[gin-info] Status

Laurence Field Laurence.Field at cern.ch
Tue Aug 15 09:54:43 CDT 2006


To follow up from the email sent by Yuji which shows the plan, here is 
the implementation :)

I have set up a top level BDII that contains information from OSG, EGEE, 
ARC, Teragrid and Naregi in the Glue Schema format.

The hostname for this machine is gin-bdii.cern.ch and you can query it 
with the following command.

 ldapsearch -x -h gin-bdii.cern.ch -p 2170 -b o=grid

This BDII queries the following BDIIs to get the information,
lcg-bdii.cern.ch  OSG and EGEE sites
arc-bdii.cern.ch Nordugrid sites
Teragrid.cern.ch Teragrid sites

It is in these BDIIs where the translation is done.

The reverse translation from Glue to the ARC schema has also been done 
and the hostname for this BDII is nordu-bdii.cern.ch

The ARC to Glue translation is done in accordance with the document from 
Balazs and the Naregi to Glue translation is done in accordance with the 
document from Yuji.

Please note that the Naregi sites are not in but will be in very soon 
and that there is quite a bit of information missing from the Teragrid 
sites. .

I will update the wiki with all this information.


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