TXQRApp: A brief attempt to succeed QRStream

Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many gmkarl at gmail.com
Tue Apr 12 01:17:11 PDT 2022


Some years ago somebody reached out to me associated with
https://github.com/xloem/QRStream and some further work a different
party had engaged in. The communications are on open issue threads.

Nowadays, there has been further work in QR code communication.

I didn't finish the merge submission, and somebody named Izzy helped
incredibly moving the contribution forward.

The project has always built fine for me locally.


Izzy @IzzySoft · 1 year ago
Thanks! That fixed that, and we got one step further. Build still
fails – well, before it starts:

fdroidserver.exception.VCSException: Git checkout of
'17b8f7961995f45d8dd8ee9986d821aaa1ef2f1a' failed
fatal: reference is not a tree: 17b8f7961995f45d8dd8ee9986d821aaa1ef2f1a
That refers to srclibs, more specifically:
python-for-android at 17b8f7961995f45d8dd8ee9986d821aaa1ef2f1a. Do you
have an idea? Here I must pass and have no pointers (apart from "wild
guessing" like "try a different commit/tag").


xloem @xloem · just now
Hi, it sounds like python-for-android might have force-pushed or
deleted something.

Izzy was so helpful in trying to move this forward.

It's so sad this code didn't make it.

I'm afraid I live a life of wildly changing between dissociated
psychotic states after abuse associated with security work. I notice
emails sent to cypherpunks at lists.cpunks.org . I can be sometimes
reached via text message at +1-207-518-8256 or on matrix at
@xloem:matrix.org and at 0xloem at gmail.com but it can take repeated
attempts for my states to align with receiving the message.

Does anyone know where I might find somebody who might be interested
in helping move this PR to completion?


KARL: further replies to attempt to continue this work should have a
spam/wrong/crazy tag, unless I can keep it coherent and relevant.

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