Received from an undisclosed source, for release to all appropriate
electronic media, concerning Mykotronx, Inc.
The following material was publicly available, but I still am not at
liberty to disclose my source:
Mykotronx Inc.
357 Van Ness Way (1 blk so. of Del Amo)
Suite 200
Torrance CA 90501
(310) 533-8100
fax (310) 533-0527
STU III (310) 533-0738
Founded 1979
Resale # SR-AB 12-711252
Dunn & Bradstreet # 00-611-5281
Banking: Shearson Lehman Brothers
Attn: Steve Scerra
Acct # 509 24261 12011
21250 Hawthorne Bl
Torrance, CA 90509
(310) 540-9511
Employee Names:
Bob Gottfried, CEO
Leonard J. Baker, President
Ralph O' Connell, aka "The Father of COMSEC", NSA Lobbyist
Mike Furusawa, Space COMSEC Manager
Patti Linahan, Executive Secretary
Kikuo Ogawa, Buyer
R. Todd, W. Greenfield, KG-44B (Outrunner) Project
John C. Droge, Personnel
Bob Todd, Manufacturing Manager
Landy Riley, Engineering
Federal Express Acct # 1122-7492-8
NSA Contact Home Address:
Ralph O' Connell
1401 Woodbridge Road
Baltimore, MD 21228
(301) 747-6276
Principle NSA Technical Contact:
National Security Agency
Maryland Procurement Office
Attn: N244 (CEB) (MDA904-92-G-0354/J.O. 5001)
9800 Savage Road
Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755-6000
(301) 688-8086
NSA Accounting Contact:
National Security Agency
Maryland Procurement Office
Finance and Accounting Office
9800 Savage Road
Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755-6000
(301) 859-6715
KG-46 Tactical Decryptor Unit and
KG-48B Outrunner Provisioning Conference participants:
Robert Todd, Mykotronx
Bill Greenfield, Mykotronx
G. Burgio, NSA
J. Gochnour, NSA
J. Wimpy, Air Force Computer Systems Command
S. Solis, Air Force Computer Systems Command
To Be Discussed at meeting May 18 & 19, 1993
Outrunner Project Milestone Payments:
1. Preliminary Studies $268,074 2/14/92
2. Place Subcontract w/ VLSI $47,917 2/22/92
3. Complete PDR KG-44B $61,431 4/13/92
4. Complete PDR VLSI $71,090 5/19/92
5. Complete SFA Review VLSI $78,470 7/12/92
6. Complete CDR VLSI $106,638 7/17/92
7. Complete first KG-44B $166,641 8/12/92
8. Complete CDR $132,454 6/18/92
9. Complete tests 1st KG-48B $151,957 12/16/92
10. Complete fab VLSI $203,941 11/17/92
11a.Deliver 2 KG-44B to NSA $81,080 9/8/92
11b.Deliver 2 KG-44B to NSA $81,081 10/7/92
12. Complete Cryto Verif VLSI $152,223 12/16/92
13. Deliver 4 KG-44B to NSA $171,571 3/2/93
14a.Deliver 2 KG-44B to NSA $30,432 3/30/93
14b.Deliver 2 KG-44B to NSA $30,432 4/20/93
15. Deliver 4 KG-44B to NSA $60,864 4/24/93
16a.Deliver 1 KG-44B to NSA $15,216 4/28/93
16b.Deliver 3 KG-44B to NSA $45,648 5/12/93
17. Deliver 4 KG-44B to NSA $42,840 5/13/93
Total: $2,000,000
KG-44 VLSI Procurement:
United Technologies Microelectronics Center
1575 Garden of the Gods Road
Colorodo Springs, CO 80907
(719) 594-8000 fax (719) 594-8032
PO#5703-44ACN1 Feb 19, 1992
Invoice Date Feb 5, 1993
"Customer to pick up parts. Secret item handling.
Secret Design KG-44LSI. Mykotronx P/N M20/00301XXX"
Government contract # MDA904-92-C-A027
Group C Testing: $4,400
5 Parts @ $675ea $3,375
Job #BE-7281 Group C Samples
"Note: Group B samples also included with this shipment (ref
Packlist #10128"
"The export of this product is controlled by the US Government.
The export of this product or the disclosure of related technical
data to foreign nationals without the appropriate export license
is prohibited by law."
Test Plan for MYK-80:
Statement of Work for Exatron Inc. 5/13/93
Develop test interface board for MYK-80 (176 pin TQFP) and
I.M.S. tester. Interface to utilize "particle interconnect"
system. Data on MYK-80 I.O. and IMS tester to be supplied
by Mykotronx.
Interface board to be installed in a work station which utilizes
Exatron "PET" handler, tooled for the MYK-80; a vacuum pick-up
device (manual, pencil type); work surfaces for JEDEC tray
storage and operator support. The IMS tester will mount directly
under the "PET" handler. Two "PET" handlers are to be quoted
with two sets of specific nesting tools for the MYK-80.
Installation in place at Mykotronx and initial operator and
maintenance training to be included.
Design review of the interface board layout, prior to release of
the board to fabrication is to be held at Mykotronx.
Manuals and Training Manuals subcontracted to:
ELITE Technical Corporation
Warren A. Griswold, President
1903 B Marshallfield Lane
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
(310) 372-5616
CAPSTONE Financial Commitments by Mykotronx
Basic VII Cap VLSI 10 $212,000
Sun 1 Yr maint hw&sw $2,700
Compass $159,400
IKOS Systems & sw $57,500
ELITE Technical Corp $8,000
IMS/Sun $119,000
Versatec Plotter $36,500
SJ (1) $71,200
SJ (2) $76,200
Exatron Test System $78,000
ROM Cell $60,000
AT&T $100,000
Surf Mgt (real estate) $13,900
Universal Shielding (Tempest) $20,600
Plotter maint $5,000
Litronics $225,000
Spyrus (1) $45,600
Spyrus (2) $44,800
Compass (2) $110,000
VLSI Tech $30,000
VLSI Tech (2) $163,000
New Media NRE Design $18,700
South Coast Designers $14,600
South Coast $6,000
VLSI Tech Exponeniator Tamper Sys $163,000
Conres logic analyzer $3,200
VLSI Myk-78 tester $33,800
Here are exerpts of the general ledger of Mykotronx,
the Torrance Based Big-Brother outfit that is going
to make the Clinton Clipper wiretap chip:
Period: 01/01/93 to 04/30/93 (first 4 months of 1993)
Acct Descr Beg Bal Debits Credits
==1000 series==
Shearson Lehman 286,511 2,620,096 2,670,822
Paine Webber 95,602 868 0
Dean Whitter 55,391 484 0
Petty Cash 3,000 0 0
Union bank payroll act 13,408 900,000 816,443
Accts rcvbl -customer 1,185,829 1,981,356 2,562,064
Accts rcvbl - eployees 7,125 48,450 55,575
Franchise tx rcvbl 2,165 0 0
Unbilled costs&fees 567,792 533,347 0
Raw inventory 172,252 0 76,064
Prepaid taxes 1,116 0 0
Prepaid sales tax 688 0 688
Equp/mach/furn 383,038 20,695 0
Accum depreciation 234,425 0 23,000
Deposits 9,272 0 0
==2000 series==
Accts Payable 482,895CR 1,869,477 1,684,555
Sales tax payable 147CR 176 0
Sales tax paid 0 0 0
FIT withheld 0 10,854 135,741
FICA withheld 0 0 56,622
CA state IT withh 0 0 36,163
CA state disability 0 0 8,730
SUI pybl employer 0 0 5,788
FUTA payable 0 0 2,007
FICA employer 0 0 56,621
Pd Payroll txs withh 0 290,820 0
401K withheld 0 0 42,712
Accrued payroll 25,637CR 343,682 318,045
Dental withheld 0 0 674
Dental plan pd 0 674 0
Withh 401K pd 0 42,712 0
Accrued bonuses 214,040 341,240 127,200
[Those are some nice bonuses, aren't they?]
Accrued Vacation 44,252 0 0
Excess billings 139,216 154,706 55,036
Gross payroll 0 751,859 0
Gross payroll distrd 0 2,552 754,412
Lease obligations 4,911CR 0 0
==3000 series==
Common Stock 169,320 0 61,435
Capital disbursement 916,675 222,230 0
Retd Earnings, begng 2,385,020CR 0 0
==4000 series==
Sales, returns&allowc 0 6,014 2,577,323
Interest income 0 0 1,353
Int income tax free 0 0 2,490
==5000 series==
Consultants 0 47,395 47,395
Subcontracts 0 932,210 110,419
Other direct costs 0 62,265 5,454
Printing/repro costs 0 542 0
Equipment rental/leasg 0 1,537 1,537
Maint, repairs 0 1,761 0
Delivery 0 3,217 0
Postage 0 960 0
Materials/parts 0 186,252 22,423
Telephone 0 93 0
Travel 0 10,437 0
Inv Cost of Mfg Prod 0 76,064 0
Direct labor-Engnrg 0 240,341 54,172
Direct labor-Technician 0 129,839 37,459
Direct labor-Adminst 0 47,542 10,081
==6000 series==
Indirect labor 0 60,319 0
Holidays 0 32,867 27,331
Sick leave 0 3,276 0
Vacation 0 38,096 25,976
Retroactive pay 0 4,400 0
Job advertisments 0 655 0
Grp Med Ins non sharhl 0 25,522 1,818
Mykotronx pd payrl txs 0 64,417 0
Workers comp 0 9,554 1,418
Interest pd 0 0 0
Consultants 0 2,013 0
ADP Acctg 0 1,493 0
Real World Acct Suppt 0 1,485 0
Bank charges 0 155 0
Blueprints/repro 0 390 0
Proposals 0 2,817 0
Copier expense 0 514 0
Depreciation - elec eq 0 23,000 0
Dues & memberships 0 749 0
Education & Training 0 2,850 0
Employee relations 0 4,531 0
Business expense 0 7,431 0
Equip rental/lsng 0 4,458 0
Computer software 0 2,114 0
Insurance 0 9,061 1,380
Janitorial 0 20 0
Licenses & Permits 0 175 0
Maint, repairs 0 2,096 0
Delivery 0 995 13
Postage 0 942 0
Amort organiz expense 0 0 0
Taxes - franchise 0 2,763 0
Real & Pers prop tax 0 0 0
Rent 0 54,080 0
Subscriptions/books 0 325 0
Office/lab supplies 0 14,183 446
Telephone 0 7,961 36
Travel 0 10,296 1,303
Utilities 0 5,833 0
LTD Ins, non sharehld 0 2,877 594
401K Mykotronx contrib 0 17,411 0
==7000 series==
Special Bonus 0 132,200 123,200
[Special bonus? $132,000.00; I wonder which Federal Agency this money
went to.]
G&A Labor 0 103,4520 0
Legal Services 0 5,895 0
Board of Dir Expnse 0 1,078 0
Financial Svc 0 7,505 0
Totals 0 12,555,101 12,555,101
Other little items:
Locks at Mykotronx installed and maintained by Torrance Lock and Key,
2421 Torrance Bl. Torrance, CA 90501 (310) 320-8840 For some
reason, Mykotronx is over 90 days late paying a lousy $50 invoice.
Mykotronx has a Mossler safe. It cost $1,693 when they bought it
11/27/90. They have never changed the combination.
Outstanding VLSI purchase orders:
VLSI Tech (Capstone) $212,000
AT&T (Myk-78) $71,200
Motorola (Myk-77) $76,200
AT&T (Misc) $100,000
Compass (Software) $159,400
VLSI Tech (Myk-78) $66,200
Litronics (PCMCIA Crypto) $225,000
VLSI Tech (Expoteniator) $163,000
VLSI Tech (Capstone TFQP) $10,000
VLSI Tech (Myk-78 fix) $68,500
VLSI Tech (Myk-78A proto) $11,000
VLSI Tech (Myk-78A prod.) $220,000
VLSI Tech (Myk-80 #1) $48,000
VLSI Tech (Myk-80 #2) $33,750
VLSI Tech (Myk-82) $80,000
VLSI Tech (Myk-79) $79,500
Their LAN was installed by Strategies, Inc for about $14,000.
More information is forthcoming. Please forward to all appropriate
electronic media, and reproduce as desired. Will someone post this
to alt.privacy.clipper and sci.crypt, or is this a bad idea?
Robert W. Clark
rclark(a) PGP signature available by mail or finger