[ot][random] a partial book experience: Walking Free from the Trauma

Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many gmkarl at gmail.com
Fri Jun 30 16:01:33 PDT 2023


Setting the scene

P1.1 Introducing the Roadmap

P1.2 What else is in this Workbook?

P1.3 Why this Workbook on this subject?

P1.4 Based on ‘Post-Cult Counselling’

P1.5 Equipping yourself

P1.6 Navigating the Workbook

P1.7 Telling your story into the Workbook

P1.8 Challenges and triggers

P1.9 If the Milestones don’t seem to fit

P1.10 All coercive, cultic and spiritually abusive settings

P1.11 All generations

P1.12 Others’ stories to help you recognise yours

P1.13 Take your time and pace yourself

P1.14 A word about emotions

P1.15 What if you need support?

P1.16 What does recovery look like?

P1.17 Your chosen destination

Who am I?

P2.1 Joining

P2.2 Life in

P2.3 Leaving – in stages

P2.4 Life now

Preparing for the journey

P3.1 Looking after yourself

P3.2 Consider your starting point before you set off

The Walking Free journey

Region 1: Leave physically so you can begin to recover psychologically

Milestone 1: Leaving physically

M1.1 If you have not left physically or have returned

M1.2 What leaving looks like

M1.3 Describing your experience of leaving

M1.4 Culture shock and feelings about leaving

M1.5 Finding your ‘tribe’

M1.6 Beware of cult hopping

M1.7 Decision-making – on leaving or at any time

Region 2: Leaving psychologically

Milestone 2: Face your doubts

M2.1 What are doubts?

M2.2 Experiences of doubt as a member

M2.3 Remembering your doubts as a member

M2.4 Facing doubts about leaving

Milestone 3: Diagnose your group or relationship

M3.1 Types of groups and relationships included

M3.2 Continuum of ‘safe enough’ to abusive

M3.3 Call a cult a cult

M3.4 Spiritual or religious abuse

M3.5 What is coercive control?

M3.6 Where did your cultic setting sit on the continuum?

M3.7 What is the overall diagnosis of your group or relationship?

Milestone 4: How confluent were you?

M4.1 What is confluence?

M4.2 The start of confluence – reciprocity and the favour

M4.3 Living in confluence

Milestone 5: Introjects, critical thinking and phobias

M5.1 What is an introject?

M5.2 Critical thinking

M5.3 When introjects become phobias

Milestone 6: Who are YOU?

M6.1 Revisiting the pseudo-identity

M6.2 Developing a ‘mask’ after leaving

M6.3 Building our authentic identity

M6.4 Identity and the generations

M6.5 Working through identity

Milestone 7: Understanding traumatic stress

M7.1 Managing expectations

M7.2 Responses to trauma – fight, flight, freeze and submit

M7.3 ‘Big T’ traumas and ‘small t’ traumas

M7.4 Symptoms of trauma

M7.5 Responses – the zones explained

M7.6 Responses – zone shifts and unconscious awareness

M7.7 Memories, symptoms and pattern matches

M7.8 Recovery: using perception – the ‘noticing brain’

M7.9 Recovery: letting your body know you are now safe

Milestone 8: Boundary-setting assertive anger – and rage

M8.1 Boundaries

M8.2 Healthy boundary-setting assertive anger

M8.3 Anger – negative connotations, loaded language and introjects

M8.4 Rage

M8.5 Narcissistic rage

M8.6 The ring of fire

Milestone 9: Healthy self-love

M9.1 The myth of Narcissus and Echo

M9.2 The continuum of self-love

M9.3 Unhealthy excess of self-love – narcissism

M9.4 Unhealthy lack of self-love – echoism

M9.5 Echoing the cultic setting’s narcissism

M9.6 Healthy self-love

M9.7 Worksheets

Milestone 10: Thought reform

M10.0 Introduction

M10.1 Milieu control

M10.2 Mystical manipulation

M10.3 Demand for purity

M10.4 Confession

M10.5 Sacred science

M10.6 Loading the language

M10.7 Doctrine over person

M10.8 Dispensing of existence

Milestone 11: Recognising other controlling dynamics

M11.1 Double bind

M11.2 Cognitive dissonance

M11.3 Gaslighting

Milestone 12: Unmasking the leader

M12.1 The human need for authority

M12.2 Non-abusive leaders

M12.3 The cultic leader – different categories

M12.4 Understanding and unmasking the leader

M12.5 The structure of your group or relationship

M12.6 Unmasking your leader

Region 3: Heal emotionally

Milestone 13: Emotional healing

M13.1 Your emotions matter

M13.2 What happens to emotions in a cultic setting?

M13.3 Coping with emotions after leaving

M13.4 Learning to self-regulate

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