Cryptocurrency: CBDC Digital Fiat WARNING BELLS GOING OFF

grarpamp grarpamp at
Tue Feb 7 20:02:57 PST 2023

Smolenski Exposes CBDC Panel...

Cryptocurrency was ultimately created to take control & trust out of
the hands of centralized, private entities. CBDCs are ultimately not
just a threat to the privacy of individuals, but also a threat to the
existence of the depository banking system in general.
This is one of the best videos I've heard on the matter. First hour is
IMF talking heads largely avoiding the intent of the debate all
together, and then Natalie comes in turns their words upside-down,
proving that there is NO CHANCE privacy will be implemented in ANY
CBDC. She makes excellent points and then her rebuttal literally
shocks them to their core.
Here's a somewhat legible transcript for the more visual learners among us...

Did you notice that at 1:26:03, the douchebag from the IMF refers to
Bitcoin without saying it's name? It's clear that he doesn't want to
give Bitcoin any legitimacy, and that speaks freaking volumes.

Fuck the IMF the WEF the FED. All of em.

Break those fuckers on the wheel!

IMF and World Bank, evil organization that manipulates the world and
destroys other countries. They are like a Mafia.

CBDC's from whatever I have read seem quite dystopian.

CBDC's can get fucked

CDBCs lead to literal slavery.
Bitcoin is the path to remain a free person.
You'll make a fine slave for them.
Remember me when they're having you board a boxcar...
Bankers, not elected officials will run the CDBC money. They will soon dictate:
* How much you are allowed to be paid
* From whom you are allowed to be paid
* Where you are allowed to spend
* Which kinds of things you are allowed to buy
* Whether you're allowed to participate in the economy at all (suppose
you said something on-line and they didn't like it, like this post I'm
typing, for example)
CDBC money will have expiration dates. For example, spend it within 9
weeks or lose it. You'll never be able to save up for anything; they
won't let you.
Eventually, it will get to the point where if they catch you trying to
resist, they'll banish from the economy with the click of a button.
I'm talking about real tyranny by actual sociopaths with ultimate
power. Do you know what "sociopath" means? You and everybody you know
will become the "property" of the most uncaring, cruel, and selfish
people. They will violate all of your rights, at will, even your right
to life if it suits them.
Do you want to be stuck in such a situation?
Without owning Bitcoin, people will be trapped. Of course, the CDBC
will be programmed to prevent people from exchanging it for Bitcoin,
weapons, or transportation to escape the CDBC tyranny.

Because they would lead to not only the knowledge of where you spend
every fucking cent but they could also prevent you from spending your
money where you want.
For example. You only get to buy $50 worth of gasoline per month. You
only get to buy $100 worth of meat per month. Extreme examples, but
not out of the question.

    but they could also prevent you from spending your money where you want.
the keyword is could, not are. There is no evidence that suggests they
are planning this that I have seen. Is it possible? maybe but I can't
see anywhere that says they are going to limit spending
in fact, the EU bank is considering more private spending for cash
like purchases (low value purchases) which is the exact opposite of
what you are saying
    As such, Lagarde said the digital euro would “at least provide a
level of privacy equal to that of current electronic payment
solutions” for it to be attractive, while laying the responsibility on
legislators to find “the right balance between the social value of
privacy and the public interest in preventing illicit activities.”
    While ruling out that the CBDC would mimic the full anonymity
offered by cash, she said the ECB and the EC are exploring the
possibility of replicating “some cash-like features and enabling
greater privacy for low-value, low-risk payments, including for
offline payments

    While ruling out that the CBDC would mimic the full anonymity
offered by cash, she said the ECB and the EC are exploring the
possibility of replicating “some cash-like features and enabling
greater privacy for low-value, low-risk payments
This seems pretty clear to me that they're admitting the levels of
privacy with CBDCs will be NOTHING like cash.

If the U.S. Congress cannot pass the Federal Reserve Transparency Act,
then it's very possible that the Fed can push FedCoin down our
throats. Whether or not we accept FedCoin is up to Americans....
The problem is, if they think that Federal Reserve Notes have value
because the government approves of them (even tho these Notes are debt
instruments, liabilities, NOT a bearer asset, like BTC)... then
Americans are very likely to accept FedCoin due to a mixture of apathy
and ignorance (ooh, this is new & shiny, and they give me stimmy funds
if I use them to buy BeyondMeat products before the end of the

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