[Pgi-wg] OGF PGI - Security Model

Duane Merrill dgm4d at virginia.edu
Tue Mar 24 18:27:25 CDT 2009


As you alluded to, some applications (such as the CREAM BES and some types
of Genesis II BESes) require that some operations (e.g., "submit job") be
preceded by an application-level delegation operation.  The ability for a
client implementation to detect and then perform a delegation pre-step will
be a significant departure for infrastructures that do not initiate chained
delegation.  To assist this, we should include in the roadmap steps for:

   - Standardizing on a delegation interface (e.g., something that resembles
   WS-Trust STS, or ARC delegation service, etc.)
   - Devising a way of advertising whether or not a resource needs a
   delegation pre-step.  We could do this via EPRs (which would then possibly
   be distributed via information services).

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