Crypto-currencies - even when they're worth trillions instead of billions and all c-punks will be automatic
millionaires - will always only ever be a smaller part of a larger cryptoanarchist economy.
An important part of our future will also depend on information and assassination markets to uphold
law and order. We can't be distracted by attacks on them of spurious emotional grounds. Such as many
peoples natural aversion for charlatans like Sigmund Freud, David Friedman, Julian Assmange, Jeff Berwick, Rand Paul, Jeff Tucker
and similar. The fact some cypherpunks / cryptoanarchists are carpetbagging opportunists and criminals
can't deter us from our lofty goal of a new world order. This is why we're going to 'clean house ' before
the big launch. Jim did over ten years so I don't want to hear any more small, change shit. We're going
to make this list live, breathe and JUMP again like it used to. Welcome to the revolution.