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- 8 participants
- 725 discussions
GoDaddy, Tech Co. Quietly Agree To Kill Antitrust Suit
By Nadia Dreid
The world's largest domain registrar, GoDaddy, has come to terms with the
company behind an antitrust suit claiming that it blackballed the tech
company from its platform, according to documents filed recently in
Virginia federal court.
1 document attached | Read full article »
| Save to favorites »
Judge Lets RJ Reynolds, Altria Seal Docs From Juul Deal
By Andrea Keckley
A federal judge in North Carolina on Tuesday granted requests by tobacco
giant R.J. Reynolds Vapor Co. and rival Philip Morris' parent company to
seal documents in their ongoing royalty dispute, keeping details of their
licensing agreements with the vape brand JUUL confidential.
Opinion attached | Read full article »
| Save to favorites »
HBO Escapes 'FBoy Island' Copyright Case
By Andrew Karpan
A Southern District of New York judge has decided that the canceled HBO
reality TV show "FBoy Island" is not "substantially similar" to a reality
show pitch that was shopped around by a producer who followed up his pitch
with a copyright lawsuit.
2 documents attached | Read full article »
| Save to favorites »
Judge Sends Koons 'Made In Heaven' IP Fight To The Afterlife
By Theresa Schliep
A New York federal court on Tuesday dismissed a copyright infringement case
against artist Jeff Koons, saying the dispute — featuring a snake
sculpture, an Italian porn star turned parliamentarian and a messy divorce
— was brought too late.
Order attached | Read full article »
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Purdue Gets Time To Document New $7.4B Ch. 11 Settlement
By Vince Sullivan
Counsel for bankrupt drugmaker Purdue Pharma received approval Tuesday for
an extension of a mediation window during which litigation against
nondebtors is paused after telling a New York judge that it has reached
definitive terms on a new $7.4 billion settlement of opioid claims and
needs time to finalize documentation surrounding the deal.
Read full article »
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Jay-Z's Claims Against Buzbee May Get Trimmed, Judge Says
By Rachel Scharf
A California state judge said Tuesday that he's inclined to toss Shawn
"Jay-Z" Carter's extortion claims against personal injury lawyer Tony
Buzbee and some, but not all, of the rapper's defamation allegations
stemming from a now-abandoned rape lawsuit.
Read full article »
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Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement; GreenSky Loan Class Action Certified In Calif. Court; Apple Litigation Chief Threatened With Sanctions At Hearing; | CryptoBank Whitepaper
by Gunnar Larson 26 Feb '25
by Gunnar Larson 26 Feb '25
26 Feb '25
Goldman Sachs:
Will Goldman Sachs' Board Directors submit the Board to an audit of the
Deferred Agreement’s mandates?
- - confirms, Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution
Agreement holds certain employee, customer and vendor data requirements.
GreenSky Loan Class Action Certified In Calif. Court
By Katryna Perera
A California federal judge has granted class certification to consumers
suing GreenSky Inc. over alleged unlawful loan transaction fees, finding
that expert analysis showed merchants likely passed these fees onto
borrowers, but also granted summary judgment to the lending company on
claims related to performance fees over the lack of evidence that consumers
had to pay them.
Order attached | Read full article »
| Save to favorites »
Apple Litigation Chief Threatened With Sanctions At Hearing
By Dorothy Atkins
A California federal judge presiding over a high-stakes evidentiary hearing
into whether Apple has complied with her 2021 antitrust injunction
threatened to sanction Apple's commercial litigation director Tuesday,
telling counsel she has "significant concerns" about Apple's
over-designation of attorney-client privilege, saying, "Your client is not
entitled to have you engage in unethical conduct."
Read full article »
| Save to favorites »
<…> -'s research on Apple Card paints a stark image for Goldman
Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made effort to defraud the
United States of America *AND* -;
- While under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United
States of America.
*Please find the attached whitepaper with 71 reference footnotes.*
* | CryptoBank Whitepaper:*
Crypto and Blockchain are each a Human Right.
For all, everywhere.
How does New York based bank fraud happen from the inside? People who
commit crimes comprise departments and divisions of corporate
organizations, and some current Human Resources (HR) management cultures
lend well to the committing of crimes.
What organizational HR management design structures are at play to
architectect such fraud for bespoke juristical instances?
Is there a unique opportunity for a fresh and clean New York-based
international bank such as argues that modern and innovative Executive Suites pioneer
organizational HR management with the CEO and CFO leading the pack as the
most ethical example for members in their organization. This key
distinction calls for leaders to always adhere to a very strict, yet
progressive, standard of ethics, even when it’s inconvenient.
*---- (PAGE BREAK) ----* - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson -
On Wed, Feb 26, 2025, 7:02 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs:
> - shares with Goldman Sachs' Board Directors; 187
> highlights to the Department of Justice’s "
> *Prosecuting Computer Crimes, Computer*
> *Crime and Intellectual Property Section, Criminal Division*," published
> by the Office of Legal Education, Executive Office for
> United States Attorneys.
> *Computer Crimes Manual Highlights.pdf:*
> -
> - has organized seven references to -'s
> Apple Card research for Goldman Sachs' Board Directors.
> * - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell:*
> -
> -'s research on Apple Card paints a stark image for
> Goldman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made effort to defraud
> the United States of America *AND* -*; *
> - While under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United
> States of America.
> Referral Co. Barred From $5.54B Swipe Fee MDL Settlement
> <…>
> By Sydney Price
> A New York federal judge has blocked a referral partner of a claims filing
> service from any role in the $5.54 billion settlement of long-running
> multidistrict litigation accusing Visa and Mastercard of charging improper
> merchant fees, after the referral partner allegedly improperly used class
> member information to submit claims.
> Order attached | Read full article »
> <…>
> | Save to favorites »
> <…>
> - Bank respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
> Thank you,
> Gunnar Larson
> --
> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
> -
> 646-554-7514
> On Wed, Feb 26, 2025, 3:07 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>> Goldman Sachs:
>> Will Goldman Sachs' Board Directors submit the Board to an audit of the
>> Deferred Agreement’s mandates?
>> - confirms, Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement
>> holds certain employee, customer and vendor data requirements.
>> *Goldman-Sachs-Deferred-Prosecution-Agreement.pdf:*
>> -
>> Audit Watchdog Tightens UK Accounting Guidance
>> <…>
>> By Joel Poultney
>> The audit watchdog published on Tuesday its finalized guidance to help
>> companies asses whether it is a "going concern," which it said will broaden
>> the scope of its advice to reflect reporting changes and high-profile
>> corporate collapses.
>> Read full article »
>> <…>
>> | Save to favorites »
>> <…>
>> * -'s running hypothesis is to move the Deferred Agreement
>> conversation to official Discovery.*
>> - Discovery could eventually summerise an enterprise software racket
>> perpetuated by Goldman Sachs;
>> - Perhaps, an enterprise software RICO could be argued visavie
>> Goldman Sachs' software relationships at Coinbase, Fireblocks, Robinhood,
>> Apple Card and;
>> - While under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United
>> States of America.
>> Ex-Allianz Exec Avoids Prison As Massive Fraud Case Wraps
>> <…>
>> By Pete Brush
>> A Manhattan federal judge on Tuesday allowed a former fund executive from
>> New Jersey to avoid prison for lying to clients of Allianz's U.S. unit,
>> citing his cooperation as the government investigated a fraud that cost the
>> German finance giant $6 billion.
>> 2 documents attached | Read full article »
>> <…>
>> | Save to favorites »
>> <…>
>> EU Report May Influence Regulation Of Decentralized Finance
>> <…>
>> The European supervisory authorities’ recent report on decentralized
>> finance highlights the major regulatory challenges and increased
>> cybersecurity risks of this ecosystem, and will likely provide useful
>> guidance on how the market could be regulated to limit potential risks for
>> investors, say Hubert de Vauplane and Hugo Bordet at Morgan Lewis.
>> Read full article »
>> <…>
>> | Save to favorites »
>> <…>
>> - Bank respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
>> Thank you,
>> Gunnar Larson
>> --
>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>> -
>> 646-554-7514
>> On Wed, Feb 26, 2025, 2:26 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>> Art Director/Designer: Ken Carson
>>> Photographers: Charles Wiesehahn, David Vine, Stan Schafer, H. Armstrong
>>> Robert's
>>> Copywriter: Bill Drier
>>> Agency: Conaway & Lyon, Inc.
>>> Client: Nation's Business
>>> *oops.*
>>> We hate to cloud your day, but we'd like
>>> to bring you up to date on a few things the
>>> experts have to say about our future relationships with Russia.
>>> The outlook is anything but rosy.
>>> It seems we could all be blown to hell be-
>>> cause of an incredible Kremlin capacity for
>>> misjudging what they can get away with
>>> in their drive to communize the world.
>>> In other words, the cold war, though
>>> vastly changed, is far from over.
>>> It's perils are not diminishing. If any-
>>> thing they're on the increase.
>>> And continued disintegration of the So-
>>> viet bloc may tempt the Russians into new
>>> and desperate measures.
>>> In short: the Reds are still on the make.
>>> And though they definitely do not want a
>>> nuclear war, they seem to be continually
>>> blundering to the brink.
>>> Take the Cuban missile crisis, for exam-
>>> ple. The Russians thought they could plant missiles in Cuba without
>>> obstacles. They
>>> never dreamed President Kennedy would
>>> stand up to them.
>>> Another example, Czechoslovakia. The
>>> Russians actually expected to be welcomed as they plunged into Prague.
>>> In the end, either of these miscalcula-
>>> tions could have triggered a showdown. A
>>> showdown leading to a humiliating defeat.
>>> Or disaster.
>>> The cover story of the December issue
>>> of Nation's Business tells more of the story.
>>> (To over 2,000,000 of the nation's business
>>> men.)
>>> Why a political report in a magazine like
>>> ours? That's simple. If it affects business,
>>> it'll be there.
>>> Which is probably why we have over 854,000 businessmen paying to
>>> subscribe to our magazine.
>>> Which, when you think about it, is at
>>> least one happy note to leave you with.
>>> If you're an advertiser.
>>> *Nation's Business *
>>> *We Reach more businessmen than any other business magazine *
>>> On Tue, Feb 25, 2025, 6:36 PM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>>> Filmmaker Seeks New IP Trial Against Shyamalan, Others
>>>> <…>
>>>> By Andrea Keckley
>>>> A filmmaker has asked for a new copyright infringement trial against
>>>> writer-director M. Night Shyamalan and his co-defendants Friday after a
>>>> jury found that they did not have access to the film she claimed they
>>>> infringed, arguing that the court failed to answer a crucial question from
>>>> the jury before the verdict was delivered.
>>>> Memorandum attached | Read full article »
>>>> <…>
>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>> <…>
>>>> Patent Eligibility Appeals 'Will Not Go Away,' Justices Told
>>>> <…>
>>>> By Andrew Karpan
>>>> Another plea to hear a patent eligibility case has been lodged at the
>>>> U.S. Supreme Court, this time in an amicus brief from the owner of two
>>>> invalidated patents covering medical machinery that warned "the problem
>>>> will not go away. The problem will get worse and worse."
>>>> 2 documents attached | Read full article »
>>>> <…>
>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>> <…>
>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>> --
>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>> -
>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>> On Tue, Feb 25, 2025, 10:15 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>>>> Check out Gunnar Larson's recent article:
>>>>> The Hong Kong Department of Justice’s approach to litigation finance
>>>>> and third party funding is coming into greater focus following the UK
>>>>> Supreme Court’s July 26, 2023 ruling on R. (on the Application of PACCAR
>>>>> Inc) v Competition Appeal Tribunal [2023] UKSC 28.
>>>>> Mondaq reports that PACCAR has defined “damaged-base agreements” or
>>>>> “DBAs” in the United Kingdom. DBAs are strictly regulated in the UK, now
>>>>> including litigation funding agreement contract law. Many UK courts have
>>>>> operated under the assumption that funding of litigation agreements does
>>>>> not fall under the purview of DBAs. PACCAR’s Supreme Court decision has
>>>>> sparked a fervent debate around this topic.
>>>>> Mondaq says that Hong Kong DBA relevancy differs from the UKs DBA
>>>>> approach. Specifically, in Hong Kong, champerty and maintenance are illegal
>>>>> factors that can lead to a fine and prison sentence.
>>>>> It’s important to note that Hong Kong does allow waivers to the
>>>>> general prohibition of litigation investment if:
>>>>> 1. Third parties share a common interest in funding the outcome of a
>>>>> case.
>>>>> 2. Accessible justice is a prime consideration.
>>>>> 3. Insolvency proceedings are necessary.
>>>>> --
>>>>> - * - will totally defend ourselves in Hong Kong. *
>>>>> Crypto Exchange OKX To Pay $504M For Allowing Illicit Deeds
>>>>> <…>
>>>>> By Stewart Bishop
>>>>> Cryptocurrency exchange OKX on Monday agreed to pay $504 million in a
>>>>> deal with New York federal prosecutors who said the company ran afoul of
>>>>> U.S. anti-money laundering rules and allowed its platform to be used for
>>>>> more than $5 billion worth of suspicious transactions.
>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>> <…>
>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>> <…>
>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>> --
>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>> -
>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>> On Tue, Feb 25, 2025, 3:12 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>>>>> - is concerned of potential Deferred Prosecution
>>>>>> Agreement malfeasance by Goldman Sachs.
>>>>>> * -'s running hypothesis is to move the Deferred
>>>>>> Agreement conversation to official Discovery.*
>>>>>> - Discovery could eventually summerise an enterprise software
>>>>>> racket perpetuated by Goldman Sachs;
>>>>>> - Perhaps, an enterprise software RICO could be argued visavie
>>>>>> Goldman Sachs' software relationships at Coinbase, Fireblocks, Robinhood,
>>>>>> Apple Card and;
>>>>>> - While under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the
>>>>>> United States of America.
>>>>>> BREAKING: Elizabeth Holmes Loses 9th Circ. Appeal Over Theranos Fraud
>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>> By Dorothy Atkins
>>>>>> A Ninth Circuit panel on Monday affirmed the criminal fraud
>>>>>> convictions of former Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes and former Theranos
>>>>>> executive Ramesh "Sunny" Balwani along with their respective 11-year and
>>>>>> nearly 13-year prison sentences, rejecting arguments that the lower court
>>>>>> made multiple evidentiary errors that unfairly swayed jurors.
>>>>>> Opinion attached | Read full article »
>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>> - is concerned Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution
>>>>>> Agreement was designed to prevent Goldman Sachs' potential malfeasance;
>>>>>> Such as market misrepresentations.
>>>>>> - It is alleged that Goldman Sachs has made multiple market
>>>>>> misrepresentations against -;
>>>>>> - It is alleged that Goldman Sachs' CEO continues to make market
>>>>>> misrepresentations against -'s co-founder; Gunnar Larson.
>>>>>> Denmark Argues Misrepresentation Led To £1.4B Tax Refunds
>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>> By Joanne Faulkner
>>>>>> Denmark's tax authority told the High Court of Justice on Monday that
>>>>>> it would not have paid out billions in refunds to a British trader and
>>>>>> others accused of involvement in a fraudulent trading scheme had they not
>>>>>> submitted forms purporting to show eligibility for tax refunds.
>>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>> - Some of these potential misrepresentations of -
>>>>>>'s best interests may have transpired during Goldman Sachs active
>>>>>> Deferred Agreement with the United States of America.
>>>>>> Ex-WealthTek Partner Denies Defrauding Clients Out Of £64M
>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>> By Ronan Barnard
>>>>>> A former partner at wealth management firm WealthTek LLP denied
>>>>>> accusations by the Financial Conduct Authority that he defrauded clients
>>>>>> out of more than £64 million ($80.8 million) when he appeared at a London
>>>>>> criminal court on Monday.
>>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional
>>>>>> rights.
>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 24, 2025, 3:21 PM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>> Art Director: William Hopkins
>>>>>>> Designer: Allen Hurlburt
>>>>>>> Photographer: Art Kane
>>>>>>> Publisher: Cowles Communications, Inc./Look Magazine
>>>>>>> *THE*
>>>>>>> *ISSUES*
>>>>>>> WAR
>>>>>>> AND
>>>>>>> PEACE
>>>>>>> Vietnam has given us no songs, no
>>>>>>> glory. There have been 38 other
>>>>>>> wars fought since World War II,
>>>>>>> but the U.S. has bumbled into one
>>>>>>> whose aims are unclear, and whose
>>>>>>> outcome is uncertain. Our little war,
>>>>>>> like some vast malevolent genie,
>>>>>>> has engulfed us.
>>>>>>> Our mass media forever drone its witless incantations; escalate,
>>>>>>> killrate, defoliate.
>>>>>>> We see the young, frightened face
>>>>>>> of a soldier go lifeless on the 6:00
>>>>>>> news. We are thrust onto the field
>>>>>>> to witness the old insanity of man
>>>>>>> pruning out his kind. Vietnam
>>>>>>> has done something to the
>>>>>>> American mind.
>>>>>>> It has given us a
>>>>>>> new view of the meaning of modern
>>>>>>> war, and called into question the
>>>>>>> virtue of U.S. military ventures.
>>>>>>> With over 1,000 ICBM's sheathed
>>>>>>> in hidden scabbards, we could
>>>>>>> rain random death on over half the
>>>>>>> population of our planet. Before we
>>>>>>> are led to unleash this power, we
>>>>>>> might well reexamine our over-
>>>>>>> committed role as global peace offi-
>>>>>>> cer. We have sought to come to terms
>>>>>>> with other nations, whose people
>>>>>>> fear America. Now, our own scared
>>>>>>> citizens sense our need to
>>>>>>> come to terms with ourselves.
>>>>>>> WAR
>>>>>>> AND
>>>>>>> PEACE
>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 24, 2025, 9:43 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>>>>>>> - submits to Goldman Sachs' Board Directors that
>>>>>>>> - is not time-barred from seeking justice over any Goldman
>>>>>>>> Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement malfeasance.
>>>>>>>> Swizz Beatz Says Suit Over 1MDB Funds Is Time-Barred
>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>> By Elliot Weld
>>>>>>>> Hip-hop artist Swizz Beatz has told a Manhattan federal judge that
>>>>>>>> a suit claiming he received millions of dollars that were stolen in the
>>>>>>>> 1Malaysia Development Berhad fraud scandal should be tossed since it was
>>>>>>>> brought after the six-year statute of limitations.
>>>>>>>> Memorandum attached | Read full article »
>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>> Childish Gambino Nabs Fees In 'This Is America' IP Case
>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>> By Andrew Karpan
>>>>>>>> A New York federal judge has ordered a Miami rapper to pay out
>>>>>>>> nearly $287,000 in legal fees for litigating a failed copyright case
>>>>>>>> targeting Childish Gambino's 2018 hit song "This Is America," less than a
>>>>>>>> third of what the record label lawyers and others had asked for.
>>>>>>>> Memorandum attached | Read full article »
>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional
>>>>>>>> rights.
>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 24, 2025, 9:03 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>>>>>>>> Did Goldman Sachs try to take advantage of -
>>>>>>>>> Apple Can Claw Back Mistakenly Produced Docs In Epic Fight
>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>> By Bonnie Eslinger
>>>>>>>>> A California federal magistrate judge said Friday that Apple can
>>>>>>>>> claw back two documents the tech giant said it accidentally produced during
>>>>>>>>> discovery for an antitrust suit brought by Epic Games, rejecting the game
>>>>>>>>> developer's assertion that Apple's bid was "opportunistic."
>>>>>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>> - has organized seven references to -
>>>>>>>>>'s Apple Card research for Goldman Sachs' Board Directors.
>>>>>>>>> * - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda
>>>>>>>>> Lacewell:*
>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>> -'s research on Apple Card paints a stark image
>>>>>>>>> for Goldman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made effort to
>>>>>>>>> defraud the United States of America *AND* -;
>>>>>>>>> While under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of
>>>>>>>>> America.
>>>>>>>>> Stellantis Loses €770M Auto Parts Cartel Claim
>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>> By Joanne Faulkner
>>>>>>>>> The Competition Appeal Tribunal dismissed on Friday a €770 million
>>>>>>>>> ($805 million) claim brought by Peugeot and other car manufacturers after
>>>>>>>>> they failed to show how a European car safety parts cartel caused them to
>>>>>>>>> pay higher prices.
>>>>>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>> Drugmakers Slam 'Untimely' Claims In Employers' Antitrust Suit
>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>> By MJ Koo
>>>>>>>>> Pharmaceutical companies targeted by sweeping antitrust lawsuits
>>>>>>>>> from major employers, including Target, Lowe's and American Airlines, have
>>>>>>>>> asked a Pennsylvania federal judge to trim conspiracy claims from a lawsuit
>>>>>>>>> accusing them of orchestrating illegal agreements for price-fixing and
>>>>>>>>> customer allocation, arguing the allegation was unsupported and untimely.
>>>>>>>>> 2 documents attached | Read full article »
>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional
>>>>>>>>> rights.
>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 24, 2025, 7:07 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>>>>>>>>> -'s research on Coinbase paints a stark image for
>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to
>>>>>>>>>> defraud the United States of America *AND* -;
>>>>>>>>>> While under an active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States
>>>>>>>>>> of America.
>>>>>>>>>> Compliance Pointers For DOJ's Sweeping Data Security Rule
>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>> A new Justice Department rule broadly restricts many common data
>>>>>>>>>> transactions with the goal of preventing access by countries of concern,
>>>>>>>>>> and with an effective date of April 8, U.S. companies must quickly assess
>>>>>>>>>> practices related to employee, customer and vendor data, says Sam Castic at
>>>>>>>>>> Hintze Law.
>>>>>>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>> - confirms, Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution
>>>>>>>>>> Agreement holds certain employee, customer and vendor data requirements.
>>>>>>>>>> *Goldman-Sachs-Deferred-Prosecution-Agreement.pdf:*
>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>> These employee, customer and vendor data safeguards should have
>>>>>>>>>> prevented Goldman Sachs' potential market abuses against -
>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional
>>>>>>>>>> rights.
>>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 24, 2025, 6:26 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>>>>>>>>>> - reminds Goldman Sachs; -'s
>>>>>>>>>>> co-founder Gunnar Larson is a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar.
>>>>>>>>>>> - Taking themes of software purity;
>>>>>>>>>>> - It would appear that all enterprise software deals Goldman
>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs potentially structured against - would need to pass
>>>>>>>>>>> standard wire fraud compliance.
>>>>>>>>>>> For example, - investigated Goldman Sachs'
>>>>>>>>>>> relationship with Coinbase; Visavie NYDFS contact before 2023 A.D.
>>>>>>>>>>> *Coinbase Trade Secret and Determination Letter 2023-093329.pdf:*
>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>> - shares with Goldman Sachs' Board Directors;
>>>>>>>>>>> 187 highlights to the Department of Justice’s
>>>>>>>>>>> "Prosecuting Computer Crimes, Computer
>>>>>>>>>>> Crime and Intellectual Property Section, Criminal Division,"
>>>>>>>>>>> published by the Office of Legal Education, Executive Office for
>>>>>>>>>>> United States Attorneys.
>>>>>>>>>>> *Computer Crimes Manual Highlights.pdf:*
>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>> Coinbase Says SEC Will Drop Suit Amid Crypto Policy Shift
>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>> By Aislinn Keely
>>>>>>>>>>> Coinbase said Friday the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
>>>>>>>>>>> has committed to dropping its enforcement action against the crypto
>>>>>>>>>>> exchange, a move that would see the regulator walk away from one of its
>>>>>>>>>>> flagship crypto suits amid a wider policy shift under the Trump
>>>>>>>>>>> administration.
>>>>>>>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>> -'s research on Coinbase paints a stark image
>>>>>>>>>>> for Goldman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to
>>>>>>>>>>> defraud the United States of America *AND* -
>>>>>>>>>>> symaltaniouly while under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the
>>>>>>>>>>> United States of America.
>>>>>>>>>>> *Goldman-Sachs-Deferred-Prosecution-Agreement.pdf:*
>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional
>>>>>>>>>>> rights.
>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 24, 2025, 2:37 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>>>>>>>>>>> *Please find the attached memo with 23 reference footnotes.*
>>>>>>>>>>>> * - | DOJ Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred
>>>>>>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement:*
>>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>> - reminds Goldman Sachs, that -
>>>>>>>>>>>>'s co-founder is a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Taking themes of software purity; It would appear that all
>>>>>>>>>>>> enterprise software deals Goldman Sachs structured against -
>>>>>>>>>>>> would need to pass standard wire fraud compliance.
>>>>>>>>>>>> As mandated by Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement
>>>>>>>>>>>> with the United States of America.
>>>>>>>>>>>> *Goldman-Sachs-Deferred-Prosecution-Agreement.pdf:*
>>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>> Mastercard Wins Green Light For £200M Swipe Fee Settlement
>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>> By Joanne Faulkner
>>>>>>>>>>>> The Competition Appeal Tribunal said Friday it would approve a
>>>>>>>>>>>> £200 million ($250 million) settlement between Mastercard and Walter
>>>>>>>>>>>> Merricks to end litigation over credit card fees, despite "some concerns
>>>>>>>>>>>> about how the matter was dealt with" in the lead-up to the deal being
>>>>>>>>>>>> reached.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>> - has organized seven complete references to
>>>>>>>>>>>> -'s Apple Card research for Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors.
>>>>>>>>>>>> * - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda
>>>>>>>>>>>> Lacewell:*
>>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>> -'s Apple Card research paints a stark image
>>>>>>>>>>>> for Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to
>>>>>>>>>>>> defraud the United States of America *AND* -;
>>>>>>>>>>>> While under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of
>>>>>>>>>>>> America.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Vatican Was 'Utterly Let Down' By Financier In Property Deal
>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>> By William Janes
>>>>>>>>>>>> The Vatican was "utterly let down" by an Italian financier who
>>>>>>>>>>>> did not act in good faith in a failed €350 million ($366 million) property
>>>>>>>>>>>> deal, a London court ruled on Friday, although it did not find that he had
>>>>>>>>>>>> conspired to defraud the state.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>> - shares 187 highlights to the Department of
>>>>>>>>>>>> Justice’s "Prosecuting Computer Crimes, Computer
>>>>>>>>>>>> Crime and Intellectual Property Section, Criminal Division,"
>>>>>>>>>>>> published by the Office of Legal Education, Executive Office for
>>>>>>>>>>>> United States Attorneys.
>>>>>>>>>>>> *Computer Crimes Manual Highlights.pdf:*
>>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>> - previews what it could look like for Goldman
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs' Board Directors if - is forced to seek relevant
>>>>>>>>>>>> injunctive relief in Orange County, California.
>>>>>>>>>>>> *Here's How Orange County Went Broke:*
>>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>> "The scene, 25 years ago this month, could have been lifted
>>>>>>>>>>>> from a mob movie:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Ten top power-brokers in Orange County government headed to an
>>>>>>>>>>>> exclusive Italian restaurant for a secret Saturday dinner. Strung out from
>>>>>>>>>>>> a string of all-nighters — they’d been working to keep the county’s $20
>>>>>>>>>>>> billion investment pool from imploding — the meal was to be a
>>>>>>>>>>>> pressure-reliever, a breather, a reward.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Despite the headlines just two days earlier — “O.C. fund down
>>>>>>>>>>>> $1.5 billion” — it seemed, on Dec. 3, 1994, that things might work out.
>>>>>>>>>>>> During marathon calls with Wall Street brokers and local city bureaucrats
>>>>>>>>>>>> they’d delivered a smooth new mantra — *“It’s just a paper
>>>>>>>>>>>> loss. Everything’s under control… Don’t panic!*”"
>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional
>>>>>>>>>>>> rights.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 23, 2025, 3:33 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Please find the attached memo with reference footnotes.*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * - | DOJ Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement:*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>>> March 10, 2022
>>>>>>>>>>>>> BY ELECTRONIC MAIL
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mr. John Marzulli
>>>>>>>>>>>>> United States Department of Justice
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eastern District of New York
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 271 Cadman Plaza East
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brooklyn New York, 11201
>>>>>>>>>>>>> John.Marzulli(a)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Mr. Marzulli:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, Memo
>>>>>>>>>>>>> #2 and Memo #3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Agreement
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical
>>>>>>>>>>>>> enforcement being concerned.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with war
>>>>>>>>>>>>> crimes of aggression (in the planning, initiation, or
>>>>>>>>>>>>> execution of a large-scale and serious act of aggression), leveraging the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> world’s only military divided capital city Nicosia, Cyprus.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> New York State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war crime
>>>>>>>>>>>>> against peace, related to the planning, preparation,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international
>>>>>>>>>>>>> armed conflict.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> In this case, the first challenge is to observe and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> consider the simple idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> recognize the ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Memo #4’s assertion of war crimes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> DOJ may be amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly
>>>>>>>>>>>>> supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deferred Agreement being self-policing.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations
>>>>>>>>>>>>> peacekeeping mission in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> occupation of the northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey
>>>>>>>>>>>>> recognises the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, while there is broad
>>>>>>>>>>>>> recognition that the ongoing military presence constitutes occupation of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> territories that are under Turkish military control.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> University of Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the United
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nations Buffer Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of North
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> based at its Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now -
>>>>>>>>>>>>> was credited with increasing the breadth and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> accessibility of reference content from the world’s most important
>>>>>>>>>>>>> multinational organization.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent association
>>>>>>>>>>>>> with such projects as the Audio Visual Library of International Law.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed
>>>>>>>>>>>>> timeline that would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression
>>>>>>>>>>>>> yielding the war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s
>>>>>>>>>>>>> only military divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Turkey’s Markets
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it from
>>>>>>>>>>>>> any side whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border act
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Agreement’s core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate
>>>>>>>>>>>>> cross-border war crime regulatory frameworks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that Turkey
>>>>>>>>>>>>> fined Goldman Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, just a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> week after foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock and bond
>>>>>>>>>>>>> markets. Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs was among
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10 securities firms that had placed orders for short selling without proper
>>>>>>>>>>>>> notification, violating rules enacted previously that temporarily
>>>>>>>>>>>>> prohibited such transactions.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Language daily newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs
>>>>>>>>>>>>> International acted as Global Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M
>>>>>>>>>>>>> bond issuance for the Bank of Cyprus.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that there is one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of thing. Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may
>>>>>>>>>>>>> have been tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking
>>>>>>>>>>>>> international peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while
>>>>>>>>>>>>> jeopardizing the United States of America’s financial security.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Marketplace Manipulation
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The United States Department of the Treasury warns that Prime
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bank Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted significant
>>>>>>>>>>>>> international attention, since individuals and organizations have lost
>>>>>>>>>>>>> billions of dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is the general
>>>>>>>>>>>>> term given to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many different names.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith (and,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> plausible deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a pristine
>>>>>>>>>>>>> relationship with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest financial
>>>>>>>>>>>>> institutions, given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and then
>>>>>>>>>>>>> pending Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime Bank
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Instrument Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by
>>>>>>>>>>>>> failed marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> any kind between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> aggression.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have
>>>>>>>>>>>>> tried to bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through
>>>>>>>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not
>>>>>>>>>>>>> considered the totality of such actions as war crimes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> second-highest rate of inflation among emerging markets, just behind
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Argentina. It has the 13th highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> between South Sudan and Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was
>>>>>>>>>>>>> fined for illegal stock and bond market short selling by the Turkish
>>>>>>>>>>>>> government, logic would argue further malfeasance potentially could have
>>>>>>>>>>>>> been avoided by the DOJ’s

Re: -, PBC | Memo #1 - Potential SpaceX Interlocking Directors’ Intent to Manipulate Markets; CFPB Shutdown Means 'Irreparable Harm,' 23 State AGs Say; CFPB's $8 Late Fee Rule On Ropes As Banks Move In For Kill
by Gunnar Larson 26 Feb '25
by Gunnar Larson 26 Feb '25
26 Feb '25
Attorney General Letitia James: - has suffered harm by the esteemed NYAG's willful
CFPB Shutdown Means 'Irreparable Harm,' 23 State AGs Say
By Sarah Jarvis
Nearly two dozen attorneys general on Friday filed an amicus brief backing
the union that represents Consumer Financial Protection Bureau workers in
their lawsuit over the agency's shutdown, arguing they will suffer "several
forms of irreparable harm" without a preliminary injunction.
Brief attached | Read full article »
| Save to favorites »
The former Governor of New York State Andrew Cuomo; Along with with his
former deputy, NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell were target of
investigation by NYAG.
This investigation into the fomer Governor of New York State and the NYDFS
Superintendent was arguably propagated under a the NYAG's banner of New
York State suffering 'irreparable harm.'
- The idea of New York State suffering 'irreparable harm' seemingly
authorized NYAG's dutiful action for Mr. Cuomo and Ms. Lacewell. - shares Mr. Cuomo's ethics complaint with NYAG; While - actively questions NYAG's congruence.
*Cuomo-Ethics-Complaint.pdf: *
CFPB's $8 Late Fee Rule On Ropes As Banks Move In For Kill
By Katryna Perera
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and other trade groups have urged a Texas
federal judge to strike down the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's $8
credit card late fee rule once and for all, saying, among other things,
that the CFPB is itself a "veritable issue-spotter of constitutional law
Brief attached | Read full article »
| Save to favorites »
<…> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson -
On Sun, Feb 23, 2025, 8:33 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
> *Please find the attached memo with 16 reference footnotes.*
> * -, PBC | Memo #1 - Potential SpaceX Interlocking
> Directors’ Intent to Manipulate Markets *
> -
> May 21, 2022
> SpaceX Corporation
> Board of Directors
> One Rocket Road
> Hawthorne, California
> 90250
> Sales(a)
> Re: Potential SpaceX Interlocking Directors’ Intent to Manipulate
> Markets
> Dear SpaceX Board of Directors:
> From our New York headquarters, -, PBC embodies the notion
> that rather than a merry-go-round, the process of change and innovation is
> like a slide.
> Today’s memo aims to notify the SpaceX Corporation of concern of potential
> market manipulation that could impact cross-border digital asset
> innovation, free speech in the United States of America, the global ESG
> economy and Moon exploration. We do not see this as a stereotypical
> democrat versus republican battle (as Mr. Musk alludes). We see this as a
> risk arbitrage matter for -’s profit (subject to regulatory
> approval).
> Some may argue a scheme to leverage the protection of “free speech” has
> led to Twitter deal advisors attempting a $44B LBO market manipulation
> exercise. Further cause for reasonable concern is warranted if similar
> intent is at play in the form of Tesla’s ESG scam claim. -
> indicators signal risk of possible intent to manipulate public
> and private markets prompting clarification of the SpaceX Corporation’s
> intent concerning Moon exploration and exploitation as a ESG digital asset
> vault.
> To be very clear, SpaceX directors should understand -’s
> work to protect cross-border digital asset innovation was born before
> Twitter's prospective LBO. Our concern specific to the intent of
> Twitter’s LBO deal makers is party to our work in New York to usurp Goldman
> Sachs and JP Morgan Chase board directors who may be potentially engaged
> in similar market manipulation referenced here:
> 1.
> - | DOJ Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution
> Agreement.
> 2.
> - | Memo #2 - JPMorgan Chase Board of Directors ESG
> Marketplace Manipulation.
> 3.
> -’s work also includes research into oil and nickel
> marketplace manipulation as an ESG concern.
> The Twitter LBO includes Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase operating as
> deal advisors. As referenced above, claims of Twitter robot scams and
> claims of Tesla ESG scams display a pattern of questionable intent.
> - asks SpaceX to clarify your board's intent concerning the Moon
> and any connection to USDD (now in Moon phase). SpaceX directors may
> agree that the Moon can also be defined as one of the most valuable ESG
> digital asset vaults known to modern humanity.
> Protecting the Moon from explo8itation is fundamental to Space exploration.
> SpaceX is party to any potential Twitter deal maker advisors that may
> exercise questionable intent risking the Moon’s ESG vault potential.
> - is concerned with interlocking directorate syndicates
> that include SpaceX, Tesla, PayPal, Goldman Sachs and BitGo. This setup
> breeds a galaxy of third and fourth party risk(s) at the demise of pure
> cross-border digital asset innovation. Twitter robots are not the focus
> of the Orlando Police Department Pension Fund, who suggests that Twitter’s
> LBO is suspected of questionable intent as potentially illegal.
> -
> Mr. Musk’s ingenuity as an entrepreneur is historic and greatly
> respected as a model inside our organization. As a Gates Scholar and
> Blockchain Scholar holding international law distinction(s) The
> concept of the Moon being an ESG digital asset vault is logic USDD
> seemingly embodies.
> -
> For obvious reasons, we seek SpaceX’s board to confirm if the intent
> behind your CEO’s Twitter LBO and Tesla ESG claims and if SpaceX is party
> to a USDD type matter given your syndicate’s close association with USDP.
> - kindly asks the SpaceX Corporation board of directors to
> respond within 15 days of receipt of this correspondence. Default in the
> form of no response within 15 days is not an extortion technique on our
> part. Rather, it is a design benefit in disclosing our intent post 15 days
> to ask for approval to engage New York’s False Claims Act in response to
> SpaceX, Tesla, PayPal and Meta interlocking directors potentially engaging
> in digital asset marketplace manipulation (exemplified by USDP and USDD)
> that may exploit Space and Moon exploration at -, PBC’s
> overall expense.
> Respectfully yours,
> Gunnar Larson | <> - <>,
> MSc
> <…>
> - Digital Currency
> <…>
> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)
> G(a) +1-646-454-9107
> CC: Tesla Board of Directors
> Twitter Board of Directors
> Goldman Sachs Board of Directors
> JP Morgan Chase Board of Directors
> On Sat, Jun 18, 2022, 4:44 PM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
> Dear Attorney General Letitia James:
> -, PBC seeks to earn your esteemed approval to engage the
> New York False Claims Act under urgent pretences.
> Today's correspondence marks the first time in history, a self-titled
> "mafia" (aka, the "PayPal Mafia '') is compelled to answer publicly the
> decision to manipulate both the New York False Claims Act and the Martin
> Act against one another.
> - Madam Attorney General, your leadership approach has historical
> context
> <…> to
> logic and ultimate Exxon Mobil vs. New York State
> <…> case
> precedent.
> - -, PBC research and development notes our hawkish
> approach to ESG, D&O and LBO innovation.
> - -, PBC sees this not a democrat vs. republican
> concern as Mr. Elon Musk (CEO, SpaceX and Tesla) claims. False
> pretense to protect free speech are now being debated as party to a $200B
> pryamid scheme.
> Ms. James, on May 21, 2022 -, PBC
> <…> contacted
> the SpaceX Corporation with reasonable concern of CEO Musk's intent
> behind the $44B Twitter LBO. The Orlando Police Pension Fund shared similar
> concerns to the intent behind Twitter's LBO as illegal.
> Since, market forces suggest that SpaceX and Tesla directors are part of
> interlocking directorate, self proclaimed the PayPal Mafia. The racket
> could waterfall to problem(s) at the New York State Department of Financial
> Services with Superintendent association to D&O insurance regulation.
> Ms. James, -, PBC seeks your office's urgent assessment of
> this matter. We aim to earn approval to explore the New York False Claims
> Act to confront SpaceX as a racket.
> *Like a house of cards, the PayPal Mafia racket could risk a waterfall of
> D&O interlocking directorate insolvencies. In summary: *
> 1. -'s May 21, 2022 memo to SpaceX questioned intent
> behind baseless claims pioneered by SpaceX's CEO, branding ESG a scam
> via Exxon Mobil. Obviously, Exxon Mobil vs. New York State
> <…> alludes
> Mr. Musk party to a false claim.
> 2. SpaceX has failed to establish a preponderance of evidence and
> burden of proof not a racket.
> 3. SpaceX has failed to prove that Twitter's LBO is not false claim to
> free speech protection.
> 4. True social innovation cannot sponsor a fake news racket that could
> jeopardize space exploration and war.
> 5. Twitter's LBO dealmakers (Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase)
> company balance sheets, financial statements and other corporate records do
> not impact -, PBC holding a racket accountable to false
> claims.
> The CEO of SpaceX and Tesla leveraging Exxon Mobil as an ESG
> securities scam does not preclude the PayPal Mafia's intent to engage false
> claims at the sacrifice of New York State's financial future.
> Madam Attorney General James, we hope to hear from your esteemed office
> and learn assessment of best next steps.
> Thank you,
> Gunnar
> --
> *Gunnar Larson *
> * <> - <>, PBC*
> MSc
> <…> -
> Digital Currency
> <…> - Entrepreneurship
> and Innovation (ip)
> G(a)
> +1-646-454-9107
> New York, New York 10001
> On Sat, Feb 22, 2025, 2:14 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>> Madam Attorney General James:
>> - urges AGNY to contact the FBI in consultancy relateting
>> to the below headlines; Particularly if AGNY was potentially involved in
>> any "Obstruction of Justice" against -
>> BREAKING: Justices Knock Down Ala. Federal Rights Exhaustion Rule
>> <…>
>> By Katie Buehler
>> The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday struck down an Alabama law that requires
>> litigants to exhaust state administrative remedies before filing federal
>> civil rights claims in local courts, finding the rule established an
>> impermissible obstacle to litigants seeking to assert federal rights.
>> Opinion attached | Read full article »
>> <…>
>> | Save to favorites »
>> <…>
>> BREAKING: High Court Finds FCC's E-Rate Subject To False Claims Act
>> <…>
>> By Christopher Cole
>> Justices ruled unanimously Friday that telecoms participating in the
>> federal E-Rate program supporting school and library connectivity can be
>> sued for excess payouts under the False Claims Act because the subsidy's
>> funds are provided through the U.S. Treasury.
>> Opinion attached | Read full article »
>> <…>
>> | Save to favorites »
>> <…>
>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
>> Thank you,
>> Gunnar Larson
>> --
>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>> -
>> 646-554-7514
>> On Fri, Feb 21, 2025, 5:31 PM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>> Madam Attorney General James:
>>> On Saturday June 18, 2022 at 4:44 PM - wrote you
>>> concerning SpaceX Interlocking Directors’ Intent to Manipulate Markets.
>>> Musk's X Seeks Cash At $44B Valuation, Plus More Rumors
>>> <…>
>>> By Tom Zanki
>>> Elon Musk is seeking to raise money for his social media platform X at a
>>> $44 billion valuation — the same price he paid to buy the site in 2022 —
>>> while BP is considering selling its Castrol lubricants unit for $10 billion
>>> and KKR could inject $5 billion into ailing British utility Thames Water.
>>> Here, Law360 breaks down the notable deal rumors from the past week.
>>> Read full article »
>>> <…>
>>> | Save to favorites »
>>> <…>
>>> -, PBC seeks to earn NYAG's esteemed approval to engage
>>> the New York False Claims Act under urgent pretences.
>>> Today's correspondence marks the *second* time in history, a
>>> self-titled "mafia" (aka, the "PayPal Mafia '') is compelled to answer
>>> publicly the decision to manipulate both the New York False Claims Act and
>>> the Martin Act against one another.
>>> - Madam Attorney General, your leadership approach has historical
>>> context
>>> <…> to
>>> logic and ultimate Exxon Mobil vs. New York State
>>> <…> case
>>> precedent.
>>> - -, PBC research and development notes our hawkish
>>> approach to ESG, D&O and LBO innovation.
>>> - -, PBC sees this not a democrat vs. republican
>>> concern as Mr. Elon Musk (CEO, SpaceX and Tesla) claims. False pretense to
>>> protect free speech are now being debated as party to a $200B pryamid
>>> scheme.
>>> Ms. James, on May 21, 2022 -, PBC
>>> <…> contacted
>>> the SpaceX Corporation with reasonable concern of CEO Musk's intent behind
>>> the $44B Twitter LBO. The Orlando Police Pension Fund shared similar
>>> concerns to the intent behind Twitter's LBO as illegal.
>>> - Since, market forces suggest that SpaceX and Tesla directors are
>>> part of interlocking directorate, self proclaimed the PayPal Mafia. The
>>> racket could waterfall to problem(s) at the New York State Department of
>>> Financial Services with Superintendent association to D&O insurance
>>> regulation.
>>> Ms. James, -, PBC seeks your office's urgent assessment
>>> of this matter. We aim to earn approval to explore the New York False
>>> Claims Act to confront SpaceX as a racket.
>>> *Like a house of cards, the PayPal Mafia racket could risk a waterfall
>>> of D&O interlocking directorate insolvencies. In summary: *
>>> 1. -'s May 21, 2022 memo to SpaceX questioned intent
>>> behind baseless claims pioneered by SpaceX's CEO, branding ESG a scam via
>>> Exxon Mobil. Obviously, Exxon Mobil vs. New York State
>>> <…> alludes
>>> Mr. Musk party to a false claim.
>>> 2. SpaceX has failed to establish a preponderance of evidence and
>>> burden of proof not a racket.
>>> 3. SpaceX has failed to prove that Twitter's LBO is not false claim
>>> to free speech protection.
>>> 4. True social innovation cannot sponsor a fake news racket that
>>> could jeopardize space exploration and war.
>>> 5. Twitter's LBO dealmakers (Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase)
>>> company balance sheets, financial statements and other corporate records do
>>> not impact -, PBC holding a racket accountable to false
>>> claims.
>>> The CEO of SpaceX and Tesla leveraging Exxon Mobil as an ESG
>>> securities scam does not preclude the PayPal Mafia's intent to engage false
>>> claims at the sacrifice of New York State's financial future.
>>> Madam Attorney General James, we hope to hear from your esteemed office
>>> and learn assessment of best next steps.
>>> Thank you,
>>> Gunnar ✌️
>>> --
>>> *Gunnar Larson *
>>> * <> - <>, PBC *
>>> MSc
>>> <…> -
>>> Digital Currency
>>> MBA
>>> <…> - Entrepreneurship
>>> and Innovation (ip)
>>> G(a)
>>> +1-646-454-9107
>>> New York, New York 10001
>>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2022, 4:44 PM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>> Dear Attorney General Letitia James:
>>> -, PBC seeks to earn your esteemed approval to engage
>>> the New York False Claims Act under urgent pretences.
>>> Today's correspondence marks the first time in history, a self-titled
>>> "mafia" (aka, the "PayPal Mafia '') is compelled to answer publicly the
>>> decision to manipulate both the New York False Claims Act and the Martin
>>> Act against one another.
>>> - Madam Attorney General, your leadership approach has historical
>>> context
>>> <…> to
>>> logic and ultimate Exxon Mobil vs. New York State
>>> <…> case
>>> precedent.
>>> - -, PBC research and development notes our hawkish
>>> approach to ESG, D&O and LBO innovation.
>>> - -, PBC sees this not a democrat vs. republican
>>> concern as Mr. Elon Musk (CEO, SpaceX and Tesla) claims. False pretense to
>>> protect free speech are now being debated as party to a $200B pryamid
>>> scheme.
>>> Ms. James, on May 21, 2022 -, PBC
>>> <…> contacted
>>> the SpaceX Corporation with reasonable concern of CEO Musk's intent behind
>>> the $44B Twitter LBO. The Orlando Police Pension Fund shared similar
>>> concerns to the intent behind Twitter's LBO as illegal.
>>> Since, market forces suggest that SpaceX and Tesla directors are part of
>>> interlocking directorate, self proclaimed the PayPal Mafia. The racket
>>> could waterfall to problem(s) at the New York State Department of Financial
>>> Services with Superintendent association to D&O insurance regulation.
>>> Ms. James, -, PBC seeks your office's urgent assessment
>>> of this matter. We aim to earn approval to explore the New York False
>>> Claims Act to confront SpaceX as a racket.
>>> *Like a house of cards, the PayPal Mafia racket could risk a waterfall
>>> of D&O interlocking directorate insolvencies. In summary: *
>>> 1. -'s May 21, 2022 memo to SpaceX questioned intent
>>> behind baseless claims pioneered by SpaceX's CEO, branding ESG a scam via
>>> Exxon Mobil. Obviously, Exxon Mobil vs. New York State
>>> <…> alludes
>>> Mr. Musk party to a false claim.
>>> 2. SpaceX has failed to establish a preponderance of evidence and
>>> burden of proof not a racket.
>>> 3. SpaceX has failed to prove that Twitter's LBO is not false claim
>>> to free speech protection.
>>> 4. True social innovation cannot sponsor a fake news racket that
>>> could jeopardize space exploration and war.
>>> 5. Twitter's LBO dealmakers (Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase)
>>> company balance sheets, financial statements and other corporate records do
>>> not impact -, PBC holding a racket accountable to false
>>> claims.
>>> The CEO of SpaceX and Tesla leveraging Exxon Mobil as an ESG
>>> securities scam does not preclude the PayPal Mafia's intent to engage false
>>> claims at the sacrifice of New York State's financial future.
>>> Madam Attorney General James, we hope to hear from your esteemed office
>>> and learn assessment of best next steps.
>>> Thank you,
>>> Gunnar
>>> --
>>> *Gunnar Larson *
>>> * <> - <>, PBC*
>>> MSc
>>> <…> -
>>> Digital Currency
>>> MBA
>>> <…> - Entrepreneurship
>>> and Innovation (ip)
>>> G(a)
>>> +1-646-454-9107
>>> New York, New York 10001
>>> On Sun, May 22, 2022 at 9:34 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>> May 21, 2022
>>> SpaceX Corporation
>>> Board of Directors
>>> One Rocket Road
>>> Hawthorne, California
>>> 90250
>>> Sales(a)
>>> Re: Potential SpaceX Interlocking Directors’ Intent to Manipulate
>>> Markets
>>> Dear SpaceX Board of Directors:
>>> From our New York headquarters, -, PBC embodies the
>>> notion that rather than a merry-go-round, the process of change and
>>> innovation is like a slide.
>>> Today’s memo aims to notify the SpaceX Corporation of concern of
>>> potential market manipulation that could impact cross-border digital asset
>>> innovation, free speech in the United States of America, the global ESG
>>> economy and Moon exploration.
>>> Please find the attached memo
>>> <…>
>>> addressed to SpaceX's board of directors.
>>> Respectfully,
>>> Gunnar Larson
>>> On Fri, Feb 21, 2025, 5:21 PM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>> Madam Attorney General James:
>>>> On Thu, Nov 2, 2023, 12:52 PM, - came to you with the
>>>> below memo; with aim to execute N.Y. Executive Law, Article 15 § 297.
>>>> Procedure
>>>> 1. Additionally, § 298-a. Application of article to certain acts
>>>> committed outside the state of New York, (Israel Crisis).
>>>> Since then, the interlocking directorate subject to this email have
>>>> ceaselessly tried to fling one monkey wrench after another into pure market
>>>> dynamics.
>>>> FCA Explains Deleted Emails Plan As Modernization Move
>>>> <…>
>>>> By Joel Poultney
>>>> The Financial Conduct Authority has said its plan to delete staff
>>>> emails after a year is designed to modernize how it manages its records,
>>>> amid criticism that the proposals undermined transparency at the regulator.
>>>> Read full article »
>>>> <…>
>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>> <…>
>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>> --
>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>> -
>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>> On Fri, Feb 21, 2025, 1:27 PM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>> By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: February 21, 2025 ~
>>>>> Donald Trump loyalists, including Elon Musk and his “Muskrats,”
>>>>> (coders and techies that are loyal to Musk) have launched an
>>>>> unconstitutional reign of terror through federal agencies that are critical
>>>>> to the safety and security of Americans. Musk is the world’s wealthiest
>>>>> man, and foreign born, with a dubious history when it comes to following
>>>>> U.S. laws.
>>>>> Musk previously battled in court to obtain a $56 billion pay package
>>>>> at Tesla. (That’s billion not million.) Tesla is a publicly-traded company
>>>>> and Musk is its CEO – meaning that under law he owes an oath of loyalty to
>>>>> the company and its shareholders. Notwithstanding that law, Musk
>>>>> simultaneously serves as CEO of rocket and satellite company, SpaceX, and
>>>>> controls numerous other companies, including the social media platform,
>>>>> Twitter, which Musk has renamed “X.”
>>>>> In January and February of last year, Musk was profiled in two
>>>>> bombshell Wall Street Journal articles regarding his use of illegal drugs.
>>>>> The Wall Street Journal’s January 6, 2024 (paywall) article carried this
>>>>> assessment of Musk’s drug use:
>>>>> “The world’s wealthiest person has used LSD, cocaine, ecstasy and
>>>>> psychedelic mushrooms, often at private parties around the world, where
>>>>> attendees sign nondisclosure agreements or give up their phones to enter,
>>>>> according to people who have witnessed his drug use and others with
>>>>> knowledge of it. Musk has previously smoked marijuana in public and has
>>>>> said he has a prescription for the psychedelic-like ketamine.”
>>>>> In October, five Wall Street Journal reporters dropped more bombshell
>>>>> news that Musk “has been in regular contact with Russian President Vladimir
>>>>> Putin since late 2022.” In February of 2022, the U.S. placed Putin on a
>>>>> sanction list in response to his “unjustified, unprovoked, and premeditated
>>>>> invasion of Ukraine….”
>>>>> Trump, who received $288 million in political campaign support from
>>>>> Musk in the last campaign cycle, has now announced that it was Ukraine that
>>>>> started the war with Russia, making the U.S. look like a fool on the world
>>>>> stage and among its allies in Europe.
>>>>> Musk has also been the target of multiple cases brought by the
>>>>> Securities and Exchange Commission which allege that he violated federal
>>>>> securities laws at Tesla and Twitter (now called X). See here and here.
>>>>> Notwithstanding this five-alarm fire history, President Donald Trump
>>>>> has put Musk and his organizational concoction called the Department of
>>>>> Government Efficiency, (DOGE, after the meme crypto coin of the same name)
>>>>> in charge of rooting out fraud, waste and abuse in federal agencies.
>>>>> In the case of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), Musk
>>>>> and his pals in the Trump administration tried to kill the whole agency. On
>>>>> February 7, Musk Tweeted: “CFPB RIP” (rest in peace) with a picture of a
>>>>> tombstone. That followed a November 27, 2024 Tweet from Musk where he wrote
>>>>> “Delete CFPB. There are too many duplicative regulatory agencies.”
>>>>> It is patently untrue that the CFPB is “duplicative.” The agency was
>>>>> created under the Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation of 2010 to fill
>>>>> the void that allowed millions of Americans to have their homes illegally
>>>>> foreclosed and be swindled under tricked-up subprime mortgages that left
>>>>> the U.S. economy in the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.
>>>>> Since its creation, the CFPB has returned more than $21 billion to
>>>>> defrauded seniors, students, military veterans and other vulnerable
>>>>> Americans.
>>>>> On February 1, President Trump fired CFPB Director Rohit Chopra, who
>>>>> had led the agency for almost three and a half years. Trump then appointed
>>>>> his newly-installed Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent to serve as Acting
>>>>> Director of the CFPB. (See Trump’s Hedge Fund Guy Is Now Overseeing the
>>>>> U.S. Treasury, IRS, OCC, U.S. Mint, FinCEN, F-SOC, and the Consumer
>>>>> Financial Protection Bureau.)
>>>>> About a week later, Trump changed his mind about Bessent leading the
>>>>> CFPB (or Bessent decided he wanted no part of the legally dubious act of
>>>>> gutting a federal agency created by Congress). So Trump decided to install
>>>>> the mastermind of Project 2025, Russell Vought, as Acting Director of the
>>>>> CFPB. (Vought was already serving as Trump’s newly installed Director of
>>>>> the Office of Management and Budget.)
>>>>> NBC News got its hands on an email that Vought immediately issued to
>>>>> employees of the CFPB. NBC News reported as follows:
>>>>> “Employees were instructed to ‘cease all supervision and examination
>>>>> activity,’ ‘cease all stakeholder engagement,’ pause all pending
>>>>> investigations, not issue any public communications and pause ‘enforcement
>>>>> actions.’
>>>>> “Vought also told employees not to ‘approve or issue any proposed or
>>>>> final rules or formal or informal guidance’ and to ‘suspend the effective
>>>>> dates of all final rules that have been issued or published but that have
>>>>> not yet become effective,’ among other directives.”
>>>>> A 404 Error message appears on the front page of the CFPB website and
>>>>> its social media pages have been deleted (as Musk envisioned back in
>>>>> November) at X (Twitter), and Facebook.
>>>>> Multiple federal lawsuits were quickly filed against this
>>>>> unprecedented and outrageous attack on a federal agency. Notable among them
>>>>> was a lawsuit brought in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia
>>>>> by the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU). The lawsuit names Vought
>>>>> as the defendant, in his official capacity as Acting Director of the CFPB,
>>>>> and charges that his actions violate the separation of powers principles
>>>>> embedded in the U.S. Constitution that assign specific powers to the
>>>>> legislative branch (Congress) and specific powers to the Executive Branch
>>>>> (the President).
>>>>> On February 14, the Judge assigned to the case, Judge Amy Berman
>>>>> Jackson, issued the following order that included this directive, among
>>>>> others:
>>>>> “…it is hereby ORDERED that until the resolution of plaintiffs’ motion
>>>>> for temporary restraining order [Dkt. # 10], which, with the parties’
>>>>> consent, will be deemed to be a motion for preliminary injunction, the
>>>>> following orders shall remain in place:
>>>>> “It is ORDERED that Defendants, including their officers, agents,
>>>>> servants, employees, and attorneys, (hereafter collectively, ‘Defendants’)
>>>>> shall not delete, destroy, remove, or impair any data or other CFPB records
>>>>> covered by the Federal Records Act (hereinafter ‘agency data’) except in
>>>>> accordance with the procedures described in 33 U.S.C. § 44. This means that
>>>>> defendants shall not delete or remove agency data from any database or
>>>>> information system controlled by, or stored on behalf of, the Consumer
>>>>> Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), and the term ‘agency data’ includes any
>>>>> data or CFPB records stored on the CFPB’s premises, on physical media, on a
>>>>> cloud server, or otherwise.”
>>>>> Notwithstanding that federal court order, Wall Street On Parade
>>>>> located the YouTube page below showing that the entire video playlist for
>>>>> the CFPB has been deleted. According to the Wayback Machine, that playlist
>>>>> previously consisted of 361 videos. (See screenshot from the Wayback
>>>>> Machine in second graphic below.)
>>>>> Dozens of videos have also been disabled on the official website of
>>>>> the CFPB. See examples below:
>>>>> Racial equality in higher education;
>>>>> How to spot, avoid and report student loan debt relief scams;
>>>>> Financial Education Resources for Veterans.
>>>>> In an acknowledgement of just how dangerous this attack on a consumer
>>>>> protection agency is, Senator Elizabeth Warren, the ranking member of the
>>>>> Senate Banking Committee, will convene a forum in the Senate Dirksen Office
>>>>> Building next Tuesday, February 25. A livestream of the event will be
>>>>> available to the public. (Check back here on Monday for more specific
>>>>> details.) The forum will focus on the consequences of President Trump’s and
>>>>> Elon Musk’s efforts to eliminate the CFPB.
>>>>> Senator Warren has invited Elon Musk to appear at the forum and
>>>>> justify his actions. Confirmed witnesses include: Andrea Campbell, Attorney
>>>>> General of Massachusetts; Lorelei Salas, former CFPB Director of
>>>>> Supervision Policy; and Americans whose savings have been protected by the
>>>>> CFPB.
>>>>> On Thu, Feb 20, 2025, 11:59 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>> Behind Musk’s X Turnaround: Pick-and-Choose Financials
>>>>>> On Sat, Feb 15, 2025, 5:42 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General James:
>>>>>>> On Thu, Nov 2, 2023, 12:52 PM, - came to you with
>>>>>>> the below memo; with aim to execute N.Y. Executive Law, Article 15 § 297.
>>>>>>> Procedure
>>>>>>> 1. Additionally, § 298-a. Application of article to certain acts
>>>>>>> committed outside the state of New York, (Israel Crisis).
>>>>>>> Since then, the interlocking directorate subject to this email have
>>>>>>> ceaselessly tried to fling one monkey wrench after another into pure market
>>>>>>> dynamics.
>>>>>>> This news crossed yesterday:
>>>>>>> Tesla, Objector Appeal $730M Chancery Board Pay Deal
>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>> By Katryna Perera
>>>>>>> Tesla Inc. and a stockholder objector have appealed a Delaware Court
>>>>>>> of Chancery approval of the return of more than $730 million in director
>>>>>>> stock, option and grant awards to the company that would resolve a suit
>>>>>>> accusing the electric-car maker's board of raking in "outrageous"
>>>>>>> compensation packages that cost the company hundreds of millions of dollars.
>>>>>>> 3 documents attached | Read full article »
>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, who has the blood on their hands after my
>>>>>>> Nov 2, 2023 note to you?
>>>>>>> I have put a $1B fund together to support New York Human Rights Law
>>>>>>> around the world. Letitia James, Madam Attorney General, the blood will not
>>>>>>> be on my hands much longer.
>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional
>>>>>>> rights.
>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson ✌️
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:42 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General James:
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Nov 2, 2023, 12:52 PM, - came to you with
>>>>>>>> the below memo; with aim to execute N.Y. Executive Law, Article 15 § 297.
>>>>>>>> Procedure
>>>>>>>> 1. Additionally, § 298-a. Application of article to certain acts
>>>>>>>> committed outside the state of New York, (Israel Crisis).
>>>>>>>> Musk Says He'll Drop OpenAI Bid If It Scraps 'For Profit' Plans
>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>> By Jade Martinez-Pogue
>>>>>>>> Elon Musk has hit back at OpenAI's claim that his $97.375 billion
>>>>>>>> takeover bid is improper, noting if the ChatGPT maker agrees to nix plans
>>>>>>>> to become a for-profit business, his offer will be dropped.
>>>>>>>> Response attached | Read full article »
>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>> War in the Middle East is not a for profit exercise. However, Peace
>>>>>>>> on Earth is -'s revenue engine.
>>>>>>>> Reiterating our November 2, 2023 plea to the esteemed NYAG:
>>>>>>>> This memo aims to execute N.Y. Executive Law, Article 15 § 297.
>>>>>>>> Procedure
>>>>>>>> 1. Additionally, § 298-a. Application of article to certain acts
>>>>>>>> committed outside the state of New York, (Israel Crisis).
>>>>>>>> Warm regards,
>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Nov 2, 2023, 12:52 PM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Dear Madam Attorney General James:
>>>>>>>>> - kindly seeks a response from your office
>>>>>>>>> concerning the message below.
>>>>>>>>> Today in Manhattan, the FTX case will soon be sent for jury
>>>>>>>>> deliberation. According to NPR, "... FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried is
>>>>>>>>> accused of orchestrating one of the largest financial frauds in history."
>>>>>>>>> Additionally, today Donald Trump's civil fraud trial continues in
>>>>>>>>> New York City.
>>>>>>>>> Attorney General James, as you are aware - has an
>>>>>>>>> ongoing dialog with your office concerning a 'RICO.' The New York State
>>>>>>>>> Department of Financial Services records office has responded with a memo
>>>>>>>>> concerning the "Las Vegas Museum of Organized Crime and Law Enforcement"
>>>>>>>>> here:
>>>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>>>> This memo aims to execute N.Y. Executive Law, Article 15 § 297.
>>>>>>>>> Procedure
>>>>>>>>> 1. Additionally, § 298-a. Application of article to certain acts
>>>>>>>>> committed outside the state of New York, (Israel Crisis).
>>>>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>>>>> Gunnar
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>> MSc - Digital Currency
>>>>>>>>> MBA - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)
>>>>>>>>> G(a)
>>>>>>>>> +1-917-580-8053
>>>>>>>>> New York, New York 10001
>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2022, 4:44 PM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Dear Attorney General Letitia James:
>>>>>>>>>> -, PBC seeks to earn your esteemed approval to
>>>>>>>>>> engage the New York False Claims Act under urgent pretences.
>>>>>>>>>> Today's correspondence marks the first time in history, a
>>>>>>>>>> self-titled "mafia" (aka, the "PayPal Mafia '') is compelled to answer
>>>>>>>>>> publicly the decision to manipulate both the New York False Claims Act and
>>>>>>>>>> the Martin Act against one another.
>>>>>>>>>> - Madam Attorney General, your leadership approach has historical
>>>>>>>>>> context
>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>> to logic and ultimate Exxon Mobil vs. New York State
>>>>>>>>>> <…> case
>>>>>>>>>> precedent.
>>>>>>>>>> - -, PBC research and development notes our
>>>>>>>>>> hawkish approach to ESG, D&O and LBO innovation.
>>>>>>>>>> - -, PBC sees this not a democrat vs.
>>>>>>>>>> republican concern as Mr. Elon Musk (CEO, SpaceX and Tesla) claims. False
>>>>>>>>>> pretense to protect free speech are now being debated as party to a $200B
>>>>>>>>>> pryamid scheme.
>>>>>>>>>> Ms. James, on May 21, 2022 -, PBC
>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>> contacted the SpaceX Corporation with reasonable concern of CEO Musk's
>>>>>>>>>> intent behind the $44B Twitter LBO. The Orlando Police Pension Fund shared
>>>>>>>>>> similar concerns to the intent behind Twitter's LBO as illegal.
>>>>>>>>>> Since, market forces suggest that SpaceX and Tesla directors are
>>>>>>>>>> part of interlocking directorate, self proclaimed the PayPal Mafia. The
>>>>>>>>>> racket could waterfall to problem(s) at the New York State Department of
>>>>>>>>>> Financial Services with Superintendent association to D&O insurance
>>>>>>>>>> regulation.
>>>>>>>>>> Ms. James, -, PBC seeks your office's urgent
>>>>>>>>>> assessment of this matter. We aim to earn approval to explore the New York
>>>>>>>>>> False Claims Act to confront SpaceX as a racket.
>>>>>>>>>> *Like a house of cards, the PayPal Mafia racket could risk a
>>>>>>>>>> waterfall of D&O interlocking directorate insolvencies. In summary: *
>>>>>>>>>> 1. -'s May 21, 2022 memo to SpaceX questioned
>>>>>>>>>> intent behind baseless claims pioneered by SpaceX's CEO, branding ESG a
>>>>>>>>>> scam via Exxon Mobil. Obviously, Exxon Mobil vs. New York
>>>>>>>>>> State
>>>>>>>>>> <…> alludes
>>>>>>>>>> Mr. Musk party to a false claim.
>>>>>>>>>> 2. SpaceX has failed to establish a preponderance of evidence
>>>>>>>>>> and burden of proof not a racket.
>>>>>>>>>> 3. SpaceX has failed to prove that Twitter's LBO is not false
>>>>>>>>>> claim to free speech protection.
>>>>>>>>>> 4. True social innovation cannot sponsor a fake news racket
>>>>>>>>>> that could jeopardize space exploration and war.
>>>>>>>>>> 5. Twitter's LBO dealmakers (Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan
>>>>>>>>>> Chase) company balance sheets, financial statements and other
>>>>>>>>>> corporate records do not impact -, PBC holding a racket
>>>>>>>>>> accountable to false claims.
>>>>>>>>>> The CEO of SpaceX and Tesla leveraging Exxon Mobil as an ESG
>>>>>>>>>> securities scam does not preclude the PayPal Mafia's intent to engage false
>>>>>>>>>> claims at the sacrifice of New York State's financial future.
>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General James, we hope to hear from your esteemed
>>>>>>>>>> office and learn assessment of best next steps.
>>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> *Gunnar Larson *
>>>>>>>>>> * <> - <>, PBC*
>>>>>>>>>> MSc
>>>>>>>>>> <…> -
>>>>>>>>>> Digital Currency
>>>>>>>>>> MBA
>>>>>>>>>> <…> - Entrepreneurship
>>>>>>>>>> and Innovation (ip)
>>>>>>>>>> G(a)
>>>>>>>>>> +1-646-454-9107
>>>>>>>>>> New York, New York 10001
>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, May 22, 2022 at 9:34 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> May 21, 2022
>>>>>>>>>>> SpaceX Corporation
>>>>>>>>>>> Board of Directors
>>>>>>>>>>> One Rocket Road
>>>>>>>>>>> Hawthorne, California
>>>>>>>>>>> 90250
>>>>>>>>>>> Sales(a)
>>>>>>>>>>> Re: Potential SpaceX Interlocking Directors’ Intent to
>>>>>>>>>>> Manipulate Markets
>>>>>>>>>>> Dear SpaceX Board of Directors:
>>>>>>>>>>> From our New York headquarters, -, PBC embodies
>>>>>>>>>>> the notion that rather than a merry-go-round, the process of change and
>>>>>>>>>>> innovation is like a slide.
>>>>>>>>>>> Today’s memo aims to notify the SpaceX Corporation of concern of
>>>>>>>>>>> potential market manipulation that could impact cross-border digital asset
>>>>>>>>>>> innovation, free speech in the United States of America, the global ESG
>>>>>>>>>>> economy and Moon exploration.
>>>>>>>>>>> Please find the attached memo
>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>> addressed to SpaceX's board of directors.
>>>>>>>>>>> Respectfully,
>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson

Re: - | Mayor Eric Adams NYCoin Tweet Proceeds; 'Mein Kampf'; Mich. Judge Won't Defer Atomic Bomb Waste Suit To Agency
by Gunnar Larson 26 Feb '25
by Gunnar Larson 26 Feb '25
26 Feb '25
Dear Honorable Attorney General Letitia James:
Dear Ms. Melissa Bochenski, Executive Chamber Traveling Chief of Staff: - will never forget how the Mayor of New York City
potentially bated -'s co-founder Gunnar Larson into owning
'Mein Kampf' rederidic.
Ms. Williamson's overarching theme is that even with lies, there is a Peace
that can end all Wars.
Mich. Judge Won't Defer Atomic Bomb Waste Suit To Agency
By Danielle Ferguson
A Michigan state judge on Thursday denied a Wayne County landfill's bid to
dismiss claims from communities attempting to prevent the disposal site
from accepting radioactive waste from the development of the first atomic
bomb, finding that the court can hear the case rather than deferring to the
state's environmental agency.
Read full article »
| Save to favorites »
- * - will never forget.* - is lucky to be able to defuse Mayor Adams' 'Mein Kampf'
sologanering with the film below, thanks to Ms. Williamson, one of the
world's celebrated thought leaders in the human potential movement.
Watch here:
-… - has collated 36 quotes from Ms. Williamson's film for
- "You will reap what you sow, you will get what you put out..."
- "I am healing you, but go and sin no more..."
- "If you go back to the think that produced this diseased condition,
the symptom will return..."
- "The laws of cause and affect, like all spiritual laws, are there for
your protection...
- "You can't live lovelessly whether you are an individual or a
- "Your problem is not that you do not believe in love. Your problem is
that you do not believe in love only..."
- "Can you imagine Jesus going, 'I have my limits.'? Can you imagine
Buddha going, 'I have my limits.'?"
- "Love is only real when it is limitless..."
- "Karma is colletive..."
- "All a nation is, is a collection of individuals..."
- "We grow through the oops..."
- "Every thought creates form on some level..."
- "Look at all the hate vibrations that get put into the world... We are
really good at it."
- "Nothing is going to change until we change on the level of cause..."
- "Some people would rather die than change their minds..."
- "If we don't do it, then who do we think is going go do it. So it
begins inside us..."
- "At the deepest level, the solution lays beyond the body..."
- "These are not discrete events..."
- "We can support each other in leaning in to the ways of
- "The Universe keeps a perfect set of books..."
- "A real spiritual seeker is a spiritual grown-up..."
- "Enough with the fake horror..."
- "It's not about that, grow up..."
- "It doesn't matter where you got your character defects, what matters
is they are your now..."
- "We place ourselves in service to our country and to our world..."
- "And we know we are joined by millions of other people who feel as we
- "There is no more powerful doing than changing one's mind..."
- "And we glory in this change of mind..."
- "And devoting ourselves to being part of the change..."
- "And knowing countries too can change..."
- "Love, not any other goal, shall be the goal of our lives. And the
goal of our nations. And the goal of our species..."
- "The trajectory of history shall change..."
- "And tears shall be no more..."
- "So we present ourselves to you, use us, work through us..."
- "...For the Peace that ends all War."
- "The love that rules all things..."
Attorney General James and Ms. Bochenski, - hopes we have
put 'Mein Kampf' back to rest. - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Have a great weekend; Peace is possible!
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson -
On Thu, Feb 20, 2025, 4:16 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
> Dear Honorable Attorney General Letitia James:
> Dear Ms. Melissa Bochenski, Executive Chamber Traveling Chief of Staff:
> - * - will never forget.*
> This week, the Mayor of New York City referenced 'Mein Kampf' while
> speaking in Brooklyn, New York as reported by the New York Post.
> Read here:
> -
> - will never forget how the Mayor of New York City
> potentially bated -'s co-founder Gunnar Larson into
> owning 'Mein Kampf' rederidic.
> Adams, DOJ Quizzed On Dismissal Bid By Wary Judge
> <…>
> By Frank G. Runyeon
> A Manhattan federal judge on Wednesday scrutinized the U.S. Department of
> Justice's motion to dismiss corruption charges against New York City Mayor
> Eric Adams, rankling attorneys on both sides as he declined to "shoot from
> the hip" and immediately rule.
> Read full article »
> <…>
> | Save to favorites »
> <…>
> Eric Adams' recent Bloomberg feature also talks about how he approaches
> lieing; While also mentioning -
> Watch here:
> -
> Attorney General James and Ms. Bochenski, Mayor Adams' 'Mein Kampf'
> sologanering perpetuated another common lie. Mayor Adams claims that once
> lies are repeated overand over again, the public is apt to believe the said
> untruths.
> - is lucky to be able to defuse Mayor Adams' 'Mein Kampf'
> sologanering with the film below, thanks to Ms. Williamson, one of the
> world's celebrated thought leaders in the human potential movement.
> Watch here:
> -
> Ms. Williamson's overarching theme is that even with lies, there is a
> Peace that can end all Wars.
> - has collated 36 quotes from Ms. Williamson's film for
> - "You will reap what you sow, you will get what you put out..."
> - "I am healing you, but go and sin no more..."
> - "If you go back to the think that produced this diseased condition,
> the symptom will return..."
> - "The laws of cause and affect, like all spiritual laws, are there
> for your protection...
> - "You can't live lovelessly whether you are an individual or a
> nation..."
> - "Your problem is not that you do not believe in love. Your problem
> is that you do not believe in love only..."
> - "Can you imagine Jesus going, 'I have my limits.'? Can you imagine
> Buddha going, 'I have my limits.'?"
> - "Love is only real when it is limitless..."
> - "Karma is colletive..."
> - "All a nation is, is a collection of individuals..."
> - "We grow through the oops..."
> - "Every thought creates form on some level..."
> - "Look at all the hate vibrations that get put into the world... We
> are really good at it."
> - "Nothing is going to change until we change on the level of cause..."
> - "Some people would rather die than change their minds..."
> - "If we don't do it, then who do we think is going go do it. So it
> begins inside us..."
> - "At the deepest level, the solution lays beyond the body..."
> - "These are not discrete events..."
> - "We can support each other in leaning in to the ways of
> enlightenment..."
> - "The Universe keeps a perfect set of books..."
> - "A real spiritual seeker is a spiritual grown-up..."
> - "Enough with the fake horror..."
> - "It's not about that, grow up..."
> - "It doesn't matter where you got your character defects, what
> matters is they are your now..."
> - "We place ourselves in service to our country and to our world..."
> - "And we know we are joined by millions of other people who feel as
> we do..."
> - "There is no more powerful doing than changing one's mind..."
> - "And we glory in this change of mind..."
> - "And devoting ourselves to being part of the change..."
> - "And knowing countries too can change..."
> - "Love, not any other goal, shall be the goal of our lives. And the
> goal of our nations. And the goal of our species..."
> - "The trajectory of history shall change..."
> - "And tears shall be no more..."
> - "So we present ourselves to you, use us, work through us..."
> - "...For the Peace that ends all War."
> - "The love that rules all things..."
> Attorney General James and Ms. Bochenski, - hopes we have
> put 'Mein Kampf' back to rest.
> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
> Have a great day; Peace is possible!
> Thank you,
> Gunnar Larson
> --
> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
> -
> 646-554-7514
> On Wed, Feb 19, 2025, 5:46 PM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>> Art Director/Designer: Sidney Myers
>> Copywriter: Evan Stark
>> Agency: Doyle Dane Bernbach, Inc.
>> Client: Whirlpool
>> If you have a product you are not happy with, what do you do? Sit and
>> sulk? Moan to your next-door neighbor? Promise yourself that you'll never
>> buy another product from the manufacturer? A lot of good that will do. No,
>> Mr. and Mrs. Consumer, that's not the answer. If you have a gripe, let the
>> manufacturer know. Call him up. Write to him. Keep after him until he does
>> something about it. Because nothing bothers a reputable manufacturer more
>> than dissatisfied customers.
>> We at Whirlpool believe in putting our money where our mouth is. We
>> believe we make the best appliances you can buy. Automatic washers, dryers,
>> refrigerators, air conditioners, dishwashers, etc. And we also believe our
>> Tech-Care Service specialists provide the best service in our field. In
>> addition, we were the first to do away with the complicated standard
>> warranty and replace it with a fully binding, easy-to-understand warranty
>> letter. We were first to provide a free, nation wide telephone number
>> (800-253-1301) for service information. And we were the first to have
>> consultants answer your calls, thereby solving many of your problems right
>> over the phone.
>> But still and all, we know that you can't please all of the people all of
>> the time. That's the reason for the blank letter on the facing page. If you
>> have a gripe about us, we want to know so we can do something about it.
>> Just write your complaint, tear out the page and mail it to us. If you know
>> anything at all about Whirlpool, you know it won't be ignored.
>> By the way, if you have something nice to say about us, we'd like to hear
>> that too.
>> Steve Upton
>> Vice President, Consumer Services Division
>> Whirlpool Corporation
>> On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 3:45 PM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>> *Please find the attached memo with reference footnotes.*
>>> * - | Mayor Eric Adams NYCoin Tweet Proceeds:*
>>> -
>>> March 10, 2023
>>> Ms. Camille Joseph Varlack
>>> Office of the Mayor of New York City
>>> City Hall Park, 260 Broadway
>>> New York, NY 10007 United States
>>> PressOffice(a)
>>> Re: Mayor Eric Adams NYCCoin Touting
>>> Dear Ms. Joseph Varlack:
>>> Today’s memo is to kindly submit -'s inquiry into Mayor
>>> Eric Adams' promotion of NYCCoin.
>>> 1.
>>> The federal securities laws are clear that any celebrity or
>>> individual who promotes digital assets must disclose the nature, source and
>>> amount of compensation they received in exchange for the promotion.
>>> 2.
>>> As a matter of ethics, risk and compliance associated with digital
>>> asset innovation, asks if NYCCoin promotion by the Mayor of New York
>>> City damaged the market for the xNY digital asset (by, for example,
>>> devaluing it through parody or sealed via embossed criticism).
>>> 3.
>>> - concerns made above have evidentiary support to
>>> interlocking director and officer conflicts recognized by the Department of
>>> Justice as potential threats that stifle individual and corporate freedom.
>>> Ms. Joseph Varlack, as a matter relating to working at one of the
>>> world's most ethical companies, famous for risk management and corporate
>>> governance, and as an internationally recognized Blockchain Scholar, I must
>>> adhere to federal securities laws.
>>> -
>>> As such, I classify Mayor Adams as an individual who promoted the
>>> digital asset NYCCoin and must disclose the nature, scope, and amount of
>>> compensation associated.
>>> A failure to disclose this information may violate the anti-touting
>>> provisions of the federal securities laws. Mayor Adams' making these
>>> endorsements may also be liable for potential violations of the anti-fraud
>>> provisions of the federal securities laws, for participating in an
>>> unregistered offer and sale of securities, and for acting as unregistered
>>> brokers.
>>> - respectfully requests the Office of the Mayor of New
>>> York City to respond to this request by Wednesday March, 15 2023 by Noon
>>> EST.
>>> Respectfully yours with appreciation,
>>> Gunnar Larson - <> -
>>> <>MSc
>>> <…>
>>> - Digital Currency
>>> MBA
>>> <…>
>>> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)
>>> G(a) +1-917-580-8053
>>> On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 7:51 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>> Dear Honorable Attorney General Letitia James:
>>>> Dear Ms. Melissa Bochenski, Executive Chamber Traveling Chief of Staff:
>>>> Yesterday, the Mayor of New York City referenced 'Mein Kampf' while
>>>> speaking in Brooklyn, New York as reported by the New York Post.
>>>> Read here:
>>>> -
>>>> Eric Adams' recent Bloomberg feature also talks about how he approaches
>>>> lieing; While also mentioning -
>>>> Watch here:
>>>> -
>>>> Attorney General James and Ms. Bochenski, yesterday Mayor Adams' 'Mein
>>>> Kampf' sologanering perpetuated another common lie. Mayor Adams claims that
>>>> once lies are repeated overand over again, the public is apt to believe the
>>>> said untruths.
>>>> Similar to Adams' Bloomberg feature above, - feels
>>>> Mayor Adams was bating our founder 'Gunnar Larson' with yesterday's 'Mein
>>>> Kampf' propaganda while speaking in Brooklyn, New York.
>>>> Attorney General James and Ms. Bochenski, yes, perhaps the Mayor of New
>>>> York City, Eric Adams, wanted to see if - would send NYAG
>>>> or EXECNY an e-mail, tapping into the sensation of his 'Mein Kamf'
>>>> rederidic.
>>>> Attorney General James and Ms. Bochenski, just like serendipity,
>>>> -'s research team uncovered the film below that could implicate
>>>> Mayor Adams' 'Mein Kampf' lingo as flawed.
>>>> Attorney General James and Ms. Bochenski, as the NYPD and/or FDNY
>>>> sirens sound over New York City, - watched and listened to
>>>> the film below unfazed.
>>>> Why unfazed you may ask?
>>>> Attorney General James and Ms. Bochenski, you will see the the film's
>>>> presentor, Marianne Williamson, strive to make right various untruthful
>>>> claims perpetuated by New York City's leadership.
>>>> - is lucky to be able to defuse Mayor Adams' 'Mein
>>>> Kampf' sologanering with the film below, thanks to Ms. Williamson, one of
>>>> the world's celebrated thought leaders in the human potential move
>>>> Ms. Williamson does all this under a hopeful banner of Peace on Earth.
>>>> Watch here:
>>>> -
>>>> Ms. Williamson's overarching theme is that even with lies, there is a
>>>> Peace that can end all Wars.
>>>> - has collated 36 quotes from Ms. Williamson's film for
>>>> AGNY and EXECNY:
>>>> - "You will reap what you sow, you will get what you put out..."
>>>> - "I am healing you, but go and sin no more..."
>>>> - "If you go back to the think that produced this diseased
>>>> condition, the symptom will return..."
>>>> - "The laws of cause and affect, like all spiritual laws, are there
>>>> for your protection...
>>>> - "You can't live lovelessly whether you are an individual or a
>>>> nation..."
>>>> - "Your problem is not that you do not believe in love. Your
>>>> problem is that you do not believe in love only..."
>>>> - "Can you imagine Jesus going, 'I have my limits.'? Can you
>>>> imagine Buddha going, 'I have my limits.'?"
>>>> - "Love is only real when it is limitless..."
>>>> - "Karma is colletive..."
>>>> - "All a nation is, is a collection of individuals..."
>>>> - "We grow through the oops..."
>>>> - "Every thought creates form on some level..."
>>>> - "Look at all the hate vibrations that get put into the world...
>>>> We are really good at it."
>>>> - "Nothing is going to change until we change on the level of
>>>> cause..."
>>>> - "Some people would rather die than change their minds..."
>>>> - "If we don't do it, then who do we think is going go do it. So it
>>>> begins inside us..."
>>>> - "At the deepest level, the solution lays beyond the body..."
>>>> - "These are not discrete events..."
>>>> - "We can support each other in leaning in to the ways of
>>>> enlightenment..."
>>>> - "The Universe keeps a perfect set of books..."
>>>> - "A real spiritual seeker is a spiritual grown-up..."
>>>> - "Enough with the fake horror..."
>>>> - "It's not about that, grow up..."
>>>> - "It doesn't matter where you got your character defects, what
>>>> matters is they are your now..."
>>>> - "We place ourselves in service to our country and to our
>>>> world..."
>>>> - "And we know we are joined by millions of other people who feel
>>>> as we do..."
>>>> - "There is no more powerful doing than changing one's mind..."
>>>> - "And we glory in this change of mind..."
>>>> - "And devoting ourselves to being part of the change..."
>>>> - "And knowing countries too can change..."
>>>> - "Love, not any other goal, shall be the goal of our lives. And
>>>> the goal of our nations. And the goal of our species..."
>>>> - "The trajectory of history shall change..."
>>>> - "And tears shall be no more..."
>>>> - "So we present ourselves to you, use us, work through us..."
>>>> - "...For the Peace that ends all War."
>>>> - "The love that rules all things..."
>>>> Attorney General James and Ms. Bochenski, - hopes we
>>>> have put 'Mein Kampf' back to rest.
>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
>>>> Have a great day; Peace is possible!
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>> --
>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>> -
>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>> On Mon, Feb 17, 2025, 3:58 PM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, Feb 17, 2025, 9:50 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>> IAB:
>>>>>> - is watching the United States of America’s visit to
>>>>>> Saudi Arabia today; With high hopes for a Peaceful and productive
>>>>>> diplomatic visit.
>>>>>> Decoding Arbitral Disputes: Equal Rights Limit State Immunity
>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>> The Court of Appeal of England and Wales' recent determination that
>>>>>> Spain’s London embassy could not dodge a former U.K.-based employee’s
>>>>>> discrimination claims by invoking sovereign immunity reaffirms its position
>>>>>> that employment and human rights should come before the privileges of
>>>>>> foreign powers, says Josep Galvez at 4-5 Gray’s Inn.
>>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>> The United States Secretary of State should not be hampered by the
>>>>>> Mayor of New York City and -'s close connection to Nicosia,
>>>>>> Cyprus.
>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional
>>>>>> rights.
>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 17, 2025, 8:26 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>> IAB:
>>>>>>> -'s emails will continue, even with no e-mail
>>>>>>> response from IAB.
>>>>>>> Given New York City Mayor Eric Adams' tumultuous administration, and
>>>>>>> baseless attacks against our founder, Gunnar Larson; - is
>>>>>>> proud to share the below information with IAB:
>>>>>>> Gov't Botched Procurement Over Late Email, Service Co. Says
>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>> By Eddie Beaver
>>>>>>> A communications services provider has alleged in court filings that
>>>>>>> the Department for Work and Pensions botched a procurement process by
>>>>>>> thinking it had to disqualify the company for failing to respond to an
>>>>>>> email.
>>>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>> -'s e-mails to IAB are everything but disqualifying.
>>>>>>> Today, - renews our commitment to and appreciation
>>>>>>> of the NYDP, FDNY and New York State Troopers.
>>>>>>> Today, - also displays our unwavering support to the
>>>>>>> United States Military, under a hopeful banner of World Peace.
>>>>>>> - hopes to work with the NYPD, FDNY, New York State
>>>>>>> Troppers and the United States Military well into the future; Beyond war
>>>>>>> making.
>>>>>>> Potentially, delving into Peace Making together.
>>>>>>> After all, New York Human Rights Law mentions "Peace Officers" and
>>>>>>> "Police Officers" synonymously.
>>>>>>> - shares 83 highlights to New York State, Executive
>>>>>>> Law, Article 15,
>>>>>>> HUMAN RIGHTS LAW for IAB's reference:
>>>>>>> Dear Ms. Bochenski:
>>>>>>> - is here Governor Hochul and eveybody in the
>>>>>>> Executive Chamber during this time of New York State and New York City
>>>>>>> innovation.
>>>>>>> May Governor Hochul have everything she needs from -
>>>>>>> today and well into the future.
>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional
>>>>>>> rights.
>>>>>>> Respectfully yours,
>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson ✌️
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 16, 2025, 8:53 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>> IAB:
>>>>>>>> Seems like there is new price gouging at City Hall this weekend.
>>>>>>>> Complying With Calif. Price-Gouging Law After LA Fires
>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>> The recent tragic Los Angeles fires have brought attention to the
>>>>>>>> state's sometimes controversial price-gouging protections, and every
>>>>>>>> California business should keep the law's requirements in mind, despite the
>>>>>>>> debate over whether these statutes help consumers, say attorneys at Cooley.
>>>>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional
>>>>>>>> rights.
>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>> Gunnar ✌️
>>>>>>>> On Sat, Feb 15, 2025, 1:43 PM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> IAB:
>>>>>>>>> 3rd Circ. Says Parents Can't Get Coverage In Gun Case
>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>> By Ganesh Setty
>>>>>>>>> A couple whose son was found guilty of two homicides is not
>>>>>>>>> entitled to coverage from two homeowners insurers for a civil suit filed by
>>>>>>>>> one victim's mother, the Third Circuit affirmed, finding the civil case
>>>>>>>>> accused the parents of intentionally concealing the firearm their son
>>>>>>>>> allegedly used.
>>>>>>>>> Opinion attached | Read full article »
>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional
>>>>>>>>> rights.
>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson ✌️
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Feb 15, 2025, 7:42 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> IAB:
>>>>>>>>>> Another prank call from Gunnar Larson.
>>>>>>>>>> SDNY US Atty Resigns, Alleging Trump-Adams 'Quid Pro Quo'
>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>> By Frank G. Runyeon
>>>>>>>>>> Danielle R. Sassoon, the interim U.S. attorney for the Southern
>>>>>>>>>> District of New York, resigned Thursday after she refused an order by U.S.
>>>>>>>>>> Department of Justice officials to drop the federal corruption charges
>>>>>>>>>> against New York City Mayor Eric Adams and expressed concern the move was
>>>>>>>>>> part of an improper quid pro quo with President Donald Trump.
>>>>>>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional
>>>>>>>>>> rights.
>>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar ✌️
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:04 PM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> IAB:
>>>>>>>>>>> Jussie Smollett Atty Scores Exit In Attackers' Defamation Suit
>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>> By Rae Ann Varona
>>>>>>>>>>> An Illinois federal judge on Friday tossed a defamation suit
>>>>>>>>>>> against the Geragos & Geragos attorney who defended actor Jussie
>>>>>>>>>>> Smollett against charges that he filed a false police report
>>>>>>>>>>> on a staged hate crime, saying that a "whiteface statement" she made about
>>>>>>>>>>> Smollett's attackers on national television was substantially
>>>>>>>>>>> true.
>>>>>>>>>>> Order attached | Read full article »
>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional
>>>>>>>>>>> rights.
>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson ✌️
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:19 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> IAB:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson's experts on hire have analysis:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Analysis
>>>>>>>>>>>> Madigan Verdict Caps Stunning Fall For Powerful Chicago Pol
>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>> By Celeste Bott
>>>>>>>>>>>> Former Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan's conviction
>>>>>>>>>>>> Wednesday on bribery and wire fraud charges marked a stunning fall from
>>>>>>>>>>>> grace for a man who was the longest-serving legislative leader in the
>>>>>>>>>>>> country and who wielded considerable influence in the state and the city of
>>>>>>>>>>>> Chicago for decades.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:30 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General James:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mayor Adams' "opportunity bonds" seem to be a hot topic
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Governor Hochul may need to brief the public on.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Insider Dealing Suspect Denies Illegally Profiting From Trades
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Sophia Dourou
>>>>>>>>>>>>> A man appeared at a criminal court in London on Thursday to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> deny using inside information to profit from oil and gas stocks over a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> four-year period.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> - understands that Mayor Adams engaged
>>>>>>>>>>>>> something titled "opportunity bonds" to help fund his crime spree via
>>>>>>>>>>>>> alleged bribes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General James, foul play with anything like
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "opportunity bonds" takes away from the topics that really matter, such as
>>>>>>>>>>>>> PRE-K and the abortion debate.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 5:56 PM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General Letitia James:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NULL and VOID NYPD reports are seemingly being held captive
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by a hostile Mayor with cruel intentions.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Additionally, the NYDFS Superintendent Harris' hire of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gomdman Sachs signals trouble at Wells Fargo ... And elsewhere.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Atty Says Ex-Partner Filed Bogus Police Report Over Router
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Aaron Keller
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Connecticut attorney Ryan McKeen made "material
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> misrepresentations" when reporting his ex-law partner Andrew Garza to the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> police for entering their former firm's office early one morning to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> retrieve an internet router, Garza told a state court judge in a renewed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bid for sanctions against McKeen.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 documents attached | Read full article »
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 6:27 PM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear IAB, NYDFS and NYAG:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is time for Eric Adams to think about facing the music;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hence then coming clean to IAB, NYDFS and NYAG.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This act may save many lives.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BREAKING: DOJ Moves To Drop Eric Adams Bribery Case
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Rachel Scharf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The U.S. Department of Justice has moved to drop public
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> corruption charges against New York City Mayor Eric Adams, an extraordinary
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> development in the wake of a public courtship between the embattled mayor
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and President Donald Trump.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - and "Gunnar Larson" are subject to fake
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (in terms of content), "non-signed" police reports.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Financier Bids To Resurrect HMRC Bungled Prosecution Claim
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Ronan Barnard
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A corporate financier sought permission Monday to challenge
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a decision to dismiss his claim against HM Revenue and Customs and the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crown Prosecution Service for wrongly prosecuting him, arguing that the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> judge had failed to properly consider the evidence.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General Letitia James:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NULL and VOID NYPD reports are seemingly being held captive
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by a hostile Mayor with cruel intentions.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Additionally, the NYDFS Superintendent Harris' hire of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gomdman Sachs signals trouble at Wells Fargo ... And elsewhere.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 212 Highlights from the Entrapment Controversy offers IAB,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NYDFS, NYAG and the Executive Chamber helpful tools:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Entrapment Controversy
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Roger C. Par
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Title: The Entrapment Controversy
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Source: Minnesota Law Review
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Citation: 60 Minn. L. Rev. 163 (1976).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, kindly,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 917-580-8053
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 5:05 PM Gunnar Larson <g(a)>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - is happy, marking today February 10, 2025
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as exhausting New York State options concerning Mayor Eric Adams NYCCoin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Touting (origionally started March 10, 2023).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 9:12 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Madam Attorney General James:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - is happy, marking today February 10,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2025 as exhausting New York State options concerning Mayor Eric Adams
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NYCCoin Touting (origionally started March 10, 2023).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A headline today fitting for the occasion:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NJ AG Seeks To Escape Retaliation Suit Over Alleged Fraud
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Rose Krebs
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The New Jersey Attorney General's Office is urging a state
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> judge to reconsider a ruling that denied its bid to escape a lawsuit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> accusing the Warren County Prosecutor's Office of retaliating against two
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> officers for their part in uncovering an alleged fraud scheme, saying the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> office cannot be held liable for the purported misconduct.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article »
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Attorney General James, please find -'s
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> origional March 10, 2023 Memorandum here:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> March 10, 2023
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BY ELECTRONIC MAIL
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ms. Camille Joseph Varlack
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Office of the Mayor of New York City
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> City Hall Park, 260 Broadway
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> New York, NY 10007 United States
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PressOffice(a)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Re: Mayor Eric Adams NYCCoin Touting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Ms. Joseph Varlack:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Today’s memo is to kindly submit -'s
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inquiry into Mayor Eric Adams' promotion of NYCCoin.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The federal securities laws are clear that any celebrity
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or individual who promotes digital assets must disclose the nature, source
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and amount of compensation they received in exchange for the promotion.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As a matter of ethics, risk and compliance associated with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> digital asset innovation, asks if NYCCoin promotion by the Mayor of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> New York City damaged the market for the xNY digital asset (by, for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> example, devaluing it through parody or sealed via embossed criticism).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - concerns made above have evidentiary
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> support to interlocking director and officer conflicts recognized by the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Department of Justice as potential threats that stifle individual and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> corporate freedom.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ms. Joseph Varlack, as a matter relating to working at one
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the world's most ethical companies, famous for risk management and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> corporate governance, and as an internationally recognized Blockchain
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Scholar, I must adhere to federal securities laws.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As such, I classify Mayor Adams as an individual who
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> promoted the digital asset NYCCoin and must disclose the nature, scope, and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> amount of compensation associated.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A failure to disclose this information may violate the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anti-touting provisions of the federal securities laws. Mayor Adams' making
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these endorsements may also be liable for potential violations of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anti-fraud provisions of the federal securities laws, for participating in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> an unregistered offer and sale of securities, and for acting as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unregistered brokers.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully requests the Office of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mayor of New York City to respond to this request by Wednesday March, 15
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2023 by Noon EST.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Respectfully yours with appreciation,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson - -
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MSc - Digital Currency
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MBA - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> G(a) +1-917-580-8053
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:34 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IAB:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes, Mr. Adams sought consultancy of a Joe Biden linked
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> romance conspiracy, with fraudulent claims of HIV/AIDS against Gunnar
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Larson.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fla. Panel Rules Atty Imposter Scam Suit Had Invalid
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Service
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By David Minsky
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A Florida appellate court has reversed a judgment against
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a New Jersey real estate agent who was accused in a lawsuit of posing as an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attorney and intercepting a $930,000 wire transfer meant to close on a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Miami-area property, saying service was invalid.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4 documents attached | Read full article »
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Given international peace and diplomacy mandates at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>, we are in no real position to foster any potential confusion of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> potential war crimes and viral mutations with a willfully negligent NATO
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and United States Attorney General Garland.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NATO, Joe Biden and Eric Adams acted as imposters to fule
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> international crimes that require the NYPD to seek Mayor Adams'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> resignation.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 11:05 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IAB:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> At the request of -, plausible
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> deniability is requested in connection to Mayor Adams, NATO and a purported
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cyprus market event where I hold significant ties.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No Bail For Ex-Federal Reserve Adviser In Espionage Case
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Elliot Weld
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A former senior adviser to the Federal Reserve Board of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Governors was ordered to be detained by a D.C. judge Wednesday at the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> request of prosecutors who warned that his significant ties to China put
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> him at high risk of fleeing his charges of stealing classified information
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for that nation.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2025, 7:38 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IAB:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EDX is in Florida, while OKX is in Hong Kong. The
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mayors' NYCCOIN and MIA Coin traded on OKX in Hong Kong, using POX
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> technology against the purity of the Bitcoin blockchain.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SEC 'Exposes Lunacy' Through Its Dueling Suits, PE Firm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Says
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Catherine Marfin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A South Carolina private equity fund said Thursday the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is trying to gut it through a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Florida lawsuit, telling a Texas judge the commission made "out of touch
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> statements" on how the litigation will harm its business.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 documents attached | Read full article »
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Given international peace and diplomacy mandates at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>, we are in no real position to foster any potential confusion with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eCNY and xNY given the NYPD's loose EuthereumMAX association and SEC
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> penalty.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Soon, - may need to treat NYCCOIN like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EuthereumMAX by exploring remedies in Hong Kong, to meet OKX's regulatory
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regime.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The aim is to recover any remedies of Mayor Adams'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> promotion of NYCCOIN.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Feb 4, 2025, 5:07 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IAB:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No word from the NYPD on Bernardo is dishonest.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FCA Response To Critical Report 'Disappointing,' MPs
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Say
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Joel P

26 Feb '25
Goldman Sachs: - shares with Goldman Sachs' Board Directors; 187
highlights to the Department of Justice’s "
*Prosecuting Computer Crimes, Computer*
*Crime and Intellectual Property Section, Criminal Division*," published by
the Office of Legal Education, Executive Office for
United States Attorneys.
*Computer Crimes Manual Highlights.pdf:*
-… - has organized seven references to -'s
Apple Card research for Goldman Sachs' Board Directors.
* - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell:*
- -'s research on Apple Card paints a stark image for Goldman
Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made effort to defraud the
United States of America *AND* -*; *
- While under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United
States of America.
Referral Co. Barred From $5.54B Swipe Fee MDL Settlement
By Sydney Price
A New York federal judge has blocked a referral partner of a claims filing
service from any role in the $5.54 billion settlement of long-running
multidistrict litigation accusing Visa and Mastercard of charging improper
merchant fees, after the referral partner allegedly improperly used class
member information to submit claims.
Order attached | Read full article »
| Save to favorites »
<…> - Bank respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson -
On Wed, Feb 26, 2025, 3:07 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs:
> Will Goldman Sachs' Board Directors submit the Board to an audit of the
> Deferred Agreement’s mandates?
> - confirms, Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement
> holds certain employee, customer and vendor data requirements.
> *Goldman-Sachs-Deferred-Prosecution-Agreement.pdf:*
> -
> Audit Watchdog Tightens UK Accounting Guidance
> <…>
> By Joel Poultney
> The audit watchdog published on Tuesday its finalized guidance to help
> companies asses whether it is a "going concern," which it said will broaden
> the scope of its advice to reflect reporting changes and high-profile
> corporate collapses.
> Read full article »
> <…>
> | Save to favorites »
> <…>
> * -'s running hypothesis is to move the Deferred Agreement
> conversation to official Discovery.*
> - Discovery could eventually summerise an enterprise software racket
> perpetuated by Goldman Sachs;
> - Perhaps, an enterprise software RICO could be argued visavie Goldman
> Sachs' software relationships at Coinbase, Fireblocks, Robinhood, Apple
> Card and;
> - While under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United
> States of America.
> Ex-Allianz Exec Avoids Prison As Massive Fraud Case Wraps
> <…>
> By Pete Brush
> A Manhattan federal judge on Tuesday allowed a former fund executive from
> New Jersey to avoid prison for lying to clients of Allianz's U.S. unit,
> citing his cooperation as the government investigated a fraud that cost the
> German finance giant $6 billion.
> 2 documents attached | Read full article »
> <…>
> | Save to favorites »
> <…>
> EU Report May Influence Regulation Of Decentralized Finance
> <…>
> The European supervisory authorities’ recent report on decentralized
> finance highlights the major regulatory challenges and increased
> cybersecurity risks of this ecosystem, and will likely provide useful
> guidance on how the market could be regulated to limit potential risks for
> investors, say Hubert de Vauplane and Hugo Bordet at Morgan Lewis.
> Read full article »
> <…>
> | Save to favorites »
> <…>
> - Bank respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
> Thank you,
> Gunnar Larson
> --
> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
> -
> 646-554-7514
> On Wed, Feb 26, 2025, 2:26 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>> Art Director/Designer: Ken Carson
>> Photographers: Charles Wiesehahn, David Vine, Stan Schafer, H. Armstrong
>> Robert's
>> Copywriter: Bill Drier
>> Agency: Conaway & Lyon, Inc.
>> Client: Nation's Business
>> *oops.*
>> We hate to cloud your day, but we'd like
>> to bring you up to date on a few things the
>> experts have to say about our future relationships with Russia.
>> The outlook is anything but rosy.
>> It seems we could all be blown to hell be-
>> cause of an incredible Kremlin capacity for
>> misjudging what they can get away with
>> in their drive to communize the world.
>> In other words, the cold war, though
>> vastly changed, is far from over.
>> It's perils are not diminishing. If any-
>> thing they're on the increase.
>> And continued disintegration of the So-
>> viet bloc may tempt the Russians into new
>> and desperate measures.
>> In short: the Reds are still on the make.
>> And though they definitely do not want a
>> nuclear war, they seem to be continually
>> blundering to the brink.
>> Take the Cuban missile crisis, for exam-
>> ple. The Russians thought they could plant missiles in Cuba without
>> obstacles. They
>> never dreamed President Kennedy would
>> stand up to them.
>> Another example, Czechoslovakia. The
>> Russians actually expected to be welcomed as they plunged into Prague.
>> In the end, either of these miscalcula-
>> tions could have triggered a showdown. A
>> showdown leading to a humiliating defeat.
>> Or disaster.
>> The cover story of the December issue
>> of Nation's Business tells more of the story.
>> (To over 2,000,000 of the nation's business
>> men.)
>> Why a political report in a magazine like
>> ours? That's simple. If it affects business,
>> it'll be there.
>> Which is probably why we have over 854,000 businessmen paying to
>> subscribe to our magazine.
>> Which, when you think about it, is at
>> least one happy note to leave you with.
>> If you're an advertiser.
>> *Nation's Business *
>> *We Reach more businessmen than any other business magazine *
>> On Tue, Feb 25, 2025, 6:36 PM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>> Filmmaker Seeks New IP Trial Against Shyamalan, Others
>>> <…>
>>> By Andrea Keckley
>>> A filmmaker has asked for a new copyright infringement trial against
>>> writer-director M. Night Shyamalan and his co-defendants Friday after a
>>> jury found that they did not have access to the film she claimed they
>>> infringed, arguing that the court failed to answer a crucial question from
>>> the jury before the verdict was delivered.
>>> Memorandum attached | Read full article »
>>> <…>
>>> | Save to favorites »
>>> <…>
>>> Patent Eligibility Appeals 'Will Not Go Away,' Justices Told
>>> <…>
>>> By Andrew Karpan
>>> Another plea to hear a patent eligibility case has been lodged at the
>>> U.S. Supreme Court, this time in an amicus brief from the owner of two
>>> invalidated patents covering medical machinery that warned "the problem
>>> will not go away. The problem will get worse and worse."
>>> 2 documents attached | Read full article »
>>> <…>
>>> | Save to favorites »
>>> <…>
>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
>>> Thank you,
>>> Gunnar Larson
>>> --
>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>> -
>>> 646-554-7514
>>> On Tue, Feb 25, 2025, 10:15 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>>> Check out Gunnar Larson's recent article:
>>>> The Hong Kong Department of Justice’s approach to litigation finance
>>>> and third party funding is coming into greater focus following the UK
>>>> Supreme Court’s July 26, 2023 ruling on R. (on the Application of PACCAR
>>>> Inc) v Competition Appeal Tribunal [2023] UKSC 28.
>>>> Mondaq reports that PACCAR has defined “damaged-base agreements” or
>>>> “DBAs” in the United Kingdom. DBAs are strictly regulated in the UK, now
>>>> including litigation funding agreement contract law. Many UK courts have
>>>> operated under the assumption that funding of litigation agreements does
>>>> not fall under the purview of DBAs. PACCAR’s Supreme Court decision has
>>>> sparked a fervent debate around this topic.
>>>> Mondaq says that Hong Kong DBA relevancy differs from the UKs DBA
>>>> approach. Specifically, in Hong Kong, champerty and maintenance are illegal
>>>> factors that can lead to a fine and prison sentence.
>>>> It’s important to note that Hong Kong does allow waivers to the general
>>>> prohibition of litigation investment if:
>>>> 1. Third parties share a common interest in funding the outcome of a
>>>> case.
>>>> 2. Accessible justice is a prime consideration.
>>>> 3. Insolvency proceedings are necessary.
>>>> --
>>>> - * - will totally defend ourselves in Hong Kong. *
>>>> Crypto Exchange OKX To Pay $504M For Allowing Illicit Deeds
>>>> <…>
>>>> By Stewart Bishop
>>>> Cryptocurrency exchange OKX on Monday agreed to pay $504 million in a
>>>> deal with New York federal prosecutors who said the company ran afoul of
>>>> U.S. anti-money laundering rules and allowed its platform to be used for
>>>> more than $5 billion worth of suspicious transactions.
>>>> Read full article »
>>>> <…>
>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>> <…>
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>> --
>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>> -
>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>> On Tue, Feb 25, 2025, 3:12 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>>>> - is concerned of potential Deferred Prosecution
>>>>> Agreement malfeasance by Goldman Sachs.
>>>>> * -'s running hypothesis is to move the Deferred
>>>>> Agreement conversation to official Discovery.*
>>>>> - Discovery could eventually summerise an enterprise software
>>>>> racket perpetuated by Goldman Sachs;
>>>>> - Perhaps, an enterprise software RICO could be argued visavie
>>>>> Goldman Sachs' software relationships at Coinbase, Fireblocks, Robinhood,
>>>>> Apple Card and;
>>>>> - While under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the
>>>>> United States of America.
>>>>> BREAKING: Elizabeth Holmes Loses 9th Circ. Appeal Over Theranos Fraud
>>>>> <…>
>>>>> By Dorothy Atkins
>>>>> A Ninth Circuit panel on Monday affirmed the criminal fraud
>>>>> convictions of former Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes and former Theranos
>>>>> executive Ramesh "Sunny" Balwani along with their respective 11-year and
>>>>> nearly 13-year prison sentences, rejecting arguments that the lower court
>>>>> made multiple evidentiary errors that unfairly swayed jurors.
>>>>> Opinion attached | Read full article »
>>>>> <…>
>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>> <…>
>>>>> - is concerned Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution
>>>>> Agreement was designed to prevent Goldman Sachs' potential malfeasance;
>>>>> Such as market misrepresentations.
>>>>> - It is alleged that Goldman Sachs has made multiple market
>>>>> misrepresentations against -;
>>>>> - It is alleged that Goldman Sachs' CEO continues to make market
>>>>> misrepresentations against -'s co-founder; Gunnar Larson.
>>>>> Denmark Argues Misrepresentation Led To £1.4B Tax Refunds
>>>>> <…>
>>>>> By Joanne Faulkner
>>>>> Denmark's tax authority told the High Court of Justice on Monday that
>>>>> it would not have paid out billions in refunds to a British trader and
>>>>> others accused of involvement in a fraudulent trading scheme had they not
>>>>> submitted forms purporting to show eligibility for tax refunds.
>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>> <…>
>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>> <…>
>>>>> - Some of these potential misrepresentations of -
>>>>>'s best interests may have transpired during Goldman Sachs active
>>>>> Deferred Agreement with the United States of America.
>>>>> Ex-WealthTek Partner Denies Defrauding Clients Out Of £64M
>>>>> <…>
>>>>> By Ronan Barnard
>>>>> A former partner at wealth management firm WealthTek LLP denied
>>>>> accusations by the Financial Conduct Authority that he defrauded clients
>>>>> out of more than £64 million ($80.8 million) when he appeared at a London
>>>>> criminal court on Monday.
>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>> <…>
>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>> <…>
>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>> --
>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>> -
>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>> On Mon, Feb 24, 2025, 3:21 PM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>> Art Director: William Hopkins
>>>>>> Designer: Allen Hurlburt
>>>>>> Photographer: Art Kane
>>>>>> Publisher: Cowles Communications, Inc./Look Magazine
>>>>>> *THE*
>>>>>> *ISSUES*
>>>>>> WAR
>>>>>> AND
>>>>>> PEACE
>>>>>> Vietnam has given us no songs, no
>>>>>> glory. There have been 38 other
>>>>>> wars fought since World War II,
>>>>>> but the U.S. has bumbled into one
>>>>>> whose aims are unclear, and whose
>>>>>> outcome is uncertain. Our little war,
>>>>>> like some vast malevolent genie,
>>>>>> has engulfed us.
>>>>>> Our mass media forever drone its witless incantations; escalate,
>>>>>> killrate, defoliate.
>>>>>> We see the young, frightened face
>>>>>> of a soldier go lifeless on the 6:00
>>>>>> news. We are thrust onto the field
>>>>>> to witness the old insanity of man
>>>>>> pruning out his kind. Vietnam
>>>>>> has done something to the
>>>>>> American mind.
>>>>>> It has given us a
>>>>>> new view of the meaning of modern
>>>>>> war, and called into question the
>>>>>> virtue of U.S. military ventures.
>>>>>> With over 1,000 ICBM's sheathed
>>>>>> in hidden scabbards, we could
>>>>>> rain random death on over half the
>>>>>> population of our planet. Before we
>>>>>> are led to unleash this power, we
>>>>>> might well reexamine our over-
>>>>>> committed role as global peace offi-
>>>>>> cer. We have sought to come to terms
>>>>>> with other nations, whose people
>>>>>> fear America. Now, our own scared
>>>>>> citizens sense our need to
>>>>>> come to terms with ourselves.
>>>>>> WAR
>>>>>> AND
>>>>>> PEACE
>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 24, 2025, 9:43 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>>>>>> - submits to Goldman Sachs' Board Directors that
>>>>>>> - is not time-barred from seeking justice over any Goldman
>>>>>>> Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement malfeasance.
>>>>>>> Swizz Beatz Says Suit Over 1MDB Funds Is Time-Barred
>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>> By Elliot Weld
>>>>>>> Hip-hop artist Swizz Beatz has told a Manhattan federal judge that a
>>>>>>> suit claiming he received millions of dollars that were stolen in the
>>>>>>> 1Malaysia Development Berhad fraud scandal should be tossed since it was
>>>>>>> brought after the six-year statute of limitations.
>>>>>>> Memorandum attached | Read full article »
>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>> Childish Gambino Nabs Fees In 'This Is America' IP Case
>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>> By Andrew Karpan
>>>>>>> A New York federal judge has ordered a Miami rapper to pay out
>>>>>>> nearly $287,000 in legal fees for litigating a failed copyright case
>>>>>>> targeting Childish Gambino's 2018 hit song "This Is America," less than a
>>>>>>> third of what the record label lawyers and others had asked for.
>>>>>>> Memorandum attached | Read full article »
>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional
>>>>>>> rights.
>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 24, 2025, 9:03 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>>>>>>> Did Goldman Sachs try to take advantage of -
>>>>>>>> Apple Can Claw Back Mistakenly Produced Docs In Epic Fight
>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>> By Bonnie Eslinger
>>>>>>>> A California federal magistrate judge said Friday that Apple can
>>>>>>>> claw back two documents the tech giant said it accidentally produced during
>>>>>>>> discovery for an antitrust suit brought by Epic Games, rejecting the game
>>>>>>>> developer's assertion that Apple's bid was "opportunistic."
>>>>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>> - has organized seven references to -
>>>>>>>>'s Apple Card research for Goldman Sachs' Board Directors.
>>>>>>>> * - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell:*
>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>> -'s research on Apple Card paints a stark image for
>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made effort to defraud
>>>>>>>> the United States of America *AND* -; While under
>>>>>>>> active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
>>>>>>>> Stellantis Loses €770M Auto Parts Cartel Claim
>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>> By Joanne Faulkner
>>>>>>>> The Competition Appeal Tribunal dismissed on Friday a €770 million
>>>>>>>> ($805 million) claim brought by Peugeot and other car manufacturers after
>>>>>>>> they failed to show how a European car safety parts cartel caused them to
>>>>>>>> pay higher prices.
>>>>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>> Drugmakers Slam 'Untimely' Claims In Employers' Antitrust Suit
>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>> By MJ Koo
>>>>>>>> Pharmaceutical companies targeted by sweeping antitrust lawsuits
>>>>>>>> from major employers, including Target, Lowe's and American Airlines, have
>>>>>>>> asked a Pennsylvania federal judge to trim conspiracy claims from a lawsuit
>>>>>>>> accusing them of orchestrating illegal agreements for price-fixing and
>>>>>>>> customer allocation, arguing the allegation was unsupported and untimely.
>>>>>>>> 2 documents attached | Read full article »
>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional
>>>>>>>> rights.
>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 24, 2025, 7:07 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>>>>>>>> -'s research on Coinbase paints a stark image for
>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to
>>>>>>>>> defraud the United States of America *AND* -;
>>>>>>>>> While under an active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States
>>>>>>>>> of America.
>>>>>>>>> Compliance Pointers For DOJ's Sweeping Data Security Rule
>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>> A new Justice Department rule broadly restricts many common data
>>>>>>>>> transactions with the goal of preventing access by countries of concern,
>>>>>>>>> and with an effective date of April 8, U.S. companies must quickly assess
>>>>>>>>> practices related to employee, customer and vendor data, says Sam Castic at
>>>>>>>>> Hintze Law.
>>>>>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>> - confirms, Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution
>>>>>>>>> Agreement holds certain employee, customer and vendor data requirements.
>>>>>>>>> *Goldman-Sachs-Deferred-Prosecution-Agreement.pdf:*
>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>> These employee, customer and vendor data safeguards should have
>>>>>>>>> prevented Goldman Sachs' potential market abuses against -
>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional
>>>>>>>>> rights.
>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 24, 2025, 6:26 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>>>>>>>>> - reminds Goldman Sachs; -'s
>>>>>>>>>> co-founder Gunnar Larson is a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar.
>>>>>>>>>> - Taking themes of software purity;
>>>>>>>>>> - It would appear that all enterprise software deals Goldman
>>>>>>>>>> Sachs potentially structured against - would need to pass
>>>>>>>>>> standard wire fraud compliance.
>>>>>>>>>> For example, - investigated Goldman Sachs'
>>>>>>>>>> relationship with Coinbase; Visavie NYDFS contact before 2023 A.D.
>>>>>>>>>> *Coinbase Trade Secret and Determination Letter 2023-093329.pdf:*
>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>> - shares with Goldman Sachs' Board Directors; 187
>>>>>>>>>> highlights to the Department of Justice’s
>>>>>>>>>> "Prosecuting Computer Crimes, Computer
>>>>>>>>>> Crime and Intellectual Property Section, Criminal Division,"
>>>>>>>>>> published by the Office of Legal Education, Executive Office for
>>>>>>>>>> United States Attorneys.
>>>>>>>>>> *Computer Crimes Manual Highlights.pdf:*
>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>> Coinbase Says SEC Will Drop Suit Amid Crypto Policy Shift
>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>> By Aislinn Keely
>>>>>>>>>> Coinbase said Friday the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
>>>>>>>>>> has committed to dropping its enforcement action against the crypto
>>>>>>>>>> exchange, a move that would see the regulator walk away from one of its
>>>>>>>>>> flagship crypto suits amid a wider policy shift under the Trump
>>>>>>>>>> administration.
>>>>>>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>> -'s research on Coinbase paints a stark image for
>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to
>>>>>>>>>> defraud the United States of America *AND* -
>>>>>>>>>> symaltaniouly while under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the
>>>>>>>>>> United States of America.
>>>>>>>>>> *Goldman-Sachs-Deferred-Prosecution-Agreement.pdf:*
>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional
>>>>>>>>>> rights.
>>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 24, 2025, 2:37 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>>>>>>>>>> *Please find the attached memo with 23 reference footnotes.*
>>>>>>>>>>> * - | DOJ Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred
>>>>>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement:*
>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>> - reminds Goldman Sachs, that -
>>>>>>>>>>>'s co-founder is a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar.
>>>>>>>>>>> Taking themes of software purity; It would appear that all
>>>>>>>>>>> enterprise software deals Goldman Sachs structured against -
>>>>>>>>>>> would need to pass standard wire fraud compliance.
>>>>>>>>>>> As mandated by Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement
>>>>>>>>>>> with the United States of America.
>>>>>>>>>>> *Goldman-Sachs-Deferred-Prosecution-Agreement.pdf:*
>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>> Mastercard Wins Green Light For £200M Swipe Fee Settlement
>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>> By Joanne Faulkner
>>>>>>>>>>> The Competition Appeal Tribunal said Friday it would approve a
>>>>>>>>>>> £200 million ($250 million) settlement between Mastercard and Walter
>>>>>>>>>>> Merricks to end litigation over credit card fees, despite "some concerns
>>>>>>>>>>> about how the matter was dealt with" in the lead-up to the deal being
>>>>>>>>>>> reached.
>>>>>>>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>> - has organized seven complete references to
>>>>>>>>>>> -'s Apple Card research for Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors.
>>>>>>>>>>> * - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda
>>>>>>>>>>> Lacewell:*
>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>> -'s Apple Card research paints a stark image for
>>>>>>>>>>> Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to
>>>>>>>>>>> defraud the United States of America *AND* -;
>>>>>>>>>>> While under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of
>>>>>>>>>>> America.
>>>>>>>>>>> Vatican Was 'Utterly Let Down' By Financier In Property Deal
>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>> By William Janes
>>>>>>>>>>> The Vatican was "utterly let down" by an Italian financier who
>>>>>>>>>>> did not act in good faith in a failed €350 million ($366 million) property
>>>>>>>>>>> deal, a London court ruled on Friday, although it did not find that he had
>>>>>>>>>>> conspired to defraud the state.
>>>>>>>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>> - shares 187 highlights to the Department of
>>>>>>>>>>> Justice’s "Prosecuting Computer Crimes, Computer
>>>>>>>>>>> Crime and Intellectual Property Section, Criminal Division,"
>>>>>>>>>>> published by the Office of Legal Education, Executive Office for
>>>>>>>>>>> United States Attorneys.
>>>>>>>>>>> *Computer Crimes Manual Highlights.pdf:*
>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>> - previews what it could look like for Goldman
>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs' Board Directors if - is forced to seek relevant
>>>>>>>>>>> injunctive relief in Orange County, California.
>>>>>>>>>>> *Here's How Orange County Went Broke:*
>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>> "The scene, 25 years ago this month, could have been lifted from
>>>>>>>>>>> a mob movie:
>>>>>>>>>>> Ten top power-brokers in Orange County government headed to an
>>>>>>>>>>> exclusive Italian restaurant for a secret Saturday dinner. Strung out from
>>>>>>>>>>> a string of all-nighters — they’d been working to keep the county’s $20
>>>>>>>>>>> billion investment pool from imploding — the meal was to be a
>>>>>>>>>>> pressure-reliever, a breather, a reward.
>>>>>>>>>>> Despite the headlines just two days earlier — “O.C. fund down
>>>>>>>>>>> $1.5 billion” — it seemed, on Dec. 3, 1994, that things might work out.
>>>>>>>>>>> During marathon calls with Wall Street brokers and local city bureaucrats
>>>>>>>>>>> they’d delivered a smooth new mantra — *“It’s just a paper
>>>>>>>>>>> loss. Everything’s under control… Don’t panic!*”"
>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional
>>>>>>>>>>> rights.
>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 23, 2025, 3:33 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> *Please find the attached memo with reference footnotes.*
>>>>>>>>>>>> * - | DOJ Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred
>>>>>>>>>>>> Prosecution Agreement:*
>>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>> March 10, 2022
>>>>>>>>>>>> Mr. John Marzulli
>>>>>>>>>>>> United States Department of Justice
>>>>>>>>>>>> Eastern District of New York
>>>>>>>>>>>> 271 Cadman Plaza East
>>>>>>>>>>>> Brooklyn New York, 11201
>>>>>>>>>>>> John.Marzulli(a)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement
>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Mr. Marzulli:
>>>>>>>>>>>> The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, Memo
>>>>>>>>>>>> #2 and Memo #3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad
>>>>>>>>>>>> Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution
>>>>>>>>>>>> Agreement
>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>> with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical
>>>>>>>>>>>> enforcement being concerned.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with war
>>>>>>>>>>>> crimes of aggression (in the planning, initiation, or
>>>>>>>>>>>> execution of a large-scale and serious act of aggression), leveraging the
>>>>>>>>>>>> world’s only military divided capital city Nicosia, Cyprus.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 1.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment of
>>>>>>>>>>>> New York State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war crime
>>>>>>>>>>>> against peace, related to the planning, preparation,
>>>>>>>>>>>> initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related
>>>>>>>>>>>> to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international
>>>>>>>>>>>> armed conflict.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2.
>>>>>>>>>>>> In this case, the first challenge is to observe and
>>>>>>>>>>>> consider the simple idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with
>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to
>>>>>>>>>>>> recognize the ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of
>>>>>>>>>>>> Memo #4’s assertion of war crimes.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 3.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the
>>>>>>>>>>>> DOJ may be amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly
>>>>>>>>>>>> supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the
>>>>>>>>>>>> Deferred Agreement being self-policing.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations
>>>>>>>>>>>> peacekeeping mission in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and
>>>>>>>>>>>> occupation of the northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey
>>>>>>>>>>>> recognises the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, while there is broad
>>>>>>>>>>>> recognition that the ongoing military presence constitutes occupation of
>>>>>>>>>>>> territories that are under Turkish military control.
>>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>> The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of the
>>>>>>>>>>>> University of Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the United
>>>>>>>>>>>> Nations Buffer Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of North
>>>>>>>>>>>> Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004.
>>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>> Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy,
>>>>>>>>>>>> based at its Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now -
>>>>>>>>>>>> was credited with increasing the breadth and
>>>>>>>>>>>> accessibility of reference content from the world’s most important
>>>>>>>>>>>> multinational organization.
>>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>> Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent association
>>>>>>>>>>>> with such projects as the Audio Visual Library of International Law.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed
>>>>>>>>>>>> timeline that would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression
>>>>>>>>>>>> yielding the war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s
>>>>>>>>>>>> only military divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island.
>>>>>>>>>>>> The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities of
>>>>>>>>>>>> Turkey’s Markets
>>>>>>>>>>>> Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it from
>>>>>>>>>>>> any side whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border act
>>>>>>>>>>>> of aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred
>>>>>>>>>>>> Agreement’s core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate
>>>>>>>>>>>> cross-border war crime regulatory frameworks.
>>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>> On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that Turkey
>>>>>>>>>>>> fined Goldman Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, just a
>>>>>>>>>>>> week after foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock and bond
>>>>>>>>>>>> markets. Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs was among
>>>>>>>>>>>> 10 securities firms that had placed orders for short selling without proper
>>>>>>>>>>>> notification, violating rules enacted previously that temporarily
>>>>>>>>>>>> prohibited such transactions.
>>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>> On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English
>>>>>>>>>>>> Language daily newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs
>>>>>>>>>>>> International acted as Global Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M
>>>>>>>>>>>> bond issuance for the Bank of Cyprus.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes
>>>>>>>>>>>> that there is one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort
>>>>>>>>>>>> of thing. Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may
>>>>>>>>>>>> have been tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking
>>>>>>>>>>>> international peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while
>>>>>>>>>>>> jeopardizing the United States of America’s financial security.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and Marketplace
>>>>>>>>>>>> Manipulation
>>>>>>>>>>>> The United States Department of the Treasury warns that Prime
>>>>>>>>>>>> Bank Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted significant
>>>>>>>>>>>> international attention, since individuals and organizations have lost
>>>>>>>>>>>> billions of dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is the general
>>>>>>>>>>>> term given to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many different names.
>>>>>>>>>>>> During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith (and,
>>>>>>>>>>>> plausible deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a pristine
>>>>>>>>>>>> relationship with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest financial
>>>>>>>>>>>> institutions, given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and then
>>>>>>>>>>>> pending Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
>>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>> Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime Bank
>>>>>>>>>>>> Instrument Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by
>>>>>>>>>>>> failed marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus.
>>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>> Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation of
>>>>>>>>>>>> any kind between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of
>>>>>>>>>>>> aggression.
>>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>> Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have
>>>>>>>>>>>> tried to bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through
>>>>>>>>>>>> regulatory arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not
>>>>>>>>>>>> considered the totality of such actions as war crimes.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the
>>>>>>>>>>>> second-highest rate of inflation among emerging markets, just behind
>>>>>>>>>>>> Argentina. It has the 13th highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it
>>>>>>>>>>>> between South Sudan and Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was fined
>>>>>>>>>>>> for illegal stock and bond market short selling by the Turkish government,
>>>>>>>>>>>> logic would argue further malfeasance potentially could have been avoided
>>>>>>>>>>>> by the DOJ’s