My apologies to Professor Rat, although I don't recall what I did years ago.

jim bell jdb10987 at
Fri Sep 2 15:44:37 PDT 2022

 On Fri, Sep 2, 2022 at 2:57 PM, professor rat

<pro2rat at> wrote:Nothing personal Gym - its business - that's all

And going by your receptions in Prague and Acapulco I might even be doing you a favor.

Some things only your friends will tell you.

As for the politics - if the Right don't kill you for being a Left-anarchist provocateur ( deviationist )

the Left will kill you for your Right opportunism - but you claimed you knew this going in.

That your last best hope was virality.  Lately all you blabber about is Black Box solutions and quantum FUD.

Have you had your cognition tested lately?

Maybe you're overdue to join dear old Mom and Dad. 

Goodnight - and may your Anarcopulco God go with you.


On Fri, Sep 2, 2022 at 2:57 PM, professor rat<pro2rat at> wrote:
"the Left will kill you for your Right opportunism - but you claimed you knew this going in."
Okay, I don't quite remember the conversation, it may have been years.  But yes, everything seems to turn into a "political" dispute, especially these days.  Every faction has its enthusiastic opponents. 
BTW, my references to quantum have nothing to do with politics:. It is just that for years, we have seen it said that quantum techniques may help break RSA.  While that might not happen for a decade or longer, messages generated today may be recorded and vulnerable later. ('Venona')
 So there should be pressure to replace RSA with 'quantum resistant' algorithms.  Fortunately, they exist or are being developed.   
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