[dvdvol] Workflow system and foreign language CD

Aaron Cannon cannona at fireantproductions.com
Sat Oct 23 14:59:44 PDT 2004

The workflow system is nearly ready to go live.  If you intend to mail CDs 
and DVDs for us, you will need to contact me for an account if you haven't 
already.  If you have, don't worry, it won't change when we go live.

Next week, assuming everything goes smoothly with the workflow system, I'd 
like to work on producing the foreign language CD.  I'm going to need 
someone who can write simple but visually pleasing and most of all valid 
HTML to come up with the CD design.  We're not going to need much, just a 
couple introductory pages and a basic layout for the title, authors, and 
languages index.  You can even use the August 2003 CD as a starting point.

Should we try to translate the html pages into different languages, or 
simply leave them in English?  I don't know how many people we have on the 
list who speak a language other than English well enough to do it, but if 
we decide to go ahead, I could probably sign up for doing the Spanish 
translation.  My wife is from Guatemala, so that wouldn't be a problem.

We are probably going to end up with some extra space on the disc, so we 
should also be thinking about what else we might include.  Perhaps we can 
fill it out with the top 100.


Aaron Cannon

E-mail: cannona at fireantproductions.com
Skype: cannona
MSN Messenger: cannona at hotmail.com (Do not send E-mail to the hotmail 

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