[cddlm] Problems using Muse

Steve Loughran steve_loughran at hpl.hp.com
Wed Jun 22 16:26:05 CDT 2005

Walfredo Cirne wrote:
> Steve Loughran wrote:

>> Long term (2 weeks plus), well, we need to do a new SOAP stack, dont we?
> Hi Steve!!!
> We all read your paper and agree with it!! :-)  But, Muse assumes we 
> start with XML, and generates the Java code that you hook the business 
> logic.  So, we feel that this much less of a problem than the Java to 
> XML mapping of JAX-RPC.  Isn't this so?
> Is there anyhing we are missing?

yes, the bit where I explained how the generated code is still 
inordinately brittle and of limited value or quality.

Have a look in smartfrog CVS at the CDL implementation 
(core/extras/cdl/). I'm using Xom and have my own classes to represent 
the various xml elements we get. But they are the elements the Xom code 
returns when it parses the document...the parser generates what looks 
like a normal Xom tree, but it has our custom classes in, classes that 
contain the CDL-specific logic. And they are also xpath addressible, so 
  document.getPath("/cdl:configuration/tns:component/") works to resolve 
things and return something I can cast to my PropertyList and work with.


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