[egr-rg] GGF13 EGR-RG Use Case Template ...

Robert Cohen bcohen at bway.net
Mon Mar 14 14:43:10 CST 2005


I read through Rev 0 of the template and it covers many of the main 
topics that should be addressed in a case study.

What would make this case analysis far more valuable in terms of ROI or 
some estimate of impacts would be to try to collect some quantitative 
data that would take the case studies to a more useful level.

For instance, if the user was able to provide some type of comparison 
between the before and after situation, that would be particularly 
helpful. One example might be:

    1. I did product simulation analysis that previously took 8 minutes 
for each simulation and now it takes two minutes.

More useful than this would be some detail in terms of what was done 
previously and what the new cluster or grid can do:

    1. When my department did product simulations, we used a Unix server 
with x CPUs and y Gig of memory. Replacing this with a 20 CPU Linux 
cluster let us take the time from 8 minutes to 2 minutes for each 
simulation. We did z simulations a week, so this saved a total of z*6 
minutes of time each week.

Even better would be:

    1. My department did product simulations using a Unix server with x 
CPUs and y Gig of memory. It cost "a" for Linux hardware, "b" for 
middleware and "c" for systems integration (by in-house or outside 
integrators) so the total new system cost was "d." This new system was 
able to reduce the time for product simulations from 8 minutes to 2 
minutes. The new hardware and sofware plus integration cost was "d" 
compared to the previous cost of "e." In addition, we had additional 
cost savings because: we saved the cost of "f" for a programmer that was 
not needed and "g" for storage, software licenses, etc., that were not 
purchased, etc.

Note: With these parameters, it would be possible to do type of cost 
savings analysis that would approximate an ROI and make the collection 
of data more valuable.

Some of this data might be collected by adding a few short queries on 
the cost savings items in the relevant sections.


Subramaniam, Ravi wrote:

>Hi Satoshi/Toshi,
>Here is the Rev 0 of the template for use cases for discussion at the
>GGF-13 EGR session. This is based on my thinking and input from Robert
>and my participations in discussions on OGSA use cases. The expectation
>is that further discussion with the group will help us refine this.
>1. We need to come up with a way to categorize the use cases. We need
>taxonomy so that we can organize the use cases as they come. I have
>taken a stab at this in the document but there needs to be discussion at
>the session.
>2. We also need to recruit volunteers to
>a) develop and submit use cases
>b) visit the email archives of the different WGs and RGs in GGF and
>submit any use case related activity to EGR-RG (preferably reps from the
>groups but others could be welcome). We already have the OGSA use cases
>but it would be necessary to get the ones from other groups.
>c) take previously submitted use cases and transform them to the
>"EGR-RG" template
>Hope you are having a good GGF. I was hoping I would be there but an
>important meeting with my management has been planned for this week. I
>had to cancel my plans. Sorry for the late notice and inconvenience.

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