[saga-rg] Minutes from 2. session of SAGA-RG at GGF17

Thilo Kielmann kielmann at cs.vu.nl
Wed May 17 04:54:44 CDT 2006

Meeting of SAGA-RG at GGF17
2nd meeting, may 10, 3:45 - 5:15

Session chaired by Andre Merzky
Notes taken by Andre Merzky, Thilo Kielmann

- agenda bashing
- questions (misc.) to the SAGA group
- GridRPC interface
- SAGA look-and-feel document

Andre opens the session, circulates the sign-up sheet, referring to
GGF's IPR policy.

agenda bashing:

the agenda is accepted "as is" by the participants

questions (misc.) to the SAGA group:

Q: what do i need for saga?
   globus + saga package a,b,c ??
   -> check acs+cddlm groups
   -> saga cookbook

Q: relation with other ggf groups?
   -> see requirements doc

GridRPC interface:

  - open problems with rpc in SAGA:
    - config file imple specific 
      - still open, follow up on list
    - error returned either on init or on call
      - same in other places in SAGA, so no problem
      - needs clean up in SAGA eventually?
    - Ninf-G allows to bind handle to multiple methods ('module')
      - delay for later iterations, of no concern right now
    - variable parameter list 
      - no issue, define list of char^, and allow language binding to
        do vararg

  some detailed comments in the code below

  The SAGA rpc proposal:
    namespace saga
      // rpc
      class rpc 
         rpc (session     const & s, 
              const std::string & name);
         rpc (const std::string & name);
        ~rpc (void);
        // call
        void call (std::list <char *>);
      }; // rpc

    // most trivial example, controversity about config file, as that
    // is implementation specific.  Two options:
    // - if the config file is not needed to be changed by the end
    //   user, hide its existence in the implementation
    // - if the config file needs to be changed by the end user
    //   (during runtime), provide it to the constructor as optional
    //   URL parameter - that URL could be obtained by a resource 
    //   discovery later.
    #include <saga.hpp>

    int main ()
        saga::rpc handle ("dgesv", uri); // see comment above
      catch ( const saga::exception & e )
        std::cerr << "Error creating function handle: "
                  << e.what ()
                  << std::endl;

    // This bases on a sample program for Ninf-G, calculating pi
    // it shows the syncroneous version of call.
    #include <saga.h>
    std::string func_name   = "pi/pi_trial";
    std::string config_file = "client.conf";
    int         port        = 0;
    int main (int argc, char *argv[])
      if ( argc != 2 )
        std::cerr << "\n\tUSAGE: "
                  << argv[0]
                  << " <times>\n\n";
        exit (2);
      long times = atol (argv[1]);
        // Initialize Function handle
        saga::rpc handle (func_name);
        // Synchronous call, here using varargs
        long answer;
        handle.call (0, times, &answer);
        // Compute and display pi
        std::cout << "PI = "
                  << 4.0 * ((double) answer / times))
                  << std::endl;
      catch ( const saga::exception & e )
        std::cerr << "Catched saga error: "
                  << e.what ()
                  << std::endl;
        exit (2);
      return (0);

    // similar example, but use async calls
    #include <saga.hpp>
    string func_name = "pi/pi_trial";
    int main (int argc, char *argv[])
      if ( argc != 2 )
        std::cout << "\n\t";
        std::cout << "USAGE: " << argv[0] << " TIMES\n";
        exit (2);
      // initialize vars from CL arguments
      long times = atol (argv[1]);
      std::vector <std::string> hosts;
        // create result vector and task container
        std::vector <long>   count;
        saga::task_container tc;
        for ( int i = 0; i < times; i++ )
          // create rpc handle
          saga::rpc  handle (func_name);
          // perform async call, returns task in Runnning state
          saga::task t = handle.call <saga::async> (i, &count[i]);
          // add task to task container
          tc.add (t);
        // wait tasks (for ever, for all)
        std::list <saga::task> finished = tc.wait (-1.0, saga::task::All);

        // the same would be (default parameters):
        // std::list <saga::task> finished = tc.wait ();
        // Compute and display pi.  As all tasks are done (error test
        // missing!), we can use the output vars
        int sum = 0;
        for ( i = 0; i < times; i++ )
          sum += count[i];
        std::cout << "PI = "
                  << 4.0 * (sum / ((double) times)))
                  << std::endl;
      catch ( const saga::exception & e )
        std::cerr << "Found saga error: "
                  << e.what ()
                  << std::endl;
        exit (2);
      return (0);

    comments to this example:
      - Q: what is the life time of task?
        A: defined by runtime of task, or limited by cancel

      - Q: does cancel guarantee resource de-allocation?
        A: No, right now it does not block, and implementation is
        doing best effort, but no guarantees

      - after some discussion we agreed to add a timeout to cancel(),
        with -1 meaning forever, to allow to wait for guaranteed
        resource deallocation on task cancelation.  Default will be no
        timout (0.0).

    - TODO items:
      - clean up strawman
      - post on lists
      - re-iterate on the config file problem
      - implement
      - done :-)

SAGA look-and-feel document:

scope of a look&feel document:
- object
- tasks
- error/ tasks
- session/context
- attributes

everything non-functional

- coherent naming

At 5:10, the session is closed.

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