My reply to pro2rat for some reason doesn't automatically add the
cypherpunks list right now. Here's what I sent.
On 11/15/20, Karl <gmkarl(a)> wrote:
> On 11/15/20, professor rat <pro2rat(a)> wrote:
>> "... By "double agent", I meant that while throwing shit everywhere, you
>> are also communicating with us [and that this doesn't always end
>> well]. We're already all calling each other out as disruptors etc.
>> Would you be willing to keep to one thread more with me, for the rest
>> of the list to manage their email better? ..."
>> That depends. Several c-punks have been jailed and had list activities
>> mentioned in prosecutions.
>> Any agent allegations need to be backed up. " Put up or shut up ". Also I
>> will stop throwing shit
>> when you stop. You first.
> Re: throwing shit and me, thanks so much for figuring this out. It
> seems unfair to me that you had to.
>> "... Community folks are looking for how to guide their communities so
>> that
>> they don't get fucked up. We do not accept being pawns in
>> international games. .."
>> Don't you mean ' VOLK "? And you prawns are already fucked up to judge
>> by
>> your admitted grouping.
>> " National borders are not even road humps on the information
>> superhighway
>> '
>> Old cypherpunk proverb
> For throwing less shit, are you able to let me know when I say things
> that come across as shit throwing and/or when I don't, at all?