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--- perceptual thresholds ---
IR vision lets researchers see through—and into—multiple layers of graphene…
--- on natural fluorescence ---
// intro to blacklight with rocks starts around 5:47 min...
[video] Bill's Fluorescent Rock and Mineral Collection
[video] Science Friday: 3:36 min tour
"In 1968, the New Jersey Senate decreed the town of Franklin a geological
wonder: "The Fluorescent Mineral Capital of the World." Over 350 different
minerals have been found in the area, ninety of which glow brilliantly
under ultraviolet light. There are two mineral museums devoted to
fluorescing rocks, the region's unusual geology and its zinc mining
[search] images of fluorescent minerals in rocks...…
What Materials Glow Under a Black or Ultraviolet Light?
[images] Hall of Fame Specimens - fluorescent minerals in rocks
// fingerprinting phosphorescence patterns, real vs. fake diamonds
UV Rays Shed New Light on the Hope Diamond’s Mysterious Red Glow…
[quote] The 45.52-carat blue diamond puzzles scientists because of the
fiery red glow it gives off for several minutes after being exposed to
ultra-violet light. Scientists refer to this phenomenon as
phosphorescence. “It looks like a glowing orange coal in your barbeque
grill,” explains Post. “It has been described as one of the unique
properties of this unique diamond, something special to the Hope Diamond.”
// note: electronic lollipop, the new healthy cigarette?
Electrode recreates all four tastes on your tongue…
NEW: CF = collider function (juxtapose A & B) interstructure. e.g:
a. High tech toilets receive big prizes from Bill Gates
b. Kanye West blasts Zappos for 'shit product,' Zappos responds with toilet
// International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam 2009
[video] People vs. Power (1/2) Walking and Talking with Peter Wintonick...
// about bicycle cultures today, componentry bureaucratized,
// efficiencies/innovation lost to varying incongruent approaches.
// missing information, parts do not match, line-up, made esoteric.
// guess that is everything to do with beliefs and mindset translated
// into general manufacturing approach, as with computer devices.
// shared model vs 'reinventing' & duplication ideologically forced.
[video] People vs. Power (2/2) Walking and Talking with Peter Wintonick...
[video] The Kids in This Billboard Point at Actual Planes Flying Overhead…
// interactive advert reminded me of this...
[video] First Official Clip from The Zero Theorem
[video] The Zero Theorem official trailer - film by Terry Gilliam
--- crypto gift ideas --- :L
[note: wondered if computer crypto approach has become detached from
questioning basics of cryptography outside of a computer context. also, for
those like myself with interest yet little knowledge, how to approach the
subject, beyond just reading. various authors and thinkers have mentioned
reading childrens books rather than academic texts for a basic and
introductory overview of a subject. thus, what about those interested in
crypto, is a childrens crypto kit beyond the domain of issues involved in
crypto, or perhaps may some fundamental skills, questions, issues remain
overlooked or already decided upon in a given framework. therefore, for
child or adult with crypto interest...]
Codes, Ciphers and Secret Writing (Dover Children's Activity Books)…
Kidz Labs - Spy Science Secret Message Kit - Ages 5+
POOF-Slinky 2023 Slinky Science Secret Messages Mini Lab
Circuit Stickers // electronic principles, circuits
note: microcontroller programmable, paper, etc.
--- on rings ---
recently mentioned data exchange between electromagnetic ring and symbolic
once visited the Intel Museum which had a gift shop that sold jewelry made
from unusable pentium chips; cufflinks, necklaces, earrings, and presumably
rings (though do not remember seeing them).
Intel CPU Chip Jewelry & Pins
so any such key-exchange or other interaction between ring and device, in a
data mood ring or other informational approach, is going to have circuitry
built into it, issues of energy and power, and involve transistors,
capacitors, resisters, protocols, etc. so in some sense there is a depth to
the circuitry, it is not just an image of a ring but a complexity hidden
beyond the boudary of what is immediately visable- whereas the Intel
jewelry was itself this circuitry on display, as if a future data ring
would involve these aesthetic dimensions, inherently. note also the issue
of toxins in manufacturing if a diy approach with repurposed circuitboards
and components, highly toxic to skin, eyes, etc. including chemical
offgasing, related to toxic waste sites of discarded electronics, this
leaking into groundwater, poisoning populations.
the concept of a data ring that is an IC or computer that then interacts
with the environment, say in a crypto context, that it carries passwords,
synced as a paired identity device validating ID or providing
authentication or whatever. and so this functionality is just not an issue
of taking an IC or processor, memory, and storage and having 'data' on the
ring. it would need to be secured, have its own perimeter security, ways of
allowing and preventing access, etc.
the following rings visualize this greater involvement in the aesthetics
beyond just what the device would look like, and into its multilayered
in-depth construction, in dimensions that may also be internal and unseen.
thus a parallel between the chip as structure and building as structure,
and similarity of issues of detailing and design, issues of foundation, &
so on...
[image search] architecture rings…
the larger context for this is the parallel between the circuitboard and
the city (plug-in city, Archigram) and again issues of relations of
building types and electronic components that have interrelated structures,
functioning, and programming of circuitry at the larger scale. in this way,
modularity into a larger entity, say 'crypto' and 'comms' (NFC) and
'processor' and 'memory' and 'storage'; likewise- stadium, highways, bank,
tv station, school, dwellings.
[image] cityscape ring…
Philippe Tourraine - Les bagues Architecture
what would the foundation be, what would the walls be, roof, how many
buildings, how are they arranged, what is the interior and exterior
relation and dynamic, what is the perimeter, what is the functionality and
purpose, what can it do and why. rings and sensors, modules, ecosystem
relations, programmability, display or opaque, indicating feedback, etc.
what is potential for, sans LCD, micro- or nano-leds as ultra-low power
matrix. beyond conventions. how many different typological relations in
larger ecological context: ring-computer, ring-phone, ring-signage,
ring-symbolic.device (orb), ring-POS.device, ring-ATM machine, etc.
// and a potential approach for managing crypto keys...
ex. Intel Chip Keychain
Intel Chip Keychains
{educational fair-use of copyright, 2013}
א ט ם ך
Users ID'ed through typing, mouse movements
By Darren Pauli on Nov 22, 2013 2:16 PM
Continuous authentication app created from DARPA research.
Researchers have built a continuous authentication platform that can
accurately identify users based on their typing patterns.
A series of 90 minute typing tests carried out on 2000 people at Iowa State
University found users could be identified with a half percent margin of
error based on the way they hit keys.
The work has been spun into an application that could continuously
authenticate users and lock accounts if another person jumped on the computer
resulting in irregularities being detected. (pdf)
Uniquely syncopated mouse and keyboard patterns made it possible to identify
users, Iowa State University associate professor Morris Chang said.
“These pauses between words, searches for unusual characters and spellings of
unfamiliar words, all have to do with our past experiences, our learning
experiences,” Chang said. “And so we call them cognitive fingerprints which
manifest themselves in typing rhythms.”
“The system can see if the same person or an imposter is coming in to hijack
the computer."
The year-long research run together with electrical engineering students
Terry Fang, Kuan-Hsing Ho and Danny Shih received a half a million dollar
grant from the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency which sought to
discover if continuous authentication was possible.
It was now being extended to capture mouse movements and touch inputs from
mobile devices with an additional $1.76 million dollars from the agency over
two years.
Copyright © SC Magazine, Australia
21 Nov '13…
Exclusive: Inside America's Plan to Kill Online Privacy Rights Everywhere
Posted By Colum Lynch Wednesday, November 20, 2013 - 6:10 PM Share
The United States and its key intelligence allies are quietly working behind
the scenes to kneecap a mounting movement in the United Nations to promote a
universal human right to online privacy, according to diplomatic sources and
an internal American government document obtained by The Cable.
The diplomatic battle is playing out in an obscure U.N. General Assembly
committee that is considering a proposal by Brazil and Germany to place
constraints on unchecked internet surveillance by the National Security
Agency and other foreign intelligence services. American representatives have
made it clear that they won't tolerate such checks on their global
surveillance network. The stakes are high, particularly in Washington --
which is seeking to contain an international backlash against NSA spying --
and in Brasilia, where Brazilian President Dilma Roussef is personally
involved in monitoring the U.N. negotiations.
The Brazilian and German initiative seeks to apply the right to privacy,
which is enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights (ICCPR), to online communications. Their proposal, first revealed by
The Cable, affirms a "right to privacy that is not to be subjected to
arbitrary or unlawful interference with their privacy, family, home, or
correspondence." It notes that while public safety may "justify the gathering
and protection of certain sensitive information," nations "must ensure full
compliance" with international human rights laws. A final version the text is
scheduled to be presented to U.N. members on Wednesday evening and the
resolution is expected to be adopted next week.
A draft of the resolution, which was obtained by The Cable, calls on states
to "to respect and protect the right to privacy," asserting that the "same
rights that people have offline must also be protected online, including the
right to privacy." It also requests the U.N. high commissioner for human
rights, Navi Pillay, present the U.N. General Assembly next year with a
report on the protection and promotion of the right to privacy, a provision
that will ensure the issue remains on the front burner.
Publicly, U.S. representatives say they're open to an affirmation of privacy
rights. "The United States takes very seriously our international legal
obligations, including those under the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights," Kurtis Cooper, a spokesman for the U.S. mission to the
United Nations, said in an email. "We have been actively and constructively
negotiating to ensure that the resolution promotes human rights and is
consistent with those obligations."
But privately, American diplomats are pushing hard to kill a provision of the
Brazilian and German draft which states that "extraterritorial surveillance"
and mass interception of communications, personal information, and metadata
may constitute a violation of human rights. The United States and its allies,
according to diplomats, outside observers, and documents, contend that the
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights does not apply to foreign espionage.
In recent days, the United States circulated to its allies a confidential
paper highlighting American objectives in the negotiations, "Right to Privacy
in the Digital Age -- U.S. Redlines." It calls for changing the Brazilian and
German text so "that references to privacy rights are referring explicitly to
States' obligations under ICCPR and remove suggestion that such obligations
apply extraterritorially." In other words: America wants to make sure it
preserves the right to spy overseas.
The U.S. paper also calls on governments to promote amendments that would
weaken Brazil's and Germany's contention that some "highly intrusive" acts of
online espionage may constitute a violation of freedom of expression.
Instead, the United States wants to limit the focus to illegal surveillance
-- which the American government claims it never, ever does. Collecting
information on tens of millions of people around the world is perfectly
acceptable, the Obama administration has repeatedly said. It's authorized by
U.S. statute, overseen by Congress, and approved by American courts.
"Recall that the USG's [U.S. government's] collection activities that have
been disclosed are lawful collections done in a manner protective of privacy
rights," the paper states. "So a paragraph expressing concern about illegal
surveillance is one with which we would agree."
The privacy resolution, like most General Assembly decisions, is neither
legally binding nor enforceable by any international court. But international
lawyers say it is important because it creates the basis for an international
consensus -- referred to as "soft law" -- that over time will make it harder
and harder for the United States to argue that its mass collection of
foreigners' data is lawful and in conformity with human rights norms.
"They want to be able to say ‘we haven't broken the law, we're not breaking
the law, and we won't break the law,'" said Dinah PoKempner, the general
counsel for Human Rights Watch, who has been tracking the negotiations. The
United States, she added, wants to be able to maintain that "we have the
freedom to scoop up anything we want through the massive surveillance of
foreigners because we have no legal obligations."
The United States negotiators have been pressing their case behind the
scenes, raising concerns that the assertion of extraterritorial human rights
could constrain America's effort to go after international terrorists. But
Washington has remained relatively muted about their concerns in the U.N.
negotiating sessions. According to one diplomat, "the United States has been
very much in the backseat," leaving it to its allies, Australia, Britain, and
Canada, to take the lead.
There is no extraterritorial obligation on states "to comply with human
rights," explained one diplomat who supports the U.S. position. "The
obligation is on states to uphold the human rights of citizens within their
territory and areas of their jurisdictions."
The position, according to Jamil Dakwar, the director of the American Civil
Liberties Union's Human Rights Program, has little international backing. The
International Court of Justice, the U.N. Human Rights Committee, and the
European Court have all asserted that states do have an obligation to comply
with human rights laws beyond their own borders, he noted. "Governments do
have obligation beyond their territories," said Dakwar, particularly in
situations, like the Guantanamo Bay detention center, where the United States
exercises "effective control" over the lives of the detainees.
Both PoKempner and Dakwar suggested that courts may also judge that the U.S.
dominance of the Internet places special legal obligations on it to ensure
the protection of users' human rights.
"It's clear that when the United States is conducting surveillance, these
decisions and operations start in the United States, the servers are at NSA
headquarters, and the capabilities are mainly in the United States," he said.
"To argue that they have no human rights obligations overseas is dangerous
because it sends a message that there is void in terms of human rights
protection outside countries territory. It's going back to the idea that you
can create a legal black hole where there is no applicable law." There were
signs emerging on Wednesday that America may have been making ground in
pressing the Brazilians and Germans to back on one of its toughest
provisions. In an effort to address the concerns of the U.S. and its allies,
Brazil and Germany agreed to soften the language suggesting that mass
surveillance may constitute a violation of human rights. Instead, it simply
deep "concern at the negative impact" that extraterritorial surveillance "may
have on the exercise of and enjoyment of human rights." The U.S., however,
has not yet indicated it would support the revised proposal.
The concession "is regrettable. But it’s not the end of the battle by any
means," said Human Rights Watch’s PoKempner. She added that there will soon
be another opportunity to corral America's spies: a U.N. discussion on
possible human rights violations as a result of extraterritorial surveillance
will soon be taken up by the U.N. High commissioner.
Follow me on Twitter: @columlynch.
[viewed the last 20 minutes of this program, very interesting. about the
Schumann resonance and lighting, and 'the global electrical circuit'...]
NOVA: At the Edge of Space (PBS science program)
// transient luminous events (TLEs) - sprites, blue jets, elves
[video] Earth's Global Electric Circuit - Atmospheric Electricity
Global electric circuit and lightning
Earle R. Williams -- Research Overview (see Fig. 1a)
Global electric circuit model to help
scientists understand electricity in the air…
[quote] “The next step is to incorporate the distribution of
thunderstorms,” Lucas said. “Currents generally travel upwards above
thunderstorms distributed around the equator and return down over the
poles, away from the thunderstorms. Part of the future work is going to be
determining what influence those thunderstorms have on the global system.”
--- crypto platforms ---
unknown if others relate to it this way, though i think DMX lighting
systems (somewhat like MIDI for lights, fog machines, electronic
billboards) has potential as a communications system beyond strobes and
laser projections, LED light patterns and various colors and special
effects (disco-ball to various atmospherics: water-like filters, shapes,
DMX512 standard for lighting
what is quite interesting about the existing technology besides the
potential for lasers, is fully automatic controlled lighting systems,
robotic or remotely servo-driven, that can be coordinated and synced with
other events. so, for instance, you could have 8 different LED lights
around a perimeter that on cue could together reorient themselves and shine
different colors on a central object, though that involves a lot of cable,
infrastructure, and enough know-how to figure it out. and still, that could
just involve entertainment versus using the same functionality to, say,
change the way something appears via these potential influences.
instead of examining lighting as just a utility or as decoration, it also
could open up or unlock other meaning or hidden structures or qualities or
characteristics latent yet unexpressed or unhighlighted. the lighting of
the 2oth century World's Fairs were notable for the art of light via
electrical infrastructure which brought about a different awareness. and
then this related to the Great White Way of electrification, electrical
lights and electrical signage that changed the landscape and the way people
relate to the city, home, nighttime, movement, etc. three books offer
insight into these dynamics in differing ways:
Electrifying America
Social Meanings of a New Technology, 1880-1940
American Genesis
A Century of Invention and Technological Enthusiasm, 1870-1970
and at the infrastructural level...
Networks of Power
Electrification in Western Society, 1880-1930
Thomas Parker Hughes…
context: History of electric power transmission
now what does this have to do with lighting gear usually related to DJ rigs
and night clubs and entertainment venues... beyond that lighting
technology, perhaps techniques have advanced over decades and now are a
major form of expression - including of information - via active 'light
signs' and even computerized, animated lighting technologies tied with LED
diodes, in terms including: longevity, size, energy-efficiency,
color-spectrum, economy, and inexpensive -in many scenarios-, mass
so the illuminated sign outside the store and the billboard have been
transformed via LED lighting arrays that exist somewhere on the edge of
beings screens, where the pixels are usually mapped to a visible array of
lights, versus the microscopic pixels of higher resolution computer display
screens. and yet these electronic signs and billboards as "communication"
appear as a mundane functionality, versus a potential realm of exploration
(i.e. Jenny Holzer) and thus this same boundary condition of use, the
ordinary or standard approach versus other possibilities also could be
extended into lighting innovations beyond the realm fo signage, that also
could function as a communications medium, for signal conveyance, yet not
used this way in default configurations of cycling colors or lighting
synchronized to music and thus providing sound-&-light atmosphere, as if
lighting flashes within thunderstorm clouds, versus other kinds of signals
beaming out of the fog, outside of the nightclub scene.
in other words, lighting systems as signage, communications platform,
potentially signal systems for cryptographic content in the realm of the
semaphore, symbolic comms, etc.
here are a few introductions to the technology available...
// notice array ~35 sec. (sectional control allows pixel mapping)
[video] COLORbar™ SMD by CHAUVET® DJ
info: COLORbar™ SMD
(basically, in a combined array using DMX and software, patterns could
potentially be programmed onto the device as a display or communications
medium, including abstract signs or other language variations, within an
aesthetic context or as signage/semaphore)
[video] CHAUVET COLORbar SMD Overview
(note: light patterns could be video captured by mobile phone, decrypted)
this is perhaps the most promising, most applicable to 7- and 16-segment
display issues though in the dot-matrix approach, scaled to signage versus
circuitboard component... again a massive array would be needed though
definitely, if programmable, an 3|E animation and other calculations could
occur, the larger the grid, more space for symbols and words, though that
would be room and wall-sized and a huge investment to start, versus smaller
Core™ 3x3 // units interconnect into grid array. pixel-mapping.
{reference : pro-series Nexus™ 4x4 & LED video wall panels
then there are 'lines' known as colortubes, by different manufacturers
which could be used to create segmented alphanumeric characters or blocks,
or vertical or horizontal arrays. in addition, this technology is
potentially particularly well-suited to /\|\/ type dynamics...
[video] American DJ LED Color Tube // non-DMX, with remote
[videos] CHAUVET COLORTUBE 3.0 EQ LED // DMX controllable
// this appears the easiest approach if building a large pixel screen...
(really quite amazing, if it can be programmed at the pixel level)
[video] American DJ Flash Panel 16
note: many DMX-LED lights have controllable brightness levels
-- other possibilities --
[video] American DJ Matrix Beam LED // all metaphysics here...
[info] Matrix Beam LED…
// if it could be hacked, programmed for custom patterns...
MotionDrape™ LED by CHAUVET®
Chauvet Motion Drape LED Review/Demo
// this is much more basic though of a symbolic dimension...
// like a stationary LED juggling ball, less functions and purpose.
// decorative. ambiance, yet what if designed as programmable,
// or raspberry-pi placed in similar scenario, open dev platform...
LED Color Ball…
[note: in Minneapolis there used to be a giant ball on a building downtown
known as the 'weatherball' that changed color to indicate the weather
forecast and could be seen for miles. thus when snow was imminent it would
change color and people would know it would soon be snowing, etc. in this
way a simple mundane orb could function as a signaling device via what
color it is on, and what this may relate with. perhaps more could be done
with this, such as adding an info-dimension or that it is a sensor system
or a marker for geolocation or geocaching even, data point, whatever. what
if it synced with a ring or keychain, etc. or went into mood ring territory
based on proximity electrostatic charge, else like gunshot sensors, if
sharp noise or yelling detected turns red. what is the potential... is it
inert or does it tend towards interaction, is it a mirage as a crystal ball
or may it involve key exchange, etc.]
Mr. Weatherball
Weather beacon // see history: empire state bldg & coca-cola decoder
"A weather beacon is a beacon that indicates the local weather forecast in
a code of colored or flashing lights. Often, a short poem or jingle
accompanies the code to make it easier to remember."
-- further outward --
[video] ADJ Laser Preview // projection vs. aerial lasers
[video] American DJ Comscan LED // what if open patterns...…<…>
[video] full motion LED spot, remote controlled
[video] American DJ - X Move LED 25R
(example of potential use: modify for site-specific use, perhaps with UV or
IR lighting, invisible to normal sight. someone goes into a space,
instructed to take photo, and light illuminates dust pattern on wall that
later shows up on photograph. else, takes photo in area of others, pattern
lights up on clothing via matched wavelength thread, etc. perhaps unique
sensor in camera and light to bound other observations. thus: secret
communications, reading/writing. thus, what equipment can do this...
leading to consideration of existing DJ technology as an innovative medium
that could be explored for its potential as signage and for signaling in
various abstraction, beyond only color, into patterns, icons, movement,
animation, etc. quite a large canvas of possibilities to explore, beyond
networked PCs)
--- high abstraction pattern-match ---
e.g. what if this sketched a pattern in fog that was recognizable
via pattern-analysis of video // likely would require lasers
e.g. say binary pattern or sequence via on/off, hi-lo
sweeper beam // lighting system language... #X/V|
American DJ Tri Gem LED // gears, rotational syncing
the value would be in programmability, shaping output
to particular pattern-based if transformative parameters,
in terms of randomness or calculation or AI-behaviors...
Eclipse™ RGB // merges lasers & leds
(haunted-house crypto, moving towards MIDI-animatronics.
defensive tactic... if they cannot locate the computer, then)
[videos] DMX fog machines
Fog Bandit Presentation By Legal Entry Locksmiths 2009
(might as well go all the way....
Geyser™ RGB - color LED & fog
stage effect for symbolic encrypt/decrypt of binary crypto
in revue of security theater. soundtrack perfect.)
// and last but not least...
DMX bubble machine as the ultimate short-term RNG!!!
(what, you don't like soap? think of it, floating bubbles, light,
movement, captured on video, using pattern match engine
to search reflections and colors on bubbles surface, as if
hundreds of crystal balls a second, changing each moment
to the next via lighting and wind and inter-bubble relations)
--- artifact ---
CRYPTO bobblehead, "Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon"
related: PS3/X-box 360 console game, c.2008-9!_Path_of_the_Furon
{educational fair-use of copyright, 2013}
arugula, shallot, leek
MEDIA RELEASE: Family of alleged Silk Road operator Ross Ulbricht launches legal defense fund
by Mike Gogulski 21 Nov '13
by Mike Gogulski 21 Nov '13
21 Nov '13
Defense Fund Launched for Ross Ulbricht, Accused Silk Road Marketplace Operator
New York, NY, November 20, 2013 – The family of the man accused by the US government of operating the Silk Road online marketplace has launched a fund for donations to their son's legal defense.
Ross Ulbricht, 29, was arrested on October 1st and charged with creating and operating the web marketplace Silk Road, under the pseudonym “Dread Pirate Roberts”. The allegations include a variety of conspiracies, including narcotics trafficking, computer hacking and money laundering, as well as planned acts of violence. Ulbricht denied all charges in federal court in San Francisco in October. He will appear at a bail hearing at the United States District Court, Southern District of New York at 11:00 am EST on Thursday, November 21.
On their website, the Ulbricht family states: “Our goal is to provide Ross with what every American citizen is promised: a fair trial. In the USA we are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. We firmly believe in Ross’s innocence and are working hard with the best legal team to prove it.”
The family has retained New York-based attorney Joshua L. Dratel to defend their son in court. Mr. Dratel stated: “It is crucial that we have a level playing field for defending Ross, and that requires resources from the communities that support him.”
The Ross Ulbricht Legal Defense Fund LLC is a Wyoming-based corporation established by the Ulbricht family. All donations are used solely to pay attorney fees, fund accounting fees and ancillary legal expenses.
SOURCE: Ross Ulbricht Legal Defense Fund LLC,
Joshua L. Dratel
Joshua L. Dratel, P.C.
29 Broadway, Suite 1412
New York, New York 10006
United States of America
Office: +1 212 732 0707
Fax: +1 212 571 3792
Ross Ulbricht Legal Defense Fund LLC
To: Andy Greenberg of Forbes Magazine, author of "This Machine Kills Secrets".
Keep in mind that most of what I describe here will be in my 2003 lawsuit, 02-1052. <http:///> <http:///>
I should point out that you don't seem to be commenting about my now-numerous emails to you about these attorneys. What's the problem? Are you AFRAID to comment? I think it's unfair for you to wait until I have disclosed all this material, before you comment.
I really think I have a right to learn WHY you claimed that I had tried to fire 'every' attorney I'd had. Where did you hear this? You certainly never tried to verify this claim with me! I would have told you the truth; I would have directed you to lawsuit 02-1052, which already contained the truth.
Robert Leen: (You might initially be pleased to hear that Leen was the first attorney I'd actually TRIED to 'fire'. But don't get your hopes up! I was entirely unsuccessful at that attempt.!)
My next attorney was assigned about November 21, 2000. I knew 'the fix was in' because I had done NOTHING illegal. I didn't know about the forged, fake, fraudulent appeal case (99-30210), at least the portion of which was prior to May 2000 But I had very publicly announced that I had major, major suspicions about government government corruption, especially Ryan Thomas Lund's November 25, 1997 assault on me (ordered by government employees). And, I knew that the government had placed a tracking device on my parents' car (probably both of them) in April-June 1998. Also, I knew that the Feds had illegally searched my house on my arrest in June 1998. (I had been removed from my house; the house was empty of 'cops'. They had no authority to continue to search that house, yet they did so.
Robert Leen refused to try to obtain any 'discovery' shortly after my arrest about November 20, 2000. Recognizing that Leen was trying to sabotage my legal case, I wrote a letter to the Judge (Tanner) in about December 8, 2000, complaining that Leen was trying to sabotage my case. I was astonished (at least in part) that the Judge refused to have Leen fired. I kept asking for Leen to be fired throughout January, February, March, and beyond in 2001. No (good) answer by the Judge. I began learning the law in mid-December 2000. Starting about late February 2001, I began to write various legal motions, in order to document my complete unwillingness to accept Leen's 'representation'. (If you just look at the docket entries for case 00-5731, you may not be able to easily identify which motions were written by me, and which w
To show your lawyer how corrupt the Judge (Tanner) and Leen, and the prosecutor (Robb London) were (case 00-5731), during the last week of March 2001, I filed a 'notice of interlocutory appeal'. Your lawyer presumably understands that if a 'notice of appeal' arrives at court, of an appealable issue, that divests the jurisdiction of that court to proceed with any trial. Wanna know what happened? The judge PROCEEDED with a 'trial' as if nothing had happened. I filed a SECOND notice of interlocutory appeal a few weeks before the 'sentencing', and again that filing was completely ignored.
Robert Leen was NEVER 'fired'. In fact, in May 2010 (after being arrested for an ostensible probation violation.) Leen actually continued to (pretend to) 'represent me'. Even until today, I presume, he is ostensibly still 'representing' me. At least, on the paperwork he will be listed as 'representing' me.
I should point out, also, that it was about this time (early in Leen's malicious 'representation' of me) that I first heard the wacky comment (by the prosecutor Robb London) of his resistance to having Leen replaced. London said something LIKE "Bell fires all his attorneys". By now, Mr. Greenberg, you are well aware that this isn't true. You really need to find Robb London, and ask him if he ever said something like "Bell fires all his attorneys". Perhaps London would defend himself by claiming that he looked into the court record, noticed that at various times the name of my lawyer had changed, and he decided this 'must have' meant that I succeeded (and, therefore, certainly tried) in replacing these attorneys.
Annemarie Levins
I guess I'm getting tired of re-hashing what you could, and SHOULD, have read in my lawsuit, 02-1052, filed July 14, 2003. Levins was assigned shortly after my ostensible 'conviction' in September 2001. (The reason, as I vaguely recall, was that Robert Leen had stated, "I don't do appeals". I responded by saying to Leen, in what was only about 25% intended as a joke, "You don't do appeals. You merely make them necessary.") Over the next 4-5 months I wrote Levins numerous letters, containing easily 100 pages of single-spaced text, listing HUNDREDS of very arguable appeal issues. Levins, to my recollection, NEVER responded to even a single one of my letters! An increasing sense of dread resulted. I felt it was quite obvious that Levins was planning to further victimize me, in precisely the same way Avenia, Mandel, and Leen had done. (Remember, I did not then yet know how Solovy had victimized me, by concealing the
pre-May-2000 existence of appeal 99-30210.)
As I vaguely recall (not referring to any record) my appeal had to be filed on a Monday, perhaps it was in January or February 2002. At virtually the last minute, perhaps on a Thursday before, I finally received a copy of "the appeal". By that time, I had learned plenty of federal criminal and appeal law. I saw the appeal that Levins had written, the one that she had CONCEALED from me for 4 months, and it was obvious that it was intended to sabotage my case. Which, in fact, it did. There were at least 100 incredibly valid appeal issues which, if they had been argued properly, would have easily freed me, but Levins argued NONE of them.
Perhaps the day later, maybe it was Friday, the weekday before the appeal had to be filed, I obtained a telephone call to Levins. In that call, I accused Levins of deliberately sabotaging my case, saying that her failure to even respond to my 100+ pages of letters proved that she was a crook. She didn't deny it! When it was clear that Levins wasn't going to apologize, I ORDERED her to NOT file that appeal. I told her, "You're fired! You must not file that appeal! And if you're already filed it, I order you to withdraw it!!!". Strong words, but quite appropriate under the circumstances. The result? She DIDN'T resign. She filed the appeal. She DIDN'T have it withdrawn. The appeal lost, as I knew it would.
Mr. Greenberg, you should be utterly and completely ashamed for what you have done. You have thoroughly and completely misrepresented virtually every fact, implication, and nuance relating to me and my legal cases, and virtually everything I said/wrote to you. You LIED by claiming of your lawyer, "She read Bell's letter, then checked his legal file, which showed that he had fired practically every court-appointed lawyer ever assigned to him---little wonder that he had botched his appeals. It also showed he had filed fifty-one lawsuits against the government while in prison---nearly all dismissed immediately. She wanted nothing to do with it."
Mr. Greenberg, your lawyer is totally incompetent to have said ANY of these things. I have made perfectly clear in my recent set of emails to you:
1. You never verified any of these supposed 'facts', when in fact you had access to my 02-1052 lawsuit which would have told you the truth.
2. I never was SUCCESSFUL at firing ANY attorney assigned to my case.
3. I never ATTEMPTED to fire Avenia, Mandel, Floit, Bukey, and Solovy.
4. When, finally, I did begin to ATTEMPT to fire an attorney, Leen, I was entirely unsuccessful, indeed for a period of 9 years.
5. When I did ATTEMPT to fire Annemarie Levins, and ordered her to NOT file that appeal, I was completely unsuccessful in that attempt.
6. I did not file "Fifty-one lawsuits against the government". As I have already explained to you, I DID file well over 100 "habeas corpus" actions, which your lawyer was apparently unable to distinguish from 'lawsuits'. But since your lawyer probably didn't even bother to do anymore than read the dockets for some of these cases, it is perfectly obvious that she had no genuine idea why these habeas corpus actions were "dismissed immediately". In other words, she (presumably) didn't know whether those dismissals were 'genuine', or whether the dismissals were entirely frivolous. I can assure you that these dismissals were entirely frivolous. But, you didn't check my side of the story, because YOU DIDN'T ASK ME! That's called "bias".
7. _I_ never "botched any appeals". The appeals, to the extent they were 'botched', were 'botched' by the attorneys who were assigned to me, and (I claim) were actually assigned for the PURPOSE of 'botching' those appeals.
Mr. Greenberg, at this point you have an obligation, not merely to APOLOGIZE, but in fact to set the record straight. And I mean, not only in future editions of your book, but also to investigate the reality of the facts of the case. After all of the victimization I faced at the hands of the government and its thugs, you come along and make the situation worse! You try to make me look like a nut, when the reality is precisely as I have long claimed: I am the victim of the Federal government and its employees and agents. At no time did I lie or misrepresent the truth. At EVERY time the Federal government and its agents misrepresent the truth.
Mr. Greenberg, I have decided to publish the contents of this email in the Cypherpunks mailing list, to show that I have put you on notice as to your complicity in this matter. You can fix part of the problem by changing your book, and by writing a long article for Forbes telling (at least) how you claim to have been hoodwinked by the Federal Government. Morally, that will help a bit, but it won't change the fact that you were utterly unwilling to pursue the truth when it mattered most.
Jim Bell
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Jim Bell <jamesdbell8(a)>
To: Andrew Greenberg <agreenberg(a)>
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2013 1:26 PM
Subject: Fw: Your errors about me in your book.
Mr Greenberg,
I will continue about the history of 'my' attorneys, who were 'my' attorneys in name only: They were actually the attorneys of "The United States of America", and of their colluding employees. While I would like to say that my 'next' attorney was Jonathan Solovy, given the paperwork I should first deal with a couple of 'asterisks', named Catherine Floit and David Bukey.
At some point after I wrote that letter to the Ninth Circuit Court, I received a letter (about June 2000?) from an attorney named Catherine Floit. I called her by telephone, and I explained a bit about the history of prior attorneys Peter Avenia and Judith Mandel. I further explained that I had very, very serious suspicions about government corruption by these attorneys, and the government in general. I said that I would be suing those attorneys, and any other people who assisted the government corruption I then suspected. (Note: Remember, at that point, I did not know about the pre-April existence of phony, forged Ninth Circuit Court appeal 99-30210.) I was surprised when that phone call to Catherine Floit didn't last very long after that! (A minute?)
'What happened?', I thought! It turns out that Floit later contacted the people who had appointed her (the Public Defenders' Office in Seattle Washington, I think.) and asked to be de-assigned to my case. I later heard that she CLAIMED (quite falsely) that I had 'threatened' her! But I hadn't threatened her at all! I had no reason to do so, particularly at that early stage in her representation. But at this point I knew very little about the law. Eventually (a few years later, after I first saw the docket for the forged appeal case 99-30210, in late June 2003; see Jonathan Solovy's 'representation', which I will shortly write about) I realized that Floit must have been informed about the fact that the case she had been assigned to handle, 99-30210, was ALREADY a fraud, and in my phone call with her she learned that I was rather well-informed about the corruption of those two prior attorneys, Avenia and Mandel, AND that I intended
to sue them, etc. In other words, she understood that if she took that case, and if she did what the government wanted her to do, she herself was almost certainly going to get sued, and for exactly the kinds of things that Avenia and Mandel were already 'in the crosshairs' for having done in the past.
When an attorney is ASSIGNED a case (by a judge or a court) it's fairly hard to 'get out of it'. Such an attorney has to have a rather 'good' (but not necessarily, 'valid') reason to be relieved of that responsibility. Floit (I realized, years later) could not have simply said, "Jim Bell is on to them/us!!! He's going to sue us!". Floit could not have said, "The government is engaging in corruption against Bell, and I don't want to be part of it!". So, what was she going to do? It turns out that the easiest way for her to get out of the assignment was to (falsely) claim, "Jim Bell threatened me!!!". Which she, apparently, did. But I DIDN'T threaten her. But that didn't matter: Floit's mere allegation amounted to a "Get out of representation free" card, analogous to Monopoly's "Get out of jail free" card. She was not obligated to actually prove I'd done anything: No proof was required, or even requested. The
allegation itself was quite enough. As she, no doubt, knew quite well.
A few weeks later, another attorney (David Bukey) was assigned, but I didn't hear of that. I was not given any notification that Bukey had been assigned: Apparently Bukey heard of his assignment, refused it, and he never contacted me. Nor did anyone else contact me, either, on any subject, including that of Bukey or his (brief) assignment to my case. During this time, I wrote yet another letter to the Ninth Circuit Court basically asking, "Where's my representation?".
Notice, now, that the count is up to FOUR: Avenia, Mandel, Floit, and Bukey: None of these attorneys did I ever attempt to 'fire'. (And I didn't even learn that Bukey was supposed to be representing me, until after he had been relieved of that.) The closest to even 'attempting to fire' I had done was when I tried to prevent Avenia from being relieved, because I didn't want his successor (who turned out to be Mandel: I didn't want anybody assigned, because I had already gotten promises from Avenia to do investigation, which eventually he never effectively did) to be assigned. But at that, I was unsuccessful at both, of course.
Jonathan Solovy:
Eventually, Solovy was assigned to case 99-30210, as I vaguely recall in about August 2000. Keep in mind that I STILL didn't know about the pre-May-2000 existence of case 99-30210 as of then: I would only learn of that pre-May-2000 existence when I wrote for, and received, the docket for 99-30210 in late June 2003.
Solovy didn't do anything OBVIOUSLY wrong. At least, I didn't recognize that in 2000. He wrote the appeal, 99-30210, filed it, and it lost. I think he may also have written a Petition for Certiorari to the Supreme Court, which also obviously failed. (I don't recall what they contained; I didn't learn the law until beginning December 2000). But I can say this much: At no time during Solovy's representation did he EVER say to me anything that would have alerted me to the pre-May-2000 existence of case 99-30210. I may not have known much (or even 'anything') about Federal law in September, 2000, but if he had said something like "Jim, I see you've been assigned pro-se to this appeal since July 1999: What are your theories as to appealing this case?" I would have been alerted, with a distinct start, and I would have instantly asked him, "What do you mean? I thought I began this case in April 2000, when I wrote a letter to the
Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals? What's this about July 1999?!?".
By the time I first saw a copy of the docket for case 99-30210, on about June 20, 2003, I knew FAR more Federal law. I'd spent since about December 2000 in a jail/prison law library. In fact, two of the REASONS I wrote to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, in early June 2003, asking for the docket for 99-30210, were:
1. Clearing up loose ends for my Portland Federal Court lawsuit, 02-1052, I remembered that I had (thought!) initiated that appeal (99-30210) by means of mailing a letter to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, asking for an appeal. (In case 97-5270, as I recall). As of June 2003, I understood that the rules required that to appeal, somebody needs to file a 'Notice of Appeal' within about two weeks of the date of the order-entry. My letter of April 2000 was, I then realized, nearly ten (10) months too late to initiate an appeal in that case. "So why," I thought, "wasn't that letter immediately rejected?!?" and "Why did they give me that appeal?"
2. At some point, I recognized that the case-number of that appeal (99-30210) started with the number, "99", which stands for "1999", the date that appeal was initiated. In other words, I eventually realized (June 2003) that that appeal had been begun in 1999, NOT in 2000. Evidently, my letter of April 2000 DIDN'T 'start the ball rolling' on that appeal.
Therefore, and being quite suspicious, I wrote a bland, routine note in early June 2003 to the Ninth Circuit, asking for the copy of the docket for case 99-30210, which I had never seen before. I received an envelope about June 20, 2003, containing a copy of that docket. The most obvious thing that struck me about that docket was that case 99-30210 DIDN'T start in April 2000, as I had previously assumed. It was quite clear, instead that it had begun in July 1999. (Although, the 'Notice of Appeal' had actually been filed about June 20, 1999). Something VERY VERY suspicious had been going on! Secondly, I looked through the various docket entries, and I could see that this case had appeared to have been active: Ostensibly, I had actually been 'pro se' (representing myself) which I knew that I hadn't been doing! (because, of course, I hadn't even known about the existence of that case, prior to May 2000, thinking I initiated it with
a letter to the Ninth Circuit in late April 2000). In fact, I could see that there were two filings, about November 10, 1999, and March 2, 2000, which purported to have been filed by me! (And, obviously, I knew that I hadn't filed them!) Most importantly, I realized that I had not received ANY of these many mailings while I was at Seatac FDC (until Sept 3, 1999) nor any while I was at Phoenix FCI (From Sept 10, 1999 though April 13, 2000, when I was released; I was at the Oklahoma City Federal Transfer Center for a week from Sept 3 to Sept 10, 1999.)
Note: I received NONE of the mailings from the Ninth Circuit Court during July 1999 through April 2000, because the Bureau of Prisons staff at both those locations hid them from me. (Did not deliver them to me). If I had received EVEN ONE of those mailings, I would have been alerted that an appeal existed. I didn't receive even a single one. Of course, I wasn't EXPECTING a single one, either, because I was not then aware that appeal 99-30210 existed.
But there was more. I looked at the docket item numbers at the middle of the docket pages (between the dates on the left, and the descriptions of the entries on the right) and I noticed that they were not all there. Some were out of order (I later understood that merely being out of order is not abnormal) but 29 of the first 79 docket entry numbers simply were not present! Since I already knew there had to be a dramatic amount of corruption associated with this case, I considered that a very significant clue. Later, weeks and months later, I showed this docket to numerous 'jailhouse lawyers', and to a person, they said they had never seen even a single 'missing' docket entry number on any dockets they had ever seen. Over the subsequent years, I also looked at any docket I could get my hands on, and never once was I able to identify even a single 'missing' docket entry number on any docket.
An explanation is in order. I believe that in about May 2000, some of the staff of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals engaged in a 'forgery party' of the docket for case 99-30210. I think that they realized that they could not deny me an appeal in that probation-revocation case, BECAUSE THEY HAD ALREADY GIVEN ME THAT APPEAL! But, they also realized that they couldn't simply continue on with that forgery, because they knew that I DIDN'T KNOW of the existence of appeal 99-30210 during the time of June 1999 through April 2000. They knew that they couldn't simply initiate a new appeal, because a record of appeal 99-30210 already existed. They also knew that they couldn't allow me to see a copy of the docket for 99-30210, because that would have alerted me (just as it eventually alerted me in June 2003) that the appeal had existed, yet had been concealed from me during the period June 1999 through April 2000. What they had to do, I think,
was to RE-forge that docket, which they did in May 2000, and then assign a colluding attorney (First Floit, then Bukey, then Solovy) who would help conceal the history of this case from me, and then write a serviceable 'appeal', so that it could lose: Their hope, apparently, was that I would be satisfied with that. And until June 2003, I was indeed 'satisfied'.
Perhaps a couple months after I first saw that copy of the docket for case 99-30210, I wrote a letter to Jonathan Solovy. (He had never been 'de-assigned' to my case). I don't recall, precisely, what I said (It's been 10 years!), but I asked him to look into into the problem. His response? Well, suddenly he had developed 'carpal tunnel syndrome' (I was well aware of that condition) and he couldn't handle my case anymore! I insisted; He wrote to the judge, asking that he be allowed to withdraw. Actually, I think he wrote to the WRONG judge! I think he wrote to Judge Burgess, of the District Court case, 97-5270, NOT the Ninth Circuit appeals court (99-30210). But it didn't matter: he was allowed to withdraw.
Please note: Jonathan Solovy was my FIFTH attorney, if you are counting Avenia, Mandel, Floit, and Bukey before him. And note that I didn't try to get Solovy, either, 'fired'. Indeed, yet again I wanted to see Solovy to continue to handle that case (99-30210) in large part BECAUSE I knew that he had committed fraud against me and, kinda-sorta, against the court as well. But, Solovy's fraud was in league with the U.S. Attorneys (Seattle), the Federal Bureau of Prisons staff at FDC Seatac, and at FCI Phoenix, and the staff of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, and possibly others.
So, where did you come up with that claim that I fired "all" of my attorneys, HMMMMMMMM????????? Sorry if I display a little schadenfreude, but I think I've earned the right to complain. And I still haven't yet mentioned attorney Robert Leen, and Annemarie Levins, either!!! I'll talk about them next.
Jim Bell
----- Forwarded Message -----
On 11/14/13 7:15 PM, "Jim Bell" <jamesdbell8(a)> wrote:
Mr. Greenberg,
This is further commentary about your
claim that I fired 'every' attorney I was assigned. That, as I previously stated, was and is laughably incorrect.
Please see Claims 130 through 145, in my July 2003 Lawsuit, "James Dalton Bell et al v. District Courts of Tacoma and Seattle, et al", case number 02-1052, as amended on about July 14, 2003, for what I mentioned in my previous message, copied below. It's available on the Web, at: <http:///> <http:///>
See, further, Claims 146-161, describing how
attorney Judith Mandel was forced onto me. Strictly speaking, I didn't try to 'fire' Mandel: More accurately, I tried to prevent Mandel from being inflicted onto me, although I was unsuccessful. Mandel actually REQUESTED to withdraw, on about June 2, 1999 (See my Claim 158 in Lawsuit 02-1052).
You will notice very few references to forged, fraudulent 9th Circuit Court of Appeal case 99-30210 in my lawsuit. The reason is that I was having another person edit this lawsuit, in the Portland Oregon area, and I only discovered the pre-April-2000 existence of case 99-30210 in about June 20, 2003. That lawsuit had been originally filed in about July 2002, and there was a 1-year limitation period on my amending that lawsuit, in order to obtain the benefit of the earlier (2002) filing date. Thus, I had very little time in which to do those edits: I had to write a very
few such edits, mail them to the person doing the edits in the Portland area, where he made those edits, and then have copies of the amendment printed up and filed at Portland Oregon Federal Court.
It was, I believe, Judith Mandel who filed the one-page "Notice of Appeal" (About June 20, 1999) for my probation-revocation case in Tacoma Federal Court. (And she resigned about June 21, 1999). But she never sent me a copy of that notice. Of course, I didn't know that at the time. (And she never mailed to me a copy of her file on my case, which she should have done if she had been going to 'allow' me to defend myself in any subsequent appeal.) Even that wouldn't have been a problem, EXCEPT that all of the mailings subsequently done by the Ninth Circuit Court of appeals (or should have been done?) were never delivered to me: First, at my address at Seatac Federal Detention
Center (FDC), until about Sept 3, 1999, and subsequently (beginning about Sept 10, 1999) at Phoenix FCI. The only plausible explanation for this combination is that there was careful collusion between Mandel, the Tacoma Federal Court, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, and the staff of Seatac FDC and (later) Phoexnix FCI. If even ONE of the mailings that I should have gotten from the Ninth Circuit Court had actually arrived and had been delivered to me, I would have been aware of the existence of that appeal, case 99-30210.
My recollection is that in April 2000, I wrote a letter to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, still unaware of the existence of case 99-30210. I demanded an appeal on my probation-revocation case. (I had been told, by a jailhouse-lawyer, in early 2000 that I had a right to an appeal.) What I didn't know (because I didn't know the law at that point)
that in order to obtain an appeal, I would have had to have filed a "Notice of Appeal" within two weeks after the entry of the order: About June 1999. So, if I had know the rules, I would not have written that letter, because I would have realized that I was about 10 months too late. But, the reality is that the appeal ALREADY EXISTED, though I didn't know that at the time. In fact, I only learned in June 2003 that case 99-30210 had existed as early as July 1999.
So, you can see that I DIDN'T even attempt to fire attorney Judith Mandel. So, why did you say I fired her? Why did you say I fired her predecessor, Peter Avenia? I think by now you're getting a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, but it's going to get worse, much worse! I will continue to show that I did not SUCCEED in firing ANY attorney, and that in all cases those attorneys continued to
victimize me until the damage they could do was done. Then, on their own initiative (and with the approval of a colluding judge), they left.
Jim Bell
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Jim Bell <jamesdbell8(a)>
To: Andrew Greenberg <agreenberg(a)>
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2013 12:21 AM
Subject: Your errors about me in your book.
From Page 132 of "This Machine Kills
You commented about my
"truly phenomenal discovery". I have sent you a copy of the as-published PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty), for my isotopically-modified optical fiber invention. Corning says that 300 billion meters of optical fiber are made each year; If I get 10% market penetration, that's 30 billion meters. At $0.25 per meter of fiber royalty, that's $7.5 billion per year, or $150 billion over the patent's 20-year lifetime.
However, this is only one of a few dozen inventions I have thought of involving isotopically-modified materials, although it is the most readily doable and is like the most profitable. In principle, however, my fiber optic inventions number far more than this: The main problem is that isotope separation is rather expensive, and any such invention isn't worth doing unless the benefit from the material or device exceeds the cost of that separation. The main reason my optical
fiber is practical is that the isotopically-modified core of the 125-micron fiber is only about 30 microns in diameter, so that it uses very little isotopically-modified material. My estimate of 5000 patents is still reasonable, based on what I know now, but it will require the development of ever-cheaper ways of separating isotopes.
The article says (page 133) that "he had fired practically every court-appointed lawyer ever assigned to him". Actually, that is absolutely NOT true, although the truth requires some explanation that you didn't bother to ask me. I could say, accurately, that I "Never" fired ANY attorney, but again that requires some explanation. (More precisely, I never SUCCEEDED in firing ANY lawyer: In every circumstance where I tried to fire an attorney, that attorney was continued to be forced upon me, for weeks, months, or in one
case years, and if and when that attorney finally withdrew, it wasn't because _I_ wanted him to leave, it was because he (or she) had finally achieved the damage to me that he (or she) was trying to do, and he (or she) obtained the permission of the judge to withdraw.
You have a major responsibility here! To my recollection, you NEVER asked me about me 'firing' any attorney, yet you put this material in your book as if it were true. You have based your commentary on these false 'facts', and you didn't check with me to see if I had a correction or other explanation.
Peter Avenia was my first attorney (1997-1999). I never even tried to fire him. And, in fact, I tried to get the judge (Burgess) in about April 1999 to REFUSE Avenia's request to withdraw. Why? In 1998, I consented to an unnecessary 'mental evaluation' (in Springfield Missouri)
based on Avenia's promise that he would investigate my allegations that the government had been spying on me. In fact, the only basis for the government's request for a 'mental evaluation' was my claim that the government was spying on me! Please note that the government didn't deny that it had been spying; the prosecutor didn't comment on that. Can you see why this is a problem? It turns out that the government was, indeed, spying on me, including during the period of April 1998 and June 1998, after which they arrested me for a 'supervised violation'. In fact, they had placed a tracking device in at least one of my parents' cars (A Lincoln).
"What's wrong with that", you might ask? Well, in 2012 the US Supreme Court ruled (U.S. v. Jones) that such a placement was a "search" under the 4th Amendment. Indeed, in a 1999 9th Circuit Court of Appeals case (U.S. v.
McIver) , that court ruled that it was legal (under certain circumstances inapplicable to me) for 'cops' (term used generically) to place a tracking device on a subject's car. Problem was, in the McIver there was actually a CRIME being investigated (Marijuana growing) and the subject was directly linked to that crime. In stark contrast, I was neither suspected or known to have been involved in any crime, then-past, then-present, or then-future. In other words, these Feds actually just placed the tracking on the car without any legitimate law-enforcement reason. They did not want, however, to have the fact of their arguably-illegal placement of the tracking devices(s) openly mentioned in any court hearing. I, quite the opposite, DEMANDED to my attorney, Avenia, that he verify the tracking device(s) placement, and argue the matter in court. He promised to do that, in mid 1998, but he later (April 1999) broke his
promise by resigning, and his replacement also refused. In other words, I was denied an actual defense due to the collusion of two of 'my' attorneys as well as the government.
One of the major things I wanted to do was to prove that the Feds were employing what should be illegal tactics (such as the GPS tracking device) not for any legitimate reason, but simply because they considered me to be their 'enemy', not because they thought I was going to commit any crime. I wanted to be able to show that they were "offending" against me, because of (among other things) my allegation that they had employed a jailhouse snitch ("Ryan Thomas Lund") to attack me, which he did on November 25, 1997. (See version 1.06 of my Portland Oregon Federal Court lawsuit, 02-1052, version filed in July of 2003.
Avenia agreed to have an investigator do that. I went to
that (useless) evaluation, but when I returned I continued to insist on the investigation that Avenia had promised. Indeed, he eventually did send an investigator ("Sharon Callas") to do an investigation, in Vancouver Washington. Mysteriously, she resigned very shortly after doing that investigation, and I was never given the results.
Avenia was allowed (by the Judge, Burgess, now dead) to resign in about April 1999. I objected at a court hearing, because I had gotten Avenia to PROMISE to do an investigation, and I was afraid (correctly, as it turns out) that any replacement of him would fail or refuse to bring out the issues concerning the government's crimes and misdeeds against me.
More tomorrow.
Jim Bell
Curiously, US law enforcement feels it already has the general laws it
needs. Yet it needs the talent base to use them, aka: SS is hiring.
The US is behind in its guidance to business... US companies
large and small very much want to play and lead just as soon as a
compliance/certification framework appears in which they can safely
build a business. Unofficial regulatory 'guidelines' and failure to issue
business accounts/licenses due to that are not helping. Predicted that
virtual currencies will be regulated, tax reported, etc at the exchange
level as usual. US financial/consumer markets will evolve normally as
with any fiat currency. Was felt US needed to be on par with and peer
internationally for global regulation.
The Four Horsemen of the Infocalypse, Tor, etc were all in effect, yet
business and finance seemed to be the leaning and balancing interest
of the hearing.
A couple statements regarding "anonymity can be catastrophic", anonymity
regulation, etc were made that were left open without further comment.
Al Gore created Bitcoin.
Bitcoin markets continued their rise after the hearing.
An unconventional car: No engine, no transmission, no differential…
"Without {onboard computer motion control}, the car is quite difficult to
drive because the wheels are not coordinated," says the National Science
Foundation (NSF)-funded researcher, who also directs the university's
vehicle systems and control laboratory. "You feel like you are driving
something uncontrollable. You could flip over, or travel along an undesired
path, or cause a crash. But when the 'controller' is active, based on
feedback loops, the vehicle motion can be controlled, just as the driver
Powerline: The First Battle of America's Energy War
by Paul Wellstone // murdered in plane crash
"The inspiring story of a grassroots rebellion. Powerline describes the
opposition of rural Minnesotans to the building of a high voltage powerline
across 430 miles of farmland from central North Dakota to the Twin Cities
suburbs. Convinced that the safety of their families and the health of
their land was disregarded in favor of the gluttonous energy consumption of
cities, the farmer-led prairie revolt began as questioning and escalated to
rampant civil disobedience, peaking in 1978 when nearly half of Minnesota's
state highway patrol was engaged in stopping sabotage of the project. After
construction was completed, the powerline proved difficult to defend and
unprecedented guerrilla warfare brought many towers to the ground (due to
"bolt weevils"). Through pulse-quickening personal interviews and
big-picture analysis, Powerline lays bare the latent and unexpected power
of the people of rural America--and resonates strongly with today's energy
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༜ Я ץ
(note: several of videos from preceding urls-list were deleted,
thus links broken, due to reaching max upload limit at dropbox)
Vancouver’s ban on the humble doorknob likely to be a trendsetter (via digg)
[quote] Vancouver is the only city in Canada with its own building code, so
the changes made here are often chased into the B.C. Building Code and
Canada’s National Building Code, and then put into practice in cities and
towns across Canada. Vancouver’s influence is wide. And as go the codes, so
too goes the construction industry. [unquote]
// dual-use therapy equipment, can also be used to torture people...
// brute force behavioral engineering, physio & neuro programming,
// note: resonance-based "treatments" occur at a distance, vibrations
Shocking Medical Devices From Another Century (via digg)
[&] The Bakken Museum of Electricity in Life
US NAVY: Hackers 'Jumping The Air Gap' Would 'Disrupt The World Balance Of
""The ships are floating SCADA systems," Hagerott said, making reference to
the same highly vulnerable Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition
networks that run utilities in America..." (via drudgereport)
// ultrasonic neuromodulation and electromagnetic incarceration...
// descriptions of effects are accurate in my experience. this is it,
// except it can also be local, on-site, directed energy equipment
// & structurally involves political psychiatry/psychology practices.
(link from comments in url above)
[quote] Each day, a nationwide scalar electromagnetic radiation
"multifunctional" radio frequency directed energy weapon attack system
employing phased array cell tower antenna transmitter/receivers and GPS
satellites, under the administration of U.S. Cyber Command and military
contractor Lockheed Martin, is used to silently and invisibly torture,
impair, subjugate, and degrade the physical and neurological health of
untold thousands of American citizens who have been extrajudicially
"targeted" by a hate- and ideology-driven domestic "disposition matrix" as
"dissidents" or "undesirables." [unquote]
. . . . : : : films & videos : : : . . . .
Resonance Beings of Frequency documentary film | 2013, online 1:28min
Full Signal - 52 minute documentary - trailer
Genre: Documentary | Run Time: 61 minutes | Release: June 2010
Full Signal reviews at Amazon…
Safe (1995 film) -- Julianne Moore
{educational fair-use of copyright, 2013}
☢ ☤ ☣
[decades ago when a gradeschooler went on a museum tour of Glensheen
Mansion, located in Duluth, Minnesota. what amazed me was at that age was
the level of luxury achieved by the extremely wealthy, in comparison to
ordinary people. this was captured in a magnificent shower that had twenty
shower heads and body jets, in 1908 (potentially involving gold). this is
context for a recent 'typological' discovery when on Amazon, where these
kinds of shower arrays are now being sold as normal fixtures (example url
shower panel…
Glensheen Historic Estate
what i think is interesting about this is how over time these values or
luxuries even, migrate towards the larger population, once-middleclass, and
that a level of opulence exists where ordinary people live like kings and
queens via these vary many details of conventional life. in that, you do
not need to be a baron to have 10 showerheads if that is a significant
priority yet it may be one of many and eventually establish itself as a new
standard for bathroom fixtures and so it can be tied to how it is valued,
its use, is it really better than a simpler solution. and under this is an
unrecognized issue of infrastructure, water ecosystems, regulatory
policies, water quality, and water conservation that cannot be disconnected
from the artifact as idea. so too computers with powerplants and pollution
and energy wars, and so on.
it just surprised me to see this on Amazon after several decades, and
remembering how amazing that shower was of a wealthy person from
yesteryear, and now an approximation of that technology exists as another
choice for shoppers, more than a century later. and how it seemed to
indicate various parallels, yet how underlying factors may also not be
dealt with at the same time something appears as if progress when removed,
isolated from its context. in other words, perhaps it is like an electric
razor that had efficiency to replace a safety razor, yet today they are
sold with chemicals that need to be repurchased again and again to keep it
working (auto-cleaning cartridges) and thus a secondary 'blades'
requirement, more and more to keep the thing working, and it involves
additional effort to _manage the device. thus, what of televisions from CRT
to digital and increased bureaucracy or other technical issues related to
computers, making them less efficient or effective as tools, or more
involving time and energy to manage or configure settings. and thus, what
if there is hard water and not only one nozzle gets blocked, but eight, and
all need to be cleaned or replaced, etc. perhaps that is the essence of
friction-free purchasing without connectivity to other ecosystem issues. it
can be excluded from the analysis, the innovation occurring in some ways,
efficiency, while in others it may be a loss of function or additional
routine that is more trouble than its worth. so too, technology in general,
additional settings, versus artifacts and tools that actually work as they
are designed to and are exceptionally well functioning, removed of errors,
etc. who knows if the 'advanced options' of the shower panel are worth the
investment, though the question may be- do you need to be rich to keep up
with the eventual upkeep expenses, if not troubleshooting and maintenance.]
// "deep neural network" machine learning algorithm. regarding
// knowing what sound source to focus in on, wonder if gyroscope
// or accelerometer may help determine or preference directionality
Study reveals potential breakthrough in hearing technology
[quote] "That means that hearing-impaired people who had the benefit of
this algorithm could hear better than students with no hearing loss," Healy
said. [unquote]
(note: once read a remarkable statistic now forgotten regarding the
projected need for hearing aids in young adults due to mp3 players and
personal audio electronics, perhaps to include cellphones even, that was
resulting in hearing loss issues on a massive scale. in other words,
hearing aids are the future for entire generations, due to noise &
listening to loud music whether on headphones or at concerts with huge loud
amps, etc. guess when the musicians playing are themselves dealing with
hearing loss it might be considered a side-effect of the approach to
musical production even. though perhaps everything, TV, phone, traffic,
(now cannot even take a walk without having someone alone who is talking
out loud to themselves, only to realize they are using a cellphone involved
in a remote conversation. combine this with those who view screens while
walking outside, and a form of willful blindness and deafness appears to
exist as people move in private bubbles of reality).
[&] Loss: Is Loud Music Making Teens Deaf?
(note: this is an example of the statistics though what i remember included
examination of multiple generations, all having increased and severely
premature hearing loss specifically due to electronics and the noisy
environment, where nerve cells for hearing are being killed off via
sound-based activities; the irony that music 'listening' leads to loss of
hearing, etc.)
South Africa cemeteries to microchip tombstones…
Broken windows theory // recontextualize with OS
~Greenwaldian Theorem // a^2 + b^2 > c^2 (via digg)
First-Ever Hyperspectral Photo of Auroras
' The NORUSCA II can switch between 41 different optical bands in a matter
of microseconds, allowing scientists to detect things in the atmosphere
based on their “light fingerprint.” '
[in-article link]
Researchers Turn an Ordinary Canon 5D Into a Hyperspectral Camera…
note: this last issue has potential relevance to solar astronomy, because
solar telescopes today using h-alpha filters (such as Coronado Solarscopes)
need to be tuned to one area of the sun, its surface or its edges, which
results in other regions becoming less focused. my question for this has
been if a holographic chamber could be made that can focus in multiple
'tuned regions' simultaneously and then merge them optically in a single
image that then is the basis for capturing images of the sun and its
activity. should be possible though a double focusing mechanism or another
approach with mirrors is likely required to allow for it.
// backgrounder; multidimensional hyperspectral 'data cubes', use in
// astronomy, mining & geology, ecology, food processing, surveillance,
Hyperspectral imaging
[quote] Hyperspectral sensors look at objects using a vast portion of the
electromagnetic spectrum. Certain objects leave unique 'fingerprints'
across the electromagnetic spectrum. These 'fingerprints' are known as
spectral signatures and enable identification of the materials that make up
a scanned object. [endquote]
// property, boundaries of individual custom manufacture...
How A Geek Dad And His 3D Printer Aim To Liberate Legos (digg)…
"A Lego spokesperson says the company has no problem with Levin and
Sims’ work but is keeping an eye out for printed objects that infringe on
its brand. Neither Hasbro nor any of the smaller companies that sell
construction toys responded to requests for comment. So far the pair
haven’t received a cease-and-desist letter."
(also, see comment regarding printer specs, feasibility)
interesting quote from article: Personal Kill (via digg)
[quote] "BG/OS: It seems that the military’s answer {to how should our
military train if not for these simulations?} is to invest in technology
that allows for more automated, remote-controlled units; surveillance; and
weapons like robots and drones in any imaginable form in order to avoid
human casualties on the side of the military and in order to control from
the distance. Next to other things, this also indicates an increasing
militarization of cities and public communities in general, because single
individuals are the target. But drone pilots get PTSD too, and war zones or
conflicts can’t be controlled by machines. Automation seems still to go
only so far and the distance of the flying eye can trigger the application
of violence much easier than the immediacy of human encounter." [endquote]
// parameters, boundaries, identity, ecosystems, shared consciousness.
// missing issues in neuro & computing: understanding of perspective
A Neuroscientist’s Radical Theory of How Networks Become Conscious…
[note: i had a computational model for achieving this through parallelism
of matched patterns, local-global computing to function beyond the capacity
of the human brain, all 'transistors' interconnected structurally, via
looping N-value logical evaluation into shared scaffolding that exists as
an ecological computation; concept of crystal ball computing.]
[note also: permeability of surveillance within todays bounded, finite PCs
could indicate a type of emergent consciousness that is surveillance, as
collective awareness or tending toward super- or supra-organism, yet again
bounded, constrained to few parameters vs. unleashing potential
interconnections, allowing that to govern, thus keeping it contained and
under control, to keep things in the existing paradigm, manageable by a
given ideology etc]
// consider the following headline....
iPad Mini displays fewer colors than does iPad Air, says report
Though it boasts a Retina display, the new iPad Mini is still stuck with
the same color palate found in the first edition, says Anandtech.…
[to me there is something 'meta' about this that translates into a larger
framework. perhaps at its most abstract, how tools themselves are bounded
by the ideas held inside of them, and thus more and more speed of
processing may still be rely upon a particular limiting approach, even
while appearing as if an upgrade or greater functionality. so what if the
fundamentals are off or something is constrained. and how much of planned
obsolescence in manufacturing is based on similar techniques, if locked
CPUs or software or non-innovating product categories that could likely
include most everything electronic, if sustaining false or warped ideology]
Invisible Fields. Geographies of radio waves
Astrophysicists tackle the Sun and one of physics' biggest unsolved problems
"Scientists have proposed two main theories to explain why the temperature
of the gas in the corona, which lies above the solar surface, soars to over
1 million degrees Kelvin even though the surface of the sun is a relatively
cool 6,000 degrees. (The center of the sun is 15 million degrees.)"
--- colorshift examples ---
test videos to document colorshift properties using LED color light and
different colored objects for a project that was canceled. these are overly
long and very boring though demonstrate certain principles that could be
useful. (basic research)
VIDEO: juggling balls (2:27)
VIDEO: juggling rings (4:51)
VIDEO: juggling clubs (3:28)
the bigger idea involved venn logic and various balloon colors as a way to
visualize a model of consciousness i was exploring via 'balloon octopii' to
translate ideas of pseudo-truth and of various limits (and processing of
concepts as molecules) and parameters. here are some of the octopus images.
i wanted to make a 'brain' of multiple colored balloons for each octopus,
having different venn color compositions, and then photograph them together
under the same color light, as if ~resonance of /shared patterning/ to
model this relation via thinking.
pT/T modeling (note: REG noisefield for emergent pattern match) A=A/B
octopii communicating within noisefield via shared/unshared patterns
Platonic forms, ideas as molecules, tuned into as consciousness
so here was the larger idea... looking at balloons (translucent, opaque,
and transparent) as set combinations that have various color-based
permutations based on their configuration. that this could be explored, the
videos here only tests, first steps never developed further.
VIDEO: venn balloons and colorshift test (3:00)
VIDEO: venn balloons and colorshift tests (3:43)
VIDEO: venn balloons and colorshift tests (4:16)
VIDEO: venn balloons and colorshift tests (0:42)
two things to note: as mentioned, the venn issue and set theory, and
ultimately experiments for balloon-in-balloon experiments (red balloon
_nested inside blue balloon, then illuminate with various color sequences)
as this relates to balloon-by-balloon dynamics (overlapping of colors, even
picking up of colors by transparent balloons or tinge or color-casting).
-and- also, the molecular aspect as if electron-tunnel microscopy or some
other device looking at atomic formations at some level of abstraction. so
the balloons were also going to be explored for these molecular forms (none
of that in these images, though it is a natural attribute of latex balloons
(tap the maple tree -> maple syrup, tap the rubber tree --> latex for
VIDEO: crude molecule test, failed to capture effect (5:21)
VIDEO: colorshift multicolor thread patterns (4:01)
: : : text transformation : : : (errata-scramble)
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uobdɹsʇnʌʍxʎz nodbj5fn^mxh2
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AU <---> FeS₂