[cddlm] OGSA call summary

Stuart Schaefer Sschaefer at softricity.com
Thu Apr 20 12:59:06 CDT 2006

At today's OGSA call, three issues were on the table for our team.


The first two were not discussed.  Hiro and Jun have an action item to
discuss default components.  Steve Newhouse has an action item to
document his usage cases for conversation.


The final topic was the issue of CDL lazy references being overrideable
by a user of the system.  According to the CDL specification, the
cdl:lazy attribute can have a Boolean value.  Thus, this allows a
template to have a property with cdl:lazy equal to true.  In a CDL file
which imports or extends from this template, the appropriate property
can set the attribute value to false, and then provide a value for the
property.  This explanation was sufficient for the OGSA team to clarify
the successful handling of this usage case.




Stuart Schaefer 
sschaefer at softricity.com
Softricity, Inc.
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