Terminating Resistor III - SPACE ALIENS HIDE M DRUGS!!!
OK, so it doesn't come as a major surprise to anyone.
Nevertheless, our world-view tends to be limited to, and shaped by, the
information that we are 'allowed' to access. Even if we are aware of the
fact that the government is undoubtedly going full-steam ahead in areas
such as cloning research and merger of artificial intelligence with
artificial life forms, we don't give much thought to the implications
and possible consequences of exotic, secret research and experimentation,
because we don't have enough information about what is going on behind
closed government doors to make any judgements.
The information that we *do* get about out-of-control government actions
and policies invariably comes after-the-fact, or at a time that we are
*told* is after-the-fact.
("We stopped doing that years ago. Joe doesn't work here, anymore. We
got rid of the bad apples, and now it's just us GoodGuys left...")
A friend of mine did computer work for an Arizona neurologist who put
electrodes and steel plates in the skulls of monkeys, rabbits, etc., in
order to do brain-mapping (one of the major areas of mind-control
research), in order to study Parkinson's Disease.
The neurologist was approached by a research foundation that was very
interested in giving him a grant to work with children, instead of with
animals. This has become an acceptable area of experimentation (a quick
study of those involved easily links them to a variety of intelligence
agencies). Their offer was refused as a result of the format and structure
of the proposal obviously being geared more toward providing information
and results that had more to do with learning methods to control aberrant
behavior than with benefitting the proposed child subjects.
After his refusal, his current grant was canceled, and he was again
made the offer, which he accepted.
Dr. Ewen Cameron, the Canadian MKULTRA mind-butcherer, was instrumental
in helping the CIA to see the benefit of taking an 'interdisciplinary'
approach to mind-control.
Although Dr. Cameron's basic method was to combine a wide variety of
medical, biological, psychiatric, anthropological, et al, methods using
his own limited knowledge, in your basic VoodooLeeches methodology, the
CIA and military intelligence agencies began consolidating the various
arenas of mind/human-conditioning research and experimentation by helping
to sychronize the research of a wide body of educational and research
professionals in divergent fields of expertise.
As a result of directing the focus and evolution of the majority of
scientific and psychological research in North America through control
of the funding mechanisms and access to research publishing, the American
intelligence community has managed to merge the research community into
an integrated tool for delivering the information and results desired
by the Controllers for their own grand designs.
John Lily, a respected cutting-edge researcher told the intelligence
community to "Fuck off!" when they approached him with an offer to fund
his research on the condition that it become secret/classified.
Lily suddenly found most doors in the scientific community being slammed
in his face, not able to even getting a job sweeping-up after conferences
that he previously had been begged to attend. (In essence, he quickly
found that he couldn't even get elected ScientificDogCatcher.)
Not to worry, there were researchers standing in line to take Lily's
pioneering mind-mapping research to new heights, using experimentation
techniques on human subjects that Lily had too much compassion and
integrity to use on dolphins.
The "Dont ask...don't tell..." military policy on homosexuality in the
armed services has long been an unspoken understanding in the research
community, where the players long ago learned that making an issue of
the ethics of the researchers down the hall throwing niggers off the
roof, to see it they really do have thick skulls, could have negative
reprecussions on their own position and funding.
Many researchers find themselves doing what they consider to be needed
and pertinent research in their projects on their own time, after they
have satisfied the wants and needs of those funding their project.
Of course, if you ask most researchers about the veracity of what I
have just claimed, you will meet with sincere denials, and perhaps even
genuine laughter. However, a relative of mine who is engaged in providing
seminars on effective philanthropic fund-raising makes no bones about the
fact that the success of his seminars revolves around teaching people to
sell their souls while remaining blissfully ignorant of the fact that
they are doing so.
("If murdering a thousand children in my research saves the life of a
single child...")
While I am not in any way suggesting that the majority of researchers
are NaziMonsters, having allowed themselves to be maneuvered into a
position where their research is driven by the goals of those funding it,
their research in 'turning on the gas' is irrevocably linked to research
by loosely connected entities who are being funded to research 'putting
them in the ovens.'
Intelligence agencies' interdisciplinary approach to developing the
ability to monitor and control the minds, beliefs, attitudes, actions
and behavior of the citizenry (in the interests of National Security,
of course), has resulted in what has been openly known by many as the
New Manhattan Project. Just as the Nuclear/Atomic Manhattan Project
was an all-out, top priority effort engaging the premiere players in
a variety of scientific fields, the New Manhattan Project involves a
consolidation of research and activity spanning such diverse arenas
as mind-control, emotional-manipulation, behavioral conditioning,
citizen surveillance-monitoring-classification, and even encryption.
The research and experiments in Artificial Intelligence and Human
Intelligence are intricately linked.
Neural Network models and implementations are based on understanding
and imitating human "operant conditioning, the form of learning in which
animals and humans learn the effects of their actions," as Professor
Stephen Grossberg states.
The Artificial Intelligence approach of Neural Networks is based on
the processing of symbolic information, as opposed to numerical data.
The Controllers have mastered the art of 1984'ish manipulation of the
public mind through media control and spin doctoring, now able to
gather the citizens into an angry torch-carrying mob, chasing the
U.S.ConstitutionMonster back to the castle to defend themselves against
the NewImprovedFourHorsemenOfTheApocalypse. (Any Congressman who is
caught dorking a teenage girl and cheating on his taxes has a fighting
chance of surviving if he can convince the electorate he is 'tough on
crime,' or whatever the current TenSecondSoundByteFadOfTheDay is.)
The Controllers efforts to control access to information are centered
around their need to control the EmotionalSymbolism by which they have
learned to lead the public around by our noses.
The grand Artificial Intelligence push to "develop principled theories
of brain and behavior and incorporating them into machines," as Brian
Fitzgerald writes in 'Bravo New World,' is really part-and-parcel of the
Controllers' designs to guide the future development of the InterNet into
a WorldWideStickyWeb wherein the Medium is capable of manipulating the
user into the position of controlled stooge, rather than a participant,
by being able to monitor, log and analyze the user's basic operant
conditioning, via his or her responses, thus being able to provide the
user with only those options which will lead them in the direction that
is desired by the Controllers.
(An example is the feature of allowing the user to 'customize' the
interfaces they are interacting through, according to their personal
interests, with the AutoBot then serving up generous helpings of pointers
and information beneficial to the provider, instead of a genuine cross-
section of what is actually available on the InterNet.)
{Interest #1 - Anarchy: Today we are providing you with Newt Ginrich's
essay, entitled "What Anarchy Means To Me."
Interest #2 - SPACE ALIENS HIDE M DRUGS!!! Manuscripts: Click on the
provided link to read Ms. Manners Politically Correct Revision of the
manuscripts, which are rated Family Entertainment by CyberNanny.}
The federal government proclaimed the 1990's the Decade of the Brain.
What they neglected to mention is that Military Intelligence has been
put in charge of monitoring, analyzing and shaping the Brain...
CNS (Cognitive Neural Systems) research and development has become a
wholly owned subsiduary of the Air Force super laboratories, the Office
of Naval Research, DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency),
the National Science Foundation, and the rest of the Usual Suspects.
ou remember DARPA, don't you--those wonderful folks who gave us the
InterNet which routes all communications through military channels?
ou remember the Office of Naval Research, don't you--those wonderful
folks who developed products and techniques for monitoring all of the
communications on the face of the earth?
Fitzgerald notes, in 'Bostonia,' that "Graduates of CNS work in a
plethora of fields, including psychology, neuroscience, telecommun-
ications, software engineering, economics, finance...medicine...and,
of course, robotics.
Strip away the thin veneer of reliance on the research being conducted
by RespectableInstitutions and what you have is MKULTRA cross-breeding
with Artificial Intelligence to produce a DemonChild whose NeuralNetworks
are a fusion of GrayMatter and a DigitalThisIsWhereouAreGoingToGoToday
Julia Schickedanz, an MIT professor, remarks on the fact that the
professors involved in CNS research and development "specialize in
seemingly unrelated areas of research."
Right...and the New World Order will result in the globalization of
"seemingly unrelated areas" of the world...
Grossberg, speaking of the 'interdisciplinary' approach to the study
and implementation of Artificial Intelligence, says, "such an approach
is absolutely necessary to theoretically investigate fundamental issues
of mind and brain processes."
I am certain that it is just a 'coincidence' <nod-nod> <wink-wink> that
two champions of the 'interdisciplinary' approach to research in the
understanding of how the mind works and how it can be manipulated, Dr.
Ewen Cameron, Canadian mind-butcherer, and Professor Grossberg CyBorg
Creator, are each a Rockerfeller GoldenChild.
Grossberg apparently spent decades and millions of dollars discovering
what he could have learned by forking over a sawbuck for a book by the
GrandaddyOfInterActiveMediaUnderstanding, Marshal McCluhan, 'The Medium
Is The Message,' as he informs us, belatedly, "What we perceive depends
on how the nervous system processes messages."
And those wonderful folks who provided us with an interactive medium
which they are capable of monitoring and controlling, are now involved
in a priority funding of research which will enable the medium to be
able to process/provide messages which are intricately linked with the
structure and functioning of our own nervous system.
More importantly, the ability of the computer to monitor our habits and
the most infinitesimal details of our personal lives, when combined with
a neural network capable of learning and adapting to our thoughts, our
desires and our habits, essentially has the capacity to transform itself
into a Mythological Siren of the Deep, luring us to our destruction,
regardless of whether or not we know it to be an Illusion.
(If you think I am overstating my case, here, remind yourself how easy
it is for Charlie CorporateMonger to get JoeSixPack to provide every
detail of his life in order to get a SuperMarketValueCard that gets
him a nickle off on a can of beans. If they had a record of your visits
to and file accesses on the BigBreastedBlonde Web Site, they would have
a Swedish Masseuse bring you the card to fill out, and end up with your]
wallet, your car and your house, as well, and you'd be eating your beans
out behind the dumpster.)
In essence, Artificial Intelligence researchers are attempting to find
ways to incorporate the ability to understand and incorporate human
behavior and response mechanisms into programmed machines/environments,
thus rendering them capable of fulfilling functions which humans normally
require decades of experience and application to acquire competence in.
During my last entry into the U.S. through the Vancouver Customs port,
my sister was horrified to learn that the devices in each lane were
visually and auditorily monitoring those who passed through. License
plates are auto-scanned and run through the computer to flag people of
interest to Border Authorities (and I suspect that visual recognition
technology of humans is also being used/tested).
The vehicle in front of us contained your typical middle-class American
family, and was passed through with only perfunctory attention being
given to them, yet the Customs Officer thumped on the top and side of
their car before waving them to proceed, as if checking to make sure that
they didn't have a few hundred kilos of heroin stashed away.
My sister was puzzled as to why he did that, whereupon I explained that
he was not interested in *their* reaction, but in *mine*, since I was next
in line, the computer had flagged me, and someone inside was undoubtedly
listening to see if I told her, "Are you sure you hid the dope?"
Some of the Artificial Intelligence AutoBots of the future will no
doubt be MultiMedia HumanResponse LieDetectors.
Rather than measuring your pulse, breathing rate and electrical
tension, they will measure variations in your Personally Categorized
Basic Neural Network Profile.
Just as gun ownership can be denied today on the basis of a history
of mental problems or criminal activity, certain activities, rights,
or access to information, in the future, will be based on your meeting
guidelines/profiles as judged by your interactions with AutoBots that
are designed to analyze and categorize your mind and behavior.
Grossberg maintains, "All conscious states are resonant states.
And resonance can join cognition to emotion in a unified conscious
The implication of this is that the Artificial Intelligence that is
being developed to work in parallel with the human brain and the elements
of human behavior will be capable of becoming a 'partner' in our thoughts,
emotions, and consciousness, and thus be an integral part of that which
influences the direction and processes of our mind, psyche and behavior.
Take a moment to think about the full import of the technology which
will shape our future being shaped and directed almost wholly by Military
Intelligence agencies and their associates.
Advertising psychology and MKULTRA mind-control research are barely
poor-cousins to the Cognitive Neural Systems technology that is being
prepared to not only monitor, analyze and categorize even the most
minute areas of our mind, emotions, psyche and behavioral patterns,
but also to have the capacity to adapt *their* behavior to our own
personal psychological structure and, as in the case of Thing1 and
Thing2, "predict" our "impending impacts" with the desires of the
Controllers, and direct us toward "avoidance behaviors" which will
"suppress movements that will cause collisions" with the goals and
designs of the Controllers.
It can't be long before the Trilateral Commission is replaced by
the Trilateral CPU...