[cddlm] testing, document fragments

Steve Loughran steve_loughran at hpl.hp.com
Fri Dec 2 04:11:57 CST 2005

Ayla Debora Dantas de Souza - Projeto Ourgrid wrote:
> Hi,
> in our existing JUnit tests  regarding CDL resolution we usually 
> consider all the resolved CDL, because we think it is interesting to 
> test resolutions in the configuration part too, although they may not be 
> used in the System part.
> I propose to return the cdl:cdl document in the resolve operation to 
> explore more situations on the tests, but if you think just the system 
> verification is enough, ok. In fact just considering the first child of 
> a system is not good.

I think my resolution process can be fairly destructive on the 
configuration parts. Also, I only try and resolve stuff under 
system...other bits of the configuration I may or may not process. Since 
how we do that is out of scope of the spec, I dont think we can test it,

> Just another point: I did not understant what you meant by    2. we 
> retrofit the system wrapper to all existing CDL tests.

Yes, I realised that that was not needed. I thought I'd have to wrap 
everything under<ct:resolved> in a <cdl:system> element, but that is 
needless, I can leave that alone. What I do have to do is assume that 
the response coming back from a resolve() operation is a cdl:system 
element, and compare all the stuff underneath.

Have you tried using the test code yet? I must apologise for making lots 
of changes to it this week; it has been pretty unstable and one I make 
this next change everyone's code will have to change. Then I need to sit 
down and fix the failures that it is correctly showing up...


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