[wg-all] ETSI Cloud Standards and Technology survey

Sill, Alan alan.sill at ttu.edu
Thu May 7 06:51:26 EDT 2015

Dear colleagues,

The European Telecommunication Standards Institute, ETSI, is conducting a survey in the context of the second phase of its Cloud Standards Coordination activity that has, in the latter portion of the survey, several questions that are relevant to knowledge and interest on particular cloud standards. It would be helpful to highlight any real experience you and your organization have with cloud standards in the field, including but not limited to OGF standards.

To make your opinions known, please follow the link below and fill out answers on behalf of your effort or organization.

There are several preliminary questions that you will encounter before reaching the section on cloud standards. Please answer as best fits your situation and continue on through the survey. Don't worry if not all of these questions are completely relevant to your particular conditions, but please continue on through the survey.

Thanks for contributing your input.

Link for the survey:


Thanks very much in advance,

Alan Sill
VP of Standards
Open Grid Forum

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