[MONEY] [WAR] Dutch Banker: "All Misery on Earth Is a Business Model"
Note that the model below is the model currently dominating. Note also, the constitutional monarchy model in Australia (usurped to a fair degree by the model below) of: Almighty God | V You | V The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act | | V V State Parliaments Federal Parliament | | V V many layers of state + federal statutory laws | V You (again) So, as the ultimate sovereigns in Australia, we humans are able to wear many different hats, depending on context, jurisdiction etc. Doing so successfully is an art, an arduous journey, enlightening, confrotning, quite a journey, etc... In all cases, wearing a hat other than the existing authorities desire and or assume the individual human to be so wearing, requires ... the individual to make their own, individual, claim (to that alternate hat). Good luck, and see the hoodwink of the world's greatest ponzi scheme (elaborated below) for what it is :) Z ------------ Ronald Bernard exploded <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001VZgnhvESKxftuJ6KhpRqBFeqfCEF8jUYkj5jwr4PWlqrrbEQBNVAJrwt1UHy8-BsOv54pTLSndbXi64YDdlozAA4EYhpazyhModOqsJecJLmRq1k6T2Dkk7wSbfHoY64YWUi2qsTCNJz8CKk9F3wKoc_Ydkob7i7qVMYwoyPUUVWkH9SjYER_yu5SbCe2EK8TGbi7e713wRHoK9ep7ZzxS1Q9xTetc1LSqNt8MFbIomGYU7yaJF3ucDkjyWEtaFg&c=5XhlfFaoCrAKpTh5ml9G11UXOEzYHryZPTHoj6kHKGQYVZhJhbhHLA==&ch=Xg1k8WloBFyE-1zfa6J6kvsr85m_NpVH4lXcT0ctf_WqJ3LCu6QFig==> onto YouTube in late April of this year, in the first in a series of interviews conducted in Dutch by journalist and radio host, Irma Schiffers, with disturbing tales of child-sacrificing Satanists who control the world, numbering around 8,085 people. Bernard describes a pyramid with the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) at the top. The BIS is a sovereign entity that has total immunity from all laws and is not prosecutable by any government or entity. Below the BIS are the World Bank and he IMF. Beneath those two are the Central Banks of the world, including Europe's ECB and he US' Federal Reserve Bank. Beneath the Central Banks are the Too Big to Fail Banks of the world. Beneath the big banks are the major multinational corporations. Beneath the corporations are the world governments, controlled by everything above them. Finally, beneath all of the above are human beings and other living things and the Earth's resources. Sean from the SGTReport has created a summary of Bernard's interview in English with graphics here. Video: (9 min): Dutch Banker: <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001VZgnhvESKxftuJ6KhpRqBFeqfCEF8jUYkj5jwr4PWlqrrbEQBNVAJn5ukl58RJTw5FkIUWB5DvdXKd7TbXOI83EFEIoDLHw33fY8XqLcXnL2mz64iN1w2qYWbD_JV02XcBb_74XGHaLK0-bUUktu1Gcbmp84KMk5HusWzARg_-QeU8A1qHyNNIlYCB1QZc82LkaXl7GNsYH5oE47wvLROQDN70tAgJ8mk6M37658oeJ8zS6YkQj8flYWW8pZMF31&c=5XhlfFaoCrAKpTh5ml9G11UXOEzYHryZPTHoj6kHKGQYVZhJhbhHLA==&ch=Xg1k8WloBFyE-1zfa6J6kvsr85m_NpVH4lXcT0ctf_WqJ3LCu6QFig==> "All Misery on Earth Is a Business Model" <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001VZgnhvESKxftuJ6KhpRqBFeqfCEF8jUYkj5jwr4PWlqrrbEQBNVAJn5ukl58RJTw5FkIUWB5DvdXKd7TbXOI83EFEIoDLHw33fY8XqLcXnL2mz64iN1w2qYWbD_JV02XcBb_74XGHaLK0-bUUktu1Gcbmp84KMk5HusWzARg_-QeU8A1qHyNNIlYCB1QZc82LkaXl7GNsYH5oE47wvLROQDN70tAgJ8mk6M37658oeJ8zS6YkQj8flYWW8pZMF31&c=5XhlfFaoCrAKpTh5ml9G11UXOEzYHryZPTHoj6kHKGQYVZhJhbhHLA==&ch=Xg1k8WloBFyE-1zfa6J6kvsr85m_NpVH4lXcT0ctf_WqJ3LCu6QFig==> http://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/dutch-banker-all-misery-on-earth-is-a-busine...
participants (1)
Zenaan Harkness