[glue-wg] Summary of changes in LDAP GLUE2 rendering as requested in last meeting

stephen.burke at stfc.ac.uk stephen.burke at stfc.ac.uk
Wed Sep 19 05:16:11 EDT 2012

Florido Paganelli [mailto:florido.paganelli at hep.lu.se] said:
> C1) Rewrite of Section 3.7: Directory Information Tree

I've described my position on this several times, basically I don't agree with the proposed changes. I'm not going to change my view and it doesn't seem that Florido is either, so someone else will have to arbitrate. One point I would make is that the XML discussion seems to have gone in the opposite direction - at the start Florido wanted the LDAP tree to match the XML hierarchy, but now the XML is almost completely flat which is a more extreme position than I propose for LDAP, where I do think that grouping by Service and AdminDomain is useful - although not essential. If we wanted to remove all references to the tree from the document and leave it to be completely implementation-defined I would probably prefer that to defining the tree more rigidly.

> C2) Section 3.5 Datatypes
> We corrected the datatypes to match the current LDAP schema used by
> EMI.

As we somewhat discussed a while ago, this is a real problem and not just a textual change. We need to discuss it as a separate item - it's not only relevant to LDAP.

> C3) All over the document: followed the RFC4512 terminology, e.g.
> renamed "ldap objects" to "ldap entries".

I would also reject that - it's true that the technically correct term is "entry" but I think it just makes the document less comprehensible, I would be surprised if many people would understand what "entry" means. 

> The following open questions arised during the review, and we would
> like the group to discuss them:

I think discussing these is pointless, they were decided, implemented and deployed long ago, so it's much too late to reopen them. If Nordugrid want to develop a completely new implementation they should start a new document.


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