[saga-rg] Re: proposal for session handle

Andre Merzky andre at merzky.net
Sun Jun 12 12:38:45 CDT 2005

The attachement eaters have striked again...

Anyway, here they are...


Quoting [Andre Merzky] (Jun 12 2005):
> Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2005 17:35:45 +0200
> From: Andre Merzky <andre at merzky.net>
> To: Simple API for Grid Applications WG <saga-rg at ggf.org>
> Subject: proposal for session handle
> Hi Saga, 
> one of the topics which is still open in the strawman API is
> that of session handle and security handles.
> Attached to this mail is a proposal for each one.  That is
> nothing fancy, but should serve until we have something
> better, or until we have use cases not implementable by
> them (for now, all uses cases should be ok AFAICS).
> Comments are invited!  If there are no comments (or no
> negative ones ;-), I'd suggest to include both into the
> strawman API for re-iteration at GGF14.
> Cheers, Andre.
> For this with CVS access: i commited the files to CVS, but
> did not include them into the docs.
| Andre Merzky                      | phon: +31 - 20 - 598 - 7759 |
| Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) | fax : +31 - 20 - 598 - 7653 |
| Dept. of Computer Science         | mail: merzky at cs.vu.nl       |
| De Boelelaan 1083a                | www:  http://www.merzky.net |
| 1081 HV Amsterdam, Netherlands    |                             |
-------------- next part --------------



    For encapsulating security information, a security
    context is created and associated with a context (aka
    session handle).  The security context can hold
    information about X509 certificates, privat/public keys,
    username/password, kerberos tickets etc., and provides
    these information to the SAGA implementation as needed.
    A SAGA implementaqtion MAY be able to attache more than
    one security context to one context.



  The Context provides the functionality of a session
  handle.  A context is created, and used as parameter to
  ALL object instanciations.  Multiple contexts can
  co-exist.  A single context can be shared between threads.
  SAGA Objects created from other SAGA Objects inherit its

  A implementation CAN implement various types of Security
  contexts.  or just one type.  The type of context to be
  created is specified by a enum which is the only argument
  to the Context constructor.  

  Every context has a specific set of attributes which can
  be set/get via the SAGA attribute interface.  Exactly what
  attributes a Context offers depends on its type.  A
  context MUST issue an error if attributes not
  corresponding to its type are set or requested.


Use Cases:

  Not applicable here;  this is a general design decision.


API Summary:

API Summary:

  package SAGA version 0.1 {

    enum contextType {
      X509            = 0,
      SSH             = 1,
      Kerberos        = 2,
      UserPass        = 3

    interface Context extends-all SAGA.Attribute {
      constructor (in  contextType type);
      getType     (out contextType type);


API Detail:

  interface Context:

    - constructor:
      Purpose: create a security context
      Format:  create               (in  contextType type);
      Inputs:  type                  type of context to 
      Outputs: none
      Throws:  BadParameter:         context type is not 
    - getType:
      Purpose: query the context type
      Format:  getType              (out contextType type);
      Inputs:  none
      Outputs: type                  type of context
      Throws:  nothing


  Context context;
  File    file (context);

  File file2 = file.copy (location);


  - Following attributes MUST be supported by the
    correponding context types:

        X509_Proxy          (/tmp/x509...)
        X509_CertDir        (/etc/grid-security/certificates/)
        SSH_PrivKey         ($HOME/.ssh/id_dsa)
        SSH_PublKey         ($HOME/.ssh/id_dsa.pub)
        Kerberos_Ticket     (/tmp/kticket...) ?
        UserPass_UserName   (anonymous)
        UserPass_Password   (anon)
      - Other types MAY be specified by a SAGA
      - Default values can be specified by a SAGA

  - Should we also specify the default values?  Mostly
    simple I guess.  But then the defaults may  differ per
    platform and installation, so leaving that to the
    implementation gives more flexibility...



  Context context_1 (SSH);  // default attribs apply
  Context context_2 (UserPass);

  context_2.setAttribute (UserName, "andre");
  context_2.setAttribute (Password, "secret");

  Session session;
  session.addContext (context_1);
  session.addContext (context_2);
  File file (session);

-------------- next part --------------


  Most libraries use session handles to distinguish scope
  (security, settings, lifetime) of objects etc.

  GAT used a Context object, which is a session handle 
  with attached information (security context, preferences) 
  and some methods (get 'self', init environment, current
  status, ...).

  Proposal: re-use what we have in GAT: falls back to the
  well known paradigm of a session session handle), plus
  give potential for a few more features (see above). For
  simplicity, the session has no methods for now.  They 
  will get added when schemes for preferences, security, 
  and status get defined.



  The session provides the functionality of a session
  handle.  A session is created, and used as parameter 
  to ALL object instanciations.  Multiple contexts can
  co-exist.  A single session can be shared between threads.
  SAGA Objects created from other SAGA Objects inherit its
  session.  Only some objects do not need a session handle
  on creation time, and can hence be shared between
  sessions.  That includes:
   - Context
   - Utility  classes

  A Context (encapsulates security information) can be
  attached to a Session.  A SAGA implementation MAY allow 
  to attach more than one Context to a single Session.


Use Cases:

  Not applicable here;  this is a general design decision.


API Summary:

API Summary:

  package SAGA version 0.1 {

    interface Session {
      addContext         (in  Context        context);
      getContext         (out array<Context> contexts);


API Detail:

  interface Session:

    - addContext
      Purpose: attach a security context to a session handle
      Format:  addContext           (in Context context);
      Inputs:  context               Security Context to add
      Outputs: none
      Throws:  BadParameter:         context is invalid,
               IncorectState:        implementation cannot 
                                     handle any more contexts
    - getContexts
      Purpose: retrieve all contexts attached to a session 
      Format:  getContext           (out array<Context> 
      Inputs:  none
      Outputs: contexts              list of contexts of this 
      Throws:  nothing
      Note:    - a empty list is returned if no Context is 
                 attached, yet.


  Session session;
  File    file (session);

  File file2 = file.copy (location);

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