Cryptocurrency: Prometheum Exchange Trojan Horse SEC Democrats Prometheum is a Legal Trojan Horse to trick the public into buying and adopting in pointless GocBankCorp Fiat Shitcoins including CBDC and their Stablecoins. And to provide the legal precedent needed to kill all other exchanges and real OG cryptos. Again, unless it's real OG crypto, it's just another Fiat. Prometheum Trojan Horse Congress v Aaron Kaplan Prometheum Trojan Horse... Leviathan News Prometheum Trojan Horse Prometheum - The Governments Trojan Horse for the Crypto Industry The Government is trying to set up a Shell company to circumvent their power struggle with the Crypto Industry. Bret and Uncle Dan host Crypto and Cash on... That same day, Prometheum announced that they had received approval as a special purpose broker-dealer (“SPBD”) for digital asset securities. This guy may just be the new #SBF_FTX #SEC #TrojanHorse #Prometheum. Why did the #SEC award Prometheum with SPBD (Special Purpose Broker-Dealer) License knowing it is a #China #CCP backed Company? Our country is on the attack from the inside. @CaitlinLong_ Prometheum seems to be a Trojan horse but doesn't know exactly what they do and how it works Promethium Exchange is the only registered exchange, it is filled with former SEC Govt Pols Lawyers Lobbyists and Corp staff, and it has sold precisely nothing. Because when you "come in and get 'registered'", you can only sell "registered securities". Which means NO Bitcoin, NO Ethereum, NO distributed P2P non-Corporate Nameless-Dev privacy Coin / Token / DeFi at all, none of it, NONE, period. There is absolutely ZERO point to a registered corporate foundation stable CBDC coin etc, because they are all ultimately NO BETTER than worthless GovCorp controlled devalued stolen robbed extorted inflated and censored Fiat in the end. True private p2p cryptocurrencies solve the Fiat and Corp problem. And destroy the sorry regulators in the process. The only thing exchanges should do is open their own books operations contracts assets liabilities etc to transparency, provide segregated allocated non-rehypothecated custody and insurance choices for those who want it, accurately advertise for inspection any restrictions against market makers influence bots etc, and describe all coins and their metrics accurately, etc. Then let the market choose which succeed and fail.

More on the Prometheum GovCorp Shitcoin Trojan scam... A good Private Distributed P2P Crypto Cash does not need their laws, only the Law of Crypto Code... Prometheum is the only SEC-registered crypto securities firm, but have no business activity. There is very strong evidence suggesting they are a government plant/use insider links to abuse current laws and gain a monopoly & deceptively make legitimate crypto firms into scapegoats "breaking the law" by OneThatNoseOne Virtually everything we have seen out of the SEC is them claiming crypto to be securities and claiming exchanges are then securities exchanges and need to register with the SEC. However, exchange after platform after exchange has complained that SEC is unwilling to provide any regulatory clarity or guidance in how to comply with laws. Further, exchanges, most notably Coinbase actually hold a brokers-dealers license which should allow them to trade securities but however they say there is no way to activate it with the SEC. Thus, registering as a securities exchange is in fact impossible. Now there happens to be one exchange that is indeed registered as a crypto securities exchange however every single detail about this company is questionable. First of all there is no discernable business activity by the firm. This is such that they are registered to trade securities, but do no trading. Part of this is because crypto securities exchanges can only trade registered crypto securities. The problem here is that only 9 tokens have ever been registered as securities, and only one of them can be realistically traded as all the rest are dead or dying with volume that virtual amounts to zero. And the firm owning this one tradable token itself has low volume and has also posted consistent losses every single quarter of its existence which bodes terribly. So basically, the only thing that could save the exchange was if regulators could blatantly label 99% of tokens as securities, as they already have with staking. Sound familiar? But that’s not all. The CCO of Prometheum is a dude named Joseph Zangri. Let’s take a look into this individual shall we? Joseph Zangri happens to have been the ex Global Head of Compliance and CCO for Bloomberg, so we know he has strong ties in TradFi as his history at the national Futures Association shows and lookie here, he previously worked as a Senior Enforcement Attorney at the Securities and Exchange Commission. A very interesting “coincidence”. Also, “coincidental” is the history of another staff member, Rosemarie Fanelli, who worked at the New York Stock exchange, expected Wall Street ties, and guess who else, FINRA, who is yet another financial regulator. A third member of staff John Tornatore also worked at giant financial asset player CBOE in a common thread. There’s something special about these staff here that had connections to FINRA. Mrs. Fanelli(FINRA) joined Promethuem in May 2021. After which, Prometheum managed to obtain their license from FINRA only a 2-3 months later, an extremely quick turnaround in regulatory terms. Companies can be kept waiting for years. They had also scrubbed their webpage and change their roadmap where they initially claimed a genesis block blockchain launch in 2019, which was mysteriously scrubbed in an updated version. At least initially, Prometheum was likely unable to transact crypto securities as it could not clear them. This is because of how poorly current security laws work with blockchain technology such that technically, the blockchain itself is the security clearing agency which clears transactions instantly and current securities law do not make provisions for this. This is also backed by statements by Bloomberg. Later on, in a way I can only describe as somehow Prometheum apparently managed to bypass all these issues. And on the final point, look at how they specifically point out them gaining approval to embarrass and incriminate the rest of the crypto industry. There’s also something weird. Prometheum claimed to have launched an alternative trading system(a less strict securities exchange) back in 2022. The issue is that they only received their SEC approval in 2023. So either they were breaking the law or they launched a product with no business as, once again, a means of deceptively showing crypto firms in a bad light as “could exchange could register and operate if they really wanted to”. But consider this, if the SEC were to blatantly label all tokens as securities, Prometheum would be literally the only firm with the ability to offer crypto for trade. And what do you know, the SEC so happens to have made very similar statements of trying to label and designate all crypto as securities. A great way to kill crypto in the US, and a great way to give Prometheum a monopoly. They even rub all this in your face in their whitepaper/business docs. A total of 9 firms and tokens have registered/complied with regulators and securities laws. Only 1 currently survives, the rest either failed, restructured or were abandoned. And this 1 surviving token reports consistent losses since 2021. The laws simply don't work. Only this year in March for the first time the SEC has provided details on firms what registered or “collaborated” with the SEC and the details. The results however are harrowing. Out of nine firms and tokens, only one still functions as originally intended and even then the business is burning cash with mounting losses. Blockchain of Things, a platform for building dapps, were in operation since 2015 and after almost 8 years shut down in this year of 2023. ParagonCoin, which made a token for weed entrepreneurs, has disappeared. YouNow was a livestreaming company that had its PROPS token. The token was abandoned in 2021. Airfox (Carrier EQ) was fined by the SEC and bought out 2 years later. Enigma MPC “swapped” their token for SCRT and were absorbed by Secret Network SALT Lending registered after an ICO settlement and is currently apparently in limbo with no discernable business activity, presuming it isn’t abandoned. Ceres also seems to be in limbo with no discernible business activity currently. Hiro Systems had a token that is currently no longer a security. INX seems to be the only still-functioning platform in the list, however they seem to simply be making loss after loss, for the 2021 and 2022 and well as Q1 2023. It would simply appear that even if one wants to “follow the rules” it simply doesn’t make financial sense. The rules are so restrictive that a securities exchange cannot trade Bitcoin, or any other commodities for that matter, which is obviously a MASSIVE blow, making it very hard to be profitable. This means that a crypto securities exchange may only offer for trade tokens in this list of 9, the majority of whom are dead or very close to it. It seems it is better for firms to try their luck avoiding the SEC. This is to say nothing of the difficulty and cost of registering as a security in the first place.

Prometheum partnered with Anchorage Digital, who happens to have the first ever Federal Crypto Banking Charter, in March of 2021 right after the @Ripple @bgarlinghouse @chrislarsensf lawsuit. Guess who is invested in Anchorage Digital…Apollo. Jay Clayton happened to take the Lead Independent Director role the month before Anchorage partnered with Prometheum and only 2 months after filing the lawsuit. Key Anchorage Investors: A16Z Apollo BlackRock Goldman Sachs Kraken PayPal Hashkey, who funded Prometheum, is also invested in Custodia Bank as their only listed investment. PJT Partners is the same company Bill Hinman was flagged for holding when he joined the SEC and their only investment listed is Custodia Bank. Coincidences IDX / IDE is probably in on it too. Plug & Play, where Bill Hinman’s son was Director of Enterprise Tech, is invested in Evertas which was funded by Hashkey including others. Hashkey also funded Prometheum alongside Wanxiang. Evertas President and Co-Founder is also ex Enterprise Ethereum Alliance. Prometheum is funded by Wanxiang labs which has Vitalik Buterin as chief scientist. Wanxiang is partnered with Alibaba they have a bank they partnered to build. Wanxiang, Hashkey, Fenbushi, Ant Financial, HamsaPay HashKey hired ex JPMorgan Managing Director, David Leahy, as the COO of HashKey and also attended MIT for Cybersecurity. Same MIT Gary Gensler taught his Blockchain course. PJT Partners is the same company Bill Hinman was flagged for holding when he joined the sec. Their only listed investment is Custodia Bank. Hashkey is also invested in Custodia This is the ETHgate group of people connected to Ethereum Alliance and Ethereum founders that are trying to make all crypto Securities in the US. Had they succeeded with XRP every crypto would be Securities in the US now. This is a part of ETHgate which is factual information. Ethereum promoters have been trying to build a monopoly for Ethereum and destroy the rest of the crypto market. Former SEC Chairman Jay Clayton is managing partner at Sullivan and Cromwell. Sullivan and Cromwell represent Consensys and Joe Lubin. As well as JPMorgan.There were near a dozen Sullivan and Cromwell employees in the justice department, CFTC and SEC in 2020 and the last day Jay Clayton was in office he dropped the Ripple lawsuit and a mass exodus happened with all these pieces of shit going to work for companies in crypto and mainly for Alibaba affiliated projects. People want to say this shit is a conspiracy theory but it's conspiracy fact. A large group of industry Insiders involved with EEA namely JPMorgan, Consensys, Alibaba are trying to make the market benefit them at the expense of retailers and their plan was to make all crypto Securities while carving out an exception for Ethereum. Former enforcement director Bill Hinman received $15 million while in office from Enterprise Ethereum Alliance founding member his old law firm Simpson Thatcher. We have emails where he was warned by shra Minton from the SEC Ethics and legal departments that he had an illegal bar with his Clients from ST. They went on to joke about his Bribery he met with those clients over a dozen times they were for the Canaan IPO. Bill Hinman's Simpson and Thatcher underwrote the Alibaba Alipay IPO, Jay Clayton's Sullivan and Cromwell were also principal legal counsel Alibaba Alipay IPO. ETH bros are downvoting this because they don't like the truth. They like to believe the fairytales and marketing that Ethereum is completely decentralized and there aren't insiders with more information than them. The truth is everyone of these chains including BTC have huge stakeholders that have control indirectly or directly Ripple is the only transparent one about it. That group of powerful people are Wanxiang, Hashkey, Fenbushi, Ant Financial, Alibaba. AKA China's CCP. The original public filing showed Fenbushi gave direct access for 50+ Alibaba engineers. Same people who were behind Ethereum. Wanxiang labs has Vitalik Buterin as chief scientist direct connection from Ethereum founders and Prometheum. PrometheumFag Attempts of gov't to kill, or garner control of, crypto: Plan A) SBF/FTX Plan B) Enforcement via SEC filing suits Plan C) Prometheum

"Anything to FUD. Literally anything." " I can't believe the hilarious reasons they come up with for this epic collapse. Keep up the great work, Fed investigators! You're really giving us a good laugh! 😂 " " Here's the important part: According to United States Federal Reserve investigators, the collapse of Silvergate Bank was caused by ineffective senior management. The bank's rapid growth and multi-layered funding risks led to its voluntary liquidation. Additionally, investigators found that nepotism within the bank's senior management contributed to an inept and ineffective corporate structure. Now, with commercial real estate cratering at the same time interest rates have sky rocketed, more regional banks will be imploding due to going hip-deep into bad bets (some up to 40% of their balance sheets). Crypto isn't the culprit - bad management is - and it will show in all its' glory... " Sullivan & Cromwell Senior chair, Rodgin Cohen sits on the FDIC Systemic Resolution Advisory Committee and S&C advises 👇🏻 SVB Silvergate (former client) First Republic Bank Credit Suisse Silvergate collapse- 03/08/2023 SVB collapse- 03/10/2023 First Republic Bank closed- 05/01/2023 And FTX debtors?? Nothing to see here go back to sleep it's all cryptos fault. Silvergate was complicit in FTX. And who represents FTX during the fraud and during the bankruptcy, reorganization and now still for its relaunching? Sullivan and Cromwell. The same law firm where former Jay Clayton is managing partner. The same lawfirm that represents Consensys and Joe Lubin. Ryne Miller was former partner at Sullivan and Cromwell. He was also FTX general counsel and he also worked directly for Gensler at the CFTC. There's also a video out there of him far in advance of the FTX failure describing how a major exchange failure will be the impetus for regulation and major money coming into the space. Sullivan and Cromwell employees in govt before the Ripple lawsuit dropped.... CFTC Enforcement Director: James M. McDonald, Sullivan&Cromwell CFTC Chairman: Heat Tabert, Sullivan&Cromwell SEC Chairman: Jay Clayton, Sullivan&Cromwell SEC Enforcement Director: Steven Peikin, Sullivan&Cromwell Justice Departement Solicitor General: Jeff Wall, Sullivan&Cromwell Secretary of the Treasury: Brent McIntosh, Sullivan&Cromwell Deputy Attorney General: William Hughes, Sullivan&Cromwell Former SEC Chairman Clayton’s family gets millions (over 4M) of dollars in annual dividends from WMB Holding. To receive 4M in dividends is equivalent to owning $200 million in stocks that pay 2% in dividends. Clayton’s wife is the B in WMB WMB owns CSC. Clayton’s father-in-law served as CSC’s CEO from 1975-1998. WMB and CSC share the same address. Multiple other units of Goldman Sachs are using the same address. Clayton’s wife was a V.P. at Goldman Sachs for 17 years when Clayton became SEC Chairman. There are thousands of businesses using CSC as their registered agent and using CSC’s address as their legal address, including Epstein’s Jet. CSC became the First Foreign-Owned Company to Receive Domain Registrar License in China 🇨🇳 . it was alleged that CSC acts as a “conduit for creating shell corporations and other sketchy vehicles used in tax evasion and money laundering.” Prometheum was given the only FINRA SPDL special broker dealer license. It's an Ethereum EEA company in partnership with Wanxiang with Vitalik Buterin as CTO. Our capital markets are being sold to the CCP and JPMorgan, GoldmanSachs, and the EEA and Ethereum founders are in on it. Jay Clayton and Bill Hinman were responsible for the Alibaba IPO. JPMORGAN owns Consensys and was involved in the Ethereum ICO. JPMorgan does transaction processing for Alipay. The US is being hollowed out from the inside by cash for country politicians and the Globalists are in control. The biggest shareholder of Alibaba stock is SoftBank with roughly 25%. SoftBank lead ConsenSys $450m funding this year. SoftBank was represented by Sullivan & Cromwell in their International Offering. Joseph at Tsai *Owner of the Brooklyn Nets *Former assoc. @ Sullivan & Cromwell *Co-Founder of Alibaba *On the investment Committee of Alibaba Group & ANT Financial. *ANT Group formerly Alipay is member of the Confidential Computing Consortium which was launched by EEA member Linux foundation Bill Hinman and his law firm Simpsons and Thatcher which he received $15 million from while in office and Jay Clayton Sullivan and Cromwell were responsible for the Alibaba IPO.
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