Rajic, Hrabri hrabri.rajic at intel.com
Tue May 1 21:13:16 CDT 2007


In some cases it might be really hard or even impossible to implement
some of the mandatory DRMAA attributes. For different DRMS this could
vary. We therefore suggest adding a new error code to the specification:
This value could be returned by drmaa_set_attribute() and

Furthermore, in case of future development of DRMAA, it might be desired
to introduce optional routines and therefore DRMAA_ERRNO_NOT_IMPLEMENTED
error code could come in handy. One use of such an error code could when
using drmaa_control() one tries to request a job state change not
feasible in specific DRMS.

This seems like a very good idea.   Since it is coming late in the
process, I suggest we target the recommendation for DRMAA 1.1 Errata.


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