
Clinton Administration, which continues to restrict the export of secure
computer technology throughout the world, and the computer industry, which
contends that foreigners are not interested in buying products that don't
protect their secrets.
The new solution effectively disconnects the problem of distributing
encryption technology from the process of determining the policy for
government access to information. The heart is a new class of trusted
hardware cards and chips that take their orders from a central company
known as a Security Domain Authority or SDA. In countries, like France,
that require people to keep a record of keys for unlocking data, the SDA
would only allow the computers to encrypt information if it complied with
the laws. In countries with no laws about encryption usage like the United
States, Germany and Great Britain, the SDA would allow users to encrypt in
whatever manner they choose.
Hewlett-Packard sees the solution as a win for the industry, which will be
able to build one set of hardware and software that can be shipped
throughout the world. The SDA's will set the local rules because the
computers will not encrypt information without first getting permission
from the SDA.
Doug McGowan, one of the director of Hewlett-Packard's efforts, said in a
telephone interview, "Never before has a general purpose cryptography tool
been exportable from the United States, with or without key recovery. We're
opening a huge market for American industry to enable commerce on a
worldwide basis."
The price for this flexibility is the need for specialized hardware that
treats the SDA as its master. In an ordinary computer, the owner can
control all aspects of what the computer does. This extra hardware will
raise the price of machines and is bound to be more expensive than software
which can be distributed at minimal cost.
Feisal Mosleh, a business development manager at Hewlett-Packard, pointed
out that specialized hardware can offer faster performance and more
security. "It is very hardware-specific with the flexibility of software
and that gives us a lot of strength in terms of tamper resistance" he said
in a phone interview.
Many security experts continue to point out that general-use microcomputers
and their operating systems are dangerously insecure. In one recent attack,
hackers were able to begin transfers from a bank account by manipulating
accounting software. Off-loading the process to specialized hardware makes
it simpler to ensure that the system is secure because the special hardware
has only one job.
Hewlett-Packard says that it is licensing the architecture to a number of
different computer vendors and announced that IBM, Motorola, CertCo,
Trusted Information System, Microsoft and RSA Data Securities had already
signed licenses. The vendors will be free to choose how they implement the
special computer hardware, but most will probably use firmware with an
embedded microprocessor. The initial version will reportedly include DES,
tripleDES, RSA, RC2, RC4 and DiffieHellman algorithms. Each of these
solutions can be sped up by specialized hardware, but only a general
microprocessor can handle all of them with equal agility.
The specialized hardware will also be tamper-proof to prevent people from
circumventing the commands of the SDA. When an encryption card is first
started up, it cannot begin working until it has received instructions from
an SDA in its country. This information is contained in a "policy token."
Joe Beyers, general manager of Hewlett-Packard's Internet Software business
unit, explained, "The token says, 'You can use this amount of key, this
amount of strength for this amount of time.'"
Beyers went on to say, "The aspect of time allows the government to evolve
their policy. Time limits are one of the attributes that made it attractive
to the U.S. government." It would be possible for a government to change
policy with the system from time to time, perhaps forcing citizens to use
long keys in time of war to protect themselves and then relaxing the policy
after peace emerged.
In the current plan, policy tokens would be good for one year, forcing
computers to re-register with an SDA in order to keep working. The SDA
would have no control of a token after it was issued and would only be able
to change policies at the renewal.
The relationship between the SDA and the key recovery program is more
difficult to describe. The SDA would not keep any records of any keys that
would allow the police to eavesdrop on calls. But the policy tokens would
force the embedded hardware to obey the local laws that might include key
recovery. The FBI has asked Congress to mandate key recovery systems that
give it clear access to all communications.
The yearly interrogation between the SDA and the individual computers does
not mean that the system will be foolproof. Someone could simply carry a
laptop from a country that allows personal privacy to a country with more
invasive laws and use it freely until the policy token runs out. Also, it
may be possible to spoof the token authorization procedure by pretending
that the request came from one country instead of another.
Some critics found the use of special hardware to be problematic. Jim
Lucier, a policy analyst for the Americans for Tax Reform, a Republican
think tank, pointed out that specialized hardware was ignored by the
marketplace in the past. "None of it ever works" he said, "because the more
obvious solution, which is end-to-end encryption, is already there."
Lucier also pointed out that specialized hardware is more complicated to
engineer and much more expensive to distribute than software. "Atoms cost
more than bits, it just comes down to that," he said. In a press conference
Friday morning, Beyers promised that the new hardware was "months, not
years away" and also promised that the hardware costs would be as low as
Marc Rotenberg, director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center,
suggested that replacing the current export control bureaucracy with a
network of SDA's was not a significant advance. "Government efforts to
regulate crypto will only slow the development of commerce," he said.
In fact, the decision by the United States government to grant a license to
Hewlett-Packard's architecture is far from liberating. Companies making
VerSecure products can only ship them to countries approved by the United
States government, a list which at this time is limited to the United
Kingdom, Germany, France, Denmark and Australia. More countries will become
open if and when they create an SDA infrastructure that is acceptable to
the United States.
Hewlett-Packard has gone to great lengths to prevent rogue nations from
setting up their own unauthorized SDA's by cloning hardware. The
infrastructure uses CertCo's secure certificate servers to restrict the
ability to create the software necessary to build the tokens. Beyers says
that no one person at Hewlett-Packard has the ability to do this in order
to reduce the potential for corruption and theft.
Hewlett-Packard is also working heavily with foreign countries to assure
them that the system does not include back doors that might be accessible
by the United States government. Beyers said that the company had retained
an international group of cryptographic experts to vet the system and allay
any fears of hidden back doors.
A press release from Hewlett-Packard quoted William A. Reinsch,
undersecretary of commerce, as saying, "We are pleased to support HP's
effort to develop and market encryption products that encourage the use of
key recovery in providing robust, secure encryption. This approval and our
ongoing dialogue with the industry are consistent with the Clinton
Administration's goal of allowing the market to develop recoverable
encryption products."
Peter Wayner at pwayner(a) welcomes your comments and suggestions.
Copyright 1998 The New York Times Company
Date: Sat, 28 Feb 1998 12:08:30 -0800
To: Michael Elder <melder(a)>, cypherpunks(a)
From: Tim May <tcmay(a)>
Subject: Re: HP Crypto Export
At 11:18 AM -0800 2/28/98, Michael Elder wrote:
>>From the NY Times online (
>Hewlett-Packard Granted License
>For Encryption System
>known as a Security Domain Authority or SDA. In countries, like France,
>that require people to keep a record of keys for unlocking data, the SDA
>would only allow the computers to encrypt information if it complied with
>the laws. In countries with no laws about encryption usage like the United
>States, Germany and Great Britain, the SDA would allow users to encrypt in
>whatever manner they choose.
Until, of course, the U.S. changes its policy.
A constant danger with any of these "solutions" is that they make later
imposition of controls so much easier. Consider the implications of
widespread deployment of the HP-type system (which, BTW, I don't think will
happen in the U.S., or elsewhere).
A simple change in the law and all new tokens (and they must be renewed
yearly, so says HP) will implement the new law.
The camel's nose in the tent strategy.
The HP/IBM product is perniciously evil and should be fought with all
technical and memetic means.
--Tim May
Just Say No to "Big Brother Inside"
Timothy C. May | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES: 408-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
Higher Power: 2^3,021,377 | black markets, collapse of governments.
Title: Untitled Document
Viewing this page requires a browser capable of displaying frames.
Friday February 27, 1998 3:15 PM
By e-mail and US mail
Lieutenant General Kenneth A Minihan, USAF
Director, National Security Agency
National Security Agency
9800 Savage Road
Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755-6000
Dear General Minihan:
Purposes of the letter are to
1 request information under the Freedom of Information Act
2 explore settlement possibilities of our current lawsuit.
In about 1986 Sandia National Laboratories assigned me the
task of design and construction of a Comprehensive Test Ban
Treaty seismic data authenticator.
In the initial stages of the project, Sandia cryptographer
Gustavus Simmons attempted to convince both Sandia
management and NSA employees Tom White, Mark Unkenholtz,
and Ed Georgio that a form of public key authentication should
replace NSA employee Ronald Benincasa's National Seismic
Station/Unmaned Seismic Observatory 11-bit data authentication
My Sandia supervisor John Holovka and project leader H B [Jim]
Durham ordered me to write a paper explaining public key
This paper, RSA ENCRYPTION, along with my SAND report
describing my implementation of Benincasa's algorithm and
filings in our lawsuit, now appear on Internet at, click CRYPTOME, then OpEd,
Sandia explored the merits of switching from Benincasa's
algorithm to a public key-based authentication method suggested
by Simmons.
For Sandia's evaluation of the merits of public key, electronic tagging,
and Bureau of Engraving and Printing projects , I bought for Sandia
samples both the Cylink CY1024 and AT&T A & B two chip sets for
modulo m arithmetic computations.
NSA employee Tom White sent me a copy of the SECRET classified
NSA report on IBM's hardware public key chip FIREFLY.
I wrote in my tutorial paper
RSA hardware computations
The slow speed of software RSA computations plus the potential
wide use prompted several companies to build chips which compute
modular arithmetic to at least several hundred bits. Most of
these chips "cascade" to compute with a larger number of bits.
Corporations involved in building these chips are
1 IBM Firefly
2 AT&T
3 Motorola (apparently a three chip set)
4 Cylink Pittway-First alert
5 Sandia Labs (Algorithm M and predecessor chip)
Details of the IBM chip is classified. AT&T as of July 1987 has
not released details of their chip. Little information is
available on the Motorola chip set.
The Cylink chip is commercially available. Its price dropped
from $1,500 to $600 each in June 1987. Data is transferred to
and from the chip with serial shift register communication.
The early Sandia chip was limited in speed. The replacement
chip is cascadeable, communicates with 8 or 16 bits parallel,
matches the speed of the Cylink chip, but is not out of
Rumors circulate that there is about an order of magnitude
performance difference between some of these chips.
These hardware chips improve exponentiation speed about 3 orders
of magnitude over software implementation benchmarked on an Intel
8086 family microcomputer.
Whitfield Diffie writes about both the Cylink and Sandia chips. And
is quoted at
Sandia had terrible luck with its public key chips.
I reported SOME of the troubles to Electronic Engineering Times editor
Loring Wirbel [] on March 23, 1994.
Dr. John Wisniewski was a supervisor at Sandia's Center for
Radiation-hardened Microelectronics. Wisniewski was a graduate
student at Washington State University in about 1975. I was a
professor at WSU.
Wisniewski knows all about the failing Sandia chips in the nuclear
arsenal. I took notes on February 13, 1993. Wisniewski reviewed
the problems again for me.
1 No quality initiative. Each chip lot had a different
2 Overall yield - 40-50%. Down to 10% after packaging.
3 Metalization problems. No planarization. No flow of
glass. Couldn't use high temperature. Step coverage
problems. Layed down over tension. 100% field returns
over several years.
4 Sandia would store lots of parts for replacements.
Sandia management made the decision to place low yield parts in
the nuclear arsenal. Sandia must meet DOD schedules management
reasoned. Hundreds of millions spent on CRM. Sandia must show
Wisniewski told me that low yield chip test survivors are those
whichthe tests failed to detect failures. Wisniewski will talk.
503-625-6408. Wisniewski now works for Intel in Oregon. Have
Wisniewski tell you about the fire in the CRM clean room!
Sandia supervisor Jerry Allen later told me it cost $300,000 each to remove
Sandia's failing chips at Pantex from a nuclear bomb.
NSA apparently is biased toward hardware implementations of cryptographic
and authentication algorithms. As opposed to software implementation.
NSA representatives and Sandia management decided not to use a public
key authentication scheme for its CTBT seismic data authenticator because
of all of the problems with implementing public key algorithms.
But NSA surely has spent MUCH MONEY on public key chip implementations.
NSA is promoting its Clipper crypto chips as described at
And we get some information about technical specifications of NSA's Clipper
chip at
Clipper Chip Information
1 micron double level metal CMOS technology
0.35 watts power
28 pin plastic leaded chip carrier (PLCC) package
Transistor to transistor logic (TTL) interface
Chip ID, family key and device unique key are installed at
Chip ID, family key and device unique key are installed at programming
facility and are completely transparent to the user.
Therefore, Under the provision of the Freedom of Information Act,
5 USC 552, I am requesting access to:
1 Copies of all invoices from
B Motorola
D Sandia National Laboratories
to NSA for payments for developing ANY public key-related chips between
January 1, 1980 and February 27, 1998.
2 Copies of all invoices to NSA from ANY corporation involved in
of ANY Clipper chip-related hardware between January 1, 1980 and
February 27, 1998.
The public has a right to know how much NSA spent on TRYING monoploize the
crypto business.
If there are any fees for searching for, or copying, the records I have
requested, please inform me before you fill the request.
As you know, the Act permits you to reduce or waive the fees when the
release of the information is considered as "primarily benefiting the
I believe that this requests fits that category and I therefore ask that
you waive any fees.
If all or any part of this request is denied, please cite the specific
exemption(s) which you think justifies your refusal to release the information and inform me of your agency's administrative appeal procedures available to me under the law.
I would appreciate your handling this request as quickly as possible, and I
look forward to hearing from you within 20 working days, as the law stipulates.
With respect to our current FOIA lawsuit, I feel that we should settle this
unfortunate matter.
I see from your biography at and that you are
1979 Distinguished Graduate
Master of Arts degree in National Security Affairs
Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, California
One of my former M.S. and Ph.D students in Computer Science,
Ted Lewis, is currently the chairman of Computer Science at
Naval Postgraduate School []
Small world.
But I think that this emphasizes that WE SHOULD all be on the same side.
Not engaged in a conflict in US federal court. Or on Internet.
NSA attempts to withhold requested information are possibly unwise.
In our wired world the aggrieved know what happened to them.
And moderates in Iran, [] appear
want settlement too.
My family and I have been damaged by these crypto wars.
I ask you that consider fair settlement of damages caused by the National
Security Agency.
I cannot find your e-mail address on Internet.
Therefore I will forward the e-mail copy of this FOIA/settlement letter to
Ray Kammer of NIST [] who along with the FBI
[,] and NSA
are trying to control the crypto business so that Kammer can possibly
forward an e-mail copy of the FOIA/Settlement letter to you.
William Payne
13015 Calle de Sandias
Albuquerque, NM 87111
505-292-7037 [I am not reading e-mail]
Saturday 2/28/98 9:44 PM
I transcribe some of what I got in the mail today.
Volume 9, Number 4, 1997
The Official Journal of the
Division of Military Psychology
American Psychological Association
Special Issue: Effects of Chemical Protective
Clothing of Military Performance
Guest Editors: Gerald P. Krueger and
Louis E. Banderet
Psychological Aspects of Chemical Defense and Warfare
James W. Stokes
U.S. Army Medical Department Center and School
Fort Sam Houston, Texas
Louis E. Banderet
U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine
Natick, Massachusetts
Concerns about chemical, biological, or radiation (CBR) weapons and
their potential for warfare can be very stressful. Such concerns
people to unfamiliar threats in highly ambiguous situations, in which
people feel they may be wronged or they are helpless. Maladaptive
psychological overreactions or underreactions may result. Such
to chemical warfare are illustrated with the experience from World War
the 1991 Persian Gulf War, and the 1995 terrorist attack in the Tokyo
subway. General principles of psychology suggest strategies and
tactics for
training and materiel development that should enhance military
and reduce maladaptive stress in CBR threat situations. Some of these
may be relevant to nonmilitary law enforcement and relief agencies
that manage
CBR threats.
page 395.
Now I transcribe some of the more relevant stuff.
Effects of Chemical Protective Clothing on Military Performance:
A Review of the Issues
Gerald P. Krueger
Star Mountain, Inc.
Alexandria, Virginia
Lous E. Banderet
U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine
Natick, Massachusetts
This review in this special issue of Military Psychology on the
effects of chemical
protective clothing (CPC) on military performance provide a historical
on continued anxieties over likely use of battlefield
chemical-biological weapons and
summarizes significant concerns of military personnel weaning CPC in
training and
combat. This review describes pschophysiological stresses such
protective ensembles
have on personnel and how these affect military performance, and it
summarizes major
military psychological research program on the effect of wearing CPC.
This article
reviews what is known about wearing CPC, describes future CPC
developments, and
identifies domains for improved military training with CPC.
There are many medical, physiological and psychological reactions from
exposure to
chemical-biological (C-B) weapons. Many bio-warfare agents and most
chemical weapons
are designed to interfere with function of the nervous system and to
disrupt normal control
of vital organ systems that sustain life. For example, the more
common chemical war
nerve agents involve organophosphate compounds, similar to
insecticides, that inhibit
cholinesterase enzymes throughout the body. Because cholinesterase
acetylcholine where ever liberated, this inhibition results in
excessive concentrations of
acetylcholine at various sites - from the ending of the
parasympathetic nerves to smooth
muscles of the iris, ciliary body, bronchi, gastrointestinal trace,
bladder, and blood vessels;
to secretary gland of the respiratory tractÂ’ and to endings of the
sympathetic nerves to sweat
glands (Newhouse, 1987; Simmons et at 1989). Exposure to large
amounts of nerve agent
may lead to loss of muscle control, twitching, paralysis,
unconsciousness, convulsions,
coma, and even death. The most common cause of death after acute
exposure is respiratory
arrest. Death may occur within minutes or take several hours.
In terms of psychological functioning, moderate but nonlethal
exposure to nerve agent
produces severe impairment in cognition, vigilance, memory and
language. Acute
intoxication produces confusion, drowsiness, and difficulty in
concentration (Newhouse,
1987). These impairment make it difficult to continue to perform may
soldier tasks.
Effects on cognition may persist after only a slight exposure.
Performance improvement
appears to correlate with the bodyÂ’s regeneration of
acetycholinesterase, usually requiring
several months.
Neurophysychological testing (Newhouse, 1987) reveals that chronic
exposure to
organophosphates significantly impairs higher mental function
requiring use of the frontal
lobes, particularly the left lobe. Organophosphate poisoning
selectively impairs memory of
recently learned information, and this impairment is likely related to
cholinergic involvement
in the memory processes. The effects include defects in long-term
memory, visual searching,
and response alteration - effects similar to those caused by a frontal
lobotomy. In chronically
exposed individuals, speed of task performance and overall cognitive
efficiency also declines.
Persistent visual impairments are reported in workers poisoned with
insecticides, and acute poisoning impair oculomotor function.
Poisoning with nerve agents may
also cause psychiatric disturbances such as depression.
Use of C-B weapons results not only in large number of physical
casualties on the battlefield
by in may psychological casualties as well. Concern over the mere
threat that C-B weapons
might be used raises battlefield anxiety of combatants and can produce
a level of fear
disproportionate to that evoked by countless alternative conventional
battlefield means of
killing or maiming, such a with guns, artillery, and bombs. Such
anxieties can create large
numbers of psychological stress casualties contribution to unit
ineffectiveness on the battlefield
and combat losses. Such adverse emotions may also cause posttraumatic
stress disorders after
combat ceases.
Modern military forces recognize the C-B weapons can be the
attention-getting equivalent
of a poor countryÂ’s nuclear weapons. Such weapons can be
counter-acted, however, and
concerned nations prepare their forces to preserve their health and
safety against C-B
warfare. ...
I will send a complete copy to John Young.
So I skip to the next section.
Although biological warfare was used centuries ago by the Romans and
was used in the
14th century by the Tartars, who catapulted plague-infected bodies
into cities under
siege (Hewish, 1997), military forces have made scant use of
biological warfare in modern
times. The more recent innovation of chemical warfare dates to 1914
when the French used
tear gas against unprotected German forces, who in turn introduced
chlorine and phosgene
in 1915 and mustard gas in 1917 against the British, who sustained
14,000 casualties in
3 months (Hewish, 1997). May World Ware I soldiers were grotesquely
injured or died in gas
war trenches in France and Russia; RussiaÂ’s gas casualties exceed a
half million, including
50,000 fatalities (Westerhoff, 1980).
In 1925, many countries signed a Geneva Protocol prohibiting first
use of chemical and
bacteriological weapons. However, during the 1930s, several
countries, notably Germany,
encouraged chemists to develop chemical weapons as a by-product of
insecticide research
production. By World War II, Germany and powers stockpiled huge
caches of chemical, but
probably due to fear of in-kind retaliation, chemical weapons were not
used in World War II.
After the war, GermanyÂ’s organophoshporous arsenal fell into Russian
hands, and for the next
50 years, military forces relegated C-B warfare efforts to relatively
quiet development programs
for future battlefields.
Since World War II, C-B weapons have been employed several times on
a relatively small
scale. In the 1970s, the Vietnamese used chemical and “yellow rain”
biological agents in
Cambodian jungles, the Soviets used chemical in Afghanistan (U.S.
Department of State,
1980), Iraq used sulfur mustard and other chemical in the Iran-Iraq
conflict (1979-1980),
and Iraq used chemical in 1980 - this time against its own people, the
northern Kurds
(Studeville, 1997).
There have been periodic threats to use chemical weapons on a grand
scale. In the
1970s, the Warsaw Pact possessed huge stockpiles of chemical weapons (
mostly soman,
cyanide, and mustard gas), and Soviet chemical warfare teams openly
conducted extensive
training in gas warfare tactics. Such readiness for large scale C-B
warfare was underscored
in the Persian Gulf War of 1991, as Iraq threatened to use chemical
(sarin) and biologicals
(anthrax spores) against coalition forces and possibly against
neighboring cities in Saudi
Arabia and Israel (Begley, Barry, & Hager, 1991). By January 1991,
Saudi Arabia had
predug 50,000 graves planned for burying civilian (noncombat)
casualties expected to
succumb to Iraqi chemical poisoning from anticipated rocket attacks on
Saudi cities or
aerosols drifting from the battlefields (Kaplan, 1991).
Although Iraq did not unleash such chemical, and the battles were
ultimately short,
many U.S. military personnel may been exposed to chemical during the
March 1991
destruction of Iraqi weapon stockpiled (mostly sarin) near Khamisiyah,
Iraq (Stuteville,
1997). The U. S. government continue to investigate whether exposures
to chemical
agents may have contributed to the so-called Gulf War illnesses
experienced by many
U.S. military veterans of that encounter. Exposure of soldiers to
multiple chemical and
and environmental stressors may be linked to psychophysiological
illnesses that manifest
in symptomatology such as disabling fatigue, insomnia, malaise, joint
and muscle pains,
skin sores, hair loss, and gastrointestinal and respiratory
difficulties (Brown &
Priest, 1996). Others asset that U.S. military personnel were exposed
to Iraq chemical
warfare from Scud missiles, artillery and aircraft (Stuteville, 1997)
Open, frank, public news of existent military chemical stockpiles,
proliferation of chemical
or biological weaponry, and periodic ‘saber-ratting’ threats to use
such weapons amplify world
public concerns over the enormity of what someday could be a horrific
chemical or biological
calamity. Unprotected civilian populations fear they may be
deliberately attacked by
chemical and biological weapons or inadvertently by aerosol warfare
agents drifting into
populated areas of a battlefield. Disastrous incident like the one in
1984 at a chemical
factory in Bhopal, India, which killed over 2,000 people and sickened
countless others,
sensitized citizenry to the lethal potential of such chemical
compounds. In 1995, terrorist
attacks on the Tokyo subway, and news media discussion of possible use
of nerve agents in
terrorist disruption of public gathering like the 1992 and 1996
Olympics, heightened Public
fears over such chemical incidents have become almost visceral. News
of recent advances
in genetic technologies (Dando, 1997) suggest use of future
biological weapons with
unprecedented insidiousness and specificity is possible. Moreover,
the mass media and media
expert sources remind the public that the United States may not be
adequately prepared or
trained to defend itself against chemical or biological warfare (Beal,
1997). ...
Send more money, of course.
BanderetÂ’s Ph. D. thesis article is
Visual Marking Following Transient Adaptation
Journal of the Optical Society of America, Vol 51, 7 955-958
July 1971
Banderet has worked for US Army Institute of Environmental Medicine
since 1971.
Banderet is another of my former Ph. D. students. In human factors, not
computer science.
US soldiers, of course, need some tranquilizers to calm them down is the
face of such
threats. To improve battlefield performance.
Keep in mind guys that the US goverment is not above killing a bunch of
own citizens for its own BUSINESS goals.
Keep up-wind
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17 Dec '03
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With regard to:
> Hewlett-Packard Granted License For Encryption System
> The Commerce Department has granted Hewlett-Packard an
> export license for its VerSecure encryption architecture...
> The catch is that the products must take their orders
> from a central computer...will dictate how...products
> will behave in each country.
No fucking way!
> The company hopes that the solution would break the
> deadlock between the Clinton Administration...and the
> computer industry...
"The company hopes that its solution of a gun that will
shoot forward in jurisdictions that allow possession of
firearms and backward in jurisdictions that prohibit same
will break the deadlock between overweening, self-inflated,
scum-sucking, dog-fucking, shit-brained totalitarians and
those seeking nothing more than to be LEFT THE FUCK ALONE."
Whores! Two-dollar whores! 25-cent whores! HP can stick its
encryption card and everything else it makes straight up
its mercenary ass. HP just created a powerful incentive for
a lot of very capable and creative people to see to it that
HP products don't exactly shine in the marketplace, if you
get my drift.
> The new solution effectively disconnects the problem
> of distributing encryption technology from the process
> of determining the policy for government access to
> information.
Wonderful! That's like selling nerve gas that calls
Washington to ask permission before it deploys. Stupid,
stupid, STUPID fucking assholes!
> The heart is a new class of trusted hardware cards and
> chips that take their orders from a central company
> known as a Security Domain Authority or SDA. In countries
> like France that require people to keep a record of keys
> for unlocking data, the SDA would only allow the computers
> to encrypt information if it complied with the laws.
The communists were right on one point. Capitalists will
sell them the rope that will be used to hang them. And
hang their children. Stupid, stupid, STUPID!
> In countries with no laws about encryption usage like
> the United States, Germany and Great Britain, the SDA
> would allow users to encrypt in whatever manner they
> choose.
Yeah, _today_. And what about _tomorrow_, you astronomical
fuckwits? What about when the USG decides that with this
neat mechanism in place they will just advise Slavery
Central that citizen-units in the US may no longer encrypt
things "in whatever manner they choose?"
Names. We need names publicized. Who thought of this
monstrous product? Who approved it? Who developed it? Who
signed off on it, saying, "Yeah, this will really make
our stockholders proud! Who gives a shit if their kids and grandchildren live under the iron fist of a U.S.
technocratic dictatorship? We're gonna score a few points
here, make a little extra bonus this year, lock it in with
a couple of patents... Who cares if we all end up with
brainchip implants?"
> Hewlett-Packard sees the solution as a win for the
> industry, which will be able to build one set of
> hardware and software that can be shipped throughout
> the world. The SDA's will set the local rules because
> the computers will not encrypt information without
> first getting permission from the SDA.
This is too abominable for words. It's the ultimate
sell-out. I know now that there is no hope, not even
a spark of the flame of freedom to illuminate the gloom
into which we are headed. What's the use of being a
well-behaved citizen-unit when this kind of utter shit
is afoot or underfoot? It's war. It's always been war,
we just haven't understood that it was war. The other
side has understood it from the start.
> Doug McGowan, one of the director of Hewlett-Packard's
> efforts, said in a telephone interview, "Never before
> has a general purpose cryptography tool been exportable
> from the United States, with or without key recovery.
> We're opening a huge market for American industry to
> enable commerce on a worldwide basis."
!!! Some justification, eh Doug? Hey Doug! When they ask
for cerebral implants that explode on command, will you
offer a similar product that checks with Citizen Control
Central before detonating, to make sure the target is in
a country that authorizes it? "Hey, no problem!" says
Doug. "Our new CerebSecure will only explode heads in
countries like Iran, Iraq, Cuba, and North Korea when
people attempt to make unauthorized purchases with its
electronic purse feature. In countries with no laws
about political or religious transactions like the
United States, Germany^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H and Great
Britain, the SDA would allow users to purchase in
whatever manner they choose."
> The price for this flexibility is the need for
> specialized hardware that treats the SDA as its
> master. In an ordinary computer, the owner can
> control all aspects of what the computer does.
> This extra hardware will raise the price of machines
> and is bound to be more expensive than software which
> can be distributed at minimal cost.
Yeah, this is just the kind of thing that Americans, even
with their severly dulled sense of freedom, will run
right out to buy! Sure. First we can expect to see the
feds mandate this for all government purchases, then at
some point mandate the chipset for all computers, then
outlaw encryption that doesn't use the chipset. And I
don't even own a crystal ball anymore!
> Feisal Mosleh [said], " us a lot of
> strength in terms of tamper resistance."
OK, I give up. Where is the tamper resistance for the
Constitution? Is anybody working on that? HEL-lo????
<deathly still silence>
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> > : Didn't the government finally back down on their
> > : attempt to legally kill the Unabomber?
> > This point strikes me as pretty funny. Kinda like a nurse rooting
> > for Charles Starkweather.
>Or trying to be consistent.
>Raygun: abortion is killing, but pro-death penalty.
>If killing is wrong, killing again is wrong.
No consistency involved - many of them would like to kill him.
But they've Got Their Man, and he's made it clear that a trial
will be difficult, long, expensive, involve lots of firing lawyers
and arguing about mental competency, and generally be trouble,
and he's offered to plead guilty if they won't kill him.
Even though he's a highly intelligent cold-blooded killer,
he's also close enough to crazy that the public will have
enough sympathy for him that killing him won't be highly popular,
especially because his brother wouldn't have turned him in
if he'd expected him to be killed.
Also, while his killings have been somewhat scary and weird,
they haven't generated the kind of public outrage that the
OKCity bombing did, with dead babies on the front page of the papers.
The defendents there are going to get killed, and the public
is going to enjoy it, and the Neilsen Ratings will be high.
>Next time, the killer might not be caught because
>the person who recognized (yea traffic analysis)
>his talktalk might not want them killed as a result.
>i.e. in the long run it will save lives.
I think you're right here.
Bill Stewart, bill.stewart(a)
PGP Fingerprint D454 E202 CBC8 40BF 3C85 B884 0ABE 4639