[saga-rg] proposal for session handle

Andre Merzky andre at merzky.net
Sun Jun 12 10:35:45 CDT 2005

Hi Saga, 

one of the topics which is still open in the strawman API is
that of session handle and security handles.

Attached to this mail is a proposal for each one.  That is
nothing fancy, but should serve until we have something
better, or until we have use cases not implementable by
them (for now, all uses cases should be ok AFAICS).

Comments are invited!  If there are no comments (or no
negative ones ;-), I'd suggest to include both into the
strawman API for re-iteration at GGF14.

Cheers, Andre.

For this with CVS access: i commited the files to CVS, but
did not include them into the docs.

| Andre Merzky                      | phon: +31 - 20 - 598 - 7759 |
| Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) | fax : +31 - 20 - 598 - 7653 |
| Dept. of Computer Science         | mail: merzky at cs.vu.nl       |
| De Boelelaan 1083a                | www:  http://www.merzky.net |
| 1081 HV Amsterdam, Netherlands    |                             |

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