[dvdvol] automated work flow system

Aaron Cannon cannona at fireantproductions.com
Wed Oct 20 23:49:02 PDT 2004

I've got about 75% of the work flow system up and operational.  I now just 
need to code the final 25% and squash the few bugs that I'm sure still 
exist.  Enough of the system is, however, in place to enable people to 
start poking around and telling me what doesn't work and what needs to be 

If you'd like to help test the system or plan on starting/continuing to 
mail out discs for us, then you'll need a login and password.  To set one 
up, please E-mail me off list and tell me what password you'd like to 
use.  I'll also need your name, if it's not obvious from your 
message.  Your login will not change when the real system comes online, so 
you only have to set it up once.

I probably don't need to tell you, but just in case...  The system is not 
secure, so it's probably not a good idea to use your Paypal password.

Currently the system will allow you to view the queue, check out requests, 
check them in as completed, not completable, return them to queue for 
someone else to complete, ETC.  You can also filter the results based on 
the type of request (CD or DVD) and filter out requests that aren't from 
specific countries.

The longest part of building the system (as with most systems) was getting 
the foundation worked out and in place.  Now that that is done, new 
features can come more quickly.  The other 25% that I will be putting in 
place over the next two days or so include things like allowing you to 
download your checked out requests in a spreadsheet format, add comments to 
problematic requests, automatic E-mailing of recipients when their requests 
are checked in as complete, and anything else you all happen to come up 
with.  I also plan on adding statistics.  It's not a high priority, but I 
do, like many other people, enjoy stats. :)

Don't worry about playing hard on the system.  It's only connected to a 
test database so if you break it, no harm done.  Also, don't actually 
fulfill any of the requests you may see on the system.  Like I said, it's 
just a test and we won't be keeping track.

I realize the web design won't be winning any awards, but as long as it's 
functional, I'm happy.  However, if you do have any simple html suggestions 
which would help things to look a little nicer, please don't hesitate to 
pass them along.  However, please be specific as to exactly how something 
should be changed, including the html code.  Sorry.  It's just that html 
has never been my thing.

Aaron Cannon

E-mail: cannona at fireantproductions.com
Skype: cannona
MSN Messenger: cannona at hotmail.com (Do not send E-mail to the hotmail address.) 

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