[glue-wg] Summary of changes in LDAP GLUE2 rendering as requested in last meeting

Shiraz Memon a.memon at fz-juelich.de
Tue Sep 18 06:34:19 EDT 2012

Dear Balazs,

The decision making process in OGF is not very well defined, therefore if possible a consensus is always preferred.

Well, I partly disagree. As a group we have recently made an unprecedented :) decision on the style of xml schema - which is a good progress. For the ldap, I insist that we should follow the same procedure either a face-to-face/telephone meeting(s) within the boundaries of OGF-GLUE WG to reach the consensus, asap.


Balazs Konya
as OGF Glue WG co-chair this time

Balázs Kónya

Technical Director

European Middleware Initiative          www.eu-emi.eu<http://www.eu-emi.eu>
NorduGrid Collaboration                 www.nordugrid.org<http://www.nordugrid.org>

Lund University                         balazs.konya at hep.lu.se<mailto:balazs.konya at hep.lu.se>
Department of Physics                   phone:   +46 46 222 8049<tel:%2B46%2046%20222%208049>
BOX 118, S - 221 00 LUND, Sweden        fax:     +46 46 222 4015<tel:%2B46%2046%20222%204015>

glue-wg mailing list
glue-wg at ogf.org<mailto:glue-wg at ogf.org>

Ahmed Shiraz Memon
Federated Systems and Data
Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC)

Phone: +49 2461 61 6899
Fax:     +49 2461 61 6656

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