[occi-wg] OCCI Implementations

florian.feldhaus at tu-dortmund.de florian.feldhaus at tu-dortmund.de
Sun Jul 17 11:49:46 CDT 2011


tomorrow at 2pm MDT I will give a presentation on "Cloud Standards
Interoperability: Status Update on OCCI and CDMI Implementations" based on
the Cloud Plugfest last week at the "Workshop on Science Agency Uses of
Clouds and Grids". 

As there were only the R2AD OCCI implementation and our implementation
present at the Plugfest, I would like to know which other implementations
are currently out there in the wild and what their status is. This is on
short notice, but I would be glad if you could provide me the name,
current status, license, URL to source code, client/server, test instance
and supported OCCI version of the OCCI implementations you are developing
or at least know about. I promise to help putting it on the OCCI webpages
and other wikis (e.g. Cloud Plugfest Wiki or Wikipedia) if applicable.

More information on the "Workshop on Science Agency Uses of Clouds and
Grids" can be found here:

Thank you very much,

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