[dvdvol] new web forms and new disc images

Aaron Cannon cannona at fireantproductions.com
Sat Oct 16 14:27:43 PDT 2004

Hi John,

I actually have had similar thoughts.  The biggest hurtle to creating the 
new images is the catalog.  Anything we can do to improve it is going to 
make compiling new isos that much easier.  Although, I must say that it has 
come a long way since last year.  Whoever has been maintaining it has been 
doing an incredible job!

I'm not sure how familiar with the situation you are, but do you happen to 
know how this information was gathered in the first place?  Did we just 
look it up on the LOC web site or is it more involved than that?

I'm CCing Marcello for his possible input as well.


Aaron Cannon

At 06:09 AM 10/16/2004, John Hagerson wrote:
>My first thought, Aaron, would be to group the zipped text and html into
>fiction and everything else and see if that provides a reasonable division.
>The PG database has some subject information but there have been discussions
>of stripping it all out unless someone comes forward to keep it up-to-date.
>Because subject data would make our job that much easier (especially as PG
>continues to add texts), maybe we need to consider becoming involved in that
>effort as well.
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