[graap-wg] Telecon on 3/21

Karl Czajkowski karlcz at univa.com
Mon Mar 21 03:36:23 CST 2005

On Mar 21, Toshiyuki Nakata loaded a tape reading:
> Thank you very much for the announcement.
> I'll be atttending but would have to leave early (7:40..)
> I can supplement what Wolfgang wrote in the minutes of GGF13, but
> most of it's already there so not much to add.
> The other big issue would be the OGSA-BES and EMS
> Best Regards
> Toshi

My impression is that it is an uphill battle to convince the OGSA-BES
group to consider seriously using WS-Agreement, while they all seem
clear on the idea of using JSDL.  I think this is due to several

  1) They are on an aggressive schedule and so have some conservatism.

  2) There are some preconcieved notions of what BES should be that
     look more like GRAM or other job-specific interfaces.

  3) There was a bit of the lingering anti-wsrf sentiment floating
     around Seoul.

  4) BES is supposed to fit EMS, and it is not clear EMS really has
     an understanding where WS-Agreement could fit.

  5) Most groups are unclear on how we intend WS-Agreement to be used,
     not really seeing the "generalized GRAM/GARA" history and perhaps
     being confused by all the generic agreement, SLA,
     etc. terminology into thinking it has to be a heavyweight process
     involving human administrators.

I think these last issues are the biggest concern for GRAAP-WG
besides, obviously, getting the technical issues ironed out.  We need
to figure out how to market all these nifty ideas or we run the risk
of producing a specification that will gather dust on the shelf.


Karl Czajkowski
karlcz at univa.com

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