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Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement; Mastercard Wins Green Light For £200M Swipe Fee Settlement; Vatican Was 'Utterly Let Down' By Financier In Property Deal; - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell
by Gunnar Larson 23 Feb '25
by Gunnar Larson 23 Feb '25
23 Feb '25
Goldman Sachs:
*Please find the attached memo with 23 reference footnotes.*
* - | DOJ Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution
-… - reminds Goldman Sachs, that -'s
co-founder is a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar.
Taking themes of software purity; It would appear that all enterprise
software deals Goldman Sachs structured against - would
need to pass standard wire fraud compliance.
As mandated by Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the
United States of America.
Mastercard Wins Green Light For £200M Swipe Fee Settlement
By Joanne Faulkner
The Competition Appeal Tribunal said Friday it would approve a £200 million
($250 million) settlement between Mastercard and Walter Merricks to end
litigation over credit card fees, despite "some concerns about how the
matter was dealt with" in the lead-up to the deal being reached.
Read full article »
| Save to favorites »
<…> - has organized seven complete references to -'s Apple Card research for Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors.
* - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell:*
- -'s Apple Card research paints a stark image for Gomdman
Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to defraud the
United States of America *AND* -; While under active
Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
Vatican Was 'Utterly Let Down' By Financier In Property Deal
By William Janes
The Vatican was "utterly let down" by an Italian financier who did not act
in good faith in a failed €350 million ($366 million) property deal, a
London court ruled on Friday, although it did not find that he had
conspired to defraud the state.
Read full article »
| Save to favorites »
<…> - shares 187 highlights to the Department of Justice’s
"Prosecuting Computer Crimes, Computer
Crime and Intellectual Property Section, Criminal Division," published by
the Office of Legal Education, Executive Office for
United States Attorneys.
*Computer Crimes Manual Highlights.pdf:*
-… - previews what it could look like for Goldman Sachs' Board
Directors if - is forced to seek relevant injunctive relief
in Orange County, California.
*Here's How Orange County Went Broke:*
"The scene, 25 years ago this month, could have been lifted from a mob
Ten top power-brokers in Orange County government headed to an exclusive
Italian restaurant for a secret Saturday dinner. Strung out from a string
of all-nighters — they’d been working to keep the county’s $20 billion
investment pool from imploding — the meal was to be a pressure-reliever, a
breather, a reward.
Despite the headlines just two days earlier — “O.C. fund down $1.5 billion”
— it seemed, on Dec. 3, 1994, that things might work out. During marathon
calls with Wall Street brokers and local city bureaucrats they’d delivered
a smooth new mantra — *“It’s just a paper loss. Everything’s under control…
Don’t panic!*”" - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson -
On Sun, Feb 23, 2025, 3:33 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
> *Please find the attached memo with reference footnotes.*
> * - | DOJ Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution
> Agreement:*
> -
> March 10, 2022
> Mr. John Marzulli
> United States Department of Justice
> Eastern District of New York
> 271 Cadman Plaza East
> Brooklyn New York, 11201
> John.Marzulli(a)
> Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement
> Dear Mr. Marzulli:
> The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, Memo #2 and Memo
> #3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad Deferred
> Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement
> <…>
> with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical
> enforcement being concerned.
> Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with war crimes of
> aggression (in the planning, initiation, or execution of a large-scale
> and serious act of aggression), leveraging the world’s only military
> divided capital city Nicosia, Cyprus.
> 1.
> Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment of New York
> State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war crime against
> peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or
> participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of
> aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed
> conflict.
> 2.
> In this case, the first challenge is to observe and consider the
> simple idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman
> Sachs alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to
> recognize the ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of
> Memo #4’s assertion of war crimes.
> 3.
> Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may be
> amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly supplementing
> the root cause of the problem and financial model of the Deferred Agreement
> being self-policing.
> Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations peacekeeping mission
> in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and occupation of the
> northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey recognises the Turkish Republic of
> Northern Cyprus, while there is broad recognition that the ongoing military
> presence constitutes occupation of territories that are under Turkish
> military control.
> -
> The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of the University
> of Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the United Nations
> Buffer Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of North Cyprus and
> the Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004.
> -
> Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy, based at its
> Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now -
> was credited with increasing the breadth and accessibility of reference
> content from the world’s most important multinational organization.
> -
> Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent association with such
> projects as the Audio Visual Library of International Law.
> Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed timeline that
> would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression yielding the
> war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s only military
> divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island.
> The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities of Turkey’s
> Markets
> Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it from any side
> whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border act of
> aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred Agreement’s
> core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate cross-border
> war crime regulatory frameworks.
> -
> On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that Turkey fined
> Goldman Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, just a week
> after foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock and bond
> markets. Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs was among
> 10 securities firms that had placed orders for short selling without proper
> notification, violating rules enacted previously that temporarily
> prohibited such transactions.
> -
> On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English Language daily
> newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs International acted as Global
> Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M bond issuance for the Bank of
> Cyprus.
> Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes that there is
> one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort of thing.
> Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may have been
> tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking international
> peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while jeopardizing the
> United States of America’s financial security.
> Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and Marketplace
> Manipulation
> The United States Department of the Treasury warns that Prime Bank
> Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted significant international
> attention, since individuals and organizations have lost billions of
> dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is the general term given
> to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many different names.
> During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith (and, plausible
> deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a pristine relationship
> with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest financial institutions,
> given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and then pending Deferred
> Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
> -
> Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime Bank Instrument
> Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by failed
> marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus.
> -
> Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation of any kind
> between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of aggression.
> -
> Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have tried to
> bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through regulatory
> arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not considered the
> totality of such actions as war crimes.
> Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the second-highest rate
> of inflation among emerging markets, just behind Argentina. It has the 13th
> highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it between South Sudan and
> Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was fined for illegal stock and bond market
> short selling by the Turkish government, logic would argue further
> malfeasance potentially could have been avoided by the DOJ’s 1Malaysia
> Development Berhad investigation.
> -
> On April 15, 2021 CNBC reported that Goldman Sachs (note, the previous
> section’s milestones of April 02, 2021 and April 20, 2021) crucially
> removed its bias toward Turkey tightening interest rates. Goldman issued
> guidance highlighting the fact that the bank thought that, “…the removal of
> the tightening bias against rising inflation expectations suggests that the
> TCMB (Turkish Central Bank) now has a more dovish reaction function.”
> -
> On August 14, 2021 the CyprusMail reported serious concern among
> economists about data reporting from the Turkish Statistical Institute.
> Ahmet Takan, a former official with the office of the Turkish prime
> minister, acted as a whistle blower, warning that Turkey potentially was
> manipulating inflation data.
> -
> On September 1, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs hiked Turkish
> growth forecasts. Goldman economists issued guidance stating, "Overall, the
> Turkish economy has been able to grow faster than we thought without a
> deterioration in its external balances, as the pickup in foreign demand has
> been very supportive."
> -
> On November 30, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs trimed
> Turkey’s 2022 growth forecast. Goldman Sachs' Murat Unur stated, "We think
> that the GDP figures released today tell us little about the pace of
> economic activity going forward as the recent sell-off in the Lira is
> likely to impact economic activity significantly"
> Mr. Marzulli, the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs
> was signed on October 21, 2021. The timeline of events above do not
> coincide with terms and conditions of the Deferred Agreement mandated by
> the United States of America.
> Furthermore, as an international graduate scholars of the world’s only
> military divided capital on the planet, - should be
> protected from any association of crimes against peace, related to the
> planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan
> or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in
> relation to international armed conflict.
> War Crimes Against Humanity
> Mr. Marzulli, - is concerned that potential breaches to
> the Deferred Agreement are impacting our global enterprise. Crimes against
> humanity can be committed in peacetime as well as during an armed conflict.
> Even a single act could fall under this exclusion ground provided it forms
> part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and
> the act is committed by any person (including a civilian) who had knowledge
> of the attack and the link of the act to the attack.
> 1.
> We are looking to learn more about the DOJ’s approach to assessing any
> potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement’s mandates as we determine New
> York State’s role in cross-border bank regulation and corresponding
> innovation beyond war crimes against humanity.
> 2.
> In order to establish whether a war crime or a crime against humanity
> has been committed, the case officer should consult the relevant
> international instruments and case law.
> 3.
> Crimes against humanity are fundamentally inhumane acts, committed as
> part of a systematic or widespread attack. Inhumane acts, which could reach
> this threshold when committed pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or
> organizational policy (potentially, New York State bank regulation).
> 4.
> Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on
> political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, or other
> grounds that are universally recognised as impermissible under
> international law.
> 5.
> Furthermore, we have made 28 highlights to the Deferred Agreement
> providing supporting reference to Memo #4’s overarching premise.
> - submits Memo #4 for DOJ consideration of other inhumane
> acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or
> serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. Some crimes against
> humanity would require an additional specific intent, such as Goldman Sachs
> willfully disrespecting New York State and/or overall peace and security of
> the United States of America.
> Memo #1, Memo #2, Memo #3 and Memo #4 outline instances that correspond
> with the associated definitions of the potential war crimes abroad and
> jeopardize the future of bank innovation from New York, at great sacrifice
> to the Homeland.
> We hope to learn the DOJ’s approach to comment on Memo #4’s subject matter
> or, without delay refer these concerns to the International Criminal Court
> and/or International Court of Justice for comment.
> Respectfully yours with anticipation,
> Gunnar Larson - <> |
> <>MSc
> <…>
> - Digital Currency
> <…>
> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)
> G(a) +1-646-454-9107
> On Sat, Feb 22, 2025, 3:55 PM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>> Art Director/Designer: Timothy Bent
>> Copywriter: Peter Nord
>> Agency: Solow/Wexton, Inc.
>> Client: International Ladies Garment Workers Union
>> *The walk to the Registrar's Office was the easy part. *
>> The tough part was deciding to take
>> the walk. Jim Dyous knew that out there
>> was a townful of people who didn't want
>> him to register; didn't want him to vote.
>> People who'd prevented him from register-
>> ing for 60 years. People who would, if they
>> could, make him sorry he took that walk.
>> He walked. He registered. He voted.
>> That's all there was to it.
>> You don't have Jim's problems. If
>> you're 21 you have the right to vote. And
>> you won't find people hanging around the
>> registration office letting *you *know that
>> *they *know what you're doing.
>> You don't have any excuses. If
>> you've registered you have the right to vote.
>> If you don't vote --- you get who's coming to you.
>> This message has been sponsored
>> by the *International Ladies' Garment Workers Union *--- who through
>> their
>> union, and by their votes --- have won dig-
>> nity, fair wages and decent working con-
>> ditions. Join us.
>> On Thu, Feb 20, 2025, 11:50 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>> Art Director/Designer/Photographer: Bert Steinhauser
>>> Copywriter: Frada Sklar Wallach
>>> Client: El Al Isreal Airlines
>>> The Greatest Fish Story Ever Told.
>>> Thousands of years ago, in the Sea of
>>> Galilee, there was a tasty little fish known
>>> as chromis simonis. The 'Big Fisherman'
>>> himself is said to have caught it. So it was
>>> named St. Peter's fish, after him.
>>> The name stuck to the fish and the fish
>>> stuck to the Galilee. The wonder is that it
>>> hasn't changed since Peter's day. Restau-
>>> rants all over Israel serve it and in Tiberias
>>> it's a specialty.
>>> If you like, you can hook your own 'St.
>>> Peter' in the Sea of Galilee. Or fish for other
>>> fish in other waters. The seas runneth over
>>> with prizes. In Eilat, there's even a famous
>>> restaurant that will cook your catch right
>>> on the spot.
>>> While the fish is grilling, you can be bak-
>>> ing on a nearby beach. Telling your own fish story. Or just watching the
>>> snorkelers watching the fish.
>>> If you're a meat and potatoes man, or
>>> lady, you won't go hungry. How about
>>> barbecued lamb with hummus (ground chickpeas) or home-cooked chicken soup
>>> with noodles or boiled beef with curry or
>>> very good goulash?
>>> And don't worry about getting fat. Places
>>> like ancient Sodom, King Solomon's Mines,
>>> Massada, The Tomb of Absalom, Mt.
>>> Tabor and Capernaum are scattered from
>>> one end of Israel to the other. You'll need
>>> some extra food to keep up your strength.
>>> To get you off to a good start, El Al will land
>>> you at Tel Aviv with a few hearty meals
>>> under your belt. Including a
>>> breakfast of bagels and cream
>>> cheese and lox.
>>> Then we'll add a warm
>>> Shalom. There'll be nothing
>>> fishy about that.
>>> EL
>>> AL
>>> The airline of the people of Isreal.
>>> On Thu, Feb 20, 2025, 9:31 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>>> - has investigated NYDFS' relationship with Robinhood.
>>>> See here:
>>>> - * - NYDFS
>>>> Robinhood_Determination_Letter_FOIL_Req._No_2023_095358_202402211320485790.pdf*
>>>> -
>>>> From what - understands, Goldman Sachs also has a
>>>> reliable relationship with Robinhood.
>>>> Robinhood Says It Faces New Scrutiny From States, FDIC
>>>> <…>
>>>> By Aislinn Keely
>>>> Online brokerage Robinhood is facing investigations from Massachusetts'
>>>> state securities regulator and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
>>>> alongside an ongoing probe from the New York attorney general, the firm
>>>> disclosed in its latest filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange
>>>> Commission.
>>>> Read full article »
>>>> <…>
>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>> <…>
>>>> - finds our Robinhood research sharing themes between
>>>> Goldman Sachs' potential Deferred Prosecution Agreement malfeasance.
>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>> --
>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>> -
>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>> On Thu, Feb 20, 2025, 7:27 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>>>> Kamala Harris' "Fight Fund" is arguably doing nothing for anyone in
>>>>> Los Angeles biotechnology; Or fire victims, world-wide.
>>>>> LA Gardasil Trial Against Merck Bagged After 3 Weeks
>>>>> <…>
>>>>> By Rachel Scharf
>>>>> A Los Angeles state court trial over the alleged dangers of Merck &
>>>>> Co. Inc.'s human papillomavirus vaccine Gardasil was abruptly called off
>>>>> after three weeks of testimony, with a new panel of jurors slated to hear
>>>>> the case next fall instead.
>>>>> 1 document attached | Read full article »
>>>>> <…>
>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>> <…>
>>>>> - Republicans out of Orange County, California, perhaps
>>>>> unknowingly;
>>>>> - Were contrived by Goldman Sachs visavie a Kamala Harris and
>>>>> Adrienne A. Harris racket.
>>>>> - Possibly, perpetuated by Goldman Sachs' willful Deferred
>>>>> Agreement non-compliance.
>>>>> enteprise software advertising aside, Gunnar Larson,
>>>>> co-founder -, is a proud Republican, Feminist.
>>>>> Netflix Wants IP Atty Sanctioned Over Alleged Doc Sharing
>>>>> <…>
>>>>> By Dorothy Atkins
>>>>> Netflix urged a California judge Tuesday to require a prolific patent
>>>>> plaintiff's former counsel to explain why they shouldn't be held in civil
>>>>> contempt and sanctioned for allegedly giving Netflix's confidential
>>>>> financial information to nonparty AiPi LLC, arguing discovery in another
>>>>> patent case has revealed AiPi is "shadow lead counsel."
>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article »
>>>>> <…>
>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>> <…>
>>>>> - previews what it could look like for Goldman Sachs'
>>>>> Board Directors if - is forced to seek relevant injunctive
>>>>> relief in Orange County, California.
>>>>> *Here's How Orange County Went Broke:*
>>>>> -
>>>>> "The scene, 25 years ago this month, could have been lifted from a mob
>>>>> movie:
>>>>> Ten top power-brokers in Orange County government headed to an
>>>>> exclusive Italian restaurant for a secret Saturday dinner. Strung out from
>>>>> a string of all-nighters — they’d been working to keep the county’s $20
>>>>> billion investment pool from imploding — the meal was to be a
>>>>> pressure-reliever, a breather, a reward.
>>>>> Despite the headlines just two days earlier — “O.C. fund down $1.5
>>>>> billion” — it seemed, on Dec. 3, 1994, that things might work out. During
>>>>> marathon calls with Wall Street brokers and local city bureaucrats they’d
>>>>> delivered a smooth new mantra — *“It’s just a paper loss.
>>>>> Everything’s under control… Don’t panic!*”"
>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional
>>>>> rights.
>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>> --
>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>> -
>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>> On Thu, Feb 20, 2025, 7:03 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>> Goldman Sachs
>>>>>> - respectfully submits:
>>>>>> - Any "" enteprise software advertising from Goldman
>>>>>> Sachs would need to pass standard wire fraud compliance.
>>>>>> Citi Moves To Appeal NY Judge's Wire Fraud Protection Ruling
>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>> By Sydney Price
>>>>>> Citibank NA has asked a New York federal judge for permission to
>>>>>> appeal his decision allowing New York's attorney general to move forward
>>>>>> with a lawsuit accusing the bank of failing to respond properly to
>>>>>> incidents of online wire fraud.
>>>>>> Brief attached | Read full article »
>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>> Perhaps, all entprise software deals Goldman Sachs structured again
>>>>>> - would need to pass standard wire fraud compliance, as
>>>>>> mandated by Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United
>>>>>> States of America.
>>>>>> - For example, would Golman Sachs purposely devaluing its own
>>>>>> software relationship with Apple Card?
>>>>>> - NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell investigated this very
>>>>>> Apple Card premise.
>>>>>> - Finally, what about
>>>>>> - has organized seven complete references to -
>>>>>>'s Apple Card research for Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors.
>>>>>> * - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell:*
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> -'s Apple Card research paints a stark image for
>>>>>> Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to
>>>>>> defraud the United States of America *AND* -
>>>>>> symaltaniouly while under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the
>>>>>> United States of America.
>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional
>>>>>> rights.
>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 20, 2025, 4:28 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>>>>>> - is concerned Gomdman Sachs' flawed intentions in
>>>>>>> keeping true to its Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States
>>>>>>> of America was designed against - (with intent) beyond
>>>>>>> 2022-2025.
>>>>>>> Nadine Menendez Loses Bid To Have Expert Testify On Gifts
>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>> By Pete Brush
>>>>>>> A Manhattan federal judge on Wednesday rejected a request by Nadine
>>>>>>> Menendez to have a witness testify that receiving gold bars as gifts is
>>>>>>> normal in her culture, dealing the wife of former U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez a
>>>>>>> setback ahead of her corruption trial.
>>>>>>> 3 documents attached | Read full article »
>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>> - may seek to invite Tim Cook of Apple Computer
>>>>>>> Company (sic), in Curpertino, California along with NYDFS Superintendent
>>>>>>> Adrienne A. Harris as expert witnesses to Gomdman Sachs' alleged Platform
>>>>>>> Services enterprise software fraud.
>>>>>>> Sotomayor Won't Relieve Crypto Maven From Witness ID Rule
>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>> By Elliot Weld
>>>>>>> U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor denied a bid from the
>>>>>>> founder of cryptocurrency service Tornado Cash to overturn a Manhattan
>>>>>>> federal judge's order to disclose whom he might call as an expert witness
>>>>>>> at his upcoming trial on money-laundering and sanctions-dodging charges.
>>>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional
>>>>>>> rights.
>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 20, 2025, 3:53 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>>>>>>> - shares with Goldman Sachs that planet Earth is
>>>>>>>> nearly perfect; Peace on Earth is possible.
>>>>>>>> Mastercard Deal Does Not Need To Be Perfect, Tribunal Told
>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>> By Joanne Faulkner
>>>>>>>> Mastercard's £200 million ($250 million) agreement with Walter
>>>>>>>> Merricks "does not have to be perfect" to get approval from the Competition
>>>>>>>> Appeal Tribunal, lawyers for both sides argued on Wednesday in the court's
>>>>>>>> first hearing in a contested class action settlement.
>>>>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>> - is concerned Gomdman Sachs' flawed intentions in
>>>>>>>> keeping true to its Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States
>>>>>>>> of America was designed against - (with intent) beyond
>>>>>>>> 2022-2025.
>>>>>>>> - For example, Goldman Sachs' software
>>>>>>>> relationship perhaps ultimately manufactured a fake legacy against -
>>>>>>>> - Keeping congruence; - plans to uphold the
>>>>>>>> Deferred Agreement’s mandates.
>>>>>>>> - has organized seven complete references to
>>>>>>>> -'s Apple Card research for Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors.
>>>>>>>> * - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell:*
>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>> -'s Apple Card research paints a stark image for
>>>>>>>> Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to
>>>>>>>> defraud the United States of America *AND* -
>>>>>>>> symaltaniouly while under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the
>>>>>>>> United States of America.
>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional
>>>>>>>> rights.
>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 19, 2025, 11:11 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>>>>>>>> The Department of Justice, Apple Card and Visa would expect
>>>>>>>>> - to perform; And innovate at this scale.
>>>>>>>>> DOJ's Visa Suit Shows Pitfalls Of Regulating Innovative Tech
>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>> A policy of allowing free-market mechanisms to operate without
>>>>>>>>> undue interference remains the most effective way to foster innovation, and
>>>>>>>>> the U.S. Department of Justice's 2024 case against Visa illustrates the
>>>>>>>>> drawbacks of regulating innovative technology, says attorney Thomas Willcox.
>>>>>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>> - - plans to uphold the Deferred Agreement’s
>>>>>>>>> mandates.
>>>>>>>>> - - has organized seven complete references to
>>>>>>>>> -'s Apple Card research.
>>>>>>>>> * - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda
>>>>>>>>> Lacewell:*
>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>> -'s Apple Card research paints a stark image for
>>>>>>>>> Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to
>>>>>>>>> defraud the United States of America *AND* -
>>>>>>>>> symaltaniouly while under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the
>>>>>>>>> United States of America.
>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional
>>>>>>>>> rights.
>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 19, 2025, 11:02 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs:
>>>>>>>>>> Mastercard and Discover are at -'s front door
>>>>>>>>>> step.
>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs' total business failure could string back to
>>>>>>>>>> Deferred Agreement malfeasance while Goldman hinged and perpetuated false
>>>>>>>>>> ideals of holding a "supremacist" relationship with Mastercard
>>>>>>>>>> International.
>>>>>>>>>> Discover Can't Get Judge To Rethink Decision In Risk Case
>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>> By Katryna Perera
>>>>>>>>>> A New York federal judge will not rethink her decision denying
>>>>>>>>>> Discover a quick win in a lawsuit over whether it and several other credit
>>>>>>>>>> card companies conspired to dump fraud risk onto retailers, ruling that the
>>>>>>>>>> suing retailers can continue their claims.
>>>>>>>>>> Memorandum attached | Read full article »
>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites
>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>> - has organized seven complete references to
>>>>>>>>>> -'s Apple Card research.
>>>>>>>>>> * - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda
>>>>>>>>>> Lacewell:*
>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>> -'s Apple Card research paints a stark image for
>>>>>>>>>> Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to
>>>>>>>>>> defraud the United States of America *AND* -
>>>>>>>>>> symaltaniouly while under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the
>>>>>>>>>> United States of America.
>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional
>>>>>>>>>> rights.
>>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 19, 2025, 7:51 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>>>>>>>>>> Your firm is unwarranted in poking fun at Gunnar Larson's
>>>>>>>>>>> ebonics.
>>>>>>>>>>> Coinbase Brass Face Investor Suit Over Firm's Legal Liabilities
>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>> By Aislinn Keely
>>>>>>>>>>> A Coinbase shareholder has sued the crypto exchange's executive
>>>>>>>>>>> officers and board members in New Jersey federal court on allegations they
>>>>>>>>>>> breached their fiduciary duties with disclosure failures and securities law
>>>>>>>>>>> violations that left the firm open to lawsuits and other events that
>>>>>>>>>>> jeopardized its financial condition to the detriment of shareholders.
Nationwide Worker Loses 3rd Bid To Revive Race Bias Claim
By Tabitha Burbidge
A former Nationwide Building Society employee's third bid to revive her
unfair dismissal, disability and race discrimination claims against the
British mutual financial institution has failed, as an employment tribunal
found she had nothing new to add to her case.
Read full article »
| Save to favorites »

23 Feb '25
*Please find the attached memo with 16 reference footnotes.*
* -, PBC | Memo #1 - Potential SpaceX Interlocking
Directors’ Intent to Manipulate Markets *
May 21, 2022
SpaceX Corporation
Board of Directors
One Rocket Road
Hawthorne, California
Re: Potential SpaceX Interlocking Directors’ Intent to Manipulate
Dear SpaceX Board of Directors:
From our New York headquarters, -, PBC embodies the notion
that rather than a merry-go-round, the process of change and innovation is
like a slide.
Today’s memo aims to notify the SpaceX Corporation of concern of potential
market manipulation that could impact cross-border digital asset
innovation, free speech in the United States of America, the global ESG
economy and Moon exploration. We do not see this as a stereotypical
democrat versus republican battle (as Mr. Musk alludes). We see this as a
risk arbitrage matter for -’s profit (subject to regulatory
Some may argue a scheme to leverage the protection of “free speech” has led
to Twitter deal advisors attempting a $44B LBO market manipulation exercise.
Further cause for reasonable concern is warranted if similar intent is at
play in the form of Tesla’s ESG scam claim. - indicators
signal risk of possible intent to manipulate public and private markets
prompting clarification of the SpaceX Corporation’s intent concerning Moon
exploration and exploitation as a ESG digital asset vault.
To be very clear, SpaceX directors should understand -’s
work to protect cross-border digital asset innovation was born before
Twitter's prospective LBO. Our concern specific to the intent of Twitter’s
LBO deal makers is party to our work in New York to usurp Goldman Sachs and
JP Morgan Chase board directors who may be potentially engaged in similar
market manipulation referenced here:
1. - | DOJ Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution
2. - | Memo #2 - JPMorgan Chase Board of Directors ESG
Marketplace Manipulation.
3. -’s work also includes research into oil and nickel
marketplace manipulation as an ESG concern.
The Twitter LBO includes Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase operating as
deal advisors. As referenced above, claims of Twitter robot scams and
claims of Tesla ESG scams display a pattern of questionable intent.
- asks SpaceX to clarify your board's intent concerning the Moon
and any connection to USDD (now in Moon phase). SpaceX directors may agree
that the Moon can also be defined as one of the most valuable ESG digital
asset vaults known to modern humanity.
Protecting the Moon from explo8itation is fundamental to Space exploration.
SpaceX is party to any potential Twitter deal maker advisors that may
exercise questionable intent risking the Moon’s ESG vault potential. - is concerned with interlocking directorate syndicates
that include SpaceX, Tesla, PayPal, Goldman Sachs and BitGo. This setup
breeds a galaxy of third and fourth party risk(s) at the demise of pure
cross-border digital asset innovation. Twitter robots are not the focus of
the Orlando Police Department Pension Fund, who suggests that Twitter’s
LBO is suspected of questionable intent as potentially illegal.
Mr. Musk’s ingenuity as an entrepreneur is historic and greatly
respected as a model inside our organization. As a Gates Scholar and
Blockchain Scholar holding international law distinction(s) The concept
of the Moon being an ESG digital asset vault is logic USDD seemingly
For obvious reasons, we seek SpaceX’s board to confirm if the intent
behind your CEO’s Twitter LBO and Tesla ESG claims and if SpaceX is party
to a USDD type matter given your syndicate’s close association with USDP. - kindly asks the SpaceX Corporation board of directors to
respond within 15 days of receipt of this correspondence. Default in the
form of no response within 15 days is not an extortion technique on our
part. Rather, it is a design benefit in disclosing our intent post 15 days
to ask for approval to engage New York’s False Claims Act in response to
SpaceX, Tesla, PayPal and Meta interlocking directors potentially engaging
in digital asset marketplace manipulation (exemplified by USDP and USDD)
that may exploit Space and Moon exploration at -, PBC’s
overall expense.
Respectfully yours,
Gunnar Larson | <> - <>, PBC
- Digital Currency
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)
G(a) +1-646-454-9107
CC: Tesla Board of Directors
Twitter Board of Directors
Goldman Sachs Board of Directors
JP Morgan Chase Board of Directors
On Sat, Jun 18, 2022, 4:44 PM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
Dear Attorney General Letitia James: -, PBC seeks to earn your esteemed approval to engage the
New York False Claims Act under urgent pretences.
Today's correspondence marks the first time in history, a self-titled
"mafia" (aka, the "PayPal Mafia '') is compelled to answer publicly the
decision to manipulate both the New York False Claims Act and the Martin
Act against one another.
- Madam Attorney General, your leadership approach has historical context
logic and ultimate Exxon Mobil vs. New York State
- -, PBC research and development notes our hawkish
approach to ESG, D&O and LBO innovation.
- -, PBC sees this not a democrat vs. republican concern
as Mr. Elon Musk (CEO, SpaceX and Tesla) claims. False pretense to
protect free speech are now being debated as party to a $200B pryamid
Ms. James, on May 21, 2022 -, PBC
the SpaceX Corporation with reasonable concern of CEO Musk's intent behind
the $44B Twitter LBO. The Orlando Police Pension Fund shared similar
concerns to the intent behind Twitter's LBO as illegal.
Since, market forces suggest that SpaceX and Tesla directors are part of
interlocking directorate, self proclaimed the PayPal Mafia. The racket
could waterfall to problem(s) at the New York State Department of Financial
Services with Superintendent association to D&O insurance regulation.
Ms. James, -, PBC seeks your office's urgent assessment of
this matter. We aim to earn approval to explore the New York False Claims
Act to confront SpaceX as a racket.
*Like a house of cards, the PayPal Mafia racket could risk a waterfall of
D&O interlocking directorate insolvencies. In summary: *
1. -'s May 21, 2022 memo to SpaceX questioned intent
behind baseless claims pioneered by SpaceX's CEO, branding ESG a scam
via Exxon Mobil. Obviously, Exxon Mobil vs. New York State
Mr. Musk party to a false claim.
2. SpaceX has failed to establish a preponderance of evidence and burden
of proof not a racket.
3. SpaceX has failed to prove that Twitter's LBO is not false claim to
free speech protection.
4. True social innovation cannot sponsor a fake news racket that could
jeopardize space exploration and war.
5. Twitter's LBO dealmakers (Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase) company
balance sheets, financial statements and other corporate records do not
impact -, PBC holding a racket accountable to false claims.
The CEO of SpaceX and Tesla leveraging Exxon Mobil as an ESG
securities scam does not preclude the PayPal Mafia's intent to engage false
claims at the sacrifice of New York State's financial future.
Madam Attorney General James, we hope to hear from your esteemed office and
learn assessment of best next steps.
Thank you,
*Gunnar Larson *
* <> - <>, PBC*
Digital Currency
- Entrepreneurship
and Innovation (ip)
New York, New York 10001
On Sat, Feb 22, 2025, 2:14 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
> Madam Attorney General James:
> - urges AGNY to contact the FBI in consultancy relateting
> to the below headlines; Particularly if AGNY was potentially involved in
> any "Obstruction of Justice" against -
> BREAKING: Justices Knock Down Ala. Federal Rights Exhaustion Rule
> <…>
> By Katie Buehler
> The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday struck down an Alabama law that requires
> litigants to exhaust state administrative remedies before filing federal
> civil rights claims in local courts, finding the rule established an
> impermissible obstacle to litigants seeking to assert federal rights.
> Opinion attached | Read full article »
> <…>
> | Save to favorites »
> <…>
> BREAKING: High Court Finds FCC's E-Rate Subject To False Claims Act
> <…>
> By Christopher Cole
> Justices ruled unanimously Friday that telecoms participating in the
> federal E-Rate program supporting school and library connectivity can be
> sued for excess payouts under the False Claims Act because the subsidy's
> funds are provided through the U.S. Treasury.
> Opinion attached | Read full article »
> <…>
> | Save to favorites »
> <…>
> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
> Thank you,
> Gunnar Larson
> --
> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
> -
> 646-554-7514
> On Fri, Feb 21, 2025, 5:31 PM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>> Madam Attorney General James:
>> On Saturday June 18, 2022 at 4:44 PM - wrote you
>> concerning SpaceX Interlocking Directors’ Intent to Manipulate Markets.
>> Musk's X Seeks Cash At $44B Valuation, Plus More Rumors
>> <…>
>> By Tom Zanki
>> Elon Musk is seeking to raise money for his social media platform X at a
>> $44 billion valuation — the same price he paid to buy the site in 2022 —
>> while BP is considering selling its Castrol lubricants unit for $10 billion
>> and KKR could inject $5 billion into ailing British utility Thames Water.
>> Here, Law360 breaks down the notable deal rumors from the past week.
>> Read full article »
>> <…>
>> | Save to favorites »
>> <…>
>> -, PBC seeks to earn NYAG's esteemed approval to engage
>> the New York False Claims Act under urgent pretences.
>> Today's correspondence marks the *second* time in history, a self-titled
>> "mafia" (aka, the "PayPal Mafia '') is compelled to answer publicly the
>> decision to manipulate both the New York False Claims Act and the Martin
>> Act against one another.
>> - Madam Attorney General, your leadership approach has historical
>> context
>> <…> to
>> logic and ultimate Exxon Mobil vs. New York State
>> <…> case
>> precedent.
>> - -, PBC research and development notes our hawkish
>> approach to ESG, D&O and LBO innovation.
>> - -, PBC sees this not a democrat vs. republican
>> concern as Mr. Elon Musk (CEO, SpaceX and Tesla) claims. False pretense to
>> protect free speech are now being debated as party to a $200B pryamid
>> scheme.
>> Ms. James, on May 21, 2022 -, PBC
>> <…> contacted
>> the SpaceX Corporation with reasonable concern of CEO Musk's intent behind
>> the $44B Twitter LBO. The Orlando Police Pension Fund shared similar
>> concerns to the intent behind Twitter's LBO as illegal.
>> - Since, market forces suggest that SpaceX and Tesla directors are
>> part of interlocking directorate, self proclaimed the PayPal Mafia. The
>> racket could waterfall to problem(s) at the New York State Department of
>> Financial Services with Superintendent association to D&O insurance
>> regulation.
>> Ms. James, -, PBC seeks your office's urgent assessment
>> of this matter. We aim to earn approval to explore the New York False
>> Claims Act to confront SpaceX as a racket.
>> *Like a house of cards, the PayPal Mafia racket could risk a waterfall
>> of D&O interlocking directorate insolvencies. In summary: *
>> 1. -'s May 21, 2022 memo to SpaceX questioned intent
>> behind baseless claims pioneered by SpaceX's CEO, branding ESG a scam via
>> Exxon Mobil. Obviously, Exxon Mobil vs. New York State
>> <…> alludes
>> Mr. Musk party to a false claim.
>> 2. SpaceX has failed to establish a preponderance of evidence and
>> burden of proof not a racket.
>> 3. SpaceX has failed to prove that Twitter's LBO is not false claim
>> to free speech protection.
>> 4. True social innovation cannot sponsor a fake news racket that
>> could jeopardize space exploration and war.
>> 5. Twitter's LBO dealmakers (Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase)
>> company balance sheets, financial statements and other corporate records do
>> not impact -, PBC holding a racket accountable to false
>> claims.
>> The CEO of SpaceX and Tesla leveraging Exxon Mobil as an ESG
>> securities scam does not preclude the PayPal Mafia's intent to engage false
>> claims at the sacrifice of New York State's financial future.
>> Madam Attorney General James, we hope to hear from your esteemed office
>> and learn assessment of best next steps.
>> Thank you,
>> Gunnar ✌️
>> --
>> *Gunnar Larson *
>> * <> - <>, PBC *
>> MSc
>> <…> -
>> Digital Currency
>> MBA
>> <…> - Entrepreneurship
>> and Innovation (ip)
>> G(a)
>> +1-646-454-9107
>> New York, New York 10001
>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2022, 4:44 PM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>> Dear Attorney General Letitia James:
>> -, PBC seeks to earn your esteemed approval to engage the
>> New York False Claims Act under urgent pretences.
>> Today's correspondence marks the first time in history, a self-titled
>> "mafia" (aka, the "PayPal Mafia '') is compelled to answer publicly the
>> decision to manipulate both the New York False Claims Act and the Martin
>> Act against one another.
>> - Madam Attorney General, your leadership approach has historical
>> context
>> <…> to
>> logic and ultimate Exxon Mobil vs. New York State
>> <…> case
>> precedent.
>> - -, PBC research and development notes our hawkish
>> approach to ESG, D&O and LBO innovation.
>> - -, PBC sees this not a democrat vs. republican
>> concern as Mr. Elon Musk (CEO, SpaceX and Tesla) claims. False pretense to
>> protect free speech are now being debated as party to a $200B pryamid
>> scheme.
>> Ms. James, on May 21, 2022 -, PBC
>> <…> contacted
>> the SpaceX Corporation with reasonable concern of CEO Musk's intent behind
>> the $44B Twitter LBO. The Orlando Police Pension Fund shared similar
>> concerns to the intent behind Twitter's LBO as illegal.
>> Since, market forces suggest that SpaceX and Tesla directors are part of
>> interlocking directorate, self proclaimed the PayPal Mafia. The racket
>> could waterfall to problem(s) at the New York State Department of Financial
>> Services with Superintendent association to D&O insurance regulation.
>> Ms. James, -, PBC seeks your office's urgent assessment
>> of this matter. We aim to earn approval to explore the New York False
>> Claims Act to confront SpaceX as a racket.
>> *Like a house of cards, the PayPal Mafia racket could risk a waterfall
>> of D&O interlocking directorate insolvencies. In summary: *
>> 1. -'s May 21, 2022 memo to SpaceX questioned intent
>> behind baseless claims pioneered by SpaceX's CEO, branding ESG a scam via
>> Exxon Mobil. Obviously, Exxon Mobil vs. New York State
>> <…> alludes
>> Mr. Musk party to a false claim.
>> 2. SpaceX has failed to establish a preponderance of evidence and
>> burden of proof not a racket.
>> 3. SpaceX has failed to prove that Twitter's LBO is not false claim
>> to free speech protection.
>> 4. True social innovation cannot sponsor a fake news racket that
>> could jeopardize space exploration and war.
>> 5. Twitter's LBO dealmakers (Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase)
>> company balance sheets, financial statements and other corporate records do
>> not impact -, PBC holding a racket accountable to false
>> claims.
>> The CEO of SpaceX and Tesla leveraging Exxon Mobil as an ESG
>> securities scam does not preclude the PayPal Mafia's intent to engage false
>> claims at the sacrifice of New York State's financial future.
>> Madam Attorney General James, we hope to hear from your esteemed office
>> and learn assessment of best next steps.
>> Thank you,
>> Gunnar
>> --
>> *Gunnar Larson *
>> * <> - <>, PBC*
>> MSc
>> <…> -
>> Digital Currency
>> MBA
>> <…> - Entrepreneurship
>> and Innovation (ip)
>> G(a)
>> +1-646-454-9107
>> New York, New York 10001
>> On Sun, May 22, 2022 at 9:34 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>> May 21, 2022
>> SpaceX Corporation
>> Board of Directors
>> One Rocket Road
>> Hawthorne, California
>> 90250
>> Sales(a)
>> Re: Potential SpaceX Interlocking Directors’ Intent to Manipulate
>> Markets
>> Dear SpaceX Board of Directors:
>> From our New York headquarters, -, PBC embodies the
>> notion that rather than a merry-go-round, the process of change and
>> innovation is like a slide.
>> Today’s memo aims to notify the SpaceX Corporation of concern of
>> potential market manipulation that could impact cross-border digital asset
>> innovation, free speech in the United States of America, the global ESG
>> economy and Moon exploration.
>> Please find the attached memo
>> <…>
>> addressed to SpaceX's board of directors.
>> Respectfully,
>> Gunnar Larson
>> On Fri, Feb 21, 2025, 5:21 PM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>> Madam Attorney General James:
>>> On Thu, Nov 2, 2023, 12:52 PM, - came to you with the
>>> below memo; with aim to execute N.Y. Executive Law, Article 15 § 297.
>>> Procedure
>>> 1. Additionally, § 298-a. Application of article to certain acts
>>> committed outside the state of New York, (Israel Crisis).
>>> Since then, the interlocking directorate subject to this email have
>>> ceaselessly tried to fling one monkey wrench after another into pure market
>>> dynamics.
>>> FCA Explains Deleted Emails Plan As Modernization Move
>>> <…>
>>> By Joel Poultney
>>> The Financial Conduct Authority has said its plan to delete staff emails
>>> after a year is designed to modernize how it manages its records, amid
>>> criticism that the proposals undermined transparency at the regulator.
>>> Read full article »
>>> <…>
>>> | Save to favorites »
>>> <…>
>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
>>> Thank you,
>>> Gunnar Larson
>>> --
>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>> -
>>> 646-554-7514
>>> On Fri, Feb 21, 2025, 1:27 PM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>> By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: February 21, 2025 ~
>>>> Donald Trump loyalists, including Elon Musk and his “Muskrats,” (coders
>>>> and techies that are loyal to Musk) have launched an unconstitutional reign
>>>> of terror through federal agencies that are critical to the safety and
>>>> security of Americans. Musk is the world’s wealthiest man, and foreign
>>>> born, with a dubious history when it comes to following U.S. laws.
>>>> Musk previously battled in court to obtain a $56 billion pay package at
>>>> Tesla. (That’s billion not million.) Tesla is a publicly-traded company and
>>>> Musk is its CEO – meaning that under law he owes an oath of loyalty to the
>>>> company and its shareholders. Notwithstanding that law, Musk simultaneously
>>>> serves as CEO of rocket and satellite company, SpaceX, and controls
>>>> numerous other companies, including the social media platform, Twitter,
>>>> which Musk has renamed “X.”
>>>> In January and February of last year, Musk was profiled in two
>>>> bombshell Wall Street Journal articles regarding his use of illegal drugs.
>>>> The Wall Street Journal’s January 6, 2024 (paywall) article carried this
>>>> assessment of Musk’s drug use:
>>>> “The world’s wealthiest person has used LSD, cocaine, ecstasy and
>>>> psychedelic mushrooms, often at private parties around the world, where
>>>> attendees sign nondisclosure agreements or give up their phones to enter,
>>>> according to people who have witnessed his drug use and others with
>>>> knowledge of it. Musk has previously smoked marijuana in public and has
>>>> said he has a prescription for the psychedelic-like ketamine.”
>>>> In October, five Wall Street Journal reporters dropped more bombshell
>>>> news that Musk “has been in regular contact with Russian President Vladimir
>>>> Putin since late 2022.” In February of 2022, the U.S. placed Putin on a
>>>> sanction list in response to his “unjustified, unprovoked, and premeditated
>>>> invasion of Ukraine….”
>>>> Trump, who received $288 million in political campaign support from
>>>> Musk in the last campaign cycle, has now announced that it was Ukraine that
>>>> started the war with Russia, making the U.S. look like a fool on the world
>>>> stage and among its allies in Europe.
>>>> Musk has also been the target of multiple cases brought by the
>>>> Securities and Exchange Commission which allege that he violated federal
>>>> securities laws at Tesla and Twitter (now called X). See here and here.
>>>> Notwithstanding this five-alarm fire history, President Donald Trump
>>>> has put Musk and his organizational concoction called the Department of
>>>> Government Efficiency, (DOGE, after the meme crypto coin of the same name)
>>>> in charge of rooting out fraud, waste and abuse in federal agencies.
>>>> In the case of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), Musk
>>>> and his pals in the Trump administration tried to kill the whole agency. On
>>>> February 7, Musk Tweeted: “CFPB RIP” (rest in peace) with a picture of a
>>>> tombstone. That followed a November 27, 2024 Tweet from Musk where he wrote
>>>> “Delete CFPB. There are too many duplicative regulatory agencies.”
>>>> It is patently untrue that the CFPB is “duplicative.” The agency was
>>>> created under the Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation of 2010 to fill
>>>> the void that allowed millions of Americans to have their homes illegally
>>>> foreclosed and be swindled under tricked-up subprime mortgages that left
>>>> the U.S. economy in the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.
>>>> Since its creation, the CFPB has returned more than $21 billion to
>>>> defrauded seniors, students, military veterans and other vulnerable
>>>> Americans.
>>>> On February 1, President Trump fired CFPB Director Rohit Chopra, who
>>>> had led the agency for almost three and a half years. Trump then appointed
>>>> his newly-installed Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent to serve as Acting
>>>> Director of the CFPB. (See Trump’s Hedge Fund Guy Is Now Overseeing the
>>>> U.S. Treasury, IRS, OCC, U.S. Mint, FinCEN, F-SOC, and the Consumer
>>>> Financial Protection Bureau.)
>>>> About a week later, Trump changed his mind about Bessent leading the
>>>> CFPB (or Bessent decided he wanted no part of the legally dubious act of
>>>> gutting a federal agency created by Congress). So Trump decided to install
>>>> the mastermind of Project 2025, Russell Vought, as Acting Director of the
>>>> CFPB. (Vought was already serving as Trump’s newly installed Director of
>>>> the Office of Management and Budget.)
>>>> NBC News got its hands on an email that Vought immediately issued to
>>>> employees of the CFPB. NBC News reported as follows:
>>>> “Employees were instructed to ‘cease all supervision and examination
>>>> activity,’ ‘cease all stakeholder engagement,’ pause all pending
>>>> investigations, not issue any public communications and pause ‘enforcement
>>>> actions.’
>>>> “Vought also told employees not to ‘approve or issue any proposed or
>>>> final rules or formal or informal guidance’ and to ‘suspend the effective
>>>> dates of all final rules that have been issued or published but that have
>>>> not yet become effective,’ among other directives.”
>>>> A 404 Error message appears on the front page of the CFPB website and
>>>> its social media pages have been deleted (as Musk envisioned back in
>>>> November) at X (Twitter), and Facebook.
>>>> Multiple federal lawsuits were quickly filed against this unprecedented
>>>> and outrageous attack on a federal agency. Notable among them was a lawsuit
>>>> brought in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia by the National
>>>> Treasury Employees Union (NTEU). The lawsuit names Vought as the defendant,
>>>> in his official capacity as Acting Director of the CFPB, and charges that
>>>> his actions violate the separation of powers principles embedded in the
>>>> U.S. Constitution that assign specific powers to the legislative branch
>>>> (Congress) and specific powers to the Executive Branch (the President).
>>>> On February 14, the Judge assigned to the case, Judge Amy Berman
>>>> Jackson, issued the following order that included this directive, among
>>>> others:
>>>> “…it is hereby ORDERED that until the resolution of plaintiffs’ motion
>>>> for temporary restraining order [Dkt. # 10], which, with the parties’
>>>> consent, will be deemed to be a motion for preliminary injunction, the
>>>> following orders shall remain in place:
>>>> “It is ORDERED that Defendants, including their officers, agents,
>>>> servants, employees, and attorneys, (hereafter collectively, ‘Defendants’)
>>>> shall not delete, destroy, remove, or impair any data or other CFPB records
>>>> covered by the Federal Records Act (hereinafter ‘agency data’) except in
>>>> accordance with the procedures described in 33 U.S.C. § 44. This means that
>>>> defendants shall not delete or remove agency data from any database or
>>>> information system controlled by, or stored on behalf of, the Consumer
>>>> Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), and the term ‘agency data’ includes any
>>>> data or CFPB records stored on the CFPB’s premises, on physical media, on a
>>>> cloud server, or otherwise.”
>>>> Notwithstanding that federal court order, Wall Street On Parade located
>>>> the YouTube page below showing that the entire video playlist for the CFPB
>>>> has been deleted. According to the Wayback Machine, that playlist
>>>> previously consisted of 361 videos. (See screenshot from the Wayback
>>>> Machine in second graphic below.)
>>>> Dozens of videos have also been disabled on the official website of the
>>>> CFPB. See examples below:
>>>> Racial equality in higher education;
>>>> How to spot, avoid and report student loan debt relief scams;
>>>> Financial Education Resources for Veterans.
>>>> In an acknowledgement of just how dangerous this attack on a consumer
>>>> protection agency is, Senator Elizabeth Warren, the ranking member of the
>>>> Senate Banking Committee, will convene a forum in the Senate Dirksen Office
>>>> Building next Tuesday, February 25. A livestream of the event will be
>>>> available to the public. (Check back here on Monday for more specific
>>>> details.) The forum will focus on the consequences of President Trump’s and
>>>> Elon Musk’s efforts to eliminate the CFPB.
>>>> Senator Warren has invited Elon Musk to appear at the forum and justify
>>>> his actions. Confirmed witnesses include: Andrea Campbell, Attorney General
>>>> of Massachusetts; Lorelei Salas, former CFPB Director of Supervision
>>>> Policy; and Americans whose savings have been protected by the CFPB.
>>>> On Thu, Feb 20, 2025, 11:59 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>> Behind Musk’s X Turnaround: Pick-and-Choose Financials
>>>>> On Sat, Feb 15, 2025, 5:42 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>> Madam Attorney General James:
>>>>>> On Thu, Nov 2, 2023, 12:52 PM, - came to you with the
>>>>>> below memo; with aim to execute N.Y. Executive Law, Article 15 § 297.
>>>>>> Procedure
>>>>>> 1. Additionally, § 298-a. Application of article to certain acts
>>>>>> committed outside the state of New York, (Israel Crisis).
>>>>>> Since then, the interlocking directorate subject to this email have
>>>>>> ceaselessly tried to fling one monkey wrench after another into pure market
>>>>>> dynamics.
>>>>>> This news crossed yesterday:
>>>>>> Tesla, Objector Appeal $730M Chancery Board Pay Deal
>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>> By Katryna Perera
>>>>>> Tesla Inc. and a stockholder objector have appealed a Delaware Court
>>>>>> of Chancery approval of the return of more than $730 million in director
>>>>>> stock, option and grant awards to the company that would resolve a suit
>>>>>> accusing the electric-car maker's board of raking in "outrageous"
>>>>>> compensation packages that cost the company hundreds of millions of dollars.
>>>>>> 3 documents attached | Read full article »
>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>> Madam Attorney General, who has the blood on their hands after my Nov
>>>>>> 2, 2023 note to you?
>>>>>> I have put a $1B fund together to support New York Human Rights Law
>>>>>> around the world. Letitia James, Madam Attorney General, the blood will not
>>>>>> be on my hands much longer.
>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional
>>>>>> rights.
>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>> Gunnar Larson ✌️
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:42 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General James:
>>>>>>> On Thu, Nov 2, 2023, 12:52 PM, - came to you with
>>>>>>> the below memo; with aim to execute N.Y. Executive Law, Article 15 § 297.
>>>>>>> Procedure
>>>>>>> 1. Additionally, § 298-a. Application of article to certain acts
>>>>>>> committed outside the state of New York, (Israel Crisis).
>>>>>>> Musk Says He'll Drop OpenAI Bid If It Scraps 'For Profit' Plans
>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>> By Jade Martinez-Pogue
>>>>>>> Elon Musk has hit back at OpenAI's claim that his $97.375 billion
>>>>>>> takeover bid is improper, noting if the ChatGPT maker agrees to nix plans
>>>>>>> to become a for-profit business, his offer will be dropped.
>>>>>>> Response attached | Read full article »
>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>> War in the Middle East is not a for profit exercise. However, Peace
>>>>>>> on Earth is -'s revenue engine.
>>>>>>> Reiterating our November 2, 2023 plea to the esteemed NYAG:
>>>>>>> This memo aims to execute N.Y. Executive Law, Article 15 § 297.
>>>>>>> Procedure
>>>>>>> 1. Additionally, § 298-a. Application of article to certain acts
>>>>>>> committed outside the state of New York, (Israel Crisis).
>>>>>>> Warm regards,
>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>>> On Thu, Nov 2, 2023, 12:52 PM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Dear Madam Attorney General James:
>>>>>>>> - kindly seeks a response from your office
>>>>>>>> concerning the message below.
>>>>>>>> Today in Manhattan, the FTX case will soon be sent for jury
>>>>>>>> deliberation. According to NPR, "... FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried is
>>>>>>>> accused of orchestrating one of the largest financial frauds in history."
>>>>>>>> Additionally, today Donald Trump's civil fraud trial continues in
>>>>>>>> New York City.
>>>>>>>> Attorney General James, as you are aware - has an
>>>>>>>> ongoing dialog with your office concerning a 'RICO.' The New York State
>>>>>>>> Department of Financial Services records office has responded with a memo
>>>>>>>> concerning the "Las Vegas Museum of Organized Crime and Law Enforcement"
>>>>>>>> here:
>>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>>> This memo aims to execute N.Y. Executive Law, Article 15 § 297.
>>>>>>>> Procedure
>>>>>>>> 1. Additionally, § 298-a. Application of article to certain acts
>>>>>>>> committed outside the state of New York, (Israel Crisis).
>>>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>>>> Gunnar
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>> MSc - Digital Currency
>>>>>>>> MBA - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)
>>>>>>>> G(a)
>>>>>>>> +1-917-580-8053
>>>>>>>> New York, New York 10001
>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2022, 4:44 PM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Dear Attorney General Letitia James:
>>>>>>>>> -, PBC seeks to earn your esteemed approval to
>>>>>>>>> engage the New York False Claims Act under urgent pretences.
>>>>>>>>> Today's correspondence marks the first time in history, a
>>>>>>>>> self-titled "mafia" (aka, the "PayPal Mafia '') is compelled to answer
>>>>>>>>> publicly the decision to manipulate both the New York False Claims Act and
>>>>>>>>> the Martin Act against one another.
>>>>>>>>> - Madam Attorney General, your leadership approach has historical
>>>>>>>>> context
>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>> to logic and ultimate Exxon Mobil vs. New York State
>>>>>>>>> <…> case
>>>>>>>>> precedent.
>>>>>>>>> - -, PBC research and development notes our
>>>>>>>>> hawkish approach to ESG, D&O and LBO innovation.
>>>>>>>>> - -, PBC sees this not a democrat vs.
>>>>>>>>> republican concern as Mr. Elon Musk (CEO, SpaceX and Tesla) claims. False
>>>>>>>>> pretense to protect free speech are now being debated as party to a $200B
>>>>>>>>> pryamid scheme.
>>>>>>>>> Ms. James, on May 21, 2022 -, PBC
>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>> contacted the SpaceX Corporation with reasonable concern of CEO Musk's
>>>>>>>>> intent behind the $44B Twitter LBO. The Orlando Police Pension Fund shared
>>>>>>>>> similar concerns to the intent behind Twitter's LBO as illegal.
>>>>>>>>> Since, market forces suggest that SpaceX and Tesla directors are
>>>>>>>>> part of interlocking directorate, self proclaimed the PayPal Mafia. The
>>>>>>>>> racket could waterfall to problem(s) at the New York State Department of
>>>>>>>>> Financial Services with Superintendent association to D&O insurance
>>>>>>>>> regulation.
>>>>>>>>> Ms. James, -, PBC seeks your office's urgent
>>>>>>>>> assessment of this matter. We aim to earn approval to explore the New York
>>>>>>>>> False Claims Act to confront SpaceX as a racket.
>>>>>>>>> *Like a house of cards, the PayPal Mafia racket could risk a
>>>>>>>>> waterfall of D&O interlocking directorate insolvencies. In summary: *
>>>>>>>>> 1. -'s May 21, 2022 memo to SpaceX questioned
>>>>>>>>> intent behind baseless claims pioneered by SpaceX's CEO, branding ESG a
>>>>>>>>> scam via Exxon Mobil. Obviously, Exxon Mobil vs. New York State
>>>>>>>>> <…> alludes
>>>>>>>>> Mr. Musk party to a false claim.
>>>>>>>>> 2. SpaceX has failed to establish a preponderance of evidence
>>>>>>>>> and burden of proof not a racket.
>>>>>>>>> 3. SpaceX has failed to prove that Twitter's LBO is not false
>>>>>>>>> claim to free speech protection.
>>>>>>>>> 4. True social innovation cannot sponsor a fake news racket
>>>>>>>>> that could jeopardize space exploration and war.
>>>>>>>>> 5. Twitter's LBO dealmakers (Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan
>>>>>>>>> Chase) company balance sheets, financial statements and other
>>>>>>>>> corporate records do not impact -, PBC holding a racket
>>>>>>>>> accountable to false claims.
>>>>>>>>> The CEO of SpaceX and Tesla leveraging Exxon Mobil as an ESG
>>>>>>>>> securities scam does not preclude the PayPal Mafia's intent to engage false
>>>>>>>>> claims at the sacrifice of New York State's financial future.
>>>>>>>>> Madam Attorney General James, we hope to hear from your esteemed
>>>>>>>>> office and learn assessment of best next steps.
>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>> Gunnar
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> *Gunnar Larson *
>>>>>>>>> * <> - <>, PBC*
>>>>>>>>> MSc
>>>>>>>>> <…> -
>>>>>>>>> Digital Currency
>>>>>>>>> MBA
>>>>>>>>> <…> - Entrepreneurship
>>>>>>>>> and Innovation (ip)
>>>>>>>>> G(a)
>>>>>>>>> +1-646-454-9107
>>>>>>>>> New York, New York 10001
>>>>>>>>> On Sun, May 22, 2022 at 9:34 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> May 21, 2022
>>>>>>>>>> SpaceX Corporation
>>>>>>>>>> Board of Directors
>>>>>>>>>> One Rocket Road
>>>>>>>>>> Hawthorne, California
>>>>>>>>>> 90250
>>>>>>>>>> Sales(a)
>>>>>>>>>> Re: Potential SpaceX Interlocking Directors’ Intent to
>>>>>>>>>> Manipulate Markets
>>>>>>>>>> Dear SpaceX Board of Directors:
>>>>>>>>>> From our New York headquarters, -, PBC embodies
>>>>>>>>>> the notion that rather than a merry-go-round, the process of change and
>>>>>>>>>> innovation is like a slide.
>>>>>>>>>> Today’s memo aims to notify the SpaceX Corporation of concern of
>>>>>>>>>> potential market manipulation that could impact cross-border digital asset
>>>>>>>>>> innovation, free speech in the United States of America, the global ESG
>>>>>>>>>> economy and Moon exploration.
>>>>>>>>>> Please find the attached memo
>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>> addressed to SpaceX's board of directors.
>>>>>>>>>> Respectfully,
>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson

23 Feb '25

"The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood..."
by Gunnar Larson 23 Feb '25
by Gunnar Larson 23 Feb '25
23 Feb '25
"The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is
marred by dust and sweat and blood..."

MANHATTAN WATER: Confusing Injury-In-Fact Rules Hinder Federal Practice; Adams Case Careens Toward 'Messy' Hearing, Experts Say; Adams Case Fiasco 'Unparalleled' In Modern US History
by Gunnar Larson 23 Feb '25
by Gunnar Larson 23 Feb '25
23 Feb '25
Dear IAB:
The water in Chelsea, Manhattan been potentially contaminated.
Confusing Injury-In-Fact Rules Hinder Federal Practice
A recent Third Circuit decision, contradicting a previous ruling about
whether consumers of contaminated products have suffered an injury in fact,
illustrates the deep confusion this U.S. Supreme Court standard creates
among federal judges and practitioners, who deserve a simpler method of
determining which cases have federal standing, says Eric Dwoskin at Dwoskin
Read full article »
| Save to favorites »
Does the IAB have any investigation records to this account, concerning
contaminated Manhattan water?
Adams Case Careens Toward 'Messy' Hearing, Experts Say
By Phillip Bantz
The Manhattan federal judge overseeing the corruption case against New York
City Mayor Eric Adams is unlikely to rubber stamp a request from the U.S.
Department of Justice to toss the case and may instead hold a hearing on
the matter, which could get "messy" and "embarrassing," experts say.
Read full article »
| Save to favorites »
No response from IAB on this matter today could lead to -'s
FOIL request, seeking information and investigation records on contaminated
Manhattan water.
Adams Case Fiasco 'Unparalleled' In Modern US History
By Ryan Boysen
The mass resignation of federal prosecutors refusing to obey a Trump
administration directive to drop corruption charges against New York City
Mayor Eric Adams is "unprecedented," "crazy" and "very troubling,"
according to law professors and former prosecutors.
Read full article »
| Save to favorites »
<…> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Larson
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson -

Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement; Please find the attached memo with reference footnotes.
by Gunnar Larson 23 Feb '25
by Gunnar Larson 23 Feb '25
23 Feb '25
*Please find the attached memo with reference footnotes.*
* - | DOJ Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution
March 10, 2022
Mr. John Marzulli
United States Department of Justice
Eastern District of New York
271 Cadman Plaza East
Brooklyn New York, 11201
Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement
Dear Mr. Marzulli:
The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, Memo #2 and Memo
#3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad Deferred
Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement
with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical
enforcement being concerned.
Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with war crimes of
aggression (in the planning, initiation, or execution of a large-scale and
serious act of aggression), leveraging the world’s only military divided
capital city Nicosia, Cyprus.
Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment of New York
State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war crime against
peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or
participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of
aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed
In this case, the first challenge is to observe and consider the simple
idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs
alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to recognize the
‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of Memo #4’s
assertion of war crimes.
Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may be
amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly supplementing
the root cause of the problem and financial model of the Deferred Agreement
being self-policing.
Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations peacekeeping mission
in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and occupation of the
northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey recognises the Turkish Republic of
Northern Cyprus, while there is broad recognition that the ongoing military
presence constitutes occupation of territories that are under Turkish
military control.
The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of the University of
Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the United Nations Buffer
Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of North Cyprus and the
Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004.
Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy, based at its
Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now -
was credited with increasing the breadth and accessibility of reference
content from the world’s most important multinational organization.
Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent association with such
projects as the Audio Visual Library of International Law.
Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed timeline that
would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression yielding the
war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s only military
divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island.
The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities of Turkey’s
Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it from any side
whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border act of
aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred Agreement’s
core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate cross-border
war crime regulatory frameworks.
On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that Turkey fined Goldman
Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, just a week after
foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock and bond markets.
Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs was among 10
securities firms that had placed orders for short selling without proper
notification, violating rules enacted previously that temporarily
prohibited such transactions.
On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English Language daily
newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs International acted as Global
Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M bond issuance for the Bank of
Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes that there is
one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort of thing.
Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may have been
tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking international
peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while jeopardizing the
United States of America’s financial security.
Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and Marketplace Manipulation
The United States Department of the Treasury warns that Prime Bank
Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted significant international
attention, since individuals and organizations have lost billions of
dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is the general term given
to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many different names.
During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith (and, plausible
deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a pristine relationship
with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest financial institutions,
given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and then pending Deferred
Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime Bank Instrument
Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by failed
marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus.
Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation of any kind
between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of aggression.
Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have tried to
bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through regulatory
arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not considered the
totality of such actions as war crimes.
Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the second-highest rate
of inflation among emerging markets, just behind Argentina. It has the 13th
highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it between South Sudan and
Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was fined for illegal stock and bond market
short selling by the Turkish government, logic would argue further
malfeasance potentially could have been avoided by the DOJ’s 1Malaysia
Development Berhad investigation.
On April 15, 2021 CNBC reported that Goldman Sachs (note, the previous
section’s milestones of April 02, 2021 and April 20, 2021) crucially
removed its bias toward Turkey tightening interest rates. Goldman issued
guidance highlighting the fact that the bank thought that, “…the removal of
the tightening bias against rising inflation expectations suggests that the
TCMB (Turkish Central Bank) now has a more dovish reaction function.”
On August 14, 2021 the CyprusMail reported serious concern among
economists about data reporting from the Turkish Statistical Institute.
Ahmet Takan, a former official with the office of the Turkish prime
minister, acted as a whistle blower, warning that Turkey potentially was
manipulating inflation data.
On September 1, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs hiked Turkish
growth forecasts. Goldman economists issued guidance stating, "Overall, the
Turkish economy has been able to grow faster than we thought without a
deterioration in its external balances, as the pickup in foreign demand has
been very supportive."
On November 30, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs trimed Turkey’s
2022 growth forecast. Goldman Sachs' Murat Unur stated, "We think that the
GDP figures released today tell us little about the pace of economic
activity going forward as the recent sell-off in the Lira is likely to
impact economic activity significantly"
Mr. Marzulli, the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs
was signed on October 21, 2021. The timeline of events above do not
coincide with terms and conditions of the Deferred Agreement mandated by
the United States of America.
Furthermore, as an international graduate scholars of the world’s only
military divided capital on the planet, - should be
protected from any association of crimes against peace, related to the
planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan
or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in
relation to international armed conflict.
War Crimes Against Humanity
Mr. Marzulli, - is concerned that potential breaches to the
Deferred Agreement are impacting our global enterprise. Crimes against
humanity can be committed in peacetime as well as during an armed conflict.
Even a single act could fall under this exclusion ground provided it forms
part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and
the act is committed by any person (including a civilian) who had knowledge
of the attack and the link of the act to the attack.
We are looking to learn more about the DOJ’s approach to assessing any
potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement’s mandates as we determine New
York State’s role in cross-border bank regulation and corresponding
innovation beyond war crimes against humanity.
In order to establish whether a war crime or a crime against humanity
has been committed, the case officer should consult the relevant
international instruments and case law.
Crimes against humanity are fundamentally inhumane acts, committed as
part of a systematic or widespread attack. Inhumane acts, which could reach
this threshold when committed pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or
organizational policy (potentially, New York State bank regulation).
Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political,
racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, or other grounds
that are universally recognised as impermissible under international law.
Furthermore, we have made 28 highlights to the Deferred Agreement
providing supporting reference to Memo #4’s overarching premise. - submits Memo #4 for DOJ consideration of other inhumane
acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or
serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. Some crimes against
humanity would require an additional specific intent, such as Goldman Sachs
willfully disrespecting New York State and/or overall peace and security of
the United States of America.
Memo #1, Memo #2, Memo #3 and Memo #4 outline instances that correspond
with the associated definitions of the potential war crimes abroad and
jeopardize the future of bank innovation from New York, at great sacrifice
to the Homeland.
We hope to learn the DOJ’s approach to comment on Memo #4’s subject matter
or, without delay refer these concerns to the International Criminal Court
and/or International Court of Justice for comment.
Respectfully yours with anticipation,
Gunnar Larson - <> |
- Digital Currency
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)
G(a) +1-646-454-9107
On Sat, Feb 22, 2025, 3:55 PM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
> Art Director/Designer: Timothy Bent
> Copywriter: Peter Nord
> Agency: Solow/Wexton, Inc.
> Client: International Ladies Garment Workers Union
> *The walk to the Registrar's Office was the easy part. *
> The tough part was deciding to take
> the walk. Jim Dyous knew that out there
> was a townful of people who didn't want
> him to register; didn't want him to vote.
> People who'd prevented him from register-
> ing for 60 years. People who would, if they
> could, make him sorry he took that walk.
> He walked. He registered. He voted.
> That's all there was to it.
> You don't have Jim's problems. If
> you're 21 you have the right to vote. And
> you won't find people hanging around the
> registration office letting *you *know that
> *they *know what you're doing.
> You don't have any excuses. If
> you've registered you have the right to vote.
> If you don't vote --- you get who's coming to you.
> This message has been sponsored
> by the *International Ladies' Garment Workers Union *--- who through
> their
> union, and by their votes --- have won dig-
> nity, fair wages and decent working con-
> ditions. Join us.
> On Thu, Feb 20, 2025, 11:50 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>> Art Director/Designer/Photographer: Bert Steinhauser
>> Copywriter: Frada Sklar Wallach
>> Client: El Al Isreal Airlines
>> The Greatest Fish Story Ever Told.
>> Thousands of years ago, in the Sea of
>> Galilee, there was a tasty little fish known
>> as chromis simonis. The 'Big Fisherman'
>> himself is said to have caught it. So it was
>> named St. Peter's fish, after him.
>> The name stuck to the fish and the fish
>> stuck to the Galilee. The wonder is that it
>> hasn't changed since Peter's day. Restau-
>> rants all over Israel serve it and in Tiberias
>> it's a specialty.
>> If you like, you can hook your own 'St.
>> Peter' in the Sea of Galilee. Or fish for other
>> fish in other waters. The seas runneth over
>> with prizes. In Eilat, there's even a famous
>> restaurant that will cook your catch right
>> on the spot.
>> While the fish is grilling, you can be bak-
>> ing on a nearby beach. Telling your own fish story. Or just watching the
>> snorkelers watching the fish.
>> If you're a meat and potatoes man, or
>> lady, you won't go hungry. How about
>> barbecued lamb with hummus (ground chickpeas) or home-cooked chicken soup
>> with noodles or boiled beef with curry or
>> very good goulash?
>> And don't worry about getting fat. Places
>> like ancient Sodom, King Solomon's Mines,
>> Massada, The Tomb of Absalom, Mt.
>> Tabor and Capernaum are scattered from
>> one end of Israel to the other. You'll need
>> some extra food to keep up your strength.
>> To get you off to a good start, El Al will land
>> you at Tel Aviv with a few hearty meals
>> under your belt. Including a
>> breakfast of bagels and cream
>> cheese and lox.
>> Then we'll add a warm
>> Shalom. There'll be nothing
>> fishy about that.
>> EL
>> AL
>> The airline of the people of Isreal.
>> On Thu, Feb 20, 2025, 9:31 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>> - has investigated NYDFS' relationship with Robinhood.
>>> See here:
>>> - * - NYDFS
>>> Robinhood_Determination_Letter_FOIL_Req._No_2023_095358_202402211320485790.pdf*
>>> -
>>> From what - understands, Goldman Sachs also has a
>>> reliable relationship with Robinhood.
>>> Robinhood Says It Faces New Scrutiny From States, FDIC
>>> <…>
>>> By Aislinn Keely
>>> Online brokerage Robinhood is facing investigations from Massachusetts'
>>> state securities regulator and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
>>> alongside an ongoing probe from the New York attorney general, the firm
>>> disclosed in its latest filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange
>>> Commission.
>>> Read full article »
>>> <…>
>>> | Save to favorites »
>>> <…>
>>> - finds our Robinhood research sharing themes between
>>> Goldman Sachs' potential Deferred Prosecution Agreement malfeasance.
>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
>>> Thank you,
>>> Gunnar Larson
>>> --
>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>> -
>>> 646-554-7514
>>> On Thu, Feb 20, 2025, 7:27 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>>> Kamala Harris' "Fight Fund" is arguably doing nothing for anyone in Los
>>>> Angeles biotechnology; Or fire victims, world-wide.
>>>> LA Gardasil Trial Against Merck Bagged After 3 Weeks
>>>> <…>
>>>> By Rachel Scharf
>>>> A Los Angeles state court trial over the alleged dangers of Merck & Co.
>>>> Inc.'s human papillomavirus vaccine Gardasil was abruptly called off after
>>>> three weeks of testimony, with a new panel of jurors slated to hear the
>>>> case next fall instead.
>>>> 1 document attached | Read full article »
>>>> <…>
>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>> <…>
>>>> - Republicans out of Orange County, California, perhaps
>>>> unknowingly;
>>>> - Were contrived by Goldman Sachs visavie a Kamala Harris and
>>>> Adrienne A. Harris racket.
>>>> - Possibly, perpetuated by Goldman Sachs' willful Deferred
>>>> Agreement non-compliance.
>>>> enteprise software advertising aside, Gunnar Larson,
>>>> co-founder -, is a proud Republican, Feminist.
>>>> Netflix Wants IP Atty Sanctioned Over Alleged Doc Sharing
>>>> <…>
>>>> By Dorothy Atkins
>>>> Netflix urged a California judge Tuesday to require a prolific patent
>>>> plaintiff's former counsel to explain why they shouldn't be held in civil
>>>> contempt and sanctioned for allegedly giving Netflix's confidential
>>>> financial information to nonparty AiPi LLC, arguing discovery in another
>>>> patent case has revealed AiPi is "shadow lead counsel."
>>>> Motion attached | Read full article »
>>>> <…>
>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>> <…>
>>>> - previews what it could look like for Goldman Sachs'
>>>> Board Directors if - is forced to seek relevant injunctive
>>>> relief in Orange County, California.
>>>> *Here's How Orange County Went Broke:*
>>>> -
>>>> "The scene, 25 years ago this month, could have been lifted from a mob
>>>> movie:
>>>> Ten top power-brokers in Orange County government headed to an
>>>> exclusive Italian restaurant for a secret Saturday dinner. Strung out from
>>>> a string of all-nighters — they’d been working to keep the county’s $20
>>>> billion investment pool from imploding — the meal was to be a
>>>> pressure-reliever, a breather, a reward.
>>>> Despite the headlines just two days earlier — “O.C. fund down $1.5
>>>> billion” — it seemed, on Dec. 3, 1994, that things might work out. During
>>>> marathon calls with Wall Street brokers and local city bureaucrats they’d
>>>> delivered a smooth new mantra — *“It’s just a paper loss. Everything’s
>>>> under control… Don’t panic!*”"
>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>> --
>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>> -
>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>> On Thu, Feb 20, 2025, 7:03 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>> Goldman Sachs
>>>>> - respectfully submits:
>>>>> - Any "" enteprise software advertising from Goldman
>>>>> Sachs would need to pass standard wire fraud compliance.
>>>>> Citi Moves To Appeal NY Judge's Wire Fraud Protection Ruling
>>>>> <…>
>>>>> By Sydney Price
>>>>> Citibank NA has asked a New York federal judge for permission to
>>>>> appeal his decision allowing New York's attorney general to move forward
>>>>> with a lawsuit accusing the bank of failing to respond properly to
>>>>> incidents of online wire fraud.
>>>>> Brief attached | Read full article »
>>>>> <…>
>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>> <…>
>>>>> Perhaps, all entprise software deals Goldman Sachs structured again
>>>>> - would need to pass standard wire fraud compliance, as
>>>>> mandated by Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United
>>>>> States of America.
>>>>> - For example, would Golman Sachs purposely devaluing its own
>>>>> software relationship with Apple Card?
>>>>> - NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell investigated this very Apple
>>>>> Card premise.
>>>>> - Finally, what about
>>>>> - has organized seven complete references to -
>>>>>'s Apple Card research for Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors.
>>>>> * - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell:*
>>>>> -
>>>>> -'s Apple Card research paints a stark image for
>>>>> Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to
>>>>> defraud the United States of America *AND* -
>>>>> symaltaniouly while under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the
>>>>> United States of America.
>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional
>>>>> rights.
>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>> --
>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>> -
>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>> On Thu, Feb 20, 2025, 4:28 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>>>>> - is concerned Gomdman Sachs' flawed intentions in
>>>>>> keeping true to its Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States
>>>>>> of America was designed against - (with intent) beyond
>>>>>> 2022-2025.
>>>>>> Nadine Menendez Loses Bid To Have Expert Testify On Gifts
>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>> By Pete Brush
>>>>>> A Manhattan federal judge on Wednesday rejected a request by Nadine
>>>>>> Menendez to have a witness testify that receiving gold bars as gifts is
>>>>>> normal in her culture, dealing the wife of former U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez a
>>>>>> setback ahead of her corruption trial.
>>>>>> 3 documents attached | Read full article »
>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>> - may seek to invite Tim Cook of Apple Computer
>>>>>> Company (sic), in Curpertino, California along with NYDFS Superintendent
>>>>>> Adrienne A. Harris as expert witnesses to Gomdman Sachs' alleged Platform
>>>>>> Services enterprise software fraud.
>>>>>> Sotomayor Won't Relieve Crypto Maven From Witness ID Rule
>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>> By Elliot Weld
>>>>>> U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor denied a bid from the
>>>>>> founder of cryptocurrency service Tornado Cash to overturn a Manhattan
>>>>>> federal judge's order to disclose whom he might call as an expert witness
>>>>>> at his upcoming trial on money-laundering and sanctions-dodging charges.
>>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional
>>>>>> rights.
>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 20, 2025, 3:53 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>>>>>> - shares with Goldman Sachs that planet Earth is
>>>>>>> nearly perfect; Peace on Earth is possible.
>>>>>>> Mastercard Deal Does Not Need To Be Perfect, Tribunal Told
>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>> By Joanne Faulkner
>>>>>>> Mastercard's £200 million ($250 million) agreement with Walter
>>>>>>> Merricks "does not have to be perfect" to get approval from the Competition
>>>>>>> Appeal Tribunal, lawyers for both sides argued on Wednesday in the court's
>>>>>>> first hearing in a contested class action settlement.
>>>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>> - is concerned Gomdman Sachs' flawed intentions in
>>>>>>> keeping true to its Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States
>>>>>>> of America was designed against - (with intent) beyond
>>>>>>> 2022-2025.
>>>>>>> - For example, Goldman Sachs' software
>>>>>>> relationship perhaps ultimately manufactured a fake legacy against -
>>>>>>> - Keeping congruence; - plans to uphold the
>>>>>>> Deferred Agreement’s mandates.
>>>>>>> - has organized seven complete references to
>>>>>>> -'s Apple Card research for Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors.
>>>>>>> * - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell:*
>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>> -'s Apple Card research paints a stark image for
>>>>>>> Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to
>>>>>>> defraud the United States of America *AND* -
>>>>>>> symaltaniouly while under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the
>>>>>>> United States of America.
>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional
>>>>>>> rights.
>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 19, 2025, 11:11 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>>>>>>> The Department of Justice, Apple Card and Visa would expect
>>>>>>>> - to perform; And innovate at this scale.
>>>>>>>> DOJ's Visa Suit Shows Pitfalls Of Regulating Innovative Tech
>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>> A policy of allowing free-market mechanisms to operate without
>>>>>>>> undue interference remains the most effective way to foster innovation, and
>>>>>>>> the U.S. Department of Justice's 2024 case against Visa illustrates the
>>>>>>>> drawbacks of regulating innovative technology, says attorney Thomas Willcox.
>>>>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>> - - plans to uphold the Deferred Agreement’s
>>>>>>>> mandates.
>>>>>>>> - - has organized seven complete references to
>>>>>>>> -'s Apple Card research.
>>>>>>>> * - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell:*
>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>> -'s Apple Card research paints a stark image for
>>>>>>>> Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to
>>>>>>>> defraud the United States of America *AND* -
>>>>>>>> symaltaniouly while under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the
>>>>>>>> United States of America.
>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional
>>>>>>>> rights.
>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 19, 2025, 11:02 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Dear Goldman Sachs:
>>>>>>>>> Mastercard and Discover are at -'s front door
>>>>>>>>> step.
>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs' total business failure could string back to
>>>>>>>>> Deferred Agreement malfeasance while Goldman hinged and perpetuated false
>>>>>>>>> ideals of holding a "supremacist" relationship with Mastercard
>>>>>>>>> International.
>>>>>>>>> Discover Can't Get Judge To Rethink Decision In Risk Case
>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>> By Katryna Perera
>>>>>>>>> A New York federal judge will not rethink her decision denying
>>>>>>>>> Discover a quick win in a lawsuit over whether it and several other credit
>>>>>>>>> card companies conspired to dump fraud risk onto retailers, ruling that the
>>>>>>>>> suing retailers can continue their claims.
>>>>>>>>> Memorandum attached | Read full article »
>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites
>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>> - has organized seven complete references to
>>>>>>>>> -'s Apple Card research.
>>>>>>>>> * - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda
>>>>>>>>> Lacewell:*
>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>> -'s Apple Card research paints a stark image for
>>>>>>>>> Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to
>>>>>>>>> defraud the United States of America *AND* -
>>>>>>>>> symaltaniouly while under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the
>>>>>>>>> United States of America.
>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional
>>>>>>>>> rights.
>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 19, 2025, 7:51 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>>>>>>>>> Your firm is unwarranted in poking fun at Gunnar Larson's
>>>>>>>>>> ebonics.
>>>>>>>>>> Coinbase Brass Face Investor Suit Over Firm's Legal Liabilities
>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>> By Aislinn Keely
>>>>>>>>>> A Coinbase shareholder has sued the crypto exchange's executive
>>>>>>>>>> officers and board members in New Jersey federal court on allegations they
>>>>>>>>>> breached their fiduciary duties with disclosure failures and securities law
>>>>>>>>>> violations that left the firm open to lawsuits and other events that
>>>>>>>>>> jeopardized its financial condition to the detriment of shareholders.
>>>>>>>>>> Complaint attached | Read full article »
>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional
>>>>>>>>>> rights.
>>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 19, 2025, 7:03 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>>>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, February 18, 2025, - reminded
>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs' Board Directors that your firm's Deferred Prosecution
>>>>>>>>>>> Agreement with the United States of America would include protections
>>>>>>>>>>> against individual transactions at Gold Sachs' "Platform Services"
>>>>>>>>>>> enterprise softwares business.
>>>>>>>>>>> - Did Goldman Sachs launder monies via under
>>>>>>>>>>> disguise of enterprise software?
>>>>>>>>>>> - While under an active Deferred Agreement Prosecution
>>>>>>>>>>> Agreement with the United States of America?
>>>>>>>>>>> The fact that Goldman Sachs has "close connection" with
>>>>>>>>>>> Mastercard as an excuse is ignorant.
>>>>>>>>>>> All Eyes On CAT Ahead Of Mastercard Settlement Hearing
>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>> By Joanne Faulkner
>>>>>>>>>>> A £200 million deal to end a long-running consumer class action
>>>>>>>>>>> will come under the spotlight on Wednesday when Walter Merricks and
>>>>>>>>>>> Mastercard seek to persuade the Competition Appeal Tribunal to sign off a
>>>>>>>>>>> settlement despite opposition from the finder of the claim.
>>>>>>>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>> - is fostering hopful 'close connections' with
>>>>>>>>>>> every Supreme Court (or country equivalent) on planet Earth; With a 'Peace
>>>>>>>>>>> on Planet Earth' banner of human achievement.
>>>>>>>>>>> Sotomayor Won't Relieve Crypto Maven From Witness ID Rule
>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>> By Elliot Weld
>>>>>>>>>>> U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor denied a bid from the
>>>>>>>>>>> founder of cryptocurrency service Tornado Cash to overturn a Manhattan
>>>>>>>>>>> federal judge's order to disclose whom he might call as an expert witness
>>>>>>>>>>> at his upcoming trial on money-laundering and sanctions-dodging charges.
>>>>>>>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>> Furthermore, - may seek to invite Tim Cook of
>>>>>>>>>>> Apple Computer Company (sic), in Curpertino, California along with NYDFS
>>>>>>>>>>> Superintendent Adrienne A. Harris as expert witnesses to Gomdman Sachs'
>>>>>>>>>>> alleged Platform Services enterprise software fraud.
>>>>>>>>>>> - While under an active Deferred Agreement Prosecution
>>>>>>>>>>> Agreement with the United States of America.
>>>>>>>>>>> - is not 'defaming' Goldman Sachs or
>>>>>>>>>>>; it is the other way around.
>>>>>>>>>>> Defamation Suit Against Ga. Election Chief Tossed
>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>> By Kelcey Caulder
>>>>>>>>>>> A Georgia federal judge on Friday tossed a defamation suit in
>>>>>>>>>>> which a Texas attorney sued Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger
>>>>>>>>>>> on allegations he suggested she presented "doctored" evidence to state
>>>>>>>>>>> senators in the aftermath of the 2020 election, finding the statements were
>>>>>>>>>>> "substantially true or are hyperbole."
>>>>>>>>>>> Order attached | Read full article »
>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>> - has organized seven complete references to
>>>>>>>>>>> -'s Apple Card research.
>>>>>>>>>>> * - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda
>>>>>>>>>>> Lacewell:*
>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>> -'s Apple Card research paints a stark image for
>>>>>>>>>>> Gomdman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to
>>>>>>>>>>> defraud the United States of America *AND* -
>>>>>>>>>>> symaltaniouly while under active Deferred Agreement Prosecution Agreement
>>>>>>>>>>> with the United States of America.
>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional
>>>>>>>>>>> rights.
>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 11:59 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>>>>>>>>>>> - would like to seek Goldman Sachs' approval to
>>>>>>>>>>>> list NYDFS Superintendent Adrienne A. Harris as an expert witness to the
>>>>>>>>>>>> Deferred Agreement’s potential regulatory enforcement malfeasance.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sotomayor Won't Relieve Crypto Maven From Witness ID Rule
>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>> By Elliot Weld
>>>>>>>>>>>> U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor denied a bid from
>>>>>>>>>>>> the founder of cryptocurrency service Tornado Cash to overturn a Manhattan
>>>>>>>>>>>> federal judge's order to disclose whom he might call as an expert witness
>>>>>>>>>>>> at his upcoming trial on money-laundering and sanctions-dodging charges.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional
>>>>>>>>>>>> rights.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 11:27 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> - reminds Goldman Sachs' Board Directors that
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Deferred Agreement’s mandates would include individual transactions of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gold Sachs' "Platform Services" software business.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> SEC Says Crypto Task Force Could Resolve Coinbase Case
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Aislinn Keely
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission told the Second
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Circuit that its newly formed cryptocurrency task force effort may lead to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a resolution in its enforcement case against Coinbase, warranting a brief
>>>>>>>>>>>>> delay to the regulator responding to the crypto exchange's bid for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> appellate review of whether securities laws apply to the transactions on
>>>>>>>>>>>>> its platform.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Motion attached | Read full article »
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> - was made aware that Goldman Sachs' Platform
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Services software business was engaged with; Working against
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>>> When - says "working against," this does not
>>>>>>>>>>>>> entail standard competition business.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> - is referring to an alleged $200B
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (potentially over two years, 2022 - 2024), in funds Goldman Sachs' Platform
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Services softwares may have laundered through, inevitably
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'working against' -'s mission for World Peace.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> If Goldman Sachs' above relationship with is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> true, - would consider Goldman Sachs' Platform Services a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> distressed software enterprise.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> New Delisting Rules Shorten Leash For Distressed Companies
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Tom Zanki
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Distressed companies should take heed of new stock exchange
>>>>>>>>>>>>> rules that are likely to accelerate delistings for stocks that trade below
>>>>>>>>>>>>> minimum requirements, particularly targeting businesses that rely on
>>>>>>>>>>>>> reverse stock splits to inflate their share prices, attorneys say.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is for these reasons - is exploring options
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to potentially enforce Goldman Sachs' Deferred Agreement in the near term.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:43 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Essentially, -'s intent to exercise the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deferred Agreement is rooted in precedent.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4 Potential Effects Of 3rd Circ.'s Coinbase Ruling
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Third Circuit's recent landmark decision in Coinbase v.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that the SEC's refusal to engage in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rulemaking to clarify its stance on crypto enforcement was "insufficiently
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reasoned" could have wide-ranging impacts, including on other cases,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> legislation and even the SEC's reputation itself, says Daniel Payne at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cole-Frieman.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Opinion attached | Read full article »
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:17 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Anyone going to Summer Camp?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SoCal Judge Admonished For 'Demeaning' Female Lawyers
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Rachel Scharf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A Southern California judge was publicly reprimanded by the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> state's judicial discipline agency Thursday for a yearslong "pattern of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> discourteous, undignified and impatient behavior" toward female attorneys,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> including the use of profanities and inappropriate gestures meant to convey
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the act of pumping breast milk.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Decision attached | Read full article »
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 6:00 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM, - sent you a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> message concerning SDNY and EDNY regulatory arbitrage.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please forgive me in omitting:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SDNY US Atty Resigns, Alleging Trump-Adams 'Quid Pro Quo'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Frank G. Runyeon
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Danielle R. Sassoon, the interim U.S. attorney for the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Southern District of New York, resigned Thursday after she refused an order
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by U.S. Department of Justice officials to drop the federal corruption
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> charges against New York City Mayor Eric Adams and expressed concern the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> move was part of an improper quid pro quo with President Donald Trump.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully refuses to yo-yo between
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SDNY and EDNY and this Deferred Agreement.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NYDFS Superintendent Harris and New York City Mayor Eric
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Adams are well aware of what - is referring to between SDNY
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and EDNY jurisdictional arbitrage.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SafeMoon CEO's Trial Not Delayed By Crypto Policy Shifts
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By Aislinn Keely
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A Brooklyn federal judge has declined to delay the late
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> March start to a trial for the CEO of bankrupt cryptocurrency asset company
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SafeMoon LLC despite the executive's arguments that recent crypto policy
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shifts could cut the securities fraud charge from the counts against him.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Read full article »
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Save to favorites »
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Seeking relevant relief in Orange, County California is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> synonymous with this Orange County Register feature:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "The scene, 25 years ago this month, could have been
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lifted from a mob movie:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ten top power-brokers in Orange County government headed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to an exclusive Italian restaurant for a secret Saturday dinner. Strung out
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from a string of all-nighters — they’d been working to keep the county’s
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $20 billion investment pool from imploding — the meal was to be a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pressure-reliever, a breather, a reward.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Despite the headlines just two days earlier — “O.C. fund
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> down $1.5 billion” — it seemed, on Dec. 3, 1994, that things might work
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out. During marathon calls with Wall Street brokers and local city
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bureaucrats they’d delivered a smooth new mantra — “It’s just a paper loss.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Everything’s under control… Don’t panic!”"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - respectfully reserves all
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interjurisdictional rights.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Larson
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 646-554-7514
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:54 AM Gunnar Larson <g(a)>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As soon as - became successful, Goldman
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sachs started harassing us in the background.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just yesterday, I misspelled "Coinbase" as "Counbase" and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Goldman Sachs immediately began questioning my intellect.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This harassment first sprung up on my radar when NYDFS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> contracted Goldman Sachs to investigate my B12 blood records.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <…>
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: <contact(a)>
Date: Sat, Feb 22, 2025, 3:30 PM
Subject: pummeled…
To: <g(a)>
As you read this Senator Jon Ossoff is already getting pummeled with attack
ads in Georgia.
One $5 contribution, please.
That is what Kamala Harris is asking you to donate to the Democratic
National Committee today. If that is all you need to hear, use this link to
Otherwise, here's why this request is so important.
As you read this Senator Jon Ossoff is already getting pummeled with attack
ads in Georgia. He is the only Democratic incumbent Senator up for
re-election in a state Trump won and Republicans will do and spend whatever
it takes to win.
But that is not all.
Republicans are aggressively planning to pass tax cuts for billionaires
paid for by cuts to programs people need to get by like Head Start, food
assistance and Medicaid.
With a slim House majority, they are hoping to pressure "vulnerable"
Democrats to join with them or pay a price electorally.
Kamala Harris is humbly asking you to make a donation to the DNC so
Democrats have the resources to fight back and win. Republicans understand
the stakes and have already started to spend. Democrats need you. Nothing
less than stopping Trump's total control is at stake.
Can you do it?
*Please use this link to contribute $5 or whatever you can give to the
Democratic National Committee today. They are hoping for a huge number of
donations before Republicans try to ram through tax cuts for billionaires.*
*If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution
Thank you in advance. Your support means a lot to Vice President Harris and
Democrats everywhere.
Team Kamala
Paid for by Harris Victory Fund, a joint fundraising committee authorized
by Harris for President, the Democratic National Committee and the State
Democratic Parties in these states: AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL,
WI, WV, and WY.
This email was sent to *g(a) <#m_-632289128329146502_>*. Thank you so
much for being a supporter. But we don't want to bother you. If you’d like
to unsubscribe, you can *click here.

On the opposite page is the alternative to Life's 7 day fast close. Life. Consider the Alternative.
by Gunnar Larson 22 Feb '25
by Gunnar Larson 22 Feb '25
22 Feb '25
Art Director/Designer: Pete Berge
Copywriter: John Ferrell
Agency: Young & Rubicam, Inc.
Client: Time, Inc./Life Magazine
On the opposite page is the alternative to Life's 7 day fast close.
Try to go national with your
advertising in a week's time without
Life. Even if you could afford the
costs and overcome the complications,
you might still end up with no ad at all.
But there is Life. So you can be opportunistic. You can strike with
your advertising when it can hit
the hardest. Or change signals at
seven days notice. In black and white, or full color.
It just points out that Life
can accomplish easily what no other
magazine can do at all. You take
that for granted. But imagine a
world without Life.
What could replace it?
Life. Consider the alternative.
Come And Say G'Day: