Trump: "I can't help some [Republican senate candidates]" "You lose your soul if you do" -- USA 2020 Elections: Thread

Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 punks at
Sun Oct 25 17:44:44 PDT 2020

On Sun, 25 Oct 2020 19:42:41 -0400
grarpamp <grarpamp at> wrote:

> Trump does like to talk, TV, and books, 

	illiterate vomit : "trump does books"

> > Trump appointed that fool Jeff Sessions, who accomplished exactly 'zero'

	the turd is literally a bot. It just does bot searches and copypastes links. What sort of reply is it to post a link to wikimierda?

> > Why should Trump's fans be encouraged by an
> > almost complete failure to go after obvious criminality, even after two
> > years, let alone four years, after having taken office?
> Probably hard to do with 

	trump 'fans' are 'encouraged' because they are retards detached from reality who worship the orange monkey. And they worship the orange monkey because the monkey is a white supremacist like them.

	that's the only actual reason that subjects voted for the monkey. US racism.

> Seems remarkable Trump can even get open war phrases like
> "Drain the Swamp" past the swamp out onto the airwaves,

	yeah the monkey uses twatter-NSA to parrot a meaningless slogan that fucktards like 'grarpamp', harkness and others in turn literally parrot again, like robots. 

	that's so really remarkable! The monkey is the supreme emperor of the cesspool. He says he will drain the cesspool tomorrow (not today), and the sub-monkeys pretend to believe him.

	So what we have is a bunch of incredibly stupid members of the white trash family who believe what a politician says. Fucktards who believe in politicians. WHAT A REMARKABLE THING.

> Too bad the censurious swamp also keeps Libertarian
> ideas out of halls of politics...

	you don't know what 'libertarian ideas' mean, turd. 

> they seem only able to  sneak in via Republican ticket, obvious synergy there.

	as clearly proven by the above vomit. What kind of turd would be shameless enough to pretend that rethuglicans have anything to do with anything libertarian. Why, the 'grarpamp' turd of course. 

> Funding from crypto-libertarian early holders 

	there's no such thing. There are no crypto-libertarians. 

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