Wikileaks says Wednesday is the End for Hillary.

juan juan.g71 at
Tue Oct 4 11:35:44 PDT 2016

On Tue, 4 Oct 2016 17:42:24 -0000
xorcist at wrote:

> > 	Besides since you are an anti-rationalist, why would you
> > care about any 'refutation'.
> I'm not anti-rationalist, any more than I am anti-wrench. It's a
> tool. And when it is a useful too, I'm more than willing to use it.
> But not all problems are mere nuts and bolts.

	It's the only valid tool for rational discussions. But you
	want to be able to use rational arguments if they serve your
	purpose and play the irrationalist card when the argument
	doesn't go your way. Neat.

> >> lulz. You're ridiculous, which is why I enjoy saying ridiculous
> >> things in return, sweet tits.
> >
> >
> > 	And that sums it up. In reality, what you say to me is the
> > very exact garbage you put in all your posts. You type the mental
> > 	vomits that your brain creates. Like your proposal for a
> > 	'community' run cyber police state "little sister". Sick -
> > but rather useful as a clue to what you really are.
> Yes, it does: a realist. 

	Nope. A surveillance ideologue. 

	As to the 'realist' bit, see above. It's a variation on
	your basic scam theme. You are a 'realist' only when it suits

	Are you a realist? Well, in real reality the state is all
	powerful. That is it. Wait, you pretend to believe that the
	state "shouldn't" be all powerful?? What kind of 'real'
	'realist' would go against 'reality'??


> I don't like the idea of surveillance in
> general. Just as I don't like the idea of nukes, in general. But I'm
> a realist. Nukes, unfortunately, do in fact exist. In this,
> nation-states found the only workable strategy to be a strategy of
> mutual deterrence; so I find that this same strategy may be the only
> one workable with regards to a police state and surveillance.
> What's sick, to my way of thinking, is to KNOW that the state has
> surveillance abilities, and to oppose citizenry from making an equally
> capable system to keep the state/police in check.

	Exactly what a (state sponsored) surveillance ideologue would
	say. Of course your 'community' police state wouldn't 'check'
	the other police at all, it would simply make things worse. 

	But then again, since you only use rational arguments and
	'realism'/'idealism'  when it suits you, anything you say
	is pretty much meaningless or 'trolling'. 

	Just be at least 1% honest and don't complain when you get
	treated exactly the way you deserve to be treated, that is, as a
	 scam artist whose tricks are old and obvious.

> That would be like
> opposing the Soviet's from pursuing nukes when they knew America had
> them. It's, frankly, nonsensical.
> If I could, somehow, make all surveillance technology either cease to
> exist, or in some way moot, I'd happily do so. As I would for nukes.
> But that isn't reality.
> I don't engage much with ideology, 


> and the 'should be' nature of
> people's opinions. 

	"should be" is a (moral/non-realist) category only you are
	allowed to use, and only when it suits you.

	Rest of your message is the same as the first part, and the
	same as all your other messages, so I'll 'ignore' it.

	Feel free to reply with the same nonsense, and have the last

> I understand that the sunset might well be
> prettier if there were some greens, or silvers thrown in. Maybe
> things "should be" that way, according to your aethstetic, and I
> would likely agree so long as we're talking deep greens, and not some
> garish color. I might like two moons, as well.
> But it is irrelevant, because are not not that way, and anything you
> might do to the atmosphere to make some nice shades of green show
> up,  would most surely make a worse mess of things than we already
> have.
> What is. Not what is not. 'Rational' 'principled' 'idealistic'
> thinkers tend to have difficulty in this. I get it. I really do. I
> once had difficulty with it as well.
> But then one day I realized its far better to appreciate the sunset,
> and do what you can to keep the park you're enjoying it in cleanly,
> than to sit around pissing and moaning about the garbage and how the
> sunset doesn't even have the appropriate colors.

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