USA 2020 Elections: Thread
A bit of factual fun today... FOIA: Nakey Gropey Rapey Joe Biden Judicial Watch Files Suit after Secret Service Admits to Destroying Records Related to Alleged Biden Altercation with Secret Service Agent Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security Case# 1:20-cv-02457 Creepy Joe Biden Pheromone Sniffing Compilation Harris Believes Biden's Rape Accusers Joe Rogan Calls Out Joe Biden Dementia, and Unhinged Authoritarian Prosecutor Kamala Harris Joe Biden's Dementia Strugglefest Joe Biden Mentally Compromised, Grandpa Style Joe Biden "You Aint Black", Racist, Creepy, Mental Rage, Career Unfitness Exposed Kamala Harris Conveniently Forgets to Believe In Biden's Rape Accusers to Secure Self As VP Pick Kamala Harris on Prosecuting Single Moms, Censorship Desire, Prison Labor, Fights Innocence Project, Puppet Biden Protip: A Prosecutor in the White House... will prosecute YOU!!! Joe Biden the Teleprompter Puppet Oopsie :) Leg Hair and Cockroaches... WTF?! "End of quote" Biden hand jestures for his minders Twin Brothas call out weak prompts Script fail Put that prompter back on "Top line message" Flubs it in NH Compilation Forgets where his mask is Trump calls out Biden Biden racist drops N-Bombs Lots of... Intercourse You so cringe bro Oh no, wait, what, OMG Joe, noooooo! Intermission... Molyneux on Violent Communist Marxist Indoctrinal Censoring Left Joe Biden Has Brain Aneurysms... Cannot Handle Stress of Presidential Office*/ Podcast version of article Campaign Outs Biden suffered two brain aneurysms during his failed bid for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1988. "You know, is this guy going to wake up at 3 in the morning to take a phone call? Is this guy going to be capable of doing that?" -- Trump Campaign TWI1EJEyxDQ Biden's own words from 2013... "We don't know" Some events quoted in Liberal Privilege Joe Biden Takes Knee Twice in Wilmington,DE June 2020 Under Guise of "Picture Taking" and "On Childs Level" Joe Biden Takes Knee June 2020, Did not stop "Stop and Frisk" either thus a liar, More Dementia Pauses Democratic Party Assumes and Shows their Natural Position During Difficult Situations... Down On Their Knees Begging in Costumes, Instead of Leading... Next up re Future Calamity and War: Fetal Sobbing Trump: Naw fuck all that, just be honest and direct with people... "grab em by the pussy". The Trump Digital Activist Army says... MAGA ;)
On 05/09/2020 00:18, grarpamp wrote:
A bit of factual fun today...
The Melbourne Cup is one of the world's biggest horse races Let the best horse win
On 9/4/20 17:28, Debian Community News Team wrote:
The Melbourne Cup is one of the world's biggest horse races
Let the best horse win -- Shawn K. Quinn <>
Kimberly Klacic punks the Democrats and their fucked up cities... Kimberly Klacic exposes Democrat Run cities Kim the Republican runs a streets-to-work job training nonprofit, actually doing the work that Democrats try to claim Democrats are doing. "Democrats don't want you to see this. They're scared that I'm exposing what life is like in Democrat run cities. That's why I'm running for Congress. Because All Black Lives Matter. Baltimore Matters. And black people don't have to vote Democrat. Help us win:" "The worst place for a Black person to live is a Democrat controlled city." "Democrats wreck cities, and blame Trump." "Trash etc littering the streets for decades, yet Democrats got rid of the statues overnight?!" "Democrats think black people are stupid. They think they can control us forever. Black people don't have to vote Democrat." "Democrats are campaigning on the idea that America is a systemically racist. If that’s true, why didn’t Joe Biden or Kweisi Mfume change anything while they were in office? Why have Democrats kept these “racist” policies in place for decades?" Speaks True Facts... 70% of the top 50 inner cities in the USA have been run by Democrats for decades. They are their ghettos... full of drugs, gangs, violence, murder, lack of health human services, bad schools, etc. "A Republican has never represented the state's 7th District, which includes much of Baltimore City and parts of Baltimore and Howard counties" "Be smart Baltimore! You have been ripped off for years by the Democrats, & gotten nothing but poverty & crime. It will only get worse UNLESS YOU ELECT KIMBERLY KLACIK TO CONGRESS. She brings with her the power & ECONOMIC STRENGTH OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. She works sooo hard Baltimore will turn around, and I will help. Crime will go way down, money and jobs will pour in. Life will be MUCH better because Kimberly really cares. The Dems have had 100 years and they gave you nothing but heartache. Baltimore is the WORST IN NATION, Kimberly will fix it, and fast. The current recipient has no chance, and won’t even try. As I have often said, Baltimore is last in everything, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE! Kimberly is fully Endorsed by me, something I do not do lightly. Take advantage of it and MAKE BALTIMORE GREAT!" -- @realdonaldtrump Democrats Wrecked Cities Kim the Republican runs a streets-to-work job training nonprofit, actually doing the work that Democrats try to claim Democrats are doing.
"Democrats don't want you to see this. "The worst place for a Black person to live is a Democrat controlled city." "Democrats think black people are stupid. They think they can control us forever. Black people don't have to vote Democrat."
"Democrats are campaigning on the idea that America is a systemically racist. If that’s true, why didn’t Joe Biden or Kweisi Mfume change anything while they were in office? Why have Democrats kept these “racist” policies in place for decades?"
70% of the top 50 inner cities in the USA have been run by Democrats for decades. They are their ghettos... full of drugs, gangs, violence, murder, lack of health human services, bad schools, etc. "A Republican has never represented the state's 7th District
" The Chicago suburb's City Council voted Monday 8-1 to distribute $400,000 to eligible black households. Each qualifying family would receive up to $25,000 for homeownership and or improvement grants, as well as mortgage assistance. The housing money is part of a much greater reparations initiative by the city to distribute $10 million over ten years to qualifying households. The funds will be derived from annual marijuana taxes over the next decade. About 16% of the 75,000 residents who live in Evanston are Black. "is a 'woke-washed' scheme tantamount to virtue signaling" " Keynesian brain-washed DemLeft can't do economics math... $400000/$25000 = 16 families, broken in historically Dem cities $10000000/10/(75000*.16) = $83/year Democrat politicians scheme is obviously to propaganda parade themselves and the 16 families around the Fake News shows, then give the remaining 12000 enough for a few days worth of junk food. All while cracking them up even more on govt licensed marijuana drugs, and stealing more money from them and you to fund the repeat cycle. And any "home" funds will be futile due to government fiat printing subsidy inflating home prices out from under them, and you. "A local group called Evanston Rejects Racist Reparations (ERRR) said historically racist financial institutions like banks, corporations, and various individuals, will profit from this proposal." Beyond Dem/Rep... They left government off their list of profiteers. Not to mention that these "banks, corporations, and various individuals (guilty government officials/electeds/policies)" real estate brokers, etc were all 100% "licensed" "regulated" "permitted" employed and "voted" into existance and operation by government itself. "ensure that more harm will not be caused." "People can spend it themselves..." Half right, just add "...without government." Defund Government. Thereby saving yourself and your community 50% every month, put it towards whatever you want, voluntarily, together.
Keynesian brain-washed DemLeft can't do economics math... Democrats... Pandering race card narratives in everything, giving false comparison examples, reparations "inciting" mass voters against, failed at math, "inciting" economic destruction... $6.2Q, $14T != $350k/30y = $456B/yr US Pop Demographics Straight to the US national debt it will go, hail Keynes. Don't forget to pick your preferred 1h timeslot for your 1 year long Critical Race Theory course, mandatory to graduate from each grade year of all "free" schools from preschool to PhD (private schools abolished under Socialism). Prior graduates to be remanded back to school. Don't forget to properly downgrade your "free" reparations income for each fraction of priviledged racist white blood in you and all your family. And if you're racist white trailer trash, sue for the full rate under their new "equality of outcome" "economically disadvantaged" and guaranteed "free" UBI programs (even more debt). Racist Fake News gets fired [rarely]... “It’s always an angry white man. Always,” tweeted Hemal Jhaveri on Monday evening immediately after news of the shooting broke. ""I’m shocked and appalled that the Race and Inclusion editor at a major newspaper, is, in fact, a racist. (And pronouns in bio, of course.) -- Dave Rubin (@RubinReport) March 23, 2021"" The gunman was named the next day as 21-year-old Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, a migrant from Syria. Christopher Allen Hamner, a 51-year-old well-known Black Lives Matter activist, was arrested... for the felony hate crime charge plus three additional counts of malicious harassment... threatened multiple Asian-Americans on two separate occasions earlier this month.
Keynesian brain-washed DemLeft can't do economics math...
Should Those Responsible For The Minimum Wage Law Be Indicted As Criminals Submitted by Walter Block, Harold E. Wirth Eminent Scholar Endowed Chair and Professor of Economics, Loyola University New Orleans, In the view of most economists, a minimum wage law will raise the compensation of some unskilled workers, and unemploy others. According to the Congressional Budget Office, a boost in the federal level to $15, in gradual steps until reached by 2025, will increase the economic well-being of some 900,000 people, while consigning 1.4 million to the unemployment rolls. We won’t debate these proportions, except to note that this all depends upon the elasticity of the demand curve for inexpert labor, and that this statistic rises the greater the length of run. That is, immediately upon passage of such an enactment, very few such employees will be fired, but as time goes on, more and more of them will be. Instead, we will now focus, only, on those who lose their jobs due to an increase in minimum wage level. We also keep in mind those who cannot be employed even at $7.25, since their productivity is below that point, and any firm that hires them will lose money by so doing. That is to say, all sides of this debate acknowledge that wage minima create unemployment; they only diverge on the degree to which this occurs. What, then, is unemployment? It is a soul-destroying situation to be in. You pound the pavement every day, looking for a job, unsuccessfully. You send out zillions of resumes, to no avail. You sometimes, rarely, are accorded a job interview, but nothing ever comes of it. (If you stop looking, and, say, go back to school, due to the magic of government statistics you are no longer counted as unemployed. This description applies solely to those actively seeking a career, and you are no longer so doing; instead, you are now out of the labor force.) Unemployment is not just statistically correlated with drug taking, alcoholism, wife beating, child abuse, loss of self-worth, depression, mental illness, even suicide. No, it is causally related. All too many people who cannot find a job are utterly miserable in this myriad of ways. All of this comes about as a result of a public policy. Those responsible for the ensuing unemployment are thus accountable for these debilities. Suppose the genesis of these despicable results were not public, but rather private. I go to the inner city (that’s were a disproportionate number of minimum wage victims live) with a big gun. I also have an invisibility cloak, so that the cops can’t stop me. I march up to, oh, 5%, a nice round number for the unemployment effects of this law, of all the people I find there who have jobs. I credibly threaten to murder them unless they quit their positions and seek none others. My threats are believable. Unemployment therefore rises. How would the law of the land deal with me? How should the law of the land regard me? I’m no lawyer, but I think it goes without saying that I am a criminal. They should lock me up and throw away the key. I am very despicable for picking on people at the bottom of the economic pyramid and forcing them to become unemployed with all that that entails. But are the likes of Bernie, and AOC, and Chuckie and Nancy and Sleepy Joe any less guilty than I? I think not. Ok, ok, none of them pulled a gun on anyone, as did I. They used the force of law instead. They have much better velvet gloves than I do. But in their support of this contemptible minimum wage law, they are no less guilty than me of visiting the scourge of unemployment on those least able to withstand its inexorable pressures. If I do, then these people also richly merit incarceration. The point is that all the advocates of this evil legislation, without exception, admit that it will cause at least a small amount of unemployment. And, yet, they persist in their wicked ways. Whether they know it or not, they have mens rea. At least they should have a guilty conscience, which none of them ever acknowledge. While I’m on the subject of incarcerating public figures for doing incredible mischief, the same applies to those responsible for not allowing free markets in used human body parts. Appendix: A report by the Congressional Budget Office on a proposal to see $15 by 2025 estimates the increase would move 900,000 people out of poverty — and at the same time cut 1.4 million jobs.
Every day, more fraud, lies, and hypocrisy, any of a thousand daily articles prove the same, yet you 8 billion fools are still voting for government... OTB breaks down the theft...
On Tue, 30 Mar 2021 18:49:34 -0400 grarpamp <> wrote:
Every day, more fraud, lies, and hypocrisy, any of a thousand daily articles prove the same, yet you 8 billion fools are still voting for government...
says the insane piece of trumpofascist shit who's been doing nothing but sucking trump's cock and spamming the list with 'vote for trump' democratic propaganda. what's the name of this 'thread'? Oh yes GRARPAMP SUCKS TRUMP COCK 2020
Every day, more fraud, lies, and hypocrisy Left+Media are Liars, whites aren't attacking asians At the NYPD press conference on anti-Asian hate crimes today, they show booking photos of suspects apprehended & those they're continuing to search for. The hate crime suspects appear to all be people of color. #StopAsianHate Pictures of AOC the congresswoman crying ostensibly at the sight of nearby migrant children turns out to be no such thing. AOC: Calling The Border Crisis A 'Surge' Pushes 'White Supremacist Philosophy' Authored by Annaliese Levy Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), D-N.Y., has criticized the use of the word “surge” to describe the border crisis because it “consciously is trying to invoke a militaristic frame.” “They wanna say, ‘But what about the surge?” Ocasio-Cortez said to her Instagram followers during a live broadcast on Tuesday. “Well, first of all, just gut check, stop. Anyone who’s using the term ‘surge’ around you consciously is trying to invoke a militaristic frame.” The Democratic “squad” member went on to say that anyone using the term “surge” is pushing a “white supremacist idea-philosophy.” “And that’s a problem because this is not a surge, these are children and they are not insurgents and we are not being invaded, which by the way is a White supremacist idea-philosophy, the idea that if another is coming in the population that this is an invasion of who we are.” AOC on Instagram Live talking about the border: “Anyone who is using the term ‘surge’ around you consciously is trying to invoke a militaristic frame... This is not a surge. These are children and they are not insurgents.” — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) March 31, 2021 Ocasio Cortez’s statements sparked outrage online, with many calling her out since she has yet to visit the southern border. Fox News contributor Lara Trump slammed Ocasio Cortez on Monday for her “total hypocrisy.” “It’s total hypocrisy,” she said. “The way they covered this under the Trump administration versus the Biden administration is total hypocrisy. Where is the outrage from the folks on the left? Where is AOC down there doing a photo op?” Ocasio Cortez, who has been vocally opposed to the Trump administration’s immigration policies, has been quiet regarding President Joe Biden’s handling of the border crisis. She previously accused Trump of housing migrants in “concentration camps.” What’s happening at our Border is a human rights crisis. But Trump is not in Office and ultimately, the Dems want to turn these folks into voters, so the media will remain silent and AOC will casually blame white supremacy. — Eric Matheny 🎙 (@EricMMatheny) March 31, 2021 We would note that then-candidate Joe Biden called for a 'border surge' - while major news outlets have regularly used this 'white supremacist' language: Lots of white supremacists at the networks we suppose... — Chet Cannon (@Chet_Cannon) March 31, 2021
Every day, more fraud, lies, and hypocrisy
Donald J Trump won the 2020 US Presidential Election. US voters were clearly defrauded and fully deceived manipulated and influenced by corrupt Democrat owned run staffed aligned biased and censoring News and Social Media, Deep State Agencies, etc. Amounting in total effect to more than the number of votes needed to tilt the outcome from Trump to Biden. Google shifted millions of votes in the Nov. 3, 2020, presidential election by pushing its political agenda onto its users, according to research psychologist Robert Epstein, who assembled a team of more than 700 voters to monitor what results they were receiving from channels such as search results, reminders, search suggestions, and newsfeeds ahead of the election. In January, YouTube deleted what appears to be thousands of “dislikes” from videos on the official channel of President Joe Biden’s White House. The screenshots indicate a total of at least 16,000 dislikes were removed from at least three videos. Even after the adjustments, the five videos on the channel had about 14,000 likes combined versus nearly 60,000 dislikes as of 3:30 p.m. on Jan. 21. This report is provided “as is” for informational purposes only. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) does not provide any warranties of any kind regarding any information contained within. In short, we are supposed to believe that in 2016 the Russian hacked nothing but the election and in 2020 they hacked everything but the election. The report establishes a new level of idiocy on the long-running “Russiagate” nonsense. One by one, it fell apart. Mueller, despite the prayer candles, came up with nothing. The “Dirty Dossier” was a fraud. The impeachment for something that Biden actually did failed. In short, the Deep State ran the clock out: the swamp drained Trump. The US security organs expect us to believe, giving no proof, that there was lots of malign activity School grades are now racist, everyone shall pass. Leftists started the violence they needed to institute a total socioeconomic control State.
The foam and violence constantly emanating from your orifice always attacking others is not an effective refutation or alternative re anyone's posts, nor worthy of any reply.
On Thu, 1 Apr 2021 18:20:11 -0400 grarpamp <> wrote:
The foam and violence constantly emanating from your orifice always attacking others is not an effective refutation or alternative re anyone's posts, nor worthy of any reply.
you are a trumpofascist babbling fake libertarian bullshit. Every word you write is your own refutation. Your best option here is to kill yourself.
US trumpofascist turd accusing people of being 'violent' on a mailing list. Yeah grarapmp, call heimland sicherheit, call the 'democratic party' 'word police', and pray to the joos too. YouTube has deleted about 2.5 million ‘dislikes’ from videos on the official White House channel of President Joe Biden, according to data collected and posted online by a researcher who wished to remain anonymous. Not a single like was removed, the data indicates. Even after the interventions, the videos have nearly six times more dislikes than likes on average, the data shows. Without intervention the ratio would be over 17 dislikes for every like. The website lists results of the same analysis for several other YouTube channels with large followings. None of them exhibited dislike removals of this magnitude. “Google search results were strongly biased in favor of liberals and Democrats. This was not true on Bing or Yahoo,” Epstein told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, referring to data from more than 700 voters who worked with him to monitor what results they were receiving from channels such as search results, reminders, search suggestions, and newsfeeds ahead of the election.
Every day, more fraud, lies, and hypocrisy
Donald J Trump won the 2020 US Presidential Election.
US voters were clearly defrauded and fully deceived manipulated and influenced by corrupt Democrat owned run staffed aligned biased and censoring News and Social Media, Deep State Agencies, etc. Amounting in total effect to more than the number of votes needed to tilt the outcome from Trump to Biden.
California Officials, Biden-Linked Firm Coordinated With Big Tech To Censor Election Posts: Judicial Watch California officials colluded with Big Tech to censor social media posts in the United States during the 2020 presidential election, government watchdog group Judicial Watch announced Tuesday. A thumbprint is displayed on a mobile phone as the logo for the Twitter social media network is projected onto a screen in London, England on Aug. 9, 2017. (Leon Neal/Getty Images) The findings come after Judicial Watch received 540 pages and a further four pages of documents from the office of the Secretary of State of California in response to an open records request, the group said. It had filed the request after a December 2020 report surfaced revealing that California’s Office of Election Cybersecurity had surveilled and asked the social media giants to remove or flag as “misleading” at least two dozen messages. Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said that SKDKnickerbocker, a communications company linked to President Joe Biden’s election campaign, was involved in the censoring of speech during last year’s election period. The company did this by sharing its “Misinformation Daily Briefings” with California officials, who then passed them on to social media giants Facebook, Twitter, and Google for dissemination, according to Judicial Watch. “These new documents suggest a conspiracy against the First Amendment rights of Americans by the California Secretary of State, the Biden campaign operation, and Big Tech,” Fitton said. Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, in Washington on Nov. 1, 2019. (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times) He added, “These documents blow up the big lie that Big Tech censorship is ‘private’—as the documents show collusion between a whole group of government officials in multiple states to suppress speech about election controversies.” Jenna Dresner, senior public information officer for the Office of Election Cybersecurity, responded to the December report at the time saying that “we don’t take down posts, that is not our role to play.” “We alert potential sources of misinformation to the social media companies and we let them make that call based on community standards they created,” Dresner said. According to Judicial Watch, the documents it obtained show how officials pushed big tech companies to censor social media posts. The Google and YouTube logos are seen at the entrance to the Google offices in Los Angeles, Calif., on Nov. 21, 2019. (Robyn Beck/AFP via Getty Images) Google’s YouTube was contacted directly by a state official to remove a Judicial Watch video on the platform on Sept. 24, last year, according to the group. “YouTube seemed to respond by deleting the video on September 27, 2020,” Judicial Watch said. In another instance, a Facebook user who implied having voted twice with multiple ballots had their post removed on Oct. 31, 2020. Other posts removed by social media giants included claims of voter fraud, receiving multiple ballots in the mail, and finding thousands of alleged unopened ballots in a dumpster. Meanwhile, a Twitter post from Fitton that said “Mailing 51 million ballots to those who haven’t asked for increases risk of voter fraud of voter intimidation,” was flagged by SKDKnickerBocker as part of its “Misinformation Tracker.” Washington-based SKDKnickerBocker said in a statement last November that it developed the Biden campaign’s vote-by-mail program in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona. The communications firm and California’s Office of Election Cybersecurity didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment by The Epoch Times. Big Tech companies have drawn intense scrutiny for perceived political bias and alleged unbalanced moderation of users’ content. Critics say much of the companies’ moderation in the past year has unfairly targeted conservative speech and speech from individuals deemed to be supporters of former President Donald Trump. Meanwhile, groups on the other side of the aisle have been taking issue with how social media companies are operating, claiming that the Silicon Valley companies have failed to adequately address misinformation that is being proliferated online.
Joe Biden is a RACIST, BANS HINDUS and BROWN people, refuses to overrule despot Bill Gates and share vaccines! "A wall will not stop the coronavirus. Banning all travel from Europe - or any other part of the world - will not stop it. This disease could impact every nation and any person on the planet - and we need a plan to combat it. -- Joe Biden March 13, 2020" US Democrats Party are filled with RACISTS... "I had hoped that Scott might show some common sense, but it seems clear he is little more than an oreo with no real principles," Lamar County Democratic Party chair Gary O'Connor wrote. US Democrats reverse RACISM and forced POLITICAL INDOCTRINATION CAMPS are illegal and disgusting assaults on freedom and free thought... US Democrats are VIOLENCE SUPPORTING FRAUDS... Democrats violence lies and incitement In the Biden administration, follow the science takes second place to follow the campaign donations from teachers unions"... What both sides fail to recognize is the economic reality of any and all state actions, a reality pointed out to us by Murray Rothbard in his 1956 article We can only say that 'social welfare' (or better, 'social utility') has increased [sic] due to a change, if no individual is worse off because of the change (and at least one is better off). We can only know anything about someone's value scale by observing actual decisions they make, usually in a market exchange. All this leads to the following two conclusions: (1) the free market always increases social utility, and (2) the government can never increase social utility. The plan is to restrict the free market, the only mechanism capable of promoting the general welfare, and expand the role of the government, an institution that can never promote the general welfare. Boeing increases black representation to 20%, a 6% racist quota above population metrics. President Biden is coming under fire from both sides of the aisle for constantly wearing a mask despite announcing that vaccinated people no longer require face coverings when outdoors. In other words, it's simply virtue signaling at this point. The total amount of government transfer payments now a record 34%. That's right: a third of all US household income is now from the state. Marx would be proud. "Biden never worked a real job or business a day in his life, over 50 years living off money he and his Govt cronies stole from you. Think about that..." It is not a crime to be ignorant of economics but it is totally irresponsible to have a loud and vociferous opinion on economic subjects while remaining in this state of ignorance.
Boeing increases black representation to 20%, a 6% racist quota above population metrics. This seems to me the kind of oversimplification that people point out when talking about the wage gap between men and women, don’t really see why that’s remarkable to you.
On lun, may 3, 2021 a las 06:34, grarpamp <> escribió: In the Biden administration, follow the science takes second place to follow the campaign donations from teachers unions"... What both sides fail to recognize is the economic reality of any and all state actions, a reality pointed out to us by Murray Rothbard in his 1956 article We can only say that 'social welfare' (or better, 'social utility') has increased [sic] due to a change, if no individual is worse off because of the change (and at least one is better off). We can only know anything about someone's value scale by observing actual decisions they make, usually in a market exchange. All this leads to the following two conclusions: (1) the free market always increases social utility, and (2) the government can never increase social utility. The plan is to restrict the free market, the only mechanism capable of promoting the general welfare, and expand the role of the government, an institution that can never promote the general welfare.
Boeing increases black representation to 20%, a 6% racist quota above population metrics. President Biden is coming under fire from both sides of the aisle for constantly wearing a mask despite announcing that vaccinated people no longer require face coverings when outdoors. In other words, it's simply virtue signaling at this point.
The total amount of government transfer payments now a record 34%. That's right: a third of all US household income is now from the state. Marx would be proud.
"Biden never worked a real job or business a day in his life, over 50 years living off money he and his Govt cronies stole from you. Think about that..." It is not a crime to be ignorant of economics but it is totally irresponsible to have a loud and vociferous opinion on economic subjects while remaining in this state of ignorance.
A population, 80% red 20% green. All are "equal", anything else is "racist". Therefore Corp ratios must be equal at 80/20. Else, Corp is racist. A Corp is 60/40. There is no explanation that is not racist or does not destroy "equal" theory.
wage gap between men and women
"That's sexist" The world still debates. Woke theory destroys and discredits itself... Apparently by loving to work at TLA's, doing torture, rendition, murder, assassinate, defraud, propagandize, sabotage, deal drugs, payoff dirty deeds, spy, surveill, database, medical experiment, mind control, censor, classify, lie, withold, bugger, deepstate, control repress and conquer brown and asian and religion nations, extort, etc... CIA Recruitment Ad Ridiculed For Overdosing On "Woke" Talking Points A CIA recruitment ad featuring a “cisgender woman of color” who rails against the “patriarchy” and announces she has been diagnosed with “generalized anxiety disorder” has been ridiculed for its woke pandering. The promo went viral on Twitter, racking up almost a million views, prompting ‘The CIA’ to start trending. In the video, a Hispanic woman regurgitates glib social justice mantras, explaining how she is a “daughter of immigrants” while bragging about being “perfectly made.” “I am a cisgender millennial who has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder,” she states. Turns out the CIA was behind Woke all along. Seems kind of obvious in hindsight. — Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) May 3, 2021 “I am intersectional, but my existence is not a box checking exercise,” she adds, after having ticked a whole raft of ‘diversity’ boxes and showing off her ‘Donald R. Cryer award for diversity and inclusion.’ She then begins rambling on about not allowing her inflection to rise at the end of her sentences and having “earned her way in” (but not by checking diversity boxes, surely?). “I used to struggle with imposter syndrome, but at 36, I refuse to internalize misguided patriarchal ideas of what a woman can or should be,” she states, once again definitely not trying to tick diversity boxes. She then continues to stroke her own ego before declaring herself to be “a proud first generation Latina and officer of the CIA.” Respondents to the clip expressed a mixture of disgust and bewilderment at the utter state of the CIA to be forced to resort to such pandering. Henceforth all criticism of the CIA is white privilege. — Richard Seymour (@leninology) May 3, 2021 The really telling thing about this video os that it speaks to the CIA's assessment of who would be interested in working for them. Clearly, they think they have appeal to woke millenials - and they're probably right. — Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) May 3, 2021 The CIA went from waterboarding terrorists to torturing Americans with shitty woke commercials. — Rising serpent 🇺🇸 (@rising_serpent) May 3, 2021 I hope the CIA actually is hiring fail brain millennials with debilitating anxiety like in the ad. that would be hilarious. Sam Fisher getting captured and tortured because the analyst working on his mission is hyperventilating due to being quote tweeted — Anor Londo gentrifier (@ByYourLogic) May 2, 2021 Our enemies are laughing their asses off watching this. While the CIA virtue signals about hiring an "intersectional, cisgender millennial with generalized anxiety disorder", our enemies are plotting to take advantage at every turn. THE STATE OF OUR UNION IS IN PERIL. — Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) May 3, 2021
Our enemies are laughing their asses off watching this.
Biden-Harris duo... world laughs at them too... Biden minder support team Biden glazed over in meeting Gorka covers news Biden ridiculous Slow geriatric Biden brain freezes again Kamala disses Memorial Day, Biden's bizarre fetish Kamala dodges latina reporter AU media exposes Biden-FakeNews Governments are a joke, and a risk, you don't need them, don't need to be paying for them, their palaces, their wars, their ruthless rule and laughs over you.
Our enemies are laughing their asses off watching this.
Biden-Harris duo... world laughs at them too... Freezy Sleepy Biden confuses Libya for Syria 3X Biden displayed geriatric alzheimers parkinsons well before stepping out on the campaign trail, the usual work of campaign and office any other would handle, just made dementia blindingly obvious to anyone who bothered to openly look. Same for the Incompetent Giggler Kamala Harris, and loopy Pelosi. Leftists never look. Expect similar from the aging Trump. Now that they succeeded frauding the duo into office, the reality of them affecting Leftists own USA is hitting home, not even some fake mainstream news are afraid to tell the truth anymore. Fake News Censors COVID BLM Elections etc... their self-rewriting and Mea Culpa's already happening. Next time consider not electing them to any office, go Libertarian, just say no to all of them, you'll do just fine without them. An Apparently Confused Biden Goes Silent After Fielding Question About Putin More clips have surfaced which highlight Biden's apparent difficulty in handling unscripted back-and-forth discussion during his ongoing foreign policy focused Europe trip. As early as the weekend at the G-7 the Associated Press had noticed a "handful of verbal stumbles" the US president made. As we also highlighted there would be more to come. And then at his big Monday night NATO summit presser, there was the following bizarre moment... Vladimir Putin laughed at the suggestion that you had called him a 'killer,'" a CNN reporter asked. "Is that still your belief, sir, that he is a killer?" The reporter followed with a second question, also asking, "Do you believe if he does agree to cooperate, then what kind of a challenge do you find yourself in? How would you ever trust him? And if Ronald Reagan said, 'trust, but verify,' what do you say to Vladimir Putin?" The leader of the free world's brain just completely broke when he was asked if Putin is a "killer" — Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) June 14, 2021 After an unusually long and awkward silence as Biden grasped for words, he later forgets the second question and looks around the room for a verbal que. Many pundits have observed that it's alarming that the leader of the free world is about to go into the biggest foreign policy meeting of his presidency, with Vladimir Putin, and he's appearing to have trouble keeping track of simple questions and verbal exchanges. Journalist Glenn Greenwald on Monday wrote the following: "Given this genuinely disturbing videos and others like it, it's a good day to remind everyone that the warnings that Biden is suffering from serious cognitive decline came *not* from MAGA people or Bernie supporters, but from worried establishment Dems," Greenwald said Monday. There's growing speculation that Biden's planned-for "solo news conference" - as opposed to the norm in a bilateral summit of two world leaders jointly taking question from the press - is really about ensuring a predictable and scripted enough exercise to avoid any personal embarrassment which might involve the US president stumbling in his thoughts or grasping for words. "Obama met several times with Mr. Putin... Obama came under criticism at the time from rights groups for giving Mr. Putin a platform and for not challenging the Russian president more directly on human rights." — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) June 14, 2021 Certainly the White House fears that Putin would seek to capitalize on any potential 'confusion' on display by Biden, hence the solo press conference.
Biden-Harris duo... world laughs at them too...
Woke Fail... Biden Admin Pats Self On Back After 'Gifting' Vaccine To 0.015% Of Trinidad Population Last Thursday, US President Joe Biden announced that the United States would donate 500 million doses of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine to the world's poorest countries with "no strings attached." On Sunday, the US State Department proudly tweeted that they had donated 80 vials to Trinidad and Tobago, which has a population of 1.4 million. USA Donates Vaccines to Trinidad and Tobago — U.S. Embassy POS (@USinTT) June 14, 2021 Given that each vial can squeeze out six doses for a total of 480 jabs, and each person requires two shots, that's enough to cover 0.015% of the country's population! US Ambassador to Trinidad and Tobago, Joseph Mondello. The mockery came hard and fast: They legit had to open a flat, count out 80 (or 115), then put the rest back into cold storage. Unbelievable — funkydrugmonkey (@funkydrugmonkey) June 14, 2021 If I were donating 80 vials of vaccine to a country of 1.4 million people I probably wouldn’t put out a self-congratulatory press release 😬 — Quantian (@quantian1) June 14, 2021 I really really hope they just forgot some zeroes — shahenshah🌞pilsudski (सामाजिक फासीवाद युग) (@misandrogynist) June 14, 2021 According to Trinidad and Tobago's National Security Minister Fitzgerald Hinds, the vials will be given to the National Security Ministry. "This has nothing to do with any large donation that we expect is being considered by the United States Government," he told the Trinidad Daily Express. "This is just a small number for the Ministry of National Security as a gift which we are happy to accept." Ah - so the Biden admin was congratulating itself over a gift that's meant for bureaucrats! The island nation has recorded 29,000 cases of COVID-19 and 670 deaths thus far, after a steep rise in May.
Audits still moving.... Hunter Biden Invested Millions In Chinese Nuclear Plant Operator That Vented Dangerous Buildup Of Gasses Woke BLM etc fail and losing around the world...
Woke Fail... Leftist Oligarchs "Woke leftism is not about fighting for the interests of the common man. Grievance politics’ ornamental displays of victimhood only obscure the oligarchical nature of this project." B3 / B3W / "our values"... is now official code for both The Great Reset, New Green Deal, Global Control and Slavery Regime. Twitter Censored Users at the Request of the State UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS CASE No. 1:20-CV-11889-MLW "Twitter Trusted Partnership Program and the Twitter Partner Support Portal (PSP). In 2017, Cohen and others began formulating and designing the framework for silently violating the free speech rights of US persons by first characterizing speakers as "Influence Operators" (IOs) thereby fabricating a sinister connotation where none exists, as the ideological framework to justify canceling speakers who exercise their right to express their opinion." Elections Influence Operations Playbook for State and Local Officials The National Association of State Election Directors, and the Secretary of State of Massachusetts, are being sued for partnering with Twitter to censor critics of the state. State election officials developed a system to assess the “threat level” of speech critical of them, or any comments that expressed skepticism of election security. Then they struck a deal in which Twitter agreed to delete Tweets, and ban users, at the request of government officials. The court documents make clear that Twitter attempted to insulate the state actors from the censorship, instead operating under the guise that Twitter’s internal moderators had found the content violated its terms. It’s one thing for a private company to trample free speech. But when the government does it, that clearly violates the constitution.
Audits still moving....
#WasteOfTheDay is presented by the forensic auditors at Georgia To Investigate After Fulton County Official Says Election Forms Are 'Missing' Georgia’s secretary of state said Monday that his office will probe Fulton County after an election official there said forms verifying the chain of custody for some mail-in ballots went missing. “New revelations that Fulton County is unable to produce all ballot drop box transfer documents will be investigated thoroughly, as we have with other counties that failed to follow Georgia rules and regulations regarding drop boxes. This cannot continue,” Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, a Republican, said in a statement. An election worker processes absentee ballots at State Farm Arena in Atlanta, Ga., on Nov. 2, 2020. (Megan Varner/Getty Images) Raffensperger previously announced similar probes in Coffee, Grady, and Taylor counties. In doing so, he alleged that the state’s other 120 counties had properly completed absentee ballot transfer forms. Earlier Monday, Mariska Bodison with the county’s Board of Registration and Elections told the Georgia Star News that “a few forms are missing” when asked for documentation on approximately 19,000 absentee ballots that were said to have been placed in drop boxes. The forms that are not available at this time would detail the chain of custody for the ballots. They are required by law. A Fulton County spokeswoman told The Epoch Times in an email that the county “followed procedures for the collection of absentee ballots from Fulton County drop boxes.” “We maintain a large quantity of documents and researching our files from last year to produce the ballot transfer forms. We have been in communication with the Secretary of State’s office to update them of our progress on this matter,” she said. Democrat Joe Biden won Georgia by under 12,000 votes. Biden typically received more mail-in ballots in each state, and Georgia was no exception. While former President Donald Trump received over 254,000 more Election Day votes than Biden, Biden received over 848,000 absentee ballots compared to Trump’s 450,522. Election workers count Fulton County ballots at State Farm Arena in Atlanta, Ga., on Nov. 4, 2020. (Jessica McGowan/Getty Images) Trump has said the 2020 election was rife with fraud, particularly in the swing states like Georgia. “Whether it be voting machines, underaged people, dead people, illegal aliens, ballot drops, ballot cheating, absentee ballots, post office delivery (or lack thereof!), lock boxes, people being paid to vote, or other things, the 2020 Presidential Election is, in my mind, the Crime of the Century,” he claimed in a June 12 statement. A group of Georgia voters that alleged in a petition last year that they witnessed an “abnormal” increase in Biden’s vote count in Fulton County while performing election observation was slated to obtain images of the county’s absentee ballots late last month. But the judge overseeing the case decided to delay the visit to the county’s ballot storage warehouse, where the images were to be taken by county workers while petitioners or their representatives watched, until he rules on motions to dismiss filed by the county’s Board of Registrations and Elections and two other county agencies. Garland Favorito, head of the Voter GA election integrity group, and a petitioner, told The Epoch Times that the new admission of missing forms could be used in the ongoing case at some point, but he would have to discuss that matter with his attorney. Favorito believes the missing forms “could explain why we saw counterfeit ballots.” Those ballots “could have originated from these drop boxes that don’t have chain of custody forms,” he added. “So I think there is a connection there.” Susan Voyles, a poll manager who worked on a recount in November 2020, has said she handled ballots she believes were fraudulent or fabricated. Her affidavit was cited in the Fulton County petition, as were affidavits from others who participated in the recount and said they saw ballots they believe were fake. Voyles was later terminated by the county. A Chinese story...
B3 / B3W / "Build Back Better World" / "our values" / "shared values"... is now official code for both The Great Reset, New Green Deal, Global Control and Slavery Regime.
"Build Back" also implies they destroyed it first, intentionally, as done when they initiate their wars, their years long Fake News Panics, lockdown, 9/11, etc. You're being played like sheep, tricked into one giant new homogenous global slave plantation with them as your new God and Worshipful Saviour, in total control over you. No freedom, no escape, no autonomous land areas, no diversity. A grand BioDigital tracked rental gulag where you own nothing, get social scored, peer and mind controlled, network programmed, history erased, shutdown, filmed, censored, permissioned, and will be VERY unhappy... you are their experiment, product, and currency, individually expendable at any time. New Global Tax Coordination, CBDC's, WHO, G-5, G-7, G-20, G-100 (the list of minor countries... any remaining sanctuaries for free human beings... being forced into the scam is rapidly increasing under threat of invasion spun by fake news, and global false sanctions starving them into acquiesence), etc... a rapidly growing set of tactics to grab all of the regions. Wake the fuck up. Fight back. Florida Sheriff To Blue-State-Migrants: "Don't Vote The Way You Did Before, Or You'll Have Here What You Had There, Guaranteed." No, You Are Not Paying A Higher Relevant Tax Rate Than Billionaires
Woke Fail...
Disney fans complain that Disney World is too woke. Professors Call For Hate Speech Protections To Be Extended To Animals Coca-Cola Diversity Policy Risks Violating Anti-Discrimination Laws, Shareholders Warn Many US Cities Are Starting To Resemble Post-Apocalyptic Cesspools As America's Collapse Accelerates Joe Rogan Warns "What's Happening In Mexico Could Easily Happen Here" Due To Defunding Of Police Welcome To Wokespeak: Its Logic-Defying Rhetoric Is Making Heads Spin In the midst of the nation’s racial upheaval last year, media outlets including the Associated Press, the New York Times and the Washington Post rushed to start capitalizing the word “Black” in reference to African Americans, some announcing the move as a long-overdue gesture of respect. While RealClear has not changed its style, the change elsewhere prompted newsroom soul-searching on whether to write “white” or “White” in reference to people of European descent. Capitalizing the term made sense as a simple matter of consistency. But the argument for lower-casing “white” staked its own moral claims. One was that capitalizing it would legitimize white supremacy. Another was that “white” in lower case is an apolitical description of a skin color; it doesn’t merit capitalization because whites don’t represent a shared culture. News organizations adopted inconsistent policies on the question – the AP, Times and others voted for “w”; the Washington Post and National Association of Black Journalists chose “W.” But the notion that there is no white culture drew jeers of derision from some quarters. It was virtually impossible to pretend not to see that white culture is routinely cited to refer to white supremacy and white privilege as a shorthand for the cultural biases, prejudices and values that prop up systemic racism. Both ideas – that white culture is omnipresent and nonexistent – can’t be true. Or can they? The white culture conundrum is one of many such paradoxes in today’s topsy-turvy woke culture, where colorblindness once represented the ideal of being unprejudiced, but now marks the epitome of racism. These apparent contradictions can cause confusion, frustration and moral whiplash in a swiftly changing society where many people fear that one wayward move can result in a public flogging or a pink slip. Yet as the public seeks guidance, the fractured market of ideas seems unable to provide clarity on which rules apply in which situation. “These contradictions and conundrums have hit like an avalanche,” said Jason Hill, a native of Jamaica and author of the 2018 book, “We Have Overcome: An Immigrant’s Letter to the American People." Distinct white culture is, except when it isn't: The AP announces its Black/white capitalization policy. Associated Press Everyone needs to be aware because at some point they are going to be caught in these conceptual snares,” said Hill, a philosophy professor at DePaul University. “Most people are caught off-guard and cede their position. If you try to argue your way out, they’ll ensnare you in more traps.” The paradoxes come in a variety of iterations, from moral imperatives to abstract propositions. In Ibram X. Kendi's best-selling book, "How to Be an Antiracist," the celebrity professor writes that cultural relativism is "the essence of cultural antiracism. To be antiracist is to see all cultures in all their differences as on the same level, as equals." Taken literally, Kendi’s dictum would mean that the antiracist culture he envisions is no better than the racist culture he blames for racial disparities in health, wealth, education and other measures. Yet it's impossible to read Kendi's work as anything but a critique of racist culture, and by extension, gun culture, rape culture and consumer culture. This paradoxical pairing of a radical cultural critique with a radical cultural relativism is hardly unique to Kendi, but one of a growing number of widely circulating self-cancelling propositions. Take gentrification, often invoked as an example of systemic racism because it can lead to the displacement of generations of black residents by incoming affluent whites. The famed antiracist writer Ta-Nehisi Coates has described gentrification as a crime, and others have denounced whites moving into black neighborhoods as ethnic cleansing, colonization and genocide. Yet the reverse of gentrification – white flight from increasingly black neighborhoods – is also deemed a racist reflex by some, Coates among them, because it abandons once thriving schools and communities to neglect and disrepair. Hence the paradox: Condemning gentrification and white flight seems to leave no room for movement in any direction, inducing a moral paralysis. “If both advocating for integrating city neighborhoods and advocating for retreat to safer suburban neighborhoods can be painted as racist -- and there are many examples equivalent to this one -- almost anyone could be ‘canceled’ at any time,” said Wilfred Reilly, author of the 2019 book “Hate Crime Hoax: How the Left is Selling a Fake Race War.” “It makes almost every conversation not among close friends into a booby-trapped environment,” said Reilly, a political science professor at Kentucky State University, a historically black college. Some critics of progressive politics describe these paradoxes as the inevitable consequence of sloppy, illogical thinking based on emotional arguments and political expediencies. The inconsistencies can also result from the social justice movement’s strategy of “problematizing” – a philosophical posture that deconstructs and delegitimizes existing values and institutions as systems of oppression when seen through the lens of race, gender and power. Indeed, the term “woke” refers to being hyper-aware of the constant microaggressions and oppressions that become evident everywhere once one gets into the mindset of problematizing, or turning everything into a problem. Others see the self-cancelling propositions in more sinister terms: as moral double-binds and Orwellian doublespeak deliberately designed to deceive, entrap and neutralize political opponents. “They’re not bugs, they’re features,” said Greg Lukianoff, president of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, which defends free speech and other individual rights of students and faculty at colleges and universities. “It gives you infinite power over your opponent if you can literally have your argument any which way that works to your advantage,” said Lukianoff, co-author of the 2018 book “The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure.” To be sure, any large movement will have discordant voices and divergent opinions, and a certain amount of viewpoint diversity is inevitable. In all human affairs, from politics to religion, there seems to be no shortage of hypocrisy. Fabio Rojas, a sociology professor at Indiana University, said the visibility of paradoxes in the realm of social justice is a testament to the movement’s ascendance in Western societies. “Social justice is the theory of the moment. It’s all that we’re doing,” said Rojas, author of the 2007 book “From Black Power to Black Studies: How a Radical Social Movement Became an Academic Discipline.” “Right now the social justice world is gigantic, very popular.” Still, many antiracist advocates don’t see these conundrums as contradictory, but as being situationally true in specific contexts, and also dependent on other nuances, such as whether a word like “culture” is being used literally or metaphorically. Ron Scapp, an academic specialist in ethnic studies, is among those who acknowledge the contradictions and paradoxes as real, not imaginary; but Scapp says they are not the result of muddled thinking or an underhanded attempt at emotional blackmail. They simply reflect the ubiquity of systemic racism that permeates so much of American society, which means that we encounter racism wherever we turn, and all our options are morally fraught. This sensation of feeling trapped is what is often meant by the idea that facing one’s white complicity in structures of oppression will necessarily cause white people to experience discomfort and even distress, because they have no place to hide in the society they have created, said Scapp, a professor of humanities and teacher education at the College of Mount Saint Vincent, in New York, and past president of the National Association for Ethnic Studies. “The options aren't painless – this comes with a price,” Scapp said. “And doing good doesn't mean that you get to feel free from any pain or inconvenience that history has set us up for. There's some white people who want a quick and easy out, to buy their way out of that history." Several critical race theorists told RealClearInvestigations that another factor might be at play in the calling out of contradictions: a whiff of white privilege in demanding perfect logical consistency without bothering to attend to context or to the literal and rhetorical uses of language. “There might be some element of that [white privilege] involved in demanding logical consistency where it’s so easily shown that there is none,” said Robert Westley, a Tulane University law professor who specializes in critical race theory and reparations. “If we suspend the rhetoricity of language and just approach it in a logical way, then you could generate these kinds of contradictions all day long.” In many intellectual traditions, logical consistency is not considered to be the loftiest human intellectual attainment, and rationalism lacks the prestige of paradoxes, enigmas, koans and riddles. In the Anglophone world, contradictions have been celebrated as transcendent by the playwright Oscar Wilde, poet Walt Whitman and essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson, who declared that “a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.” Political theorist Saul Alinsky, the author of the 1971 community organizing guide “Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals,” gamely advised: “In the politics of human life, consistency is not a virtue.” Paradoxes aren’t the sole domain of the activist, but also are a tendency of progressive scholarship. For example, we are told that women are equal to men in all areas of competency, but studies show that women are more effective in 84% of leadership skills and in 13 of 19 areas of leadership effectiveness, according to research reported in Harvard Business Review. It is accepted as a self-evident truth that slavery and segregation enriched white America at the expense of African Americans. But research also shows the opposite: that racism acts as a drag on the whole economy – retarding investment, growth, purchasing power, consumer spending and depressing other metrics -- which economically harms white people, too, according to a report in The New York Times. The most fertile ground for contradictions might well be the diversity and equity industry, which seems to have outpaced the pulpit in its zeal for issuing moral precepts. A recurring theme in the social justice movement is the plea for an honest conversation about race, where all perspectives are respected. But the public is also getting the inverse message: that it is imperative for whites to remain silent to make room for marginalized voices and to stop centering their privileged experiences. In the antiracist consulting world, it is a truth universally acknowledged that organizations should hire people of color to promote diverse viewpoints and insights from those employees. But according to materials from The Walt Disney Co., recently leaked to City Journal, there is a limit on exploiting black wisdom. “Do not rely on your Black colleagues to educate you. This is emotionally taxing”; “Do not call on your Black colleagues to represent the voice of their community”; and “Be aware of tokenism, when Black professionals are expected to be representative for their entire race.” Critical race theorist andré douglas pond cummings (who writes his name in lowercase letters), said this is actually sound advice for an organization that has hired one or two token black employees. The problem of tokenization disappears when organizations have true diversity with many black colleagues representing multiple black perspectives, said cummings, a business law professor at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock who has taught courses on corporate justice and “Hip-Hop & the American Constitution.” He said many of the paradoxes will become moot in a socially just society. “Maybe some of these seeming incoherences or inconsistencies just need time to come to a place of coherence,” cummings said. Appeasing moral scolds can present a special challenge for homebuyers who want to be “on the right side of history” and increasingly see their words and actions as moral statements. The real estate dilemma of gentrification versus white flight is particularly acute for someone who might opt for a hybrid automobile over a gas-guzzling SUV and insists on shopping at businesses that support Black Lives Matter. A home purchase, the most expensive personal investment most people will make, becomes imbued with the greatest moral significance of all. Rachel Garshick Kleit, a professor of city and regional planning at The Ohio State University, has taught classes on and written about teaching “The Socially Just City.” She said her students have been torn between the two impossible options when they think about home ownership as a personal moral decision. “They were in moral conflict over it in a class discussion,” Kleit said. “They were trying to figure out what their personal responsibility was.” Gentrification is deeply personal for all involved. In a 2019 New York Times article about gentrification in Raleigh, N.C. – headlined “The Neighborhood's Black. The New Home Buyers? White.” -- a community organizer vented her frustration: “Our black bodies literally have less economic value than the body of a white person. As soon as the white body moves into the same space that I occupied, all of a sudden this place is more valuable.” Some critical race theorists are willing to grant moral absolution on this point. The moral predicament of home ownership arises out of the default culture’s fixation with individualism, said Westley, the reparations specialist at Tulane. The critique of gentrification and white flight is not so much a moral litmus test for individual white homebuyers, according to Westley and Kleit, but a critique of the government policies that shape real estate markets in ways that are harmful to people of color. “I think you have to get out of this individualist paradigm where it’s all about me and what I do, as opposed to it’s about what we do as a society and a community,” Westley said. 'Endless Contradictions, Fabrications and Fantasies' The topic of woke paradoxes has received scant attention, but it hasn’t escaped notice altogether. Conservative British author Douglas Murray grappled with the issue in his 2019 book, “The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity.” He traced the cause of the linguistic convolutions to the social justice movement’s emphasis on identity politics and its jettisoning of traditional liberal principles such as colorblindness. This manner of thinking distorts the benefits of liberalism (that is, civil rights gains for minority groups) into a type of idolatry, elevating identity politics as an end unto itself. This confusion leads to “endless contradictions, fabrications and fantasies,” Murray wrote. As a paradox-spotter, Murray has few peers. Murray depicts social justice activism as an incarnation of the Orwellian principle that revolutions start out professing that all people are equal but then slip into the self-serving belief that some people are more equal than others. Though Murray doesn’t mention the U.S. Declaration of Independence – “all men are created equal” – slavery and discrimination might well be one of the most egregious examples of this unfortunate tendency. Murray does cite other examples. One is a 2014 study by Australian researchers that found that children of same-sex couples are healthier and happier than children brought up by straight couples. In another study, UCLA researchers found that gay couples are more likely to stay together than straight couples (and, surprisingly, lesbian couples). Murray also noted the perplexing declamations that women are more capable than men. This incongruity gained currency after the Great Recession of 2008, which was allegedly caused by too many men in positions of power in the finance and banking industry. Christine Lagarde, former head of the International Monetary Fund (now president of the European Central Bank), blamed the financial meltdown on the underrepresentation of women on the boards of banks and in regulatory agencies. “If it had been Lehman Sisters rather than Lehman Brothers,” she was quoted as saying, repeating a favorite mantra, “the world might well look a lot different today.” According to Murray, who is gay, one of the “central conundrums” of our time is expressed by people with marginalized identities: You must understand me. / You will never understand me. Murray dubbed these moral strictures as “paradoxical, impossible demands.” “The inherent willingness to rush towards contradiction” is “not enough to stop this new religion of social justice,” Murray wrote. One reason “why contradiction is not enough is because nothing about the intersectional, social justice movement suggests that it is really interested in solving any of the problems that it claims to be interested in.” That left Murray with only one possible conclusion: “Their desire is not to heal but to divide, not to placate but to inflame, not to dampen but to burn.” Like the Chinese Cultural Revolution, the current "revolution" in America is being waged by the youth, at the behest of radical leftists, of course. Also, much like the Chinese Cultural Revolution of the 1960s, the American “Woke Revolution” is hellbent on destroying any and all vestiges of traditional society, especially those that celebrate freedom, individualism. Old ideas, such as equality of opportunity and meritocracy, are now moot. Old customs, such as vigorously defending one’s right to freedom of speech, are long gone. And, old habits, such as the Protestant work ethic and rugged individualism, have been seriously undermined. In place of these “old” aspects of our culture, the Woke Revolution desires to turn our society on its head. The Woke Revolution, like the Cultural Revolution, is predicated on Marxist ideology. Individualism is being replaced with communalism. Equity, better known as equality of outcome, now trumps equality of opportunity. Sadly, even Martin Luther King Jr.’s “dream” of a color-blind society has given way to critical race theory, which is the epitome of racism. And, above all else, class warfare reigns supreme. No longer is America the land of opportunity. Henceforth, it shall be known as the land of oppression. Perhaps most disconcerting when one compares the Cultural Revolution to contemporary America is the disdain for the past. In China, this manifested in mass book burnings and wanton destruction of historic monuments. That sounds a lot like what’s been happening in America recently. The parallels between China’s Cultural Revolution and America’s Woke Revolution are becoming closer by the day.
US and RU Media reveal deep dissatisfaction over how summit went, in contrast to both the Russian and US sides admitting "friendly" and amicable interaction. Certainly the fact that Putin himself is now hailing the "friendly" dialogue means continued salt on the MSM wound. What If The Mainstream Media Had Told The Truth? Five MSM Lies for Which Trump Has Been Vindicated, and the Damage They Caused Remember that time when the mainstream media lied about former President Donald J. Trump, only to have Trump proven correct afterwards? “Can you be more specific,” you ask? Good point. There are so many to mention, we need to be more precise, so let’s narrow the list down to five, and let’s consider the true impact of their dishonesty. While the media may have been successful in sustaining political damage against Trump, the Republican Party, and the conservative movement – which was their ultimate goal, no doubt – they also caused significant collateral damage, either unwittingly or uncaringly. 1. The Russia Hoax For those of us on the political right, it’s easy to forget the magnitude of this farce. We were bombarded with nonsense every day, we agonized over the ridiculousness of it all, and many of us have tried to put this circus behind us. The loser of the 2016 presidential election Hillary Clinton, along with her Democrat apologists, pushed on this narrative from the beginning. Trump was an illegitimate president due to his collusion with Russia leading up to the election, they said, an infraction so malicious he may have actually been guilty of treason and deserving of the death penalty. There have been instances of political malice between parties in our nation’s past, but never one quite like this. What made this charade so absurd was the media’s complicity in it. This wasn’t just a situation of the media tilting a storyline and inserting opinions into supposed news articles, they actively hyped the story ad nauseum and actively participated in the misinformation. “The walls are closing in on Trump,” they told us. “We have another bombshell regarding President Trump and Russia,” they promised. It was all a lie, as the Mueller Report clearly proved. For almost three years, our government was virtually gridlocked with its attention focused squarely on a fairytale. So, what if the media had told us the truth from the beginning with Russia? As the media was hyping the hoax, the divisiveness it brought along still lingers. We must conclude that the country would be far less divided had they been honest, and the value of that possibility cannot be overstated. Our current national discord is awful, and the media is largely to blame. Considering the actual direction the country was headed in back in 2018, there would’ve been a good chance that Republicans would have kept control of Congress, but even if they hadn’t, our Federal Government would have likely been much more productive without this sideshow, and items like President Biden’s recently unveiled Infrastructure Plan could have been moot. It’s amazing how productive Trump’s Administration was with efforts such as his foreign policy initiatives despite the distractions of the Russia Hoax, and we can only speculate how much more effective they could have been if they hadn’t had to focus resources on defending Trump with Russia. Instead of only four Israeli treaties, we could have seen double digits, and the situations in North Korea and Iran could have been much better as well. 2. Hydroxychloroquine Last year at this time it was verboten to even bring up the name of the drug and doing so was enough to get you booted off Twitter or Facebook. President Trump frequently touted hydroxychloroquine’s efficacy in battling COVID, and it was that advocacy which sent the media into conniptions on the subject. If Trump supports the drug, it must be bad. Last week, over a year after most Americans became familiar with the medication, a new study out of New Jersey, the hardest hit state by COVID, shows that if used in conjunction with a regimen of zinc, hydroxychloroquine can give COVID patients upwards of a 200% better survival rate against COVID. Hydroxychloroquine is indeed a miracle drug. With modern news cycles, our attention spans are merely fractions of what they once were, but we must remember the context with which the attacks on Trump and hydroxychloroquine were being made. The media was whipping up everyone into a full-blown panic with COVID. “It’s highly infectious to the point you can’t go to church or walk around the park. If you get it bad enough to be sent to the hospital, you’re probably going to die. And there’s no cure; we’re doomed.” Meanwhile Trump was right all along, and this treatment was available the whole time. So, what if the media had told us the truth from the beginning with hydroxychloroquine? Patients who died having refused the drug because of the media’s lies need not have perished. How many thousands of patients died because of the media’s deceit? We’ll never know. Doctors who refrained from administering the drug based on the treachery of so-called experts and the menaces in the media had patients die for no reason other than politics. Again, how many thousands of Americans died because of their fraudulence? We’ll never know. For many patients who survived severe cases of COVID, they will carry the long-term effects of the virus around with them for the rest of their lives. Severe, long-lasting damage to both the lungs and hearts of severe COVID patients is common, and it’s likely many of those folks must now endure shortened life expectancies as a result. There were undoubtedly scores of them, particularly at the beginning of the pandemic, who could have been treated with hydroxychloroquine but weren’t. If the media had told the truth, many of those patients would now be living normal lives. 3. St. John’s Church and Lafayette Square In addition to hydroxychloroquine’s effectiveness, we also became aware last week via a report from the Interior Department’s Inspector General that the actions by Park Police near Lafayette Square and St. John’s Church in Washington D.C. last June were not due to directives by President Trump in order to provide him with a “photo op,” as the media originally asserted. We were told that peaceful protesters were gathered near the recently burned church and the cops came and shot rubber bullets and tear gas at them just so Trump could have his picture taken in front of the church holding a bible. Again, the left and their media engaged in a blatant lie, and this incident was used by the media to paint Trump as an authoritarian who used force to shut down political opponents. He’s a fascist who dispatched his goons on innocent protesters, they said, when in reality the clearing of the square had been planned two days before the church was set aflame, and the White House had nothing to do with that decision. So, what if the media had told us the truth from the beginning with St. John’s Church? It is the totality of all the media’s lies that is politically problematic, and such is the case with this incident. It was the repeated attacks on Trump as being unhinged and fascistic. As Mark Twain said, “A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth puts on its shoes.” Millions of Americans undoubtedly continue to believe this invention because they were too ignorant to question its validity, and that ignorance continues. If the media had been honest, this absurdity would have gone nowhere. There were a lot of factors that impacted the election, and we don’t need to discuss election fraud here, but there were unquestionably voters who were affected by this untruth, and it’s certainly possible that this lie could have been a difference maker. The St. John’s Church story wasn’t limited to American consumption. This fabrication was reported around the world, and we can bet that Europeans, Australians, Asians, and everyone else who read it came away with a sickening feeling about our great country. And we can also bet most of them are unaware of last week’s report from the Inspector General. Our country’s reputation was once again damaged by a media that cares more about their political agenda than they do about accuracy. 4. Hunter Biden Everyone knew Hunter Biden was a cad, and we also had a pretty good idea that he was on-the-take with foreign actors, particularly in Ukraine. President Trump knew it as well, made no secret of his thoughts, and got impeached for an unprecedented second time for his efforts. The media, meanwhile, pooh-poohed the whole story for as long as the could, which just happened to be until after the election in early-December when the validity of the story became clear. During an appearance on 60 Minutes with Leslie Stahl in late-October, President Trump pointed to the younger Biden and correctly observed that Joe Biden was embroiled in a scandal over his son Hunter, but Stahl was defiant, insisting “He’s not. He’s not.” Oh Leslie, he is. He is. So, what if the media had told us the truth from the beginning with the Hunter Biden Scandal? This scandal was obvious going back to the Democratic primaries. If the media had reported accurately on it from the beginning, and Biden had been held to account for his possible illegal associations with his son’s business partners, there’s a good chance Biden never would have been nominated and another Democrat would have ran against Trump. As with the other gaslighting the media has participated in, the cumulative effect of the lies on the electorate can’t be overstated, and the credibility for those telling the truth, most of whom work at conservative media outlets, would likely enjoy more trust from many Americans who turned them off as a result. Hunter Biden’s shenanigans weren’t just potentially criminal, they quite possibly could have jeopardized national security. The investigations into whatever it is he did are no doubt continuing, but if the media had done their jobs, we would likely already be aware of the whole story. 5. Wuhan Lab was the origin of COVID The media is now trying to act surprised and put forth the façade that their misreporting on COVID’s origins was just an honest mistake. It wasn’t. The likelihood that COVID originated in China’s Wuhan Laboratory of Virology was clear from the beginning, but again, since Trump and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo were beating this drum, they had to take the opposite position. But now that Biden has been elected and his administration is well under way, it is becoming increasing clear that COVID did indeed originate at the Wuhan lab, and was almost definitely manmade. And once again, it is obvious that the media lied to us. So, what if the media had told us the truth from the beginning with the origins of COVID? Of all the items on this list, this may be the most egregious. China is an imposing threat to America: militarily, economically, and diplomatically. China absolutely must be held accountable, and if they are not, the more likely we will have a similar pandemic in the future. If the media had been forthright, steps could have already been taken to ensure it never happens again. If the media had been honest about the beginnings of COVID, Presidents Trump and/or Biden could have already been drumming up support for sanctions against China, and the wheels could have been in motion for the global community to hold China’s feet to the fire. If the media had shown actual journalistic curiosity with this story, from the beginning of its origins, it’s quite possible the trajectory of the virus’ spread could have been much different. If, for instance, the media had called out the World Health Organization’s malpractice and unholy allegiance to China, more stringent steps could have been taken worldwide to limit travel from China in January and February 2020. Conclusion The damage caused by the media’s fraudulence is far reaching and undeniable. But perhaps the most significant harm they have caused has been to their own credibility. The press has long been referred to as ‘The Fourth Branch of Government,’ and for good reason. A thriving democracy must have a vibrant and trustworthy press. While the Judicial, Legislative, and Executive branches strive to hold each other accountable, the media should be there to shed light on those checks and balances by informing the citizenry. We need a believable and reliable press, but we don’t have one. And unless we get one soon, problems such as those we’ve examined will not only persist, they’ll worsen.
What If The Mainstream Media Had Told The Truth? Five MSM Lies for Which Trump Has Been Vindicated, and the Damage They Caused Remember that time when the mainstream media lied about former President Donald J. Trump, only to have Trump proven correct afterwards?
Trump launches new channel and national rally tour... Trump tour Wellington,OH 2021-06-26 OANN, NewsMax, RSBNetwork, etc
Biden batshit insane, constantly angry, lost his brain, threatens to attack american civilians with nukes and troops, now doing bizarre degenerate whispering, psychosis clear, constantly under mindership and notes, lies all the time, doesn't understand economics, disses American holidays. Plainly evident before elections to anyone who looked, now getting worse. Kamala getting failed in public for every job she's been assigned. Biden brain gone Biden brain messed Creepy Joe Biden Biden presidency fails Knowles breaks Joe down Black Republican Conservative Christians rejecting Dems pandering "Tree of Liberty is not Water on the Blood of Patriots" - Oh No Joe, that is not the quote. #HandsUpDontNuke Stupid Lying Leftists, Socialists, Democrats say... the whispering is for cool rhetorical effect. No, Biden's brain is fucking gone. Parkinsons, Alzheimers, Psychosis, Anger Outbursts, Blank Stares, etc. Democracy is, and has become even more of, a joke. Things could meltdown at any moment, be prepared. Federalist TV Radio Hour Biden Racist calls all latinx deportees Biden Lies about History, Misquotes again, Threatens Americans Knuckleheads of Liberty "Libertarian" podcast PorcFest Scott Horton w Pete Quinones
Donald Rumsfeld, the murdering lying warmonger piece of shit, is dead. “Until they became conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.”—George Orwell dbarrett wrote:
Open borders, in fact no borders no passports no lines on maps via no such governments thus no "laws" and no enforcement, are great, the best way, and were the case before you got scammed by Govt into thinking "passports" are necessary thereby giving up all your rights to travel the Earth without permission, you retarded fools. However open does not and cannot work when only one of the two directions is open... the open one gets raped as the world floods in. Further, when you can't escape, trapped behind your own stupid wall, you're fucked. And they take your guns to make revolt harder. Which instead of leaving, is what people should generally do, else toxic idea of governments are left to exist. "We have no operational control, no legal control, no law enforcement control of our border," People do not want Dems weird 1619 CRT divisive outrage shit... Socialists love to stack and pack and cheat their way into permanent power... $4M, not including all-in's, wasted... Twenty-two White House employees make the maximum yearly salary of $180k. Kamala Harris Staffers Are Leaking -- And Her Office Is A 'Dysfunctional' Mess Vice President Kamala Harris' office is a toxic, 'abusive' environment where "people are thrown under the bus from the very top,' according to 22 current and former staffers, administration officials and associates of Harris and President Biden. In a Politico exposé reminiscent of a Feb. 2019 New York Times in which over fifty current and former staffers decried her dysfunctional campaign (h/t @mattdizwhitlock), Harris and her Chief of Staff, Tina Flournoy, are slammed for running an office with "low morale, porous lines of communication and diminished trust among aides and senior officials." Vice President Kamala Harris, Chief of Staff Tina Flournoy "It all starts at the top," said one administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity (as they all did). "People are thrown under the bus from the very top, there are short fuses and it’s an abusive environment," said another person with direct knowledge of Harris' office. "It’s not a healthy environment and people often feel mistreated. It’s not a place where people feel supported but a place where people feel treated like shit." As Politico notes, "The dysfunction in the VP’s ranks threatens to complicate the White House’s carefully crafted image as a place staffed by a close-knit group of professionals working in concert to advance the president’s agenda. It’s pronounced enough that members of the president’s own team have taken notice and are concerned about the way Harris’ staffers are treated." Harris spokeswoman Symone Sanders - a racist who mocked a white Trump supporter after he was beaten by a group of black men - and was passed over for Biden's press secretary, pushed back against the nearly two-dozen accounts of dysfunction, saying Flournoy has an "open door policy," and that "Black women like me would not have the opportunity to work in politics without Tina." Symone Sanders Sanders called the anonymous sources "cowards." "We are not making rainbows and bunnies all day. What I hear is that people have hard jobs and I’m like ‘welcome to the club,'" Sanders continued. "We have created a culture where people, if there is anything anyone would like to raise, there are avenues for them to do so. Whoever has something they would like to raise, they should raise it directly." Harris and Flournoy's defenders are pulling the race card - saying that "Black women in particular—are subjected to standards that men often don’t have to clear. A tough and demanding office environment may be seen as a virtue for one and a sign of disorder and lack of leadership acumen for another." Staffers looking for an exit. According to the report, some of Harris' aides are looking for other employment opportunities, while others have left already. In recent days, two top advance staffers, Karly Satkowiak and Gabrielle DeFranceschi, left the 'dysfunctional' office. And while Harris' team said the departures were 'long-planned', two people familiar with the departures call bullshit. For DeFranceschi, the deputy director of advance, the departure came down to a “difference in opinion on how things should run,” according to another person familiar with the matter, who said that Harris’ office is run “very different” from the Obama operation, where DeFranceschi previously worked. “If you have an opinion about how things should run and it’s not listened to, that can be frustrating.” DeFranceschi did not respond to a request for comment. A third Harris aide who worked on her digital team, Rajan Kaur, left the staff after opting not to relocate to Washington from Brooklyn. Anita Dunn, a senior adviser to the president, defended Flournoy as well as the decision to keep news of the border trip contained among a small group of people, saying Harris’ office didn’t want it to leak or “turn it into a spectacle.” “It was closely held and there may be people whose feelings were a little hurt on her staff that they weren't brought into the discussion,” Dunn said. “But any suggestion that it was mishandled or kept a secret from people who needed to know about the arrangements or needed to know about it is absolutely not true.” Asked if she was aware of the complaints about the VP’s office, Dunn replied that it was “not anywhere near what you are describing.” -Politico Flournoy, a veteran of the Clinton White House and Al Gore's 2000 campaign, is part of an 'informal group of Black women who’ve worked together for decades in Democratic politics, which includes Donna Brazile, Minyon Moore, Leah Daughtry and Yolanda Caraway,' according to the report. "Look, [Tina’s] strong, she's intelligent, she's driven, and she expects strong, intelligent, driven people around her," said Daughtry, adding "But some people may find strong, driven, smart people intimidating, but I think that’s more projection than reality because that’s just not Tina's intent or style. And nothing in her experience would lead you to think that she’s an intimidating person." So the staffers are the problem? Hilarious. — Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) June 30, 2021 Politico paints a different picture - having developed a reputation for being Kamala's gatekeeper, often refusing to delegate while second-guessing others in Harris' office. Apparently, she did the same thing as Bill Clinton's post-presidential chief of staff. "People who Clinton knew for decades all of a sudden couldn’t get through to him because Tina choked off contact," one of the people said. "Because Clinton didn’t use email," just his blackberry, "she was able to keep many FOBs [friends of Bill] out." Morale is "rough," and in many ways 'similar to the failed presidential campaign and her Senate office,' according to a former Senate aide who speaks with Harris' staffers.
Tucker Carlson vs NSA... Tucker vs NSA Tucker vs NSA Tucker vs NSA Biden Says He Has NO IDEA What He Is Signing! Biden Puppet Signs Anything Biden Puppet Signs Anything Biden Puppet Signs Anything Kamala, Party, Wife, Aides, Minders routinely seen puppeteering the US President. Democrat Frauds. Internet Viewpoints on... Biden Kneels Self-Subjugates Embarasses Disgraces Not-Leadership... Biden Fogged Biden: What am I doing? Biden and Harris both dissed the US Memorial Day and Fourth of July... Socialism CRT-Wokeism and Force are so depressing that no one shows up to its rally... Joe Biden struggled to engage any Americans on the Fourth of July As he squinted and stumbled through a 15 minute speech on the White House lawn that was solely devoted to fear mongering about COVID, fewer than 20,000 people joined the YouTube livestream. That equates to around 0.006% of the population. Yet he received a record 81 million votes in the election, apparently. The figure is also less than half the number of people who attended President Trump's huge Independence Day rally in Florida on Saturday. In addition, a whopping 375,000 tuned in live to watch Trump's event. Biden was later overheard asking "what am I doing?" Woke Fail... Fake BLM leader already left earlier for her $million mansions... 1619 Project Creator Nikole Hannah-Jones Rejects UNC Tenure Offer Biden apologist CNN tries to get FOX to ban Tucker Carlson. US and RU Failed... Taliban to Retake Afghanistan Within Months. Tucker: NSA planned to leak my emails to media outlets Tucker: NSA Disclosed My Emails SpyVeillance: People are Concerned NSA Spying on US Citizens Glenn Greenwald on NSA Styx's Pussy Responds A thread bashing one side for fun and point, equally applicable to any other ruling side in its time and turn. The better susceptability of either to freedom, any leverage allies or converts to it, yours to find. Some people now seeing and waking via the internet to the ruling mess infesting the world, and they are seeking, some are now finding and moving to Libertarian sphere via that same internet...
How stupid do the US Dem Left think Americans are? says WTF? clips1 clips2 lies1 lies2 US inflation well over 5% per year.
US inflation well over 5% per year.
Democrats Leftist economic math... Steal from working people to pay people who refuse to work $52k to continue sitting on their ass... $20k Big Democrat City trash cans... Dems Lies... Defense from Gulags... Fund crime sprees... Did those meaningful police reforms result in better public safety? The answer is no, as Philadelphia was just ranked the highest murder rate per capita among the US' top largest cities. According to CBS Philly, the number of homicides across the metro stands at 314 on Thursday, up 35% from this time last year. The city has become more dangerous... Overall, Democratic mayors in 20 of the nation's 25 largest cities slashed police funding as they spent millions of tax dollars on their private security forces. Their progressive policies have primarily backfired as metro areas become more violent. Defunding the police is flawed because it takes away from proven community policing. Podcast king Joe Rogan recently warned the progressive campaign to defund police departments could transform parts of the US into a lawless state like Mexico. And judging by the out-of-control homicide wave in Philadelphia, that may already be the case. Liberals need 1/6 to be some momentous event because it gives them purpose and vindication. Journalists need it because, for many, it was the most exciting and scary thing they ever did. The security state loves it because it's what justifies their power and budget. @SeanMcCarthyCom January 6th 2021 might be the least important date in this country's entire history. Congress could find 5 more important things that happened yesterday to focus on Left's Monopoly of Censorship and Steering inside BigTech+Media = Election was a Manipulated Fraud... How long till this happens here in the United States of America? Oh, um yea, NVM... @Reuters Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny's website blocked by regulator before election All of BigTech recently met in person to figure out how to manipulate FreeSpeech even more, now they're rolling their plan into production starting with the usual FUD and FHOTI excuses... Communism here we come! I'm wondering what about far-left terrorist groups like ANTIFA? I assume they get a pass like they have for the past 18 months of violence, rioting, arson, murder, amongst other things. @disclosetv - Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, YouTube, and other Big Tech companies will now add content to a shared counterterrorism "key database," aiming to crack down on material from "white supremacists and far-right militias" (Reuters)
Here's the other component of the deal... Now all speech that is non-compliant with the idealogical agenda will get your life demonetized... The @ADL is highly politicized group: completely liberal and aligned with the DNC, just a tad more pro-Israel in their focus but otherwise no differences. This is yet another union between establishment liberalism and Big Tech to control and censor the internet. We’re excited to announce a new partnership with @PayPal to fight extremism and hate. We’ve launched a research effort to understand how extremists leverage financial platforms to fund criminal activity. To read more:… Don't forget to beg for your favorite CBDC to save you.
Democrats Leftist economic math...
"Transitory" Price Increases and Shrinkflation Are Forever Powell admitted "transitory" means that recent large price increases will stick, but that future price increases will revert back to 2% per year at some unknown point in the future. In other words, when you hear the word "transitory," don't think that means you're going to get some price relief down the road. Prices will remain elevated. They'll just go back to rising 2% a year instead of the 6 percent-plus we're seeing today. Global gold purchases on the rise. Berlin To Vote On Confiscating Rental Properties From Corporations In a time when ultra-left progressives, socialists and liberals across the US are quietly gathering in corners and testing the public mood with suggestions that the next logical step in the US transformation to a socialist utopia is expropriation of assets, Germany is actively moving toward seizing (read confiscating) rental properties from corporate's only a matter of time before Germany's neo-Marxist initiative jumps the Atlantic and arrives in that progressive, proletariat state of the United States.
How stupid
Jackass Biden Insults and Threatens Americans with losing their jobs and more lockdowns, after insulting the military multiple times, insulting Black people, dissing American holidays, etc... President Biden delivered an address Tuesday to the US intelligence community, but afterwards he was peppered with questions about the national COVID effort by reporters. While he mocked and ridiculed everyone who hasn't gotten the vaccine yet, he told reporters that the White House is weighing a requirement for federal workers. "If you haven't gotten the vaccine by now then you're not nearly as smart as I thought." President Biden, in response to a question about a possible vaccine mandate for Federal employees: "That's under consideration right now, but if you're not vaccinated, you're not nearly as smart as I thought you were." — Ayman Mohyeldin Reports (@AymanMSNBC) July 27, 2021 Biden added that if people get vaccinated and wear masks, it will help avoid lockdowns. But of course that's not true. In reality, measures like the new mask guidance are more likely a prelude to ordering another lockdown, with all the stimulus and federal, Fed-backstopped money printing to convince voters that their only hope is to stick with the Democrats through the midterms...and beyond. White House calls masks 'extra' protection for vaccinated while reiterating 'the vaccines work' Here's another asshole... Charles Barkley: "The only people who are not vaccinated are just assholes" NPR slams Ben Shapiro for drawing huge traffic by… just being conservative Political Free Speech turning illegal in the USA, enforced by politicians... Fuck Biden.
How stupid
Joe Biden, the US Democrats most honorable godhead and hope for all humanity, in addition to clearly being the lying dementia and rage addled parkinsonian geriatric patient, is now also... Hungry for a tasty booger snack while Kamala covers with propaganda mindprogramming bullshit... Biden rolls and eats his boogers Biden rolls and eats his boogers Biden rolls and eats his boogers The head poo flinging monkey in charge... Biden: potty butt brained president Biden: My butt's been wiped left Biden: My butt's been wiped right Biden: DeepFake Poop The highlander... Biden claims various birthdays A douchbag and liar as usual... Biden snaps and lies skynews got censorbanned for telling truth Unfit for office since ever... Biden unfit for office Biden unfit for office, Media Lies
Joe Biden, the US Democrats most honorable godhead and hope for all humanity Hungry for a tasty booger snack
Perhaps Joe is spoonfeeding as he hides alone from the world in his vacation basement with the wrong time clocks... Dementia Patient Joe's Pudding on Face More from the Hunter Biden Family of Fraudulent Clowns...
More from Democrat Covid Mandate Hypocrites, Obama and Tlaib's huge maskless non-social-distanced parties... Radical Squad Leader Rashida Tlaib Parties All Night with 100+ Maskless Friends Rules fines jail and loss of jobs and life for you, not for them.
More from the Hunter Biden Family of Fraudulent Clowns...
Biden White House Self-Censors to Protect Biden... Matt Whitlock tweeted, "Oh my gosh they cut the President's microphone so nobody could hear him answer. That's how worried this White House is about Biden answering questions on Afghanistan." Others decried what seemed like a callous response from the president. White House marks Youtube videos as "unlisted" so that only holders of direct links can view them. Fauci blamed measles outbreak on Hasidic Jews; Orthodox leaders set the record straight White House in chaos struggles to keep Biden on time President Biden is struggling to provide a message of strength and confidence amid international scorn and uncertainty over his handling of the U.S. military drawdown in Afghanistan — showing up late to speeches, refusing to answer reporters' questions, and largely avoiding the White House press corps ever since Taliban insurgents took over the country in a matter of days. Biden's remarks Tuesday from the White House were delayed more than four hours after being rescheduled twice, and the U.S. evacuation effort in Afghanistan was the last topic he addressed after touting his Build Back Better agenda. MEDIA PUMMELING BIDEN FROM LEFT AND RIGHT AS AFGHANISTAN CRISIS DEEPENS "He made us wait a number of hours and then touted a $5 trillion liberal wishlist that will increase greater inflation and transform our country in the worst way possible," House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy fumed during a press briefing Wednesday morning. "The most embarrassing part though, was that he refused to take questions, and he turned his back and walked away — an image that has come to define him and his presidency," McCarthy said. "He turned his back on our own citizens stranded in Afghanistan, he’s turned our back on our allies and partners, he’s turned his back on his duties as commander in chief." Biden has repeatedly defended his plan to withdraw American troops from Afghanistan, while tens of thousands of U.S. citizens, allies and Afghans vulnerable to Taliban reprisal are desperately trying to flee the country through Kabul's airport, which has been surrounded by militants. Biden assured Americans just last month that a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan was not likely and that he trusted "the capacity of the Afghan military." The president largely avoided cameras during the debacle, watching the Aug. 15 fall of Kabul unfold last weekend from the Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland. Three days later, Biden was fiercely criticized after he gave public remarks about COVID-19 and failed to address the situation in Afghanistan or take any questions. He later sat down with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos and said the "chaos" in Kabul was inevitable. It was only the ninth cable news interview of his presidency and the second with Stephanopoulos, placing him far behind his predecessors in terms of TV appearances. On Friday, Biden was nearly an hour late to give remarks further defending his Afghanistan withdrawal. Meanwhile, White House press secretary Jen Psaki had an "out of office" email message for one week starting the same day Kabul collapsed. Vice President Kamala Harris, who previously said she had a key role in Biden’s decision to withdraw from Afghanistan, has also managed to stay relatively silent on the crisis, embarking on her first official visit to Southeast Asia this week. "The president never shies away from taking questions," White House communications director Kate Bedingfield insisted during a Friday appearance on MSNBC. The White House didn't immediately return a request for comment. Joe Biden quoted as having based VP pick Harris on non-qualifications, thus clearly violating workplace law. 8 out of last 8 Biden judge appointments, 0% white males. List counts above may display some non-proportional dis-representative and illegal bias. Courts have levied orders and $Millions in fines and awards for such bias, in areas from policing practices to private sector employment. "Biden, instead of personally atoning offline for his own notably racist history... including both him and his family saying "Nigger" many times, supporting and associating with known racists, signing up 50 years ago to be a lifelong member of America's most historically racist party (the Democrats), supporting racist policies including racial segregation, and so on... Biden appears to be twisting the Nation, forcing "racial jungle" conflicts to erupt, and casting words and ill upon its good people... as proxy remedy for his own personal problems."
No Greater Corrupt than US Democrats... After Clinton's Russia Hoax, two totally bogus impeachments, four plus years of baseless assaults... After the entire Fake News Media Social Networking Big Tech and the Democrats spent an entire year censoring denying deplatforming defunding and refusing to print the Hunter Biden Laptop, thereby DEFRAUDING the American People out of important Election consideration information about the corrupt and compromised Biden family re China, Drugs, Kickback Quid Pro Biz, etc... News Media is now forced to admit the laptops are REAL. Here are three videos, people can search and find more... Scott Perry grills Blinken on FBI and Biden's Laptop Hunter China on Biden Fam's Laptop Hunter Biden Laptop Hunter on someone's fam No, they say, that let alone even the "confirmed and corroborated" bits, that none of it would never compromise Biden, the obviously encumbered raging crying defensive "Big Guy" re his sons. No, they say, the conspiracists never have any truth to anything, all fabricated and nutjob talk. Greenwald Exposes Media Greenwald and Carlson Here is more truth... WAKE THE FUCK UP! And have fun ;)
Corrupt Joe Biden... Biden indicates he pressured emergency room to fast-track a 'good friend'. Biden said he 'wasn't complaining' when he called the hospital. President Joe Biden said Thursday he personally reached out to a hospital the night before to ensure the wife of his "good friend" received immediate care because the "waiting room was so crowded." "Last night, I was on the telephone with a person at an emergency hospital ward in Pennsylvania because a good friend had called, and he had rushed his significant other to the emergency room because this woman was having trouble breathing, had a high fever, and could not catch her breath," Biden said during a speech in Illinois promoting COVID-19 vaccine mandates for businesses. "They got her into the hospital. The waiting room was so crowded, things were so backed up they couldn't even get her to be seen initially. So, because I knew this person, I called. I called the desk receiving nurse and asked what the situation was." "To make long story short, it took a while because all of the – not all – the vast majority of the emergency rooms and docs were occupied taking care of COVID patients," Biden added. "I bet every one of you can name somebody who got sent to the hospital with something other than COVID and couldn't get it taken care of." Biden said that he "wasn’t complaining" when he made the phone call because doctors and nurses working in overcrowded hospitals are "getting the living hell kicked out of them, sometimes physically." According to recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, America is experiencing a decline in daily COVID-19 deaths after a two-month steady increase to mid-September. A seven-day moving average indicates a 12% decline over the last two weeks, from 1,630 on Sept. 21 to 1,428 on Oct. 5, per the latest available figures. Biden and Pelosi... both clearly exhibit brain dysfunction. "For people with dementia, ice cream is far more effective and safe than Prozac, or any other “happy” drug on the market!" Fauci says requiring proof of vaccination or negative test for travel in US “is on the table for discussion.” Hispanic Approval for Biden Crashes to 38 Percent Nicki Minaj Says She Was Locked Out of Twitter Shortly After Sharing Tucker Carlson Clip John Durham Reportedly is Finally Taking Action Immediately Following Rigged California Recall Election, Los Angeles Plans New Vaccine Mandates for Employees; Will require Proof of Vaccination for Outdoor Sporting Events and Bars Another Dirty Socialist: AOC’s ‘Tax the Rich’ Dress Design Appears to Be Stolen From Street Artist That Went Viral on TikTok Joe Biden Forgets Australian Prime Minister’s Name, Refers to Him as “That Fellow Down Under” Former Secretary of Defense Esper Was Reportedly Involved with General Milley In Rogue Calls with China Biden Effect: Taliban Hunt Down Afghan Journalists – Beat Them with Batons, Electrical Cables and Sticks for Covering Women’s Protest Shameful: Dr. Larry Nassar Victimized 70 Little Girls AFTER Dirtbag Chris Wray and FBI Got on the Case Biden Says He Has “Great Confidence in Milley” as Handlers Shoo Away Reporters “We Know What a Coup Looks Like, We Sat Through it for the Last Five Years” – Mark Levin on General Milley’s Likely Treasonous Actions with China “Unprecedented Act of Insubordination” – Trump’s Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller Says He Never Authorized Milley’s China Calls The Biden Effect: Illegal Crossers Top 200,000 for 2nd Straight Month – NOW OVER 1.3 MILLION For The Year; Encounters Have Increased 317% Over Last August ROGER STONE SERVED by DEEP STATE While Speaking on Air with TGP’s JOE HOFT Tony Blinken Lied: Emails Show Biden State Dept. Told Stranded Americans “Arrange Your Own Departure without Assistance from US Government” Secretary of State Blinken Says Only "Some" of the 60,000 Afghans Brought to US Meet the Qualifications For SIV Congressman Paul Gosar Introduces Resolution Requiring Body Cameras Be Worn By House Leadership
Joe Biden and his chosen Admin of Wokester Retards is causing Serious Damage to US ever since Biden Election. Milley's Presence Is Massively Damaging Image-Wise For The US The sense of institutional decay in the global hegemon here is palpable. the risks Milley, who remains in his position, raises in terms of the room for foreign policy misinterpretation and superpower policy missteps has serious analysts --not tweeters-- losing sleep. It’s massively damaging image-wise for the US at a time of an ongoing collapse in the post-WW2 global security architecture, even if none of this is true. Neither Davos nor the Met crowd will much like a world without it once it is gone As the US Internet was swooning over this decadence and heroics/treason, China was announcing a guideline on developing “a more civilized and well-regulated cyberspace environment,” with the stated aim being “to consolidate the guiding status of Marxism in the ideological cyberspace sphere, foster a common ideology among the whole Party and the Chinese people, and interiorize core socialist values.” Christopher Miller the former Pentagon chief said he did not authorize Gen. Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to directly contact China's top military commander Miller said he "as secretary of defense, did not and would not ever authorize" the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to hold "secret" conversations with the Chinese defense chief. In a statement to Fox News, Miller said the alleged calls were a "disgraceful and unprecedented act of insubordination." "The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is the highest-ranking military officer whose sole role is providing military-specific advice to the president, and by law is prohibited from exercising executive authority to command forces," Miller said. "The chain of command runs from the President to the Secretary of Defense, not through the Chairman." The Gala’s unmasked, becostumed attendees, served by helpers wearing masks, displayed domestic and international political disconnect even larger than the inflation rents-OER gap. Deliberately political it was too, with AOC wearing a presumably-expensive “tax the rich” dress at a $50,000 a head soirée... In short, the Met Gala was Davos channelled through fashion. Both Janet Yellen and Joe Biden insisted “enhanced” unemployment benefits weren’t incentivizing people not to work. The numbers prove them wrong. Canada's Conservatives Are Using Soaring Inflation To Help Defeat Trudeau As Liberal PM Justin Trudeau sees his chances of winning another term during the upcoming snap election dwindle, his opponents, the Conservatives, have successfully used Canada's runaway inflation as a cudgel to slam Trudeau and his Liberals for mismanaging the economy. They're calling it "Liberal inflation", and it looks like the term is sticking. 5-Minute-Plus Wait-Time For 911 Calls In Portland Amid Staff Shortages, Efforts To Defund Police Los Angeles County is preparing a revised health order which will require proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test for outdoor events Twenty-seven Republican governors or attorneys general have vowed to fight the latest executive order issued by President Joe Biden mandating that over 80 million private employees receive COVID vaccinations or undergo weekly testing, or their employer will be fined. “When you have a president like Biden issuing unconstitutional edicts against the American people, we have a responsibility to stand up for the Constitution and to fight back, and we are doing that in the state of Florida,” he said. “This is a president who has acknowledged in the past he does not have the authority to force this on anybody, and this order would result potentially in millions of Americans losing their jobs.” OSHA cannot dictate personal health care decisions for Missourians. Missouri is not under an OSHA state plan, and Parson will not allow state employees to be used to enforce this unconstitutional action.” Governors don’t report to Joe Biden. Governors don’t report to the federal government, the states created the federal government, and Joe Biden has stepped out of his reach,” Ducey said. “These mandates are outrageous. They will never stand up in court. We must and will push back.” Joe Biden Admin... Tyrant Mr. Unconstitutional... Biden, the Always Angry Mental Outburst Rager in Chief, MURDERED 10 Afghans in a drone strike, the Media says were innocent civilians. Paul: "You'd Think You'd Know Before You Off Someone With A Predator Drone" Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark A. Milley previously asserting the drone strike took out an "imminent" ISIS-K threat. Joe Biden’s Commerce Secretary has claimed that “nobody is being forced” to get vaccinated, despite last week’s announcement that millions of Americans will be mandated to take the shot in order to go to work. Dictionary: Mandate = Force no such requirement for the illegal immigrants that are being let into this country. Members of Congress and their staffs are exempt from Biden’s new requirements as well. But the rest of us are apparently fair game. Today, my wife walked into a store where the employees were openly talking about how they might soon lose their jobs because of these new mandates. Biden is dragging us into full-blown tyranny, and lots of American citizens are going to lose good jobs because of this. How would you feel if 61.2 percent of your income went to paying taxes? Would that make you angry? Of course it would. But our politicians in Washington have to find some way to pay for their insane spending sprees. The federal government ran a 3 trillion dollar budget deficit last fiscal year, and with one month to go they are on track to do it again this fiscal year. Q: Hi Peter, thanks for taking the time today. I first wanted to ask what you thought about AOC and Rashida Tlaib calling for Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s resignation in favor of a Fed chair focused on climate change and racial justice? I'm no fan of Powell, but such a replacement would be even worse. You can't solve climate change or advance justice by creating inflation, which is the only power the Fed has. Of course inflation can blow asset bubbles, widen wealth inequality, badly distort an economy, and lower living standards, but I don't see how that helps the climate or make anything more just. What is the supposed purpose to the Fed’s objectivity? Why shouldn’t it be involved in these issues? Monetary policy has no effect on these issues. The Fed’s main role should be preserving the purchasing power of the dollar. It's current official role is price stability (now defined as annual inflation above 2%, and full employment , which is impossible to define). Even that is too broad, but adding these other goals would be an even bigger disaster. How politicized do you think the Fed is at this point in time? The Fed is completely politicized. Independence is a sham. All policy is politically, rather than economically, motivated. Also the Fed is not partisan. It works to help reelect whatever party holds the White House. Just days after season ticket holders coughed up thousands of dollars, a poorly timed announcement by the Buffalo Bills told fans that proof of COVID vaccination would be required to attend games Legit question - what about players who won't get vaxxed? They still allowed into the stadium? Policy Makers Scramble To Tame Soaring Food Inflation As Unrest Looms The mRNA ‘vaccine’ doesn’t stop infection, nor does it stop the spread of the virus. A fully vaccinated person can catch the virus and spread it to others. Quick reminder from 2015... We need to start asking who Milley works for. — Jesse R. Binnall ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ (@jbinnall) September 15, 2021 As @JackBeTrader so correctly noted: "if he doesn't deny the conversation as it was reported, then it's an admission." He didn't deny it... QED. With 4 star generals who call our enemies and promise not to follow the commander-in-chief's orders, China doesn't even need an illegitimate president compromised by bribes and blackmails. And finally, you know it's bad when... If this is true GEN Milley must resign. He usurped civilian authority, broke Chain of Command, and violated the sacrosanct principle of civilian control over the military. It’s an extremely dangerous precedent. You can’t simply walk away from that. #dotherightthingintherightway — Alexander S. Vindman (@AVindman) September 14, 2021 It takes a traitor to know a traitor. * * * As's Daniel Davis asked (and answered) should General Milley be relieve of duty? The Washington Post published a bombshell report on Tuesday that claims the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark A. Milley, took it upon himself to reach out to our greatest potential rival, China, and offer to give them advance warning of U.S. military action directed against them. Though far from the only violation of Milley’s oath of office revealed in the article, that is enough to warrant the president immediately relieving Milley of duty. The Post article provided excerpts ahead of the release of the upcoming book “Peril” by Bob Woodard and Robert Costa chronicling the final act of the Trump presidency and the first six months of the Biden Administration. The most explosive revelation from the excerpt was the claim that Milley bypassed the White House and took it on his own to engage with the commanding general of the Chinese military. According to Woodward and Costa, Milley feared China might believe Trump would order the United States to attack. Instead of voicing concerns to the President, instead recommending actions that might assuage Beijing of such fears, Milley took matters into his own hands. He called – without the knowledge of the president or Secretary of State – the commanding general of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. According to Woodward and Costa, Milley told his counterpart, “General Li, you and I have known each other for now five years. If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. It’s not going to be a surprise.” For those who don’t like Trump thought his policy judgment was flawed, Milley could come across as a hero, as one who protected the country from an awful fate. That would be shortsighted, however, and miss the true danger of allowing generals to take such powers upon themselves. First, to the point itself, there is no evidence presented that Trump intended, much less took action to engage in a war with China, only that Milley was afraid he might. Thus, the Chairman took action by talking to our chief adversary for something that would never have happened. Secondly, once a precedent has been set whereby a general or senior ranking official can get away with going rogue in defiance of a president, there is no going back – and would not be limited to one political party. Take a scenario related to the issue of Taiwan, for example. Within the U.S. military and foreign policy establishment, there are roughly two schools of thought on the possibility that China might make good on its threat to unify the island by force. One is that Washington should actually give security guarantees to Taipei and defend them at all costs if China attacks. The other argues that fighting China over Taiwan is foolish, that the U.S. likely couldn’t win a war near China’s borders, and that in a worst-case scenario, the war could turn nuclear, killing millions of Americans. If Beijing does the unthinkable and does attack, Biden would be faced with a horrible dilemma. Make good on the implied commitment to defend Taiwan and risk a nuclear war, or allow China to successfully take Taiwan, giving some the impression of American weakness. Whichever choice Biden made, he would be guaranteed to have fierce opponents at the highest levels of the Pentagon to his decision. Woodward and Costa claim that Milley took action because it was “a good-faith precaution,” to ensure there was, “no accidental war with China or others, and no use of nuclear weapons.” If Biden chose to go to war with China over Taiwan, what is to prevent Milley – or any of the other high-ranking generals who have the same strongly-held views – from again acting on his “good faith” belief that he has to prevent war with China and actively subverts the president’s decision? Chillingly, even that might not be the worst outcome. The idea of a military coup in America has always been considered so improbable that few would ever take the threat seriously. But acts like these Milley has taken move us dangerously close to a place where some officers in the future might consider it. They would, no doubt, be acting in what they believe to be the best interests of the country, regarding the decisions of a civilian president as representing a danger to the nation, and seize control by removing the president from power. We fool ourselves if we don’t think that could happen in America. If we allow this continued insubordination of our top military leaders against our duly elected civilian leaders – regardless of whether we agree or strongly oppose any given policy – to succeed, we run the risk of paralyzing our government in a moment of crisis or one day suffering a coup. To forestall that possibility, we need to stop this trend dead in its tracks now. Milley must be relieved of duty. Today. Finally, I would like to speak to Joe Biden directly, since Joe was so keen on personally addressing us: Joe, let me clarify this in the simplest terms possible so that you can grasp it – You are not important. You are not a lawmaker and you are not a ruler, you are an employee of the American people, that is all your are supposed to be. And though you may wish to be a dictator, that’s not going to happen. We will not allow it. I realize that you are a puppet and that your globalist handlers make most of your decisions and write most of your statements for you, so you can pass this message on to them as well: WE WILL NOT COMPLY. It’s not going to happen. Get used to the idea. We are peaceful people and always have been. Our tolerance of your trespasses thus far is proof of that. But do not mistake our peacefulness as weakness. If you keep coming after us, you will regret it. We will teach you an important lesson in humility; a lesson you and your elitist friends sorely need and will not enjoy. This is a promise.
No Greater Hypocrites than US Democrats...
Another Dirty Socialist: AOC’s ‘Tax the Rich’ Dress Design Appears to Be Stolen From Street Artist That Went Viral on TikTok
Recent "Donors" Dinner: $500,000 a table, $50,000 a plate
The Gala’s unmasked, becostumed attendees, served by helpers wearing masks, displayed domestic and international political disconnect even larger than the inflation rents-OER gap. Deliberately political it was too, with AOC wearing a presumably-expensive “tax the rich” dress at a $50,000 a head soirée... In short, the Met Gala was Davos channelled through fashion.
A Mask-Free AOC and Her Boyfriend Attended to by a Team of Masked Servants Champagne_Socialists_-_AOC_BF_Unmasked_Attended_To_By_Masked_Servants... AOC hypocrite, broken AOC hypocrite, works by Glenn Greenwald In newly released video footage from Vogue, the socialist Congresswoman and her boyfriend are attended to as if they are the the Prince and Princess of Wales. Somehow, The Science of COVID permits them to be mask-free indoors while their servants must have their faces covered with cloth.
Shameful: Dr. Larry Nassar Victimized 70 Little Girls AFTER Dirtbag Chris Wray and FBI Got on the Case
'Nasser Was Not An Outlier' - Exposing The FBI's Incurable Rot The incurable incompetence, corruption, and moral rot of the Federal Bureau of Investigation was on full display last week. Within a 24-hour period, some of America’s toughest female athletes recounted to a Senate committee their painful tales of how the FBI ignored evidence that team doctor Larry Nassar was a sexual predator, and a powerful attorney who colluded with the FBI to concoct one of the most animating chapters of the Trump-Russia collusion fiction was indicted for lying to federal officials. Overlap in the two cases is more than ironic, it’s illustrative: Michael Sussman, a lawyer for Perkins Coie, the law firm that was working on behalf of the Hillary Clinton campaign, met with the FBI’s general counsel in September 2016 to plant a false story about Donald Trump’s financial ties to a Russian bank. That same month, the Indianapolis Star broke the story of how Nassar, the longtime physician for the USA Gymnastics team, had sexually abused several female gymnasts. One victim filed a lawsuit after the FBI refused to investigate complaints made to at least two FBI field offices in 2015 and 2016. But the FBI at that time was too preoccupied with protecting Hillary Clinton to deal with a monster who had systematically raped nearly 300 female American athletes. (As Lee Smith recently noted, the FBI “has been used for a quarter of a century as the place to clean up the Clintons’ dirt.”) Months before the 2016 presidential election, the FBI, led by James Comey, used its unchecked authority to sabotage Donald Trump. Meanwhile, elite American athletes, including Olympic gold medalists, could not get the bureau’s attention while a sexual abuser continued his rampage. Local FBI agents passed the buck and allegedly falsified reports; one agent reportedly tried to shake down a USA Gymnastics official for a job with the organization. The FBI’s political game-playing came with irreversible human cost. According to an analysis by the New York Times, at least 40 women and girls, including some of the youngest victims, were assaulted by Nassar between July 2015, the first contact with the FBI, and September 2016. Had the Star not published its exposé of Nassar that month, which finally prompted some action by the FBI, who knows how long his depraved predation would have continued? “If they’re not going to protect me, I want to know, who are they trying to protect?” McKayla Maroney, a two-time Olympic medalist and one of Nassar’s most frequent victims, asked the Senate Judiciary Committee on September 15. Maroney may or may not be surprised to learn the agency assigned with protecting the most vulnerable is actually in the business of protecting the most powerful. Nasser Was Not an Outlier FBI Director Christopher Wray, hired by President Trump in 2017, publicly apologized. The “fundamental errors” made in the Nassar case, Wray told the judiciary committee, would not happen again as long as he’s head of the agency. “I want to make sure the American people know that the reprehensible conduct . . . is not representative of the work that I see from our 37,000 folks every day.” The rank-and-file, Wray insisted, perform their jobs with “uncompromising integrity.” But Wray is wrong to claim that the Nassar case is an outlier. From the top of the command chain down, the FBI has trashed its reputation through a series of scandals. It’s not just the alarming texts between spousal cheats Peter Strzok and Lisa Page; the ambush of Lt. General Michael Flynn in the White House; Comey’s use of the shady Steele dossier to set up Donald Trump; or Andrew McCabe’s lies to his own FBI investigators. It’s not just the other set of “errors”—17 to be exact—found in the FBI’s four unlawful FISA applications on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. Or the official email doctored by a top FBI lawyer cited as evidence on one of the applications. Or the fact that no one in the agency has gone to jail for perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in history on the American people. As seen in the alleged plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, lowlifes populate the FBI’s rank-and-file. Richard Trask, the special agent in charge of the investigation, was arrested in July for physically assaulting and choking his wife after attending a swinger’s party. Trask was fired this month; he faces numerous criminal charges. Prosecutors decided not to use Trask as a witness after his social media account revealed numerous anti-Trump posts, including calling the president a “piece of shit.” Defense attorneys in the Whitmer case asked the judge to delay trial for 90 days as they investigate the conduct of at least a dozen other FBI agents involved in the conspiracy. The FBI gave one informant $24,000 and a new car for his services. Wray brags that every FBI field office is participating in the Justice Department’s “unprecedented” investigation into the breach of the Capitol. But reports of how his agents have handled more than 600 arrests do little to support Wray’s assurances of professional “integrity.” Defendants have been subjected to pre-dawn raids conducted by dozens of armed agents using military-style vehicles. I spoke with the spouse of one defendant who told me agents interrogated her about what cable news channel she watched, her views on illegal immigrantion, and who she voted for in 2020. The FBI raided the home of an Alaska couple then handcuffed and interrogated them in separate rooms for hours until investigators realized they had the wrong suspects. A 69-year-old man in New York City suffered a heart attack as FBI agents raided his apartment with a television news crew standing by; the man never was charged. FBI agents arrested a Florida man in front of his wife and young daughter, who asked why officers were “locking daddy’s hands.” Casey Cusick was charged only with misdemeanors for entering the Capitol on January 6. Agents seized as evidence a Lego set of the Capitol building during the raid of Robert Morss, an Army ranger with three tours in Afghanistan. Far from nefarious intent, Morss had the Lego set to use with his students as a substitute high school history teacher. (He was fired after his arrest.) And those are just a few stories. No Accountability Wray picked up where Comey left off, allowing his agency to be part of Democratic Party political spin. He recently issued a “threat assessment” on QAnon and disclosed that the FBI so far has arrested at least 20 “self-styled QAnon adherents” related to the Capitol breach investigation. Wray designated January 6 as an act of “domestic terror” and his agency regularly tweets out the faces of “most wanted” Trump supporters who were at the Capitol on January 6. Infuriatingly, Wray fired only one agent involved in the Nassar fiasco—and the man was fired the week before the Senate hearing, six years after he first interviewed Maroney. “Someone perhaps more cynical than I would conclude it was this hearing here staring the FBI in the face that prompted that action,” Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) said to Wray. But what ails the FBI cannot be solved with a few firings. It cannot be solved with more congressional oversight or threats to cut federal funding. The moral rot that infects the agency from top to bottom renders the agency unsalvageable. “This conduct by these FBI agents . . . who are expected to protect the public is unacceptable, disgusting, and shameful,” Maggie Nichols, the gymnast who first reported Nassar’s crimes to the FBI, told the committee. Her description, however, applies to the entire FBI—an institution with no shame, no remorse, and no accountability. There’s no fix for that.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, the most utterly incompetent, ineffective, disliked, braindead, laughed at and mocked duo of clowns in American Presidency since forever. Trifling Democrats now being forced to eat their own shit, starting with time and huge money wasted on their stupid policies in woke leftist fail world, Corona backlash, and now... Damning pic of a feeble leader. President Joe Biden looked as feeble as ever while he sat helplessly in a conference room at Camp David as Kabul fell to the Taliban. Biden won't talk Afghanistan amid chaos, instead pushes COVID vaccines. Where's Kamala? 'Last person in room' Harris silent 6 days amid Afghan pullout chaos. While the opposition forces giving more press conferences, making more deals, than US "leadership" in their holiday head in sand bunkers are.
Idiot Biden Censors Military Hardware Lost to Afghanistan to make himself look good... More money stolen from you squandered and lost by Govts, and Biden the "I've been stealing from you all my 50 years in Govt, and wasting it all"... Quantifying The "Staggering Costs" Of US Military Equipment Left Behind In Afghanistan In a letter to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, the lawmakers said they were "horrified" to see photos of Taliban militants taking hold of military equipment, including Black Hawk helicopters. "It is unconscionable that high-tech military equipment paid for by U.S. taxpayers has fallen into the hands of the Taliban and their terrorist allies," the lawmakers said in the letter. "Securing U.S. assets should have been among the top priorities for the U.S. Department of Defense prior to announcing the withdrawal from Afghanistan." Not helping transparency, the Biden Administration is now hiding key audits on Afghan military equipment. This week, our auditors at reposted two key reports on the U.S. war chest of military gear in Afghanistan that had disappeared from federal websites. #1. Government Accountability Office (GAO) audit of U.S. provided military gear in Afghanistan (August 2017): reposted report (dead link: report). #2. Special Inspector General For Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) audit of $174 million in lost ScanEagle drones (July 2020): reposted report (dead link: report). U.S. taxpayers paid for these audits and the U.S.-provided equipment and should be able to follow the money. New Report Finds US Has Spent Over $2.3 Trillion On Afghanistan War Authored by Dave DeCamp via, Brown University’s Costs of War project released an updated report Wednesday on US spending for the war in Afghanistan. The report found that since the 2001 invasion, Washington has sunk over $2.3 trillion into the war. The spending includes operations in both Afghanistan and Pakistan and is broken down into five categories. The biggest chunk is the Defense Department’s budget for the war, which is just over $1 trillion. The State Department’s war budget adds another $60 billion. War-related Increases to the Pentagon budget account for $433 billion. Estimated interest payments on war borrowing accounts for $532 billion, and spending on care for veterans of the war adds up to $233 billion. Costs of War did not account for future interest payments or future spending on lifelong care for veterans, so the total will still increase even after the US completes its military withdrawal from Afghanistan. Costs of War released its last Afghanistan update in April 2021. At the time, the project estimated the war cost $2.26 trillion. The project also tracks casualties of the war. As of April, Costs of War estimates up to 241,000 people were killed in the war in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Out of the 241,000 people killed, 71,344 were civilians, including 47,245 in Afghanistan and 24,099 in Pakistan. The numbers do not account for indirect deaths due to conditions caused by the war, like loss of access to food, disease, or infrastructure damage. The Taliban take over of Afghanistan and the swift collapse of the US-backed government shows that the massive amount of spending was for nothing, except to line the pockets of US defense contractors.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, the most utterly incompetent, ineffective, disliked, braindead, laughed at and mocked duo of clowns in American Presidency since forever.
"Nobody should underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up. -- Barack Obama” We Are Witnessing Incompetence On A Colossal Scale Throughout Our Society These days, it is a surprise when someone actually does something competently. It is often said that if you want something done right you have got to do it yourself, and today that is more true than ever. Just think about it. How often have you had a delivery delayed or messed up? How often have you had someone supposedly “fix” something but it isn’t actually fixed? How often have you purchased something that breaks shortly thereafter? And don’t even get me started on the complete and utter incompetence that we see in the tech industry. How hard could it possibly be to release a piece of software that is not riddled with all sorts of nightmarish bugs that need to be “patched” as soon as possible? Sadly, in our upside down society some of the most incompetent people that you can imagine end up running entire organizations, and if you are particularly corrupt and useless you may get to be a politician. By now, you are probably thinking that I am going to talk about Joe Biden in this article, and you are right. In this era of extreme incompetence, it somehow seems appropriate that sleepy Joe is presiding over our “idiocracy”. Barack Obama knew that this could happen. According to Politico, he once said that nobody should “underestimate Joe’s ability to **** things up”. Everything that Biden touches seems to turn into a failure. Just look at the crisis on the border. It is the worst that it has ever been in our entire history, and we are being told that “morale is in the toilet” among our Border Patrol agents… “Morale is in the toilet,” Jon Anfinsen, a spokesman for the Border Patrol’s union, told the Washington Examiner. “Morale is low because agents aren’t allowed to do their job — if our job is to be out patrolling the border in between the ports of entry and actively searching for people who have crossed illegally, but we’re not allowed to go do that job, it basically creates this defeated feeling in everyone.” Thanks to Biden’s wonderful new policies, our Border Patrol agents have their hands tied and are not able to do their jobs, and as a result many of them show up to work “sort of downtrodden, almost dead inside”… “Everyone shows up to work sort of downtrodden, almost dead inside, for lack of a better term,” Anfinsen stated. “They’re not allowed to [do] the job, and they know that people are getting away every single day, every hour.” Of course it isn’t just on the border where Biden is completely and utterly failing. He is doing such a “great job” with the economy that the term “Bidenflation” has been coined less than a year into his presidency. And his response to the COVID pandemic has been a nightmare of historic proportions. If I were to tell you how I really feel about the decisions that he has been making during this pandemic, I would get censored into oblivion by the social media companies. Right now, what everyone is talking about is how incompetent the Biden administration has been in handling the situation in Afghanistan. The fall of Saigon in 1975 and the Iranian hostage crisis during the Carter administration both made America look really weak, but we have never seen anything like the debacle at the airport in Kabul. The “terrorists” that we went it to destroy in 2001 now have us surrounded and cornered in half an airport, and there are still countless numbers of people that can’t get to the evacuation planes. In fact, staff members that worked at the U.S. Embassy in Kabul feel like they have been completely betrayed by our government at this point… Local staff members at the U.S. Embassy in Kabul are “deeply disheartened” by U.S. evacuation efforts and have expressed a sense of betrayal and distrust in the U.S. government, according to a State Department diplomatic cable obtained by NBC News. The cable, which was sent Saturday, said memos were sent Wednesday inviting Afghan staff members at the embassy to head to Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul. It told them to take food and to prepare for difficult conditions. When staffers went to the airport in response to that cable, they quickly found themselves in the middle of a nightmare… Staffers reported being jostled, hit, spat on and cursed at by Taliban fighters at checkpoints near the airport, it said, adding that criminals were taking advantage of the chaos while the U.S. military tried to maintain order “in an extremely physical situation.” Some staff members reported that they were almost separated from their children, while others collapsed in a crush of people and had to be taken to hospitals with injuries, the cable said. Others said they had collapsed on the road because of heat exhaustion, it said. British forces have been leaving the airport and bringing back people that need to be evacuated, but for some reason the U.S. hasn’t done the same thing. There are still thousands of Americans inside the country, and time is running out, because the Taliban won’t move the August 31 deadline… The White House repeatedly refused to address the Taliban’s August 31 deadline to get US troops out of Afghanistan on Monday, dodging questions on the subject and snapping at reporters who asked how the government planned to save the remaining Americans stuck in Kabul. The Taliban’s spokesman issued the sternest threat yet to Biden on Monday morning, saying there will be ‘consequences’ if US troops – who are holed up at the airport in Kabul evacuating tens of thousands of people and fending off an increasingly desperate crowd – don’t leave in the next eight days. Biden should immediately resign, but he will never do that. Of course there are others that also should share in the blame. Just like much of the rest of our society, the brass at the Pentagon has been getting increasingly incompetent over the years, but up until recently it hasn’t been talked about too much. But now that our failures in Afghanistan have been exposed for the whole world to see, the mainstream media is having a field day mocking them. For example, the following comes from the New York Post… To the surprise of only the Biden administration and its top brass, the Taliban retook control of Afghanistan last week after 20 years of frivolous American adventurism. It was a spectacular failure of American diplomacy, statecraft, intelligence and, most of all, military capability. In short, mission very much not accomplished. But that’s pretty much standard operating procedure for the nearly useless behemoth called the Pentagon, which hasn’t won a war since the kinder, gentler American government changed its name from the War Department to the Defense Department shortly after World War II. So why don’t any of our top military officials ever get fired? As Darren Beattie has pointed out, NFL head coaches are held to a much higher standard than our generals and admirals are… Is the head coach always the problem with a bad NFL team? Obviously not. But a head coach is the highly-compensated captain of a $200 million operation, and his job is to win. Coaches who don’t win get fired, because being a perpetual, complacent loser is unacceptable. The ongoing collapse of the U.S.-backed regime in Afghanistan is the geopolitical equivalent of an NFL team going 0-16 twenty seasons in a row. Perhaps it’s worse than that, in fact. The Afghanistan disaster is the equivalent of an NFL All-Pro team taking on a Division III liberal arts college, being shut out, and then crashing the team bus into a ditch. If we were to start holding military officials accountable for their performance, firing Mark Milley would be a really good start. I have absolutely no idea how someone like that got to be the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Personally, I would not even trust him to mop the floors of the local Dairy Queen. What is even more tragic is that millions upon millions of Americans unquestionably accept whatever our incompetent leaders tell them to believe without taking the time and effort to think for themselves and come to their own conclusions. The blind are truly leading the blind, and we are steamrolling down a highway that doesn’t lead anywhere good. Every great society throughout history has crumbled eventually, and now our society is crumbling too. I suppose that it was probably inevitable, but do we really have to look so completely and utterly incompetent in the process?
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, the most utterly incompetent, ineffective, disliked, braindead, laughed at and mocked duo of clowns in American Presidency since forever.
"Nobody should underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up. -- Barack Obama”
We Are Witnessing Incompetence On A Colossal Scale Throughout Our Society
Milley, the Woke General who at the request of Biden spends more time wanking off to the new perverts in his barracks than running the Military, who conspired to murder 10 innocent Afghans, is now taking orders from China, and Biden "Mr. 10% for the Big Guy" approves... Milley's Calls To Chinese General Could Have Jeopardized US National Security: Former Military Officials Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, could have jeopardized the national security of the United States in allegedly secret calls to Gen. Li Zuocheng of China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA), according to former U.S. military officers. Milley also overstepped his own authority while allegedly discussing the launch of nuclear weapons with senior military officials, they say. Endangering National Security According to a new book titled, “Peril,” Milley called Li once in October 2020 and another time on Jan. 8 to assure him that the United States wouldn’t attack the Chinese Communist Party, and if it was poised to attack, he would alert his counterpart. “General Li, you and I have known each other for now five years. If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. It’s not going to be a surprise,” Milley reportedly said. Milley made those calls, the book has alleged, because he was fearful that then-President Donald Trump would carry out military action during the waning days of his presidency. Some U.S. lawmakers have described Milley’s actions as treasonous, saying the general overstepped his authority, and have called for President Joe Biden to fire Milley. Biden, in response, has backed the general. Retired U.S. Navy Cmdr. Kirk Lippold, who was the commanding officer of the USS Cole when it was attacked by al-Qaeda terrorists in 2000, said he was incredibly concerned about Milley’s allegedly secret conversations with Li. That the nation’s top military officer has not denied any of the allegations, but defended his conversations, has shocked Lippold, who told The Epoch Times, “Milley may have purposefully—or inadvertently—created a window of strategic vulnerability.” Milley has since described the calls as “routine” and “perfectly within the duties and responsibilities” of his job. As chairman, Milley is the top military adviser to the president and to the defense secretary. Lippold said the call to Li could have easily called into question “America’s resolve and willingness” to safeguard itself and ensure its survival. The smallest misinterpretation could cause the Chinese regime to believe aggression from the communist-led country would be “met with acquiescence or acceptance from the United States rather than military action and resolve,” Lippold warned. Having served as a member of the War on Terrorism Division of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Lippold said that Milley’s call could have “given the Chinese government the impression that the United States was hesitant or, at worst case, unwilling to use nuclear weapons to ensure our national survival.” According to the new book, Milley on Jan. 8 also conveyed instructions to senior military officials not to take orders regarding military strikes or launching nuclear weapons from anyone without the chairman’s approval. According to Lippold, it is far outside Milley’s normal chain of command to engage in a conversation about nuclear engagements. Robert Maginnis, a retired U.S. Army Lt. Colonel and Pentagon analyst agreed, saying, “The chairman is little more than a presidential military adviser, who is prohibited by law from exercising executive authority and does not have nuclear release authority.” “Milley commands nothing,” Maginnis added. China’s Growing Nuclear Capabilities The risks posed by Milley’s calls with Li are heightened given that China is a nuclear-capable nation, according to Lippold. The repercussions of such revelations could have an effect on “the very survival of the United States,” he said. Nations possess nuclear weapons because their respective governments view them as “the ultimate guarantor of that nation’s survival,” Lippold pointed out. Since World War Two, nuclear weapons have served as a deterrent for wide-scale global conflict. China’s DF-41 nuclear-capable intercontinental ballistic missiles are seen during a military parade at Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China, on Oct. 1, 2019. (Greg Baker/AFP via Getty Images) “The conversation undermined U.S. military credibility and capability by undermining the deterrent effect of U.S. firepower, both conventional and nuclear, that provides for the security of the nation,” he said. According to Lippold, it is unconscionable for the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to speak about U.S. military readiness with the top military officer of another nuclear-capable nation, particularly “one that has expansive goals in mind, both regionally and globally.” The Chinese regime, Lippold said, is “going out of their way to modernize their nuclear triad across the board,” which includes the building up of land-based intercontinental ballistic missile, submarine-launched ballistic missile, and strategic bomber capability. Lippold called for a thorough accounting of the precise words of Milley’s conversations. “These types of phone calls are usually very tightly controlled, so there must be an investigation initiated by Congress to get a full accounting of exactly what was said during the course of the conversation,” he said. “If he intimated or indicated to the head of the PLA what the United States actions or intents might be,” Lippold said, “that would prove to be a very dangerous road to tread down.” This would amount to a “huge breach of trust,” indicating that Milley is not fit to serve in his role as the principal adviser to the Secretary of Defense and president, Lippold said. If this is found to be the case, then Milley should have the “moral integrity to lay his stars on the table” and resign, he added. Accountability The Joint Chiefs of Staff, which Milley chairs, said in a statement last week that Milley regularly talks with counterparts around the world, including counterparts in China and Russia. “His calls with the Chinese and others in October and January were in keeping with these duties and responsibilities conveying reassurance in order to maintain strategic stability,” a spokesman for the group said. “All calls from the Chairman to his counterparts, including those reported, are staffed, coordinated and communicated with the Department of Defense and the interagency.” Trump and other former White House and Defense officials, however, have said they were not informed of the calls. “The fact that the acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller was not informed of the call—nor was his staff—indicates that the general had an agenda behind this phone call that was purposefully designed to mislead, or flat out not inform, the chain-of-command of what he was doing and thinking,” Lippold said. For Milley not to inform his superiors of the calls was “out of the norm” and “completely unprecedented,” according to Lippold. “His chain-of-command should have known everything about these calls—when they were going to be made, what was going to be discussed, and how he was going to frame his words.” Lippold believes that Milley is “banking on the fact that the American people and Congress do not understand how these types of conversations are conducted.” “Milley should not be able to have these conversations, couch them in the way he did, calling them ‘perfectly within the duties and responsibilities’ of his job, and get away with it,” he added. Maginnis said, “If this entire series of events hold true, it is arguably the closest the United States has come to a military coup—and elected leaders must not rest until the country gets answers and all those involved are held to account.” Milley is expected to appear before a Senate Armed Services Committee on Sept. 28 to speak about Afghanistan, but it is expected he will be forced to field questions under oath about the reports from the book. “Nothing can be more important than knowing whether or not a top military official committed treason and tried to take control of America’s nuclear arsenal from the former president of the United States,” Maginnis said.
Biden the Lying Revenge Murderer, and Military Wokeness... Tense Exchange As Tom Cotton Asks Gen. Milley: "Why Haven't You Resigned?" US CentCom Commander Gen. Mark Milley got into a testy exchange with Republican Sen. Tom Cotton over the botched Afghan withdrawal and evacuation in Congressional testimony on Tuesday. He appeared to undercut President Biden, who previously told ABC News' George Stephanopoulos that "no one" that he "can recall" advised in favor of keeping a few thousand-strong force inside Afghanistan to ensure there'd be no rapid collapse or attacks on Americans. "I can only conclude your advice about staying in Afghanistan was rejected," Cotton began in his questioning. But things really got tense when Cotton questioned, "If all this is true General Milley then why haven't you resigned?" Wow. Exchange between Gen. Milley & Sen Cotton on why he hasn’t resigned re #Afghanistan “President doesn't have to agree w advice just because we're Generals..This country doesn't want Generals to figure out which orders we're going to follow or not..” — Joyce Karam (@Joyce_Karam) September 28, 2021 "It's a political act if I'm resigning in protest," Milley began his response. "My job is to provide advice.. to provide the best military advice to the president, and that's my legal requirement - that's what the law is." "This country doesn't want generals figuring out what orders we are going to accept and do or not," Milley emphasized. He added that "on a personal note"... "My dad didn't get a choice to resign at Iwo Jima. Those kids at Abbey Gate didn't get a chance to resign." "I'm not gonna turn my back on them. They can't resign so I'm not going to resign," he added. "If the orders are illegal, then we're in a different place." Last month, Joe Biden claimed that no military leader advised him to leave a small troop presence in Afghanistan. Today, General Milley and General McKenzie both confirmed their recommendation that 2,500 U.S. troops remain in Afghanistan. Which is it? — Tom Cotton (@SenTomCotton) September 28, 2021 While the explanation of a top commander's duties and the Constitution's laying out elected civilian control of the armed forces are certainly accurate, the whole exchange does bring up the question of accountability. It remains that now a month out, there's been no accountability whatsoever for the series of bungled actions which in the end resulted in the deaths of 13 American troops and over 60 Afghan civilians. WOW! Biden said no senior military leadership advised him to leave a troop presence in Afghanistan. (Cotton) Milley & McKenzie confirm they wanted a troop presence. Austin said their advice was “received & considered, for sure.” Biden has some questions to answer! — Kayleigh McEnany (@kayleighmcenany) September 28, 2021 There's also been zero accountability for the drone strike targeting a misidentified "ISIS-K terrorist" - which ended up being a local humanitarian aid worker. In total the strike killed 10 civilians, including up to 7 children. So far there's not been so much as a single formal reprimand or demotion over the Aug.29 drone strike within either the Biden administration or military ranks. This despite the Pentagon since openly admitting that the drone operation was a "mistake".
Biden Admin now failed and untrusted, all job approval metrics are tanking fast... At this rate, Biden's approval may even fall below the largely Dem-oversampled polls that delivered Donald Trump's dismal approval ratings. A stunning 38% net swing toward pessimism among citizens in just weeks, per ABC poll. Seems the Biden Inflation Spike, combined with cessation of “stimmy” checks, plus an out of control border…all suddenly put America in a very sour mood. — Steve Cortes (@CortesSteve) July 25, 2021 Americans' trust in President Biden continues to slide, according to the latest Axios/Ipsos Coronavirus Index. The poll found that fewer than half of the respondents trust the president regarding accurate information about COVID-19, a 13-percentage decline since his inauguration in January. Axios/Ipsos found trust in President Biden, the federal government and the mainstream media to deliver accurate information about the virus pandemic slumped in tandem with no end in sight. Only 45% of respondents said they trust the president to provide accurate information about the virus, down from 58% in January. The result of this poll is exemplified in Biden's outlandish comment on Monday about pre-pandemic life can only return if 97% of Americans are vaccinated. Compared with rating earlier this year, Biden is losing trust among Democrats (an 11-percentage point decline to 81% trust a great deal or fair amount) and Republicans (a 10-point drop to 11%). He has experienced the most significant decline in confidence among independents (a 17-point decline to 42%). Similarly, less than half of Americans (49%) trust the federal government to provide accurate COVID-19 information, down from 54% earlier this month. "Delta and other issues have undermined the public's perception," Cliff Young, president of Ipsos public affairs, told Axios. He said that no clear resolution to ending the pandemic is the main contributor to the decline in trust. What's not helping with regaining trust is the administration's sweeping new federal vaccine mandate for 100 million Americans (with no discussion of natural immunity), many of which are private-sector employees as well as health care workers and federal contractors. People across the country, if they're in health care or law enforcement, among others, are walking off the job in droves because of the mandate. The survey was taken with a little more than 1,100 adults between Sept. 24–27 and has a margin of error of 3.2 percentage points. These findings are a big concern for the Democratic president and his party ahead of the 2022 midterms. It appears Biden's honeymoon period is over, and the first real glimpse of this was in late July when a Gallup opinion poll found his approval ratings were slipping. Compound the botched exit of Afghanistan, Mexico–US border crisis, and soaring food, gas, and rent prices, the president's ratings continue to tumble. Meanwhile, former President Trump received a healthy boost in support following the Republican National Convention last month.
Biden Admin and Dems approval ratings, in every area of public confidence and competence, sinking like Titanic... President Biden Sees Lowest Approval Ratings Yet As Less Than Half Of Americans See Him As "Honest" President Biden's latest poll numbers are some of his worst yet. According to the latest Quinnipiac University poll, President Biden has just received his lowest approval rating on his job performance since his inauguration. The approval rating of just 38% is down from 42% during the previous poll three weeks ago. As far as the partisan breakdown, a whopping 94% of Republicans disapprove of the job President Biden is doing, while 60% of independents disapprove. However, Democrats are still largely satisfied with Biden's job performance, with 80% approval. Per the press release put out by QU, Biden received double-digit negative scores in all but one key issue when Americans were asked about his handling of: The response to the coronavirus: 48 percent approve, while 50 percent disapprove The economy: 39 percent approve, while 55 percent disapprove His job as Commander in Chief of the U.S. military: 37 percent approve, while 58 percent disapprove; Taxes: 37 percent approve, while 54 percent disapprove Foreign policy: 34 percent approve, while 58 percent disapprove Immigration issues: 25 percent approve, while 67 percent disapprove The situation at the Mexican border: 23 percent approve, while 67 percent disapprove And when it comes to character traits, fewer than half of respondents said they believed Biden was "honest". Cares about average Americans: 49 percent say yes, while 48 percent say no, compared to 58 - 37 percent yes in April Is honest: 44 percent say yes, while 50 percent say no, compared to 51 - 42 percent yes in April Has good leadership skills: 41 percent say yes, while 56 percent say no, compared to 52 - 44 percent yes in April Meanwhile, more than half of respondents (55%) said they believe the Biden Administration is not competent at running the government. "Battered on trust, doubted on leadership, and challenged on overall competency, President Biden is being hammered on all sides as his approval rating continues its downward slide to a number not seen since the tough scrutiny of the Trump administration," said QU analyst Tim Malloy. On the subject of Afghanistan, only 3 in 10 respondents said they think the US did "the right thing" by withdrawing all troops from Afghanistan, while 50% think the US should have withdrawn some, but not all, troops. "Though the troops are gone, America's longest war still gnaws at the country. Weary of the seemingly endless conflict but wary of what was left behind, the majority of people still see boots on the ground as the firewall between a country in the grip of Western hating factions and the rest of the world," And he also received remarkably low marks on the economy, which was always a strong point for Biden's chief political rival, former President Trump. Roughly one-quarter of Americans (28 percent) say they are either very satisfied (5 percent) or somewhat satisfied (23 percent) with the way things are going in the nation today. Close to three-quarters (72 percent) of Americans say they are either somewhat dissatisfied (24 percent) or very dissatisfied (48 percent) with the way things are going in the nation today. Those levels are largely unchanged from September. Somehow, we suspect the Democrats' latest can-kick in Congress won't help Carlson: Who's in charge?
From fake teleprompted prop sets of the White House, to "not knowing" about France, to the Deep State, to extreme actions for a boring career politician, refusing to take questions, and more, people want to know "Who's puppetting dementia Biden the false president..." Biden Fires Hundred Thousands Biden Refuses, Jobs tank Crazy Mandates Mandate McGoo Saad on Woke Biden Attempts China Style Spying Against Innocent US Citizens Independents jump ship Fans Chant Fuck Biden
Biden Admin and Dems approval ratings, in every area of public confidence and competence, sinking like Titanic...
President Biden Sees Lowest Approval Ratings Yet As Less Than Half Of Americans See Him As "Honest"
Bloomberg RCPPJBAP 10/15/2021 43.9 Match all: "border" "crisis", Story count: 10/15/2021 584.00 Protip: Short Biden and DEMZ, long MAGA... lol ;) -win-2024-presidential-election-2459354/ Trump emerged as the favorite Monday at multiple offshore sportsbooks to return to the White House in 2024. Trump's odds have been improving all year and in particular since Biden's poll ratings began declining this summer, Shaddick said. There is absolutely no sign of Republican voters deserting him, and he leads every primary poll by a distance. Ladbrokes Trump Win +350 over Biden (4:1) Smarkets Trump GOP 45% +122 Smarkets Trump Win 20% 4:1 over Biden 19% (+426) BetOnline Trump Win +275 over Biden (+325) SportsBetting Trump Win 3:1 over Biden (+325) It'a pretty staggering development to find a defeated one-term president taking over as favorite from the incumbent who beat him, but we know by now that Donald Trump is no ordinary politician, Smarkets head of political markets Matthew Shaddick said. It's early days, but the latest market signals suggest there is every chance we could be heading for a Biden vs. Trump rematch in 2024 with Trump currently having a very slight edge, according to the betting.
Biden the Lying Revenge Murderer, and Military Wokeness...
Tense Exchange As Tom Cotton Asks Gen. Milley: "Why Haven't You Resigned?"
Biden can't fire Cotton, but Biden does like to Imprison all others who speak out against him... And re subthread with... Now there are more... US Marine Who Sought Accountability From Military Leaders Over Afghanistan Withdrawal Is Jailed "My reason for submitting a letter of resignation: A lack of trust and confidence in your ability to lead." The U.S. Marine dismissed from command after criticizing senior military leadership on the handling of the U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan is in the brig, according to reports. “All our son did is ask the questions that everybody was asking themselves, but they were too scared to speak out loud,” Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller’s father, Stu Scheller Sr., told Task & Purpose. “He was asking for accountability. In fact, I think he even asked for an apology that we made mistakes, but they couldn’t do that, which is mind-blowing.” Scheller first published a video on his personal Facebook account on Aug. 26 criticizing the Afghanistan withdrawal, which drew backlash. Defending that video, he published a further clip saying he was calling for “accountability of my senior leaders” over “obvious mistakes that were made.” “I’m not saying we can take back what has been done. All I asked for was accountability, for people to comment on what I said and to say, ‘Yes, mistakes were made.’ And had they done that I would have gone back into rank-and-file, submitted, and accomplished what I wanted,” Scheller said at the time, announcing that he was resigning his commission. Scheller’s initial video was posted on the same day that 13 U.S. troops and more than 100 Afghans were killed in an attack outside Kabul’s international airport. The terrorist group ISIS-K, an ISIS affiliate, claimed responsibility for that attack. “They had a gag order on him and asked him not to speak,” the elder Scheller said. “He did, and they incarcerated him. They don’t know what to do with him.” A spokesperson for Marine Corps Training and Education Command said in a statement that Scheller is “currently in pre-trial confinement” pending a preliminary hearing. “The time, date, and location of the proceedings have not been determined. Lt. Col. Scheller will be afforded all due process,” the statement continued. Scheller’s father defended his actions, arguing that he was only seeking “accountability” from military leaders. “He’s asking for the same accountability that is expected of him and his men,” the elder Scheller said. “I’ve had Vietnam veterans contacting me applauding him for his courage because they too want to know: was it all worth it?” he continued. “And by demanding accountability and honesty from his senior leaders, that’s all he was asking. And the way the Marine Corps has dealt with it: they have now put him in jail.” For example, in the decade following 9/11, the New York Police Department made an enormous investment to expand its surveillance apparatus and upgrade its technical capacities. This included a partnership with IBM. As early as 2012, IBM was using its access to vast databases of CCTV footage of New York to test and improve its proprietary Intelligent Video Analytics software, which it later sold to other police departments. Among its innovations, IBM refined tools to search for people captured in video streams according to skin tone, hair colour, or facial hair. In addition to Biden leaving the entire US database of Afghan biometric data and scanners for it behind which the Taliban have grabbed and are now using to restrict, persecute, murder the people... And that it should be noted that IBM was supposedly in the news as having perhaps provided systems to the US for biometric database work... just as IBM did for Nazi Germany... IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance between Nazi Germany and America's Most Powerful Corporation, is a book by investigative journalist Edwin Black which details the business dealings of the American-based multinational corporation International Business Machines and its German and other European subsidiaries, with the government of Adolf Hitler during the 1930s through World War II. "Outrage" After Biden Admin Provides Taliban With "Kill List" Of Americans, Afghan Allies To Evacuate Update: during this surreal press conference late on Thursday, Biden did not deny the report of U.S. handing over names of Americans to Taliban, saying 'There may have been.' "There have been occasions where our military has contacted their military counterparts in the Taliban and said this bus is coming through...made up of the following group...let it through," the president said. "Yes, there have been occasions like that." Biden added that to his knowledge, the "bulk of that group" has been let through but can't say with "certitude" that there was a list of names passed to the Taliban. In short, yes, the Biden admin handed "kill lists" to the Taliban. * * * A day that will live in infamy for the reeling Biden administration just got even worse, after Politico reported that Biden administration officials in Kabul gave the Taliban a list of names of American citizens, green card holders and Afghan allies to grant entry into the militant-controlled outer perimeter of the city’s airport, a choice which according to the media outlet which was just purchased by Germany's Axel Springer, "prompted outrage behind the scenes from lawmakers and military officials." “Basically, they just put all those Afghans on a kill list,” said one defense official, who like others spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive topic. “It’s just appalling and shocking and makes you feel unclean.” After the fall of Kabul, in the earliest days of the evacuation, the joint U.S. military and diplomatic coordination team at the airport provided the Taliban with a list of people the U.S. aimed to evacuate. Those names included Afghans who served alongside the U.S. during the 20-year war and sought special immigrant visas to America. U.S. citizens, dual nationals and lawful permanent residents were also listed. - Politico The bizarre decision which was revealed by three U.S. and congressional officials, was meant "to expedite the evacuation of tens of thousands of people from Afghanistan as chaos erupted in Afghanistan’s capital city last week after the Taliban seized control of the country." It also came as the Biden administration has been relying on the Taliban for security outside the airport, which in retrospect was a catastrophic decision. But the decision to provide specific names to the Taliban, which has in recent days already brutally murdered numerous Afghans who collaborated with the U.S. and other coalition forces during the conflict, has angered lawmakers and military officials. More from Politico on this unprecedented diplomatic disaster: The issue came up during a classified briefing on Capitol Hill earlier this week, which turned contentious after top Biden administration officials defended their close coordination with the Taliban. Biden officials contended that it was the best way to keep Americans and Afghans safe and prevent a shooting war between Taliban fighters and the thousands of U.S. troops stationed at the airport. “They had to do that because of the security situation the White House created by allowing the Taliban to control everything outside the airport,” one U.S. official said. In other words, the handing over a kill list to the Taliban is the direct result of Biden's bungled evacuation of Kabul, which was overrun by Taliban, and now ISIS, just hours after US forces started pulling out. But after thousands of visa applicants arrived at the airport, overwhelming the capacity of the U.S. to process them, the State Department changed course — asking the applicants not to come to the airport and instead requesting they wait until they were cleared for entry. From then on, the list fed to the Taliban didn’t include those Afghan names. In the fluid situation, starting Aug. 25, only U.S. passport and green card holders were being accepted as eligible for evacuation, the defense official said. Still, that U.S. officials handed over a list of Afghan allies and American citizens and residents shows the extent to which they outsourced security of the airport’s outer perimeter to the Taliban which as Biden said previously, had being treated as "allies" of the admin. Instead of helping expedite the evacuations, the Taliban has gone door-to-door in search of Afghan interpreters and others who helped U.S. and Western forces. In written and verbal communications, Gen. Frank McKenzie, commander of U.S. Central Command, and Rear Adm. Peter Vasely, head of U.S. forces on the ground in Afghanistan, who were among those responsible for this unprecedented fiasco, have referred to the Taliban as “our Afghan partners,” according to two defense officials. Needless to say, news of this idiocy sparked fresh call for Biden to resign or be impeached. So now we are giving a terrorist organization the names of US citizens and other allies? How does this not endanger them greatly? We impeach presidents for having a phone call with a president of another country but not this insanity! You awake yet? — Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) August 26, 2021 Trump had a call with the Ukrainian President -- IMPEACH! Joe Biden gave terrorists a list of American citizens to kill -- *crickets* — Comfortably Smug (@ComfortablySmug) August 26, 2021 The news came just hours after two Islamic State terrorist attacks rocked the area just outside the airport, killing at least a dozen U.S. citizens and wounding dozens more. After the attacks, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chair Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) appeared to criticize the Biden administration’s strategy of coordinating with the Taliban, writing in a statement: “As we wait for more details to come in, one thing is clear: We can’t trust the Taliban with Americans’ security.”
US Active Military throwing rank and rebelling against failed Biden Admin by giving forbidden political statements, getting keelhauled and fired for it... "I Demand Accountability": Marine Commander Fired For Viral Video Ripping 'Inept' Afghan War Decisions Though there are abundant examples of retired and former military officers publicly demanding accountability of the Biden administration over how the horribly bungled and now utterly tragic Afghan draw down and evacuation is going, it's incredibly rare and almost unheard of to see an active duty officer voice criticisms directed at top Pentagon brass on a public level. But one high ranking Marine officer has done just that in a now viral video. Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller until Friday was a sitting Marine infantry battalion commander in good standing, but late in the day it's been confirmed he was promptly relieved of his command over his statements. "I am willing to throw it all away to say to my senior leaders, 'I demand accountability,'" the Lieutenant colonel said in the Facebook video which already racked up millions of views across various platforms. "I have been fighting for 17 years. I am willing to throw it all away to say to my senior leaders, I demand accountability." - Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller on the failures in Afghanistan that led to American servicemen dying. — David Hookstead (@dhookstead) August 27, 2021 Following the horrific deaths of 13 American soldiers and over 160 Afghans during yesterday's suicide attack on Kabul airport, Scheller shredded the "ineptitude" of the military's top leadership, even questioning whether the entirety of the botched withdrawal and evacuation effort means Americans have "died in vain" over the course of the whole two-decade long war. His focus in the scathing critique was to question whether top brass stood up to the Biden administration, even while knowing that the administration's decision-making would lead to chaos, disaster, and possible deaths - as is tragically playing out now... "I’m not saying we’ve got to be in Afghanistan forever, but I am saying: Did any of you throw your rank on the table and say 'hey, it’s a bad idea to evacuate Bagram Airfield, a strategic airbase, before we evacuate everyone,'" he said. "Did anyone do that? And when you didn’t think to do that, did anyone raise their hand and say 'we completely messed this up.'" Scheller questioned further. What makes the short video unprecedented and raw is also that he's in uniform, sitting in what appears to be his base office (such 'political speech' in open contradiction of the chain of command while in uniform violates DoD policies). The long-serving officer of 17 years knows this, as he later acknowledged in a short follow-up message. "Did any of you throw your rank on the table..." - and question? ...Sheller himself does just that, and is now paying the price for it. Politico and others later in the day Friday confirmed that not only was Scheller quickly relieved of command within 24 hours, but that action is being taken which will lead to discharge from the service altogether, likely pending UCMJ proceedings. Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, who posted a viral video demanding accountability from military leaders over Afghanistan, has been relieved of his duties and will leave the Marine Corps, the service confirms. — Paul McLeary (@paulmcleary) August 27, 2021 "I’ve been in the Marine infantry for 17 years. I started my tour with Victor 1-8, that’s the current unit that’s doing perimeter security, dealing with the mess that’s going on there," Scheller explained in the video. It's being widely reported that until being relieved on Friday, he was commander of the School of Infantry East (SOI-EAST) at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. In the video he ripped everyone from top Marine commanders to the Secretary of Defense for failures in Afghanistan which led to more senseless deaths. "But we have a secretary of defense that testified to Congress in May that the Afghan National Security Forces could withstand the Taliban advance," he said. "We have Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs — who the commandant is a member of that — who’s supposed to advise on military policy. We have a Marine combatant commander. All of these people are supposed to advise." 1. Lt Col Scheller is substantively 100% right. 2. When I was in, and if he made this, I would’ve relieved him of command. No politics. 3. But the standard has changed. The leadership changed it. The rule is now uniformed military can do politics. So I would give him a medal. — Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) August 27, 2021 Should things continue to spiral downhill in Kabul over these coming days, possibly with more terror attacks looming, could the American public witness more such symbolic acts of 'rebellion' to come within the ranks of active duty US troops against the Biden administration? Harold L. Hering (born 1936)[1] is a former officer of the United States Air Force, who was discharged in 1975 for requesting basic information about checks and balances to prevent an unauthorized order to launch nuclear missiles.[2] Major Hering was subsequently presented the 2017 Courage of Conscience Award at the Peace Abbey, Boston, Massachusetts. Career Hering served six tours of duty in Vietnam and elsewhere in Southeast Asia. Hering received the Distinguished Flying Cross, Bronze Star Medal, and Air Medal with eight Oak leaf clusters for his work in Vietnam flying helicopters.[3] Discharge Hering served in the Vietnam War as part of the Air Rescue Service.[2] Twenty-one years into his Air Force career, while serving as a Minuteman missile crewman and expecting a promotion to lieutenant colonel,[2] he posed the following question during training at Vandenberg Air Force Base in late 1973, at a time when Richard Nixon was president:[4] How can I know that an order I receive to launch my missiles came from a sane president? The Single Integrated Operational Plan (SIOP) specifies that, when the National Command Authority (NCA) issues an order to use nuclear weapons, the order will filter down the chain of command. Per the SIOP, decision-making is the responsibility of the NCA, not of officers lower in the chain of command, who are responsible for executing NCA decisions. To ensure no opportunity for execution by a rogue operator, the two-man rule requires that at each stage, two operators independently verify and agree that the order is valid. In the case of the Minuteman missile, this is done by comparing the authorization code in the launch order against the code in the Sealed Authenticator, a special sealed envelope which holds the code; if both operators agree that the code matches, the launch must be executed. In 1978, journalist Ron Rosenbaum wrote a 15,000-word article in Harper's Magazine about the nuclear command and control system in which he publicized the case of Hering.[5] Rosenbaum later wrote that Hering's question exposed a flaw in the very foundation of this doctrine, and asked "What if [the president's] mind is deranged, disordered, even damagingly intoxicated? ... Can he launch despite displaying symptoms of imbalance? Is there anything to stop him?"[4] Rosenbaum says[4] that the answer is that launch would indeed be possible: to this day, the nuclear fail-safe protocols for executing commands are entirely concerned with the president's identity, not his sanity. The president alone authorizes a nuclear launch and the two-man rule does not apply to him.[6] Hering was pulled from training and, unable to receive a reply to his satisfaction, requested reassignment to different duties. Instead, the Air Force issued an administrative discharge for "failure to demonstrate acceptable qualities of leadership".[3] Hering appealed the discharge, and at the Air Force Board of Inquiry, the Air Force stated that knowing whether or not a launch order is lawful is beyond the executing officer's need to know. Hering replied: I have to say, I feel I do have a need to know, because I am a human being. It is inherent in an officer's commission that he has to do what is right in terms of the needs of the nation despite any orders to the contrary. You really don't know at the time of key turning, whether you are complying with your oath of office. The Board of Inquiry ruled that Hering be discharged from the Air Force.[7] After his discharge, Hering became at first a long-haul trucker, and then a counselor.[2][8] Media Hering was profiled in the Radiolab episode "Nukes". In the episode he refuted the characterization by General Russell E. Dougherty of his statements. According to Dougherty, Hering's assertions that he would readily turn keys (to launch the nuclear missiles) if so ordered had always been qualified by subjective conditions expressing his own judgment of the validity of the order. Hering insisted, on the contrary, that he had always expressed a commitment to follow orders, but that if he was not informed about the checks and balances of presidential decision making that he assumed had to exist, he would do so with a conflicted conscience. He said, "I think it's an affront to play the game of you don't have the 'need to know' for someone who's doing one of the most serious, grave jobs that there is in the armed forces."[9]
Note that in some of the public pictures of launch silos, there were small pictures of a missileer's wife/family taped to one of the padlocks of the safe securing the authenticators and launch keys. Check with FAS or someplace to see if humans are really any longer serving MITM in the upgraded end-of-chain silo loops amid all the remote airborne redundant and backup launch mechanisms. President Trump full interview with Dan Ball
Joe Biden and entire Pres Admin is complete Fuckup, Corrupt, Liars, Frauds, Hypocrite, Incompetent, Decrepit, and Disgusting Abuser Schemer and Twister within and beyond Legality, and more... nothing any other big politician in world isn't already anyways... Approval polls dropping like a rock, calls for widespread resignations, impeachment, escalate... DoD had foreknowledge and Drone Lock on Kabul Bomber, denied permission to fire... Biden was offered all of Kabul by the Taliban but left it on the table... Biden's abandoned and non-A10-warthog easily destroyed lines of military vehicles now being sent to Iran... Biden sending Afghans to Swing-States for Free Room and Board and Votes... The Democrats are all about power and control. They absolutely don't care about people. It's all about power. Biden bribes Afghan Pres to shill lie in psyop to prop Biden, Milley assists... Biden the Big Guy avoids Laptop and Afghan questions, while meeting with his Laptop Partners to get paid his 10%... Biden hides ass by erases records of $83B Military Hardware left in Afghan... Biden whitewashes border prison camps... Biden lies about his support of nation building... Biden insults americans military for the Nth time, this time bored checking his watch multiple times during funeral proceedings, gave more shits about his Beau than their kids, thoroughly pisses off multiple families at Dover... Biden slammed over his bullshit Afgan speech... Biden Admin flubs it up bigtime... Psaki lies through her teeth about checking border crossers... Biden claims to be anti-war, while not fighting the allocation of yet another $25B for warfare... Biden gives lists of AmCits, "allies" to Taliban for execution... Many US citizens, including 250 christian schoolgirls, Biden left trapped in Afghan... On and on the politicians bullshit goes, while the entire planet of stupid keeps voting them into office, when will they learn. Ever notice how Fake News says "Democratic Party" instead of "Democrat Party" thus gratuitously imparting fable of "Democratic Principles" to them. Not as if "Republicanic or Libertarianic Party" would make any sense either. Weaponize a national tragedy for political purposes... Orban gets it... The previous refugee crisis, which saw over a million migrants from North Africa and the Middle East flood into Europe, led directly to huge spikes in violent crime, sexual assaults and numerous mass casualty terror attacks carried out by jihadists who exploited the refugee wave to enter European countries.
Biden and Dem-Left Launch Second American Civil War... "Not Now, Not Ever": RNC To Sue Biden Over Vaccine Mandate As GOP Governors Go Ballistic Republicans clapped back over the Biden administration's unprecedented 'jab or your job' Executive Order for federal workers and contractors, and a 'jab or test' mandate for corporations with over 100 employees. 600,000 postal workers are oddly exempt. The sweeping new vaccine requirements, which completely ignore tens of millions in America who have recovered from Covid-19 and have natural immunity, will affect as many as 100 million Americans. Biden on people who haven't gotten vaccinated: "We've been patient but our patience is wearing thin and your refusal has cost all of us." — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) September 9, 2021 In response, the Republican National Committed (RNC) vowed to sue Biden once the mandate goes into effect, with President Ronna McDaniel tweeting that Biden lied. "Joe Biden told Americans when he was elected that he would not impose vaccine mandates. He lied," McDaniel said in a statement, adding "Now small businesses, workers, and families across the country will pay the price." Joe Biden told Americans when he was elected that he would not impose vaccine mandates. He lied. When his decree goes into effect, the RNC will sue the administration to protect Americans and their liberties. — Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) September 10, 2021 "President Biden is so desperate to distract from his shameful, incompetent Afghanistan exit that he is saying crazy things and pushing constitutionally flawed executive orders. This is a cynical attempt to pick a fight and distract from the President’s morally disgraceful decision to leave Americans behind Taliban lines on the 20th anniversary of 9/11," Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) told the Daily Caller. Meanwhile, Republican governors across the country have issued statements vowing to sue, or otherwise oppose, the vaccine mandate after Biden threatened them during Thursday's announcement. "Let me be blunt," said Biden. "My plan also takes on elected officials in states that are undermining you in these life-saving actions. Right now local school officials are trying to keep children safe in a pandemic while their governor picks a fight with them and even threatens their salaries or their jobs. Talk about bullying the schools." "If they’ll not help, if these governors won’t help us beat the pandemic, I will use my power as president to get them out of the way," he added. Not so fast, say the governors West (BEST) Virginia joins the rebellion 3rd time's the charm — Battle Beagle (@HarmlessYardDog) September 10, 2021 As Becker News reports: Republican governors have begun to issue their responses to the federal government’s overreach and the president’s threats. “South Dakota will stand up to defend freedom,” Noem wrote. “JoeBiden see you in court.” South Dakota will stand up to defend freedom. @JoeBiden see you in court. — Governor Kristi Noem (@govkristinoem) September 9, 2021 Georgia’s Governor Brian Kemp also responded to Biden’s remarks. “I will pursue every legal option available to the state of Georgia to stop this blatantly unlawful overreach by the Biden administration,” Kemp tweeted. I will pursue every legal option available to the state of Georgia to stop this blatantly unlawful overreach by the Biden administration. — Governor Brian P. Kemp (@GovKemp) September 9, 2021 “Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt says as long as I am governor, there will be no government vaccine mandates in state,” Josh Caplan reported. Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt says as long as I am governor, there will be no government vaccine mandates in state. — Josh Caplan (@joshdcaplan) September 9, 2021 “Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announces the state already working to halt Biden’s vaccine mandate ‘power grab’,” Election Wizard reported. BREAKING: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announces the state already working to halt Biden's vaccine mandate "power grab." — Election Wizard (@ElectionWiz) September 9, 2021 Alabama Governor Key Ivey also released a statement declaring her intention to fight the mandate. Once again, @POTUS has missed the mark. His outrageous, overreaching mandates will no doubt be challenged in the courts. Read my full statement below. #alpolitics — Governor Kay Ivey (@GovernorKayIvey) September 9, 2021 Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon also issuing a statement saying: “Not now, and not ever.” Tennessee’s Governor Bill Lee also stated his broad opposition to the federal mandate. “The Constitution won’t allow this power grab, and in the meantime, I will stand up for all Tennesseans,” Gov. Lee wrote. For a fight that requires working together, a lot of cynical and divisive edicts came out of the White House today pitting the vaccinated against the unvaccinated, businesses against employees, and the federal government against states. — Gov. Bill Lee (@GovBillLee) September 9, 2021 Biden Unveils Most Severe COVID Actions Yet: Mandates Vax For All Federal Workers, Contractors, & Large Private Companies Watch Live: *BIDEN SAYS NEARLY 80M AMERICANS ARE STILL NOT VACCINATED *BIDEN SAYS WE ARE IN A TOUGH STRETCH, COULD LAST FOR A WHILE *BIDEN: TSA TO DOUBLE FINES ON TRAVELERS WHO REFUSE TO MASK Highlights and reactions: BREAKING: President Biden says his 'patience is wearing thin' with unvaccinated Americans: "What more is there to wait for? What more to do you need to see? We've been patient, but our patience is wearing thin and your refusal has cost all of us." — Breaking911 (@Breaking911) September 9, 2021 Joe Biden threatens to get elected state leaders "out of the way." — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 9, 2021 "Show some respect." Pres. Biden calls out unruly passengers on planes: "The anger you see on television toward flight attendants and others doing their job is wrong. It's ugly." — ABC News (@ABC) September 9, 2021 BIDEN: "Many of us are frustrated with the nearly 80 million Americans who are still not vaccinated, even though the vaccine is safe, effective and free. You might be confused..." — Breaking911 (@Breaking911) September 9, 2021 What do troops have to do with this, like wtf man. — Alex Jones was right (@AlexJonesWs) September 9, 2021 .@JeremyDBoreing, CEO of @realDailyWire: proper, well-spoken, clear, and to the point@TyCardon, CEO of Blaze Media: 'MERICA 🇺🇸🔥 Separate, but equal 🇺🇸 — TheBlaze (@theblaze) September 9, 2021 Joe Biden last year: I don't trust the Trump vaccine. Joe Biden this year: You lose your job if you don't trust the vaccine. — Rising serpent 🇺🇸 (@rising_serpent) September 9, 2021 She's right. Women can make decisions about their own bodies. I now identify as a woman and will make a decision to not get vaccinated. — Hap (@hap317) September 9, 2021 Biden- "If you're vaccinated you have almost zero risk of getting sick" Also Biden- "We must take more steps to protect the vaccinated" — Shill LeBeau (@Lebeaucarnew) September 9, 2021 Summary: Biden to require 'vast majority' of federal workers and contractors to get vaccinated or test weekly Biden expected to ask Labor Department for for rule on mandatory vaccinations 'Some' exemptions for disability, religion Psaki refuses to answer 'my body, my choice' question over vaccinations Update (1452ET): President Biden will speak at 5pm ET, where he is expected to announce what's already been leaked - that most federal workers and contractors will be required to get vaccinated after a 75-day 'ramp-up' period. If workers decline to receive shots in that time frame, they will be subject to termination. "We would like to be a model for what we think other business and organizations should do around the country," said White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki. Further, Biden is expected to announce that the Department of Labor will compel employers with over 100 workers to mandate vaccines, or weekly testing. Employers who don't abide by the new policy will face "substantial fines up to nearly $14,000 per violation," according to a senior Biden official (via PBS). What's more, Biden will require health care workers at hospitals which take Medicare and Medicaid to be vaccinated - impacting over 17 million workers. Reporter: "Can the Department of Labor or anybody else compel major employers, large employers, to force the vaccine mandates on their employees?" Jen Psaki: "Yes. Stay tuned. More to come this afternoon." — CBS News (@CBSNews) September 9, 2021 More: The Labor Department in the coming weeks plans to issue an emergency temporary standard implementing the new requirement, which will cover 80 million private-sector workers, officials said. Businesses that don’t comply can face fines of up to $14,000 per violation, they said. The employers will also have to give workers paid time off to get vaccinated or to recover from any side effects of getting vaccinated. -WSJ Their way around it is by OSHA — Neeiick (@Neeick) September 9, 2021 And of course, when a reporter asks what about 'my body, my choice' in regards to vaccination, Psaki makes a beeline for the door. Psaki runs away like her disgrace of a boss when a reporter asks her "what happened to my 'body, my choice' when it comes to vaccinations?" WATCH THIS. — Benny (@bennyjohnson) September 9, 2021 And as we asked earlier, what will the unions do? They have already pushed back (here, here, and here) against various mandates (and Dem leadership need all the support they can get as Biden's approval plummets). Association representing 30,000 federal law enforcement officers and agents opposes vaccine mandate. — Steve Herman (@W7VOA) September 9, 2021 * * * Update (1345ET): Now that the executive order has been confirmed, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki tells the public there will be limited exemptions for health and religious reasons. For everybody else, refusing to take the vaccine could lead to termination. * * * As resistance to President Biden's booster-shot push grows, it appears the administration is - just as we expected - upping the pressure on federal workers who haven't yet been vaccinated - while asking private businesses to do the same. According to CNN, the Biden Admin will no longer allow workers to get tested weekly instead of taking the vaccine. Instead, he's signing an executive order Thursday requiring all workers to get the vaccine or face indefinite suspension. What's more, Biden's order will extend to employees of government contractors. Per CNN, the same standard will be extended to employees of contractors who do business with the federal government. The Department of Defense, the Department of Veterans Affairs, Indian Health Service and National Institute of Health will also complete their previously announced vaccination requirements, which the White House believes has covered 2.5MM people. This marks a significant escalation since earlier in the summer, when Biden unveiled a requirement that federal workers be vaccinated, but allowed for those who opted out to be subject to stringent mitigation measures like weekly tests. But mostly the White House is relying on private industry to impose and enforce its vaccine requirements. But Biden also believes the White House has a responsibility to set an example. We have one quick question though... What will the unions do? They have already pushed back (here, here, and here) against various mandates (and Dem leadership need all the support they can get as Biden's approval plummets). And then there is Portland, whose city officials are preparing to exempt the police force from the "now legally dubious" vaccine mandates. The president also plans to announce a major expansion to free testing, a step public health officials have said would be critical to containing the virus, particularly as children return to school and more workers return to the office. Plus, it would, in theory, combat claims that the administration didn't make the vaccine "accessible" enough. Thursday will impose more stringent vaccine rules on federal workers, and take steps to encourage private businesses to do the same, during a major speech meant to lay out a new approach to combating the coronavirus. Biden will talk about all this and more tonight, when he unveils his plans to stop the delta variant.
President Biden is coming under fire from both sides of the aisle for constantly wearing a mask despite announcing that vaccinated people no longer require face coverings when outdoors. In other words, it's simply virtue signaling at this point.
Wearing a mask is always recommended, even if you are already vaccinated. The president is just setting the example that the unvaccinated majority of the country should follow. On lun, may 3, 2021 a las 06:34, grarpamp <> escribió: In the Biden administration, follow the science takes second place to follow the campaign donations from teachers unions"... What both sides fail to recognize is the economic reality of any and all state actions, a reality pointed out to us by Murray Rothbard in his 1956 article We can only say that 'social welfare' (or better, 'social utility') has increased [sic] due to a change, if no individual is worse off because of the change (and at least one is better off). We can only know anything about someone's value scale by observing actual decisions they make, usually in a market exchange. All this leads to the following two conclusions: (1) the free market always increases social utility, and (2) the government can never increase social utility. The plan is to restrict the free market, the only mechanism capable of promoting the general welfare, and expand the role of the government, an institution that can never promote the general welfare.
Boeing increases black representation to 20%, a 6% racist quota above population metrics. President Biden is coming under fire from both sides of the aisle for constantly wearing a mask despite announcing that vaccinated people no longer require face coverings when outdoors. In other words, it's simply virtue signaling at this point.
The total amount of government transfer payments now a record 34%. That's right: a third of all US household income is now from the state. Marx would be proud.
"Biden never worked a real job or business a day in his life, over 50 years living off money he and his Govt cronies stole from you. Think about that..." It is not a crime to be ignorant of economics but it is totally irresponsible to have a loud and vociferous opinion on economic subjects while remaining in this state of ignorance.
Victor Davis Hanson: This Isn't Your Father's Left-Wing Revolution Starry-eyed radicals in the 1960s and 1970s dreamed that they either were going to take over America or destroy it. One of their favorite mottos was "Change it or lose it," even as protests focused on drugs, music, race, class, sex, fashion -- almost anything and everything. Sixties radicals tutored America on long hair; wire-rim eyeglasses; who was a drag, a square, a bummer; and who was hip, cool, groovy, mellow and far out. Most of these silly revolutionaries were not unhinged Weathermen killers or SDS would-be communists, but just adolescents along for the good-time ride. With the end of the draft in 1972, the winding down of the Vietnam War, the oil embargoes and a worsening economy, the '60s revolution withered away. Cynics claimed the revolution was mostly about middle-class students with long hair kicking back during the peak of the postwar boom, indulging their appetites and ensuring they would not end up in Vietnam. It is not even true that the '60s at least ensured needed reform. The civil rights movement and equal rights for women and gays were already birthed before the hippies, as were folk songs and early rock music. Instead, what the '60s revolution did was accelerate these trends -- but also radicalize, manipulate and coarsen them. The grasping "yuppies" of the 1980s were the natural successors to let-it-all-hang-out "hippies." The '60s were at heart a narcissistic free-for-all, when "freedom" often entailed self-indulgence and avoiding responsibility. By 1981, the Reagan revolution finished off the dead-enders of the Woodstock generation. Most eventually grew up. They rebooted their self-centered drug, sex and party impulses to fixations on money, status and material things. Sixties protestors mainlined divorce, abortion on demand, promiscuity, drug use and one-parent homes. But by the late 1970s and the 1980s, most veteran cultural revolutionaries had gotten married, were raising a family, bought a house, got a job and made money. This time around, their offspring's left-wing assault is different -- and far more ominous. The woke grandchildren of the former outsiders are now more ruthless systematic insiders. The woke and wired new establishment knows how to use money and power to rebirth America as something the founders and most current Americans never envisioned. Name one mainline institution that the woke left does not now control -- and warp. The media? The campus? Silicon Valley? Professional sports? The corporate boardroom? Foundations? The K-12 educational establishment? The military hierarchy? The government deep state? The FBI top echelon? The left absorbed them all. But this time around, members of the left really believe that "by any means necessary" is no mere slogan. Instead, it is a model of how to disrupt or destroy American customs, traditions and values. Woke revolutionaries are not panhandlers, street people or Grateful Dead groupies. They are not even a few nutty and murderous Symbionese Liberation Army terrorists fighting against "the Man." They are "the Man." Our 21st century revolutionaries are multibillionaires with flip-flops, tie-dye T-shirts and nose rings, but with the absolute power and desire to censor how half the country communicates -- or cancel them entirely. They don't flock to campus free-speech areas; they are the campus administrators who ban free speech. They don't picket outside the Pentagon; they are inside the Pentagon. They don't chant "eat the rich"; they are the rich who eat at Napa Valley's French Laundry. They don't protest "uptight" values, because they are more intolerant and puritanical than any Victorian. They don't believe in racial quotas based on "proportional representation," because they are racists who demand underrepresentation of "bad" racial groups and overrepresentation of "good" groups. The color of our skin is their gospel, not the content of our character. They are top-down revolutionaries. None of their agendas, from open borders and changing the Constitution to critical race theory and banning clean-burning fossil fuels, are ever favored among a majority of the population. Their guiding principle is "never let a crisis go to waste." Only in times of a pandemic, a national quarantine or volatile racial relations can the new upscale leftist revolutionaries use fear to push through policies that no one in calm times could stomach. Our revolutionaries hate dissent. They destroy any who question their media-spun hoaxes. Truth is their enemy, and fear is their weapon. Sixties paranoid revolutionaries warned about George Orwell's "1984," but our revolutionaries are "1984." While this elitist leftist revolution is more dangerous than its sloppy '60s predecessor, it is also more vulnerable, given its obnoxious, top-heavy apparatus -- but only if the proverbial "people" finally say to their madness, "Enough is enough." Which Candidate Won the 2020 Election? – Independence Day Edition One of these candidates received over 75 million votes in the 2020 election. They tell us the other one had 81 million votes! On Saturday Joe Biden traveled to Antrim County Michigan. About 30 people turned out to see him. President Trump traveled to Sarasota, Florida. Over 45,000 came out to see him in a rainstorm and another 375,000 watched his live speech on RSBN Rumble. This is incredible. Why does Joe Biden always say he’s going to “get in trouble”? Joe Biden on Saturday traveled to Traverse City, Michigan to promote his gargantuan infrastructure bill that has nothing to do with infrastructure. 78-year-old Joe Biden looked like a frail old man as he shuffled through the orchard. Biden was holding notecards as he shuffled along and told Whitmer and others he “doesn’t want to get in trouble.” A confused Joe Biden had to rely on his notecards when asked about the cyberattacks. “Uh, I’ll be in better shape to talk about it…hang on a second,” Biden said as he pulled notecards from his jacket pocket. Notice Biden’s gait and speach… crystal clear neuro and motor degeneration... The Leftist Fake News Media did a great job of hiding the problem from the american public... after all, Leftists in history do whatever it takes to scam and defraud the people into an "election" win, but they cannot hide and cover for Joe forever. And the blowback will be severe. Will be very funny to see the totally incompetent Kamala and her dysfunctional office of petty infighting wokesters take over when Joe's brain finally and inescapeably goes fully offline. Then the USA will experience the utter calamity of having not just one pointless President, but two in a row. And the people will still worship the idea that they need the detrimental colossus of Governments. Fools, the lot of them.
Every day, more fraud, lies, and hypocrisy
Hunter Biden lies about his laptop and Daddy's China deals... "I really don’t know what the answer is, that’s the truthful answer," Months after it was alleged that a laptop revealed Hunter Biden's business interests in China and Ukraine, the president's son tells Tracy Smith that the laptop "could be" his Disturbing, underage photographs of young girls found on Hunter's laptop which were turned over to police in New Castle County, Delaware. "I understand the impact of debt, and it can be debilitating," Biden said at a town hall event in February. Obviously doesn't understand that tax theft is same weight as load of debt... "a strategic plan outlining the ways identified under this review that the agency can promote voter registration and voter participation" Maybe they don't want to vote because the people they're voting for all suck.
Every day, more fraud, lies, censorship, and hypocrisy
Americans were defrauded by Democrats Biased, Lying, Plant Printing, Censoring, Fake News Social Media and Big Tech, and that's before all the ongoing election audits are completed which are already raising more questions. Donald J Trump won the 2020 US Presidential Election. Greenwald and Russell Brand In Viral Video Destroys MSM and Silicon Valley For Hiding "Troubling" Hunter Biden News Media Censored Election News In a rare and refreshing interview which on YouTube has garnered 100,000 views in less than 24 hours, British comedian and actor Russell Brand and former Intercept journalist Glenn Greenwald teamed up to explain last year's scandalous coordination by the mainstream media and social media companies to ensure the Hunter Biden laptop story and accompanying revelations over the Hunter-Ukrainian Burisma energy company scandal never reached broader public view. "I’m not a pro-Republican person," Brand introduced while talking to Greenwald on his YouTube channel. "I don’t see myself that way. I don’t see myself as conservative, or that I’m in a Trump, or Giuliani, or the kind of media establishments that were reporting on these revelations [about Biden’s family]. They are not my cultural, social, or political allies. That’s certainly not how I see myself." And then he blasted away: "However, it seems to me — what reason is Hunter Biden sat on the board of an energy company in... Ukraine?” he questioned. "What reason is James Biden sat on the board, or receiving payments from an energy company, in China?" Recall that The New York Post among others saw their Twitter account suspended for a whopping 16 days over the news story, while Facebook also aggressively cracked down on users' ability to share any content related to Burisma, the Biden family's Ukraine dealings, or the infamous laptop archive. Brand said further in the interview, according to a transcript: "We’re talking about sleaze, corruption, financial misdemeanors, and relationships between corporations, big business, and politicians — let’s face it, unless you’re bloody stupid, you know that’s going on all the time." "For me, revelations that there are financial connections between energy companies in... Ukraine, energy companies in China, and the Biden family are troubling. That should be public knowledge." Brand emphasized "That should be public knowledge." He went on to discuss Silicon Valley's efforts at controlling and blatantly censoring the political conversation in order to "protect" a crucial election... or rather to outright prevent a Trump victory. "And it’s even more troubling that Twitter, and Facebook and the media at large deliberately kept it out of the news because they didn’t want it to influence the election," Brand told Greenwald. In part two of my conversation with journalist Glenn Greenwald we discuss events surrounding his Hunter Biden revelations...what are your thoughts? Watch the full video here: — Russell Brand (@rustyrockets) May 24, 2021 And more... What is democracy then? It suggests to me that democracy is, 'We want you to vote for this person. We don’t want you to vote for that person.' As I’ve said, Donald Trump, you know, I don’t think Donald Trump’s the answer, but I’m sad to realize that I can no longer even claim to believe Joe Biden or the Democratic Party might be the answer, because look at how they behave. And look at the relationships between media, social media, and that party. Using word choice that clearly denotes his concluding that there was a choreographed plot among big media and big tech to sanitize information before it reached the public, Brand concluded, "They conspired to keep information away from you because it was not convenient to their agenda." Really interesting from Russell Brand, of all people. "Did Media conspire with social media to CENSOR Joe/Hunter Biden Corruption Report? (Yes!)" — Mollie (@MZHemingway) May 25, 2021 And Greenwald later commented of the new interview with Brand: "US media and tech giants united to bar millions of Americans from hearing this reporting before they voted" - in reference to the Biden Family laptop archive. Meanwhile it will be interesting to see how long YouTube actually leaves up the new Brand-Greenwald interview, or whether it gets slapped with a restrictive "warning" label.
Though ID represents unnecessary forces of power and control databasing etc over you, and you voting represents you immorally forcing yourself on top of other people... the supposedly secure US leaving itself open to exploit of "voter fraud", that many analysts say did in fact occur during 2020... is quite hilarious... same as its gasoline pipelines, and its sheeple, leaving their systems and minds open for exploit... then the Left tries lambast US Republicans for trying to properly secure "voting" against exploit. America The Outlier: Voter Photo IDs Are The Rule In Europe And Elsewhere Democrats and much of the media are pushing to make permanent the extraordinary, pandemic-driven measures to relax voting rules during the 2020 elections – warning anew of racist voter “suppression” otherwise. Yet democracies in Europe and elsewhere tell a different story – of the benefits of stricter voter ID requirements after hard lessons learned. A database on voting rules worldwide compiled by the Crime Prevention Research Center, which I run, shows that election integrity measures are widely accepted globally, and have often been adopted by countries after they've experienced fraud under looser voting regimes. Of 47 nations surveyed in Europe -- a place where, on other matters, American progressives often look to with envy -- all but one country requires a government-issued photo voter ID to vote. The exception is the U.K., and even there voter IDs are mandatory in Northern Ireland for all elections and in parts of England for local elections. Moreover, Boris Johnson’s government recently introduced legislation to have the rest of the country follow suit. Criticisms of the British leader’s voter ID push are similar to those heard in the U.S. The Scottish National Party claims his voter ID push targets “lower income, ethnic minority and younger people” who are less likely to vote for Johnson’s conservatives and therefore represents “Trump-like voter suppression.” Yet despite such pushback, Britain looks set to follow countries in Europe and elsewhere with stricter voting regimes, few of which temporarily relaxed any of their voting rules during the pandemic. In the map here, the blue isn't for America's Democratic Party. Rather, it's for European countries that require voter photo IDs, which Democrats oppose in the U.S. The exception is Britain (green), which plans to require IDs for all elections, while Denmark (light blue) requires them on request. Seventy-four percent of European countries entirely ban absentee voting for citizens who reside domestically. Another 6% limit it to those hospitalized or in the military, and they require third-party verification and a photo voter ID. Another 15% require a photo ID for absentee voting. Similarly, government-issued photo IDs are required to vote by 33 nations in the 37-member Organistion for Economic Co-operation and Development (which has considerable European overlap). Only the UK, Japan, New Zealand, and Australia currently do not require IDs. Of those outliers: Japan provides each voter with tickets that bear unique bar codes. If the voter loses the ticket or accidentally brings the ticket for another family member, polling staff verifies the voter’s name and address using a computer with access to the city’s database. The voter may have to present government-issued photo identification. New Zealand technically requires an ID with a unique code, but while it will take longer to look up identifying information, it is still possible to vote without the ID. Australia has by far the loosest rules, and while a photo ID is required to register to vote, once at a polling station, voters need simply report their names, addresses, and whether they have voted in a previous election. There were a few exceptions to developed countries’ general avoidance of emergency voting measures during the pandemic. Poland allowed mail-in ballots for everyone last year as a one-time measure, as did two cities in Russia, but Poland’s rushed plan played out so poorly it dissuaded other countries from following suit. France made more limited exceptions, temporarily allowing sick or at-risk individuals to vote absentee. In some countries, even driver’s licenses aren’t considered authoritative enough forms of voter identity verification. The Czech Republic and Russia require passports or military-issued IDs and others use national identity cards. Others go even further: Colombia and Mexico each require a biometric ID to cast a ballot. Many countries in Europe and beyond have learned the hard way that fraud can result from looser voting regimes -- and they have instituted stricter voting measures in direct response to it. In Northern Ireland, where a bitter sectarian conflict extends to hardball electoral machinations, voter fraud has been described as “widespread and systemic” on all sides. Both Conservative and Labour governments instituted reforms to quell it. In 1985, the U.K. started requiring identification before ballots could be issued. This proved insufficient. A 1998 Select Committee on Northern Ireland report found that medical cards used as IDs after the 1985 law could be “easily forged or applied for fraudulently,” thus allowing non-existent people to vote. By 2002, the Labour government made voter identification cards much more difficult to forge, and used the more secure ID and other rules to prevent people from registering to vote multiple times. These anti-fraud provisions led to an immediate 11% reduction in total registrations -- a suggestion to Labour of the extent of earlier fraud. One study of vote fraud in Northern Ireland before the 2002 reforms interviewed Brendan Hughes, the former IRA Belfast commander. Hughes explained that he had a fleet of taxis to ferry fraudulent voters from one polling station to another and that they “dressed up volunteers with wigs, clothes, and glasses, and said this practice continued for decades.” Young women were usually “used for voter impersonation because they were more likely to be let off if there was any doubt.” A 2002 survey of Northern Ireland by the U.K. Electoral Commission, conducted after the rules passed but before they went into effect, found that by a 64% to 10% margin, voters thought that vote “fraud in some areas is enough to change the election results.” Elsewhere in Britain, there have been notable fraud cases involving absentee ballots. In 2004, before recent photo ID requirements, six Labour Party councilors in Birmingham won office in what a judge later described as a “massive, systematic and organized” postal voting fraud campaign. The fraud was apparently carried out with the full knowledge and cooperation of the local Labour party, and involved “widespread theft” of absentee ballots (possibly around 40,000) in areas with large Muslim populations. The fraud reflected some Labour members’ worries that the areas’ Muslims could no longer be trusted to vote for the party because of unhappiness over the Iraq War. On the mainland, France banned mail-in voting in 1975 because of massive fraud in the island region of Corsica, where postal ballots were stolen or bought and others were cast in the names of dead people. In Hungary, which has the most lenient mail-in voting regulations in Europe, including no ID requirement, the government of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, criticized for authoritarian tendencies, won 96% of the mail votes in the 2018 election, thus giving itself a supermajority in parliament by a very slim margin. Concerns are that fraud is possible because “there is little scope for verification of identities, or to check that people are still alive.” When there are no tamper-resistant photo IDs, fraud is difficult to prove. If hundreds or thousands of people vote at a polling place, how do you verify if someone voted by pretending to be someone else? Criminal convictions tend to occur only when people try voting in the same polling station multiple times instead of visiting multiple stations. But, with poll workers often working different shifts, even the same polling station can be compromised. Take a case from the U.K. in 2016. As the Electoral Commission describes it: “Later in the day the same voter attended again and sought to vote again, this time in his own name. Due to certain physical characteristics of the voter (he was very tall and wore distinctive clothing) and the vigilance of the presiding officer he was suspected of having already voted earlier and formally challenged.” In another case in the U.K. from 2017, police caught a person voting multiple times only because he openly bragged about it on Twitter. By far the most common consequence for those caught voting multiple times is a “caution” notice from the police. American progressives might take heed of a Mexican election stolen from voters on the left in part due to lax voting requirements facilitating fraud. The 1988 loss of Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, the leading leftist presidential candidate, to Carlos Salinas de Gortari of the long-governing Institutional Revolutionary Party has long been considered a result of electoral fraud, later even acknowledged by the then-incumbent president, Miguel de la Madrid. And as a result of that fraud, Mexico in 1991 mandated voter photo IDs with biometric information, banned absentee ballots, and required in-person voter registration. Despite making registration much more difficult and banning absentee ballots, voter participation rates rose after Mexico implemented the new rules. In the three presidential elections following the 1991 reforms, an average of 68% of the eligible citizens voted, compared with only 59% in the three elections prior to the rule changes. Seemingly, as people gained faith in the electoral process, they became more likely to vote. Ultimately, in 2006 Mexico would revert to permitting absentee voting, but limited it to those living abroad who requested a ballot at least six months in advance. Claims of voting irregularities have occasionally arisen in later years, but they focus on vote buying, not impersonating others, or having non-existent people voting. Despite the record of Europe and the vast majority of the rest of the developed world, congressional Democrats are pushing to remove identification requirements for voting. The House recently passed the For the People Act of 2021, which replaces state voter ID rules with a signed statement from the voter, and makes permanent the pandemic’s mail-in ballot voting. The mailing out of blank absentee ballots en masse would become a fixture of American elections. The Senate Committee on Rules and Administration marked up the bill, but failed to pass it with a 9-to-9 pure party-line tie vote. However, Democrats have recently changed Senate rules, so they can still bring the bill to the Senate floor for a vote. Meanwhile, efforts in Republican states to require voter IDs for in-person voting and absentee ballots have triggered boycotts from Major League Baseball and other corporations. Georgia’s new absentee provisions raised a ruckus despite being much less restrictive than much of the rest of the world. Anyone who wants an absentee ballot can obtain one. A reason need not be given, such as being out of town, but one must have an ID to get an absentee ballot. The pattern is similar for developed countries around the world. The case of Mexico undermines the idea that stricter voting rules lead to vote suppression, and so does some of the evidence from America. A number of states have in recent years instituted photo and non-photo ID measures, and found no statistically significant change in voter participation rates. Other evidence suggests that black and minority voter registration rates increased faster than whites after states implemented voter ID requirements for registration. RCI contacted both the Brennan Center for Justice and the ACLU, two organizations that have been at the forefront of the ballot access/voting integrity debate, to ask them what they made of the more restrictive voting rules implemented elsewhere. The ACLU did not respond, and a Brennan Center spokesman said: “As a rule, we don’t comment on other countries’ voting systems because that’s not our area of expertise.”
Govt Leftists don't actually care about the poor... City On Fire: Over Half Of LA County Blazes Caused by Homeless “The amount of crime is so out of hand that it is literally not possible for the police to deal with" California is run by Democrats for decades. 2020 Exploded The Myth About Left Wing Love Of The Poor Jeffrey Tucker An axiom everyone picks up in college – and in nearly the whole of media culture too – is that people who favor a market economy disregard everyone but the privileged rich (itself a euphemism). It’s a great rhetorical trick because the presumption keeps backers of freedom on the hot seat, permanently. You know the ropes. Trickle down is a myth, so why are we shilling for the rich? What’s this fetish for big business? Why do we disregard the poor, the workers, the marginalized, the vulnerable? Why is our thinking so solipsistically exclusionary of people unlike ourselves? If the experience of 2020 doesn’t change this fake narrative, nothing will. The reality is that with few exceptions, the people who identify as “left of center” became the champions of lockdowns, as if this were a normal policy any civilized country would deploy in the event of a new pathogen. I never would have believed it, and some of my friends on the left are shocked by it all. They are in the minority among their tribe. Still there it was, a clear ideological bias for lockdowns that strongly tilted left. Let us begin with the great slogan of Spring 2020: “Stay home and stay safe.” Twitter even invented a little house icon that appeared when you typed it. It became a kind of mantra that the way to control this disease is not to leave your house. Have your meals delivered. Watch your church services on your computer. Meet with friends only through Zoom. Get out on the roads only if you have to, and do not travel no matter what. You know what’s amazing about this? Only about one third of workers could comply with this dictate. In bigger cities, it was closer to 40% but much lower in more rural areas. The newspapers and television reporters, to say nothing of social media, were speaking to what’s come to be known as the Zoom class, the people who work in digital media, finance, insurance, banking, and other such high-end areas. What about the rest? Who precisely is going to deliver these groceries? Who is going to work in the hospitals? What precisely happens to all the workers in the restaurants, hotels, airports, theaters, and churches? Who will cut hair, trim lawns, build houses, drive trucks? Who will be operating the lockdown economy and keep us all from starving? It was like no one really cared, certainly not most of those elites who identify as left of center. What emerged in the lockdown culture of 2020 was a new feudalism, or, worse, a new totalitarianism. Society became almost immediately split down the middle, essential and nonessential workers. Some of the essentials could work on laptops and some could not, but in any case, their paychecks kept arriving. The nonessentials were declared to be dispensable. Hardly any of TV’s talking heads gave a flying fig. And it’s true, the nonessentials are not the blue checkmark people on Twitter. You never see them being interviewed by CNN or MSNBC. They do not have Wikipedia pages. They do not write academic articles. They aren’t judges or public-health bureaucrats. They don’t have the resources to run for public office. They don’t read the New York Times. They can’t even afford access to attorneys, so it’s not as easy as somehow suing the system that exploited them. We are talking about the silent two thirds, people who might be in the majority but because of their economic and professional position were not granted access to protest, much less change the system. They became the fodder in other people’s plots and plans to enact a grand new social/political experiment in disease mitigation. Whatever happened to concern for the working class, the poor, the marginalized, the minorities, such as women with children who left the workforce in droves to care for children who were shut out of schools for a year? In other words, what of the tropes about social concern that have animated the left for the better part of a century? And so much for the rights of women, especially women of color! “Four times as many women over the age of 20 dropped out of the labor force in September (2020) compared to men,” reports the Washington Examiner. “When school started up last fall, roughly 865,000 women had dropped out of the labor force in September, compared to 216,000 men.” What about the sick? Diagnosis for 6 cancers dropped 46%. For breast cancer in particular, diagnosis collapsed by 50% due to lack of screenings. Visits to the emergency room fell by half. There was a collapse in diagnosis of appendicitis, heart attack, and stroke. As many as 40% of Americans reported last year to be struggling with substance abuse and mental health disorders. You would never believe this one: health care spending during a pandemic actually fell by 6%, mainly because people were locked out of their doctor's offices and hospitals. This is some serious collateral damage and it massively and disproportionately affected the working poor, the vulnerable, and the marginalized. Where was the concern? Where was the sympathy? The very people who have paraded their social virtues for many decades fell silent. It was especially egregious to observe the lack of concern for schoolchildren, who lost their connection to their communities and got lost. Reports of child abuse fell by 18% during lockdowns. It’s not as if actual abuse and neglect fell by that much. It just became invisible. We could go on with this for an entire book but let’s look briefly at small business. Nearly half of restaurants closed or are expected to do so, with their workers unemployed. A quarter of small businesses already closed, and nearly half had to lay off workers. Remember that the next time some supporter of lockdowns preaches fealty to the cause of helping small business. Forget subsidies; how about the basic right to operate a business? I’ve puzzled about this strange disconnect for the better part of a year. My conclusion is that left-wing ideology has evolved to become a highly selfish ruling class vision that only purports to love the poor and so on in the abstract. In real life, the people who preach socialist principles have very little if any connection to the real stuff of life, exactly as we’ve seen over the last year, and in fact care very little about those who win from freedom and lose from the despotism they imagine to be better. In 1949, F.A. Hayek worried that as we become ever more prosperous the ranks of the “intellectual class” would grow and become injurious to the common good. “The class does not consist of only journalists, teachers, ministers, lecturers, publicists, radio commentators, writers of fiction,” he wrote. “The class also includes many professional men and technicians, such as scientists and doctors, who through their habitual intercourse with the printed word become carriers of new ideas outside their own fields and who, because of their expert knowledge of their own subjects, are listened with respect on most others.” “It is the intellectuals,” Hayek continued, “in this sense who decide what views and opinions are to reach us, which facts are important enough to be told to us, and in what form and from what angle they are to be presented. Whether we shall ever learn of the results of the work of the expert and the original thinker depends mainly on their decision.” If that was true in 1949, how much more so today, now the growth of the intellectual class, real and imagined, has grown to become a sizeable swath of the workforce? As for everyone else, they felt browbeat, bullied, intimidated, and ultimately crushed in a year in which the intellectual class experimented with the unthinkable, even as the virus itself ignored all the political machinations and did its damage anyway. Hayek ended his essay with the hope that we won’t have to experience the worst of totalitarian ideology before we come to appreciate the glorious virtues of a free society. Reading it (and I encourage you to do so) is a chilling experience. He provides a perfect picture of how the scientific-industrial ruling class elite accomplished its goals in the last 14 months: by taking over the commanding heights of opinion. The question now is: what happens next? Will we imagine a new liberty or acquiesce to the new serfdom under which we live today? Lockdowns came to us like a meteor that few even knew existed. If that doesn’t shake your worldview, and your sense of who will stand up for basic rights and liberties, nothing will.
On Thu, 3 Jun 2021 02:13:00 -0400 grarpamp <> wrote:
Govt Leftists don't actually care about the poor...
and neither do trumpofascist pentagon turds like you and the rest of right-wing nazis. The only differeenec between a left wing nazi and a right wing nazi (i.e. you) is that right wing nazis don't bother pretending to have any empathy.
Govt Leftists don't actually care about the poor...
Or about Freedom of Education from their Indoctrination Taxes Cancel Culture BLM Violence Etc... Moms Blast School Boards Nationwide FTW !!! "You're Emotionally And Mentally Abusing Children": Mom Goes Nuclear On School Board Over CRT, BLM 'Indoctrination' A New York parent brought the heat to members of the Carmel Central School District board for 'emotionally abusing' children by 'indoctrinating them with communist values.' In comments at a school board business meeting in Putnam County, NY on Thursday, parent Tatiyana Ibrahim - whose child is a student, slammed the educators for promoting Critical Race Theory (CRT), Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ and anti-police ideologies both on and off campus. "Stop indoctrinating our children. Stop teaching our children to hate the police. Stop teaching our children that if they don’t agree with the LGBT community that they’re homophobic. You have no idea each child’s life," she said, adding "You don’t know what their family lifestyle consists of, you don’t know the makeup of their life." Ibrahim shut down school board members' objections several times - in between calling out two teachers for posting their political beliefs online. When board members told her she wasn't allowed to reference people by name, Ibrahim claimed those teachers called "for the death of a former president," and that students who don't support Black Lives Matter should be "canceled out." "Why are we not allowed to say names? Why am I not allowed when they purposefully expose themselves on social media, talking about calling for the death of a former president, or saying that any child who doesn’t believe in Black Lives Matter should be canceled out. Is this what my tax dollars are paying for?" she asked. "You’re emotionally abusing our children and mentally abusing them," Ibrahim continued. "You’re demoralizing them by teaching them communist values, this is still America, ma’am." Moms Blast School Boards Nationwide FTW !!! Rappers Blast Woke
Donald J Trump won the 2020 US Presidential Election. Darryl Cooper: Why Trump Supporters Are Pissed Off And Don't Trust Anything As the ruling class went to absurd lengths to try and dismantle Donald Trump, pissed off supporters watched in horror as a captured media peddled lie after lie - typically based on anonymous leaks from deep state bureaucrats, and as powerful agents within America's intelligence apparatus falsified evidence and collaborated with foreign operatives paid by Trump's political opponents. In doing so, they exposed themselves to anyone not already paying attention. Darryl Cooper, aka @MartyrMade, has assembled what might be the most accurate summation of why Trump supporters - the vast majority of conservatives - are livid after the past five years. Cooper, a researcher and writer, is the co-host of The Unraveling Podcast with retired US Navy SEAL commander Jocko Willink, and has hosted several deep-dive podcasts on a number of topics. Read below: Most believe some or all of the theories involving midnight ballots, voting machines, etc, but what you find when you talk to them is that, while they'll defend those positions w/info they got from Hannity or Breitbart or whatever, they're not particularly attached to them. 2/x — MartyrMade (@martyrmade) July 8, 2021 Here are the facts - actual, confirmed facts - that shape their perspective: 1) The FBI/etc spied on the 2016 Trump campaign using evidence manufactured by the Clinton campaign. We now know that all involved knew it was fake from Day 1 (see: Brennan's July 2016 memo, etc). These are Tea Party people. The types who give their kids a pocket Constitution for their birthday and have Founding Fathers memes in their bios. The intel community spying on a presidential campaign using fake evidence (incl forged documents) is a big deal to them. Everyone involved lied about their involvement as long as they could. We only learned the DNC paid for the manufactured evidence because of a court order. Comey denied on TV knowing the DNC paid for it, when we have emails from a year earlier proving that he knew. This was true with everyone, from CIA Dir Brennan & Adam Schiff - who were on TV saying they'd seen clear evidence of collusion w/Russia, while admitting under oath behind closed doors that they hadn't - all the way down the line. In the end we learned that it was ALL fake. At first, many Trump ppl were worried there must be some collusion, because every media & intel agency wouldn't make it up out of nothing. When it was clear that they had made it up, people expected a reckoning, and shed many illusions about their gov't when it didn't happen. We know as fact: a) The Steele dossier was the sole evidence used to justify spying on the Trump campaign, b) The FBI knew the Steele dossier was a DNC op, c) Steele's source told the FBI the info was unserious, d) they did not inform the court of any of this and kept spying. Trump supporters know the collusion case front and back. They went from worrying the collusion must be real, to suspecting it might be fake, to realizing it was a scam, then watched as every institution - agencies, the press, Congress, academia - gaslit them for another year. Worse, collusion was used to scare people away from working in the administration. They knew their entire lives would be investigated. Many quit because they were being bankrupted by legal fees. The DoJ, press, & gov't destroyed lives and actively subverted an elected admin. This is where people whose political identity was largely defined by a naive belief in what they learned in Civics class began to see the outline of a Regime that crossed all institutional boundaries. Because it had stepped out of the shadows to unite against an interloper. GOP propaganda still has many of them thinking in terms of partisan binaries, but A LOT of Trump supporters see that the Regime is not partisan. They all know that the same institutions would have taken opposite sides if it was a Tulsi Gabbard vs Jeb Bush election. It's hard to describe to people on the left (who are used to thinking of gov't as a conspiracy... Watergate, COINTELPRO, WMD, etc) how shocking & disillusioning this was for people who encourage their sons to enlist in the Army, and hate ppl who don't stand for the Anthem. They could have managed the shock if it only involved the government. But the behavior of the corporate press is really what radicalized them. They hate journalists more than they hate any politician or gov't official, because they feel most betrayed by them. The idea that the press is driven by ratings/sensationalism became untenable. If that were true, they'd be all over the Epstein story. The corporate press is the propaganda arm of the Regime they now see in outline. Nothing anyone says will ever make them unsee that, period. This is profoundly disorienting. Many of them don't know for certain whether ballots were faked in November 2020, but they know for absolute certain that the press, the FBI, etc would lie to them if there was. They have every reason to believe that, and it's probably true. They watched the press behave like animals for four years. Tens of millions of people will always see Kavanaugh as a gang rapist, based on nothing, because of CNN. And CNN seems proud of that. They led a lynch mob against a high school kid. They cheered on a summer of riots. They always claimed the media had liberal bias, fine, whatever. They still thought the press would admit truth if they were cornered. Now they don't. It's a different thing to watch them invent stories whole cloth in order to destroy regular lives and spark mass violence. Time Mag told us that during the 2020 riots, there were weekly conference calls involving, among others, leaders of the protests, the local officials who refused to stop them, and media people who framed them for political effect. In Ukraine we call that a color revolution. Throughout the summer, Democrat governors took advantage of COVID to change voting procedures. It wasn't just the mail-ins (they lowered signature matching standards, etc). After the collusion scam, the fake impeachment, Trump ppl expected shenanigans by now. Re: "fake impeachment", we now know that Trump's request for Ukraine to cooperate w/the DOJ regarding Biden's $ activities in Ukraine was in support of an active investigation being pursued by the FBI and Ukraine AG at the time, and so a completely legitimate request. Then you get the Hunter laptop scandal. Big Tech ran a full-on censorship campaign against a major newspaper to protect a political candidate. Period. Everyone knows it, all of the Tech companies now admit it was a "mistake" - but, ya know, the election's over, so who cares? Goes w/o saying, but: If the NY Times had Don Jr's laptop, full of pics of him smoking crack and engaging in group sex, lots of lurid family drama, emails describing direct corruption and backed up by the CEO of the company they were using, the NYT wouldn't have been banned. The way liberal journalists just ignore what was, to me, one of the most repressive events of the Trump years -- Big Tech **censored** reporting on the Hunter Biden docs about Joe's business deals to help Dems -- is still stunning. 3 weeks before the election, they barred links. — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) July 9, 2021 Think back: Stories about Trump being pissed on by Russian prostitutes and blackmailed by Putin were promoted as fact, and the only evidence was a document paid for by his opposition and disavowed by its source. The NY Post was banned for reporting on true information. The reaction of Trump ppl to all this was not, "no fair!" That's how they felt about Romney's "binders of women" in 2012. This is different. Now they see, correctly, that every institution is captured by ppl who will use any means to exclude them from the political process. And yet they showed up in record numbers to vote. He got 13m more votes than in 2016, 10m more than Clinton got! As election night dragged on, they allowed themselves some hope. But when the four critical swing states (and only those states) went dark at midnight, they knew. Over the ensuing weeks, they got shuffled around by grifters and media scam artists selling them conspiracy theories. They latched onto one, then another increasingly absurd theory as they tried to put a concrete name on something very real Media & Tech did everything to make things worse. Everything about the election was strange - the changes to procedure, unprecedented mail-in voting, the delays, etc - but rather than admit that and make everything transparent, they banned discussion of it (even in DMs!). Everyone knows that, just as Don Jr's laptop would've been the story of the century, if everything about the election dispute was the same, except the parties were reversed, suspicions about the outcome would've been Taken Very Seriously. See 2016 for proof. Even the courts' refusal of the case gets nowhere w/them, because of how the opposition embraced mass political violence. They'll say, w/good reason: What judge will stick his neck out for Trump knowing he'll be destroyed in the media as a violent mob burns down his house? It's a fact, according to Time Magazine, that mass riots were planned in cities across the country if Trump won. Sure, they were "protests", but they were planned by the same people as during the summer, and everyone knows what it would have meant. Judges have families, too. Forget the ballot conspiracies. It's a fact that governors used COVID to unconstitutionally alter election procedures (the Constitution states that only legislatures can do so) to help Biden to make up for a massive enthusiasm gap by gaming the mail-in ballot system. They knew it was unconstitutional, it's right there in plain English. But they knew the cases wouldn't see court until after the election. And what judge will toss millions of ballots because a governor broke the rules? The threat of mass riots wasn't implied, it was direct. a) The entrenched bureaucracy & security state subverted Trump from Day 1, b) The press is part of the operation, c) Election rules were changed, d) Big Tech censors opposition, e) Political violence is legitimized & encouraged, f) Trump is banned from social media. They were led down some rabbit holes, but they are absolutely right that their gov't is monopolized by a Regime that believes they are beneath representation, and will observe no limits to keep them getting it. Trump fans should be happy he lost; it might've kept him alive. /end As long as you’re here, check out my podcast. The most recent episode was on the Soviet takeover of Eastern Europe. There’s also a series on the early history of the Israeli-Arab conflict, and one on Jim Jones’ Peoples’ Temple movement. — MartyrMade (@martyrmade) July 8, 2021 This is an absolutely brilliant exposition on the underlying mindset, grievances and motivations of Trump/MAGA supporters. It's not as cathartic as screaming Racist and Fascist but much more illuminating. Don't agree with every particular, etc. etc., but hope everyone reads this: — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) July 9, 2021
Donald J Trump won the 2020 US Presidential Election.
In part, via Democrat Owned Fake News Media Propaganda... Dems FakeNews Propaganda Mind Programming Dems FakeNews Propaganda Mind Programming How do the people and outlets which spent five years trying to scare Americans into believing that Russia took over the US and controlled its institutions through sexual blackmail not have any self-awareness when they try to accuse *others* of being deranged conspiracy-mongers? — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) July 5, 2021 Wake up.
Donald J Trump won the 2020 US Presidential Election. Jack Dorsey the Lying Censor Shitbag
Trump Releases Letter From Ex-US Attorney McSwain Alleging AG Barr Pressured Him Not To Probe Voter Fraud Claims Former President Donald Trump on Monday released a letter he received from a former federal prosecutor in Pennsylvania last month, outlining how the attorney was allegedly pressured by former Attorney General William Barr against investigating claims of voter fraud and election irregularities in the state. William M. McSwain, who served as the chief federal law enforcement officer in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania from April 2018 to January 2021, addressed a letter (pdf) to Trump on June 9 outlining his allegations. “U.S. Attorney from the Eastern District of Pennsylvania was precluded from investigating election fraud allegations. Outrageous!” the former president said in a statement releasing the letter. McSwain in his letter to the former president expressed his discontent with the instructions he said he received from Barr following the November 2020 presidential election. “President Trump, you were right to be upset about the way the Democrats ran the 2020 election in Pennsylvania,” McSwain wrote. “On Election Day and afterwards, our Office received various allegations of voter fraud and election irregularities,” he continued. “As part of my responsibilities as U.S. Attorney, I wanted to be transparent with the public and, of course, investigate fully any allegations.” “Attorney General Barr, however, instructed me not to make any public statements or put out any press releases regarding possible election irregularities,” the former state attorney added. “ I was also given a directive to pass along serious allegations to the State Attorney General for investigation—the same State Attorney General who had already declared that you could not win.” Days before the presidential election last year, Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro wrote on Twitter that “Trump is going to lose” if “all the votes are added up” in Pennsylvania. McSwain said that while he “disagreed with that decision,” he did as instructed as “those were my orders.” He added, “As a Marine infantry officer, I was trained to follow the chain of command and to respect the orders of my superiors, even when I disagree with them.” Barr in December 2020 told The Associated Press that the U.S. Justice Department had uncovered no evidence of voter fraud “on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.” A month earlier, Barr had issued a directive to U.S. attorneys nationwide authorizing them to probe any “substantial allegations” of voting irregularities before the certification of the presidential election. The Department of Justice didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment from The Epoch Times. Trump last month said during an appearance on Just the News’ “Water Cooler” that he never admitted defeat in last year’s presidential election and that he has “not conceded.”
Donald J Trump won the 2020 US Presidential Election.
In part, via Democrat Owned Fake News Media Propaganda...
And in part through Illegal Spying by the Democrats, and in part through False Prosecutions and Impeachments, all generating FUD for Reps, Propaganda for Dems,, etc, etc... Leaks Suggest Durham Probe Is Making Progress Recent media reports point obliquely to significant developments in John Durham’s special counsel investigation. He’s using a grand jury to subpoena documents and witness testimony regarding the FBI’s illegal spying operation against Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. And now stories in the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post say Durham may be looking to make criminal charges against “lower-level FBI agents” as well as outside sources who passed false information to federal law enforcement. If that’s accurate, the latter category could include political operatives, foreign spies, big-name Beltway lawyers, journalists, and computer experts. But current and former government officials say the reports seem intended to shape the narrative on behalf of those Durham may really have in his crosshairs—senior FBI officials, including former Acting Director Andrew McCabe. Since the November election, I’ve expressed skepticism regarding Durham’s investigation. Without Durham’s former boss Attorney General William Barr holding anyone accountable before the 2020 vote, there was nothing stopping the FBI and other federal agencies from continuing to interfere in elections on behalf of their preferred candidates. There was also nothing ensuring that Durham would be allowed to continue his probe with a Trump loss. With Durham now working under the auspices of Joe Biden’s Justice Department, his ability to make his findings public, never mind bring charges, might be limited. According to the reports, Durham’s witnesses want Attorney General Merrick Garland to shut him down. And the president likely concurs. Biden was the number two official in an administration that spied on a presidential campaign and then Trump’s transition team. He offered advice on how to frame Trump’s national security adviser Gen. Michael Flynn. Even a man in cognitive decline as Biden appears to be would see that allowing his co-conspirators to be exposed to legal risk might tempt them to detail his role in full. And if he crosses the FBI, the president isn’t the only Biden family member who might regret it. Recent reports show that the Bureau protected his son Hunter by burying evidence not only of his financial relationships with corrupt foreign officials, but also of a possible blackmail scheme targeting him with the purpose of compromising US national security. Should Biden fail to protect the FBI from Durham, the FBI might stop shielding his son from the law. And yet Durham is clearly making headway or else sources wouldn’t be leaking their concerns to the press. “Without a doubt the sources for these stories are present or past FBI officials who are trying to pre-emptively downplay what Durham has,” said one senior congressional aide. “Leaking ahead of bad Russiagate news to bend the narrative their way is their MO. The same FBI leakers did the same thing before the DOJ inspector general’s report on FISA abuse came out,” said the aide, referring to the December 2019 account of how the FBI deceived a secret court to obtain a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant to spy on the Trump campaign. According to the current round of leaks, Durham prosecutors “have focused on people outside the FBI who provided information that helped fuel the 2016 investigation.” That includes both those who passed information directly to the FBI and, writes the Journal, those who “passed it on to others who later shared it with the FBI.” That’s a broad category with a long list attached, implicating famous and infamous Washington, DC political personalities as well as Christopher Steele, the British ex-spy who put his name to a dossier of falsified reports alleging Trump’s ties to Russian officials. The list would also include Steele’s clients, Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch, co-founders of Fusion GPS, the Washington, DC firm hired by the Hillary Clinton campaign to smear the 2016 Republican candidate. Another Fusion contractor, Nellie Ohr, would also be on that list—she passed information to her husband Justice Department lawyer Bruce Ohr, who relayed it to the FBI. Having served as an intermediary for the FBI and Steele and Simpson as well, he, too, would be under the spotlight. Lots of Clinton allies would be on the hot seat. Campaign lawyer Michael Sussman passed information to FBI general counsel James Baker regarding a clandestine link between computer servers for the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank, a Russian financial institution. The FBI investigated the tip and found nothing. Durham called the cyber-experts who first made the claims about the so-called secret server hook-up to testify. Others in the Clinton circle who would be on the list include Mrs. Clinton’s counselor Sidney Blumenthal, who played relay man for a second dossier falsely alleging Trump was compromised by Russia. Those reports were written by another Clinton hand, Cody Shearer, and passed by Blumenthal to State Department official Jonathan Winer, who relayed the false information to the FBI through Steele. And there’s Stefan Halper, the longtime Beltway political operative who the FBI employed as a confidential human source. He falsely alleged that Flynn had been compromised in a Russian honeypot operation. CIA director John Brennan would be a big catch. In 2017 congressional testimony, he boasted that the information and intelligence he shared with the Bureau served as “the basis” of the FBI’s Trump-Russia investigation. Durham interviewed him for eight hours last summer, though Brennan’s spokesman said the former spymaster wasn’t a suspect or a target. A name that keeps popping up in news reports is Steele’s so-called primary sub-source, Igor Danchenko. The former Brookings Institution researcher told the FBI that his information regarding Trump’s Russia connections came from several sources inside Russia. But five Russian nationals whom Danchenko claimed as sources recently signed affidavits swearing that they did not provide him with any information found in the Clinton-funded dossier. So it seems certain Danchenko lied to the FBI. And that was always the FBI’s second parachute. Danchenko was set up from the outset to be the fall guy. On the front end, he helped credential the dossier to make it look genuine if the FISA court started asking questions: Steele’s primary sub-source for the Trump information was a real Russian who had real Russian sources. And if the FBI’s plot was discovered, they’d claim they were not criminal, just incompetent—they got fooled by “Russian disinformation,” i.e., Danchenko’s information. It seems the leakers have positioned him to play the sap here, too. The message they’re sending is that the probe will stop at Danchenko and maybe some other low-hanging fruit but everyone else is in the clear — Clinton lieutenants, spies, and especially the senior FBI officials who drove the operation. Otherwise, it will amount to a grossly politicized effort to target the opponents of the former president. It’s not hard to see the FBI’s angle. “I doubt the investigation is only about people who lied to the FBI,” said Kash Patel, the former national security prosecutor who led Congressman Devin Nunes’ investigation into the FBI’s Trump-Russia probe. “It’s not like the FBI suddenly realized they had a bunch of losers who were lying to them. The FBI knew they were lying. Our investigation proved that the FBI knew that the credibility of their sources was zero.” The Durham investigation is almost certainly about the senior FBI officials who staged the lies. “They basically forged a FISA warrant and took it to a federal judge to spy on the Trump campaign,” says Patel. “I’d be looking at Lisa Page, Peter Strzok, and Andrew McCabe,” he said, referring to the FBI cell that managed the anti-Trump plot. Patel noted that McCabe lied about leaking to the media regarding the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails. “And he got caught by the inspector general,” said Patel. “Why wouldn’t they do the same thing here? The stories coming out now are in publications the FBI used in the past to deflect away from their own corruption.” If Durham does come down on the FBI, we’ll see the media take over the narrative and drive it against him. Prestige press organizations will do anything to protect their sources, especially if they’re dirty cops who pushed an illegal espionage operation against a president they didn’t like.
The FBI Comes Up Empty-Handed in its Search for an Insurrection Below is my column in The Hill on the recent reports confirming that the FBI has not been able to establish a planned insurrection on January 6th despite the overwhelming references in the media. The vast majority of charges concern trespass or unlawful parading. The absence of a major insurrection or sedition prosecution is conspicuous but has done little to temper the characterization of the riot in media accounts or political statements. Here is the column: It may be true, as Confucius said, that “the beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name,” but it can also be the end of politics. For politicians, labeling controversies is often more important than addressing them. Even well-defined terms used in legislation must change to fit political needs, like “infrastructure.” When its real meaning stood in the way of real money, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) simply tweeted: “Paid leave is infrastructure. Child care is infrastructure. Caregiving is infrastructure.” Done. The same is true with labeling political violence. When protests by Black Lives Matter and other groups turned violent last summer, the media was expressly told not to refer to “rioters” but rather “protesters.” Riots causing massive property damage were described by CNN as “fiery but mostly peaceful protests.” Conversely, the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol could not be just a riot, let alone a “fiery” protest, but only an “insurrection.” Many in the media continue to awkwardly refer to “the insurrectionists” rather than the rioters. National Public Radio even ran a running account of the “Capitol Insurrection.” The term was further driven home by House Democrats by impeaching President Trump for “incitement to insurrection” despite undermining any chance for an actual conviction. Members of Congress like Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) are still in federal court claiming a conspiracy of “armed and organized insurrectionists.” The characterization of the attack as an insurrection served a myriad of political and personal purposes. First, it painted anyone associated with challenging the 2020 election results as supporting sedition and the country’s overthrow. Second, if this was a protest allowed to turn into an uncontrolled riot, there would be more questions about the failure to properly protect the Capitol. It is easier to excuse a response to an insurrection than a violent protest. That point was expressly made by former U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund who insisted “this was not a demonstration. This was not a failure to plan for a demonstration. This was a planned, coordinated attack on the United States Capitol.” Despite the adoption of the term by many in the media, there has been a growing disconnect with the actual cases in court. Indeed, a new report from Reuters disclosed that the FBI has struggled to support the account of a coordinated “insurrection” on Jan. 6. Reuters’ FBI sources said that, despite months of intense investigation, they could find “scant evidence” of any “organized plot” and instead found that virtually all of the cases are “one-offs.” One agent explained: ”Ninety to 95 percent of these are one-off cases. Then you have 5 percent, maybe, of these militia groups that were more closely organized. But there was no grand scheme with Roger Stone and Alex Jones and all of these people to storm the Capitol and take hostages.” In other words, they found a protest that became a runaway riot as insufficient security preparations quickly collapsed. While there clearly were those set upon trashing the Capitol, most people were shown milling about in the halls; many took selfies and actively described the scene on social media. More than 570 people have been arrested, but only 40 face conspiracy charges. Those charges are often based on prior discussions about trying to enter Congress or bringing material to use in the riot; some clearly came prepared for rioting with ropes, chemical irritants and other materials. Those cases, however, are a small group among the hundreds charged and an even smaller percentage among the tens of thousands of protesters on that day. They remain a couple insurrectionists short of an insurrection. After five months of dragnet arrests nationwide, a few reporters noted that no one was actually charged with insurrection or sedition. The vast majority of people face charges like simple trespass. For example, the latest guilty plea is from San Francisco real estate broker Jennifer Leigh Ryan, who posted an account on social media of how “We’re gonna go down and storm the capitol.” She pleaded guilty this week to “parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol building” and faces a maximum sentence of six months in prison and a fine of $5,000. Yet, the characterization of the “insurrection” has continued as a virtual article of faith for those reporting on or writing about Jan. 6. Moreover, the treatment of many has remained severe, if not draconian by design. Justice official Michael Sherwin proudly declared in a television interview that “our office wanted to ensure that there was shock and awe … it worked because we saw through media posts that people were afraid to come back to D.C. because they’re, like, ‘If we go there, we’re gonna get charged.’ … We wanted to take out those individuals that essentially were thumbing their noses at the public for what they did.” That “shock and awe” included holding people without bail and imposing “restrictive housing” for no obvious reason. That includes some of the most notable figures from that day, like Jacob Chansley (aka Jake Angeli), better known as “Chewbacca Man” or the “QAnon Shaman” for the distinctive horned headdress he wore during the riot. Angeli, 33, is not accused of attacking anyone while parading around the Senate floor in his bear skin. He always insisted he was not trying to overthrow the nation with his decorative outfit and spear-topped flagpole. While the government did not find a basis for an insurrection or sedition charge, it did learn that he has an array of mental illnesses including transient schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety. Yet, he has been held since the riot and is charged with six crimes, including violent entry, trespass and parading, that collectively could yield up to 28 years in prison. There is a fair distinction between those who tried to stop the certification of a presidential election and those who burn police stations or businesses during protests. While the majority of people who went to the Capitol were protesters and did not engage in the riot, there were some who sought to physically disrupt or prevent the certification, including the use of violent entry into the Capitol. Yet, there remains a striking contrast in how other riots are characterized or prosecuted. Most of those arrested for violent protests after the death of George Floyd saw their charges dropped by state prosecutors. For months, rioters sought to burn federal buildings or occupy state capitals and, in some cases, seized police stations, sections of cities, even occupied a city hall. They were not declared insurrectionists; they were rioters before being set free after brief arrests. Many of us remain disgusted and angered by the Jan. 6 riot — but it was a riot. It also was a desecration. These people deserve to be punished, particularly those who went with an intent to try to enter the Congress. The question is whether you can have an insurrection without anyone actually insurrecting. That Zen-like question may find its way into the hearings of some pending cases. Calling these people “rioters” does not minimize what they did, or undermine the legitimacy of their punishment. However, there is wisdom and even the chance for resolution when we “call things by their proper name.”
Leaks Suggest Durham Probe Is Making Progress
More questions lodged about FBI...
Donald J Trump won the 2020 US Presidential Election.
With the Media and Tech Bias and their Propaganda Brainwashing Programmes so widspread and clear to any objective observer for well over five years, it's a wonder the US Republicans got any votes at all. And the US Libertarians still can't get any airtime, any debates, and print columns, etc. Can The Media Survive Without Half The Population? New Poll Raises Questions About The 'Openly Biased Advocacy' Of The 'News' We have often discussed the increasing bias and advocacy in major media in the United States. While cable networks have long catered to political audiences on the left or right, mainstream newspapers and networks now openly frame news to fit a political narrative. With the exception of Fox and a couple of other smaller news outlets, that slant is heavily to the left. What is most striking about this universal shift toward advocacy journalism (including at journalism schools) is that there is no evidence that it is a sustainable approach for the media as an industry. While outfits like NPR allow reporters to actually participate in protests and the New York Times sheds conservative opinions, the new poll shows a sharp and worrisome division in trust in the media. Not surprisingly given the heavy slant of American media, Democrats are largely happy with and trusting of the media. Conversely, Republicans and independents are not. The question is whether the mainstream media can survive and flourish by writing off over half of the country. The new study from the non-partisan Pew Research Center shows a massive decline in trust among Republicans. Five years ago, 70 percent of Republicans said they had at least some trust in national news organizations. In 2021, that trust is down to just 35 percent. Conversely, and not surprisingly, 78 percent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents saying they have “a lot” or “some” trust in the media. When you just ask liberal Democrats, it jumps to 83 percent. For those looking for echo-journalism that reaffirms their assumptions, liberals are more likely to realize such confirmation bias on networks and cable programs. For conservatives and others (see below), they are largely limited to looking to Fox News and a couple other sites to get the other side of stories. This has worked incredibly well for Fox which has rivaled the national networks in some time slots. However, it is not good in the long run for American media, which is jettisoning much of the country in its coverage. We need healthy and multiple news outlets to give citizens a reliable and trusted body of journalism. The question is whether news programs can sustain themselves by effectively writing off half of the country. It will require a higher percentage of liberals and Democrats reading and watching these siloed programs. That does not appear to be the case. Fox News remains the most dominant cable network. (For full disclosure, I appear as a legal analyst on Fox). The recent numbers are staggering. Fox News Channel (FNC) was rated as holding 94 of the top 100 live telecasts on all of cable TV in August. Fox’s average prime-time audience (2.5 million) is now routinely double MSNBC’s (1.229 million) and triple CNN’s (819,000). In “the demo” of viewers under 55, Fox is also beating the other networks. Thirteen of the top 14 cable-news shows were on FNC. CNN has dropped in “trust” while Fox has risen. Moreover, CNN has lost 68 percent of its viewership. While all news outfits are down from the heady days of the impeachments and elections, this is a nose-bleed of a drop for any new organization. I still have friends working at CNN and I worked with the network for decades. We need a strong array of news outlets, including different views of stories on opinion programs. This is an industry wide crisis of trust. This poll is bad news for the industry which is based first and foremost on trust. Moreover, the Pew Research Center released a journalism project entitled How Americans Navigated the News in 2020: A Tumultuous Year in Review that surprised many in showing that more Democrats were watching Fox than assumed by most commentators. As Forbes reported, “the Fox News viewership actually consists of more than just Trump devotees — that, in fact, there are more Democrats on a regular basis watching Fox than you might expect.” I have been a columnist for three decades and I have worked for NBC, MSNBC, CBS, BBC, and Fox as a legal analyst. I have watched with increasing alarm as the media has openly embraced advocacy journalism even in mainstream news reporting. At the same time, we have witnessed the drop in viewership and readership in media outlets overall. Clearly, part of this trend is due to the rise of digital sources and the impact of the Internet. However, fewer people trust the media and the effect of the bias on many programs is to reduce the population of news consumers to roughly half. While national media has always had a liberal slant, the bias is now extreme, obvious, and consistent across platforms. The result is like operating in a country with half of our population by design. The embrace of advocacy journalism has worked on an individual level for journalists and editors to protect their own positions. However, it could be killing the profession, particularly among non-cable outlets. The fact is that people have become used to echo journalism and it is not likely to change in cable programming (which has always been heavily opinion based in the evenings). Yet, newspapers and outlets like NPR are now openly and consistently biased in coverage from avoiding coverage of some stories to soft-peddling other stories. While NPR remains a massive news organization, it has also experienced declining numbers. Cable networks will continue to feature more opinion-based news. However, it is the extent of the bias that has led to a stampede of viewers. Viewers now face virtual blackouts of news like the Hunter Biden laptop story on both cable and network shows. At the same time, social media companies are actively banning opposing views on major news stories. That leaves conservative, independent, and just inquisitive viewers with few options for news. Yet, the alienation from much of the country leaves most media outlets dividing up a smaller and smaller pie of news consumers. The new poll suggests that this is not enough to sustain many of our media platforms which may have to return to the center or face starvation on the edges. As a law professor, I am particularly concerned that the drop in trust will impact our political system. People simply no longer believe what is being reported on sites like NPR or NYT. The result is that it is more difficult to identify what is false or unsupported. I have worked in the media for almost three decades and, for the first time, I am uncertain of the future for American media for the next decade if these trends continue. At some point, the media will have to recognize that journalism means little if fewer and fewer people want to read it or watch it.
Donald J Trump won the 2020 US Presidential Election.
In part, via Democrat Owned Fake News Media Propaganda...
And in part through Illegal Spying by the Democrats, and in part through False Prosecutions and Impeachments, all generating FUD for Reps, Propaganda for Dems,, etc, etc...
Leaks Suggest Durham Probe Is Making Progress
Democrats-Hillary-Obama-Biden and Fake News Media defrauded Trump with four years of Russia Hoax and Lies... "Russiagate In A Nutshell": Glenn Greenwald Breaks Down Significance Of Expected Indictment Against Hillary Clinton Lawyer Special counsel John Durham is reportedly seeking a grand jury indictment against to indict an attorney reportedly representing Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign for peddling a fake story in 2016 that the Trump campaign was using a secret server to communicate with a Russian bank - a lie promoted by Hillary Clinton herself right before the 2016 US election. According to the Washington Post, Michael Sussmann, a cybersecurity lawyer and partner at Perkins Coie, pushed the theory that computer scientists had discovered secret server connections between Trump and Alfa Bank - an allegation which was then amplified through left-wing media chambers (such as Slate) as part of their ongoing full-court press against Trump. The NYT reports that Durham - the special counsel appointed by former President Trump to scrutinize the FBI's Russia investigation - will charge Sussmann with lying to the FBI. The case against Mr. Sussmann centers on the question of who his client was when he conveyed certain suspicions about Mr. Trump and Russia to the F.B.I. in September 2016. Among other things, investigators have examined whether Mr. Sussmann was secretly working for the Clinton campaign — which he denies. ... The accusation against Mr. Sussmann focuses on a meeting he had on Sept. 19, 2016, with James A. Baker, who was the F.B.I.’s top lawyer at the time, according to the people familiar with the matter. They spoke on condition of anonymity. Because of a five-year statute of limitations for such cases, Mr. Durham has a deadline of this weekend to bring a charge over activity from that date. At the meeting, Mr. Sussmann relayed data and analysis from cybersecurity researchers who thought that odd internet data might be evidence of a covert communications channel between computer servers associated with the Trump Organization and with Alfa Bank, a Kremlin-linked Russian financial institution. -NYT Breaking down news of the indictment is journalist and attorney Glenn Greenwald. The scam that Trump was using a secret server to communicate with a Russian bank was promoted by Hillary herself, and touted by media outlets led by @Slate. Like so much that comprised Russiagate, it was a total fraud concocted by the DNC & media allies: — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) September 16, 2021 Remember that an FBI lawyer pled guilty to lying to the FISA court in order to obtain warrants to spy on former Trump campaign official Carter Page. The real criminals weren't people colluding with Russia but those who perpetrated the Russiagate fraud: — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) September 16, 2021 Savage has done good and important reporting in the past but there's probably no corporate journalist except Bob Woodward more linked to and intertwined with Democratic security state operatives, and that's what happens when reporters become their tools: — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) September 16, 2021 And as attorney Nicholas Devyatkin notes, "Elias has completely reinvented himself as some voting rights advocate. See how MSNBC covers him without disclosing his very recent role as general counsel to the Clinton Campaign and his role in commissioning the Steele Dossier." Also, Elias has completely reinvented himself as some voting rights advocate. See how MSNBC covers him without disclosing his very recent role as general counsel to the Clinton Campaign and his role in commissioning the Steele Dossier. — Nicholas Devyatkin (@NickDevyatkin) September 16, 2021 As the Daily Caller noted in April 2020, Sussmann "set off a chain of events that led to Steele publishing a Sept. 14, 2016 memo accusing the founders of the bank, Alfa Bank, of having “illicit” ties to Vladimir Putin," before meeting with former UK spy Christopher Steele of bullshit 'dossier' infamy. A week after Steele wrote that memo, he had another meeting with Sussmann’s colleague, Marc Elias, according to the transcript. Steele disclosed the previously unreported meetings with Sussmann and Elias during testimony in a defamation lawsuit filed against him by the Alfa Bank founders, the transcript shows. Steele’s testimony about Sussmann and Elias provides insight into how deeply involved the two lawyers were in the Trump investigation, and suggests they helped shape Steele’s investigation into possible Russian interference in the 2016 election. -DCNF "I’m very clear is that the first person that ever mentioned the Trump server issue, Alfa server issue, was Mr. Sussman [sic]," Steele told Allfa Bank lawyer Hugh Tomlinson according to a March 2020 transcript. Steele then said that Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson instructed him to write a report about Alfa bank based on Sussmann's fabrication. "I was given the instruction sometime after that meeting by Mr. Simpson," said Steele, adding that Simpson's instruction "was absolutely, definitely linked to the server issue." As the Caller further noted at the time, "Sussmann shopped the allegations about the Alfa Bank computer servers around to others besides Steele, including to journalists and the FBI’s top lawyer."
Donald J Trump won the 2020 US Presidential Election.
In part, via Democrat Owned Fake News Media Propaganda...
And in part through Illegal Spying by the Democrats, and in part through False Prosecutions and Impeachments, all generating FUD for Reps, Propaganda for Dems, etc, etc...
With Clinton Lawyer Charged, The Russiagate Scam Is Now Under Indictment In accusing Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann of lying to the FBI, Special Counsel John Durham offers new evidence of the fabrications behind the Trump-Russia conspiracy theory. The indictment of Hillary Clinton attorney Michael Sussmann offers new evidence that the Trump-Russia conspiracy theory that engulfed Trump’s term in office was itself the product of fabrications involving Clinton’s 2016 campaign. Although Sussmann faces just one count on a false statement charge, the 27-page charging document offers an expansive window into how the Russiagate scam began, and how Democratic operatives, intelligence officials, and establishment media figures dishonestly fed it to the public. Inventing a Trump-Russia “narrative” to “please” Democratic “VIPs” Sussmann, until recently an attorney with Clinton campaign law firm Perkins Coie, is the second person to be charged by John Durham, the Special Counsel scrutinizing the Russia investigation. Sussmann is accused of lying to the FBI during a September 2016 meeting in which he tried to raise alarm about “secret communications” between the Trump Organization and Russia’s Alfa Bank. Sussmann gave then-FBI attorney Jim Baker documents and data purporting to show that computer servers associated with Trump and Alfa Bank were in regular contact. This was evidence, Sussmann argued, of a possible covert back channel. According to Durham, Sussmann told Baker that he was not working “for any client,” and was simply passing on information that had been provided to him by “multiple cyber experts” who had come across the suspicious web traffic. But according to the detailed indictment, Sussmann was in fact cooking up a politically motivated scam. The theory of a purported covert Trump-Alfa channel had been concocted by an unnamed tech executive positioning himself for a top cybersecurity job in the anticipated Clinton administration. To spread the theory to the media and intelligence community, the executive and Sussmann “coordinated”, Durham says, with Mark Elias, a colleague of Sussmann’s at Perkins Coie and the top lawyer for Clinton’s 2016 campaign. Sussmann and Elias in turn coordinated with the private intelligence company Fusion GPS. Elias had already hired the firm – on Clinton’s behalf – to produce the Steele dossier, the collection of fabricated reports by ex-British spy Christopher Steele alleging a longstanding Trump-Russia conspiracy/blackmail relationship. According to Steele, it was Sussmann, in a July 2016 meeting, who first informed him about the Alfa Bank server story. Elias kept Clinton campaign members informed as well, including the “campaign manager, communications director, and foreign policy advisor.” In February 2017, Sussmann also met with a CIA official to push the Alfa Bank narrative. Sussmann concealed this plot from the FBI, along with the fact that he was billing Clinton for his involvement. The meeting with the FBI’s Baker, for example, was charged to the Clinton campaign as “work and communications regarding confidential project.” In fact, according to Durham, “all or nearly all” of Sussmann’s work on the Alfa Bank story prior to meeting Baker was “billed to the Clinton campaign.” (In Sussmann’s orbit, hiding the money trail was established Russiagate practice. His law firm Perkins Coie and the Clinton campaign concealed that they had funded the Steele dossier, until a subpoena from the GOP-controlled House Intelligence Committee forced them to admit the truth in October 2017. The FBI also concealed Steele’s Democratic funders from the FISA court when it used the dossier to obtain a surveillance warrant on Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page.) Sussmann is charged for failing to disclose that he was acting on behalf of Clinton’s team. But the indictment makes clear that Durham has uncovered a wider deception. For weeks prior to his meeting with the FBI, Sussmann worked with the unnamed technology executive (“Tech Executive-1”), who, like the Clinton campaign, was also Sussmann’s client. The executive’s “goal”, Durham says, was to create a “narrative” about Trump’s “ties to Russia” which would ultimately “please certain ‘VIPs'” – i.e., Sussmann’s clients in the Clinton campaign. To advance this goal, the executive took advantage of his ownership position at several companies to access “public and non-public” internet data, and tasked several people to assist him. Their efforts yielded a cache of purported DNS traffic between a Trump-adjacent marketing server and Alfa Bank in Russia. According to Durham, the tech executive’s researchers expressed misgivings about the project. One team member relayed “continued doubt” about the Trump-Alfa conspiracy theory that Sussman “would later convey to the FBI,” and concerns that the project was driven not by data, but by “bias against Trump.” To suggest even “a very weak association,” the researcher warned, “we will have to expose every trick we have in our bag.” At one point, the executive himself even admitted that the Trump-Alfa Bank traffic was not a secret channel but in fact a “red herring.” But that ultimately did not stop him from working with Sussmann to draft white papers and collect data that would be submitted to the FBI in the service of the “VIP”-catered “narrative.” The FBI would ultimately reach the same “red herring” conclusion that the executive had concealed. As Durham notes, “the email server at issue was not owned or operated by the Trump Organization but, rather, had been administered by a mass marketing email company that sent advertisements for Trump hotels and hundreds of other clients.” For its part, Alfa Bank has filed suit against the computer researchers involved, accusing them of doctoring computer data in a deliberate smear campaign to tie the bank to Trump. A lengthy report commissioned by Alfa Bank posits that “threat actors may have artificially created DNS activity” between Trump and Alfa Bank “to make it appear as though a connection existed, for ‘discovery’ later.” After planting Trump-Alfa story, Clinton campaign hypes the “secret hotline” The FBI’s investigation of the Alfa Bank theory proved to be just as fruitless as every other of the fabricated Trump-Russia conspiracy theories chased by US intelligence officials, Congressional committees and media outlets for more than three years. But Sussmann’s effort ultimately served its purpose. The FBI meeting gave journalists a news hook to publish the Alfa Bank allegations just days before the November 2016 election. Weeks later, the DNC-funded Steele dossier would see a similar entry into public consciousness: after sitting on the salacious dossier for months, the US media was given a news hook to publish it when then-FBI Director Jim Comey – in concert with other intelligence officials – went to Trump Tower and briefed then-President-elect Trump about the alleged “pee tape.” On October 31st, Slate’s Franklin Foer, as well as Eric Lichtblau and Steven Lee Myers the New York Times, published stories about the Trump-Alfa Bank “secret channel.” The Times‘ story revealed that Trump campaign associates, as well as the Alfa Bank theory, was the subject of an FBI investigation. The Clinton campaign immediately promoted the story as part of its public campaign to portray Trump as a Kremlin stooge. “Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert server linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank,” Hillary Clinton announced on Twitter. “It’s time for Trump to answer serious questions about his ties to Russia.” Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert server linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank. — Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) November 1, 2016 It's time for Trump to answer serious questions about his ties to Russia. — Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) October 31, 2016 Clinton also shared a statement from her then-foreign policy advisor, Jake Sullivan. This “secret hotline”, Sullivan claimed, “could be the most direct link yet between Donald Trump and Moscow” and “may be the key to unlocking the mystery of Trump’s ties to Russia.” To Sullivan, “it certainly seems the Trump Organization felt it had something to hide.” But five year later, now we have confirmation that it was in fact the Clinton campaign that was hiding its role as the source of this story. As Glenn Greenwald notes: Both Hillary and Jake Sullivan were pretending that they had just learned about this shocking story from Slate when, in fact, it was Hillary’s own lawyers and researchers who had spent weeks pushing the story to both the FBI and friendly journalists like Foer. In other words, it was Hillary and her team who had manufactured the hoax, then pretended that — like everyone else — they were just learning about it, and believing it to be true, because a media outlet to which they had fed the false story had just published it. Indeed, the Clinton campaign’s role in planting the Alfa Bank story was so extensive that it appears to have influenced the day it came to light. As Durham recounts, on October 30th, a Fusion GPS employee wrote to Slate’s Foer and told him “time to hurry.” Foer responded by sharing what he called “the first 2500 words” of his article, and then published it the following day. He never disclosed that the story had come to him from Trump’s Democratic rival. “What more evidence do you need?” Comparing the indictment’s details to the way Foer and other credulous journalists spun the Clinton-fueled Alfa Bank “narrative” offers a window into how the media enabled the scam. Whereas Durham reveals that the Alfa Bank team was instructed to create a “narrative” about Trump-Russia ties that would please Democratic Party “VIPs”, the Alfa “researchers” gave the Clinton campaign’s media dupes an inverse cover story: they were simply well-meaning internet sleuths trying to protect Trump’s campaign too. “We wanted to help defend both campaigns, because we wanted to preserve the integrity of the election,” one of the unknown researchers told Foer. “We thought there was no way in the world the Russians would just attack the Democrats,” but the Republicans as well, another source told the New Yorker‘s Dexter Filkins. “We were trying to protect them.” Filkins’ story – published in October 2018, two years after Foer’s, and long after the FBI had privately concluded that there was nothing to it – gave the Alfa Bank story a new shelf life. Natasha Bertrand, now a correspondent for CNN, joined Foer on MSNBC in October 2018 to declare that the Alfa Bank-Trump connection was in fact a collusion smoking gun. “What more evidence do you need? It’s very, very obvious,” Bertrand said. "I mean, what more evidence do you need? It’s very, very obvious." -Natasha on the Alfa Bank story in October 2018, to the approval of two other Russiagate disinformation actors. — Aaron Maté (@aaronjmate) September 16, 2021 That same night, Filkins was given an effusive reception from cable news’ leading Trump-Russia conspiracy theorist. “We are blessed as a country to have journalists as talented as you and Franklin Foer writing about this,” Rachel Maddow told Filkins from across the anchor desk. "We are blessed as a country to have journalists as talented as you and Franklin Foer writing about this." -@maddow in 2018 to Dexter Filkins on his and Foer's stories about secret Trump-Russian bank contacts -- a DNC-funded scam that is now subject to a federal indictment. — Aaron Maté (@aaronjmate) September 17, 2021 Predictably, the same media voices who parroted the Alfa Bank story and countless other Russia fantasies throughout the Trump era have now fallen silent or continued obfuscating. One day before Sussmann’s indictment, Maddow covered the story based on a leak to the New York Times from someone in the Sussmann’s camp. This allowed Maddow to avoid the damning details revealed in the indictment the following day, and instead portray the as-yet-uncharged case as a trivial charge from a Special Prosecutor desperate to show results. “The only hoax is the charge contained in this indictment,” Maddow’s guest, MSNBC legal analyst Barbara McQuade declared. Neither Foer and Filkins have publicly commented on the indictment. If his past record is any indication, Filkins is not one for contrition. In October 2020 – two years after his initial story and more than one year after the Mueller report found zero evidence to support the Trump-Russia conspiracy theory, including the Alfa Bank story — Filkins attempted a half-hearted defense. Filkins had discovered that Durham was eyeing the Alfa Bank researchers for possible criminal charges, and that Alfa Bank had itself filed associated lawsuits. He framed the legal activity as “troubling”, and warned that it “could aid the Kremlin.” Filkins even threw in a plug for Steele, whose “information”, he declared, “has been neither proved nor disproved.” Filkins may have missed the main sections of a scathing Department of Justice report of December 2019, which blasted the FBI for relying on Steele’s fabrications. With the Steele dossier now widely discredited and Sussmann’s indictment adding new details of a related deception, the Clinton campaign is now connected to yet one more documented scam in a sprawling effort to plant Trump-Russia conspiracy theories in the media and trigger federal investigative activity. As we will turn to in the second part of this report, coming later this week, Sussmann’s role in the Alfa Bank fabrication raises new questions about the allegation at the heart of the Trump-Russia scandal: the claim that Russia stole emails from the Democratic Party and gave them to Wikileaks in a covert operation to help Trump’s campaign. This allegation was generated by a different private firm, Crowdstrike, which, like Fusion GPS, was also hired by Perkins Coie — specifically, by Michael Sussmann.
On 9/20/21, grarpamp <> wrote:
Donald J Trump won the 2020 US Presidential Election.
In part, via Democrat Owned Fake News Media Propaganda...
And in part through Illegal Spying by the Democrats, and in part through False Prosecutions and Impeachments, all generating FUD for Reps, Propaganda for Dems, etc...
Leaks Suggest Durham Probe Is Making Progress
Democrats-Hillary-Obama-Biden and Fake News Media defrauded Trump with four years of Russia Hoax and Lies...
'Nasser Was Not An Outlier' - Exposing The FBI's Incurable Rot ... the FBI “has been used for a quarter of a century as the place to clean up the Clintons’ dirt.
Indictments fly, and still the Fake News like NYT and CNN refuse to quit pushing false Russia-gate Hoax... NYT Gives Russia-Gate CPR, WSJ Pronounces It Dead Those who may still think it was Russia that "interfered" with the 2016 election owe it to themselves to read the Sussmann indictment/charging document. Spoiler: It was the very top officials of the Clinton campaign aided by a lawyer crooked as a hound’s hind leg that interfered in 2016. The tricks tried by Sussmann and associates might make even GOP "strategists" like Lee Atwater and Karl Rove blush. One must recall that back in 2016 the Clinton campaign folks and their well-heeled coterie of attorneys were sure Mrs. Clinton would win. As the Sussmann charging document shows, there was some expectation of high-level posting in the "incoming" Clinton administration and – alas – absolutely no thought of indictment. This goes a long way to explain the brazenness of it all. As discredited former FBI Director James Comey put it in his apologia-sans-apology book, A Higher Loyalty, "I was making decisions in an environment where Hillary Clinton was sure to be the next president …" Needless to say, a Clinton presidency would confer automatic immunity on key campaign miscreants and lawyers like Sussmann. Worse still for them, it appears likely that others of their breed may also find themselves criminally referred to the Department of Justice. High Stakes Were the stakes not so high, one might find it amusing how hard the Times tries to stanch the stench of that long-dead red herring about Donald Trump colluding with the Russians and blaming his victory on – inter alia – Russian "hacking". But the stakes remain high, and too many people are still suffering from Mad-Maddow/Trump Derangement Syndrome, with the attendant dangers of adding to the current high tension with nuclear-armed Russia. In Friday’s article, Times authors Charlie Savage and Adam Goldman bend over backwards in an attempt to "make the worse case the better." Socrates was accused (falsely) of precisely that, but there is no sign yet that anyone at the Times is about to take the hemlock. In contrast, The NY Times pettifoggery is absent from today’s Wall Street Journal authoritative piece by the Journal’s Editorial Board, titled "Durham Cracks the Russia Case." Referring to the Sussmann indictment, the Journal editors write: "This is no ho-hum case of deception. The special counsel’s 27-page indictment is full of new, and damning, details that underscore how the Russian collusion tale was concocted and peddled by the Clinton campaign. … "Sussmann is accused of making false statements to then-FBI general counsel James Baker in a Sept. 19, 2016 meeting when he presented documents purporting to show secret internet communications between the Trump Organization and Russia-based Alfa Bank. "The indictment adds new details about the sweeping nature of the Clinton campaign’s effort to falsely tag Donald Trump as in bed with the Russians. The document alleges this extended far beyond the opportunity-research firm Fusion GPS and the fake "dossier" produced by Christopher Steele – though both played a role in the broader effort." "Campaign Lawyer-1" mentioned in the indictment has been identified as former Perkins Coie lawyer/Clinton campaign general counsel, Marc Elias. The indictment makes clear that Elias brought up to date Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook, communications director Jennifer Palmieri and foreign policy adviser (now Biden’s national security adviser) Jake Sullivan a few days before Sussmann is said to have lied to the FBI. The latest news is that more indictments may be in the offing. This week came additional information suggesting that Durham has still more up his sleeve. A new set of subpoenas is reported to have been served on Perkins Coie after Sussmann was charged. So it seems possible – just possible – that special counsel John Durham may be allowed to proceed to full-scale prosecution – this time. His record, however, counsels caution. He had the goods on CIA torturers, for example, and sneaked meekly off when he was told to stop. And so it goes.
Biden, the Asshole Tera-$tatist no one wants in their life... Biden, Bargaining, & Betrayal: It's Not The Top-Line Number... It's The Bottom-Line Goal The news from Washington is all about back-room negotiations, divisions among Democrats, and their failure to reach a spending deal, so far. It’s an easy story to tell, but the focus on dollars and deals obscures a larger question: What’s really at stake in these negotiations? First, let’s consider the bargaining and betrayals. Those begin with bipartisan agreement to pass a “roads and highways” bill, which will cost over $1 trillion. To pass it, President Biden explicitly promised Senate Republicans and moderate Democrats that the bill would be considered separately from a larger, more controversial measure to establish new social-welfare programs. Within hours, Biden tried to renege on his promise. Furious resistance from senators forced him to return to his original position, but the episode left everyone wondering who was in control and whether Biden could be trusted. Even so, the bill did pass the upper chamber with a strong bipartisan majority: 19 Republicans, including Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, joined the 50 Democrats. Supporters expected the bill to be approved by the House where Democrats hold a slim majority and some Republicans might vote with them on infrastructure, as they had in the Senate. But no. Speaker Nancy Pelosi held up the bill and refused to allow a vote until the House had first passed the social-welfare legislation. Moderate Democrats pushed back and, to appease them, she finally agreed to sever the two bills and allow a vote on roads and bridges first. That vote, which she promised would take place on Sept. 27, never happened. The roadblock was the Congressional Progressive Caucus, led by Pramila Jayapal from Seattle. Faced with their refusal, Pelosi reneged on her public pledge to moderates. That’s the impasse, as it currently stands. Joe Biden went to Capitol Hill, hoping to convince House Democrats to do something — anything. He failed. The progressives stayed together, holding the infrastructure bill hostage to their larger goal of more social spending. The progressives’ problem is that, even if they get the welfare bill through the House, they don’t have the votes to pass it in the Senate. A smaller one, maybe, but not the whole wish list. Democrats Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema have said they won’t vote for the whole $3.5 trillion package. Those two may have quiet support from a few other moderate Democrats, who are letting Manchin and Sinema take the heat. Progressives say they have already conceded too much. They wanted to spend more than $6 trillion on the social bill and “compromised” with the White House for $3.5 trillion. They won’t go any lower, they insist, but nobody really knows if that’s true. Manchin, whose deep red-state gave Biden just 29.7% of the vote, has said he won’t go over $1.5 trillion. This summer, he secretly gave that number in writing to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who never shared it with Pelosi. Now that the number is public, progressives have bitterly rejected it as “far too low” and begun insulting Manchin and Sinema. There is obviously a deal to be made on “roads and highways,” but any agreement on social-welfare spending will have to be close to Manchin’s number. What’s not clear is whether progressives will continue to hold both bills hostage until they get what they want. That’s the heart of the back-room negotiations, which have revealed deep cleavages among Democrats. These negotiations, and journalists’ focus on top-line costs, are obviously crucial, but they are only part of the story. The other part is what progressives — and the Biden administration — hope to accomplish and what it would mean for the country. Their goal is not simply to spend a lot of money in this one bill. Their goal is not to pay for it, even though they are perfectly happy to “tax the rich.” These bills are so large that taxes will inevitably fall on the middle class. They seem utterly indifferent to the prospect of higher inflation, fueled by more spending and already at its highest levels in three decades. All those costs are bearable if they advance the progressives’ central goal: to install a whole series of cradle-to-grave social programs, including preschool child care, paid family leave, free college, and so on. Those programs are extremely difficult to rescind once they’ve begun, so the goal is to get them started. Progressives know — and the whole country should understand — that piling on these vast new programs would be a major step in turning the United States into a European-style social democracy, along the lines of France, Germany, Spain, or Italy. That transformation began under Franklin Roosevelt and vastly expanded under Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon. The next important step was Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act. If successful, Biden’s effort to add big, new social programs would make him a transformational president, even if he served only one term and accomplished nothing more. Voters never elected Biden to do that. Nor did they give him and his party anything like the overwhelming majorities FDR and LBJ won when they launched this trajectory. Quite the contrary. Biden won narrowly, and Democrats barely carried Congress. They have a four-vote majority in the House and a 50-50 Senate. Biden himself promised to govern from the center-left, reach across the aisle, and restore normalcy after the tumult of the Trump years. He has done none of that, ignoring his own promises and his party’s failure to win a mandate for tectonic changes. His plummeting poll numbers show voters realize they have been fooled twice over. First, they thought, wrongly, that Joe Biden was competent. He had decades of Washington experience in the Senate, after all, and served eight years as vice president. That mirage of competence vanished with the humiliating debacle in Afghanistan and the uncontrolled, illegal immigration on the southern border. Second, they believed his promise of moderation. Voters’ reaction to these unhappy realizations can be summarized in two words: buyer’s remorse. If Biden had been the moderate he advertised himself to be, he would have twisted arms to pass the bill on roads and bridges, separated it from the bill for more social programs, and taken the limited victory. He could have honestly said he delivered on his promise to “build back better.” That’s not what he’s done. What he has done is pursue an ambitious, social-democrat agenda, one his own party rejected when primary voters chose Biden over Bernie Sanders. Surely Biden knows he will never get his entire program through the Senate. But he’ll pass as much of it as he can. Doing so combines three central elements of the Democratic long-term agenda, pursued steadily since the mid-1930s: (1) overturn federalism and replace it with a centralized state; (2) use this administrative state to impose detailed regulations on the economy and society; and (3) redistribute federal funds to favored groups (and tax disfavored ones) to retain political control. Implementing those goals has slowly transformed America, at least since the mid-1960s. Biden wants to take the next, large leap before his party loses power. Whether he, Nancy Pelosi, and the progressive caucus can actually make that leap — and land safely — is the real prize in this back-room bargaining. The fight is ultimately over how much they can centralize, regulate, and redistribute. White House Plans To Quadruple COVID Rapid Testing Despite Decline In Cases As more rapid at-home COVID tests are approved by American regulators, the Biden Administration is reportedly preparing another "investment" in rapid at-home tests (despite lingering criticisms about the frequency of false positives produced by these tests, helping to contribute to America's COVID "casedemic"). According to Bloomberg, the Biden Administration is preparing to announce a $1 billion purchase of rapid at-home COVID tests with the intention of "expanding the availability of such products in the coming months". Of course, as we have reported time and time again, the more testing, the more cases. With this latest investment (which has yet to be officially announced) the US will be on track to 4x rapid testing capacity by December. The plan will involve distributing the free tests to an additional 10K US pharmacies, bringing the total number of free testing sites to 30K (including 20K pharmacies). So far, rapid at-home testing has proven less reliable than lab testing. Despite this, the Biden Administration is still planning to pour billions of dollars into its effort to quadruple the level of COVID testing by December, according to BBG. According to an administration official who spoke with BBG, the US has been producing roughly 30MM rapid at-home tests a month - a figure that's expected to grow to more than 200MM a month by the end of the year. The Administration is justifying the decision to increase testing with the fact that not enough American adults have been vaccinated (even though scientists now believe "herd immunity" is essentially out of reach for humanity, even if 90%+ of the population has been fully vaccinated). Furthermore, this latest $1 billion commitment comes on the heels of a $2 billion investment in rapid testing announced by the administration last month (that order included buying tests from pharma giants Abbott Labs and Celltrion). Biden is also using the Defense Production Act to help bolster production. The FDA just cleared a rapid at-home test from Acon Labs. The agency says that test could double rapid at-home testing capacity in the weeks ahead as the company says it can produce more than 100MM tests a month by year's end. Other manufacturers of rapid at-home tests include Abbott, Quidel Corp, Becton DIckinson, Access Bio and OraSure. With cases finally declining in the US, authorities this week have praised Merck's new "miracle drug" that purports to successfully treat COVID if taken within 5 days of infection for both vaccinated and unvaccinated cases (if a patient can afford it). But all of this isn't enough for the Biden Administration. Case numbers are falling, yet the White House continues to try and coerce unvaccinated Americans to accept the jab. Bottom line: if you're excited to see COVID cases declining, just wait a few weeks until the White House can ramp up testing again and revive the "casedemic", triggering a new wave of media scaremongering, even if hospitalizations and deaths continue to wane.
Biden, the importer of Criminals, Rapists, Robbers, Welfare, Debt and Islam, lets the Military loose them upon the US, will claim he didn't know, Presidential ratings drop another five points... Senator Cotton Warns Hundreds Of "Unknown Afghans" Escaping Into US
From Military Bases Senator Tom Cotton warned Monday that hundreds of unvetted and undocumented refugees rescued from Afghanistan are fleeing military bases within the U.S. Cotton detailed the incidents in a letter to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, writing “it is alarming that hundreds of Afghan evacuees have reportedly left U.S. military bases directly into our communities, possibly before completing our vetting and immigration processes.” Reuters picked up on the fact that that at least 700 Afghans have escaped U.S. bases in Wisconsin, Virginia, Texas, Indiana, New Mexico, and New Jersey. The report notes that at Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas, more than 300 Afghans have left since they started arriving a few weeks ago. The Biden administration has outlined plans to bring at least 95,000 Afghans to the U.S., yet hundreds are being allowed to leave without completing the resettlement process. “A more extensive review and vetting process is absolutely essential for the tens of thousands of unknown Afghans who were airlifted during the evacuation,” Cotton further wrote. The Senator also documented several cases of criminal behaviour among the evacuees. “The U.S. government is currently investigating multiple crimes committed in evacuee facilities,” Cotton wrote, adding “The American people have seen reports of a group of male Afghan evacuees assaulting a female servicemember at a Fort Bliss facility in New Mexico.” Cotton continued, “An Afghan evacuee allegedly sexually assaulted young boys at Fort McCoy in Wisconsin. Another Afghan evacuee reportedly choked his wife at Fort McCoy.” “The State Department has raised concerns about child trafficking by older Afghan men. Even previously-deported criminals — including an Afghan who had previously been convicted of rape in the United States, and another who had previously been convicted of aggravated robbery — were airlifted back to the United States,” Cotton added. The Senator is asking for a response by the end of the week, while the Biden administration has refused to comment on details of the evacuees brought to the U.S. from Afghanistan.
the FBI “has been used for a quarter of a century as the place
Biden sics FBI on peaceful dissenters and parents, while ignoring violent Leftist thugs... Florida Gov. DeSantis Promises To Defend Parents At School Board Meetings Against DOJ Following a Department of Justice announcement Monday that it would direct the FBI to mobilize against parents who allegedly threaten teachers and school board members, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis promised that the state would defend parents amid GOP outcry against the move. “Attorney General Garland is weaponizing the DOJ by using the FBI to pursue concerned parents and silence them through intimidation,” DeSantis wrote. “Florida will defend the free speech rights of its citizens and will not allow federal agents to squelch dissent.” The Justice Department stated that it would create a task force to see how the federal government can be used to prosecute any criminal conduct toward teachers or how to assist state and local authorities investigate such threats. It came after a national association of school boards asked the Biden administration to use “extraordinary measures” to prevent alleged threats against school board staff, accusing parents who oppose teaching critical race theory and mask mandates of lodging them. DeSantis’s office on Tuesday released a statement saying Florida law already prohibits harassment of teachers, while adding that Florida law enforcement is “perfectly capable of responding to crimes in Florida, and we have never heard the FBI suggest otherwise.” “However, disagreement is not harassment. Protest is not terrorism, unless it involves rioting, looting, and assault, like some of the left-wing protests of summer 2020. Again, all of those actions are crimes in Florida and will be prosecuted, regardless of political context,” the statement added. According to the Justice Department, it will create a task force to determine how to use federal resources to prosecute offending parents along with how to provide advice to states where no federal laws have been broken. Training will also be provided to school staff members on how to report threats from parents. During school board meetings across the United States over the past several months, heated discussions have been held by parents, teachers, and school board staff on whether critical race theory or associated ideologies should be taught to children. The Department of Justice’s announcement did not elaborate on whether threats against teachers and staff are widespread. This week, Republican lawmakers sharply criticized the Justice Department and Attorney General Merrick Garland’s directive, arguing the Biden administration is attempting to silence dissent. “Your memorandum is a politically-motivated abuse of power and displays a lack of reasoned, sound judgment … confronting parents to oppose the views of the Biden administration and its socialist agenda,” wrote Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.) in a letter to the agency. “Parents are speaking out against Critical Race Theory in schools. Now the Biden administration is cracking down on dissent,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) wrote on Twitter.
the FBI “has been used for a quarter of a century as the place
Biden sics FBI on peaceful dissenters and parents, while ignoring violent Leftist thugs...
Florida Gov. DeSantis Promises To Defend Parents At School Board Meetings Against DOJ
Now for those wondering why they are doing it, beyond Power, and to Corrupt Elections and Indoctrinate Children to Marxism away from Free Thought and Freedom... best check the family and money flows too... oopsie exposed... Conflict Of Interest? AG Garland's Family Getting Rich Selling Critical Race Theory Materials To Schools When it comes to conflicts of interest, Attorney General Merrick Garland appears to have a huge one. Merrick's daughter, Rebecca Garland, is married to the co-founder of an education resource company that pushes critical race theory - which angry parents across the country are protesting. Taking matters into his own hands, AG Garland tapped the FBI on Monday to huddle with local leaders to address a "disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence" against teachers and school board members. As the Conservative Treehouse writes: Well, well, well… This is interesting. U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland recently instructed the FBI to begin investigating parents who confront school board administrators over Critical Race Theory indoctrination material. The U.S. Department of Justice issued a memorandum to the FBI instructing them to initiate investigations of any parent attending a local school board meeting who might be viewed as confrontational, intimidating or harassing. Attorney General Merrick Garland’s daughter is Rebecca Garland. In 2018 Rebecca Garland married Xan Tanner [LINK]. Mr. Xan Tanner is the current co-founder of a controversial education service company called Panorama Education. [LINK and LINK] Panorama Education is the “social learning” resource material provider to school districts and teachers that teach Critical Race Theory. Conflict of interest much? Yes, the Attorney General is instructing the FBI to investigate parents who might pose a financial threat to the business of his daughter’s husband. Screen-grabs and citations below: (New York Times LINK) (Panorama Education Services Link) In June, several meeting attendees and newly elected board members at the Moore County School District in North Carolina pushed back against continuing their contract with Panorama - with one calling it an "indoctrination platform" which aims to mold students into "social justice warriors." Those claims are based more on the company’s webinars and virtual workshops for teachers than the surveys Moore County Schools plans to conduct over the three-year term of the contract. The district would pay $184,300 for Panorama’s services over that time period. Before starting in on their business agenda Monday night, the board heard from about 10 speakers who opposed the contract extension. At the core of the debate is resistance to the idea that public schools might teach Critical Race Theory: in short, the hypothesis that racism has persisted in American institutions throughout history to the detriment of minorities and still does. Board members Robert Levy and David Hensley pointed to one of the company’s leaders having done economic development work in Cuba, and online webinars dealing with things like “equity, care, and connection” and “dismantling white supremacy” to suggest that Panorama is a vehicle for what Levy termed “really hardcore Critical Race Theory.” -The Pilot In May, the Johnston County Report - a local North Carolina outlet - did a deep dive on Panorama in an article entitled "Activists In Our Schools: Big Data" in which they described Panorama as a "Big Data company that collects and performs analytics. Data Analytics takes in raw data and formulates it to make process decisions." I came across a Twitter post from Johnston County Public School (JCPS) Student Service Counseling Office – Social Emotional Learning (SEL). It was a graphic with a bunch of buzzwords like Restorative Justice, Adult SEL, Staff Equity Committees, and Panorama. All of the terms were familiar to me, but not Panorama. I had no idea what it meant or just how deep the well would go with that one word. Examples of @JCPS_NC SEL in Action. #SELday #jcpsselday @JcpsSel #SEL — JCPS SEL (@JcpsSel) March 26, 2021 From a 2013 interview in Inc. “Feuer says it was the promise of Panorama’s social impact, not its financial return, that first caught Zuckerberg’s eye.” Zuckerberg’s foundation called Startup:Education infused $4 million dollars into Panorama in 2013. Panorama has found multiple social change and educational technology equity partners including; Spark Capital a San Francisco Bay area company- capital funders behind Twitter and Tumblr, Emerson Collective a Palo Alto company self described as a social change organization, and Owl Ventures, the world’s largest holder of education technology with $1.2 billion in assets- based out of Silicon Valley founded in 2014. By 2017 Panorama Education had raised $32 million in venture capital to data mine children and implement social transformation into schools. The rolling out of Panorama as an educational tool that measured feelings, observable behaviors, and thought perception was timed perfectly with the implementation of the 2015 Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) which replaced No Child Left Behind. The Obama era Act gave a new opening to measure emotions as an academic category. Under ESSA federal public school funding was more able to be funneled directly to school counseling programs. The schools had money and Panorama was ready to provide service. Panorama charges between $500 to $3,000 per school for their basic data tools and Playbook. Just the annual survey screener for the Chapel Hill- Carrboro City Schools was $29,000 for a one year contract. Through a records request it was disclosed in 2020-2021 JCPS paid $214,000 for a one year contract with Panorama Education. Meanwhile, Panorama officially took a 'stand against systemic racism' in the wake of the George Floyd murder - in which they say "Decisively: Black people matter. Black students matter. Black educators matter. Black teammates matter. Black lives matter." "We attack racism, discrimination, and oppression, and work towards justice, equality, and opportunity," the statement continues. And for any parent who has a problem with this, daddy Garland just activated the FBI.
More on corrupt Biden, Merrick "Garbage" Garland, FBI, filthy School Boards and Unfireable Self-Preserving Govt Teachers Unions, etc... crushing fully legal dissent and Free Speech... Furious School Parents Will Not Be Silenced - Doesn't AG Garland Have Better Things To Do? It’s tempting to see the new directive by Attorney General Merrick Garland as merely a transparent attempt to intimidate parents into silence over opinions that the Biden Administrations doesn’t like. However, it’s worth going though some of the other reasons why this misconduct by federal law enforcement is is so appalling, and to remind parents why they should not be deterred. Many parents in Illinois and across the country have spoken out recently with unprecedented anger in unprecedented numbers at school board meetings and beyond. Their complaints have been about Critical Race Theory in classrooms, mask mandates and explicit materials for minors about sexuality and gender. We’ve written here often supporting some of those complaints. My colleague Ted Dabrowski and I have participated in some of the efforts directed toward our own childrens’ schools. U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland But on Monday, Garland issued a directive to the FBI and federal law enforcement officials across the nation to focus on alleged criminal conduct in protests by parents. Outrage ensued immediately, and appropriately, from parents, their organizations and commentators who are infuriated that a threat of federal law enforcement is being used to try to scare them out of constitutionally protected speech. Garland’s Department of Justice has responded simply by saying it isn’t true, and its defenders, particularly MSNBC, have cited examples of conduct by parents that allegedly were either inappropriate or illegal. Linked here are Garland’s directive and an accompanying DOJ press release. They should be read in conjunction with a letter sent by the National School Boards Association late last month to President Biden, which gave rise to the directive. It claimed that school officials are “under immediate threat” and asked Biden to sic nearly the full force of the national security establishment on offending parents. It contains these astonishing requests, from which you would think the entire Taliban is loose in America: NSBA respectfully asks that a joint collaboration among federal law enforcement agencies, state and local law enforcement, and with public school officials be undertaken to focus on these threats. NSBA specifically solicits the expertise and resources of the U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Secret Service, and its National Threat Assessment Center regarding the level of risk to public schoolchildren, educators, board members, and facilities/campuses. We also request the assistance of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service to intervene…. including any technical assistance necessary from, and state and local coordination with, its National Security Branch and Counterterrorism Division, as well as any other federal agency with relevant jurisdictional authority and oversight. Additionally, NSBA requests that such review examine appropriate enforceable actions against these crimes and acts of violence under the Gun-Free School Zones Act, the PATRIOT Act in regards to domestic terrorism, the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, the Violent Interference with Federally Protected Rights statute, the Conspiracy Against Rights statute, an Executive Order to enforce all applicable federal laws for the protection of students and public school district personnel, and any related measure. The DOJ was happy to oblige. It’s directive, as you can see in the documents they released, is much shorter but conveys the same point. And the DOJ made sure that school boards and officials will be trained in how to be claimed as victims who can call on those enforcement mechanisms. From the DOJ press release: The Justice Department will also create specialized training and guidance for local school boards and school administrators. This training will help school board members and other potential victims understand the type of behavior that constitutes threats, how to report threatening conduct to the appropriate law enforcement agencies, and how to capture and preserve evidence of threatening conduct to aid in the investigation and prosecution of these crimes. Keep in mind that a real crime requires violence or a threat to commit either violence or some other illegal act. But most of the offensive conduct being referenced by the media and school officials is not criminal. Is it criminal to say, for example “we will get you,” or “we will not forget this,” or “your career is education is dead”? Some such things may be vile and reprehensible, like saying “we know where you live,” but criminality is a different matter. The meanings of many statements are not clear nor is their criminality. Yes, there are other, worse examples of some actual, criminal conduct, including violence, which should not be tolerated. But neither the DOJ nor anybody else has put up any evidence that it is widespread enough to justify such an unprecedented federal response. That’s part of why Garland’s directive is so pernicious. He could have provided a useful service by delineating what is prosecutable and what isn’t. Instead, he used the tactic of exploiting the murkiness about where the line gets drawn between criminal conduct and protected speech, thereby purposely chilling what is constitutionally protected. “Garland knows this is dangerous nonsense. I personally know that he knows it.” That’s from Andrew McCarthy, who worked under Garland in the DOJ. McCarthy further wrote that “Garland incorrectly — indeed, outrageously for someone of his experience as a Justice Department official and federal appellate judge — claimed that free-speech principles yield not only to “threats of violence” but also to “efforts to intimidate individuals based on their views.” Why is the federal government getting involved at all in this? Crimes like those at issue are the domain of local officials. In fact, the constitutionality of federal involvement is highly questionable. At least two state attorneys general, in Arizona and Missouri, already blasted the DOJ for that reason and more may be coming. McCarthy, too, made that point in the column linked above. Selective enforcement of law for political reasons is reprehensible in itself, and it’s brazen in this case. If conduct like parents’ at school boards, even when intimidating, is colorable as a federal offense, where was the DOJ when rioting, vandalism and destruction of statues was overlooked for being supposedly acceptable protest? Doesn’t the DOJ have better things to do? Here in Illinois, it’s been over two years since a federal criminal investigation was opened about Gov. JB Pritzker’s removal of toilets to reduce property taxes. It’s still open. The event happened over four years ago. His reelection is approaching and his state would like to know if he will be its next indicted governor. But now the U.S. Attorney’s office in northern Illinois, which is handling the case, is ordered to spend time on parents and school boards. How about if federal resources were directed instead to, oh, say, enforcing the border? Or providing what assistance they can to major cities like Chicago being destroyed by crime? Garland’s biggest error is underestimating parental devotion to children. Few forces in nature are more unrelenting. Parents will not be frightened off from doing what is right for their offspring by the FBI or anybody else. Garland apparently has a different notion of parental devotion. It turns out that his son-in-law is the co-founder and president of Panorama Education, which sells teacher training and curriculum for race-focused surveys and conducts trainings on systemic oppression, white supremacy, unconscious bias, and intersectionality. CRT-type stuff, the primary thing parents are complaining about. Parents, know that there is safety in numbers. Countless other parents around the country will not stand for this. We will not change what we say and write. Nor should you.
Left's manufactured political BS mind control intended to launch and incite division rockits and retarded tera programme$ as usual. Now they're going to have to steal and spend even more of your money to protect the sat from angry wokester saboteurs, instead of on more cool sats in the first place (which btw should be crowdfunded and done from the private sector to begin with, Government no longer needed).
More on corrupt Biden, Merrick "Garbage" Garland, FBI, filthy School Boards and Unfireable Self-Preserving Govt Teachers Unions, etc...
String of related stories... US Parents fighting back nationwide against Left Biden Wokesterism BLM MarxSocCom Gay Grooming CritRaceTheory Coronavirus Vax Migrant Islam etc... the Fake News Media can no longer suppress all the news of the fightback rising... The Woke-Facism of Slimy Shifty Dems And while Biden, after personally mandating and firing hundreds of thousands of upstanding working Americans, is rightly getting slammed on trannie and econ failures and toy boats, perhaps it's time someone actually thinks of the children... 18 years of forced political leftist gigantic bloated State indoctrination... a crime by any other name... may they emancipate themselves towards a voluntary society and leave as soon as they are able... Pete Buttigieg Enjoys 2nd Month Of Paternity Leave As Supply Chain Crisis Worsens US Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is on his second month of paid paternity leave - leaving an empty post as the Biden supply chain crisis spirals further out of control. According to Politico, "Buttigieg’s office told West Wing Playbook that the secretary has actually been on paid leave since mid-August to spend time with his husband, Chasten, and their two newborn babies." "For the first four weeks, he was mostly offline except for major agency decisions and matters that could not be delegated," said a DOT spokesperson, adding "He has been ramping up activities since then." The failed 2020 presidential candidate will "continue to take some time over the coming weeks to support his husband and take care of his new children." Tucker Carlson mocks Pete Buttigieg for taking paternity leave: "Paternity leave, they call it, trying to figure out how to breastfeed, no word on how that went." — nikki mccann screamírez 👻 (@NikkiMcR) October 15, 2021 That said, while Pete hasn't been able to resolve the dozens of container ships currently stuck off the coast of California, he has been making the rounds on cable TV - appearing on MSNBC, CNBC, CNN, Bloomberg and NPR - and attended a high-profile meeting with President Biden to discuss the supply chain catastrophe. In addition to shortages, the ongoing supply chain disruptions have caused prices to rise - which of course affects lower-income families the most - with the cost of some children's toys having risen as much as 10% ahead of the holiday season, according to the Toy Association. "It's hitting us at the worst time of the year, which is the holidays," said association President Steve Pasierb. Meanwhile, top toy executive Isaac Larian of MGA Entertainment told Fox News on Thursday that "whether the ports are open 24 hours a day or 48 hours a day, you cannot get labor. If you cannot get labor, you cannot get trucks, you cannot get the merchandise out." As we noted earlier, the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, a point of entry for 40% of all US containerized goods, more than 80 container ships are at anchor and 64 at berths across the twin ports. The backlog doesn't stop there as it takes well more than a week for entry into the port. Once the containers are unloaded, it takes another week to leave the port to warehouses. Unfortunately for poor families struggling to afford basic needs this year amid horrendous inflation, the US transportation secretary is MIA. Toymaker Slams Biden: "Too Little Too Late" To Save Christmas A top toy executive joined Fox News' "America's Newsroom" Thursday and warned President Biden's port directive this week to operate 24/7 to alleviate snarled supply chains is "too little, too late" to save Christmas. MGA Entertainment CEO Isaac Larian said, "whether the ports are open 24 hours a day or 48 hours a day, you cannot get labor. If you cannot get labor, you cannot get trucks, you cannot get the merchandise out." "I think this directive is too little, too late. And frankly, it's a political gimmick to me," Larian said. At the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, a point of entry for 40% of all US containerized goods, more than 80 container ships are at anchor and 64 at berths across the twin ports. The backlog doesn't stop there as it takes well more than a week for entry into the port. Once the containers are unloaded, it takes another week to leave the port to warehouses. Larian blames port congestion on labor shortages due to Biden's unemployment policies that incentivized people to stay home and collect stimulus checks than work. "If you're paying people to stay home and they make more money just staying home than working, they don't want to come to work," he said. Larian's company sells children's toys. One of his toys, called "LOL Surprise Movie Magic," will only be able to get 60% of product demand out to retailers and e-commerce warehouses due to supply shortages. "A lot of kids are not going to be able to get their LOL Movie Magic surprise under the Christmas tree or Hanukkah tree this year," he said. With 71 days until Christmas, supply chain woes worsen, especially in southern China, where multiple typhoons have closed ports and created even more significant backlogs. Global port congestion has brought uncertainty that other consumer goods won't arrive in time for the upcoming holiday season. Here's part of Larian's interview: Biden's port directive should've been implemented months ago, ahead of the fall restocking period.
Donald J Trump won the 2020 US Presidential Election.
In part, via Democrat Owned Fake News Media Propaganda...
And in part through Illegal Spying by the Democrats, and in part through False Prosecutions and Impeachments, all generating FUD for Reps, Propaganda for Dems,, etc, etc...
Leaks Suggest Durham Probe Is Making Progress
Democrats-Hillary-Obama-Biden and Fake News Media defrauded Trump with four years of Russia Hoax and Lies...
In a society whose mass is made up of susceptible morons, he who manages to commandeer and subvert all their mind programming channels to his purposes... as the US Democrats did with its Fake Media, Tech, TV, Search, Rank, Censorship, etc... mostly all 0wn3d by the Democrats... he who does this wins... at least the first round until they wake up to the fraud and exact revenge... Early in life I had noticed that no event is ever correctly reported in a newspaper, but in Spain, for the first time, I saw newspaper reports which did not bear any relation to the facts, not even the relationship which is implied in an ordinary lie. I saw great battles reported where there had been no fighting, and complete silence where hundreds of men had been killed. I saw troops who had fought bravely denounced as cowards and traitors, and others who had never seen a shot fired hailed as the heroes of imaginary victories, and I saw newspapers in London retailing these lies and eager intellectuals building emotional superstructures over events that had never happened . . ."
Donald J Trump won the 2020 US Presidential Election.
In part, via Democrat Owned Fake News Media Propaganda...
Two very true and entirely not laughably hilarious stories exposing a few of the nonstop parade of lies you're being told by the US Democrats Fake News Propaganda Regime... Let's Go Brandon! Dems: Actors, Stages, and Fakery
Donald J Trump won the 2020 US Presidential Election. In part, via Democrat Owned Fake News Media Propaganda...
Two very true and entirely not laughably hilarious stories exposing a few of the nonstop parade of lies you're being told by the US Democrats Fake News Propaganda Regime... Dems: Actors, Stages, and Fakery Let's Go Brandon
This video exposing and mocking the Biden-Dems-Fake-News-Media Propaganda and Lies machine is now literally the #1 top song on iTunes hiphop chartlist... Triggered Music Brandon Theme by Loza Alexander Loza Reacts Even got the nurses turnin up! And the Democrats are shitting their pants over it. Not least because black community and rappers are leaving the pandering Dems in droves for the Repubs and dragging millions with them. It's not only Biden... Black Americans fucking hate Kamala. The First Blacks were all Republicans "These times ppl wakin up to errythang!" Too bad everybody still have to learn about libertarian. But world will get there. Either way... Make Music Great Again! " You know what they said And I say it with a passion As I pull off in the Aston Don't nobody like his ass Tried to cover up and tell the people Go Brandon But we know what they sayin You can hear the chant in every post Don't nobody want this commie cuz we not in China Everybody hated Trump and now they out to catch a body That's what they get for treatin us like we in square games Green light mandate like he's insane These times people waking up to errythang Go Brandon but we all know what the sayin mean Fuck Joe Biden! "'s+go+brandon+challenge's+go+brandon+reaction One up, One down, Peace out
Donald J Trump won the 2020 US Presidential Election.
There have been a number of sites performing independent tallys of the 2020 election rallies, this is one of them, even wikipedia has one. Clearly, the entire country didn't give a shit about Joe Biden to even bother showing up to his rallies. Attendence data in the images on the linked article... FINAL 2020 RALLY TALLY: President Trump Had Largest Crowds at His Rallies in US History – Biden Had Some of the Smallest Election Day has arrived and the results of our tally of attendance at Presidential events since Labor Day are final. These results show the Trump Train is on nuclear power rolling down hill while the Biden Bus is broken down and never left the basement. Since Labor day President Trump has entertained massive crowds at his rallies while former VP Biden might as well have stayed in his basement. Some of Biden’s events had no individuals present other than approved press or campaign workers. Many days Biden was not out campaigning. Below is the summary of events since Labor Day. President Trump has now held events with over 1.1 million supporters while Biden entertained around two thousand supporters. Note: These numbers are estimates based on data available. Please provide alternative numbers for consideration, if inclined.* While President Trump is bringing in record numbers to his rallies, Biden can’t buy an audience. In 2016 Hillary Clinton brought in musicians to increase attendance at her rallies. But Biden couldn’t even do that. President Trump crushed Biden. He had more events even with his 10-day COVID quarantine in mid-October. Plus the President saw more than 560 times the number of supporters as Biden. (Candidate Trump had nine times the number of supporters at his rallies when compared to Crooked Hillary in 2016.) President Trump outperformed his 2016 numbers which were historic. He averaged larger crowds at his rallies with nearly 50% greater attendance this year than in 2016. Trump managed to do this in spite of being in the hospital and out for 10 days with COVID. Biden held more events than Hillary in 2016 but Hillary had much larger crowds. Both Hillary and Biden had much smaller crowds than Trump. President Trump this year had the largest crowds at his rallies in US history. On the other hand, Joe Biden had some of the smallest crowds in US history. The polls are garbage, the current race is not even close. The rally numbers prove it. President Trump is way ahead of former VP Joe Biden. * In the 2016 election we kept track of event attendance after the Party Conventions for both candidate Trump and Crooked Hillary. We did this because the future President was setting records at seemingly every venue he visited while Hillary could barely fill half a high school gymnasium. By mid-August we determined that President Trump had 10 times the number of attendees at his rallies than Hillary did during the same time. This year it’s worse. By election day 2016 we determined that tens of thousands of more individuals attended Trump events than Hillary events. The far left mainstream media claimed Hillary was up in the polls. They claimed that rally attendance didn’t matter, but it did. Momentum and enthusiasm mean a lot. (In March 2017 Deroy Murdock cited our work on FOX News to show that President Trump just plain outworked Hillary in the 2016 campaign.)
President Trump Releases Findings from Pima County AZ – Precincts with Over 100% Turnout! “Either A New Election Should Immediately Take Place Or The Past Election Should Be Decertified” President Donald Trump released a statement today revealing new “damning and determinative” information discovered in Pima County, Arizona. The Gateway Pundit reported on a statement earlier, where President Trump teased this release. BREAKING: President Trump Announces NEW Information From ARIZONA: “It Is Damning And Determinative! Will Be Discussing This Today.” These new findings from the Pima County mail-in ballot analysis are both damning and determinative. They show that fictitious votes were inserted into the system. The Gateway Pundit reported that AZ State Rep and candidate for Arizona Secretary of State, Mark Finchem hinted at these findings at the last Trump rally, and he is fighting for a full forensic audit of Pima County. EXCLUSIVE: Representative Mark Finchem Issues Press Release Calling for an Election Audit of Pima County, Arizona President Trump released the following statement today. Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America A new analysis of mail-in ballots in Pima County, Arizona means the election was Rigged and Stolen from the Republican Party in 2020, and in particular, its Presidential Candidate. The analysis derived from publicly available election data, shows staggering anomalies and fictitious votes in Pima County’s mail-in returns, making it clear they stuffed the ballot box (in some precincts with more ballots than were ever sent!). Your favorite Republican candidate was steadily outperforming the Republican share of the ballots by 3%, while Joe Biden was underperforming Democrats by 3%. But when mail-in ballots started pouring in way higher than normal (at over 87%), this trend flipped. In other words, when it was clear that Trump was going to win, that’s when they swung into action. As more mail-in ballots poured and increased by 1%, Trump’s performance decreased by 1% while Biden’s increased. As more and more mail-in ballots were stuffed into the system, Biden’s numbers shot way up. But they overplayed their hand, and got caught. Two precincts in Pima had over 100% turnout for mail-in ballots — which is impossible — and 40 precincts had over 97% returned. The national mail-in ballot return rate was 71%, but in Pima County the mail-in ballot return rate was 15% higher, and 19% higher than all the counties combined in the entire state of Arizona. One precinct with 99.5% mail-in turnout had 9,812 ballots counted. Another precinct with 100.6% turnout had 2,182 ballots returned, but only 2,170 mail-ins were ever sent. Turnout rates of 99% and 100% is what you get in a Third World Country, and that’s what we’re becoming (look at crime, the Border, Afghanistan, food prices, energy prices, and the empty store shelves, etc.), unless this is fixed immediately! The precincts above 92% mail-in return rate represented 264,000 votes. If just 2% are fraudulent, meaning Trump votes went to Biden, that would be enough to change the so-called margin in Arizona of 10,457 votes. The Department of Justice has had this information since the November 2020 Election, and has done nothing about it. The Pima County GOP should start a canvass of Republican voters in order to identify and remove the obvious fictitious voters from the system. In addition, the Arizona Audit found tens of thousands of illegal votes, including 6,545 mail-in ballots with no envelopes, 2,580 bad signatures on mail-in ballot envelopes, and 1,919 mail-in ballot envelopes with no signature, which is also determinative and more than the margin. Either a new Election should immediately take place or the past Election should be decertified and the Republican candidate declared winner. Liz Harrington shared the statement on Twitter. NEW! President Donald J. Trump releases new statement on damning findings in Pima County, Arizona “Either a new Election should immediately take place or the past Election should be decertified and the Republican candidate declared the winner.” NEW! President Donald J. Trump releases new statement on damning findings in Pima County, Arizona "Either a new Election should immediately take place or the past Election should be decertified and the Republican candidate declared the winner." — Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) October 15, 2021 The vote was stolen from the American people and they were already busted in Arizona, but weak legislators across the nation and our cowardly federal government have done absolutely nothing about it. Contact your State Legislators and tell them to fight for your voting rights. Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers recently unveiled the “New Declaration of Independence” calling for nationwide audits, decertification where appropriate, and a U.S. House session to address the fraudulent election. AZ State Senator Wendy Rogers: “New Declaration Of Independence” – 92 Legislators From 31 States Sign Letter Calling For Audits In All 50 States And Decertification Arizona State Rep. Mark Finchem is fighting to audit Pima County to make a record of the evidence. He has started a nationwide petition to forensically audit Pima County and further investigate these discrepancies. Sign the nationwide petition HERE! All of this evidence and more from the Maricopa County audit is in the hands of the Arizona Attorney General and he needs to take action to restore America. This election should be decertified immediately but until our elected officials gather the fortitude to fight for us, it all lies in the hands of Attorney General Mark Brnovich. Contact Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich now and demand a full criminal investigation. Rep Donalds Spits TruthFire at Democrats Insanity, natty prices gone way up. Illegal Voting in Racine,WI "The solution to this madness is to request a valid and comprehensive forensic ballot review of the 2020 election ... Recounting garbage ballots is not the answer." Let's Go Brandon... still going strong... Paging Lesco Brandon, lol :)
Let's Go Brandon... still going strong... Paging Lesco Brandon, lol :)
Pathetic Incompetent Raging Geriatric Alzheimers Parkinsons Worker-Firing-Unemployer Shortage-Creator Corrupt Inflating Commie Socialist 10%-For-The-Big-Guy Authoritarian Taxer Worthless BigGov Asshole and more... Joe Biden, Trolls Himself Further Into Presidential Ruin and Disgrace on National TV... "Let's Go Brandon, I Agree -- Joe Biden" The Prank That's right Joe... go fuck yourself ;) Also notice the TOTALLY FAKE PROP STAGE these fake fuck propagandists have been using since day one. Biden and the Democrats, Media, BigTech... all censors election meddlers frauds and fake as fuck. $FJB Hits New All Time High Black and Right TPUSA Carolers Crush Biden's Net Campaign Attendance Happy Holidays... and may everyone WAKE THE FUCK UP, to at least something, in the New Year.
It doesn't help that the usual Socialism, Political Bullshit, Corrupt Fraudulent Politicians have always been a depressing mess wherever whenever and however tried time and again. Has America Lost Its Faith? Authored by Pat Buchanan Here we are on the day of joy set aside for celebrating the birth of Christ who came down to earth 2,000 years ago to show mankind the way to eternal salvation. Yet, the present mood of America at Christmas 2021 seems better captured by Jimmy Carter in his “malaise speech” in July of 1979, several days before he cashiered half of his Cabinet. “The threat” to America, said Carter, “is a crisis of confidence. It is a crisis that strikes at the very heart and soul and spirit of our national will. We can see this crisis in the growing doubt about the meaning of our own lives and in the loss of a unity of purpose for our nation.” Carter’s speech, reflecting the mood of the nation, was initially well received. But when his dirge became contrasted with the optimism about America of Ronald Reagan, Carter was sent packing. He lost 44 states. The malaise speech came to mind while perusing the latest polls about how Americans feel about the institutions and the individuals who are directing the course of the world’s greatest democratic republic. Of President Joe Biden’s performance, the Economist, Politico and Rasmussen are all posting approval ratings, not yet a year into Biden’s term, that have sunk to 43 and 42%. While nearly half of Americans approved of the job the Supreme Court was doing last July, Gallup finds that that figure has now plunged to an all-time low for the high court of 40%. How many Americans approve of the job Congress is doing? One in seven Americans, 14%. Two out of every three Americans, 63%, disapprove of Congress’s performance, a 49-point gap. Is America on the “right track” under the new administration? According to the Economist and Politico polls, 63% of the nation answers, “No.” In the Economist poll, only one in four Americans, 26%, said their country was on the right track. These polls raise some fundamental follow-on questions: How long can a democracy endure if it continues to generate such sweeping rejection from the people in whose name it purports to act? How long before the American people, who consistently show a lack of confidence in the popular branch of government and in the course in which it is steering the nation, begin to lose confidence in the democratic system itself? If democracy is continuously perceived as failing, can it survive? Clearly, among the reasons for our present division and national malaise is that we have lost the great animating cause earlier generations had: the Cold War. Americans have found no substitute cause to replace the Cold War and no substitute adversary like the late Soviet Empire. George H.W. Bush’s “New World Order” excited only the elites. George W. Bush’s crusade for democracy did not survive the Afghan and Iraq forever wars he launched in its name. Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s “rules-based order” will suffer the same fate. And even as we are losing faith in the democratic institutions and individuals who run them, Americans seem, too, to be losing faith in the faith of their fathers as well. Woodrow Wilson, in his campaign for president, declared: “America was born a Christian nation. America was born to exemplify that devotion to the tenets of righteousness which are derived from the revelations of Holy Scripture.” Harry Truman wrote to Pope Pius XII in 1947, “This is a Christian nation.” He did not mean we had an official religion or established church. He meant what he said to a conference of attorneys general in 1950: “The fundamental basis of this nation’s law was given to Moses on the Mount. The fundamental basis of our Bill of Rights comes from the teachings which we get from Exodus and St. Matthew, from Isaiah and St. Paul. … If we don’t have the proper fundamental moral background, we will finally wind up with a totalitarian government which does not believe in rights for anybody except the State.” What Truman was saying was consistent with what Thomas Jefferson was saying when he wrote: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men.” On April 6, 2009, Barack Obama, speaking in Turkey, declared that the United States no longer regarded itself as a Christian nation: “Although we have a very large Christian population, we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation.” But Obama’s assertion also raises a follow-up question: If we were a Christian nation under Wilson and Truman, when exactly did America cease to be a Christian nation? And is there a causal connection, a correlation between the loss of faith in Christianity among our people and the loss of faith in democracy? And is the loss of faith in both reversible — or inexorable? Merry Christmas!
Lying about trivial stuff doesn't help approval ratings... Approval ratings for Joe Biden are now officially BELOW that of, the non-multi-generational-american of-first-gen-off-boat hardly-african-black Jamaican-Indian parents but meh and canadian-schooled, Kamala Harris... who is now again busy trying to prop her Tupac bangin Snoop smokin VP-failed self up with her second year of questionably-beloved lol-fakery and Kwanzaa posing... College 1989 [spring grad tradition?] 1st album Nov1991 (Jan1992 stage DigitalUnderground) 1st album Nov1993 (Dec1992 DrDre-TheChronic, Apr1992 DeepCover, 1990+ 213 early unknown) Alive rappin in 2020, from the 1996 grave Smokin in 1989 to Dec1992's music Kamalas Fave Beats # Kh_wQUjeaTk@2199sec *emphasis Kamala (with thaGod): Marijuana... "Have you ever smoked?" "I have", relates an implied context of *it* being a onetime event... "I did inhale" "*It* was a long time ago" "I just broke loose", "Was *it* in *college*?" "Uhuh", "Was *it* a blunt or a joint?" "*It* was *a* joint", "Do you remember *the* high?" "I do." ... Envy (left, generic question): "What does Kamala Harris listen to?" thaGod (right, narrowing the question): "What were you listening to *when you was high*, what was on, what's on with it?" Envy (left, interjection further narrowing thaGod, though this possibly came from thaGod): "Was it Snoop?" Kamala (to right, directly in and quoting the narrowed context): "Oh my goodness, oh yeah, definitely Snoop, uhuh!" Kamala (to left, breaking back to the generic question): "Uh, Tupac for sure, for sure." ... thaGod: "They say you took campaign donations from big banks?" Kamala (priceless facial expressions): "No, I've, um, No, I have not taken from Corporations and Big Banks, I don't believe that I have, No." The Left full of Lies and their Fake News Media. Recall Left's spun lies about Trump's "both sides" Charlottesville speech, and so much else, but that would require people to actually Search for originals, Read the Full transcripts, do actual research. Which Kamala diverts from with "We need more joy"... Blaze up ;)
Also notice the TOTALLY FAKE PROP STAGE these fake fuck propagandists have been using since day one. Biden and the Democrats, Media, BigTech... all censors election meddlers frauds and fake as fuck.
Biden’s White House Pretends It’s Next to Container Ship Loading Docks for Supply Chain Presser The Biden White House just got more bizarre. This past week it pretended to be near a container shipyard for a presser on supply chain failures. We reported on Biden’s presser a couple of days ago. “Gifts Are Being Delivered, Shelves Are Not Empty” – Biden Absurdly Claims Supply Chain Crisis “Didn’t Actually Occur” (VIDEO) They have been. Biden claimed that fewer truckers would not impact the already inefficient supply. “I Say No” – Biden When Asked if Vaccine Mandate for Truckers will Worsen Supply Chain Crisis (VIDEO) It has been. Per Twitchy, Individuals on Twitter noticed the bizarre background. President Biden, at his supply chain meeting: “We heard a lot of dire warnings about supply chain problems leading to a crisis around the holidays, so we acted.” “The much-predicted crisis didn’t occur. Packages are moving, gifts are being delivered, shelves are not empty.” — Josh Wingrove (@josh_wingrove) December 22, 2021 Others noticed the craziness of this setting. Straight out of North Korea. — Jonathan Moore (@Myr226) December 22, 2021 What a strange gang. ‘Straight out of N. Korea’: Look carefully at the background of Biden’s fake White House set Today, speaking from the fake White House set, President Biden said an expected supply chain crisis “didn’t occur”: President Biden, at his supply chain meeting: "We heard a lot of dire warnings about supply chain problems leading to a crisis around the holidays, so we acted." "The much-predicted crisis didn't occur. Packages are moving, gifts are being delivered, shelves are not empty." — Josh Wingrove (@josh_wingrove) December 22, 2021 Did you see something pictured in the fake window behind Biden? Biden breaks out the Fake White House set again and puts fake container ships in the background outside of the fake windows. This Administration is so weird. — Benny (@bennyjohnson) December 22, 2021 Trending 'F**k OFF you public sector parasite': Pramila Jayapal DRAGGED for embarrassingly stupid tweet demanding Elon Musk 'pay his fair share' 'They're just mocking you now': Jen Psaki's latest sneering dismissal of struggling Americans solidifies her status as 'a nasty piece of work' That’s just sad. The next thing you know the backdrop will feature a photo of a gas station with last year’s prices. Its like theyre mocking us at this point. God, i cannot wait for midterms. — kingarthas2 (@kingarthas21) December 22, 2021 The Truman Show Part II — Will T (@cosmicdebris65) December 22, 2021 Fake sets? Everything is a charade. And yet we are supposed to trust these people? What happened to speaking from the Oval Office? #whosrunningourcountry — Kathleen Evans (@Rockcitymom68) December 22, 2021 Is Brandon not allowed in the actual Oval Office? — DB (@MrMustardVol) December 22, 2021 Straight out of North Korea. — Jonathan Moore (@Myr226) December 22, 2021 This administration cannot do anything without a dose of deception. — Sapper2Zero (@Sapper2Z) December 22, 2021 I think someone else is using the oval office. — Lu Blakey (@lulubell2141) December 22, 2021 The phoniness of everything this administration does speaks volumes because reality doesn’t cooperate with them.
Full shows, pick your poison channel, lol... Owens v Trump Jones v Trump "Let's Go Brandon, I Agree -- Joe Biden" The Prank "Let's Go Brandon, I Agree -- Joe Biden" "like most, I have always had the impression that politicians were likely the cause of more problems than they were the solutions.”
Massive migration from Blue Shitholes to Red Paradise, lol...
Biden-Dems break big campaign promise, offloads responsibility, tries to spin out of own failboat... Reality Is Impinging Upon The Democrats' Carefully Constructed COVID Tyranny Biden ran on a promise: He was going to federalize the COVID response and end COVID in America. He introduced vaccine mandates for federal employees and those doing business with the federal government and had OSHA do the same for every business with more than 100 employees. Various states, cities, and businesses, especially when it came to healthcare, followed suit. We were also told that, if we even breathed the same air as a COVID person, we had to quarantine ourselves for ten days. In the last two days, that promised federal response, COVID mandates, and quarantines have all fallen apart, thanks to the very contagious but seemingly relatively harmless Omicron variant. Biden made a lot of promises during the campaign and the media graciously refused to demand details: I'm not going to shut down the country. I'm not going to shut down the economy. I'm going to shut down the virus. — Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) October 30, 2020 We're eight months into this pandemic, and Donald Trump still doesn't have a plan to get this virus under control. I do. — Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) October 16, 2020 Those claims—that Biden would use the federal government to end the pandemic—went a long way with people weary of 2020’s madness. On Monday, after a COVID year more deadly and dispiriting than 2020, Biden admitted that the federal government can’t fix things: Joe Biden on covid: “There is no federal solution. This gets solved at a state level.” — RealMac (@beingrealmac) December 27, 2021 Trump, of course, said from the beginning that his role as president was to support the states because each state was best equipped to handle COVID as it presented within that state. Meanwhile, as Omicron spreads, especially in New York City, one of the most vaccinated places in America, other Democrat-driven initiatives are falling. The CDC has had to shorten by 50% its COVID isolation and quarantine period recommendations, reflecting (a) that Omicron seems to be a cold and (b) that America can’t shut down because of a cold: U.S. health officials on Monday cut isolation restrictions for Americans who catch the coronavirus from 10 to five days, and similarly shortened the time that close contacts need to quarantine. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officials said the guidance is in keeping with growing evidence that people with the coronavirus are most infectious in the two days before and three days after symptoms develop. The decision also was driven by a recent surge in COVID-19 cases, propelled by the omicron variant. Early research suggests omicron may cause milder illnesses than earlier versions of the coronavirus. But the sheer number of people becoming infected — and therefore having to isolate or quarantine — threatens to crush the ability of hospitals, airlines and other businesses to stay open, experts say. Image: Omicron by Alexandra Koch. Pixabay license. And finally, and most ironically, as Omicron cases increase, hospitals are facing staff shortages because their ludicrous, unscientific vaccine mandates saw them firing thousands of employees. Last week, the CDC updated a document entitled “Strategies to Mitigate Healthcare Personnel Staffing Shortages.” It appears that more than 13 states are struggling to deal with Omicron cases because of staff shortages. Interestingly, the Forbes article to which I linked talks about staff burnout and more patients as reasons for the shortage but makes no mention of mass firings. Funny that. The point is that Democrats made pie in the sky promises and completely failed to make good on them. More people died from COVID under Biden than under Trump, Biden’s had to admit that Trump’s state-based approach was the correct one, unreasonably long quarantines are becoming impossible to maintain, and all the things that Democrats, and Democrat-driven businesses, did to destroy the workforce are now becoming a serious problem. I’m deeply sorry for sick people, overworked people, and unemployed people. I’m grateful, though, that reality is striking so hard and fast. That speed means there’s still time for sanity to return before the system collapses completely.
That people call ex-Presidents "President" is weird. President Trump Releases List of Joe Biden’s “Record of Complete and Total Failure” One year in, Joe Biden is a failed president who has surrendered to the virus and broken his number one promise to the American people: to end the pandemic once-and-for-all. A RECORD OF COMPLETE AND TOTAL FAILURE : Joe Biden was handed every tool he could have asked for by President Trump—3 vaccines, 5+ lifesaving therapeutics, vast quantities of medical and personal protective equipment, a full array of testing options for COVID (at-home tests, rapid tests, and PCR tests, none of which existed before) as well as a full year of data, study, and scientific knowledge. Yet despite all of this, Biden has failed so badly that more people died in 2021 than died in all of 2020. By Biden’s own standard, he should be removed from office. During the second presidential debate on October 22, 2020, Biden said, “220,000 Americans dead… Anyone who’s responsible for that many deaths should not remain as president of the United States.” Since Biden took office, 400,000 Americans have died from COVID-19. After Biden prematurely declared victory over the virus earlier this year, daily average cases have increased nearly 1,700%. Over 27 million Americans have been infected with the coronavirus on Joe Biden’s watch, and there are now an average of 243,000 new coronavirus cases every day—nearly 3x the 7-day rolling case average on Election Day 2020, and it’s going higher. There are now more than 70,000 people hospitalized, tens of thousands more than on Election Day 2020. The test positivity rate is higher today than any point since April 2020 —and more than DOUBLE the rate on Election Day 2020 (7-day moving average). The White House is now projecting “a winter of severe illness and death.” In spite of this atrocious record and the fact that he based his entire campaign on COVID, Biden ended 2021 SURRENDERING to the Virus—just as he surrendered in Afghanistan. “There is no federal solution,” Biden said on December 27, 2021. “This gets solved at a state level.” On November 13, 2020, Biden lied about the Trump administration’s COVID record, stating: “This crisis demands a robust and immediate federal response, which has been woefully lacking.” JOE BIDEN VOWED TO “SHUT DOWN THE VIRUS, NOT THE COUNTRY”—BUT INSTEAD HE SHUT DOWN THE COUNTRY, AND SURRENDERED TO THE VIRUS…JUST AS PRESIDENT TRUMP PREDICTED. Hundreds of schools are once again closing across the country as Biden admits defeat. “US alarm at rise in child COVID infections sees school closures back on agenda” – the Guardian, December 27, 2021. Thousands of flights are being canceled during Christmas week because of the Biden administration’s breathtaking failures. “Major US airlines canceled hundreds more flights Sunday, the third day in a row of mass cancellations and delays over Christmas weekend, as staff and crew call out sick amid the Omicron surge…More than 1,200 US flights were canceled and more than 5,000 were delayed Sunday, according to FlightAware.” – CNN, December 26, 2021. Biden’s top COVID advisor Anthony Fauci said the administration may ban unvaccinated Americans from domestic air travel. “Fauci says U.S. should consider adding a vaccine requirement for domestic flights” – Washington Post, December 27, 2021. Biden ordered private employers to fire unvaccinated Americans from their jobs as he blames the American People for his own failures. On December 4, 2020, Biden promised that he would never mandate vaccines, saying, “No I don’t think it should be mandatory, I wouldn’t demand it be mandatory.” Less than one year later, Biden imposed an unconstitutional federal vaccine mandate and threatened that any American who refused to comply should be “prepared to pay.” Biden’s public communication has been a confused mess—with rules and messages changing at a dizzying pace, yet Biden himself does not even follow them. On May 13, 2021, Biden said: “If you’ve been fully vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask. Let me repeat: If you are fully vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask.” Last week, Biden said, “Wear a mask.” “It’s critical to mask up in public indoor places.” Meanwhile, Biden goes galivanting around the nation’s capital without a mask while sick and coughing: “Biden is spotted maskless at DC restaurant after saying he caught a cold from his grandson” – the Daily Mail, December 4, 2021 BIDEN’S DEADLY DISINTEREST IN THERAPEUTICS: SLOW TO INVEST IN AND DISTRIBUTE NEW AND LIFESAVING TREATMENTS The Trump administration developed a proven system of speed, learning, iteration, innovation, and logistics that produced breakthrough weapons against the virus, and got them to Americans as quickly and plentifully as possible. The Biden administration has done the opposite: rested on their laurels while lecturing the American People and attacking their freedom. President Trump invested BILLIONS in therapeutic development and manufacturing as part of Operation Warp Speed, and approved and distributed five therapeutics on an accelerated timetable. Because of President Trump’s swift action, hundreds of thousands of critically ill patients received lifesaving treatments such as convalescent plasma and monoclonal antibodies. Under Biden, there are now widespread shortages of monoclonal antibodies , one of the most effective treatments for seriously ill patients. Meanwhile, the Biden administration has failed to follow through on bringing new antibody treatments to market to confront new variants. This is a disaster of gigantic proportions. Similarly, while maniacally demonizing Americans who have not been vaccinated and trying to get them fired from their jobs, Biden has FAILED to focus on purchasing and quickly distributing adequate supplies of groundbreaking therapeutic treatments, such as Pfizer’s new pill, Paxlovid, which was found to reduce risk of hospitalization or death by 88% when taken shortly after COVID infection. When asked how many doses of the lifesaving Pfizer pill the federal government had purchased, Biden replied that he couldn’t remember the precise number and added, “I hope we don’t get there because if people get the shots…they’re not going to be in a position where they’re going to need such a pill.” The Pfizer pill’s results were reported in early November, but nearly 2 months later, HHS says the first doses “will begin arriving at dispensing sites by the end of December” but that doses “will be limited at first” and “ramp up…in the coming months.” Many states are receiving only a few hundred doses, and some even less. While forecasting “severe illness and death” for the unvaccinated, the Biden White House has barely even mentioned Paxlovid. It has only been mentioned one time in a press briefing since November. Everyone knows this would never have happened under President Trump. BIDEN’S TESTING FAILURE: A NATIONAL SCANDAL – BIDEN IS NOW TRYING TO SOLVE A PROBLEM HE CREATED Starting completely from scratch on a novel virus, the Trump administration rapidly built the largest, most robust, and most advanced testing system in human history. By January 20, 2021, the United States had conducted over 250 million tests – the most in the world by far. Coronavirus testing peaked in January 2021 with approximately 2 million Americans getting tested a day. Since President Trump left office, testing has DECLINED on Joe Biden’s watch. Biden has presided over a STAGGERING DECAY of America’ testing infrastructure, leaving the United States UNPREPARED for the Omicron Surge. Biden stood by over the summer as millions of testing kits were destroyed, testing sites were dismantled, and testing manufacturers shut down production facilities and laid off workers. (“Maker of Popular COVID Test Told Factory to Destroy Inventory” – New York Times, August 20, 2021)) The number of tests performed dropped to just 420,000 per day during the summer as the Delta variant began to spread. In October, the Biden administration REJECTED a plan that would have produced hundreds of millions more COVID tests and provided all Americans with free rapid tests for the holidays. Throughout the Christmas weekend, sick Americans waited for hours in long lines to get access to a COVID test, and many were turned away or met with empty shelves—nearly two years into the pandemic. As Biden admitted to ABC News, “You could argue that we should have known a year ago, six months ago, two months ago, a month ago.” He said he “wished [he] had thought about ordering” extra tests months ago. Projections by the Department of Health and Human Services now estimate the United States will need 3 to 5 million tests per day by January—but because of Biden’s failures, our testing capacity is nowhere close . (“HHS forecast shows Omicron stretching U.S. COVID testing supply” – Politico, December 15, 2021) Under Biden, the United States has fallen far behind other advanced nations on testing. In Europe, 46 rapid at-home antigen tests have been approved for use, while the FDA has approved just 14 at-home antigen tests—some of which were authorized by the Trump administration. One recent investigation found that under Biden, testing manufacturers applying for emergency use authorization face months-long delays. Under President Trump, new coronavirus tests were sometimes approved within 24 hours. Even the Washington Post is now criticizing Biden’s testing failures, noting that America has fallen behind the rest of the world. WASHINGTON POST: “Americans are still paying a pretty penny for at-home coronavirus tests, which run around $25 for a pack of two — if they can even find one. In contrast, stores in Germany and India sell tests for a few dollars. The United Kingdom provides seven free tests per day to anyone who wants them. Singapore mailed tests to every household.” Unlike Trump, Biden inherited the best testing system in the world and a virus we have known about for almost two years. But Biden still explained his failures by trying to claim that “nobody in the whole world saw it [the omicron variant] coming.” BIDEN RECKLESSLY POLITICIZED THE VACCINE—BEFORE AND AFTER TAKING OFFICE For months during the 2020 presidential campaign, Biden and Kamala Harris deliberately fomented skepticism about the vaccine. In September 2020, Biden said, “Why do we think, God willing, when we get a vaccine — that is good, works — why do we think the public is gonna line up to be willing to take the injection? We’ve lost so much confidence, the American people, in what’s said [by the Trump administration].” Biden said, “I don’t trust Donald Trump. And at this point, the American people can’t, either.” In September 2020, Harris said, “I would not trust Donald Trump” on a vaccine. During the vice presidential debate the following month, Harris said, “If Donald Trump tells us to take [the vaccine], I’m not taking it.” In February 2021, Biden falsely claimed “we didn’t have” the vaccine when he took office. But Biden himself received both of his vaccine doses before he took office, and when President Trump left office, over 1 million Americans were being vaccinated a day—all with NO MANDATES, THREATS, OR UNNECESSARY DIVISIVENESS. In October 2021 during a CNN town hall event, Biden claimed that America’s widespread vaccine availability was because “I went out and bought everything I could do and buy in sight and it worked.” Biden must have forgotten that it was President Trump who invested $14 billion in vaccine development and manufacturing. By the time Trump left office, the federal government had secured 464 million vaccine doses, enough vaccine doses for all eligible Americans to get the vaccine by June 2021. After inheriting the vaccines, Biden had a solemn obligation to monitor the data, keep the American people fully informed, and promote trust through transparency and communication. Instead, he has lied repeatedly and pursued nonsensical policies like denying natural immunity among those who have recovered from the virus—losing the trust of the American People. Biden is now blaming everyone but himself for his administration’s failures, while trying to divide and demonize his fellow Americans, and working with Big Tech giants to censor public debate and scientific discussion. As President, Trump was praised even by governors of the opposing party for his non-partisan and unifying approach to confronting this national challenge—and in the White House, he fostered open and vigorous debate among the full spectrum of people with different areas of expertise. BIDEN THREW OPEN AMERICA’S BORDERS IN THE MIDDLE OF A GLOBAL PANDEMIC—HIS BORDER NIGHTMARE IS HELPING FUEL INFECTIONS AND DEATH. Biden halted construction of President Trump’s border wall on the first day he took office, tore up our national security travel bans, shredded our asylum cooperation agreements with Mexico and Central American nations, and implemented catch-and-release across the entire U.S. border—triggering a mass influx of illegal migration. Almost 2 million illegal aliens from over 160 countries have crossed America’s southern border this year alone—and the true number is much higher than that. There’s no “vaccine mandate” for illegal aliens on the border—yet while inviting in millions of unvaccinated illegal aliens to violate our laws, Biden is fighting to prevent American workers and American children from freely living their lives. As the Delta variant spread across the world, Biden’s own administration estimated that nearly 20% of illegal immigrant families who crossed the border were infected with COVID-19—yet Biden refused to stop the flood of illegal migrants. By contrast, early in the pandemic, President Trump acted swiftly to ban travel from China in January 2020–a measure that was praised by even Dr. Fauci for “saving lives” but denounced by Biden as “xenophobic” and “hysterical.” President Trump also closed the U.S.-Mexico Border to non-essential travel from Mexico, and took action to ensure that anyone entering the U.S. illegally would be quickly returned to their home countries. BIDEN IS BOWING DOWN TO CHINA – JOE JOINED CHINA’S “COVERUP” OF COVID ORIGINS One of the first actions of the Biden administration was to shut down President Trump’s State Department investigation into the Wuhan lab. In August 2021, Biden said, regarding the origins of the China virus that, “The world deserves answers, and I will not rest until we get them.” Biden also said, “we all must better understand how COVID-19 came to be in order to prevent further pandemics.” But a year into Biden’s presidency, Biden has FAILED to get the truth about the Wuhan lab and he has failed to hold China accountable. When Biden was asked two weeks ago why he has not done more to get to the bottom of the CCP’s role in the origins of the coronavirus, Biden just smirked and walked away. “Biden smirks when Post asks about pushing China for transparency after 800K COVID deaths” – New York Post, December 15, 2021 The Biden administration has continually refused to hold China accountable for its role in the deadly spread of the coronavirus, opposing President Trump’s demand that China pay trillions of dollars for the damage it has caused. AN UNMATCHED RECORD: TRUMP’S COVID STRATEGY SAVED MILLIONS OF LIVES AND SAVED THE U.S. ECONOMY President Trump led the greatest mobilization of American society since World War II, quickly and decisively taking every problem head-on to save millions of American lives. Took swift and early action to impose a life-saving travel bans. Launched Project Airbridge, which led to the distribution of over a billion pieces of essential medical equipment at time of crisis, including: 5 million N-95 respirators, 2.5 million face shields, 945 million gloves, 2.5 million thermometers, 127 million surgical masks, 1.4 million coveralls, 66 million gowns, and 109,000 stethoscopes. President Trump mobilized America’s manufacturing muscle—including Ford and General Motors—to produce vast quantities of personal protective equipment, and an unprecedented number of ventilators. Between January 2020 and January 2021, the number of ventilators in the national stockpile increased by 705%. Just as he promised, not a single American who needed a ventilator was denied a ventilator. President Trump rebuilt America’s strategic national stockpile, which by January 2021 had 18x more N95 masks, 10x more surgical masks, gowns, and gloves, and 3x more face shields than it had in January 2020. By contrast, the Obama-Biden administration left the national stockpile bare. To help reopen schools, President Trump provided over 100 million cloth masks for distribution to schools as well as 800,000 BinaxNOW tests to HBCUs. The Trump administration built the world’s leading testing system, completing over 250 million tests in 2020. The administration’s testing efforts created capacity for over 1.3 billion tests by June 2021. The administration protected our nation’s nursing home residents by shipping over 97 million pieces of PPE, over 15,000 antigen testing machines and 5.35 million rapid tests, as well as sending federal strike teams to 96 nursing homes across the country. The Trump administration invested $14 billion in vaccine development and manufacturing, and launched some of the largest vaccine trials in American history. Through Operation Warp Speed, President Trump harnessed the power of the federal government and scientific community to develop safe and effective COVID vaccines in just 9 months, the fastest in history. The Trump administration ramped up vaccine production to historic levels and secured enough vaccine doses for all eligible Americans by June 2021. President Trump prioritized vaccine doses to the most vulnerable Americans. As a result, 7 million people in over 70,000 long term care facilities rapidly received lifesaving vaccines. President Trump also expertly managed the economy’s safe and strategic reopening—SAVING the U.S. economy, rescuing millions of jobs, getting children safely back to school, and launching the fastest economic recovery on record. ONE YEAR IN, THE RESULTS ARE CLEAR: PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP HANDLED COVID EXCEPTIONALLY WELL—IN MUCH WORSE CIRCUMSTANCES—WHILE JOE BIDEN AND HIS DISASTEROUS ADMINISTRATION HAVE FAILED. IT’S NOT EVEN CLOSE.
Even way back in *2014* Joe Biden was widely known to have already lost his brain, and to not be a seriously viable candidate... May 3, 2014 | Clip Of 2014 White House Correspondents' Dinner J.McHale speaks truth about Biden as Democrats and Obama laugh. Then Zuckerberg and Soros and Media and Tech etc all threw down hundreds of millions and undue election influence to prop the mannequin into a false win. And now his polls are sub 39% for and over 54% against, and been dropping steadily, as expected by fair observers. The next two big events will wreck the Presidency and the Dems even more. Zuckerberg already wrecked himself down almost 40%. Govts trying to start wars as usual.
Biden Hides Costs Of Biden's 10M Votes Importation Fraud Brits Told To Reduce Living Standards As Govt Spends Millions Per Day Housing Refugees In Hotels Brits are being told to reduce their living standards and tighten their belts even as it’s announced that the government is spending £4.7 million pounds a day on housing refugees in hotels. Yes, really. Earlier today, the Bank of England said citizens must prepare for the biggest fall in their standard of living for decades since records began. GDP estimates have been slashed while interest rates have been raised as the Bank says inflation will surpass 7 per cent. 🚨NEW 🚨 Bank of England says UK households must brace themselves for the biggest annual fall in their standard of living since comparable records began three decades ago, as it: - Raises interest rates to 0.5% - Says inflation will surpass 7% - Slashes GDP forecast — Ed Conway (@EdConwaySky) February 3, 2022 However, there’s plenty of money for illegal migrants arriving on boats. UK taxpayers were initially told that the bill for asylum seekers’ accommodation was £1.2 million a day. The Home Office has clarified it’s spending £4.7 million per day on hotels to accommodate asylum seekers and people resettled from Afghanistan. It told MPs yesterday the figure was £1.2 million - which it has put down to a ‘drafting error’. — Simon Jones (@SimonJonesNews) February 3, 2022 However, after claiming there had been a “drafting error,” the Home Office admitted that the cost was actually four times higher at £4.7 million a day. “The U.K. government is therefore spending £1.3 billion a year on housing prospective asylum seekers, many of whom have arrived in the U.K. via the English Channel in dinghies last year,” reports ReMix News. “That figure rises to more than £1.7 billion when the resettlement of Afghans fleeing the Taliban is taken into account.” A total of 25,000 migrants are now being housed in hotels being used as temporary accommodation. Government figures show that just 10 migrants have been deported despite 28,000 arriving in the last year alone. There have been innumerable incidents across Europe of migrants exploiting the refugee wave, some of whom arrived in boats, where asylum seekers have committed terrorist atrocities. As we highlight in the video below, many of the migrants are being housed in hotels in popular resorts alongside holidaymakers. This has prompted a wave of complaints about aggressive behavior, thefts, urinating in elevators and general chaos. But remember, diversity is a strength!
Pinko Commie Red Star Hat Wearing Psaki, Tries To Label People Commies... War Mania Leads White House To Condemn US Senator As Russian Propagandist Jen Psaki accused Republican Sen. Josh Hawley of "parroting Russian talking points" for sending a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken questioning the drive for war. "Well, if you are just digesting Russian misinformation and parroting Russian talking points, you are not aligned with long-standing, bipartisan American values," Psaki told reporters at a regular White House briefing. Resurfaced photo shows Biden press sec Jen Psaki wearing hammer and sickle hat with Russian official. The hammer and sickle have come to represent communist movements around the world. ... wearing the pink shapka while posing with then-Secretary of State John Kerry, who has been appointed to serve as Biden's "climate czar," Also standing next to Psaki is Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Sergey Lavrov, Maria Zakharova. Psaki added: "That applies to Senator Hawley, but it also applies to others who may be parroting the talking points of Russian propagandist leaders." The word "others" is ominous. It can be taken to mean any other member of the U.S. Congress, U.S. independent media or ordinary Americans. Such vilification is designed to take agency away from American elected officials, journalists or private citizens — who are schooled in the American world view and not Russia’s — to think for themselves, examine evidence and come to their own conclusion. Smearing government critics as agents of a foreign power is the oldest trick in the book. Anti-Vietnam War protestors were labelled apologists for Hanoi and critics of the 2003 invasion of Iraq as Saddam stooges. Hawley’s letter to Blinken was actually hawkish in tone, talking about Russian 'threats' — hardly a Moscow "talking point." He wrote: "The United States has an interest in maintaining Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity. And we should urgently deliver to Ukraine assistance it needs to defend itself against Russia’s military buildup and other threats. Our interest is not so strong, however, as to justify committing the United States to go to war with Russia over Ukraine’s fate. Rather, we must aid Ukraine in a manner that aligns with the American interests at stake and preserves our ability to deny Chinese hegemony in the Indo-Pacific." The White House putdown of Hawley shows how the administration is shutting down debate on the issue most deserving of it in a so-called democracy, namely the question of peace or war. That the White House target is a member of the Senate, which is constitutionally charged with declaring war, is even more alarming.
Pinko Commie Red Star Hat Wearing Psaki, Tries To Label People Commies...
While Lil Kim, Master of Propaganda, Scores another win... Memory Holed... Behold the Great Scrubbing as the Left begins frantically scrubbing its last six years of Busted Woke Rhetoric, Hoaxes, and Manufactured Racism out of fear of losing elections up against a now wiser populace that is abandoning the Democrats in droves. Known Woke Hypocrite and Defamer ADL Tries to Racially Label Non-Racists as Racists to Prop Its Own Supremacism, reverts its own busted position Anti-Defamation League Changes Definition Of Racism After Backlash The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has again changed its definition of racism amidst public backlash, after the organization’s CEO, Jonathan Greenblatt, criticized then accepted the apology of television personality Whoopi Goldberg for making racially insensitive and inaccurate remarks on “The View.” On Feb. 2, the organization Californians for Equal Rights Foundation (CFER) and 20 other civil rights groups sent a letter to the ADL raising alarm over its definition of racism. In July 2020, the ADL redefined racism as the “marginalization and/or oppression of people of color based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges white people.” In a press release, CFER called that definition of racism “absurd and narrow-minded” with roots in critical race theory. “The far left is waging a culture war by redefining and engineering fundamental concepts that we use daily, including racism, along political and ideological lines,” said Frank Xu, president of CFER. “As a society, we must be on high alert and push back.” The ADL’s redefinition of racism came into the media spotlight when Goldberg said on the television show “The View” on Jan. 31 that the Holocaust was “not about race.” Greenblatt quickly condemned her remarks on Twitter and appeared in a segment on the show the next day. ABC has suspended Goldberg from the show for two weeks. Whoopi Goldberg attends the world premiere of “Nobody’s Fool” in New York on Oct. 28, 2018. (Charles Sykes/Invision/AP Photo) In the Feb. 2 letter, CFER and the co-signing partner groups claim ADL’s attempt to redefine what constitutes racism is a “deeply offensive, illiberal, and un-American ploy to ascribe guilt and innocence to individuals on the basis of their race.” The groups represented in the letter suggested ADL adopt a definition similar to its former definition of racism: “the belief that a particular race is superior or inferior to another, that a person’s social and moral traits are predetermined by his or her inborn biological characteristics.” The same day the letter was issued, ADL revised the definition of racism on its website to a new “interim” definition. “Racism (interim definition): Racism occurs when individuals or institutions show more favorable evaluation or treatment of an individual or group based on race or ethnicity. (Prof. Robert Livingston, The Conversation).” ADL did not respond to specific inquiries about the change, but instead deferred to an article written by the organization’s CEO, Jonathan Greenblatt: “Getting it Right in Defining Racism.” The article cites the interim definition as what Professor Robert Livingston of the Center for Public Leadership at Harvard University calls his “simple definition.” ADL, Greenblatt wrote, is trying to adapt to the times, “but we certainly don’t always get it right.” “As a case study, take ADL’s definition of racism. A few years ago, ADL updated our definition to reflect that racism in the United States manifests in broader and systemic ways and to explicitly acknowledge the targeting of people of color—among many others—by the white supremacist extremism we have tracked for decades. While this is true, this new frame narrowed the meaning in other ways. And, by being so narrow, the resulting definition was incomplete, rendering it ineffective and therefore unacceptable. It’s true, it’s just not the whole truth.” Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO and national director of the Anti-Defamation League, places a stone on the Star of David for Dr. Jerry Rabinowitz at Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh on Oct. 31, 2018. (Allen G. Breed/AP Photo) Greenblatt explained that the redefinition alienated many people, including many in the Jewish community. “In all honesty, as I re-read it this past week, it struck me that it didn’t even speak to my own family’s experience with the racism they experienced as Jews from the Middle East,” Greenblatt wrote. Greenblatt claims in the article that ADL doesn’t get involved in partisanship or politics but remains focused on what is right and wrong. The group plans to conduct a review on how it develops all its definitions and open the discussion to the public. “This moment offers an opportunity to experiment and learn. And so, we are going to open ourselves to comments on our new definition of racism from the public,” he wrote. “We are going to invite feedback at, a new page we have developed specifically to take ideas in a productive fashion and move beyond the mindless trolling on social media.” Wenyuan Wu, CFER’s executive director, told The Epoch Times on Feb. 3, that ADL has veered to the “far left” in its political ideology since the summer of 2020. Redefining racism was a “political move,” that nobody has challenged until recently, she said. “It’s an encouraging development that the ADL, as a reputable and respected civil rights organization, has changed its course on redefining racism by seeking public input. We wholeheartedly welcome open-minded and sincere dialogues with its leadership on how we can collectively advance core civil rights issues such as equality,” she said. “At least they have not completely lost their mind on this,” Wu added. The groups backing CFER include: the Alliance to Protect Children, America Strong, A Time to Stand, California Policy Center, Center of the American Experiment, Chinese American Citizens Alliance Greater New York, Coalition for TJ, Fair Education Santa Barbara, Free Black Thought, For Kids & Country, I Choose Love Campaign, Moms for Liberty, National Association of Scholars, National Society for the Advancement of Black Americans, No Left Turn in Education, Protect Our Kids, San Diego Asian Americans for Equality, Silicon Valley Chinese Association Foundation, Stop Critical Race Theory, and TOC Foundation.
Now that Pols and incl Obama Biden and Trump have foolishly sold off 20% the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve SPR in order to prop up their pointless political selves and their debt spending of dollars stolen from you for things, including crony pockets, you neither want or need... "In November 2021, the White House announced the release of 50 million barrels (7,900,000 m3) to address high gasoline prices." "Congress has been selling the oil in the reserve to fund the deficit, in unpublicized sales." "According to legislation already in place, the amount of oil in the reserve could fall to as little as 410 million barrels by 2028." Roughly two to four months of cover left (and dropping) until world ends... Expect the Biden Admin and Democrat Party to resort to yet more extreme theatrics stunts and measures to keep themselves and their sinking election prospects propped up. Gas Prices At Pump Highest Since 2013; Biden Losing War Against Inflation President Biden is about to have yet another major problem as the average price of gasoline surged to the highest level in seven years, according to new AAA fuel data. For this time of year, seasonal trends show prices are the highest since 2013. Despite Biden's attempt to squash surging fuel costs (as his war chest runs thin), AAA reported regular gasoline at the pump rose to $3.423 a gallon, a high most Americans haven't seen since September 2014. Factor in Biden's warmongering with Russia over Ukraine, the geopolitical risk premium rises and has lifted Brent prices "Having drawn a line in the sand at $80 crude and about $3.30 gasoline, $3.40-plus gasoline will raise the pressure" on Biden The problem for Biden now is that SPR stocks are at their lowest since Oct 2002... 588M. Retail gas prices at the pump for this time of year have only been higher in 2012 and 2013... and even then, it was only marginally higher. It's becoming a fact that Biden's ability to impact fuel prices is rapidly diminishing. OPEC+ has snubbed Biden's request to rapidly increase supply. And without being able to do anything about it (except maybe incentivize domestic production and blow the minds of his progressive wing), we suspect the crossover in the presidential approval chart below will continue to grow... The transition to a summer grade versus winter fuel grade will increase prices further, possibly exceeding $3.50 nationally in the coming months. Also, inflation is widespread as consumers are plagued with some of the highest food prices in a decade and could soon pay record-high prices by spring. Biden is losing the war on inflation as the growing discontent for this administration will force households to vote with their depleted pocketbooks during the midterms this fall.
From trying to remove restrictions and methods that can be used to verify even just the simple concept of "one vote per person", Democrats are now trying to close all remaining paths to challenging their own fraudulent elections. You don't "reform" elections by making it even harder to raise and have election questions heard and resolved in realtime. These "reforms" seem more geared to enabling and shoring up the next fraudulent election than not.
[1] And of course power always acts together to cut off any party that is currently out legitimately protesting redressing grievances of its authoritarian rule. And thus it did exactly that on Jan6. And hasn't since done a thing as a body to honestly look into and resolve the questions with those raising them... no formal commission of the public, nothing, except for doing what power does... persecute people. There is no legitimacy in forcing any human to take any action. In addition to a number of legal and principle analysis that found that the VP, legislatures, employees, etc could indeed act to refuse to act, pause, deliberate, review, amend, reform, things regardless that such has rarely been done, and that such bodies and peoples have ways to replace such people if they wish. Pence, as a human being, had the right to refuse to go along with it and to halt the entire show, or not, as only he himself saw fit. Given the pressure, most would have capitulated, or expressed as he did. Nor did the near singular focus then on electoral / vote issues bring to address all the other meta issues. If the US people would step back and take a good meta look at what goes on and into their elections, from money to fake news, censorship to propaganda, shoddy closed source systems, to outright election fraud, etc... there's no other conclusion but that elections are entertainment, a joke, a game, not of by and for the people, but of by and for power. If the people don't stop and take a stand for reform, to resolve answers to standing questions, at such opportune moments, they never will. Other countries pause and even repeat elections to resolve issues all the time, the US is not special, and there's no reason that could not or should not have been done. Then there's the question of why they continue to put up such colossal systems of power in the first place. Trump Responds, Criticizes Pence Over Comments Regarding Jan. 6 Former President Donald Trump late Friday issued a statement in response to former Vice President Mike Pence who, earlier in the day, disagreed with Trump about his role in the electoral vote certification process on Jan. 6. Vice President Mike Pence presides over a Joint session of Congress to certify the 2020 Electoral College results on Capitol Hill in Washington on Jan. 6, 2020. (Erin Schaff/The New York Times via Getty Images) At a speech to the conservative Federalist Society in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, Pence said that the former president was “wrong,” after Trump said on Jan. 30 that Pence “did have the right to change the outcome” of the election. Pence, as vice president, served as the president of the Senate and presided over the joint session of Congress to count Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, 2021—the final step in the Electoral College system to certifying a president-elect. “If the Vice President [Mike Pence] had ‘absolutely no right’ to change the Presidential Election results in the Senate, despite fraud and many other irregularities, how come the Democrats and RINO Republicans … are desperately trying to pass legislation that will not allow the Vice President to change the results of the election?” Trump said in a statement. “***** Actually, what they are saying, is that Mike Pence did have the right to change the outcome, and they now want to take that right away. ***** Unfortunately, he didn’t exercise that power; he could have overturned the Election!” the 45th U.S. president said. Pence on Friday told the conservative legal group at the event in Orlando: “There are those in our party who believe that as the presiding officer over the joint session of Congress, I possessed unilateral authority to reject Electoral College votes. And I heard this week that President Trump said I had the right to ‘overturn the election.’ “President Trump is wrong. I had no right to overturn the election,” said the former vice president. “The presidency belongs to the American people, and the American people alone. Frankly, there is almost no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president.” He continued, “Under the Constitution, I had no right to change the outcome of our election. And Kamala Harris will have no right to overturn the election when we beat them in 2024.” The audience applauded Pence’s line about beating the Democrats in the upcoming presidential election, but remained silent when Pence said earlier that “Trump is wrong,” reported The Associated Press. Later Friday, Trump issued a statement through his political action committee, Save America, criticizing Pence’s remarks. “Just saw Mike Pence’s statement on the fact that he had no right to do anything with respect to the Electoral Vote Count, other than being an automatic conveyor belt … to get Biden elected President as quickly as possible,” Trump said. ***** “Well, the Vice President’s position is not an automatic conveyor if obvious signs of voter fraud or irregularities exist. That’s why the Democrats and RINOs are working feverishly together to change the very law that Mike Pence and his unwitting advisors used on January 6 to say he had no choice. “The reason they want it changed is because they now say they don’t want the Vice President to have the right to ensure an honest vote,” Trump continued. “In other words, I was right and everyone knows it. “If there is fraud or large scale irregularities, it would have been appropriate to send those votes back to the legislatures to figure it out. The Dems and RINOs want to take that right away. A great opportunity lost, but not forever, in the meantime our Country is going to hell!” ***** A group of Democrats and some Republicans, led by Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) has been meeting behind closed doors to discuss potential changes to Electoral Count Act that would make it more difficult to challenge results of a future presidential election, reported The Associated Press. The group hopes to come up with draft legislation in the near future. Collins told reporters at the Capitol that Trump’s repeated assertions that Pence could have altered the outcome of the election “underscored the need for us to revise the Electoral Count Act, because they demonstrated the confusion in the law and the fact that it is ambiguous.” Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said on Feb. 1 he is open to the effort, and said the Electoral Count Act “is flawed and it needs to be fixed.” Leading up to Jan. 6, Republican electors in seven states—Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico—had cast alternative slates of votes for Trump. Pence presided over the joint session on Jan. 6, where he read out the electoral votes for all 50 states. During the session, Pence did not acknowledge the alternative slates of votes for Trump from the seven states and only read off the certificates for Biden. At the time, Pence’s office didn’t return an inquiry from The Epoch Times on why he didn’t acknowledge alternate slates. On Jan. 6, Trump called on Pence to send key battleground states’ electoral results back to state legislatures and he said that if Pence “comes through for us, we will win the Presidency.” Trump also said in a statement the day prior that Pence had “several options” under the U.S. Constitution. “He can decertify the results or send them back to the states for change and certification. He can also decertify the illegal and corrupt results and send them to the House of Representatives for the one vote for one state tabulation,” Trump wrote. But shortly before the joint session began, Pence indicated he would not reject any disputed electoral votes, saying he lacked the power to do so under the U.S. Constitution. “Given the controversy surrounding this year’s election, some approach this year’s quadrennial tradition with great expectation, others with dismissive disdain,” Pence said in a statement at the time. “Some believe that as Vice President, I should be able to accept or reject electoral votes unilaterally. Others believe that electoral votes should never be challenged in a Joint Session of Congress. “After a careful study of our Constitution, our laws, and our history, I believe neither view is correct.” But Pence did support efforts by Republican legislators to object to the certification of electoral votes. “Given the voting irregularities that took place in our November elections and the disregard of state election statutes by some officials, I welcome the efforts of Senate and House members who have stepped forward to use their authority under the law to raise objections and present evidence,” Pence said in a letter to Congress at the time. Congress ultimately certified the Electoral College votes for Joe Biden after the chambers debated and voted to reject Republican lawmakers’ challenges to electoral tallies from Arizona and Pennsylvania. [1] ... above.
What Matters Most To Nations And Peoples? Speaking in Conroe, Texas, last weekend, former President Donald Trump accused his successor of allowing millions of migrants to enter the country illegally across our Southern border. “The most important border … for us is not Ukraine’s border but America’s border,” thundered Trump. “Before Joe Biden sends any troops to defend a border in Europe, he should be sending troops to defend our border right here in Texas.” Thus did Trump not only frame a compelling issue for the fall election; he has framed an issue that touches on one of the great and deepening divides of our time. Which matters more — the defense of our country from an invasion of migrants from the Third World, or the defense of the borders of distant nations that have little or nothing to do with the security or survival of the United States? Why should who rules the Russified Donbas be America’s concern? This “border issue” feeds into other Republican issues. For the border crossers seen on national TV appear to be mostly young men, who will likely contribute to the crime crisis of shootings and killings plaguing America’s cities. Illegal immigration is also the ways and means by which illegal drugs enter the United States. Last year, 100,000 Americans, most of them young, died of overdoses, with two-thirds of these Americans succumbing to fentanyl that is produced in China and comes through Mexico. Trump’s framing of the issue as between the foreign borders we defend and America’s border that we do not also divides the GOP. The interventionist wing of the party seeks a confrontation with Vladimir Putin’s Russia, while America First nationalists urge a refocus of U.S. troops and resources to our own bleeding southern border. And illegal migration is rising as an issue not only in the United States but across Europe. In France, the four leading presidential candidates — incumbent Emmanuel Macron, nationalist Marine Le Pen, the center-right candidate Valerie Pecresse and the far-right candidate Eric Zemmour — are all making the invasion of Europe an issue, and taking a tougher line. Over the same weekend that Trump spoke in Texas, the leaders of two NATO nations that border Ukraine headed to Madrid for a gathering titled “Defend Europe.” The threat that brought them to the Spanish capital was not Russia’s military presence on Ukraine’s borders. Reports The New York Times: “Instead of tackling the Russian threat to Europe’s eastern frontier, the meeting attended by the prime ministers of Poland and Hungary, Mateusz Morawiecki and Viktor Orban, focused on what the populist leaders cite as their most pressing threats: immigration, demographic decline and the European Union … ” “France’s far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen, an outspoken fan of the Kremlin, was also at the two-day conclave … ” “A declaration issued after the Madrid gathering made no mention of Ukraine. … It instead stressed the need to form a united front in favor of ‘family policies,’ Christianity and keeping out immigrants. The European Union, the statement said, had become ‘detached from reality,’ leading to ‘demographic suicide.'” In brief, while Western elites are alarmed about the borders of Ukraine and Kremlin encroachments, much of Europe is more concerned about its own moral, cultural and demographic decline — abortion, LGBT rights, low birth rates and the death of Christianity. Europe is in danger of dying, these people believe. These Europeans are concerned that the nations and peoples their ancestors and fathers knew are going out of existence. Their greater fear is not of Putin’s Russia but of an EU superstate whose dominance leads inexorably to the decline and disappearance of distinct ethnic nations. To the leaders of Hungary and Poland and the traditionalist and populist right-wing parties of Europe, nationality matters more than political systems. Hungary’s Viktor Orban, for example, does not regard Putin’s Russia as an enemy of his country, and provides economic incentives for Hungarian families to have more children. Consider. If the birth rates of the ethnic groups that historically have made up the nations of Europe are now below replacement levels, 2.1 children per woman, these peoples will become minorities in their own countries and eventually die out. Extinction beckons. Why should the inhabitants of these nations care about the borders of other countries, if their own countries are slowly passing away? And why should the future inhabitants of Europe from Africa and Asia in year 2100, who will inherit, populate and rule these lands, care about the old borders created by the history of yesterday’s Europeans? As the peoples of Europe are divided between those who fear demographic death in the long run and those who fear autocratic Russian dominance in the near term, so, too, are Americans divided. Our ruling class, to whom the world struggle is between autocracy and democracy, are willing to fight for the triumph of the latter over the former. The other half of America is more concerned with the character and composition of their own nation, present and future, which also appears to be passing away.
Archived pre-Covid and pre-Woke copies of Wikipedia (and Twitter etc) will prove EXTREMELY valuable to honest historians decades from now. Biden-Dems not above Fraud to Appoint Black Woman Supreme Court... Ex-Clerk For Biden SCOTUS Hopeful Edited Wikipedia Pages To Make Her Look Better, Rivals Worse Two days after the retirement of Associate Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer was announced, a former law clerk for a judge believed to be on President Biden's short-list of nominees began stealth-editing her Wikipedia page in an effort to make her look like a more attractive candidate. According to a Friday Politico report, Matteo Godi, a former clerk for Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, began altering her page on January 28, while also editing the pages of her rivals to make them look worse. In total, Godi made more than 20 edits under the username "H2rty." Other former Jackson clerks confirmed it was Godi. In a statement, the former clerks for Jackson — who requested anonymity in order to identify the online editor — said Godi has edited his former boss’s Wikipedia page “as a matter of course” for several years. They said Jackson was not aware of Godi’s edits on the pages of other judges. Those edits display a pattern: The page for Jackson, seen by many as a Supreme Court frontrunner, was tweaked to paint her in a more favorable light for a liberal audience, while the pages for other potential nominees — South Carolina federal district court Judge J. Michelle Childs and California Supreme Court Justice Leondra Kruger — were altered to make them potentially less appealing to a left-leaning audience. -Politico On Jan. 30 and Feb. 1, Godi made "significant changes" to Jackson's WikiPedia page - deleting a reference to her position on the advisory board of "a Baptist school," as well as two rulings she made against the Trump administration that were reversed by the DC Circuit - which was replaced with a defense: "Ahead of her confirmation hearing, 'Bloomberg Law' reported that conservative activists were pointing to certain decisions by Jackson that had been reversed on appeal as a ‘potential blemish on her record,’ in order ‘to tarnish her so she won’t get picked for the Supreme Court.’" A section covering Jackson's most famous ruling - requiring former White House counsel Don McGahn to obey a congressional subpoena was also altered. The New York Times noted Jackson’s “slow pace” helped then-President Donald Trump “run out the clock on the congressional oversight effort” before the 2020 election; Jackson’s updated Wikipedia page seems to shift the blame for the ruling’s timing from Jackson to the D.C. Circuit court. Previously, the page said the ruling was “subsequently” appealed “and was only resolved when … McGahn testified,” while the updated version emphasizes that Jackson’s ruling was “immediately” appealed, and “it took the full D.C. Circuit nine months to affirm part of Jackson's decision.” The case “remained pending before the court of appeals,” the updated Wikipedia page states, when McGahn agreed with the Biden administration to testify behind closed doors. -Politico Godi's alterations to Childs' and Kruger's pages emphasized characteristics that call into question their liberal beliefs. It suggests Childs' sides with corporations over people - noting her "reputation for being an expert in employment and labor law" from her time at South Carolina-based law firm Nexsen Pruet, adding that she worked on behalf of "employers dealing with allegations of race based and gender based discrimination, employee efforts to unionize, and other alleged civil rights violations." Kruger's page now emphasizes that she is "sometimes considered one of the swing votes" on the California Supreme Court, adding that she "is seen as a moderate on the seven-member court — moderately liberal on civil cases, more conservative on criminal matters."
Democrats Biden Electioneering... Are Secret "Puppeteers" Still Directing American Public Policy Over the years much has made about the lobbyists and advisors who prowl the corridors of power in Washington D.C. Many seek publicity profiles in the hope it will convince potential clients and countries that they have high-level "access." Others cultivate their cable news appearances as pundits and commentators, relishing the limelight. Yet what we have come to learn over time that the greater the media exposure, the less these individuals play a role in actually affecting the nation's policies and politics. Consider the role of Michael Podhorzer. According to published reports, Mr. Podhorzer is a long time senior advisor to the president of the AFL-CIO, one of the most powerful labor federations in the nation. There are some 57 unions under its umbrella and they represent some 12.5 million people. His fellow Democrats are reputed to call him a "wizard" for his skill in leveraging technology on behalf of the union's public policy agenda as well as their chosen candidates. Marry that communication technology with a field force of millions of union men and women and Mr. Podhorzer has a potent national weapon to wield in determining who will implement America's foreign and domestic policies and who might even be trying to undermine our Constitution (here, here and here). Until a recent Time magazine exposé, he was very much out of sight, and deliberately so, as he provided strategic direction to the union. According to the Time profile he was also a key member of a group that applied enormous organizational and computing power to the task of electing their preferred candidates. Over time, it would become obvious that former President Donald J. Trump was not their preferred candidate. In our democracy, it is neither unusual nor inappropriate to create campaigns on behalf of a favored political party, public policies or individual candidates. Correctly, efforts have made to confront "dark money," where large amounts of cash are put into campaigns by individuals cloaked in deliberate anonymity. Dark Money, according to The New York Times, "is notoriously hard to track. Dark money is driving a privatization of politics, funding ads, voter turnout and lawsuits — things once left to campaigns and parties. One entity on the left, the Sixteen Thirty Fund, spent $410 million in 2020 — more than the Democratic National Committee. " [Emphasis in the original] In a digital era, however, when secretive online campaigns using mega data driven by algorithms can potentially manipulate election outcomes, the threat to our democracy comes from a new and far more dangerous direction. The Time expose' regarding the role of Mr. Podhorzer suggests a calculated strategy to ensure that Joe Biden would win on Election Day. Far removed from oversight, or the give and take of traditional American democracy, the article speaks to his skillful ability to apply massive computer power for the purpose of affecting voter behavior. Working in coordination with others who shared his goal, the Time report applies sunlight to his strategy, participants, and objectives. It reveals a skilled professional working far from public scrutiny. The current occupant of the White House underscores just how effective he and his colleagues were in 2020. One can only imagine their plans for the mid-terms. Much has been written about the role of hostile nations seeking to influence American public policy through the use of social media, and masquerading as Americans questioning our values and national direction. Without firing a shot or launching a missile, our enemies seek to apply online digital strategies to unravel the fabric of our democracy. Our response has been to aggressively "out" those efforts and confront those who troll the American electorate. Yet the Time profile is a stunning reminder that the far bigger threat to our democratic future and our Constitution might lie within our own borders. As Shakespeare suggested in the play Julius Caesar, "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves..."
Pelosi... apologist for communist china, high traitor and criminal against the highest forms of freespeech, and thereby to her own country... Lock Her Up they say Pelosi urges U.S. athletes not to "speak out" against the Chinese Communist government during the Olympics. For months people have been warning that the 1/6 Committee has exceeded -- by far -- every previous boundary for what congressional investigative committees can do. Today the NYT finally notices: they're acting far more like DOJ prosecutors than Congress: After 9/11, those of us raising civil liberties concerns about the War on Terror were accused of siding with Al Qaeda. Same tactic now employed by neocon-led Dems for 1/6: raising abuse of power concerns means you're siding with "Insurrectionists." The Constitution still matters. Biden: “When the federal government spends taxpayer dollars, we buy American products.” Biden just paid China $1.2 billion for COVID tests. “I’m going to ask the public for 100 days to mask. Just 100 days...Not forever.” — Biden, December 3, 2020 Business is WAY down at bars and restaurants in Minneapolis/St. Paul after the Democrat-run cities' vaccine mandates went into effect. "We need every bit of help that we can get." Jason Chaffetz: Pelosi's commission has no credibility, "it's an absolute farce" and a "charade" WATCH: Biden National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan refuses to say if Biden will end his war on American energy to restore energy independence Democrats seven minutes
@ggreenwald 14h Compare the edited video clip to make it seem like Joe Rogan was agreeing with this to what he actually said and you'll see: a) how you should treat everything you see with a large dose of skepticism and b) how casually they play with race and racism to smear anyone they dislike: angak @andual88 Feb 6 Replying to @KnowS0mething This clip is deceptively edited. Here is the full context: 260 2,543 136 12,105 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 14h Look how viral the deceitfully edited clip has gone: KnowSomething @KnowS0mething Feb 5 i'm seeing lots of clips going around of joe rogan saying the n-word, but what the fuck is this???? Show this thread 53 186 2 1,229 Glenn Greenwald retweeted Andrew Wimsatt 🖐 @ajwimsatt 14h Here is @ggreenwald talking with Howard Kurtz about media resentment towards Joe Rogan and his podcast. 51 263 27 1,116 42,850 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 15h I'll be on Fox in a couple minutes with @HowardKurtz talking about the virtually unanimous effort by employees of media corporations to pressure Spotify to remove Joe Rogan, and what this says about broader values of free discourse in the US. 217 432 26 3,799 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 15h For months people have been warning that the 1/6 Committee has exceeded -- by far -- every previous boundary for what congressional investigative committees can do. Today the NYT finally notices: they're acting far more like DOJ prosecutors than Congress:… In Scrutinizing Trump and His Allies, Jan. 6 Panel Adopts Prosecution Tactics The House committee investigating the assault on the Capitol and what led to it is employing techniques more common in criminal cases than in congressional inquiries. 99 1,032 45 2,956 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 15h Many people have decided that 1/6 is so bad that we can't worry ourselves with legal niceties and civil liberties -- like some did after the far-worse 9/11. But McCarthy-era Supreme Court cases warned how dangerous it is to allow Congress to do this:… Congress's 1/6 Committee Claims Absolute Power as it Investigates Citizens With No Judicial Limits The Committee plotted with JPMorgan and its lawyer, former Obama AG Loretta Lynch, to obtain a citizen's financial records with no possibility of judicial review. 43 315 12 1,278 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 15h After 9/11, those of us raising civil liberties concerns about the War on Terror were accused of siding with Al Qaeda. Same tactic now employed by neocon-led Dems for 1/6: raising abuse of power concerns means you're siding with "Insurrectionists." The Constitution still matters. 37 282 3 1,311 Glenn Greenwald retweeted Edward Snowden @Snowden Jan 28 Nobody has stronger opinions about Joe Rogan than people who have never listened to Joe Rogan. 4,887 34,276 2,964 233,194 Show this thread Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 18h He got $100 million because he built a gigantic audience of ideologically diverse young people -- exactly the audience Spotify and most other companies want most -- and nobody comes close to his ability to inspire trust among that group. He doesn't map onto partisans' brains: Judd Legum @JuddLegum Feb 5 Replying to @JuddLegum I am not advocating for Spotify to drop Rogan. I am not convinced it would do anything to help slow the spread of vaccine misinformation. It might accelerate it. But how did this guy ever get paid $100 million? Spotify should think about that. Show this thread 178 693 37 6,170 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 18h It's crucial that we judge people's use of the N-world not as absolute proof that they're racist, but through the context in which it was used -- if they're liberals in good standing: Wokal Distance @wokal_distance Feb 6 1/ So, @donwinslow tried to get @joerogan cancelled for saying the N-word. It turns out that in his books Don winslow has used the n-word a lot... and I mean a **LOT** So here is a **VERY** long thread of times Don Winslow has used the N-word in his books. Show this thread 38 137 7 1,090 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 18h This is about 1,000 times more virulent than anything Rogan has dreamed of doing but Howard Stern is now a liberal in good standing -- adores Hillary and Maddow, hates Trump, spouts every DNC piety -- so it's fine. Hillary went on his show, oozed praise: PG Howie @pghowie3 Feb 6 If people think Joe Rogan is racist, can't imagine what they think about Howard Stern Show this thread 131 1,000 57 3,531 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 17h This is why Howard Stern clips like the one from above -- and so many other worse ones from him over many, many years -- don't matter and why nobody is trying to get him off the air. He has the right politics, fitting in perfectly with the NBC/CNN/NYT axis and all their pieties: 203 465 42 2,304 69,124 Glenn Greenwald retweeted Steve Krakauer @SteveKrak 17h What a morally bankrupt column… co-opting the death of a “beloved” colleague to spread pro-censorship misinformation - because if he HAD listened to Joe Rogan, he’s have been urged to get vaccinated, as Rogan has said many times for someone who is "overweight and asthmatic." 💫 Margaret Sullivan @Sulliview 19h My former colleague, the beloved @miggyrod33, died Monday at 47. I don’t know if he ever listened to Joe Rogan’s podcast; I do know that, with 900,000 Americans dead of Covid, the misinformation spread there is inexcusable. My column. No paywall. 58 369 10 1,917 Show this thread Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 18h The person in the above photo who is, by far, at greatest risk from bad COVID outcomes is the only one not wearing a mask indoors, while those who have a very low risk all have their faces covered all day. This has nothing to do with who is and isn't important. It's Science. 88 653 19 4,992 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 17h More than double this number have died of COVID under Biden. So what is the logical conclusion of this tweet? Joe Biden @JoeBiden 23 Oct 2020 220,000 deaths. If you hear nothing else I say tonight, hear this: Anyone who is responsible for that many deaths should not remain President of the United States. 102 464 15 2,251 Show this thread Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 17h This is the one question that employees of liberal corporate media outlets will never ask, because it requires looking in the mirror and that is what they fear doing the most. In their defense, that's a rational fear. Whitney Cummings @WhitneyCummings Feb 6 Don’t look to why so many people trust joe Rogan, look to why so few people trust the mainstream media 71 333 12 2,747 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 17h The real disinformation agents have been recognized as such by the American public. They're the ones few people trust, many people despise, and whose audience is disappearing and who therefore demand censorship of those who people trust by accusing *them* of disinformation. 35 158 11 806 20,333 Glenn Greenwald retweeted Secular Talk🎙 @KyleKulinski Feb 3 I cannot be on Spotify bc of their dangerous misinformation, I declare in a NYT article, the outlet that gave us this The New York Times @nytimes Feb 3 In Opinion Joe Rogan can continue to air misinformation. Spotify can continue to look the other way, Roxane Gay writes in a guest essay. "Today at least, I won't," she says of her decision to remove her podcast and its archives from Spotify. 45 394 12 2,275 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 18h 🤣 Judd Legum @JuddLegum 11 May 2018 Fox News goes all-in on character assassination of Michael Avenatti 120 380 16 3,658 Glenn Greenwald retweeted David Frum @davidfrum Feb 6 Congratulations to Tucker Carlson on his appointment as CEO of @benandjerrys Ben & Jerry's @benandjerrys Feb 4 You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war. We call on President Biden to de-escalate tensions and work for peace rather than prepare for war. Sending thousands more US troops to Europe in response to Russia’s threats against Ukraine only fans the flame of war. 271 117 43 1,246 Load more @ggreenwald 18h Number of U.S. COVID deaths under Trump (with no vaccine, few treatments, and a more deadly variant): 396,837 Number of U.S. COVID deaths under Biden (with universally available vaccine, better treatments, and a less deadly variant): 528,379… COVID Data Tracker CDC’s home for COVID-19 data. Visualizations, graphs, and data in one easy-to-use website. 483 3,532 326 9,221 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 18h (Note: this covers 10 months for Trump and a year for Biden, though the Biden-era death count was also higher after 10 months). Of course none of this Biden's fault, while all 2020 COVID deaths were blamed on the Trump. Key: "shutting down" the virus was his core campaign vow. 68 462 12 2,324 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 18h Meanwhile: since @staceyabrams is a very sophisticated and important liberal, I'm sure there's something in The Science™ that justifies her being maskless indoors, surrounded by young kids forced to wear masks all day. Maybe she's holding her breath? Kelley K 😀 * @KelleyKga Feb 5 Yet another picture of an unmasked Democrat surrounded by masked children. This is at a Decatur, Georgia elementary school, where they have a district-wide mask mandate. #gapol #UnmaskOurKids Show this thread 180 1,007 47 4,476 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald Feb 6 That Rogan represents a threat to corporate media - because he questions, disputes and dissents from their herd propaganda - is only one reason they're united against him. Another is petty professional jealousy: millions watch and trust him while almost nobody watches/trusts CNN. Oliver Darcy @oliverdarcy Feb 5 This notion that news orgs are only reporting on what Rogan says because he represents a supposed "threat" to corporate media is a narrative pushed by people who simply do not understand how newsrooms work or pretend not to. 235 1,497 56 8,507 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald Feb 6 Rogan is "corporate media" only in the most technical and least meaningful sense of the term. Yes, he's paid by a large corporation so they can carry his content. But he's not answerable to corporate bosses about who he can interview and what he can say: Max Tani @maxwelltani Feb 5 Joe Rogan is one of the biggest talk show hosts at a tech/media company worth billions of dollars. He literally is the corporate media. 119 191 22 1,872 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald Feb 5 I would love to know what percentage of people who are now claiming Joe Rogan is a racist, an agent of disinformation and someone who should be de-platformed have ever regularly listened to his shows as opposed to watching clips selected for them by Media Matters and CNN. 1,016 2,927 186 21,763 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald Feb 5 People constantly claim they don't trust large corporate media outlets, but so often their views on so many controversies are formed based on what those large corporate outlets tell them to think. All these people with very emphatic views of Rogan who don't watch his show. 100 434 10 4,020 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald Feb 5 I'm also wondering whether Bernie supporters now agree with the criticism that Bernie should never have accepted and touted Joe Rogan's endorsement of him? Bernie Sanders @BernieSanders 23 Jan 2020 “I think I'll probably vote for Bernie... He’s been insanely consistent his entire life. He’s basically been saying the same thing, been for the same thing his whole life. And that in and of itself is a very powerful structure to operate from.” -Joe Rogan 119 266 11 1,990 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald Feb 5 Everything in @MeghanMcCain's tweet is still completely true. Millions of people still watch and trust Joe Rogan, while Jim @Acosta can't even attract an audience equal to a mid-sized YouTuber despite being on CNN prime-time with a giant corporation backing and promoting him. 738 1,791 98 11,902 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald Feb 5 It was only a question of time before the all-out war on Rogan began. He's way too big and off-key to permit him to keep going. The concept of free speech in the US is a mirage: you have it right up to the line where it matters or can threaten power centers, then you don't. Tim Dillon @TimJDillon Feb 5 It’s a political hatchet job. It’s obvious to anyone with eyes. The debate about the vaccine has been over. UK just opened no restrictions. They don’t want him on the air for the next election cycle. Press Sec asked Spotify to “do more.” It’s not a conspiracy it’s out in the open 568 5,880 284 25,952 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald Feb 5 Every major institution is united to destroy Rogan, including the WH. The Press Secretary -- speaking on behalf of the US Govt -- demanded Spotify do more to stop him, and this is treated as normal and benign. Ask Julian Assange if *effective* dissent is permitted. 100 1,242 48 6,200 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald Feb 5 The power derived from controlling the flow of information is immense. That's why every tyrant and authoritarian wields censorship power. Tyranny can't exist without it. And as Orwell and Chomsky have both said, the most effective form isn't jailing dissidents but doing this. 55 677 22 3,787 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald Feb 5 Read what Orwell said about why censorship in the UK during the war was so much more effective than the overtly autocratic regimes that just imprisoned dissidents. The British don't have to: they have their compliant media unite to punish and destroy the reputation of dissidents: 38 698 21 3,088 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald Feb 5 We're at the point where we also arrive in these cycles. If you object to the attempt to silence Rogan, then you will be instantly tarred with the same brush used to try to destroy him: You're a racist, anti-vax, etc. etc. That's the enforcement mechanism to keep everyone quiet. 42 418 8 2,842 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald Feb 5 This racism charge, from splicing together a bunch of context-free snippets over the years, reeks of desperation but it, too, was inevitable. Racism accusations are the central toy to every silencing game in the US. You can make anyone look racist with it Drunk News Anchor @DrunkNewsHQ Feb 5 Joe Rogan N Word compilation. Absolutely despicable. There's no excuses for it. No context makes it better. Show this thread 75 482 20 2,785 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald Feb 5 By far the most important part of what's happened in this Rogan melodrama is that WH weighed in, demanding Spotify "do more." It's part of a long line of Dem politicians using their domination of DC to coerce censorship: a clear violation of the 1st Am.… Democrats Are Pressuring Companies to Censor For Them: a Violation of the First Amendment Defenders of growing online censorship typically use euphemisms to argue that private companies have the right to make whatever "content moderation" decisions they want. Even if true, that's not what 74 808 32 3,727 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald Feb 5 If you actually think that finding old clips of someone using the n-word is proof they're a racist, then you would find this 👇 infinitely more alarming and important given that he is kind of more powerful than Joe Rogan. But you don't think that: it's just a game to silence him. 328 3,042 398 8,969 241,257 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald Feb 5 Everyone knows that if Spotify removes Rogan, he will move to a new platform with his millions of listeners. The points of this: 1) Deny him the credibility of a major corporate platform. 2) Vilify and ostracize him to prevent further growth. 3) Create an example for others. 158 669 30 4,487 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald Feb 5 Good time to post one of Barack Obama's best moments, where he denounces what he calls "woke" activism as the superficial and self-serving delusion that it is, explains that it's just about the self-esteem of the denouncers, and mocks the idea that silencing people is activism. 196 1,121 116 4,725 165,309 Glenn Greenwald retweeted Q. Anthony Omene @qaomene Feb 5 Name a single liberal pundit with a comparable audience who is even remotely anti-interventionist. Carlson picks up these viewers because he’s smart enough to know there’s a massive audience to be had outside of the Beltway orthodoxy, which MSNBC and CNN enforce rigidly David Sirota @davidsirota Feb 5 One possible takeaway here is that liberal pundits’ loyal cheerleading for Democratic Party politicians has become so off-putting and uninteresting that younger Democrats are now shifting to watch a horrible right-wing fascist.… Show this thread 40 109 4 841 Show this thread Load more @ggreenwald Feb 5 In the past year, Tucker Carlson: 1) repeatedly urged a pardon of Julian Assange, 2) condemned bipartisan scheme for the US to interfere in Cuba and is now 3) emphatically opposing US involvement in a war in Ukraine. Call him whatever names you want. Nobody on NBC/CNN does that. David Sirota @davidsirota Feb 5 One possible takeaway here is that liberal pundits’ loyal cheerleading for Democratic Party politicians has become so off-putting and uninteresting that younger Democrats are now shifting to watch a horrible right-wing fascist.… Show this thread 212 921 37 5,220 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald Feb 5 The left bona fides of @aaronjmate are clear: worked for years at @DemocracyNow, pro-Bernie, etc. Watch the hearing he got last night on Tucker, warning of DC's bipartisan fixation on conflict with Russia: unthinkable on a liberal corporate news outlet: Aaron Maté @aaronjmate Feb 5 1/2 Spoke tonight about the Russiagate playbook, illustrated by the treatment of AP's Matt Lee, of US officials lodging allegations against Russia and then painting any skepticism as Kremlin subservience. Its roots lie in partisan hackery & bipartisan neocon hegemony: Show this thread 27 187 11 1,043 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald Feb 5 If you don't see the fact that neocons are all migrating back to the Democratic Party because the GOP is home to ample anti-imperialist and anti-militarist sentiment -- while Dems are united in support of it -- it's only because you don't want to see it: Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald Feb 5 This is a great and important NYT op-ed on the raging foreign policy debate within the GOP and American right -- far more vibrant than the lock-step Dems -- and how how the GOP establishment is trying to keep the party pro-war, imperialist and militarist:… Show this thread 43 186 18 1,066 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald Feb 5 That's why I didn't get an answer to this and never will. There is no answer. Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald Feb 5 Replying to @ggreenwald Even if you're on the left and you've deluded yourself into believing there's some vibrant anti-imperialism wing among Democrats - which Dems are denouncing US involvement in Ukraine the way Tucker Carlson or @RepThomasMassie are? - this split on the Right is a vital opportunity. Show this thread 20 85 2 721 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald Feb 5 Just as she was one of the few Dems to oppose a new War on Terror for 1/6, and just as she was one of only 3 Dems to join the GOP in voting NO on $2b more for the Capitol Police, @IlhanMN did this week say similar things on Ukraine as Tucker & Rep. Massie Rep. Ilhan Omar @Ilhan Feb 2 Rep. Omar’s statement on the proposed Ukraine defense package: Show this thread 32 60 1 515 Glenn Greenwald retweeted David Miranda @davidmirandario Feb 5 Ontem estivemos no @abrigo_hope visitando os animais e pessoas acolhidas lá. Foi uma tarde de muita alegria vendo todos felizes, saudáveis, e conhecendo o novo casal (na terceira foto) que acaba de chegar para ajudar com a bicharada. 4 21 191 Show this thread Glenn Greenwald retweeted Tim Dillon @TimJDillon Feb 4 Henry Kissinger is removing his podcast from Spotify. 2,644 2,012 583 28,015 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald Feb 5 This is a great and important NYT op-ed on the raging foreign policy debate within the GOP and American right -- far more vibrant than the lock-step Dems -- and how how the GOP establishment is trying to keep the party pro-war, imperialist and militarist:… Opinion | Hawks Are Standing in the Way of a New Republican Party Conservatives must make a clear break with neo-neoconservative foreign policy. 71 296 32 1,224 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald Feb 5 These first 3 paragraphs capture the crucial fight taking place on the American right: between classic US war fanatics (necons) and those trying to pry control from them for the GOP. The left needs to deny this is happening because nothing similar is happening among Democrats: 19 112 6 575 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald Feb 5 Even if you're on the left and you've deluded yourself into believing there's some vibrant anti-imperialism wing among Democrats - which Dems are denouncing US involvement in Ukraine the way Tucker Carlson or @RepThomasMassie are? - this split on the Right is a vital opportunity. 39 95 13 661 Glenn Greenwald retweeted Saagar Enjeti @esaagar Feb 5 The effort to smear Joe Rogan as a racist is one of the most despicable efforts I’ve ever seen in my lifetime. They don’t actually care, they’re just trying to destroy him. We either live in a society where context matters or we don’t. By their standard Joe Biden is a racist 2,253 4,317 815 19,942 Show this thread Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald Feb 5 This @rustyrockets video mocking @brianstelter for his view that CNN doesn't spread disinformation while Rogan does is superb. Highly recommended. By far the most damaging disinformation comes from the corporate outlets pretending to combat it:… Now It Makes Sense CNN’s Brian Stelter said this week that because of Joe Rogan “winging it” people have stopped trusting “real newsrooms”. Could another explanation come from ... 121 1,490 78 5,752 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald Feb 5 Note that Brand's video has already been watched by 1.1. million people -- far bigger than Stelter's audience and double CNN's prime-time shows. Do you see why they're so desperate: smearing everyone independent as "far-right" conspiracy theorists and begging for mass censorship? 39 308 5 2,033 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald Feb 5 For those who haven't seen it: The Media Outlets Demanding Joe Rogan's Removal from Spotify Spread Far More Disinformation… The Media Outlets Demanding Joe Rogan's Removal from Spotify Spread Far More Disinformation To justify their efforts to pressure Spotify to remove Joe Rogan, employees of media corporations claim to be deeply concerned by the "disinformation" he is spreading. Yet nobody spreads disinformatio 90 218 22 1,053 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald Feb 5 I keep hearing the claim that nobody in DC wants war with Russia over Ukraine and yet every time you turn around, you see another neocon (found at NBC/CNN/WP) and/or Obama officials making arguments with no logical point other than wanting war -- direct or indirect - with Russia: 103 333 10 1,574 Glenn Greenwald retweeted Aaron Maté @aaronjmate Feb 5 1/2 Spoke tonight about the Russiagate playbook, illustrated by the treatment of AP's Matt Lee, of US officials lodging allegations against Russia and then painting any skepticism as Kremlin subservience. Its roots lie in partisan hackery & bipartisan neocon hegemony: 174 975 94 3,716 108,057 Show this thread Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald Feb 5 Seems like we're on a path where we're going to have two of everything, depending on one's political ideology: segregated websites, financial systems, even charitable giving, the result of systematically banning non-liberals. Seems like that leads to a bad and dark place. CBC News Alerts @CBCAlerts Feb 4 GoFundMe says no further funds will be distributed directly to the organizers of the Freedom Convoy protests. The crowdfunding firm says: 'We now have evidence from law enforcement that the previously peaceful demonstration has become an occupation.' Full statement: Show this thread 889 3,786 285 15,967 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald Feb 5 Recall: @TheRickWilson bilked gullible liberals out of $65k using @GoFundMe for a film that never came. He kept promising to get more money, yet: nothing. Despite this being reported and denounced, @GoFundMe did nothing because "the film was anti-Trump:… Lincoln Project's Rick Wilson raised $64G for anti-Trump film that was never released Rick Wilson, co-founder of the anti-Trump Lincoln Project PAC, raised nearly $65,000 for an in-production film called "Everything Trump Touches Dies" that has yet to be released. 157 1,600 73 4,813 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald Feb 5 A few more pictures -- taken by an actual professional -- of the day we spent at our @abrigo_hope shelter in Maricá. The first photo is of the latest previously homeless people, a couple, who ended up losing their apartment because of the pandemic and now live and work there. 12 25 3 291 Show this thread Glenn Greenwald retweeted Stephen L. Miller @redsteeze Feb 4 Curious, has Michael Avenatti ever been on Joe Rogan? Jerry Dunleavy @JerryDunleavy Feb 4 Michael Avenatti 151 1,046 60 5,500 Load more
Teacher Made White Elementary School Children Apologize To Black Kids For Their Skin Color A 5th grade teacher working in the North Penn School District made white elementary school children apologize to black kids for their skin color, according to irate parents. The sensational claim was made during a school board meeting by the mother of a child who attends AM Kulp Elementary School. “I actually pulled my daughter out of AM Kulp because of the 5th grade teacher who lined those students up, from whitest to darkest,” she said. “(The teacher) made them turn around and made the white ones apologize to the black ones – now do not tell me that did not happen in this district,” the mother added. “You need to put an end to this. Kids do not see color and you are segregating them and you are separating them. This is not OK. Do something or get out of those damn chairs!” she concluded. The mother’s complaint was bolstered by a further claim by another individual at the meeting who described how the same teacher forced children to take part in a ‘privilege walk’ multiple times. This teacher also allegedly made her students participate in a “privilege walk” — Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) February 1, 2022 “This board has repeatedly denied an activity that has taken place at AM Kulp Elementary…it happened in the courtyard…not once but four times,” said the speaker. “A teacher…lined the students up on the wall, asked them to step forward if their parents were married, step forward if their parents were college educated, step forward if they own a cellphone or an iPhone, step forward if their skin color resembled a band aid, step forward if they had an in-ground pool.” Explaining that multiple different parents had told him that this had happened, the speaker also related how the teacher in question “also added at one point when she asked about a band aid with a mini-megaphone, the teacher told the student to get back on the wall because her parents were from India.” The speaker finished by accusing the school board of falsely denying that such events were taking place. North Penn School District appears to be riddled with activist teachers intent on indoctrinating children. Last month, we highlighted an image that went viral showing a North Penn teacher forcibly taping a mask to a child’s face. Parents across the country have come under attack by both the media and the government for their vocal opposition to Critical Race Theory being taught in American schools. In September last year, the National Association of School Boards (NASB) sent a letter to the Biden administration claiming parents were engaging in domestic terrorism by fighting against CRT and mask mandates. Attorney General Merrick Garland subsequently announced the DOJ and FBI would establish a task force aimed at probing a “disturbing spike” in threats against school officials.
Joe Biden, head asshole in charge, steals money from poor Afghanis that his govt destroyed, gives it to wealthy 9/11 "victims". @Snowden Feb 11 There is nothing more grotesque than a media pushing for war. @hasanthehun Feb 11 unbelievably cruel. actual villain shit. we are the bad guys all the way. @nytimes Feb 11 Breaking News: President Biden is moving to split $7 billion in frozen Afghan central bank assets between 9/11 victims’ families and humanitarian aid in Afghanistan. The highly unusual set of moves is expected to be announced on Friday.
Like BLM, more stupid woke shit the US Democrats Libtards Soros etc manufacture that idiots buy and adopt...
US Democrats protesting measures that will make their election frauds much harder to pull off... At Least 10 States Pondering Over 40 Bills Tightening Voter ID Requirements In 10 state legislatures across the nation, more than 40 bills proposing new or more stringent voter identification requirements for registration or in-person voting had been introduced as of Feb. 11, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL). An election official hands a voter back their ID at the Madison Community Center polling place before he can cast his ballot in the Democratic presidential primary on Super Tuesday on March 3, 2020, in Arlington, VA. (Samuel Corum/Getty Images) Missouri and Virginia account for 24 of the 40 bills. Missouri lawmakers are pondering 13 voter ID bills as part of a package spearheaded by Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft, who has called for a bill requiring a state or federal photo ID to vote in person. The 11 bills in Virginia are in response to the 2021 adoption of the Voting Rights Act of Virginia before Republicans won the governorship and retook control of the House of Delegates last November. The Voting Rights Act of Virginia “effectively eliminated ID requirements when Democrats had control. The ID requirement is still on the books but the photo ID part is not enforced,” Honest Elections Project Executive Director Jason Snead said. “The effort being made in Virginia is to just enforce the state’s photo ID law,” said Snead, whose group works with the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) in crafting elections integrity bills carried by state lawmakers nationwide. The measures in Virginia, Missouri, and beyond are part of a broader national trend of reforming election practices. Of the 45 state legislatures currently in session across the nation, at least 40 are debating elections-related bills, according to NCSL. The left-leaning Brennan Center for Justice at New York University said on Feb. 7 that, as of Jan. 14, at least 18 bills in five states impose new identification requirements for absentee ballot applications. The requirements include either a Social Security number, a driver’s license number, or voter record number. Bills in Mississippi and South Carolina shorten time periods for submitting absentee ballot applications. Eight bills in Illinois, Maryland, and New Jersey would establish in-person voter ID requirements for the first time. The Indiana House has passed a measure pushed by Secretary of State Holli Sullivan, requiring voters to submit their driver’s license number or the last four digits of their social security number when requesting an absentee ballot digitally. Two New Hampshire bills would eliminate options for voters to cast regular ballots by signing an affidavit. New Hampshire Rep. Mark Alliegro (R) said the bill, sponsored by Sen. Bob Guida (R), addresses longstanding concerns with the state’s same-day registration and voting system. Under state law, those not registered can show at polls, present “evidence of their identity,” age, and U.S. citizenship with a state-issued driver’s license or ID card, birth certificate, passport, or naturalization papers. If a voter does not have documents, they sign a “qualified voter affidavit,” swear they are who they are, and promise to provide verification within 90 days. “You could come here from another state, another country—you could land here from Mars—and vote in New Hampshire elections that same day,” said Alliegro, who is sponsoring a bill requiring all ballots be hand-counted. “You sign an affidavit and are supposed to provide that proof within 90 days. Then the (vote) tally is made, the elections are certified and 90 days later, you haven’t” received verification, he said. “This happens thousands of times in this state every election,” Alliegro said. Pennsylvania Senate President Pro Tempore Jake Corman (R), said with the state’s Supreme Court’s January ruling nixing a 2019 election law, he’ll file a bill boosting voter ID requirements that the law precluded. “Look, most people believe in requiring voter ID. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a state-issued driver’s license or ID; in Colorado, people can use their electricity bills,” said Corman, among Republican candidates seeking the GOP nod to challenge Democrat Gov. Tom Wolf in November’s gubernatorial election. “There will be some sort of ID requirement,” he said. “We could land (during the session) on what that is supposed to look like.” A bill filed in Arizona by state Sen. Wendy Rogers (R) requires the secretary of state to seek an exemption from the federal law—upheld in court rulings—that bars proof of citizenship to vote. It’s one of several Arizona bills related to voter ID. Arizona Sen. Kelly Townsend (R), who has filed bills related to election audits, election equipment, and contractors, said stricter voter ID requirements are needed to “stop making fraud easy.” “Something we are hearing is people saying they’re never going to vote again if these problems aren’t fixed,” she said. “We want to restore confidence in our elections. Right now, the confidence isn’t there.” Arizona voters may also weigh in on the proposed constitutional amendment tightening voter ID requirements in November if lawmakers adopt a resolution to place a ballot measure before voters. Michigan voters also may be presented with a voter ID ballot measure after Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer vetoed a 2021 bill imposing new requirements. Secure MI Vote proponents need 340,047 voter signatures by March to get it on November’s ballot.
2020 election period, one of manufactured depravity, whose candidates participants Democrats Biden Kamala pundits media et al, will backspin away from, history may view as laughably captured and enraptured, to certain degrees of detriment and needless damage done. "I Am Not Suicidal": Watch As Jussie Smollett Loses it During Sentencing Hearing In an event that will likely not be publicized by the mainstream, the sad chapter of Jussie Smollett's hate crime hoax came to a fiery conclusion on Thursday. Smollett was sentenced before a court to a 30-month probation term, ordered to pay restitution to the City of Chicago in the amount of $120,000, a fine of $25,000 that was the maximum allowed by statute, and lastly: 150 days in prison. Judge James Linn carefully parsed out the terms when reading Smollett his sentence. He elaborated upon the parameters of the 30 month probation by informing Smollett he would be able to travel and report by phone. Judge Linn arrived at the 150 day jail sentence last before asking Smollett if he had any questions. Smollett, after carefully removing his mask, spoke softly stating "I am not suicidal" to which Judge Linn replied "okay..." Smollett then went on by standing up and boisterously declaring that he was not suicidal, with his shouting echoing through the courthouse chambers. Smollett's unhinged rant continued on with him stating that he was standing up for the African-American and LGBT communities in a display of self-veneration that was lacking any semblance of self-awareness. Smollett dramatically professed his innocence whilst intermittently stopping to assure Judge Linn that he respected his decision, a sentiment which certainly wasn't reciprocated. Smollett's display was a real microcosm of all of the character flaws that motivated his crimes. He's clearly a self-absorbed person overly compensating for an inferiority complex who resigns himself to appealing to marginalized demographics of people from whom he is entirely removed from given his status as a multi-millionaire celebrity. The same brazen hubris which led Smollett to believe he'd be able to get away with staging a hate crime as a publicity stunt to capitalize on the racial tensions gripping the United States was on full display during the sentencing hearing, making it difficult to believe that any punishment will be able to teach him a lesson. At the very least, I'm sure his tantrum is much more entertaining than anything he's ever acted in. Meanwhile, this tweet is still out there... What happened today to @JussieSmollett must never be tolerated in this country. We must stand up and demand that we no longer give this hate safe harbor; that homophobia and racism have no place on our streets or in our hearts. We are with you, Jussie. — Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) January 30, 2019
More incompetence that people like D.Barrett foolishly worship and prop... Kamala Incompetent Ridiculous Dems-Pelosi-Kamala-Biden Geriatric Brainwreck Theatre of Horrors WTF is that shit Minder team praying for any kind of win Ignore and retardedly spin P and VP constantly confusing the maps SpinTarding as usual Script truth lol
More incompetence that people like D.Barrett foolishly worship and prop...
Willfull ignorance, non free markets, intentional impoverishment enslavement and fuckery against free humanity... Nancy Pelosi 'WTF' Comment Of The Day: "Government Spending Reduces Debt" America Is DONE* 2019-03-21 14:02 by Karl Denninger When In The Course of Human Events...... The Founders of this nation put forward a very basic premise: to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them That no government, no person whether royalty or not, King, Queen or Pawn, can take from one to give to another, to make one lesser than another, to bring remove from one the basics of humanity for the privilege of another. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness That the very premise of humanity is that one has a right to live, to be left alone to do as one pleases, and to pursue -- but not be guaranteed -- happiness. The only lawful and proper constraints arise when your exercise of same prevents someone else from having that same peaceful enjoyment. One cannot have a right to life if one cannot defend it using tools at least as powerful as those who would take it from you. One cannot have liberty if one is compelled to slavery for another's benefit. The Founders put together a document called The Constitution. The debate over it, and what needed to be added to it, is found in The Federalist and The Anti-Federalist; two books that are the chronology of the running debate of the time. Anyone who claims to have an opinion on the foundations of our nation and why the Constitution is important ought to have read both, as should anyone who claims a right to run for elective office at any level -- state, local or federal. Chief among the foundation of this nation is The Rule of Law and that it apply equally to everyone, all the time, in each case without exception. Our government and We The People have made a mockery of this. Not one illegal immigrant has a right to be here under any circumstance; The Rule of Law says so. It does not matter whether they personally intended to break said law; that merely encompasses whether they bear criminal culpability for the offense. If you find yourself with someone else's $1,000 and you did not intend to steal it, but you had no lawful means by which you came to have it you still have no right to keep it. Calling someone a Dreamer is an insult to America. Their "dream" is theft. A thief has no right to keep the spoils irrespective of their personal culpability in obtaining same nor do they have any right to demand respect from anyone else. Senators Richard Blumenthal and Mark Warner, both Democrats, have threatened legislation that is a rank violation of the First Amendment in response to the Christchurch livestream. Where is respect for the contract our government has with the people; the terms of which are embodied in The Constitution and its Amendments? There is no respect because the people of this nation no longer have respect for themselves nor any willingness to hold government to the terms and conditions of its very existence. Every single person in America should not only watch the Christchurch slaughter they should watch all videos of any extremist Muslim who saws off heads or throws gays off buildings. It is not possible to understand evil and the only effective means to stop it if you refuse to recognize it exists and watch the errors others made that led them to their demise. How many gay people would support a person who supports said political and religious philosophies if videos of those adherents murdering gay people by throwing them off 20 story buildings were readily available? Why do you think Senators Blumenthal and Warner want that content declared illegal despite it being a rank violation of the Constitution to do so? Governments are banning and attempting to ban such not because they fear copycats: They are banning that speech and literally burning books because faced with the gore, the nastiness and inhumanity of these acts the people may conclude that it was the government itself that sowed the seeds of these acts, conspired with and gave comfort to said people and groups all the while rendering individual people powerless to stop it by infringing on The Right to Keep and Bear Arms -- and did all of the above intentionally. Were the people to reach that conclusion they'd be correct and in response they might revoke their consent to said government entirely and demand it depart. A slave is not allowed weapons because he might use them to become free. Cultures collapse when there is no cohesion remaining -- when the primary means to get ahead is to stomp on someone else's head instead of innovating and when cheating is no longer punished and is celebrated instead. If that is not curtailed then collapse is inevitable -- it is simply a matter of time. Whether something is "hate speech" is in the eye of the beholder but irrespective of that The First Amendment protects it. Why? Because even the most-vile expression of dislike is one's right to hold and have. To state otherwise is to state a right to control another person's mind and thoughts -- to not only enslave as to labor but to thought itself. That is profoundly evil. It is what the Communist Chinese are doing right now with the Uyghurs, numbering more than 11 million of their citizens. This very same act is what our government is now calling on "big companies" to do, it is what the left has repeatedly done to anyone who dares speak against their policies and desires whether on college campuses, in corporate America or in the public square and now we have two Senators who deserve an immediate and long prison term for their threat to knowingly and intentionally violate their oath of office and The First Amendment, including the threat to impose said violation by force. Celebrities with dim-witted children got them into colleges by paying bribes and cheating. The claim that said students were "blameless" if their test scores were faked or they faked a "disability" to extend time and thus be able to cheat is a lie. Said "students" are fully culpable yet none of them have been charged; not only did every one of them know they didn't compete on the rowing team (for example) any of them who got an extra hour or two to take the SAT or ACT knew damn well they were cheating, whether they knew their answers were being modified or not. Why did this happen and why aren't the kids in the dock too? WE HAVE NO RULE OF LAW. Colleges claim they need "diversity." That's nonsense; in a meritocracy the best rise irrespective of skin color, race or religion. The fact is that this "diversity need" is met by lowering standards and allowing unqualified people who cannot do the work into the school. This was going on in the 1990s and it has only gotten worse -- much worse -- since. There is, of course, no value in that to a person "selected" via "diversity" if they have to pay full price and will inevitably fail to be able to do the work. This in turn means someone else gets screwed so they don't have to pay full price and they also don't have to do the work they are incapable of. The alleged "degree" conferred by said school is thus rendered meaningless; it no longer denotes competence and to prevent that from being recognized and their "brand" destroyed said colleges conspire with employers and governments, both outwardly and not to "require" said "credentials" for an ever-expanding list of "professions." In short college is no longer about education; it is about grift, fraud, bribery and slavery. It's a racketeering enterprise writ large and ought to be prosecuted as a felony, starting with the "most-elite" schools. Is it any surprise that a tiny bit of the bribery began six months earlier with so-called "standardized" testing that really isn't and claims of being on a soccer team that were false? WE HAVE NO RULE OF LAW. The Fed is prohibited from buying anything other than government backed securities. Fannie and Freddie paper have on their face the statement that they have no such backing; go online and view any of their prospectuses. I pointed this out more than 10 years ago with a copy of the front page of one such offering out of thousands; every one bears the same statement. That the government bailed them out does not matter. The Fed's transacting in same and their continued ownership is illegal. Rather than change the law (which might provoke a debate over exactly what The Fed "prints") they simply ignore the law and you let them. The Fed's legal mandate under the law is for stable prices. The Fed's chair and other governors make dozens of speeches a year and testify under oath before Congress to their intent to violate the law with their "2% inflation target." Congress could change that law but doing so might provoke a debate over exactly what The Fed "prints" and so instead both Congress and The Fed ignore the law and you let them. The truth is that Money is a medium of exchange which you acquire by producing something of value to someone else. It facilitates trade because it is fungible -- that is, you don't need to transact in oranges, chickens or hours of programming a computer; all three can be reduced to money. You cannot print money because it is impossible to materialize a television, a car, a piece of computer software, gasoline or electrical power out of thin air. You can print credit, which spends like money. But if you emit credit then what you are claiming is that someone in the future will produce a thing to legitimate what you did. If the people refuse what's left? Force -- slavery in point of fact. WE HAVE NO RULE OF LAW. A Pakastani American named Imran Awan worked for Democrats in Congress from 2004 - 2017. While doing so it is rather apparent he ran a spy ring inside Congress and stole Congressional computer equipment, much of it with the knowledge of Congressional Democrats. Prosecuting him would have inevitably drawn those Democrats into what could have easily wound up being criminal culpability including spying for foreign nations. So they let him go despite proof that he wired more than $280,000 to Pakistan -- funds that very well might have been used to facilitate terrorism! WE HAVE NO RULE OF LAW. It is a felony to restrain trade, attempt to monopolize or fix prices among people who are supposed to be competing. The medical industry does it every single day. Why not when the example set is that if you're rich or powerful (and they are both) you could even spy for a foreign nation and get away with it. We could literally dispose of the entire federal budget deficit, all of the Federal debt, all of the state and local pension problems and cut property taxes in half or more if we put a stop to this crap. They do it because despite the law they have no fear of prosecution. Why should they? WE HAVE NO RULE OF LAW. I can, through hard work, earn a mid-six-figure income and have multiple business ideas that I'd like to develop. I've done it before and can do it again. But given the above examples, along with the myriad things I've watched big business do in the last 20 years and get away with all of them -- acts that were I to do myself I would be prosecuted criminally and go to prison, why would I? If I was to undertake any of those risky ventures and put my capital and intellectual effort at risk any of those people could illegally undermine my product or service, putting me out of business or simply steal it. Unless I was willing to personally kill the persons responsible there is nothing I could do about it and I'd go broke. I will not undertake such a venture for as long as all of this crap exists, and that's why. I instead choose to hike, ski, run, drink beer and enjoy a much lower stress lifestyle. I do not need any of the trappings of wealth; they're options. When my time comes to die those ideas, products and services intentionally left undeveloped will die with me instead of being produced. WE HAVE NO RULE OF LAW. The Christchurch shooter, obviously nuts, wrote a "manifesto" which governments are actively trying to suppress your ability to read. In it he pointed out an inconvenient truth -- that there is no nation with a material white population percentage in which white women are reproducing at a replacement or better rate. That is, unless this changes white people will eventually go extinct. We bemoan a little fish, frog or bird disappearing but there is literally not one word in the media about the most-productive and innovative differentiated group of human beings ever to walk the planet heading directly for extinction by their own voluntary decision. Why are white women choosing not to bear children? Maybe it's because a goodly number of them have come to the same conclusion I have -- that there is no rule of law -- and thus unless they're so rich they can cheat like those who did so to get their kids into college their offspring have no chance of success on a merit basis and they thus make the entirely reasonable decision not to create children at all. After all why would you willingly and intentionally bring a child into this world if you believe they are going to be enslaved and mercilessly robbed for their entire lives? Rather than correct that problem governments instead are importing people who have not yet made that determination or worse, believe and are explicitly promised that they can simply put their hand out and force others to provide whatever they want and need -- and thus those people make the entirely reasonable decision to breed like rabbits! WE HAVE NO RULE OF LAW AND WE ARE GOING TO LITERALLY EXTINGUISH WHITE PEOPLE THROUGHOUT THE WESTERN WORLD AS A RESULT. AS FURTHER POPULATION SEGMENTS ARE TAPPED TO BE THE VICTIMS OF SAID POLICIES THEY WILL CHOOSE NOT TO REPRODUCE AS WELL AND INEVITABLY THEY WILL ALSO GO EXTINCT, ONE AT A TIME. We have in fact become so depraved that our own government is giving cats diseases on purpose to study them and even though those diseases are easily curable and the animals could then be adopted out that takes a bit of effort and more than a a nickel in cost so they kill them instead. That would be bad enough but our government is also importing cats and dogs from nations around the world for the purpose of meat to feed said study subjects, practicing animal cannibalism. We can't be bothered to use byproducts of human food production; you see, that might cost a bit more money. I'm not the only one who recognizes this; here's another article pointing out many of the same things. America is extended, riddled with debt and too reliant on ever more debt, past its growth peak, incapable and unwilling to address structural issues. Both political parties have given up on dealing with debt, illusory monetary policies such as MMT are invented to render structural issues as irrelevant. Meanwhile wealth inequality keeps expanding from administration to administration no matter who is in charge with voters distracted by the ideological divisions of the day, not trusting their leaders or each other. And all this with 3.8% unemployment. What will this all look like during the next downturn? Nobody knows. Rome showed us to not take civilization for granted. It also showed us to not ignore structural problems before they become too large to tackle. Sven may be hopeful but I am not. I'm not alone either. Charles Hugh Smith has written a number of columns on this same point, including just recently. I challenge you to show me just one "grand idea" or modern stock market rocketship that is not a scam in some form over the last 10+ years. Netflix, as just one example, effectively stole their entire distribution infrastructure, which is very expensive, through various forms of browbeating and when that was threatened they got the government to mandate their ability to force non-customers to pay for what they wanted during the Obama Administration. Then, when Obama left, both he and his wife got a multi-million dollar contract from the company. You don't really think that was the kickback payment to the former President since the stock went from ~$5 when Obama took office to nearly $400 now.... I've written on many of these other firms, in detail, over the last decade. None of them would exist were there an even-handed enforcement of the law for the simple reason that all of them violate the basic law of business balance: The more people who touch a transaction the more it costs -- always. The reason for that is simple: Nobody works for free and if you think you've found someone who is someone else is stealing from them because no rational person will perform work that benefits only someone else. THERE IS NO RULE OF LAW. This can't -- and won't -- change without Americans rising up by the millions and demanding that it stop and be willing to enforce that demand by whatever means are necessary. This does not mean violence is required but until and unless those who claim to be "our leaders" believe that any such demand has the force of the people behind it and will be enforced should they stick up their middle finger toward common people once again as they have done for the last 30+ years they have no reason to stop stealing, stop rigging the system and stop screwing everyone else. There's no reason for me to be hopeful because there is no reason to believe that Americans, say much less the people in any of the other developed, western nations will in fact demand this crap stop. In fact there is every reason to simply sit back and enjoy what little time is left, given that within the next six years tipping points will be reached in the US on a budget and monetary basis that will destroy the illusion of "growth and prosperity" and from which there is little or no chance of recovery.
More incompetence Kamala, totally lost in space Kamala, incompetent as usual Kamala, nonsense
More incompetence
More bitch too, apparently... Another One? Kamala Harris' Deputy Chief-Of-Staff Quits Over the past two years, staffers working for Vice President Kamala Harris have described her as a "soul-destroying bully" whose office is a "dysfunctional" mess. Now - Harris's deputy chief of staff Michael Fuchs is becoming the latest in a long list of departures from the VP's staff, according to Reuters, citing a leaked internal staff memo. Fuchs, who served as a foreign policy advisor to former President Bill Clinton and worked in senior roles at the U.S. State Department under former President Barack Obama's administration, advised Harris on domestic and international issues, helped manage staff and often accompanied her on foreign trips. -Reuters Fuchs will remain in the office for approximately another month in order to "ensure a smooth transition," according to the memo. "Fifteen months later, it's almost difficult to recall the magnitude of the challenges we faced when we came in, from an unprecedented pandemic to historically difficult economic circumstances," wrote Fuchs. Word of Fuchs' departure follows a March 21 announcement that Harris's National Security Adviser Nancy McEldowney was stepping down from her role, while her communications team - which had several high-profile screwups in their first year - has also seen several high-profile departures. Jamal Simmons, the vice president's communications director, said Harris "is grateful for Michael's tireless work, leadership and the many miles he traveled domestically and internationally ... our entire team will miss Michael as he begins this next chapter." Simmons did not comment on staff departures. -Reuters In other news, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki decided to stop bailing water out of the rowboat as well - an has announced that she'll be leaving her position in coming weeks despite having no obvious replacement. Also, Biden COVID-19 response coordinator Jeff Zients will be leaving after 14 months on the job, while National Security Council spokeswoman Emily Horne left on March 25. "This period before the midterms is a common time for officials to depart," said one anonymous White House official. Is it also common when approval ratings are in the toilet?
Joe Biden, head asshole in charge, steals money
Notice all the global dictatorial trends from Democrats Left SocComs "democracy" last few years, they're not "gaffes", they're telling you exactly what hell they're going to impose over top of you... wake up, stitch the pieces together. Biden, one step away from Trudeau, one step away from China.
Biden's dictats keep getting canceled by the courts... Supreme Court To Hear Biden Administration's Appeal Over "Remain In Mexico" The Supreme Court agreed on Friday to hear the Biden administration’s appeal over a Trump-era immigration policy that requires asylum seekers to wait in Mexico until their case is heard, instead of being allowed to await their hearings in the United States. Lower court rulings had forced the administration to reinstate the “Remain in Mexico” policy, officially called the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), that was implemented under the Trump administration in 2019. Mark Morgan, who was acting commissioner of Customs and Border Protection at the time, told The Epoch Times that the MPP was “the most significant game-changer” and largely responsible for a 75 percent drop in illegal crossings. Arguments will take place in April. A decision is expected by late June. President Joe Biden had suspended the MPP on his first day in office in January 2021 and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officially terminated it in June. But the administration restarted the policy in early December 2021, in El Paso, Texas, after it was ordered by a lower court to do so. U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk had ruled on Aug. 14, 2021, that the Biden administration had to revive the program, after Texas and Missouri sued the administration for having ended the MPP, saying that the decision worsened conditions at the border. The Supreme Court had declined to intervene on Aug. 24 after the Biden administration filed an emergency motion requesting a stay of Kacsmaryk’s order. Despite the court order, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas tried to end the program again in October 2021 via a new memorandum. He argued that while the policy “likely contributed to reduced migratory flows,” it did so “by imposing substantial and unjustifiable human costs on the individuals who were exposed to harm while waiting in Mexico.” An appeals court upheld the judge’s ruling, finding that the Biden administration erred in ending the program. In December 2021, the Justice Department asked the Supreme Court to hear the case, arguing that the appeals court’s decision was made in error. Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.) on Feb. 16 sought an opinion from the Government Accountability Office on whether Mayorkas’s memo is subject to the Congressional Review Act, which would mean that Congress could overrule the Biden administration’s move to end the policy.
Democrat policy failboat... NY Black Democrat Mayor Eric Adams, and Gov Hochul, call homeless human beings a Cancer to be Removed, seek to focus on "appearances" optics instead of the problem... Alongside Adams, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul echoed his comments, saying that: "we know it’s a big problem. But shame on us if this moment in time, if we don’t turn over every single stone, find every possible way to to deal with this." Adams called it a complex problem, saying: “You can’t put a band-aid on a cancerous sore," but, “You must remove the cancer and start the healing process.” Of course, this prompted outrage among some with Shelly Nortz, the deputy executive director for policy at the Coalition for the Homeless, calling the mayor's comment “sickening" and said “criminalizing homelessness” was not the answer. “Repeating the failed outreach-based policing strategies of the past will not end the suffering of homeless people bedding down on the subway. It is sickening to hear Mayor Adams liken unsheltered homeless people to a cancer. They are human beings," Nortz said. Police Commissioner Keechant Seweell said the police department will start enforcing the new rules in New York City subway this week. The mayor, who has emphasized the appearance of crime and disorder as being just as important to tackle as the actual crime statistics, said it was unacceptable that the system allowed, in one case, a woman to live under a stairway inside a station for months.
Squeal like a Corrupt Leftist Pig...
emptywheel palmerreport
Fake News
a “dark money” group steering hundreds of thousands of dollars into a super PAC
Democrats Leftists Socialists... a "tsunami of slime", corrupt as fuck, as usual, lol...
Leftists Are Angry About The Florida Anti-Grooming Law Because They Want Your Children by Brandon Smith Why would someone be enraged by a law that prevents teachers from exposing children to sexual indoctrination and demands parents are kept in the loop on classroom lessons? It’s obvious; they’re mad because they like the idea of grooming kids and they don’t want the process interfered with in any way. First, however, I think we need to understand what grooming really is, and it’s not only about sex. One of the most pervasive cancers within our society today is social justice based communism. In every way the ideology is predicated on lies and disinformation, but this deceit is merely a tool to achieve an end goal – The reeducation or brainwashing of future generations into the leftist fold. Leftists often talk about notions of “community,” but community is a voluntary structure. When they say they want “community” what they really mean is that they want collectivism, and collectivism is by definition NOT voluntary but forced through violence or coercion or propaganda. To these ends, leftists seem to have gravitated like sharks into the public school system, specifically to prey on the easiest targets in the ocean; your children. I’ve recently heard the argument that the Florida bill should not be called an Anti-Grooming bill because “not all gay people are groomers.” I don’t think anyone made that claim anyway. What we are saying, though, is that all SJWs are indeed groomers and this is the root problem. They have been doing this in subtle ways for many years, but in the past 5 years their methods have become rather careless and obscene. The grooming of children in today’s public schools is not only relegated to sexualization, it also involves ideological molding and cultism. When leftists refer to Florida Bill 1557 they call it the “Don’t Say Gay Bill,” but this has nothing to do with the basic notion of homosexuality, this is about the political weaponization of homosexuality and transexuality (among other things). This is about using sexual orientation to propagandize children and create new little soldiers for communist social justice. Just as I have said many times in the past when it comes to pop culture and movies, the existence of gay people or “diversity” is not the problem, it’s the communism that’s the problem. We don’t want your communism infecting our entertainment and we certainly don’t want it around our children. Set aside the fact that there is no science whatsoever to support the concepts of gender fluidity that are usually addressed in these lessons. Some Florida teachers and SJWs are up in arms this week as Governor Ron DeSantis signs the dreaded 1557 bill into law. The claim? That this bill is somehow a violation of their free speech rights. Watch the news report below for an example: First, I think this needs to be said – Public school teachers are not important. I’m sure there are many good ones out there and this is not an attack on them. What I am saying is, the glorification and worship of teachers is out of place in our society and completely overblown. At some point along the line leftists in particular decided that teachers are the emissaries of moral order and equity and their jobs should be treated as sacrosanct. This is nonsense. Teachers are mere employees of the district they work in, that is all. Parents pay the taxes that pay their salaries. The parents are the employers, the parents are the boss and what they say goes. Teachers need to understand this; the parents own you, so get used to the idea. You are not special. Furthermore, the views expressed in the interview with the gay Florida teacher above showcase some unhinged misconceptions and assumptions. First, the new law does not say that a teacher is not allowed to mention they are gay, but frankly, NO teacher should be discussing their private lives with their students anyway. At no point in my childhood did I ever hear a teacher talk about their home lives or who they were sleeping with; this is a new trend within the past decade. Not long ago teachers specifically avoided such idiocy in order to prevent rumors from circulating through the school halls about them. And yes, we did have at least one gay teacher, and he never discussed it in the classroom, ever. His job was not under threat for doing so, he was just a professional. This kind of professionalism is not acceptable to leftists because they view the classroom as more than just a place of academia, they view it as a place for engineering conformity, as well as a personal therapy bubble for themselves. I can’t count how many videos I have seen in the past few years of teachers “coming out” to their students in a desperate play for attention and applause. The narcissism inherent in this behavior is stunning. Teachers have turned theirs classrooms into environmental extensions of their own mental deformities and insecurities and now lay these problems in the hands students. The invasion of trans and gender fluid rhetoric, along with critical race theory, is at times about the ego of the teacher, but it is also at times a game meant to inspire submission in the group. When a teacher walks into a classroom and starts bloviating about their sexual identity and pronouns looking for approval from the children, how often are those children allowed to disagree with the concepts? When they do disagree, how often do these teachers use their position of authority to hound these students into silence or submission? How often do teachers inspire mob mentality in other students and encourage them to go on the attack against any kids who don’t conform? This is a major threat to the psychological health and development of children. Florida leftists are complaining that they must now walk on eggshells in terms of what they say in the classroom, but they have never had a problem making students walk on eggshells when it comes to what they are allowed to disagree with in the classroom. The interesting thing about all this is the SJW response to being called out, or being caught. Even after years of bragging about how they are indoctrinating children in their classes all over social media, they will inevitably claim that laws like those implemented in the Florida bill are pointless because the agenda “doesn’t exist.” That’s right, all that excited blabbering on twitter and Tiktok about luring kids into gender bending and the religion of pronouns, and suddenly conservatives are just “overreacting” or “paranoid?” In countries like Canada, LGBT indoctrination is the norm in some schools and has been for several years, yet we are supposed to believe that there is no plan to do the same in the US? LGBT activists have declared in the past that they are “coming for our children.” The typical M.O. of leftist activists is to openly admit their agenda and then when they get blowback they didn’t expect they claim it was all “satire.” You remember this little gem of a video? Leftists say this is all little more than a joke, but their actions say otherwise. Monty Python is satire. Blazing Saddles is satire. The above video is definitely not satire. Leftists in our modern era have no understanding of satire so the argument rings pretty hollow. They do understand gaslighting though, and when all else fails SJWs exploit this common fallback. It’s in their nature to lie while doubling down. At bottom, if there is no need for the Florida law to exist because there is no indoctrination going on in classrooms, then these teachers have nothing to worry about and should not be complaining. Why complain if there is no agenda? It is here that I think we need to address a bigger issue which SJWs often screech about, and that’s the idea of “Gatekeeping.” I’m going to say it right here and now: GATEKEEPING IS GOOD. It always has been and it always will be. The idea that we must be accepting of everyone all the time is foolish and insane. Some people are not compatible with truth or with reason, and they need to be kept away from vulnerable institutions such as schools and away from innocent children that make up the lifeblood of our future. The conservative argument has always been that not all change is good, and not all change is progress. Some changes are regressive rather than progressive. Some changes are simply designed to do harm, and some people are simply evil. Discrimination in some respects is absolutely necessary in order for our core values and principles to survive. There are times when discrimination is necessary for our very nation and culture to survive. Leftists always turn to the old standby argument when they are faced with the prospect that the culture at large does not want them around; they cry that “We live in a democracy” and inclusion is somehow a prerequisite. In other words, if you go against them you are going against your own values of freedom. This is nonsense. We are not a democracy, of course, we are a democratic republic and there is a big difference, but that is a discussion for another article. According to the non-aggression principle, freedom does not apply to the people that are trying to destroy it. Leftists do not get to target freedom for destruction and then cry victim and proclaim their love of freedom when people get in their way. Gatekeeping is good because certain pillars of our society need to be kept inoculated against the destructive methods of the political left. These people do not belong here. They do not deserve freedom, and they do not deserve to live among people that actually love freedom. The debate on anti-grooming is really a debate on the necessity of gatekeeping. Leftists support it when they think they are in control and they attack it when they think it’s going to be used against them. I can’t imagine any area of our culture more vital to protect than our children; and this is where gatekeeping must be employed with full force and without mercy. Florida is doing it right, let’s hope the rest of the country follows their example.
Not even 24hr worth of news snips from just one site, all day every day... US full of corrupt lying fraud Democrats and unnecessary Government... yet entire US and world still fall for the GovScam... Unmonitored Dropboxes Revealed Over 733000 Unaccounted for Ballots in Maricopa Countys 2020 Election US Postal Service Refuses to Release Investigative Report on Whistleblower Truck Driver Who Hauled 288000 Suspicious Ballots Across State Lines Before 2020 Election Wisconsin Attorney Erick Kaardal Special Counsel for Thomas More Society Files Complaint with Elections Commission on Behalf of Senior Whose 2020 Vote was Stolen 14 of Ballot Harvesters in Wisconsin Also Participated in One or More of Violent Riots in 2020 Blue State Dems Lose Two Gerrymandered Maps In The Courts Courts Say Maps Were Too Biased Arizona Republicans Pass HB2492 Requiring ALL Voters To Provide Proof Of Citizenship Upon Registering To Vote 21 States Sue Biden Administration to Permanently End Federal Mask Mandates for Planes and Public Transportation NY Judge Tosses Democrat Partys Unconstitutional Congressional Map House Oversight Committee Republicans Demands Access to Communication Records Between Hunter Biden and Obama White House Biden Crime Family Has Profited From Joe Bidens Positions of Public Trust For Decades Mike Davis and Article III Project on Ketanji Jacksons Disgusting Child Sex Offenders Rulings Trump Releases Statement After FEC Fines Hillary Clinton DNC For Lying About Funding of Fake Russia Dossier They Are the Liars They Are the Cheaters and They Are the Ones Who Are Destroying Our Country President Trump on Radical Left Democrats An Inside Look At Bidens Weird And Fake White House Studio Joe Biden Appears to Fall Asleep During Commissioning Ceremony for USS Delaware Claims Michelle Obama was Vice President Joe Bidens Teleprompter Is Taking over His Special White House Studio Set Kamala Harris Rambles For Two Minutes When Asked About Bidens Remark Calling For Putin Removal Joe Biden Runs Away from Reporters Asking About Inflation Outpacing Wages White House Communications Director Kate Bedingfield Refuses To Answer Simple Question About Israel Bombing Irans Nuclear Reactors Mocks Reporter For Asking The Question Psaki Called Out For Blaming High Food and Gas Prices on Vladimir Putin Even Democrats Call Out Biden For Ending Trump Border Policy That Allowed For Rapid Expulsion A Frightening Decision Migrants En Route to United States Border Use Giant Cross as Battering Ram to Break Through National Guard Lines BIDEN ECONOMY First Quarter of 2022 Was Worst Quarter for the Markets Since COVID Lockdowns Climate Change Dystopia Washington State Passes Legislation That Will Ban Gas Powered Vehicles by 2030 The Biden Effect Traditional US Partner Solomon Islands Signs Draft Security Agreement with China May Open Door for Chinese Police to Patrol Islands Joe Bidens America March Jobs Report is Weaker Than Expected Russias Gazprom Stops Deliveries of Russian Gas to Germany via Yamal Europe Pipeline Dean Michele Bachmann Talks About the Ominous Rise of Global Government Creepy Bill Gates Threw Millions at New Technology of Under Skin Nanoparticle QR Code to be Scanned by Smartphones UK Reporter Confronts Liar Fauci on Origins of COVID Virus in China Lab Excess Deaths Skyrocket Worldwide in 2021 Following Rollout of the Experimental Covid Vaccine Robot Dog Patrols Empty Streets Of China Barks COVID Sanitary Instructions On Loudspeaker Google Says They Will Demonetize Websites Which Report Ukraine is Attacking its Own Citizens Are the Ukrainian Biolabs Another US Military Industrial Complex Money Scam Involving the Bidens or Biowarfare Facilities or Both Disney Heiress Tried To Defend Companys Wokeness It Didnt End Well Arizona Bans Youth Gender Reassignment Surgery And Boys in Girls Sports Democrats Rally To Protect Trans Youth California Law Requiring Racial And LGBT Corporate Board Members Deemed Unconstitutional Some Florida Teachers Leave Profession Because they Cant Teach Kindergarteners About Sex and Show Dirty Books Chelsea Clinton Attacks Trump Over His Weight Says the Republican Party is the Party of White Supremacists Biden Urges Parents To Affirm Your Childs Transgender Identity School Nurse Suspended For Revealing Connecticut Public School Was Secretly Giving Children Puberty Blockers Behind Their Parents Backs WAYNE ROOT DEFUND DISNEY The Culture in Washington Is Corrupt Popular Rep Madison Cawthorn Releases Statement following His Allegations of Coke and Orgies in DC North Carolina Senator Thom Tillis Endorses Madison Cawthorns Primary Challenger After His Cocaine Orgy Party Allegations Sarah Palin Announces She Will Run for US Congress from Alaska Jan 6 Defendant Who Never had a parking ticket Committed Suicide While Awaiting Trial Aunt Tells Tucker Carlson He pleaded guilty because stress had worn him down Jan 6 Protester and Vietnam Veteran Lonnie Coffman Sentenced to 46 Months in Federal Prison for Driving a Truck with a Gun In It Official Review of Trump Jan 6 White House Records Reveals There Are No Missing Pages Resist Woke Corporations Switch To A Real Patriot Coffee Company
Revealed: 14 of Ballot Harvesters in Wisconsin Also Participated in One or More of Violent Riots in 2020 By Jim Hoft Published March 31, 2022 at 12:21pm Comment Black Lives Matter-Antifa mobs caused over one billion dollars in damages in cities across America since May. In Minneapolis alone, Black Lives Matter mobs damaged or destroyed over 1,500 businesses or buildings. Over 700 police officers were injured in the BLM riots — and that was back in June! Black Lives Matter was linked to conservatively 91% of the riots that resulted in the most expensive property damage in US insurance history Democrats incited the Black Lives Matter mobs for months as they destroyed communities across the country. TRENDING: "Bill Barr Broke the Law... The Fix Is In... Bill Barr Did Not Do His Job" - EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Tony Shaffer on Barr's Actions After the 2020 Election Many of these left-wing protesters ALSO were identified as ballot traffickers in Wisconsin. Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips from True the Vote testified last week before the Campaigns and Elections Committee in the Wisconsin Assembly on their investigation of ballot trafficking at ballot drop boxes in Wisconsin. According to True the Vote 7% of the ballots in Wisconsin at the ballot drop boxes were likely fraudulent votes. They estimate over 137,000 ballots were trafficked in Wisconsin alone. 138 ballot traffickers in Milwaukee, Racine, and Green Bay went to drop boxes to harvest ballots 3,568 TIMES. Joe Biden “won” Wisconsin by less than 21,000 votes. Gregg Phillips from True the Vote testified that they saw similar results in all of the battleground states. Phillips also told the committee that 14 of the ballot harvesters in Wisconsin also participated in one or more of the violent riots in 2020. True the Vote also uses a international database called ACLED which is funded by law enforcement agencies from around the world. This Armed Conflict Location and Event Data is a list of device ID’s (phones) that show up at violent protests worldwide. The data shows 14 devices that were involved with WI ballot harvesting for the Nov. 3rd 2020 election were also involved in one or more of the violent riots in Wisconsin in May, June, August, and October of 2020. True The Vote’s entire two hour WI presentation can be seen here. The section on ACLED starts at the 30 minute mark. Via Liz Harrington.
AZ State Senator Sonny Borrelli: Unmonitored Dropboxes Revealed Over 733,000 Unaccounted for Ballots in Maricopa County’s 2020 Election (VIDEO) By Jordan Conradson Published March 30, 2022 at 8:15am Comment Yesterday, Arizona State Senator Sonny Borrelli delivered an update on the fight to ban unmonitored dropboxes in Arizona and the ongoing criminal investigation into Arizona’s 2020 election. The Gateway Pundit previously reported on an investigation into Maricopa County ballot harvesting efforts, which used Public Records Requests for all ballot box retrieval and chain of custody forms utilized in Maricopa County during the 2020 General Election. The report concluded that Maricopa County officials violated Arizona law and do not have the required chain of custody for at least 740,000 ballots. HUGE: Maricopa County – Investigation Finds Additional 740,000 Ballots Have No Documented Chain Of Custody This investigation discovered that proper chain-of-custody documentation for the transfer of voted ballots from drop boxes was almost nonexistent. TRENDING: GOP Leader McCarthy Plans to 'Talk To' Madison Cawthorn Over His Remarks on DC Elites Doing Cocaine, Inviting Him to Orgy Parties Last Monday, The Arizona Senate Government committee considered HB2238, which was passed in the Arizona House to ban the unconstitutional unmonitored drop boxes. The bill passed through committee along party lines, and Democratic Senators pretended not to understand the bill’s purpose: to prevent unlawful ballot harvesting and ballot-box stuffing and to restore voter confidence. State Senator Martin Quezada ridiculously argued that the bill’s purpose was to stop Democrats from voting. State Senator Sonny Borrelli gave an update on this fight and the evidence delivered to Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich. Borrelli: This session we’ve heard multiple bills that secure our future elections. One of the issues is the drop boxes. On March 21st in the Senate government committee, we heard testimony on a bill that would put greater security measures on these drop boxes. Members were informed of evidence from the 2020 election, about the drop boxes. For example, Maricopa County said that they had over 923,000 ballots that were dropped off at the drop boxes. However, documentation can only account for 189,167 ballots. Which means that there’s a deficit of 733,000 ballots. That’s right. Over 733,000 ballots are unaccounted for. So what have we learned? We learned that the big lie is that “this was a secure election.” I’m sorry, it was not a safe and secure election. We have so many problems with our process that need to be followed through. And laws need to be adhered to and complied with. All of this evidence have been turned over to the Attorney General. Oh and by the way, every Democrat voted no in committee. We’re looking forward to the conclusion of the Attorney General’s investigation. In addition to this investigation, Dinesh D’Souza’s upcoming documentary, 2000 Mules, is set to expose the widespread voter fraud and nationwide ballot trafficking operation using commercially available geo-tracking cell phone data. ** BREAKING BOMBSHELL** Dinesh D’Souza Releases Movie Trailer for “2000 Mules” Exposing Ballot Traffickers Who Stole the 2020 Election Roughly 90% of voters in Maricopa County “voted” by absentee ballot, the most in history. The 2020 election was the most fraudulent election in American History. Contact Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich to demand arrest warrants.
Democrats Progressives Biden, the Economic Ignoramous, Weaponizers of Keynesian MMT Bankrupting the people, destroyers of free markets, foolish plan to gain re-election through dumping the SPR into people's fuel tanks, gets utterly ignored by real market forces responding to the mayhem created by Politicians... US Gasoline now well above $4.25/gal despite Biden trashing another 3% of SPR down to 575MBbl and under 33 days worth... Willful destruction of capacity, insane green policies, new "windfall taxes" crushing efficiency investment... Global wars over oil and gas, Russia threatens the N-word... Real shadow inflation 15%... Real wages dropping like a rock... $30Trillion plus and growing in debt... $150Thousand plus debt per worker... Theft and censorship of Sovereign and Individuals money... 2Million jobless pennyless nonspeakers politically imported as election voting pawns across the border now subsisting on the government debt dole... Rich Dishonest Politicians Banksters MIL Complex Globalists, all not giving a fuck about the people, that downfall of all nations and civilizations, past, present, future. No worries they say, "TV Shows and Moar Free Shit!" Cryptocurrency 101: Defund the world's Politicians, all of them, permanently. It's time.
Biden-Dem Admin gunning hard to defraud Nov Elections now, puts in to rape-suck 180Mbbl more from SPR, currently @ 568MBbl -7 32d. Political vermin also now calling for fuel stimmies, price controls, windfall taxes and mass travel restrictions to further fuck up destabilize and indebt what they've already fucked up, destabilized, indebted, and powermongered. Economic and Strategic... Idiots. "That's great until the SPR is empty and we have a real oil shock" And as any inflation chart will tell you, prices and futures started skyrocketing on Nov 4 2020 (day Biden "won", not "during Trump") on expectation and execution of massive policy mistakes, and during Biden blew past pre-Corona on 2021-06-01, and went ballistic on 2021-12-01. As old saying goes, the cure for high prices, is high prices, it's called demand destruction, subsidies worsen by limiting demand destruction. "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." According to a November survey by USA Today, Ms Harris' public approval rating sat at 28%, making her one of the least popular vice-presidents in modern history - lower than Iraq War architect Dick Cheney. Both of them polling worse than even Juan's worst of Republicans, that's pretty fucking bad, lol.
SPR currently @ 564MBbl -4 32d Bretton Woods III? China Begins Buying Russian Coal And Oil In Yuan Democrats' Approach To Rising Gas Prices Reveals Their Economic Illiteracy Inflation is hitting voters where it hurts the most, forcing policymakers to pay attention—and revealing the economic illiteracy of the Left. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta) Rather than acknowledging that reckless fiscal and monetary policy are to blame, Democrats have turned to their favorite boogeyman to explain the sharp increase in prices: corporate greed. From “big poultry” to “big oil,” Democrats are eager to scapegoat their harmful economic policies. This week their political theater is on full display with Democrats dragging oil executives before the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations to determine what’s driving up the price at the pump and why these companies haven’t expanded production. Subcommittee Chair Diana DeGette (D-Colo.) explained the purpose for the hearings in a statement: "We want to know what’s causing these record-high prices and what needs to be done to bring them down immediately." Is she kidding? By now, the reason should be obvious. Inflation is ultimately the result of expansionary monetary policy. In response to the Covid pandemic, the Fed dramatically increased its quantitative easing program and kept interest rates near zero, both of which flooded the economy with money, expanding the money supply by 40 percent over the course of the past two years. At the same time, the government’s fiscal policy was also stimulative, with a gush of transfer payments that further goosed demand. These two approaches combined over stimulated demand in the market at a time when supply had been seriously hampered because of the pandemic and the government’s draconian response to it. The result? A classic inflationary tale of too many dollars chasing too few goods. Government-mandated lockdowns decimated demand during the pandemic bringing the price of Brent crude down to $0 a barrel. Once government restrictions began to lift and the economy began to rebound, demand for oil surged. Suppliers have been trying to play catch up ever since. Likewise, the Biden administration from day one has clearly communicated its goal to phase out fossil fuels — from canceling the Keystone XL pipeline and pausing federal oil and gas leasing, to setting net-zero goals and making controversial anti-fossil fuel nominations. The industry would be stupid not to internalize this message. Why would they invest in new oil and gas exploration or pipeline construction with the amount of uncertainty their industry faces? Naturally, Democrats obscure the connection. Expanding production requires capital investment which requires some level of confidence that policymakers won’t throw sand in the gears of your operation. Perhaps the Democrats' climate messaging has been nothing more than political red meat for its voter base, but in the real world, words have meaning, and telling an industry that your policy goal is to make it obsolete doesn’t encourage new investment or growth. To further illustrate this point, a recent survey by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas found that 59 percent of oil and gas executives said pressure from investors is the primary reason major companies are restraining production growth. In a similar vein, White House National Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy recently stated, “[U.S. climate policy] is not a fight about coal anymore. It is a challenge about natural gas and infrastructure investments because we don’t want to invest in things that are time limited. Because we are time limited.” Gee, I wonder what’s spooking investors? Others are taking a different, though equally backward approach. The "Big Oil Windfall Profits Tax Act," introduced by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) and Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.), would put a 50-percent-per-barrel tax on the difference between crude oil prices and the average between 2015 and 2019, with revenues returned to consumers as a rebate. Not to be outdone, Socialist Bernie Sanders has proposed the "Ending Corporate Greed Act," which would slap a 95 percent tax on excess profits of corporations with more than $500 million in yearly revenue. Sanders noted that had this act been in place last year, Chevron Corp. would have paid an additional $12.9 billion in taxes. Now, one could rightly argue that this is a craven political move meant to appease key constituents ahead of the midterm elections, motivated solely by cratering poll numbers. But something more harmful is afoot here. Increasing the tax burden on these companies will increase costs, which they’ll pass on to consumers in the form of higher prices. Meanwhile, flooding the economy with more government-issued checks will further stoke demand, which will, in turn, exert upward pressure on prices. Others on the progressive left have called for price controls or more stimulus checks or antitrust action. All of these ideas would just exacerbate the problem. A better solution would be to tighten the Fed’s loose monetary policy, reduce the tax burden, and untangle our ever-growing web of regulation, but don’t hold your breath for such logic to prevail. It’s unsettling to see serious calls for such harmful and economically illiterate policy proposals. But what do we really expect? After all, it’s what the government does best: propose backward solutions to problems it created in the first place. Kat Dwyer is a Young Voices contributor and co-host of the Whiskey Bench podcast. Her writing has appeared in the National Review, Washington Examiner, and others. Follow her on Twitter @KatJDwyer.
After Biden-Dem's plan to lower gas prices to get votes resulted in nothing but higher gas prices, idiot Biden panics does 180 and is now buying oil to fill the SPR, as global war doom looms. All the while continuing to insult Americans by calling them "extremists". And importing 200k useless dependents a month. And still trying to spend $10B's more in COVID FUD. Go go Biden, steal those votes, anyway you can, lol. Biden Begins Buying Back Oil To Refill Strategic Reserve... Will Send Gas Prices Back To Record Highs Tl;dr: Not The Onion... Frankly, when this headline hit we just assumed it was a mistake... but it's not. Just 6 weeks after President Biden unveiled the greatest, most-massivest, democracy-saving plan to release millions of barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve into the market to bring down the price of gasoline at the pump for Americans... which was crushing his approval ratings as the average joe's pocket book is eaten alive by Biden-flation... CNN reports that the Biden administration plans to seek bids this fall to buy 60 million barrels of crude oil as the first step in a years-long process aimed at replenishing America's shrinking emergency oil reserve, an Energy Department official said. "As we are thoughtful and methodical in the decision to drawdown from our emergency reserve, we must be similarly strategic in replenishing the supply so that it stands ready to deliver on its mission to provide relief when needed most," Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said in a statement. Beyond trying to refill a vital rainy fund, the Biden administration hopes the buyback plan will encourage domestic oil production by guaranteeing a source of future demand. This cunning plan to sell low and buy high has sent oil prices back above $110... and erased any short-term impact on oil prices from Biden's plan... And in the meantime, gas prices at the pump are now above where they were when Biden unveiled the cunning plan... And given the moves in oil and wholesale gasoline, things will not be slowing down anytime soon... So - the plan to sell oil to the market from the SPR was designed to lower oil prices (more supply) and thus lower gas prices... and now the plan to buy oil and refill the SPR is design to lower prices (because it may encourage domestic production)? "Congress has been irresponsibly selling the SPR down," said Bob McNally, who in the early 2000s oversaw the Energy Department's efforts to replenish the SPR under former President George W. Bush, adding that "draining the reserve leaves the country and the world more vulnerable to geopolitical shocks." CNN adds that the buyback plan won't impact congressionally mandated sales of oil from the SPR aimed at raising revenue to ease the federal deficit... ...but won't buying the oil back worsen the deficit? WTF is going on!!! You simply cannot make this up!!!! Psaki Says Biden Will Continue To Call Americans Who Do Not Support Him "Extremists" After Joe Biden declared Wednesday that “MAGA is the most extreme political organization” in US history, reporters questioned White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki if Americans should expect that kind of rhetoric to continue, and she said yes. CNN reporter Kaitlan Collins noted that Biden “was sharply critical of the MAGA crowd,” asking Psaki “is that what we should expect to speak his message going into the midterms?” Psaki responded, “I would expect you will hear” more of this rhetoric from Biden “over the next coming months.” Watch: CNN's @KaitlanCollins: Biden "was sharply critical of the MAGA crowd...Is that what we should expect to speak his message going into the midterms?" Psaki doubles down, saying "I would expect you will hear" more of this rhetoric from "him...over the next coming months" — Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) May 4, 2022 When another reporter asked a similar question, noting how divisive the language is, Psaki responded “I think the president will be judged by Americans by his actions.” Q: "The 'MAGA Crowd' is...almost half the people who voted in 2020. Does the president feel he could've done more early on to reach out to those people?" PSAKI: "I think the president will be judged by Americans by his actions." — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) May 4, 2022 Fox News White House Correspondent Peter Doocy noted that Biden also claimed that Republicans might use the overturning of Roe vs Wade segregate LGBTQ children from the other children in classrooms. Joe Biden says that overturning Roe v. Wade could lead to LGBT children not being allowed in school classrooms: "This MAGA crowd is the most extreme political organization that's existed in American history." — Greg Price (@greg_price11) May 4, 2022 Doocy noted “The president said today, ‘What happens if you have states change the law saying that children who are LGBTQ can’t be in classrooms with other children?’” asking Psaki “What is he talking about?” Psaki responded by using the word “extreme” again, asserting that “we don’t know what they’re capable of given what they’ve already done to date.” Doocy: Biden "said...what happens if the states...say children who are LGBTQ can't be in classrooms w/other children. What is he talking about? Psaki insists it's possible b/c "we have seen extreme laws that target LGBTQ" people & "we don't know what" the GOP's "capable of" — Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) May 4, 2022 “Which state is trying to segregate LGBTQ children in the classroom?” Doocy further probed. Psaki again went to the “extreme”. “Well, I think we’ve seen laws that are incredibly discriminatory. That’s what the President’s referring to and the fact that he doesn’t know what additional steps could be taken by extreme wings of the party that would rather divide rather than work on issues that the American people actually are focused on actually impacting them,” she responded. Doocy: "Why is the president talking about the judgement to choose to abort a child?" Psaki: "The president's view on a woman's right to make choices about her own healthcare is well known..." — The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) May 4, 2022
Biden Admin Cancels Huge Alaska Oil And Gas Lease As Gas Prices Hit Record Highs Pelosi Bashes 'Big Oil', Pitches Plan To Make Gas Price Increases Illegal Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act Perhaps an 'economist' could explain what happens to supply of something is government enforces a cap on the price of that thing... (Hint: it does not go up!) Brace for more shortages if this bill passes! Within his first week in office, President Biden signed an executive order temporarily suspending new oil and gas leases on federal lands. The administration resumed the new leasing last month following court challenges against the ban. The administration is appealing a ruling in which Judge James Cain, a Trump appointee, struck down the ban. -Fox Business In Wednesday remarks to Fox Business, former Trump-Pence EPA transition member Steve Milloy traced the lease cancellations to Biden. "In Alaska, the problem was that the greens scared off virtually everyone," he said. "It's expensive to explore and drill, and the greens made it pretty clear, they were going to make it even more difficult." According to Milloy, pressure from climate activists scared oil companies away after former President Trump opened Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling - a move which attracted just three bidders, including the state of Alaska itself. "I blame Biden for all lack of production. He has scared away investment," he said. "I don't trust him in court defending leasing." Frank Macchairola, a top official with the American Petroleum Institute - the country's largest oil and gas trade association, called the cancellation "another example of the administration's lack of commitment to oil and gas development in the US." "The President has spoken about the need for additional supplies in the market, but his administration has failed to take action to match that rhetoric," he told CBS News, adding that politically it won't "play well." "In the kind of price environment that we're seeing, there are negative consequences to shutting off oil and gas development, both politically and practically," he said. According to AAA's gas price calculator, average gas prices in the US have hit record highs in recent days - with the national average reaching $4.374 on Tuesday, and $4.404 on Wednesday, both records.
Imagine The Unimaginable Americans are now entering uncharted, revolutionary territory. They may witness things over the next five months that once would have seemed unimaginable. Haitian migrants, part of a group of over 10,000 people staying in an encampment on the U.S. side of the border, cross the Rio Grande river to get food and water in Mexico, after another crossing point was closed near the Acuna Del Rio International Bridge in Del Rio, Texas, on Sept. 19, 2021. (Paul Ratje/AFP via Getty Images) Until the Ukrainian conflict, we had never witnessed a major land war inside Europe directly involving a nuclear power. In desperation, Russia’s impaired and unhinged leader, Russian President Vladimir Putin, now talks trash about the likelihood of nuclear war. A 79-year-old President Joe Biden bellows back that his war-losing nuclear adversary is a murderer, a war criminal, and a butcher who should be removed from power. After a year of politicizing the U.S. military and its self-induced catastrophe in Afghanistan, America has lost deterrence abroad. China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia are conniving how best to exploit this rare window of global military opportunity. The traditional bedrocks of the American system—a stable economy, energy independence, vast surpluses of food, hallowed universities, a professional judiciary, law enforcement, and a credible criminal justice system—are dissolving. Gas and diesel prices are hitting historic levels. Inflation is at a 40-year high. New cars and homes are unaffordable. The necessary remedy of high interest and tight money will be almost as bad as the disease of hyperinflation. There is no southern border. Expect over 1 million foreign nationals to swarm this summer into the United States without audit, COVID testing, or vaccination. None will have any worry of consequences for breaking U.S. immigration law. Police are underfunded and increasingly defunded. District attorneys deliberately release violent criminals without charges. (Literally 10,000 people witnessed a deranged man with a knife attack comedian Dave Chappelle on stage at the Hollywood Bowl last week, and the Los Angeles County D.A. refused to press felony charges.) Murder and assault are spiraling. Carjacking and smash-and-grab thefts are now normal big-city events. Crime is now mostly a political matter. Ideology, race, and politics determine whether the law is even applied. Supermarket shelves are thinning, and meats are now beyond the budgets of millions of Americans. An American president—in a first—casually warns of food shortages. Baby formula has disappeared from many shelves. Politics are resembling the violent last days of the Roman Republic. An illegal leak of a possible impending Supreme Court reversal of Roe v. Wade that would allow state voters to set their own abortion laws has created a national hysteria. Never has a White House tacitly approved mobs of protesters showing up at Supreme Court justices’ homes to rant and bully them into altering their votes. There is no free speech any more on campuses. Merit is disappearing. Admissions, hiring, promotion, retention, grading, and advancement are predicated increasingly on mouthing the right orthodoxies or belonging to the proper racial, gender, or ethnic category. When the new campus commissariat finally finishes absorbing the last redoubts in science, math, engineering, medical, and professional schools, America will slide into permanent mediocrity and irreversible declining standards of living. What happened? Remember all these catastrophes are self-induced. They are choices, not fate. The United States has the largest combined gas, coal, and oil deposits in the world. It possesses the know-how to build the safest pipelines and to ensure the cleanest energy development on the planet. Inflation was a deliberate Biden choice. For short-term political advantage, he kept printing trillions of dollars, incentivizing labor non-participation, and keeping interest rates at historical lows—at a time of pent-up global demand. The administration wanted no border. Only that way can politicized, impoverished immigrants repay left-wing undermining of the entire legal immigration system with their fealty at the ballot box. Once esoteric, crack-pot academic theories—“modern monetary theory,” critical legal theory, critical race theory—now dominate policymaking in the Biden administration. The common denominator in all of this is ideology overruling empiricism, common sense, and pragmatism. Ruling elites would rather be politically correct failures and unpopular than politically incorrect, successful, and popular. Is it not the tired story of left-wing revolutionaries from 18th-century France to early 20th-century Russia to the contemporary disasters in Cuba and Venezuela? The American people reject the calamitous policies of 2021–2022. Yet the radical cadres surrounding a cognitively inert Biden still push them through by executive orders, bureaucratic directives, and deliberate cabinet nonperformance. Why? The Left has no confidence either in constitutional government or common sense. So as the public pushes back, expect at the ground level more doxxing, cancel culture, deplatforming, ministries of disinformation, swarming the private homes of officials they target for bullying, and likely violent demonstrations in our streets this summer. Meanwhile, left-wing elites will do their best to ignore Supreme Court decisions, illegally cancel student debts, and likely by the fall issue more COVID lockdowns. They will still dream of packing the Court, ending the filibuster, scrapping the Electoral College, adding more states, and flooding the November balloting with hundreds of millions more dollars of dark money from Silicon Valley. When revolutionaries undermine the system, earn the antipathy of the people, and face looming disaster at the polls, it is then they prove most dangerous—as we shall see over the next few months.
Biden-Dems losing numbers... SPR @ 543/714MBbl -21 April2022 234k known imported dependents, plus unknowns Inflation CPI-U 8.3% SGS-alt1990 13% SGS-alt1980 17% Approval 41% Disapproval 55%, Right 26% Wrong 66% Gas $4.52 2022 Elections: Red Budget: Massive Deficit adding to Debt Street violence: Growing, plus manufactured protests Blunders: Sad
Biden-Dems losing numbers...
"The Real President Is Whoever Controls The Teleprompter": Musk Delivers Scathing Criticism Of Biden Authored by Jack Phillips via The Epoch Times, Tech billionaire Elon Musk this week warned that the United States must take steps to address inflation or it will end up like socialist Venezuela. Musk, who is currently in the process of acquiring Twitter, told a virtual conference that he believes the government has printed too much money in recent years. “I mean, the obvious reason for inflation is that the government printed a zillion amount of more money than it had, obviously,” Musk said, likely referring to COVID-19 relief stimulus packages worth trillions of dollars that were passed in recent years. U.S. inflation rose by 8.3 percent in April, compared with the previous year. That’s slightly lower than the 8.5 percent spike in March, but it’s still near the 40-year high. “So it’s like the government can’t … issue checks far in excess of revenue without there being inflation, you know, velocity of money held constant,” the Tesla CEO said. “If the federal government writes checks, they never bounce. So that is effectively creation of more dollars. And if there are more dollars created, then the increase in the goods and services across the economy, then you have inflation, again, velocity of money held constant.” If governments could merely “issue massive amounts of money and deficits didn’t matter, then, well, why don’t we just make the deficit 100 times bigger,” Musk asked. “The answer is, you can’t because it will basically turn the dollar into something that is worthless.” “Various countries have tried this experiment multiple times,” Musk said. “Have you seen Venezuela? Like the poor, poor people of Venezuela are, you know, have been just run roughshod by their government.” In 2018, Venezuela, a country with significant reserves of oil and gas, saw its inflation rise more than 65,000 percent amid an economic crash that included plummeting oil prices and government price controls. The regime of Nicolas Maduro then started printing money, thereby devaluing its currency, which caused prices to rapidly increase. During the conference, Musk also said the Biden administration “doesn’t seem to get a lot done” and questioned who is actually in charge. Tesla CEO Elon Musk goes after Biden: “The real president is whoever controls the teleprompter … There were a lot of people in the [Trump] administration who were effective at getting things done. This administration seems just to not have like the drive to just get shit done.” — The Recount (@therecount) May 17, 2022 “The real president is whoever controls the teleprompter,” he said. “The path to power is the path to the teleprompter.” “The Trump administration, leaving Trump aside, there were a lot of people in the administration who were effective at getting things done,” he remarked. And it appears that Musk has seen enough of Democratic Party politicking to know who he will vote for from now on... WOW! Elon Musk says he will be voting Republican this election & explains how he wants algorithm transparency for Twitter. — An0maly (@LegendaryEnergy) May 17, 2022 Musk’s comment about the White House comes as Jeff Bezos, also one of the richest people in the world, has increasingly started to target the administration’s economic policies. Bezos, in a series of Twitter posts, said the rapid increase in federal spending is the reason why inflation is as high as it is. “Remember the Administration tried their best to add another $3.5 TRILLION to federal spending,” Bezos wrote on Monday, drawing rebuke from several White House officials. “They failed, but if they had succeeded, inflation would be even higher than it is today, and inflation today is at a 40-year high.”
Biden-Dems losing numbers...
Feeds commonly censored by Biden-Dems-Tech-Media-DGB... Lol
Feeds commonly censored by Biden-Dems-Tech-Media-DGB...
More hypocrites frauds corrupts liars the US Democrat Party at its very essence since decades, appalling that so many people worship them... Exposing the lies, hypocrisy, and failed policies of Joe Biden and the Democrat Party. Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign manager testified that Clinton herself approved leaking the fake Trump-Alfa Bank story to the press... LOCK HER UP!!! POLLING ON HISPANIC VOTERS: 📉60% disapprove of the way Biden is handling his job as president 📉66% disapprove of the way the Democrats in Congress are handling their job 📉78% are dissatisfied with the way things are going in the nation CNN POLL: 86% of Americans are “concerned” or “scared” about how things are going in the United States. Biden likes to say "the Biden plan is working." Here's what the American people think per a new Quinnipiac poll: *57% disapprove of his job as president *63% disapprove of his handling of the economy *80% say the economy is "not so good" (34%) or "poor" (46%) Ignoring pending doom is practically Biden’s governing style: *Afghanistan *The border *COVID tests over Christmas *Russia & Nord Stream 2 *Inflation *Labor shortages *Gas prices Now, a baby formula shortage Like George Soros and Tom Steyer, Hansjörg Wyss, a Swiss billionaire, spends hundreds of millions of dollars "bankrolling" progressive advocacy groups like the the Sixteen Thirty Fund. He is not a U.S. citizen. During White House visit, Biden-Dems-Progs told Powell to kill inflation and end corporate and personal wealth and stability that was being used to eschew dependency on Govt-Dems. Karine Jean-Pierre: the stock market "is not something that we keep an eye on every day" NBC News: "America seems trapped in a vortex of bad economic news." Biden economist Cecilia Rouse says "success was not a given," but Biden's policies have provided an economic "tailwind." Meanwhile, gas prices have hit record highs 11 days in a row, inflation is surging, and real wages are down. And world economies are tanking. lol. Guilty asshole politicians always refuse all non-staged-propaganda conferences questions and interviews... Joe Biden, of course, takes no questions. It has been 56 days since his last press conference. Joe Biden's last press interview was on February 10, 100 days ago. Nancy Pelosi REFUSES to say if she would support a bill protecting Supreme Court Justices’ families Karine Jean-Pierre: Biden believes “intimidation” has “no place in political discourse.” Two weeks ago, the White House was ENCOURAGING illegal protests at the homes of Supreme Court justices. @SenDanSullivan torches Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm for claiming Biden’s attacks against US energy “has nothing to do with supply” "That’s not true, that’s fundamentally a lie” In 2 minutes, @SenDanSullivan exposes all of Biden’s attacks on US energy in the LAST 3 WEEKS Biden did fuel prices on first office days... Wondering why gas is up $2 since Biden took office? Watch this ABC: "For the first time, ALL 50 STATES now have an average price of [at least] $4 for a gallon of unleaded gas." Gas was $1.87 two years ago under President Trump MUST WATCH: @HawleyMO destroys Biden's Energy Secretary for two minutes after she embarrassingly tries to blame Putin for high gas prices. On March 31, while announcing plans to release oil from the reserve, Biden promised gas prices would “continue to come down.” Less than 2 months later, gas prices have surged to $4.59, marking 10 straight days gas prices have set new record highs. Biden on March 31: Gas prices will "continue to come down ... it will come down and it could come down fairly significantly" Gas prices just reached a new record high for the 9th day in a row "Americans are now spending $5,000/year on gasoline...where are people supposed to go to get all that extra cash?" JEAN-PIERRE, insults Americans with EBONICS, as gas prices reach a record high for the ninth straight day: "The president understands what the American people is going through." Biden outright LIES about corruption of his entire family dealings... Here’s Joe Biden in 2020 saying his deadbeat son Hunter “has not made money” from China. Hunter made $5.8 million from 2013 to 2018 from Chinese business interests, according to NBC News. Here’s a DOZEN times Joe Biden played a role in Hunter’s business dealings "The immediate focus appears to be...whether or not there'll be any charges as a result of this federal criminal investigation" into Hunter Biden's finances and his foreign business deals while Joe Biden was VP." Joe Biden hates when you ask him about Hunter... Woke idiocy... Rep. @jdanbishop: "Do believe then that men can become pregnant and have abortions?" Democrats' pro-abortion witness: "yes" EXTREME: The Democrats’ pro-abortion witness refuses to acknowledge ANY abortion restrictions on babies, even ones who are halfway delivered “That’s why we have birthdays.” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez rants about how babies in the womb are not a life. "Oh… you’re harming a life, I believe this is life," she says mockingly. TWO YEARS AGO THIS WEEK: Pete Buttigieg says he supports abortion until the moment of birth Buttigieg is also a flaming gay homosexual that somone allowed to adopt babies, they will not be "normal". Democrat admin apparently love to kill and starve babies... JEN PSAKI, May 13: "The production of baby formula is so specialized and so specific that you can't just use the Defense Production Act." "It just doesn't work that way." Pelosi spins coverup... Q: “You’re fully satisfied with the [Biden] administration’s response [to the baby formula crisis]?” PELOSI: “I am, yes” Biden's FDA halted baby food months ago... NBC: "Anger and "desperation" from parents after Biden delayed addressing the formula crisis "for months." "Incredibly painful for so many families." MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski GRILLS Biden Surgeon General Vivek Murthy on Biden's lack of urgency to address the baby formula shortage “When are we going to see formula in the mouths of babies in America without any stress in terms of getting it?” On May 13, Biden claimed they could've solved the baby formula crisis if they were "mind readers." But a few days later, Biden's HHS Sec. Becerra said they've know about coming shortages since "last year." Roll the tape “I went to two Walgreens, two CVS, a Food Lion, an Aldi, and a Walmart before I could find anything.” This Connecticut mom is “very angry and furious” over the baby formula shortage. “We have no guidance, we don’t know how long this is going on for. All we see is that it’s getting worse.” MSNBC Katy Tur presses Biden Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on baby formula shortage Biden did nothing about for months. “The Abbott [plant] closed in February - February!” NBC News: Joe Biden is "facing fierce criticism for what MANY are calling a slow response to the [baby formula] crisis that's been brewing for months." FDA chief grilled. In 43 states, more than 40 percent of baby formula is OUT OF STOCK. MSNBC’s Willie Geist on Biden’s baby formula shortage: “Contrary to what we’ve heard, this didn’t just sneak up on people. This has been many months in the making. Karine Jean-Pierre is asked why people close to Joe Biden keep testing positive, but Biden is NEVER considered a "close contact." "Why are none of these people close contacts of the president?" But you civilian sheeple were all branded and enforced as close contacts for years. Q: "You can convince Turkey to accept [Finland and Sweden's bid to join NATO]?" BIDEN: "I'm not going to Turkey." RETARDED IDIOCY and unintelligible babbling and giggling is what happens when your first and topmost appointment priority is soley RACE and GENDER... then wokeism, then actual qualifications last. KAMALA HARRIS: "Think about it: yellow school buses are our nation's largest form of mass transit. How 'bout that? Every day — so, yes, and let's applaud because it gets 'em where they need to go! Ha ha ha!"
More hypocrites frauds corrupts liars the US Democrat Party at its very essence since decades, appalling that so many people worship them...
Exposing the lies, hypocrisy, and failed policies of Joe Biden and the Democrat Party.
Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign manager testified that Clinton herself approved leaking the fake Trump-Alfa Bank story to the press... LOCK HER UP!!! Hillary Clinton authorized dissemination of Russia collusion hoax to press… BREAKING: Hillary Clinton authorized dissemination of Russia collusion hoax to press Former Clinton campaign manager Robert Mook testified that Clinton had personally approved giving the media the Alpha Bank story regarding then-presidential candidate Donald Trump. Robert Mueller spent two years and millions of tax dollars investigating Russian collusion and somehow never discovered that the hoax came directly from Hillary Clinton herself. She knew it was a lie at the time. Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert server linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank. There is now no denying even by the most loyal Democrat that Hillary Clinton was behind Russiagate and made-up some of the most salacious allegations of Trump-Russia collusion which were replayed in the media 24/7 throughout his presidency. Hillary Clinton approved sharing debunked 'covert' communications between Trump and Kremlin-backed bank with press - even though she wasn't 'totally confident' in the legitimacy, ex-campaign manager tells Durham trial. I’m sure this just a big coincidence. The Left never pushes hoaxes to destroy their political enemies… #FinePeopleHoax #RussiaHoax #DrinkBleachHoax #TrumpUkraineHoax #RittenhouseStateLinesHoax #JussieSmollettHoax #BubbaWallaceNooseHoax
More hypocrites frauds corrupts liars the US Democrat Party They began brewing attacks of all kinds as soon as the Twitter acquisition was announced. In my 30 year career, including the entire MeToo era, there’s nothing to report, but, as soon as I say I intend to restore free speech to Twitter & vote Republican, suddenly there is … LOL ... @elonmusk says he's going to vote Republican for the first time. The next day a sexual misconduct allegation suddenly appears. Elon is learning just how evil the Left really is - but I have a feeling, he's going to win. BREAKING: Elon Musk blasts 'untrue' allegation: 'It never happened', vows to continue fight for free speech Elon Musk says he was 'spot on' about Democrats being the party of hate after 'relentless hatestream'… "Judging by the relentless hatestream from the far left, this tweet was spot on," wrote Musk.
More hypocrites frauds corrupts liars the US Democrat Party GROOMER EPIDEMIC: 135 teachers and aides charged with child sex crimes so far in 2022 "Arrests that weren't publicized were not counted in the analysis, meaning the true number may well be higher," Fox News added. Why Are Teachers Mostly Liberal? - Pacific Research Institute Among English teachers, there are 97 Democrats for every three Republicans, with the proportion being even more one-sided among health teachers, with 99 Democrats for every one Republican. While there are slightly more Republicans among math and science teachers, among high school teachers overall, there are 87 Democrats for every 13 Republicans. Two-thirds of teachers union members are Democrats. Across the US, teachers unions are the second-largest contributor to the Democratic Party. The reason that teachers are more likely to be Democrats is that they depend upon taxpayers for their livelihoods, including future pay raises and pensions. › news › 2018 › apr › 26 › democratic-professors-outnumber-republicans-10-to- Democratic professors outnumber Republicans 10 to 1: Study ... Apr 26, 2018Wellesley College, Williams College and Swarthmore College had more than 100 professors affiliated with the Democratic Party for every registered Republican. The most politically balanced field was... › education › report › political-opinions-k-12-teachers-results-nationally-representative-survey Political Opinions of K-12 Teachers: Results from a ... Democratic parents were 16 percentage points more likely than Republican parents to be satisfied with the current civics instruction in their child's school. Pluralities of parents (31 percent) and... Teachers, Democrats fight against parental rights Oct 28, 2021This week, Randi Weingarten, the head of one of the nation's largest teachers unions, tweeted, "Great piece on parents' rights and #publicschools." The piece, which ran in The Washington Post,... › politics_of_professions Democratic vs. Republican occupations Most librarians are Democrats. Most farmers are Republicans. As a group, doctors are in the middle, though pediatricians lean left and urologists right. Below: Ratios of Democrats (blue) vs. Republicans (red). Data source: Campaign contribution data from the FEC. › democratic-professors-outnumber-republican-ones-by-9-to-1-ratio-according-to-new-data Democratic professors outnumber Republican ones by 9 to 1 ... Langbert and Stevens sampled the political registrations of 12,372 university professors and found that 48.4 percent are registered Democrats and 5.7 percent are registered Republicans, a ratio of... › industries › indus.php?ind=L1300 Teachers Unions | OpenSecrets Even more than most labor unions, they have little use for Republicans, giving Democrats at least 94 percent of the funds they contributed to candidates and parties since as far back as 1990, where our data begins. Mandatory Public Schools are Forced Leftist Indoctrination Camps. And worse, apparently.
@jespow I didn't realize it was even legal to send a 12-yo for irreversible body mod surgery. Back in my day, we had a thing called phases, trends. People saw stuff on TV and wanted to be it / do it. Some even thought drugs were cool but their parents damn sure weren't encouraging. WTF? @realchrisrufo In a discussion about adolescent gender transitions, Dr. Scott Mosser explained that he has performed “over two thousand top surgeries,” which involve removing girls’ breasts, and that there is no age limit for beginning the “gender journey.” During jury selection, one juror admitted he was a Clinton donor and could only promise to “strive for impartiality as best I can.” Prosecutors objected to his being seated, but Judge Christopher Cooper overruled them. Tale of two trials: How Sussmann is receiving every consideration denied to Flynn The treatment given to Sussmann is in stark contrast to how Trump associates were treated in this same court. Jonathan Turley @JonathanTurley ...While the judge in Flynn’s case was eager to remove obstacles from the prosecution’s path, the judge in Sussmann’s case seems to have created a virtual obstacle course for Durham. Marc Elias testified that he would not have approved going to the FBI with the false Russian Alfa bank claim because he did not trust the FBI or Director Comey. Yet, the campaign associates also aggressively pushed the Steele dossier to the FBI. Wow. I wasn't sure based on tweet reporting what actually happened that got Sussmann's team so upset but it looks like Elias threw Sussmann under the bus. Totally planned, extremely dirty and strangely beautiful. Whatever happens, the jury won't be able to unsee or unhear this. Marc Elias admitted Sussmann lied to the FBI when he set up the Alfa Bank hoax with Jim Baker. DC jury won’t want to convict Sussmann but this is as clear cut as it gets. @SarahNLynch Here’s a bit more clarity on the Sussmann defense team’s motion to move for a mistrial GOP-drawn gerrymanders have been upheld/enacted in KS and MO, though Dems did get a court win on one FL district (we'll see on appeal). @Redistrict Since February, pretty much everything that could go wrong for Democrats in redistricting has gone wrong.* *except KS and MO Lmao what a joke. Allegheny County (Pittsburgh, PA) is waiting a week to count all votes. At this point, one must assume criminal behavior until proven otherwise. Real Political Data @RealPData BREAKING NEWS: Allegheny is now saying it will not count/release results of the critical remaining election day votes until at the earliest next Monday/Tuesday
Is Biden's "Success" Our Mess? If an administration deliberately wished to cause havoc on the border, to ensure fuel was nearly unaffordable, to create a crime wave, to spark 1970s hyperinflation, and to rekindle racial tensions, what would it have done differently than what President Joe Biden has done? So is Biden malicious, incompetent, or a wannabe left-wing ideologue? When pressed about inflation and fuel price hikes, Biden either blames someone or something else, gets mad at the questioner, or claims former President Donald Trump did it. His administration apparently believes things are going well and according to plan. When polls disagree, his team either believes the American people are brainwashed or that they themselves have not supplied sufficient propaganda. So they never pivot or compromise, but rededicate themselves to continued failure. Why? Apparently, what most in the country see as disasters, Biden envisions as success. Take the border - or rather its disappearance. Never in U.S. history has an administration simply canceled immigration laws, opened the border, and welcomed in millions of illegal aliens. All arrive illegally, and without audit, or vaccinations and tests in times of a pandemic. Cartels now import lethal drugs at will into the United States. We have no idea how many terrorists walk across the border each day. Almost all the entering millions who break the law are poor, without high school diplomas or English skills, and in dire need of massive federal and state housing, food, education, legal, and health subsidies. Do the leftists in Washington believe that millions of dependent new residents will look to the Left for decades of support and soon find ways to reciprocate with fealty at the polls? Is that why Democrats brag in unapologetic tribalist fashion about changing the demography of the electorate? Former President Barack Obama's energy secretary-designate Steven Chu once gaffed in the 2008 campaign when he openly wished that U.S. gas prices would reach European levels. In truth, the Left has always believed the only way to achieve their objectives of discouraging driving, forcing middle-class Americans onto trains and buses, and persuading them to live in urban high-rises rather than drive carbon-spewing cars from spacious suburban ranch-style homes was to encourage high fuel prices. Is that agenda why Biden, during the current energy crisis, simply canceled new federal oil and gas leases? As diesel hits $7 a gallon in California, why else did he refuse to finish the Keystone XL pipeline or reopen Alaskan oil fields? Inflation continues officially to exceed 8% per annum. Most consumers feel it is double that when they pay for food, fuel, building materials, houses, or rent - the essential stuff of life. What did the Biden Administration expect would follow from keeping real interest rates at near zero, while printing trillions of dollars at the moment supplies were short and demand was spiking? Or did it think inflation more fairly "spreads the wealth"? Does it prompt new necessary attacks on "corporate greed?" Does it demand more federal intervention and socialist policies? If inflation is "bad" for most, it may not seem so to this left-wing administration. Violent crime is on its way to 1970s levels. The combination of defunding the police, radical city and county prosecutors who don't charge or lock up criminals, and emptying jails and prisons have ignited a national crime wave. The Biden Administration shrugs. It offers no new federal help to fund more police or charge freed criminals under applicable federal statutes. Does it think it is more socially just to let criminals free than incarcerate them? Does it buy into "critical legal theory" that laws do not reflect ancient ideas of right and wrong, but instead are "constructed" by the privileged to oppress the already oppressed? Is what Americans see as dangerous crime something the Biden zealots applaud as tough social karma? Americans are tired of the new woke tribalism. Judging individuals on the basis of their race, gender, or superficial appearance is amoral, and contrary to the entire civil rights movement, and the U.S. Constitution. It destroys any idea of meritocracy and divides the country artificially into supposed victims and victimizers. But do the Biden people see it that way? Or do they promote racial tensions and tribalism, as welcome revolutionary fervor? In that regard, the Bidenites promote identity politics as a good way to stir up the pot, to demonize supposed oppressors and deify the oppressed - all as a way of retaining political power. For the Left, living in a socialist nation controlled by an elite is far preferable to living in a free and prosperous one answerable only to the people. The public believes the Biden Administration has failed America, with disastrous results due either to its incompetence, belligerence, or left-wing zealotry. But Biden and his delusional team seem delighted with what they have wrought. In sum, what Americans see as an abject catastrophe, they cheer on as a stunning and planned success.
The Swamp Must Be Drained The Democrats are increasingly desperate as the return of Donald Trump becomes more likely each week. Former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during the American Freedom Tour at the Austin Convention Center in Austin, Texas, on May 14, 2022. (Brandon Bell/Getty Images) They are muddling the sequence of events that got us to the present impasse: Trump ran against the corrupt back-scratching, log-rolling society of the OBushintons—the Clinton pay-to-play schemes, the Biden sales of influence and access, the semi-disguised socialist racism elitism of the Obamas, and the flabby sameness and ineffectuality of the Bush–McCain–Romney–McConnell–Ryan Republicans. Trump sensed the people were dissatisfied with the bipartisan Swamp, and he ran as strenuously against the Bushes and McCain and Romney in 2016 as he did against the Clintons and Obamas. The anti-Trumpers of both parties, in the most legally questionable presidential election in U.S. history, eased Trump out in 2020 with the aid of 4.8 million harvested ballots, 95 percent of the national political media, and 70 percent of the campaign money, to bring in (unintentionally, one assumes, although there was plenty of warning) the most incompetent regime in the country’s history. In 2020, the Washington establishment demonstrated the accuracy of Trump’s claims of how corrupt and unscrupulous it was, and Biden has demonstrated that it’s even more incompetent at government than Trump alleged. The Swamp must be drained, and distasteful though he might be in some ways, probably no one less formidable in his egocentricity and demagogic talents than Trump could drain the Swamp. The Republicans between Reagan and Trump were all inducted into it themselves, and the Republican “Never-Trumpers” are as fierce in their animosity toward the former president as toward the Democrats, and as the Democrats are toward Trump. Only Trump can finish the job. This is why the latest anti-Trump wheeze is to send Biden and Trump out to pasture together, as if it were an even trade: The Democrats get rid of their two biggest problems, and the Republicans return to being doormats, awarded the White House and the speaker’s chair at times as long as they don’t interrupt the majestic slide into the Democratic socialist paradise (with a permanent free tax-lunch for their rich friends in Wall Street, Silicon Valley, and Hollywood). Biden is irrelevant and Trump has the stamina of a 40-year-old; the call for joint retirement is bunk on all counts. Pennsylvania illustrates the political polarization of the country and also provides the solution. The Democrats will nominate a Sandersite leftist for U.S. senator and the Republicans will almost certainly win with a Trumpite—a description that fits all four of their front-runners, and all four are more or less carpetbaggers. The Republican nominee will be another senator whose loyalty is to Trump, if he returns as president, and not to Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell. The walls are closing in on the Democrats, to use one of their favorite, completely dishonest phrases about Trump when they were trying to sell the gigantic fraud that he had colluded with the Russians in the 2016 election. The Democrats hid their innocuous candidate in 2020 in his basement on grounds of COVID-19, while using the same justification for drastic changes in key states of voting and vote-counting rules, changes that were often effected illegally, and the judiciary abdicated and refused to judge any of the serious complaints on their merits. It was the most dangerously illegal assault on the integrity of the election process and on the constitutional balance of powers in the country’s history. The problem is not that both 2020 candidates are now too elderly. The problem is that 2020 and the run-up to it demonstrated that the Swamp is as venal and self-interested and corrupt as Trump said in 2016, and they are back. If we go back to business as usual—a stronger Democrat than Biden and a compliant consensus Republican—the rot of 2016 accelerates. When the congressional Republicans, though most of them weren’t really supporters of his, appreciated his program, and between the Republican majority in Congress in the first two years and the prerogatives of executive action, Trump got much of his program through, despite unprecedented harassment. The authors of the perfidious fraud of the 2020 election were rescued by Trump’s inept response and the abdication of the judiciary. Trump inadvertently collaborated with his enemies by bungling the daily COVID-19 briefings, bungling the first debate by his belligerency, and warning about ballot harvesting but not challenging it legally from the outset, comprehensively, and only sending poor Rudy Giuliani out on a trick or treat show when the battle was over. These were the circumstances that caused Trump to call 250,000 of his supporters to the Ellipse adjacent to the White House on Jan. 6, 2021. He enumerated his grievances against the electoral process and the courts’ failure to try the important cases, and having unsuccessfully urged the mayor of Washington and the speaker of the House of Representatives to provide enhanced security for the Capitol on that day, he urged the crowd to demonstrate at the Capitol but to do so “peacefully and patriotically.” This provoked the second asinine stab at impeachment, now ostensibly to remove Trump from an office that he had already vacated. Trump thus provoked in four years a 100 percent increase in the number of presidential impeachments that had occurred in the previous 228 years of its history—the march of the criminalization of policy differences. (None of the four was justified.) The House of Representatives committee to investigate Jan. 6, stuffed with pathological Trump-haters of both parties and from which Nancy Pelosi barred a couple of Trump’s more prominent defenders, will excavate a new low in malicious partisanship and will televise its hearings in June. No one believes them and no one cares; Jan. 6 isn’t the point and wasn’t an insurrection. There were many months of arrests and interrogations in which it must be assumed that prosecutors resorted extensively to their widespread practice of grossly abusing the plea-bargain rules to suborn and extort perjured inculpatory evidence against their real target, Trump and his organization, with promises of minimal sentences and immunity from prosecution for perjury. This has not turned up anything, and the last thing Trump wanted was anything that could be imputed to him as an attack on constitutional government. That charge is a bit rich coming from this gang of Democrats. The Democrats have tried to distract the country with the abortion question, but it isn’t working any more than the country believes that Russian leader Vladimir Putin and the oil companies are responsible for the highest gasoline price in American history. Their latest gambit is to try to whip up hysteria one more time on COVID-19, but that won’t fly either. The only person who had anything right about COVID-19 was Trump with his imaginative and determined pursuit of a vaccine. The Trump-haters of both parties who rattled the windows of Washington when they heaved a sigh of relief at Trump’s departure are only now emerging from denial that he’s about to run over them with a steamroller much larger and more fueled by righteousness than the one they drove over him. Woke, 1619 revisionism, racist disinformation, and violent protest: All have to be torn up, root and branch. But if Trump does return, he must give less ammunition to his enemies. American history and public policy are not all about him, and the presidency of the United States is such a great office it requires its occupants to behave with a higher level of civility and dignity than Donald Trump often did when he was president. He will return to that office and do better in it if he’s less needlessly abrasive and self-obsessed. The country can start again in 2028 with new leaders, a fully house-trained post-Trump Republican Party, and a rebuilt Democratic Party over the Ozymandian wreckage of Biden–Sanders–Harris–Schumer–Pelosi.
Residents of Democrats Big Failed City-States "Fuck This, I'm Out..." NYC Exodus To Florida Accelerates As People Fed Up With Violence And High Taxes New York City struggles with a sharp rise in violent crime as the new mayor fails to make the metro areas safer. Public safety is worsening and has likely resulted in a continued exodus of residents. NYPost reports that 21,546 New Yorkers left the state for Florida during the first four months of this year, a 12% rise over the same period last year. The exodus of New Yorkers first began before COVID-19 because of high taxes, then accelerated during the pandemic as the city went into lockdown. Now people are leaving in droves as the metro area descends into chaos. For some more context about the exodus, 2022 totals are 55% higher than the same period in 2019 (pre-COVID). A stunning trend that is only gaining momentum. New Yorkers are frightened to walk the streets, nevertheless travel in the subway, which is plagued with criminals. In April, a mass shooting in a subway car left more than a dozen people injured. Last Sunday, a Goldman Sachs research analyst was shot in the chest, in an unprovoked attack, on the subway. The analyst died on the spot. The toxic environment of crime and high taxes have forced some Wall Street firms to move operations to the Sunshine State as an attractive place for long-term expansion. City dwellers have fallen in love with the state because there's no personal income tax. If migration trends persist, the number of New Yorkers leaving the state for Florida could shatter last year's figure of 61,728. Meanwhile, Mayor Eric Adams has been absolutely wrong about migration trends reversing. It's only accelerating as NYC descends into darkness as another failed liberal city implodes under the weight of violent crime and high taxes. An environment businesses and or households will no longer tolerate because technology has allowed them to become more mobile.
Foolish mismanaged rush of early hydrocarbon disinvestment mandates by Liberals and Globalists to "Green New Deal", which Biden also lied about "No Green New Deal" then in office cut energy, among other causes, leads both regulators and commercial operators to warn of pending summer of electricity blackouts... Summer Heat Could Wreak Havoc On Texas' Grid Texans need to be prepared for the grid to fail. Again. A new bombshell report from the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) shows that while Texas has made some progress in increasing surplus energy flow to the grid for times of heightened demand, power is going to be extremely tight this summer, and Texans should prepare to expect rolling blackouts during the hottest months of the year. The recently released 2022 Summer Reliability Assessment found that Texas, along with parts of California and the Southwest, are in an “elevated risk category of energy emergencies.” The extra pressure on the grid comes from a combination of abnormally high temperatures and doubt conditions, poor upkeep and maintenance of generators across Texas, persistent supply chain issues, and increasing demand. NERC also sighted cyber threats, wildfires, and a shortage of coal generation inputs as major issues that they will be monitoring as the days grow hotter and sufficient energy supply to the grid becomes more vulnerable. While Texas still lacks the energy capacity necessary to meet demand at its highest points during extreme weather conditions, NERC acknowledges that Texas has made concerted efforts to mitigate the issue. The Lone Star State has increased its anticipated reserve margins, largely thanks to the increased installation of solar and wind power capacity. Overall, Texas’ renewable energy capacity is 4,100 megawatts higher than last year. This increase in solar and wind capacity does not come without its own challenges, however. The industry is still working out what to do about “solar trips,” when solar resources shut off due to circuit problems or grid disturbances such as lightning or fires. Texas's much-maligned grid operator, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), was touting the recent increases in reserve energy capacity just the day before NERC dropped its sobering report. "Two years ago we had 12%,” said ERCOT interim President and CEO Brad Jones. “Last year we had 15 to 16 and this year we have 23% reserves. So, you can see our reserves have grown over each of those years. We feel very confident about our position this summer." That confidence now rings as ironic in the face of Texas’ elevated risk category for summertime energy emergencies. Despite ERCOT’s gains, University of Houston Energy Fellow Ed Hirs says Texas has not done enough. "We have less dispatchable power on the grid than we did last summer,” Hirs said. “We have about 63,000 plus megawatts available. That's about a thousand megawatts less than we had last summer. Demand is growing." And at the same time that ERCOT is boasting that it’s ready for summer, they had to call for energy conservation over the weekend as several generators failed. Texas needs to invest in generators in a big hurry. Typically spring provides a respite from extreme temperatures and an opportunity to work on the grid and generational capacity, but early heat waves have already put a near-maximum strain on the grid in 2022. What’s more, generators are loath to invest in expansion at a time when inflation is high, cash is tight, and they’re not sure who is going to pick up the bill. The Houston Chronicle reports that so far, Texan consumers are bearing the brunt of it. The long and short of it is that the grid just can’t keep up with increasing pressures of demand and market volatility. The old rulebook for planning and operating energy reserves for the summer months is out the window. “Now we’re really looking at extreme weather,” NERC Director of Reliability Assessment and Performance Analysis John Moura said Wednesday. “And what we’ve all learned in recent history, is that extreme doesn’t mean rare.” A report released in April by real estate data aggregator ATTOM has bestowed Chicago with a dubious honor. Amid a national surge in residential foreclosure rates, Chicagoans are currently losing their homes in greater numbers than in any other metro area in the country. “A total of 50,759 U.S. properties started the foreclosure process in Q1 2022, up 67% from the previous quarter and up 188% from a year ago,” the report stated, with Chicago alone seeing over 3,000 foreclosures in the first three months of the year. Govt print $Trillions fake money, banksters issue subprime in part to appease rather Democrat social policies and maintain Democrat-Bank cozy election donor relationship thanks HUD back, Democrat city dwellers buy the subsidized and ARM houses advert, Dem-Biden's agent Powell gets called into White House to kill rampant inflation so Dems can fraud win 2022/2024, money dries up, rates pop, dwellers get robbed of equity in foreclosure plunder, politicians and cronies stock portfolios win. "I've got the biggest dick in Chicago! -- Chicago's Lesbian Democrat Mayor"
Socialist subsidy fail and Dems Panic to election ass-cover it... Obamacare 'Time Bomb' To Hit Right Before Midterms Congressional Democrats have yet another thing to worry about going into this year's midterm elections. A temporary pandemic relief program aimed at lowering healthcare premiums under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, is set to expire unless Democrats can revive a reconciliation bill that extends the financial assistance past the end of the year.
More hypocrites frauds corrupts liars the US Democrat Party at its very essence since decades, appalling that so many people worship them...
Donald J Trump won the US 2020 Presidential election. Look at these 3 lying DNC disinformation agents masquerading as journalists, all smirking as they deliberately pronounce an absolute lie invented by the Clinton campaign is "very, very obviously" true. These same people, of course, endorsed the CIA lie about the Biden laptop: As I said this week, I was at a tech conference in Miami and the consensus was Twitter is digging its own grave by converting itself into a flagrant censorship machine for the DNC and US Govt. People don't yet realize how fast free-speech sites like @rumblevideo have grown Good morning. The Clinton campaign fabricated a completely false story about Trump having a secret server with a Russian bank. The 2 servile partisan "reporters" who most pushed it -- @FranklinFoer and @NatashaBertrand -- have been repeatedly promoted This has long been known but the proof is emerging now because Hillary's lawyer is on trial for lying to FBI - ie, they not only planted this disinformation with the press but also with FBI. Hillary's campaign manager, Robby Mook, says Hillary personally approved the press leak To see who the real liars are - who the actual disinformation agents are - watch @chrislhayes nod his DNC head as the two lying reporters who spread the story and got rewarded -- Bertrand and Foer -- pronounce that this Trump/Alfa fraud has been proven: "I mean, what more evidence do you need? It’s very, very obvious. It’s really occam’s razor,” said Russia hoax queen @NatashaBertrand in 2018 on the false Trump/Alpha Bank story that originated from Hillary Clinton. She now works at CNN. Hillary's campaign not only used the media and FBI to spread this lie (FBI investigated and quickly determined it was bullshit), but Hillary herself used Twitter to spread this disinformation in a viral tweet which (of course) remains up with no label: @HillaryClinton 1 Nov 2016 Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert server linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank. As we demonstrated in the "Typhoid Mary of Disinformation" video we produced this week, the cable host at the heart of every DNC/CIA lie is @NicolleDWallace. But the "journalist" most used to launder them is @NatashaBertrand. She originates every lie: Since 2016, nobody has been more rewarded for eagerly serving as a vector of CIA/DNC disinformation than Bertrand. She started at @BusinessInsider (where she pushed Alfa Bank), then promoted to @MSNBC, then to @TheAtlantic, then @politico, now at @CNN. Lying is their currency Maybe it's naiveté, but I just can't believe that the media outlets that spread all these lies -- especially the CIA lie about Hunter Biden's laptop being "Russian disinformation," which even NYT/WP/NBC now say is false -- just refuse to acknowledge this let alone retract it. As bad and corrupted as large media corporations have been, they always knew they had to at least acknowledge and account for their huge errors and falsehoods. The NYT published a lengthy Editors' Note explaining what happened with their WMD lies. But now, when major news outlets spread outright lies -- not just one day, but repeatedly affirming them -- they just stay silent and pretend it never happened when the proof emerges they lied. *Not one* outlet that endorsed this pre-election CIA lie has acknowledged this proof. Due to their desperate need to keep censoring the internet and their fear of even a modicum of online free speech returning, Democrats converted one of the world's most influential people into an enemy. He's now publicizing their many frauds, hoaxes and disinformation campaigns: @elonmusk Replying to @Jim_Jordan All true. Bet most people still don’t know that a Clinton campaign lawyer, using campaign funds, created an elaborate hoax about Trump and Russia. Makes you wonder what else is fake.… It's similar to what they did to Joe Rogan. The nation's most popular and influential podcaster said that Bernie Sanders was his favorite candidate. The left attacked the Sanders campaign for touting his support, and insisted Rogan be viewed as a far-right extremist and enemy.🤣 The current iteration of the Democratic Party — pro-war, pro-surveillance, pushing for major expansion of security state authority — is in perfect alignment with the Bush presidency, right down to their embrace by people like David Frum, Bill Kristol, Max Boot, etc. Them, not me.
More hypocrites frauds corrupts liars the US Democrat Party at its very essence since decades, appalling that so many people worship them...
Hillary Clinton's Trump/Russia Media Strategy Revealed In Day 4 Of Sussmann Trial Yesterday morning we saw the continued testimony of former FBI general counsel James Baker and Hillary Clinton Campaign manager Robby Mook. (As we previously observed, Mook had already admitted to being briefed on “general updates concerning” Fusion GPS findings - though he has denied knowing who Fusion GPS was.) I’m traveling this weekend and can’t do the deepest dive into yesterday’s testimony - including that of the CIA agent in the afternoon session - but here are the highlights from Baker and Mook. The Baker examination, continued. Baker testified that Sussman did not notify him that the discredited Trump-Russia Alfa Bank allegations had been shared with the New York Times. (For a refresher, here are the transcript excerpts from his Thursday testimony.) Q: Did he [Sussman] tell you anything about whether he had a client when he went to The New York Times? A: I guess the answer to that question is no. Q: And you don’t know, sir, whether they were his clients for purposes of attempting to get this story placed in The New York Times, do you? A: That’s fair. I do not know that, that’s correct. Q: You don’t know whether he was working with the Clinton Campaign to do that, do you? A: I do not. The Robby Mook testimony. Robert Mook, Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign manager, also testified before the jury Friday. In his testimony, he stated that Hillary Clinton personally approved a plan to spread the lie that Trump was colluding with Russia via secret servers to the media. He also admitted to being briefed on the conspiracy. Q: Okay. In connection with the general focus on Mr. Trump and Russia, did there come a time when you learned of potential links between the Trump organization, Mr. Trump’s business, and a Russian bank called Alfa-bank? A: I did. Yes, I was briefed on that. Q: Approximately when were you first briefed on that, if you remember? A: I honestly can’t recall. Q: Who participated in the briefing, if you remember? A: Myself, Marc Elias, Jen Palmieri, Jake Sullivan, John Podesta. There might have been others, but those are the ones I definitely recall being there. Mook also admitted that the Clinton campaign was focused on Trump’s relationship with Russia before Summer of 2016. Q: In the Summer of 2016, was Mr. Trump’s relationship with Russia something that the campaign focused on? A: Yes. I mean, it was frankly something we were focused on before that time. But absolutely. Mook however did deny that the Clinton campaign directed Sussman to go to the FBI, despite admitting that Clinton approved the Trump-Russia allegations to be shared with the media. Q: Were you aware that Mr. Sussman went to the FBI in September of 2016 to give them a heads-up about a New York Times story about Trump and Alfa-Bank? A: No. Q: Do you have any recollection of anyone talking to you about going to the FBI on behalf of the campaign on the Trump/Alfa-Bank issue? A: No. Q: Did you direct Mr. Sussman to go to the FBI on behalf of the campaign? A: Absolutely not. Q: Did you authorize Mr. Sussman to go to the FBI on behalf of the campaign? A: No. Q: Did anyone else from the campaign, to your knowledge, direct or authorize Mr. Sussman to go to the FBI on behalf of the campaign? A: To my knowledge, no. Mook also said the decision to push the debunked Russia conspiracy to the media was made by himself, Sussman, John Podesta, and Palmeri, and that Hillary Clinton agreed with the decision. Q: And once you learned about it [the Trump-Russia allegations], you started discussing with the campaign whether the campaign should affirmatively push it in the media, right? A: Correct. Q: And you had that discussion with Mr. Sullivan? A: Correct. Q: With Mr. Podesta? A: Just to be clear. This is what - I recall those people, correct. Q: Okay. You had a discussion with Mr. Sullivan? A: Yes, I recall, yes. Q: Whether to push it in the media right? A: Correct. Q: With Ms. Palmieri? A: Correct. Q: With Mr. Podesta? A: Correct. Q: But in any event, the decision to provide this to the media was authorized by the campaign, correct? A: We authorized a staff member of the campaign to provide it to the media. Regarding Hillary Clinton, Mook said: Q: Mr. Mook, before the break you had testified that there was a conversation in which you told Ms. Clinton about the proposed plan to provide the Alfa-Bank allegations to the media; is that correct? A: Correct. Q: And what was her response? A: All I remember is that she agreed with the decision. Some final thoughts: while this trial is about Sussmann’s false statements to the FBI, it’s also more than that. This is Special Counsel John Durham telling the public the story of the Clinton opposition research machine, and how the campaign, through their lawyers and contractors (Fusion GPS), developed and spread lies to the media to influence the election. It’s the story of Clinton Campaign lawyers to using the FBI to further that strategy of deception. With that in mind, do not forget the Igor Danchenko case. Is it the case that Charles Dolan, a Hillary Clinton friend and supporter, was coincidentally feeding false information to Christopher Steele’s primary sub source? And on that thread, what are the odds that another Clinton ally - Alexander Downer - took his “info” to the FBI? Downer’s tip was referenced in the opening of the Alfa Bank-Trump investigation, seen below. (Note that the FBI misrepresents both the Downer tip and Mifsud’s purported statement to George Papadopolous.) Are we to believe the Clinton Campaign and it’s agents had nothing to do with Dolan and Downer? When it comes to the broader Trump/Russia matter, there are too many Clinton links to ignore. Let’s hope that Durham is unraveling that thread.
More hypocrites frauds corrupts liars the US Democrat Party at its very essence since decades, appalling that so many people worship them...
Hillary Clinton's Trump/Russia Media Strategy Revealed In Day 4 Of Sussmann Trial
@thebradfordfile Melamine tainted baby formula made in China sold in USA Abbott, Nestle, Mead Johnson, and Perrigo are basically the only companies that make formula, but you can't only blame these mother fuckers. The FDA has strict standards for who makes formula and even where the formula is made which is why there there's only 4 companies doing 90% of the work, and there are basically no formula imports once again due to the FDA and so when one of our major factories went down anyone involved in this business knew there was going to be a shortage, which of course the FDA also knew and did nothing about. Obviously, regulations play the bigger role here and even enabled the corporations to have a 4-way monopoly on baby formula. This is what happens when the government intervenes with the supposed free market.
FBI Lawyer Admits Knowing Clinton Was Behind Trump Allegations Would Have Changed Things The FBI lawyer who served as a conduit for flimsy allegations against Donald Trump said May 19 he would have acted differently if he knew Trump’s rival for the presidency, Hillary Clinton, was behind the claims. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks during an event in New York on Feb. 17, 2022. (Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images) James Baker, who now works for Twitter, said that he likely would not have have met with Michael Sussmann, who is accused of passing on data that allegedly linked Trump’s business to a Russian bank, if he knew Sussmann was acting on behalf of the Clinton campaign. “I don’t think I would have,” Baker said on the stand in federal court in Washington. Knowing Trump’s opponent was behind the allegations “would have raised very serious questions, certainly, about the credibility of the source” and the “veracity of the information,” Baker said. It would also have heightened “a substantial concern in my mind about whether we were going to be played.” The testimony bolsters a key piece of special counsel John Durham’s case against Sussmann—that knowing the sources propelling Sussmann to meet with Baker would have altered how the FBI analyzed the information, which the bureau ultimately found did not substantiate the claims of a secret backchannel between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank. “Absent Sussmann’s false statement, the FBI might have taken additional or more incremental steps before opening and/or closing an investigation,” prosecutors said in Sussmann’s indictment, which charged him with lying to the FBI. Defense lawyers have argued that the impact of Sussmann’s alleged lie was “trivial or negligible.” Sussmann met Baker in the FBI lawyer’s office on Sept. 19, 2016, just weeks before the presidential election. No other persons were present. Baker said Thursday that would not have been the case if he knew the Clinton campaign’s involvement. He said he likely would have directed Sussmann to other FBI personnel—bureau lawyers don’t typically receive information—or would have still met with Sussmann, but made sure other personnel were present. “I was willing to meet with Michael alone because I had high confidence in him and trust,” said Baker, who has described Sussmann as a friend. “I think I would have made a different assessment if he said he had been appearing on behalf of a client.” Michael Sussmann arrives at federal court in Washington on May 18, 2022. (Teng Chen/The Epoch Times) Sussmann told Baker in a text message the night before the meeting that he had sensitive information he wanted to pass on but that he was doing so on his own accord, not on behalf of any clients. Baker testified that Sussmann repeated the lie during the meeting. Sussmann later told a congressional panel that the information was given to him by a client. “I think it’s most accurate to say it was done on behalf of my client,” Sussmann said, apparently referring to Rodney Joffe, a technology executive who has said he was promised a position in the government if Clinton won the election. While Sussmann, Joffe, and others worked on the white papers that he ultimately passed to Baker, the lawyer was billing the Clinton campaign, according to billing records. Sussmann also told the campaign about the allegations before he met with Baker, though the campaign allegedly did not approve the meeting. Sussmann was well-known to the FBI, having worked with the bureau on multiple cases, including the alleged hack of Democratic National Committee servers. Sussmann “had a vibrant national security practice that had contact with the FBI a lot,” Baker said. Sussmann worked for Perkins Coie, which was the Clinton campaign’s law firm during the 2016 election, and has a long history of working with Democrats. On cross-examination, Sean Berkowitz, representing Sussmann, hammered Baker over inconsistencies in his testimony and what he’s said before. Baker, for instance, told the Department of Justice Office of Inspector General in 2019 that Sussmann said he had information stemming from “people that were his clients.” Baker said he was using a “shorthand way” of describing the cyberexperts with whom Sussman was working. In 2018, testifying to a House of Representatives panel behind closed doors, Baker said he couldn’t remember whether he knew at the time that Baker was representing the Clinton campaign. “I don’t know that I had that in my head when he showed up in my office,” Baker said at the time. “I just find that unbelievable that the guy representing the Clinton campaign, the Democrat National Committee, shows up with information that says we got this, and you don’t ask where he got it, you didn’t know how he got it,” Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) responded. “I was uncomfortable with being in the position of having too much factual information conveyed to me, because I’m not an agent. And so I wanted to get the information into the hands of the agents as quickly as possible and let them deal with it. If they wanted to go interview Sussmann and ask him all those kinds of questions, fine with me,” Baker said. According to Baker’s testimony and previous remarks from Sussmann, no agents ended up asking those kinds of questions.
Biden-Dems are doomed and for good reason, however beware as they will be desperate to use their election frauds to fill the gap... Biden's Job Disapproval Rate Among Hispanics Soars To 60%: Poll Less than half of Hispanic Americans, compared to a result from last year, told pollsters that they like the job President Joe Biden is doing, against the backdrop of the ongoing baby formula shortage, border crisis, skyrocketing inflation, and fuel crisis. Hispanic voters go to the polls for early voting at the Miami-Dade Government Center in Miami, Florida on Oct. 21, 2004. (G. De Cardenas/Getty Images) Three-fifths or 60 percent of Hispanics disapprove of Biden’s performance, while 26 percent approve and 13 percent said they did not know or had no opinion, according to a Quinnipiac University poll (pdf) published on May 18. A similar survey from a year ago found that 55 percent of Hispanic voters—more than twice the current rate—approved of Biden, while only 29 percent disapproved. Making up about 18 percent of the U.S. population, the group has seen a lean conservative trend, according to the study, as almost half of Hispanic registered voters said they would like to see the GOP take control of the Senate, while 36 percent said they hope Democrats would keep control of the chamber. It also shows that 48 percent of Hispanic voters want to see Republicans win the House of Representatives if the election were under its way, compared to only one-third who wanted Democrats to seize the power. The survey interviewed 1,586 adults nationwide, including 1,421 registered voters, with a margin of error of 2.6 percentage points. “Americans give President Joe Biden a negative 35–57 percent job approval rating with 7 percent not offering an opinion,” according to the findings. The recent findings come as the November midterm elections are fast approaching as the Biden administration wrestles with a series of crises including the domestic economy and national security. The poll also shows black Americans are losing faith in the administration. The 63 percent of polled black Americans who currently approve of the president has seen a year-on-year drop from 85 percent in 2021. By contrast, the 28 percent disapproval rate has soared up from 5 percent. An April poll (pdf) by the Convention of States Action and Trafalgar Group shows that a majority of U.S. voters, including nearly two-thirds of Hispanic voters, believe that the Biden administration should close the southern border until a solution is reached. Earlier this month, another poll conducted by ABC News/Washington Post found that less than a third of Americans approve of the way that Biden is dealing with the economy, while 94 percent expressed concerns about spiking prices as inflation hits a 40-year high.
Clinton, Sussman, et al... election fraud conspirators at large. Sussman Trial Day 8: Ex-Clinton Lawyer Told Different Stories To Congress And FBI, Jury Hears A lawyer representing Hillary Clinton’s campaign told members of Congress in 2017 that he took information about Donald Trump and Russia to the FBI on behalf of a client, even though he told the bureau previously that he was bringing the data on his own volition, jurors in federal court heard on May 25. “I think it’s most accurate to say it was done on behalf of my client,” Michael Sussmann, the lawyer, told the House Intelligence Committee on Dec. 18, 2017. Michael Sussmann arrives at federal court in Washington on May 18, 2022. (Teng Chen for The Epoch Times) Portions of the transcript were read into the record as prosecutors with special counsel John Durham’s team wrapped up their case against Sussmann, who is on trial on the charge of lying to the FBI. Sussmann texted James Baker, a bureau lawyer, in September 2016 asking for a meeting so he could share information, but claimed he was coming forward on his own accord, not as part of his representation of any clients. Sussmann, with Perkins Coie, at the time was representing both the Clinton campaign and Rodney Joffe, a technology executive who has said he was promised a position in the government if Clinton won the 2016 election. The parties colluded in gathering data and claiming that it showed a secret link between Trump and Russia’s Alfa Bank, prosecutors say. They hoped to sway the election in Clinton’s favor. About 14 months after handing over the allegations to Baker—the FBI and the CIA both deemed the claims false—Sussmann sat before the House panel and told members that he received the Trump-Russia information from a client, whom he indicated was not the Clinton campaign. He also said he did not go to the FBI and CIA on his own volition but was directed by his client to go to the agencies and hand over the information. “We had a conversation, as lawyers do with their clients, about client needs and objectives and the best course to take for a client. And so it may have been a decision that we came to together. I don’t want to imply that I was sort of directed to do something against my better judgment, or that we were in any sort of conflict, but this was—I think it’s most accurate to say it was done on behalf of my client,” Sussmann said before the panel. Clinton campaign officials have testified that they did not approve of Sussmann going to the FBI. They hoped that media outlets would publish stories on the Trump-Alfa Bank claims, and feared going to the bureau would delay the articles. Defense lawyers, meanwhile, called their first witnesses—several former Department of Justice employees, including former Associate Deputy Attorney General Tashina Gauhar. According to notes Gauhar took at a March 6, 2017, meeting that involved top officials, there was an awareness that Sussmann brought the information for a client or clients. Then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe said during the meeting that the Trump-Alfa Bank claims came from an “attorney” who “brought [them] to [the] FBI on behalf of his client,” with the last word possibly being “clients.” Gauhar said on the stand she did not remember the meeting but said she recognized the notes as ones she took. When pointed to the part about McCabe, Gauhar said she didn’t recall that moment. Another former DOJ official, Mary McCord, was questioned as the defense introduced her notes, which stated that an attorney brought the allegations to Baker and that the attorney did not “say who client was.” Baker testified earlier in the trial that Sussmann told him when their meeting first started that he was not coming on behalf of any particular client, and that he was “very confident” of the recollection. He did not take notes of the meeting. Baker also said he could only vaguely remember the 2017 meeting, for which he was listed as a participant, and did not remember anything that was said.
Donald J Trump won the US 2020 Presidential Election Sussmann Trial Exposes Dems' Scandal-Industrial Process Modern political scandals, like Caesar’s Gaul, are divided into three parts. The first is the actual malfeasance. That might be taking bribes, lying to federal agents, leaking classified materials, sexual misconduct, selling political access, whatever. The second part is the hyper-partisan involvement of Congress and, often, federal agencies, all eager to score points for their side. The third part is the media’s role, which goes beyond bias to include active promotion of political goals. Federal agencies, like all bureaucratic institutions, have always tried to increase their power and preserve their autonomy. What’s different today is that the bureaucrats, and often their entire agencies, are frequently partisan players. That’s disheartening but understandable. One party is clearly the “party of government” and the party of experts. Most educated professionals, including bureaucrats and journalists, identify with that party. Filled with partisan “civil servants,” these agencies routinely tilt investigations (or kill them outright) to advance political goals – the same ones as their favored party. For the same reasons, they leak insider information to friendly media. Predictably, the opposing party tries to score points by attacking them for doing so. That brings us to the third element of these scandals: the “friendly media.” Mainstream outlets are not just biased. They often become outright partisans when a potential scandal could hurt conservatives or populists. That bias degrades what was once called “hard news.” Today, neutral reporting is as antiquated as rotary phones, conservative Democrats, and liberal Republicans. The media’s bias, both left and right, is amplified by the fragmentation of the digital landscape. That fragmentation encourages each outlet to appeal to its self-selected audience and avoid alienating them with uncomfortable information. The trial of Hillary Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann illustrates how modern scandals have devolved into this dismal three-ring circus. Last Thursday, the FBI’s former general counsel, James Baker, testified at length that his old friend Sussmann had requested an urgent private meeting and provided the bureau damning, confidential information. Sussmann claimed he did so solely “as a good citizen,” not on behalf of any client. Sussmann made the same claim in a text message to Baker the night before. Baker testified that he was “100% confident” Sussmann had repeated his disclaimer at the beginning of their meeting. (Before Special Counsel John Durham’s team concluded their case on Wednesday, they showed the jury that Sussmann had actually billed the Clinton campaign for that meeting.) Baker’s testimony was especially powerful because he was clearly reluctant to provide it. The papers and thumb drives Sussmann gave Baker were designed to show that Donald Trump was secretly communicating with a Kremlin-connected European bank. The implication was that this back-channel communication was part of Vladimir Putin’s effort to elect Trump, a line the Clinton campaign eagerly promoted. Baker testified he was alarmed by the prospect, which is why he immediately briefed his bosses, including FBI Director James Comey. Baker gave the materials Sussmann had provided to the bureau’s cyber experts, who quickly discovered it was rubbish. Their conclusion: Trump was not secretly communicating with Russia’s Alfa Bank. Baker’s testimony was followed, on Friday, by that of Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook. Mook casually (perhaps inadvertently) dropped a bombshell. Hillary Clinton, he said, had personally approved sharing the Trump-Alfa Bank story with the press. Mook said the campaign wasn’t sure if the story was true but figured the press would look into it. Hillary agreed and approved spreading the false story. But Mook cannot be right when he says “the campaign” didn’t know if the Alfa Bank story was true. Mook may not have known, but others in the campaign surely did since they were the ones who created the false story. They expended campaign funds to generate that dishonest “inference and narrative” about Trump and Alfa Bank from internet data, knowing it would fool only naïve FBI agents and reporters. Real cyber experts could – and did – disprove the “inference” almost immediately. The Alfa Bank tale wasn’t the Clinton campaign’s only dirty trick. They also commissioned the now-disproven Steele dossier and aggressively shopped it to the FBI, Department of Justice, State Department, and, of course, the press. Both the Alfa Bank story and the Steele dossier had the same goals: Smear Donald Trump, generate media reports that the “FBI is investigating,” and distract the media from Hillary’s own problems with her private email server and the classified documents it contained. The obvious goal before November 2016 was to prevent Trump’s election. That’s why Sussmann wanted the late October meeting with Baker so urgently. After Trump was elected, the new goal was to hamstring his presidency by tying him up in investigations. That is presumably why Sussmann later met with the CIA and gave them the same Alfa bank story, plus another fable about secret Russian mobile phones that were always near Trump. Again, pure garbage, based on cherry-picked data and quickly shown to be worthless. The Sussmann trial indicates how the media and federal agencies play into the Democrats’ scandal-industrial process. Take Mook’s testimony last Friday. It was a huge story because, for the first time, a Clinton insider directly tied Hillary to the smear campaign. That campaign was the biggest political dirty trick in modern American politics, one the media had actively promoted. Yet, when the bombshell exploded, the mainstream media went silent, both about the news and about their own culpability. On Friday, when the news broke, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC did not mention the Mook bombshell or even the Sussmann trial. Not a peep. Saturday’s New York Times was equally silent. The Washington Post did cover the story but buried the lede – Hillary Clinton’s direct involvement – well down in their report. A Post national correspondent actually ran an “analysis” piece entitled “Again: There’s No Evidence Hillary Clinton Triggered the Russian Probe.” Robert Mueller’s prolonged investigation as Special Counsel missed this whole massive scandal. When Mueller testified before Congress, he was asked about Fusion GPS, a central player in Clinton’s smear campaign, and the Special Counsel said he’d never even heard of the firm. What about the FBI? How did it treat Sussmann’s information about Trump and Alfa Bank? General Counsel Baker testified that he immediately informed the bureau’s top officials, noting Sussmann’s assurance that he had no client. Although the Alfa Bank story was quickly disproven, that didn’t stop the bureau’s relentless investigation of Trump’s ties to Russia. Two days after Sussmann gave the FBI his (false) information, the head of the bureau’s counter-intelligence division texted a colleague, “People of the 7th floor to include Director are fired up about this server.” They were so fired up they refused to let agents know Sussmann’s name, referred to him (dishonestly) as the “Department of Justice,” and refused to let agents interview the authors of the cyber data given to Baker. The FBI handled the Steele dossier the same way they handled Sussmann’s material – a mixture of incompetence and malign intent, trampling over administrative safeguards and legal rules in an effort to ensnare Donald Trump. Even though the FBI couldn’t verify the dossier’s salacious allegations, it used them to impale the president-elect. Comey briefed Trump on the worst allegations and then secretly told the press that the FBI was investigating them. Over the next month, the bureau conducted lengthy interviews with Steele’s principle source (Igor Danchenko, now indicted himself) and learned the dossier’s allegations were based on bar talk and rumors, as told by a Brookings Institution researcher, not Kremlin insiders. That didn’t stop – or even slow – the government’s pursuit of Trump, and its use of this discredited material. The falsity of the Alfa Bank connection and Steele dossier – and the FBI’s knowledge of their falsity – did not stop the bureau from spying on Trump associates for purported “Russian connections.” That surveillance didn’t stop even after field agents said their investigation turned up no evidence and should be closed. Instead, Comey and his deputy, Andrew McCabe, personally kept the investigation open. Since the spying required FISA warrants (from the court overseeing the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act), the FBI omitted or doctored exculpatory information to renew their authorization. Yet another subversion of justice. The full scope of this multi-pronged scandal is finally emerging after five years of administrative misconduct, media coverups, partisan reporting, and pervasive deceit by Washington insiders. What is still submerged is any accountability. The media is still burying the story and its own role in promoting those lies. Nobody has returned their dubious Pulitzer Prizes. Senior officials in Comey’s FBI have never been held to account. Congressmen, led by California Democrat Adam Schiff, who continued the smear and leaked their closed-door inquiries to the press, still appear on the Sunday talk shows. Hillary Clinton, who sat atop the conspiracy, was given a quick “all clear” by the FBI on her server and has not been targeted for federal investigation in the subsequent scandals. That Mook’s testimony surprised Durham’s prosecutors indicates they never bothered to probe Hillary’s involvement before the grand jury. The Sussmann trial, like all modern political scandals, is part of a three-ring circus, showcasing sleazy political enablers, malfeasance by public officials, and biased reporting. In this circus of deceit, the public has to walk behind the elephants with a huge shovel.
Exposing the lies, hypocrisy, and failed policies of Joe Biden and the Democrat Party.
When they lie and deny in order to do the frauds, that confirms the scams are not theories but are real and in effect... Dem Rep. Joyce Beatty Blames "White Supremacy Replacement Theorist" For Shooting Carried Out By Black Suspect Dem Rep. Joyce Beatty gave a speech with Nancy Pelosi in attendance during which she blamed a shooting at a hair salon in Dallas on a “white supremacist replacement theorist,” the only problem being the gunman was black. Whoops! The chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) referenced the shooting, which took place at a Korean hair salon, during a press conference yesterday. After stating the incorrect date on which the shooting took place, Beatty tried to spin a false narrative that the attack was a white supremacist hate crime. “On Monday, three people in a Korean-owned hair salon in Dallas were gunned by yet another White supremacy replacement theorist,” Beatty told the crowd. “We are sick of the pipeline from racist rhetoric to racist violence,” she added. One problem with that – the suspect is a black man. 37-year-old Jeremy Smith walked into Hair World Salon on May 11 and opened fire on the 7 people inside. He has been charged with three counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. The FBI is investigating the shooting as a hate crime because Smith held a grudge against Asians having been involved in a car accident with an Asian male. He was also fired from a job for attacking his Asian boss. Beatty has so far failed to comment on the issue and the video of the speech is still posted on her official Twitter account. As we previously highlighted, the ‘great replacement theory’ is a topic that has been given legitimacy by Democrats, including Joe Biden, on numerous occasions. From Charleston to Pittsburgh to El Paso to Atlanta to Buffalo to Dallas, we are seeing the pipeline from racist rhetoric to racist violence. The "great replacement" theory is a hateful lie rooted in old school colorism and eugenics. We must call it out at every opportunity. — Rep. Joyce Beatty (@RepBeatty) May 19, 2022
Biden outright LIES about corruption of his entire family dealings... Here’s Joe Biden in 2020 saying his deadbeat son Hunter “has not made money” from China. Hunter made $5.8 million from 2013 to 2018 from Chinese business interests, according to NBC News. Here’s a DOZEN times Joe Biden played a role in Hunter’s business dealings
CIA Should Take "Immediate Legal Action" Against Ex-Agents Who Called Hunter Laptop Disinformation: Trump Lawyer Donald Trump's attorney fired off a letter to the CIA demanding "immediate legal action" against 43 ex-agency employees who signed an October 2020 letter saying the Hunter Biden abandoned laptop story had "all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation," according to Just the News, which obtained a copy of the letter. Hunter Biden attends his father Joe Biden's inauguration as the 46th President of the United States on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Jan. 20, 2021. (Jonathan Ernst/Pool/Reuters) Hunter's laptop of course contained evidence of extensive international business dealings - including a relationship with a Chinese energy company that paid his company nearly five million dollars. In total the younger Biden took in $11 million from international dealings over the course of five years - most of which occurred while Joe Biden was VP. And of course, "10 for the big guy." Trump attorney Timothy Parlatore's letter was addressed to John Hedley, Chairman of the CIA's Prepublication Classification Review Board (PCRB) - which has a responsibility to clear publications such as the October 2020 letter from the former employees. "Media outlets used this purportedly credible intelligence assessment as a justification to not report on the story. Some polls show that up to 17% of people who voted for President Biden would not have if they knew about the contents of the laptop at the time," reads the letter. "It would not be an exaggeration to say that these former intelligence officials changed the outcome of the election through knowingly flagrant misconduct." In March, signatory John Sipher bragged about "swinging the election away from Trump," adding "You're welcome." 17 minutes later he suggested the letter merely suggested "Russia and the right wing were exploring and amplifying the story for disinformation purposes." Nearly four hours later, he called his 'election swinging' tweet "sarcasm." For those in a sweaty rage over something or other, this is called sarcasm. As if a retired dude on Twitter could swing an election of 300 million ppl over an issue that has nothing to do with said election. People like @RichardGrenell who deny election results will say anything. — John Sipher (@john_sipher) March 28, 2022 Here's what the letter actually says: It is for all these reasons that we write to say that the arrival on the US political scene [implying the arrival wasn't organic?] of emails purportedly belonging to Vice President Biden’s son Hunter, much of it related to his time serving on the Board of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation. Which is clearly meant to imply that the appearance of the emails themselves looked like a Russian information operation - as in, Russia may have been involved. "[I]t is beyond apparent not only that the letter did not undergo the mandatory PCRB review but that it further used violative behavior that could have threatened national security and attempted to play upon the nation's trust in its intelligence agencies to support a political talking point," the Trump legal team letter continues, while noting that the infamous letter lacked a mandatory disclaimer making clear that the opinions are those of the author(s), and not those of the CIA or any federal agency. Parlatore said the missing disclaimer along with the quick publication of the letter shows that the employees did not comply with their legal obligations to the CIA. He said that former employees' actions "is a blatant desecration of the trust placed in the intelligence community by the American people." Parlatore said "immediate legal action" must be taken by the CIA against the 43 employees "who violated their obligations to seek review and approval from the PCRB before releasing their letter." -Just the News Parlatore concludes; "The CIA must act to preserve its rules and regulations and to restore its reputation, which has been so badly besmirched by these former officials."
Biden admin knew all about Govt baby formula shutdown, tries to claim Govt created monopolies are not to blame... "Too Slow": FDA Admits Delayed Response To Complaints About US Baby Formula Plant The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) initial response to complaints about Abbott’s infant formula plant was “too slow” and some decisions could have been “more optimal,” the FDA’s top official said while facing a grilling from lawmakers on Wednesday. FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf appeared before a congressional panel to answer questions about the FDA’s handling of events that led to the biggest infant formula shortage in recent U.S. history after Abbott in February recalled some products and closed its Sturgis manufacturing plant. Rep. Diana DeGette (D-Colo.), chair of the panel, raised the question of the “timeline of FDA’s investigation and response,” citing a “four-month lapse before returning to inspect the Sturgis facility,” and a delay in contacting a former Abbott employee whistleblower. Lawmakers heard that senior FDA officials only saw the complaint in February because of pandemic-related mail routing issues. Califf acknowledged that the “FDA’s timeliness of interviewing the whistleblower and getting into the facility for a for-cause inspection were too slow. And some decisions in retrospect could have been more optimal.” “While there are many steps along the way where different actions could have sped up the sequence of events, to this day, I can find no evidence of intentional delay or malfeasance,” he said. The FDA inspected the plant following reports of bacterial infections in babies allegedly linked to Abbott’s formula, and the whistleblower complaint in late October. But an investigation by the FDA and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “could not conclude” that the “egregiously unsanitary conditions” at the Abbott plant caused the illnesses in the infants. “However, we cannot rule it out either. There’s a confluence of events that’s highly unusual. There is no dispute that the facility was unacceptably unsanitary, as evidenced by the consent decree. Frankly, the inspection results were shocking,” he said. Califf noted that inspectors found cracks in vital equipment, a lack of adequate handwashing, evidence of previous bacterial contamination, and water leaks in areas where formula is produced, a risk factor for bacteria. It is critical to return the Sturgis plant to safe production of infant formula as soon as possible, Califf said, because Abbott holds the largest market share in America, “leaving it with a responsibility” to produce safe formula “that was not met.” Abbott did not have a contingency plan to produce its lines of specialty formulas that serve as the only source of nutrition for thousands of babies with metabolic disorders, lawmakers heard. “We will do everything in our power to work with Abbott to make this happen as quickly and safely as possible. But this timing is in Abbott’s control,” Califf said. Reflecting on the FDA’s role in exacerbating the formula shortage, Califf cited chronic underfunding of the FDA as one issue that needs to be addressed, hinting that “you will see changes in the future.” “Our requests for funding and authority are essential in concert with improved operations and leadership,” he said. For the sake of expediency, the FDA entered a consent decree with Abbott, which allows the company to avoid litigation by pledging to voluntary act to improve and address deficiencies. An outside official will have full oversight of “every single step.” Abbott said on Tuesday that it planned to reopen the plant on June 4. Meanwhile, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) on Tuesday launched an inquiry into the ongoing shortage of formula. In a statement, the FTC said the inquiry seeks information on the “nature and prevalence of any deceptive, fraudulent, or otherwise unfair business practices aimed at taking advantage of families during this shortage.” The inquiry also seeks to find out what factors “have led to concentration in the infant formula market and the fragility of the supply chains for these crucial products,” the FTC said.
Govt created monopolies
Anti-freemarket criminal case ends up proving US medical industry's huge markup racket to local markets, discounts to remotes, all while refusing to spend a dime to keep their factories tanks free from botulism, killing babies, and FDA shutting down the works, then getting free government defense production act subsidies and free paid military and commercial transports and special import duty tariff cost exemptions to fix the mess... Baby Formula Export Scheme Worth $200 Million Lands Florida Trio In Prison A Florida trio was recently sentenced to federal prison for their roles in a $200 million baby formula fraud scheme that began some nine years before the current critical shortages. U.S. District Court Judge Roy K. Altman sentenced South Florida residents Johnny Grobman, 48, Raoul Doekhie, 53, and Sherida Nabi, 57, each to 18 years in prison on Friday. He also ordered the three to forfeit over $200 million in fraudulently obtained profits. The three used the profits from the baby formula sales to buy a $9 million mansion in Florida, a 48-foot yacht, and several properties outside the U.S. Federal prosecutors in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida said the trio convinced U.S. infant formula manufacturers to sell them the products at deeply reduced prices, in some cases receiving up to 60% discounts, by claiming they had a government tender to purchase the formula on behalf of the impoverished country of Suriname in South America. Instead of shipping the formula to Suriname, the three sold the products for full price in the U.S., raking in record profits. Following a 13-day trial in February 2020, a federal jury found Grobman, Doekhie and Nabi guilty of conspiring to commit wire fraud; wire fraud; money laundering; conspiring to obtain pre-retail medical products worth $5,000 or more by fraud or deception, theft of pre-retail medical products; and smuggling goods from the United States. Two weeks after the trial ended, Grobman requested a new trial, which Judge Altman later denied. As of publication, attorneys for the three did not respond to FreightWaves’ request seeking comment. Court records confirm the three are now in custody. However, a reason was not given for why the sentencing took place more than two years after the convictions. The sentencing comes at a time when the U.S. is dealing with a nationwide infant formula shortage after a massive recall at manufacturing giant Abbott Laboratories’ Michigan plant. How the scheme worked According to court documents, the trio negotiated steep discounts from the victim companies by pledging to redistribute the products in Suriname when in fact, they intended to sell those goods in the U.S. at a substantial markup, a business practice known as diversion. Doekhie and Nabi, who are married, set up a company called Tropical Marketing & Distribution N.V., based out of Suriname. The pair created a website for a fictional entity called the Suriname Tender Office to “support their false misrepresentation that they had a government tender for the victim companies’ products,” according to court records. Grobman was listed as the manager of Nutrisource I LLC, as well as J Trading LLC and as a registered agent of Vejota Holdings LLC. All three companies show the same principal address in Aventura, Florida. Court filings claim the three concealed their scheme by fabricating purchase orders, covertly shipping the products abroad and then immediately bringing them back, a practice known as U-turning, filling dummy cargo containers with sheetrock and falsifying export documents. Once the products returned to the U.S., court records state Grobman would submit false shipping documents to U.S. Customs agents. A fourth man, Edgar Torres, who received a reduced sentence of 25 months in exchange for cooperating with the government against Doekhie, Nabi and Grobman, served as president and registered agent of Le Mare Transport, a freight forwarding company in Medley, Florida. During the trial, Torres testified they would swap out the cargo containers’ baby formula with sheetrock that was the same weight as the product they were supposed to be exporting to Suriname. They would replace the etched cargo seals, which the infant formula manufacturers installed to prevent tampering, using a special machine that could carve identical markings, in a concerted effort to avoid detection by customs officials and victim companies, court records said. Through their companies, Grobman and Torres would sell the infant formula to distributors in the U.S., then split the profits with Doekhie and Nabi, court documents said. Prosecutors claimed about 60 companies were defrauded between March 2013 and December 2018. The scam reportedly started to unravel in 2017 after one of the manufacturers refused to do business with the group after a truck driver alerted the company about possible delays with their products. “The fraud perpetrated by these defendants is nothing short of egregious,” said U.S. Attorney Juan Antonio Gonzalez in a statement. “The 18-year prison sentences reflect the seriousness of the defendants’ crimes.”
Given they hurrah'd and frauded their politics and this Joke and his silly VP into office, all prediction polls are now saying the answer is clearly yes. Will The Midterms Be Biden's Last Hurrah? For half a decade now, America’s media elite have been obsessed with former President Donald Trump and the Republican Party’s conversion to Trumpism. Press and TV are daily consumed with his actions and prospects and the future of the party he captured in 2016. Perhaps it is time to consider the prospects of President Joe Biden and the political future of his embattled presidency. What are the odds that Biden, like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama before him, will run again in 2024, win reelection, serve out a second term and transfer his office to the 47th president on Jan. 20, 2029? My guess: The odds of that happening are roughly the same as the odds that last-minute entry Rich Strike would win the Kentucky Derby, as he left the starting gate at Churchill Downs at 80-1. Consider the first hurdle Biden faces on the way to renomination in 2024 — the midterm elections five months off. Since the Dow Jones Industrial Average and S&P 500 reached record highs in January, both have seen eight weeks of wipeouts of trillions of dollars in value as we approached bear-market territory by the end of last week. Stock portfolios, pensions and retirement benefit plans have been gutted. These massive market losses are also a lead indicator pointing to a recession right ahead, just as voters pass judgment on a Democratic Party that controls the White House and both houses of Congress. But even before we reach recession, Americans have already been living with a Biden inflation of 8% that has lasted for months and affected all the necessities of normal life, such as groceries and gasoline. And the worst seems yet to come. The Federal Reserve has reversed course from its easy money days and begun to raise interest rates to squeeze the Biden inflation out of the economy. What lies ahead may remind people who were around then of Jimmy Carter’s “stagflation,” where interest rates hit 21% to kill an inflation that reached 13%. As for the crisis on the southern border, it is deeper than ever. Some 234,000 migrants were caught illegally entering the U.S. in April alone, with thousands of others evading any contact with U.S. authorities. This is an invasion rate of some 3 million illegal migrants a year. Shootings, killings, carjackings, criminal assaults, and smash-and-grab robberies in record numbers are the subject of our nightly news. And the latest national polls suggest the country is holding Biden responsible. The president’s approval rating is down to 39%, and only 1 in 3 Americans think he is doing a good job handling the economy and that the nation is headed in the right direction. Now the omicron variant of COVID-19 is making a comeback; infections are again over 100,000 a day. Biden might find consolation from how his predecessors overcame midterm defeats. Clinton in 1994 lost 54 House seats and won reelection easily in 1996. Obama lost 63 House seats in 2010 to come back and win handily over Mitt Romney in 2012. Why cannot Biden ride out the anticipated storm in this year’s midterms and come back to win election in 2024, as did Clinton and Obama? Age has something to do with it. Clinton was 50 in his reelection year 1996. Obama was 51 in his reelection year 2012. And both were at the peak of their political powers. Biden, on election day 2024, will be two weeks shy of his 82nd birthday. Should he serve out a second term, he would not leave the White House until he had turned 86. Biden has been America’s oldest president since the day he took office. Alexander Hamilton in the Federalist Papers wrote of “energy in the executive” as being an indispensable attribute of good government. Does Biden, with his shuffling gait, regular gaffes, and physical and cognitive decline manifest that attribute of which Hamilton wrote? The likely scenario for Biden? His party sustains a crushing defeat in November comparable to what Clinton and Obama suffered. But the party does not immediately rally around Biden as present and future leader, as it did with Clinton and Obama. Critics inside the Democratic coalition begin to blame Biden for the loss. Ambitious Democrats, sensing disaster if Biden tops the ticket in 2024, begin to call for him to stand down and give way to a younger candidate, a new face, in 2024. One or two progressives declare for president, and the pressure builds on Biden to avoid a personal and political humiliation in the 2024 primaries by standing down, as Harry Truman did in 1952 and Lyndon Johnson did in 1968. By early 2023, Biden will have adopted the line that dealing with the challenge of China and Russia and, at the same time, coping with recession and inflation require his full attention. And these preclude a national political campaign for reelection. And then President Joe Biden announces he will not run again.
Politicians failing the obvious... stop trying to force and wreck those who want nothing to do with that, go create new leagues anyone can join. Biden Education Secretary Says Biological Males Should Be Allowed To Compete In Girls' Sport Joe Biden’s Education Secretary declared Thursday that he believes biological boys should be allowed to compete against girls in sports, and even accused his questioner, GOP Congressman Jim Banks, of wanting to exclude children by discussing their biological gender. During a Congressional hearing, Banks questioned Cardona on the administration’s attitude toward “gender identity”. Banks told Cardona that “Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex. However, your department is currently pushing a rule to force every school in America to add non binary as a sex characteristic.” “How can the Department of Education enforce sex based discrimination when the very definition of sex is so unclear?” Banks asked. “We’re not pushing for that. We are allowing states who have different categories to use those different categories of data collection that they’re already collecting,” Cardona claimed. “So you’re not waiting for a rule to add non binary?” Banks further asked Cardona. “We’re allowing states to report whatever classifications they have in their states,” Cardona responded. Banks then moved to probe on the sports issue, asking “do you believe that biological male athletes competing in women’s sports are in conflict with Title IX protections for female athletes?” After failing to properly answer the question, Banks doubled down, asking “Do you think it’s fair for biological boys to compete against girls in sports?” Cardona responded “Sir, I see where your questions are going, and I’m going to be very clear with you - our transgender students need to feel supported, included, and seen,” adding “And, your line of questioning is, even by describing it the way you’re doing it, shows me that you don’t believe that all students should have access to the extracurricular activities that schools provide.” Banks told Cardona that “somehow, somewhere you and this administration believe that Title IX somehow protects biological boys for competing against girls and sports. You’re okay with that.” Watch: NEW: Cardona refused to recognize biological sex, said transgenders should be able to compete against girls and said there are “sensitive issues” where children should feel safe at school when asked if schools should be able to hide a child transitioning from their parents — Henry Rodgers (@henryrodgersdc) May 26, 2022 The Congressman then asked Cardona three times if he agrees “that school districts should keep a child’s involvement in gender transition a secret from their parents?” Cardona again did not properly answer the question, instead referring to such situations as “very sensitive.” Watch: WATCH: Education Secretary @SecCardona refuses to answer a question by @RepJimBanks about whether or not parents should be kept in the dark if their child is undergoing a gender transition at school. — Jeremiah Poff (@JJ_Poff) May 26, 2022 Before he took up the position of Education Secretary, Cardona made it clear during his Senate confirmation hearing that he supports biological males competing against girls in sports. “I think it’s critically important to respect the rights of all students, including students who are transgender, and that they are afforded the opportunities that every other student has to participate in extracurricular actives,” Cardona said at the time under questioning from Senator Rand Paul, who noted that such a development would “completely destroy girls athletics”. Paul told Cardona “A lot of us think that that’s bizarre, you know? Not very fair,” adding “I think most people in the country think it’s bizarre. You know? That it’s just completely bizarre and unfair that people, and you’re gonna run the education? You’ve got no problem with it?” “I mean, to think it’s okay that boys would compete with girls in a track meet, and that somehow would be fair,” the Kentucky senator continued, positing “I wonder where feminists are on this. I wonder where the people who supported women’s sports are on this.”
Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign manager testified that Clinton herself approved leaking the fake Trump-Alfa Bank story to the press...
Shouldn't Hillary Clinton Be Banned From Twitter Now? Trial testimony reveals Hillary Clinton personally approved serious election misinformation. Is there an anti-Trump exception to content moderation? Last week, in the trial of former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, prosecutor Andrew DeFilippis asked ex-campaign manager Robby Mook about the decision to share with a reporter a bogus story about Donald Trump and Russia’s Alfa Bank. Mook answered by giving up his onetime boss. “I discussed it with Hillary,” he said, describing his pitch to the candidate: “Hey, you know, we have this, and we want to share it with a reporter… She agreed to that.” In a country with a functioning media system, this would have been a huge story. Obviously this isn’t Watergate, Hillary Clinton was never president, and Sussmann’s trial doesn’t equate to prosecutions of people like Chuck Colson or Gordon Liddy. But as we’ve slowly been learning for years, a massive fraud was perpetrated on the public with Russiagate, and Mook’s testimony added a substantial piece of the picture, implicating one of the country’s most prominent politicians in one of the more ambitious disinformation campaigns we’ve seen. There are two reasons the Clinton story isn’t a bigger one in the public consciousness. One is admitting the enormity of what took place would require system-wide admissions by the FBI, the CIA, and, as Matt Orfalea’s damning video above shows, virtually every major news media organization in America. More importantly, there’s no term for the offense Democrats committed in 2016, though it was similar to Watergate. Instead of a “third-rate burglary” and a bug, Democrats sent schlock research to the FBI, who in turn lied to the secret FISA court and obtained “legal” surveillance authority over former Trump aide Carter Page (which opened doors to searches of everyone connected to Page). Worse, instead of petty “ratfucking” like Donald Segretti’s “Canuck letter,” the Clinton campaign created and fueled a successful, years-long campaign of official harassment and media fraud. They innovated an extraordinary trick, using government connections and press to generate real criminal and counterintelligence investigations of political enemies, mostly all based on what we now know to be self-generated nonsense. The Clintons, and especially Hillary, have been baselessly accused of all sorts of things in the past, the murder of Vince Foster being just one example. The “vast right-wing conspiracy” was so successful that the Clintons ended up aligning with and helping fund its chief architect, David Brock, ahead of the 2016 cycle. Along with Perkins Coie and the research agency Fusion-GPS, headed by former Wall Street Journal reporter and current self-admiring sleaze-merchant Glenn Simpson, they engineered three long years of phony “collusion” headlines. No matter what papers like the Washington Post try to argue this week, this was an enormous scandal. The world has mostly moved on, since Russiagate was thirty or forty “current things” ago, but the public prosecution of the collusion theory was a daily preoccupation of national media for years. A substantial portion of the population believed the accusations, and expected the story would end with Donald Trump in jail or at least indicted, scrolling for a thousand straight days in desperate expectation of the promised justice. Trump was bounced from Twitter for incitement, but Twitter has a policy against misinformation as well. It includes a prohibition against “misleading” media that is “likely to result in widespread confusion on public issues.” I’m not a fan of throwing people off Twitter, but how can knowingly launching thousands of bogus news stories across a period of years, leading millions of people to believe lies and expect news that never arrived, not qualify as causing “widespread confusion on public issues”?
Exposing the lies, hypocrisy, and failed policies of Joe Biden and the Democrat Party. Whine about race all the time, and you get into good schools, you get promoted and eventually you run the federal government. Why wouldn't you do it? Karine Jean-Pierre used to work for MSNBC, so she's perfected the script. Joe Biden has turned out to be an unparalleled disaster. The Biden administration is very close to handing the World Health Organization power over every aspect of your life. Imagine the civil liberties abuses of the Covid lockdowns, but permanent. Biden went to Buffalo today because he thought he could blame his political opponents for what happened there. Which of course is what he promptly did. Just today, Biden declared that people who still believe in yesterday’s understanding of democracy are the single biggest terror threat facing the United States. They must be crushed. Gun control, whether you find the slogans appealing or not, will not stop the next Salvador Ramos. The only way to stop these killings is to figure out why American society is producing so many violent young men. There’s a reason it’s happening. The Washington Post assigned their single creepiest reporter to investigate the love life of Ron DeSantis' press secretary, @ChristinaPushaw. It's clear the paper is afraid that DeSantis might run for president, so they want to get a head start on destroying everyone around him. Putin did not cause inflation. The U.S. government did. We printed a lot of money very quickly, and devalued our currency. What does the U.S. look like to an outsider? We spoke to @ggreenwald about his take on the happenings in the U.S. from an American living outside the country. The full interview streams exclusively on @foxnation – plus: unlock free sign-up offers only at According to CNN, the real threat to Supreme Court justices and our justice system comes not from people who are mad about Alito’s opinion, but from people who are happy about it. The ones who are celebrating are the dangerous ones.
A Cabinency Of Dunces As the nation sinks inexplicably into self-created crisis after crisis, debate rages whether President Joe Biden is incompetent, mean-spirited, or an ideologue who feels the country's mess is his success... A second national discussion revolves around who actually is overseeing the current national catastrophe, given Biden's frequent bewilderment and cognitive challenges. But one area of agreement is the sheer craziness of Biden's cabinet appointments, who have translated his incoherent ideology into catastrophic governance. Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas has essentially nullified federal immigration law. Over 2 million foreign nationals have illegally crossed the southern border without audit -- and without COVID vaccinations and tests during a pandemic. Mayorkas either cannot or will not follow federal law. But he did create a new Disinformation Governance Board. To head his new Orwellian Ministry of Truth, he appointed Nina Jankowicz -- an arch disinformationist who helped peddle the Russian collusion, Steele dossier, and Alfa Bank hoaxes. While Jankowicz's adolescent videos and past tweets finally forced her resignation, Mayorkas promises his board will carry on. In the days before the recent Virginia election, grassroots parent groups challenged critical race theory taught in the schools. In reaction and under prompts from teachers' unions, Attorney General Merrick Garland directed both the FBI and the Justice Department to establish a special task force apparently to "investigate threats" from parents against school board members. The FBI recently has been knee-deep in political controversies. It illegally doctored a FISA application to entrap an American citizen. Its former directors, under oath before Congress, either claimed faulty memory or admitted lying to federal investigators. The last thing a scandal-plagued FBI needed was to go undercover at school board meetings to investigate parents worried over their children's education. We are in a fuel price spiral that is destroying the middle class. Yet when Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm was asked about plans to lower gas prices, she laughed off the idea as "hilarious." Later Granholm preposterously claimed, "It is not the administration policies that have affected supply and demand." Apparently haranguing those who finance fossil fuel production, canceling the Keystone Pipeline, suspending new federal oil and gas leases, and stopping production in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge all had nothing to do with high fuel prices. Currently, supply chain disruptions are paralyzing the U.S. economy. The huge Port of Los Angeles has been a mess for over a year. Since last fall dozens of cargo ships have been backed up to the horizon. Thousands of trucks are bottlenecked at the port. During the mess, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg was not at work. Instead at the height of the crisis, he took a two-month paternity leave to help out his husband and two newborn babies. Such paternal concern is a noble thing. But Buttigieg is supposed to ensure that life-or-death supplies reach millions of strapped Americans. This winter, trains entering and leaving Los Angeles were routinely looted in the Old-West style of train robbing -- without much of a response from Buttigieg's transportation bureau. In Senate testimony Secretary of the Interior Secretary Deb Haaland refused to explain why her department is slow walking federal oil and gas leases at a time when Americans are paying between $5 and $6 a gallon for gas. Haaland was unable to provide simple answers about when new leases will result in more supplies of oil and gas. Her panicked aides slid talking points to her -- given that in deer-in-the-headlights fashion, she seemed incapable of providing senators with basic information about U.S. energy production on federal lands. The United States is sending many billions of dollars worth of sophisticated weapons to Ukraine to combat Russian aggression. We rightly claim it is not a proxy war against Russia but instead an effort to help stop a brutal Russian invasion. Why then did Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin tell the world the very opposite in a fashion that could only convince Russians that our real aim in Ukraine is to destroy Russia as a superpower? As Austin put it publicly, "We want to see Russia weakened to the degree that it can't do the kinds of things that it has done in invading Ukraine." Even if that description of the agenda is true, why broadcast it -- given Russia has over 6,000 nuclear weapons and its President Vladimir Putin is increasingly erratic and paranoid? The common denominator to these Biden appointees is ideological rigidity, nonchalance, and sheer incompetence. They seem indifferent to the current border, inflation, energy, and crime disasters. When confronted, they are unable to answer simple questions from Congress, or they mock anyone asking for answers on behalf of the strapped American people. We don't know why or how such an unimpressive cadre ended up running the government, only that they are here and the American people are suffering from their presence.
Just one of many harmful Idiocies of Biden-Dems... Gas Prices Hit Another Record High Today, What's Biden Doing? "We did it Joe!" Record high gas prices for the 11th straight day...'s Mike Shedlock checks in on gas prices... and the Biden administration's plans to deal with them... AAA reports Increased Gas Demand Pushed Pump Prices Higher Since Monday, the national average for a gallon of regular gasoline has increased by 10 cents to $4.58. According to new data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA), total domestic gasoline stocks decreased by 4.8 million bbl to 220.2 million bbl last week. On the other hand, gasoline demand increased from 8.7 million b/d to 9 million b/d. Tighter supply and increased demand have pushed pump prices higher. This supply/demand dynamic, combined with volatile crude prices, will likely continue to keep upward pressure on pump prices. Gas price info courtesy of AAA What's Biden Doing? Biden: "You know, we have no plan" — The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) May 10, 2022 The truth accidentally comes out: "We have no plan to bring down energy prices today" [corrected to they, from we] Q: What are Democrats doing? A: Nothing that makes any sense The House passed a bill establishing the first federal law against price-gouging by oil and gas companies. All Republican members voted against it, along with four Democrats. We need to get Big Oil out of politicians pockets.💸 — Ryan Shead (@RyanShead) May 19, 2022 The Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act was sponsored by Rep. Kim Schrier (D-Wash.) and Katie Porter (D-Calif.). Under the bill, "Companies would be barred from charging “unconscionably excessive” prices for gasoline or other fuels during the emergency. The Federal Trade Commission could investigate allegations of price gouging at the federal level, while state attorneys general could take action at the retail level. Idiocy is Striking As noted previously, the big oil refiners own less than 5% of the 145,000 retail stations. Where Your Money Goes On a Gallon of Gas Please consider Why Most Gas Stations Don’t Make Money From Selling Gas Gas stations typically only receive a fraction of the price listed on the sign. And after factoring in overhead — labor, utilities, insurance, credit card transaction fees — the average profit is winnowed down to ~$0.03 to $0.07 per gallon. Now, there is a lot of variance here: Some owners The Hustle spoke to claim to make $0.30+/gallon; others, as little as $0.01. But assuming daily sales of 4k gallons at $0.05/gallon, your typical station might only bring home $200-300/day from gas. By contrast, those coin-operated air machines you find at most stations can rake in $300 to $500 in profit per month — even after paying the companies that lease them out. Most of the stations with big markups are in out of the way places where you are thankful to have gas at all. Death Valley comes to mind. The Real Money is Made Inside the Store Today, 80% of all gas stations have a convenience store on site. According to a study conducted by the National Association of Convenience Stores, 44% of gas station customers go inside. And among them, 1 in 3 ends up indulging in some kind of treat. The goods inside these stores — Doritos, sunglasses, lotto tickets, energy drinks — only account for ~30% of the average gas station’s revenue, yet bring in 70% of the profit. Strategic Reserve Release Hey, what about Biden's Strategic Oil Reserve release? OK: Let's check in on that. Please note this White House Briefing President Biden Announces Release from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve As Part of Ongoing Efforts to Lower Prices and Address Lack of Supply Around the World. When was that? Excuse me for pointing out, November 23, 2021. Also forgive me for asking "Did it work?" Nonetheless, Biden doubled down. April 21, 2022 Fact Sheet Please consider the April 21, 2022 Fact Sheet. Biden Administration Responds to Putin’s Price Hike by Awarding First Barrels from Historic Strategic Petroleum Reserve Release & Deploying Affordable Clean Energy With these announcement, President Biden is demonstrating both his unwavering commitment to doing everything in his power to ease the pain American families are facing today at the pump as a result of Putin’s Price Hike, while continuing to take strong action – right now and without delay – to achieve lasting American energy independence. Largest-Ever Release of Oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. President Biden announced the largest-ever release of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserves, which will put one million additional barrels on the market per day on average—every day—for the next six months. The release will provide a record amount of supply to the market until the end of the year, when domestic production is expected to increase by 1 million barrels per day. Political Strategy vs Strategic Release For starters, until this announcement, the November release was the biggest ever. How did that work out? Second, there is nothing all all strategic about either of these releases. This is nothing more than a political strategy by the President. The ridiculous effort in Congress today is more of the same. At most there will be a temporary drop in price of 15 cents a gallon. But eventually the reserves will have to be filled back up in case there is a genuine strategic need. And at what price will that happen? Meanwhile, Biden is begging Venezuela and Saudi Arabia to pump more even though we have sanctions on Venezuela. *YELLEN: AIM TO DO WHAT WE CAN TO REDUCE RUSSIA OIL, GAS REVENUE Russian Oil Revenues Soar 50%, Hitting A Record High — zerohedge (@zerohedge) May 18, 2022 Biden's Plan in Action US and EU sanctions have driven up the price of oil and natural gas so much that Russia is actually benefitting from the sanctions! That my dear readers is Biden's plan in action. The Republican plan is to pump more US oil. Even if the latter cannot happen immediately, no plan at all is better than mess the Democrats have concocted. In case you missed it, please see MishTalk TV With the Head Energy Trader at Price Futures Group Flynn notes the targeted release cannot happen because the pipes do not have the physical capacity. Rather than blame themselves, Democrats blame gas gougers. What a hoot.
The biased formation of the referenced sham committee is known to honest journos... Taylor Budowich, a spokesman for Mr. Trump, criticized the committee’s work. “This partisan committee’s vague ‘leaks,’ anonymous testimony and willingness to alter evidence proves it’s just an extension of the Democrat smear campaign that has been exposed time and time again for being fabricated and dishonest,” he said. “Americans are tired of the Democrat lies and the charades, but, sadly, it’s the only thing they have to offer.”
Gas prices? Biden-Dems-Libs did that... Biden Raising Gas Prices On Purpose, Top Republican Says A top Republican said on Friday that President Joe Biden is raising gas prices on purpose. Gasoline prices are posted at a gas station in Washington on May 26, 2022. (Nicholas Kamm/AFP via Getty Images) Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) made the remarks when he was asked on Fox Business’s “Wall Street with Maria Bartiromo” to respond to Biden’s recent comments where he said raising gas prices is part of “an incredible transition.” “I think that’s the main takeaway from his statement, that he is telling the American people they’re doing this to you on purpose, that the transition period is being imposed by policies coming from the Biden administration,” he said. “This is a conscious effort by the Biden administration to destroy fossil fuel production in the United States, to get away from fossil fuels, and you’re living this experience. This is an irresponsible shutting down of oil and gas production in America, making us more dependent on oil and gas from bad actors, and it’s destroying the American economy,” he continued. U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) speaks to reporters in Washington on March 2, 2022. (Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images) Biden characterized the soaring cost of gasoline in the United States as an “incredible transition” on Monday while taking questions from reporters during his trip to Japan. “When it comes to the gas prices, we’re going through an incredible transition that is taking place that, God willing, when it’s over, we’ll be stronger and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels when this is over,” he said alongside Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. The comment came as the national average cost of a gallon of gas sat at a record-high $4.596, with several states paying more than $6.00. Biden went on to take credit for gas prices not being “even worse.” “What I’ve been able to do to keep it from getting even worse—and it’s bad,” he said. His comments were widely denounced by Republicans. Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) criticized Biden for being “completely out of touch with everyday Americans.” Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel released a statement the following day blaming the Biden administration for the continually elevated cost of gas. “Another day, another new record high gas price in Biden’s America,” the statement reads. “Joe Biden doesn’t care about the historic inflation and skyrocketing gas prices families are facing every day as a result of his failed agenda. The pain is the point for Biden and Democrats, and Americans will continue to suffer as long as Biden is in charge.” Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel speaks during a press conference at the Republican National Committee headquarters in Washington on Nov. 9, 2020. (Samuel Corum/Getty Images) Biden and other senior administration officials have continually blamed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine for the inflated gas prices. In response to the invasion on Feb. 24, the United States and many of its Western allies put a halt to all imports of Russian oil and gas. While the cost of gas did spike dramatically after Russia invaded Ukraine in February, it had already been rising steadily throughout Biden’s first year in office. After the sanctions, the price leveled off before increasing to new record highs in recent weeks.
Gas prices? Biden-Dems-Libs did that... Biden Raising Gas Prices On Purpose, Top Republican Says
Biden and his admin still outright lying and spinnning to Americans about destruction his orders and policies and party are intentionally causing to America. American people aren't as stupid as Biden Kamala and the Dems look, and Americans are rightly bashing Biden and Democrats in opinion polling. Even his own Democrats are quoted on record saying his policies are shit. Biden refuses to do any of 10 things oil and legit economists say will work. Americans calling Biden-Dems-Progs-Libs-Socs turds that need flushed. Biden Blames Putin, Refiners, & Gas Stations For Record Prices: 'Cost Of Saving Democracy' Having had the 'Putin Price Hike' narrative thoroughly dismissed by Fed Chair Powell earlier in the day, President Biden is set to keep repeating the 'big lie' until more people believe it. Presumably, President Biden will announce his cunning plan to cut the federal gas tax... “By suspending the 18-cent federal gas tax for the next 90 days, we can bring down the price of gas and bring families a bit of relief,” Biden said Wednesday at the White House. Breaking down proposed tax savings, 18-cent savings per gallon of regular gas for 12 gallons (average fuel tank size for a US car) will save the consumer a whopping $2.16 every time they fill up. Something that President Obama called "a gimmick" and Speaker Pelosi called "very showbiz". FLASHBACK: Barack Obama in 2008 slams proposed gas tax holiday: "This isn't a real solution. It's a political stunt. This is what Washington does whenever there's a big problem. Politicians pretend they're looking out for you but they're just looking out for their poll numbers." — Forbes (@Forbes) June 22, 2022 President Biden set to announce a suspension of the Federal gas tax for the summer. In March, Speaker Pelosi called a gas tax suspension plan "showbiz" and effectively said its a bad idea and won't help. — Brian Sullivan (@SullyCNBC) June 22, 2022 President Biden explained "this is a time of war and global peril," and that he reminded voters that he had always said there would be a price to pay for saving democracy in Ukraine. Biden said that states, many of which are enjoying budget surpluses thanks in part to federal pandemic stimulus, should also suspend their own gas taxes, and he called on refiners and gasoline retailers to make sure “every penny” of the tax pause goes to consumers. "Your customers, the American people, they need relief now,” Biden said. The president took another shot at 'big oil', claiming they should stop buying back their own shares and spend that money on refining capacity. There's just one problem with that... BIDEN: WANT OIL FIRMS TO USE PROFITS TO INCREASE REFINING CAPACITY INSTEAD OF BUYING BACK STOCK Which is great... only oil firms don't do buybacks, they pay dividends. If Biden wants to end buybacks, he should just go after his liberal tech friends — zerohedge (@zerohedge) June 22, 2022 Then Biden turned up the 'blame-plifier' to 11 by pointing the finer at gas station owners!!! Biden: "To the companies running gas stations and setting those prices at the pump, this is a time of war, global peril, Ukraine. These are not normal times. Bring down the price you are charging at the pump. Do it now." — Greg Price (@greg_price11) June 22, 2022 Of course, the president didn’t take questions after his remarks, since that would mean explaining all the policy contradictions: he’s moved to curtail US oil production in the past before now urging its expansion, and cutting the price of gasoline may encourage higher consumption, countering his efforts to reduce US dependence on fossil fuels. "Bottom line is this is just kind of another rhetorical tool of the White House to sort of show that they’re doing everything they can on inflation,” Libby Cantrill, head of public policy at Pacific Investment Management Co., said Wednesday on Bloomberg Television. Ironically, Wholesale Gasoline prices are up today... as you'd expect from an inflationary policy... Will President Biden claim a victory lap as gas prices have dropped 6c in the last week... Watch the president mumble through another failed narrative (due to start at 1400ET): As Summit News' Paul Joseph Watson detailed earlier, only 11 per cent of Americans believe the Biden administration’s narrative that Vladimir Putin is to blame for record high gas prices, with the majority blaming Biden’s poor energy policies instead. A Rasmussen poll finds that 52 per cent of respondents think unaffordable gas prices are the fault of the president, with the vast majority rejecting the ‘Putin price hike’ excuse. The survey also found that 80 per cent of Republicans blame Biden for the energy crisis, while 54 per cent of Independents also say responsibility lies with the occupant of the Oval Office. 29 per cent of respondents who didn’t blame Putin or Biden said greedy oil companies were the culprit. Biden says #putinpricehike, but voters disagree. Who is to blame? All voters: Biden (52%) Republicans: Biden (80%) Democrats: Oil Companies (46%) Independents: Biden (54%) #gowokegobroke #putinpricehike — Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) June 21, 2022 After the Biden administration’s attempt to blame the Russian leader failed to land, the White House has switched its rhetoric to start blaming oil companies, with Biden asserting the industry is “making more money than God.” The poll reveals that Americans are also unimpressed with the media’s attempt to prop up the failing Biden economy, with just 11 per cent saying it has gotten better, with 57 per cent rating his economic performance as “poor.” Biden loyalists have become increasingly absurd in trying to explain away gas price hikes and inflation, with former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers blaming people who downplay what happened on January 6. “The banana Republicans who are saying that what happened on January 6th was nothing or OK are undermining the basic credibility of our country’s institutions and that in turn feeds through, uh, for inflation,” said Summers. BlackRock CEO Larry Fink also ludicrously claimed “nationalism” was to blame for inflation, asserting, “The rise– whether you call it nationalism or the rise of this belief that we have to focus on communities that have been devastated by globalization, we need to find ways of creating better jobs for more Americans, that in itself is inflationary.” As we highlighted earlier, more emergency services in the U.S. are having to limit the amount of 911 calls that they are responding to in person because of record high gas prices.
Pelosi - Queen of the Lying "Very Showbiz" Disinfo Frauds, whores her dentures out for donor money... ‘Straight-Up Misinformation’: Nancy Pelosi Lied to Donors About Dems’ Midterm Chances, Says Election Analyst Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) in a recent fundraising email lied about election forecaster FiveThirtyEight‘s predictions in multiple Senate races, FiveThirtyEight founder Nate Silver said Tuesday. "Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight just announced that Democrats are poised to win SIX Senate seats this November," Pelosi wrote in the email, incorrectly saying the site predicts Democratic victories in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, and Ohio. "This is straight-up misinformation," Silver tweeted in response. "We have Democrats as heavy underdogs in Florida and Ohio." Pelosi, who routinely sends out emotionally charged campaign emails, has a long history of making false or misleading statements. Pelosi recently attempted to justify skyrocketing inflation under President Joe Biden by saying that "when unemployment goes down, inflation goes up," a claim that PolitiFact rated mostly false, and blaming Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Inflation started surging under Biden months before Russia's invasion, the Washington Free Beacon has reported. Silver's FiveThirtyEight model projects that Republicans have a 54 percent chance of winning the Senate. The model rates Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Nevada as tossups. The election forecaster says that Republicans have a 90 percent chance of victory in Ohio and a 94 percent chance in Florida. Of the states Pelosi mentioned in her email, New Hampshire is the only one that FiveThirtyEight predicts will stay blue. Silver's model for the House predicts that Pelosi will lose her job as speaker, forecasting that Republicans have an 87 percent chance of retaking the chamber. Published under: Democratic Donors, Fact Check, Nancy Pelosi - Not in Kansas Anymore: Dem Rep Skips Votes To Attend Ritzy Fundraisers - Biden Calls Gas Tax Holiday a ‘Big Help.’ Obama Called It a ‘Gimmick.’ - Fact Checking the Fact Checkers: Yes, Stacey Abrams Supported an All-Star Game Boycott - Liberal Dark Money Group Bankrolled by Foreign Billionaire Gave Millions to Stacey Abrams’s Voting Nonprofit - Vote From Home: Pelosi Says House Democrats Don’t Have To Show Up to Work for 6 More Weeks - This Connecticut Dem Pledged To Stand Up to Pelosi. Now, She’s Her Biggest Supporter. - Meet the CCP-Loving Biden Donor Responsible for US Economic Interests in Asia - Nancy Pelosi Apparently Isn’t Looking at the Polls - Nancy Pelosi’s High-Risk COVID Infection Could Wreak Havoc on Democratic Leadership - Nancy Pelosi, Who Has Fined Republicans for Not Wearing Masks, Comes Down With COVID - Senate Cafeteria Workers Could Lose Their Jobs Because Democrats Won’t Show Up to Work - GOP senator calls for Schumer to end Senate pandemic restrictions
Democrats in trouble... Highland Park not a good look for them... Democrats Progressives Liberals own boy Bobby... breaks all sorts of gun laws, guns 7+30 people down during America's holiday, in Chicago, which already has Democrats nearly most ideal and insanely strict gun laws possible in the nation, and is run by a Lesbian Black Mayor who has the "Biggest Dick in Chicago", gun murder capital of the USA, and is in charge of its police force. Kamala Harris dropped more profound nonsense as usual, lol: “We have to take this stuff seriously, as seriously as you are because you have been forced to take this seriously.” Information Uncovered Overnight Shows Highland Park Shooter, Bobby Crimo, Is Tied to Socialists, Progressives, Antifa and the Occult Police arrested Robert ‘Bobby’ Crimo III’, age 22, yesterday following the shooting in Highland Park, Illinois. Crimo killed six and injured over 20 more individuals at the 4th of July parade in Highland Park, Illinois. On Tuesday The Gateway Pundit uncovered information indicating Crimo is a radical progressive with ties to Antifa, progressive groups, and the occult. Looking over information that was collected following the deadly shooting, it is evident the Highland Park 4th of July parade killer, Bobby Crimo, has a very dark background. We reported on the shooter yesterday when he was confirmed as a person of interest. Now we have information tying Crimo to progressives, socialists, Antifa and the occult. Crimo’s social network and lifestyle are all related to the progressive movement. Crimo has ties to the Democratic Socialists of America as noted by the tattoo on his neck. This is the largest and fastest-growing socialist organization in the US. Crimo also has ties to Antifa. In one picture on social media, he shares his dark Antifa outfit. Throughout his social media posts he shares Antifa and progressive symbology. Evidence reveals Crimo is not a Trump supporter. He makes fun of Trump and his followers in his social media posts. Crimo attended a Trump event dressed up as ‘Where’s Waldo’ outfit. This appears to be sarcasm and an attack on President 45 who may also be President 47. His social media posts appear as if he wants to kill President 47. Crimo’s work is also very dark. He uses an icon throughout his social media. This icon comes from ‘mystic set with magic circles, pentagrams and imaginary chakras symbols. Collection of icons with witchcraft and occult handwriting letters.’ Crimo shares the icon throughout his media posts. Via XRVision. Below is the overall profile on Bobby (Robert) Crimo.
Democrats in trouble... Highland Park not a good look for them...
Why Did Local PDs and FBI Suppress Information that July 4th Killer Crimo Was Connected to Antifa, Progressives and the Occult? The identity of the July 4th killer in Highland Park, Illinois was first released yesterday before his arrest. Hours following the shooting, authorities identified the shooter as Robert ‘Bobby’ Crimo, III. A few hours later Crimo was captured by police after a brief chase and taken into custody. Far-left on social media users began telling lies about Crimo after the parade shooting. They implied that Crimo was MAGA. Across social media, Crimo was accused of being a Trump supporter. The evil socialist progressives cheered the news. But Crimo, as we pointed out earlier today, has connections to socialists, progressives, Antifa and the occult. His affiliations with socialists, progressives, Antifa, and the occult were all over his social media posts. It is clear this guy is dark and he has more to do with Antifa than MAGA. This is how liberals push false information to twist the truth. Those investigating his profile (i.e. the Police or the FBI) could have easily released his political affiliation. But they will either delay this or won’t share it at all. This is another reason why Americans don’t trust the FBI and the mainstream media. There is ample evidence that yesterday’s demonic shooter is connected to the left and yet this was hidden in the press reports and on social media while this demon was accused of being a Trump supporter. Americans want the truth and they want it quickly. We hate it when the truth and justice are denied or delayed. Americans deserve better treatment from their media and local investigators.
Democrats in trouble... Highland Park not a good look for them...
California not a good look either... "The California Dream" Has Become "The California Cesspool" Once upon a time, California was the hottest destination in the entire country. Millions of young people poured into California in search of a new life, and today it has the largest population of any U.S. state by a very wide margin. But now “the California Dream” has become “the California Cesspool”, and residents are moving to other states on a permanent basis in very large numbers. In fact, at this point a lot of California residents are even choosing to move to Mexico in order to escape the state. Decades of really bad decisions have turned the Golden State into an endless nightmare, and there appears to be no hope on the horizon. Just look at what has happened to San Francisco. It is one of the wealthiest cities on the entire planet, but everywhere you look there is squalor. In recent days, a video that a Twitter user named Ricci Wynne posted of children walking home through “one of the city’s open-air drug dens” has already been watched more than two million times… San Francisco children were recorded on video having to walk past what appeared to be one of the city’s open-air drug dens on their way home from school. Ricci Wynne posted the video on Twitter last week, writing that the students were getting off the 14 transit line on 8th and Mission Streets when they encountered what appeared to be the homeless encampment sprawled across the sidewalk. San Francisco doesn’t have just one open air drug market. They can now be found in multiple locations around the city, and the authorities don’t seem interested in cleaning them up. So for the children in Wynne’s video, wading through hordes of zombified drug addicts on the way home has just become a part of normal life. Now ask yourself this question would you want your children to walk through this squalor just to get home from school? @JoeBiden @VP @SpeakerPelosi @SenFeinstein @LondonBreed @SFPDChief #DoBetter #democrats #politics #Police #DRUGS #SanFrancisco #California #crime #DoYourJob #NA — Ricci Wynne (@RawRicci415) July 8, 2022 Of course it could be argued that things are even worse down in Los Angeles. The following is what one reporter encountered during a harrowing visit to Skid Row… Walking down San Pedro Street to the heart of Skid Row, I see men smoking methamphetamine in the open air and women selling bootleg cigarettes on top of cardboard boxes. Around the corner, a man makes a drug transaction from the window of a silver sedan, a woman in an American-flag bandana flashes her vagina to onlookers, and a shirtless man in a bleached-blond woman’s wig defecates behind a parked police car. Slumped across the entryway of an old garment business, a shoeless, middle-aged junkie injects heroin into his cracked, bare feet. The police could easily clear Skid Row at any time. But the politicians won’t let them. And despite spending hundreds of millions of dollars to fight drug addiction and homelessness, the problem just keeps getting even worse year after year… The scale of the crisis is astonishing: 40,000 homeless men and women in Los Angeles County suffer from addiction, mental illness, or both. More than 1,000 will die on the streets this year. As I survey the human wreckage along Skid Row, my fear is that the city government is creating a new class of “untouchables,” permanently disconnected from the institutions of society. For the past decade, political leaders have relied on two major policies to address the crisis—“harm reduction” and “housing first”—but despite $619 million in spending in 2018, more people are on the streets than ever. The reality is that Los Angeles has adopted a policy of containment: construct enough “supportive housing” to placate the appetites of the social-services bureaucracy, distribute enough needles to prevent an outbreak of plague, and herd enough men and women into places like Skid Row, where they will not disrupt the political fiction that everything is okay. This is what life is like in big cities all over the west coast now. Needless to say, this sort of environment is going to be a breeding ground for crime, and so far this year robbery is up 21 percent in Los Angeles… Robbery is up an astounding 21% from ytd 2021 in Los Angeles according to Moreover, burglary, a non-violent property crime without the use of weapons, is up 16.2% from ytd 2021 according to Unfortunately, businesses and the citizens of the city are at an impasse on how to stem the rising robbery rate. The murder rate continues to surge higher as well. During the first half of 2022, the murder rate in the city was 35 percent higher than it was during the first half of 2020… Halfway through the year, murders in Los Angeles are surging on a wave of gun violence, following last year’s spike in crime. The city saw 172 homicides through June 18, a 5.5% increase from the same period last year, and a 35% jump from the first half of 2020, according to Los Angeles Police Department data. Four more murders were registered in the past week, Los Angeles Police Department police chief Michel Moore at the commissioners’ meeting Tuesday. The politicians in California wanted to create their version of a “liberal utopia” in the state. Now they have it. Meanwhile, scientists continue to warn us that the clock is ticking. The entire west coast of the United States sits along “the Ring of Fire”, and a simulation that was just conducted came to the conclusion that a magnitude 7.5 earthquake on the Seattle Fault could potentially produce a giant tsunami that could be over 40 feet tall… A simulation released by the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) shows the impact of a 7.5-magnitude earthquake on the Seattle Fault. “Tsunami waves could be as high as 42 feet at the Seattle Great Wheel and will reach inland as far as Lumen Field and T-Mobile Park,” Washington State DNR said in a tweet Thursday. To put that in perspective, the tsunami that hit Fukushima, Japan many years ago was only about 45 feet tall at the peak. And if such an event does occur, residents of Seattle would have “fewer than 3 minutes” to react… Scientists found that if a magnitude 7.5 earthquake were to occur on the Seattle Fault, tsunami waves over 40 feet tall could reach the Seattle area in fewer than 3 minutes. We are being told that such an event will happen someday. It is just a matter of time. Personally, I have been warning for years about the potential for a colossal tsunami along the California coastline. The entire west coast is extremely vulnerable, but most people that live there don’t like to think about such things. Instead, most people that live there are just going to keep doing what they are doing, and then one day everything will suddenly change in a single moment.
Democrats in trouble... Highland Park not a good look for them...
California not a good look either...
"The California Dream" Has Become "The California Cesspool"
Gavin Newsom’s Weird Idea of ‘Freedom’ California... In a run-up to what's likely to be a 2024 presidential bid, California Gov. Gavin Newsom hit upon the bizarre idea of boasting in commercials that California is America’s true “free” state. Part of his ad campaign is to attack Florida—currently run by Newsom’s possible rival, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. Yet, with the most burdensome regulations and high tax rates, Newsom’s California is arguably the most unfree state in the union. In return for these steep costs, the state’s public institutions, infrastructure, and services are among the country’s worst. California’s once-vaunted freeway system is near the bottom of all state comparisons. California’s Highway 99, which runs the length of the Central Valley, is one of the deadliest roads in America based on miles driven. Over half the nation’s homeless crowd the state’s major cities. One-third of America’s welfare recipients have flooded into the state. A fifth of the resident population lives below the poverty line. Well over a quarter of Golden State residents weren't born in the United States. California public school test scores consistently fall among the bottom 10 states. San Francisco has the highest per capita property crime rate in the country. The recently recalled San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin and his soon-to-be recalled Los Angeles counterpart, George Gascón, have nearly ruined their cities. Both are iconic of multibillionaire George Soros’ nationwide efforts to undermine the entire criminal justice system. State residents aren't free to drive safely because of their decrepit freeways. They aren't free from filthy and toxic sidewalks or dangerous physical assault in their major cities. Public school children aren't free to enjoy competitive educations. San Franciscans aren't free to park their cars without fearing that they will be vandalized or stolen. The destruction of these freedoms is in direct proportion to the confiscatory taxes that the state collects—the highest bracket of income and gasoline rates in the nation, among the highest sales taxes, and property taxes that soar due to inflated assessments in spite of a 1978 state constitutional amendment. Currently, California faces brownouts due to the longstanding, deliberate curtailment of electrical generation plants. Yosemite’s historic redwood forest is currently threatened with what are now customary California summer conflagrations. The destructive, dirty forest fires reflect a deliberate state policy of not gleaning the forests of dead trees, but rather letting the flammable debris serve as “natural” fodder for bugs and birds. The state hasn't built a major reservoir in nearly 40 years. In rarer wet years, millions of acre-feet of runoff and snowmelt simply cascade to the sea. Releasing such vital water apparently enhances 19th-century riparian landscapes—and discourages its own agribusiness. Amid Newsom’s anti-Florida ad campaign, the governor was vacationing at the upscale digs of his Montana in-laws—escorted by his ample state-paid security detail. That's odd, given Newsom’s California labels Montana a homophobic hellhole, and won't even reimburse state employees who dare to convention there. Hypocrisy and elite virtue signaling, however, are now trademarks of California politicians—and illustrate how little elected officials care for the victims of their ideological agendas. Newsom bragged about his tough California mask mandate although it didn't lower COVID-19 deaths per capita in any measurable degree than did the policies of the red states he so often trashes. He violated his own COVID mandates by dining at the upscale French Laundry restaurant and hanging out unmasked with Magic Johnson. Newsom has done nothing to remedy his state’s soaring gas prices, terrible schools and infrastructure, or spiking crime. But he did virtue signal about giving illegal aliens millions of state dollars in COVID relief. Rather than develop California’s rich gas and oil reserves, Newsom promised strapped motorists that he would send them a one-time fuel gift of $400. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), likewise, hectors Californians to mask and quarantine—all the better for her to sneak around unmasked at her hairdresser’s, or to jet to the beaches of Tuscany. Former senator and current Chinese government lobbyist Barbara Boxer retired to an estate in Rancho Mirage, and recent Gov. Jerry Brown isolated himself on his 2,500 acres in Grass Valley—idyllic locations far away from the education, infrastructure, and urban disasters that exploded under their tenures. So it's Orwellian for Newsom to brag about a “free” California that supposedly will entice Floridians or Texans. In truth, over the last decades, hundreds of thousands of Californians and billions of dollars of wealth fled the now-inert California for a far freer Florida and Texas, among other states. By voting with their feet and bank accounts, California’s expatriates considered these destinations far superior to their home state: safer, cheaper, better managed, and freer. Newsom resembles a pathetic owner of a once-successful but now run-down, high-priced gas station without clients. In jealousy, he flails and screams at the newer, gleaming competitor across the street, with superior service, lower prices, and better value—and jampacked with his own former but now wiser customers.
Pelosi, another massively Corrupt CA Democrat, uses Public Office to steer stock market payoffs in her favor... Nancy Pelosi Urges Support Of $50 Billion 'CHIPS' Bill Hours After Disclosing $8 Million Nvidia Stake Oh, look: Nancy Pelosi is pushing legislation that stands to benefit her significantly thanks to a couple of brand new, multi-million dollar trades she has made. Stop us if you've heard this one before... This past week it hit the terminal that House Speaker Pelosi was doing a little portfolio re-jiggering, including exercising $8 million of call options in Nvidia and selling Apple and Visa calls. The Nvidia LEAPS were bought June 3, 2021 with $100 strikes, set to expire June 17, 2022 and the position appeared to be disclosed on Thursday morning for the first time. $8 million trades seem a little odd for members of Congress to begin with, but who are we to judge? But then, what did Speaker Pelosi do just hours after disclosing the trade, on Friday? She threw her weight behind a stalled $50 billion CHIPS PLUS bill that "would provide $52 billion in funding for semiconductor manufacturing grants and investment tax credits for the chip industry," Timeline of events: 7/23/21 - Buys $NVDA LEAPS 3/28/22 - $52B CHIP act initially passes but stalls out 6/17/22 - Pelosi buys $5M worth of $NVDA stock 7/14/22 - Pelosi comes out saying the bill needs to get passed ASAP Pelosi said last week: “We had been working constantly on the chips bill. And we need to have the transformative nature of research and education and the rest to make us continue to be preeminent in the world. How it shapes up in the next short period of time, we’ll see. But we are determined that we will pass a bill.” "Democrats are 'more interested in' a chips-plus bill than a chips-only measure," Pelosi added Yeah...interested in that and buying super yachts. Let us guess: the unrealized gains tax won't be supported by Pelosi until she cashes out of the market altogether, either...
Pelosi, another massively Corrupt CA Democrat, uses Public Office to steer stock market payoffs in her favor...
Fed Finds Fed Did Nothing Wrong In what is likely the least surprising news headline of the day, The Federal Reserve's Watchdog has cleared Chair Jerome Powell and former Vice Chair Richard Clarida of any wrongdoing in their trading activity. “We did not find evidence to substantiate the allegations that former Vice Chair Clarida or you violated laws, rules, regulations, or policies related to trading activities as investigated by our office,” Inspector General Mark Bialek said in a letter to Powell dated June 11 and published Thursday. Powell's wife knew nothing... We found that your spouse, as trustee of the Powell family trust, notified the trust financial advisor of the need to make funds available for charitable donations each December during the time period we reviewed. On December 9, 2019, your spouse notified the financial advisor that the trust would be writing charitable donation checks and requested to be informed when the funds became available. The trust financial advisor had noted the blackout period on the financial advisory team’s calendar prior to executing the trades, but executed the five trades on December 11, 2019. The trust financial advisor subsequently acknowledged that executing the trades during the blackout period was an “oversight” on the team’s part. We found no evidence that you or your spouse had contemporaneous knowledge that the five transactions were executed during the blackout period. As such, we found that you did not violate the FOMC trading blackout rule. Former Boston Fed President Eric Rosengren and former Dallas Fed President Robert Kaplan are still under investigation...
Big Tech Social Media Fake News being called under Unconstitutional Influence, will extend to Election Fraud Judge Orders Discovery To Proceed In Social Media Collusion Lawsuit Against Biden Administration A federal judge has ordered several social media companies to turn over documents and answer questions within the next 30 days as part of the discovery phase in a lawsuit brought by the states of Missouri and Louisiana, which allege that the Biden administration colluded with tech giants to censor conservatives. Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt speaking in front of the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., in September 2019. "A federal court granted our request for discovery & documents from top ranking Biden officials & social media companies to get to the bottom of their collusion to suppress & censor free speech," tweeted Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt on Tuesday, adding "No one has had the chance to look under the hood before - now we do." 🚨 BREAKING: A federal court granted our request for discovery & documents from top ranking Biden officials & social media companies to get to the bottom of their collusion to suppress & censor free speech. No one has had the chance to look under the hood before - now we do. — Eric Schmitt (@Eric_Schmitt) July 12, 2022 "In May, Missouri and Louisiana filed a landmark lawsuit against top-ranking Biden Administration officials for allegedly colluding with social media giants to suppress freedom of speech on a number of topics including the origins of COVID-19, the efficacy of masks, and election integrity," Schmitt said in a Tuesday statement. "Today, the Court granted our motion for discovery, paving the way for my Office to gather important documents to get to the bottom of that alleged collusion – this is a huge development." ZeroHedge will be very interested to see if there are any further communications between the government and Twitter regarding our February 2020 ban for suggesting that Covid-19 may have emerged from a Wuhan lab, which notably made its way into a FOIA release of Dr. Anthony Fauci's emails. Wow! @zerohedge gets mentioned! @JeremyFarrar — Jess (@uacjess) June 1, 2021 As The Center Square's Joe Mueller writes of the Missouri case: The four-count lawsuit alleges the social media companies labeled content “disinformation” and “misinformation.” The suit contends the suppression constitutes government action and violates freedom of speech protected by the First Amendment. The lawsuit also alleges the federal government’s actions exceeded statutory authority and the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) violated the Administrative Procedure Act. The AGs also allege a “Disinformation Governance Board” within DHS pressured social media companies to suppress free speech on: The Hunter Biden laptop story prior to the 2020 Presidential election; Speech about the lab-leak theory of COVID-19’s origin; Speech about the efficiency of masks and COVID-19 lockdowns; and Speech about election integrity and the security of voting by mail. After the AGs filed a motion for expedited preliminary injunction-related discovery, the Biden administration filed an opposition. The Biden administration argued Louisiana and Missouri don’t have the authority to bring a parens patria suit – an action to protect citizens unable to protect themselves – against the federal government. "Great news in the Missouri/Louisiana case vs. the Biden administration's manipulation of social media to censor scientific speech!" tweeted Stanford professor Jay Bhattacharya, an advocate for scientific transparency whose writing have appeared in the WSJ, and has joined the plaintiff's side in the suit. The Biden administration failed to convince the judge that states can't meet an "injury in fact" standard, defined as "it suffered ‘an invasion of a legally protected interest’ that is ‘concrete,’ ‘particularized,’ and ‘actual or imminent, not conjectural or hypothetical," according to Center Square. The DOJ argued that there was no link between alleged injuries to the states and the government's alleged actions. More from Schmitt... The lawsuit, which was filed on May 5, 2022, alleges that the Biden Administration – more specifically President Biden, Press Secretary Jen Psaki, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the now-defunct Department of Homeland Security’s “Disinformation Governance Board” Nina Jankowicz, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and others – both pressured and colluded with social media giants Meta, Twitter, and Youtube to censor free speech in the name of combating so-called “disinformation” and “misinformation,” which led to the suppression and censorship of truthful information on several topics, including COVID-19. The lawsuit names President Biden, former Press Secretary Jen Psaki, Health and Human Services Director Xavier Becerra, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and others. The lawsuit incorporates four counts: (1) Violation of the First Amendment, (2) Action in Excess of Statutory Authority, and (3) Administrative Procedure Act Violations by HHS officials, and (4) Administrative Procedure Act violations by DHS officials.
Democrats in trouble... not a good look... False Flag Crisis Actors, Pathetic Democrats... For real, caught on video, again, lol... AOC and Ilhan Omar Pretend To Be Handcuffed During Supreme Court Arrest Rep. Ilhan Omar also pretended to be in handcuffs - and can be seen raising her right arm at the very end of the clip. What's more, her staff lied to reporter Esme Murphy and said she was handcuffed. Watch: Her staff is lying unless she's Superman and just broke the handcuffs at the end of the video. — Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) July 19, 2022 US Capitol Police said in a statement that they made "a total of 34 arrests for Crowding, Obstructing or Incommoding," which included "16 members of Congress." UPDATE: We made a total of 34 arrests for Crowding, Obstructing or Incommoding (DC Code § 22–1307). That arrest number includes 16 Members of Congress. — U.S. Capitol Police (@CapitolPolice) July 19, 2022 Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez appeared to pretend she was handcuffed on Tuesday as police escorted the Democratic socialist and several other lawmakers from a protest outside the Supreme Court. As the Daily Mail notes, "Ocasio-Cortez was seen walking escorted away by police with her hands crossed behind her back, as if she were in handcuffs, but she was not. At one point she uncrossed her hands and raised her fists to the other protesters." Why is @AOC pretending to be detained when she is escorted by police away from the Supreme Court? — Katie Daviscourt🇺🇸 (@KatieDaviscourt) July 19, 2022 AOC and the other lawmakers joined pro-abortion protesters who have gathered outside the Supreme Court almost daily since Roe v. Wade was overturned in June. #BansOffOurBodies — Carolyn B. Maloney (@RepMaloney) July 19, 2022 Other members seen being detained by officers include include Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., Nydia Velazquez, D-N.Y., Jackie Speier, D-Calif., Sarah Jacobs, D-Calif., Katherine Clark, D-Mass., Andy Levin, D-Mich., Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., Madeleine Dean, D-Pa., Jan Schakowksy, D-Ill., and Bonnie Watson Coleman, D-Calif. -Daily Mail .@CoriBush, @AOC, @IlhanMN, @AyannaPressley & other Members of Congress arrested for civil disobedience in front of Supreme Court. #BansOffOurBodies — Lynese Wallace (@lynesewallace) July 19, 2022 "I’ve just been arrested at the Supreme Court protesting the horrendous overturn of Roe v Wade. This is the time to stand up, speak out, and not shy away when seeking justice and equality," tweeted Rep. Maloney after what she called an 'arrest.' Statement on Congresswoman Maloney’s arrest while protesting for abortion rights in front of the Supreme Court: — Carolyn B. Maloney (@RepMaloney) July 19, 2022
Gas prices? Biden-Dems-Libs did that...
Biden signed a pile of money printing cost raising documents, economics responded... White House Quiet As BBQ Inflation Roils Americans On July 4 This time last year, the White House bragged on Twitter about saving Americans 16 cents on their Independence Day barbecues. Just days before July 4, the sounds of crickets can be heard from the White House's Twitter account as BBQ inflation roasts tens of millions of Americans this holiday weekend. Inflation under the Biden administration reached a four-decade high earlier this year. A stagflation-like environment settled in, and an unofficial recession could be underway (read: Welcome To The Biden Recession). A new survey from the American Farm Bureau Federation shows the average cost for a cookout this weekend to feed about ten people will cost on average $70 -- that's up 17% or $10 compared to a year ago. Bloomberg breaks down barbecue inflation and finds ground beef prices are up a staggering 36% from a year ago, chicken up 33%, pork and beans +33%, pork cops +31%, lemonade +22%, and so forth. Meanwhile, Biden advisor Brian Deese told Americans to suck it up when it comes to soaring prices because "this is about the future of the Liberal World Order, and we have to stand firm." Americans could care less about that world order but are starting to get perturbed how the Biden administration puts Ukraine first rather than its own people (taxpayers). Soaring consumer prices have been devastating for household finances, altering spending behaviors as an unofficial recession appears to have materialized. This comes as consumer confidence crashed in June. To avoid BBQ inflation, the prices of strawberries, sliced cheese, and potato chips have tumbled over the last year. We are surprised the administration has yet to tout these foods as cost savings. And it's not just cookouts that are becoming more expensive this weekend -- many Americans are paying near record-high gasoline and diesel prices as they travel in one of the busiest driving periods of the year. We're sure a conversation piece at BBQs across America this weekend won't be about abortion or guns, but instead, how 'Biden-economics' has failed most Americans.
Biden-Dems losing numbers... 2022 Elections: Red Body-Pol Y/N H-R S-R 75/26 H-R S-D 19/83 H-D S-D 11/90 H-D S-R 4/97 Biden's Trannies Progs, Biden, Austin, and Milley's Sorry Woke and Broken Military... Woke problems China doesn't have: Black female US soldier standing at the top of an auditorium room as a superior officer yells, "Let's go!'. The woman replies, "I don't give a fuck!". Huge string of vulgarity insubordination unbecoming soldier. "We are watching in real time America’s institutions being gutted on behalf of left-wing politics. Formerly apolitical institutions are being remolded top down to reflect the values of our New Ruling Class: those who speak the wokeabulary, who believe in the tyrannical and polarizing theories of Ibram X. Kendi and Kimberle Crenshaw, who see their roles as the social engineers of their fellow Americans," he wrote. "This is true in our universities; it’s true in our colleges; it’s true at our corporations; and now it’s true in the American military. No wonder we’re told that our military will somehow be stronger for tossing out gender-neutral physical fitness tests, or paying for transgender surgeries, or forcing soldiers to read the asinine musings of critical race theorists."
Democrats pre-seeding narrative to commit midterm fraud, this time perhaps by calling Repubs cheaters for winning in upcoming huge landslide... HBO had an entire documentary on this teed up in 2020. With mid-terms approaching and looking bad for Democrats, the shenanigans begin. @W7VOA An alert has been issued by @CISAgov to election officials warning of vulnerabilities in @DominionVoting systems used in 16 states that hackers could exploit, reports @AP. Biden’s approval rating clocks in at 35%. The worst president ever is underwater in 47 states NY, California, and even in his home state, DE. Biden asks SC to reinstate masks on airplanes. Assault weapons ban on tap. Oh and inflation? $10K student debt increase.
"Facists? Lol... Ultranationalism like allowing people from all walks of life to live freely together? Or maybe freeing the slaves? Dictatorial power like executive orders? Or total disregard for immigration laws? Forcible suppression like taking the ability to speak freely on Twitter by the first president to actually speak his mind daily. Or denying one group freedom to say and think as they choose but another untouchable group is rewarded for promoting violence? Strong regimentation. Like forcing businesses to close down or using force to limit movement. How about mandatory masks? "
Thieving authoritarians, you will have no profit from your labor and own nothing when they get done with you too, and you will not be happy... Amid all the woke bullshit and political racebaiting that cannot be called bullshit and political racebaiting, very important racism questions apparently remain conveniently unanswered by the wokesters... - Are Blacks adopting White dogs? - Are Muslims adopting Black dogs? - Is it OK to be a White dog? - What about migrant dogs? - Dog supremacy? Dog Names Are Racist Too, According To Scholars Academics recently applauded a Social Psychology Quarterly study purporting to show a disparity in the time dogs were adopted based on racial associations with the animals’ names. “White” names, according to the study, resulted in shorter adoption times compared to “Black” names. The correlations were largely concentrated around pit bulls, “a breed that is stereotyped as dangerous and racialized as Black," according to the study. Below are examples of academics’ reactions to the study. Temple University Timothy Welbeck, director of the Center for Anti-Racism Research and an assistant professor of instruction, retweeted the story, posing the rhetorical question “WhY iS EveRyTHingG aBOuT rACE?” “WhY iS EveRyTHinG aBOuT rACE?” Because everything is about race… — Timothy N. Welbeck, Esq. (@timothywelbeck) June 7, 2022 He answers his own question with, “Because everything is about race...” Welbeck told Campus Reform that “something as seemingly as [sic] innocuous as dog adoption can have lasting racial implications.” University of Texas at Austin Assistant Professor of Sociology Chantal Hailey commented in a now-deleted tweet obtained by Campus Reform, “Anti-blackness is so pervasive it even expands to dog names.” Hailey conducts research “at the intersections of race and ethnicity, stratification, urban sociology, education, and criminology.” University of Akron “Fascinating research! Amazing idea”, Daniela Jauk-Ajamie tweeted regarding the study, an Assistant Professor of Sociology and Criminal Justice. Fascinating research! Amazing idea. — Daniela Jauk-Ajamie (@DanielaJauk) June 7, 2022 Jauk-Ajamie’s work focuses on “gardening in incarcerated settings, women in the criminal (in)justice system, and qualitative methods.” Georgetown University Don Moynihan, professor at Georgetown's McCourt School of Public Policy, opined that the study was an “[i]nteresting example of how racialized names still evoke bias even when dealing with non-humans.” Interesting example of how racialized names still evoke bias even when dealing with non-humans. — Don Moynihan (@donmoyn) June 7, 2022 Moynihan provided comments to Campus Reform, expressing his view that there exists “a relatively sophisticated body of work in this area that needs to be accounted for to understand the contribution.” University of Massachusetts Amherst Chief Diversity Officer Nef Walker described the study as “Must read work”, and “Fascinating research that supports the resiliency of racialized names and the pervasiveness of antiBlackness [sic].” Fascinating research that supports the resiliency of racialized names and the pervasiveness of antiBlackness. Must read work. — Dr. Nef (@NefWalker) June 7, 2022 Walker has written on [t]he intersection of race, gender, and sexual orientation in intercollegiate sports”, and “[h]egemonic masculinity and the institutionalized bias of women in men’s collegiate basketball.” Denison University Shiri Noy, assistant professor of sociology, applauded the study’s authors for their “cutting edge work”. Natasha just doing her cutting edge work as usual, congrats to you and Bradley! — Shiri Noy (@shiri_noy) June 7, 2022 "[C]ongrats," she added. Campus Reform reached out to all parties mentioned here. This article will be updated accordingly.
Word on street is that Kamala (the Potsmoking Daydreaming Idlewhile at Large), may soon become the first major Biden defector to say "Fuck this shit" and leave... 'Very Unfavorable' Political Scenario Appears To Be Taking Shape For Democrats An unfavorable midterm election scenario is taking shape for Democrats as inflation and gas prices remain exceptionally high as some left-wing news outlets appear to be turning on the Biden administration, according to analysts and pollsters. President Joe Biden delivers remarks on reproductive rights as (L-R) Vice President Kamala Harris, and Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra listen during an event at the Roosevelt Room of the White House in Washington, on July 8, 2022. (Alex Wong/Getty Images) A recent New York Times survey posted on the paper’s front page Monday suggested that Democrat voters are turning against Biden. Only about 25 percent said they wanted him to be the presidential nominee in 2024. Meanwhile, the NY Times and other left-wing outlets have increasingly published articles suggesting that the president not run for reelection. “Democrats haven’t done things they promised,” Connor Farrell, a strategist who founded the Democrat-aligned group Left Rising, told The Hill on Tuesday. “In this environment, the best general election candidates will be bold [ones] that can distinguish themselves from what we’re getting from the White House.” “Democratic leadership should look no further than the fact that they need to wake up and step up to the plate,” Jon Reinish, managing director at the political strategy firm Mercury, told the website. He did not elaborate what that might entail. Democrats, he added, are “not just losing Independents or you know, Never-Trump Republicans,” but “they’re losing their own voters. Democrats’ own voters don’t feel as if their leaders hear their concerns.” “I don’t want to sound overly pessimistic, but I’m not holding out hope that Biden’s approval rating can improve all that much. Gas prices have started to drop, but inflation remains high, and survey after survey shows that Americans are principally concerned with their economic situation. Another [Federal Reserve] rate hike is on its way, which isn’t bound to make things better in the short term for voters,” Democrat strategist Jessica Tarlov told Fox News this week. And an article released by pollster Gallup, citing its own polling data, declared that the 2022 election indicators suggest Democrats are facing a significant uphill battle. “However, 2022 is not shaping up to be an average year. Rather, as of May, Gallup finds presidential job approval and three other key national mood indicators well below the historical averages measured in past midterm election years. On their own, those numbers would all predict a greater-than-average loss of seats for the Democratic Party this fall,” Gallup said last month. Typically, the party of the president tends to lose seats in the midterm elections, and Democrats have narrow majorities in both the Senate and House. Economy Surveys released in recent days indicate that Americans have a generally negative outlook of the direction the United States is heading and have a bleak outlook on the economy amid historically high gas prices and high inflation. Auto club AAA’s data shows that while gas prices have dropped over the past three weeks, the average price still stands at $4.65 per gallon as of Tuesday. Gas prices are advertised at a Chevron station as rising inflation and oil costs affect the consumers in Los Angeles, Calif., on June 13, 2022. (Lucy Nicholson/Reuters) Although some Democrat-aligned consultants, including James Carville, have suggested recently that the midterms are still several months away, Gallup said that if Biden’s job approval rating increases, “he would be bucking the trend for second-year presidents. Historically, presidents’ job approval ratings have rarely improved in the last few months before their first midterms.” As such, it rated Democrats’ chances as “very unfavorable” headed to November. Republicans have said that the Biden administration’s policies are the primary reason why inflation and gas prices remain high, noting that the president last year signed executive orders that blocked new oil drilling leases, suspended the Keystone XL pipeline, and ended some fossil fuel subsidies. In response, Biden and Democrats have pinned the blame on oil companies, the Russian government, and even consumers for not buying electric vehicles. "Americans' dour evaluations of the president, Congress, the economy, and direction of the country all suggest that the typical pattern by which the president's party loses seats in midterm elections will hold this year," Gallup said. "While Republicans need to only pick up five seats in the House to take the majority in that chamber (assuming the vacant seats formerly held by Republicans stay with the party), the national mood is such that 2022 has the potential to be a wave election for the Republican Party and the GOP could have a more comfortable governing majority." It concluded: "Regardless of what issues might drive voter behavior, unless Americans' opinions of the job Biden is doing and the state of the nation improve over the next five months, the Democratic Party may face a situation similar to 1994 and 2010 when it suffered major losses in its presidents' first midterms but regrouped in time to win the presidential election two years later." In a comment Tuesday, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee claimed that Democratic lawmakers seeking reelection are "untethered" from Biden's approval rating. The Epoch Times has reached out to the organization for comment. “Frontline Democrats remain untethered from President Biden’s approval rating and consistently perform ahead of the generic ballot despite the global challenges we face because Democrats are defending the right to an abortion, have delivered record-high job creation and infrastructure investments that voters have demanded for years,” Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee spokesperson Chris Taylor said in a statement.
Woke: Stealing is sanctioned, so long as you're mute... Car Theft Is Effectively 'Decriminalized' In London Car theft has effectively been decriminalized in London after it was revealed that less than one per cent of vehicle thefts in the capital lead to criminal charges. “Out of the nearly 55,000 thefts from vehicles in London last year, Scotland Yard only solved 271, representing just an 0.5 per cent success rate, according to an analysis of Home Office data conducted by The Telegraph,” reports Breitbart. “According to the broadsheet, only two major police forces faired worse than London in successfully charging car thieves, with the West Midlands and Surrey police forces only maintaining a 0.4 per cent charging rate.” Responding to the figures, the head of the Police Foundation think tank Rick Muir said car thefts had been “effectively decriminalized” and that this had emboldened criminals to commit more of the same crimes, knowing they are unlikely to be apprehended. “There are certain things the public expect of police, one of which is that they will at least investigate these bread and butter crimes,” said Muir. “Policing is going to have to look at these levels and decide if it has got it right. Where the charge rates are at that level, there is no deterrence to commit these kinds of offences and it might encourage people to commit them in future,” he added. As we have exhaustively highlighted, while real crimes go unpunished, authorities in the UK have plenty of resources and enforcement power when it comes to punishing people for ‘offensive’ speech. Last month, a man was jailed for 20 weeks for the ‘crime’ of posting offensive George Floyd memes in private WhatsApp and Facebook group chats. Last year, a 50-year-old mother in Scotland was charged with a ‘transphobic hate crime’ after she retweeted an image of a suffragette ribbon. After contacting his employers, Humberside Police interrogated a man and told him to “check his thinking” after he posted a limerick that offended a transgender person. Harry Miller told police he did not write the limerick and merely retweeted it, but was told by an officer, “Ah. But you liked it and promoted it. It’s not a crime, but it will be recorded as a hate incident.” In 2017, it was reported that British police had arrested 3,395 people for ‘offensive online comments’ in the space of a year. People in the UK are routinely investigated and sometimes charged by police for “hate crimes” that have become so broad, anyone form a minority group who claims they were offended is enough for authorities to treat and record it as a “hate incident.” Back in 2015, the head of the National Police Chiefs’ Council said that due to a lack of resources, officers would be unable to attend some burglaries. In 2018, it was revealed that two thirds of burglaries are not even investigated. As we highlighted last year, Merseyside Police were forced to respond after officers took part in an electronic ad campaign outside a supermarket which claimed “being offensive is an offence,” with authorities later clarifying that it is in fact not an offense.
Biden-Dems losing numbers...
Bonus... Learn to speak Bidenese Democrats suffer astonishing and irrecoverable loss of Black and other minority support percent as their communities wake up to eons of Democrat's victimizing pandering depressing them with false hope and change and handouts, and now with more Democrat run inner city violence and drugs decimating the life stability and prospects of their familes. Biden's Job Approval Enters Marianas Trench As we celebrate America's founding on this 4th of July, mired in inflation that's simply 'not his fault,' President Joe Biden also marks a special occasion - his lowest job approval ratings, ever - all while American pride hits a new low. According to a new CIVIQS rolling job-approval poll, Biden's job approval has plummeted to 30% - with 57% flatly disapproving of the job he's doing. Broken down by age group, just 22% of those aged 18-34 approve of the job Biden is doing, 27% for those 35-49, and 32% of those aged 50-64 thought Biden was doing an ok job. Where's Biden's support coming from? Old people - as 39% of those over the age of 65-years-old think Biden's handling his job well. By political party, 85% of Democrats approve of the way Biden is doing his job, 5% disapprove, and 10% neither approve or disapprove, while 97% of Republicans disapprove vs. 2% who approve (with 2% who neither approve or disapprove). Among independent voters, 59% disapprove, 31% approve, and 10% neither approve or disapprove. According to an aggregate of polls tracked by RealClear Politics, Biden's approval ratings continue to plummet in comparison to former President Donald Trump at the same point in his term. On the bright side, no more mean tweets. As William Campenni notes in American Thinker: It is so sad today to see a dystopian minority, aided by a dysfunctional media establishment, a depraved polity, and a disloyal corporate class, trash all that is so good in the land wherein they fortunately but ungratefully live. Could not they too join in to say, "I swell with pride and deep within my breast, I thrill to see Old Glory paint the breeze"? Put another way: As you celebrate the 4th tomorrow, remember our President's inspiring words about this great nation. — Bill D'Agostino (@Banned_Bill) July 3, 2022
Thank Democrat Soros protestors BLM Antifa Woke Gay, insane politicians, etc... American Pride Hits New Low Americans’ pride in their country has steadily fallen since Gallup started conducting a survey on the subject in 2001. Now, as Statista's Katharian Buchholz reports, national pride in the U.S. has plummeted to an all-time low, as the fewest respondents in the history of the poll said they were extremely proud to be an American. The measure dropped to just 38 percent upon Gallup's latest survey in June 2022. Adding up those Americans who felt extremely or just very proud of their country, the measure fell from 69 percent in 2021 to 65 percent in 2022. This is still 2 percentage point above an all-time low of 63 percent in 2020. In terms of partisanship, Democrats have predictably seen the largest drop in national pride. Only 26 percent of Democrats responded that they were extremely proud of their country in 2022 – down five points from 2021 and 30 points since 2013. But Republicans were also affected, losing 18 percentage points since a recent high of 76 percent extremely proud respondents in 2019, landing at 58 percent saying they were extremely proud of America in 2022. National pride, like many other topics in the U.S., has become intertwined in political polarization, having culminated in a record 54-point gap in feelings of extreme pride between Republicans and Democrats in 2019. The survey also shows that older Americans are more likely to have extreme pride in the U.S. when compared with younger ones, while men are also much more likely than women to show extreme national pride.
Biden-Dems losing numbers...
Inflation Stunner, just released at 9.1% yoy CPI-U Govt_distorted 18% yoy CPI-U SGS_alt1980 revolt brewing to drive Biden-Dems-Progs and all Keynsian mind tricksters out of office. SPR @ 485/714MBbl -106 Corrupt Biden sold it to Hunter's China branch of the corrupt Biden Crime Family for a 10% cut. Approval: Barely in the 30's. And they're still hell bent on making things worse. Lol.
Biden-Dems losing numbers...
The new Lefty Woke flavor of Socialism disproves itself again... The Corporate Layoffs Have Started And Leftist Big Tech Is Leading The Pack There are the more publicized layoffs at streaming services like Netflix which fired around 500 regular workers and canceled operations with numerous contractors. The company lost 200,000 subscribers in the first quarter of this year and expects to lose 2 million more subscribers in the near term. It's another case of “Get Woke, Go Broke,” but it's also a reflection of the changing tech environment as inflation in necessities strangles consumer wallets. There is no doubt Netflix will see continued layoffs through the rest of this year. Then there are the more quietly publicized employment issues at social media giants like Facebook and Twitter. Twitter announced mass layoffs were in the works last week as uncertainty over the company's acquisition by Elon Musk grew. Now that it is clear that Musk will not be buying the platform, they face serious decisions on cuts in order to remain afloat as their stock price tanks. So far, Twitter has laid off over 30% of its talent division and announced a hiring pause. In a recent leaked memo, Facebook executives have informed managers that “low performance” employees have no place at the company and will need to be cut, indicating that a philosophy of meritocracy is returning to the otherwise woke world of social media. Facebook has been bleeding money for years now and in February it's stock prices plummeted after it announced that it has lost subscribers for the first time in its 18 year history. The shares have collapsed by 50% since February and are still dropping. Mark Zuckerberg personally lost at least $32 billion in stock holdings in February alone. Multiple Big Tech and high concept companies that rely heavily on tech have announced hiring freezes or layoffs in the past month, including Apple, Uber, Lyft, Snap, Hopin and Coinbase. Financial problems at proto-news websites like Buzzfeed and Vox have been well known for months as the venture capital artificially propping up these companies has finally run out. But extensive losses have been felt throughout the corporate media and leftist web media in particular. Even CNN is floundering with its abrupt cancellation of streaming service CNN+ and the layoff of staffers. Most or all of these corporations represent peripheral digital products and services that the vast majority of Americans have no use for and which serve no core purpose. they will require some kind of government assistance beyond what they have already received, though this will only expose them to more consumer scrutiny and more losses in their user numbers. It is perhaps the one bright spot in an otherwise dismal economic forecast; that some of these platforms which have politically abused their customers for so long will finally suffer some karma.
Biden-Dems losing numbers...
Their Big Cities full of failure... Los Angeles Homicides Jump 39% Since 2019 In the first half of 2022 homicides in the City of Los Angeles shot upward a whopping 39 percent from 2019. That was the year before the 2020 start of the COVID-19 pandemic. That summer also saw crime increase in most cities after the national riots following the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) data showed 181 homicides from January to July 2022. That was up from 180 in the same period in 2021. The numbers were 140 in 2020 and 130 in 2019. For all of 2021, the city suffered 397 homicides, the highest total in 15 years. However, if the current pace of 2022 is continued, the total for all of this year would be 362. That would be a decline of 8.8 percent from 2021. Total violent crime saw a 6.9 percent uptick over 2021. And it rose 13.7 percent since 2020. “Areas of challenge continue to be our robberies, aggravated assaults,” LAPD Chief Michel Moore said during a July 12 meeting of the Police Commission. “Although in this last reporting period we did see improvements in both those categories versus property crime.” In a previous meeting, Moore told the commission the homicide rate is being driven by gang-related homicides of homeless people. According to an analysis by Crosstown, a nonprofit news organization at USC, the LAPD identified 42 victims, or 23.2 percent, as homeless in the first half of 2022. That was a 37 percent increase from the previous year. Over the last year, there has been a 13.1 percent increase in property crimes. Shooting violence data has remained “essentially flat” from last year, with 133 shooting victims over the last month and 132 in July 2021. “The improvement we did see is in the last four weeks, we had 35 homicides, whereas last year at the same time we had 47,” the chief said. “So, while we entered into June with an overall increase of homicides year over year, we have seen some improvement in that area, where essentially we’re flattening the number of homicides this year versus last year.” Moore said there also have been more attacks on street vendors. He encouraged them to “exercise good practices” and cooperate so the police can “pursue justice and defend them.” “We’re also aware that the vendors can at times become subjected to intimidation by local street gangs, and a taxing or pay-to-play circumstance extortion occurs,” he said. “Again, it’s critical for the department to be brought into those situations so that we can counter those threats to their safety as well.” He also attributed the growing crime to a jump in ghost guns, untraceable firearms usually constructed at home by the user and not registered. In LA, more than three out of four homicides recorded this year were carried out by a ghost gun, Crosstown found. LAPD booked 3,556 firearms into the department. Of that, 754, or 21 percent, were classified as ghost guns. “We only have to look back to a few years ago where that number would have been fewer than 100,” Moore said. “The prevalence of these guns and the prevalence of overall gun violence is our most pressing challenge.” This year homicides were highest in Downtown LA, with 17 fatalities. Second was Vermont with 11 deaths, followed by Boyle Heights with 10. As of July 2, Moore said the department had fallen below 9,300 sworn personnel, short of the department’s 9,700 goal. The current number is 9,280. At the conclusion of the 2021-22 fiscal year on June 30, LAPD recorded 426 fewer sworn officers than the previous year. “We’re still underemployed,” he said.
Biden-Dems losing numbers...
Look at what your politicians do to you every year for your entire life, yet instead of firing them all and never replacing them, you dumbfucks keep putting them in office over top of you. And now your nation is 100% bankrupt. How stupid is that, you fools. The Inflation Monster That Our Leaders Have Created Is Voraciously Eating Away Our Standard Of Living The purchasing power of the dollar is not nearly as strong as it once was, and as a result our standard of living is rapidly going down. The overall rate of inflation has been rising faster than our paychecks have been for quite a while, and this is causing a tremendous amount of pain for millions of U.S. consumers. Unfortunately, this isn’t going to change any time soon. The inflation monster that our leaders have created will continue to rage even as our economy plunges into a severe recession. I relentlessly warned that the trillions of dollars that our leaders were pumping into the system would cause enormous problems down the road, and now we are trapped in an economic nightmare with no easy way out. On Wednesday, we learned that the rate of inflation in the United States jumped even higher last month… Shoppers paid sharply higher prices for a variety of goods in June as inflation kept its hold on a slowing U.S. economy, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Wednesday. The consumer price index, a broad measure of everyday goods and services related to the cost of living, soared 9.1% from a year ago, above the 8.8% Dow Jones estimate. That marked the fastest pace for inflation going back to November 1981. Of course the way that inflation is calculated today is much different from the way that it was calculated back in the 1980s. If the way that inflation was calculated had not been changed, the official inflation rate would be much higher right now. But even if you want to take the 9.1 percent figure at face value, it is still extremely high, and last month energy and food prices were two of the main reasons why we witnessed such a dramatic surge… Gas: 59.9% Electricity: 13.7% Food at home: 12.2% New vehicles: 11.4% Food away from home: 7.7% Used cars and trucks: 7.1% Shelter: 5.6% Apparel: 5.2% Let’s focus on that “food at home” category for a moment. Every single one of us needs to eat, and so this is something that is deeply affecting all of us. And right now we are seeing rapid price increases in almost aisle of the grocery store… Cereals and cereal products: +15.1% Beef and veal: +4.1% Pork: +9.0% Poultry: +17.3% Fish and seafood: +11.0% Eggs: +33.1% Dairy and related products: +13.5% Fresh fruits: +7.3% Fresh vegetables: +6.5% Juices and nonalcoholic drinks: +11.6% Coffee: 15.8% Fats and oils: 19.5% Baby food: 14.0% Has your paycheck gone up by a similar amount over the past year? If not, you are losing ground and your standard of living is declining. Overall, real wages in the United States have now fallen for 15 months in a row. Americans' 'average' wages have lost 6.2% of their purchasing power since Biden took office... In all the years I have been writing, I have never seen anything quite like this. According to one expert that was interviewed by the Daily Caller, “American families are being crushed” by the inflation tsunami that we are witnessing right now… Under the Biden administration, skyrocketing fuel costs and exploding inflation are hurting everyday Americans the most, according to an economist at the Heritage Foundation. “Energy prices are trickling down into everything and American families are being crushed,” E.J. Antoni, a research fellow for regional economics in the Center for Data Analysis at The Heritage Foundation, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. Antoni also says that the average worker in the United States has “lost the equivalent of almost $3,400 in annual income” due to declining purchasing power since Joe Biden entered the White House… “The average worker has lost the equivalent of almost $3,400 in annual income since Biden took office,” Antoni explained. Real average hourly earnings decreased 3.6% from June 2021 to June 2022, according to recent Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) numbers. The change in real average hourly earnings combined with a decrease of 0.9% in the average workweek resulted in a 4.4% decrease in real average weekly earnings over this period. “This is catastrophic, $3,400 is some people’s food budgets for a year,” Antoni continued. The good news, if that is what you want to call it, is that the inflation rate will probably subside just a bit during the next few months. I have to admit that I agree with Jay Hatfield’s assessment of the situation… Jay Hatfield, CEO at Infrastructure Capital Advisors, says this may signal the peak. “We forecast that this print will mark the peak of inflation as the Fed’s 15% shrinkage of the monetary base, which is the fastest decline since the great depression, will curb inflation as the QT has caused the dollar to appreciate by over 12% this year which has caused commodities to plummet by over 20% since the measurement period for June CPI.” We are starting to see the size of the Fed’s balance sheet go down, and the Fed is likely to continue to aggressively raise interest rates in the months ahead. Both of those moves are likely to add significant momentum to our economic slowdown, and demand will be suppressed. Meanwhile, economic conditions will rapidly deteriorate as we plunge into an excruciatingly painful recession. Won’t that be fun? Unfortunately, even a deep recession will not be enough to tame the inflation monster, because our Congress critters continue to spend money like drunken sailors. And I am entirely convinced that global supply problems will continue to escalate for a variety of reasons. So even though demand will be suppressed, inflation is not going away. I would encourage you to get prepared for the very painful years that are ahead of us while you still can. You may think that economic conditions are bad now, but the truth is that we haven’t seen anything yet. The entire system is starting to crumble, and our clueless leaders seem to be all out of answers at this point.
Biden-Dems losing numbers...
Ooh snap... Doug Casey On The Ridiculous Policies For Addressing Inflation And Rising Prices Americans gone dumb International Man: Recently, President Biden acknowledged inflation and its impact on Americans. But he blamed “Putin’s Price hike” for the rising prices. What’s your take on this? Doug Casey: As Milton Friedman pointed out many years ago, inflation is always, in every instance, a monetary phenomenon. In other words, it’s caused solely by printing money. Period. We have inflation in the United States because the Federal Reserve has been printing money by the ton. Is that going to change anytime soon? No, because the US Government is running one to two trillion in deficits—and that’s certainly going up as the economy goes into collapse over the next few years. There’s no way that the government can finance those deficits except by selling the debt to the Federal Reserve. The American people aren’t in a position to buy government debt. The Chinese and the Japanese are selling US paper. The only buyer is the Fed. And when it buys government paper, it monetizes it. It does this by crediting the federal government’s accounts with commercial banks with newly created dollars. Higher prices are the consequence of this currency inflation. The fault lies with the US Government, not Vladimir Putin. Currency depreciation is really devastating for any economy—as bad or worse than regulation or taxation. Not only does the average guy fail to understand where inflation comes from, but he’s hurt far worse than the rich. High rates of currency inflation make it much harder for the average guy to set aside capital and thereby improve his state in the world. When money starts losing value at 10%, 15%, or 20% per year, it becomes increasingly pointless to save it. And when there are no savings, capital can’t be built. It’s a major reason why third-world countries stay poor. Even if people in third-world countries succeed in producing more than they consume, if they try to save the difference in currency, it’s inflated right out from under them. It’s why the lower classes all over the world—including the US—are losing ground. It’s really serious, not just a “transitory” inconvenience, as the incompetent Powell and Yellen said not long ago. It’s become a permanent structure. The State needs to create massive quantities of currency and credit to feed itself and its minions. It’s completely dishonest for Biden to blame Putin for the war in the Ukraine and say that’s the cause of inflation. It’s a bit off-topic here, but the war is mostly the fault of the US, expanding NATO to Russia’s border, replacing a Russian stooge in the Ukraine with US stooges starting in 2014, and backing a bloody war against the Donbas republics when they seceded. Putin’s unfortunate invasion is basically just a reaction to US meddling. In essence, it’s just a border war between two shithole countries in a region where frontiers have been moving for many hundreds of years. But US meddling might yet turn it into WW3. International Man: California has some of the highest gasoline prices in the country. As a recent attempt to address the problem, the state has agreed to issue “inflation relief” checks of up to $1,050 to about 23 million residents. What do you think this will accomplish? Doug Casey: It’s truly bizarre. The ruler of California has deigned to shower the peasants with some of the money he previously extracted from them. During the 1920s in Weimar Germany, Zimbabwe 20 years ago, or Venezuela today, when the people’s standard of living drops due to inflation, the answer is always to print more money. It doesn’t create more wealth or solve the problem, but extra cash in their pockets makes them feel happy for the moment. Of course, as a governor, Newsom can’t print dollars, but he can ostentatiously distribute tax dollars from other sources for a while. Perhaps he’ll float a $23 billion bond to pay for it, so it’s then the problem of future taxpayers. Why is Gavin Newsom doing it? He wants to show that his government cares, wants to help, and is anxious to “do something.” He wants people to think that although higher gas prices came out of Washington DC or Moscow, Sacramento can kiss it all and make it better. My guess is that Newsom wants to run for President in 2024. So this could be his opening gambit. And, considering that Americans were stupid enough to elect people like Biden and Bush, it may work. International Man: G7 countries have openly discussed “setting a maximum oil price” by capping Russian oil being imported to their countries. What would this mean for the price of oil, and how will this impact the supply of goods? Doug Casey: It’s about as stupid as King Canute pretending to order the ocean’s waves not to roll in. Supply and demand set the price of oil. Putting a cap on prices can only create shortages. What price caps or production quotas do they imagine they can put on Russian oil? But the Jacobins who control the government in Washington are capable of almost any scheme that seems like a good idea at the time. And the more chaotic things become, the more likely they’ll do something radical. Is $100 dollars a barrel a good price cap? Well, if that’s good, why not make it $80? Why not make it 50? In fact, why not make it $10 a barrel? That ought to solve the problem. The more government proposes, the more distortions it’s going to create and the more shortages. In fact, everything Western Governments are doing right now will only make the energy shortage last longer. They say that there won’t be any gasoline-powered cars by 2030 and that the world is going green and electrical. It’s more likely the world is going back to walking and bicycles. They don’t seem to understand that electricity mainly comes from coal, which they hate, and oil and natural gas, which they also want to ban. Of course, they rabidly hate nuclear power, which is the safest, cleanest, and cheapest source of mass power generation. They’ve misdirected hundreds of billions of investment away from the fuels that are suitable for an industrial civilization and redirected that capital to uneconomic and unreliable wind and solar. This isn’t the place to discuss the relative merits of various power sources, except to say we’re headed for shortages and higher prices of staggering degrees. It’s not just much higher energy prices that we’re looking at, but the actual availability of energy. These people are playing with civilization-destroying stuff. International Man: With all the ridiculous, upside-down attempts at addressing inflation and rising prices—is it possible that we’ll also see price controls in the US? Doug Casey: Some might remember when Richard Nixon was in office. His response to higher prices—consequences of the Vietnam War and massive welfare spending financed by money printing—was price controls. It created immense shortages throughout the economy. You might ask yourself, “Are they so stupid that they would do a repeat of that?” And the answer is: Yes! This is easily illustrated by watching an old episode of Jay Leno’s Jaywalking. Or go on YouTube and watch Mark Dice. He goes into the streets, talks to perfectly normal, intelligent-looking Americans, and shows them an American flag. He asks them how many stars are on the flag and what do they represent? People can’t even answer questions as basic as that. He offers them a 10-ounce silver bar or a Hershey chocolate bar—they always take the chocolate bar. The average American knows absolutely nothing about economics or history and has about zero ability to think critically or rationally. They apparently know nothing about anything beyond pro sports, the Kardashians, and the current special at McDonald’s. So, yeah, of course, they can put on price controls again. People will think it’s great. And when shortages occur, they’ll blame it on the butcher, the baker, and the gasoline maker. My main question at this point is how serious the riots will be later on this summer. And whether or not martial law will be imposed in response to the chaos that’s likely to surround the November elections. Ultimately, I think we’ll get a man on a white horse, somebody who’ll say, “I can cure all these problems. Just give me enough power, just for a while…” We’re headed for something at least as bad as Mussolini and maybe much worse. Why? Because the economic system in the US at this point is actually pure fascism. It’s state capitalism, a “partnership” between the State and large corporations. Both terms were actually invented by Mussolini. And it’s the way economies are structured these days. Free market capitalism is a dead duck. The welfare state and socialist values are viewed as ideals. International Man: What will be the impact of all this be? An economic depression? Doug Casey: Yes. The best definition of a depression is “a period of time when most people’s standard of living drops significantly.” You can also say it’s “a period of time when major distortions and misallocations of capital are liquidated.” That implies bankruptcies, high unemployment, and a stock market collapse. The economic consequences of an economic depression are unpleasant. But the political, social, and military consequences can be worse. But it’s not as if you’re helpless. There are plenty of things you can do to ameliorate the situation, at least for yourself, your family, and your friends. Fed Finds Fed Did Nothing Wrong In what is likely the least surprising news headline of the day, The Federal Reserve's Watchdog has cleared Chair Jerome Powell and former Vice Chair Richard Clarida of any wrongdoing in their trading activity. “We did not find evidence to substantiate the allegations that former Vice Chair Clarida or you violated laws, rules, regulations, or policies related to trading activities as investigated by our office,” Inspector General Mark Bialek said in a letter to Powell dated June 11 and published Thursday.
Biden-Dems losing numbers...
Even David Barrett must admit that his Democrats soiled themselves and will be utterly destroyed in 2022 as Global-Woke begins its downfall... Catholic Voters Sour On Biden, Split Over Midterms Neither Republicans nor Democrats have a clear edge with Catholic voters nearly four months before the pivotal midterm elections that will determine control of Congress and how much of President Biden’s agenda will get passed in the next two years, according to an in-depth new survey of American Catholics. (David Proeber/The Pantagraph via AP) Overall, likely voters identifying themselves as Catholic are split nearly evenly in their preference for Congress: 44% indicated support for the Republican candidate in their district, while 43% support the Democrat – with a significant bloc of 13% undecided. Despite this political divide, a key indicator of voter concern – whether the country is on the right or wrong track – should set off alarm bells for the Biden administration and Democrats, who control both chambers of Congress. Some 59% of all Catholics said the country is on the wrong track, including 68% of white Catholics and 45% of Latino Catholics, compared to 24% who thought it’s headed in the right direction. While those figures demonstrate widespread pessimism among Catholics, the rest of the country is even more discouraged about the country’s path forward. The RealClearPolitics average of most recent polls shows an overwhelming 75.1% of voters believe the country is off-course, compared to just 18% who say it’s on target. These are among the findings in the latest survey of Catholic voter mood by RealClear Opinion Research in partnership with Catholic-themed television network EWTN. The national survey of 1,757 Catholic likely voters is the first of It was conducted online in English and Spanish from June 15-23, immediately before the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, ruling that there is no longer a federal constitutional right to an abortion. The dramatic difference of opinion within the broader group of all voters identifying as Catholic demonstrates how nuanced and diverse this voting group has become in recent years. Modern Catholics comprise several subgroups representing generational, cultural, and ethnic differences that all vote differently but generally place a high value on their faith and religion when making political decisions. Some 68% of all Catholics said their faith is important when considering their vote for Congress this year, compared to 32% who said it isn’t important. And an overwhelming 82% said a candidate’s support for religious freedom would make them more likely to vote for them, compared to just 10% who said it would make them less likely to vote for those politicians. Overall, Catholic voters today are a far cry from the Democratic voting bloc that helped propel John F. Kennedy, the first and only Roman Catholic to serve as president, to the White House in 1960. In fact, the political ideology of the 1,757 surveyed skews more conservative or lean conservative than liberal or lean liberal by a margin of 40% to 34%. More voters identified as Democrat (42%) than Republican (38%), but 20% considered themselves independent or unaffiliated with either party. Despite Catholic voters’ split political affiliations, the group remains crucial because there are so many of them. More than one in five voters identifies as Catholic, although they are difficult to typecast, according to John Della Volpe, director of the RealClear survey. This may explain the lack of clear advantage for either party ahead of the midterms, but it doesn’t mean Catholics as a whole don’t have strong feelings about political issues right now. The RealClear Opinion/EWTN poll found that President Biden has lost significant ground with Catholics since his election. In 2020, Biden carried the Catholic vote by five percentage points, with 52% of all Catholic voters casting their ballots for Biden and 47% for Trump, according to Edison exit poll data. Now just 47% of Catholics approve of Biden’s job performance, while 53% disapprove, the survey found. Still, Biden’s approval rating among all Catholics remains nearly ten points higher than among all voters. The most recent RCP average of voter opinion polls pegs the president’s approval at a new low of 37.8%, with 56.6% disapproving. Trump’s favorability rating among all Catholic voters was equally split: 49% of voters surveyed held a favorable view of the 45th president while 49% held an unfavorable one. The poll also shows a big difference in how white and non-white Catholic voters view Biden. Despite reports that Republicans are making inroads with Latino voters, Biden’s approval rating among Latino Catholics stands at an impressive 59%. Among white Catholics, it’s a dismal 36%. On the pressing issue of inflation, Catholic voters as a whole have little hope in Biden’s ability to relieve the economic pain. A whopping 89% said their finances had been significantly impacted or affected to some degree by the rising cost of gas and other goods, and 57% said they didn’t have much or any confidence that the Biden administration can significantly reduce inflation in the next year. Still, Catholic voters are generally split on what’s most to blame – 36% say Biden and his policies, and 33% say the war in Ukraine and the global slowdown, while 25% said both were equally at fault. On the fierce national policy debate on abortion, the survey produced some seemingly conflicting results. A plurality of all Catholics favored upholding Roe v. Wade by a 47%-42% margin, with little or no gender gap. Both men and women were narrowly opposed to overturning the landmark 1973 ruling. Unsurprisingly, party affiliation was the most influential factor in whether respondents favored or opposed overturning the landmark abortion case. Republicans strongly supported reversing the decision by a margin of 52%-36%, while Democrats strongly opposed doing so by a 58%-33% margin. But a high percentage of Catholics, 65%-23%, also acknowledged that abortion conflicts with Catholic teaching. By a 68%-23% margin, these voters also backed laws requiring parental consent for minors before undergoing an abortion. The survey also showed that the vast majority of Catholics oppose unfettered access to abortion. In the last two years, though, slightly more of these voters have shifted away from the church’s strict opposition to abortion. Just 18% of those surveyed said abortion should be available to a woman at any point during her pregnancy, up from 15% in 2020, while 32% said abortion should be allowed only in cases of rape, incest, or to save the life of the woman, and 9% said it should never be permitted under any circumstance, down from 11% in 2020. Because of the Catholic church’s strong teachings on the subject, Catholic voters appear educated on abortion issues. A solid majority (62%) are aware that a decision to overturn Roe v. Wade would result in federal and state legislators determining how to regulate abortion, as opposed to 24% who believe abortion immediately became illegal nationwide. By a nearly two-to-one margin, 59%-30%, Catholic voters support the Trump-era “conscience rule” that allows health care workers to opt out of procedures (such as abortion, sex-reassignment therapy, physician-assisted suicide) that conflict with their religious or moral beliefs. Regarding political clashes over gender identity, an overwhelming majority of Catholics (63%-25%) believe that gender was created by God rather than determined by individuals. On the divisive issue of allowing transgender people to participate in girls' sports teams, 56% believe that allowing such competition conflicts with Catholic teaching. Most Catholic voters who are parents of school-aged children – 57% – said they had not considered alternate education for their children because of gender-identity-related school policies, but 33% have looked for other options, citing too much emphasis on gender identity in their children’s schools.
Biden-Dems losing numbers...
The 2022 House Midterm By The Numbers Midterm elections involve high stakes, a great deal of groundless guessing, and lots of numbers – oddly similar to lotteries. Unlike lotteries, though, the many numbers associated with midterm elections are meaningful. The six meaningful midterm “lotto” numbers below should help historically ground your anticipation of what is likely or unlikely to happen in this year’s House elections, as well as set the eventual outcome in its historical perspective. You will have to use your imagination about the numbered ping-pong balls and the machine mixing them up. On to the all-important numbers. Our first number is 7. Since 1912 when the size of the House was fixed at 435 seats, there have been 27 midterm elections. As most everyone knows, the president’s party gained seats in only three of these (1934, 1998, and 2002). But in four additional midterms, in-party’s losses were minimal (fewer than ten seats). 7 glimmers of hope for Democrats. Our second number is 58. The 7 in-party success story midterms are ordered in Table 1 by the net number of seats gained or lost by the president’s party. Gallup’s presidential approval ratings immediately prior to the election are included, with two exceptions. These are Coolidge’s 1926 and FDR’s 1934 midterms that pre-date Gallup’s collection of approval ratings. In each of these 7 midterm success stories, presidents were very popular. Approval ratings were in the mid-60s for three and likely a fourth – that being Kennedy in 1962. His mid-October rating was a strong 61%, but it missed the boost he received from the resolution of the Cuban missile crisis. The crisis occurred after the October poll, but before the election. In his first post-midterm poll in late November, Kennedy’s rating had soared to 74%. His approval on election day was probably in the mid to high 60s. The two presidents on the list with unmeasured approval marks, Coolidge and FDR, were certainly very popular in their midterms. Both midterms were bracketed by presidential landslides. The list’s lowest approval rating of a president is President George H.W. Bush in 1990 at 58%. To get on the midterm success story list, it takes a presidential approval rating of at least 58%. Our third number is 41. In contrast to success stories of popular presidents, parties of unpopular presidents routinely take a beating. The midterms of the eight least popular presidents in the 19 midterms since 1946 are listed in Table 2. The table starts with 1946, the first midterm in which Gallup’s presidential approval ratings were collected. Presidential unpopularity ranged from the mildly unpopular Obama (45% approval) in 2010 to the extremely unpopular Truman (33% approval) in 1946. In seven of these eight midterms with unpopular presidents, the in-party lost more than 25 seats. In two, losses exceeded 55 seats. 2022 easily makes the list of midterms with unpopular presidents. Biden’s approval rating took a dive in late summer of 2021 and has slowly sunk even lower. The multiple reasons for his unpopularity are too numerous to catalog here, but they span the three crucial dimensions of dissatisfaction with his record (including the economy), his policy ineffectiveness and extremism across a wide range of issues, and a lack of confidence in his leadership. For whatever mix of reasons, Biden’s presidential approval ratings are dismal. In the RCP daily average of polls, Biden’s approval has been less than 43% since January 2, 2022 (as of July 4th, for 183 consecutive days) and less than 41% since May 25, 2022. His approval ratings in Gallup have been 43% or lower for ten straight months (since September 2021). Gallup observed that no first-term president from Eisenhower in 1954 to Trump in 2018 has had a lower approval rating than Biden’s in June of the second year of his term. None lower. Biden’s rating for June was 41%. Our fourth number is 0. Though most attention in 2020 was focused on the controversial presidential contest and then on the 50-50 tie in Senate after the pair of controversial Senate runoffs in Georgia, attention in more normal times would have been drawn to the razor-thin party division for control of the House. Democrats won 222 seats and Republicans 213, providing Democrats with a 5 seat majority. A major question for the 2022 midterm is whether Democrats can hold the House. Can they avoid a net seat loss of five seats or more to the Republicans? In the 27 midterms since 1914, as Table 1 showed, the president’s party has only avoided losing fewer than five seats on four occasions. In three (1934, 1998, and 2002) they gained seats, and in a fourth (1986) they lost four seats. As we noted in Table 1, the presidents in these midterms were very popular (63% approval or better). Biden does not reside in that hemisphere. At 41%, he is 22 points short. With the consistency of his low ratings, the fact that many who disapprove of his performance do so strongly (i.e., not just chants of “Let’s Go Brandon”), and the multifaceted grounds for disapproval, the probability of Democrats maintaining their House majority is 0 (zero). Our fifth number is 34. With Biden’s poor approval ratings, placing him in the middle or lower in Table 2's list of unpopular presidents, the real question is how many seats Republicans will gain. To this point, we have focused on one important determinant of midterm outcomes, the popularity or unpopularity of the president. But a second important factor is the number of seats each party currently holds and the limits of the party’s competitiveness. Both parties have competitive limits imposed by the partisan stability of American politics. Some districts are realistically “off the table” for a party. Even under the best of circumstances, the party stands no real chance of winning them. In the aggregate, this creates upper and lower limits for how many seats a party can realistically win or lose. The limits can change with time, especially after realignments alter party competitiveness, but are otherwise are quite resilient. Table 3 lists the top ten strongest Republican Party outcomes over the 45 House elections (on-year and midterm) held in the 90 years since FDR’s election of 1932. As several others have also noted (see Josh Kraushaar, “How Big a Wave can House Republicans expect?” National Journal, 6/23/22), the upper limit for Republicans has been 247 seats. The GOP has reached into the 240s in four elections, but topped out at 247 seats in 2014. In 2022, Republicans can reach their historical competitiveness limit of 247 with a gain of 34 seats over their 2020 showing. Any gains beyond 34 would be a historic breakthrough. Our sixth and final number is 13. In reviewing the list of midterm seat losses for the president’s party, Democrats might take heart in the results of Obama’s 2014 midterm. Obama’s approval rating of only 42% that year is comparable to Biden’s low ratings this year, and the Republicans in 2014 gained only 13 seats. Among midterms with unpopular presidents, this was an unusually light loss. Why did Democrats lose so few seats that year with Obama’s ratings so low, and could this happen again in 2022? Could the Democrats with their highly unpopular president escape 2022 with only minor bruises? At this point, many Democrats might celebrate Republicans picking up only a dozen or so seats. This is not going to happen, and Table 4 explains why. The table lists the twelve midterm elections since 1934 in which a Democrat was in the White House. The midterms are ordered by the number of seats Republicans held after the midterm. It also indicates how many seats Republicans held coming into the midterm and the seat change produced by the midterm. As in Table 3, the 247 Republican limit is clear. It is also clear that Republican seat gains in 2014 were as small as they were because Republicans at 234 seats went into the election already very close to their 247 historical limit. The gain of only 13 seats reflects the constraints of the competitiveness limit. In 2022, Republicans enter the midterm with much more room from their competitiveness limit than they had in 2014 and with many reasons to think that their 247 limit may no longer be their limit. There is significant movement of working class voters across racial and ethnic groups toward the Republicans. There is movement in party affiliations. In the end, history regularly constrains us; but, on occasion, history can also be made. So to recap, your House-Midterm Lotto Numbers for 2022 are: 0, 7, 13, 34, 41 and 58.
Biden-Dems losing numbers...
Dems wasted $500M to their cronies in one state alone, instead of spending it on their pandered victims... California Spent $500 Million On Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Training, Report Reveals California has spent up to $500 million on diversity, equity, and inclusion programs in its local government, K-12 school districts, and higher education in the years between 2020 and 2022, according to a report from a nonprofit watchdog group. The Center for Organizational Research and Education (CORE) researches activist groups to report on their “funding, agendas, and tactics.” “In recent years, the concept of critical race theory and its variants—often camouflaged as more generic ‘diversity, equity, and inclusion’ (DEI) activities, has entered the national spotlight, and infiltrated publicly-funded entities,” CORE said. The analysis summarizes the results of 400 public record requests sent to state and local governments, and higher education and K-12 institutions in California, CORE said. “The results are unmistakable: spending related to DEI and critical race theory-framed activities is a vast and growing component of taxpayer-funded spending at all levels of California government,” CORE stated. DEI has become its own $1 billion industry funded by taxpayer dollars, CORE said. “Based on the responsive documents our team received, we calculated at least $188 million directly linked DEI spending, and $308 million more in adjacent spending, totaling nearly $500 million in possible DEI spending in California,” CORE said in its report. The total DEI represents 46 percent of requests for public records of DEI spending sent out, CORE said, with less than 11 percent of institutions responding that they had no records related to the request. “Considering roughly 40 percent of our requests are still unfulfilled, we expect the true amount is much higher,” CORE said. “Our findings are proof that critical race theory and DEI are a vast and growing part of the California government.” Anti-Racism in the Department of Conservation CORE points to the Department of Conservation, which, “despite experiencing some of its worst-recorded forest fires and water shortages,” the department spent $180,000 of its environmental budget on including critical race theory in its training. “This included nearly $88,000 in training geared toward critical race theory and racial equity themes from contractors well connected within the state of California,” CORE said. “In a set of emails obtained through the records request, the Department of Conservation staff discuss the purchase of over $9,000 worth of Ibram X. Kendi’s book, ‘How to be Anti-Racist,’ specifically to be handed out to staff including ‘Supervising’ and ‘Senior’ oil and gas engineers in the Department’s Geologic Energy Management Division.” “It is unclear whether reading Kendi helped the engineers tackle California’s power shortages that summer,” CORE said. Tapping into the Office of Workplace Equality’s $906,000 budget, the Department of Water Resources spent over $414,000 toward DEI goals, which included a full-time DEI staff person who earned $171,747 in salary. “The department also conducted various anti-racism training sessions totaling $53,000 over the two-year span,” CORE said. Bias Training in Local Governments, Universities and Colleges, and K-12 Schools On a local level, CORE said DEI-related spending activities totaled $110 million in county governments and nearly $90 million in city governments, creating a “layered cost for taxpayers.” Twenty-three of California’s public colleges and universities accounted for almost $103 million in DEI-related spending, the report found. CORE reported that a total of $36 million in DEI spending accounts for the 16 schools that responded. “DEI experts—funded by taxpayer dollars—also seem particularly focused on turning schools into laboratories for progressive viewpoints,” CORE said. `California's Newest Billion-Dollar Industry' Both Fox News and the Daily Caller initially reported on CORE’s analysis of spending. A spokesperson for Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom told The Daily Caller, “Unlike some states that aim to ‘both-sides’ the Holocaust or erase slavery from history books, in California, we do it differently. We’re proud to be the most diverse state in America—we don’t just tolerate that diversity, we celebrate it. So instead of engaging in clickbait culture wars, we’re going to stay focused on educational excellence and economic growth.” The argument for critical race theory is often that it’s teaching real history, while those who would have critical race theory removed are trying to “whitewash” history; however, there’s been no evidence of any public school attempting to erase entire sections of its curriculum on slavery. “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is becoming California’s newest billion-dollar industry—on the taxpayer’s dime,” CORE lead researcher Will Coggin told Fox News Digital. “It’s everywhere from kindergarten in the classrooms to the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Instead of effectively addressing issues like housing, crime, or homelessness, California officials have chosen to line the pockets of well-connected diversity consultants,” Coggin said.
Biden-Dems losing numbers...
Wokeism is a known contributing factor... Far Fewer Military Families Recommend Uniformed Service Substantially fewer military families would recommend uniformed service to others, a new survey by Military Family Advisory Network (MFAN) finds. Just 63% of surveyed service members and family members would recommend service to someone considering it. That's a big drop from just two years earlier, when 75% said they'd encourage others to join. The results released on July 14 are from a far-ranging survey of more than 8,600 people conducted in late 2021. The finding is an ill omen for military recruiters who are already struggling to meet their goals. The U.S. Army Recruiting Command (USAREC) says a whopping 71% of youth do not qualify for military service because of obesity, drugs, physical and mental health problems, misconduct and aptitude. Meanwhile, USAREC likes to call the Army a "family business," noting that 79% of recruits have a relative who served. Substantially lower enthusiasm among those who've served is certain to throw a wet blanket on recruiting efforts. Source: Military Family Advisory Network When researchers delved into the thinking of service members, veterans and family members who won't recommend military service, five top rationales surfaced: Military service is hard on marriages, family relationships and relationships with children Military pay is too low, especially given the job's difficulty and stress Some military leaders are bad, corrupt, abusive and controlling Benefits such as health care aren't worth the challenges associated with service Frequent moves between duty stations and frequent overseas deployments The report includes some representative quotes from respondents... "It is not easy. It will wreak havoc in your relationship. I would recommend it if you plan on staying single and/or not having children" — Spouse of an active duty Marine. "My husband is gone all the time requiring me to leave my job and raise the children alone. It has put a lot of strain on our marriage." — Navy spouse “PTSD created insecurities and other issues that held to the end of the marriage.” — Army veteran “It is a difficult job and life, and the ‘benefits’ simply are not worth it. Especially since said benefits just keep dwindling and decreasing in quality the longer we are in. Military life not only affects the mental health of the service member but also that of their family. Additionally, I would not want anyone I care about, or even people I don’t care about, to be subjected to toxic work environments." — Navy spouse “With constantly PCSing, it is difficult to establish a long lasting relationship. Especially the kids. Moving, changing schools in the middle of the semester, leaving friends, etc. It’s super hard for them.” — Army spouse The survey also found 54% of military and veteran family respondents have experienced loneliness and 23% of enlisted families reported difficulty affording food. “When we're going through this report and seeing some of the findings and the reality that a lot of families are having a hard time making ends meet, it's not all that startling to see that there will be a decline [in service members, veterans and family members recommending service],” MFAN president Shannon Razsadin tells Defense One. “But what I was really surprised by was that it was as big of a decline as it is.” There are surely more declines to come—as more service members and veterans reluctantly realize their participation in America's unjust and disastrous military interventions has done nothing good for their fellow citizens or the world.
Biden-Dems losing numbers...
If their economic and general political and election frauds weren't so easy to spot, one might think they were just stupid... " Biden-Dems DeeseNomics Biden economic advisor Brian Deese, July 26,2022: "Two negative quarters of GDP growth is not the technical definition of recession.” Also Brian Deese, 2008: “Economists have a technical definition of recession, which is two consecutive quarters of negative growth.” "
Biden-Dems losing numbers...
If their economic and general political and election frauds weren't so easy to spot, one might think they were just stupid...
" Biden-Dems DeeseNomics Biden economic advisor Brian Deese, July 26,2022: "Two negative quarters of GDP growth is not the technical definition of recession.” Also Brian Deese, 2008: “Economists have a technical definition of recession, which is two consecutive quarters of negative growth.” " Wikipedia changed the definition of recession to favor the Biden regime, and then locked the page. Just like they and Govt did with the long prior understood scientific and legal definition of "Vaccine" to fit the new political narrative fraud. Our government told us inflation was transitory and under control. Now, they are changing the definition of a recession so they can tell us we aren't in one. The American people are being gaslighted. Biden Communications Director Kate Bedingfield: it’s “understandable” that 75% of Democrats don’t want Biden to run in 2024 Look, the only reason it feels like recession is because you are getting poorer by the day. Apart from that, it's clearly economic growth. Internal FBI texts reveal as top FBI analyst Brian Auten was framing Trump advisers as Russian spies in Oct 2016, one of his FBI colleagues ripped Auten as "one of the worst offenders of the rabbit holes and conspiracy theories." They feared getting "FOIA'd" over hoax Democrats policy on crime... Seems fraudulent Democrats really don't like having their migrant importation programme flipped back on them... DC @MayorBowser requests @DCNationalGuard activated indefinitely to help migrant busses arriving in DC. Calling it a “humanitarian crisis” that has reached a “tipping point” with 4,000 migrants so far. Requesting DC Armory be used as processing center. @nbcwashington Joe Biden is a disgustingly angry rager his entire life who should never have been allowed into public office, constantly assaulting insulting demeaning and demoralizing people. This man is not well. "This is normal for progressive politicians. Treating all citizens as children of a government parent" Fuck Joe Biden and the pathetic band of Democrat frauds. “that whenever any government becomes destructive of these ends it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it”
DemSoc's 20 year old infight over defining "recession", and who gets to be the Next Big Socialist among them... Bill Clinton Sets The Record Straight On Definition Of Recession While this week's Q2 GDP data confirmed that the United States is now in a recession (as traditionally defined - for decades - as two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth), the Biden administration, in cooperation with its media lapdogs - and even the 'unbiased' lads at Wikipedia, has been furiously peddling a Sith mind trick that "this is not the recession you're looking for." Joe Biden again claims "we're not in a recession." — TheBlaze (@theblaze) July 28, 2022 The Biden Administration is redefining “recession” in an effort to avoid political backlash. It’s not a recession if you change the definition of recession. Soviet-level propaganda from a soviet-level regime. — BowTiedRanger (@BowTiedRanger) July 24, 2022 It's not a recession, it's a 'transition.' 🇺🇸 White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre denies claims that the US is in a recession, says "we are in a transition." (via @TheView) — Watcher.Guru (@WatcherGuru) July 28, 2022 Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen insisted that "This is not an economy that's in recession," before parroting the "transition" narrative. TREASURY SEC. JANET YELLEN: “This is not an economy that’s in recession. We’re in a period of transition in which growth is slowing, and that’s necessary and appropriate." — Breaking911 (@Breaking911) July 25, 2022 Nevermind Biden's own economic advisers defining recession as two quarters of negative GDP growth as recently as last May (h/t Philip Wegmann). Given the recent 'confusion' on the topic, perhaps we need a former president to set the record straight? "A recession is two quarters in a row of negative growth." -- President Clinton, Dec. 19, 2000 — Howard Mortman (@HowardMortman) July 28, 2022 What say you, Karine Jean-Pierre?
No wonder US populace ranks Govt at bottom of all lists, Govt are straight up liars... "Pure Lies": China Contradicts White House On Key Aspect Of Biden-Xi Call China blasted the White House in a Friday foreign ministry press conference, charging the US administration with lying after a Biden spokesperson said the president raised the issue of Uyghur Muslim genocide and forced labor camps with Xi in their over two-hour Thursday phone call. The controversy started when White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters soon after the call that Biden "raised genocide and forced labor practices by the [People’s Republic of China]," explaining that is something the president "always does" when he speaks with Xi. According to White House Press Secretary, “genocide” & “forced labor” came up in last night’s call between Chinese & US Presidents. That is disinformation. — Spokesperson发言人办公室 (@MFA_China) July 29, 2022 "This is, as we’ve said, that anytime the president has an opportunity, he raises that when he meets with another leader, and called on [the] PRC to cease its ongoing human rights abuses across China," she followed with. Except Beijing now says this was cut out of whole cloth, with Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian vehemently rejecting this account in a Friday statement, saying: "I can tell you that allegations of ‘genocide’ and ‘forced labor’ in Xinjiang are pure lies." "You said the White House press secretary claimed that 'genocide' and 'forced labor' came up in last night’s call. That is false information." Curiously, neither the Chinese government's nor the White House's call readouts mention anything regarding the Uyghurs in particular, but only an ultra-broad "discussed a range of issues" phrase was used by the Biden administration in its press release. In follow-up, The New York Post questioned the Biden administration about the matter, with a National Security Council spokesman saying, "I’m not going to get into a back and forth with a PRC government spokesperson." The NSC official added, "The president raised concerns about human rights with President Xi, as he always does. He was crystal clear about his concerns. He also raised the need to resolve the cases of American citizens who are wrongfully detained or subject to exit bans in China." somebody is indeed lying, given the clear discrepancy. Meanwhile, as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is en route to the region on her Asia tour, which might include an ultra-provocative stopover in Taiwan... “Don’t say we didn’t warn you!” Analysts warned at a top-level think tank forum that open options in military and comprehensive countermeasures ranging from economy and diplomacy from China will wait if Pelosi gambles to visit Taiwan island. — Global Times (@globaltimesnews) July 29, 2022
Democrat Socialists Inciting and Operating to Violence as usual... Wannabe Kavanaugh Assassin Claimed He Was "Shooting For 3" SCOTUS Justices FBI documents obtained by Fox News have revealed that the suspect arrested for allegedly planning to kill Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh also intended to target two other conservative judges in an attempt to “stop roe v wade from being overturned.” The documents show an online conversation that suspect Nicholas Roske had with others on Reddit in which he outlined his plan. Alleged would-be Kavanaugh assassin planned to attack several justices: FBI — Fox News (@FoxNews) July 27, 2022 Roske, who was arrested in June close to Kavanaugh’s home in possession of a gun and knife, wrote “im gonna stop roe v wade from being overturned,” to which a respondent asked “what u tryna do?” “Remove some people from the Supreme Court,” Roske replied. The other person replied “two dead judges ain’t gonna do nothing. The whole government is f*cked There’s no fixing that You would die before you killed them all.” The documents note that Roske responded “Yeah but I could get at least one, which would change the votes for decades to come, and I am shooting for 3.” “All of the major decisions for the past 10 years have been along party lines so if there are more liberal than conservative judges, they will have the power,” Roske added. The documents also note that Roske Googled several terms including “how to be stealthy,” “assassin skills,” and the “most effective place to stab someone.” As we have highlighted, despite the disturbing arrest, Democrats have repeatedly refused to condemn protests, and even encouraged them, outside the homes of conservative Justices, or while they are with their families. Joe Biden's message to pro-abortion protesters: "Keep protesting." Meanwhile, Biden still has not condemned the attempted assassination of Justice Brett Kavanaugh. — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 10, 2022 The disturbances have continued despite even neighbours speaking out claiming they are routinely being insulted and threatened with violence by pro-abortion activists. Pouring rain didn’t stop the Activists from reading the first Amendment to Brett Kavanaugh again…soggy cops and determined activists show up for week 8 of Supreme Court Justice Home protests. @OurRightsDC @LiteraryMouse @downrightimp @mpeachmfalready #SCOTUS — DCMediaGroup (@DCMediaGroup) July 7, 2022 "Is [Justice Kavanaugh being forced to leave a D.C. restaurant due to protestors] appropriate, sir?" Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg: Yup, pretty much. — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 10, 2022 Karine Jean-Pierre says Biden is fine with pro-abortion activists protesting outside the restaurant where Justice Brett Kavanaugh was eating — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 8, 2022 A marshal for the Supreme Court has also asked state and local officials to take control and put a stop to illegal disruptions outside the homes of Justices, noting that “threatening activity, has only increased.” Leftist group ShutDownDC also recently put out a call on Twitter offering $50 and $200 bounties for information relating to sightings of justices John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh, Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, and Amy Coney Barrett. DC Service Industry Workers... If you see Kavanaugh, Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Coney Barrett or Roberts DM us with the details! We'll venmo you $50 for a confirmed sighting and $200 if they're still there 30 mins after your message. — ShutDownDC (@ShutDown_DC) July 8, 2022 Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren refused to condemn the actions of the group when asked about the matter. Reporter @hillary__vaughn: “An activist group is offering to pay people if they send in the locations of Justices. Do you think that this has gone too far at this point?" Elizabeth Warren: *slams her car door.* — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 14, 2022
Progressive Policies Turning Chicago's Magnificent Mile Into Murderous Mile Chicago is a beautiful city that used to be full of opportunity. Tragically, this vibrant, once-thriving community is being destroyed by the policies of leftist ideologues ruling the city and state: JB Pritzker, Lori Lightfoot, and Kim Foxx. ...
This economic spin is only the beginning, wait until the reporters learn that the USA is actually literally bankrupt and start asking those hard questions... Fed's Favorite Inflation Indicator Jumps To New 40-Year High, Savings Rate Plunges The Fed's favorite inflation indicator - PCE Deflator - was expected to accelerate in June and both the headline and core increased significantly (+6.8% YoY and +4.8% YoY respectively) - both higher than expected. The headline print is the highest since 1982. White House Resorts To 'Economy Doing Great Because It's Not Famine' Defense Doubling down on the Biden admin's peddling in fantasy that two quarters of economic decline does not mean a recession, White House economic adviser Brian Deese this week tried to argue that 'all is fine' since Americans by and large aren't starving. "I think that our economy is more resilient to the types of challenges that we face," Deese said. "For example, with respect to food, we're a net exporter of agricultural commodities. And obviously, the high prices are hitting Americans very hard, but in a way that is different from some places that are facing famine, for example." The White House's latest response to Americans not being able to afford food with inflation is literally 'you're doing great because it's not famine.' 🤦♂️ FUCK THESE PEOPLE. — Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) July 27, 2022 "But I think if you look at the core elements of economic resilience, the United States is better positioned," he added. So now the White House is actually pushing the really you're doing great because it's not famine defense while desperately attempting to squiggle around and finely parse and redefine quite basic concepts as recession. "We are in that period of transition right now," Deese had said in the Tuesday briefing, claiming further that the United States is "in a stronger position than virtually any other country in the world." ...apparently because there's no mass starvation. Be grateful, America. You’ve got “excess savings” and lunch meat. And, we’re not facing a famine. Vote Democrat! @POTUS @BrianDeeseNEC @SecYellen @econjared @PressSec — Juliet 🎯 (@juliet_92009) July 28, 2022 Deese then straight-faced repeated his talking point that "two negative quarters of GDP growth is not the technical definition of recession. It's not a definition that economists have traditionally relied on." 1. "inflation isnt coming" 2. "Inflation isnt that bad" 3. "Inflation is just transitory". 4. "Inflation is caused by corporate greed" 5. "Recession isn't coming" 6. "Recession isn't as bad as famine" 7. Do you see the pattern yet? — Anarkissed💋 (@Lifeandlibertyy) July 28, 2022
Why are Democrats like Peter-Pedo (aka Joe Biden) so squirmy sensitive about human trafficking, border "migrants", muslim grooming gangs, lib gay drag queens grooming little kids into stripper whores, unsealing the list of Epstein's clients, schoolbooks, etc...
- Pro-Tax-Hike Dem Continues To Fail To Pay His Own Taxes - Dem Congressman's Aide Caught Impersonating FBI Agent, Violating Gun Law: Court Documents Get Woke Go Broke. Woke's failback to zero is starting to become epic. CEO Barrett got woke, EXFY expected to go broke. Entertainment Companies Start Dumping Woke Content As Viewership Tumbles They'll never admit to it openly, but getting woke makes companies broke. Hollywood has been overtly progressive for decades, but this is nothing compared to the social justice invasion since 2016. After around five years of an unprecedented leftist onslaught on the entertainment industry we are finally starting to see the rampage lose oxygen. There's a weakness within woke productions that the alternative media has been pointing out for a long time – They don't make a profit because they are designed to appease a minority of leftist zennials that don't have any money. This is the wrong crowd to rely on for cash flow. It is fair to say that the entertainment industry was partially conned. First, there are those tantalizing ESG loans that can be easily had as long a company loudly declares their fealty to the social justice agenda. Then, of course, there is the fact that many corporate CEOs and marketing people track Twitter trends with the ignorant assumption that Twitter is actually a reflection of the real world. The woke mob on Twitter is amplified by the company itself, while most contrary voices are stifled and buried. Anyone using the Twitter echo chamber as a marketing gauge would be led to believe that leftist ideology is the prevailing ideology of the nation. It's not even close. Some companies are finally realizing this fact and are taking action to reduce their exposure to woke content, or otherwise perish from loss of viewership. Here's the thing – Leftists could take over every platform for media distribution (they almost have), but they still can't force the public to consume woke content. Eventually, the loss of viewers and profits is going to hurt their bottom line. Warner Media (now owned by Discovery) seems to be on the forefront of the purge of leftist content. Under chief executive David Zaslav, Discovery is aggressively dissecting Warner to understand why a company with so many iconic brands and franchises is continually failing at the box office and on streaming. Zaslav is now dumping far left content like the poison it is. Most notably, Zaslav was behind the torching of news service CNN+ after less than a month of operation when it utterly failed to pull in subscribers. Now, he has shelved the $100 million 'Batgirl' movie, a woke travesty with woke directors which test audiences hated. He is also reportedly cutting the impending Supergirl movie, which rumors indicate was designed to replace the beloved Superman franchise with a female version played by a race swapped actress of Colombian descent (the original Supergirl is supposed to be white and blonde). Another event that shocked leftists was Netflix taking an ax to "First Kill," a lesbian vampire series that no one asked for and apparently no one watched. This was after Netflix canceled a host of woke programming in the past couple of months, including a show called “Anti-Racist Baby” written by well known Critical Race Theory propagandist Ibram X. Kendi, and another animated show called “Q-Force” (Queer Force). HBO Max recently canceled their "Gordita Chronicles" after only one season; the show based on a Dominican immigrant family heavily pushed leftist narratives of victim group status and depicted America as a racist and oppressive nation. No mention of the fact that millions of non-white people try to sneak into the US every year even though it is supposedly “bigoted.” The examples of purged woke programming go on and on. This is a smart move by the entertainment media as audiences make it clear with their dollars and their viewership that they don't want to watch leftist garbage. However, is it too little too late? Some companies like Disney have chosen to foolishly double down on woke content (after numerous box office failures) and others like Warner have lost a lot of good will from their customers. Corporations and marketing people have long sought to entice customers by researching what audiences want. But, the new model is to simply TELL customers what to buy, and shame audiences into compliance with a product if they don't like it. Since 2016 the strategy of media has been to ATTACK customers in response to criticism rather than listening and learning. This hasn't gone over well. Today these businesses are paying the price for their trespasses against the free market. It is unlikely that they will be able to win back audiences anytime soon, if ever.
VP Kamala Harris is slammed as a hypocrite for condemning Russia's 'wrongful detention' of cannabis smuggler Brittney Griner when SHE locked up a THOUSAND Californians for pot possession as state AG Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan is expected to cost tax payers over $90 million for security, allocation of US military presence, and more. All this for her to get a private tour of the Nvidia chip factory after she purchased millions in shares using insider info. Our "leaders" are a bunch of 80-year-old drugged out gangsters who steal our money and give it to their lobbyists. This system is a joke. Okay let's see. For $54 Bln we could permanently house 270000 US citizens in a $200000 1-bedroom unit or we could spend $54 Bln on Ukraine's hopeless war so more people will die and hundreds of thousands become refugees "Linda Woodford spent the last 15 years of her career inserting phony numbers in the U.S. Department of Defense’s accounts. Every month until she retired in 2011, she says, the day came when the Navy would start dumping numbers on the Cleveland, Ohio, office of the Defense Finance and Accounting Service, the Pentagon’s main accounting agency." "Despite being the taxpayers’ greatest investment — more than $700 billion a year — the Department of Defense has remained an organizational black box throughout its history. It’s repelled generations of official inquiries, the latest being an audit three decades in the making, mainly by scrambling its accounting into such a mess that it may never be untangled." "But critics note that all federal agencies, including the Pentagon, have been under the same requirement to undergo an independent financial audit since the early 1990s. Every other federal department has satisfied audit requirements since fiscal 2013, when the Department of Homeland Security had its first clean audit." "The partial audit of the Marine Corps was no mere bureaucratic exercise to impress top Pentagon officials. The Defense Department is the only federal agency that has not complied with the 1992 law that requires annual audits of all government departments. That’s the case even though the Defense Department’s
Sketchy how govt's are going after farmers. "Bin Laden wanted to kill Obama because he thought Joe Biden was totally unprepared to be President and would 'plunge the US into a crisis', declassified documents show." -- Milly Vincent, MailOnline, Apr 23 2020. creep wtf the entire 15m Rent rises and so does homelessness Welcome to The Great Reset. You will have no power and be happy 9.1% inflation in US and these morons (Biden's administration & Congress) are stoking yet another BILLION check to Ukraine? What kind of kickback are these criminals getting from this aid package? Take care of your problems at home in America first! "" It's Watergate in reverse. And Hillary still hasn't been prosecuted for having classified docs and mail in her external non-govt server house either. Nor has Biden been prosecuted for taking 10% of Hunter's VP prostitution deals with Asia. No prosecution of election issues, media tech collusion at behest of elected Dem-State operatives. The FBI is known corrupt. Every president has docs, and memory of docs, that's boring. The real question is not about posession, but about what is in the docs? Here's a hint... Trump declared war against the Deep State when he announced his presidential bid. And at least one recent article has noted renewed efforts there for 2024. There are no other documents which would be more important to him than proof of Deep State bullshit, especially any of its operations against him, or outright criminal dirt on opposing high political party opponents. And nothing more important for the Deep State and them than to retrieve and bury those docs. Anything to shut Assange, and Freedom, up. Wyden: Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans? Clapper: No sir. One of the most blatant lies under oath, and there was never any consequences. He committed literal perjury then, covering up for state treason, and not only didn't get prosecuted but didn't even get fired by Obama. And he went on to lie that "17 intelligence agencies" claimed Trump to be a Russian asset. If you lie on behalf of the deep state you'll be protected. We trade our time on this planet, our limited and short life for money. They are literally stealing our time on this planet. It is not about paying your fair share, it is about sacrificing your life for their deities. Yep, money is energy. These people are parasites. 87,000 new employees to make sure u aren't hiding crust in the crack of your ass
The real question is not about posession, but about what is in the docs?
Judge Who Signed Mar-A-Lago Search Warrant Exposed As Associate of Jeffrey Epstein BlueApples If there were any question as to whether or not the FBI raid on Donald Trump’s Mar-A-Lago residence was rife with corruption, details from the search warrant authorizing it should clear any doubt. Although information is sparse given that the warrant remains under seal, one piece of information that couldn’t be kept confidential sheds new light on the motives behind the raid. The judge who signed off on the search warrant was Bruce E. Reinhart, United States Magistrate Judge for the Southern District of Florida. Before assuming his office as a federal judge, Reinhart was an attorney who represented associates of Jeffrey Epstein implicated in his human trafficking conspiracy, namely; Sarah Kellen and Nadia Marcinkova. Kellen worked for Epstein as his scheduler for years and was referenced in deposition testimony given during the defamation case between Virginia Guiffre and Ghislaine Maxwell. Marcinkova was a more prominent member of Epstein’s entourage as she served as one of the pilots of his infamous aircraft dubbed “The Lolita Express.” Reinhart assumed his role as Kellen and Marcinkova’s attorney once he set up a criminal defense firm after resigning from his post as a senior prosecutor in the Southern District of Florida as it was negotiating a non-prosecution agreement for Epstein. Reinhart would officially begin his legal representation of Epstein’s accomplices within days of leaving his position as a senior prosecutor within the district. Federal Magistrate Bruce E. Reinhart While Reinhart’s association with Epstein hadn’t resurfaced until his was thrust back into the spotlight as the Federal Magistrate who authorized the search warrant for the Mar-A-Lago raid, it was a matter of considerable controversy in the wake of his resignation in 2007. In 2013, the US Attorneys states that “while Bruce E. Reinhart was an assistant U.S. attorney, he learned confidential, non-public information about the Epstein matter.’’ in response to his claims against any impropriety. Reinhart’s rejection of any wrongdoing on his part was made in a 2011 affidavit as part of a civil court case filed by two of Epstein’s victims in 2008 which named Former Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta along with two other federal prosecutors, one of whom was Reinhart. Reinhart’s representation of Marcinkova best conveys his ties to the human trafficking enterprise that Epstein and his network assembled. Marcinkova is presently the Founder and CEO of Aviloop. The company's website states that it harnesses Marcinkova's experience as a pilot for the consulting firm’s focus on companies based in the aviation industry. Marketing, social media services, and event management are listed among the services which are offered. As is an explicit mission to “help employers diversify their crews.” While the Aviloop website is rather innocuous, other than the fact that it is operated by an associate of Jeffrey Epstein's, its YouTube Channel portrays a different image. The YouTube channel is sparse, containing only 4 videos, each of which were posted 8 years ago from the date of this article and only has 34 subscribers. Yet, the content of the videos is suspicious even with the low volume made available. Each video is a brief, 40 second or so monologue from a young woman dressed in a suggestive, pilot-themed outfit. Their sultry voices attempt to entice potential customers into a membership with Aviloop whether they are looking for deals on pilot training courses, aviation services or simply want to “see more girls like me.” Oddly enough, memberships with Aviloop are completely free according to the promotional video. No direct contact information for Aviloop is disclosed on the company's website. However, the website of Aviloop's sister company, Aviatri, listed a phone number. However, upon this being brought to light in an investigative report of mine which Marcinkova and Mark Esptein became aware of, the phone number was removed from the site. Within days the Aviatri site was listed as “under construction,” though a simple redirect to the URL of its homepage showed it was still operational. When this was brought to Marcinkova’s attention by me, she removed the site all but entirely, only leaving its placeholder page in its place. The physical address mentioned on the Aviloop website belonged to a building managed by Ossa Properties, a property management company owned by Jeffrey's brother Mark Epstein The automated voicemail for Aviatri states that callers have reached actually reached Aviloop. Delineating between the 2 businesses is difficult as Aviatri does not appear to be incorporated with the New York Department of State's Division of Corporations like Aviloop is. Aviatri extends the mission of Aviloop to aspiring female pilots directly by acting as a recruiting agency for them. The agency's website states that it offers online courses, flight training, and financing to aspiring female pilots. Marcinkova's other business, Global Girl, LLC, had its incorporation with the New York Department of State's Division of Corporations completed in 2005, years preceding Aviloop’s establishment at a time when Marcinkova was in the midst of her association with Epstein. Unlike Aviloop, Global Girl does not appear to currently maintain a website. Its social media channels have all been deactivated as well. A vague reference to Global Girl is mentioned on Marcinkova's personal website before listing herself as a pilot, fashion model, and the CEO of Aviloop. As such, it is unclear if the company is still operating or even what the basis of its operations entail. The business entity's filing with the New York Department of State was sent to Adam B. Kaufman & Associates, PPLC at 585 Stewart Avenue in Garden City, NY. Kaufman & Associated has not responded to a message regarding an inquiry into the businesses current operational status or a means by which to contact Ms. Marcinkova. What is known about Marcinkova is how deeply enmeshed she was with Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and the crimes they committed. Consequently, Reinhart was likely well-aware of those crimes given his representation of Marcinkova and Kellen on top of his position as a federal prosecutor in the district which tendered Epstein with a non-prosecution agreement. While his decision to leave the office could have been construed as a rejection of its decision to sweep Epstein's crimes under the rug, his position as Marcinkova's attorney shows that he was likely more concerned with maximizing his benefit in committing the cover up. If Reinhart’s association with the likes of Marcinkova and Kellen reveals anything, it is that the inner machinations of Jeffrey Epstein's human trafficking network live on, even if he does not. The permutations of insulating those involved with Epstein have resulted in the very people who enabled, if not outright participated in his crimes, be rewarded for their efforts by being placed in the highest echelons of federal government. The exposure of that fact should shake those institutions to their core. This is a daunting reality that those who would be brought down with the ship know all too well. The mere premise of that foreboding future is enough to explain why the Southern District of Florida has removed any contact information for Reinhart entirely from his website – an act which serves as a tacit admission of the blatant corruption behind the search warrant he signed off on. It's Watergate in reverse. The real question is not about posession, but about what is in the docs?
While that is still in limbo... another obvious... Polling has Dem-Left Deep State set to lose midterms and 2024, thus desperate to manufacture anything to win, 2020 being plain evidence and prior art of willingness to do anything. The Guardian Accuses Republicans Of 'Weaponising' Trump-Raid Following the news of the FBI raiding President Trump’s home, The Guardian suggested that REPUBLICANS are ‘weaponising’ the situation to make unfounded claims of a deep state and a politicised justice department. The leftist newspaper’s headline reads Republicans dust off familiar playbook to weaponise Mar-a-Lago FBI search, with a sub headline of GOP accusations of ‘deep state’ and politicization of justice department likely to foment an intense backlash. So the FBI, under Democrat guidance, break into a former President’s home and ransack through his belongings and it’s somehow the GOP that is responsible for the ‘weaponising’. Remarkable. The article quotes several Democrats waxing about how ‘justice is being served’, and then claims that Republicans are engaging in “florid rhetoric” that will “enflame America’s political divisions” and encourage Trump supporters to further point to a “deep state conspiracy”. Armed federal agents in the dead of night cracking open a former President’s safe in an attempt to steal documents. Nothing Deep Statey or conspiracy like about that is there. The piece concludes by quoting ‘never Trumper’ Joe Walsh who tweeted “The Republican Party has abandoned the rule of law. Just listen to them tonight. They’re at war with the rule of law.” Who is at war with the rule of law? As several Trump allies noted, the rule of law seems to be AWOL when it concerns Hillary Clinton or Hunter Biden: Executing a warrant against ex-POTUS is dangerous. The apparent political weaponization of DOJ/FBI is shameful. AG must explain why 250 yrs of practice was upended w/ this raid. I served on Benghazi Com where we proved Hilliary possessed classified info. We didn’t raid her home — Mike Pompeo (@mikepompeo) August 9, 2022 The FBI raid on former President Trump’s home is unprecedented and highly concerning. If the FBI is looking for classified info or incriminating evidence, they should start with Hunter Biden’s laptop. #Demdoublestandard — Rep. Barry Loudermilk (@RepLoudermilk) August 9, 2022 Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Countless times we have examples of Democrats flouting the law and abusing power with no recourse, including Hunter Biden. Democrats continually weaponize the bureaucracy against Republicans. This raid is outrageous. — Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) August 9, 2022 The shocking raid of Donald Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago, Florida, stands in stark contrast to the many Trump opponents that the FBI has not raided despite public evidence of alleged misconduct. @joelpollak’s latest: — Wendell Husebø (@WendellHusebo) August 9, 2022 It's Watergate in reverse. The real question is not about posession, but about what is in the docs?
Taibbi: Welcome To The Third World Secret service outside Mar-a-Lago Monday [The Justice Department] must immediately explain the reason for its raid and it must be more than a search for inconsequential archives, or it will be viewed as a political tactic and undermine any future credible investigation and legitimacy of January 6 investigations. — Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Headline from Politics Insider this morning: Feds likely obtained ‘pulverizing’ amount of evidence ahead of searching Trump's Mar-a-Lago home, legal experts say. Pulverizing! Hold that thought. We’ve reached the stage of American history where everything we see on the news must first be understood as political theater. In other words, the messaging layer of news now almost always dominates the factual narrative, with the latter often reported so unreliably as to be meaningless anyway. Yesterday’s sensational tale of the FBI raiding the Mar-a-Lago home of former president Donald Trump is no different. As of now, it’s impossible to say if Trump’s alleged offense was great, small, or in between. But this for sure is a huge story, and its hugeness extends in multiple directions, including the extraordinary political risk inherent in the decision to execute the raid. If it backfires, if underlying this action there isn’t a very substantial there there, the Biden administration just took the world’s most reputable police force and turned it into the American version of the Tonton Macoute on national television. We may be looking at simultaneously the dumbest and most inadvertently destructive political gambit in the recent history of this country. The top story today in the New York Times, bylined by its top White House reporter, speculates this is about “delayed returning” of “15 boxes of material requested by officials with the National Archives.” If that’s true, and it’s not tied to January 6th or some other far more serious offense, then the Justice Department just committed institutional suicide and moved the country many steps closer to once far-out eventualities like national revolt or martial law. This is true no matter what you think of Trump. Despite the early reports of “cheers” in the West Wing, the mood in center-left media has already drifted markedly from the overnight celebration. The Times story today added a line missing from most early reports: “The search, however, does not mean prosecutors have determined that Mr. Trump committed a crime.” There are whispers throughout the business that editors are striking down certain jubilant language, and we can even see this playing out on cable, where the most craven of the networks’ on-air ex-spooks are crab-crawling backward from last night’s buzz-words: MSNBC'S Frank Figliuzzi says 'FBI agents do not like the term "raid"'. Moments later, MSNBC updates their lower third to "executes search warrant" — Kayvon Afshari (@KayvonAfshari) August 9, 2022 The hugeness of the story has become part of its explanation. An action so extreme, we’re told by expert after expert, could only be based upon “pulverizing” evidence. Throughout the Trump years we’ve seen a numbing pattern of rhetorical slippage in coverage of investigations. The aforementioned Politics Insider story is no different. “Likely” evidence in the headline becomes more profound in the text. An amazing five bylined writers explain: Regardless of the raid’s focus legal experts quickly reached a consensus about it: A pile of evidence must have backed up the warrant authorizing the search. They then quoted a “former top official in the Justice Department’s National Security Division” — you’ll quickly lose track if you try to count the named and unnamed intel spooks appearing in coverage today — who said, “There’s every reason to think that there’s a plus factor in the quantum and quantity of evidence that the government already had to support probable cause in this case.” Politico insisted such an action must have required a magistrate’s assent “based upon evidence of a potential crime.” CNN wrote how authorities necessarily “had probable grounds to believe a crime had been committed,” while the New York Times formulation was that “the F.B.I. would have needed to convince a judge that it had probable cause that a crime had been committed.” Social media was full of credentialed observers explaining what must be true. “The affidavit in support of the MAL search warrant must be something else,” said Harvard-trained former Assistant U.S. Attorney Richard Signorelli, one among a heap of hyperventilating names: It’s amazing how short our cultural memory has become. Apparently few remember all the other times this exact rhetoric was deployed in the interminable list of other Trump investigations, only to backfire later. Does anyone remember this doozy? TK News subscribers can read the rest here...
Violent Leftists as usual... Deep State's "Next Step Will Be Assassination" After Trump Raid, Warns Former NYC Police Commissioner Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik has warned that if the FBI’s raid on President Trump’s home doesn’t stop him running in 2024, the “next step” for those seeking absolute control of the U.S. political system will be assassination. Kerik, who was police commissioner during the 9/11 attacks, made the comments in a response to a tweet from former acting Director of the United States National Intelligence Richard Grenell, who blasted the raid as “outrageous” and akin to the actions of “third world dictators.” And just like in other Third World countries, if today’s raid by Biden’s FBI does not stop Donald Trump from running for president in 2024, their next move will be Assassination. — Bernard B. Kerik (@BernardKerik) August 9, 2022 In an appearance on Newsmax, Kerik, who was infamously pardoned by Trump in early 2020 after serving prison time for tax fraud, further stated “I hear people talking, they said the Democrats want this guy so bad that they wouldn’t put assassination behind it.” “I’m gonna tell you something. they’ve tried impeachment, they’ve tried another impeachment, they’ve tried one investigation after another. This is about one thing, this is about stopping him from running in 2024,” Kerik further urged. “I’m not into conspiracies, I’m not into anti-government rhetoric. This is the first time in my lifetime that I would say I am deathly afraid for Donald Trump. I would not put assassination behind these people,” Kerik further declared. It's Watergate in reverse. The real question is not about posession, but about what is in the docs?
Judge Orders DOJ To Respond To Requests To Unseal FBI’s Trump Warrant The Justice Department has to respond to motions to unseal a warrant that triggered the FBI raid on former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago home, according to a magistrate judge who reportedly approved the search. Judicial Watch and the Albany Times Union newspaper filed a motion to unseal the document earlier this week, which was granted by a judge in the case. "On or before 5:00 p.m. Eastern time on August 15, 2022, the Government shall file a Response to the Motion to Unseal," wrote U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart on Wednesday afternoon, referring to the Department of Justice. "The response may be filed ex parte and under seal as necessary to avoid disclosing matters already under seal. In that event, the Government shall file a redacted Response in the public record. If it chooses, the Government may file a consolidated Response to all Motions to Seal," he wrote. Neither the FBI nor Justice Department has issued public comments about the raid, which was first confirmed by Trump on Monday evening. The FBI declined to comment when contacted by The Epoch Times, and the Justice Department has not responded to several requests for comment. As for the White House, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said President Joe Biden was not aware of the raid before Trump's announcement. Her claim was refuted by Trump on his social media platform, Truth Social. “What I can tell you definitively and for sure, he was not aware of this,” Jean-Pierre said of Biden. “Nobody at the White House was. Nobody was given a heads up and we did not know about what happened yesterday.” Requests On Wednesday, the Times Union's managing editor, Brendan J. Lyons, wrote to Reinhart to ask for the warrant to be unsealed. "Given that the search warrant(s) have been executed, and the target of that search has full knowledge of what occurred, there is no impediment to any ongoing investigation from the disclosure of the search warrant order or the returns. As such, these records should be unsealed," the letter to the Florida judge reads. Trump Mar-A-Lago residenceTrump Mar-A-Lago residence Former U.S. President Donald Trump's residence in Mar-A-Lago, Palm Beach, Fla., on Aug. 9, 2022. (Giorgio Viera/AFP via Getty Images) Judicial Watch asked for the warrant as part of an investigation into "the potential politicization of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the U.S. Department of Justice and whether the FBI and the Justice Department are abusing their law enforcement powers to harass a likely future political opponent of President [Joe] Biden." "If the Court were to unseal the materials, Judicial Watch would obtain the materials, analyze them, and make them available to the public," the letter said. "Unsealing the records therefore would further Judicial Watch’s mission of educating the public." It comes as Eric Trump, a son of the former president, told the Daily Mail that a Trump attorney at Mar-a-Lago, Christina Bobb, asked FBI agents Monday about seeing a warrant. “They would not give her the search warrant,” he told the outlet, referring to Bobb. “So they showed it to her from about 10 feet away. They would not give her a copy of the search warrant.” Top Republicans, meanwhile, demanded an investigation into the raid and argued that it was politically motivated to wound the GOP ahead of the 2022 midterms. Some have said the Justice Department immediately needs to release documents pertaining to the raid. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said there needs be a "thorough and immediate explanation" of how the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago was approved. Legal historians have said that such a raid against a former president is unprecedented. "Attorney General Garland and the Department of Justice should already have provided answers to the American people and must do so immediately," McConnel added. Trump on Monday said that federal agents entered Mar-a-Lago despite him having cooperated with federal officials for months to return documents that he allegedly took from the White House after leaving office last year. Reinhart came under fire Tuesday amid reports from several news outlets that found he had a connection to convicted sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. Reinhart left his job as an assistant United States in early 2008 before he began representing some of Epstein's workers. According to a 2018 Miami Herald report, two of Epstein's accusers alleged Reinhart left his prosecutor job to give Epstein inside information. Reinhart denied those allegations. As his connection to the Epstein case went viral on Tuesday, it appeared the U.S. Southern District of Florida removed the judge's page from its website, according to archived versions of the website. "Access denied," Reinhart's page reads. "You are not authorized to access this page." It's Watergate in reverse. The real question is not about posession, but about what is in the docs?
"Completely Unprecedented" Martin Armstrong Warns Trump Raid Is "Deathblow To Democracy" Last month, legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong said the time to prepare is now for the chaos that is coming in 2023. The destabilization of America has been kicked into high gear early with the FBI raid on President Trump’s Florida home this week. Armstrong explains, “This really is unprecedented... In the United States, we are supposed to have civilized transfer of power. That’s all coming to an end. I am not being dramatic here.
From a legal perspective, this is completely unprecedented. The danger of this is once they have done this, if the Republicans are ever allowed to get back into power, they would only end up doing the same thing to the Democrats...
It’s striking a real deathblow to the very idea of a democracy. We are not, at least we were not until today, someplace like Guatemala where you throw the opposition in jail, kill them or whatever you do. This is what’s going on. They are so afraid of Trump running in 2024 that this is just over the top. Once they did this, there is no end.” Armstrong says the Democrats are in “dire straits” at the polls–and they know it. Armstrong thinks the Trump raid by the FBI is an act of desperation, and it will “backfire,” but that’s not the only play in the Democrat playbook for the midterms in November. Armstrong says, “I have been warned that the Democrats have been maneuvering, and the reason they are allowing all the illegal aliens to come in is they intend to allow them to vote. You already had the Justice Department go after one state that said you had to prove you are an American to vote, and they filed a suit against them saying that they violated their civil rights. At that stage of the game, hey, all of Europe, Australia, everybody should just send in a vote.” Armstrong’s says forget what the mainstream polls are saying about voter support for Democrats and Joe Biden because the real numbers are much lower than the public is told. Armstrong’s “Socrates” computer program shows Joe Biden has just 12% of support in America. Maybe this is why Democrats are desperate and realize they have to cheat and break the law to stay in power. It’s not going to get any better, and the entire world is in the same sinking boat. Armstrong says, “We basically are sitting here in the middle of the collapse of Western civilization. It’s socialism that is collapsing because these people have done nothing but borrow money to bribe them to vote for them... There is no way to pay it back, and they had no intention of paying it back... Europe is, just forget it. You have emerging markets collapsing around the world because to sell their debt, they had to put it into dollars. Sri Lanka, Lebanon, Pakistan, Argentina are falling apart on a global scale.” Armstrong thinks the dollar will be strong for now and not to expect a collapse in the USA anytime soon because America will be the last man standing. That said, Armstrong does see the possibility of a “stock market collapse in September.” Armstrong is also “worried about civil war or extreme civil unrest in 2023 in America.” Armstrong is seeing a “world war coming in 2024 or after.” Armstrong also said, “My computer warns that there may not even be an election in America in 2024. It’s reaching that critical period. So, this raid on Trump is like throwing down the gauntlet. Everything is gone.” There is much more in the nearly 53-minute interview. Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with Martin Armstrong, cycle expert and author of the upcoming new book “The Plot to Seize Russia, Manufacturing World War III” for 8.9.22. While the secret documents content would bigly expose something, the real story are the political frauds waged against Trump for years... Trump Refuses To Answer NY AG's Questions At Deposition Former President Trump on Wednesday announced that he would not be answering questions in his court-ordered deposition in New York Attorney General Letitia James' three-year probe of his organization. After arriving just before 9 a.m. at the AG's NYC headquarters, Trump released a statement which reads in part: "accordingly, under the advice of my counsel and for all of the above reasons, I declined to answer the questions under the rights and privileges afforded to every citizen under the United States Constitution." "I did nothing wrong, which is why, after five years of looking, the Federal, State and local governments, together with the Fake News Media, have found nothing," the statement continues. "We cannot permit a renegade and out-of-control prosecutor to use this investigation as a means of advancing her political career." "I once asked, ‘If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?" Now I know the answer to that question," the statement continues. Shortly before Trump's deposition, he posted this to Rumble: James had insisted that Trump be deposed in person, Insider reports, after her office issued its original subpoena in December while investigating whether the Trump Organization misstated the value of various properties on financial documents - which James alleges were then used to obtain tax breaks and bank loans. James' office is considering whether to file a civil suit against Trump, claiming in court filings that they have "uncovered substantial evidence establishing numerous misrepresentations" regarding Trump's financial statements to banks, insurers and the IRS. Trump's legal team fought the December subpoena for more than six months - losing in both the State Supreme Court and in a Manhattan appeals court - after which the Trumps (Trump, Trump Jr., and Ivanka Trump) agreed to sit for depositions - which were delayed by the death of Ivanna Trump on July 14. Both Trump Jr. and Ivanka sat for depositions last week. Trump's refusal comes two days after the FBI raided his Mar-a-Lago home in Palm Beach, Florida - reportedly to find boxes of materials that the former president may have removed from the White House upon leaving office. Trump's statement can be read below: While the secret documents content would bigly expose something, the real story are the political frauds waged against Trump for years...
FBI Had Mole Inside Mar-A-Lago: Report According to Newsweek, the FBI had a 'confidential human source' (a mole) inside Mar-a-Lago, who was "able to identify what classified documents former President Trump was still hiding and even the location of those documents." 👀 The FBI is AGAIN sending undercover informants to target President Trump? It’s the Crossfire Hurricane debacle, all over again. This time, likely, at the behest of the Attorney General. — Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) August 10, 2022 * * * The Trumps have revealed more about Monday's FBI raid of their Mar-a-Lago property. For starters, Eric Trump told the Daily Mail that "the 30 agents who arrived at the property asked staff to turn security cameras off – and to kick their lawyer off the property, but they refused." "They told our lawyer… you have to leave the property right now. Turn off all security cameras." Eric also said "They would not give her the search warrant," adding "So they showed it to her from about 10 feet away. They would not give her a copy of the search warrant." He also said that the FBI brought safe crackers in to break into his father's safe, and that agents rummaged through Melania Trump's wardrobe. "It's all a coordinated attack with the FBI," said the former president's son, insisting that President Biden approved the raid. "Do you think that the FBI director is going to raid the former president's house, especially a house as you know, kind of world renowned as Mar Lago is in a place as public as Mar Lago is without getting the approval of President [Biden]?" By not turning off the security cameras, Eric said they saw the FBI raiding areas of the property that they 'shouldn't have been.' Donald Trump lamented Wednesday that the FBI blocked his lawyers from the property during the raid at his Palm Beach, Florida residence and suggested that agents may have 'planted' evidence. -Daily Mail Donald Trump, meanwhile, suggested in a Wednesday post to his Truth Social page that the FBI may have planted evidence. "The FBI and others from the Federal Government would not let anyone, including my lawyers, be anywhere near the areas that were rummaged and otherwise looked at during the raid on Mar-a-Lago," he wrote. "Everyone was asked to leave the premises, they wanted to be left alone, without any witnesses to see what they were doing, taking or, hopefully not, 'planting,'" he added. As the Epoch Times notes, About two dozen FBI agents entered the Trump-owned resort at 9 a.m. Monday and left with “a handful of boxes of documents,” Trump spokeswoman Christina Bobb told The Epoch Times on Tuesday. “I didn’t actually get to oversee the search, they wouldn’t let anybody see what they were doing,” she said, adding that she was present when the FBI entered the premises. FBI agents were looking for “what they deemed to be presidential records,” Bobb continued. “I don’t think there was anything of substance.” Background Bruce Reinhart, a Florida federal magistrate judge, signed off on a warrant to search the former president’s Florida property. Reinhart worked as a federal prosecutor until 2008 when he became a defense attorney representing employees of convicted sex trafficker and wealthy financier Jeffrey Epstein. Employees included Epstein’s pilots, a scheduler, and others The Mar-a-Lago raid warrant was issued on Aug. 5, a day after FBI Director Christopher Wray testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee and was asked about whistleblower reports on whether his agency was becoming increasingly politicized. Wray had to cut the questioning short because he needed to travel, although flight records indicated that he used an FBI jet to travel to a vacation retreat in Upstate New York, according to the New York Post. In mid-January, the National Archives and Records Administration arranged for the transport from Mar-a-Lago to the National Archives 15 boxes that the archives said contained presidential records. Under the Presidential Records Act, the records should have been transferred in January 2021 as Trump left office, and some of the boxes contained classified information, the institution said in a statement at the time. Agents initially resisted showing Bobb the warrant but ultimately did. But the agents would not allow any representatives of the former president to oversee the search, Bobb said. The justification for the search also remains under seal. Trump’s legal team plans on asking the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida to unseal the search warrant affidavit, which would outline why authorities asked for the warrant. The Epoch Times contacted the FBI for comment. Neither the bureau nor Attorney General Merrick Garland have offered public comments about the raid, drawing even questions and condemnation from Democrat politicians. The Department of Justice “must immediately explain the reason for its raid & it must be more than a search for inconsequential archives or it will be viewed as a political tactic and undermine any future credible investigation & legitimacy of January 6 investigations,” wrote former Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a longtime critic of Trump, said on Twitter Tuesday. “DOJ must disclose the bona fide nature of the August 8 action or else the republicans will use it to Discredit the Jan 6 investigation, which would be a terrible disservice to the good work of the house committee in exposing The Trump administration violations,” the former Democrat governor of New York added. Cuomo last year resigned amid allegations he engaged in misconduct with staffers, which Cuomo has categorically denied. And Republicans similarly said they were concerned with the raid. “Last night’s raid on the home of a former U.S. president without explanation will only further erode confidence in the FBI and the Justice Department,” Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) wrote Tuesday in reference to the Monday search. “I reiterated these concerns to Director Wray today,” he continued. “If the FBI isn’t extraordinarily transparent about its justification for yesterday’s actions and committed to rooting out political bias that has infected their most sensitive investigations, they will have sealed their own fate. The FBI’s mission and the many patriotic agents who work hard to carry it out will be forever overshadowed by the distrust the bureau has sown.” While the secret documents content would bigly expose something, the real story are the political frauds waged against Trump for years...
Trump Critics Say FBI Mar-a-Lago Raid May Have Handed Him GOP Nomination, "Potentially The Presidency" The FBI’s raid of the former president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate “handed” the 2024 Republican presidential nomination to Trump and prompted moderate Republicans to vote for him, according to Joe Walsh, a former Republican congressman and a critic of Trump. Trump announced that his Florida property was “under siege” and “occupied by a group of FBI agents” in a statement late on Aug. 8, calling it evidence of “prosecutorial misconduct” and a “weaponization of the Justice System.” The raid was not announced and was motivated because Democrats do not want Trump to run again for president in 2024, the former president said. Walsh, who applauded the FBI’s raid on Twitter, said the move angered many GOP voters and pushed them to campaign and vote for Trump. “I’ve heard from so many GOP voters tonight who were cooling a bit these past few months on Trump but who are so pissed off about this raid and are back to completely & enthusiastically all in with their support for him,” Walsh later wrote in an Aug. 8 post. ‘Handed’ Trump the Nomination In another post, Walsh said the FBI’s move handed the GOP nomination to Trump. “Both things are true: 1. The Justice Department’s job is to pursue justice & uphold the rule of law. And they should NEVER let politics get in the way of that. Yesterday, they did their job. 2. What happened yesterday handed the 2024 GOP nomination to Donald Trump,” he said on Twitter. Trump hasn’t formally announced his presidential bid despite growing confirmation that he will run for the White House again in 2024. On Aug. 7, Trump hinted again about his potential 2024 presidential bid but stopped short of announcing a run. On Aug. 8, FBI agents raided the resort. Supporters of former President Donald Trump stand outside his residence in Mar-A-Lago, Palm Beach, Florida on Aug. 8, 2022. (Giorgio Viera/AFP via Getty Images) Eric Trump, one of Trump’s sons, said the raid was conducted to see whether his father possessed any documents from his time in office, adding that the former president has been cooperating with the National Archives on the matter for months. “The purpose for the raid, from what they said, was because the National Archives wanted to corroborate whether or not Donald Trump had any documents in his possession,” Eric Trump said on Fox News. However, Walsh said if the FBI’s raid “is just about 15 boxes of classified material Trump took down to Mar-a-Lago, this will absolutely enrage his supporters and only strengthen Trump within the GOP.” He added the former president is “definitely announcing he’s running in early Sept.” Several other critics of Trump also expressed the same viewpoint. Former Democratic New York City mayoral candidate and presidential candidate Andrew Yang, who recently formed a new political party, said while he hopes Trump “as far away from the White House as possible,” the FBI’s raid “strengthens that case for millions of Americans who will see this as unjust persecution.” Alyssa Farah Griffin, former White House communications director who is now extraordinarily critical of Trump, said on CNN’s “New Day” that she hopes the raid “goes beyond simply not complying with some archiving laws.” Otherwise, the “DOJ just handed Donald Trump the Republican nominee and potentially the presidency,” Griffin, also CNN’s political commentator, said on Tuesday. “If it’s seen as some sort of massive overreach and not something incredibly serious, this is a very good day for Donald Trump.” The FBI has declined to comment on the raid. The Department of Justice has not returned an inquiry. A White House official told The Epoch Times in an email it was not notified of the raid before it took place. While the secret documents content would bigly expose something, the real story are the political frauds waged against Trump for years...
TOP-SECRET Email's on Hillary Clinton's server...
On Fri, 12 Aug 2022 14:57:21 -0400 grarpamp <> wrote:
covaids 'vaccine' - greatest 'human'(haha) invention ever - says drumpf, the non human oligarch whose cock this grancrap faggot sucks 24/7
While the secret documents content would bigly expose something, the real story are the political frauds waged against Trump for years... Trump Spox Calls For 'No Redactions' Of FBI Trump Raid Affidavit After Judge Orders DOJ To Unseal 'Portions' Update (1550ET): In response to Judge Reinhart ordering the DOJ to release a redacted version of the Trump raid affidavit, Trump spokesman Taylor Budowich called for no redactions," citing "Democrats' penchant for using redactions to hide government corruption." Trump spokesman @TayFromCA says again that affidavit should be made public and calls for "no redactions," citing "Democrats' penchant for using redactions to hide government corruption." — Philip Melanchthon Wegmann (@PhilipWegmann) August 18, 2022 * * * The Trump-hating judge who signed off on the FBI warrant to raid Mar-a-Lago has ordered the DOJ to unseal portions of the underlying affidavit, after several media outlets and activist groups made the case that it was in the public interest to see it. "I’m not prepared to find that the affidavit should be fully sealed," said Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart following a hearing in which a top government lawyer argued that releasing the document could "severely compromise" an ongoing investigation that's in its "early stages," adding that a line-by-line redaction of the document was unrealistic. "On my initial careful review ... there are portions of it that can be unsealed." Reinhart said he would "give the government a full and fair opportunity" to make redactions, according to Bloomberg, setting a deadline of next Thursday - after which he will review it and release it if he agrees with the redactions. * * * Several media organizations have urged a Florida judge to release most of an FBI affidavit which was used to justify the DOJ's search warrant for last week's raid on former President Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence. A Palm Beach Police officer at the entrance of former US President Donald Trump's house at Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, on Aug. 9.Photographer: Eva Marie Uzcategui/Bloomberg According to a filing by the group, which includes the New York Times, AP and CNN, the public has a "clear and powerful interest" in what led to the unprecedented action by the DOJ against the sitting president's top political opponent. While the group says that the document should be released "with only those redactions that are necessary to protect a compelling interest articulated by the government," the Justice Department says that such a redacted version of the affidavit would leave the document so devoid of content that it wouldn't provide any insight. The government has given “little explanation as to how release would harm the ongoing investigation” even though many details of the probe are already public, the group said in the filing in federal court in West Palm Beach, where US District Judge Bruce Reinhart will hold a hearing on the matter Thursday. The affidavit provides the basis on which the judge authorized the search of Trump’s estate. The dispute over its release is the latest fallout from the Aug. 8 search, which culminated in FBI agents carting away 11 sets of classified documents in about 20 boxes. Threats against the FBI -- and the judge -- have jumped since then. -Bloomberg "The secrecy surrounding the search warrant, and the affidavit that led to its issuance, has caused the nation to convulse with intrigue and harmful speculation that will only increase the longer the truth is kept from the public," said Judicial Watch in a statement. "The heat must be replaced with light, and soon." Trump has also called for the document to be publicly released, though he hasn't filed anything in court to back that up. The request comes as Newsweek reports that the FBI raid was specifically intended to recover Trump's personal "stash" of hidden documents - which reportedly deal with a "variety of intelligence matters of interest to the former president, the officials suggest—including material that Trump apparently thought would exonerate him of any claims of Russian collusion in 2016 or any other election-related charges." When Trump left the White House in January 2021, many of the normal processes of transition were not followed, especially because the president would not admit that he had lost the election or that he would be leaving office. As a result, we now know, some 42 boxes of documents were shipped to Mar-a-Lago by mistake: officials papers under U.S. law, which the National Archives is supposed to take custody of and catalog. Over the past 18 months, the Trump camp and the Archives were engaged in a back-and-forth which resulted in the return of 15 boxes (and some additional documents). As late as June 3, when officials from the FBI and Justice visited Mar-a-Lago to serve a Grand Jury subpoena for specific documents, these negotiations were largely cordial. -Newsweek Meanwhile, as Jack Phillips of the Epoch Times notes, a lawyer representing Trump, and a former FBI official, both expressed doubts that the affidavit used to seek an FBI search warrant for last week’s Mar-a-Lago raid will be unsealed by a judge on Thursday. “I don’t think anybody wants to unseal this thing inside the government,” Chris Swecker, a former assistant director of the FBI, told Fox News on Wednesday, adding that he doubts “very seriously you’re going to see this unsealed tomorrow.” The former official was making reference to a hearing that was scheduled by U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart for Thursday about whether the affidavit should be unsealed. The Department of Justice on Monday filed court papers arguing that it should not because releasing it to the public will damage their investigation. But former Trump and other Republicans argue it should be released because it would show why the FBI took the unprecedented and extraordinary step of raiding the home of a former president and possible 2024 candidate. Revealing the affidavit, they argue, would provide more insight into what the Department of Justice is trying to investigate and lay out reasons for why the raid was carried out. On Aug. 12, Reinhart issued an order to unseal the FBI search warrant and property receipt. Lawyer’s Response A lawyer for Trump, Alina Habba, echoed Swecker’s assertion that it appears unlikely the judge will unseal the affidavit on Thursday during a recent Fox News interview. “Judge Reinhart is the same magistrate judge that recused himself from my Hillary [Clinton] case about a month ago. He is definitely not going to be a friendly judge necessarily. I would say it was highly unlikely,” Habba said, noting that the “DOJ is already saying that they do not want us to see what was in the affidavit.” “Usually, that’s to protect witnesses and other things that have been cooperating with the justice system. So while I would love to see it and understand why you would ask for a raid with a cooperating president, do I believe that this judge is going to reveal it? No, I do not,” she said. The Justice Department and the FBI have remained mostly silent regarding the raid, with Attorney General Merrick Garland issuing a statement during a news conference on Aug. 11. Garland said he personally authorized the warrant for the FBI raid but provided little to no insight about why it was carried out or what was taken from Trump’s home. In statements posted on Truth Social, Trump wrote that FBI agents took three of his passports and demanded their return. A spokesperson for the former president confirmed on social media this week that the travel documents were handed back. While the secret documents content would bigly expose something, the real story are the political frauds waged against Trump for years...
FBI Unit Leading Mar-a-Lago Probe Earlier Ran Discredited Trump-Russia Investigation The FBI division overseeing the investigation of former President Trump’s handling of classified material at his Mar-a-Lago residence is also a focus of Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation of the bureau’s alleged abuses of power and political bias during its years-long Russiagate probe of Trump. The J. Edgar Hoover FBI Building in Washington on July 21, 2022. (Chung I Ho/The Epoch Times) The FBI’s nine-hour, 30-agent raid of the former president’s Florida estate is part of a counterintelligence case run out of Washington—not Miami, as has been widely reported—according to FBI case documents and sources with knowledge of the matter. The bureau’s counterintelligence division led the 2016–2017 Russia “collusion” investigation of Trump, codenamed “Crossfire Hurricane.” Although the former head of Crossfire Hurricane, Peter Strzok, was fired after the disclosure of his vitriolic anti-Trump tweets, several members of his team remain working in the counterintelligence unit, the sources say, even though they are under active investigation by both Durham and the bureau’s disciplinary arm, the Office of Professional Responsibility. The FBI declined to respond to questions about any role they may be taking in the Mar-a-Lago case. In addition, a key member of the Crossfire team—Supervisory Intelligence Analyst Brian Auten—has continued to be involved in politically sensitive investigations, including the ongoing federal probe of potentially incriminating content found on the abandoned laptop of President Biden’s son Hunter Biden, according to recent correspondence between the Senate Judiciary Committee and FBI Director Christopher Wray. FBI whistleblowers have alleged that Auten tried to falsely discredit derogatory evidence against Hunter Biden during the 2020 campaign by labeling it Russian “disinformation,” an assessment that caused investigative activity to cease. Auten has been allowed to work on sensitive cases even though he has been under internal investigation since 2019, when Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz referred him for disciplinary review for his role in vetting a Hillary Clinton campaign-funded dossier used by the FBI to obtain a series of wiretap warrants to spy on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. Horowitz singled out Auten for cutting a number of corners in the verification process and even allowing information he knew to be incorrect slip into warrant affidavits and mislead the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court. In congressional testimony this month, Wray confirmed that “a number of” former Crossfire Hurricane team members are still employed at the bureau while undergoing disciplinary review. In the meantime, Wray has walled off the former Russiagate investigators only from participating in FISA wiretap applications, according to the sources. Sen. Chuck Grassley, the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, has asked Wray for copies of recent case files and reports generated by Auten and whether he is included among the team the FBI has assembled to determine which of the seized Trump records fall within the scope of its counterespionage investigation and which fall outside of it. Some former FBI officials worry that Auten, a top bureau expert on Russia and nuclear warfare, will have a hand in analyzing the boxes of documents agents seized from Trump’s home on Aug. 8 to help determine if any of the alleged Top Secret material he kept there might have been compromised, potentially putting national security at risk. “It is a disgrace that Auten is still even employed by the bureau,” said 27-year FBI veteran Michael Biasello. “I would substitute other analysts and agents.” An examination of the bureau agents involved in the Mar-a-Lago raid reveals other connections between them and FBI officials who played key roles in advancing the Russiagate hoax. Sources told RealClearInvestigations that Jay Bratt, the top counterintelligence official in Justice’s national security division, who happens to be a Democratic National Committee donor, has been coordinating the Mar-a-Lago investigation with Alan Kohler, who heads the FBI’s counterintelligence division. Kohler replaced Bill Priestap in that post after Priestap stepped down from the bureau amid criticism of his role in the Russiagate probe. Kohler had worked at FBI headquarters under Priestap, specializing in countering Russian intelligence threats. Before that, he worked in London as the FBI’s liaison with British intelligence and law enforcement. The sources say Kohler was close to Stefan Halper, an academic and longtime FBI contractor whom the bureau ran as an informant in a failed effort to suborn Trump campaign officials. He also worked closely with Stephen Somma, a lead case agent in the Crossfire Hurricane probe whom Horowitz said was “primarily responsible” for some of the worst misconduct in the FISA warrant abuse scandal. Somma is a counterintelligence investigator in the FBI’s New York field office, where he has been reassigned to the China desk. In 2019, Kohler was promoted to special agent in charge of the counterintelligence division at the FBI’s Washington field Office, where he worked alongside then-assistant agent-in-charge Timothy Thibault, who was reassigned by Wray just days prior to the Mar-a-Lago raid, after whistleblowers raised questions about political bias. They asserted that Thibault, who has taken aim at Trump and Republicans on social media, worked with Auten to falsely discredit evidence of alleged money laundering and other activities against Hunter Biden and prevent agents from investigating them. The Washington field office’s counterintelligence division is now run by Anthony Riedlinger, who previously worked at FBI headquarters as a section chief under Priestap. Some of the agents involved in the raid on Trump’s home came from that Washington field office, according to the sources and FBI case documents. Bratt, the top counterintelligence official at Justice, traveled to Mar-a-Lago in early June and personally inspected the storage facility while interacting with both Trump and one of his lawyers. Trump allowed the three FBI agents Bratt brought with him to open boxes in the storage room and look through them. They left with some documents. After leaving, Bratt made a request to Trump’s lawyer for increased security at the facility and asked to see surveillance footage from the security cameras. The lawyer complied with the requests. Months went by before the Justice Department took the politically explosive step of sending FBI agents unannounced to Trump’s home, seizing documents, photos, and other items not just from the storage facility but from multiple rooms on the property, including the former president’s office. Former assistant FBI director Chris Swecker said the search warrant that agents obtained is quite wide-ranging. He pointed out that it authorized the seizure of any information in any form related to “national defense information,” which he said “does not necessarily include classified material.” “This is a huge, broad search warrant and a huge, broad investigation leveled against the former president,” Swecker said. What’s more, he said the physical search of the former president’s residence was far more sweeping than first reported and included unsupervised snooping in several dozen bedrooms, as well as numerous storage rooms and closets, including those of the former first lady. FBI agents took numerous boxes and containers of documents and other material, including several binders of photos and even three passports held by the former president. Although Attorney General Merrick Garland has said that the DOJ seeks to “narrowly scope any search that is undertaken,” details of the warrant reveal agents had the authority to seize entire boxes of records—including those potentially covered by attorney-client privilege and executive privilege—if just a single document inside the container were marked with a classified marking. Agents were allowed to also seize any containers or boxes “found together with” ones containing classified papers, according to ATTACHMENT B (“Property to be seized”) of the warrant. In addition, the FBI agents were given the authority to confiscate “any government and/or presidential records created between Jan. 20, 2017, and Jan. 20, 2021,” which covers Trump’s full term in office. That meant they were able to take any item related to the Trump administration. All told, dozens of boxes and containers were removed from Trump’s residence, very few of which actually contained classified information, the sources said. According to Federal Election Commission records, Bratt has given exclusively to Democrats, including at least $800 to the Democratic National Committee. The sources said he is close to David Laufman, whom he replaced as the top counterintelligence official at Justice. An Obama donor, Laufman helped oversee the Russiagate probe, as well as the Clinton email case, which also involved classified information. A Senate investigator told RCI that Laufman was the “mastermind” behind the strategy to dust off and “weaponize” the rarely enforced statutory relic—the Foreign Agents Registration Act—against Trump campaign officials, a novel legal move that the investigator noted is similar to the department’s current attempts to enforce the Presidential Records Act against Trump—which is a civil, not a criminal, statute—by invoking the Espionage Act of 1917. Laufman signed off on the wiretapping of Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, which the Department of Justice inspector general determined was conducted under false pretenses involving doctored email, suppression of exculpatory evidence, and other malfeasance. Suddenly resurfacing as a media surrogate for the Justice Department defending the Mar-a-Lago raid, Laufman has been a key source for stories by the Washington Post, CNN, and other outlets. On CNN, for instance, he claimed the documents seized from Trump’s storage were “particularly stunning and particularly egregious,” and their discovery ”completely validates the government’s investigation” into the former president—though he quickly added, ”Whether this investigation transforms into an outright criminal prosecution remains to be seen.” Swecker said that there is strong reason to fear that the FBI’s counterintelligence division might politicize this case. “For sure, the FBI has dug themselves into a huge hole because of how they handled the Clinton (email) case and then Crossfire Hurricane and Hunter Biden,” Swecker said. “Myself and many of my colleagues think they are treading on very thin ice here.” “Unfortunately,” he added, “you can’t recuse an entire FBI division.” Patel: ‘It’s Just Insane’ Former federal prosecutor and Trump administration official Kash Patel said the FBI may have a personal interest—and a potential conflict—in seizing the records stored by Trump. He noted that Trump in October 2020 authorized the declassification of all the investigative records generated from the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane as well as the Clinton email investigation, codenamed “Midyear Exam,” and he said that the FBI may have confiscated some of those records in its raid, ensuring they won’t be made public. In addition, he said, the agency may be digging for other documents to try to justify, retroactively, their questionable, politically-tinged 2016 opening of the Trump-Russia “collusion” case, which came up embarrassingly short on evidence. “Tragically, the same FBI characters that were involved in Russiagate are the same counterintel guys running this ‘national security investigation’ against Trump,” said Patel, who deposed Crossfire Hurricane team members as a former House Intelligence Committee investigator. Patel noted that the Horowitz report indicated FBI analyst Auten hid exculpatory information about Trump’s adviser Page from other investigators and the FISA court, which should be more than enough to keep him at arm’s length from other investigations involving Trump. “And to top it all off, this guy admits [to Horowitz’s investigators] he’s unrepentant about his role in making up the biggest hoax in election history, and Wray still lets him be a supervisor at the FBI,” he said. “It’s just insane.” The Justice Department’s national security division has ultimate authority over the grand-jury probe of Trump for possible violations of the Espionage Act, including alleged mishandling of classified material—the same statutes invoked in the Clinton email investigation. (In that case, in contrast, the FBI never searched the former secretary of state’s Chappaqua, N.Y., mansion, where she set up an unsecured basement server to send and receive at least 110 classified emails and where she also received government documents by fax.) Former FBI counterintelligence official and lawyer Mark Wauck said he is troubled by signs that the same cast of characters from the Russiagate scandal appears to be involved in the Mar-a-Lago investigation. “If these people, who were part of a major hoax that involved criminal activity and displays of bias and seriously flawed judgment, are still involved, then that’s a major scandal,” he said in an interview. While the secret documents content would bigly expose something, the real story are the political frauds waged against Trump for years...
Things still going weird... Deep State and CIA calls for Trump's treason execution due to "nuclear secrets", creates "Civil War" talk... Trump wing hints the docs were exhonorative to Russia Hoaxes, and incriminating of Deep State, Hillary, etc. JFK on Secret Societies, Political Censorship, Conspiracy, and more JFK Deep State JFK Deep State JFK Deep State Gaddafi Deep State Gaddafi Deep State Gaddafi Deep State Gaddafi full speech Gaddafi interview Gaddafi interview Anything, literally anything, to put down the current figurehead of any growing Anti Deep State movement. Don't be surprised if Trump gets JFK'd for daring to speak against it similarly, even back to at least his 2016 candidacy announcement speech. Civil War Porn As President Joe Biden’s polls stagnate and the midterms approach, we are now serially treated to yet another progressive melodrama about the dangers of a supposed impending radical right-wing violent takeover. This time the alleged threat is a Neanderthal desire for a “civil war.” The FBI raid on former President Donald Trump’s Florida home, the dubious rationale for such a historic swoop, and the popular pushback at the FBI and Department of Justice from roughly half the country have further fueled these giddy “civil war” conjectures. Recently “presidential historian” Michael Beschloss speculated about the parameters of such an envisioned civil war. Beschloss is an ironic source. Just days earlier, he had tweeted references to the executions of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who passed U.S. nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union in the 1950s, in connection with the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago. That was a lunatic insinuation that Trump might justly suffer the same lethal fate due to his supposed mishandling of “nuclear secrets.” Unhinged former CIA Director Michael Hayden picked up on Beschloss death-penalty prompt, adding that it “sounds about right.” Hayden had gained recent notoriety for comparing Trump’s continuance of the Obama administration’s border detention facilities to Hitler’s death camps. And he had assured the public that Hunter Biden’s lost and incriminating laptop was likely “Russian disinformation.” So, like the earlier “Russian collusion” hoax, and the January 6 “insurrection,” the supposed right-wing inspired civil war is the latest shrill warning from the Left about how “democracy dies in darkness” and the impending end of progressive control of Congress in a few months. On cue, Hollywood now joins the civil war bandwagon. It has issued a few bad, grade-C movies. They focus on deranged white “insurrectionists” who seek to take over the United States in hopes of driving out or killing off various “marginalized” peoples. Pentagon grandees promise to learn about “white rage” in the military and to root it out. But never do they offer any hard data to suggest white males express any greater degree of racial or ethnic chauvinism than any other demographic. When we do hear of an insurrectionary plan—to kidnap the Michigan governor—we discover a concocted mess. Twelve FBI informants outnumbered the supposed four “conspirators.” And two of them were acquitted by a jury and the other two so far found not guilty due to a mistrial. The buffoonish January 6 riot at the Capitol is often cited as proof of the insurrectionary right-wing movement. But the one-day riotous embarrassment never turned up any armed revolutionaries or plots to overthrow the government. What it did do was give the Left an excuse to weaponize the nation’s capital with barbed wire and thousands of federal troops, in the greatest militarization of Washington, D.C. since the Civil War. In contrast, Antifa and BLM rioters were no one-day buffoons. They systematically organized a series of destructive and deadly riots across the country for over four months in the summer of 2020. The lethal toll of their work was over 35 dead, $2 billion in property losses, and hundreds of police officers injured. Such violent protestors torched the ironic St. John’s Episcopal church and attempted to fight their way into the White House grounds. Their violent agenda prompted the Secret Service to evacuate the president of the United States to a secure bunker. The New York Times gleefully applauded the rioting near the White House grounds with the snarky headline “Trump Shrinks Back.” As far as secession talk, it mostly now comes from the Left, not the Right. Indeed, a parlor game has sprung up among elites in venues such as The Nation and The New Republic imaging secession from the United States. Blue-staters brag secession would free them from the burden of the red-state conservative population. Over the last five years, it was the Left who talked openly of tearing apart the American system of governance—from packing the Supreme Court and junking the Electoral College to ending the ancient filibuster and nullifying immigration law. Time essayist Molly Ball in early 2021 gushed about a brilliant “conspiracy” of wealthy tech lords, Democratic Party activists, and Biden operators. Ball bragged how they had systematically poured hundreds of millions of dark money into changing voting laws, and absorbing the role of government registrars in key precincts. What was revolutionary were new progressive precedents of impeaching a president twice, trying him as a private citizen, barring minority congressional representatives from House committee memberships, and tearing up the state of the union address on national television. In contrast, decrying the weaponization of a once-professional FBI, and the scandals among its wayward Washington hierarchy is not insurrectionary. Nor is being appalled at the FBI raiding a former president’s and possible presidential candidate’s home, when historically disputes over presidential papers were the business of lawyers not armed agents. Historic overreach is insurrectionary, not objecting to it. And those who warn most of some mythical civil war are those most likely to incite one.
Americans live in a world where "Make America Great Again" is now considered Extremism and a Domestic Terrorist Ideology Biden and Xi Drink To Communist Control While the secret documents content would bigly expose something, the real story are the political frauds waged against Trump for years...
The Return Of Peter Strzok: How A Fired FBI Official Is Making The Case Against Himself Peter Strzok is back in the news this week. Career colleagues at the Justice Department previously referred Strzok for possible criminal charges and he was fired for his bias and unprofessional conduct. However, Strzok was immediately embraced by many in the media and establishment for his anti-Trump sentiments. After he was fired, the former special agent was given a lucrative book deal, lionized on the left, featured prominently as an expert by CNN, and given a teaching job at Georgetown. It was an extraordinary recovery from a scandal where he showed flagrant bias, engaged in an affair with another married colleague at the FBI, and fought to continue to investigate Russian collusion claims despite early warnings over the questionable basis of the allegations pushed by the Clinton campaign. (Strzok’s colleague and former paramour, Lisa Page, was given a contract as a legal analyst with NBC and MSNBC). Now, Strzok appears liberated in showing precisely the bias and unhinged hostility alleged by his critics. He has been in the news lashing out at Trump and trolling his objections to the raid on Mar-a-Lago. The seizure of Trump’s passports has raised more doubts about the seemingly unlimited scope of the search. One of the passports taken in the raid was Trump’s active diplomatic passport, according to an email from the Justice Department made public by Trump spokesman Taylor Budowich. The other two passports alleged were expired. Last week, Strzok was one of the first to jump on the bandwagon with CBS News anchor Norah O’Donnell, who blasted out a tweet claiming DOJ sources refuting Trump’s claim that the FBI took his passports. The “CBS Evening News” anchor reported that the Department of Justice did not have Trump’s passports, tweeting, “According to a DOJ official, the FBI is NOT in possession of former President Trump’s passports.” In fact, the FBI did take the passports and had to later return them. The clear import of O’Donnell’s tweet was that Trump was lying. That was clearly the message received by various critics, including Rep. Adam Kinzinger, who is purportedly serving as an unbiased member of the January 6th committee. Kinzinger, R-Ill., wrote, “Lies lies lies and more lies.” Lies lies lies and more lies. — Adam Kinzinger🇺🇦🇺🇸✌️ (@AdamKinzinger) August 16, 2022 Notably, Strzok was also among those eager to spread the O’Donnell report, tweeting, “And unsurprisingly, Trump’s statement turns out not to be true.” He later deleted it. Strzok has sounded at times like a virtual troll on social media. Recently, he again lashed out at the story that the FBI took Trump’s passport and mocked Trump’s call to lower the temperature in the country after the raid. Strzok tweeted “Please oh please keep asking how you can turn down the temperature in the country,. And why does he have two passports? The Russian passport, of course, is kept in a vault at Yasenevo and only swapped out at third country meets, so it can’t be that one.” Strzok’s bias and violation of FBI rules led to career Justice Department investigators referring his case to prosecutors and ultimately led to his firing from the FBI. His emails showed intense bias against Donald Trump and highly concerning statements about having an “insurance policy” in place if Trump were to win the election. On January 4, 2017, the FBI’s Washington Field Office issued a “Closing Communication” indicating that the bureau was terminating “CROSSFIRE RAZOR” — the newly disclosed codename for the investigation of Michael Flynn. Strzok intervened. Keep in mind CROSSFIRE RAZOR was formed to determine whether Michael Flynn “was directed and controlled by” or “coordinated activities with the Russian Federation in a manner which is a threat to the national security” of the United States or a violation of federal foreign agent laws. The FBI investigated Flynn and various databases and determined that “no derogatory information was identified in FBI holdings.” Due to this conclusion, the Washington Field Office concluded that Flynn “was no longer a viable candidate as part of the larger CROSSFIRE HURRICANE umbrella case.” On that same day, however, Strzok instructed the FBI case manager handling CROSSFIRE RAZOR to keep the investigation open, telling him “Hey don’t close RAZOR.” The FBI official replied, “Okay.” Strzok then confirmed again, “Still open right? And you’re the case agent? Going to send you [REDACTED] for the file.” The FBI official confirmed: “I have not closed it … Still open.” Strzok responded “Rgr. I couldn’t raise [REDACTED] earlier. Pls keep it open for now.” Strzok also wrote FBI lawyer Lisa Page, the same person Strzok had referenced his “insurance policy” to in emails. Strzok texted Page: “Razor still open. :@ but serendipitously good, I guess. You want those chips and Oreos?” Page replied “Phew. But yeah that’s amazing that he is still open. Good, I guess.” Strzok replied “Yeah, our utter incompetence actually helps us. 20% of the time, I’m guessing :)” That exchange is not as disconcerting as Strzok’s actions. After a finding of “no derogatory information,” Strzok reached for the Logan Act and sent a research paper on the notoriously unconstitutional law. As with those like Laurence Tribe claiming a “slam dunk” case for conviction before any real evidence, let alone a charge, there is a familiar pattern to this coverage. Many of us have said that there could be criminal conduct revealed by this raid, but we simply do not know. There is much that we do not know to establish such a case, let alone speculate on its outcome. That is why some of us have called for greater transparency from the Justice Department, including the release of substantive portions of a redacted affidavit. For his part, Strzok appears eager to confirm the allegations made against him. Yet, these public statements only fuel the concern of many that the raid was another “insurance policy” by the FBI. For his former colleagues at the FBI, Strzok’s trolling can hardly be a welcomed addition to the public controversy over their investigation. While the secret documents content would bigly expose something, the real story are the political frauds waged against Trump for years...
Federal Judge Indicates Intent To Appoint Special Master For Mar-a-Lago Document Review Authored by Jonathan Turley via, Since the start of the controversy over the Mar-a-Lago raid, I have called for the release of a redacted affidavit and the appointment of a special master to sort through the seized material, including alleged attorney-client privileged material. Indeed, I felt that this was one of the four failures of Attorney General Merrick Garland in not taken proactive steps to assure that public that this was not a pretextual raid to collect sensitive material for other investigative purposes. Now, District Judge Aileen Cannon has indicated an intent to make such an appointment. It was a belated request from the Trump team but, as I wrote yesterday, it would still have considerable value in the case. Judge Cannon filed an order Saturday morning that “The Court hereby provides notice of its preliminary intent to appoint a special master in this case.” Such an appointment should have been done before the Justice Department reviewed the material. The Department sought a ridiculously broad search warrant and Magistrate Paul Reinhart simply signed off on the order without considering the wide array of privileged material that could be seized. It adopted language so broad that it was the legal version of Captain Jack Sparrow’s “Take what you can … Give nothing back.” It allowed the seizure of any box containing any document with any classification of any kind — and all boxes stored with that box. It also allowed the seizure of any writing from Trump’s presidency. However, a special master could still serve the same interests of transparency and legitimacy. The special master could divide these documents in classified material, unclassified but defense information, and unclassified material outside of the scope of the alleged crimes. The last category would then be returned. That accounting could also offer basic descriptive information on the material without revealing their precise content or titles. The special master could describe material as related to national defense or nuclear weapons (as was previously leaked government sources). The government has already leaked that there was nuclear weapons material being sought. Confirming such general details can be done without giving details on the specific information or even titles for the documents to protect national security. In national security cases, including cases where I have served as counsel, such indexes and summaries are common. Once again, as with the release of the redacted affidavit, Garland could have taken these steps to assure the public that the Department was not acting for political or improper purposes — or using excessive means to achieve those goals. He has refused every opportunity to do so while chastising those who question the integrity of his Department. The release of the redacted affidavit shows that what Garland and his Department told the public was untrue about the inability to release a redacted affidavit without endangering the case or national security. As discussed yesterday, the redacted affidavit confirmed various key points on the legal and factual background. After opposing the release of even a single line, the government released whole pages that were manifestly suitable for public disclosure. Once again, Garland waited to be forced to take this step rather than act on his own to address widespread concerns. His department has a documented history of officials misleading courts and filing false material in Trump-related investigations. This is yet another example of how Attorney General Garland has done little to earn the trust of almost half of the country. In this and other controversies, he has demanded respect but refused to take even modest measures to justify it. While the secret documents content would bigly expose something, the real story are the political frauds waged against Trump for years...
Analysts say President Trump has a right to keep documents that he worked with as a public figure in public office for his own personal record reference and use as seen fit, including whether they be mentally or more formally declassified or not, or for exculpatory or providing defense or exposing others or any other use or reason, subject only to maintenance of any classification level he gave or demoted them to. See Presidential Authority, Presidential Library, etc. As to more politically motivated persecution and suppression... Ex-Trump Aide Says DOJ Left His Name Unredacted in Affidavit to ‘Silence’ Him Former Trump administration official Kash Patel said that the Justice Department did not redact his name in its Mar-a-Lago affidavit for political purposes and is trying to “silence” him. Last week, a U.S. magistrate judge ordered the release of the Department of Justice (DOJ) affidavit that was used to obtain an FBI search warrant of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago. Much of the document and names were redacted, but Patel’s was left unredacted. Reacting to the DOJ’s decision, Patel told Just The News that the agency “intentionally decided to politicize this affidavit for many reasons.” “But one, which I wasn’t even expecting them to do was put my name out there, it added absolutely no value and violated every procedure at the Department of Justice in relation to protecting parties and people’s names,” he said in a recent interview. It’s not clear why the DOJ chose not to keep Patel’s name covered up. The only other person identified by name is longtime Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.), the head of the House Oversight Committee who was told by the National Archives about materials that were obtained earlier this year from Mar-a-Lago. The Epoch Times has contacted the agency for comment. That was done “for a political effect, because they wanted to try to silence me and President Trump and everybody else, and get the mainstream media to threaten me, which it has done,” said Patel, a former National Security Council and Pentagon official. Earlier this month, DOJ officials argued against releasing the affidavit and claimed that doing so would protect the integrity of their investigation while saying it would also prevent witnesses from coming forward. But U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart, the same judge who signed off on the FBI search warrant, asked prosecutors to submit a redacted version. Reinhart also released the warrant and property receipt days before, which showed that FBI agents took allegedly classified materials from Trump’s Florida residence. The affidavit, which redacted the reasons for the redactions, revealed few new details about what prompted the raid on Aug. 8. It also did not elaborate on what materials were taken and why it was necessary for dozens of agents to search a former president’s home. Both Trump and Patel said that the former president had a standing order to declassify documents that left the Oval Office and went to Mar-a-Lago. And Trump has pointed to a Jan. 19, 2021, executive order that declassified some materials relating to the FBI Crossfire Hurricane investigation. While the secret documents content would bigly expose something, the real story are the political frauds waged against Trump for years...
Analysts say President Trump has a right to keep documents that he worked with as a public figure in public office for his own personal record reference and use as seen fit, including whether they be mentally or more formally declassified or not, or for exculpatory or providing defense or exposing others or any other use or reason, subject only to maintenance of any classification level he gave or demoted them to. See Presidential Authority, Presidential Library, etc.
Ex-FBI Intelligence Chief Says DOJ Has ‘No Case’ Against Trump A former assistant director in the FBI said he believes the affidavit used to obtain a search warrant of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago reveals the government has “no case” against him. “We now know why the DOJ wanted the affidavit—which is supposed to articulate the probable cause needed for a legitimate search—to be kept under seal,” wrote Kevin R. Brock, the former assistant director of intelligence for the FBI and principal deputy director of the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), in an opinion piece published Sunday. The affidavit was ordered released by a U.S. magistrate judge last week in response to court filings submitted by media outlets and third parties. The legal document, however, was heavily redacted and revealed very little about what the FBI agents were searching for on Aug. 8 and why. “First,” Brock wrote, “the affidavit confirmed that the FBI’s investigation was triggered in January 2022 at the request of the National Archives, which wanted certain documents, especially classified documents, that it considered to be presidential records to be turned over to it by Trump.” But there appears to be nothing “in the affidavit asserting a refusal by Trump to cooperate,” he wrote. “Second, from what I have seen, I don’t believe the affidavit articulates how a federal law was or is being broken. For those who hold out hope that the affidavit’s redacted sections fill that gap, there is almost no chance that they do,” he continued. The legal document’s probable cause arguments only deal with “half of what is needed to show a possible violation of the federal statutes that are cited in the warrant,” Brock wrote, adding that based on his experience, it’s unlikely the government will release more of the redacted portions of the affidavit. ‘Cannot Be Proven’ In order to obtain a warrant, it’s not sufficient for the affidavit to only argue that there is cause to believe Trump had allegedly classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, the former official said. At the same time, the unredacted portions do not make the case that Trump wasn’t authorized to have the documents at his Florida residence. “A criminal violation of those statutes only exists if it can be established that the person being investigated was not authorized to possess, store, transfer or copy those documents,” Brock said. “This is an easy element to establish against anyone in America. Except one person.” Trump and former aides have said that while president, he had a standing order to declassify materials that left the White House’s Oval Office and were sent to Mar-a-Lago. Meanwhile, Trump wrote in October on his now-banned Twitter account that he had declassified some FBI-related materials. He also issued an order on Jan. 19, 2021, to declassify some FBI Crossfire Hurricane documents. “As president, he had broad, legally intimidating authority, established by law and court determinations, to declassify any and all documents and to determine what is and is not a presidential record,” Brock wrote. “Trump and his legal team have asserted that this authority was exercised while he was still president. Therefore, a violation of these fairly low-level and seldom-prosecuted document-oriented statutes cannot be proven.”
The Palmer Report is an American liberal[2] fake news website,[3] founded in 2016 by Bill Palmer.[4] It is known for making unsubstantiated or false claims,[5] producing hyperpartisan content,[6] and publishing conspiracy theories,[7][8] especially on matters relating to Donald Trump and Russia.[14] Fact-checkers have debunked numerous Palmer Report stories, and organizations including the Columbia Journalism Review and the German Marshall Fund have listed the site among biased websites or false content producers.[15][16]
Along with Bill Palmer, two more longtime frauds and residents on the list of fake newsies... Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe, and disgraced CNN host Brian Stelter. We have discussed the litany of “slam dunk” crimes that Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe has declared as established against former President Donald Trump, none of which have been actually charged. While some of us have suggested that we wait to see the actual evidence before evaluating the risk in the case, Tribe again is confident that the still uncharged case has already been made. Just last month, Tribe declared Trump clearly guilty of the attempted murder of Vice President Mike Pence on January 6, 2021. It is a curious thing that none of these prior “proven” crimes have been charged. Now, without an indictment or the public disclosure of actual evidence beyond the inventory list, Tribe sees no reason to wait for proof. Tribe argues against the release of any of the affidavit. Tribe also insisted that any release would “violate important rules on grand jury secrecy.” Tribe added that ” this man . . . I was going to call him ‘traitor’ but that is not quite right it is not treason.” It has been the signature of much of the legal analysis in the last six years. Yet, it would be useful. . . just once . . . if only for appearances . . . to start with the release of actual evidence before discussing slam dunk convictions.
Do no work, jerk off at home, steal the people's money into your pockets anyway, soon to become protected remote 1984... Republicans Call For Pelosi To End House Proxy Voting On Friday, the House of Representatives passed the so-called Inflation Reduction Act, a $420 billion package that funds 87,000 more IRS agents, raises corporate taxes, throws hundreds of billions of dollars at climate projects and imposes a new tax on stock buybacks. There was plenty at stake in a bill that proponents are calling "historic," and yet 158 House members -- more than a third of the body -- didn't even bother showing up for the vote. Rather, they were content to take advantage of proxy voting rules that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi controversially ushered in during the pandemic and still clings to like microchip stocks. To use proxy voting, House members must submit a signed statement to the House clerk declaring they are "unable to physically attend proceedings in the House Chamber due to the ongoing public health emergency." In reality, members are using the scheme to take early recesses, schmooze donors and campaign for office. "When those people go up, and they vote by proxy, they're LYING." Watch Rep. Roy demand Republicans END proxy voting on @IngrahamAngle: — Rep. Chip Roy Press Office (@RepChipRoy) August 17, 2022 Despite the fact that only a few hardcore Branch Covidians still think Covid-19 presents a "public health emergency," Pelosi on Aug. 9 extended proxy voting rules until Sept 26. Serving as an accomplice in the farce, House Sergeant at Arms William Walker continues to certify that a public health emergency exists. Even The New York Times has spotlighted the ulterior motives: Perhaps no one has benefited more from the arrangement than Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who recently informed lawmakers that proxy voting would be in effect for the remainder of the summer. It has allowed Ms. Pelosi, whose majority is so slim that she can afford to lose no more than four Democrats if every member is present and voting, to all but ensure that absences alone do not cost her pivotal support. Central Texas House Republican Chip Roy decried the state of affairs in a colorful text to the Austin American-Statesman: “It’s bullshit the Democrats can just call a last-minute vote knowing half their caucus are free to vote by proxy. And it’s perhaps even higher level bullshit that many Republicans (even ones who signed litigation challenging it) similarly proxy vote and stay on vacation while those of us trying to defend any semblance of fidelity to the Constitution and respect of the institution to look each other in the eye and treat our offices with respect — and it’s exquisite next level bullshit that the Supreme Court hid behind speech and debate to avoid the plain text, obvious unconstitutionality of not being present to do our jobs.” Chip Roy represents parts of San Antonio, Austin and the Texas Hill Country (Michael Brochstein/Sipa USA via Reuters) In January, the Supreme Court chose not to hear an appeal by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who'd argued proxy voting is unconstitutional. Earlier, in a 3-0 decision, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia said courts had no jurisdiction to rule on House procedures, which are adopted under the Constitution's speech or debate clause. The court didn't rule on whether proxies count toward a quorum. That lawsuit originally had more than 150 Republican House members listed as plaintiffs. In the end, there were just two: McCarthy and Roy. While others still supported the suit, many removed their names after they'd used proxy voting themselves and reasoned it wouldn't help the case to keep plaintiffs who'd taken advantage of the very rule they were challenging. Austin Republican representative Michael McCaul told the Statesman that proxy voting is having an insidious effect: “The broader concern is that it encourages disengagement by members — hearings and markups are nearly empty with little attendance. There is no reason to extend remote voting. It’s time we return to regular order — members should be here in D.C. working for their constituents.” While this tweet doesn't actually show proxy voting, it does illustrate the disengaged culture that McCaul spoke of, as an Arizona Democrat casually registers a committee vote from some leisurely setting far from DC: This is one example of what proxy voting (the fancy congressional term for "working from home") has looked like over the past two years. Phoning it in from a boat. — Rachel Bovard (@rachelbovard) August 12, 2022 The Senate hasn't adopted a proxy voting provision. The House rule does not allow a "general proxy." Absent members must provide exact instruction on each vote. Present members can vote on behalf of up to 10 others. In the military, Democratic New Jersey Rep. Albio Sires would be derisively called "retired on active duty." Cruising through his final term, the 71-year-old voted entirely by proxy from January through April. As mentioned earlier, many Republicans are indulging in the rule, too. For example, several GOP members declared they were unable to physically attend proceedings because of the purported health emergency, only to instead attend the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). Pelosi may not have the power to extend proxy voting much longer. "If Republicans earn back the majority, proxy voting will be eliminated on Day One,” a spokesman for McCarthy said in January. “Proxy voting” in Congress was supposedly created for those who had COVID or feared contracting COVID and therefore couldn’t come to work. Now it’s being abused by members who are campaigning for other offices or raising money. Number of times I’ve voted by proxy? ZERO. — Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) July 18, 2022
On Wed, 10 Aug 2022 03:46:47 -0400 grarpamp <> wrote:
OK, we don't know the name of subhuman pentagon turd 'grancrap' yet (because he's a coward hiding behing his joomail address), but WE DO know that grancrap is the lowest trumponazi on this fine 'cypherpunk' list. however, we are still waiting for grancrap to explain why a trumponazi spammer like him graces this fine 'cypherpunk' list.
While Biden spends his time repeatedly insulting the military, Rep's smack down Dem's sneaky $400B waste and debt, Dem's play victim card, lolfest ensues... Jack Posobiec burns Jon Stewart after uninformed 'meltdown' over Senate Veterans bill As Human Events Daily's Jack Posobiec pointed out, the senators weren't voting against veterans, they were voting against a random $400 billion that had been snuck into the bill. When the Senate GOP declined to pass the PACT Act this week, comedian and pundit Jon Stewart blasted from for what he termed voting against veterans. But as Human Events Daily's Jack Posobiec pointed out, the senators weren't voting against veterans, they were voting against a random $400 billion that had been snuck into the bill. Posobiec took a look at the bill, which was passed in June, but then required to be put up for a revote after the House made a change to the legislation. The change in the bill up for a vote before the Senate, according to the Congressional Budget Office, was to the tune of $400 billion in completely unrelated spending. Here are links to the House and Senate bill scores from the CBO, again, an non-partisan office House - Senate - — Jack Posobiec ?? (@JackPosobiec) July 30, 2022 IFrame Posobiec cited Pennsylvania Senator Pat Toomey, who said that his "concern about the bill has nothing to do with the purpose of the bill. It's not about about the $280 billion, approximately $280 billion of new spending that is meant to be required under this bill for the VA [Veteran's Administration] to cover healthcare, and other benefits for veterans who are exposed to toxic burn pits. $400 Billion dollars — Jack Posobiec ?? (@JackPosobiec) July 30, 2022 In response, Joseph Hickman, who authored a book on burn pits, said: "Jack is right, everyone would have voted for it, if the Dems didn’t add 400 billion dollars in additional spending to the bill that has nothing to do with the burn pits. It was a political move in an election year." I literally wrote the book on the burn pits. Jack is right, everyone would have voted for it, if the Dems didn’t add 400 billion dollars in additional spending to the bill that has nothing to do with the burn pits. It was a political move in an election year. — Joseph Hickman (@JosephHickman0) July 30, 2022 "What I want to change," Toomey continued, "has absolutely nothing to do with any of that." Toomey said that he expects that there would be 85 votes for the bill if the issue was remedied. I'm not even really a big Pat Toomey guy (we have history in PA), but he's telling the truth here no cap — Jack Posobiec ?? (@JackPosobiec) July 30, 2022 That issue, he said, is "completely unrelated to the $280 in new spending, there is a mechanism created in this bill, a budgetary gimmick, that has the intent of making it possible to have a huge explosion in unrelated spending, $400 billion." "This budgetary gimmick," he went on, "is so unrelated to the actual veterans issue that has to do with burn pits that it's not even in the House version of this bill. The fact is that we can fix this tonight." Toomey urged his Democrat colleagues to remove the unrelated spending and get the bill passed to help veterans. Texas Senator Ted Cruz echoed Toomey's points, saying "Jon, you're a funny guy and I appreciate your engaging on issues of public policy, that's a good thing. But if you're gonna do so, the facts matter. "Listen, when it concerns the PACT Act, I support the PACT Act. I voted for the PACT Act, and I've advocated for it for a long time. We have an obligation to take care of our veterans, particularly those who were wounded or injured from burn puts or in other ways from combat." Literally @tedcruz even said he’d vote for the PACT Act if the Dems take out the $400B in separate spending, and @JonStewart responded by screaming and insulting him What gives, Jon? — Jack Posobiec ?? (@JackPosobiec) July 30, 2022 "The issue here," Cruz continued, "is the Democrats included in this bill an accounting gimmick where they took $400 billion of spending, discretionary spending, they shifted it to mandatory spending didn't change the amount at all. "But the reason they did that is it created a hole for $400 billion in new discretionary spending. Their objective? They want to cram $400 billion in unrelated spending into this bill that has nothing to do with veterans. Now given inflation that is skyrocketing this country, I think another 400 billion in spending is irresponsible." "Let me be clear," Cruz said, "I support every single penny of the $679 billion dollars of funding for veteran's health care." This reality was not something Stewart was aware of when he blasted those who didn't vote for the bill with the extra $400 billion in it. Stewart freaked out for almost 10 minutes, saying that the GOP senators didn't care about vets. "So ain't this a b*tch?" Stewart said after the vote. "America's heroes, who fought in our wars, outside sweating their asses off, with oxygen, battling all kinds of ailments, while these motherf*ckers sit in the air conditioning, walled off from any of it. They don't have to hear it, they don't have to see it. They don't have to understand that these are human beings." Posobiec ripped into another fabrication propagated by Stewart. "Earlier this year," Posobiec wrote, "he claimed he never called Harry Potter anti-Semitic and I caught him changing his YouTube video titles after the controversy went viral." Did Jon Stewart change the thumbnail on his Harry Potter video after it went viral? — Jack Posobiec ?? (@JackPosobiec) January 5, 2022 When caught making that change and lying about it, Stewart said he didn't necessarily say that JK Rowling, who authored the Harry Potter series ,was antisemitic. He said "none of that is true," he said, going into a long-winded response about watching the films "as a Jewish man." You can go back and look at how he responded. He didn't even say he misspoke He lied about it, and screamed at people for reporting exactly what he said, like a child when they're caught This is who he is — Jack Posobiec ?? (@JackPosobiec) July 30, 2022 This, Posobiec said, as a veteran who understands the problems of burn pits and the need to help veterans who have suffered lasting injuries and "permanent health problems as a result." And for the record, I'm a veteran who has multiple friends with permanent health problems bc of burn pits. Both sides need to just stop screwing around and get this done. And Democrat celebs like @JonStewart who never served can shut the funk up. — Jack Posobiec ?? (@JackPosobiec) July 30, 2022 Punk Politician tells Punk Occupier to Go Fuck Yourself. Migrant news... An 87-year-old man on a mobility scooter was stabbed to death on Aug. 16 in west London ... was surrounded by a group of youths.
Andy Ngo, one of many covering the left... Houston, Texas: A Child Protective Services employee was caught on camera telling a young girl that she should become a prostitute. #Antifa & far-left militants heckled & intimidated an 80-year-old woman who was banned from local YMCA for demanding person with penis leave the women's locker room. The mayor of Port Townsend, WA (@DavidJFaber) expressed praise for the far-left extremists Two people in black clothing and masks were caught on security camera trying to light a family home on fire in Portland, Ore. An elderly couple live in the house. @PortlandPolice have made no arrests. Children's hospitals: "We do puberty blockers and genital surgeries for children." Journos: "Yasss! Gender-affirming care!" 🎉 Conservatives: "They do puberty blockers and genital surgeries for children." Journos: "Wow, that's targeted harassment and stochastic terrorism!" 😡 Nobody was kidnapped. This was & is a hoax claim. Law enforcement made targeted arrests during the insurrection where far-left violent extremists tried burning down a federal courthouse. This is gaslighting to cover for violent extremists. Trump didn’t have anyone “kidnapped.” Every day for a month in July 2020, far-left extremists attempted an insurrection by trying to storm the federal courthouse. Law enforcement in marked uniforms made targeted arrests. The story has echoes of a similar incident in L.A. last summer, in which a trans sex offender allegedly exposed her erect penis to women at a spa. The incident was dismissed as a hoax by #Antifa & the left, who rioted & attacked people protesting the spa. An 87-year-old man on a mobility scooter was stabbed to death on Aug. 16 in west London. A witness said the man was surrounded by a group of youths. Police have released a photograph of a person of interest. As @DarrenJBeattie has reported, Zadrozny herself has been deeply involved in doxxing and targeting private citizens who supported Donald Trump. She is guilty of what she accuses others of doing. The left-wing NBC News activist @BrandyZadrozny claims that my tweet sharing a multibillion-dollar medical institution's *publicly-accessible video* is "targeting a children's hospital." No: it's submitting their policies and actions to public scrutiny, i.e., doing journalism. This @NBCNews article by @BrandyZadrozny is spreading misinformation. @BostonChildrens does perform genital surgeries on minors. It’s in their own research paper & was on their website until a few days ago. They also follow WPATH guidelines which allow it. A far-left academic trying to get myself, @MattWalshBlog & others banned posted a fabricated, fake screenshot. I was the victim of this as well by the far-left on Twitter. They have no argument, so they have to literally make up what the opposition say. Leftists have raised thousands for the male accused of watching children change in the women’s locker room at a YMCA in Washington state. The individual wants a sex change. The 80-year-old woman who complained about incident was banned from the center.
Remember Corrupt Biden driving a Ford with glee... Now that sound economists have debunked to net-zero the recent US spend-pork and literally shoot-the-taxpayers bill... Ford Hikes Price Of EV F-150 Up To $8,500, More Than Biden's "Inflation Reduction" Subsidy Today in both "price fixing is useless" and "your taxpayer dollars at work" news... In a move that can only be described as inconspicuously timed, Ford announced last week that it is raising the price of its high end electric F-150 by up to $8,500; an amount that adds another $1,000 onto the new $7,500 EV subsidy that was including in President Biden's "Inflation Reduction Act". Base models are seeing their prices hiked by $7,000. Biden signed his "flagship" act on Tuesday afternoon. One more time, so we're clear: a $7,500 taxpayer subsidy included in an act named after reducing inflation appears to have spurred an even larger price hike on electric pickup trucks. The electric F-150 had previously been listed for $40,000 for its base version. Now, it is priced at $47,000, according to CNN. The better equipped versions of the vehicles have similar price hikes, up to $8,500. Rather than come right out and state what appears to be the obvious, Ford said that the price change is due to "significant material cost increases and other factors." Other factors like...oh, say, a $7,500 taxpayer subsidized cash grab? The automaker has made some "small improvements" to the vehicle, however, according to the report. For example, the range for the base model of the vehicle has moved higher to 240 miles from 230 miles. The company is also adding a new feature called "Pro Trailer Hitch Assist", which reportedly helps hook the truck up to trailers. Sounds like $7,500 worth of improvements if you ask us... And, as the report notes, Ford isn't the only automaker raising prices. GM has also increased the price of its electric Hummer by $6.250 - a similarly inconspicuous amount.
Biden-Dems losing numbers... A History Lesson For President Joe Biden A nation emerging from a significant pandemic and an economic downturn awaited President Joe Biden in early 2021. President Warren G. Harding inherited a similar situation after winning the 1920 election in a landslide. But Harding overcame it by getting government out of the way. The economy recovered quickly—whereas Biden enacted bad progressive policies that have resulted in a double-dip recession with 40-year high inflation. AP Photo/File Biden should learn from Harding and his successor President Calvin Coolidge to correct government failures and allow markets to heal so that we can enjoy abundant economic prosperity again. In the aftermath of the Great War, the U.S. suffered a severe economic downturn. The late economist Milton Friedman described this as one of the most “severe on record.” The depression of 1920-1921 is often forgotten because it was short-lived, but it offers policy lessons that can be applied to our current situation. Prior to and during the Great War, President Woodrow Wilson led a massive expansion of the federal government, which included the creation of the Federal Reserve and personal income tax system. After the war, markets corrected from those government failures throughout the economy triggering a steep economic downturn. The business and agriculture sectors were hit particularly hard by the depression of 1920-1921, which led to bankruptcies and farm foreclosures. Unemployment was estimated to be about 12% and the nation was hit buffered from deflation. Americans were hurting. During the presidential campaign of 1920, then-Sen. Warren G. Harding pledged a “return to normalcy” against Wilson’s progressivism. During the campaign, Harding argued that the nation needed to return to sound money, less spending, lower taxes, less debt, and limited government. This was the fiscal policy blueprint of the “normalcy” agenda. Harding understood that to revive business confidence and lower high income tax burdens, the federal government must get its fiscal house in order. In 1921, Congress passed the Budget and Accounting Act, which under the leadership of Bureau of the Budget Director Charles Dawes and later his successor, Herbert Lord, worked to reduce federal spending. Dawes would compare the task of cutting spending to having a “toothpick with which to tunnel Pike’s Peak.” Harding also understood that to lower the high tax rate, spending had to be addressed first. “The present administration is committed to a period of economy in government…There is not a menace in the world today like that of growing public indebtedness and mounting public expenditures…We want to reverse things,” explained Harding. Reducing spending was not easy. As an example, Harding vetoed a popular bonus for veterans of the Great War. Overall, Harding’s commitment to economy in government resulted in an estimated 50% reduction in federal spending. Harding also relied on Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon, who also shared his views regarding limiting spending. Mellon would serve as the lead architect for Harding’s tax reform policies. The top income tax rate was over 70% and Mellon’s goal was to lower the rate. Through a series of tax reforms, the high rate would eventually be cut to 25% during the Coolidge administration. Harding and Coolidge’s fiscal conservatism of lowering spending and tax rates and paying down the national debt resulted in a quick economic recovery. The Federal Reserve also tightened the money supply. The late historian Paul Johnson wrote “Harding had done nothing except cut government expenditure, the last time a major industrial power treated a recession by classic laissez-faire methods…” After the death of Harding in August 1923, Coolidge continued and strengthened the economic policies of Harding. President Coolidge, along with Secretary Mellon, continued to lower spending and tax rates. The federal budget was $3.14 billion in 1923. By 1928, when Coolidge left, the budget was $2.96 billion. Altogether, spending and taxes were cut in about half during the 1920s, leading to faster real economic growth and productivity that contributed to budget surpluses throughout the decade. The decade had started in depression and by 1923 the national economy was booming with low unemployment. And that continued throughout much of the decade. This would have continued but government expanded again. In particular, the Hoover administration ran deficits and raised taxes and the Federal Reserve had too loose and then too tight money supply. This led to the Great Depression—a phenomenon that was avoidable and was exacerbated by President Roosevelt’s large expansion of government. It’s unlikely that President Biden will follow the pro-growth economic policies of Harding and Coolidge, nor will the Fed tighten the money supply enough to reduce inflation. President Biden’s philosophy of woke progressivism is bankrupting our country. The latest example is the recently passed “Inflation Reduction Act” that will lead to higher taxes, more inflation, and a deeper recession. Congress instead should have adopted more of the pro-growth policies practiced by Harding and Coolidge.
Biden-Dems losing numbers...
Bill Gates has his syringy hands poked in everything these days... Joe Biden's Inflation Reduction Act "Secretly" Brought To You By Bill Gates The Democrats' "Inflation Reduction Act" - which according to the Congressional Budget Office will raise taxes on the middle class to the tune of $20 billion - not to mention unleash an army of IRS agents on working class Americans over the next decade, was made possible by Bill Gates and (in smaller part) Larry Summers, who have been known to hang out together. Pals hanging out The bill, of course, was signed yesterday. This is what dementia looks like: — End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) August 16, 2022 In a Tuesday Bloomberg article that reads more like a newsletter for the Gates fan club, the billionaire Microsoft co-founder recalls how earlier this year, as moderate Democratic Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema continued to block the tax-and-spend legislation over concerns that it would raise taxes on the middle class (it will), Gates says he tapped into a relationship with Manchin that he'd been cultivating since at least 2019. Gates was banking on more than just his trademark optimism about addressing climate change and other seemingly intractable problems that have been his focus since stepping down as Microsoft’s chief executive two decades ago. As he revealed to Bloomberg Green, he has quietly lobbied Manchin and other senators, starting before President Joe Biden had won the White House, in anticipation of a rare moment in which heavy federal spending might be secured for the clean-energy transition. Those discussions gave him reason to believe the senator from West Virginia would come through for the climate — and he was willing to continue pressing the case himself until the very end. “The last month people felt like, OK, we tried, we're done, it failed,” Gates said. “I believed it was a unique opportunity.” So he tapped into a relationship with Manchin that he’d cultivated for at least three years. “We were able to talk even at a time when he felt people weren’t listening.” -Bloomberg We know, gag us with a spoon. Apparently Gates and Manchin's bromance began when the billionaire wooed the West Virgina Senator at a 2019 meal in Seattle, in an effort to garner support for clean-energy policy. Manchin at the time was the senior-most Democrat on the energy committee. "My dialogue with Joe has been going on for quite a while," said Gates. After Manchin walked (again) on the bill last December over concerns that it would exacerbate the national debt, inflation, the pandemic, and amid geopolitical uncertainty with Russia, Gates jumped into action. A few weeks later, he met with Manchin and his wife, Gayle Conelly Manchin, at a DC restaurant, where they talked about what West Virginia needed. Manchin understandably wanted to preserve jobs at the center of the US coal industry, while Gates suggested that coal plant workers could simply swap over to nuclear plants - such as those from Gates' TerraPower. Manchin apparently wasn't convinced, announcing on Feb. 1 that "Build Back Better" (the Inflation Reduction Act's previous iteration) was "dead." In an effort to convince him otherwise, Democrats pulled together a cadre of economists and other Manchin influencers - including former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, who convinced Manchin that the bill wouldn't raise taxes on the middle class, or add to the deficit. Collin O’Mara, chief executive officer of the National Wildlife Federation, recruited economists to assuage Manchin’s concerns — including representatives from the University of Chicago and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware brought in a heavyweight: former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, who has spent decades advising Democrats. The economists were able to “send this signal that [the bill’s] going to help with the deficit,” O’Mara said. “It’s going to be slightly deflationary and it’s going to spur growth and investment in all these areas.” Through this subtle alchemy, clean-energy investments could be reframed for Manchin as a hedge against future spikes in oil and gas prices and a way to potentially export more energy to Europe. -Bloomberg Gates also sprang into action again on July 7, when Manchin was spotted at the Sun Valley media conference in Idaho - which Gates also attended. "We had a talk about what was missing, what needed to be done," Gates said. "And then after that it was a lot of phone calls." Gates looks back at the new law with satisfaction. He achieved what he set out to do. “I will say that it's one of the happier moments of my climate work,” Gates said. “I have two things that excite me about climate work. One is when policy gets done well, and this is by far the biggest moment like that.” His other pleasure comes from interviewing people at climate and clean-tech startups: “I hear about this amazing new way to make steel, cement and chemicals.” -Bloomberg "I don’t want to take credit for what went on," says Gates - in the article about how he gets credit for what went on.
Bill Gates has his syringy hands poked in everything these days...
Deep State Cheney's still got their mitts poked in everything... re 2016: Trump Announces Candidacy, Declares War On Deep State Liz Cheney Vows To Do 'Whatever It Takes' To Stop Trump Update 0842ET: Liz Cheney wants Americans to 'unite' across party lines to prevent Donald Trump from regaining the White House following her devastating defeat in Wyoming's primary on Tuesday. Cheney lost to challenger Harriet Hageman, who received 66.3% of the vote vs. Cheney's 28.9%. In an early Wednesday statement to NBC, Cheney said she was "thinking about" a 2024 presidential run - and has launched a new political organization called "The Great Task," a reference to President Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg address. Lincoln Project rebrand about to drop. The most overfunded and media-beloved fringe group in history. — Mollie (@MZHemingway) August 17, 2022 "That’s a decision that I’m going to make in the coming months," she said, adding "It is something that I'm thinking about." “I’ll make a decision in the coming months.” — Rep. Liz Cheney said about possibly running for President. — TODAY (@TODAYshow) August 17, 2022 "I have said since Jan. 6 that I will do whatever it takes to ensure Donald Trump is never again anywhere near the Oval Office and I mean it." In addition to her new PAC, Cheney will have a public forum for her campaign against Trump as vice chair of the committee investigating the former president’s role in the Capitol insurrection until she leaves Congress in January. Cheney was a rising Republican star until she stood up to Trump. After she voted to impeach Trump in the aftermath of the attack on the Capitol by a mob of his supporters, the political costs for Cheney’s defiance mounted. The Wyoming Republican Party voted to censure her and asked her to resign. Then she was removed as the third-ranking House Republican leader by her colleagues, who accused her of abandoning the party. That culminated in her loss Tuesday to Hageman by a two-to-one margin with half the votes counted. -Bloomberg As Bloomberg also notes, Cheney's loss illustrates how strong Trump's grip is on the Republican party - with just two of 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach him following the J6 capitol attack having survived their primaries to make the ballot in November's general election. * * * Update 2020ET: In a widely expected outcome, former President Donald Trump's highest-profile GOP critic, Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, has been voted out of Congress. Her challenger, Harriet Hageman, was ahead by more than 30% with 13% of the votes counted - enough for NBC News to call it for her. Wyoming Republican Harriet Hageman Cheney, the daughter of former vice president Dick Cheney, had been the #3 ranked Republican in the House - easily winning her last election in 2020. Things changed, however, when she became one of 10 Republicans that voted to impeach Trump - who Democrats accused of inciting the January 6th riot. She later joined the January 6th committee, on which she currently services as Vice Chair. And look at what happened to the rest of the anti-Trump Republicans who voted to impeach: Cheney: Two years ago. I won this primary with 73% of the vote. I could easily have done the same again. The path was clear. But it would've required that I go along with president trump's lie about the 2020 election.. That was a path I could not and would not take. — Acyn (@Acyn) August 17, 2022 "Congratulations to Harriet Hageman on her great and very decisive WIN in Wyoming," Trump said in a statement on Truth Social. "This is a wonderful result for America, and a complete rebuke of the Unselect Committee of political Hacks and Thugs. Liz Cheney should be ashamed of herself, the way she acted, and her spiteful, sanctimonious words and actions towards others. Now she can finally disappear into the depths of political oblivion where, I am sure, she will be much happier than she is right now. Thank you WYOMING!" * * * If recent polls are any indication, neocon Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) is about to lose her seat in today's primaries, after going on a poorly-received crusade against former President Donald Trump. In one recent poll, Cheney challenger Harriet Hageman - who disputed the legitimacy of the 2020 US election - was leading Cheney by nearly 30 points. Of note, 70% of Wyoming voters chose Trump in 2020 - the highest percentage of any state in the nation. Cheney, 56, sparked conservative backlash against her by choosing to die on hill of election fraud and the January 6th committee, of which she's the vice chair. Unsurprisingly, her warmongering father's laughable campaign ad in which he said there's 'never been a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump' didn't do Liz any favors. "She’s almost certainly toast," said American University political scientist, David Barker. "My guess is that she knew that the second she decided to really join the Jan. 6 committee and pursue the president in that way." "She hasn’t just been kind of a passive member of the committee," he added. "She’s been really leading the whole charge and doing so in the most provocative and high-profile ways." Cheney doesn't care "America cannot remain free if we abandon the truth. The lie that the 2020 presidential election was stolen is insidious — it preys on those who love their country," she said in a closing argument campaign video released Thursday. "It is a door Donald Trump opened to manipulate Americans to abandon their principles, to sacrifice their freedom, to justify violence, to ignore the rulings of our courts and the rule of law." "This is Donald Trump’s legacy, but it cannot be the future of our nation." At least one supporter held out hope, according to the Associated Press. "I’m still hopeful that the polling numbers are wrong," said Landon Brown, a Wyoming state representative and vocal Cheney ally. "It’ll be a crying shame really if she does lose. It shows just how much of a stranglehold that Donald Trump has on the Republican Party." Her likely defeat on Tuesday has raised speculation over her next move - including a potential run for president in 2024, which she hasn't ruled out. If one simply reads the room, however, it's clear that Cheney would be up against a tide of Trump supporters, who largely view her as a traitor. "My sense is that if it is [her plan], she’s going to have a long wait," said Bill Galston, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. "I don’t think that Donald Trump supporters will ever forgive her, nor do I think they’re going away." "Where else would they go?" Today's the day Wyoming gives Miss Piggy the 👢 — Milenka~ (@MilenaAmit) August 16, 2022
Biden-Dems losing numbers...
Confidence in... US Congress - 7% News Media - 11% Supreme Court - 25% Military - Dropping Like A Woke Hot Potato Biden - Abysmal Pick any Institution - Most far below 50% Buchanan: How, When, Or Will We Ever Come Together Again? When 30 FBI agents showed up at Mar-a-Lago to cart off boxes of documents, it was an authorized, legitimate and justified procedure to retrieve national security secrets being illegally kept there. Or it was an unprecedented regime raid on the home and office of the foremost political rival of President Joe Biden that called to mind a “Third World country,” the East German “Stasi,” the KGB or the Gestapo. And Jan. 6, 2021? That was a riot, a disgraceful breach of the Capitol, involving assaults on Capitol cops that deserved to be and are being punished. No, it was more than that. Far more. It was an “insurrection,” a “fascist coup,” an act of treason led by far-right extremists to abort the transfer of power from the winner of the election of 2020 to the loser. It ranks right up there with the 1814 burning of the Capitol by the British. Such is the magnitude of the divide in America, a divide that extends far beyond our clashing views of Jan. 6 and the Mar-a-Lago raid. Consider abortion. Before the 1960s, abortion was almost universally regarded as a shameful and criminal act. Doctors who performed abortions were disgraced and sometimes sent to prison. But after the Dobbs decision by the Supreme Court declared that Roe v. Wade in 1973 was wrongly decided, restoration of women’s right to an abortion is being championed by half the nation. The other half of America yet believes abortion involves the killing of an unborn innocent child. Part of America celebrates the Supreme Court’s decision to declare marriage equality for homosexuals. Yet, a traditionalist minority believes such a mandate imposes on the nation a secularist morality contradicted by the tenets of the Christian faith that was the basis of laws for our first two centuries as a nation. Nor is it only clashing morality that divides us. For a nation, a country, a people, a democracy to endure, there needs be a broad consensus of belief, culture, custom and politics. On the issue of law and order, without which a republic cannot stand, there is now disagreement over the role and conduct of our police. During the George Floyd summer of 2020, “Defund the Police!” was the clamor of the left, and among the street chants of Black Lives Matter was, “Pigs in a Blanket, Fry ‘Em Like Bacon.” Only a stunning political recoil caused its abandonment. For a nation, especially a great world power like the United States, some things are indispensable to its preservation. A democratic republic needs to preserve the value of its currency, to defend its borders against illegal mass migrations and invasions, to preserve law and order, especially in its great cities. Which of these requisites exist today when the nation suffers 8% inflation; 250,000 illegal aliens cross our southern border every month; and “mass shootings” occur daily in our cities during which at least four victims are gunned down, wounded or killed? The preservation of a democracy also requires the confidence of its people in its defining institutions. Yet, since the Reagan era, Americans’ collective confidence in our major institutions has fallen from one-half of the nation to one-fourth. In 2022, confidence in the Supreme Court fell by a third to 25%. Only a fourth of the country retained high confidence in the presidency; and confidence in Congress plummeted to 7%, or one in every 14 Americans. One in 6 Americans had great confidence in our newspapers, with only 1 in 9 citizens saying the same about television news. In summary, we are a country whose people have a diminishing confidence in almost all of its institutions, from big business to the churches, universities and media. Only small business and the U.S. military enjoy the confidence of the American people. Public approval of Biden’s performance is at the lowest level ever recorded for a president at this point in his first term. True, we have been through and recovered from divisive times. In the 1860s, 11 of the 33 states seceded and fought for four years to gain their independence of the Union. The 1960s were divisive, but the left, with Sen. George McGovern its political expression, captured less than 40% of the vote against Richard Nixon in 1972. Ronald Reagan ran up two landslides in the 1980s. Those days are long gone. The left today dominates the academic community and culture to a greater degree than it once did and is further removed from the heart of the country in Middle America than it has ever been. When, how, does America ever unite again? And what unites us, other than an external attack on the country, like Pearl Harbor or 9/11? Where is the common ground on which to stand? Does such ground even exist, given the divisions in religion, race and ethnicity, and the seemingly irreconcilable disagreements over morality, ideology, culture and politics? Has the great experiment run its course?
Racism and illegal practices rising courtesy Wokeism, CRT, BLM, etc... a few of them now getting busted in courts for it... US School system caught forcing the firing of white teachers first. David Barrett of blogged that White Males are only worth $0.75 to the $1.00 that he thinks everyone else is worth, asked his employees to vote for the historically racist Democrats, exhibits unexplained bias in hiring and website relative to demographics. Democrats still keeping down, victimizing, and pandering to minorities since more than decades. "The negro here, though rising, is still on his knees and nude," Douglass wrote. "What I want to see before I die is a monument representing the negro, not couchant on his knees like a four-footed animal, but erect on his feet like a man." Powerful paramilitary groups included the White League and the Red Shirts, both active during the 1870s in the Deep South. They operated as "the military arm of the Democratic Party", turning out Republican officeholders and disrupting elections. Starting 10 years after the war, Democrats regained political power in every state of the former Confederacy and began to reassert white supremacy. They enforced this by a combination of violence, late 19th-century laws imposing segregation and a concerted effort to disfranchise African Americans. New labor and criminal laws also limited their freedom. To combat these efforts, Douglass supported the presidential campaign of Ulysses S. Grant in 1868. In 1870, Douglass started his last newspaper, the New National Era, attempting to hold his country to its commitment to equality. At the 1888 Republican National Convention, Douglass became the first African American to receive a vote for President of the United States in a major party's roll call vote. RAF Pauses Offers To White Men And Recruiting Chief Quits In Protest The Royal Air Force's head of recruitment has quit her post in protest over an alleged "pause" in the RAF's acceptance of white male recruits, as the once-glorious fighting force myopically chases far-fetched diversity goals. As Sky News was first to report: The senior female officer apparently handed in her notice in recent days amid concerns that any such restrictions on hiring...could undermine the fighting strength of the Royal Air Force (RAF), [defense] sources said. In putting diversity and inclusion ahead of the need to fill open slots, RAF Air Chief Marshall Sir Mike Wigston is compromising UK national security, the defense sources said. Men like these World War II RAF pilots need not apply...for now (Getty Images via History Extra) The Ministry of Defence has set a goal for 30% of all military recruits to be women by 2030, up from 12% today. However, the RAF is shooting for 40% women and 20% ethnic minorities. Women and minorities, however, don't gravitate toward more combat-intensive roles, such as guarding airfields. "The levels of ambition for ethnic targets...are absolutely crazy," said one source. Another labelled them "impossible." Sky News didn't name the female recruiting officer who turned in her notice, but did say she is a "group captain," equivalent to a colonel in the US Air Force. One source noted with dismay that the warped priorities come soon after UK army commander General Sir Patrick Sanders warned that current world circumstances present a "1937 moment" for the country. "Then you look at the head of the RAF and he's prepared to break the operational requirement of the air force just to meet diversity [targets]. I think he needs to be hauled up by the Ministry of Defence and told: This is the defence agenda, get on it," the source said. The defense sources also decried what they characterized as RAF commander Tigtson's overly-woke agenda, which includes an emphasis on gender-neutral pronouns, eschewing the term "airman," and permitting beards. In 2016 , Wigston authorized and personally conducted a gay marriage ceremony on Cyprus for an RAF enlisted man and his boyfriend. Then-Air Vice Marshal Wigston presides over the 2016 marriage of an RAF enlisted man and his boyfriend Reacting to news of the alleged anti-white-male recruiting move, a spokesperson for aspiring prime minister Rishi Sunak told Sky News, "The only thing that should matter in recruitment is the content of your character, not your sex or the colour of your skin. That the Ministry of Defence would allow Britain's security to potentially be put at risk by a drive for so-called 'diversity' is not only disgraceful, it is dangerous." RAF pilots in Hornchurch, Essex, in front of a supermarine Spitfire Mark II in 1940 (via "Steve ~ Saved by God's Grace" on Pinterest) An RAF spokesperson denied the claims made by Sky News and its multiple defense sources: "There is no pause in Royal Air Force recruitment and no new policy with regards to meeting in-year recruitment requirements," the spokesperson said, while also adding that "we are doing everything we can to encourage recruiting from under-represented groups and ensure we have a diverse workforce." You know you're in trouble when an official spokesperson refers to the RAF as a "workforce." As an RAF flag tops an LGBT banner, a sturdy column pierces the London sky. Overhead, a tightly-packed cluster of crack pilots take it all in and simultaneously spew long ropes of rainbow-colored discharge. (Official RAF Photo)
US Democrats and Democracy's Involuntary Force... all collectivist, and strikingly similar to China... UN Report Finally Acknowledges China's Forced Labor Programs Leave it to the United Nations to wait several years before pointing out the blatantly obvious. With their overt obsession with climate change, one has to wonder how they find any time to address REAL problems in the world, including state sanctioned slavery. Perhaps they stalled for so long because the nation in question is China? A new UN report on contemporary forms of slavery has found it “reasonable to conclude” that forced labor is taking place in China’s far-western region of Xinjiang. The area has long been criticized by the alternative media as the base of operations for massive slave labor camps which China uses to house undesirables, including millions of native tribal Uyghurs according to human rights groups. The reality of concentration camps in China was denied by the CCP spin machine for years, but leaked documents on camp brainwashing programs in 2019 as well as leaked video footage in 2020 have put that question to rest. The indoctrination programs used by China are common practice among communist countries, which view religious beliefs and practices as unacceptable competition to the collectivism and worship of the state. If a group of people holds something in higher regard than the government (such as God or spiritualism), then they might be harder to control because they believe in something greater than themselves, or greater than their own personal survival. They become dangerous to the authorities. The Uyghur programs seem to follow a Mao/Soviet model, which focuses on forced labor, separation of families and elaborate propaganda sessions designed to instill loyalty. Although, there is some evidence that the camps also use the threat of torture and death as a means to inspire compliance. The programs also appear to be an extension of the ethnic cleansing efforts used by China to pacify and absorb Tibet after invading militarily in 1949. China's modus operandi is to claim that the regions they ethnically cleanse are “already a part of China” even when they are clearly separate, not only by geography and national boundaries but by culture. Claiming historic ownership is their way of justifying their actions. Again, this is typically communist. In a report released on Tuesday, a UN special rapporteur, Tomoya Obokata, said that evidence pointed to forced labor “among Uygur, Kazakh and other ethnic minorities in sectors such as agriculture and manufacturing”. The UN has not adopted the report as their official position, which is not surprising, but it is one of the first incidents of the UN openly acknowledging the CCP's forced labor operations. The Chinese government was quick to dispute the rapporteur’s findings, accusing Obokata of “abusing his authority” to “malignly smear and denigrate China and serve as a political tool for anti-China forces”. “We solemnly urge [a] certain special rapporteur to immediately change course, respect plain facts, observe the mandate of the Human Rights Council and code of conduct of the special procedure, perform duty in a fair and objective manner,” foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a news briefing in Beijing on Wednesday. “There has never been forced labor in Xinjiang,” he added. Here we have another very typical communist reaction to being caught red handed (no pun intended), which is to play the victim and then gaslight the people that are pointing out their criminality. China argues that labor programs were actually meant to “combat radicalism” and “fight terrorism,” though they have offered no legitimate evidence of either. The CCP also suggests that camps produce workers that are “paid,” though this claim has been refuted by prisoners and insider leaks. Whether paid or not, all the evidence shows that Uyghurs and other groups are indeed separated from their families and shipped out against their will to work in Chinese factories. Beyond exposing the horrible practices of the Chinese government, the slave labor and concentration camp issue illustrates the much bigger problem of collectivist systems and their natural propensity to devolve into brutal dictatorship. This is the eventual end path of every socialist/communist model; it is not as if China is being compelled by circumstances to round these people up, to torture them or use them as slave labor. There is no direct threat to China. Rather, the CCP and other collectivist governments see ideas as threats, because ideas and beliefs outside of state doctrine offer CHOICES, and the power of choice is the ultimate silver bullet to the monster of collectivism. Choice is death for authoritarians, so all choice must be eliminated.
Biden-Dems losing numbers...
These Three Liberal-Controlled Cities Have Worst Post-COVID Downturn Rebounds The progressive approach to law enforcement in certain major US cities, supported by George Soros and others, has been a complete failure as residents' quality of life has collapsed. Soaring violent crime and controversial open-air drug markets plague the downtown areas of San Francisco, Cleveland, and Portland, transforming these areas into wastelands. A recent study commissioned by the Institute of Governmental Studies at the University of California Berkeley found that San Francisco's downtown activity was only 31% this spring (between March and May) compared to pre-Covid levels. Cleveland was at 36%, and Portland was at 41%. Meanwhile, after the pandemic, Salt Lake City, Utah, Bakersfield, California, and Columbus, Ohio, experienced the most massive booms in downtown activity. Source: Daily Mail Researchers used data from 18 million smartphone users traveling through America's busiest metro areas to determine which downtown areas bounced back the most and least. What's striking in the data is that the worst bouncebacks are in liberal-controlled metro areas that have either defunded the police or at least tried, allowed for open-air drug markets, and made shoplifting only a misdemeanor. The study's results are no surprise to readers as disastrous progressive policies ignited a tsunami of violent crime in liberal-controlled cities, resulting in an exodus of the population with migration trends to metro areas where law and order were more stable (such as towns in Montana). The common denominator among the metropolises with the smallest downtown activity bouncebacks is controlled by Democrats who endlessly create havoc at the expense of law-abiding citizens. However, there is good news. People are waking up from their liberal amnesia and are ousting those who have made things worse for them. A perfect example is San Francisco's chief prosecutor Chesa Boudin who was booted from office this summer. He was backed by Soros and came under fire for failed progressive criminal-justice reform policies that led to a sharp increase in drug overdose deaths, homelessness, and thefts, including smash-and-grab robberies, car burglaries, shoplifting, and other property crimes. Third on the list is Portland, for the lowest bounceback in downtown activity. This liberal-controlled area is no stranger to readers as the metro area is plagued with soaring homelessness, drug overdoses, and surging violent crime after left-wing protests called for defunding the police. The progressive mismanagement of America's cities has only accelerated post-Covid, resulting in a mass exodus of households and businesses fleeing these hellholes for ones that are safe and economically friendly. The exodus will continue, pushing some liberal cities to the proverbial financial edge as their tax base evaporates. America's cities need a new generation of leaders who will be brave enough to counter decades of failed progressive leadership and inform voters their collapse in quality of life is due to bad policymaking.
Biden-Dems losing numbers...
Election Fraud Exposed Where is it easier to bury the needed large election altering numbers... in Big Cities 70% of which are Democrat run and populated, then what makeup of "volunteer" census takers might be found there and sent to be "hired"... not too hard to imagine an infiltration and inflation operation. One corrupt and criminal organization and operation... In a 2007 case in Washington state, in which seven temporary employees of ACORN were charged with submitting fraudulent voter registrations In May 2009, six ACORN employees in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, pleaded guilty to charges of a combined total of 51 counts of forgery and other violations while registering voters during the 2008 election cycle. In plea deals in a 2009 Las Vegas case, former ACORN field director Amy Busefink and ACORN official Christopher Edwards pleaded guilty to "conspiracy to commit the crime of compensation for registration of voters Census Bureau Admits Overcounting 7 Blue States, Just 1 Red State In a shocking report, the U.S. Census Bureau recently admitted that it overcounted the populations of eight states and undercounted the populations of six states in the 2020 census. The Census Bureau has not explained how it got the 2020 census so wrong. (hapabapa/Getty Images) All but one of the states overcounted is a blue state, and all but one of the undercounted states is red. Those costly errors will distort congressional representation and the Electoral College. It means that when the Census Bureau reapportioned the House of Representatives, Florida was cheated out of two additional seats it should have gotten; Texas missed out on another seat; Minnesota and Rhode Island each kept a representative they shouldn’t have; and Colorado was awarded a new member of the House it didn’t deserve. These harmful errors also mean billions in federal funds will be misallocated. Funding for many federal programs is distributed to the states based on population. Overcounted states will now receive a larger share of federal funds than they are entitled to, at the expense of the undercounted states. The Census Bureau has not explained how it got the 2020 census so wrong. This is particularly troublesome because the bureau reported an error rate of 0.01 percent in the 2010 census—an overcount of only 36,000 people, a statistically insignificant mistake. The 2020 errors were discovered through the “2020 Post-Enumeration Survey.” After each census, the bureau interviews a large number of households across the country and then compares the interview answers with the original census responses. The 2020 survey showed that the bureau overcounted the population in Delaware, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, and Utah. The largest mistake was in President Joe Biden’s home state of Delaware, which was overcounted by 5.45 percent. The states whose populations were undercounted were Arkansas, Florida, Illinois, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Texas. The largest error in the undercount was in Arkansas, where the population count was off by 5.04 percent. The original census reported that Florida needed only 171,500 more residents to gain another congressional seat. Yet the survey shows that Florida was undercounted by over three-quarters of a million people. The bureau also said that Texas needed only 189,000 more people to gain another congressional seat. The survey shows that Texas was undercounted by 560,319 residents. Minnesota, according to the original census report, would have lost a congressional seat during reapportionment if it had 26 fewer residents; the survey shows the state was overcounted by 216,971 individuals. Similarly, Rhode Island would have lost a seat if the Census Bureau had counted 19,000 fewer residents. It turns out that the state was overcounted by more than 55,000 individuals. The Associated Press quoted John Marion of Common Cause in Rhode Island admitting that the state would benefit from this mistake, including “more representation in Congress.” Unfortunately, the federal statutes governing the census and apportionment provide no remedy to correct this problem. And it would be very difficult to devise an acceptable remedy this far after the fact. The census is geared to providing a count of the population on one specific date, in this case April 1, 2020. A remedy that involved ordering the Census Bureau to conduct another actual recount in the 14 affected states—a complex, expensive undertaking—would provide numbers on a different date than the original census, whose population totals would still be in effect for the rest of the states. This would raise fundamental fairness issues, given the high mobility of our population. The concept of conducting a new census of the entire nation also seems impractical. One thing, however, must be done. Congress needs to use its oversight authority to investigate and determine why these errors happened, particularly since they didn’t occur in the 2010 census. Lawmakers should then make the changes necessary to ensure this does not happen again.
Biden-Dems losing numbers...
Baltimore On Pace For Possible Record Murders As Local NAACP Asks Governor To Deploy National Guard Baltimore City reached 231 homicides since the start of the year and is on pace for a possible record year of murder. Just an hour north of the White House, the Democratic-controlled metro area is in ruins Military Families Suffering As Housing Benefits Can't Keep Up With Exploding Rent according to real estate company Zillow, rents have skyrocketed 43.9% in those markets Judge Permanently Blocks Biden Oil And Gas Leasing Pause In 13 States President Biden’s executive order to choke off energy development didn’t just increase prices and hurt American families—it was flatly illegal. Joe Biden signed Executive Order 14008 on Jan. 27, 2021, banning all new oil and natural gas leases on federal lands and offshore waters. A federal judge Thursday issued a permanent injunction against the Biden administration’s pause of new oil and gas leasing in federal lands. Doughty ruled that the executive branch has no authority to change both laws. Residents Demand Resignation Of NJ Councilwoman Who Hit Bicyclist In SUV & Fled Scene As if we didn't see enough "laws for thee, but not for me" from Democratic politicians during Covid... Amy DeGise is facing calls to resign after video allegedly shows her hitting a bicyclist she still left the scene. The bicyclist survived the incident, but suffered injuries. DeGise was reportedly cited for failure to report an accident and leaving the scene of an accident. More than 100 people showed up to the city's council meeting this past week, protesting that DeGise should step down from her position. "I’m not resigning. The same councilwoman was caught on body camera last November, pleading with police, after her car was illegally parked, with an expired registration, being towed and impounded. "I'm a councilwoman!" she is heard pleading with the officer
Politically based mismanagement approaching strategic failure, when the buffer tanks and inflows drop, you're fucked... SPR @ 442/714MBbl -43 new low not seen since 1984 As everyone knows by know, to avoid a bloodbath at the midterms and daily records in gasoline prices, the Biden administration has dispatched about 1 million barrels of oil per day from Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) stockpiles this year to lower fuel prices and pare energy inflation ahead of midterm elections in November, a move which would prove to be a catastrophic blunder if China were to invade Taiwan in the near future.
Joe Biden, his woke Admin, and Dem Pols are fucking idiots engaging in massive risks to US national stability for political power purposes. Same for Globalists. Polls show both at the most distrusted and disapproval ratings ever.
Politically based mismanagement approaching strategic failure, when the buffer tanks and inflows drop, you're fucked...
SPR @ 405/714MBbl -37 a/o Oct 14 Only 20 days buffer remaining
As everyone knows by know, to avoid a bloodbath at the midterms and daily records in gasoline prices, the Biden administration has dispatched about 1 million barrels of oil per day from Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) stockpiles this year to lower fuel prices and pare energy inflation ahead of midterm elections in November, a move which would prove to be a catastrophic blunder
Oil (and Green) are TOP-SECRET, the planet's politicians are playing games and lying. Expect more chaos due to them.
No higher pinnacle of corruption sought than US Govt and Democrats... Pay to corrupt, including SBF's $50+M, and Soros's $150+M... Biden politically stealing the SPR to lower gas prices for election wins... SPR @ 382/714MBbl -11 avgLast3Mo a/o Dec 9 Negligible days buffer remaining The US Govt cooks it's own Inflation Books, lying to the people for Political Gain... The US Govt Politicians hide and never discuss the debt slavery they saddled upon the people's backs... Biden is now cooking the employment books for Political Gain too... Here Comes The Job Shock: Philadelphia Fed Admits US Jobs "Overstated" By At Least 1.1 Million Regular readers are well aware that back in July, Zero Hedge first (long before it became a running theme among so-called "macro experts") pointed out that a gaping 1+ million job differential had opened up between the closely-watched and market-impacting, if easily gamed and manipulated, Establishment Survey and the far more accurate if volatile, Household Survey - the two core components of the monthly non-farm payrolls report. We first described this divergence in early July, when looking at the June payrolls data, we found that the gap between the Housing and Establishment Surveys had blown out to 1.5 million starting in March when "something snapped." We described this in "Something Snaps In The US Labor Market: Full, Part-Time Workers Plunge As Multiple Jobholders Soar." Since then the difference only got worse, and culminated earlier this month when the gap between the Establishment and Household surveys for the November dataset nearly doubled to a whopping 2.7 million jobs, a bifurcation which we described in "Something Is Rigged: Unexplained, Record 2.7 Million Jobs Gap Emerges In Broken Payrolls Report." Whether this divergence was due to wrong seasonal adjustments (a remnant of the overreaction taken by the Dept of Labor following the covid crunch to normalize for a new normal labor market), due to erroneous Birth-Death assumptions (here too, the Dept of Labor was assuming early cycle new business creation which clearly is wrong with the economy late cycle and millions of businesses shutting down, ignoring the open PPP fraud that took place in early/mid-2000s as everyone "opened up" businesses to get free money from the government), due to the Establishment Survey inability to tell the difference between full, part and multiple-jobs - as a reminder we first showed that since March, the US had lost 400K full-time jobs offset by far lower paying part-time jobs as well as double-counted multiple jobholders... ... due to the record high rate of estimation - recall the 49% Establishment survey response rate was much lower than the 70-75% rate typical in November, meaning the Dept of Labor was literally making numbers up to "complete" the survey... ... or some other reason, perhaps including the Biden admin tapping certain Bureau of Labor Statistics officials on the shoulder and advising them to show strong numbers if they want to keep their... well... jobs, we did not know, but we did know that according to the Household Survey, just 12,000 jobs were created since March, while according to the Establishment Survey - which moves markets and sets Fed policy - the increase in jobs over the same period was 2.692 million! We bring all this up again because late on Dec 13, the Philadelphia Fed published something shocking: as part of the regional Fed's quarterly reassessment of payrolls in the form of an "early benchmark revision of state payroll employment", the Philly Fed confirmed what we have been saying since July, namely that US payrolls are overstated by at least 1.1 million, and likely much more! First, some background. As the Philly Fed notes, "estimates by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia indicate that the employment changes from March through June 2022 were significantly different in 33 states and the District of Columbia compared with current state estimates from the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS) Current Employment Statistics (CES). Early benchmark estimates indicated higher changes in four states, lower changes in 29 states and the District of Columbia, and lesser changes in the remaining 17 states. Wait, the Philly Fed tabulates jobs? Isn't that the jobs of the BLS? Why yes, the BLS does that every month. The problem is that to successfully publish a report within days after any given month ends, the BLS report gives up in accuracy what it makes up in speed. Far more accurate reports are available elsewhere, they just come with a big lag. This is where the Philadelphia Fed comes in: from the latest quarterly report... Our estimates incorporate more comprehensive, accurate job estimates released by the BLS as part of its Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) program to augment the sample data from the BLS’s CES that are issued monthly on a timely basis. All percentage change calculations are expressed as annualized rates. Read more about our methodology. Learn more about interpreting our early benchmark estimates. Ok, ok, what did this "more accurate", "more comprehensive" report find? It found that... In the aggregate, 10,500 net new jobs were added during the period rather than the 1,121,500 jobs estimated by the sum of the states; the U.S. CES estimated net growth of 1,047,000 jobs for the period. Remember what we said in July when we first looked at the March-June divergence between the Household and Establishment survey: we said that "since March, the Establishment Survey shows a gain of 1.124 million jobs while the Household Survey shows an employment loss of 347K!" Said otherwise, we found that payrolls "calculated" by the Establishment Survey were overestimated by 1.5 million. Shockingly, the Philly Fed seems to agree, and reports that instead of the roughly 1.1 million jobs reported by the BLS, only 10,500 new jobs were added! And some more data: Payroll jobs in the nation remained essentially flat from March through June 2022 after adjusting for QCEW data: Less than the 3.0 percent growth indicated by the sum of the states Less than the 2.8 percent growth indicated by the U.S. CES estimates This is shown graphically in the chart below: specifically, the analysis looks at the quarter in the red box, where the green line, or the more accurate "early benchmark" revision of official data, dipped decidedly below the CES trendline (i.e., the nonfarm payrolls). For those who are too lazy to click on the source report, here is the summary page: Of course, the above analysis only looks at the March-June period. What about subsequent months and quarters? Well, we will have to wait at least 3 months to get the June-Sept data, but using the same approach which we now know works, and which looks at the divergence between Household and Establishment surveys, it is safe to say that the job "overstating" which was 1.5 million in June according to Zero Hedge and 1.1 million according to the Philly Fed, has almost doubled to 2.7 million from March to November. The only question is what the final, far more accurate Philly Fed estimate will be when it is published some time in 6 months time. But an even bigger question is when does the BLS realize (or rather admit) what is going on and engages in a shotgun backward revision of data? The most likely answer is that the BLS will simply wait until one of its annual historical data revision periods, when the Bureau of Labor Statistics quietly admits that historical data was higher by a few million, and re-benchmarks current months going forward as if nothing had happened. In the meantime, however, the Fed is shaping monetary policy using the clearly flawed assumption that the US labor market is "hot", "tight" and "strong", when in reality we now know that between March and June, monthly payrolls were overstated by about 350,000. This matters because this is what the BLS reported for payrolls for those months: April 368K May 386K June 293K Now take those numbers and adjust them to subtract an average of 350K from each month (to get the revised Philly Fed payroll over this period) and you get this: April 18K May 36K June 57K And visually. Still think the Fed would be hiking 75bps this summer if instead of an average monthly job gain of 350K, Powell was seeing zero monthly payroll increases? And even more importantly, now that the cat is out of the bag and the Philly Fed has introduced this huge credibility issue in all recent payrolls data, how long until this becomes a political issue, and how long until Republicans - who take control of the House in January - start hearings to demonstrate to the US that the collapse in the labor market did not start with the Republican takeover but was well in place last summer. And finally, how long until the Fed - which made it clear that it is no longer focused purely on inflation numbers (which are sliding fast anyway) but will also be looking at clearly wrong jobs data - makes it a point that the US labor market is in far worse shape, it is in fact contracting, than it was when it decided to hike 75bps several times in a row?
SPR @ 372/714MBbl -14.5 avgLast3Mo a/o Dec 30 Negligible 19 days remaining which can't be pumped out fast enough to meet demand anyway. Not a single barrel pumped into the SPR for all of 2022, not any since Trump pumped a few in. Democrat Admin so fraudulent that not only were they caught trading national security for election gains, they're apparently willing to destroy the SPR for it too, ignoring warnings since at least 3 months ago. Hunter Biden, the King of Ukraine and Burisma Oil. White House Delays Refill Of Strategic Oil Reserve, Balks At "Too Expensive" Offers The Biden administration had no problems aggressively draining the SPR by 1mmb/d at market prices in the immediate aftermath of the Ukraine war, in hopes of lowering the price of gasoline ahead of November's elections and avoiding an inflationary midterm rout. However, when it comes to refilling the SPR, now that US emergency inventories are down to the lowest level since November 1983 and not too far from an all time low which threatens the structural integrity of the salt caverns the oil is deposited in... ... the White House has "unexpectedly" gotten cold feet. One month after the White House said it will start refilling the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, and made an initial order of 3mm barrels of sour crude (a tiny fraction of the 200 million released in 2022), in what it said was a clear message to oil companies that they can freely invest capital in boosting output cause, well, Biden's got their backs, overnight we learned that there was a rather sizable caveat in the White House's brilliant plan. According to Bloomberg, the Biden administration has delayed the replenishment of the nation’s emergency oil reserve after deciding the offers it received were either too expensive or didn’t meet the required specifications. Citing "people familiar" the report adds that "the Department of Energy rejected the several offers it got for a potential purchase in February." In other words, absent a brutal US or global recession which drags oil far lower - courtesy of the Fed which is doing Biden's bidding of containing inflation by crushing the US economy with the highest interest rates in a generation - the SPR won't get any more oil. While the DOE will put off the purchase it had originally planned for next month, the proposed program, which used a new approach that accepts fixed-price offers, will continue, one of the people said. Of course, it will "continue" only as long as oil is below a certain White House mandated threshold, anything above that - as we now can see - means no refills. As a reminder, last year there were reports that the Biden administration had planned to start buying crude when it dropped around $70 a barrel; and while oil fell during the fourth quarter and US benchmark prices fell close to those levels last month, they have since rebounded, with the SPR refill price serving as a market support level. “DOE has put forth a long term plan to transition from release to replenishment, and we’re committed to doing so in a manner that provides a fair deal for taxpayers,” the department said in a statement Friday. “DOE will only select bids that meet the required crude specifications and that are at a price that is a good deal for taxpayers,” it said. "Following review of the initial submission, DOE will not be making any award selections for the February delivery window." What this means is that, as we noted yesterday, either the White House - in all its infinite wisdom - will start having to chase the price of oil even higher in hopes of catching up to the offer now that it has set a firm floor for oil prices thereby shooting itself in the foot... The Department of Energy rejected the several offers it got for a potential SPR purchase in February: BBG Well it will just have to raise its bid then — zerohedge (@zerohedge) January 7, 2023 ... or the SPR will not see even one more drop of new oil, and the 372 million barrels currently there, just under 19 days of domestic consumption, will be all the US emergency oil inventory at the time when China inevitably invades Taiwan - a far bigger emergency than a Democrat loss in the elections. At that point only that legendary energy guru, Hunter Biden, who was paid so handsomely for his energy insight by Ukraine's energy giant Burisma... "NEWS: Hunter Biden joins the team of Burisma Holdings" ... will be able to save the US. Ruby Freeman via Cobb County Police Bodycam “It is serious. It is deep. It is so real...the USB ports, I really would love to go live with that because the ballots is history...Now it’s the USB ports. So I need an attorney. I want to go live, I’ll go live on every platform because it is going to blow your mind.” Another state... 100,000 plus ballots found dumped into the count with no authentication. Why do we even care about @GOP having the majority when they made this guy Speaker? Congratulations GOP on your new DEMOCRAT Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy! The US House Speaker is a proud member of the World Economic Forum! Thanks for betraying us all @HouseGOP! Notice last night when McCarthy became Speaker of the House, Democrats were clapping! That’s a bad sign. You don’t want a Speaker who Democrats are happy to see in power. You might just wake up tomorrow morning and find out that your country is over forever. I’ll tell you right now, America is done forever if Kevin McCarthy becomes Speaker of the House. Mark my word. If he becomes Speaker, he will implement New World Order. He’s a member of WEF. Kevin McCarthy is salivating at the idea of becoming Speaker before midnight on the anniversary of J6. This should show you how weak @GOPLeader would be if he was Speaker of the House. Republicans have the majority in the House,& they allowed for Capitol Police to barricade the Capitol today for the sake of theatrics on J6. I confirmed w/ police. Barricades are not for the vote. Laura Loomer @LauraLoomer WATCH: I’m in Washington DC on the 2yr anniversary of J6 while the vote(s) for Speaker of the House continue! Capitol Police have barricaded the entire Capitol only for J6. No private citizen or independent journalist can enter to speak w/ their rep on this important day.#Tyranny How can anyone who is honest look at this picture & not question their relationship? Her husband just divorced her, & Kevin is still married. This is a very bizarre level of closeness for these two to have. MTG is hanging all over Kevin & it’s not the 1st time this week either. If you call yourself a “Conservative” and you were supporting Kevin McCarthy for Speaker, then you need to educate yourself more on his terrible voting record. @laralogan is spot on.🔥 There was no shortage of pro McCarthy dummies out there who can’t even tell you how he votes. @laralogan McCarthy voted for: - same sex marriage - vax mandates for military - $100B for Ukraine - to use Medicare to fund USPS - drafting of women - J6 committee - DC as the 51st state - amnesty for DACA. Kevin McCarthy and his goons are criminals. They are now threatening assault against people who vote against McCarthy on the FLOOR OF THE HOUSE!!!! Jim Lokay @LokayFOX5 Were they close to blows?!? This is like an episode of Maury. Moments after Gaetz’s present vote…. Here is video of Mike Rodgers about to get in a fight with @mattgaetz and @laurenboebert. The guy who pulled Rodgers back grabbed at his face. Something about Rep. Paul Gosar’s body language doesn’t look right here. Rep. Gaetz looks shocked, and so does the fat weirdo sitting next to Gosar as he utters “McCarthy”, just before exiting the chamber. What the HELL is going on here? Ashli Babbitt's mom arrested for nothing. US Congress gets drunk on your dime while literally in the Capitol Building. Joe Biden signed a 4,000 page bill while vacationing in the Virgin Islands. They flew the $1.7 trillion bill to him so he didn't have to be inconvenienced with flying back to DC to sign this absolute disaster. That lawsuit is MY RICO lawsuit. Twitter is so scared of MY lawsuit, they went rogue on their own new owner and hired Hillary Clinton’s lawyers against the orders of @elonmusk because Twitter Legal is so adamant about making my bombshell lawsuit go away. It’s not going away! Reuters Legal @ReutersLegal Jan 6 Elon Musk said in an email to Reuters on Friday that hiring law firm Perkins Coie to defend Twitter in a California federal lawsuit this week was a mistake that the company would not make again. Read The Afternoon Docket Subscribe 10 102 3 323 Laura Loomer @LauraLoomer Jan 6 My RICO case was filed in May 2022, before @elonmusk bought Twitter. For those asking, no, I did not sue Elon Musk. I sued Twitter, @Jack, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook, P&G, and the FBI.
Jackass Joe Biden and Democrats trading your energy security for Political Gain... SPR @ 362/714MBbl -3.2 avgLast3Mo a/o May 05 Negligible days remaining, which can't be pumped out fast enough to meet demand anyway. Not a single net barrel pumped into the SPR since Trump added ~25M in 2017 and 2019. Published news now states SPR salt caverns are caving in due to lack of supporting fill, capacity permanently reduced.
DC_Draino @DC_Draino May 28 🚨BREAKING🚨 New *video evidence* of Maricopa election officials illegally breaking into sealed election machines after they were tested, reprogramming memory cards, and reinstalling them 59% of these machines would shut down on election day in GOP areas They’ve been CAUGHT This explosive video has been posted for 4+ days & there have been no credible fact-checks The media is ignoring this story & hoping you forget about it But it’s been retweeted 40k+ times w/more than 12 MILLION views These criminals broke the seals & reprogrammed the machines Notice how the woman breaking the seals is wearing latex gloves? Totally normal behavior Yea this was livestreamed but they didn’t think anyone was recording But @KariLake’s team was Then they matched up these videos w/ recently obtained system log files that prove tampering Remember: While this illegal election machine rigging was committed by Maricopa county criminals, it was overseen by the Arizona Secretary of State who now illegitimately occupies the Governor’s seat *Katie Hobbs rigged her own election* When does the impeachment trial begin?! Kari Lake War Room @KariLakeWarRoom May 28 👀Watch👀 On October 14th, 17th & 18th, Maricopa County performed secret testing on the tabulators This was AFTER the legally required Logic & Accuracy test 260 of 446 tabulators failed They were used on election day anyway. Where 59% failed This is the story of a sabotage. Show this thread 5,809 40,558 2,288 90,169 3,354,350 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 58m Republicans control the House yet the Debt Ceiling bill just passed with more Democrat votes than Republican votes Infuriating weakness 461 997 75 3,103 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 2h I’m old enough to remember when the airline pamphlets in the seatback pockets didn’t have blood clot warnings Wonder what changed… 246 636 28 2,000 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 3h Just when you think Leftists couldn’t get any more depraved, the Georgetown Neighborhood Library is organizing a “Children’s Pride Parade” in our nation’s capitol on June 3 Why are these groomers so obsessed with influencing the sexualities of minors? 320 1,271 45 3,057 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 3h Are federal tax dollars being used to organize *Children’s* pride parades now?! 22 103 1 418 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 4h Project Veritas exposed Pfizer & then @JamesOKeefeIII got suspended James then exposed a nationwide election donation scam and is now being sued to stop him from pursuing further investigations Some call all this a coincidence I see it as muzzling a powerful voice before 2024 120 1,708 13 4,598 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 8h Want to know the beautiful thing about these Woke Boycotts? They aren’t organized by any single politician or person They’re organic uprisings from millions of Americans who are sick and tired of watching their country get taken over by Marxist groomers Now that’s Democracy Gavin Newsom @GavinNewsom 8h Let's take a moment to talk about this. There is a full-throated purge effort going on here by the far-right that we have not seen for decades. They are on a boycott binge and cancel crusade, trying to eliminate the existence of minority communities. Burning Flags. Banning…… 228 666 18 2,610 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 9h Imagine if they incorporated DEI in the NBA and required every team to hire a 5’4” white guy and make him a starter You’d think that’s ridiculous right? 317 1,111 33 7,125 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 9h Does Chick Fil A deserve a full blown Bud Light boycott? In my opinion, no Do they deserve some heat & criticism for bending the knee to the Woke agenda and creating a Marxist DEI position that engages in racial discrimination? In my opinion, yes Let’s see their next moves… 1,244 483 71 4,939 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 9h Obviously if they start targeting children with the Woke agenda, it’s game on But in my opinion they haven’t quite crossed that line yet 114 60 4 600 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 10h Corporations are now spending millions on consulting & marketing advice to avoid reaping the wrath of conservative boycotts, but here’s some free advice: Stop targeting kids with radical gender ideology & Satanism That’s all you have to do This shouldn’t be difficult 184 650 24 2,281 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 11h Is anyone else skeptical of politicians that spend most of their adult careers pursuing elected office? Career politicians are what’s wrong with this country 221 520 35 2,592 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 11h Trump has been the exact same person for decades If you’re good to him, he’ll be good to you If you hit him, he’s going to hit you back twice as hard This isn’t complicated 1,769 3,303 171 14,878 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 11h You may not like his strategy, but it won him the Presidency and got him the most votes in GOP history 239 228 12 1,594 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 12h Think about this A woman with highly credible sexual assault claims against the man in the Oval Office is now fleeing to another country b/c she fears for her life We have rigged elections, political prisoners, and now political refugees These are 3rd world problems Breitbart News @BreitbartNews 14h Tara Reade, the former Senate staffer to Joe Biden who accused him of sexual assault during the 2020 presidential election, has now defected to Russia. 458 2,675 64 7,115 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 12h 77 431 19 3,267 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 14h When you think about it, most of America’s culture war revolves around protecting children: -Abortion -No boys competing in girl sports -Abolishing CRT & grooming in schools -Banning child sterilization & mutilation Who else proudly stands on the right side of history? 536 926 46 3,650 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 14h The Nashville Trans Terrorist shooting of Christian children changed everything Once a movement becomes so radicalized that its insane adherents start killing kids, the gloves come off This is why our boycotts are taking down multinational corporations We will protect children 1,042 2,525 90 9,039 DC_Draino @DC_Draino May 30 I supported President Trump when… -family & friends stopped talking to me -jobs wouldn’t hire me -the media demonized him with 95% negative coverage -he was investigated by Mueller for Russia collusion -he was impeached for a phone call to Ukraine -BLM & Antifa burned down…… 2,334 4,755 308 23,417 DC_Draino @DC_Draino May 30 What’s funny is the people saying “you’re in a cult” are all vaxxed and boosted b/c Saint Fauci told them to 460 923 42 7,223 DC_Draino @DC_Draino May 30 This country is under attack from within by criminal Marxists and they are throwing every weapon they have at the uprising of Americans trying to stop them We will not be defeated or redirected There is only 1 goal - saving America so that our kids can grow up in a free country 366 1,312 36 6,676 Load more Great graphic. NateLF @NateLF4 Oct 30 Some of the best findings from the 2020 Maricopa full forensic audit are below. Why did corrupt politicians or lawyers work hard to suppress these findings? cc: @BennettArizona @RPullen @WendyRogersAZ @SonnyBorrelli @JenWEsq
50,000 ballots out of 2.1 million were randomly selected and tested. 0 of them were on VoteSecure paper. Straight from Runbeck Printing, if they printed ALL PRODUCED ballots on Rolland 80LB VoteSecure Paper, that Maricopa used for ALL of their ballots AS THEY SAY, then WHY was their 19 different types/weights of paper Chinese whistleblower Vinness A. Ollervides has confirmed that as many as five million fake ballots were printed in communist China and shipped to North America to be used in the 2020 election. @Rasmussen_Poll "All counted ballots" in Maricopa County are printed on 80lb VoteSecure ballot paper. Except over 200,000 weren't. 10 different types/weights of paper were found by the volunteers who examined the 2.1M ballots. But Joe Biden 'won' Arizona in 2020.… @kylenabecker Debunking the Media's Claim That All of Trump's 2020 Election Challenges Were 'Baseless' An Election Integrity review conducted on 92 court challenges filed over the 2020 election found that a clear majority of the cases decided on the merits were ruled favorably for the plaintiffs; particularly, the Republican Party and the Trump campaign. The election review noted the cases decided on the merits and those that were dismissed for lack of standing or other procedural issues. "Some Non-Merit reasons for stopping lawsuits from going forward are for: a) Standing, b) Timing [Laches], c) Judicial authority [Jurisdiction], and d) Moot (e.g. not enough malfeasance to make a difference)." The list of court cases decided on the merits, meaning "the Plaintiff was able to argue the facts of the case, and, if applicable, given opportunity to present evidence via Discovery," as well as the links to the case information, can be found below. “You’re gonna wanna bookmark this,” remarked Arizona Sun Times reporter @Rach_IC. “This is a compilation of all of the 2020 election challenges and what became of them. Despite the MSM lies that 60+ election challenges found no evidence of wrongdoing, there were actually 92 cases, with only 30 decided on the merits, and of those 30, Trump and/or the GOP plaintiff prevailed in 22 of them.” The case entries, many linking to Stanford’s Healthy Election Project, confirm the statuses and the rulings. It is debatable whether affirmative rulings in all of the cases would have been sufficient to lead to Donald Trump being elected instead of Joe Biden. The pivotal lawsuit may have been the Texas case brought by AG Ken Paxton contending that a number of swing states made unconstitutional election changes, because they did not go through the state legislatures. This case was denied by the Supreme Court, despite the Constitution stipulating its original jurisdiction. Furthermore, many states have since decided that 2020 election practices such as the inclusion of privately funded "Zuckerboxes" were either illegal or were subsequently outlawed. It is up for debate whether any particular lawsuit would have been the deciding factor, but the critical underlying point is that the election challenges were legal and valid. The sum of these lawsuits paint the picture that the "fortified" 2020 election was highly flawed and undemocratic, since it did not abide by fundamental practices of election integrity. Thus debunks a widespread narrative: Trump's legal challenges to the 2020 election were all “baseless.”
50,000 ballots out of 2.1 million were randomly selected and tested. 0 of them were on VoteSecure paper.
Even Oliver Stone Is Starting To Question The 2020 Election Oliver Stone is a Hollywood leftist who has an odd way of being right at times. His Academy Award-winning JFK was dismissed as a conspiracy theory. Turns out he was likely closer to right all along -- as Tucker Carlson noted in one of this segments. That's not the only one. His South of the Border documentary about Latin America's wave of elected leftist dictators was initially criticized as Chavista propaganda, a glossing over of some of the region's worst rulers ... except that if you watch the thing, which I did twice, you realize he did an extraordinary job of revealing these people as the unattractive pigs that they were. Sleazy, covetous, Imelda-like, sidelong, gangsterly ... he actually exposed them in all their glory in a way their worst critics couldn't. That was a useful record of the era. He's criticized government bureaucracies' demonization of ivermectin and vaccine mandates which is credibility right there. His criticism of the way the Vietnam War was run by vested interests and swamp bureaucrats was probably spot on, too. So now he's dropped another truth bomb, or at least is circling around it. According to RealClearPolitics, which showed a segment and transcript of Stone conversing with Bill Maher: Some of the transcript (they go off on tangents) is here, emphasis mine: MAHER: Well, I mean, [Trump] doesn't concede elections. You know, the elections only count if we win theory of government. Okay. Well, come on. You know, Trump has he still has not conceded the election. He has not conceded. He does not honor them. Okay. STONE: I mean, do you know for a fact that he lost? I'm just curious. MAHER: Okay. You're going to make me -- STONE: I just don't know all of the facts. MAHER: Well I do. Is there a conspiracy theory that you don't believe? STONE: Come on, Bill. You know I'm intelligent. MAHER: Intelligent? Of course you are. But look, look, I've had many people sit here and I'd say the same thing to them. Like, the key to getting along in America is not getting into these tribal things. It's understanding that you can have somebody in your life who you go for A, B, C, and D, We are so aligned and the person is so smart and they really get it. And then E each of you thinks the other one's crazy and there's a couple of those with us, but we got A, B, C, and D, and so we just. OLIVER STONE: We'll start with that. MAHER: Yes, that's got to be enough. You can't make people like agree with you on these things. And you're right when you -- STONE: I'm just asking you, I'm not an expert on the election. I don't go on. I'm not a political junkie. You are. And you follow it very closely. Okay. MAHER: All right, then I'll give you the thumbnail sketch. They tried it in like 60 courts. It was laughed out of every court, including by Republican judges. Report The people who save this democracy were Republicans. Good Republicans. In states where Trump pressured them like the guy, the one he's on trial for in Georgia. Find me 11,000 votes. It's on tape. A guy like that saying to him, sir, we just don't do that here. I voted for you. I'm a Republican, but we just don't do that. That's what saved us. And they were Republicans. So you don't take their word for it. I mean, it would. STONE: I don't know. I mean, you went through the 2000 election. That was horrifying to me. What happened when the Supreme Court closed that down. What happened there? You know, the popular vote was -- MAHER: What should we do? Do we just keep counting votes forever? Or should we still be counting them now? STONE: No. Count them correctly. MAHER: The people who have testified that this was a fair and will [sic] run election. It's a who's who of people like Bill Barr. Mitch McConnell. You're talking about Liz Cheney. You're talking about dyed in the wool, serious conservative Republicans who went with Trump really further out than a lot of us thought they would go with a guy like McCain's not a war hero. [...] STONE: Well, I don't know the facts. And I think I would trust the accountants more than the politicians. And I'd like to know what the accountants, the guys who vote, who know the most about votes, who do the Electoral Commission's, you know. I can't take Biden's word for it on anything. MAHER: It's not his word. It's the Electoral Commission. It's Trump's own election security guy who said this was the most fair, well-run election that we've had ever. STONE: Really? MAHER: Yes. STONE: I don't know about that. Okay. I don't know about that. MAHER: Well, I mean, if there's nothing that can be said or argued that would convince you -- STONE: You, I think it would shock people -- MAHER: Then they called it -- STONE: -- Joe [Biden] got so many got so many votes. You know, that was what was shocking, that he did so well compared to what he was expected to do -- MAHER: Right. STONE: -- because we believed all the East Coast media -- That's the thinking of an independent thinker, someone who asks again and again what we really know from hard knowledge and what we really know only from the press. It's startling in its candor, not a full-blown admission of Trump support, but a person who can critically think and use his own knowledge to reason out strange things that have happened since. He cites the bad media treatment of Pete Rose as his theory on why people stick close to Trump, and his experience with the 2000 election, which he seems to think as stolen, as something that leaves the realm of stolen elections a distinct possibility since he believes it has happened before. His views are not all that 'conspiratorial' as Maher seemed to want to dismiss them as. Polls show that a majority of Republicans believe the elections these days do have fraud -- as do a sizable minority of Democrats. They didn't get into it in the conversation, but many Democrats think our elections are compromised by cheating. Stone stood his ground and didn't back away from the questions that Maher had no serious answers to -- claiming that the press, numerous neverTrumps and many neverTrump judges had reported the election as free and fair. Just because someone says so does not make it so, and that was why Maher kept misfiring at Stone and Stone held his ground. Stone also suggested that there were a lot of liars out there -- from the COVID shambles around vaccines and the like, to Joe Biden himself, whom he couldn't bring himself to believe a word he said. One can only hope that Stone looks at this matter ever more closely. He's onto something. He's sniffing, he's asking questions and he might come up with a tremendous new work from it. Once again, he could be confoundingly correct.
SPR @ 519/714MBbl -24 Inflation CPI-U (Distorted Govt Metric) 8.6% Approval 39% Gas $5.00++ Murders Up (Especially in Democrats Gun Free Zones) "I HOPE CONGRESS TAKES ACTION ON SHIPPING COMPANIES' PRICE INCREASES -- BIDEN" Inflation is now the fault of: Putin Climate change Oil companies Profiteering corporations The Fed Shipping companies Democrat Owned and Operated Big Cities...
More and more pieces of the overall fraud and steal that went into 2020 being exposed (just like censorship and the Fake News Media) via their continued use in 2021, add it ALL up... New Jersey Election Worker Caught Letting Non-Citizen 'Fill Out Ballot Now' And Vote An election worker in the New Jersey gubernatorial race - which incumbent Phil Murphy won by just 1.5%, was caught on undercover camera telling telling another election worker that they'll let anyone vote, and then offered a ballot to an undercover Project Veritas journalist claiming to be an illegal immigrant. Via Project Veritas: “Remember, we were allowing anyone to come in,” she said. When addressing the Veritas journalist in disguise, one of the poll workers said she was willing to provide a ballot. “I’ll let you fill out completely a ballot now. Whether or not it’s going to count, I don’t know,” she said. “Listen, we’ll let you do it.” In a governor’s race that has been called with only about a one percentage point difference separating the candidates, this behavior is at the very least questionable. Watch: It's telling how casually they break the rules. Meanwhile, as Becker News reports, an investigation has been launched into why voting machines from 56 districts were taken offline in Essex County. The latest example of voting machine malfeasance comes via the New Jersey governor’s race, where one of the closest contests in the nation has been marred by voting anomalies. This includes technical glitches with electronic poll books and reports that voting machines suddenly went down on Election Day. The votes on those machines were not even counted. “Essex County Clerk Christopher Durkin says he has a lot of work ahead of him after the votes from 56 districts were not counted Tuesday night in the county,” News 12 reported. “It’s a mix but they are mostly in Newark, in East Orange, Irvington, Maplewood, Montclair, the majority of those 56 districts,” says Durkin. #njmornings With NJ Gubernatorial race still SO close, Essex County Clerk Christopher Durkin tells me where the 56 districts in which votes have not been counted are located. Full story on why they have not been counted and what happens next, today @News12NJ — Tony Caputo (@TonyCaputo) November 3, 2021 According to News 12: "Durkin says you can call it poll worker error," adding "There will be an investigation as to why it happened. He asks New Jersey residents not to jump to conclusions as to why the 56 voting machines were shut down last night without being counted first." What's going on in New Jersey?
the Fake News Media
Shocker– the “experts” were wrong… again How many times now have the ‘experts’ been desperately, woefully wrong about elections over the past several years? They were wrong about Brexit. They were wrong about the 2016 US Presidential election. And they were hilariously, historically wrong about the 2020 election. In fact, according to a report from the American Association of Public Opinion Research, national polls from the 2020 election were the least accurate in at least 40 years. And state polls for President, Senate, and Governor races were the least accurate in 20 years. Yesterday was another Election Day in the Land of the Free. And the ‘experts’ were wrong again. Most notably, pollsters insisted that the race for Virginia governor was a dead heat. But in reality the more conservative candidate easily won by a nearly 6% margin. And in New Jersey’s gubernatorial race, the experts claimed that the more conservative challenger was so far behind in the polls that he didn’t stand a chance. Yet as of the time of this writing, the challenger has a slight lead. Both of the predictions were wildly inaccurate, just like 2020, 2016, Brexit, etc. I’m not lamenting that these pollsters are wrong. As the old saying goes, predictions are hard, especially about the future. It’s human to be wrong. I’ve been wrong more times than I can count. The issue is that the media continues to pretend that these polls are still credible. During the election season, they’re constantly analyzing who’s up or down in the polls almost like a play-by-play announcer at a football game. You’d think that no serious reporter would risk his/her credibility by even mentioning these polls anymore after so many years of terrible predictions. And yet they do. Journalists continue to take the polls seriously– especially when their favored candidate is ahead– and they’re constantly pushing these stories out to their audiences. It’s shameful and intellectually dishonest; no sensible person could possibly believe these numbers anymore. And the fact that they still do suggests that they’re deliberately putting out information that has a long-term track record of being terribly inaccurate. This is why it’s perfectly reasonable to be skeptical of the media; they prove time and time again that they cannot be trusted to present objective information. So if you are skeptical, you’re not the one with the problem. Of course, if you don’t believe everything they say, they’ll call you a conspiracy theorist. This is known as gaslighting. The term gaslighting comes from a 1938 British play called Gas Light, written by Patrick Hamilton. The plot involves a Victorian-era husband slowly convincing his wife that she is going insane. He plays tricks on her throughout the play, like turning down the gas lights around the house. When she notices the dimness and asks why the lights are down, he insists that the lights are all still on. Eventually the woman believes that she’s losing her mind– that she’s seeing things and hearing things that don’t exist– even though her husband has been manipulating her the entire time. Today, if you question the official MSNBC narrative, or disobey the Twitterati, they call you a conspiracy theorist. They call you a White Supremacist. They call you a danger to national security. This is classic gaslighting. And it’s just another lie. You’re not the one with the problem. As a final point, I know there are people who have been eagerly watching the election results and are probably overjoyed, for example, with the outcome in Virginia. For a lot of people, the victory of a more conservative candidate is a harbinger of political change in America, which suggests that the woke Marxists may be thrown out of office soon. I’m happy that you’re happy. But I would encourage you to stay rational. Hope and optimism are great. However, all too often, hope and optimism cause us to take our eyes off the ball. When we’re hopeful and optimistic, we start believing that the risks have abated and the negative trends have gone away. It would be a mistake to think this way. Better leadership is certainly a benefit. But it cannot stop a tidal wave… certainly not overnight. The national debt is still climbing higher by the day. Social Security’s trust funds are still set to run out of money within the next ten years. The central bank is still stoking the flames of inflation. And tens of millions of angry, woke Marxists still want to reboot the economy into their centrally planned fantasy. So– enjoy the happiness and victory if you’re so inclined. But keep your eye on the ball. Keep thinking about your Plan B.
More Than Half Of Unvaccinated Americans Say Nothing Will Change Their Mind Michigan Sec of State Leftist Benson Caught making election fraud possible for Dem Operatives, gets sued... Michigan Secretary Of State Sued For Failing To Remove Dead From Voter Rolls A good-government group is suing Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson for refusing to remove dead registrants from her state’s voter rolls and for refusing to provide documents regarding her agency’s efforts to remove them from those lists. The Indianapolis-based Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) filed a federal lawsuit on Nov. 3 against Benson, a Democrat in office since 2019, for alleged violations of Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) of 1993, in U.S. District Court for the Western District of Michigan. Section 8 of the NVRA requires the state to “conduct a general program that makes a reasonable effort to remove the names of ineligible voters from the official lists of eligible voters by reason of … the death of the registrant,” the legal complaint states. Benson’s “violations of the NVRA have harmed and continue to harm and frustrate the Foundation’s purpose of protecting the integrity of the electoral process, ensuring that accurate and current voter registration rolls are maintained, and educating the public about the same. “The Foundation’s expenditure of significant time and money in Michigan seeking to rectify Defendant’s failure to clean up the voter rolls by removing the surfeit of deceased registrants from such rolls has also forced the Foundation to divert its limited resources from other states with similar issues,” the complaint states. Involved in left-wing politics before assuming office, Benson, formerly a law professor, previously worked for the Democratic National Committee, NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, National Public Radio, and the Southern Poverty Law Center, according to Ballotpedia. PILF describes itself as “the nation’s only public interest law firm dedicated wholly to election integrity,” existing “to assist states and others to aid the cause of election integrity and fight against lawlessness in American elections.” According to PILF’s research, there were more than 25,975 deceased registrants on Michigan’s voter rolls as of August. Of that total: 23,663 registrants have been dead for five years or more; 17,479 registrants have been dead for at least a decade; and 3,956 registrants have been dead for at least 20 years. PILF discovered two deceased registrants, who, if they were alive today, would be 100 and 108 years old, respectively. PILF President J. Christian Adams said his organization filed suit to protect electoral integrity. “This case is about ensuring that deceased registrants are not receiving ballots,” Adams said in a statement. “For over a year, we’ve shared specific data with the Michigan Secretary of State’s Office about the alarming problem of deceased registrants on Michigan’s voter rolls. Secretary Benson has done nothing to resolve the problem and is even refusing to hand over public documents related to these failures. The failure to remove deceased registrants creates an opportunity for fraud and makes Michigan’s elections less secure.” Tracy Wimmer, director of media relations for Benson’s office, implied the lawsuit lacked merit. “We will not comment on the specifics of pending litigation,” Wimmer told The Epoch Times via email. “Michigan maintains its voter registration list in accordance with all state and federal laws, including provisions for deceased voters. As we’ve seen throughout the past year, meritless lawsuits serve as press releases for those seeking to further election misinformation and undermine American democracy.”
Biden caught firing 10-thousands of Border Agents to prop up his corrupt Import Mass Migrants to get Free Dem Votes Bribery Plan, and the Inundate and Bankrupt Social Welfare Programme to Roll Out Even More Social Welfare Handouts Plan... classic Socialist Communist Scheme 101... both of which btw no American wants.... Internal Report: More Than Half Of Border Patrol Agents May Be Fired For Being Unvaccinated An internal report from within the US Customs and Border Protection agency suggests that more than half the border patrol workforce remains unvaccinated, and that if vaccine mandates are implemented it could leave just 8000 officers on duty. The document, obtained by Fox News, notes that 48 percent of agents have not registered their vaccination status, and of the 52 percent who have done that, ten percent are unvaccinated. Former chief operating officer of CBP Mark Morgan, who obtained the internal report, told Fox News that Biden’s vaccine mandate is “going to take an agency that’s already gone through an unbelievable catastrophic crisis on the southwest border and deplete its resources further.” Morgan also provided a screenshot from the report showing tables of different scenarios of depletion within the CBP. The screenshot highlights that “in the worst-case scenario, agents who have not reported their status have done so because they refuse to take the jab, and so they will be terminated (scenario 3). In that case, net attrition could exceed 11,523 agents, leaving a mere 8,013 border agents on patrol.” If this scenario unfolds, it is likely that the border patrol would lose 59 percent of its workforce. Imagine how that would affect the already rampantly out of control border crisis. If the 10,000 or so border patrol agents who have yet to register their vaccination status do not do so this week, they will be offered counseling, then suspension, then termination, Morgan further noted, emphasising how the document “illustrates the potential impact that this mandate could have on the workforce.” “So, an agency that is dealing with 1.7 million apprehensions, 400,000 got-aways, at that very moment, the same resources are going to be pulled away and distracted to deal with this mandate nonsense,” Morgan urged, adding that the counseling involves further “critical resources,” because border patrol leadership is involved. “It’s a cumbersome process and it’s an unneeded unnecessary distraction while they’re overwhelmed and our border is out of control,” Morgan continued, adding: “An illegal immigrant doesn’t get the vaccine and they’re released. A border patrol agent doesn’t get the vaccine and they’re removed. On what planet does that make sense?” The vaccination deadline for federal employees is November 22nd.
On Tue, 9 Nov 2021 12:14:05 -0500 grarpamp <> wrote:
Biden caught firing 10-thousands of Border Agents
lawl, piece of US nazi shit 'grarpamp' wailing because the borders of the US nazi state are not being 'protected' (which is also a lie, of course). see? yet another piece of US nazi shit posing as 'anarchist' while constantly advocating the most anti-freedom stuff possible.
Biden launches massive Migrant Vote-Buying Bribery, Socialism, National Bankruptcy, and Factory Slavery Programmes. Such programmes cause both locations to become worse, the better move is to stay home and remove the home government and the thinking that caused your home to suck in the first place, thereby making your home far better than any place abroad. The numbers and level of coordination are clearly enough to successfully siege upon the gates of home governments. Which begets in turn a freedom wave around the world. Running away does not do that, it only props up belief that some other location abroad is freedom, when it is not. Illegal Immigrants Would Get Up To $10.5 Billion From Reconciliation Bill The budget reconciliation package pushed by Democrats creates a new expanded child tax credit (CTC) that would pay illegal immigrants some $10.5 billion next year. All immigrants with children are eligible, regardless of how they got here and whether their children are U.S.-born. This includes the roughly 600,000 unaccompanied minors and persons in family units stopped at the border in FY2021 and released into the country pending a hearing. Cash welfare to illegal immigrants is not just costly; it also encourages more illegal immigration. Although it is referred to as a “refundable credit,” the new CTC, like the old additional child tax credit (ACTC) it replaces, pays cash to low-income families who do not pay any federal income tax. The new program significantly increases the maximum cash payment from $1,400 per child to $3,600 for children under 6, and to $3,000 for children ages 6 to 17. After 2022, the maximum payment would be $2,000 per child, but advocates hope the much larger payments will be extended. In an analysis conducted in October, my colleague Karen Zeigler and I estimated that illegal immigrants with U.S.-born children would receive $8.2 billion from the new CTC. However, we had assumed that the new program, like the old ACTC, would require children claimed as dependents to have Social Security numbers (SSNs). But reconciliation (page 1452, line 14) would permanently repeal this requirement. Illegal immigrants are able to receive benefits on behalf of their U.S.-born children, who are American citizens. In the case of the old ACTC, they simply acquired an individual taxpayer identification number, which is not hard, and then claimed their payment. In practice, only illegal immigrants with U.S.-born children could receive payments under the old system, since as American citizens those U.S.-born children receive SSNs. The permanent elimination of the SSN requirement means that even illegal immigrants whose children are also illegally in the country can receive the new expanded credit. If the reconciliation bill is passed, we now estimate illegal immigrants whose children are also illegally in the country will receive $2.3 billion from the new CTC, for a total of $10.5 billion in cash payments to illegal immigrant parents. This includes illegal migrants here in 2020 and those stopped and then released into the country in 2021. These payments are not related to the huge cash settlements the administration is planning to pay illegal immigrant families separated at the border during the Trump administration. Receipt of payments under the new CTC would be all the easier because reconciliation also eliminates the work requirement of the old ACTC for next year. In the past, some illegal immigrants who worked off the books sometimes had trouble demonstrating employment income. Dropping the work requirement makes it even simpler for them to receive payments. These payments represent an enormous inducement to illegal immigration. We estimate that 78% of illegal immigrants with children have income low enough to receive cash payments averaging $5,300 per family, or about $2,600 per child next year. To place these numbers in perspective, the median income in the current top illegal immigrant-sending countries of Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador is $3,000 to $4,000 a year. The cash payment we are offering to virtually anyone who arrives with a child, whether they work in the United States or not, is roughly equal to — or in some cases exceeds — what migrants could earn in their home countries in one year. In addition to creating large costs for taxpayers and encouraging illegal immigration, the elimination of the SSN requirement would seem to be an invitation to fraud, as tax filers now simply need to provide a name and date of birth for a child. The only other requirement is that they check a box on their returns indicating they lived in the United States for half a year, though there is no enforcement mechanism for this provision. Partly in response to a 2011 report from the Inspector General for Tax Administration showing that illegal immigrants made extensive use of tax credits, Congress included provisions in both the 2015 PATH Act and the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act designed to restrict illegal immigrant receipt of such programs. This included the requirement that the qualifying child have an SSN. The budget reconciliation effectively undoes those changes. To be sure, most illegal immigrants who come to America do in fact work. But the welfare benefits we give to them certainly incentivizes even more illegal immigration. The list of things we have failed to do to enforce our immigration laws is so long that it can’t even be summarized here. But if we want to understand why a record 1.7 million people were apprehended at the border in FY 2021, we need to look no further than the large cash payments the House plans to give illegal immigrants. Trump Interview 2Nov2021 Trump Interview 4Nov2021 General_Flynn-_Patrick_Byrne_Talk_January_6th_and_2022_Election Absolute Proof Absolute Interference Trump Interview 4Nov2021 General_Flynn-_Patrick_Byrne_Talk_January_6th_and_2022_Election Absolute Proof Absolute Interference No. ______, Original In the Supreme Court of the United States STATE OF [INSERT YOUR STATE], Plaintiff, v. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, VICE- PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES; SPEAKER OF THE UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE OF THE UNITED STATES SENATE, STATE OF ARIZONA, STATE OF GEORGIA, STATE OF MICHIGAN, COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, AND STATE OF WISCONSIN, Defendants. BILL OF COMPLAINT [counsel name, address] * Counsel of Record i TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Exhibits .......................................................... iv Introduction................................................................... 1 Nature of the Action ..................................................... 4 Jurisdiction and Venue ................................................ 8 Plaintiff State raises an Article III case or controversy. ...................................................... 9 Sovereign immunity does not bar this action. ... 10 Plaintiff State lacks an alternate remedy for this action. ...................................................... 11 This action is timely............................................. 11 Parties .......................................................................... 12 Legal Background ....................................................... 12 Facts ............................................................................. 15 The uncontrolled use of mail-in ballots in 2020 made widespread election fraud inevitable. ....................................................... 16 Electronic voting systems are inherently vulnerable to hacking and manipulation. ... 18 The State of Arizona's electoral votes were unlawfully certified and counted. ................ 23 1. Arizona's election violated the Electors' Clause. ...................................... 23 2. Audits of Maricopa County found outcome-determinative numbers of unlawful votes. ........................................ 24 The State of Georgia's electoral votes were unlawfully certified and counted. ................ 29 1. The violations of Article II in Georgia resulted in outcome-determinative numbers of unlawful votes. .................... 30 ii 2. Georgia's use of electronic voting machines opened the door to electronic manipulation of the vote. ...... 34 3. The Georgia Senate Election Law Study Subcommittee found numerous outcome determinative numbers of unlawful votes and concluded the election results "must be viewed as untrustworthy." ....................................... 37 The State of Michigan's electoral votes were unlawfully certified and counted. ................ 39 1. The violations of Article II in Michigan resulted in outcome- determinative numbers of unlawful votes. ..................................................... 39 2. Election officials' illegal acts in Wayne County resulted in outcome determinative numbers of unlawful votes. ..................................................... 43 3. A "glitch" in electronic voting machines in Antrim County wrongly awarding 6,000 votes to Mr. Biden. ...... 46 The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's electoral votes were unlawfully certified and counted. ................................................... 47 1. Pennsylvania's voter registration system can be easily hacked and manipulated. ........................................... 47 iii 2. Pennsylvania's final results show 49,141 more votes than voters and the Secretary of State unlawfully certified the Pennsylvania election results. ..................................................... 49 3. Pennsylvania misled this Court and continued to illegally count tens of thousands of ballots received after November 3, 2020. .................................. 52 4. The Pennsylvania Secretary of State unconstitutionally threw out state election integrity laws governing mail-in ballots. ........................................ 54 The State of Wisconsin's electoral voters were unlawfully certified and counted. ....... 57 1. The Wisconsin Election Commission has obstructed investigations into the November 2020 election. ........................ 58 2. The Racine County Sheriff found the WEC committed a felony and three misdemeanors by encouraging voter fraud in nursing homes .......................... 60 3. The WEC's and other officials illegal use of drop boxes in violation of Wisconsin law .......................................... 62 4. The WEC encouraged voters to illegally declare themselves "indefinitely confined" thereby avoiding ballot security requirements .. 64 5. The LAB found that 45,665 voters used identification to register that did not match the records on file ........... 67 iv 6. The Office of the Special Counsel's findings of illegal votes in its First Interim Report. ....................................... 67 7. Democrat operatives were given access to "hidden" networks connecting "sensitive machines" at the ballot tabulation center in Green Bay, WI .................................................... 69 Count I: Electors Clause ............................................ 70 Count II: Due Process ................................................. 71 Count III: Guarantee Clause ..................................... 72 Count IV: Take Care Clause ...................................... 73 Prayer for Relief .......................................................... 73 TABLE OF EXHIBITS Memo., John Ratcliffe, Director of National Intelligence, Views on Intelligence Community Election Security Analysis (Jan. 7, 2021) ............... 1 Letter from Pamela S. Karlan, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Division, to Arizona Sen. Karen Fann (May 5, 2021) .......................................................................... 2 Caltech/MIT Voting Technology Project, Summary Report, Election Auditing, Key Issues and Perspectives (2018)................................ 3 Declaration of Col. John R. Mills (USAR Ret.) (Nov. 21, 2021) .......................................................... 4 Declaration of J. Alex Halderman (Sept. 21, 2021) .......................................................................... 5 Email, Steven Rosenberg, Fulton County Deputy County Attorney to Garland Favorito (Sept. 27, 2021) .................................................................... 6 v Email, Chris Harvey, Georgia Election Director, to Larry Sampson, Murray Cty., Georgia (Dec. 2, 2020) ...................................................................... 7 Sen. William Ligon, Chairman, Election Law Study Subcommittee of the Georgia Standing Senate Judiciary Committee (Dec. 17, 2020) ......... 8 Letter, Sen. William Ligon, Georgia State Senate, to Donald J. Trump (Jan. 2, 2021) ............ 9 Genetski v. Benson, Case No. 20-000216-MM, (Mich. Ct. Claims, March 9, 2021) ........................ 10 Affidavit of Jessy Jacob (Nov. 7, 2020) ..................... 11 Affidavit of William Hartman (Nov. 18, 2020)......... 12 Affidavit of Monica Palmer (Nov. 18, 2020) ............. 13 Affidavit of Lisa Gage (Dec. 10, 2020) ...................... 14 Affidavit of Ben Cotton (Apr. 8, 2021) ...................... 15 Letter, Rep. Francis X. Ryan, Pennsylvania House of Representatives, to Rep. Scott Perry, U.S. House of Representatives (Dec. 4, 2020) ...... 16 Wisconsin Legislative Audit Bureau Report (Oct. 2021) ........................................................................ 17 Presentation, Sheriff, Racine County, Wisconsin (Oct. 28, 2021) ......................................................... 18 First Interim Rept., Wisconsin Office of the Special Counsel (Nov. 10, 2021) ............................ 19 Cyber Ninjas, Maricopa County Forensic Election Audit, vol. III (Sept. 24, 2021) ................ 20 A. V. Shiva Ayyadurai, Ph.D., Pattern Recognition Classification of Early Voting Ballot (EVB) Return Envelope Images for Signature Presence Detection: An Engineering Systems Approach to Identify Anomalies to Advance the Integrity of US. Election (Sept. 2124, 2021) .............................................................. 21 vi Letter, Eugene A. DePasquale, Pennsylvania Auditor General, to Tom Wolf, Governor, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (Dec. 13, 2019) ........................................................................ 22 Wisconsin Elections Commission Memoranda, To: All Wisconsin Election Officials 3 (Aug. 19, 2020) ........................................................................ 23 Wisconsin Safe Voting Plan 2020 Submitted to the Center for Tech & Civic Life, June 15, 2020, by the Mayors of Madison, Milwaukee, Racine, Kenosha and Green Bay (Jun. 15, 2020) ........................................................................ 24 1 "You will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make a good use of it." John Adams INTRODUCTION We are in unchartered territory as a Nation. The November 2020 election was stolen. Our Country is divided in a manner not seen in over a century. Just last month, 56% of respondents agreed that "it's likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election"--a 5% increase since April 2021.1 The fault for this deepening divide lies directly with the federal and state public officials who not only abdicated their sworn duty to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, but in many cases actively sought to subvert it. The Justices of this Court can no longer ignore what the public already sees--a time in history like that which Churchill once characterized as the gathering storm. Revelations of rampant lawlessness by officials in states like Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Pennsylvania (collectively, "Defendant States") involving outcome-changing illegal votes appear daily. For example, in Pennsylvania, after all counties had finally uploaded their official November 2020 election results, there were still 49,171 more votes 1 That includes 84% of Republicans, 32% of Democrats, and 54% of Independents. Rasmussen Reports, Vote-By-Mail: Most Voters Think It Will Cause More Cheating (Oct. 11, 2021), ral_politics/october_2021/vote_by_mail_most_voters_think_it_w ill_cause_more_cheating (last visited Nov. 23, 2021). 2 than voters--just one of many examples of illegal votes. Under express Pennsylvania law, the election should not have been certified. This September, it was revealed that election officials in Maricopa County, Arizona were caught red-handed destroying election records from the November 2020 election--in violation of federal law-- after a court rejected the County's attempt to thwart the Arizona Senate's investigation into the November 2020 election. That investigation also found tens of thousands of illegal ballots, and that there were hundreds of thousands of corrupted or missing ballot images--on which the November 2020 election vote count is based. Also in September, a renowned cyber security expert, University of Michigan Professor J. Alex Halderman, revealed in a Georgia federal court that he had conclusively demonstrated that Dominion Voting Systems machines used in at least sixteen states can be easily hacked to "steal votes." Inexplicably, the district court denied Prof. Halderman's request to strategically unseal his expert report detailing these systemic vulnerabilities for the limited purpose of bringing it to the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency ("CISA") to attempt to fix these issues before the next election. Prof. Halderman also testified that Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger, a defendant in that case, refused to even look at the report or meet with him to go over these dangerous security vulnerabilities. The district court's decision to bury Prof. Halderman's evidence 3 and prevent it from being shared with authorities charged with protecting elections is unfathomable. This October, the Racine County, Wisconsin, Sheriff announced the results of a felony criminal investigation of the Wisconsin Election Commission ("WEC") into illegal vote harvesting in nursing homes. The Sheriff stated that the governing "election statute was in fact not just broken but shattered" in all 72 counties across Wisconsin and referred the case for prosecution. The validity of up to 50,000 ballots may be at issue as a consequence. Two issues regarding the November 2020 election are not in dispute. First, in the months leading up to the November 2020 election, a few non- legislative officials in the Defendant States used the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to unconstitutionally revise or violate their states' election laws. Their actions had one effect: to uniformly weaken security measures put in place by state legislatures to protect the integrity of the vote. These changes squarely violated the Electors Clause of Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 vesting state legislatures with plenary authority to make election law. These government officials then flooded the Defendant States with millions of illegal ballots to be sent through the mails, or placed in drop boxes, with little or no chain of custody as required by law.2 2 See, e.g., Tiffany Morgan, Five Months After 2020 Election, Georgia Still Has Not Produced Chain of Custody Records for 355,000 Absentee Vote by Mail Ballots Deposited in Drop Boxes, THE GEORGIA STAR NEWS, Apr. 8, 2021, available at election-georgia-still-has-not-produced-chain-of-custody-records-for-355000-absentee-vote-by-mail-ballots-deposited-in- drop-boxes/ (last visited Nov. 23, 2021). 4 Second, the United States' failure to challenge the Defendant States' violations of Article II, including at a time when four of eight justices had evenly split on whether to hear such violations in October 2020, violated the Take Care Clause and the Guarantee Clause of the Constitution commanding that the Executive "shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed" and that "the United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government." A stolen election, as the November 2020 election was, neither faithfully executes the law nor provides a republican form of government. Since Marbury v. Madison this Court has, on significant occasions, had to step into the breach in a time of tumult, declare what the law is, and right the ship. This is just such an occasion. In fact, it is situations precisely like the present--when the Constitution has been cast aside unchecked --that leads us to the current precipice. In times such as this, it is the duty of the Court to be a "faithful guardian[] of the Constitution." THE FEDERALIST NO. 78, at 470 (C. Rossiter, ed. 1961) (A. Hamilton). Against that background, the State of [insert Your State] ("Plaintiff State") brings this action based on the following allegations:
Donald Trump: 'I probably identify more as Democrat'
Issues and Evidence of Election Fraud from November 2020 Never Investigated and Questions Still Unanswered 2020 Fraud (left to right): Late night hidden ballot delivery in Georgia, Late night ballot dump in Michigan, Blocking GOP observers in Detroit Below is a list of articles to date from November 8, 2020, where potential fraud was identified in the 2020 presidential election. The list includes the actions recommended to address the issues at the time. The issues and recommendations were categorized by state with an overall section first identifying all the actions to be taken across the states followed with additional actions to be taken at each specific state. This list was ignored by the FBI, DOJ, state officials, including Republican officials. To this day there are hundreds of questions unanswered regarding the stolen 2020 election. The staff at The Gateway Pundit will never concede that the 2020 election was fair, free or legitimate. We will always fight for you and fight for the truth. It is quite stunning that we recognized these issues by November 8th while Democrats were still working diligently to steal President Donald Trump’s landslide victory. Overall: Manually recount any state results where Dominion Vote Machines were used to tally results Focus on closely contested and swing states Focus on cities (i.e. Milwaukee, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Minneapolis, etc…) Focus on absentee and mail-in Ballots Investigate Biden only votes Identify dead people who voted Identify felons who voted Identify illegal aliens who voted Identify children who voted Identify individuals who voted more than once Identify newly registered individuals over 90 years old Identify non-registered voters and review Identify who made the call to stop counting in certain states, the rationale for doing so and the timing of the call “We’ve Identified 450,000 Ballots that Miraculously ONLY have a Vote for Joe Biden” – Sidney Powell Drops a BOMB on Sunday Morning Futures (Video) PROOF OF FRAUD? Republicans Won 28 of 29 Most Competitive House Seats, Added 3 State Legislatures, Did Not Lose a Single House Race — But Joe Biden Won!!?! More Democrat Corruption – Swing States Show Biden Votes Suspiciously Far Exceeding Democrat Down-Ticket Votes — Statistically Improbable Additional Benford Analysis of Chicago and Pittsburg, Like Milwaukee, Show Likely Voter Fraud Benefiting Biden Trump Attorney: Manual Recounts May Be Necessary in 30 States After Software “Glitch” Is Caught Erasing 6,000 Votes for Donald Trump in Just One County Searching Voter Rolls For Dead Voters? Try The Social Security Death Master File! Update: Software that Stole 6,000 Votes From Trump in Michigan County — Shut Down for TWO HOURS in Red Counties in Georgia on Election Day List of Important Dates and Links to State Legislatures to Call to Demand Democrats Don’t Get Away with Stealing the Election Joseph Stalin Was Right! — While America Slept Democrats Swept in and Took the Lead in GA, NV and PA! Statistician Announces Investigation into Voter Fraud in AZ, GA, MI, NC, NV, PA, and WI DOJ Tells Prosecutors Armed Federal Agents Can Be Sent to Examine Ballot-Counting Locations to Investigate Voter Fraud EXCLUSIVE: International Audit Executive – Based on Results and a Review of Numerous Activities, the 2020 Presidential Election Was MATERIALLY CORRUPTED In Favor of Democrat Joe Biden Steve Bannon and The War Room: “You Can’t in the middle of the Night in Wisconsin and Michigan Allow Them to Steal It” — LIVE STREAM This AM What is Going On? Minnesota and Wisconsin BOTH had 89%-90% Turnout — Something That Is Highly Unlikely We Call Bull$hit: Joe Biden Couldn’t Get 10 People at a Campaign Rally But He Somehow Breaks the Record for the Most Candidate Votes in US History? No Way Twitter Bans Account That Shared Video of Man Claiming to Burn Trump Ballots After It Was Shared By Eric Trump Twitter Censors President Trump as He Declares Victory in Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina and Michigan* WATCH: Video of Man Claiming to Be Burning Stolen Trump Ballots Goes Viral on Social Media BREAKING: All Trump Needs to Do to Win is Win Pennsylvania and Arizona (or Nevada or Wisconsin or Michigan) and It’s Over Analyst Who Accurately Predicted Trump 2020 Win in Florida Breaks Down Why Fox News Called Arizona For Joe Biden So Early (VIDEO) CHEATERS: President Trump Warns Against 4am Ballot Drops and an Hour Later Wisconsin and Michigan Drop 300,000 Ballots For Democrats and ZERO for Trump Democrat, Big Tech and Media Actions to Steal the Election – Here’s What’s Going on in Georgia and North Carolina “We Will Be Going to US Supreme Court – We Don’t Want Them to Find Any Votes at 4 in the Morning — Frankly We Won This” – President Trump Goes on Offense (VIDEO) Breaking: Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin WILL NOT Announce their Election Results Tonight — They’re Going for the Steal USPS Fails to Meet Deadline Set by Corrupt Judge Emmet Sullivan to Sweep Facilities For Lingering Mail-In Ballots Developing: Nancy Pelosi’s Chief of Staff Is Chief Executive and Feinstein’s Husband a Major Shareholder at Dominion Ballot Counting Systems Arizona Ballot Instructions Specify: “DO NOT USE A SHARPIE,” “May Not Be Read By Tabulator” Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar Denied Entry Into Maricopa County Elections Center as Ballots Are Counted Sharpie-Gate: Arizona Attorney General Launches Investigation into Sharpie Scandal in Maricopa County Democrat, Big Tech and Media Actions to Steal the Election – Here’s What’s Going on in Arizona Georgia: Perform all the actions noted above in the overall section Identify ballots handed over to Far Left Group to obtain signatures after election was over Identify and review ballots ‘found’ the day after the election Determine what caused pipe break situation on election night and determine why vote counting stopped at that time Georgia Officials Caught Handing Over Ballots to Far Left Groups Linked to Hillary Clinton to Ballot Harvest for Joe Biden Link: BREAKING: Georgia Secretary of State Announces Recount (VIDEO) BREAKING: Overnight Democrats Finally Steal Georgia BREAKING: Judge Tosses Out Trump’s Lawsuit Seeking to Stop Ballot Counting in Georgia After State Officials Keep Finding New Ballots HERE WE GO: State Officials Find 25,000-35,000 More Ballots in Georgia from 6 AM to 8:30 AM WHO’S WATCHING GEORGIA? Will Anyone Stop the Democrats From Stealing This State Too? Trump Camp Files Suit in Georgia to Stop Counting Ballots After Biden Camp Seeks Volunteers to go ‘Door-to-Door Helping Voters Fix Their Mail in Ballots’ AFTER ELECTION DAY Joe Biden Campaign Seeking Volunteers in Georgia to ‘Go Door to Door Helping Voters Fix Their Mail in Ballots’ AFTER ELECTION DAY BREAKING: Insider Advantage Calls Georgia for President Trump! — President is Leading by 100,000 Votes Georgia Election Results Delayed After Pipe Bursts in Room with Absentee Ballots Michigan: Perform all the actions noted above in the overall section Investigate boxes dropped off in Detroit in middle of the night on early morning day after the election Review all military ballots for individuals with paper ballots and not on voter roles Identify ballots added to Biden column in the middle of the night Identify ballots backdated Identify all ballots with no names or addresses on them Identify ballots added after election night Investigate computer glitches at two counties where they are identified Investigate individuals on electronic voter register with 1900 birthdates “This Felt Like a Drug Deal!” – Asian-American Ballot Observer in Detroit Describes Mysterious Van Dropping Off 61 Boxes of Ballots at 4 AM (VIDEO) Link: EXCLUSIVE: Detroit Ballot Counters Were Counting “Xerox Copies” as Actual Military Votes! (Video) Link: RNC Chair: Detroit Election Worker Blows Whistle On Cheating Operation…”All Election Workers” Were Reportedly Told To Backdate Ballots [VIDEO] Link: Patty from 100% Fed Up Talks About Her Shocking Experience As a Poll Watcher at Detroit’s TCF Center On Wednesday following the Election (VIDEO) Another ‘Computer Glitch’ Identified and Corrected in Oakland County, Michigan, Led to Republican Winning His Race HUGE! Software Used in Michigan County that Stole 6,000 Votes from Trump — Is Also Used in ALL SWING STATES — And Uses Chinese Computer Parts In Its Machines BREAKING: Michigan ‘Computer Glitch’ Fixed, Switching 6,000 Votes from Biden to President Trump – GOP Demands 47 More Counties Corrected This Is Interesting: Internet Sleuths Were Using Michigan Govt. Website to Check for Dead Voters — So the Website Was Shut Down …Update: Now It’s Back Up EXCLUSIVE: Poll Watcher in Michigan Kicked Out of Detroit Hall But Not Before They Obtained Evidence of Potential Fraud WATCH: Ballot Count Watcher Describes At Least 130,000 Ballots ALL FOR BIDEN Arriving in Three Vehicles in Detroit in Dead of Night MICHIGAN POLL WATCHER: Ballots Were Turned In With No Names On Them Michigan County Clerk Discovers Total Votes Counted by “Election Software” DID NOT MATCH Printed Tabulator Tapes! BREAKING: Detroit Precinct Chair Says Ineligible Ballots Are being Counted — Numerous Voting Irregularities Trump Legal Adviser Jenna Ellis Discusses Magical 138,000 Michigan Biden Votes that Appeared Out of Nowhere in the Middle of the Night (VIDEO) BREAKING: Project Veritas – Michigan USPS Whistleblower Details Directive From Superiors to Back-Date Late Mail-in Ballots as Received Nov 3rd So They Are Accepted (VIDEO) MORE Dead Voters Caught Voting in Michigan — Many Are Older than the Oldest Human Alive Today VIDEO: Detroit Election Workers CHEER as GOP Election Monitor and GOP Lawyer Are Removed from TCF Center! WATCH: Volunteer in Michigan Claims She Found Box Full of 500 Ballots From People Not on Voter Rolls EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Republican Poll Watchers Prevented From Entering Detroit Ballot Counting Center — Local Officials Say It’s Due to ‘COVID’ Concerns (VIDEO) WATCH: Workers Now Covering the Windows at Detroit’s Absentee Ballot Counting Center BREAKING: Detroit Officials Are NOW BLOCKING GOP POLL WORKERS From Re-Entering TCF Center — POLICE CALLED BREAKING: Trump Campaign Files Suit in Michigan After Massive Dump of Ballots For Biden Suddenly Appear Overnight UPDATE FROM DETROIT: Democrat Operatives Are Threatening GOP Poll Watchers – They are Hiding the Line in Back Where Votes are Counted From Michigan Poll Watcher on the Scene: Republicans Allegedly Witnessed Suspicious Vehicles Dropping Off Ballots Voter Fraud in Michigan – Massive Dump of Over 200,000 Ballots for Biden All the Sudden Appear Overnight …Update: Officials Call It a “Typo” Nevada: Perform all the actions noted above in the overall section Determine the number of votes counted where Republicans were not allowed oversight Justice Department Looking Into Allegations of Voter Fraud in Nevada After Trump Legal Team Identifies Thousands of Illegal Votes As Many as 6,000 Illegal Votes Identified in Nevada – Thousands of People Referred to DOJ For Potential Criminal Violation of Election Laws BREAKING: Project Veritas: Nevada USPS Carrier Caught on Tape Pledging Voter Fraud to Remove President Trump From Office (VIDEO) Ric Grenell Announces Lawsuit at Rally in Las Vegas to Stop the Steal – “Illegal” Ballots Are Being Counted in Nevada (VIDEO) What? With Election Too Close to Call — Nevada Officials Announce They Will Pause Releasing New Totals for 24 Hours North Carolina: Perform all the actions noted above in the overall section Investigate why all the precincts were reported complete on election night and why the election was not called for Trump Determine who made the call to keep a few select precincts open and why and the number of ballots received after this call was made. OUTRAGEOUS! Turncoat GOP elections board members resign in North Carolina After Siding with Democrats on “Fixing” Flawed Ballots BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: North Carolina Announced 100% of Precincts Were Reported On Election Night – But Never Called Trump Win – Now Claim Only 94% of Ballots Counted Breaking: North Carolina Officials Will Not Announce Results Until November 12th — This will Prevent Trump From Reaching 270 North Carolina Extends Voting Hours at Four Sites, Delaying Release of Election Results Pennsylvania: Perform all the actions noted above in the overall section Determine the number of ballots counted when Republicans were not allowed to review Determine the number of spoiled ballots illegally handled and destroyed Identify provisional ballots not yet counted and review Ensure all ballots received after 8pm on election night are properly identified and secured Investigate postmaster’s directive to back date ballots and extent of issue Investigate why state claimed 90% of ballots were counted one day and then 88% the next Investigate incident where civilian was reported taking ballots away from polling center “There Are Facts of Fraud” – Rudy Giuliani: Trump Team to File Lawsuits against on Pennsylvania on Monday for Violating Federal Law — 800,000 Votes COMPLETELY INVALID! (Video) Link: BREAKING: Signed Affidavit From Erie, Pennsylvania USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins Now in Hands of Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham Link: BREAKING: Project Veritas: Bucks County, Pennsylvania Board of Elections Director Confirms “Spoiled” Ballots Were Illegally Handled and Destroyed (VIDEO) Link: 100,000 Provisional Ballots May Swing Pennsylvania Election Back to Trump Despite MASSIVE FRAUD by the Left Link: World Champion Boxer Joe Frazier Voted this Year in Pennsylvania — But He Skipped Campaigning for Joe Biden Because He’s Been Dead Since 2011 BREAKING: Justice Alito Orders Any Ballots Received After 8pm on Election Day in Pennsylvania be Segregated and Secured – Counted Separately WATCH: Trump’s Director of Election Day Operations Tweets Video of Philly ‘Volunteers’ Busted Handling Absentee Ballots in Counting Center Basement BREAKING: Pennsylvania Whistleblower Goes Public; Confirms Federal Investigators Have Spoken with Him About Postmaster’s Order to Backdate Ballots to Nov 3rd “Is the Pope Catholic?” – Blago Weighs in on Corrupt Democrat Machine Stealing Votes in Philadelphia (VIDEO) BREAKING: Project Veritas: 2nd Pennsylvania USPS Whistleblower Claims Postmaster Ordered Late Ballots Picked Up and Separated to be Backdated – Willing to Testify Under Oath (VIDEO) PRESIDENT TRUMP Confirms On Twitter He Has the Constitution On His Side and Will Prevent Democrats Like Pennsylvania Gov. Wolf From Stealing Election WOW! They Want You to Believe This! — Biden Gained Over 1 Million Votes in Pennsylvania SINCE THE MORNING AFTER THE ELECTION! WATCH LIVE: Pennsylvania Senate Majority Leader Delivers Remarks on Concerns About Election Irregularities Pennsylvania Republican State Leaders Said in October They Will Not Step In Deciding Presidential Election — Contact Them Today! BREAKING: Pennsylvania Democrats Create Nearly 700,000 Votes To Put Joe Biden In Lead Since Election VIDEO: Democrat Attorney who Tweeted Out Joe Biden Needs a Landslide Is Now Filmed Blocking GOP Attorneys from Philly Center Phillip Kline: Philly Prosecutor Threatens to Jail Trump If He Sends in Uncertified Poll Watchers — Officials Still Refuse to Allow GOP Watchers in Room (VIDEO) BREAKING: Project Veritas: Pennsylvania USPS Whistleblower Exposes Anti-Trump Postmaster’s Illegal Order to Back-Date Ballots (VIDEO) Corey Lewandowski: Philly Law Enforcement told Us They WILL NOT Enforce Court Order that Demands Election Observers (VIDEO) Trump’s Director of Election Day Operations Posts Video of Philly Post Office Continuing to Collect Ballots After Election Day (WATCH) Democrat Election Observer Gets Kicked Out of Philly Convention Center After Reporting Fraud Inside the Center! (VIDEO) “It Might Be Misleading” – WOW! Twitter Censors Tweet of Democrat Election Observer Calling out Election Fraud in Philly (Video) ‘I Can’t Believe What I’m Seeing – This is a Coup’ – Registered Democrat and Poll Watcher Details Corruption at Philly Vote Counting Center (VIDEO) Trump Camp Notches Win in PA State Court: Election Boards Must Set Aside Mail-In Ballots Lacking Identifying Info for Voter and Not Count Those Votes Until Court Rules Further BREAKING: GOP Observers Barred From Entering Philadelphia Vote Counting Center After Receiving Court Order – Philly Sheriff Not Enforcing Appellate Court Order (VIDEO) People’s Pundit: On Wednesday Democrat Officials in Pennsylvania Said 92% of Vote was Counted — Today They Say Only 88% of Vote was Counted (VIDEO) Allegheny County, PA Still Has 35,413 Uncounted Mail-in Ballots, But Elections Staff is Taking the Day Off For ‘Administrative Work’ – Will Resume Count on Friday US Supreme Court Orders Pennsylvania Democrats to Respond by Thursday in a Case Challenging the State’s 3-Day Extension For Mail-in Ballots Pennsylvania Update: 23,277 Votes Found in Philly — ALL OF THEM GO TO BIDEN Twitter Bans Retweeting Official Statement From Erie County Election Board on Viral Post From Man Claiming to be Poll Worker Throwing Away Trump Ballots WTH? Unidentified Civilian is Filmed Taking Official Ballot Box Away from Philly Polling Place – Stuffing it in his Car THE STEAL IS ON IN PHILLY: Man Caught Handing Out Democrat Literature to Voters IN LINE TO VOTE CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Philadelphia Poll Watcher Prevented from Entering Polling Place (VIDEO) Virginia: Perform all actions noted above in the overall section Investigate issue of ballots found on a hard drive Virginia Democrat Surges Ahead In House Race After Thousands Of Ballots Are ‘Found’ On A Flash Drive Wisconsin: Perform all the actions noted above in the overall section Identify the ballots that showed up early the next day after the election and review Focus on counties with more registered votes than eligible voters Identify absentee and mail-in ballots without addresses of witnesses that were illegally updated Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos Directs Committee to Review Statewide Election Amid Concerns Over Massive Midnight Ballot Dump For Joe Biden Audit Statistical Technique Known as ‘Benford Analysis’ Points to Milwaukee Precincts as Central Point to Uncover Fraud TRUMP WON SO BIG IN WISCONSIN that Democrats Needed 89% State Turnout to Nullify His Landslide, Eke Out a Victory and Steal the Election BREAKING: Trump Campaign Manager on Wisconsin Irregularities: “The President is Well within the Threshold to Request a Recount and We Will Immediately Do So” WOW! — The Steal Is On!… With Last Night’s Ballot Dump Wisconsin has 88% Voter Turnout or HIGHER! IT’S EITHER AN IMPOSSIBLE NEW RECORD OR IT’S HORSESH*T Voter Fraud in Wisconsin – Massive Dump of Over 100,000 Ballots for Biden All the Sudden Appear Overnight Democrat, Big Tech and Media Actions to Steal the Election – Here’s What’s Going on in Wisconsin In October Wisconsin’s Election Commission Recommended Illegal Remedy on Absentee Ballots – Thousands May Be Thrown Out As you can see there were numerous criminal acts that were never investigated thoroughly in the 2020 election. Either Republicans correct these issues or America is finished. The Marxists will continue to steal elections and destroy this country is action is not taken. We want to be clear. The Gateway Pundit will never stand down.
grarpamp <> wrote:
Issues and Evidence of Election Fraud from November 2020 Never Investigated and Questions Still Unanswered
It is long since over & Biden won. Get over it. If there were anything even close to reasonable evidence of fraud, then at least some of the many court cases the Orange One & his henchpeople brought would have succeeded. In reality, they were all thrown out of court, a few for procedural blunders but most for an utter lack of evidence. Of course Trump & his campaign people knew all along that the claims of fraud were bogus. How do you milk sheep? Claim an election was stolen & ask for donations, Then, in typical Trump fashion, stiff Rudy on the legal fees.
On 12/29/21, Sandy Harris <> wrote:
Yet another popup lefty troll with nothing to say or post on any crypto topic but gets so triggered on politic news and expose that that is the only thing their little ragebrain can think to post in *years* in reply to a weeks old post. No pattern there, Lol. There are still cases in court, and being filed. And well beyond cases, there are many ready and documented sources and methods of liars, frauds, election influence, political censorship, hoaxes, closed data, corruption, etc in thread. And that memo does not say exactly or all what lefty fake news says it says. But since most people can't read and never bothered to download and read the actual memo doc in context... Believe what you want.
Biden won.
Biden is a joke. Accept it. Election Fraud Election Fraud Election Fraud Election Fraud Election Fraud
President Trump Releases Findings from Pima County AZ
More Than DOUBLE Registered Voters than Town Population – Pima County 2020 Election Integrity Hearing Provides Evidence Of Thousands Of Fraudulent Votes The Pima County Election Integrity Hearing built another strong case for a stolen election in Arizona. Following the Maricopa County full forensic 2020 Election audit, Arizona State Representative Mark Finchem is pushing to audit the entire state of Arizona. The Gateway Pundit reported on the massive irregularities and outright fraud that was found in Maricopa County, and the pending criminal investigation by the Arizona Attorney General’s office. 74 Days AFTER AZ Audit Report – Where’s Brno? On Monday, Rep. Mark Finchem was a key player in hosting another 2020 election hearing in Pima County, Arizona to discuss the anomalies, discrepancies, and reports of election fraud. The panel members included State Senator Sonny Borrelli, Senator Wendy Rogers, Senator Kelly Townsend, State Rep. Mark Finchem, Rep. Leo Biasiucci, Rep. Theresa Martinez, Rep. Neal Carter, and Rep. Judy Burges. HAPPENING NOW – LIVE FEED: Arizona Election Integrity Hearing In Pima County (VIDEO) The mission of this hearing is to “receive evidence and testimony that could serve to prove or disprove alleged discrepancies in the 2020 General Election.” Liz Harrington shared the major key findings, including people that do not live where they voted from, “frat boys” averaging 45-years-old, 3rd world voter registration numbers, and in conclusion a fraudulent election. Canvassers in Pima County found 62 early ballots were turned into the elections department from a home where the “voter” is not a resident. They concluded that 45% of the people surveyed did not know the person that voted from their address. WOW. Canvass of 172 homes in Pima County found 62 early ballots where voter is not a resident 45 PERCENT were potentially fraudulent And only 52% of houses responded — Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) December 13, 2021 In addition, a college frat house was found to have 27 registered voters but their average age was 45. Frat house in Arizona has 27 registered voters. Their average age? 45. — Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) December 13, 2021 Other towns in Pima County were found to have Third world voter registration numbers. One town has over 200% of the voting-age population and another has a 158% registration rate. One location in Topawa, Arizona had 173 registered “voters” and what appeared to be a Border Patrol office had 40 registered voters. Were they illegal immigrants? Welcome to Sells, Arizona Voting Age Population: 1,375 Registered "Voters": 2,762 More than DOUBLE registered voters than population — Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) December 13, 2021 40 registered voters at a CBP office in Lukeville, Arizona — Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) December 13, 2021 Leftists in the media, utterly blinded by their corruption, are working overtime to discredit the election hearing. The blind pundit once again ignores all of the evidence. Most of it is on my page. — Mark Finchem (@RealMarkFinchem) December 13, 2021 It’s amazing how much liberals will flaunt evidence of criminality as “conjecture”. Voting is our most sacred right and we need to take our country back before it is too late. Contact Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich immediately and demand that he arrest the people who stole the 2020 election! Emails Show Facebook Connected Non-Profit Built Direct Connection to Wisconsin State Voter Database in 2020 Election Vote Harvesting Operation The Wisconsin Election Hearing that occurred last week exposed criminal conduct across the state. We previously reported on the hearing last week in Wisconsin that uncovered numerous shocking criminal actions that occurred in the 2020 Election. One action that was startling was the development of a database with up-to-the-minute reports of who voted and who didn’t in the 2020 Election. HUGE: Wisconsin Election Hearing Reveals 119,283 “Active Voters” Who Have Been Registered For Over 100 Years! (VIDEO) A key element identified in the work related to the hearing was that local Wisconsin officials were working with Michael Rubenstein to build this database that was connected to Wisconsin data on a real-time basis. We reported on this in October. TRENDING: Sham Jan. 6 Panel Votes 9-0 to Hold Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows in Contempt Investigation by Wisconsin H.O.T. Uncovers Information Election Outsiders Secretly Worked to Develop an App to Track Voters and Ballots in Wisconsin But we reported on the emails related to this activity first in May 2021. Smoking Gun Emails Reveal How Milwaukee Shared Government Election Data with Far Left Groups – Prove Existence of Massive Ballot Harvesting Operation –WITH UPDATE In an interview with OAN’s Christina Bobb, Wisconsin Senator Brandtjen says: They built interactive programs that really became probably the largest ability to harvest ballots in Milwaukee…you give this kind of information to a non-profit from the city of Milwaukee, and we have their IT Department involved, the United States Postal Service had to be able to scan the ballots and know exactly when they’re coming back to Milwaukee that’s certainly an advantage that was given only to these communities that recevied CTCL dollars…As you see as you go into these emails here, they had a direct connection into the Wisvote system. See the explosive interview below. The people of Wisconsin need to demand all election-related IT records for before, during, and after the the 2020 Election and have them analyzed by an independent IT audit group. Records showing all activity into and out of the state’s voter database should be the focus.
Biden Admits Fraud Joe Biden Tuesday evening delivered remarks at a holiday celebration for the Democrat National Committee. Biden put the Republicans on notice: “Now we look at 2022. I want to tell my Republican friends, get ready bal, you’re in for a problem.” Then Joe Stalin Biden said the quiet part out loud: “The struggle is no longer just who gets to vote, or making it easier for eligible people to vote – it’s who gets to count the vote and whether your vote counts at all!”
Facing massive upcoming election losses, Democrats led by political frauds Schiff, Hillary, et al try to launch yet more in their newest FUD campaign of Lies... During January 6 Hearing, Schiff Doctored Text Messages Between Mark Meadows And Rep. Jim Jordan Oops, he did it again. After leaking fake Donald Trump, Jr. emails, fabricating the transcript of a 2019 phone call between former President Donald Trump and Ukraine’s president, and lying about his interactions with the so-called whistleblower behind House Democrats’ first impeachment of Trump, Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., is now running the same con against a fellow lawmaker. During a hearing Monday night on the riot at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, Adam Schiff claimed to have proof that a member of Congress texted former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows to instruct former Vice President Mike Pence to overturn the 2020 presidential election results. Not only did Schiff misrepresent the substance of the text message and its source, he even doctored original text messages, which were obtained and reviewed by The Federalist in their entirety. “I want to display just a few of the message[s] he received from people in Congress,” Schiff said, referring to Meadows. “The committee is not naming these lawmakers at this time as our investigation is ongoing. If we could cue the first graphic.” The following graphic, purportedly of the text message between a member of Congress and Meadows, then appeared on screen at Schiff’s direction: “This one reads, ‘On January 6, 2021, Vice President Mike Pence, as President of the Senate, should call out all electoral votes that he believes are unconstitutional as no electoral votes at all,’” Schiff continued. “You can see why this is so critical to ask Mr. Meadows about. About a lawmaker suggesting that the former vice president simply throw out votes that he unilaterally deems unconstitutional in order to overturn a presidential election and subvert the will of the American people.” Not only did Schiff lie about the substance of the text message and its source, he even doctored the message and graphic that he displayed on screen during his statement. The full text message, which was forwarded to Meadows from Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, on the evening of Monday, Jan. 5, was significantly longer than what Schiff read and put on screen, but Schiff erased significant portions of the text and added punctuation where there was none to give the impression that Jordan himself was tersely directing Meadows to give orders to Pence on how to handle the electoral vote certification. The original text was written by Washington attorney and former Department of Defense Inspector General Joseph Schmitz and included an attachment of a four-page draft Word document drafted by Schmitz that detailed Schmitz’s legal reasoning for suggesting that Pence had the constitutional authority to object to the certification of electoral votes submitted by a handful of states. The piece that Schmitz had sent to Jordan was published at the website the next day and even included the same “DISCUSSION DRAFT” heading and timestamp on the document that Schmitz sent to Jordan. “Good luck tomorrow!” Schmitz texted Jordan on the evening of Jan. 5, including the Word document as an attachment. Schmitz then texted to Jordan a three-paragraph summary of his Word document, which Schiff sliced and diced and then attributed to Jordan: “On January 6, 2021, Vice President Mike Pence, as President of the Senate, should call out all the electoral votes that he believes are unconstitutional as no electoral votes at all — in accordance with guidance from founding father Alexander Hamilton and judicial precedence,” Schmitz texted. In his graphic, Schiff erased the final clause and the em dash preceding it and added a period to the first clause without disclosing that he or his staff had chopped up the text and created a fake graphic misrepresenting the actual contents of the text message. Schmitz continued: “‘No legislative act,’ wrote Alexander Hamilton in Federalist No. 78, ‘contrary to the Constitution, can be valid.’ The court in Hubbard v. Lowe reinforced this truth: ‘That an unconstitutional statute is not a law at all is a proposition no longer open to discussion.’ 226 F. 135, 137 (SDNY 1915), appeal dismissed, 242 U.S. 654 (1916).” “Following this rationale, an unconstitutionally appointed elector, like an unconstitutionally enacted statute, is no elector at all,” Schmitz wrote. In his statement and on-screen graphic, Schiff erased the final two paragraphs and the final clause of the first paragraph of the text message before inserting punctuation that was never there, all without disclosing what he was doing. The graphic displayed by Schiff, which was doctored to look like an exact screenshot, was similarly doctored, as it contained content that was never in the original message and eliminated content that was. “Is anyone surprised that Adam Schiff is again rifling through private text messages and cherry-picking information to fit his partisan narrative and sow misinformation?” asked Jordan spokesman Russell Dye. According to a source familiar with the matter, Schiff never approached Jordan to discuss the text messages prior to chopping them up and misrepresenting them during Monday night’s hearing. Had he done so or bothered asking Jordan about the text message, Schiff would have known that Jordan was merely relaying to Meadows, without comment, an attorney’s summary of that attorney’s own legal argument as to what Pence should or shouldn’t do. Multiple sources who regularly communicate with Jordan also scoffed at the idea that Jordan, who’s known for writing only brief, one- or two-word texts, if at all, would sit down and type out a multi-paragraph narrative with precise, legal citations akin to a lengthy court brief. “The idea that Jordan would sit down and punch out a long-winded legal argument via text is absurd,” one individual who regularly talks to Jordan told The Federalist. “That’s just not how he works.” One Republican colleague of Jordan laughed out loud when asked by The Federalist if Jordan was known for sending lengthy texts. “If he texts at all, it’s usually something like ‘yes’ or ‘call me,’” that colleague said. Another GOP lawmaker echoed those sentiments about Jordan’s tech habits. “That’s just not Jim’s style,” one lawmaker close to Jordan told The Federalist. “Long, nerdy paragraphs might be my style, but that’s not Jim’s style at all.” “Plus, you have to remember what was going on at that time,” the lawmaker noted. “People were sending around these law review articles and debates left and right because we had an interest in learning the facts and getting them right. And if it’s somehow seditious in this country to debate or share a law review article on Alexander Hamilton’s view on things, that’s not really a country I want to be a part of anymore.” Schiff and his team have a long history of doctoring and fabricating evidence to show their political enemies in the worst possible light. While Trump, Jr. was testifying during a 2017 congressional hearing on the Russian collusion hoax, Schiff’s committee leaked to CNN and NBC emails purportedly from Trump, Jr. that showed he had communicated with someone about hacked WikiLeaks documents prior to their public release. In reality, despite each network claiming that it had verified the claims about the emails (CNN even falsely claimed that Trump, Jr.’s own attorney had “verified” the network’s reporting), each network botched the dates on the document. Rather than prove that the president’s oldest son had been privately colluding with WikiLeaks about documents the organization had illegally obtained, the real emails — not those doctored by Schiff or his committee — showed only that a random person with no connection to Trump, Jr. had found his email address and sent the information to him after the documents were already publicly available. During 2019 impeachment hearings against Trump, Schiff went back to that same playbook and doctored a transcript of a telephone call between Trump and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky. After getting skewered for fabricating the transcript of a phone conversation between two world leaders, Schiff later claimed, without evidence, that his version of the call was only meant to be a parody, rather than a verbatim account of the phone call. In opening statement, Rep. Schiff makes up dialogue to represent what Trump said to Zelensky. A rough transcript of the president's words exists, and is available, but Schiff's version is more dramatic. — Byron York (@ByronYork) September 26, 2019 Rep. Schiff re-writes the call transcript for added drama: "I’m going to say this only seven times, so you better listen good, I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand, lots of it, on this and on that, I’m going to put you in touch with people" — Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) September 26, 2019 Schiff also lied about his interactions with the so-called whistleblower whose leak of the phone call between Trump and Zelensky was used by House Democrats as a pretext for impeaching Trump and overturning the 2016 election results. Coincidentally, Schiff’s lie came in response to a question during a November 2019 hearing from Jordan about interactions between Schiff and his staff and the so-called whistleblower. “First, as the gentleman knows,” Schiff lectured, “that’s a false statement. I do not know the identity of the whistleblower.” However, according to a report from The New York Times, the so-called whistleblower personally contacted Schiff’s office before the so-called whistleblower ever even filed his complaint against Trump with the inspector general that is supposed to oversee the country’s federal spy agencies. “Schiff, House Intel Chairman, Got Early Account of Whistle-Blower’s Accusations,” The New York Times headline noted. Schiff’s office did not respond to multiple requests for comment about the doctored text messages from Jordan.
More fake memos, and wrong Dem-spun "analysis" of memos... PART 3: WE CAUGHT THEM: Deep State Operative Don Berlin Presented Bogus Election Dossier to President Trump Before 1-6, Now Jan 6 Committee is Using This to Claim Insurrection and Take Down President Trump The Deep State used operative Don Berlin multiple times to produce garbage dossiers for several specific purposes – Russia collusion, Las Vegas Shooter, and the 2020 Election, for example. Berlin prepared and presented his 2020 Election dossier to President Trump before January 6. It was a set-up. The Jan 6 committee is now using this document to claim President Trump was involved in an insurrection. We reported Monday on how the origins of the Russia collusion narrative started long ago in the early 2000s. This was brought to light in a court case filed in 2018 by a billionaire named Christopher Chandler who claimed a man named Don Berlin made up stories about Chandler and Russia. PART 1: EXCLUSIVE EXPOSING THE DEEP STATE TIES TO JAN 6: The Origin of the Russia Sham – Don Berlin’s Original Russia Dossier TRENDING: PART 4: - It Was a Set-Up: As Soon as Jan 6 Committee Obtained Deep State Operative Don Berlin's Bogus Election Dossier Claims, They Were Leaked to the Mainstream Media to Claim 'Trump Insurrection' Don Berlin didn’t act alone. He worked with Robert Eringer on the Russia collusion dossier in 2002. Eringer claims he worked for the FBI in the 1990s in Russia but at the same time Eringer was given an honorary KGB ID card from Russia. PART 2: EXPOSING THE DEEP STATE TIES TO JAN 6: Origin of the Russia Sham – Real Russian Collusion with Robert Eringer Don Berlin created his Russia collusion dossier in 2002 when Robert Mueller was the Head of the FBI. Years later in June 2016, Berlin was interviewed by the FBI in regard to work he did related to Hillary’s emails and her actions in Libya. In the interview notes, Berlin claimed he was a “defense contractor specializing in the areas of missile, space, and intelligence.” Berlin claimed he was near completing his work related to the Hillary project when he was interviewed. According to Berlin, this work was at the behest of Republicans. 302 – Serial 91 – Donald Berlin by Jim Hoft on Scribd A year after the FBI interview Berlin was back creating another dossier. This one was related to the Las Vegas shooter. Berlin created a grand scheme where he claimed that “preliminary indicators suggest [that a second shooter had] possible ties to Islamic organizations and the Islamic State (IS) linkage”. We don’t know at this time who paid him for this dossier but it does appear that this included deliberate disinformation for some unknown purpose. Las Vegas Redacted by Jim Hoft Late in 2020, Donald Berlin created a 2020 Election dossier. This was another piece of art and fiction. Berlin’s dossier appears connected to Republicans because he presented it before a group of Republican leaders and President Trump sometime in the early days of January 2021. Berlin actually was there to present the dossier he prepared to the President. We know this from a trusted and verified source. Roughly 90% of this document created by Berlin was dedicated to voting software and machines. Little is mentioned regarding absentee ballots and chain of custody. On page 75 of the presentation, Berlin listed actions the President should take. US Marshalls are to secure ballots and the National Guard is to step in. Here is the dossier. Project Foot Patrol by Jim Hoft A shorter version of the presentation given to President Trump was distributed to various individuals. This document made it to Liz Cheney and the Jan 6 Committee. Election Fraud Foreign Inte… by Jim Hoft This is what the Jan 6 Committee is using to claim President Trump was engaged in an insurrection. There are many questions related to this Berlin dossier on the 2020 Election. Why the focus on the machines and software? Was the timing of the dossier pre-planned with Jan 6 right around the corner? Is Don Berlin a government source? Is he working for the government? (Our source claims he is a government employee with a ‘classified’ clearance.) What was the intent of the dossier? Was it paid for by Republicans to set up President Trump? Who all knew this was going to happen ahead of time? This is the Deep State. The same group that attacked and harassed President Trump and the American people for his entire administration. This is a corrupt America. And this is how they set up President Trump.
Again, if your "government" is refusing to let you see specify certify audit observe operate and inspect the goods... you are being DEFRAUDED by a secret power cabal that is designing its own outcomes over top of, and without any regard for, you. BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Pennsylvania’s Secretary of State, Dominion, and Democrat Senators Beg PA Supreme Court to Stop Investigation of Fulton County Voting Machines The corrupt Pennsylvania Secretary of State, Dominion Voting Machines, and now the Democrats in the Pennsylvania Senate all desperately want to end the investigation of the voting machines in Fulton County. Today they dropped nearly 750 pages of garbage arguments and made their plea in front of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Remember this… As an international auditor who performed hundreds of audits around the world, I have never seen or heard about an auditee refusing to be audited. I have certainly never experienced an auditee take me to court to prevent an audit from taking place… The fact that the state of Pennsylvania and Dominion Voting Machines are trying to prevent an investigation of these machines in Fulton County raises more red flags than are raised in a CCP parade. On Friday the liberal Pennsylvania Supreme Court stepped in and halted the 2020 Election investigation of Fulton County’s voting machines. This was after the lower courts allowed the investigation to proceed. Then on Monday Fulton County responded to the PA Supreme Court with their rationale for moving ahead with their investigation. TRENDING: Who’s "Cleaning" Our Voter Rolls? Soros Founded and Funded ERIC Is Now Used In 31 States Fulton County, Pennsylvania Responds to Secretary of State’s Request to Halt 2020 Election Investigation of Dominion Voting Machines in County Today the corrupt Pennsylvania Secretary of State (SoS) and Dominion Voting Machines (Dominion) filed a reply to the County’s filing on Monday. Dominion attempted to intervene in the lower court’s ruling but was denied but they are back again, this time joining the SoS in her nearly 700-page filing. PA Sos and Dominion Reply Brief by Jim Hoft on Scribd Not to be left out, Democrats in Pennsylvania’s Senate filed an application to prevent moving forward with the investigation in Fulton County, PA. Below is the filing from the Democrats in the Pennsylvania Senate. PA Senate Application for Leave to File Amicus Brief-1 by Jim Hoft on Scribd
Wisconsin Assembly Votes to Advance Rep. Ramthun’s Resolution to Reclaim Wisconsin’s Electors For President and Vice President That Were Certified Under Fraudulent Purposes The Wisconsin Assembly voted unanimously in a voice vote in a privileged resolution to move forward Rep. Ramthun’s resolution to reclaim Wisconsin’s 10 electors for US President and Vice President who were certified under fraudulent purposes. The voice vote was unanimous and passed the assembly earlier this evening. The legislation will now move forward to the Wisconsin Rules Committee and to the Wisconsin Senate, bill 743. The legislation was introduced by Rep. Timothy Ramthun. How it happened: Rep. Ramthun bravely called for a point of order today, during an open session. He did this by using Assembly Rule 43 and asking was his resolution privileged and able to be passed on to the Rules Committee through an open session? Yes, the resolution was privileged. Then they were able to do a vote within the session that was currently taking place. And it was all “Yes”, an unanimous vote to move the legislation to the Rules Committee. So now the resolution will land at the Rules Committee. It’s in the hands of Speaker Vos, a Republican. So Speaker Vos and the rest of the representatives have ten days to answer back on whether he’s going to push it to the floor for a vote. It is not clear what the Wisconsin Senate did with it yet. Representative Ramthun used the rulebook, used the Constitution, and was fearless. He went out there in front of everybody, stopped the session and said, I’m a legislator, and I want you to hear this because that’s what the constituents are asking me to do. The assembly voted on the resolution to have passage to the Rules Committee, to get an opinion if they can go forward. They could have tabled it. They didn’t even have to hear it. But because it was found privilege, they had no choice. And now the legislation moves to the Rules Committee. So now the legislation moves to the next level, it’s still alive, and we’ll see what happens in the Rules Committe led by Robin Vos. It’s not a done deal, but it’s the first time in Wisconsin history that a state Representative has moved to reclaim Wisconsin’s 10 electoral ballots. Ramthun’s office is kicking butt and needs to be supported and thanked for doing the right thing for the people of Wisconsin and America. Regardless of where the resolution goes from here, Representative Ramthun has always kept his word to the people of Wisconsin. Wisconsin Assembly Rules Committee Members: Representative Steineke (Chair) Representative Vos Representative August Representative Petersen Representative Vorpagel Representative Kuglitsch Representative Tittl Representative Plumer Representative Dittrich Representative Neubauer Representative Hesselbein Representative Spreitzer Representative Subeck Representative Pope Representative Baldeh How can you help? Contact the rules committee members and tell them to put the resolution through. You can reach your legislator by calling the Legislative Hotline. In Madison, dial 266-9960. Toll-free, call 1-800-362-9472. Here is video of tonight’s historic vote in the Wisconsin Assembly via H.O.T Wisconsin.
Biden and Fake News apparently caught stoking war, perhaps in yet another foolish bid to save his failed presidency. CNN In Meltdown Mode Over Biden-Ukraine Phone Call Fiasco CNN journos doing damage control after the network's Natasha Bertrand panicked and deleted tweets containing harsh comments reportedly made by President Biden to Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky - namely that a Russian invasion was "imminent," that the Capital city of Kyiv could be "sacked," and to "prepare for impact." Now - none of that apparently happened according to CNN's Jim Sciutto, the White House, and apparently Ukraine itself. Of note, CNN claims their source was a "senior Ukrainian official." Human Events' Jack Posobiec lays it out: Hi @NatashaBertrand! Why did you delete this? — Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) January 28, 2022 We may have just caught a CNN reporter deleting a war report that exposed the truth about the White House and Ukraine And it now looks like the White House pressured them to pull it The American people deserve the truth — Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) January 28, 2022 Bertrand apparently didn't get the message to CNN's Jake Tapper and Senior International Correspondent Matthew Chance, who repeated the now-disputed report. A senior Ukrainian official says the Biden-Zelensky call ‘did not go well’ and Biden told Zelensky a Russian invasion is virtually certain warning the country should prepare for impact @mchancecnn reports — The Lead CNN (@TheLeadCNN) January 27, 2022 And the White House disputes: We also see a tweet from Emily Horne, a Biden official, which is a brief denial, but does not include the the specific details of Sciuttio's tweet That means the White House was working the phones to CNN — Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) January 28, 2022 Now, Posobiec reports that Zelensky's office is also denying CNN's report. Zelensky’s spokesperson about the call with Joe Biden: “Some reports regarding the content of the talks between Presidents Volodymyr Zelensky and Joe Biden have appeared on social media, citing the alleged ‘senior Ukrainian official’. These messages are completely false”. — Ostap Yarysh (@OstapYarysh) January 28, 2022 CNN is now accusing CNN of spreading war propaganda on CNN This is where we're at on the Ukraine call leak — Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) January 28, 2022 CNN's Alexander Marquardt gives a master class in walking back misinformation: * * * In their Thursday afternoon phone call which the White House called "a check-in", it seems President Joe Biden took the opportunity to continue with an alarmist posture as he told his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelenskiy that a Russian invasion is "now highly certain" - according to CNN. Further, "President Biden reaffirmed the readiness of the United States along with its allies and partners to respond decisively if Russia further invades Ukraine," according to the White House call readout. But it remains that two conflicting narratives have emerged, given just prior to the call it was being reported that Zelensky was expected to request that the US be more cautious in its messaging surrounding a potential Russian attack, per source--particularly the word "imminent," as it risks causing panic and negative economic consequences for Ukraine. That was also according to CNN. For anyone wishing to understand the mass media fake war rhetoric, you can see here how information is being manipulated: So today Biden and Zelensky had a call, look how CNN reported the news and the conversation content, the second one is the tweet of Zelensky about it#Ukraine — Muslim Traveler (@Muslim68955104) January 27, 2022 But the statement immediately after the call of Zelensky himself was much more toned down compared to the White House rhetoric... "Discussed recent diplomatic efforts on de-escalation and agreed on joint actions for the future," Zelenskiy said in a tweet. "Thanked President Joe Biden for the ongoing military assistance," he said, also affirming that the US offered further financial support to Ukraine, which was highlighted in the Biden statement. Had a long phone conversation with @POTUS. Discussed recent diplomatic efforts on de-escalation and agreed on joint actions for the future. Thanked President @JoeBiden for the ongoing military assistance. Possibilities for financial support to Ukraine were also discussed. — Володимир Зеленський (@ZelenskyyUa) January 27, 2022 CNN and mainstream media in general have of late seemed intent on hyping and stoking tensions to the point of armed conflict. The "long phone conversation" with Biden was Zelensky's second one this month. Again, compare the low key statement of Ukraine's president himself with what Biden reportedly said to him concerning the "level" of the threat, supposedly with Kiev itself in the crosshairs... A Russian invasion is now virtually certain once the ground freezes, Biden said to Zelensky, a senior Ukrainian official told @mchancecnn. Kyiv could be “sacked," Russian forces may attempt to occupy it, “prepare for impact”, Biden said, according to this official. — Alexander Marquardt (@MarquardtA) January 27, 2022 The Ukrainian side appears to have leaked that Biden informed Zelensky that it's "virtually certain" that Ukraine's capital could be "sacked" and that Russian forces are looking to occupy it. Here's more from CNN: Zelensky has been particularly concerned about the US’ rhetoric that war could be "imminent" — a word White House press secretary Jen Psaki used earlier this week to describe the US’ assessment of Russia’s plans — and the recent disclosures of intelligence to US media, the source said, which "is causing panic and economic disaster for Ukraine." Zelensky is expected to convey to Biden that he believes the US and its allies have to be more careful with their messaging surrounding the conflict, the source added. Zelensky during the call reportedly told the US president to calm down... Apparently, Biden was unaware of the talks going on this week in Paris between Germany, France, Russia, and Ukraine — Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) January 27, 2022 It seems the two leaders were openly at odds over the true level of the threat, with the White House now being accused of grossly inflating the threat. Indeed this has been the messaging of the Ukrainians all week, especially after the US took the dramatic step of telling some of its embassy staff in Kiev to leave the country over the Russian troop build-up near Ukraine. On this issue, Biden had some explaining to do which likely didn't make matters any better. Biden "made clear that despite the departure of American family members of embassy personnel, the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, remains open and fully operational," according to the US readout.
Biden and Fake News apparently caught stoking
... more criminality. Recall global Soc's funding and US Democrat voices supporting and inciting violence stating that "They should continue -- Kamala Harris". City chaos is entirely the fault of Democrats who have ruled over their big cities with 50 continuous years of pandering and failed SocComMarx policies and depressing and victimizing messaging. Murder Chaos Overruns Baltimore As Liberals Fail To Maintain Law And Order We want to ask our readers: Why is it that the most liberal metro areas have some of the worst violent crime in the country if liberals are so peaceful and loving? We gravitate to Baltimore City, where the city's top prosecutor halted prosecuting minor crimes in early 2021. Before the new policing approach, the metro area had already been overtaken by a violent crime wave since the 2015 riots. And it's only getting worse. According to local news WMAR-TV, 25 days into the new year, there have already been 31 homicides. "We're not even a full month into the new year and already Baltimore City has seen more homicides this year than there have been days," the local news station said. At the moment, the city is averaging a homicide per day. Violent crime is worsening and spreading into the downtown district filled with major financial institutions, bar and restaurant district(s), and tourist areas. The 2022 homicide trend is well above all years dating back to 2017. Newly elected Mayor Brandon Scott and Police Commissioner Michael Harrison have said the police department is "doing their job by aggressively and relentlessly pursuing these violent offenders. The department works around the clock to solve these crimes, make arrests and improve the quality of life in our city." "Those who commit these violent acts will be held accountable and we will use all resources at our disposal to ensure the safety of Baltimore residents. The violence must stop, and we need everyone's support to achieve sustainable reductions of violence in our city," said Harrison. What's shocking is that "no arrests have been announced for any of these 31 homicides," the news station reported. Mosby's focus to no longer prosecute drug paraphernalia possession, minor traffic offenses, open container violations, and defecating in public, among other petty crimes, has failed to lower the violent crime rate as promised. On top of all this, the police department is struggling with staffing shortages that have strained patrols and made homicide investigations harder. As violent crime surges, liberal cities need to rethink policing to restore law and order.
This video exposing and mocking the Biden-Dems-Fake-News-Media Propaganda and Lies machine is now literally the #1 top song on iTunes hiphop chartlist... Let's Go Brandon - Islam Exposed
This video exposing and mocking the Biden-Dems-Fake-News-Media Propaganda and Lies machine is now literally the #1 top news...
As you can clearly see, the US Democrats are TOTAL FRAUDSTERS, and Greenwald nails the analytical contribution as usual... Note also that wannabe VAGOV Terry McAuliffe (D) just hired the most fraudulent corrupt political dirtbag lawyer he could find to try to steal the VA election too. Lincoln Project Democrat Operatives Busted For White Nationalist Hoax The anti-Trump, pedo-protecting Lincoln Project was forced to issue an emergency press release Friday afternoon after Democratic operatives they paid to impersonate tiki-torch wielding Trump supporters were doxxed, after they stood in front of Republican gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin's campaign bus. The hoax was spread by several notables, including Terry McAuliffe's spokeswoman, Christina Freundlich. It was also spread by MSM journos: Dem Party operatives and MSNBC "analysts" spent the day spreading a photo that was dubious from the start - staged to make it appear neo-Nazis were supporting Glenn Youngkin - and now it turns out that, yet again, they spread disinformation. Over and over: the same people do this — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) October 29, 2021 And then... the internet figured out who the operatives were; One of them is the financial director for the Virginia Young Democrats... and since being outed as such, has made his Twitter private. You're welcome for me doing your job for you. — Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) October 29, 2021 And they began frantically scrubbing their social media history: Oh. — Defiant L’s (@DefiantLs) October 29, 2021 Holy sh*t Colleen Wachenfeld rebranded her Twitter account handle several times after being exposed for posing as a neo-Nazi — Jewish Deplorable (@TrumpJew2) October 29, 2021 After the hoax unraveled, the Lincoln Project issued a press release taking credit. "Today’s demonstration was our way of reminding Virginia voters of what happened in Charlottesville four years ago, the Republican party’s embrace of those values, and Glenn Youngkin’s failure to condemn it." Lincoln Project claims credit for the "white supremacist" stunt at Youngkin's campaign event today. — John McCormack (@McCormackJohn) October 29, 2021 Of course the Lincoln project would recruit young boys for this — Ahmed Al Assliken (@assliken) October 29, 2021 Called it at 10:18am today. — Sean Davis (@seanmdav) October 29, 2021 To be clear: Virginia Democrat operatives dressed up as Neo-Nazis holding tiki-torches today to smear their opponent and attempted to pass it off as actually happening — Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) October 29, 2021 Bringing it home is Glenn Greenwald, who opines with yet another killer thread: The people who most vocally claim to be worried about disinformation and Fake News -- to the point that they want to censor the internet in its name -- are, by far, the most aggressive and prolific disseminators of disinformation and Fake News. Always. Dems & corporate outlets. — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) October 29, 2021 White Democrats sitting with their white families in their white neighborhoods now believe they own racism and race discourse, to be deployed for their amusement and fun, or with any slight belief that it will advance their interests. They're the owners👇 — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) October 29, 2021 Speaking of white Dem scumbags who think they own racism discourse, the Lincoln Project - led by Rick Wilson, last seen frolicking on a boat with a cooler covered by the Confederate Flag - admits to staging the fake white nationalist rally in Virginia: — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) October 29, 2021 I can't think of any clearer expression of the rot of US liberalism and Dem Party politics than the white scumbags of the Lincoln Project -- MSNBC stars -- engineering a fake racist rally while Dem operatives & MSNBC analysts used it to accuse Youngkin of racism. Utterly sick. — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) October 29, 2021 And I'd ask rhetorically whether the Lincoln Project admitting to having perpetrated this racist fraud -- while MSNBC analysts spread it all over the internet -- means MSNBC will stop having them on, but if fleecing donors & covering up for child predators didn't, this won't. — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) October 29, 2021 Is anyone surprised?
Note also that wannabe VAGOV Terry McAuliffe (D) just hired the most fraudulent corrupt political dirtbag lawyer he could find to try to steal the VA election too.
And like the Democrats and Biden Admin claiming that Christian's religious objections to vax mandates are fake and unsincerely held... Terry McAuliffe has also made major election fatal statements, and spread Fake News which has been refuted by the actual full Charlotte Transcript... Who Decides What Kids Should Be Taught? Virginia is a newly blue state, with a Democratic governor and two Democratic senators, that Joe Biden won by 10 points. Hence, former Gov. Terry McAuliffe was an early and solid favorite to regain the office he vacated in 2017. But if McAuliffe loses Tuesday, the defeat will be measured on the Richter scale. For if he does lose, it will be because of an elitist belief McAuliffe blurted out during a debate with Republican rival Glenn Youngkin: “I’m not going to let parents come into schools and actually take books out and make their own decisions. … I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” Yet, during his own term as governor, one Virginia school district pulled copies of “To Kill a Mockingbird” and “Huckleberry Finn” out of the schools because of the books’ use of racial slurs. What McAuliffe was saying was that the knowledge, truths and beliefs imparted to children in public schools are to be determined by school officials and teachers alone. Parents have no role and should butt out. His dismissal of any parental role in education did more than cause a backlash against McAuliffe. It put on the national agenda an issue that will be engaged and fought long after this Virginia governor’s race is over. Former President Barack Obama was not amused at Virginia’s reaction to McAuliffe’s rejection of any parental role in education. “We don’t have time to be wasting on these phony, trumped-up culture wars,” said Obama during a campaign stop for McAuliffe. But to the voters of Virginia, who have been moving to Youngkin since McAuliffe made his now-famous remark, these are real issues. For what their children are taught and not taught in the public schools to which parents consign them from age 5 to age 18 are matters of grave concern for those parents. For it will affect the kind of adults and citizens their children will become. “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man” is a saying attributed to the Jesuits’ founder St. Ignatius of Loyola. These schools are helping shape what children come to believe about the moral, social and historical issues tearing our country apart. These schools are helping shape the men and women these children will become. Consider. Under the landmark Supreme Court rulings in Roe v. Wade and Obergefell v. Hodges, abortion and same-sex marriage have been made constitutional rights. Yet both decisions contradict biblical truths, Catholic doctrine and natural law. While both decisions are today the law of the land, have parents no right to object if public-school teachers instruct their students that these decisions were right, moral and just? Do students and parents have no right to dissent, both inside and outside the classroom? According to the New York Times’ “1619 Project,” American history began when the first slaves arrived in Virginia, not when the colonies declared independence in 1776 or when the Constitution was ratified. Do parents have no right to object if the tenets of critical race theory — that America is shot through with “systemic racism,” that whites are privileged from birth and blacks oppressed — are taught as truth about the country to which they have given their loyalty and love? For generations, statues to Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson stood on Monument Avenue in Richmond, Virginia. Now that the statues are torn down, both are reviled as “traitors.” Yet, until he was 40 years of age, George Washington was a loyal British subject. But when Virginia rose up against the British Crown, Washington joined the rebellion. Robert E. Lee was also a loyal U.S. soldier and hero of the Mexican War, until his home state Virginia seceded. Both men were slave-owners. The great difference: Washington was victorious at Yorktown, and Lee surrendered at Appomattox. President Dwight Eisenhower regarded Lee, whose portrait he hung in the Oval Office, as among the greatest of all Americans. Whose view of Lee should be taught? Eisenhower’s or Harvard’s? The question raised by McAuliffe is: Who decides? Who, in the education of America’s children, decides what is historically, morally and socially true? And who is allowed to participate in those decisions? The nation is today divided over whether America is a good and a great country, or whether it has been irredeemably stained by its sins against the indigenous peoples and slavery. As the Dutch historian Pieter Geyl said, “History is indeed an argument without end.” Again, the question: Who decides which version is taught in the public schools that are paid for with the tax dollars of the parents who send their children there? Middle America’s view of the country is more than a little distant from the Ivy League’s, and somewhat closer to Merle Haggard’s. “When you’re running down my country, you’re walking on the fighting side of me.” Whatever happens Tuesday, “the McAuliffe issue” will be on the table in the elections of 2022.
Note also that wannabe VAGOV Terry McAuliffe (D) just hired the most fraudulent corrupt political dirtbag lawyer he could find to try to steal the VA election too. Terry McAuliffe Hires Controversial Ex-Clinton Lawyer Marc Elias As a long-standing associate of the Clintons, Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe has long ties with the Democratic establishment. That history was placed into sharp relief this week when he made a hefty down payment on the services of former Clinton counsel Marc Elias. Elias is a critical figure in the ongoing Durham investigation and has been accused of lying to the media to hide the role of the Clinton campaign in funding the Steele dossier. His former law partner Michael Sussmann at Perkins Coie was recently indicted by Durham. Elias has also led efforts to challenge Democratic losses, even as he denounces Republicans for such election challenges. Elias has been sanctioned in past litigation. Like Sussmann, Elias has left Perkins Coie. He ironically created a law firm specializing in campaign ethics. McAuliffe may be preparing to challenge any win by Republican Glenn Youngkin. He has given $53,680 to the Elias Law Group. McAuliffe does not appear disturbed by Elias’ highly controversial career or his possible exposure in the Durham investigation. I previously described news accounts linking the firm and Elias to the dossier scandal: Throughout the campaign, the Clinton campaign denied any involvement in the creation of the so-called Steele dossier’s allegations of Trump-Russia connections. However, weeks after the election, journalists discovered that the Clinton campaign hid payments for the dossier made to a research firm, Fusion GPS, as “legal fees” among the $5.6 million paid to the campaign’s law firm. New York Times reporter Ken Vogel said at the time that Clinton lawyer Marc Elias, with the law firm of Perkins Coie, denied involvement in the anti-Trump dossier. When Vogel tried to report the story, he said, Elias “pushed back vigorously, saying ‘You (or your sources) are wrong.’” Times reporter Maggie Haberman declared, “Folks involved in funding this lied about it, and with sanctimony, for a year.” It was not just reporters who asked the Clinton campaign about its role in the Steele dossier. John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman, was questioned by Congress and denied categorically any contractual agreement with Fusion GPS. Sitting beside him was Elias, who reportedly said nothing to correct the misleading information given to Congress. The Washington Post also reported that “Elias drew from funds that both the Clinton campaign and the DNC were paying Perkins Coie.” That makes the choice of counsel astonishing given these allegations from reporters and McAuliffe’s previous assertion that “someone who lies about the little things will lie about the big things too.” Elias also was the subject of intense criticism after a tweet that some have called inherently racist. Democrats used the recent Georgia election law as a rallying cry for federalizing elections by labelling the law, as described by President Biden, “Jim Crow on steroids.” Biden has been repeatedly called out for demonstrably false statements about the law. Elias argued that Georgia voters could not be expected to be able to read their driver’s licenses correctly — a statement that seemed to refer to minority voters who would be disproportionately impacted by such a requirement. Elias’ work embodies the inherent hypocrisy of some advocates and some in the media on election challenges. He often solicits contributions to challenge election results while denouncing Republicans for challenging election results. That contradiction has been readily apparent in the Virginia election. McAuliffe brought in Stacey Abrams to campaign for him. She has repeatedly declared that the Republicans stole the election when she ran in Georgia. (Abrams was criticized for not conceding after the election). At one rally, McAuliffe repeated the claim that “she [Abrams] would be the governor of Georgia today had the governor of Georgia [Republican Brian Kemp] not disenfranchised 1.4 million Georgia voters before the election! That’s what happened to Stacey Abrams. They took the votes away.” Elias, McAuliffe, and others the media have denounced Republican challenges as advancing “the Big Lie” of stolen or rigged voting in the last election. Yet, Abrams’ defeat is being attributed to a rigged system in Georgia. Elias has not been criminally charged in his actions related to the 2020 election. Yet, bringing Elias into the Virginia race in the midst of the Durham investigation is an astonishing decision by McAuliffe. There are a host of election lawyers but McAuliffe selected an attorney accused of lying to the media, advancing rejected conspiracy theories, and currently involved in a major federal investigation that has already led to the indictment of his former partner. Then again McAuliffe previously declared “You help me, I’ll help you. That’s politics.”
Cunt Witch Pelosi says Biden Monetary-Waste Bill MUST be passed NOT because it is any good at all, but simply because "Weakass Biden Must Go To Europe With A Win Under His Belt". Apparently THAT's the sole reason your worthless politicians exist, and they admit it straight to your face. What fucking frauds your politicians all are. How many hundreds more years it going to take for you to learn to throw them all out and never replace them? Biden made to stand wayyyy to the outside left edge of the Glasgow World "Leaders" Group Photo, almost falling off the stage looking like a rejected toy. News poll out this morning that's filled with tough news for Democrats. The country is headed — In the right direction: 22 On wrong track: 71 President Biden’s job performance — Approve: 42 Disapprove: 54 Earlier this week, Mrs. Pelosi underscored the high stakes facing Mr. Biden as he prepares for meetings with leaders from the world’s 20 major economic powers and attends the U.N. Climate Change summit in Glasgow, Scotland. “What this legislation will do is to help the president meet his goals, the goals of America,” said the speaker. “When he goes to meetings with the G-20 now and then to meet His Holiness, the pope, and to go to Glasgow, we want him to go as strong as possible.” Socialism, Wokeism, Big Democrat Cities... are all fail... “Here’s the problem,” said Commissioner Mapps. “Around the world, too many people associate Portland with homelessness and homicide.” A double shooting this week by a meth addict brought the number of homicides this year to 72, beating a record the city set back in the 1980s. this month, Antifa went on a vandalism spree estimated to have done $500,000 in damage in less than one hour. The destruction was planned in advance to honor an Antifa supporter
Biden Monetary-Waste
Bidenomics ... Steal from people, give it to other people in form of never-free shit, inflate prices through subsidies, command economies to non-best-free-higher-diverse use, cancel their debt in order to steal more votes and raise pathetic approval levels, clearly a total corrupt fraud. That's $2B in waste and instant inflation, and 30k students who just learned that truly bad econ and pol are somehow "good" in Biden's School of Garbage EconoPol. The right thing to do now is for everyone in the US who still have to, or ever had to, pay the Govt back even $1, all subsidized home and school and business loans, must now immediately lay protest siege to the Capitol demanding refund under Biden-Dems "equal outcomes", and demand Govt pay out their worthless paper Treasury Bonds with all its hard gold cars realestate computers, thus bankrupting the Govt forever. Biden Education Dept Forgiving $2 Billion In Student Loans For Up To 30,000 Borrowers Up to 30,000 student loan borrowers will have a cumulative $2 billion in debt forgiven by the Biden Education Department, after a series of major changes to the troubled Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program were announced. In a Thursday tweet, Education Secretary Miguel Cardona announced that "30K+ borrowers will get an estimated $3B forgiven." Of that, "Roughly 10K have already had $715M discharged" with another 20,000 to follow. Here are the details: ▪️ 30K+ borrowers will get an estimated $2B forgiven. ▪️ Roughly 10K have already had $715M discharged. ▪️ 20K will receive emails in the coming weeks. Check your inboxes! — Secretary Miguel Cardona (@SecCardona) November 11, 2021 "This is fantastic news for those who will have their debts cancelled and demonstrates how the Biden administration has the power to make life better for all people with student debt," Mike Pierce, executive director at the Student Borrower Protection Center, told Yahoo Finance. "With payments currently set to restart in less than 90 days, there is much more work to be done for our public servants and all Americans with student loan debt." Created by Congress in 2007, the PSLF program supplies taxpayer dollars for government and non-profit employees - including teachers, nurses, service members, first responders and other public service workers with federally-backed student loans to apply for forgiveness after providing proof of 120 monthly payments under a qualified repayment plan. ED's policy change in October was previously expected to result in 22,000 student loan borrowers with consolidated loans — which were previously ineligible to be counted towards loan forgiveness — becoming "immediately eligible" for $1.74 billion in forgiveness. -Yahoo Finance "The temporary waivers announced by the Department of Education have been an actual life changing event for many of the borrowers we work with," Betsy Mayotte, president of The Institute of Student Loan Advisors, told Yahoo Finance, adding that she's received dozens of notes from borrowers who "woke up this week to find that their balance is finally zero." According to the report, citing the National Education Association, 45% of educators took out an average of $55,800 in student loans to attend college. Of them, 14% with an unpaid loan balance are carrying $105,000 or more. When it comes to service members, the NEA found last year that while 200,000 service members hold a cumulative $3 billion in student loan debt, just 17,534 had submitted the proper paperwork to seek forgiveness - while around 40% of those applicants were actually on track for debt relief. "As the burden of student loan debt has impacted ever larger swathes of American society, the U.S. military has seen more service members come onto active duty with student loans," said former former director of military and consumer protection at Veterans Education Success, Mike Saunders. "This means that PSLF has become a huge factor when it comes to getting the all-volunteer force to reenlist past their initial service obligation." Terry McAuliffe Hires Controversial Ex-Clinton Lawyer Marc Elias
Loser McAuliffe loses. VA Governor Race Called For Republican Youngkin With over 70% of the votes counted, Decision Desk has called the race for Republican newcomer Glenn Youngkin who holds a 9 pts lead over Democratic Terry McAuliffe. Additionally @Redistrict has called the race for Youngkin... I've seen enough: Glenn Youngkin (R) defeats Terry McAuliffe (D) in the Virginia governor's race. #VAGOV — Dave Wasserman (@Redistrict) November 3, 2021 Matt Walsh is pretty clear on who's to blame (to thank) for this Republican victory (notably McAuliffe won Loudon 55-44, but @Redistrict forecast that he would need a 14pts lead to support a state-wide win)... I want to thank the Loudoun County school board. None of this would have been possible without you. Tonight’s result was your handiwork. Congratulations! — Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) November 3, 2021 And Donald Trump, Jr has some thoughts for President Biden... When Biden wakes up tomorrow afternoon, somebody’s gonna have to tell him he’s now officially presiding over the collapse of the Democrat party — Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) November 3, 2021 MSNBC is taking it well... MSNBC is taking it well — Benny (@bennyjohnson) November 3, 2021 * * * Update (2030ET): In a somewhat stunning - yet completely predictable - turn of events, Fairfax County - the largest and most prosperous in the state - has reportedly missed its self-imposed deadline to count early ballots. Terry McAuliffe’s campaign says Fairfax County will not meet their self-imposed deadline of 8pm to count early votes. A portion of the early votes in Fairfax County need to be rescanned and there is no set timeline for that yet. His staff says that could delay the results. Breaking: Fairfax County, Virginia has announced that they are *RE-SCANNING* ballots and will be releasing their vote totals later tonight. — Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) November 2, 2021 The problem was reportedly with a thumb drive of the early ballots... Fairfax County is rescanning roughly 20,000 ballots from early voting sites after there was a technical issue with a thumb drive the votes are stored on, according to a Fairfax County official. Official says there is a paper trail of votes cast and are working on it now@wusa9 — Kolbie Satterfield (@KolbieReports) November 3, 2021 This is not good for 'faith in democracy'... Regardless of cause, delayed results from Fairfax County - the pivotal county in the commonwealth of Virginia - is REALLY BAD for public trust. — Ian Haworth (@ighaworth) November 3, 2021 * * * Update (2000ET): Voter turnout is reportedly very strong, on track to break 3 million votes, exceeding the 2017 record: Based on local turnout reports, VA is on track to break 3 million votes, which would surpass gubernatorial record of 2.6M set in 2017. Not clear which side that benefits, but this isn't a scenario in which turnout in blue areas is falling through the floor. #VAGOV — Dave Wasserman (@Redistrict) November 2, 2021 Notably, Virginia tends to punish the president’s party. In the last 12 Virginia gubernatorial elections, the president’s party has won only once. Obviously, a Youngkin win would be a boost for Republican prospects to take control of both chambers of Congress. * * * Today is the last day for Virginians to vote in what has become an unexpectedly close race for governor between former Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe and newcomer Republican candidate, Glenn Youngkin - who has gained considerable ground in recent days. Political watchers across the country are keeping tabs on this year's race as a proxy for the political mood, as the outcome may offer insight into what might be ahead for both parties in the 2022 midterm elections.
From the beginning, Democrats expected McAuliffe to coast into the Governor's mansion in a state which saw Biden beat Trump by 10 points in the last election - yet Youngkin has gained massive ground after focusing on parents' anger over schools - which includes pandemic mandates and critical race theory. McAuliffe, meanwhile, said during a debate with Youngkin "I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach," a decidedly poor move.
McAuliffe’s campaign has faltered amid anecdotal accounts of an apathetic Democratic voter base. Biden’s standing in the commonwealth is mediocre, with his approval rating in the low 40s in several polls. The upshot is that Youngkin appears to have the momentum going into Election Day on Tuesday. The level of enthusiasm at recent campaign events has been tangibly greater for Youngkin, even in the Democratic-leaning Northern Virginia suburbs. -The Hill Meanwhile, the University of Virginia's Center for Politics has shifted its opinion of the race from "leans Democratic" to "leans Republican." “Youngkin has the enthusiasm, the environment, the history, and perhaps even the issues (given his focus on education and its increasing salience in polling). McAuliffe has the state’s Democratic lean in his favor. However, we do feel we owe it to readers to push this race one way or the other and not just move it to a Toss-Up rating at the end. So we’re moving from Leans Democratic to Leans Republican.” PredictIt has Youngkin with a significant lead. The shift comes after McAuliffe spent considerable time pressing his Democratic colleagues on Capitol Hill to pass two major bills in order to show that Democrats are able to capitalize on their slim majority in Congress - yet fighting within the party has resulted in a political quagmire. And as the New York Post notes, what's going on in Virginia may be part of a 30-year political epicycle in which a Democrat wins the White House and then 'lurches left' - causing a backlash that reverberates to off-year elections in Virginia and New Jersey. In 1993 it was Bill Clinton, who ran for office as a “new kind of Democrat,” promising to “end welfare as we know it” and pledging not to raise taxes on the middle class. Instead Clinton moved left, dumping his welfare reform promise in favor of an unpopular nationalized health care scheme that a Democratic Congress never even put to a vote, raising taxes on the middle class, and promoting the boutique liberal cause of gays in the military (though ultimately settling for the muddle of “don’t ask, don’t tell”). Republicans swept the governors’ races in Virginia and New Jersey in 1993 and made large gains in both state legislatures, previewing the GOP landslides in the House and Senate in 1994, when Republicans gained 54 seats in the House for their first House majority in 40 years, and eight seats in the Senate that also gave the GOP a majority. Clinton immediately tacked to the center and remained there for the rest of his presidency. The pattern repeated itself in 2009 following Barack Obama's sharp left turn from the vague platform of "hope and change," leading to Republicans to once again capture the governorships of Virginia and New Jersey that year. A win for Youngkin would be a massive boost to Republicans nationwide - and would add to President Biden's woes which include failing approval ratings, supply chain issues, inflation, and absolute chaos trying to get his legislative agenda passed. As The Hill's Niall Stanage notes, "Even a narrow win for Democrats in Virginia would likely not be enough to calm the party’s nerves as it looks towards next year’s midterm elections — and beyond, to the 2024 presidential election where they fear the specter of Trump will be resurrected."
Leaks Suggest Durham Probe Is Making Progress
Durham Probe Inches Closer To Hillary As Alfa Bank Hoax Plot Thickens A Hillary Clinton campaign operation to plant a false rumor about Donald Trump setting up a “secret hotline” to Moscow through a Russian bank was much broader than known and involved multiple U.S. agencies, according to declassified documents and sources briefed on an ongoing criminal investigation of the scheme. In addition to the FBI, the 2016 Clinton campaign tried to convince the Obama administration’s State Department, Justice Department and Central Intelligence Agency to look into the hoax, and continued pressing the issue even after Trump was inaugurated in January 2017. The goal was to trigger federal investigative activity targeting her Republican rival and leak the damaging information to the media. “The Clinton machine flooded the FBI with pressure from a number of angles until investigations of Trump were opened and reopened,” said one of the briefed sources who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive law enforcement matter. "The deception was wide-ranging." Michael Sussmann: The indicted former Clinton campaign attorney wasn't the only one feeding the bogus Alfa Bank story to the feds. Special Counsel John Durham outlined the FBI part of the scheme in a felony indictment of Michael Sussmann. The former Clinton campaign lawyer was charged last month with making a false statement to the former general counsel of the FBI when he claimed he was not working “for any client” in bringing to the FBI’s attention allegations of a secret channel of communication between computer servers in Trump Tower and the Alfa Bank in Russia. According to the indictment, Sussmann was in fact acting on behalf of clients including the Clinton campaign, and an unnamed tech executive who RCI has previously reported is Rodney L. Joffe, a regular adviser to the Biden White House on cybersecurity and infrastructure policies. Internal emails reveal the Clinton operatives knew the links they made between Trump and Russia were “weak,” even describing them as a “red herring,” but fed them to investigators anyway. The Sussmann indictment revealed the doubts of those developing the Alfa Bank story. U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia After Sussmann’s meeting with the FBI in September 2016, the Clinton campaign approached the State Department the following month with the same lead, this time using paid Clinton campaign subcontractor Christopher Steele to feed the rumors. A former British intelligence officer, Steele was offered as a reliable source to help corroborate the rumors. On Oct. 11, 2016, Steele gave his contact at Foggy Bottom documents alleging that a supposed hidden server at Trump Tower was pinging Moscow. Christopher Steele: Author of the debunked dossier passed the Alfa Bank story to the State Department, which passed it along to FBI agent Peter Strzok. (Aaron Chown/PA FILE via AP) Two days later, a State official who previously worked under former secretary Clinton funneled the information to the FBI’s then-top Eurasia/Russia counterintelligence official, Stephen Laycock, according to recently declassified notes and testimony. Laycock, in turn, forwarded the information to Peter Strzok, the FBI agent who led the investigation of Trump and his campaign and had just weeks earlier texted a bureau lawyer, “We’ll stop [Trump from being elected].” "I informed Peter Strzok and another supervisor,” Laycock testified last year in a closed-door Senate hearing. Telephone: After Steele fed the Alfa Bank story to State, it was passed to the FBI’s then-top Eurasia/Russia counterintelligence official, Stephen Laycock (left), who in turn passed it on to lead FBI agent on Trump-Russia, Peter Strzok (right). Facebook/Twitter Steele, who later confessed he was “desperate” to defeat Trump, was the author of the debunked dossier claiming Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election. He even misspelled the name of the Russian bank as “Alpha.” Still, the FBI took his rumors seriously enough to interview tech vendors working for the Trump Organization and obtain warrants to search Trump Tower servers. Within days of receiving the State Department tip, Strzok also used Steele’s dossier to secure a wiretap on Trump adviser Carter Page. Clinton foreign policy adviser and current National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan would put out a written statement trumpeting the Trump-Alfa Bank story, which was shared by then-candidate Clinton on Oct. 31, 2016, after Slate reported on it. Fusion GPS, the Washington opposition-research group that worked for the Clinton campaign as a paid agent, and helped gather dirt on Alfa Bank and draft the materials Sussmann would later submit to the FBI, reportedly pressed Slate to publish the story by the account of its author, journalist Franklin Foer. The Clinton campaign played up the Trump-Alfa Bank story on the eve of the 2016 election. Twitter/@HillaryClinton “This was a highly sophisticated operation using enablers in both the media and federal agencies,” George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley told RealClearInvestigations. The Clinton campaign did not let up even after Trump won the election. In mid-November 2016, it enlisted top Justice Department official Bruce Ohr – whose wife, Nellie, worked for Fusion GPS – to add credibility to the Alfa rumors. That month, Ohr advised the FBI that Steele had told him that the Alfa Bank server was a link to the Trump campaign. Then in early December, Ohr met with the FBI case supervisor who worked for Strzok at least twice. Declassified notes and other records show that during those meetings, Ohr provided him with thumb drives he had received from paid Clinton opposition researcher and Fusion GPS co-founder, Glenn Simpson, and Ohr’s wife and Simpson’s colleague, Nellie. Quoting his Clinton sources, Ohr insisted the alleged backdoor computer channel between Trump and Alfa was real. Bruce Ohr: The Justice Department official -- linked to Clinton opposition research firm Fusion GPS through his wife Nellie, a Fusion employee -- brought the firm's arguments and materials to the FBI. The Global Initiative The FBI spent months investigating the claim, eventually dismissing it as baseless. After the FBI closed the case, Sussmann turned to the nation’s top intelligence agency for assistance, as RCI first reported. In December 2016, Sussmann called then-CIA Director John Brennan’s general counsel – Caroline Krass – to set up a meeting to brief her about the same Alfa Bank rumors. Krass expressed interest in the tip. Then in early February 2017, officials from her office formally sat down with Sussmann for more than an hour to discuss the Trump-Russian bank rumors. Sussmann provided them updated versions of the materials he had handed off to the FBI. Caroline Krass: General counsel to then-CIA Director John Brennan welcomed Sussmann's pitch of the Alfa Bank story, which reportedly passed from the CIA to FBI. CIA/Wikipedia The CIA, in turn, referred the rumors to an FBI liaison for further investigation, according to the sources briefed on his case. Strzok was the lead FBI liaison to the CIA at the time. Among the documents Durham has obtained is a CIA memo memorializing the meeting with Sussmann, according to the sources. In his grand jury indictment, Durham accused Sussmann of also misleading the CIA, which he referred to only as “Agency-2.” The special counsel alleges that Sussmann, as he did when meeting with an FBI official, had also failed to inform contacts at Langley that he was representing a client – in the latter case specifically Joffe – tied to the Clinton campaign operation and who had been promised a high-level job in a Clinton administration. Billing the Democrat’s campaign for his work on the “confidential project," Sussmann recruited Joffe and a team of federal computer contractors to mine proprietary databases containing vast quantities of sensitive, nonpublic Internet data for possible dirt on Trump and his advisers. In a new court document filed last week, Durham revealed his team has obtained more than 80,000 pages of documents in response to grand jury subpoenas issued to more than 15 targets and witnesses, including the computer contractors. Among others receiving subpoenas: political organizations, private firms, tech companies and other entities, including a major university — Georgia Tech — which allegedly participated in the Clinton conspiracy as a Pentagon contractor. Some witnesses have been granted immunity and are cooperating with prosecutors, the sources close to the probe said. Jonathan Turley: "One would expect a CIA official to express reluctance in an investigation that would have a largely domestic focus," says the law professor. CNN “While Sussmann may have hidden his work for the Clinton campaign, this was obviously a useful attack on Trump,” Turley said. “One would expect a CIA official to express reluctance in an investigation that would have a largely domestic focus. But as with the FBI, the Clinton campaign found eager officials to move on any such allegation.” The CIA is largely barred from collecting information inside the United States or on American citizens. “The CIA has no business involving itself in a domestic political issue,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton told RCI. “The evidence suggests the primary purpose of the meeting was political." Fitton said his watchdog group has filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the CIA demanding all records generated from the contacts Sussmann had with the agency in December 2016 and February 2017. The CIA did not return requests for comment. For good measure, old Clinton hands tried another pressure point. In early February 2017, Clinton's foreign policy adviser Sullivan huddled with Fusion GPS's Simpson and Daniel Jones, an FBI analyst-turned-Democrat-operative, to reboot the same smear campaign against Trump. (As RCI previously reported, Sullivan, who spearheaded the campaign's effort to promote the narrative of a disturbing Trump-Russia relationship via the Alfa Bank story, is under scrutiny for possibly lying to Congress about his role in the operation.) Jones, in turn, reached out to his former colleagues at the FBI, who reopened the investigation into the old allegations of a cyber-link between Trump and Alfa Bank. Jake Sullivan played a pivotal role in the Alfa Bank story as 2016 Clinton foreign policy adviser. AP Photo/Ng Han Guan, File The next month, acting on Jones’ recycled tip, FBI agents visited the offices of the Pennsylvania company that housed the Trump server, which was actually administered by a third-party hotel promotions firm – Cendyn, based in Florida. But their second investigation proved to be another dead end. The sinister communications Jones claimed were flowing between an alleged Trump server and Alfa Bank were found to be innocuous marketing emails. In other words, spam. Sources say it is odd that FBI headquarters continued to pursue the allegations, because internal FBI communications reveal that the bureau’s own cyber sleuths had pooh-poohed them within days of Sussmann’s briefing, RCI has learned. Strzok himself had been briefed on that assessment of the materials Sussman dropped off at headquarters on Sept. 19, 2016. In fact, in a Sept. 23, 2016, internal message to Strzok, an FBI official relayed his preliminary findings following an interview with Cendyn, the Florida marketing firm that managed the alleged Trump server. “Followed up this morning with Central Dynamics [Cendyn] who confirmed that the domain is an old domain that was set up in approximately 2009 when they were doing business with the Trump Organization that was never used,” according to the message. Reacting to the Durham indictment, Strzok recently tried to distance himself from the Alfa scandal, insisting in a Lawfare blog: “I had a minor role in the events in question, insofar as I transferred the material Sussman gave to Jim Baker, the FBI’s general counsel at the time, to the personnel who ultimately supervised and looked into the allegations.” Echoing other critics, Strzok complained that Durham – who originally was tapped to investigate the origins of the Russia “collusion” investigation by Trump’s Attorney General Bill Barr – is conducting a partisan witch hunt on behalf of Trump. Strzok's claims notwithstanding, Barr's successor, the President Biden-nominated Attorney General Merrick Garland, testified last week that he has renewed funding and staffing for Durham’s far-reaching investigation for the next fiscal year. “[Y]ou can readily assume his budget has been approved,” Garland assured Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee.
Leaks Suggest Durham Probe Is Making Progress
Another arrest in the Hiliary Clinton-Dems Russia Hoax and four year assault of Media Lies against Trump... Lock Her Up. Arrest Of Steele Dossier Source A "Seismic Development" Shining further light on today's arrest of Igor Danchenko - the primary source for the debunked Steele dossier - is constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley, who calls it a "seismic development." ...Potential apex targets range from Steele himself to Clinton general counsel Marc Elias to other campaign officials. It is not clear that Durham has evidence against those figures but there is every indication that he is not done by a long shot with his investigation. — Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) November 4, 2021 More via The office of Special Counsel John Durham has confirmed that Igor Danchenko, a key source for British ex-spy Christopher Steele, has been arrested. This is the third arrest by Durham who is moving toward the prosecution stage of his investigation into the origins of the Russian collusion scandal. Durham is variously described as either painfully methodical or positively glacial as a prosecutor. But he is widely credited with being a dogged and absolutely apolitical prosecutor. Danchenko’s arrest is a seismic development and confirmed Durham is far from done with his investigation. Washington was recently rocked by the indictment of Michael Sussman, former counsel for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee, for his alleged role in spreading a false Russia conspiracy theory. Now Danchenko is being charged with lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Danchenko is widely referenced as the sub-source for former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele for his controversial dossier. That dossier, funded by the Clinton campaign, served as the basis for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants against Trump campaign aide Carter Page. Danchenko told the FBI that the dossier was “unsubstantiated” and said that Steele asked him to look for any “compromising” information on Trump. Mr. Danchenko worked for the Brookings Institution, a liberal Washington think-tank that often produced reports critical of Trump. Danchenko is not someone who immediately comes across as an apex defendant — the highest target in an investigation. He was a key source used by others to advance false or unsubstantiated claims against Trump. He is the type of defendant that prosecutors pressure to flip against those who retained him or used him in this effort. In other words, he strikes me as someone who can be used as a building block to apex defendants. Potential apex targets above him in investigation range from Steele himself to Clinton general counsel Marc Elias to Clinton campaign officials. There is no indication if Durham has possible evidence of criminal acts by those figures but there is every indication that he is not done by a long shot with this investigation. * * * Meanwhile, Sergei Milan has announced that the indictment exonerates him: My full exoneration, folks‼️ — M I L L I A N (@SergeiMillian) November 4, 2021 * * * Think about how remarkable this paragraph is considering where the media coverage of the Russian collusion hoax started 5 years ago. The corporate media truly is the enemy of the people. — Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) November 4, 2021 Not a single journo in the corporate Democrat media is embarrassed that they maniacally pushed lies about Russia-Trump collusion to tear down a president for 4 years Slander was always their purpose. They knew it was built on vicious, crazy lies. — Buck Sexton (@BuckSexton) November 4, 2021 * * * Federal authorities on Tuesday arrested Igor "Iggy" Danchenko, a Russian national who was the primary researcher for the so-called Steele Dossier - a compendium of opposition research funded by the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign and used to smear Donald Trump as a Russian operative. It was also used as justification for an FBI wiretap application targeting former Trump adviser Carter Page. According to the New York Times, the arrest of Danchenko is part of John Durham's special counsel investigation into wrongdoing connected to the Obama administration's Russia investigation. Christopher Steele primary subsource Igor Danchenko indictment: He "fabricated" the allegation that he was given info by @SergeiMillian via phone. He lied about sources - one being a Democrat party operative/PR exec. — Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) November 4, 2021asdf Bombshell stuff. Igor Danchenko received info from a Democratic PR executive that he then passed along to Chris Steele. He withheld that from the FBI. Danchenko also lied about receiving a phone call from Sergei Millian. — Chuck Ross (@ChuckRossDC) November 4, 2021 Some claims from the Steele dosser made their way into an F.B.I. wiretap application targeting a former Trump campaign adviser in October 2016. Other portions of it — particularly a salacious claim about a purported sex tape — caused a political and media firestorm when Buzzfeed published the materials in January 2017, shortly before Mr. Trump was sworn in. But most of the important claims in the dossier — which was written by Mr. Danchenko’s employer, Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence agent — have not been proven, and some have been refuted. F.B.I. agents interviewed Mr. Danchenko in 2017 when they were seeking to run down the claims in the dossier. -NYT Danchenko, Steele's (formerly) mysterious "Primary Subsource", is a former Brookings Institution analyst. According to new Durham indictment, the Steele dossier is even more partisan & corrupt than previously known. We knew that Steele worked for Clinton campaign/DNC. Now we learn that not only did Dems fund Steele's dossier, but dossier used a Democratic operative as a key source: — Aaron Maté (@aaronjmate) November 4, 2021 Shouldn't be too hard to figure out who this PR exec is, though no names are springing to mind yet — Chuck Ross (@ChuckRossDC) November 4, 2021 I think I've found a match for "PR Executive 1": Charles Dolan. — Aaron Maté (@aaronjmate) November 4, 2021 The 43-year-old Danchenko, who was hired by Steele in 2016 to deploy a network of sources to dig up dirt on Trump and Russia for the Hillary Clinton campaign, was arrested, jailed and convicted years earlier on multiple public drunkenness and disorderly conduct charges in the Washington area and ordered to undergo substance-abuse and mental-health counseling, according to criminal records, according to RealClearInvestigations. Danchenko first ran into trouble with the law as he began working for Brookings - the preeminent Democratic think tank in Washington - where he struck up a friendship with Fiona Hill, the White House adviser who testified against Trump during 2019 impeachment hearings. Danchenko has described Hill as a mentor, while Hill has sung his praises as a "creative" researcher. As the Times notes further, Danchenko had been the subject of a counterintelligence investigation to determine whether he was a Russian agent. In an interview with The New York Times in 2020, Mr. Danchenko defended the integrity of his work, saying he had been tasked to gather “raw intelligence” and was simply passing it on to Mr. Steele. Mr. Danchenko — who made his name as a Russia analyst by exposing indications that the dissertation of President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia contained plagiarized material — also denied being a Russian agent. “I’ve never been a Russian agent,” Mr. Danchenko said. “It is ridiculous to suggest that. This, I think, it’s slander.” -NYT Of note, Danchenko also met with a Russian energy official just four days before Steele produced the first of 17 memos which comprise his infamous opposition research on the Trump campaign. They gave themselves PULITZERS for pushing the lie that Trump stole the 2016 election by colluding with Russia. — Mollie (@MZHemingway) November 4, 2021 So, the only Russian actually arrested in connection with disinformation in the 2016 election is the one who fed stories to the DNC, Clinton campaign, and media allies through the Steele dossier—and then allegedly lied about it to the FBI. — Jason Foster (@JsnFostr) November 4, 2021 According to the Daily Caller, Danchenko met with Sergey Abyshev - who was a deputy-director in the energy ministry, as well as the editor-in-chief of a Russian finance website, Ivan Vorontsov. The meeting was documented in a Facebook post by Vorontsov, and confirmed by Abyshev. It is unclear what they talked about - but it occurred as Danchenko was in the thick of his work with Christopher Steele, who the Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign and the DNC paid to cook up opposition research on President Trump's campaign. The dossier was a key component of several FISA warrants issued to spy on former campaign aide Carter Page and his contacts, and was widely distributed by US media outlets in a campaign to discredit Trump. Danchenko, a Russian national who lives in Washington, D.C., told the FBI in January 2017 that Steele, a former MI6 officer, tasked him in June 2016 to dig up dirt on Trump. Steele was hired in May 2016 by Fusion GPS, an opposition research firm working for the Clinton campaign and DNC. Vorontsov posted a photo on June 16, 2016 from the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), an annual business conclave, saying he had met the prior evening with Danchenko and Abyshev. “The night before was so nice with Sergey Abyshev and Igor Danchenko,” Vorontsov wrote. -Daily Caller According to Abyshev, the encounter with Danchenko was "an almost accidental meeting in the center of Moscow with three ‘cheerful’ guys," adding "As a result, I had to listen to a lecture on investment opportunities for about 20 minutes." Interestingly, Danchenko may have been laundering information from a former Russian PR executive living in Cyprus, according to the Wall Street Journal last October. Olga Galkina, image via Facebook 40-year old Olga Galkina "stood as the dossier’s most important contributor," WSJ reported, after she was tapped by her old school friend and Steele’s employee, Igor Danchenko, to dig up dirt of Trump's dealings in Russia using the "vast network of people" from her various jobs in and out of the public sector. Described as a public-relations executive, she "fed notes" to Danchenko for the dossier, including many of its most central claims. And of course behind all of this was British spy Christopher Steele, himself paid by Fusion GPS, and behind this the DNC itself. They knew each other since the 8th grade in Perm, as the WSJ details: Mr. Danchenko told the FBI that a school friend, referred to in heavily redacted FBI notes as "Source 3," had provided him with information for Mr. Steele "across a wide range of topics," and stood as the dossier’s most important contributor. The former high-ranking U.S. national-security official told The Wall Street Journal that the source in question was Ms. Galkina. It was Galkina who claimed Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen secretly contacted Russian intelligence in Prague to establish compensation for DNC hackers in the summer of 2016. Crucially she had fed Steele's team the name of her own Cyprus-based employer Webzilla as being behind the hack under company owner Aleksej Gubarev. So the Steele Dossier that kicked off 4 years of Russiagate hysteria among the US ruling class was cooked up by two Russian alcoholics from Perm. “Gogolesque” does not begin to describe the grotesque credulity & stupidity of the American elites. — Mark Ames (@MarkAmesExiled) October 28, 2020 The charges against Danchenko come after the September indictment of Hillary Clinton-linked cybersecurity lawyer, Michael Sussmann, who allegedly made false statements during the 2016 presidential campaign to slander then-candidate Trump. Sussmann, the indictment charges, “lied about the capacity in which he was providing ... allegations to the FBI” of potential cyber links between a Russian bank and a company owned by former president Donald Trump. ... Durham is pursuing a prosecutorial theory that Sussmann was secretly representing Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, which was a client of Sussmann’s firm, these people said. -Washington Post Notably, this is far from over as Special Counsel Durham's office pointed out in the statement that the investigation is "ongoing."
Racist Joe Biden Falsely Atones for His Sin of First Building and Using US Children Border Concentration Camps under Obama-Biden, $500k to each illegal migrant child abused, not of his own money but from money stolen from you... Biden's guilt is so deep he went on a massive air and 85 car procession spewing carbon all over the planet, just to have his stupid metal religious trinket personally blessed by the hand of the Woke Pope, an abuse of separation of work from personal, all at your expense, and all documented in pictures. Meanwhile, 200k unknown people a month, with no money and no English and no particular skills, from hundreds of countries, stream across the US border every month. And the ComSocBidenKamala Dems say it won't affect anything (but the free votes they're desperately trying to get out of it). Biden Denies "Garbage" Reports Of $450,000 Payments To Illegal Immigrants President Joe Biden on Wednesday denied reports that his administration is planning to pay $450,000 to families of illegal aliens separated under the Trump administration. “If you guys keep sending that garbage out, yeah. But it’s not true,” Biden told a reporter who asked a question about the matter on Nov. 3. “That’s not going to happen.” The Wall Street Journal cited anonymous sources in an article on Oct. 28 that claimed the Biden administration is planning payments as large as $1 million per family to resolve the lawsuits on behalf of the families that crossed the border illegally. According to that report, the government was looking to resolve 940 claims from such families for a total payout of about $1 billion. The American Civil Liberties Union, which is representing some of the families, noted in a statement responding to Biden’s comments that the president may not have been briefed on the work of his own Justice Department. “President Biden may not have been fully briefed about the actions of his very own Justice Department as it carefully deliberated and considered the crimes committed against thousands of families separated from their children as an intentional governmental policy,” ACLU Executive Director Anthony Romero said in a statement. “But if he follows through on what he said, the president is abandoning a core campaign promise to do justice for the thousands of separated families.” The White House did not respond to a request for comment on the ACLU’s claim. On the day following the Wall Street Journal report, more than 40 Republican lawmakers in Congress sent a letter to executive branch heads demanding answers about the contemplated payouts. “We are a nation of laws, and our laws must be enforced. Promising tens of thousands of dollars to those who unlawfully entered the United States would not only reward criminal behavior, but it would surely send a message to the world that our borders are open, and or rule of law will not be enforced,” the letter stated. “If your Administration decides to give out financial compensation to thousands of illegal immigrants in the amount of roughly one-half of a million dollars, you will unilaterally incentivize migrants from more than 150 nations across the world to surge our border.”
Predators With Badges: The Sex Traffickers On America's Police Forces Pentagon Review Finds 'No Misconduct' Or Legal Violations In Kabul Drone Strike That Killed Children NBC Reporter Triggered After Armory Sells "Let's Go Brandon" AR-15s Coal Keeps Lights On At COP26 As Low Wind Strikes Again Airport Disruptions Possible As Biden Vaccine Mandate For TSA Workers Looms Biden triggers 20,000 illegal migrants to flood into UK, Brits pissed as hell. Over 20,000 Migrants Have Crossed English Channel Into UK This Year More than 20,000 people have crossed the English Channel illegally into the UK aboard small boats since the start of the year, more than double the total for the whole of 2020, the latest figures show. Despite government promises to stem the flow of small boats, which are often overloaded semi-rigid inflatables, the numbers this year have continued to eclipse those of previous years. On Nov. 2, UK authorities rescued or intercepted 456 people who attempted to cross the Channel, and the French authorities also prevented 343 people from reaching the UK. Illegal immigrants are escorted to be processed after being picked up by an RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institution) lifeboat while crossing the English Channel at a beach in Dungeness, southeast England, on Sept. 7, 2021. (Ben Stansall/AFP via Getty Images) Some 19,756 people had already reached the UK from France in small boats this year, according to data compiled by the PA news agency. Dan O’Mahoney, Clandestine Channel Threat Commander for the Home Office, described the journey as “dangerous, unnecessary, and facilitated by violent criminal gangs profiting from misery.” “We are working with the French to stop boats leaving their beaches and crack down on the criminals driving these crossings,” he said. In July, the UK and France announced an agreement on tackling the problem, under which the UK would pay France £54 million ($75 million) to more than double the number of police patrolling French beaches. Before 2018, the crossing accounted for a tiny proportion of illegal immigration with only a few known to make it each year. The number of people attempting the crossing started to increase from the winter of 2018. That year 299 people made the crossing, according to Home Office figures. The English Channel, which is 21 miles across at the narrowest point, is one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world. In the last two or three years, several people have died attempting to cross. Last week, Home Secretary Priti Patel described as “appalling” and an “absolute tragedy” an incident in which as many as three people are thought to be unaccounted for after trying to cross from France to the UK in a dinghy. Two men—both Somali nationals—were rescued off the Essex coast near Harwich on Oct. 25 and searches for any possible remaining survivors have now been called off. According to the Home Office, last year, when migration dropped due to pandemic restrictions, “known illegal entry” to the UK as a whole was around 16,000 people.
Unconstitutional, Abusive, Force, Job Destroying Wokester Joe Biden, gets his ass sued and protested by everyone... protip: When that happens, you don't have a "leader", you have an asshole. Florida Governor DeSantis Announces Lawsuit Against Biden's "Unconstitutional" Employer Vaccine Mandate Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced on Nov. 4 that he is suing the Biden administration over its “unconstitutional” employer vaccine mandate being issued through the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). DeSantis said in a statement that the lawsuit against the administration would be filed with the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit as soon as OSHA’s “unlawful” emergency temporary standard (ETS) is published in the Federal Register. On Thursday, OSHA announced details of the plan, which applies to businesses with 100 or more employees. It also announced its rule from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requiring 17 million health care workers at facilities that receive federal funding to be vaccinated. The White House has pushed back the deadline for workers in those sectors to get fully vaccinated to Jan. 4, 2022, according to a senior administration official. That date also applies to federal contractors. President Biden’s administration in September announced that federal workers and federal contractors will be required to get a COVID-19 vaccine. Contractors had until Dec. 8 to mandate their employees to get the shot. Federal contractors can’t allow their employees to opt out. The governor said the vaccine mandate will drastically impact Florida companies, both public and private, who receive millions of dollars in federal contracts annually. “We started with 15 days to slow the spread and now it’s get jabbed or lose your job. We’re supposed to be a government of laws, not a government of men. This OSHA rule is 500 pages of a government of bureaucracy, a government that is being run by executive edict, not a government bound by constitutional constraints,” said DeSantis in a statement. “The State of Florida will immediately challenge the OSHA rule in court because it’s inconsistent with the Constitution and not legally authorized through Congressional statutes. There is no federal police power and the federal government cannot unilaterally impose medical policy under the guise of workplace regulation. Individuals should make informed choices about their own healthcare. It is important to stand up for people’s individual ability to make decisions for themselves. And the practical result is that this is going to exacerbate a lot of the existing problems that we are seeing with the economy,” DeSantis said. The Florida governor pointed to a string of “atrocious aspects” in the OSHA rule, including a section which states that OSHA will issue an ETS if it determines that “employees are subject to grave danger from exposure to substances or agents determined to be toxic or physically harmful or from new hazards, and an ETS is necessary to protect employees from such danger.” “If this was such a ‘grave danger,’ why did it take 57 days from the announcement by President Biden to publish the rule and why won’t it take effect until January 4—another 60 days?” DeSantis said. Employees from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), a NASA field center, hang a sign in protest of the federal COVID-19 vaccine mandate in Pasadena, Calif., on Nov. 1, 2021. (Alice Sun/The Epoch Times) DeSantis stressed that the new rule would impact nearly 9,000 employers in Florida and the 4.5 million Floridians they employ, making up 60 percent of the state’s workforce. Additionally, it would cost $2.9 billion, he added. “This OSHA rule must be deemed unconstitutional and Florida will be leading the way in taking the Biden Administration to court,” DeSantis said. Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, and South Dakota also said Thursday that they would file lawsuits against the mandate as soon as Friday. The attorneys general of Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee also announced they would take legal action against the White House over the rule and filed a lawsuit (pdf) in a bid to challenge the new rule. Municipal workers protest against Mayor Bill De Blasio’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate in New York, on Oct. 25, 2021. (Ed Jones/AFP via Getty Images) Biden’s administration said it plans to provide “education and counseling” to federal workers who don’t get vaccinated by the deadline, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said on Oct. 20. “For the small number of people who do not comply by the deadline, the first step is a period of education and counseling,” Walensky said. “It’s important to remember that this is a process, and the point here is to get people vaccinated—not to punish them. So agencies will not be removing employees from federal service until after they’ve gone through a process of education and counseling,” Walensky added. Meanwhile, the president also doubled down on defending the vaccine mandate this week, telling a press conference, “As we’ve seen with businesses—large and small—across all sectors of our economy, the overwhelming majority of Americans choose to get vaccinated.” “There have been no ‘mass firings’ and worker shortages because of vaccination requirements. Despite what some predicted and falsely assert, vaccination requirements have broad public support,” Biden said.
Biden Denies "Garbage" Reports Of $450,000 Payments To Illegal Immigrants
And then spins in the other direction, as usual. It was Obama-Biden who first built and used the Child Separation and Border Concentration Camps at your expense, not Trump. White House Flip-Flops Again: Illegal Immigrants Could Get Government Payouts Illegal immigrants who were separated from family members by U.S. border agents could get money from the government in a potential lawsuit settlement, the White House said Thursday. Directly rebutting President Joe Biden’s comments a day prior, White House principal deputy press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters the reported payments could happen. “If it saves taxpayer dollars and puts the disastrous history of the previous administration’s use of zero tolerance and family separation behind us, the president is perfectly comfortable with the Department of Justice settling with the individuals and families who are currently in litigation with the U.S. government,” she said during a briefing in Washington. Biden, speaking on Nov. 3, told a reporter that reports his administration was mulling such payments were “garbage” and “it’s not true.” “Four hundred and fifty dollars per person. Is that what you’re saying?” Biden asked. “That’s not going to happen.” That drew a response from the American Civil Liberties Union, whose lawyers are working on the case in question. “President Biden may not have been fully briefed about the actions of his very own Justice Department as it carefully deliberated and considered the crimes committed against thousands of families separated from their children as an intentional governmental policy,” Anthony Romero, the group’s executive director, said in a statement. Jean-Pierre said Biden was merely reacting to the reported figure of $450,000 per person. “What he was reacting to was the dollar figure that was mentioned,” she said, adding that the Department of Justice “made clear to the plaintiffs that the reported figures are higher than anywhere that a settlement can land.” President Joe Biden arrives to speak in Washington on Nov. 3, 2021. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images) She also said that the process of separating illegal immigrant family members was “cruel, inhuman, immoral” and blamed the Trump administration for carrying out the separations. Reports indicated that the Biden administration was considering payments to the plaintiffs, who have filed multiple lawsuits after the separations. The total payout was said to potentially reach $1 billion, or even exceed that figure. “So to recap: It was reported that the White House plans to pay $450,000 to illegal immigrants. Joe Biden denied it. And now, a day later, the White House staff comes out and says they DO in fact intend to pay settlements to illegal immigrants,” Mark Meadows, former chief of staff in the Trump administration, wrote on Twitter. Ronald Mortensen, a retired U.S. Foreign Service Officer, wrote in a Center for Immigration Studies blog post that the White House “backtracked” from Biden’s original statement. Many Republican members of Congress had condemned the potential payouts, which the Federation for American Immigration Reform noted were higher than the amounts paid to survivors of U.S. troops who die on active duty and individuals wrongly imprisoned. Romero told news outlets that Biden’s comments did appear to have an impact. “The president’s comments and congressional pushback do appear to have affected settlement negotiations, which were admittedly in flux,” he said. The Department of Justice, he added, “communicated on Wednesday evening that the settlement numbers for separated families were higher than where the settlement could land” and that “parties continue to negotiate.”
Leaks Suggest Durham Probe Is Making Progress
Another arrest in the Hiliary Clinton-Dems Russia Hoax and four year assault of Media Lies against Trump... Lock Her Up.
Evil Witch Hillary Clinton embarks on new Spin FUD LIES and Smear campaign against Republicans and Trump, visiting all the Leftist Fake News Media shows to set and pump more Hoaxes before she announces her Nth failed Presidency run for 2024. Delusional, arrogant hag.
No greater liars than US Democrats What Did Clinton Know And When Did She Know It? The Russiagate Evidence Builds As indictments and new court filings indicate that Special Counsel John Durham is investigating Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign for feeding false reports to the FBI to incriminate Donald Trump and his advisers as Kremlin agents, Clinton’s role in the burgeoning scandal remains elusive. What did she know and when did she know it? Top officials involved in her campaign have repeatedly claimed, some under oath, that they and the candidate were unaware of the foundation of their disinformation campaign: the 35-page collection of now debunked claims of Trump/Russia collusion known as the Steele dossier. Even though her campaign helped pay for the dossier, they claim she only read it after BuzzFeed News published it in 2017. But court documents, behind-the-scenes video footage and recently surfaced evidence reveal that Clinton and her top campaign advisers were much more involved in the more than $1 million operation to dredge up dirt on Trump and Russia than they have let on. The evidence suggests that the Trump-Russia conspiracy theory sprang from a multi-pronged effort within the Clinton campaign, which manufactured many of the false claims, then fed them to friendly media and law enforcement officials. Clinton herself was at the center of these efforts, using her personal Twitter account and presidential debates to echo the false claims of Steele and others that Trump was in cahoots with the Russians. Although Clinton has not been pressed by major media on her role in Russiagate, a short scene in the 2020 documentary “Hillary” suggests she was aware of the effort. It shows Clinton speaking to her running mate, Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine, and his wife, Anne, in hushed tones about Trump and Russia in a back room before a campaign event in early October 2016. Clinton expressed concerns over Trump’s “weird connections” to Russia and its president, Vladimir Putin. She informed Kaine that she and her aides were “scratching hard” to expose them, a project Kaine seemed to be hearing about for the first time. “I don’t say this lightly,” Clinton whispered, pausing to look over her shoulder, "[but Trump’s] agenda is other people’s agenda.” "We’re scratching hard, trying to figure it out,” she continued. "He is the vehicle, the vessel for all these other people.” The two then discussed “all these weird connections” between the Trump campaign and Russia. Kaine brought up former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort, and Clinton expressed suspicion about Trump’s then-national security adviser, ret. Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, "who is a paid tool for Russian television.” Added Clinton: “This is what scares me … the way that Putin has taken over the political apparatus, or is trying to — .” At that point, a media handler interrupted them over some staging issues, and they stopped discussing Trump and Russia. Jake Sullivan: Promoted collusion -- but denied under oath knowing details of the dossier project. Both Manafort and Flynn had been cited in dossier reports submitted to the Clinton campaign before the two Democratic nominees had their October 2016 conversation. The dossier falsely accused Manafort, Flynn and other Trump advisers of participating in a Kremlin conspiracy to steal the election for Trump. Dossier author Christopher Steele himself has suggested Clinton was briefed on his reports. On July 5, 2016 — the same day the FBI publicly exonerated Clinton in her email scandal — Steele handed off the first installments of the dossier to an FBI agent overseas who had handled him previously as an informant. In their London meeting, Steele noted that Clinton was aware of his reporting, according to contemporaneous notes Steele took of their conversation. “The notes reflect that Steele told [his FBI handler Michael Gaeta] that Steele was aware that ‘Democratic Party associates’ were paying for [his] research; the ‘ultimate client’ was the leadership of the Clinton presidential campaign; and ‘the candidate’ was aware of Steele’s reporting,” Justice Department watchdog Michael Horowitz wrote in his 2019 report examining the FBI’s use of the dossier to justify spying on Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. Later that same month, during the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, the CIA picked up Russian chatter about a Clinton foreign policy adviser who was trying to develop allegations to “vilify” Trump. The intercepts said Clinton herself had approved a “plan” to “stir up a scandal” against Trump by tying him to Putin. According to handwritten notes, then-CIA chief John Brennan warned President Obama that Moscow had intercepted information about the “alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016, of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisers to vilify Donald Trump.” At the convention, Clinton foreign policy adviser Jake Sullivan drove a golf cart from one TV-network news tent in the parking lot to another, pitching producers, anchors, correspondents and even some NBC network executives a story that Trump and his advisers were in bed with Putin and possibly conspiring with Russian intelligence to steal the election. He also visited CNN and MSNBC, as well as Fox News, to spin the Clinton campaign’s unfounded theories. Sullivan even sat down with CNN honcho Jeff Zucker to outline the opposition research they had gathered on Trump and Russia. Sullivan’s title was misleading. He was far more than a foreign policy adviser to Clinton. His portfolio included campaign strategy. “Hillary told Sullivan she wanted him to take over [her campaign],” journalists Amie Parnes and Jonathan Allen reported in their 2017 bestseller, "Shattered: Inside Hillary’s Doomed Campaign.” “You’re going to be my traffic cop and my rabbi, she told Sullivan, adding that he would be her de facto chief strategist.” Sullivan was included in “every aspect of her campaign strategy,” they wrote, because “no one on the official campaign staff understood Hillary’s thought process as well as Sullivan." Now serving in the White House as President Biden’s national security adviser, Sullivan has denied under oath knowing details about the dossier project. Clinton Campaign Manager Robby Mook (with Director of Communications Jennifer Palmieri, rear) went in front of cameras to echo essentially what Steele had reported back to the campaign. (AP) Sullivan spread the anti-Trump rumors behind the scenes while Clinton Campaign Manager Robby Mook went in front of the cameras to echo essentially what Steele, a former British intelligence officer, had reported back to the campaign. "Experts are telling us that Russian state actors broke into the DNC, stole these emails, and other experts are now saying the Russians are releasing these emails for the purpose of actually helping Donald Trump,” Mook told CNN’s Jake Tapper at the convention. He made the same allegations on ABC News’ “This Week,” anchored by George Stephanopoulos, who served as White House communication director during Bill Clinton’s presidency.. Hillary Clinton campaign Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri has acknowledged that they were all bent on casting a “cloud" of suspicion over Trump and seeding doubt about his loyalties by suggesting “the possibility of collusion between Trump’s allies and Russian intelligence." “We were on a mission to get the press to focus on the prospect that Russia had not only hacked and stolen emails from the Democratic National Committee, but that it had done so to help Donald Trump and hurt Hillary Clinton,” Palmieri stated in a 2017 Washington Post column. “We wanted to raise the alarm.” It’s not known if their media blitz was coordinated with Glenn Simpson, the Clinton campaign’s opposition-research contractor who hired Steele for $168,000. But Simpson also attended the convention in Philadelphia, and at the same time Clinton’s top people were making the TV media rounds, Simpson and his Fusion GPS co-founder, Peter Fritsch, were meeting with the New York Times and other major print media outlets to pitch Russia “collusion" stories, focusing primarily on Manafort. Bad publicity from the planted stories would later pressure Trump to dump Manafort as his campaign manager. That same week, Simpson worked with ABC News correspondent Brian Ross on a since-debunked story framing Trump supporter Sergei Millian as a Russian spy. Simpson also told Ross that Trump was involved in shady business deals in Moscow. Simpson set up Ross' interview with Millian through ABC producer Matthew Mosk, an old Simpson friend. Then in September 2016, ABC’s "Good Morning America,” which is co-hosted by Stephanopoulos, aired parts of the Millian report. Later that day, Hillary Clinton tweeted out a campaign video incorporating heavily edited quotes from Millian and suggesting they were more evidence Trump was “an unwitting agent of the Russian Federation.” Above the video she posted on Sept. 22, Clinton personally tweeted: “The man who could be your next president may be deeply indebted to another country. Do you trust him to run ours?" In effect, Clinton broadcast to her millions of followers a story her campaign had helped manufacture through a paid contractor. Igor Danchenko: Clinton amplified his dossier falsehood about Sergei Millian as a key source. Durham’s ongoing investigation has found that core parts of the dossier were fabricated and falsely attributed to Millian as their source, including the foundational claim of a “well-developed conspiracy of cooperation” between Russia and Trump. Durham reported that Steele’s main collector of information – onetime Brookings Institution analyst Igor Danchenko – never even spoke with Millian, as he had claimed, but simply made up the source of the most explosive information in the dossier. Durham recently indicted Danchenko for lying to the FBI about Millian. The day after Clinton’s false tweet about Millian and Trump, her campaign released a statement by senior national spokesman Glen Caplin touting a “new bombshell report” by Yahoo News that revealed the FBI was investigating "Trump’s foreign policy adviser" for suspected links to the Kremlin. "It's chilling to learn that U.S. intelligence officials are conducting a probe into suspected meetings between Trump's foreign policy adviser Carter Page and members of Putin's inner circle while in Moscow,” according to the statement, which attached the Sept. 23, 2016, Yahoo article in full and noted the report came on the heels of ABC’s story about Millian. "Just one day after we learned about Trump's hundreds of millions of dollars in undisclosed Russian business interests,” Caplin’s statement continued, "this report suggests Page met with a sanctioned top Russian official to discuss the possibility of ending U.S. sanctions against Russia under a Trump presidency – an action that could directly enrich both Trump and Page while undermining American interests.” "We've never seen anything like this in American politics,” the Clinton campaign statement added with alarm. "Every day seems to cast new doubts on what's truly driving Donald Trump's decision-making." But the Yahoo story about Page’s nefarious Kremlin meetings was apocryphal. Its main source was Steele, whose identity was hidden in the story. Yahoo reporter Michael Isikoff had interviewed Steele in a room at a Washington inn booked by Simpson. The FBI nonetheless cited the article to support its applications to a secret federal court for authority to spy on Page, claiming it corroborated the dossier’s allegations, even though they were one and the same. Here again, Clinton's team hyped as a “bombshell” Trump-Russia revelation a media report that it helped craft from opposition research it commissioned and from FBI interest it generated. All of this was hidden from voters. The Clinton campaign planted the allegation of a “secret hotline” to Putin through a Russia-based bank. It was also in September that then-Clinton campaign attorney Michael Sussmann planted at FBI headquarters the manufactured allegation that Trump had set up a “secret hotline” to Putin through Russia-based Alfa Bank. Steele had filed a campaign report about the bank's ties to Putin around the same time. Durham last year indicted Sussmann for lying to the FBI, detailing how the lawyer and Simpson had collaborated with a team of anti-Trump, pro-Clinton computer researchers to draft a technical report for the FBI and media allegedly connecting Trump to Alfa Bank through email servers. Simpson, in turn, worked with Slate reporter Franklin Foer to craft a story propagating the allegation, even reviewing his piece in advance of publication. Foer’s story broke on Oct. 31, 2016. That same day, Sullivan hyped the story on Twitter, claiming in a written campaign statement that Trump and the Russians were operating a “secret hotline” through Alfa Bank and speculating “federal authorities” would be investigating “this direct connection between Trump and Russia.” He portrayed the discovery as the work of independent experts — “computer scientists” — without disclosing their connections to the campaign. “This could be the most direct link yet between Donald Trump and Moscow,” Sullivan proclaimed. 'October Surprise' That Wasn't Clinton teed up that statement in an Oct. 31 tweet of her own, which quickly went viral. She warned voters: “Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert server linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank." Also that day, Clinton tweeted, “It’s time for Trump to answer serious questions about his ties to Russia,” while attaching a meme that read: “Donald Trump has a secret server. It was set up to communicate privately with a Putin-tied Russian bank called Alfa Bank.” October 31, 2016 At the same time that Simpson was working Slate, he leaked to a friend at the New York Times that the FBI had evidence of the Trump-Alfa link, providing the Times and other friendly media outlets a serious news hook to publish the unfounded rumors on the eve of the November election. The Alfa smear was meant as an “October surprise” that would rock the Trump campaign and take media focus off the probe of Clinton's emails, which then-FBI Director James Comey had been pressured by a New York agent to revive in the final week of the campaign. Clinton’s team had even "prepared a video promoting the Trump-Alfa Bank server connection and was poised to make an all-out push through social media,” according to Isikoff and David Corn in their book, “Russian Roulette.” But “that plan was canned,” they wrote because the Oct. 31 Times story noted that the FBI had not been able to corroborate the claims of a cyber-link. The skepticism cooled the media firestorm the campaign had hoped for. “We had been waiting for the Alfa Bank story to come out,” Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta told Isikoff and Corn. “Then — boom! — it gets smacked down.” In congressional testimony, Podesta has largely claimed ignorance about the campaign’s opposition-research efforts. Marc Elias: A focus of Durham, he briefed Clinton campaign leaders about the Alfa smear, emails show. In Durham’s indictment of Sussmann for lying to the FBI about his work for the Clinton campaign while feeding them the Alfa Bank story, prosecutors revealed that Sussmann’s partner Marc Elias kept Clinton campaign bigwigs in the loop about the project to manufacture a Trump-Russian bank conspiracy, which the FBI months later completely debunked. Emails obtained by Durham’s investigators show the lawyer had briefed top Clinton campaign officials Sullivan, Palmieri and Mook about the Alfa smear in September 2016. Elias, the campaign’s general counsel, engaged with “individuals acting on behalf of the Clinton campaign to share information about the Russian bank data,” the indictment stated. Sullivan, who now serves as President Biden’s national security adviser, maintained in December 2017 congressional testimony he didn’t even know that the politically prominent Elias worked for Perkins Coie, a well-known Democratic law firm representing the Clinton campaign. Major media stories from 2016, however, routinely identified Elias as “general counsel for the Clinton campaign” and a “partner at Perkins Coie.” “To be honest with you, Marc wears a tremendous number of hats, so I wasn’t sure who he was representing,” Sullivan testified. “I sort of thought he was, you know, just talking to us as, you know, a fellow traveler in this – in this campaign effort.” Veteran FBI investigators doubt Sullivan or his boss were in the dark about the campaign-funded work of Elias, Sussmann, Simpson or Steele and other campaign operations designed to make Trump look compromised by a foreign adversary. “Durham is telling us that this Alfa Bank hoax – and probably related matters – were Clinton campaign ops at the very highest level,” former FBI counterintelligence agent and lawyer Mark Wauck noted. “How credible is it to suppose that Hillary herself wasn’t in the know?” Durham’s investigators have been questioning Elias under subpoena. A new court filing in the Sussmann case reveals that Elias has given testimony before a criminal grand jury impaneled by Durham in Washington, D.C. Grand jury testimony is sealed and it’s not known what Elias told prosecutors. But In 2017, he testified in a closed-door session of Congress that Mook was his campaign contact for opposition-research projects, including the dossier. “I consulted with Robby Mook, who was campaign manager,” he said, noting that Mook handled budget matters and signed off on opposition-research expenses billed by Perkins Coie, which totaled more than $1.2 million. While Mook has not been questioned under oath on the Hill, he told CNN: “I didn’t know that we were paying the contractor that created that document.” “What I’ve known [about the dossier] is what I’ve read in the press,” he claimed. Mook said he doesn’t recall seeing the dossier memos during the campaign. “I just can’t attribute to what piece of information, you know, came to us at one time or where it came from, frankly. You know, as campaign manager, there’s a lot going on.” Mook added that he wasn’t sure who was gathering the information for the dossier: “I don’t know the answer to that. … I wish we paid more attention to it on the campaign." Elias Met Simpson Often In his testimony, Elias said he met with Simpson and other Fusion GPS researchers at least 20 times and Steele at least once during the campaign. He said he would receive written reports from them and direct them to find certain information. He, in turn, would travel each week to Clinton campaign headquarters in Brooklyn, N.Y., to report what he had learned about Trump and Russia. However, Elias insisted he left his interlocutors in the dark about the sources of that information, for which the campaign was paying him in excess of $1 million. He also insisted he didn’t tell his campaign contacts about his meetings with Steele or Simpson, despite billing the campaign for such consultations, and never shared the dossier reports or other materials they generated with those Clinton officials. Elias even maintained that he hired Fusion GPS on his own without consulting with Mook or the campaign. “I was the gatekeeper,” he said, between the research contractors and the campaign. According to "Russian Roulette," however, Elias shared the findings of Steele’s memos with at least Mook. "Elias would at times brief Mook on their contents,” Isikoff and Corn wrote. Podesta has testified that he, too, had no idea Steele and Fusion GPS were on the campaign’s payroll and didn’t read the dossier until BuzzFeed posted it online after the election. Under oath, Podesta denied speaking with Clinton about the dossier even after the election: “I don’t know that I’ve ever discussed the dossier with Mrs. Clinton.” He also swore Clinton never talked to him about opposition research, in general, or who the campaign might hire to conduct it. The campaign’s in-house opposition research team, led by chief researcher Christina Reynolds, was under the direction of Palmieri, the head of communications who is close to Clinton. Former Bill Clinton political strategist Doug Schoen said it stretches credulity to suggest that top officials in the Clinton camp, including the candidate herself, weren’t fully aware of the research their campaign attorney was billing them for. “With more than 380 payments from the Clinton campaign and the DNC being made to Perkins Coie, it is seemingly impossible that the candidate herself would not have direct knowledge of the purpose of those payments or any earmarks being made, especially those for Fusion GPS,” Schoen said. Quoting unnamed Clinton surrogates, both the New York Times and CNN have reported that the candidate was unaware of the dossier prior to BuzzFeed publishing it two months after the 2016 election. Former Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon told CNN in a separate interview she may not have been totally out of the loop, however. “She may have known [about the dossier and its financing before the election],” he said, "but the degree of exactly what she knew is beyond my knowledge." A senior congressional investigator who insisted on anonymity said the denials are hard to believe and described them as an effort to insulate Clinton from a major undertaking of her campaign that has proved scandalous, if not criminal. “The biggest lie is Hillary didn’t know about any of this oppo stuff even though she tweeted about it!” he said. Walled off from her campaign's oppo research? She seemed to cite dossier falsehoods in the debates. Clinton also appeared to cite dossier disinformation in the presidential debates, casting further doubt on claims she was walled off from such opposition research. In the final debate, for example, Clinton accused Trump of being Putin’s “puppet” and accepting his “help” in sabotaging her campaign, drawing conclusions similar to ones made in the dossier. She claimed Trump did what the dossier falsely claimed he did — conspiring with the Russian government to hack her campaign and steal emails — though she allegedly never read Steele’s reports. “You encouraged espionage against our people,” Clinton said on Oct. 19, 2016. Durham Inching Closer With each new indictment and court filing, Clinton inches closer to the center of the special prosecutor’s investigation, now in its third year. Durham indicated in a recently filed court document that he is actively investigating the Clinton campaign and seeks to question its top officials. His office declined to say whether it intended to question Clinton herself. Durham's recent indictments of Sussmann and subcontractor Danchenko implicate key campaign figures and make clear that the Clinton campaign's influence on the contents of the dossier was much deeper than previously known. For instance, Durham found that a longtime Clinton insider and campaign adviser — Charles Dolan — was a key source for the dossier and most likely originated the false “pee tape” rumor involving Trump and Moscow prostitutes. It seems likely that he acted as an intermediary between the campaign and Steele’s primary sub-source, Danchenko, with whom he communicated. In 2016, Dolan “actively campaigned and participated in calls and events as a volunteer on behalf of Hillary Clinton,” according to the Danchenko indictment. In other words, the Clinton campaign not only funded the Russia dirt on Trump but provided some of the actual sourcing for it. Campaign operatives, in turn, laundered the dirt through the FBI and into the mainstream media to damage Trump. In a related filing in the Danchenko case, Durham noted that his “areas of inquiry” include investigating “the extent to which the Clinton campaign and/or its representatives directed, solicited or controlled the defendant’s [Danchenko’s] activities” surrounding the dossier. He also indicated prosecutors want to find out whether the campaign knew Danchenko and Steele were funneling false information to the FBI, and intend to summon “multiple former employees of the campaign" as trial or grand jury witnesses. In the Sussmann case, Durham’s agents have already questioned one “former employee of the Clinton campaign” and subpoenaed Clinton campaign records, according to a new document filed by Durham earlier this week. Sources familiar with his probe say Durham ultimately is investigating the Clinton campaign for, among other things, alleged conspiracy to defraud the FBI, the Justice Department and the Pentagon’s research arm, which provided funding and sensitive Internet logs to Clinton operatives who helped fabricate the Alfa Bank hoax. Danchenko and the Clinton campaign, including Podesta and other officials, happen to share the same D.C. law firm – Schertler & Onorato – which gives the appearance that the Clinton campaign and the main source of the dossier have entered into a joint defense. Durham warned the court that the arrangement poses a conflict of interest. Podesta’s attorney, Bob Trout, did not respond to requests for comment. Trout also represents other ex-campaign officials who recently retained him in matters before Durham. Clinton’s lawyer, David Kendall, who practices at the Washington-based firm Williams & Connolly, did not reply to requests for comment. J.D. Gordon, who held a position roughly equivalent to Sullivan’s on the 2016 Trump campaign, said in an interview that he hopes Durham adds Sullivan and other Clinton aides to his criminal investigation, “if he hasn’t already.” He suspects Sullivan was “the Russiagate hoax mastermind” and hopes that he and other members of Clinton’s 2016 team — as well as the candidate herself — are subpoenaed for testimony and document production just as he and other Trump advisers were targeted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, based almost entirely on rumors started by the Clinton machine. He called the Clinton-funded smears “depraved” and “nationally destabilizing." "In addition to outright surveillance via the fraudulent FISA warrant against Carter Page, many of us were hit with federal and congressional subpoenas, subjected to grueling Senate and House investigations, special counsel interrogations and resulting harsh media spotlight,” he said. "I appeared before the Senate Intelligence Committee, Senate Judiciary Committee, House Intelligence Committee and produced requested documents to the House Judiciary Committee. Three times I was summoned before the special counsel, the first of which in August 2017 was apparently leaked to the Washington Post.” Gordon is not alone in his desire to see Clinton held to account. Among those Americans aware of the Durham probe, fully 60% think the special counsel should question Clinton about her role in the dossier and other campaign foul play, according to a recent national poll by TechnoMetrica Institute of Policy and Politics. Broken down by political affiliation, 80% of Republicans, 44% of Democrats and 74% of independent voters agree that Clinton should be interviewed by investigators. What happened more than five years ago may have renewed relevance: Some Democratic strategists speculate that Clinton is eyeing another run at the White House. As Vice President Kamala Harris’ popularity wanes and her shot at becoming the first female president slips, they say Clinton may see an opening. “I will never be out of the game of politics,” Clinton told ABC's “Good Morning America” in October.
From this fact emerges the conflict within Ukraine. This conflict could only be resolved by establishment of one single united state of Ukraine and Russia. Otherwise, it will never be resolved and will last forever. Actually, the reunion (of Ukraine and Russia) will definitely happen one day, is my strong belief. All serious leading experts understand that. The situation (between Russia and Ukraine) is still not regulated in accordance with the procedures guiding the
The Other Side Of The Story: Russia's View On Geopolitics, War, & Energy-Racketeering The following is an exclusive interview with Russian Duma deputy, Yevgeny Fyodorov, a high-ranking conservative, nationalistic lawmaker in President Vladimir Putin’s United Russia Party. He has been Chairman of the Committee on Economic Policy of the State Duma and a member of the Advisory Council of the President of the Russian Federation. Below we discuss war with Ukraine, principles of sovereignty and geopolitics, the ongoing energy battle, the nuclear option, and the reestablishment of the Soviet sphere, all within the context of US ambition and Russian counter-strategy. INTRO: Atop the unipolar priority list lies the looming Russian “threat” of providing European consumers with affordable, dependable heating and cooking gas at stable long-term contract terms amidst the dead of winter. Only America and its’ “allies”/ [subordinates/collaborators] can halt this menace by supplanting cheap Russian gas piped from relatively short distances with much more expensive, technically-complex US liquid natural gas shipped from across the Atlantic, capitalizing on America’s shale revolution while stamping out Russian influence in Europe—killing two birds with one stone. (Although at least twenty-nine multibillion dollar regasification intake terminals have been built across Europe under US pressure to import its supplies, a new Russian pipeline threatens to render them sunk costs). The Russian pipeline would “pose an existential threat to European energy security,” states one US sanctions bill, implying that the very notion of energy security outside of US/EU auspices is the threat itself. Washington is trying to block this development, using various means that now include the threat of war under any pretext. Since Soviet times as much as 80% of Europe’s Russian gas imports traversed Ukraine— but lately those flows have since slowed to a trickle, due to Washington’s eight-year proxy war in Donbas, NATO expansion, Kiev’s tendency to syphon Russian gas and not pay its bills, and other factors. It is little wonder Moscow is scrambling to establish alternate routes avoiding third-party generated instability. This year European gas prices rocketed to record highs, adding fuel to Russian ambitions to circumvent its’ now-hostile neighbor with its’ latest project, the recently- completed $11 billion natural gas pipeline, Nordstream 2, running under the Baltic sea direct to Germany, crucially evading land transit states subject to external control. Nordstream 2 could be a major geopolitical boon to both Russia and Germany, helping the latter achieve the energy independence it would need to take steps to chart an independent course and/or remove US occupation troops from its territory, still present under the NATO umbrella since WWII. Despite the pipeline’s recent completion, the European Commission has delayed (indefinitely) the certification required in order for Russia to start pumping gas. Whether Moscow will go ahead and do it anyway remains up in the air. What is clear is that US counter-strategy is a patchwork of threats, hysterics and racketeering. As Richard Morningstar, former US diplomat and founding director of the Atlantic Council’s Global Energy Centre, bluntly put it, “I think Nord Stream 2 is really a bad idea…If you want to kill the [US-based] LNG strategy go ahead with Nord Stream [2]”. The pipeline also undermines an interrelated, long-developing, radical globalization scheme—an internal EU gas market established under the European Energy Charter that’s designed to dismantle Gazprom by preventing Russia from owning or controlling its downstream energy assets. Large land transit states like Ukraine help to ensure that Russia obey the rules. But after withdrawing from the aforementioned treaty in 2009, Russia has struck bilateral gas deals with states like Hungary and Belarus, enraging Washington and Brussels. Now Nordstream 2 would symbolize the ultimate affront to the internal energy market architecture as it involves Europe’s most powerful nation, Germany, with no transit states in-between. (Berlin has been left in the cold ever since caving to pressure to phase-out its nuclear capacity and cease domestic coal production). The pertinent question is: on whose outside supplies will Berlin come to depend? Europe’s future may hang on the answer. Ex-German chancellor Angela Merkel supported the pipeline, her foreign minister, Sigmar Gabriel, along with the Austrian Federal Chancellor, Christian Kern, complaining, “The draft bill of the US [sanctions regime] is surprisingly candid about what is actually at stake, namely selling American liquefied natural gas and ending the supply of Russian natural gas to the European market. We cannot accept the threat of illegal extraterritorial sanctions…involving Russia, such as Nord Stream 2, [which] impacts European-American relations in a new and very negative way.” Detractors, meanwhile, insist that a pipeline avoiding Ukraine would give Russia more leverage over its weaker neighbor, despite the implied detachment, a piece of double-think requiring little to no explanation. Nevertheless, one hard-headed member of Russia’s Duma explains what’s really going on, from Moscow’s view, and what’s truly at stake in this developing saga. Yevgeny Fyodorov INTERVIEW: Q: How does EU policy affect European states’ energy consumption? A: The alternative to our natural gas is, of course, importing US LNG, which is much more expensive. The crucial interested parties in our piped gas are Europe and especially Germany. The key question arises from the fact that the EU wants absolute control over the Nordstream 2 gas pipeline. They want to control everything. The principle of competition of nations is involved. Russia is also interested in full control over those gas supplies; it helps Russia to fulfill its obligations. We welcome no third party to play this game as an outside controller over the pipeline. Hence the Germans’ position: they support Nordstream 2 because it provides for their gas balance and they understand that otherwise they will lack gas. Nord Stream 2 is a kind of “magic wand” for Russia because it helps Germany to get a stable gas supply and sign long-term contracts. Otherwise they will need to keep temperatures in their dwellings very low. If the EU refuses to certify Nordstream 2, Europe will freeze. It would be like shooting its’ own leg. The position of Europe is this: give us all transport routes and gas fields—but it contradicts the Russian principle of state sovereignty. So Russia won’t agree to it. Our position is simple: we supply gas, you can either take it or not. We aren’t going to sort out your domestic problems. Q: What are the impediments to gas flowing through the recently-completed Nordstream 2 pipeline? A: Blocking Nordstream 2 is a result of pressure from the Americans. There we need to understand common sense. What is the Americans’ interest? It is a very basic interest. There is no economic profit in LNG supplied from the US. The interest of the US is that they are generally against German economic independence and independent resouces. Yes, we have American military troops in Germany, Germany is being controlled by the US. In case Germany becomes too independent it will simply throw away American control. This is how history works. Of course, this is why the Americans are against NS2. Not just because of the competition with their LNG, but also because of US Anti-German policy. They dislike that Germany would gain a new level of economic independence; such level which would allow Germany to get rid of American control. It’s clear that the U.S. wouldn’t like European countries, particularly Germany, to become more powerful. So, the U.S.’s geopolitical interest consists in Germany not being able to solve its problems with gas supply beyond U.S.’s influence, without the influence from Ukraine, Poland etc… As a result Americans opposed Nord Stream 2 from the very beginning. It’s obvious. Because it’s one thing when you control a few countries and manipulate them and it’s absolutely different thing when Germany will get a regular gas supply and will be independent of the US. It’s the position of the US and it’s clear and understandable. The position of Germany: it needs a reliable gas supply and independence. The position of Russia: to earn money for its gas supply. With every coming year, Germany will become more and more sovereign\independent and one day American troops will be withdrawn from its territory. I’m sure one day Germany will raise the question of withdrawal of American occupation troops from their land. You know, these troops were simply renamed from occupation troops into NATO’s troops. It’s in the interests of German people and at some point Germans will do it. Russia will definitely help them, not in a military way but by creating geopolitical foundation of free nations. And now another question: the situation in the European Union. European regulations/treaties/charters/energy packages were adopted not by Germany but by the EU and which are greatly influenced by the U.S. They created the so-called energy packages … If EU countries had signed long-term contracts, there wouldn’t have been any price increase. They could have agreed on $300 per cubic meter for many years ahead. But without these contracts the price rocketed to $1000, harming Germany and other European countries. A: How does the issue of sovereignty come into effect? What’s the main motivation of any nation? Sovereignty and freedom. And if there are any occupation troop on their land, it’s anything but freedom. That’s why any nation will demand occupation armies to leave their country even if at present they don’t talk about it openly because of the propaganda. Germany is moving in this direction. It’s a normal process. A Unipolar world is neither normal nor legal in the historic context. Either there is one Empire, like the Roman Empire of Alexander the Great, or the world is multi-polar. There is no other option. Today’s unipolar world is volatile. And Americans understand this. They have two options: either to create a colonial empire (but aren’t powerful enough to do it) or accept\embrace the multi-polar world model. They are guided by the rules of competition among nations according to which everyone is everyone’s enemy. That’s the way people live in the world. All the wars were caused by this. The logic is: you’re the most powerful and the rest are suppressed by you. Everyone is suppressed by you, not only major enemies like Russia, but allies as well. They are allies because American troops are on their territory but not because they love America. Q: Why does the U.S. still insist on gas transit through Ukraine? A: Another play is the game with Ukraine, where we still talk about keeping gas supply transiting through it. Nobody (in Russia) refuses to transit via Ukraine. But the talks and wishes are about the substantial profit Ukraine will obtain from transiting our gas over its’ territories. The Americans will continue to insist that Russia must finance its’ own war with Ukraine, until NS2 will start to function; until Russia manages to exclude Ukraine from financing its’ military actions with Russian money [via transit fees amounting to billions of dollars per year]. Frankly speaking there is a particular part of Ukraine that refused to follow the orders of the newly- emerged power in Kiev, who occupied power in 2014. The new undersea pipeline (NS2) shouldn’t involve a third party like what we have to deal with in the case of Ukraine. Our undersea pipeline is more convenient for Europe. It is clear that when the Ukraine pipeline was constructed in the middle of last century there were no underwater pipeline technologies. Now this new technology has emerged thanks to scientific progress. Q: What are the economic implications of this energy battle? A: Let’s look at this question from the viewpoint of science, history and geopolitics. What is the American dollar? The American dollar is a world currency. Let’s look at some figures: the American dollar turnover in the world is 40%, the euro turnover is 40% whereas the ruble turnover is only 0.18%. So, the ruble turnover is 400 times lower than that of the dollar or euro. The ruble doesn’t exist on the global scale. Americans have built their consumption at the expense of the world dollar. Estimates show that Americans consume 4 times more than they produce on their territory. The situation in Russia is quite the opposite. Russia produces 4 times more of the global GDP than it consumes. As a result Russia is a contributor to the world economy while the US is a vermin\parasite. These are merely figures\data, nothing personal. So, the dollar is of great importance to the Americans. The dollar requires worldwide jurisdiction – Anglo-Saxon law – because currency is worthless if it’s not supported by juridical system. Hence comes the mechanism of the world jurisdiction, the unipolar world as a vertical authority. According to Putin, “one power center means one decision-making center”. What’s Russia’s interest? To restore the ruble, which will allow Russia to immediately control 6% of the world currency turnover. And I’d like to remind you that at present we control only 0.18%. In the long run, taking into account that Russia has 1\3 of the world’s resources, we expect this figure to reach 1\3 of the world turnover. We want to have the right to print out currency. Q: Do the aforementioned issues implicate a pivot to Asia? A: There is a policy of reducing dependance of EU countries on Russian gas. We are ready to sell our gas to EU countries. But we see EU legislation creates harm to Europe, eg. Now the natural gas price jumped to $900 per 1000 cubic meters. But those are internal problems; they should be able to set up their legislation so that it will not harm their economy. Concerning Chinese – Russian relations and natural gas supply to China, the supply will continue to grow. This is about geopolitical and economic profitability. There are certain issues that lead to this. Russia and China have a common goal: to establish sovereignty. I reiterate one figure for economists: in the world economy the USD and the Euro comprise 80% of the world economy. The Russian ruble comprises one twentieth of 1% of global reserves. Hundreds of times less. Naturally that is unfair and illegal. And we will carry on politics which will result in the situation where the Russian ruble will equal Russia’s economy and resource export capability. And China will be our ally. Q: What is the general position of European states, notwithstanding EU internal market legislation? A: Who is the enemy of American unipolar world? The enemy of any unipolar world, including the American one, is national thousand-year-old states\countries, like Germany, France, etc… because such countries don’t want to be given orders. France has been independent for more than 1000 years. They don’t need any bosses in Brussels, let alone in Washington. So the policy of the US is to subdue them. The US has been trying to achieve this goal, firstly, by assisting in EU creation and by Mediterranean wars which led to millions of refugees who break French, German etc… national regimes. That’s the goal. Why did America bomb Libya, Syria? Why were they involved in the coup d’état in Egypt? It’s clear that they wanted to destroy national thousand-year-old states, which leads to economic destruction. Q: What do you make of the de-Russification laws in Ukraine? A: It is occupational tool intended to limit and prohibit the Russian language in Ukraine. The character and basic feature of Russian nation is that it is cultural people with big history. And the Russian language is a very important factor in consolidating and uniting multiple smaller nations. In the territory of Ukraine, as Ukraine itself is not a legal state from the position of International Law. So in Ukraine outside extranational parties. First of all, the US and their allies carry out the politics to stop the process of reestablishment of the joint united Motherland within it’s 1945 borders. In turn the reestablishment process in many parts of the Soviet Union is being carried out by all interested parties. liquidation of the Soviet Union. That is most important to understand. To say it in rough words, the situation with Ukraine and Crimea is prolonged and delayed until today. These are the roots of conflicts and arguments with Ukraine about Crimea and Donbass and Lugansk, and with Moldova, Transdniestria, Georgia, Abkhazia, etc… Q: How does Russia view subversive actions in nearby states like Belarus, for example? A: As an attempt to intrude by a third party into territory of an internationally recognized state entity, a joint Motherland within 1945 borders. Actually, we will react to intrusion into any other country, not only Belarus. Russia will use shield and defense tools. Defense tools we have include nuclear weapons, to protect and secure our borders and keep them safe and contain safely our nuclear weapons, and using those nuclear weapons. In other words, should America enter the territory of Belarus, our nuclear missiles are targeted at London, Washington, New York and other cities. The US will continue to manipulate Ukraine and Belorussia to oppose Russia. They will utilize the issue of unregulated state borders [see today: Kazakhstan] between these countries as a lever against its’ competitor and opponent, Russia. Q: Do you feel that America’s missile bases in Eurasia are directed towards Russia? A: We don’t ignore the reality that the US has installed missile bases throughout Eurasia. And the [US] State Department was saying that they will form new military nuclear bases there, including in Asian countries. Please understand this is very simple story. Russia plans to engage its nuclear weapons not against those countries where it was launched against Russia, but against the mastermind cities where the decisions were made. To be exact, it is Washington, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and other American cities. Please fully understand, in case American nuclear weapons are launched from, eg. Taiwan, or Poland, the response will hit New York or Washington. Q: Please elaborate on the EU’s long-unfolding internal gas market/energy treaty packages. A: Sure. European policy was to reject long-term contracts. This policy was to start a competitive war in which, as they said, the price would be reduced as a result of competition. And here lies their error of judgment. Competition works only if there is excess supply. But taking into consideration the post-Covid economy boost of China and Asia [among other factors], there hasn’t been any excess supply. As a result the EU failed. [higher prices, however, have increased demand for US LNG imports, perhaps implying that Russia’s plan backfired, playing into America’s hands]. Those who signed long-term contracts didn’t suffer at all. Some French companies, for instance, didn’t lose anything. They even benefited from this. So this price increase is the EU’s fault. What Russia wants is just to earn money for its produce. Russia thinks like this: if we don’t sell gas in Europe, we could sell it in China. Q: What is the situation surrounding US negotiations with Germany regarding Russian energy? A: Look: Who is more important: the supplier or the consumer who pays money? Surely, it’s the consumer. So, who is the main player in this situation: Germany or Russia? Germany. That’s why the U.S. opposes Nord Stream 2 by negotiating with Germany, not Russia. Germany is the main player here. So, the U.S. exerted pressure on Germany. And Germany, in its turn, tried to compensate by offering to invest in Ukrainian system, hydrogen etc… The negotiations regarding Nord Stream 2 were conducted between Germany and the U.S. but not between America and Russia. Q: How do offhand events, like the “Russiagate” fraud, the alleged Navalny poisoning, hysteria surrounding Russian troop buildup along the Russian-Ukrainian border, etc… influence public opinion? A: Russia is constantly blamed and there are two reasons why. Firstly, Russia doesn’t have influence on its own information sphere; it doesn’t have the necessary technology. Even Russia’s social networks, television are American. Mass media in Russia are beyond Russia’s jurisdiction. Russia doesn’t have “weapons” in the information sphere. Besides it’s very convenient to put all the blame on Russia in order to solve one’s own domestic problems. It’s common practice. Q: Is the EU’s energy Treaty Packages/Charter unfeasible? A: The EU’s energy packages are based on market excess supply. What I mean is they get gas supply from everywhere, from the U.S., Asia, Norway, and Russia. Europe wants to get the lowest price due to the competition between these suppliers. It only works providing there is excess supply due to different reasons, including transport logistics [plus Russia’s allegedly withholding supply from the market for leverage in Nordstrream 2 negotiations]. So it was a wrong strategy. I have only one question here: was this strategy was wrong because they are fools in Brussels or because they just played along with Americans? I think the latter. The situation got out of control: it led to price increase. Now they don’t know how to handle it. Q: Will Russia accept the terms and conditions of these energy packages? A: While drawing up this energy package (and it took years), they didn’t anticipate post-Covid syndrome which changed the situation globally. But Russia’s position is very simple. We support sovereignty. Historically, the concept of sovereignty in the Russian word is a priority. We respect the sovereignty of others. Russian position is simple: here is gas, you can either take it or not. We aren’t going to change your own internal regulations. Q: How does US and Russian geopolitical strategy differ? A: We have a different geopolitical strategy. The U.S. strategy is to support dollar turnover in the world. The U.S. domestic economy is dependent on external dollar. Hence 800 (military) bases abroad. The strategic historical policy of Britain and later America – the so called “gunboat policy, is creating conflict zones and supporting both conflicting parties with the aim of controlling the situation. That’s the U.S. policy. It originates from the American principle of nation building. Russia’s policy is exclusively managing our own business. We are a country of defensive\protective policy. The only exception was the USSR with its Marxist ideology of world revolutions. But it was a temporary exception and it was rejected by Russia. Q: Do you regard ecological complaints from Poland as a part of the American scheme? A: Sure. Poland is under U.S. control. If Americans remove this control, it will be gained by Germany. But it’s not in the U.S. interests, so they use Poland and Ukraine. They tried to control Belarus but failed. It’s a clash of strategies. The American strategy is “divide and rule.” Americans want to divide Russia in order to get supplies separately from the Siberia, Ural. But since Russia has nuclear weapons, this plan won’t work out for them. Q: Would Russia like to restore something like the USSR? A: The priority here consists in re-establishing legal outcomes, in restoring something that was violated illegally. If a country is divided legally, they have the right to do so. For example, the Czech Republic and Slovakia decided to split. If they did it legally, that’s not a problem. But if it’s illegal, it should be revoked. Do you feel the difference? As for Yugoslavia one should scrutinize the legitimacy of its division. What are the relations between international and internal\domestic laws? International law doesn’t interfere with domestic laws. A country can be destroyed\divided only by its own laws. If internal Yugoslavian laws were broken while dividing Yugoslavia, then this country should be restored. For the same reason Americans insist on Serbia recognizing Kosovo. Because Americans are well aware that until Serbia recognizes Kosovo’s independence, Serbia and Kosovo can’t be considered legally divided, no matter how many American (military) bases are located in Kosovo. Without any doubt, the Soviet Union’s dissolution was illegal. By the way, from the viewpoint of law, it wasn’t dissolved because no republic, except for the Baltic States, took the decision to leave the Soviet Union. The republics decided on the state sovereignty but any union consists of sovereign states. So, it doesn’t mean the dissolution of the union. Q: Who controls Russia’s Central Bank? A: You must understand how our Central Bank works. The Central Bank is the Depositary of IMF and secures and answers for worldwide USD circulation and includes part of Russian territory. So the Central Bank is part of USD circulation. The Russian Ruble is a derivative of USD and Euro circulations. The Ruble emission is carried out proportionally to part of export deals, as part of USD and Euro income as a result of such operations. So, the Central Bank policy and ruble policy does not reflect the Russian economy at all. It just shows our export potential. So we understand we need reforms to nationalize our currency exchange system and Central Bank. And reforms would create a ruble currency bulk inside Russia in correlation with exports. Similar to what the ECB and Forex are doing. We plan this reform.
On Fri, 28 Jan 2022 00:14:46 -0500 grarpamp <> wrote:
No greater liars than US Democrats
"The vaccine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind," signed, supreme US turd, the trumpo orange monkey. That's all you need to know about trumpist turd, like 'grarpamp'.
On Fri, 28 Jan 2022 00:14:46 -0500 grarpamp <> wrote:
No greater liars than US Democrats
"The vaccine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind," signed, supreme US turd, the trumpo orange monkey. That's all you need to know about trumpist turds*, like 'grarpamp'. This can be repeated every time the trumpist turd 'grarpamp' spam his trumponazi spam...while trying to pose as being against govcorp.
No greater election ripoffs than US Democrats, Socialists, etc... George Soros Pledges 'Unprecedented' $125 Million To Help Democrats Win In November With President Biden's approval rating in the gutter and Democrats increasingly concerned about their chances of holding on to Congress (as evidenced by Justice Breyer's decision to retire), the Democratic Party is turning once again to one of its most reliable megadonors for a massive influx of campaign cash, which it will need if it wants to stave off massive Congressional losses in November, not to mention at the state level. Politico reports that the nonagenerian billionaire is committing $125 million - an enormous and unprecedented (even for Soros) sum - to help Democrats win as many Congressional races of possible in November, and beyond. It appears Soros's top issue is voting rights, which also happens to be near the top of President Biden's agenda as he and his Congressional allies struggle to pass a new voting rights bill. The group, Democracy PAC, has served as Soros' campaign spending vehicle since 2019, channeling more than $80 million to other Democratic groups and candidates during the 2020 election cycle. The new, nine-figure investment from Soros is aimed at supporting pro-democracy "causes and candidates, regardless of political party" who are invested in "strengthening the infrastructure of American democracy: voting rights and civic participation, civil rights and liberties, and the rule of law," Soros said in a statement shared first with POLITICO. Soros added that the donation to the super PAC is a "long-term investment," intended to support political work beyond this year. Democracy PAC, the PAC tasked with doling out Soros's millions, will be led by his son, Alexander Soros. The donation places Soros among only a handful of donors who have managed to hit the 9-figure level. Already, his PAC has cut two large checks: one for $2.5 million to Senate Majority PAC, and the other for $1 million to House Majority PAC. Of course, news of Soros' involvement always has the chance of becoming a political liability for Democrats. Take for instance the fact that the newly elected Manhattan DA, Alvin Bragg, has essentially ordered his prosecutors to stop seeking prison sentences for most low level felonies, including armed robberies and drug dealing.
From here on out, "carceral" sentences will be reserved for "homicides and a handful of other cases." Soros gave Bragg's campaign $1 million. And he also supported the previous occupant, DA Cyrus Vance Jr., who was accused of going easy on Harvey Weinstein years before the NYT got involved. In Baltimore, a DA he backed ended up indicted on perjury charges.
It's not just the east coast: LA has seen a sharp 36% increase in crime since Soros-backed LA County DA George Gascón. And let's not forget about San Francisco's Chesa Boudin, who has become downright infamous as nary a week goes by without some new viral video portraying some egregious example of legalized shoplifting in the City by the Bay. And Soros's political interests aren't ending at the federal level. He has also donated $1 million to the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State, a group dedicated to electing Democrats to be the chief official in charge of elections in a state. As Politico adds, once "little-known", posts like these are drawing increasingly more attention from donors. We'll let you, dear reader, take a guess as to why.
No greater election ripoffs than US Democrats, Socialists, etc...
Constantly violating Constitution and Law to fraud elections any way they can... Pennsylvania Court Rules Mail-In Voting Unconstitutional A Pennsylvania court ruled on Friday that the state's two-year-old mail-in voting law is unconstitutional, siding with Republicans who challenged the law following the 2020 election. According to the ruling released today, Act 77, which allows PA residents to vote by mail, violates Article VII of the state constitution - and denied the Department of State acting secretary's application for summary relief. "If presented to the people, a constitutional amendment to end Article VII, Section 1 requirement of in-person voting is likely to be adopted. But a constitutional amendment must be presented to the people and adopted into our fundamental law before legislation allowing no-excuse mail-in voting can be 'placed upon our statute books'," wrote Commonwealth Court President Mary Hannah Leavitt. Not so fast? The Friday decision by a five-judge Commonwealth Court Panel could be put on hold if Gov. Tom Wolf's administration appeals to the state Supreme Court. Act 77, the Pennsylvania law which legalized no-excuse mail-in voting in 2019, was originally born out of a compromise between legislative Republicans and Democratic Governor Tom Wolf. Republicans wanted to eliminate straight-ticket voting, and to do so, gave mail-in voting to Democrats. Prior to this, only people who qualified for absentee voting were allowed to vote by mail. Republicans voted in near unanimity for Act 77; 27-0 in the Senate, and 105-2 in the House. Democrats offered no support in the Senate, and were split in the lower chamber, 59 against, 33 for. -Fox43 Following the 2020 US election, Republicans demanded that Pennsylvania repeal Act 77 - claiming that 'no-excuse' mail-in voting violations the constitution, and that only voters who qualify for absentee voting should be allowed to do so. The PA Department of State has yet to comment on the ruling, however it's a safe bet that they'll appeal the decision to the state Supreme Court - which holds a 5-2 Democratic majority according to the report. Is Democracy Dying Or America Disintegrating? “What do we mean by the Revolution? The war? That was no part of the revolution; it was only an effect and consequence of it. The revolution was in the minds of the people.” What did John Adams mean when he wrote this to Thomas Jefferson in 1815, after both had served as president? Adams was saying that America, the country that took up arms and fought for its independence from the British, was already a nation — before 1775. America preexisted the Constitution, Adams is saying. America had been conceived and born before he and Jefferson began to write its Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia in 1776. America had come into being even before Lexington and Concord in 1775. A corollary of what Adams wrote is that America, and the republic created by the Constitution, are not the same thing. While America is a country, a republic is the form of government created for that country in Philadelphia in 1787. “A republic if you can keep it,” said Ben Franklin to the lady who had asked what kind of government they had created for the already existing nation, when he emerged from that constitutional convention. What, then, are our elites bewailing when they say that populists, rightists and Trumpists have put “our democracy” at risk? Answer: It is not America the country or America the nation they are referring to, but our political system as it has evolved. And what is the nature of the threat they see? A precondition of democracy is that the results of elections be recognized and respected, and if repeatedly challenged, this is a mortal threat. And this is the present peril. Yet, there are other preconditions, not only for democracies but for countries, that were enumerated in The Federalist Papers: “Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people — a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs … ” “This country and this people seem to have been made for each other, and it appears as if it was the design of Providence, that an inheritance so proper and convenient for a band of brethren, united to each other by the strongest ties, should never be split into a number of unsocial, jealous, and alien sovereignties.” John Jay was describing the preconditions of a nation, a country, a people. Do these preconditions still exist in America? “One united people”? “A band of brethren”? A common ancestry, common religion, common language, common customs and manners? That may describe the America of 1789. Does it describe the America of 2022? Or does Jay’s phrase, “a number of unsocial, jealous and alien sovereignties,” better describe the America of today? Hillary Clinton once wrote off half of Trump’s supporters, nearly one-fourth of the nation, as “a basket of deplorables … racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic … bigots,” who are “irredeemable.” Assume that our elites, who often echo what Hillary Clinton said of the populist Trumpist right, agree with her. Why would virtuous liberals wish to continue in political association with people like this? Why would they not declare that, if an election again delivers rule to such people, we want no part of the system or polity that produced so intolerable an outcome? Why would the capture of all three branches of government by people such as Hillary Clinton describes not be cause for dissolving the Union? How could democracy be a superior form of government, if it could deliver the republic to people such as these, and perhaps twice? If the progressives’ enemies are “Nazis” and “fascists,” why would progressives not rise in resistance and reject their rule, rather than cooperate with them in the governance of the country? Why would good people not battle to overturn an election that produced a majority for such “deplorables”? Do the commands of democracy take precedence over the demands of decency? Rather than govern in concert with people like this, why not get as far removed from them as possible? The point here: Not only may the preconditions of democracy be disappearing, but the preconditions of nationhood may be disintegrating. Again, the American right is today routinely compared to Nazis, fascists and Klansmen. Why would good liberal Democrats accept an electoral victory and future rule by Nazis and fascists rather than seek to overturn it, by whatever means necessary? And how do you hold up American democracy as a model to mankind if, after two centuries, it has produced scores of millions of citizens like those described by Hillary Clinton? And, again, if the preconditions of democracy are vanishing, and the preconditions of nationhood are disappearing, is not secession of some kind inevitable and even desirable? Ultimately, the logic of our situation must lead us to consider something like this. Western Maryland’s attempt to secede and join West Virginia, and Eastern Oregon’s attempt to secede and join Idaho, may be harbingers of what is to come.
Elon Musk Calls Biden "Damp Sock Puppet", Says He Is "Treating The American Public Like Fools" Far be it for us to agree with anything Elon Musk says, but when he called President Joe Biden a sock puppet on Twitter yesterday, we had to chuckle. The Tesla CEO technically referred to Biden as a “damp sock puppet in human form” in a Twitter tirade he published on Thursday. Musk's ire was a result of "the US president’s photo-op with General Motors chair Mary Barra," according to RT. The photo-op was posted on President Biden's official Twitter account earlier this week: I meant it when I said the future was going to be made right here in America. Companies like GM and Ford are building more electric vehicles here at home than ever before. — President Biden (@POTUS) January 27, 2022 In the video, Biden is seen praising GM's planned investment in EV manufacturing in the United States. Musk, meanwhile, whether you like him or not, can likely be credited with moving the U.S. and the world closer to the adoption of EVs more than anybody in recent history. Musk took a jab at Biden for not mentioning Tesla in his remarks. "Starts with a T, Ends with an A, ESL in the middle," Musk wrote. Starts with a T Ends with an A ESL in the middle — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 27, 2022 "Biden is treating the American public like fools," he later Tweeted. Biden is treating the American public like fools — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 27, 2022 Musk hasn't been shy in making his political stance known over the last year or two. Hours before this exchange with Biden, Musk urged Canadian truckers and those support the anti-vaccine mandate in Canada to "vote them out", referring to the country's liberal political leaders. "If you scare people enough, they will demand removal of freedom. This is the path to tyranny," Musk wrote. "Canadian truckers rule." Musk has previously said that the unvaccinated are "taking a risk, but people do risky things all the time." "I believe we've got to watch out for the erosion of freedom in America," he commented to Time last year. #ReleaseTheTranscript Trends After Biden-Ukraine Phone Call Malarkey On Thursday, CNN reported that a "senior Ukrainian official" said President Biden warned Ukraine's president of an "imminent" Russian invasion during a phone call earlier in the day. Biden allegedly added that the Capital of Kyiv would be "sacked" and that Ukraine should "prepare for impact." Then, a just over an hour later, CNN walked back the report. Tweets were deleted, including one of host Jake Tapper repeating the "senior Ukrainian official"'s leak (but not before it was saved): BREAKING: We have recovered the Ukraine call report that @JakeTapper and CNN just deleted Please DO NOT RT this as they do not want anyone to see it! — Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) January 28, 2022 Both the White House and Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky's office denied the report - yet Zelensky didn't confirm nor deny it during a Friday press conference. BREAKING: President Zelensky slams Western media coverage of Ukraine Says they are giving the image there are tanks on the street and people fleeing, creating panic — Release The Poso (@JackPosobiec) January 28, 2022 BREAKING: President Zelensky slams Biden after Botched Call “I am the President of Ukraine. I am based here. I think I know the details better.” — Release The Poso (@JackPosobiec) January 28, 2022 Needless to say, questions remain over the Biden-Zelensky phone call, particularly if the US president was browbeating the Ukrainian president in order to escalate the border situation with Russia. As such, people are now demanding to see a transcript of the call - while the hashtag #ReleaseTheTranscript has begun trending on social media. It's only fair, after the Democrats' demanded to see a transcript of Trump's 'perfect phone call' during the 2020 US election. Maybe Zelensky will #ReleaseTheTranscript🤷♂️ — Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅 (@DanScavino) January 28, 2022 #ReleaseTheTranscript — Benny (@bennyjohnson) January 28, 2022 The White House will never #ReleaseTheTranscript of the Biden/Zelensky call, not because they are worried about impeachment but because they don't want the world to see just how mentally unfit Biden is while speaking to an ally during an international crisis. — Shem Horne (@Shem_Infinite) January 28, 2022 They tried to impeach Trump over his perfect phone call with President Zelensky. Why hasn't the White House released the unedited transcript of the call between Biden and the President of Ukraine? #ReleaseTheTranscript — Jason D. Meister 🇺🇸 (@jason_meister) January 28, 2022 Will someone ask @PressSec if the White House will #ReleaseTheTranscript? — House Judiciary GOP (@JudiciaryGOP) January 28, 2022 That’s right! #ReleaseTheTranscript — Release The Poso (@JackPosobiec) January 28, 2022 Will the White House be transparent with the American people?
Prediction Market Data: 20220130 - Event: US Congress 2022 House Rep/Dem Senate Rep/Dem Price Yes/No HR SR P74/27 HR SD P17/84 HD SD P12/89 HD SR P06/95 Where are the US Libertarians? Sen. Collins Slams Biden For 'Politicizing Entire Nomination Process' With Race, Gender-Based Supreme Court Pledge You know it's bad when Biden's lost the RINOs... On Sunday, Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) slammed President Biden for his "clumsy" approach to a race-based nomination for the next supreme court justice in the wake of Stephen Breyer's retirement. Biden, fulfilling a campaign pledge, said that he would only nominate a black female to the role. Cryptos appear to be joining in support. FREEDOM!!! Trump Conroe,TX 20220129 Thousands upon thousands, every time... America. Breakin News... Trudeau catches COWARD-19 virus. Justin Trudeau moved to secret location during Canada vax protests. Trudeau has abdicated. The truckers must demand diplomatic recognition as the rightful government of Canada. "Truckers gonna OCCUPY!" News Media spewing disinfo. "When truckers and factory workers protest, it's a sign that something is very wrong with what's been going on... and people listen." Biden and US Left... rejected by world. Support truckers against authoritarians Freedom Convoy Convoys in every country "My rights don't end where your fear begins... No Mandates." "A "few" truckers with "unacceptable opinions" now lead the world in the fight to end discrimination and division. It's time." Joe Biden is a LIAR and a FRAUD! The ranks are questioning the wisdom and leadership of their President... Biden sends supplies, arms, troops to Europe.. Illegal Biden smacked by Supreme Court, refuses to apologize.
On Sun, 30 Jan 2022 05:34:30 -0500 grarpamp <> wrote:
Elon Musk Calls Biden "Damp Sock Puppet",
musk is the most corrupt turd on the planet, and a figurehead of the US industrial-military complex. It's also a magnet for fascist turds like jim bell and grandcrap and a perfect 'antigen' test for said kind of fascist turd. musko is the ultimate creation of the US state and only the most braindead fucktard, or government agents(i.e. bell and grandcrap), can pretend otherwise and ignore the fact that musko and biden mutually suck each other's cocks. Biden is the "gov" part of govcorp and musko is the "corp" part of the govcorp.
Musk took Govt money. JuanBat uses GovtCorp roads paid for by Govt theft and murder, pays taxes, buys and uses computer chips subsidized by Govt debt upon poor brown people, and never says shit about his GovAR so the sucking that must be going on is Juan on both Govt and Alberto's cock. Hypocrite Juan can fuck right off till then. Bye.
On Sun, 30 Jan 2022 19:29:10 -0500 grarpamp <> wrote:
Musk took Govt money.
musk is a total and complete creation of the US govt. He's just a 'private' facade for NASA and the rest of the MIC.
JuanBat uses GovtCorp roads paid for by Govt theft
I own the roads along with the rest of 'we the people'. Plus I pay the taxes, at the point of a gun. Only the most braindead turd, or a dishonest idiot like you grandcrap would pretend that a random nobody like me is equivalent to the biggest govcorp thief on the planet, who stole 350,000 MILLION DOLLARS. Only the most braindead turd, or a dishonest idiot and US GOVERNMENT AGENT like you grandcrap would defend musko and attack me. Yeah, look at all my NASA-US-MIL contracts...Oh and my US patents!!!
On Sun, 30 Jan 2022 05:02:36 -0500 grarpamp <> wrote:
No greater election ripoffs than US Democrats, Socialists, etc...
"The vaccine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind," signed, supreme US turd, the trumpo orange monkey. That's all you need to know about trumpist turds like 'grarpamp'. This can be repeated every time the trumpist turd 'grarpamp' spam his trumponazi spam...while trying to pose as being against govcorp.
Hillary's Hoax keeps getting picked apart... A new court filing by special counsel John Durham reveals that Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General Michael Horowitz concealed crucial information from Durham in connection with the ongoing prosecution of Michael Sussmann, a former attorney to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. The filing also reveals that Horowitz failed to disclose that his office is in possession of two cellphones used by former FBI general counsel James Baker. The phones may contain information that’s important to the Sussmann case, as well as to a separate criminal leak investigation of Baker that Durham personally conducted between 2017 and 2019.
On Sun, 30 Jan 2022 04:50:31 -0500 grarpamp <> wrote:
Hillary's Hoax keeps getting picked apart...
"The vaccine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind," signed, supreme US turd, the trumpo orange monkey. That's all you need to know about trumpist turds like 'grarpamp'. This can be repeated every time the trumpist turd 'grarpamp' spam his trumponazi spam...while trying to pose as being against govcorp.
Hillary's Hoax keeps getting picked apart...
While Dem Pelosi's dirty and murderous Capitol cops now spying on Repubs office whiteboards... Bigger Than Watergate: Trump Furious After Durham Spy Scandal Bombshell, Demands Prosecutions, Reparations Former President Donald Trump issued a blistering response on Saturday after Special Counsel John Durham revealed in a court filing that the Hillary Clinton campaign plotted to infiltrate the Trump campaign along with White House computer servers in order to fabricate allegations of Russian collusion. "The latest pleading from Special Counsel Robert Durham provides indisputable evidence that my campaign and presidency were spied on by operatives paid by the Hillary Clinton Campaign in an effort to develop a completely fabricated connection to Russia," reads Trump's statement. "This is a scandal far greater in scope and magnitude than Watergate and those who were involved in and knew about this spying operation should be subject to criminal prosecution." "In a stronger period of time in our country, this crime would have been punishable by death. In addition, reparations should be paid to those in our country who have been damaged by this." Like Jake Sullivan - who's currently leading the US down the war path with Russia over Ukraine? Among the reason the media might want to cover the developments in John Durham's criminal probe of the fraudulent Alfa Bank story and the crimes committed to spread it: the Clinton 2016 official at the heart of it is now Biden's National Security Advisor in charge of Ukraine. — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) February 13, 2022 Jake Sullivan intentionally sabotaged relations with Russia by pushing a false flag story that his own team fabricated. Now he is National Security Advisor, tasked with advising the president on dealing with Russia. How is that even possible? Where is the media? — Hans Mahncke (@HansMahncke) February 13, 2022 Needless to say, Trumpworld is pissed... "Democrat-paid operatives illegally hacked their political opponents' communications during a presidential campaign and then did it again to a sitting president and the White House staff," wrote Trump SPAC CEO Devin Nunes said in a statement to journalist Byron York. "These actions are characteristic of third-world dictatorships, not democracies. It is undoubtedly the biggest political scandal of our lifetime." Just got a response to new Durham filing from Devin Nunes, the former House Intelligence Committee chairman who is now CEO of the new Trump social media venture: — Byron York (@ByronYork) February 13, 2022 2. The National Security State is emboldened and completely out of control. Spying on Americans, Republican Members of Congress, and former President Trump. Are they spying on him now? And it’s all about politics. Democrats vs Republicans And power. It’s sickening. — Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (@RepMTG) February 13, 2022 Meanwhile a complicit media has barely reported on the Durham bombshell. Her first response is “there’s no real evidence of that.” Incredible. I say all the time: Trump’s greatest accomplishment is not any particular policy, but revealing the corruption at the heart of our institutions. — J.D. Vance (@JDVance1) February 13, 2022 It’s official: Hillary Clinton spied on Trump. Standby for ZERO REPORTING from the BS news media.🤦🏾♀️ — Lavern Spicer (@lavern_spicer) February 13, 2022
Hillary's Hoax keeps getting picked apart...
Durham: Clinton Allies Spied On The Executive Office Of The President The Michael Sussmann case is heating up. On February 11, 2022, Durham filed the Government’s Motion to Inquire into Potential Conflicts of Interest in the Michael Sussmann case. Read it here. As you might recall, Sussmann was charged with giving false statements to then-FBI General Counsel James Baker regarding the interests he was representing in pushing to the FBI the Alfa Bank/Trump Organization hoax. More background information on the Sussmann indictment can be found here. The basis for the motion is that Sussmann’s current counsel, Latham & Watkins LLP (Latham) might have a conflict of interest because Latham previously represented Perkins Coie and Mark Elias “in this investigation.” It is alleged that Latham “likely possesses confidential knowledge about Perkins Coie’s role in, and views concerning, Sussmann’s past activities.” (Cleaned up.) There might also be a conflict because Latham was representing both the Clinton Campaign and Hillary for America in the Special Counsel’s investigation. Durham observes that Latham’s duties to these former clients “might cause its interests to diverge from those of [Sussmann].” Why might there be a conflict? Because Durham might offer evidence at trial he obtained from the Clinton Campaign and Hillary for America. We previously discussed how Rodney Joffe (identified as Tech Executive-1 in the Sussmann indictment and in the latest filing discussing the conflict) exploited proprietary – and perhaps classified – data provided by DARPA to further their own political attacks, and how that might result in charges. It was later confirmed that two former DARPA employees have given grand jury testimony, so it appears Durham is following this track. I provide that background because of what we just learned. Durham also divulged, to an extent, that contractors and tech experts – those same people involved in the Alfa Bank hoax – essentially spied on President Trump. According to Durham, Joffe and his associates exploited internet data from “the Executive Office of the President of the United States” to further their own political agenda. They had come to possess this data as part of a “sensitive arrangement” with the U.S. government. As Durham explains: Joffe and his associates manipulated this information to further a conspiracy theory that Trump and those in Trump’s orbit were continuing their secret backchannels with the Russians. This was repackaged with the Alfa Bank hoax and given to Sussmann, who then laundered it to the CIA on February 9, 2017. Sussmann alleged to the CIA that the data showed “that Trump and/or his associates were using supposedly rare, Russian-made wireless phones in the vicinity of the White House and other locations.” Durham “identified no support for these allegations.” One can’t help ask why Joffe (via Sussmann) risked legal exposure to continue to push false Trump-Russia allegations before and after the 2016 election. First to the FBI in 2016 then to the CIA in 2017. It seems that Joffe was desperate, and his desperation only increased after Trump’s election. The source of Joffe’s desperation? It’s speculation at this point, but perhaps it goes to the origins of the purported Russia/DNC hack. To revise a previous question we have asked: What if Crowdstrike was a patsy, there to unknowingly reach false conclusions of a “Russian hack” based on fraudulent information provided to them by Rodney Joffe and Perkins Coie and the DNC/Hillary Campaign? We don’t have an answer to that question - yet. Maybe we never will. But if anything, it seems likely that we will see an indictment of Rodney Joffe.
Hillary's Hoax keeps getting picked apart... Durham: Clinton Allies Spied On The Executive Office Of The President
Democrats now turning on each other as Democrat corruption runs deep... Two-Thirds Of Democrats Want Hillary Spying, Fake Russia Charges Investigated; New Poll Finds
Two-Thirds Of Democrats Want Hillary Spying, Fake Russia Charges Investigated; New Poll Finds
A poll has revealed that a stunning 66 percent of DEMOCRATS want to see a new investigation into Hillary Clinton’s role in spying on the Trump 2016 campaign, and the baseless charges of Russian collusion that followed his victory in the election. The issue has come back into the spotlight following revelations of the Durham probe into the FBI’s investigation, which found that Clinton operatives paid a tech company to “infiltrate” servers at Trump Towers and the White House, not only to spy on the Trump team and dig up dirt, but also allegedly with the intention to manufacture a “narrative” of Russian collusion. Now we know. The 2016 Clinton campaign was a criminal enterprise. Paying tech executives to infiltrate Trump servers & the White House. Time for someone to go to jail — Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) February 13, 2022 “There was spying going on, and it was worse than we thought because they were spying on the sitting president of the United States, and it goes right to the Clinton campaign.” -@Jim_Jordan Trump was right! — House Judiciary GOP (@JudiciaryGOP) February 13, 2022 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America — RSBN 🇺🇸 (@RSBNetwork) February 13, 2022 The poll, conducted by TechnoMetrica Institute of Policy and Politics reveals that almost three quarters of those polled who were following the story want prosecutors to investigate Hillary and members of her campaign team. Those figures include two thirds of Democrats who were polled, twenty percent more than supported the move back in October. A total of 91 percent of Republicans want further investigation, with 65 percent of independents demanding a fresh probe. The poll was even conducted before the very latest expositions, and so the figures are likely now even more damning for Clinton. The same poll also found that 68 percent of respondents want to see more scrutiny of the Bidens’ business activities, including Hunter Biden’s involvement with his father’s administration. A total of 71 percent of BOTH Democrats and Republicans said that they believe Biden family business should be kept separate from Biden administration activity. When asked repeatedly about the unfolding scandal with Clinton, Biden’s deputy press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre refused to answer, stating “That’s something I can’t speak to from this podium so I refer you to the Department of Justice.” Fox News host Jesse Watters presented a powerful report on the scandal Monday: Watters further declared Monday that the failed presidential candidate “should be banished from polite society,” if the allegations are true. “I’m not comparing her to O.J., because, you know, we have no proof that he ever murdered anybody, but I would like to see Hillary treated the way O.J. is. He’s not really welcome places, he’s kind of a pariah,” Watters stated. The host added “Right now she is a certified political criminal. Her husband has been #metooed and has been fingered to be on Epstein’s island and you know the Foundation, that’s just like a washed up money laundering operation.” “She paid people to hack into Trump’s computers and frame him for being a Russian traitor!” Watters asserted, adding “That would be like paying someone to break into Trump Tower at 2:00 in the morning, plant a bunch of guns and drugs and Russian documents and then call the FBI and say hey guys, I got a tip, why don’t you go raid the tower. That’s the same thing,” He continued “And we now know too that this was happening as far back as 2014. The CIA knew Crooked was trying to frame him, they briefed Obama that Hillary was going to frame him. They briefed the FBI that this was a frame job so Mueller was just a clean-up operation to tee up the impeachment – and it failed.”
A poll has revealed that a stunning 66 percent of DEMOCRATS want to see a new investigation into Hillary Clinton’s role in spying on the Trump 2016 campaign, and the baseless charges of Russian collusion that followed his victory in the election.
The issue has come back into the spotlight following revelations of the Durham probe into the FBI’s investigation... the intention to manufacture a “narrative” of Russian collusion.
Now we know. The 2016 Clinton campaign was a criminal enterprise.
FEC Fines Hillary Clinton, DNC Over Steele Dossier Hoax The Federal Election Commission (FEC) has fined both Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) for lying about funding the Russian "dossier" which underpinned the collusion hoax that hijacked headlines throughout the Trump presidency, according to the Washington Examiner. The Clinton-funded dossier was also used by the FBI to justify seeking a FISA surveillance (spy) warrant on the Trump campaign. According to the FEC, Clinton and the DNC violated strict rules governing disclosure of expenditures on opposition research, when they paid opposition research firm Fusion GPS to contract with Steele and cook up propaganda against Trump. A combined $1,024,407.97 was paid by the treasurers of the DNC and Clinton campaign to law firm Perkins Coie for Fusion GPS’s information, and the party and campaign hid the reason, claiming it was for legal services, not opposition research. Instead, the DNC’s $849,407.97 and the Clinton campaign’s $175,000 covered Fusion GPS’s opposition research on the dossier, a basis for the so-called “Russia hoax” that dogged Trump’s first term. -Washington Examiner The dossier, which was assembled by former (?) UK spook Christopher Steele and used now-indicted Russian national Igor Danchenko as its primary source, made wide ranging and salacious allegations against former President Donald Trump, most of which have been debunked. Somehow we doubt the 'election interference' crowd is going to pipe up over Clinton's meddling in the 2016 US election, using a dossier that undermined Trump's presidency every step of the way. According to the FEC memo to the Coolidge Reagan Foundation - which filed a complaint over three years ago, Clinton's campaign and the DNC argued that they were simply paying for "legal advice and services," since it was Perkins Coie that actually hired Fusion GPS. The agency, however, says that the law is clear and was violated. The fines themselves are minuscule - with Clinton's treasurer hit for $8,000 and the DNC's treasurer for $105,000. "This may well be the first time that Hillary Clinton — one of the most evidently corrupt politicians in American history — has actually been held legally accountable, and I'm proud to have forced the FEC to do their job for once. The Coolidge Reagan Foundation proved that with pluck and grit, Americans who stand with integrity can stand up to the Clinton machine and other corrupt political elites," said Dan Backer, who brought the complaint on behalf of the foundation.
Hunter Biden Dam About To Burst? WaPo, CNN Go Scorched Earth Over 'Laptop From Hell' Something strange is going on with the Hunter Biden laptop story. The New York Post was excommunicated from social media shortly before the 2020 US election by Big Tech for reporting on shady international business dealings by the Biden family - particularly in Ukraine and China, contained within a trove of emails, text messages, photographs and financial documents that were on a laptop Hunter abandoned at a Delaware computer repair shop in April 2019. To refresh your memory: Hunter Biden Ex-Biz Associate Was Livid Over $5MM Side-Deal With Chinese: Texts Why Is The FBI's Top Child Porn Lawyer Involved In Hunter Biden Laptop Case? Hunter Biden Laptop Linked To FBI Money Laundering Investigation Hunter Biden Witness Moved From Prison Cell After Exposing Influence-Peddling Operation Chinese Money Launderer Called James Biden After FBI Arrest, Was Trying To Reach Hunter Sperry Exposes The Complete History Of Hunter Biden's Crony-Connected Jobs Latest Cache Of Emails Detail How Hunter Biden Earned Millions In China "For Introductions" Covering for the Bidens to help him win the 2020 election, people like Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) insisted it was Russian propaganda, and outlets which reported on the laptop were smeared as conspiracy theorists. “FBI & DOJ concur w/ Ratcliffe that Hunter Biden's laptop & the emails in question weren't part of a Russian disinformation campaign.” Adam Schiff last Friday: “This whole smear on Joe Biden comes from the Kremlin.” — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) October 20, 2020 More than 50 'former senior intelligence officials' signed a pre-election letter proclaiming the laptop story 'has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.' The Tide Turns Two weeks ago, the New York Times confirmed the laptop exists, and is legit - and confirmed several previously reported aspects of the story, including correspondence between Hunter and his business partner Devon Archer, both of whom served on the board Ukrainian energy giant Burisma. Today, the Washington Post and CNN are piling on - with the post confirming yet-more details of the laptop contents, and CNN running a blistering segment and reporting that the federal investigation into Hunter is 'heating up.' The Washington Post, meanwhile, reports on Hunter's "multimillion-dollar deals with a Chinese energy company." What's going on here? Whatever the case, Glenn Greenwald isn't about to let the MSM get away with this U-turn unscathed. Just fucking amazing: now the WashPost, 10 days after NYT, admits that the contents of the Hunter Biden laptop are genuine and uses them in their reporting. Yet **not one** corrupt outlet that spread the CIA's pre-election lie that it was "Russian disinformation" has retracted. — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) March 30, 2022 I don't care that I talk about this a lot. It's not talked about enough. The CIA, Big Tech and corporate media all conspired in the weeks before the election to spread a clear lie to manipulate the election: that these emails were forged by Russia. Now *they ignore the proof*. — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) March 30, 2022 Permit me to ask this one question about the US media: Other than that they genuinely see their role as lying for noble ends, what could possibly justify their refusal to retract their CIA lie that the Biden archive was "Russian disinformation" or at least acknowledge the proof? — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) March 30, 2022 Dem Coalition Urges Biden To Stop Escalating Over Ukraine, 'Maximize' Diplomacy Instead
Media 'Caught In A Cover-Up' Of Hunter Biden’s Laptop Story Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) on April 3 claimed that some major media outlets have been “caught in a cover-up” regarding the Hunter Biden laptop story. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) speaks during a hearing in Washington on Jan. 24, 2022. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images) Johnson’s remarks come shortly after The Washington Post and The New York Times published articles verifying and acknowledging the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s laptop, nearly two years after it was first reported by the New York Post shortly before the 2020 election. However, the New York Post’s reporting of the scandal was promptly suppressed by social media sites including Facebook and Twitter, the latter of which also locked the NY Post’s account for more than two weeks, citing the outlet’s alleged publication of “hacked material” as its justification. In an editorial titled “The Hunter Biden story is an opportunity for a reckoning,” The Washington Post blamed the reluctance among some media to publish the story on the possibility of it being one of the “unwitting tools of a Russian influence campaign in 2016” among other things. The Post’s editorial board also stressed that President Joe Biden himself had not “acted corruptly.” Johnson told Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures” that the recent admissions by both The New York Times and The Washington Post prove “how complicit the media was” in concealing Hunter Biden’s laptop before the 2020 presidential election. “I really think what the New York Times and Washington Post stories prove is how complicit they have been and continue to be in the cover-up,” Johnson said. “And, you know, quite honestly, they’re not impartial. They are the defenders of the Democratic Party of the radical left. You know, The Washington Post learned a lot from their coverage of Nixon. When you get caught up in a cover-up—and that’s what happened, the media get caught up in a cover-up. They are caught with their lies.” Johnson said that some outlets had participated in “what they call a limited hangout or in [President Richard] Nixon’s case, a modified limited hangout. You’ve let out just enough information, just enough truth to try and get you by the moment.” A modified limited hangout is a public relations or propaganda technique in which the individual or official involved releases some information that was previously hidden, albeit still retaining important key facts, in an effort to prevent more important details from being exposed. According to former Central Intelligence Agency official Victor Marchetti, the technique results in the public being “so intrigued by the new information that it never thinks to pursue the matter further.” “We can’t allow our intelligence agencies, the Department of Justice, the FBI, or the media to get away with this,” Johnson said on Sunday. “This is serious business. This is incredible corruption at the highest levels of government and within our media.” “We are all being snookered by them. This has been a—from my standpoint—a massive diversionary operation to, you know, to try and take the American public’s attention away from their wrongdoing, their lies, their cover-ups.” The GOP senator added that “now, we have actual bank records that verify what we reported” and that Hunter Biden’s “laptop is obviously a treasure-trove of additional corroborating evidence as well.” According to a recent article for The Washington Post, which hired two security experts to authenticate what is purportedly Hunter Biden’s laptop, documents, and messages on the device, Biden pursued a deal with a Chinese Communist Party-linked emergency firm, CEFC China Energy, and its executives “paid $4.8 million to entities controlled by Hunter Biden and his uncle [James Biden].” Further emails related to his work for the Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings, for which he was a board member. Former President Donald Trump previously claimed that Joe Biden, while still vice president, threatened to withhold $1 billion from Ukraine unless a prosecutor investigating Burisma Holdings was ousted. White House chief of staff Ron Klain told ABC News’ “This Week” in an interview on Sunday that Biden believes his son didn’t break the law with regards to his overseas business ties in China, Ukraine, and other countries. “Of course, the president is confident that his son didn’t break the law,” Klain said. Biden himself has also stated that his son “did nothing wrong at Burisma.”
Democrats steal money to coverup and protect crackheads... Florida Voter Registration: Republicans Overtake Democrats By 100,000 Hunter Biden's Secret Service Detail Pays $30K A Month For Malibu Mansion While Hunter Biden waits for his likely indictment on tax fraud charges (not to mention the possibility that he could face charges for failing to report his work on behalf of foreign governments), he and his new wife have been hanging out in a swanky Malibu mansion that they're renting for $20,000/month. But while Biden continues to spend money he doesn't have on his California lifestyle, the Secret Service (which is legally required to provide protection for family members of the president) is being forced to do the same: according to a retired Secret Service agent, the agency has been paying a whopping $30K/month for their own market-rate pad practically next door. Former Secret Service agent Don Mihalek told ABC News this arrangement is "the cost of doing business" for the Secret Service (since the younger Biden is entitled to 'round-the-clock' security, like all other presidential family members). "Typically, wherever a protectee sets up their residence, the Secret Service is forced to find someplace to rent nearby at market value," Mihalek said, noting that the agency is also renting out properties to protect President Joe Biden's residences in Wilmington and Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. "This isn't new," Mihalek said. "The Service has had to do this in past administrations, and unfortunately, the housing market right now has driven the prices up substantially." Hunter Biden and the rest of Biden's family started receiving their Secret Service detail starting in June 2020 after his father became the Democratic nominee. While an entire generation of Americans (the long-suffering millennials) are being priced out of the housing market, Hunter's Malibu digs include four bedrooms, three bathrooms, vaulted high ceilings and a chef's kitchen. The home also features a "spacious park-like yard" with a pool, a spa, a built-in barbecue bar, and alfresco dining. The property is situated on 0.7 acres on top of a hill, giving it "enchanting" 180-degree panoramic ocean views, according to the listing. Already, the backlash among Republicans is brewing... The Secret Service is spending over $30,000 per month to rent a mansion in Malibu to protect the First Crackhead, Hunter Biden. That needs to end IMMEDIATELY! — Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) April 4, 2022 ...while Democrat-aligned journos are doing everything they can to put this information 'in the right context'. Secret Service protecting Hunter Biden pays over $30,000 a month to rent out a mansion "This isn't new, The Service has had to do this in past administrations, and unfortunately, the housing market right now has driven the prices up substantially." — Anthony DeRosa (@Anthony) April 4, 2022 We can't help but wonder: how will the Secret Service protect the younger Biden should he receive a custodial sentence as a result of the ongoing investigation?
News: US Attorney General Bill Barr proven to be a Corrupt Election Meddler Biden's "Absolute" Defense Of Hunter Leaves Media & Justice Department In A Muddle Below is my column in The Hill on President Joe Biden doubling down on his absolute defense of his son Hunter Biden. The comments only magnify the concerns over Attorney General Merrick Garland refusing to appoint a special counsel despite the clear basis for such an appointment. It is clear that the President “absolutely” stands by his son and that the media absolutely stands by the President. The question is whether Garland will stand by justice and appoint a special counsel. Here is the column: “We absolutely stand by the president’s comment.” With those words, White House communications director Kate Bedingfield reaffirmed that President Biden maintains his son Hunter Biden did “nothing [that] was unethical” and never “made money” in China. Those claims appear demonstrably false - and they make the positions of both the media and Attorney General Merrick Garland absolutely untenable. For the media, the ongoing investigation of Hunter Biden by U.S. Attorney David Weiss in Delaware has presented a growing danger of self-indictment over its prior coverage (or noncoverage). Weiss has called a long line of witnesses before a grand jury, and there is growing expectation of criminal charges against Hunter Biden. Nothing concentrates the mind as much as a looming indictment. Thus, The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN and other media faced the embarrassing prospect of an indictment based on a story they previously suggested was either a nonstory or Russian disinformation. Suddenly, in recent days, they all rushed to declare the story legitimate, 18 months after the New York Post reported it in October 2020. What quickly emerged, though, was a new narrative: None of this implicates President Biden. On CNN, White House correspondent John Harwood declared, “There is zero evidence that Vice President Biden, or President Biden, has done anything wrong in connection with what Hunter Biden has done.” Anchor Brianna Keilar then added for emphasis that Harwood was making “an important distinction.” It was important, but not because it was true. While many media figures now willingly admit the legitimacy of Hunter Biden’s abandoned-laptop story, they are avoiding what the emails found on that laptop actually contain. Hundreds of emails appear to detail a multimillion-dollar influence-peddling enterprise by the Biden family, including Hunter Biden and his uncle James Biden. Influence peddling has long been the way Washington’s elite enriches itself. This common source of political corruption involves the relatives of powerful government figures who shake down corporations or countries for access and influence. The Bidens would seem to be standouts in this common practice, engaging in a virtual family business. James Biden has been accused of marketing his connection to his brother. And in the emails discovered on his abandoned laptop, Hunter Biden practically sold timeshares of his father by dangling meetings and dinners for investors. The key in any influence peddling scheme is to protect the principal. People apparently were told to avoid directly referring to President Biden. In one email, Tony Bobulinski, then a business partner of Hunter’s, was instructed by Biden associate James Gilliar not to speak of the former veep’s connection to any transactions: “Don’t mention Joe being involved, it’s only when u [sic] are face to face, I know u [sic] know that but they are paranoid.” Instead, the emails apparently refer to President Biden with code names such as “Celtic” or “the big guy.” In one, “the big guy” is discussed as possibly receiving a 10 percent cut on a deal with a Chinese energy firm; other emails reportedly refer to Hunter Biden paying portions of his father’s expenses and taxes. Despite President Biden’s repeated claims he knew nothing about these dealings, Bobulinski has said he personally met with the senior Biden to discuss Hunter Biden’s business activities. Bobulinski had been selected by the family to handle these deals. As vice president, Joe Biden flew to China on Air Force Two with Hunter Biden, who arranged for his father to meet some of his business interests. Hunter Biden’s financial interest in a Chinese-backed investment firm, BHR Partners, was registered within weeks of that 2013 trip. Yet, President Biden repeatedly insisted that he never discussed such dealings with his son, a claim Hunter Biden has contradicted. There are emails of Ukrainian and other foreign clients thanking Hunter Biden for arranging meetings with his father. There are photos from dinners and meetings that tie President Biden to these figures, including a 2015 dinner with a group of Hunter Biden’s Russian and Kazakh clients. It is important to note that when these foreign interests were clamoring to give Hunter Biden millions of dollars, he was, by his own admission, a hopeless addict. In his 2021 memoir, Hunter Biden admits he was “drinking a quart of vodka a day” and “smoking crack around the clock,” up until his father’s 2020 presidential campaign began. So why would Russian, Chinese and other foreign figures give Hunter Biden all of this money, if not to influence his father? The new narrative suggests that, while Hunter Biden maintained one of the largest influence-peddling schemes in recent history, it did not involve the object of that scheme — his father. Even if President Biden was not influenced by all of this, it’s hard to believe he didn’t know his son was selling access. In his book, Hunter Biden claims his father repeatedly intervened due to his addictions — and yet we are to believe that Joe Biden did not express curiosity about how his addicted son was raking in millions from foreign sources? The point is that President Biden really did not have to ask: Hunter Biden had nothing to sell but influence. All President Biden had to do to facilitate such schemes was to be accessible — to allow his family to deliver face-to-face meetings and photo ops. And that brings us to the untenable position of Garland. It is hard to imagine a stronger case for a special counsel. Any effort to investigate Hunter Biden’s dealings will lead investigators to encounter repeated references to the president and how he may have benefited from those schemes. At the same time, the president is “absolutely” standing by his denial that his son did anything wrong or made any money from China. The White House statement this week serves as a reminder to investigators that the president is heavily invested in this narrative and his denial of now-established facts. This is not to say that Weiss, the U.S. Attorney investigating Hunter Biden, will not be independent in his efforts. However, the concern is the appearance of how a conflict might affect the investigation or limit the scope of any potential charges. Moreover, absent a special counsel, there is unlikely to be a report on these apparent influence peddling schemes. Garland pledged to protect the Justice Department from such conflicts and to avoid even the appearance of political influence. He now has a president stating that alleged wrongdoing by his son is “absolutely” untrue, including dealings possibly impacting the president personally and financially. If Garland declines to appoint a special counsel, he will absolutely fail on his pledge.
Lefts Corrupt Immolative Ideologies Always Fail Throughout History The Nihilism Of The Left In pursuit of its utopian omelet, the Left cares little about the millions of middle-class Americans it must break to make it... The last 14 months have offered one of the rare occasions in recent American history when the hard Left has operated all the levers of federal government. The presidency, the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the permanent bureaucratic state are all in progressive hands. And the result is a disaster that is uniting Americans in their revulsion of elitists whose crazy ideas are tearing apart the fabric of the country. For understandable reasons, socialists and leftists are usually kept out of the inner circles of the Democratic Party, and especially kept away from control of the country. A now resuscitated Bernie Sanders for most of his political career was an inert outlier. The brief flirtations with old-style hardcore liberals such as George McGovern in 1972 and Mike Dukakis in 1988 imploded the Democratic Party. Their crash-and-burn campaigns were followed by corrective nominees who actually won the presidency: Southern governors Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton. Such was the nation’s innate distrust of the Left, and in particular the East Coast elite liberal. For nearly half a century between the elections of John F. Kennedy and Barack Obama, it was assumed that no Democratic presidential candidate could win the popular vote unless he had a reassuring Southern accent. How did the extreme Left manage its rare takeover of the country between 2018 and 2020? Certainly, Obama’s election helped accelerate the woke movement and energized identity politics. One could also argue over the political opportunities in 2020 following the devastation of COVID-19. In the long term, the medicine of lockdowns and quarantines probably proved more calamitous than the disease, and this crisis mode made doable what had once been unimaginable. State governors such as Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, and Andrew Cuomo did not let the pandemic crisis go to waste. It was a rare occasion to leverage agendas that otherwise had no public support in ordinary times. In the chaos of 2020, both laws and customs were altered or scrapped—changing the very way we vote. Over 102 million ballots were either mailed in or cast during so-called “early voting”—strangely resulting in far lower rejection rates in most states than in past “normal” years of predominantly in-person voting on Election Day. Indeed, in just one year, Election Day went from an American institution to an afterthought. The hatred of Donald Trump prompted an influx of hundreds of millions of dark dollars from Silicon Valley to supplant the responsibilities of registrars in key precincts with armies of paid activists. A non compos mentis, basement-bound Joe Biden was cynically given an “Ol’ Joe from Scranton” moderate veneer to pursue a calibrated hard-Left agenda. So Americans ended up with a neo-socialist government. It is proving as disastrous as it is bitterly instructive—reminding this generation of Americans what the Left does when it grasps power. As all restraints came off, the hard and now unbridled Left went to work to turn America into something like a looney, one-party California. A wide-open border followed. We may see 3 million illegal aliens cross at the southern border during the first 18 months of the Biden Administration. Hundreds of millions of dollars have been allotted to reward those illegally entering America, who can expect free legal support from the U.S. government to ensure they are not subject to the laws of the United States. In a sane world, Biden would have been impeached for deliberately destroying the very federal laws he swore to uphold. On the prompt of his hard Left controllers, he was eager to alter the electoral demography of the nation rather than ensure immigrants came in reasonable numbers, legally, with audit and background checks, and safely in a time of a pandemic. The former illegal arrivals were seen as needed constituents, the latter legal immigrants too politically unpredictable. The Left in about a year has negated American gas and oil independence. Biden, who promised to end America’s use of fossil fuels on his watch, cast adrift millions of his fellow citizens to choose between driving and eating. Much of what the Left had traditionally demonized and wanted gone from American life—from gasoline to beefsteak to new pickup trucks—became so inflated in price as to be nearly unattainable. The electrician now pays five times more for his wire, the carpenter eight times more for his plywood, the plumber six times more for his pipe—as all three have to pay off-the-books cash for rare workers who prefer to get checks from the Biden Administration. The Biden printing press has destroyed both the idea that all citizens will work if there are just good-paying jobs, and that affordable necessities for life—food, fuel, and shelter—form the basis for a middle-class life. If the Left did all that in 14 months, imagine what it can still do before losing the Congress in 2022. The Biden Administration’s profligate multitrillion-dollar budget, inflation of the currency, de facto zero interest rates, destructive subsidies that undermined labor participation, and incompetence at addressing the supply-chain and clogged port crises will all by midyear likely achieve a 10 percent annualized inflation rate. Carter-era stagflation is on the near horizon. When an American president predicts a food shortage in what used to be the breadbasket of the world, then we see the wages of socialism in all their unapologetic cruelty. When the Left can scarcely hide its glee that diesel fuel hit $7 a gallon in California, the public is finally seeing that the Bidens, Newsoms, and AOCs of the world care nothing for the real-life consequences of their elite utopian green fantasies. How did America ever stoop to begging communist Venezuela, theocratic Iran, and dictatorial Russia to pump oil for us that we have in abundance but will not produce? Which insane person thought up the idea of using Vladimir Putin’s Russia as our mediator to restart the Iran Deal? The now unfettered woke revolution seeks to Trotskyize American history and its heroes. A disastrous foreign policy of appeasement has ended U.S. deterrence. After the worst military humiliation in 50 years in Afghanistan, Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea all seek to capitalize on a rare American Phaethon moment. The world’s superpower has turned over the reins of its deterrence chariot to a ninny and his gurus. And before crashing the country, they aimlessly rebound from one self-created crisis to the next self-induced disaster. The Clerks Come Out Aside from the dismal left-wing political record, the public has also witnessed an unapologetically leftwing federal bureaucracy now completely unbound. Our top echelon of the administrative state is defiant in its weaponized assumption of legislative, executive, and judicial powers. We are learning that the likes of Anthony Fauci have all but destroyed the reputation of once time-honored federal health agencies. In their contradictions, about-faces, and deceit, they focused mostly on controlling their multibillion-dollar public fiefdoms, hounding critics, rewarding sycophants, politicizing “science,” hiding culpability about routing money to lunatic gain-of-function research in China, and marginalizing outspoken voices of audit. The military apparat after Afghanistan - defined as woke Pentagon functionaries, revolving door and politically weaponized corporate generals, and outspoken politicos - managed the impossible: a once revered military now cannot even win a 50 percent vote of confidence from the American public. The intelligence agencies are worse. Former kingpins such as John Brennan and James Clapper, both pundits for hire on leftwing cable networks, lied under oath before Congress without consequences. When 50 retired intelligence officials during the Biden 2020 campaign claimed publicly that Hunter’s laptop was likely a Russian plot, what then is left of any semblance of nonpartisan professionalism and integrity? James Comey, Andrew McCabe, and Christopher Wray have all eroded the reputation of the FBI by fueling the Russian collusion hoax, the Alfa Bank hoax, and the Hunter laptop disinformation hoax. Since when does the FBI go after journalists in their underwear or moms and dads at school board meetings, as if it is now an extension of the teacher union or DNC? Along with Robert Mueller—who claimed no knowledge of either the Steele dossier or Fusion GPS—the Washington FBI hierarchy did to the agency what Lois Lerner infamously did to the IRS. Just as Lerner became an extension of the Obama 2012 reelection effort and corrupted tax law, so the FBI descended into becoming the wayward Biden family’s retrieval service—eager to keep quiet Hunter’s incriminating laptop and to rescue Ashley Biden’s lurid diary. When the evidence becomes overwhelming that the collusionary media lied about the laptop or the origins of COVID-19, there is never a retraction, only a Soviet-style silence about past untruth. And then it is on to the next false narrative. Add in the conduct of FBI luminaries such as the forger Kevin Clinesmith, Lisa Page, and Peter Strzok, who preferred to investigate conservatives rather than enemies of the nation. What characterizes, then, our once revered intelligence agencies is not just institutionalized mediocracy. Rather it is a dangerous zeal to enact by fiat politicized agendas that cannot otherwise be ratified by a legislative vote—all with the expectation that these sanctified agents of political change are above the law and will be rewarded accordingly. Our Ill Institutions Americans had tuned out many of our major institutions that are now openly hostile to American exceptionalism. In their nihilism, leftists seek to destroy the very organizations they absorbed. Professional sports? Multimillionaire basketball players are more likely to refuse to salute their own flag than to say a word of dissent to their autocratic and often ethnocentric Chinese paymasters. Higher education? A Yale law school dean contextualizes the loud disruption of free speech by leftist law students at a conference. Only that way can she ensure that rules about open expression remain theoretical, and not real for the woke. Entertainment? Hiring, promotions, and awards are now based as much on race, gender, and sexual identity as on merit. Forty years ago, face slapper Will Smith would likely have been removed from the Oscar ceremonies for rudely shouting and interrupting the worldwide show. Twenty years ago, he might still have been rebuked for profanity and yelling the F-word in a live televised event. Now he is neither arrested nor even removed for physically assaulting comedian Chris Rock. His belated contrition is belied by his refusal to leave the ceremony and to go dancing and partying into the post-assault wee hours. Will there be open brawling on stage next year? The Left got what it wanted and now controls academia, the media, the internet, K-12 education, corporate boardrooms, the Pentagon, Wall Street, and Hollywood. And they more or less have turned each of these into versions of Pravda. The sermons, arrogance, and narcissism of these woke cultural imperialists now explain why they are disliked as much abroad as they are at home. In sum, we are watching a rare laboratory experiment in which the traditional American fringe is now in control of the government. In pursuit of its utopian omelet, the Left cares little about the millions of middle-class Americans it must break to make it. The result is an unmitigated disaster that not only has tarred the Democratic Party, corrupted once-revered agencies, and alienated half the country from our cultural institutions, but now endangers the very health and security of the United States.
Corrupt Democrat Party ruins Liberals... Clinton Campaign, DNC Are Paying FEC Fines In Effort To Bury Story: Kash Patel The lead investigator for the House Intelligence Committee’s 2018 probe into the FBI’s investigation of alleged Trump–Russia collusion, Kash Patel, said the fact that the Hillary Clinton campaign is paying a penalty to Federal Election Commission (FEC) is an admittance of guilt. Clinton and DNC are doing so to bury the narrative and prevent more media coverage of these illegal activities, said Patel. “I think the public sees what that is. It’s their way of burying the narrative, because if they contested what happens, more media coverage, more people start looking into these things,” Patel said. “So the Hillary Clinton campaign is not contesting it, they’re paying the fine. It’s basically admitting that they did this and they’re out is: ‘we just don’t want a protracted legal deal, as if the Hillary Clinton campaign and DNC ever shied away from taking something or someone to court,” Patel added. National Security Council Senior Director of Counterterrorism Kashyap "Kash" Pramod Patel in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House on Oct. 27, 2019. (Alex Wong/Getty Images) Clinton’s campaign and the DNC agreed to pay a combined $113,000 to the FEC, according to documents made public on March 30, after the commission found probable cause that the entities violated federal law by describing payments that ultimately went to the Fusion GPS research group as going toward legal services and consulting. “It shows them how wrong they were to violate the law and spend political campaign dollars on hit job, opposition research pieces for then-candidate Trump, all of which, [to] remind the audience, was then used intentionally by the FBI—even though they knew it was false—to go to a federal secret court and surveil a presidential candidate and later a president of the United States.” The FEC, which is responsible for overseeing federal elections, including the presidential election, found that the Hillary Clinton campaign broke FEC rules about how donations can be used. “What we knew when we ran the Russiagate investigation, Chairman Nunes and I, we exposed that the Hillary Clinton campaign paid for the Steele dossier, an opposition research hit job. We had proven that some years ago,” said Patel. “What the Coolidge Reagan Foundation did … based on our investigation, said ‘wait a second FEC, you as a political campaign cannot spend political dollars launching opposition research, false or otherwise,’” said Patel. Dan Backer, an attorney who lodged the complaint with the election commission against the Clinton campaign and the DNC, told The Epoch Times that it’s the first time Clinton “has actually been held accountable for misconduct,” calling the fines “a great step for accountability.” “So they fined them, that’s the FEC’s job. And the Hillary Clinton campaign could have said: ‘We disagree with your finding. We’re going to go to court.’ What did the Hillary Clinton campaign do? … They agreed to the finding of probable cause by the FEC, which means they’re basically agreeing that it happened. … Like we’ve always said, ‘follow the money.’” Patel said while the FEC fine is an important step toward holding the Clinton campaign and other key players involved in the Russia disinformation campaign accountable, the true victory, he hopes, will be indictments made by U.S. special counsel John Durham. In October 2020, Durham was appointed by the Dept. of Justice as special counsel to investigate the FBI’s handling of Russiagate. His recent filings revealed that internet traffic at Trump Tower and the White House was accessed to fabricate ties between Trump and Russia. The filing, which was submitted late on Feb. 11 in connection with the indictment of Michael Sussmann, a former attorney to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign, reveals that Rodney Joffe, a tech executive who was working with Sussmann, had exploited access to domain name system (DNS) internet traffic pertaining to the Executive Office of the President of the United States (EOP) as well as Trump Tower and Donald Trump’s Central Park West apartment building. “This FEC fine is another step towards accountability. But [for] me as a former federal prosecutor, maybe I’m biased, but the ultimate step of accountability which the American public is waiting for,comes in the form of indictments, especially to those people who violated their oath of office,” Patel said.
No greater liars than US Democrats
Joe Biden the worst self-lying political and country destroying fraud of them all next to Hillary. Biden old man dementia has fatuation with big trucks, little girls, nasty attitude, smashing things like economics, and enacting neo-left prog scams. When you elect garbage, you get garbage. So says all national opinion polls to date. Biden Babbles And Lies About Being An 18-Wheeler Truck-Driver... Again During a speech Monday regarding trucking supply chains, Joe Biden bizarrely claimed that he used to be a truck driver, had an 18 wheeler that he drove around, as well as a colleague called ‘Big Mama’. In one of the most flagrant examples of Biden just making up stuff, he said “I used to drive a truck. It’s a long story – anyway… and I thought I was gonna get to drive one of these suckers today,” while motioning to one of the prop Mack trucks behind him. Watch: Biden repeats false claim he used to be a truck driver — Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) April 4, 2022 Biden also claimed “there was a guy who ran steel from Deemer Steel out to Ohio, and so I decided to ride out with him and see what it was like on the strike, and I was driving, going through Shiloh, Ohio.” He continued, “Anyway, that’s another story too. Look, it’s getting harder and harder to recruit new drivers, particularly women and people of color, to an industry that this nation and our economy desperately needs at full strength.” Biden: "There was a guy who ran steel ... and uh, his handle was big 10 ... he called and said 'big 10 wanting to come in,' I forget exactly how he said it, and the only woman truck driver I ever knew I met that day. She said this is big mama. No room. Swear to God. True story." — Washington Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) April 4, 2022 What the fuck is he talking about? He’s been a politician practically all his life. He’s never been a truck driver. Biden has made this claim before, but it turned out all he actually did was get in a truck for a publicity stunt in 1973. There is zero evidence that Biden "used to drive an 18 wheeler" The extent of Biden's trucking experience is that he **rode in** a truck once, for one night in 1973 (he made sure to return home by plane though) — Zach Parkinson (@AZachParkinson) July 28, 2021 After he finished claiming he was a truck driver, Biden asked his handlers “What do we do now?” before stumbling off and sniffing a little girl in the crowd: "What do we do now?" Biden asks his handlers what he's supposed to do after his speech, then wanders off to talk to a little girl in the crowd. — MRCTV (@mrctv) April 4, 2022
Hillary Biden Democrat and Woke scams not faring too well lately... Key Player In Ex-Clinton Lawyer’s Trial Intends To Plead The Fifth A former technology executive who helped spy on the White House intends to invoke his right against self-incrimination if he is called to testify during the upcoming trial of a lawyer who represented Hillary Clinton’s campaign during the 2016 election, according to court documents. Michael Sussman in an undated interview. (CNN/Screenshot via NTD) Michael Sussman, the lawyer, is set to go on trial for allegedly lying to the FBI. Sussman was representing Rodney Joffe, a tech executive, when he went to the FBI and handed over three white papers that contained unsubstantiated allegations against then-candidate Donald Trump, Clinton’s rival in the presidential race, according to U.S. prosecutors. Sussman says he gave the information to the FBI as a concerned citizen and the parties he was representing at the time are not relevant. If Joffe were to testify during the trial, he would “offer critical exculpatory testimony,” Sussman’s lawyers said in one of the new filings. Among the angles would be that “Mr. Sussmann and Mr. Joffe agreed that information should be conveyed to the FBI and to Agency-2,” believed to be the CIA, “to help the government, not to benefit Mr. Joffe.” But Joffe plans on invoking his rights under the Fifth Amendment if called to testify because prosecutors say he remains the subject of an investigation. Steven Tyrell, representing Joffe, said in a letter just made public that he spoke with Andrew DeFilippis, a prosecutor on Special Counsel John Durham’s team, on March 31 after receiving a subpoena for Joffe to testify. After receiving confirmation Joffe remains under investigation, Tyrell asked for more details. “Rather than provide any additional information to aid in our assessment of the risk of prosecution, Mr. DeFilippis stated that in his view, Mr. Joffe’s status in the investigation was sufficient to establish a good faith basis to invoke the privilege against self-incrimination. Mr. DeFilippis further stated that OSC did not want to get into any more detail, and presumed that Latham would understand if Mr. Joffe decided to invoke,” Tyrell said in the letter, which was sent to Sussman’s lawyers at Latham & Watkins. Sussman’s lawyers alleged that Durham’s team is “manufacturing incredible claims of continuing criminal liability” to force Joffe to not testify, alleging it is “simply inconceivable that Mr. Joffe faces any real continuing criminal exposure in connection with the special counsel’s investigation.” According to earlier filings, Joffe was part of a scheme to spy on the White House before and after Trump became president. Joffe’s spokesperson has described him as “an apolitical Internet security expert with decades of service to the U.S. government who has never worked for a political party, and who legally provided access” to data to the White House. Since Sussman also plans to invoke his Fifth Amendment right during trial, Joffe remains the only available witness regarding the relationship between himself and Sussman, the defendant’s lawyers assert. They’re asking the court to dismiss the case unless prosecutors agree to grant Joffe immunity, which would enable him to testify without fear of repercussions. In a filing from Durham’s team, prosecutors said Sussman assembled and conveyed allegations regarding Trump to the FBI on behalf of both Joffe and Clinton’s campaign, citing billing records, conversations, and other evidence. One nexus is a law firm, Perkins Coie, which was paid by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee during the election, with evidence showing Joffe met with former Perkins lawyer Marc Elias multiple times. Emails that Durham’s team is seeking to introduce during the trial would show Sussman, Joffe, and the campaign “were ‘acting in concert toward a common goal,’ namely, the goal of assembling and disseminating the Russian Bank-1 allegations and other derogatory information about Trump and his associates to the media and the U.S. government,” the special prosecutor’s office said. One email would show Joffe saying he was offered the top cybersecurity job in the White House if Democrats won the election.
CIA Bombshell: The Sussman Data Was "User Created" by Techno Fog via The Reactionary My late Friday night involved hitting refresh on PACER every so often, incurring the $0.10 charge for each search result as I waited on Special Counsel John Durham’s latest filing in the Michael Sussman case. (Exciting, I know.) The motion exceeded expectations, discussing CIA conclusions that Sussmann was providing implausible data to federal authorities, providing CIA notes regarding their meeting with Sussman, and confirmation that they essentially spied on President-Elect Trump. The motion can be found here. It was filed as part of the government’s efforts to convince the court that the evidence it seeks to admit in Sussman’s trial is relevant and admissible. Let’s go through the most important parts. The CIA Notes Part 1: January 31, 2017. Durham provided to the Court two sets of notes related to Sussman’s representations to the CIA. The first was from Sussman’s January 31, 2017 contacts with a CIA employee where Sussman discussed wanting to provide to the CIA data on “the presence and activity of a unique Russian made phone around President Trump.” It was said that this secret activity started in April 2016 and continued after Trump’s “move to the White House.” Sussman alleged the Russian phone (YotaPhone) was always close to Trump (“only around the President’s Movements”), surfacing at his Trump Tower Network in April 2016 and being used through Wi-Fi at Trump’s Grand Central West apartment. The phone even “appeared with Trump in Michigan” when he was interviewing a Cabinet Secretary. At a minimum, this confirms what we reported nearly two months ago: that the Trump transition data was passed to the CIA. Yet it’s also more than that. The CIA was provided with data all the way back from April 2016. Why does April 2016 matter? Because Russia was alleged to have hacked “the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and DNC networks in April 2016.” Recall that “Crowdstrike was contacted on April 30, 2016 to respond to a suspected breach” of the DNC. The CIA Notes Part 2: Sussmann’s February 9, 2017 meeting with the CIA That January 31, 2017 conference was used to schedule the February 9, 2017 meeting with the CIA. At that meeting, Sussman repeated his allegations that a “Russian-made Yota-phone” had been seen at Trump properties and had traveled with Trump to Michigan. He further alleged that “In December 2016, the Yota-phone was seen connecting to WIFI from the Executive Office of the President (the White House).” A brief but necessary aside: The Washington Post alleged us to have fanned “the flames” on the Sussman/Joffe spying operation, taking us to task for stating (correctly): “They spied on Trump.” I hope the Washington Post is reading this, because the CIA notes confirm what we reported and what we told them via e-mail. Techno 1, WaPo 0. Back to the Durham Filing – and the CIA’s analysis of the Sussman/Joffe data. The CIA reviewed the Trump/YotaPhone data (and the Alfa Bank data) in early 2017. The fact that the CIA accepted this data on President Trump is its own scandal. In any event, the CIA’s findings are significant, as they concluded that the data was not “technically plausible” and was “user created and not machine/tool generated.” (I’ve been asked about the last part of that paragraph, which says the “Special Counsel’s Office has not reached a definitive conclusion in this regard.” The term “definitive conclusion” stands out, making me suspect he has “initial” conclusions on the data. Durham’s filings in this case suggest he agrees with the CIA.) Anyway, what a finding by the CIA. Of course, this only leads to more questions: Which “user” created the data? Does it go back to the Joffe conspiracy? And who else is part of that conspiracy? For that last question, consider this revelation from a previous Durham filing: As to those questions of a conspiracy, Durham’s granting of immunity provides some insight. As we suspected back on April 5, “Researcher-2” (identified as David Dagon) has been given immunity. The reason? So that Durham can “uncover otherwise-unavailable facts” relating to the Alfa Bank project. Dagon being granted immunity is certainly important, as Durham states that Rodney Joffe – who led the Alfa Bank hoax effort – remains a “subject” of the investigation. While Sussman and others argue that it’s impossible to prosecute Joffe because of the 5-year statute of limitations, Durham disagrees, stating: “defense counsel is not – and could not be – aware of all the evidence that the Government has collected and continues to collect, or the possible violations of law it is investigating.” Durham will also be granting immunity at trial “for an individual who was employed at” Fusion GPS. I initially suspected this was Christopher Steele but was steered in the right direction after some smart folks noted the person was “employed” at Fusion GPS (as opposed to Steele, who was “retained” by Fusion GPS). This person might be Laura Seago. This former Fusion GPS employee will likely testify to “limited information pertaining to” Christopher Steele. As Durham puts it: this will include whether Sussman was acting on behalf of the Clinton Campaign when he relayed the Alfa Bank allegations. Finally, I leave you with some questions to consider. Start asking why Sussman and Joffe were so desperate to provide the FBI and CIA with dirt purportedly linking Trump and Russia. Sussman himself provided false statements to federal officials, and it’s becoming more and more likely that someone potentially fabricated this evidence. Sussman and Joffe risked charges - and thus jeopardized their lucrative careers - to tie Trump to Russia. Considering the personal costs to both men, are we to believe that this was only about politics? Or maybe this all leads back to the DNC hack…
John Durham Issues Trial Subpoenas To Members Of Clinton Campaign, DNC Special counsel John Durham has issued trial subpoenas for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign, the Democratic National Committee (DNC), Fusion GPS, and Perkins Coie as he continues to prosecute his findings as special counsel, from which he charged cybersecurity lawyer Michael Sussmann, who in 2016 represented the Clinton campaign, with lying to the FBI. Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign, the DNC, Washington-based private intelligence firm Fusion GPS, and law firm Perkins Coie, Sussmann’s former employer, meanwhile, are trying to fend off Durham’s efforts to compel them to hand over previously withheld documents. The campaign and Sussmann’s lawyers argue that attorney-client privilege should allow them to keep the records concealed. Durham, who was tasked around March-May 2019 with reviewing the origins of the 2016-2017 FBI investigation of the now disproven Trump–Russia collusion narrative, says his investigation has led him to believe that the Clinton-allied groups played a coordinating role in pushing the false claims. In May 2017, special counsel and former FBI head Robert Mueller ultimately found no Trump-Russia collusion to sway the 2016 election. Earlier this month, Durham said that Fusion GPS “was not primarily providing or supporting expertise relating to legal advice; instead, it appears that the investigative firm’s primary, if not sole, function was to generate opposition research materials that the firm then shared widely.” On April 23, Durham said of the groups, “meeting to agree on the express goal of a joint venture is precisely what happened here, on more than one occasion.” The special counsel said that “Tech Executive-1” Rodney Joffe, “Originator-1” April Lorenzen of the information services firm Zetalytics, and other researchers started to discuss “searching for and collecting derogatory internet data about the online activities of Donald Trump and his associates” in June 2016. Lorenzen “assembled and shared initial purported data” with Joffe, “who, in turn, shared the data” with Sussmann, Durham added. “The joint venture continued and crystallized early in August 2016,” when Sussmann, Joffe, and “agents of the Clinton Campaign” met, Durham said, while citing an Aug. 12, 2016, meeting where Sussmann, Joffe, Marc Elias (former Perkins Coie partner), and the co-founder of Fusion gathered in Elias’s office to discuss “the same Russian Bank-1 allegations that the defendant would later bring to the FBI.” “The parties agreed to conduct work in the hope that it would benefit the Clinton Campaign, namely, gathering and disseminating purportedly derogatory data regarding Trump and his associates’ internet activities,” Durham wrote. “The evidence will show that as a result of these conversations and during this same time period, Tech Executive-1 did exactly that: he tasked employees from multiple Internet companies and a university working under a pending national security contract to mine and gather vast amounts of internet metadata in order to support an ‘inference’ and ‘narrative’ tying the candidate [Trump] to Russia.” Durham went on to add that Joffe continued the “joint venture” via an Aug. 17, 2016, call with Sussmann and Elias, an Aug. 19, 2016, meeting with Sussmann and Elias, and a Sept. 8, 2016, call and meeting with Sussmann. All of these, Durham said, citing calendars he has viewed, were billed to the Clinton Campaign by the defendant. Durham further stated that Joffe also requested the CEO of an internet company to mine and analyze huge amounts of internet traffic for derogatory information regarding Trump and his associate’s online communications and internet connections. Joffe also sent the CEO of the internet company a list containing private information, such as email addresses, IP addresses, and physical addresses of multiple Trump associates, many of whom were being researched by Fusion, Durham said. Joffe had made clear his desire to ensure that Perkins and the Clinton campaign would be “happy” with the information he had discovered, Durham added. Sussman was indicted in September 2021 for lying to the FBI when he claimed he had information about an alleged secret communication channel between Trump and a Russian bank; claims which ultimately proved to be false. Sussman allegedly told then-FBI General Counsel James Baker in October 2016, while making the claims of alleged communications, that he was not representing any client, while he, in fact, was billing the time to the Clinton campaign. Following the subpoenas, lawyers for Sussman moved to prevent materials being admitted in the case with their argument that they are protected by attorney-client privilege. They’ve called Durham’s subpoenas “astonishing and legally inappropriate.” “The Special Counsel continues to overreach: he seeks to admit evidence that the law squarely forbids, he seeks to prove unduly prejudicial allegations he has not charged, and he seeks to prove conduct that is utterly irrelevant to the one discrete crime he has charged,” the lawyers said. Durham disputes that. He maintains that “the goal of the joint venture could not have been more clear: it was to gather and disseminate derogatory non-public information regarding the internet activities of a political candidate and his associates,” he wrote in a April 23 court filing.
But if Trump does return to Twitter, it won’t somehow magically boost Trump’s 2024 prospects. Instead it’ll reveal he never had any 2024 prospects.
Anyone needing the likes of the fraudulent debunked fabricating liar aka "PalmerReport" to tell them that obvious bit of info, must be quite daft indeed.
Leaked - Russia Hoax: Durham Staffer Accidentally Reveals Emails Showing Coordination Between Fusion GPS And Media Another significant filing by John Durham’s special counsel team to the court was made Monday night. {READ HERE} Within the filing the staff accidentally did not seal the attachments which are emails between Fusion GPS and many major media outlets. Whoops. First, the background. In a previous liable lawsuit by Alfa Bank against Fusion GPS, the Russian bank was able to get the internal emails between Fusion GPS and major media outlets as part of the lawsuit discovery phase. Despite the lawsuit failing to advance, those prior emails now become evidence for John Durham to use in the case against Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann. Michael Sussmann, a Perkins Coie lawyer, is accused of lying to the FBI about who he was working for when Sussmann was trying to push the Trump-Russia collusion story to trigger an investigation. Former FBI legal counsel James Baker has said Sussmann told the FBI he was operating independently as a concerned citizen. However, Sussmann is defending himself by saying: (a) he never said he was not working for Clinton at the time he brought the FBI the material, a demonstrable falsehood; and (b) he was motivated by altruism, unrelated to efforts to help Clinton, another demonstrable falsehood. As the case has proceeded all of the parties are now claiming legal and work product ‘privileges’ to stop Durham from using their communication and networked conspiracy against Michael Sussmann, and by extension them, in court. Fusion GPS, Perkins Coie, Marc Elias, Michael Sussmann, Hillary for America (Clinton campaign), Robby Mook (Campaign Manager), along with Tech-Executive-1 Rodney Joffe, are all claiming some form of privilege. Monday night, in a responsive filing connected to all of the privilege claims, John Durham deconstructed the nature of their defense. Techno-Fog has a good outline {SEE HERE} of the court documents. However, attached to the filing were exhibits supposed to be filed under seal that the Durham staff “accidentally” did not seal right away. The exhibit consists of the emails between Fusion GPS and media as the opposition research team attempted to push the Trump-Russia collusion story into the media bloodstream -through their ideologically aligned allies- in 2016. The emails show how extensive Fusion GPS co-founders Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch pushed the Trump Russia story. The emails show the coordinated effort of Fusion GPS with multiple journalists, producers and media outlets. You can read the emails HERE. I’m not going to publish the emails because the contacts, addresses, phone numbers etc. are not redacted; but you can clearly see the scale of who was involved. The emails show journalists from Politico, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC all feeding from the same trough of manipulated information being fed from Fusion GPS. The journalists, producers and Fusion GPS all working in close coordination to push the false Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy. The accidentally public emails highlight a soup-to-nuts ‘who’s-who‘ of political disinformation. {SEE HERE} Additionally, the Durham filing itself {SEE HERE} gives us another granular look at how the prosecution is walking the tightrope of carefully balanced prosecution of leftist activists, lawfare people and political organizations outside government. Within the filing the privilege claims are easily dispatched by prosecutor Andrew J. DeFilippis, Assistant Special Counsel to John Durham. One key paragraph is a little funny in that the prosecution uses the defense position against them. The prosecution states the “purported privilege holders who have intervened do so in a case in which the defendant has denied representing any client when he brought the Russian Bank-1 allegations to the FBI.” The privilege controversy itself seemingly entraps Michael Sussmann. How can Sussmann claim attorney-client privilege when his defense is to say he wasn’t working on behalf of any client when he brought the information to the FBI? Whoopsie daisy. All of that said, there’s another interesting aspect to this specific filing if you stand back away from the granular legal details and look at the arc of the prosecution within it. It appears to me that Michael Sussmann is not the REAL target of this prosecution, Marc Elias is. It looks like John Durham is using the prosecution of Sussmann, and all the details within the case, to box in a very easy prosecution of Michael Sussmann’s boss, the infamous Democrat lawyer, Marc Elias. Read the filing and you see how Perkins Coie and Marc Elias are clearly and purposefully outlined as having the major role in the activity of Sussmann. All prosecutorial roads against Sussmann are leading to Elias. That risk would certainly explain why Marc Elias left Perkins Coie immediately after the Alfa Bank lawsuit against Fusion GPS revealed the connective tissue, and then John Durham start focusing on Perkins Coie and Michael Sussmann. Given the ideological and political nature of the DOJ under AG Merrick Garland and Deputy AG Lisa Monaco, it makes sense that John Durham would not and importantly, could not, go directly at Marc Elias. Marc Elias is the biggest Lawfare fish in the world of Democrats. He is the primary legal mind and legal entity around the entire Democrat apparatus from elections to electoral maps. Elias is the leftists modern legal Moses. If John Durham was viewed to be targeting Elias directly, his special counsel investigation would be shut down tomorrow, regardless of political backlash. Marc Elias is to outside government as Barack Obama is to inside government. The DOJ would immediately stop Durham if he was obviously targeting Elias. Inside the firestorm that follows, the political media would rally the wagons around protecting Garland, Monaco and Biden ….and after a few days of republicans in the legislative branch gnashing their teeth on Hannity, Ingraham et al, the explosive decision would blow over. DC would make or create some massive shiny thing to cover the controversy. Bottom Line: Marc Elias is protected by both wings of the professionally political UniParty. That said, if in the prosecution of Michael Sussmann, it became obvious that Marc Elias was guilty of organizing a criminal conspiracy to defraud the Unites States government on behalf of the Clinton campaign, well, that would be incidental, and that’s how Durham could get to Elias. Marc Elias is likely to be the biggest catchable fish in the carefully navigated prosecution of those outside government. Keep watching.
Clinton Campaign Lawyer Wanted To Create 'October Surprise' With Trump-Russia Claims: Prosecutors A Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer aimed to influence the 2016 presidential election when he conveyed allegations about then-presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russia to the FBI, U.S. prosecutors said on May 17. Michael Sussman, the lawyer, and others were hoping to create an “October surprise” by “using and manipulating the FBI,” Brittain Shaw, a prosecutor with Special Counsel John Durham’s team, said during opening arguments in Sussmann’s trial. The government’s goal is to prove Sussmann lied to FBI general counsel Jim Baker when he provided documents alleging a link between Trump’s business and a Russian bank during a Sept. 19, 2016 meeting at the FBI’s headquarters. According to a text message Sussmann sent to Baker before the meeting, the lawyer claimed he was bringing the information on his own accord, not on behalf of a client. But Sussmann, who was representing the Clinton campaign and technology executive Rodney Joffe at the time, was actually passing along the data on behalf of his clients, the government alleges. The lie was material because the FBI may have chosen to act more cautiously and probe Sussmann’s network, which included a group of researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology, prosecutors said in the indictment against Sussmann. The lawyer faces up to five years in prison if convicted. Jurors also heard from Michael Bosworth, who said that Sussmann did not lie to the FBI. The lawyer gave information to the FBI because he was legitimately concerned as a “cyber defense attorney” in the rumors and allegations regarding Trump and a Russian bank “owned by an associate of Vladimir Putin,” Bosworth said. The defense plans to argue that Sussmann was well-known, respected by the government, and had nothing to gain on behalf of his clients by conveying the data to Baker, who had worked with him for years at the DOJ. Shaw said that Sussmann wanted to use the FBI as a “political pawn” and that he lied “for political aim.” The case involves “a look, a leap, and a lie,” according to Shaw. The look was meeting with Steele to look into what he had, the leap was reaching out to friendly media outlets to publish the allegations, and when that didn’t happen, Sussmann went to the FBI. When the meeting happened, Trump was the Republican nominee for president and Clinton was the Democrat nominee for president. Trump ended up winning, but was dogged for years by the investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller into alleged links with Russia. Mueller concluded there was no coordination or cooperation between Trump or his campaign and Russian actors. Witnesses scheduled to testify on Tuesday included FBI cyber expert David Martin and Marc Elias, the Clinton campaign’s general counsel.
When lying Democrat election fraudsters Sussman et al authorized and ordered by corrupt Hillary Clinton, their maldeeds exposed for all to see in court transcripts, get let off by a biased jury in DC city that is populated by Dems 20:1. " No trials by judge/jury should occur in Washington, D.C. It has been proven by #J6 and #Sussmann trials that bias and sympathy (and prejudice) control verdicts notwithstanding jury instructions. Evidence & law mean nothing. I was wrong. I predicted guilty but not much you can do when the jury is not fair and impartial. The fix was in. Justice is not blind. Clear case of guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Big loss for Durham. " "The State always protects and preserves all of it's own, including for murder, unless it thinks it can screw over an opposing faction under hangout of acceptable loss." "Maybe 1% of Europe is wearing masks right now. In DC its like 75%." "Our Legal System Is Corrupt" - Trump Responds After Sussman 'FBI-Russia-Hoax-Lie' Acquittal Following the Sussman acquittal, Former President Donald Trump was quick to respond, raging that the legal system isn’t working properly... “Our Legal System is CORRUPT,” Trump said in a post on Truth Social, adding that “our Judges (and Justices!) are highly partisan, compromised, or just plain scared” before lamenting that Michael Sussmann, the lawyer, was found not guilty. Jason Miller, a former Trump campaign aide, also reacted to the verdict, writing on Gettr that Sussmann admitted to giving opposition research to the FBI and not telling the bureau that the research was conducted for Clinton. “How did Sussmann get off??? RIGGED SYSTEM!!!” Miller wrote. The jury unanimously found Sussmann not guilty. “I don’t think it should have been prosecuted,” one juror told reporters. “There are bigger things that affect the nation than a possible lie to the FBI.” “It was the government’s job to prove it and they succeeded in some ways and not in others,” she continued. “We broke it down and it did not pan out in the government’s favor.” The woman, who did not give her name, declined to say how she thought the government succeeded. — Jeff Mordock (@JeffMordock) May 31, 2022 We are unsure what that has to do with the legal principles involved in judging Sussman's guilt? As Constitutional lawyer Jonathan Turley responded to this juror's comments: "Telling a lie to the FBI was the entire basis for the prosecution. It was the jury's job to determine the fact of such a lie and its materiality. ...Of course, this statement can be a simple criticism of the underlying charge without admitting to bias in weighing the elements. Yet, it would have prompted a challenge in the courtroom if expressed during jury selection." But then again... As we detailed earlier, Michael Sussmann, a lawyer representing Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign, has been found not guilty of a single count of lying to the FBI when he said he was not working on behalf of any client when he alleged a covert communications channel between the Trump Organization and Russia's Alfa Bank. Sussmann sits back down. His face is impassive. Judge thanks jury and dismisses them. /12 — Charlie Savage (@charlie_savage) May 31, 2022 Sussmann was charged under 18 U.S.C. 1001 with lying to the FBI during a meeting with then-FBI general counsel James Baker when he came forward with what he claimed was evidence of possible covert communications between the Trump organization and Alfa, a Russian bank. Sussmann allegedly concealed that he was representing the Clinton campaign, which he billed for his efforts. The verdict comes after a two week trial led to more than a day of deliberations... by this jury: TURLEY: “I mean, he is facing a jury that has three Clinton donors, an AOC donor, and a woman whose daughter is on the same sports team with Sussmann’s daughter. With the exception of randomly selecting people out of the DNC headquarters, you could not come up with a worse jury” — Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) May 26, 2022 Baker, who now works for Twitter, said that he likely would not have have met with Michael Sussmann if he knew Sussmann was acting on behalf of the Clinton campaign. I don’t think I would have,” Baker said on the stand in federal court in Washington, as noted by the Epoch Times. Knowing Trump’s opponent was behind the allegations “would have raised very serious questions, certainly, about the credibility of the source” and the “veracity of the information,” Baker said. It would also have heightened “a substantial concern in my mind about whether we were going to be played.” The testimony bolsters a key piece of special counsel John Durham’s case against Sussmann—that knowing the sources propelling Sussmann to meet with Baker would have altered how the FBI analyzed the information, which the bureau ultimately found did not substantiate the claims of a secret backchannel between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank. “Absent Sussmann’s false statement, the FBI might have taken additional or more incremental steps before opening and/or closing an investigation,” prosecutors said in Sussmann’s indictment, which charged him with lying to the FBI. As Techno Fog notes: The acquittal is no surprise. This is a DC jury, after all. In the Roger Stone case, for example, we documented how a juror lied to get on the panel. (That judge didn’t care.) Making matters worse, the Sussmann judge wrongly allowed for a woman to remain on the jury, despite the fact that her daughter and Sussmann’s are on the same high school crew team. One can’t help but think that juror had her own daughter’s interests in mind – the cohesion of the crew team – when she reached a decision. On the facts, there was more than sufficient evidence to prove Sussmann’s guilt. Sussmann lied to then-FBI general counsel James Baker in order to get a meeting to pass the Alfa Bank hoax materials to the FBI. Sussmann lied again during the meeting – stating he was not there on behalf of a client – in order to get the FBI to open an investigation into the Trump Organization’s purported ties with Alfa Bank. Later, during testimony to Congress, Sussmann admitted he met with Baker on behalf of a client. Billing records proved he had been working on the Alfa Bank project on behalf of the Clinton Campaign. I won’t say the verdict doesn’t matter. Of course it matters. It would have proven that a DC jury can convict one of their own. It would have resulted in accountability for lying to the FBI. Not the gravest of crimes, but it is still a crime. In large part, the prosecution of Sussmann was hamstrung by the FBI’s investigation into the Alfa Bank allegations. That goes to materiality. How can the lies be material if the FBI’s investigation was so sloppy? (Answer: they were material because the lies helped open the investigation in the first place.) On the issue of materiality, look to the testimony of FBI Special Agent Curtis Heide, whose repeated requests to interview the source of the Alfa Bank information were denied by headquarters. FBI Headquarters didn’t want this thing thoroughly vetted - even though they demanded the investigation be opened. As we stated during the trial: Relatively early on in the investigation - on September 26, 2016 - Agent Heide sent a message to Pientka, requesting an interview of the source of the Alfa Bank white papers. By that time, Heide knew the white paper was bunk. He received no response from Pientka. He repeated this request on October 3, 2016. Agent Heide’s requests were rebuffed by his liaison at FBI headquarters: That’s not the say the public hasn’t benefited from the trial. The information disclosed during the trial was important to understand the broader Clinton/Fusion GPS/Perkins Coie effort to poison the public, the press, and the FBI with their Trump/Russia lies. Read the rest from Techno Fog here. Meanwhile, here's more on why many thought Sussmann would be found guilty: Why Sussman is guilty as charged. The popular leftist narrative goes "who cares what Sussman told Baker? Everyone knew he was working for the Clinton campaign." It's flawed because it's asking the wrong question. The right question is "would Baker have passed on Sussman's data to investigators had Sussman informed him he was there representing the Clinton campaign?" The answer is no. In fact Baker said he wouldn't have even taken the meeting. Baker testifies that knowing whether or not Sussmann had client was important to him to assess its reliability of information. He says he would not have taken the meeting if Sussmann said he was working on behalf of Clinton camp — Andrew Goudsward (@AGoudsward) May 19, 2022 "Baker insisted he had a clear memory that, at the 2016 meeting, Sussmann claimed he was not bringing the allegations to the FBI on behalf of any client. “I’m 100 percent confident that he said that in the meeting,” he said. The key point overlooked by most: Sussman didn't lie just to give himself cover. He lied so BAKER would have cover to hand the data over to Cyber Division. In fact the lie was necessary BECAUSE "everyone knew" Sussman was working for the Clinton campaign. Including Sussman. Sussmann was found not guilty. Many of us viewed the evidence was overwhelming. Yet, the jury either believed he did not lie or that the lie was not material. — Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) May 31, 2022 And let the arguments begin: We literally found out that Hillary Clinton OKed dissemination of disinformation meant to undermine trust in our presidential elections -- which was spread widely by leftist media outlets (CNN being one of the worst offenders.) But sure, do your thing! — David Harsanyi (@davidharsanyi) May 31, 2022
"Name one Biden Policy that has made America better. Just one. I'll sit here and wait... -- The Internet"
In part, via Democrat Owned Fake News Media Propaganda...
Not Making Headlines on Fake News Media... BIDEN FREEFALL: Joe Biden’s Approval Sinks to a New Low at 40% in Latest National Polling AZ Audit Could Not Find the Identity of 86,391 Voters – They Don’t Appear to Exist and 73.8% Are Democrat or No Party Affiliation WTH? Joe Biden Says 97-98% of American Public Must Get Vaxxed Before Things Get Back to “Normal” HUNDREDS of New Yorkers March in Manhattan Chanting “Fuck Joe Biden – And DeBlasio” Project Veritas: Johnson & Johnson: Children Don’t Need the ‘Fucking’ Covid Vaccine – “Unknown Repercussions” New York Governor Hochul to Deploy Medically Trained National Guard Troops to Replace Unvaccinated Healthcare Workers in Hospitals Federal Judges Say NYC Can Impose Vaccine Mandate on School Employees – Lawyers Representing Teachers to Petition US Supreme Court Over 200 Business Owners File Federal Class Action Lawsuit Againt NYC Mayor: ‘This Will Be The First Domino’ To #EndCovidTyranny Nationwide The Clintons, Bushs, and Obamas Back a Fundraising Shill in a 1-Room New York Apartment Welcoming Afghans in the US Maricopa County Hired Two Firms to Audit its 2020 Election Results – Senate Audit Confirms Their Work Was Shoddy at Best AZ State Senator Kelly Townsend Files S.B. 1487 Against Maricopa County For Unanswered Questions From July Hearing And Audit Report Lt. Col. Scheller Incarcerated and Sent to the Brig for Speaking Out against Weak US Generals for Surrendering Afghanistan, Stranding Americans and Arming Taliban Terrorists Google-YouTube Outlaws Any Content that Doubts US or Germany Elections …(But NOT the 2016 Election!) Psaki Bolts From Podium as Reporter Asks About Joe Biden’s “Collapsing” Poll Numbers Reporter Confronts Psaki on Biden Trashing American Press During Oval Office Meeting with Indian PM Modi Biden White House Releases Memo Insisting Its Policies — Open Borders, Arming Taliban, Stranding Americans in Afghanistan, Squatters Camps on Border — Are VERY Popular with American Public Joe Biden Ignores Question About Visiting US-Mexico Border After Receiving Covid Booster Shot Panama: More than 80,000 Migrants have Traveled through Nation This Year Joe Biden Jokes About Not Looking a Day Over 65 Before Taking Booster Shot — Then Forgets His Mask at Podium Democrat Gov. Newsom Signs Bill Making Universal Vote-by-Mail Permanent in California Maricopa County Supervisor Clint Hickman Demands That Auditors “Speak Loudly And Publicly To Us and God” Antifa Member Who Shot Proud Boy Tusitala “Tiny” Toese Unmasked, Identified and Charged with First-Degree Assault While Armed with a Deadly Weapon 61-Year-Old Jan. 6 Defendant and Veteran Who Begged Police For Help During Capitol Riot Dies Awaiting Trial on Trumped-Up Charges “Silence Enables the Liar” – On ’60 Minutes’ Liz Cheney Attacks Trump and His Supporters Who Speak Out Against 2020 Election Fraud
Joe Biden the MAJOR ASSHOLE and his fucked up Admin, are now actively firing hundreds of thousands of private sector workers from their jobs, thus condemning them to not be eligible for unemployment insurance, giving them dishonorable discharges from military, ruining families and small business, etc... Biden now goes 10X MORE Communist State ASSHOLE on everyone... Biden's Vax Mandate To Be Enforced By Fining Companies $70,000 To $700,000 President Joe Biden didn’t just announce a Covid-19 vaccine mandate on companies employing 100 or more people, he plans to enforce it. On Saturday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s House quietly tucked an enforcement mechanism into their $3.5 trillion “reconciliation” bill, passed it out of the Budget Committee, and sent it to the House floor. Buried on page 168 of the House Democrats’ 2,465-page mega bill is a tenfold increase in fines for employers that “willfully,” “repeatedly,” or even seriously violate a section of labor law that deals with hazards, death, or serious physical harm to their employees. The increased fines on employers could run as high as $70,000 for serious infractions, and $700,000 for willful or repeated violations—almost three-quarters of a million dollars for each fine. If enacted into law, vax enforcement could bankrupt non-compliant companies even more quickly than the $14,000 OSHA fine anticipated under Biden’s announced mandate. The Biden Administration has already started implementing its vaccine mandate enforcement blueprint: The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) set precedent this summer and published an emergency Covid-19 rule in the Federal Register taking jurisdiction over and providing justification for Covid-19 being a workplace hazard for healthcare employment. Early in September, Biden announced his 100-or-more employee Covid-19 vaccine mandate and tasked OSHA with drafting an enforcement rule to exert emergency vaccine compliance authority over companies with 100 or more employees. The legislative provision that passed the Budget Committee raises the OSHA fines for non-compliance 10 times higher – and up to $700,000 for each “willful” or “repeated” violation. Speaker Nancy Pelosi has not announced when the House will vote on the reconciliation bill that includes the new OSHA fines. If the legislation is enacted, OSHA could levy draconian fines to enforce Biden’s vaccine mandate, a move that could rapidly bankrupt non-compliant companies. The Biden mandate affects employers collectively employing an estimated 80 million workers. The Democrats are playing hardball. President Biden embraced an aggressive stance earlier this month when he challenged Republicans who are threatening lawsuits over what they decry as his federal overreach: “Have at it. … We’re playing for real here. This isn’t a game.” The Legislation The provision tucked in the House reconciliation budget bill (on page 168) that increases OSHA fines reads: SEC. 21004. ADJUSTMENT OF CIVIL PENALTIES. (a) OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ACT OF 1970.—Section 17 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (29 U.S.C. 666) is amended— (1) in subsection (a)— (A) by striking ‘‘$70,000’’ and inserting ‘‘$700,000’’; and (B) by striking ‘‘$5,000’’ and inserting ‘‘$50,000’’; (2) in subsection (b), by striking ‘‘$7,000’’ and inserting ‘‘$70,000’’; and (3) in subsection (d), by striking ‘‘$7,000’’ and inserting ‘‘$70,000’’ That provision would change existing law relating to OSHA’s enforcement fines, the very same section of law whose fines OSHA referenced in its June Covid-19 healthcare worker rule and is likely to use again to enforce its forthcoming vaccine compliance rules. The Existing Law 29 U.S.C.§ 666 lays out OSHA enforcement fine levels. The 1970-enacted law reads: 29 U.S. Code § 666 - Civil and criminal penalties (a) Willful or repeated violation Any employer who willfully or repeatedly violates the requirements of section 654 of this title, any standard, rule, or order promulgated pursuant to section 655 of this title, or regulations prescribed pursuant to this chapter may be assessed a civil penalty of not more than $70,000 for each violation, but not less than $5,000 for each willful violation (b) Citation for serious violation Any employer who has received a citation for a serious violation of the requirements of section 654 of this title, of any standard, rule, or order promulgated pursuant to section 655 of this title, or of any regulations prescribed pursuant to this chapter, shall be assessed a civil penalty of up to $7,000 for each such violation [emphasis added]. Each year, OSHA adjusts these penalties for inflation, so for 2021, the fines are not actually capped at $70,000 and $7,000, but $136,532 and $13,653 per violation. If House Democrats get their way, by enacting the page 168 changes, those fines would increase to $700,000 for willful and repeated violations and $70,000 for serious violations. Section 654, cross-referenced in the OSHA enforcement penalty code, outlines the law requiring workplaces to be “free from recognized hazards” causing harm or death: 29 U.S. Code § 654 - Duties of employers and employees (a) Each employer— (1) shall furnish to each of his employees employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees; (2) shall comply with occupational safety and health standards promulgated under this chapter. (b) Each employee shall comply with occupational safety and health standards and all rules, regulations, and orders issued pursuant to this chapter which are applicable to his own actions and conduct [emphasis added]. OSHA has already published a rule this year claiming Covid-19 is a workplace hazard, and the agency is using this provision of law to assert and enforce its authority. It is likely the new rule to enforce Biden’s mandate will also use this authority, and by extension use the fines upon enforcement. Huge Crippling OSHA Fines, Likely By Design The crippling change described on page 168 of the Democrats’ bill isn’t a typo or a clerical error. It was inserted by design and, likely, with the hope that no one would notice before Democrats ram the bill through Congress. If enacted, it could bankrupt a whole host of companies that do not believe they should have to comply with the Biden administration’s mandate or harbor the cost of intrusive, weekly tests. In its June 2021 emergency rule affecting health care workers, OSHA complained it was having a hard time motivating employers with its paltry $13,653 fine: “OSHA has been limited in its ability to impose penalties high enough to motivate the very large employers who are unlikely to be deterred by penalty assessments of tens of thousands of dollars, but whose noncompliance can endanger thousands of workers …” The Critics Some have openly discussed businesses defying the mandate and taking their risks with OSHA fines. For example, Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) tweeted that businesses “should openly rebel” against any OSHA rule. It’s one thing to defy a $14,000 fine. It’s quite another to risk incurring hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines. One or two disgruntled employees, for example, could bring an employer $70,000-$140,000 in OSHA fines. If considered “willful,” as per Rep. Roy’s tweet — just three “violations” could quickly become a $2.1 million OSHA fine. Conclusion: If its provision becomes law, the Biden administration may force American businesses to choose between vaccinating their employees, testing them weekly for Covid-19, or going bankrupt under crippling OSHA fines. In September, Biden warned the tens of millions of Americans who have declined vaccination against Covid-19, “We’ve been patient. But our patience is wearing thin, and your refusal has cost all of us.” Now the Democrats in the House are hoping to make employers foot the bill for that “cost” in the form of fines and bankruptcy. Republicans might want to read page 168 of the Democrats’ bill. After all, as we like to say at, the text of the bill is online in real time.
Joe Biden the MAJOR ASSHOLE and his fucked up Admin, are now actively firing hundreds of thousands of private sector workers from their jobs, thus condemning them to not be eligible for unemployment insurance, giving them dishonorable discharges from military, ruining families and small business, etc...
One example re Medical Sector... Fire everyone, cause shortages, health panics, cause mass disruption, pass all sorts of nightmare legislation, hire in emergency workers at higher rates on your dime, play Saviour, etc... classic... The vaccination deadline for health-care workers In New York and a handful of other nearby states has come and gone, and although the NYT reported that thousands of workers lined up for jabs at the last minute, thousands of workers in the industry have continued to resist despite the fact that authorities are turning up the pressure by declaring that those fired due to the mandate won't receive unemployment insurance. With the situation growing ever more dire, NY Gov. Kathy Hochul signed an order on Monday to deal with possible staffing shortfalls resulting from the statewide vaccination mandate for healthcare workers. In a series of tweets Tuesday morning, Gov. Hochul explained why she signed the order. "Last night, I took bold action and signed an executive order that will alleviate potential staffing shortages in our hospitals and other health care facilities across New York State," she tweeted. Healthcare workers who are fired for refusal to comply with the state's COVID-19 vaccination mandate likely won't be eligible for unemployment insurance, according to state officials. In a statement released Sept. 25, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul's office said the New York Department of Labor has issued guidance to clarify that terminated workers won't be eligible for the benefits unless they have a valid physician-approved request for medical accommodation. The governor's office made the announcement at the same time it unveiled a plan to address staffing shortages should a large number of healthcare workers leave hospitals and other facilities because of the state mandate. New York's mandate requires healthcare workers at hospitals and nursing homes to receive their first vaccine dose by Sept. 27. Workers at additional entities covered by the mandate, including diagnostic and treatment centers, home health agencies, long-term home healthcare programs, school-based clinics and hospice care programs, must have at least one dose by Oct. 7. "Workers in a healthcare facility, nursing home, or school who voluntarily quit or are terminated for refusing an employer-mandated vaccination will be ineligible... absent a valid request for accommodation because these are workplaces where an employer has a compelling interest in such a mandate, especially if they already require other immunizations," according to the New York Department of Labor website. Ms. Hochul's office has said the state will consider deploying National Guard members, as well as partnering with the federal government to deploy disaster medical assistance teams to help local healthcare systems. The office said the governor's plan also includes the preparation of a state of emergency declaration to boost workforce supply and allow qualified healthcare professionals licensed in other states or countries, recent graduates, retired and formerly practicing healthcare professionals to practice at New York facilities. But it's not just NY's hospitals facing staff shortages. As police departments from the NYPD to the LAPD struggle with surging violent crime, a group of unvaccinated undercover NYPD officers are reportedly being threatened with demotion or even firing because their refusal to get the vaccine could compromise their ability to meet sources in restaurants and other locations, per the NY Post. At least 10 officers and detectives were told by the Deputy Commissioner of Internal Affairs Joseph Reznick that they would be kicked back to a precinct if they didn’t get the jab. The cops are chiefly part of the IAB, which investigates other cops. One source told the Post: "[Reznick's] doing it because if they are going to set up cops, they need vaccination cards to go into restaurants and they don’t have it," a source said. "No one will want to work with them," the source said. Unlike NYC's public schools, the NYPD doesn't have a vaccine mandate, but starting in mid-August, patrons at NYC restaurants are required to show proof of vaccination in order to enter indoor settings, including restaurants. NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea has said he supports a vaccine mandate for the department, but has stopped short of issuing one because of the potential backlash.
Every day, more fraud, lies
Joe Biden said he didn't know any business dealings... Hunter Biden's own photos prove Joe Biden is a liar... Joe Biden entertained Hunter's Mexican billionaire business associates in the vice president's office in 2014 and even flew with his son to Mexico City on Air Force 2 so Hunter could attend meetings over a 'flippin gigantic' deal. Joe Biden entertained Mexican billionaires Carlos Slim and Miguel Alemán Velasco - his son Hunter's business associates - in the vice president's office in 2014 While Joe was Vice President, he also flew Hunter and his partner Jeff Cooper on Air Force 2 to Mexico City in 2016 Hunter had arranged to meet Alemán's son for meetings over a 'flippin gigantic' business deal, according to Hunter's emails The revelations, laid bare in photos and emails on Hunter's abandoned laptop, suggest Joe's claim that he never spoke about business with Hunter was false Hunter and Biden family friend Cooper hatched a plan in 2013 to invest in multiple businesses in Mexico and Latin America The White House has failed to respond to's requests for comment
Biden the angry dodgey man, again...
Joe Biden said he didn't know any business dealings... Hunter Biden's own photos prove Joe Biden is a liar... Military is now gay... Biden-Dems Wokesters Gorge Themselves on $Billions while fucking You and Freedom over with their Socialist State... Biden's Bloated White House Payroll Is Most Expensive In American History If the White House payroll is a leading indicator of the president’s commitment to expand government then taxpayers have a reason for concern. Projected four-year costs of Biden’s White House payroll could top $200 million. For comparison, inflation adjusted, the Trump administration spent $164.3 million (2017-2020) and the Obama administration spent $188.5 million (2009-2012). On July 1st, the Biden administration released the annual Report to Congress on White House Office Personnel. President Biden hired czars, expensive “fellows,” “assistants,” and spent on a much larger First Lady (FLOTUS) staff. The payroll report included the name, status, salary and position title of all 567 White House employees costing taxpayers $49.6 million. (Search Biden’s White House payroll and Trump’s four years posted at Since January, the Biden administration has quickly staffed up. Here are some key findings from our auditors at There are 190 more employees on White House staff under Biden than under Trump (377) and 80 more than under Obama (487) at this point in their respective presidencies. $9.6 million increase in payroll spending vs. the Trump FY2017 payroll. In 2017, the Trump White House spent $40 million for 377 employees, while the Biden payroll amounts to $49.6 million for 567 employees. All spending amounts are inflation adjusted. Hires include 320 female staffers ($28.9 million salaries) vs. 240 male staffers ($20.8 million salaries). In terms of top staffers — Special Assistants — there are 53 female ($6.3 million salaries) vs. 37 males ($4.4 million). Currently, there are 12 staffers dedicated – at least in part – to Dr. Jill Biden vs. five staffers who served Melania Trump in her first year (FY2017). Counts of the “Assistants to the President” – the most trusted advisors to the president - are the same (22) in for the Biden administration and the Trump and Obama administrations. This year, these advisors make $180,000. This year’s list of key advisors includes names such as Ron Klain (Chief of Staff), Susan Rice (Domestic Policy Council), Jennifer Psaki (Press Secretary), and Kate Bedingfield (Communications Director), Mike Donilon (Senior Advisor), and Steve Ricchetti (Counselor). In the Trump first-year, Steven Bannon, Kellyanne Conway, Omarosa Manigault, Reince Priebus, Sean Spicer and 17 others made salaries of $179,700. In Obama’s first-year, David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel and twenty others held the title with top pay of $172,000. The most highly compensated White House Biden staffer? The top paid is Molly Groom ($185,656), Policy Advisor For Immigration, a crisis issue for the administration. The second highest paid is Elizabeth Hone ($183,164), Senior Policy Advisor For Broadband. The administration proposed $100 billion in government ownership of broadband. In Trump’s administration (2017), Mark House, Senior Policy Advisor, had a salary of $187,500. In Obama’s Administration (2009), David Marcozzi earned $193,000 “on detail” from Health and Human Services. FLOTUS Staff Dr. Jill Biden has 12 staffers including press, communication, and advance trip directors; media coordinators and schedulers. There are senior advisors, and even a couple of social secretaries. Five of the employees also serve the president in some capacity. In 2009, former First Lady Michelle Obama faced criticism for her twenty-four assistants, advisors, aides, and social secretaries. Laura Bush had a staff of eighteen. In 2017, Melania Trump, in her first year, had a staff of five employees. These 12 White House employees serving First Lady Dr. Jill Biden (five also serve the president in some capacity) cost taxpayers $1.35 million and include: Julissa Reynoso Pantaleon, Chief of Staff to the First Lady and White House Gender Policy co-chair ($180,000); Elizabeth Alexander, Director of Communications for the First Lady ($155,000); Carlos Elizondo, Social Secretary ($155,000) and Deputy Social Secretary, Liz Hart ($80,000) Press Secretary, Michael LaRosa, $100,000 Special Initiative Czars Starting in 2009, President Obama came under fire for hiring special initiative czars. From 2017-2020, we found no evidence of “czars” on Trump’s payroll. However, Biden has czar(ed) up – naming at least 21 czars to date, with plans to fill 55 positions. These include: National Climate Advisor Regina McCarthy ($180,000) and a Special Envoy for Climate, John Kerry – who is listed in press accounts, but doesn’t appear in the payroll data. Others include Jeff Zients ($36,000), the COVID-19 czar. Critics at Politico have already questioned, “How many czars does the Biden administration need?” White House Leadership Development Fellows Starting in 2015, President Obama instituted a new fellowship – a White House Leadership Development program with an initial class of sixteen. During the Trump years, the program was dormant. On June 4th, Biden appointed 22 members to the fellowship program. None of these appear in the payroll disclosure. Like most presidents, Joe Biden doesn’t donate his salary. Donald Trump was the first since John F. Kennedy to donate his pre-tax quarterly salary to government agencies. Following tradition, Dr. Jill Biden isn’t paid as First Lady. However, she is the 1st First Lady to maintain an outside income – her government salary as a community college professor at Northern Virginia Community College. Although the White House personnel budget is an infinitesimal part of the $4+ trillion federal budget, it could be a leading indicator of Biden’s commitment to expand the size, scope, and power of the federal government.
Leave it to corrupt wokesters like Lebron James, Biden, Psaki et al to lie and twist a non-racist non-story into a fraudulent political racemongering influence scam... Cop saves others by killing kill crazy knife wielding bitch in real time... “The killing of 16-year-old Ma'Khia Bryant by Columbus police is tragic. She was a child. We are thinking of her friends and family and the communities that are grieving her loss,” Psaki said at a briefing when asked whether Biden had been briefed on the shooting, replying in the affirmative. Then Psaki piled on, noting that Ma'Khia's death came amid a moment of hope for progress in fighting racism in policing: “We know that police violence disproportionately impacts Black and Latino communities and that Black women and girls, like Black men and boys, experience higher rates of police violence. We also know that there are particular vulnerabilities that children in foster care like Ma'Khia face." Lebron James: "You're Next" Earlier, Biden publicly "prayed" for the "right" verdict amid "overwhelming" evidence, while leftists saturated airwaves with protest violent rhetoric leaving jury scared no option but to convict, and not the unhealthy crack addict. Yet crazy trigger happy cops, that shoot people in back and those they have total situation control over, that fail to deescalate, go free. Seems it's not about murder and changing policies, that chance existed for decades and was failed by Big City Dems who had complete control to do it, but about stoking seeding racism 24x7 in the news for political gain all through 2020~2021. ps: They have knife bans and violence bans in the law books, yet just like gun bans, criminals don't follow them.
You can tell a big-budget political campaign when you hear people badmouthing an opposition. It's good when the government and its workers are held accountable. Many people on this list have experienced harm at the hands of government workers.
It's good when the government and its workers are held accountable.
Holding them accountable has never and will never work, anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional, brainwashed, and hasn't read history. The only solution is to get rid of Government, and don't emplace a new one, problem solved, for all history.
government workers.
Democrats and their fraudulent Democrat Fake News media... tensions flared high as a flood of leftist journalists and 'blue-checks' on Twitter falsely reported that Bryant was unarmed. Media vs bodycam — Peace Promoter Poso (@JackPosobiec) April 21, 2021 Less than a day later, bodycam footage revealed that Bryant was clearly wielding a knife - and about to stab the other black teen when she was shot. NBC News, however, continued peddling the 'unarmed' lie with a deceptive edit of the 911 call to remove a reference to the attempted stabbing, as well as the video - which NBC stops right before it's apparent the teen is holding a knife. And their violent Marxist buddies (who for once managed to utter a true fact about the Dems Big Cities aka Dems ghettos)... Biden is currently sending more military equipment to our neighborhoods than Trump did. You read that right. Our communities are being terrorized at a greater rate than they had been under Trump. — Black Lives Matter (@Blklivesmatter) April 20, 2021 BLM, Dems, Reps, Labour, Govt, Pols, etc... all laughable and must go. Nancy Pelosi, who said “Thank you George Floyd for sacrificing your life for justice” in her comments after the verdict in the Chauvin trial was released. Events of the last few days have made one thing crystal clear: The Democratic Party (and therefore the nation) is being led by two doddering old fools who should be domiciled in a rest home, not the Oval Office and the Speaker’s Chamber. Floyd’s death was due to an arrest which shouldn’t have happened and bad police behavior that has nothing to do with race. As to the former point, what should have been on trial in this case was not “systemic racism”, but the Nanny State for grotesquely excessive use of force to enforce a petty counterfeiting complaint that should not be police business in the first place. It’s the job of retail store owners to handle petty counterfeiters or people who unknowingly pass bad greenbacks and to absorb the cost of self-protection just like they do in the case of refusing charges on bad credit cards. So there is zero reason why George Floyd should ever have been arrested. As to bad police behavior, you do not have to look too hard to see that it’s essentially color-blind and that being non-black is no guarantee against the same unjust fate. During the same five-year period in which 104 black lives were lost, a total of 127 unarmed white lives were wasted by the police, as well. That included 32 white killings in 2015 followed by 22, 31, 23 and 19 in 2016 through 2019, respectively. Overall, 302 unarmed citizens were killed by the police during those five years, with the balance accounted for by 71 deaths among Hispanic and other victims. That is, the real issue is illegal and excessive police violence, not racial victimization. ... In a word, some citizens sometimes can’t breathe their last breath because in far too many instances liberty can’t breathe in today’s unhinged Nanny State, either. ... there were 9.3 million arrests among this massive number of arrests, those involving serious crimes against persons and property accounted for just 521,000 or 5.6%. These included: Negligent murder and manslaughter: 11,970; Rape: 25,205; Armed robbery: 88,128; Aggravated assault: 395,800; That’s it. That’s the contribution to core public safety delivered by the 850,000 sworn law enforcement officers in the USA—about 0.6 arrests per year for serious crimes per law enforcement officer. ... Of course, don’t expect Nancy Pelosi or Sleepy Joe to be any more enlightened on the matter than Sean Hannity. These doddering old fools are now enthrall to the wokedom of the progressive-Left; and, as Maxine Water’s blatant performance as agent provocateur in Minneapolis the night before the verdict makes clear, these people want the problem to fester and metastasize, not be alleviated. Indeed, it is probably not too far fetched to say that Congresswoman Waters’ call for a guilty verdict or else a new round of violent uprisings amounted to an insurance policy. Three guilty verdicts could not trigger the latter, but a judicial appeal resulting in a mistrial order surely would. In other words, the Democratic Party has fallen into the grip of vicious leftist zealots and power-hungry authoritarians. And the events of the last two days suggest that two dangerously wrong-headed and ugly narratives—-race-baiting and climate hysteria— now stand at the center of the Dem agenda because the party’s two supreme leaders are too weak and too senile to resist the mob. So we’d say to the feverish punters of Wall Street, yes, embrace the putative Economic Boom impending and buy the Greatest Financial Bubble in history, if you must. But, really, if the events which culminated in Tuesday’s triumph of mob justice do not scare the living bejesus out of you, then, well, you probably deserve to suffer the thundering financial gotterdammerung which is surely coming your way. Now the USA is getting taxed over 50%, lol. Government is the problem. End it.
On your soapbox, you learn how to stay on a soapbox forever. Do you need water? Would it be helpful if I interpreted your words as an attempt to develop software, wrote something up, and brought it back for your review? I'm not a very good coder anymore, but I can do very basic things. Are you trying to say this python code? while True: yesno = input('do you believe government should be abolished by blaming democrats?') if yesno not in ('yes','no'): print('please enter yes or no') continue if yesno == 'no': print('you are wrong.') if yesno == 'yes': print('you are not blaming democrats enough. what is important here is abolishing govenrment.')
Given entire world of "democracies" appear mostly leftist, and all of them unfree... poking holes their narrative, exposing their frauds and silly existance... fun in respective ratios. Maybe someone will expose another party in 2023, or some random country regime... doesn't matter which is chosen, Govt and purveyors and supporters... all the same garbage, same tools apply. Some will awaken and seek freedom.
what is important here is abolishing govenrment.
Soapboxes and waters are available for that. With python codes as partner.
Lebron James: "You're Next"
Earlier, Biden publicly "prayed" for the "right" verdict amid "overwhelming" evidence, while leftists saturated airwaves with protest violent rhetoric leaving jury scared no option but to convict A woman who sat as an alternate juror on the Derek Chauvin trial told a local news station that she was concerned about “rioting and destruction” as well as people turning up at her house if they were angry at the verdict. Lisa Christensen also revealed to KARE 11 how the riots that preceded the verdict were close to her house and that she routinely witnessed them after the trial had concluded for the day. “When I came home, I could hear the helicopters flying over my house… I could hear the flash bangs going off,” Christensen said. “If I stepped outside, I could see the smoke from the grenades. One day, the trial ran a little late, and I had trouble getting to my house, because the protesters were blocking the interstate, so I had to go way around.” Christensen said she had no idea she would be dismissed by the judge and not be a part of deliberations, something that happened “right before the 12 jurors were sequestered.” The alternate juror said she was disappointed to be dismissed and that she would have found Chauvin guilty if she had been part of the final 12 jurors. One juror: "I did not want to go through rioting and destruction again and I was concerned about people coming to my house if they were not happy with the verdict." — Daniel Horowitz (@RMConservative) April 23, 2021 Judging by Christensen’s remarks, that guilty verdict would clearly have been influenced not primarily by the evidence, but by the threat of mass rioting and threats to her own personal safety. “I did not want to go through rioting and destruction again and I was concerned about people coming to my house if they were not happy with the verdict,” she said. The comments clearly suggest that members of the jury were swayed by the threat of nationwide civil unrest, violence and looting that would have undoubtedly occurred had Chauvin escaped any of the charges. “This is the clearest picture yet of the terroristic intimidation jurors faced to ensure Chauvin was found guilty in what was fundamentally a rigged show trial,” comments Chris Menahan. “That the trial was not moved out of Minneapolis is a sick joke but since Charlottesville this has become the new normal.” Other individuals who testified in defense of Chauvin also had their homes attacked before the jury was sent away to reach a verdict. 1/2: Vandals hurl decapitated pig’s head & animal blood at one-time home of former @SantaRosaPolice Ofc. Barry Brodd, who recently testified for the defense in ex-@MinneapolisPD Ofc. Derek Chauvin’s murder trial in the death of George Floyd. Hand statue at @santarosaplaza hit too — Henry K. Lee (@henrykleeKTVU) April 18, 2021
"Biden Is An Idiot" - Fmr Police Officer Blasts Democrats For "Riding The Wave Of Dead Black People" Brandon Tatum Rips Left, Biden, Racism, Lies Former Arizona police officer-turned conservative political commentator Brandon Tatum unloaded on President Biden and the press for politicizing the Derek Chauvin trial, and insists that so-called 'systemic racism' is simply manufactured by politicians and the media to earn votes and make money. "I think we're living in the twilight zone," Tatum said of the Chauvin trial. "This conviction, in my personal opinion, did nothing for our country. People are living a lie. I mean this is one police officer, one person in the community, they found him guilty, this was the swiftest justice I've ever seen in my life. The day after the film came out he was arrested. He was tried. 10 hours of deliberation, he was convicted. I'm not really sure why people are acting like this is monumental. "Also, he did not get a fair trial in my personal opinion. There was a lot of obstruction that happened. They paid the family out $27 million before the jury could be selected. I mean, they're going to have a case in appeal. I don't know why people are celebrating and I don't know why this is such a big focal point other than - people are making money off of the pain of people in our country." The BBC host then asked Tatum if he was upset over this "landmark" case? "This is not a landmark case, this is a political agenda," Tatum shot back. They're pushing laws in our country. Policing in America is not inherently racist. We don't live in a racist country. This was an interaction between a police officer that I thought did the wrong thing, and a black man who was on drugs high, resisting arrest, and ended up being killed by that police officer. That's as simple as it can be. The President of the United States got out and made a fool of himself trying to promote racism in a simple police encounter that the officer got convicted on. "So you reject President Biden's comment about systemic racism and it being a stain on the whole nation?" the host replied. "Yes, President Biden is an idiot in my personal opinion, and he's just talkin' because he's a politician. Systemic racism - I mean if you look at Joe Biden himself, he spoke at a Klu Klux Klan-member's funeral and did the eulogy of Robert Byrd ... We don't have a problem with racism in our country, we have a problem with people not following the law. We also have a problem with politicians making up things so they can get re-elected. And that's exactly what has been happening. That's why you never see anything change. They're lying to us. The host then tried using woke racial statistics, arguing: "So the rate of people being killed by police - the rate is higher amongst black people than amongst the rest of the population. How do you account for that if that isn't a systemic racism problem?" Tatum shut that down with force, replying: "First of all that's not true, twice as many white people are killed by police every year. Twice as many white people are killed unarmed by police every year - you just don't see it. There's a gentleman named Tony Timpa. I bet nobody has any idea who Tony Timpa is. Tony Timpa was murdered in the same fashion as George Floyd was killed, but because he was white, we don't hear about it and nobody cares about it. Nobody's talking about police reform when he was suffocated and killed. But they only talk about it because George Floyd is black. "Black people commit over half of violent crimes in this country, and only make up 13 percent of the population. They commit over half of the murders in this country, but only make up 13 percent of the population - and we can agree that 13 percent of the population aren't the criminals. There's only a small fraction of the black community that's doing this. So that explains why police are in the black communities more, and that explains why black people are incarcerated more. They are making up lies saying that it has anything to do with racism. "Do you understand that there's black police officers too that patrol many of these majority-black cities? Are they racist? No, that's not the case. They're just making things up in my personal opinion, and they're riding a wave of dead black people in order to make money and get political leverage."
hypocrisy Left Bill Maher Blasts Left Stupidity He rightly decries the politicization of medicine and the manner in which the media has been a handmaiden of panic throughout. Well it's been over a week since I checked on the Neanderthal and science states and sure enough, the rate of new cases in the science states is still 340% higher The best part is that literally no one in media cares that the President, Fauci & the CDC were so unbelievably wrong — IM (@ianmSC) April 15, 2021 Biden Yellen global-minimum-corporate-tax-rate... the pauperization of workers, which will be aggravated precisely by what is pursued as an overall goal: extracting more income from labor and reviving the profitability of capital as a whole. They are not doing it to tackle inequality. What they are about is to reinforce the state’s capacity for economic action. Rebalancing acts between imperialist interests... are never peaceful or smooth.
hypocrisy Graham: Elections Of Obama, Harris Are Proof That "Our Systems Are Not Racist" Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Sunday pushed back against President Joe Biden’s remarks that “systemic racism” exists in the United States, saying that the elections of former President Barack Obama and Vice President Kamala Harris prove otherwise. Graham’s comments came in response to remarks made by the president on April 20 following the conviction of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin in the May 2020 death of George Floyd, who died in police custody. Biden at the time called systemic racism “a stain on our nation’s soul—the knee on the neck of justice for black Americans—profound fear and trauma, the pain, the exhaustion that black and brown Americans experience every single day.” Graham cited the elections of Obama, who is African American and was in office from January 2009 to January 2017, and Harris, who is South Asian and Black. “Not in my opinion. We just elected a two-term African-American president. The vice president is of African-American-Indian descent. So our systems are not racist. America is not a racist country,” Graham responded during an appearance on “Fox News Sunday.” “So this attack on police and policing—reform the police … You know, America is a work in progress but [it’s the] best place on the planet and Joe Biden spent a lot of time running the place down. I wish he would stop it,” he told host Chris Wallace. Chauvin, 45, who was found guilty by jurors of second-degree murder, second-degree manslaughter, and third-degree murder in Floyd’s death, is one of society’s “bad actors,” Graham suggested. Floyd, 46, was restrained on the ground after resisting being placed into a patrol car when he was arrested for allegedly using a counterfeit $20 at a nearby store. Chauvin knelt on Floyd’s neck and back to restrain him for over nine minutes. By the time an ambulance arrived, Floyd had stopped breathing. Chauvin faces the prospect of 40 years in prison. Under Minnesota law, criminals only face jail time on their most serious crime if all charges are from a single act. “The Chauvin trial was a just result. What’s happening in Ohio where the police officer had to use deadly force to prevent a young girl from being stabbed to death is a different situation, in my view,” Graham said. The Republican senator was referring to the fatal officer-involved shooting of 16-year-old Ma’Khia Bryant in Ohio last week. Bryant of Columbus was seen on body camera footage being shot by an officer after she lunged at another young woman while holding a knife. In a subsequent Fox News interview on Sunday, Rep. Karen Bass (D-Calif.), the former chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, opposed Graham’s remarks. “My response is, at some point in our country’s history, we have got to figure out a way to talk about race where we can talk about it objectively and people don’t feel individual guilt,” Bass said. She added, “You can look at each of our institutions. Why is there such massive inequality when it comes to education, when it comes to health care? Why does that exist? And so we have to figure out a way to talk about it. Right now, to say it doesn’t exist does not help anyone.”
Judging by Christensen’s remarks, that guilty verdict would clearly have been influenced not primarily by the evidence, but by the threat of mass rioting and threats to her own personal safety.
“I did not want to go through rioting and destruction again and I was concerned about people coming to my house if they were not happy with the verdict,” she said.
were swayed by the threat of nationwide civil unrest, violence and looting
“This is the clearest picture yet of the terroristic intimidation
Other individuals who testified in defense ... had their homes attacked
1/2: Vandals hurl decapitated pig’s head & animal blood at one-time home of former @SantaRosaPolice Ofc. Barry Brodd I was shot by a deranged Leftist who came to the baseball field with a list of Congressional Republicans to kill. This was NOT “suicide by cop.” End of story. — Steve Scalise (@SteveScalise) April 21, 2021 Illinoisans Overwhelmingly Oppose Racial Indoctrination Rampant In Schools, Yet They Cower In Silence Here's What Data Says About The Myth Of "Racism" In Police Killings Illinoisans Overwhelmingly Oppose Racial Indoctrination Rampant In Schools, Yet They Cower In Silence By Mark Glennon of Wirepoints Illinois’ political establishment is far out of touch with the general public on the racial dogma now forced on students from kindergarten through college. Yet a stunning two-thirds of Illinoisans say they don’t speak up, thereby ceding control to an intolerant, extremist minority. The proof is in a poll released last month that was mostly buried and ignored by the press. It primarily addressed what schools now teach as unquestionable truth: critical race theory, often called anti-racism or wokism. Illinoisans don’t like it. The American Council of Trustees and Alumni, which commissioned the poll, summarized their findings this way: A majority of respondents favor equipping teachers to develop core skills and competencies over the encouragement of progressive political activism. Illinoisans also favor a curriculum that focuses on “American founding principles and . . . documents” over one that incorporates key tenets of the New York Times’ 1619 Project. At the post secondary level, strong majorities oppose reducing police presence on campus; support viewpoint diversity; favor a merit-based application process; and prioritize reducing the cost of tuition over expanding diversity and equity programs. That’s completely at odds with mandates from the state’s politicians and education officials. The Illinois State Board of Education recently approved woke teaching standards with its “Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning Standards” for K-12 education, and the state earlier made “implicit bias” training required by law for Illinois teachers. Among the survey’s specific findings: Sixty-two percent of Illinoisans say it’s more important to expose students to a variety of perspectives, compared to just 23% who want teachers to embrace progressive viewpoints and perspectives; 15% were not sure where they stood. The view was shared by a plurality of Democrats (49.6%) as well as majorities of Republicans (78%) and Independents (69%). Illinoisans reject a core piece of woke teaching, 1619 Project published by The New York Times, which aims to “reframe the country’s history” by putting slavery and its enduring consequences “at the very center of our national narrative.” Forty-eight percent of respondents favored a focus on “American founding principles and . . . documents,” compared to 38% who favored “new curriculums that teach children to understand that America is founded on slavery and remains systemically racist today.” 57% of respondents said training programs should focus on making teachers better equipped to help students develop core skills and competencies, not on social justice or progressive politics. Just 34% said the priority should go toward teaching progressive viewpoints and social justice advocacy to help teachers overcome their own biases and build more inclusive classrooms “A resounding 84% of respondents,” according to the poll’s sponsor, said that “all people should be treated equally on merit” when the question was posed in general terms. When asked to think about the college admissions process specifically, 63% answered that “all people should be treated equally based on merit, even if that results in less racial diversity at selective colleges and universities,” including 89% of Republicans, 62% of Independents and a plurality (47%) of Democrats. The polling was done by a reputable firm, Eighteen92, which surveyed 800 Illinois residents. That last bullet point above is particularly striking because it means Illinoisans even oppose affirmative action, and it’s affirmative action that is systemic in most of America, not racism. Perhaps that shouldn’t be surprising since even Californians oppose affirmative action. In November they voted overwhelmingly to retain their constitutional ban on affirmative action, which is another story that was buried. “The margin of defeat, 56 to 44 percent, was striking to students of political history, because it suggests that race neutrality is more popular now than when it was initially mandated by a 1996 ballot initiative that passed by a slightly smaller margin,” said The Atlantic, which did cover it. Most significant of all, however, is that over two-thirds of Illinoisans say they are afraid to speak up on these issues. Why? Because they fear the mob. Sixty-four percent of respondents reported that they stop themselves from expressing their opinion on controversial political and social issues “often” (30%) or “sometimes” (34%), with an additional 18% doing so “rarely,” according to the survey sponsor. No surprise there. National surveys, as the sponsor wrote, “have repeatedly shown that political correctness has silenced important discussions—among students on college campuses and in the broader marketplace of ideas.” Of those who reported self-censoring, 22.4% said the main reason they do so is because they are worried about unfair criticism, while 22.0% answered that they are “worried about professional or academic consequences” for saying the wrong thing. This must end. Critical race theory is perhaps the most pernicious and destructive movements our age. It is a doctrine of hatred and division designed purposefully to stoke racial division, just as countless tyrannical movements throughout history have inflamed racial division to divide and conquer. It expressly rejects the goals of color blindness and the melting pot, which have been among the most noble aspirations of America and most all of the Western Hemisphere. By asserting that race, not character, fundamentally defines all humans, it rejects, at its core, the most fundamental premise of our society – that all men are created equal. Yet it gains momentum every day. “When I say that critical race theory is becoming the operating ideology of our public institutions, I am not exaggerating, wrote a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute this week in City Journal. “[F]rom the universities to bureaucracies to K-12 school systems, critical race theory has permeated the collective intelligence and decision-making process of American government, with no sign of slowing down.” What the majority lacks is courage. Courage to stand one’s ground in the face of a mob. Courage to speak up to politicians, administrative officials and school boards. From that City Journal column: Above all, we must have courage, the fundamental virtue required in our time: courage to stand and speak the truth, courage to withstand epithets, courage to face the mob, and courage to shrug off the scorn of elites. When enough of us overcome the fear that currently prevents so many from speaking out, the hold of critical race theory will begin to slip. And courage begets courage. It’s easy to stop a lone dissenter; it’s much harder to stop 10, 20, 100, 1,000, 1 million, or more who stand up together for the principles of America. Truth and justice are on our side. If we can muster the courage, we will win. “I Refuse to Stand By While My Students Are Indoctrinated.” That’s the title under which a New York teacher last week published his case for why children “are afraid to challenge the repressive ideology that rules our school.” Read his column. Find your own way to show the courage he has. Do not stand by while our children are indoctrinated.
Leftist Democrats BLM Antifa did jury tampering political and prosecutor games and threats of violence arson etc against Chauvin trial, seems they're doing it all again against Rittenhouse trial... Governor Evers Deploys National Guard to Kenosha as Leftists Threaten to Riot, Torch and Destroy the Wisconsin City Again Wisconsin Governor Evers announced on Friday that National Guard troops will be deployed to Kenosha in anticipation of the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict. Gov. Evers authorizes the deployment of National Guard troops to Kenosha in anticipation of Kyle Rittenhouse verdict. — (@disclosetv) November 12, 2021 Evers made the announcement as the jury went home for the weekend. That way the jurors will be aware of the violence that is coming to their city if Rittenhouse walks. Closing arguments are scheduled for Monday. Leftists destroyed the Kenosha business district last year during riots following a police shooting of Jacob Blake, a black man with a warrant out for his arrest based on sexual assault charges. Black Lives Matter-Antifa mobs caused over one billion dollars in damages in cities across America since May. In Minneapolis alone, Black Lives Matter mobs damaged or destroyed over 1,500 businesses or buildings. Over 700 police officers were injured in the BLM riots — and that was back in June! Black Lives Matter was linked to conservatively 91% of the riots that resulted in the most expensive property damage in US insurance history Democrats incited the Black Lives Matter mobs for months as they destroyed communities across the country.
Lebron James: "You're Next"
Earlier, Biden publicly "prayed" for the "right" verdict amid "overwhelming" evidence, while leftists saturated airwaves with protest violent rhetoric leaving jury scared no option but to convict
“I did not want to go through rioting and destruction again and I was concerned about people coming to my house if they were not happy with the verdict,” she said.
The comments clearly suggest that members of the jury were swayed by the threat of nationwide civil unrest, violence and looting that would have undoubtedly occurred had Chauvin escaped any of the charges.
“This is the clearest picture yet of the terroristic intimidation jurors faced to ensure Chauvin was found guilty in what was fundamentally a rigged show trial,” comments Chris Menahan.
Other individuals who testified in defense of Chauvin also had their homes attacked before the jury was sent away to reach a verdict.
Jury Tampering , Jury Intimidation , Witness Intimidation , Juror Doxing CNN Fag Cooper sits with Wanker Toobin to Emo over their Corrupt Abuser-Protecting Spy Cuomo while MSNBC Pursuit Team Criminally Tampers with Juries... but Leftist Fake News Doesn't Exist Police Bodycam Footage Of MSNBC 'Producer' Who Tailed Rittenhouse Jury Way Worse Than Reported Less than two weeks ago MSNBC was banned from the Kyle Rittenhouse trial after James Morrison, an employee claiming to be a producer, was busted running a red light while tailing the jury van. NOW - Person allegedly from NBC/MSNBC was instructed to follow the jury bus in the #Rittenhouse trial. Judge orders to exclude the two news outlets from the trial pending further investigation. — (@disclosetv) November 18, 2021 The network issued a carefully worded apology - that a 'freelancer' had simply 'received a traffic citation' and that he 'never contacted or intended to contact the jurors during deliberations." "We regret the incident and will fully cooperate with the authorities on any investigation." Now, police bodycam footage from the incident reveals that the network was doing exactly what we thought: spying on the jury. Officer: Were you following a vehicle? Morrison: I was trying to see - I was being called by New York, going, "maybe, we need to follow. I was tryin' ta... Officer: You were trying to what? Morrison: Just do what they told me to do. Officer: New York told you to follow a vehicle? Morrison: Yes. The video then fast forwards to Morrison handing his phone to the officer so he could speak with NBC News' booking producer Irene Byon. The officer asks Byon why the network 'has a reporter following vehicles,' to which she replies: "We, we, we were just trying to respectfully... just trying to see if it's possible to, um, find any leads about, um, about the case, and so we were just keeping our distance just to see where people involved in the trial, um, are positioned. By no means are we trying to get in contact with any of the jury members or whoever's in the car, we just were, um, trying to see where, um, where key players in the trial may be at." When the officer asks if she knew it was the jury, Byon replied: "We just have our people positioned in different areas of the courthouse to, um, to see if anyone like, um, would be able to, um, in different areas -" Watch: Bad look for NBC. They got — Benny (@bennyjohnson) December 1, 2021 Shortly after the call, Irene nuked her Twitter and LinkedIn accounts... .@MSNBC producer Irene Min Joo Byon just nuked her twitter account following allegations of jury indication — AntifaWatch (@AntifaWatch2) November 18, 2021 Her Linkedin was deleted just now — AntifaWatch (@AntifaWatch2) November 18, 2021 Earlier last month, a self-described 'honorary nephew of George Floyd' identified as Cortez Rice posted a disturbing video threatening to doxx Rittenhouse jurors if they don't return a guilty verdict. George Floyd’s nephew, Cortez Rice, makes a claim that he knows people taking photos of jurors during the Kyle Rittenhouse trial in Kenosha, Wisconsin. His goal is to dox jurors if they do not convict. — John Curtis (@Johnmcurtis) November 7, 2021 Surely the network can explain why this wasn't jury intimidation...
Every day, more fraud, lies, and hypocrisy,
More sordid from land of virtual signallers...
Delta Airlines now appears more interested in signalling outside its domain over Georgia Election Reform, than in its former job of safely flying and fixing planes. As such, it is now recommended to fly your own ultralight craft... cheap, fun, distributed, largely free of regulation (for now), and no ID Facialization PermaTrackingDB needed to fly (ahem, DeltaGovCorp hypocrisy re GA-Reform mandating ID), and you can airdrop cryptoanarchy USB's along your route :)
Every day, more fraud, lies, and hypocrisy, President Biden has come under fire by House Republicans for 'hypocritically' using an IRS loophole to avoid paying taxes on $13 million in income for tax years 2017 and 2018, while slamming wealthy Americans for using similar schemes to minimize their tax burden the Bidens' used two S-corporations, the CelticCapri Corporation and the Giacoppa Corporation, to funnel proceeds from book royalties and speaking appearances, "avoiding self-employment payroll tax liabilities that would have flowed to America's Medicare program that provides care to over 60 million seniors." you and your wife avoided paying $121,000 in Obamacare payroll taxes. "House Democrats used their oversight power to subpoena Trump for his tax returns, but they’ve completely ignored Joe Biden’s abuse of our tax code," During his 2020 Democratic National Convention acceptance speech in August, Biden specifically called for ending tax loopholes used by the wealthy. Democrat's failed cities... Chicago Shootings In March Top Four Year High As Mayor Lightfoot's Plan To Combat Crime Fails Two years since Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot won that runoff election, her multi-year plan to combat violent crime across the Democratic-run city is in shambles. Leftist Fake News expose themselves Twice again... Take a look at Lester Holt. The Mr. Assuring Newsman of avuncular demeanor was just talking about the importance of not reporting conservative views in his reports. It was pure, straight, naked activism masquerading as news. the gold standard of straight-news reporting many decades ago is now as left-wing as The Nation: Now it's been yanked, according to reports, because of backlash from the public CBS and @60Minutes excluded context from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in which he explains the steps his government took to make the decision to partner with Publix on vaccine distribution. CBS News' "60 Minutes" - which still hasn't covered the New York nursing home scandal - has come under fire for fabricating a "pay for play" narrative that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) gave preferential treatment to Publix to distribute the COVID-19 vaccine because they contributed to his campaign - and then edited out his perfectly reasonable explanation. The network's propaganda was so absurd that Palm Beach County's Democratic Mayor, Dave Kerner, issued a statement saying that 60 Minutes' "reporting was not just based on bad information -- it was intentionally false."
More sordid from land of virtual signallers... “Why are we still listening to these woke corporate hypocrites on taxes, regulations & anti-trust?” Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) wrote. "From election law to environmentalism to radical social agendas to the Second Amendment, parts of the private sector keep dabbling in behaving like a woke parallel government," he said, adding "Corporations will invite serious consequences if they become a vehicle for far-left mobs to hijack our country from outside the constitutional order." "Our private sector must stop taking cues from the Outrage-Industrial Complex," McConnell added. "Americans do not need or want big business to amplify disinformation or react to every manufactured controversy with frantic left-wing signaling."
Every day, more fraud, lies, and hypocrisy,
BLM Founder Branded "Fraud" After Buying Million-Dollar Home In Mostly-White LA Enclave The co-founder of the polarizing Black Lives Matter movement is under fire for buying a $1.4 million home in a posh California neighborhood that’s 88 percent white. BLM Founder Branded "Fraud" After Buying Million-Dollar Home In Mostly-White LA Enclave Authored by Samantha Chang via The Western Journal, The co-founder of the polarizing Black Lives Matter movement is under fire for buying a $1.4 million home in a posh California neighborhood that’s 88 percent white. It’s an interesting decision for Patrisse Cullors, a self-professed Marxist and race-baiting activist who has paid lip service to promoting black pride. According to, the home is located in Topanga Canyon, an idyllic rustic neighborhood about 48 minutes outside of Los Angeles and less than 30 minutes from tony Malibu. Cullors’ new home has three bedrooms and two baths and sits on one-quarter of an acre. The property also has a separate one-bedroom, one-bathroom guest house. But what is most interesting is that the BLM co-founder chose to live in Topanga, where less than 2 percent of the population is black. Sports journalist Jason Whitlock, who’s himself black, sarcastically called out Cullors for her blatant hypocrisy. “Black Lives Matter founder buys $1.4 million home in Topanga, which has a black population of 1.4%. She’s with her people!” he tweeted Friday. Black Lives Matter founder buys $1.4 million home in Topanga, which has a black population of 1.4%. She’s with her people! — Jason Whitlock (@WhitlockJason) April 9, 2021 Whitlock's tweet was removed by the Twitter police and his account suspended... But not before Whitlock pointed out that Cullors could have lived anywhere, and in fact, she could’ve made an important political statement if she had chosen to live in a predominantly black neighborhood. But she didn’t. And that says something about whether she truly believes that “black lives matter.” “She had a lot of options on where to live. She chose one of the whitest places in California,” Whitlock said. “She’ll have her pick of white cops and white people to complain about. That’s a choice, bro.” Others on Twitter also pointed out the hypocrisy. For somebody that claims to love Black people, it's kinda strange that she chose a place to live that's practically devoid of Black people🤔 — Sheikh Judd Hashisho (@glubokiy_boy) April 9, 2021 This backlash is reminiscent of when former President Barack Obama - who perfected the art of sowing racial division - purchased an $11.8 million mansion on a sprawling 29-acre property on Martha’s Vineyard, which is only 3 percent black. Some on social media said Cullors exploited the Black Lives Matter movement to enrich herself. She capitalized on that “Injustice against Black People” bag. They’ve been scamming since day 1 — Ryan Lee (@LTM_RBG_321) April 9, 2021 Not only that. Why is she getting rich off BLM movement? Shouldn’t this money be going to black neighbourhoods and struggling black families? — •FATE• (@meloncollie46) April 9, 2021 Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors just purchased a million dollar mansion. She pimped the murders of Black folks, especially Black men and boys to get that mansion. BLM founders are after the bag. They don’t care about Black people. That’s why it’s time to purge — Quinton Blanton 🇺🇸 (@blanton_quinton) April 9, 2021 Black Lives Matter said it raked in a staggering $90 million in donations last year. However, there’s mounting criticism that the movement — which fomented riots across the United States — has not shared its massive haul with the black community. Last month, the father of Michael Brown — whose 2014 shooting by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, was the catalyst for the 2016 BLM riots — demanded that the group fork over $20 million to him. What is Black Lives Matter doing with all the money they’re accumulating if not helping their local chapters and Black-owned businesses to advance? They seem to be fundraising for the sake of fundraising. All talk, all woke. — JD Rucker (@JDRucker) March 4, 2021 Similarly, BLM chapters nationwide have demanded more transparency from the centralized umbrella organization for the group. In a December 2020 statement, the local chapters said: “Since the establishment of [Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation], our chapters have consistently raised concerns about financial transparency, decision making, and accountability … we believe public accountability has become necessary.” The local chapters also said the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation appointed Cullors as its executive director against their wishes and without their knowledge, rendering her leadership illegitimate. “We, the undersigned chapters, believe that all of these events occurred without democracy, and assert that it was without the knowledge of the majority of Black Lives Matters chapters across the country and world,” the statement read. “Patrisse Cullors … became Executive Director against the will of most chapters and without their knowledge.” Considering how much havoc BLM wreaked nationwide over the past few months, you can only imagine how ugly the group’s in-fighting will get. Conservatives, grab your popcorn.
Every day, more fraud, lies, and hypocrisy
Govts initiated war... exposed...
I visited the Donna processing facility yesterday. These are the videos Joe Biden & Kamala Harris don't want you to see. This is the devastating result of their disastrous left-wing immigration agenda. RT so everyone can see what they’re trying to hide. This is child abuse. — Steve Scalise (@SteveScalise) April 10, 2021
BLM Founder Branded "Fraud" After Buying Million-Dollar Home In Mostly-White LA Enclave
After personal home buying spree, in one of the whitest areas of California, BLM founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors now complaining about “white supremacy” in housing market, censoring critics... Patrise Cullors-Brignac is a self-described “Marxist” who apparently thinks she’s the only one exempt when it comes to the sharing of private property. However, for Cullors, who has generated significant wealth for herself grifting off of race baiting and divisive Black Lives Matter agitating, she has no such worries. After her spending spree was revealed, the establishment went into full panic mode, with Facebook blocking links to a New York Post report about the issue and a black conservative activist being suspended by Twitter for highlighting the matter. BLM as a whole raked in a staggering $90 million dollars in donations last year alone, with the national organization being accused by local chapters of hiding “untold millions of dollars” while keeping the cash away from grassroots activists.
BLM Founder Branded "Fraud" After Buying Million-Dollar Home
After Denial, BLM Co-Founder Admits To Holding Parties At $6M Mansion Bought With Donations Black Lives Matter (BLM) co-founder Patrisse Cullors has admitted that she used the group’s multi-million-dollar mansion in Los Angeles for two personal parties in 2021, just a month after suggesting that she had never used the property for personal gain.
"Proper integration" is woke fiction because humanity simply does not exist and associate that way, forcibly mashing peoples together, importing "refugees", allowing floods of "migrants" invaders, never works, only causes tension difference chaos and destruction... Swedish Prime Minister Says Integration Has Failed After Migrant Riots Sweden’s failure to properly integrate large numbers of migrants has led to the creation of parallel societies and gang violence, according to left-wing Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson. Andersson made the comments in the aftermath of nationwide riots by migrant gangs over the Easter weekend that left a hundred police officers wounded. Sweden’s approach to Islamic extremism and its failings in accommodating large numbers of migrants is the primary cause of the disorder, according to the Prime Minister. “Segregation has gone so far that we have parallel societies in Sweden. We live in the same country, but different realities,” said Andersson. “Integration was poor, and alongside, we have experienced intense immigration. Our society was too weak, while money for the police and social services too little,” she added. As we previously highlighted, German media outlets responded to violent riots in Sweden mainly involving Muslim migrants by claiming the unrest occurred as a result of “right-wing demos.” Ukrainian refugees also expressed the desire to avoid being sent to Sweden, feeling that it was too unsafe. Having been one of the safest countries in Europe 20 years ago before mass uncontrolled immigration, Sweden is now the continent’s second most dangerous in terms of gun crime behind only Croatia. Last year, Germany’s Bild newspaper ran the headline: ‘Sweden is the most dangerous country in Europe.’ Shootings in Sweden hit a record high last year as authorities are increasingly unable to contain migrant gang crime. There were 46 homicides committed in 335 shootings across the country, with most of them occurring in the migrant hotspots of Malmö, Gothenburg, and Stockholm. “Swedish residents born in another country have doubled to 2 million in the last two decades, and immigrants now represent one-fifth of all people living in this Scandinavian country, a far higher rate than neighboring countries like Finland, Norway, and Denmark, which have all taken a harder line against immigration,” reports RMX News. “For the past 40 years, the prime minister’s social democrats have been in power for 28 years, including the last eight.”
US and its Govt fails as all in history do... bigger, bigger, bust...
Biden-Dem's FBI at it again, from Jan6 to RussiaHoax to Hunter to everything else... Garland Perjury? FBI Whistleblowers Say Parents Investigated With Counterterrorism "Threat Tag" An FBI whistleblower has revealed that 'dozens' of investigations into parents voicing their opposition to topics ranging from Critical Race Theory to mask mandates were investigated using a "threat tag" created by the agency's counterterrorism division - directly contradicting Attorney General Merrick Garland's 2021 testimony denying that the Department of Justice had been weaponized. According to a letter from Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Mike Johnson (R-LA), "We now have evidence that contrary to your testimony, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has labeled at least dozens of investigations into parents with a threat tag created by the FBI's Counterterrorism Division to assess and track investigations related to school boards. The letter cites an October 4th memo issued by Garland announcing a concentrated effort to target any threats of violence, intimidation, and harassment by parents toward school personnel. "We have learned from brave whistleblowers that the FBI has opened investigations with the EDUOFFICIALS threat tag in almost every region of the country," adding "The information we have received shows how, as a direct result of your directive, federal law enforcement is using counterterrorism resources to investigate protected First Amendment activity." Three examples were provided, including at least one member of "Moms for Liberty," a nonprofit dedicated to helping parents fight for conservative values in the classroom. "This whistleblower information is startling," the letter continues. "You have subjected these moms and dads to the opening of an FBI investigation about them, the establishment of an FBI case file that includes their political views, and the application of a "threat tag" to their names as a direct result of their fundamental constitutional right to speak and advocate for their children." 🚨 SMOKING GUN: Whistleblowers reveal the FBI has labeled dozens of investigations into parents with a threat tag created by the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division — House Judiciary GOP (@JudiciaryGOP) May 11, 2022 "This information is evidence of how the Biden Administration is using federal law enforcement, including counterterrorism resources, to investigate concerned parents for protected First Amendment activity." Reactions to the whistleblower revelations has been harsh: Welcome to Soviet America under Premier Biden. Empty shelves, a disinformation governance board to censor criticism of the regime, and the federal government targeting parents who protest the indoctrination of their children. — Christina Pushaw 🐊 🇺🇸 (@ChristinaPushaw) May 11, 2022 BREAKING: The Biden Administration has mobilized FBI counterterrorism resources to investigate parents, including at least one member of @Moms4Liberty, for expressing protected political speech at local school board meetings. This is a grave abuse of power. — Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) May 12, 2022 The letter is similar to a November, 2001 memo from Jordan to Garland A 'protected disclosure': In mid-November, House Judiciary Committee Republicans sent a letter to Garland after an FBI whistleblower came forward with "a protected disclosure" - claiming that "the FBI's Counterterrorism Division had been compiling and categorizing threat assessments related to parents, including a document directing FBI personnel to use a specific "threat tag" to track potential investigations." "This disclosure provides specific evidence that federal law enforcement operationalized counterterrorism tools at the behest of a left-wing special interest group against concerned parents," the letter continues.
Biden-Dem's FBI at it again
And again, seems everywhere corrupt Dems and Agents and Sponsors... Soros-Backed Prosecutor Violated Ethics Rules In Pursuit Of Former Governor A panel in Missouri on May 10 recommended St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner be found guilty of violating ethics rules while investigating former Gov. Eric Greitens. St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner appears at her disciplinary hearing in St. Louis, Mo., on April 11, 2022. The Missouri Disciplinary Counsel said Gardner’s misconduct included failing to intervene when former FBI agent William Don Tisaby, who Gardner tapped to help investigate Greitens, falsely claimed that a document filed with the courts was the product of his work when it actually contained findings from Gardner. Tisaby also gave false statements during a deposition but Gardner did not correct him even though she was in the room. “Each of those statements was false, and respondent knew the statements were false,” the panel said. Gardner has said she was not sure at the time what to do in response to Tisaby lying but now acknowledges she should have addressed the matter by telling Tisaby to tell the truth. Tisaby pleaded guilty in March to a tampering with evidence charge. Giving the proper evidence to defendants is “one of the most basic responsibilities of a prosecutor,” the panel said. On the other hand, the charges against Greitens, for allegedly taking a seminude picture of a woman who did not give permission, were eventually dropped, so a wrongful conviction did not happen, panelists noted. They also said that Gardner does not have a criminal history and that the dispute over the disclosure and production of documents “was more an issue of negligence than intentional non-disclosure,” which means that conduct did not rise to the level of “a potential breach of public trust.” The panel is recommending Gardner be publicly reprimanded, but no further punishment be given. The Missouri Supreme Court will review the panel’s recommendation and decide whether to issue a reprimand. Gardner’s office and re-election campaign, and Greitens, did not respond to requests for comment. Gardner is a Democrat who received major backing from billionaire George Soros while Greitens is a Republican who resigned from office and is now running for a U.S. Senate seat. The panel findings stemmed from an April hearing in which Gardner admitted she violated rules but described the violations as “mistakes.” She reached a preliminary agreement then with the panel to avoid criminal charges. Grand jurors in Tisaby’s case recently said in a letter that Gardner’s conduct “was not inadvertent nor inconsequential but was calculated deceit and/or outright incompetence; neither of which is acceptable behavior for a person holding this public office.” They said they were disappointed with the agreement. Greitens told The Epoch Times in an email after the hearing that the agreement “reaffirms what we have known all along—Soros funded prosecutor Kim Gardner conducted a political witch hunt.” “From hiring former FBI agent William Tisaby, who just plead[ed] guilty to evidence tampering, to lying and engaging in a coverup to conceal her misconduct, Gardner is the worst type of public official, corrupt and crooked,” he added. So, the origin of the baby formula pocalypse was Abbott management's refusal to repair dilapidated and failure-prone drying machines turning the plant into proverbial petri dishes for cronobacter, because... They needed that $5.73 billion for stock buybacks, obvs — moe tkacik (@moetkacik) May 11, 2022
Every day, more fraud, lies, and hypocrisy, any of a thousand daily articles prove the same
Your favorite Leftist Media LIES to you... The Media Lied Repeatedly About Officer Brian Sicknick's Death. And They Just Got Caught The Media Lied Repeatedly About Officer Brian Sicknick's Death. And They Just Got Caught By Gleen Greenwald, first posted on Substack Just as with the Russia Bounty debacle, they will never acknowledge what they did. Their audience wants to be lied to for partisan gain and emotional pleasure. U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) speaks during a congressional tribute to the late Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick who lies in honor in the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol on February 3, 2021 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Erin Schaff-Pool/Getty Images) It was crucial for liberal sectors of the media to invent and disseminate a harrowing lie about how Officer Brian Sicknick died. That is because he is the only one they could claim was killed by pro-Trump protesters at the January 6 riot at the Capitol. So The New York Times on January 8 published an emotionally gut-wrenching but complete fiction that never had any evidence — that Officer Sicknick's skull was savagely bashed in with a fire extinguisher by a pro-Trump mob until he died — and, just like the now-discredited Russian bounty story also unveiled by that same paper, cable outlets and other media platforms repeated this lie over and over in the most emotionally manipulative way possible. Just watch a part of what they did and how: As I detailed over and over when examining this story, there were so many reasons to doubt this storyline from the start. Nobody on the record claimed it happened. The autopsy found no blunt trauma to the head. Sicknick's own family kept urging the press to stop spreading this story because he called them the night of January 6 and told them he was fine — obviously inconsistent with the media's claim that he died by having his skull bashed in — and his own mother kept saying that she believed he died of a stroke. But the gruesome story of Sicknick's “murder” was too valuable to allow any questioning. It was weaponized over and over to depict the pro-Trump mob not as just violent but barbaric and murderous, because if Sicknick weren't murdered by them, then nobody was (without Sicknick, the only ones killed were four pro-Trump supporters: two who died of a heart attack, one from an amphetamine overdose, and the other, Ashli Babbitt, who was shot point blank in the neck by Capitol Police despite being unarmed). So crucial was this fairy tale about Sicknick that it made its way into the official record of President Trump's impeachment trial in the Senate, and they had Joe Biden himself recite from the script, even as clear facts mounted proving it was untrue. Articles on this Substack, Feb. 16, 2021 and Mar. 5, 2021 Because of its centrality to the media narrative and agenda, anyone who tried to point out the serious factual deficiencies in this story — in other words, people trying to be journalists — were smeared by Democratic Party loyalists who pretend to be journalists as "Sicknick Truthers,” white nationalist sympathizers, and supporters of insurrection. For the crime of trying to determine the factual truth of what happened, my character was constantly impugned by these propagandistic worms, as was anyone else's who tried to tell the truth about Sicknick's tragic death. Because one of the first people to highlight the journalistic truth here was former Trump official Darren Beattie of Revolver News and one of the few people on television willing to host doubts about the official story was Tucker Carlson, any doubts about the false Sicknick story — no matter how well-grounded in truth, facts, reason and evidence — were cast as fascism and white supremacy, and those raising questions smeared as "truthers”: the usual dreary liberal insults for trying to coerce people into submitting to their lies: Because the truth usually prevails, at least ultimately, their lies, yet again, all came crashing down on their heads on Monday. The District of Columbia’s chief medical examiner earlier this morning issued his official ruling in the Sicknick case, and it was so definitive that The Washington Post — one of the media outlets that had pushed the multiple falsehoods — did not even bother to try to mask or mitigate the stark conclusion it revealed: The first line tells much of the story: “Capitol Police officer Brian D. Sicknick suffered two strokes and died of natural causes a day after he confronted rioters at the Jan. 6 insurrection, the District’s chief medical examiner has ruled.” Using understatement, the paper added: “The ruling, released Monday, likely will make it difficult for prosecutors to pursue homicide charges in the officer’s death.” This definitive finding from the medical examiner not only rids us of the Fire Extinguisher lie but also the second theory to which these media outlets resorted once they had to face the reality that they spent weeks spreading an outright lie (needless to say, they provided no real accountability or even acknowledgement for the fact that they did spread that Fire Extinguisher tale, instead just seamlessly moving to their next evidence-free claim). They changed their story to claim that pro-Trump protesters still murdered Sicknick, not with a fire extinguisher but with bear spray, which video shows at least one protester using in his vicinity. The problem with that theory is that bear spray is not usually fatal, and the medical examiner's findings ruled out the possibility that this is what caused his death: In an interview with The Washington Post, Francisco J. Diaz, the medical examiner, said the autopsy found no evidence the 42-year-old officer suffered an allergic reaction to chemical irritants, which Diaz said would have caused Sicknick’s throat to quickly seize. Diaz also said there was no evidence of internal or external injuries…. Diaz said Sicknick suffered two strokes at the base of the brain stem caused by a clot in an artery that supplies blood to that area of the body. Diaz said he could not comment on whether Sicknick had a preexisting medical condition, citing privacy laws. So there goes that second fairy tale. The Post did note the medical examiner's observation regarding Sicknick's participation in defending the Capitol that day that “all that transpired played a role in his condition.” That of course is true: just as it is true for the two pro-Trump supporters who had heart attacks that day and the other pro-Trump supporter who died from too much amphetamine in her system, having a stressful encounter as a police officer likely played a role in why someone would have two strokes the following day. But police officers are trained for stressful encounters, and that obviously is a far cry from being able to claim that any pro-Trump supporter murdered Sicknick. I'll have much more on this story as it unfolds. A significant amount of media accountability is warranted. But you're seeing why there is so much resentment and so many attacks on platforms like this one that permit journalists to report and analyze facts and dissect media narratives without being constrained by liberal orthodoxies and pieties and while remaining immune from liberal pressure tactics: it's one of the few ways that real dissent to their lies and propaganda can be aired. The New York Times, in a now-”updated” article, Jan. 8, 2021 Truth matters. Noble lies are never justified no matter the cause, especially in journalism. But these employees of corporate media outlets have been taught the exact opposite model: that their primary obligation is to please and flatter the partisan agenda and political sensibilities of their audience even if it means lying or recklessly spreading unproven theories to do it. That is their profit model. And they have trained their audiences to want and expect this and that is why they never feel compelled to engage in any self-critique or accountability when they get caught doing this: their audiences want to be lied to — they are grateful for it — and would prefer that they not admit they did it so that their partisan interests will not be undermined. What is most depressing about this entire spectacle is that, this time, they exploited the tragic death of a young man to achieve their tawdry goals. They never cared in the slightest about Officer Brian Sicknick. They had just spent months glorifying a protest movement whose core view is that police officers are inherently racist and abusive. He had just become their toy, to be played with and exploited in order to depict the January 6 protest as a murderous orgy carried out by savages so primitive and inhuman that they were willing to fatally bash in the skull of a helpless person or spray them with deadly gases until they choked to death on their own lung fluids. None if it was true, but that did not matter — and it still does not to them — because truth, as always, has nothing to do with their actual function. If anything, truth is an impediment to it.
But the gruesome story of Sicknick's “murder” was too valuable to allow any questioning. It was weaponized over and over to depict the pro-Trump mob not as just violent but barbaric and murderous, because if Sicknick weren't murdered by them, then nobody was (without Sicknick, the only ones killed were four pro-Trump supporters: two who died of a heart attack, one from an amphetamine overdose, and the other, Ashli Babbitt, who was shot point blank in the neck by Capitol Police despite being unarmed). So crucial was this fairy tale about Sicknick that it made its way into the official record of President Trump's impeachment trial in the Senate, and they had Joe Biden himself recite from the script, even as clear facts mounted proving it was untrue. Lawyer For Ashli Babbitt's Family Says Lawsuit Will Be Filed Soon Against US Capitol Police A lawyer for Ashli Babbitt’s family said that they will file a lawsuit against the U.S. Capitol Police after a Capitol Police officer shot and killed her during the Jan. 6 Capitol breach. No charges were filed against the officer who shot Babbitt. The officer has not been identified publicly. Babbitt, a U.S. Air Force veteran, was unarmed when she tried to climb through one of the Capitol doors before the officer shot her. “The family and I were disappointed in the Department of Justice’s decision on this, but my role is really to bring a civil action and in that way, vindicate her rights,” Terry Roberts told Newsmax on Monday. The Babbitt family, he said, disagrees with the Department of Justice’s move to not pursue criminal charges against the officer, adding “clearly, the officer required willfullness … he could clearly see that she was not armed” and didn’t present an immediate threat. The officer also didn’t give ample warning before the shooting, Roberts said. “This is a situation in which the officer could have easily arrested her if he had grounds to arrest her without using deadly force,” he said. “This was an egregious act of excessive force.” Because Babbitt was a supporter of former President Donald Trump, Roberts suggested that the officer involved in the shooting got off lightly. The family has not yet filed the lawsuit but will do so soon, he added in the interview. Roberts previously told The Epoch Times in March that the lawsuit could entail an excessive use of force complaint. “That will be filed against the officer, the Capitol Police,” he said at the time. An investigator said that his firm has successfully identified multiple witnesses and spoken to them and a team has spent weeks collecting open-source videos and photographs as part of the effort to reconstruct what happened in the moments leading up to the shooting. Roberts then added: “Witnesses confirm that the officer did not give Ashli a single verbal warning prior to firing. In fact, Ashli was not even aware that the officer was present, as he was located in the doorway of a room off to the side of her field of vision.” But Mark Schamel, an attorney for the officer, told The Epoch Times via email that the officer warned people inside not to enter the Speaker’s Lobby. “He fired only one shot at the only person who breached the locked doors and makeshift barricade that had been erected. He did so after clearly identifying himself and ordering the mob not to come through the barricade,” Schamel said. “He used tremendous restraint in only firing one shot, and his actions stopped the mob from breaking through and turning a horrific day in American history into something so much worse.” Unfortunately for you, civil suits against Government are actually paid out entirely from funds focibly stolen from and indebted upon you. Since you sheeple are too busy worshipping Government to tell them no, Government has zero incentive to stop murdering you.
hypocrisy Murderous corrupt politicians, scammy banksters, brutal cops... go free. Crazy drunk cop killers to get 15. Darknet market operators get life without parole for harming no one. Trump-Tied Group Sues Biden Admin Over Racial Discrimination In Farm Subsidy Program A newly-formed legal group tied to former President Donald Trump on April 26 sued the Biden administration, seeking to block the implementation of a farm subsidy program that overtly excludes white farmers. America First Legal, headed by former senior Trump advisor Stephen Miller, filed the lawsuit on Monday in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, Fort Worth Division, against Tom Vilsack, Biden’s secretary of agriculture. Tom Vilsack speaks after being nominated to be Agriculture Secretary by President-elect Joe Biden, in Wilmington, Delaware, on Dec. 11, 2020. (JIM WATSON/AFP) The lawsuit argues that the program, enacted as part of Biden’s pandemic stimulus package, discriminates against white farmers by limiting financial aid to “socially disadvantaged” farmers or ranchers based on their race. “The Department of Agriculture lurches America dangerously backward, reversing the clock on American progress, and violating our most sacred and revered principles by actively and invidiously discriminating against American citizens solely based upon their race. This is illegal, it is unconstitutional, it is wrong, and it must stop,” the lawsuit (pdf) states. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) website currently defines a “socially disadvantaged farmer or rancher” as belonging to “groups [that] include, but are not limited to African Americans, American Indians, Alaskan Natives, Asians, Hispanics, Pacific Islanders, refugees, immigrants.” The America First Legal lawsuit cites a different definition of “socially disadvantaged” that appears on a fact sheet (pdf) by the USDA. That fact sheet limits the definition of “socially disadvantaged” to six races and leaves out whites. The relevant section of the pandemic stimulus bill points neither to the fact sheet nor to the USDA website. The act says that the definition of the term is in the Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990. That act says that “the term ‘socially disadvantaged farmer or ranchers’ means a farmer or rancher who is a member of a socially disadvantaged group.” The act further defines a “socially disadvantaged group” as “a group whose members have been subjected to racial or ethnic prejudice because of their identity as members of a group without regard to their individual qualities.” Stephen Miller, senior advisor to the president, attends a joint press conference with President Donald Trump and Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison in the East Room of the White House in Washington on Sept. 20, 2019. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times) The legal action is the first brought by America First Legal, a pro-Trump legal outfit modeled on the legal warfare model that the Democrats deployed to thwart Trump’s agenda. The organization says that its mission is to “oppose the radical left’s anti-jobs, anti-freedom, anti-faith, anti-borders, anti-police, and anti-American crusade.” The White House and the Department of Agriculture did not immediately return requests for comment. "I'm Really Living The Life Over Here" - Hot Mic Catches Illinois Profs Gloating About Social Justice Infestation In Schools Leftist Indoctrination Camps Exposed Via Hot Mic Mark Glennon via, If you haven’t taken two minutes to listen to the hot mic audio first published by West Cook News, do so. It’s a candid display of how pleased ideologues are about how they have captured the education establishment. The two on the audio are Ralph Martire and Gina Harris, both professors at Roosevelt University in Chicago, and both on the Oak Park and River Forest High School board where the recording was made. Ralph Martire and Gina Harris Martire is a major figure in Illinois, with frequent media appearances and op-ed publications. He served on Gov. JB Pritzker’s transition Finance Committee and is executive director of the Center for Tax and Budget Accountability, a public union advocacy shop. He played a major role drafting Illinois’ school funding formula. Harris is teacher and an Illinois director of the National Education Association – a teachers’ union, and a member of the NEA’s Black Caucus. She’s also Human and Civil Rights Committee Chair at the Illinois Education Association, an NEA affiliate. On the tape, Martire says he’s glad Harris is teaching at Roosevelt because she fits in so well, to which she says, “I mean, it’s all social justice. All day, every day I get to talk about all the things I love all the time.” “All day every day,” responds Martire. “All day at the day care, all day at my night classes, all day when I’m here. I mean, really, I’m living the life over here,” says Harris. “Yeah,” says Martire. “I always flip out the kids that take my master’s class on fiscal policy and public budgets within the first three or four classes are devoted to philosophy of social justice and how you organize society. We don’t talk about one, you know, budgetary item. They’re like, Oh, man. Professor Martire, this is a really weird way to teach a budget,” [laughter]. Harris: “Now it’s part of everything, right, what a foundation!” Martire: “If you don’t understand your values, you can’t allocate resources among public priorities that are scarce, but all needed. Right? Someone: “Just so you guys know, you’re out there, you’re on the mic in the auditorium, OK?” It’s good to hear that some grad students are “flipped out” by having social justice philosophy the first three or four of their budget classes, but their concerns evidently don’t matter. Earlier this week we wrote about a poll showing that Illinoisans don’t like political indoctrination in schools, but two-thirds admit to not objecting. Martire has every reason to laugh at how thoroughly Americans have let schools become instruments of political dogma. That’s no doubt why, at the end of the tape, he said he didn’t care that he was being recorded. Martire is actually a gracious guy when you meet him. My colleague Ted Dabrowski and I have met him often in various debates and panels. Last time I saw him I said, “You know, Ralph, we are actually on the same side because we are both trying to help the little guy, it’s just that we have different means for how to do it.” I had barely finished before he answered, “Yes, yes, I know.” I was thinking in terms of government policy when I said that, but it’s more than that. We would never support replacing education with indoctrination of any kind. No viewpoint should be taught as dogma that cannot be questioned, which is common now for social justice and critical race theory, from kindergarten through college. “What a foundation,” indeed, for those who preach it. Say It Loud: "I Am Not A Racist!" Stuart Reges, University of Washington When young people today watch images of police turning a firehose on black demonstrators they can only imagine what America was like in those days, but I don’t have to imagine it. I lived in that America and watching its sins displayed night after night on the evening news deeply affected me. That is why I have done a great deal of soul searching ever since I have been accused of being a racist. It started when the UW College Republicans organized an affirmative action bake sale where they sold cookies at different prices depending upon the customer’s race. It was a political stunt meant to make people angry and they succeeded. Hundreds of protestors gathered around their booth along with a dozen police officers. I stopped by and tried to have a conversation with a young protestor but it degenerated into a situation where she loudly denounced me to a mob of several dozen students that surrounded me. At one point I said that I didn’t see rampant racism on campus and the crowd burst into laughter. A local paper called The Stranger wrote about the incident and a local TV station included it on the evening news. I was surprised to find that this single incident branded me as a racist to many students and colleagues. After one of our students complained, the director of my school reprimanded me for a “lack of sensitivity to minority students.” A student experience survey conducted at the time generated several angry comments about me including one that said that I am “a garbage person and should not be teaching in this institution” and that I am, “the symbol of hate, ignorance, racism, and white supremacy. I would not be surprised if they were in the KKK.” Last summer when I posted a message to a faculty mailing I was accused of being a racist for defending police officers during our summer of riots. One faculty member wrote that, “What Stuart has shared is racist, trolling behavior from a faculty member with a long history of documented racial biases.” In my lifetime I have seen this country make incredible progress on the race issue, so I was confused to find myself accused of being a racist. Shelby Steele provided an answer. In his book Shame he writes that in our divided society liberals pursue “poetic truth” that “disregards the actual truth in order to assert a larger essential truth that supports one’s ideological position” and that poetic truths “work by moral intimidation rather than by reason, so that even to question them is heresy.” He goes on to write that: “if you want to be politically correct, if you want to be seen as someone who is cleansed of America’s past ugliness, you will go along with the poetic truth that racism is still a great barrier for blacks. Conversely, embracing the literal truth—that racism is no longer a serious barrier—will make you politically incorrect and will stigmatize you with that ugliness.” I know in my heart that I do not harbor ill will towards anyone based on race and it seems clear that most Americans believe the same thing. Overt racism has all but disappeared from modern life, especially on college campuses, but progressives have concocted various explanations for hidden forms of racism. One accusation is that we have bias that we aren’t even aware of. In reviewing the many decisions I have made in my 35-year university career for admissions, hiring, and grading, I can’t find even one incident of negative racial bias. The only examples of bias were in the opposite direction with minority candidates treated more favorably. The euphemism is that they are “diversity” candidates as in, “We can hire three faculty this year, but the dean said that we can hire up to two more if they are diversity hires.” Another accusation has been the claim of systemic racism, the idea that white men built our society so that it favors them. This idea should not be dismissed out of hand. I still remember when I first visited a store for left-handed people. I was amazed to find how much our society has been designed to work well for right-handed people. I didn’t realize that can openers and desks and notebooks had all been designed for right-handed people like me. To take this idea seriously, though, the proponents would have to produce examples of how the system has been tilted in favor of white people. Where is the equivalent of the left-handed can opener? Many people have taken a stab at this although there are few convincing examples and many cases where people who make this argument have had to retract their claims. For example, The Smithsonian quickly apologized for producing a poster that indicated that white culture includes rugged individualism, the nuclear family, and the scientific method. The only solid evidence for systemic racism is the fact that there are differences in outcomes across races with whites and Asians generally performing better. But this argument falls apart when you consider alternate explanations. In my own courses I have found that course grades are highly correlated with lecture attendance and that mathematical background seems to be an issue for many students who struggle. So to the extent that some minority students perform less well in my courses, it seems most likely that this stems from factors other than race including a weak math background and students putting in less effort than others. Shame is a powerful emotion, but it’s time to stand up to these ideological bullies and to speak the truth. It is not racist to oppose affirmative action. It is not racist to challenge the claim of rampant racism on college campuses. It is not racist to support the police. It is not racist to challenge the claim of hidden bias and systemic racism. I am not a racist and I won’t stay silent any longer.
Biden Administration To Ban Menthol Cigarettes... Because They're 'Racist'? The Biden administration will propose canceling (banning) menthol cigarettes because they attack more black people than white people. Hunter Biden To Lecture Tulane Students About "Media Polarization" & "Fake News" As Hunter Biden trudges ahead in his father-directed campaign... the political scion and notorious trans-national influence peddler has signed on as a guest speaker for a course on media relations - specifically, the course is called "Media Polarization and Public Policy Impacts". A book by a Barnard College English instructor named Ben Philippe has caused a firestorm due to his depiction of a fantasy of gassing white people. Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin is "very uncomfortable" with Biden's plan - telling CNN's Manu Raju: "We want to find how we're gonna pay for it. ... Are we going to be able to be competitive and be able to pay for what we need in the country?” The scale of the plan has increased in scope since the first details of a preliminary version were leaked to the press earlier this month. Biden admin consistantly uses these deceptive "increasing tactics" to sneak in undesired policies that would otherwise be rejected. President Biden will head to Capitol Hill Wednesday night for the first time since Inauguration Day... a casual visit by the president would risk spoiling the narrative that the Capitol remains a battle-scarred wreck since the Jan. 6 "uprising". "It's An Act Of War" - Texas Counties Declare Disaster Over Border Crisis A Honduran woman’s body was found dumped in the brush on private property in Goliad County, Texas, after she had been smuggled hundreds of miles north from the border in March, according to county Sheriff Roy Boyd. In another case, an old shed on a ranch was being used to strip stolen vehicles in preparation for smuggling people. Seven illegal aliens and a driver are apprehended in La Salle County, Texas, on April 24, 2021. (La Salle County Sheriff's Office) Boyd says the county—which sits about 200 miles north of the U.S.–Mexico border—is used as a staging area for smuggling illegal aliens to Houston. “What happens is they’ll bring them up from the border to somewhere in this area. They’ll drop them off at a temporary holding site and then someone from Houston comes and picks them up and then takes them to Houston, where they’re distributed across the United States,” he said. Goliad County, with a population of 7,600, is one of four Texas counties that issued local states of disaster last week due to the impact of the border surge. Three of the counties are located 40 to 200 miles north of the border but are dealing with cross-border crime and human smuggling every day. In their declarations, each of the counties—Kinney, Goliad, La Salle, and Atascosa—said the “health, life, and property” of their residents are “under imminent threat of disaster from the human trafficking occurring on our border with Mexico.” Border Patrol agents apprehended more than 76,000 illegal aliens along the U.S.–Mexico border in the first two weeks of April. In addition, the average number of illegal aliens who evade capture is about 1,000 per day. “The ongoing border crisis has resulted in thousands of illegal aliens invading South Texas and overwhelming our local, state, and federal law enforcement,” the Goliad County declaration reads. “This continual violation of our sovereignty and territorial integrity has resulted in residents of South Texas being assaulted, threatened with violence, and robbed, while also sustaining vast amounts of property damage.” The declarations request that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott deploy additional law enforcement personnel and state military forces to help control the situation. Goliad County Judge Mike Bennett, who signed his county’s declaration, said he expects 200 or more of Texas’s 254 counties to follow suit. “We don’t have a lot of redundancy in these small counties and it’s taking up every bit of their resources,” Bennett said during a public meeting in Westache on April 22. “This needs to be addressed at the source—which is our border—and that’s what we’re hoping our governor will do.” On April 26, Abbott asked county judges to send him a “full and accurate” estimate of the fiscal impact on their county so he can bill the federal government for costs incurred. Boyd said he’s been dealing with border issues since 2005. “I’ve never seen anything quite like this,” he said at the public meeting. “Things pretty much started drying up on the border during the last administration. Things were pretty much under control. “Well, that came to a real fast end, and it’s the Wild West on steroids.” Boyd asked locals to check their land for signs of illegal activity, including discarded water bottles, campfire remnants, and large amounts of trash. “If we’re not going to do something about any of this, then we’re not a nation,” he said. “I’d much rather see the federal government get off their duff and do something about this, but, I’m sorry, I have no faith. It’s going to have to come from the state of Texas. If the state doesn’t do something, it’s all going to be over.” Law enforcement apprehends illegal aliens being smuggled in a van in Kinney County, Texas, on April 23, 2021. (Kinney County Sheriff’s Office) Short on Resources Kinney County, which started the ball rolling on the disaster declarations, is the only one of the four counties that’s situated on the international border. The county is a direct smuggling route from Del Rio to San Antonio. Kinney County Sheriff Brad Coe said he has six full-time deputies to cover 1,400 square miles. “We can’t do it,” he said. “My guys have been in more pursuits in the past year than most police officers will do in a lifetime. We’re catching more and more every day. We file charges, [then] we have to let them go because our jails are full.” On April 23, the sheriff’s office posted a message on its Facebook page: “In less than 18 hours, Kinney County Sheriff’s Deputies have encountered 5 human trafficking cases and 1 stolen vehicle.” Kinney County attorney Brent Smith said Texas should act on its own accord to enforce its border with Mexico. “It is my opinion that an emergency declaration by Governor Abbott or the Texas Legislature would authorize Texas to take certain steps in the enforcement of its own borders and the protection of its citizens’ health, safety, and welfare,” Smith wrote in The 830 Times on April 8. Newly elected Lavaca County Judge Mark Myers also spoke at the public meeting, despite his county not declaring a disaster. His county sits between the border and Houston. Since January, within the county, more than 13 pickup trucks have been stolen, and seven high-speed pursuits ended in crashes. Three illegal aliens have been airlifted to hospitals. “This all costs taxpayer money, because illegal aliens don’t pay that bill—you do,” Myers said, adding that it costs $40,000 to airlift an injured person. “This is not a sustainable future. We cannot do this.” Myers encouraged the 400 to 500 participants at the meeting to “flood the telephone network” of state representatives in Austin. “The governor needs to act on this, and he needs to treat it as what it is, which is an invasion of our nation. This is an act of war,” Myers said. Dan Bongino: Trump To Restart MAGA Rallies As Early As May
Trump-Tied Group Sues Biden Admin Over Racial Discrimination In Farm Subsidy Program
Critical Race Theory Is About To Face Its Days In Court aka: When Anti-Racists... Are Racists. As recently as last summer, few people outside academia had heard of critical race theory, whose central claim is that racism, not liberty, is the founding value and guiding vision of American society. Then, President Trump issued an executive order last September banning the teaching of this “malign ideology” to federal employees and federal contractors. Trump’s ban was blocked by a federal judge in December and immediately revoked by Joe Biden upon occupying the White House in January. Since then, federal agencies and federal contractors have resumed staff training on unconscious bias, microaggressions, systemic racism and white privilege – some of the most common but also most disputed concepts associated with the four-decade-old academic theory. Now critical race theory is about to face a major real-world test: a spate of lawsuits alleging that it encourages discrimination and other illegal policies targeting whites, males and Christians. But unlike Trump’s executive order, which ran into First Amendment problems by prohibiting controversial speech, the lawsuits name specific policies and practices that allegedly discriminate, harass, blame and humiliate people based on their race. David Pitvorak, plaintiffs' attorney: Equity "is a euphemism for race-based outcomes." The common thread of these legal challenges is the inescapable logic that making accommodations for critical race theory will erode the nation’s anti-discrimination law as it has developed since the 1960s. This would mean replacing the colorblind ideal of treating all people equally, which has been widely viewed as the crowning achievement of the civil rights movement, with a contrary strategy: implementing race-based policies, which can range from affirmative action to reparations for compensating African Americans for the injustices of the past and for producing equitable outcomes in the future. "Critical race theory is a Trojan horse of sorts," said David Pivtorak, a Los Angeles lawyer representing two white men who are suing two California state environment agencies. "It disguises itself as the gold standard of fairness and justice but, in fact, relies on vilification and the idea of permanent oppressor and oppressed races. Its goal is not ensuring that all people play by the same rules, regardless of race, but equity, which is a euphemism for race-based outcomes." About a dozen lawsuits and administrative complaints have been filed since 2018, with another wave planned this summer by conservative public interest law firms and private attorneys. Their goal is to draw attention to some of the more pronounced practices and win court judgments to slow down the spread of CRT in K-12 schools, government agencies other organizations. A pair of lawsuits filed in 2019 by four white women against the New York City public school system allege that a diversity trainer told employees, "White colleagues must take a step back and yield to colleagues of color," and that they should "recognize that values of White culture are supremacist." The California suit filed last year by the two white men alleges that the state hosted a discussion series in 2020 in which speakers stated “that any disparate outcomes in society must be the result of white supremacy." A 2019 complaint filed by an Illinois public school teacher led to a finding that as part of a year-long course on equity and diversity, seventh- and eighth-graders participated in a white privilege awareness exercise that required them to remain “in silence” and with “eyes lowered” as they responded to a facilitator’s prompts. A 2020 lawsuit filed by a 12th-grade biracial student and his African American mother says that a civics class in a Nevada charter school taught that “reverse racism doesn’t exist” and that “people of color CANNOT be racist.” Margaret Burnham, critical race scholar: “Part of being an employee or a public official or a school teacher requires you to appreciate your own standing – your identity and your positionality.” Critical race theory scholars assured RealClearInvestigations that white people should never be fired, penalized or gratuitously humiliated for the historical accident of being born white. But organizations should be granted wide leeway in adopting diversity training and equity policies, they say, even if asking white people to acknowledge their unearned privilege and think about their complicity in white supremacy makes them feel singled out and induces anxiety. “Part of being an employee or a public official or a school teacher requires you to appreciate your own standing – your identity and your positionality,” said Margaret Burnham, a law professor at Northeastern University and a former Massachusetts state judge, using CRT terms that describe racial and gender power hierarchies. “Anything that is about the education of the person so that they can do a better job is fair game,” Burnham said. “Just like you have to learn new technologies, new languages, I consider this part of being an employee, part of being in a public space where you’re going to interact with other people.” Proponents of critical race theory say the lawsuits are a form of white denialism that confirms the pervasiveness of the problem that CRT exposes. Many critical race theorists believe that the United States has functioned as an elaborate affirmative action scheme to empower and enrich white males, a strategy that depends on a certain degree of coverup. “I see these lawsuits as a last gasp attempt of those who benefit from the racial hierarchy to cling to the power and the privileges that have been associated with whiteness from the beginning of the country,” said andré douglas pond cummings (who writes his name in lowercase letters), a business law professor at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock who has taught courses on corporate justice and “Hip Hop & the American Constitution.” andré douglas pond cummings, critical race proponent: “Treating people with dissimilar histories equally ... can lead to unjust results and outcomes." "Critical race theory challenges the very legitimacy of the legal system in which these lawsuits are situated,” cummings said. “Treating people with dissimilar histories equally, where some have been historically oppressed, can lead to unjust results and outcomes, thereby requiring a focus on results and outcomes, not on blind process, with the goal being equal economic opportunity and equity.” The central unifying insight of critical race theory is that racism is embedded in the U.S. legal system and social structures, “so that you don’t have to think about it anymore and you can have racism without racists at this point,” said Robert Westley, a Tulane University law professor who specializes in critical race theory and reparations. “You don’t have to be an avowed racist in order for there to be race-based outcomes in this society,” Westley said, noting that confronting these matters “is going to entail talking about things that make a lot of people very uncomfortable.” CRT rejects the foundational premises of classical liberalism – such as legal neutrality and individual rights – and from that perspective, colorblindness is not understood as a strategy to overcome racism but as a method to perpetuate it. “It’s a white ideology,” Burnham said. “Colorblindness really comes into fashion as a means of denying the persistence of racial stratification in the United States.” The lawsuits face a number of challenges, a point borne out by early setbacks some of the claims have experienced so far, including the defeat of Trump’s executive order on free-speech grounds. In another case, lawyers dropped the discrimination allegations in one of the first such lawsuits, filed in 2018 against the Santa Barbara Unified School District in California, because, they said, students and staff who supported the lawsuit were “deathly afraid” of repercussions if they spoke out and came forward publicly as plaintiffs. Claimants generally have to prove the alleged discrimination is severe and pervasive. They also have to overcome the freedom-of-speech rights of those who are professing to be dismantling systemic racism. What’s more, lawyers on both sides say that courts traditionally defer to employers and educators to set policy on workplace training and classroom curricula, a built-in restraint on activist judges. Perhaps the biggest wild card in these lawsuits is the staggering cultural shift of the past five years, during which many of the precepts of CRT have become widely accepted, especially among many in the nation’s intelligentsia and the professional managerial class. President Biden has adopted the language and made equity part of his platform, including a proposal to establish an Equity Commission “to support the rights of Black, Brown and Native farmers.” Immediately upon taking office, he issued an “Executive Order on Advancing Racial Equity” to address systemic racism and “affirmatively” promote equity and racial justice in the federal government. “Our Nation deserves an ambitious whole-of-government equity agenda that matches the scale of the opportunities and challenges that we face,” the executive order states. Biden's Education Department cited the 1619 Project among proposed new priorities for education. And last week, Biden's Education Department proposed new priorities for its American History and Civics Education programs in recognition that the Covid-19 pandemic and "the ongoing national reckoning with systemic racism have highlighted the urgency of improving racial equity throughout our society." The priorities include incorporating diverse perspectives and anti-racist practices into the teaching of history, with The New York Times 1619 Project cited as an example. Ibram X. Kendi: "The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.” This paradigm shift has catapulted “anti-racist” experts like diversity trainer and best-selling “White Fragility” author Robin DiAngelo into the stratosphere of fame. Another beneficiary of the zeitgeist is Ibram X. Kendi, the Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities at Boston University who runs the school’s Center for Antiracist Research. Kendi is the author of the 2019 bestseller “How to Be an Antiracist,” which contains a succinct antiracist formula that rests on the distinction between bad discrimination (racism) and good discrimination (antiracism): “The only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination. The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.” The nation’s current anti-discrimination law does not make such a distinction, and would read Kendi’s proposal as absurd as claiming that there’s a meaningful difference between good theft and bad theft; instead, all discrimination is wrong in the existing legal framework, with the exception of limited, narrowly tailored exemptions that are subject to strict scrutiny by the courts. A sampling of recent lawsuits and complaints shows how critical race theory practices have played out in a variety of circumstances. The suit against the New York City Department of Education alleges that employees were told at a diversity retreat that “there is White toxicity in the air and we all breathe it in.” Examples given included the Protestant work ethic and being socialized to be “defensive.” Such messages about “interrogating Whiteness” were repeated over the course of a year, during which time four white employees who later filed suit were accused of privilege, shamed, demoted and replaced by African Americans. The pair of lawsuits, filed in 2019, are in the discovery phase as the Department of Education and the lawyers for the four white women suing exchange documents and evidence. A fall 2020 civics curriculum at a Nevada charter school encouraged students to “unlearn” the oppressive structures within their families, their religion and their intersectional identities. The teacher, who identified herself in class materials as a bisexual agnostic with a mental health disability, asked 12th-graders to reflect on the parts of their identity that “have privilege attached to it.” according to a discrimination suit filed by the biracial male student and his black mother who allege he was coerced to affirm a political ideology against his conscience and his Christian faith. The case, filed last December, is headed for trial after a judge, saying the allegations raise “some serious constitutional issues,” refused to toss it out. Featured speakers: Blacks don’t use the outdoors in proportion to their population due to white racism. In the California lawsuit brought by the two white men, a discussion hosted by the state Department of Fish & Wildlife featured speakers who said that black people don’t use the outdoors in proportion to their population because of white racism, generational trauma and a historical fear of lynching. White employees were instructed on the country’s deeply racist legal system and advised that “silence is complicity” when it comes to racial injustice. According to the lawsuit, employees were subjected to implicit bias training that amounted to compelling staff to take “loyalty oaths” to CRT ideology. The lawsuit, filed last October, is in the early procedural stage; the state’s lawyers are seeking to have the case dismissed. In one of the more unusual cases, the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights agreed in early January with an Illinois public school teacher that her school district violated anti-discrimination law when it implemented a discipline policy that explicitly directed staff to consider a student’s race when evaluating behavioral and disciplinary issues. The case offers indications that different judges will likely reach opposite conclusions in such disputes: Just two weeks after ruling for the schoolteacher under the Trump administration, the Department of Education put the case on hold when President Biden took office and issued the “advancing racial equity” executive order. Jonathan O'Brien, Nevada plaintiffs' attorney: “The ideology is so patently stupid and racist to the common person that the only way you can implement it or teach it is with an element of coercion, otherwise it would just be laughed at.” The Department of Education initially found that the K-8 school district engaged in illegal stereotyping when administrators and staff were invited to write down “some defining aspects of white culture” in a white privilege awareness exercise. The materials provided several examples of “common white reasoning,” including: “we [whites] haven’t had to develop the skills, perspectives or humility that would help us engage constructively” in cross-racial conflicts. The agency also flagged a segregated “affinity group” for white students that served as a “safe space” for students to learn about white privilege, internalized dominance, microaggressions and how to act as an ally for students of color. Hovering in the background of these lawsuits is the unresolved question: To what extent does truth provide a defense against charges of discrimination? It will come as no surprise that to conservatives and other critics of CRT its fatal flaw is its factual wrongness. “The ideology is so patently stupid and racist to the common person that the only way you can implement it or teach it is with an element of coercion, otherwise it would just be laughed at,” said Jonathan O’Brien, the lawyer representing the student and mother who filed the Nevada lawsuit. “That’s why the training sessions are like pressure cookers.” But if critical race theory is true, as its adherents believe, then labeling the truth as discriminatory smacks of censorship. The lawyers who successfully challenged Trump’s executive order last year, for example, claimed truth as a defense when they argued that their clients offer instruction about systemic racism and white privilege as an essential part of their social justice mission to provide equitable health care services. Systemic racism is understood as the totality of social institutions operating in such a way as to generate disparate outcomes for people of color in criminal justice, health care, education and other areas. Camilla Taylor, Lambda Legal: “We’re talking about a structure, a system, that was set up to benefit white people." “We’re talking about a structure, a system, that was set up to benefit white people. Whether people realize it or not, they’re often continuing that system in a way that hurts people of color,” said Camilla Taylor, director of constitutional litigation for Lambda Legal, which calls itself the nation’s oldest and largest LGBTQ rights group. “And to undo that structure you need to be able to name who it benefits and who it disadvantages.” Lambda Legal represented the NO/AIDS Task Force, Los Angeles LGBT Center and Dr. Ward Carpenter, the Los Angeles center’s co-director of health services who specializes in transgender medicine and personally treats 200 patients. Their successful legal challenge argued that the restrictions in Trump’s executive order “not only run afoul of First Amendment protections, but they ignore verifiable and truthful information, and therefore restrict highly protected professional speech.” In a phone interview, Taylor cited medical research published in 2019 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that contended when African American newborns are cared for by African American physicians, their mortality rate is cut by half. There is no explanation for the disparity in death rates but the race of the provider, she said. “Implicit bias is a problem that is greater in white people than it is in people of color,” Taylor said. “To prevent people from talking about these facts, because they make you feel some sense of personal responsibility or guilt that you don’t want to feel, is not only wrong but it hurts people in real time.” The stakes of this dispute couldn’t be higher, at least judging by the rhetoric expressed by both sides. One of the conservative groups planning to file lawsuits, the Upper Midwest Law Center in Golden Valley, Mich., is in talks with prospective clients who include non-whites, said the center’s president, Douglas Seaton. Seaton described the abandonment of the colorblind idea as giving up on the nation itself. “You can’t have a country as diverse as ours without equality before the law,” Seaton said. “It’s a recipe for communal violence, tribalism. You can’t simply proceed that way. You’d be doomed to internecine battles between groups.” Officer Who Shot Ashli Babbitt On Jan. 6 Didn't Issue Warning First: Lawyer The lawyer for the family of Ashli Babbitt, the woman who was killed by a Capitol Police officer during the Jan. 6 Capitol breach, said that witnesses didn’t hear the officer give a warning before he shot her. The officer, who hasn’t been identified, was cleared by federal prosecutors of any wrongdoing in the shooting, saying that it was reasonable that the officer fired in self-defense. The officer’s attorney Mark Schamel has told news outlets his client did, in fact, warn Babbitt and others who were behind the door attempting to get into the Capitol. “It’s a false narrative that he issued no verbal commands or warnings,” Schamel told news outlets last month, adding that witness statements corroborate his account. “He was screaming, ‘Stay back! Stay back! Don’t come in here!’” However, Babbitt family lawyer Terrell Roberts appeared to dispute that account. “We’ve interviewed several witnesses on the same side of the door with Ashli Babbitt,” Roberts told journalist Sharyl Attkisson on May 2. “They didn’t hear any kind of warning. I think a reasonable officer would know, given the noise on the other side of the door, that anything that he’s saying would not be heard.” According to video footage of the incident, the officer appears to issue no commands to stop or any verbal warning that he would fire. “In fact, if you watch the video carefully,” Roberts said, “there’s an officer in a suit that strolls across the hallway at the time that he is supposedly yelling an announcement, who doesn’t even seem to react to that. So those are three important factors why we think he didn’t give an announcement.” Video footage recorded by Capitol breach participants shows the officer taking a defensive position in a doorway before aiming his weapon and shooting Babbitt, who appeared to be trying to climb through a broken window in the door. Officials later said that Babbitt, a U.S. Air Force veteran, reportedly had no weapon. Roberts noted that Babbitt was part of a crowd that was starting “to hit the door, break some of the windows.” The footage, he said, then shows three officers “move out of the way” of the rioters. “At the time that this officer shoots, there’s no member of Congress in that lobby,” the lawyer noted on May 2. “So I think all this adds up to a situation where the officer did not need to shoot and kill the lady.” In previous media interviews and in a statement to The Epoch Times, Roberts said he plans to file a lawsuit against the U.S. Capitol Police, arguing that the officer violated the constitutional rights of Babbitt. Last week, he said the family will seek $10 million from the agency. Simple unarmed entry into public building, vandals, hardly merit self-defense, note cops with AR-15's mingling on same side of door obviously were not too worried about protestors seemingly benign. "Warning" or not does not absolve of murder there. Killer cop's name is known but Govt refuses to release it, yet "murderers" Chauvin, etc name were all released before trials.
Jan 6 Was a Setup... DC Capitol Police Lt Michael Leroy Byrd Murdered Ashli Babbitt The murderer's name has been known for months, however the entire US News Media (Leftists), and Left Government, and Police Blue Line, have a total blackout and spinjob on the facts. The Left called Chauvin a racist, Chauvin's homes were defaced, and he had piles of Civil Rights and other cases persecutorially opened up against him, etc. His name was instantly published worldwide, and his police department was ripped open for Justice investigations. They all chanted "FtP and ACAB", and "Justice for Floyd, Say his name". Floyd has a massively glowing Wikipedia page protected by Leftists and Wikipedia, Chauvin's page strangely has nothing good to say. Chauvin got sent up for 22 years till 67 on all of - murder 3rd degree - murder unintentional 2nd degree - manslaughter 2nd degree And an entire year's worth of murderous intentionally physically violent arsonists vandalous destroyers of $Billions thieving looting racist Leftists were hardly looked at, let alone prosecuted or imprisoned. Perhaps the Left will equally write, Racist Black Male Cop Murders Defenseless White Woman. Perhaps "Justice" will lay on Byrd a multitude of Civil Rights and other persecutory violations. CNN and CSPAN among other Media have deleted Byrd's name from official footage transcripts. Capitol Police Department is legally secret not subject to any FOIA or anything else, that immunity was ordered by the elected US Congress. The 14k hours of Capitol surveillance, including more evidence of unlawfully violent Cops and Leftists, hasn't been released. They all chanted "forget Ashli Babbitt", and "Justice for the State, Worship its name". Babbitt had a good Wikipedia page and it was deleted by Leftists Wikipedia Censors, and redirected to a massively FUD and LEA biased Jan 6 page glorifying the State. There is no Wikipedia page at all for Byrd. Byrd, with birthday on April 4, if trialled and convicted and imprisoned of the same crimes today, would be 75 when out, he won't even get 14 years. And a bunch of occupiers of some old Govt building for a few hours, who killed no one, hardly stole or damaged much of anything, are being unrelentingly chased by hundreds of zealous federal prosecutors around the country and sent to prison for tens of years. Any bets on how many years Byrd will get? Zero... as usual for most murder by cop cases. Nor likely will Byrd be arrested, fired, or even demoted, but instead may be awarded great honors, with all Civil and Rights cases dismissed. In fact, the Capitol and Metro PD's and "Justice" Departments have all investigated and officially refused to charge Byrd with anything. In related death news... Cop Brian Sicknick was ruled not killed by protestors. He was in "good shape" and had received no serious injuries. He died of stroke incurred the next day that was ruled as natural causes. He was awarded a massive glowing Wikipedia page among other awards, for spraying and beating protestors. Yet the two protesters that supposedly sprayed him are facing decades in prison. The other three deaths were not from violence, but instead... - 2 heart attacks from heart disease - 1 meth overdose Nothing but Hypocrisy and Lies and Censorship. Brought to you by the Leftist Democrats, Fake News Media, Twitter Youtube and Facebook.
Trump Files Class Action Free Speech 1st Amdt Lawsuit Against Twitter, Facebook, Google Censors Lawsuit Press Conference [partial video] Trump's lawsuits ask the court to restore his Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube accounts, and they also seek "to prohibit Defendants from exercising censorship, editorial control, or prior restraint in its many forms over the posts of President Trump, and Putative Class Members." The lawsuits name several other class members and say the class would include US-based users who have been "censored" by the three tech platforms since June 2018. Democrat Frauds... Democrat Wealth Hypocrites... Jan 6 Was a Setup... The Pentagon offered National Guard troops two days before the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. Capitol building, but that proposal was rejected, former chief of staff Kash Patel has confirmed. Patel, who also served as a government official in the United States National Security Council and the United States House of Representatives, said that he believes that the offer from the Trump administration was blocked for “political reasons.” “You have to ask yourself, what happened on Jan. 6? I was chief of staff on the Department of Defense on Jan. 6,” said Patel. “We had offered the Capitol Police and Mayor Bowser of Washington D.C. thousands of National Guardsmen and women two days before Jan. 6, and they turned us down. 'Big Tech ran a full-on censorship campaign against a major newspaper to protect a political candidate. Period. Everyone knows it, all of the Tech companies now admit it was a "mistake"' Libertarians... Educate, Don't Mandate...
Seems that a second protester, Roseanne Boyland, was somehow killed via police involvement on Jan6... Unfortunately, Philip Anderson, the witness with video of the events, is not able to share this on social media because the tech giants have deleted his accounts and his voice online. He is also a Black Trump supporter which surely would not fit the narrative of Democrats that the Left Media Censors and Manipulators love to help spin. " In July The Gateway Pundit confirmed that Capitol Hill Police Lt. Mike Byrd was Ashli Babbit’s shooter. The Democrats, Pelosi, the Deep State, dirtbag FBI Director Chris Wray, and the mainstream fake-news media have all been protecting Lt. Mike Byrd. They are all protecting a cold-blooded killer and see nothing wrong with it. " Judicial Watch: New Documents reveal the DC Office of the Chief Medical Examiner Submitted a Request to Cremate Ashli Babbitt Two Days after Gaining Custody of Her Body (Washington, DC) Judicial Watch announced today that it received 1160 pages of documents from Washington, DC’s Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) related to Air Force veteran and San Diego native Ashli Babbitt. These new documents reveal that OCME submitted a request for permission to cremate Babbitt only two days after taking custody of her body and that ‘due to the “high profile nature” of Babbitt’s case, Deputy Chief Medical Examiner Francisco Diaz requested that a secure electronic file with limited access be created for Babbitt’s records. Additionally, Babbitt’s fingerprints were emailed to a person supposedly working for the DC government, which resulted in Microsoft “undeliverable” messages written in Chinese characters being returned. Babbitt was shot and killed by an unidentified law enforcement officer as she attempted to climb through a broken interior window in the Capitol Building, located outside the Speaker’s Lobby off the House Floor during the January 6 disturbance. She was unarmed. At the time of the shooting, several officers reportedly can be seen in videos, standing in the crowd of protestors in which Babbitt was present. The records were obtained in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit concerning two FOIA requests submitted by Judicial Watch on April 8, 2021 to the Metropolitan Police Department and the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner for records related to Babbitt’s death (Judicial Watch v. The District of Columbia (No. 2021 CA 001710 B)). The newly obtained records reveal: On January 8, 2021, at 7:13 p.m., an application to cremate the body of Babbitt is labeled “completed successfully.” Copies of the permit are sent to OCME officials Kimberli Hall and SaVern Fripp, as well as Melinda Smith, Jennifer Love, Lisa Tabron, Jeanette Belle, and Perlieshia Gales. In a January 6, 2021, email sent at 9:48 p.m. from OCME official Denise Lyles to medical examiner Francisco Diaz, the subject line is, “Case #21-00106 ID Confirmed.” [Case 21-00106 was Ashli Babbitt’s file number.] On January 6, 2021, at 9:43 p.m., Lyles emails OCME official Dr. Jennifer Love an attachment with the message, “I am updating the information we received from IAD [Internal Affairs Division] re the confirmed ID for OCME Case #21-00106 [Ashli Babbitt’s case]. These are the prints that returned from the FBI, that the detectives from IAD provided. I dropped them in the e-case file. Their names are noted below.” Lyles appears to have forwarded the file after having received it at 9:33 p.m. on January 6 from someone (whose name is redacted) within the Prince George’s County, MD, Police Criminal Investigation Division, assigned to the “Homicide Unit – FBI/Cross Border Task Force.” The file had been sent to that person at 9:30 p.m. on January 6 from someone with the email address [email protected]. On January 6, 2021, at 7:42 p.m., OCME official Jamie Spann emailed a scanned file called “21-00106 FBI Submission Form” to Grant Greenwalt, Manager of the Crime Scenes Sciences unit of the DC Department of Forensic Sciences, as well as someone with the email address [email protected], and copying medical examiners Francisco Diaz and Jennifer Love, asking, “Please run the attached prints.” This document contained Ashli Babbitt’s fingerprints. Greeenwalt forwards the request to David Chumbley, an officer of the DC Police Department. Chumbley forwards the prints on from his iPhone at 8:06 p.m. on January 6 to someone identified as Jamese Kororma within the DC government. The email sent to “Jamese Kororma” resulted in multiple Microsoft “undeliverable” messages being returned, written in what appear to be Chinese characters. On January 7, 2021, Forensics photographer Matthew Brown emailed OCME colleagues regarding Babbitt’s case with “High” importance,” stating, “Due to the high-profile nature of case 21-00106, Dr. Diaz has requested limited access to this case. Please create a secure folder on the photo server for case 21-00106 and provide access only to the following OCME staff: Dr. Mitchell, Dr. Diaz, Anna Francis, Matthew Brown.” Brown adds, “Currently there are no images or folders on the photo server for this case. The images are being held on the OCME archiving server until a secure folder is created.” Michael Coleman, OCME’s Chief Information Officer, responded two hours later, “The requested directory has been created with the stipulated access granted. Please let me know if any additional adjustments are required.” Brown replies, “Thank you Mike. The case photos are now available on the server.” Responding separately to Coleman, OCME Records Manager Anna Francis says, “I have restricted the e-case file as well. For work purposes, the following groups have access, please let me know if permissions should be limited further: 1. Anna Francis; 2. MLI Investigations; 3. Medical Examiners; 4. Michael Coleman; 5. Roger Mitchell; 6. QC-n-RecMgmt; 7. Investigators.” In a January 14, 2021, email from Deputy Chief Toxicologist Stephen Raso to OCME colleague Samantha Tolliver with the subject “Capital Riot Cases,” Raso states, “See attached prelim results.” In a February 2, 2021, email from OCME official Andrea Pugh to medical examiner Dr. Francisco Diaz, Pugh indicated that the preliminary toxicology report on Babbitt was completed. On January 13, 2021, Dr. Francisco Diaz emailed Chief Medical Examiner/Deputy Mayor Roger Mitchell with the note, “21-00106: COD-Gunshot wound to left anterior shoulder. MOD-Homicide.” Note: COD is “Cause of Death” and MOD means “Manner of Death.” The OCME did not release cause and manner of Babbitt’s death until April 7, 2021: Ashli Babbitt, 35 years old: Cause of Death – Gunshot wound to the left anterior shoulder Manner of Death – Homicide In a January 8, 2021, email, Lead Forensic Investigator Rebecca Wood tells OCME officials, “I spoke with the family for the above case and her legal last name is ‘Babbitt.’ CMS has been updated to reflect this change, please update the death certificate as well.” In a January 8, 2021, email sent at 3:45 p.m., OCME official Denise Lyles messages her OCME colleagues with the subject “Capitol Incident Cases,” and notes “FYI, all the cases from the Capitol Incident all Identifications have been confirmed,” adding, “Ashli Elizabeth Pamatian aka A. Babbitt – partner/husband notified.” The records include identification records for “Ashli Elizabeth Pamatian,” including a copy of an FBI fingerprint submission card, a State Department visa check record “for identification purposes,” and a separate FBI fingerprint submission card that indicated that the “Official Taking Fingerprints” in the Babbitt case was “E. Betts.” Additionally, Babbitt’s body was listed as “Unidentified female” and “WF.” The DC government form included in the records states: “The District of Columbia Office of Chief Medical Examiner has recovered human remains and is requesting AFIS fingerprint database searches for identification purposes,” and the “transaction type” on the form indicates “Unidentified Deceased (DEU Transaction). The comments section notes, “Please attempt to identify this unidentified female who was discovered deceased on 01/06/2021 in Washington, DC.” The form asks the response to be faxed to OCME. official Jennifer Love. An X-ray log sheet indicates that three “LODOX” images of Babbitt’s body were taken by a technician with the initials RK. In an email on January 18, 2021, Deputy Chief Medical Examiner Francisco Diaz sends an attachment with Babbitt’s case file number to OCME officials Kristina Giese and Kimberly Golden stating, “Please review this homicide.” In an email on March 1, 2021, OCME official Cheryle Adams messaged colleagues Beverly Fields and Dr. Francisco Diaz (copying Mayor’s office spokeswoman Olivia Dedner), advising them that she was providing an updated spreadsheet of reporters seeking information on the people who died at “the January 6, 2021, Insurrection at the Capitol. “There is intense public interest in the shooting of Ashli Babbitt at the Capitol on January 6,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The continued secrecy and delayed release of information about the shooting death of Ashli Babbitt are suspicious and smacks of politics. That Americans still have no information about who killed her or any police report about her death is a scandal of epic proportions.” The Metropolitan Police Department has not yet responded to Judicial Watch’s FOIA request. This document release is part of Judicial Watch’s ongoing investigation into the January 6 disturbance. In March, Judicial Watch filed a FOIA lawsuit against the District of Columbia for documents about the death of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick. Pressure from this lawsuit helped lead to the disclosure that Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick died of natural causes. Judicial Watch also filed lawsuits for U.S. Capitol Police emails and video related to the riot and for Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s communications with the Pentagon in the days after the January 6 incident. This site and others like it engages in placing smearing violent gun target symbolism beside Jan6 protestors, trying to get them jailed for months and years, and fined, and bankrupted, and unemployed, and excoriated and scarlet lettered. While at the same time no one, especially not Leftist Fake News and Democrat Govt, seemed to do any similar dedicated prosecution or projects against the entire Summer of 2020 violence gangs destruction arson murder theft assault looting $Billions in property damage threats vandalism racist "anti-racists" etc. Hypocrisy and exemplar of Left and Left policy, indeed. USCP gunslinger Lt. Michael Byrd straight up murdered Ashli Babbitt, it's on video from multiple angles. The Government protects it own boy as usual, and refused to prosecute him. Now he's on TV shilling their FUD narrative. What a disgrace. Justified Shooting Or Fair Game? Shooter Of Ashli Babbitt Makes Shocking Admission Here is my column in The Hill on the recent interview of Lt. Michael Byrd who was the hitherto unnamed Capitol Hill officer who shot Ashli Babbitt on January 6th. The interview was notable in an admission that Byrd made about what he actually saw... and what he did not see. Here is the column: “That’s my job.” Those three words summed up a controversial interview this week with the long-unnamed officer who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt on Jan. 6. Shortly after being cleared by the Capitol Police in the shooting, Lt. Michael Byrd went public in an NBC interview, insisting that he “saved countless lives” by shooting the unarmed protester. I have long expressed doubt over the Babbitt shooting, which directly contradicted standards on the use of lethal force by law enforcement. But what was breathtaking about Byrd’s interview was that he confirmed the worst suspicions about the shooting and raised serious questions over the incident reviews by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and, most recently, the Capitol Police. Babbitt, 35, was an Air Force veteran and ardent supporter of former President Trump. She came to Washington to protest the certification of the presidential Electoral College results and stormed into the Capitol when security lines collapsed. She had no criminal record but clearly engaged in criminal conduct that day by entering Capitol and disobeying police commands. The question, however, has been why this unarmed trespasser deserved to die. When protesters rushed to the House chamber, police barricaded the chamber’s doors; Capitol Police were on both sides, with officers standing directly behind Babbitt. Babbitt and others began to force their way through, and Babbitt started to climb through a broken window. That is when Byrd killed her. At the time, some of us familiar with the rules governing police use of force raised concerns over the shooting. Those concerns were heightened by the DOJ’s bizarre review and report, which stated the governing standards but then seemed to brush them aside to clear Byrd. The DOJ report did not read like any post-shooting review I have read as a criminal defense attorney or law professor. The DOJ statement notably does not say that the shooting was clearly justified. Instead, it stressed that “prosecutors would have to prove not only that the officer used force that was constitutionally unreasonable, but that the officer did so ‘willfully.’” It seemed simply to shrug and say that the DOJ did not believe it could prove “a bad purpose to disregard the law” and that “evidence that an officer acted out of fear, mistake, panic, misperception, negligence, or even poor judgment cannot establish the high level of intent.” While the Supreme Court, in cases such as Graham v. Connor, has said that courts must consider “the facts and circumstances of each particular case,” it has emphasized that lethal force must be used only against someone who is “an immediate threat to the safety of the officers or others, and … is actively resisting arrest or attempting to evade arrest by flight.” Particularly with armed assailants, the standard governing “imminent harm” recognizes that these decisions must often be made in the most chaotic and brief encounters. Under these standards, police officers should not shoot unarmed suspects or rioters without a clear threat to themselves or fellow officers. That even applies to armed suspects who fail to obey orders. Indeed, Huntsville police officer William “Ben” Darby recently was convicted for killing a suicidal man holding a gun to his own head. Despite being cleared by a police review board, Darby was prosecuted, found guilty and sentenced to 25 years in prison, even though Darby said he feared for the safety of himself and fellow officers. Yet law professors and experts who have praised such prosecutions in the past have been conspicuously silent over the shooting of an unarmed woman who had officers in front of and behind her on Jan. 6. Byrd went public soon after the Capitol Police declared “no further action will be taken” in the case. He proceeded to demolish the two official reviews that cleared him. Byrd described how he was “trapped” with other officers as “the chants got louder” with what “sounded like hundreds of people outside of that door.” He said he yelled for all of the protesters to stop: “I tried to wait as long as I could. I hoped and prayed no one tried to enter through those doors. But their failure to comply required me to take the appropriate action to save the lives of members of Congress and myself and my fellow officers.” Byrd could just as well have hit the officers behind Babbitt, who was shot while struggling to squeeze through the window. Of all of the lines from Byrd, this one stands out: “I could not fully see her hands or what was in the backpack or what the intentions are.” So, Byrd admitted he did not see a weapon or an immediate threat from Babbitt beyond her trying to enter through the window. Nevertheless, Byrd boasted, “I know that day I saved countless lives.” He ignored that Babbitt was the one person killed during the riot. (Two protesters died of natural causes and a third from an amphetamine overdose; one police officer died the next day from natural causes, and four officers have committed suicide since then.) No other officers facing similar threats shot anyone in any other part of the Capitol, even those who were attacked by rioters armed with clubs or other objects. Legal experts and the media have avoided the obvious implications of the two reviews in the Babbitt shooting. Under this standard, hundreds of rioters could have been gunned down on Jan. 6 — and officers in cities such as Seattle or Portland, Ore., could have killed hundreds of violent protesters who tried to burn courthouses, took over city halls or occupied police stations during last summer’s widespread rioting. In all of those protests, a small number of activists from both political extremes showed up prepared for violence and pushed others to riot. According to the DOJ’s Byrd review, officers in those cities would not have been required to see a weapon in order to use lethal force in defending buildings. Politico reported that Byrd previously was subjected to a disciplinary review when he left his Glock 22 service weapon in a bathroom in the Capitol Visitor Center complex. He reportedly told other officers that his rank as a lieutenant and his role as commander of the House chambers section would protect him and that he expected to “be treated differently.” The political tides are turning against the Biden presidency Legal experts welcome sanctions of pro-Trump lawyers, say more needed In the Babbitt shooting, the different treatment seems driven more by the identity of the person shot than the shooter. Babbitt is considered by many to be fair game because she was labeled an “insurrectionist.” To describe her shooting as unjustified would be to invite accusations of supporting sedition or insurrection. Thus, it is not enough to condemn her actions (as most of us have done); you must not question her killing. Like many, I condemned the Jan. 6 riot (along with those who fueled the unhinged anger that led to the violence) as the desecration of our Capitol and our constitutional process. But that doesn’t mean rioting should be treated as a license for the use of lethal force, particularly against unarmed suspects. The “job” of officers, to which Byrd referred, often demands a courage and restraint that few of us could muster. As shown by every other officer that day, it is a job that is often defined by abstinence from rather than application of lethal force. It was the rest of the force who refrained from using lethal force, despite being attacked, that were the extraordinary embodiments of the principles governing their profession.
USCP gunslinger Lt. Michael Byrd straight up murdered Ashli Babbitt, it's on video from multiple angles. The Government protects it own boy as usual, and refused to prosecute him. Now he's on TV shilling their FUD narrative. What a disgrace.
Judicial Watch publishes new FOIA docs and video, with real commentary by JW President Tom Fitton. JW Fitton Covers Babbitt Bannon O'Keefe Dissent Journalism Judicial Watch Releases New Footage of Ashli Babbitt Shooting — Shows Heavily Armed Police Behind the Door Judicial Watch released newly obtained footage of the Ashli Babbitt shooting. The footage shows Capitol Police officers with guns gathered behind the protesters while they suspiciously orchestrate a break-in of a corridor to the Senate chambers. The police did not stop these protesters from beating in the windows, which was odd. The police moved away and allowed certain individuals with helmets to beat in the windows before Ashli Babbitt climbed through the window and was shot dead in cold blood by Lt. Michael Byrd. The footage is grainy but shows a different angle of the deadly shooting. Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton discusses new, exclusive videos, audio, and photos we obtained of the shooting of Ashli Babbitt at the U.S. Capitol on January 6.
USCP gunslinger Lt. Michael Byrd straight up murdered Ashli Babbitt, it's on video from multiple angles. The Government protects it own boy as usual, and refused to prosecute him. Now he's on TV shilling their FUD narrative.
New Jan. 6 Bodycam Videos Show DC Police Officer Assaulting Unconscious Protester A District of Columbia police officer used a large wooden stick to strike the body and head of protester Rosanne Boyland three times as she lay motionless on the ground on Jan. 6, 2021, according to bodycam footage from several officers obtained by The Epoch Times. Use-of-force expert Stanley Kephart, upon reviewing the previously unreleased footage, concluded that the three full-force blows by D.C. police officer Lila Morris constituted a felony assault with intent to cause great bodily harm. Kephart called Morris’s use of force “indefensible” and the internal-affairs investigation of Boyland’s death a “clear and convincing coverup.” “I think that the first thing that occurred is an assault under the color of authority by Morris,” Kephart told The Epoch Times. “That is a crime, an arrestable offense.” Police at the mouth of the Lower West Terrace tunnel at the U.S. Capitol ignored dozens of pleas to help Boyland after she collapsed, the videos show. When a lifeless Boyland was pulled inside the building more than 10 minutes later, other police and EMS personnel began 50 minutes of life-saving efforts that ultimately failed. An independent forensic pathologist hired by the Boyland family contends that her cause of death wasn’t an overdose of the prescription drug Adderall—as reported by the D.C. medical examiner—but manual asphyxia. Boyland was crushed under a pile of people when police gassed protesters and pushed them out of the tunnel at about 4:20 p.m. on Jan. 6. ‘Under the Color of Authority’ Kephart, a 42-year law enforcement veteran and former director of security for the 1984 Los Angeles Summer Olympics, reviewed Boyland’s case at the request of The Epoch Times. He has testified as a witness more than 350 times on topics including excessive force, police discipline, officer safety, and crowd control. Kephart concluded that Morris’s use of force was a felonious “assault under the color of authority,” with intent to cause great bodily harm. He said that Morris should be prosecuted in criminal court and fired from the D.C. Metro police force. “I believe two things were in operation here. One was anger at this person,” Kephart said, referring to Boyland. “That was overridden by fear. And those two elements were the causal connection between what was done to the person by the officer and the result.” Rosanne Boyland was struck with a wooden stick on Jan. 6, 2021: once in the ribs and twice in the head, video evidence shows. (Metropolitan Police Department Bodycams/Graphic by The Epoch Times) The force used against Boyland fails a four-part standard set in the 1989 U.S. Supreme Court case Graham v. Connor, Kephart said: whether force was ever needed and appropriate in the situation, the extent of the injury, and “whether the force was applied in a good-faith manner to maintain and restore discipline, or maliciously and sadistically.” Police are trained not to strike people in the head with a blunt object. In the West Terrace tunnel, something overcame that training, Kephart said. “If you have a trained officer who is angry at what the crowd is doing and the crowd rises up and puts him in a position where he feels his personal safety is compromised, fear begins to take over the anger, and the reflexive response throws the training right out the window,” Kephart said. Chief Robert Contee of the Metropolitan Police Department didn’t respond to a request for comment. A message left with the department’s public information office wasn’t returned. Justin Winchell reacts in horror when his friend Rosanne Boyland is struck in the head with a wooden stick. Boyland was struck three times. Officer Lila Morris tried striking a fourth time, but the stick flew from her hand. (Metropolitan Police Department Bodycam/Screenshot via The Epoch Times) One protester who allegedly used the same wooden stick to strike and jab at police in the terrace tunnel was charged with assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers using a dangerous weapon. Jonathan Mellis was charged in a 10-count indictment on March 10, 2021. He pleaded not guilty. Mellis is being held in jail pending trial. Police Ignored Pleas for Help Police bodycam video shows protesters begging officers to render life-saving aid to Boyland from the moment she collapsed at the mouth of the tunnel. The pleas grew more desperate as it became apparent Boyland was dying. That sparked a violent backlash from rioters, who attacked the police line with fists, flag poles, sticks, and a whisk broom. “There’s people under here!” shouted Justin Winchell, Boyland’s friend who accompanied her to Washington that day. “There’s people trapped under here!” A protester right at the police line who was bleeding from a baton strike to the head pointed to Boyland and pleaded for help. “Get her up. Get her up! Get her up, please,” the man urged. “Save her life! Save her life, please!” One officer used his baton and boots to push five protesters on top of Boyland, bodycam video shows. “Please get her up! She’s gonna die!” Winchell shouted. There was the sound of a female coughing as a battle raged above and around Boyland. The coughing stopped at 4:26:04 p.m., according to a timeline developed by The Epoch Times from police bodycam footage. A few seconds later, the large crowd on the terrace began chanting, “I can’t breathe! I can’t breathe!” “My God! She’s dead! She’s dead! Rose!” Winchell cried at 4:26:52 p.m. “Rosanne! I need somebody! She’s dead! … I need somebody! I need medics!” Just shy of 4:28 p.m., protester Luke Coffee of Dallas stepped to the front of the police line, held up his hand, and shouted, “Stop!” He was squirted in the face with pepper spray but maintained his position. A rioter threw a large wooden stick at Morris from out in the crowd. At the time, Morris was in the tunnel, crouching behind a protester who had his arms covering his head. 3 Strikes Morris picked up the wooden stick, raised it over her head, and struck Coffee on the right elbow, bodycam video shows. She aimed a second strike at Coffee but missed. The video then shows that Morris raised the stick over her head with both hands and unleashed three quick hits to Boyland’s body: one to the ribs and two to the head. The second blow to the head drew a horrified reaction from Winchell. The wooden stick flew from Morris’s left hand as she wound up for another strike on Boyland, the videos show. Morris whiffed in her final attempted hit. The stick ricocheted off the tunnel arch and flew over Morris’s head. Coffee reached down and picked up an aluminum crutch that had been thrown at police several times during the afternoon. He held the crutch over his head for several seconds, then used it like a plow to push the police line back into the tunnel several feet. As Coffee pushed the police line back, bystanders dragged Boyland down several steps and began CPR. Nearly three minutes later, they carried her directly in front of the police line and continued doing CPR. No officers moved to lend assistance. At 4:31 p.m., Boyland was dragged by officers to the back of the tunnel and inside the Capitol. In the process, she lost her jeans, backpack, and top, leaving her clothed only in leggings, according to bodycam video. First responders perform CPR on Rosanne Boyland just inside the lower West Terrace tunnel entrance at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. (Metropolitan Police Department Bodycam/Screenshot via The Epoch Times) A SWAT team member in a green tactical uniform began CPR. The D.C. Fire and EMS Department was summoned. Within a few minutes, a team of six to eight first responders was working to resuscitate Boyland. She was hooked to an automated external defibrillator. Morris watched the resuscitation efforts. At 4:38 p.m., her bodycam captures a female voice—likely Morris—asking, “Is he dead?” Boyland was loaded onto a makeshift gurney and wheeled to the east wing of the Capitol to meet a medical transport unit from D.C. Fire and EMS. “When we got into the Capitol, they had her on some sort of dolly or pull cart, and they were pulling her down the hallway towards us,” Capt. Ellen Kurland, an EMS supervisor, said in a Jan. 6 documentary produced by DC Fire and EMS. “We worked her for 30 minutes, and she had been down 20 minutes before we were even able to get to her.” Boyland was put on an IV and given epinephrine every four minutes to stimulate her heart. The rescue squad requested approval to depart for The George Washington University Hospital at 5:10 p.m. “Authorization was not granted,” read a summary of records obtained by the Boyland family. The records don’t indicate why the ambulance wasn’t allowed to leave the Capitol for a half-hour after requesting approval. A message from The Epoch Times left at the D.C. Metro Fire and EMS Department hasn’t been returned. The ambulance finally left the Capitol at 5:40 p.m. for the one-mile trip to the hospital. Due to traffic and road closures, the ambulance didn’t arrive at the emergency room until 6 p.m. Boyland was pronounced dead at 6:09 p.m. “We are not 100 percent [certain of] when she actually passed, but agree it was in that time frame [4:21 to 4:26 p.m.] and probably before Lila Morris got hold of that stick,” Bret Boyland, Rosanne’s father, told The Epoch Times. “No matter whether Rosanne was alive or not, we were shocked and appalled at the officer’s attack.” ‘Objectively Reasonable’ Troubled by the contradictions in the Boyland case, Gary McBride of Decatur, Texas, filed an excessive-force complaint against Morris with the Metropolitan Police Department in September 2021. “I don’t condone what happened at the Capitol, and I don’t condone the beating of anyone who is defenseless either,” McBride wrote to the D.C. Metro Internal Affairs Bureau on Sept. 14. “It doesn’t matter if you are a protester, preacher, or politician; you should be held accountable for your actions.” Two months later, in November 2021, Capt. David K. Augustine wrote to McBride and said, “The use of force within this investigation was determined to be objectively reasonable.” Cause of Death Disputed The D.C. Office of the Chief Medical Examiner performed an autopsy on Boyland on Jan. 7, 2021. The cause of death was ruled amphetamine intoxication. Boyland’s family questioned that conclusion. Boyland had a prescription for Adderall, a medication used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). There was no visual evidence or witness statements to indicate any signs the drug impaired her on Jan. 6. First responders pull Rosanne Boyland on a makeshift gurney to meet a transport unit from DC Fire and EMS at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. (Metropolitan Police Department Bodycam/Screenshot via The Epoch Times) The Boyland family hired Park Dietz & Associates to review the autopsy findings. The Park Dietz forensic pathologist agreed that the manner of death was an accident but concluded Boyland’s death was caused by manual asphyxia. Boyland was cremated, so a new autopsy was not possible. “Compressional asphyxia refers to a situation in which pressure exerted on the chest or back of an individual impedes normal breathing and often leaves no diagnostic physical findings,” read a summary of the Park Dietz report provided to The Epoch Times by the Boyland family. Amphetamine toxicity “was not the proximate cause of Ms. Boyland’s death, although it cannot be ruled in or out as a contributory factor,” the pathologist wrote. “The circumstances surrounding Ms. Boyland’s death are not consistent with a drug overdose as the proximate cause and cannot be ignored.” The original autopsy didn’t note any evidence of injury, except for a four-inch bruise on her right forearm. However, bodycam footage of Boyland being dragged from the tunnel entrance at 4:31 p.m. shows what appears to be a wound on her forehead. Another bodycam view seems to show a long red mark starting on the lower section of her left rib cage. Winchell told an Atlanta television station in 2021 that Boyland developed a nosebleed after the officer struck her in the face with the walking stick. “I want you to hear me: She was already blue, and the Capitol police—I kid you not—had been hitting everyone with batons and stuff, understandably,” Winchell said. “But I’m talking, she is laid out, maybe dead at this point, but they hit her at least two times in the body. And then they hit her once in the face, once right here in her nose, and some blood started coming out of her nose.” Rosanne Boyland and Justin Winchell in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021. (Boyland family/Screenshot via The Epoch Times) According to the autopsy, Boyland suffered left and right anterior rib fractures, but those were likely caused by CPR compressions, the Park Dietz report said. The report noted no evidence that a beating or traumatic injury contributed to her death. “This does not mean that she was not beaten by a police officer, only that she was already deceased at that time,” the Boyland family said in a statement. The report said it’s unclear what role chemical irritants sprayed by police and protesters might have had on Boyland’s death. Videos show mace dripping off the clothing of protesters near the police line. “Please stop pepper spraying,” an unknown man near Boyland pleaded at 4:26 p.m. “Her lungs are full of it.” Police used an unknown gas on protesters in the tunnel at 4:20 p.m. According to security video, a loud explosion was heard seconds beforehand, causing many protesters in the tunnel to drop to the ground. Chemical agents such as pyrotechnic oleoresin capsicum, delivered via an exploding munition, work primarily on the lungs. Witnesses in the tunnel described feeling like the oxygen was sucked from the air, making it impossible to breathe. The response was panic. Kephart said crowd-control munitions were a mistake in such a tight and crowded space. “If you’re using gas munitions to cause the air to be saturated with a gas displacing the oxygen, and causes them to panic and pass out, thereby clogging the ability for them to disperse because they’re passed out, you have created and worsened the problem,” Kephart said. “This is an absolute symptom of a lack of proper training. This offends common sense.” Police can allow fear to overcome their training in high-stress situations, but so can crowds like the one in the West Terrace tunnel. “The same thing is true with the crowds: If fear [strikes], they do the wrong thing,” he said. “They either drop-down, or they try to flee. And in attempting to do either of those two options, they worsen the circumstance in crowd compaction.” Birthday Filled With Sadness April 26 was a sad day at the Georgia home of Bret and Cheryl Boyland. Their late daughter Rosanne would have turned 36. Instead of enjoying a birthday celebration, the Boyland family had to confront the grief that has been ever-present since the night of Jan. 6, 2021. Rosanne’s parents struggle with many lingering questions about her death. Among them is the exact time their daughter died. Bret Boyland said that based on the review of Rosanne’s autopsy and other factors, he believes she died between 4:21 p.m. and 4:25 p.m. A review of video and audio from police bodycams identified a series of female coughs between 4:25:34 and 4:26:04. Boyland said the coughs were too short for him to tell if they came from his daughter. Bodycam and security video of Boyland’s time in the Capitol before being taken to the hospital provided some comfort to her family. “We were glad to get details of life-saving efforts after she was dragged into the Capitol,” Bret Boyland said. “She just got that attention too late.”
The Dems: Fake lying media, fabricated russia plots, violent streets, imported votes, and corrupt bogus biased and insane prosecutions... Trump Responds After New York Goes After Trump Org, Launches Criminal Investigation In a case of obvious political timing rather than merit, the state of New York announced on Tuesday that it's opened a criminal investigation into the Trump organization, just as former President Trump re-enters the political fray ahead of the 2022 midterm elections. President Trump has responded to today's announcement, saying: "There is nothing more corrupt than an investigation that is in desperate search of a crime. But, make no mistake, that is exactly what is happening here." Full statement... I have just learned, through leaks in the mainstream media, that after being under investigation from the time I came down the escalator 5 ½ years ago, including the fake Russia Russia Russia Hoax, the 2 year, $48M, No Collusion Mueller Witch Hunt, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, and others, that the Democrat New York Attorney General has “informed” my organization that their “investigation” is no longer just a civil matter but also potentially a “criminal” investigation working with the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. There is nothing more corrupt than an investigation that is in desperate search of a crime. But, make no mistake, that is exactly what is happening here. The Attorney General of New York literally campaigned on prosecuting Donald Trump even before she knew anything about me. She said that if elected, she would use her office to look into “every aspect” of my real estate dealings. She swore that she would “definitely sue” me. She boasted on video that she would be, and I quote, “a real pain in the ass.” She declared, “just wait until I’m in the Attorney General’s office,” and, ”I’ve got my eyes on Trump Tower.” She also promised that, if elected, she would “join with law enforcement and other Attorney Generals across this nation in removing this President from office,” and, “It’s important that everyone understand that the days of Donald Trump are coming to an end.” The Attorney General made each of these statements, not after having had an opportunity to actually look at the facts, but BEFORE she was even elected, BEFORE she had seen even a shred of evidence. This is something that happens in failed third world countries, not the United States. If you can run for a prosecutor’s office pledging to take out your enemies, and be elected to that job by partisan voters who wish to enact political retribution, then we are no longer a free constitutional democracy. Likewise, the District Attorney’s office has been going after me for years based on a lying, discredited low life, who was not listened to or given credibility by other prosecutorial offices, and sentenced to 3 years in prison for lying and other events unrelated to me. These investigations have also been going on for years with members and associates of the Trump Organization being viciously attacked, harassed, and threatened, in order to say anything bad about the 45th President of the United States. This would include having to make up false stories. Numerous documents, all prepared by large and prestigious law and accounting firms, have been examined, and many hours of testimony have been taken from many people, some of whom I have not seen in years. These Democrat offices are consumed with this political and partisan Witch Hunt at a time when crime is up big in New York City, shootings are up 97%, murders are up 45%, a rate not seen in 40 years, drugs and criminals are pouring into our Country in record numbers from our now unprotected Southern Border, and people are fleeing New York for other much safer locations to live. But the District Attorney and Attorney General are possessed, at an unprecedented level, with destroying the political fortunes of President Donald J. Trump and the almost 75 million people who voted for him, by far the highest number ever received by a sitting President. That is what these investigations are all about—a continuation of the greatest political Witch Hunt in the history of the United States. Working in conjunction with Washington, these Democrats want to silence and cancel millions of voters because they don’t want “Trump” to run again. As people are being killed on the sidewalks of New York at an unprecedented rate, as drugs and crime of all kinds are flowing through New York City at record levels, with absolutely nothing being done about it, all they care about is taking down Trump. Our movement, which started with the Great Election Win of 2016, is perhaps the biggest and most powerful in the history of our Country. But the Democrats want to cancel the Make America Great Again movement, not by Making America First, but by Making America Last. No President has been treated the way I have. With all of the crime and corruption you read about with others, nothing happens, they only go after Donald Trump. After prosecutorial efforts the likes of which nobody has ever seen before, they failed to stop me in Washington, so they turned it over to New York to do their dirty work. This is what I have been going through for years. It’s a very sad and dangerous tale for our Country, but it is what it is, and we will overcome together. I have built a great company, employed thousands of people, and all I do is get unfairly attacked and abused by a corrupt political system. It would be so wonderful if the effort used against President Donald J. Trump, who lowered taxes and regulations, rebuilt our military, took care of our Veterans, created Space Force, fixed our border, produced our vaccine in record-setting time (years ahead of what was anticipated), and made our Country great and respected again, and so much more, would be focused on the ever more dangerous sidewalks and streets of New York. If these prosecutors focused on real issues, crime would be obliterated, and New York would be great and free again!
"Juneteenth is stupid..." "Democrats still keeping us Black Folk down every way they can..." Juneteenth is Stupid Inconvenient Truths re Slavery Juneteenth is Lame
Keynesian brain-washed DemLeft can't do economics math... Three Reasons Why The Biden Tax Increase Makes No Sense Authored by Daniel Lacalle, Anyone who believes the “rich” and large corporations will pay for $28 trillion in debt or the $2 trillion in new deficit has a real problem with maths... Biden’s announcement of a massive tax increase on businesses and wealthier segments of the population simply makes no sense. The tax hikes will have a significant impact on economic growth, investment and job creation and do not even scratch the surface of the structural deficit. Even if we believe the Gross Domestic Product growth and revenue estimates announced by the Biden administration, the impact on debt and deficit is negligible. So, what is their response? That debt and deficits do not matter because the key now is to spur growth and the cost of borrowing is low despite rising debt. Furthermore, the Biden administration has been inundated by MMT (Modern Monetary Theory) proponents who passionately believe that deficits are good because they attend to the rising global demand for US dollars. Additionally, the Biden administration argues that the deficit increase is not a problem because the Federal Reserve continues to purchase government bonds, keeping yields low and debt costs stable. Nice, so why the tax hikes then? If debt and deficits do not matter and growth and jobs is what we need to focus on, then why increase taxes? The entire tax increase argument crumbles. There is absolutely no rationale for such massive hikes either from the revenue perspective or the growth objective. If growth will take care of the rising deficit, the Biden administration should use all the tools to support growth. There are three main reasons why the tax increases make no sense: First, estimated real revenue impact is negligible. In 2018, the federal capital gains tax revenue was $158.4 billion. A five-percentage point increase in the current regime would provide an additional $18 to $30 billion according to Princeton University estimates in an optimistic scenario where there would be no negative impact of the tax increase. The estimates of revenues of the corporate and personal tax increase assume $691 billion from corporate taxes, $495 billion from global minimum tax, and $271 billion from so-called “repeal tax loopholes”, end fossil fuel tax breaks and anti-inversion deals. Obviously, these estimates are optimistic and in many cases science fiction as they consider a perfect world where these taxes will not have any negative impact on the economy and a GDP growth that will not be affected at all. Even if we accept the estimates, these revenues are spread throughout a decade (yes, ten years), so the net-present-value impact is even worse. These do not even start to address the rise in mandatory spending that drives the structural deficit above 2.5% of GDP. Second, the impact on the economy will be larger than what the Biden administration estimates. These tax increases do not affect only “the rich”. Such high capital gains tax stifles innovation and reduces capital flow into private equity which is essential to boost start-ups and new high-productivity businesses. This is the reason why Europe has reduced capital gains taxes and even eliminated them. Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland do not have capital gains tax. Of the countries that do levy a capital gains tax, Greece and Hungary have the lowest rates, at 15 percent. European countries average is 19.3 percent. The same happens with the corporate tax rate. The United States would have the highest corporate tax rate in the OECD under Biden’s plan (28%). Many argue that effective corporate tax rates are lower and that in other countries firms pay VAT, and the arguments are only partially correct. The European Commission showed that the effective average tax rate of United States companies was 36.5% compared to 21.1% in the average of the European Union. When comparing effective rates, many United States analysis play the trick of adding loss-making companies or averaging what a Tech giant pays in the U.S. with the rest of the sectors. However, none of these arguments matter if you look at the Tax wedge that United States companies pay relative to other OECD companies. According to PWC, the total tax wedge and contribution of United States businesses was 43.8% (profit, labour, and other taxes) compared with a region average of 38.9% The risk of outflow of capital from the United States to other countries with more competitive taxation is evident to anyone that has run a business or a financial firm. These tax increase may have little impact on multinational corporations, but they do have an exceptionally large negative effect on medium-sized businesses. That is why these measures are regressive. Even Yellen knows this tax increase is damaging. That is why she wants a global tax. If she saw no negative impact, she would let other countries manage their taxes as they wish. Third, the problem of mandatory spending is not even addressed. Mandatory spending in the United States has ballooned to $2.9 trillion in 2020 from $1.8 in 2008 and estimated to rise another trillion in the next ten years. The main cause of the United States deficit comes from the rise in mandatory spending as receipts cannot match the unstoppable increase in spending that no government can touch. Economies grow and enter recessions. It is impossible to cut the deficit via tax increases when the pace of growth of the expense side exceeds the economic output and receipts even in growth periods. No serious economist can believe that tax increases will generate sustained annual revenues in any economic cycle, be it growth, stagnation, or recession to cover more than $200 billion every year in spending increases over a trillion deficit. So why does Biden do it? To please the most socialist part of his administration and voter base, who do not worry about the economic implications, they only want to make the rich poorer. If making money in capital markets is so easy, why don’t the politicians facilitate things to allow everyone to do it? Furthermore, if they believe making money in capital markets or in a business is so easy, why don’t they do it themselves? Biden’s tax increase plan does not make sense from a growth, revenue or deficit perspective. Furthermore, it does not make sense from a Republican or Democrat perspective. It simply does not add up and does not address the United States problem: Ballooning mandatory spending.
Keynesian brain-washed DemLeft can't do economics math...
Biden's Stimulus Checks "Wreck Labor Pool" As People Get Paid To Stay Home There are new concerns that President Biden's $1.9 trillion coronavirus stimulus package is already harming the labor market recovery. While job openings and postings are increasing, there is an issue with the number of applications as labor participation currently stands at 61.4%, with an unemployment rate of 6.2%. People are not applying for jobs as they should be as they collect stimulus checks and enjoy a work-free lifestyle, all on the backs of taxpayers. There are many jobs available in manufacturing, trade and transportation, logistics, and the professional sector. But employers have difficulty sourcing workers. The latest comments from the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City provide a chilling insight this month into the labor shortage developing at manufacturing firms across Denver, Oklahoma City, and Omaha: "Stimulus and increased unemployment money are wrecking the labor pool. Lower-level employees are quitting to make just as much not working." So, lower-level employees are making more money collecting stimulus checks and other handouts under the Biden administration. This was very similar when former President Trump dished out helicopter money during the early days of the pandemic. What this creates are more bottlenecks for the supply chain as labor becomes scarce. "It is very difficult to handle the increased business with supply chain issues across all materials and finding anyone who wants to work. The federal government has incentivized people to stay home and not be productive." Other employers report: "Unemployed workers have no incentive to return to work given the COVID bonus payments." What this means is that entry-level pay will have to increase to get low-level workers off the couch. This will create more cost pressures for companies that will either be absorbed or pass onto the consumer. The Biden administration effectively destroys the labor market, resulting in significant repercussions for the real economy, such as a labor shortage that could stall the recovery. In particular, a McDonald's in Tampa, Florida, offered $50 last week to anyone who would show up to a job interview. WSJ said labor shortages in the food industry affect nationwide and independent eateries as they can't source enough workers for the front and backend. Some fast-food chains are offering signing bonuses. Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc. is offering free college who work at least 15 hours a week. Taco Bell is giving paid family leave to company store managers. Other operators are boosting pay. But even with all the perks, a labor crunch affects many businesses in various industries to retain workers as the stimulus money adds a barrier to bring back low-level workers. JPMorgan recently warned clients of a massive labor shortage in the US. However, JPMorgan did not expand on what may be causing this unprecedented schism within the economy - after all, for normalcy to return, people must not only be employed but must want to be employed - it did suggest that the "robust" government stimulus may be keeping workers on the sidelines. In a letter sent to the White House Friday, WSJ explains Democrats on Capitol Hill are pushing for the Biden administration to make the jobless benefits permanent, the onset to universal basic income. While politicians on Capitol Hill have cheered about people's QE since the pandemic began, the consequences of paying low-level workers more to sit at home than to work could derail the economic recovery.
The funds will be derived from annual marijuana taxes Democrats expand their plans to keep people dumb, drugged up happy compliant Democrat voters... Feed them drugs, Tax them to hell to roll out more Government largesse, claim saviour status... just as planned. Obviously growing and even selling your own will put you in prison or dead for "evading and competing with our taxation". Same concept with the Mexican Imports. Saviours never offer Freedom. Democrats Unveil Bill To Decriminalize (And Tax) Marijuana Sen. Chuck Schumer is taking a quick break from whipping up support along his moderate flank for the Dems' $3.5 trillion "human infrastructure" package to draft legislation on Wednesday to help decriminalize marijuana at the federal level in an attempt to raise more tax revenue to offset the trillions of dollars of additional spending the Democrats are planning over the next decade. While the revenues raised from taxing marijuana likely would only amount to a drop in the bucket, Schumer, Sen. Cory Booker and Sen. Ron Wyden have unveiled draft legislation calling for federal decriminalization. Marijuana is already effectively legal now across much of the US after New Jersey, Connecticut, New York and a handful of other states recently embraced legalization. The bill, called the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act, would remove marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act (where it remains a "Schedule 1" and impose a federal tax on marijuana products). According to Axios, revenue from marijuana taxes would be used to fund "grant programs for communities most impacted by marijuana prosecutions". It would also transfer regulation of marijuana to the FDA from the DEA. The bill still faces "steep" odds in the Senate, where moderate Dems remain wary of ending federal prohibition. States would mostly be allowed to set their own laws and taxes regarding cannabis sale and consumption. It would also require federal districts to expunge all nonviolent marijuana-related arrests and convictions within one year. Speaking from the Senate Floor Wednesday, Schumer declared the legislation a major step forward. "For decades, young men and women - disproportionately young Black and Hispanic men and women, have been arrested and jailed for even carrying a small amount of marijuana in their pocket." "This is monumental," he added. "At long last, we are taking steps in the Senate to right the wrongs of the failed war on drugs." At one point, the bill's backers said that the higher prices created by taxes would "disincentivize" young people from buying the increasingly potent marijuana available both at legal dispensaries and on the street. As for trying to construe legalizing (and price-inflating) marijuana as a kind of deterrent against abuse by teenagers, well...we imagine readers can reason through that on their own. The timing of the announcement isn't much of a surprise. Earlier this week, the CEO and chairman of Tilray, a major publicly traded pot stock, said during an interview with CNBC that he expected Congress to move ahead with full legalization within the next two years. He pointed to surveys purporting to show more than 90%+ public support for marijuana. And as the Democrats have demonstrated with their spending ambitions, they need to raise revenue from wherever they can get it.
More woke fail... there are also many court cases now being filed against the racist wokester schools and employers, CRT, and biased Govt laws rolled out by the Democrats, etc. The Economist Publishes Bizarre Story Bemoaning Lack Of "Diversity" In Italian Squad The Economist published a bizarre article bemoaning the lack of diversity in the Italian football team, with some asking if the same complaint would be made about Nigeria or Ghana. “The most striking aspect of Italy’s 26-man squad before it took to the pitch was that, alone among the main contenders, it did not include a single player considered as being of colour,” tweeted the globalist publication. The article goes on to suggest that the team’s victory over England in the final of the Euros was a “victory…for the Italian right,” presumably because England’s first team included several black players while Italy’s starting 11 didn’t contain any. The most striking aspect of Italy’s 26-man squad before it took to the pitch was that, alone among the main contenders, it did not include a single player considered as being of colour — The Economist (@TheEconomist) July 13, 2021 However, demographic statistics illustrate how it’s perfectly normal for Italy to have no black players. Unlike in numerous other European countries, Italy’s black population is relatively low – around 1.5 per cent while more than 92 per cent of the country is ethnically Italian or white. This means that out of Italy’s 26 man squad for the Euros, you would statistically expect only 0.39 of their squad players to be black. In reality, Italy took one black squad player to the Euros – Moise Kean – so black players were overrepresented in the Italy squad compared to national demographics. they had them in reserve — Petayo (@Petayo21) July 13, 2021 The reason Kean didn’t start the match is because he’s not good enough compared to Italy’s raft of other attacking talent, it has nothing to do with his skin colour. Respondents to the article asked why only white countries get grilled over their lack of “diversity,” while the same interrogation isn’t made of non-white countries. ThE itALiAn TeAM haS tOo ManY ItAliAnS oN iT — Wonder Doge (@WonderDoge1) July 14, 2021 “Why does the media only notice when European teams lack diversity?” asked Keith Woods. “Can you imagine anyone complaining that the Ghana team doesn’t have any white players?” Why does the media only notice when European teams lack diversity? Can you imagine anyone complaining that the Ghana team doesn't have any white players? — Keith Woods ☘️ (@KeithWoodsYT) July 14, 2021 Woods then noted how Croatia’s 2018 World Cup team was also bashed for being all white, despite the fact that Croatia’s population is virtually entirely white. BBC News also recently highlighted the supposed racism of the fact that rural areas of England are 98 per cent white. “Racism now just means European people existing in their ancestral homelands,” commented Woods. Racism now just means European people existing in their ancestral homelands. — Keith Woods ☘️ (@KeithWoodsYT) July 14, 2021
Biden Illegally Commands the CDC to Ignore SCOTUS and Extend the Eviction Moratorium Anyways Landlord Group Sues Biden's CDC Over Eviction Ban Extension Biden unconstitutional Styx Biden unconstitutional TimPool Biden unconstitutional TimPool Recall how Biden and Dems said they were going to pack the court thus totally disrespecting it, as does this action. Biden caught on camera essentially admitting it will go to court and that he's just milking time on his false order till then. " The Biden ministration knowing full well that their actions are illegal, for political pandering, and advancement of the power of the executive branch, overruled the Supreme Court of the United States regarding their nullifying of the eviction moratorium, in an act which if President Trump had done it, the left would have been calling for his third impeachment. The separation of powers in the United States must be upheld, and Biden should be impeached. " Dave Rubin just got censorbanned. Democrat Women Power Players Have Meeting In DC To ‘Discuss’ Kamala "The Failure" Harris.
Biden Illegally Commands the CDC to Ignore SCOTUS
Canceling The Constitution: Biden Hailed For Violating Rule Of Law To Extend Eviction Moratorium Below is my column in the Hill on the extension of the eviction moratorium — a move that his White House Counsel and most legal experts told him was unconstitutional. However, according to the Washington Post, Speaker Nancy Pelosi encouraged Biden to call Harvard Professor Laurence Tribe who reportedly advised hm that he had the authority. I have had many (and sharp) disagreements with Tribe over the years (including profane and personal attacks) but there is usually some good-faith underlying disagreement in controversies like impeachment. This is not such a case. I fail to see the credible basis for telling a President that the CDC can use the same authority that five justices just declared it did not have. Here is the column: During the 2020 presidential campaign, then-candidate Joe Biden told voters that the choice between him and Donald Trump was between the lawful and the lawless. He called for voters to support “the rule of law, our Constitution,” a choice repeated mantralike by the media to “end Trump’s assault on the rule of law.” Now, six months into his presidency, Biden is openly flouting the Constitution with a knowingly invalid extension of the eviction moratorium — and some law professors and advocates on the left are cheering him for it. A few weeks ago, the Supreme Court ruled on the authority of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to impose a nationwide moratorium on the eviction of renters during the pandemic. Some of us criticized the CDC order as unconstitutional. The reason is the breathtaking authority claimed by the CDC under a federal law that gives it the power to “make and enforce such regulations as in [its] judgment are necessary to prevent the introduction, transmission, or spread of communicable diseases.” I have long been a critic of such unchecked and undefined authority in pandemics. This, however, is a particularly chilling example. It would give the CDC authority over huge swaths of our economy to avoid even the possibility of the “introduction” or spread of a disease. It means that a Constitution designed to prevent tyranny and authoritarianism becomes largely irrelevant if you put on a white lab coat. After all, the law was designed to control disease, not democracy, as a public health priority. In its 5-4 decision in Alabama Association of Realtors v. Department of Health and Human Services, the Supreme Court kept the CDC moratorium in place but left no question that a majority of justices ultimately view the CDC order as unconstitutional. On the minority side of the vote, Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch and Amy Coney Barrett wanted to suspend the eviction moratorium as unconstitutional. Yet the CDC’s original order was about to expire anyway, so — in a somewhat baffling concurrence — Justice Brett Kavanaugh supplied the fifth vote in favor of the CDC to allow the law to simply expire and thereby enable an “additional and more orderly distribution of the congressionally appropriated rental assistance.” Thus, Kavanaugh voted with the majority in this case — but also indicated that he agreed with his conservative colleagues on the larger point that the CDC never had the authority to issue the nationwide eviction moratorium in the first place without a congressional act. Biden acknowledged the obvious — that any new order to extend the moratorium would be unconstitutional. Indeed, he admitted that legal experts overwhelmingly told him so: “The bulk of the constitutional scholarship says that it’s not likely to pass constitutional muster.” Yet he added that he was able to find “several key scholars who think that it may and it’s worth the effort.” The fact that most scholars relied upon by the Biden White House said the move would be unconstitutional is itself remarkable. Given the makeup of most law faculties, Democrats in Congress usually can expect hundreds of supportive academics to sign letters and attest to their legal positions. The question then arose as to who would offer Biden constitutional cover when virtually every other liberal professor declined to do so — and the “several key scholars” were guessed by some of us to be a single figure: Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe. After his own White House counsel agreed that the move would be unconstitutional, Biden reportedly told his chief of staff, Ron Klain, to call Tribe, who has been consistently there for Democrats, from supporting court packing to declaring Trump a terrorist to attacking Republicans and those with conflicting views. Tribe and I have long disagreed on constitutional questions, but the partisanship was often laced with some plausibility. The advice in this instance is incredible for its sheer mendacity. The court clearly stated that the CDC lacks this authority, but Tribe reportedly assured Biden that this technically would be a new order, even though it is based on the same unconstitutional claim. It is like being given a parole for stealing a BMW and then immediately stealing a Lexus because it is a different car. The problem was the act, not the make of the car. What is particularly alarming was Biden’s reason for why it may be “worth the effort” — that “at a minimum, by the time it gets litigated, it will probably give some additional time while we’re getting that $45 billion out to people.” In other words, with appeals, the Biden administration could rush out money before the courts could shut it down. Biden was hailed for his extraconstitutional commitment to social justice. One liberal commentator declared that “with one small action, Biden reveals himself as a better leader than Trump.” That “small action” was violating the Constitution — the document he swore to uphold, “so help me God,” at his inaugural. Nevertheless, gutting the rule of law is somehow now seen as “a sign of leadership in action.” Biden is not a first-time offender. When he was vice president, the Obama administration green-lighted the expenditure of billions under ObamaCare despite lacking congressional approval. I represented the House of Representatives as lead counsel in successfully challenging that clearly unconstitutional act, but the administration was never required to get the money back. With the cover offered by Tribe in this instance, Biden apparently hopes to repeat the same tactic to bar evictions while evading the Constitution. When confronted on his unconstitutional strategy, Biden repeatedly reminded reporters that a pandemic is raging. Yet, just months ago, Biden declared his election would amount to the triumph of the “rule of law” and would show that “the flame of democracy” cannot be extinguished, “not even [with] a pandemic or an abuse of power.” So, Biden is now blowing out that flame while attempting to excite political demands for extraconstitutional action. It will come at a great cost for the country and his own legacy. The oath that he took on Jan. 20 did not include an exception for political convenience. Indeed, it is often inconvenient to uphold the Constitution — but the alternative is a type of self-eviction on the basis of one’s oath of office.
Biden Illegally Commands the CDC to Ignore SCOTUS
While Biden and his entire LeftProgSocComMarx Democrat Party blatently violate 1st Amndt Free Speech, 2nd Amndt Arms, including now Stealing Election Ballots in Bulk again this time for California Recall, etc... And veterans are rightly pissed as hell... US Supreme Court rules that Biden, aka Mr. I Don't Give a Shit About the Constitution, must stop violating court orders re Mexico Border... Supreme Court Rules Biden Admin Must Resume Trump's "Remain In Mexico" Policy Supreme Court Rules Biden Admin Must Resume Trump's "Remain In Mexico" Policy The Supreme Court ruled late Tuesday against the Biden administration, upholding a lower court's ruling to order the resumption of the "Remain in Mexico" policy implemented by the Trump administration,which requires people seeking asylum to wait in Mexico until their case is heard. In a 6-3 vote, with the three liberal justices (Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Stephen Breyer) dissenting, the court rejected the administration's plea to block the reinstatement of the program, which requires immigrants seeking asylum at the southern border to wait in Mexico while their applications are pending. The order stated the Biden administration acted in an "arbitrary and capricious" manner when the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) program (the official name of the 'Remain In Mexico' program) was rescinded. The Biden administration formally repealed the policy in June despite the crisis at the border (but in theory the policy ended the moment Biden entered The White House), and today's Supreme Court decision rejected the administration’s bid to block U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk’s ruling that revived the enforcement of the policy. In a memorandum (pdf) to top immigration officials in June, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said a review determined the policy “does not adequately or sustainably enhance border management in such a way as to justify the program’s extensive operational burdens and other shortfalls.” The Justice Department had asked the court last week to suspend the lower court's order, saying the MPP "has been formally suspended for seven months and largely dormant for nearly nine months before that." As we detailed earlier in August, U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk, a Trump appointee, found The Department of Homeland Security “failed to consider several critical factors” before axing the Trump era “Remain in Mexico” policy. That included ignoring how the program was beginning to lead to some immigrants with asylum claims that lacked merit voluntarily returning home, he wrote in a 53-page ruling. Kacsmaryk said the policy must be reinstated until it was “lawfully rescinded” and the administration had the capacity to hold all migrants. Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, another Republican, described the ruling as a “huge win for border security and the rule of law.” As a reminder, The Epoch Times' Zachary Stieber notes that the Trump administration established MPP in 2019 to deal with a surge in illegal immigration. Former President Donald Trump successfully partnered with Mexico to start the program, which saw the U.S. send some asylum seekers back to Mexico until their claims were heard. Kirstjen Nielsen, who served as Homeland Security secretary during the Trump administration, said when the program was first implemented that it was in response to “a security and humanitarian crisis on the Southern border.” “MPP will help restore a safe and orderly immigration process, decrease the number of those taking advantage of the immigration system, and the ability of smugglers and traffickers to prey on vulnerable populations, and reduce threats to life, national security, and public safety, while ensuring that vulnerable populations receive the protections they need,” she said in a statement at the time. Biden and top officials this year have reversed or altered a number of key Trump-era immigration policies. The United States has seen a leap in illegal border crossings, culminating in a new 21-year-high in July.
Biden Illegally Commands
Federal Subsidy or Accessory? Biden Pledges to Effectively Subsidize Violations of State Laws By Teachers There was a great deal of criticism of President Joe Biden’s press conference from his refusal to take questions on the Afghanistan situation to his calling for the use of Civil Rights laws to oppose any state laws barring mask mandates. One line however received little attention but contained a breathtaking and troubling pledge: “If a governor wants to cut the pay of the hard-working education leader who requires masks in a classroom, the money from the American rescue plan can be used to pay that person’s salary 100%.” With that line, Biden pledged to indemnify people who violate state laws, including orders upheld by the courts. For the states, one can understand if the line between a federal subsidy and a federal accessory is difficult to discern. Biden’s call to use civil rights laws to challenge anti-mask mandates was itself controversial. Indeed, it could create another major loss for the Administration. The Administration racked up an impression array string of losses by the first six months in court. That dubious record has continued. In states with anti-mask mandates, the states are making a public health decision. Such decisions (like those made by the CDC) are generally afforded great deference from the courts. These states believe that the health and educational costs for children outweigh the risks for the virus. Many disagree with that judgment but it is a policy that applies to all children and families equally. That makes this a tough case to win. Yet, that was not the promise that stood out in the press conference. Indeed, I assumed that I had misheard Biden in promising to pay teacher salaries and waited for transcripts. What the President is saying is that the federal government will indemnify teachers who knowingly violate state laws. I cannot recall any such prior presidential pledge to subsidize unlawful conduct and it raises serious questions over the use of federal funds to encourage violations of lawful state orders. Again, many disagree with these orders but they are issued under state laws affording governors this power. It is not clear where the funds would come from to fulfill the pledge. Obviously states were given most of the pandemic funds. Biden may be suggesting that districts that received the money for school expenses and programs could use them for funding defiant teachers. Alternatively, there might be money available through the Department of Education. I previously criticized how the Congress appropriated trillions of dollars for states during the pandemic without any meaningful limits. This has allowed states like Ohio to literally giveaway millions of federal dollars as part of a state vaccine lottery. President Biden has relied on the lack of limits in simply declaring that states should give people $100 for taking the vaccine. Now this lack of any limits has allowed a president to pledge that he will pay the salaries of any teachers who knowingly violate their contracts and state law. Before we get to the legal and constitutional issues, Biden failed to put any practical limits on his pledge. He just told teachers to defy their state while assuring them that any lost wages will be indemnified. What if a teacher is suspended? Biden just promised to cover potentially years of lost wages. What if the teacher is fired? Will the federal government effectively pay a pension? Indeed, this pledge could create a perverse incentive for states to move to dock or suspend pay to pass such costs to the federal government. Legally, the President just pledged to indemnify the violation of state law. It is an attempt to do indirectly but he cannot do directly. The pledge is meant to circumvent federalism barriers for federal mandates. Biden has gone back and forth on such mandates. He has asserted that he has the power to impose mandates on states and then claimed that he does not. Most recently, Biden then said that he might use federal authority to bar anti-mark mandates. The position of the Biden Administration on the issue is now completely conflicted and incoherent. The only certainly is a pledge to pay the salaries of any teacher suspended or fired for violating state laws on such mandates. Biden’s pledge was made after the Texas Supreme Court upheld one of the most cited anti-mask mandates. So the President is responding by promising to fund violations of an order found lawful and constitutional by the highest court in the state (which is usually the final word on such issues even for the United States Supreme Court). In Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis adopted a rule that lets families opt out of locally ordered school mask mandates. In addition, the state board of education approved a policy to allow parents to use vouchers for their children to attend a different school if they encounter pushback on their refusal to use masks. Those orders have not been successfully challenged. Biden is not alone in supporting such violations. Democrats in Washington have lionized Texas legislators who fled the state to prevent the passage of election reforms. These same Democrats have denounced the filibuster to block bills as a denial of democracy in Washington. The Texas order for the arrest of the legislators has been upheld by the Texas Supreme Court. The Texas Supreme Court issued a temporary block on mask mandates in Bexar and Dallas counties on Sunday evening. Even though the decision was not a final ruling on the merits, most schools complied and suspended their mask mandates. However, a lower court judge effectively reinstated the Bexar mandate for public schools. District Judge Antonia Arteaga declared “I just wanted to apologize to all those parents, school administrators, the superheroes that we call teachers for what someone called the equivalent to a legal tug of war, unfortunately where our children are right in the middle.” There is no “tug of war” between a state supreme court and a lower court. The lower courts are supposed to carry out the rulings of the highest court in the state. Likewise, Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins also claimed in a tweet that justices “did not strike down my face mask order.” It is true that the Supreme Court did not issue a final order but felt that there was sufficient support to lift the lower orders pending any decision. However, there are conflicting rulings on these mask mandates that the state courts are working through as part of expedited appeals. The sharp public disagreements between these courts is unusual but will be quickly sorted out in the issuance of final orders. What President Biden is pledging is something entirely different. He is promising that, despite what the courts rule, the federal government will subsidize continued defiance of state law. Imagine if Texas pledged to subsidize any CDC employee who refused to carry out public health care orders or any border official who refused to release undocumented persons into the country. It would be immediately denounced as an attack on federal authority under the Constitution. Biden’s pledge could create some new law. The Supreme Court has long held that it is unconstitutional to coerce or commandeer states to undermine their authority under federalism guarantees. Now a president is openly calling for the defiance of state laws by state employees and promising to financially support such violations. He is moving from commandeering state legislatures to commandeering state employees. When he ran in 2020, President Biden promised that he would end Trump’s disrespect for the courts and return the country to “the rule of law, our Constitution.” Subsidizing the violation of state law is a curious way to fulfill that earlier pledge.
Biden Illegally Commands the CDC to Ignore SCOTUS
Joe "Mr. Unconstitutional" Biden, and hypocrite of record, gets slammed on SCOTUS packing by his own handpicked anti-constitutional "supreme court commission" that was tasked off the record with finding ways to fuck the court and thereby the country within his illegitimate trifecta term. And someone on the panel was swinging some immense OG American constutional balls around trying to keep the fuckery from happening... Biden Supreme Court Commission Appears To Reject Court-Packing, Favor Term-Limits President Joe Biden’s commission on the Supreme Court issued draft documents Thursday showing members are divided on the question of whether to add seats to the nation’s top court. The commission spent 30 pages, with another 16 in footnotes, exploring the issue. More words were devoted to the potential ramifications than the potential benefits. While some commissioners agree, at least in part, with critics who want the court expanded, others conclude that “Court expansion is likely to undermine, rather than enhance, the Supreme Court’s legitimacy and its role in the constitutional system, and there are significant reasons to be skeptical that expansion would serve democratic values,” the commission said. Some Democrats have pushed to add seats to the nine-judge court, infuriated by Senate Republicans refusing to hold a vote in 2016 on then-President Barack Obama’s nominee Merrick Garland. They’ve also accused the court, which currently has six justices appointed by Republicans, of ruling incorrectly on a number of matters. The calls have “been fueled by Democrats’ concerns that an increasingly conservative court presents a threat to the progressive conception of the Constitution across a range of issues, including firearms, reproductive rights, LGBTQ rights, voting rights, health care, climate change, and affirmative action,” the commissioners said. The arguments have received pushback. Supporters of the court’s current size note then-Sen. Biden said in 1992 that the president at the time, President George H.W. Bush, should not name a nominee because it was an election year. He also said the Senate should not hold a vote if Bush did nominate a justice. Additionally, they say, the court’s composition is a result of Republican presidents and senators winning elections—and the timing of vacancies—and the rulings reflect the GOP’s leaning toward trying to interpret the Constitution as it was fixed at the time of its inception, versus Democrats’ tendency toward a “living interpretation.” Republicans’ choice not to take up Garland’s nomination—and to take up then-President Donald Trump’s nomination of Justice Amy Coney Barrett in 2020, another election year—was within congressional rules, the commission acknowledged. Congress does legally have the power to expand or contract justices, both sides agree. But there’s widespread disagreement on expanding the court, as the commission detailed. “The risks of court expansion are considerable, including that it could undermine the very goal of some of its proponents of restoring the court’s legitimacy. Recent polls suggest that a majority of the public does not support court expansion. And as even some supporters of Court expansion acknowledged during the commission’s public hearings, the reform—at least if it were done in the near term and all at once—would be perceived by many as a partisan maneuver,” commissioners said. On the other hand, expansion might “benefit the Supreme Court’s public reputation” in part because it would let a president “select individuals who reflect the rich diversity of the nation, that is, the wide range of characteristics and backgrounds that can enrich discussion and decision making—gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, educational and professional background, and geographic origin,” they said. “Decisions by a more diverse judiciary might be more informed; for example, the Court’s deliberations in criminal cases could be enhanced by the perspective of a Justice with a background in criminal defense,” they wrote. While an unspecified number of commissioners oppose expanding the court, an unspecified number “believe that the nation has reached (or is on the verge of)” the end of American democracy, they added later. Commissioners appeared more favorable to arguments for setting term limits for justices or rotating judges between the Supreme Court and lower courts. A number of scholars have endorsed tenure limits and a look at published works on the subject “discovered few works arguing against term limits,” the commission said, adding that the United States is the “only major constitutional democracy in the world that has neither a retirement age nor a fixed term of years for its high court Justices.” The commission is set to issue a final report on Friday. Biden established the panel in April. His executive order says it was meant to put forth a history of the role of the Supreme Court, including an account of “contemporary commentary and debate” about that role, and an analysis of the leading arguments for and against adding seats. Commissioners include Michelle Adams, a law professor at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law; Bob Bauer, a professor at the New York University School of Law; Andrew Manuel Crespo, a law professor at Harvard University; and Caroline Fredrickson, a senior fellow at the Brennan Center for Justice.
trying to keep the fuckery from happening...
Appears something went down, perhaps they will speak up, diff preliminary to final texts... Conservatives Resign From Biden’s Supreme Court Commission October 16, 2021 The same day the preliminary findings were released, two conservatives resigned. Caleb Nelson and Jack Goldsmith, two conservatives on the Supreme Court Commission, both announced their resignations Friday. The Hill reported: Two conservative members have resigned from the bipartisan panel President Biden assembled to study proposals for reforming the Supreme Court. The departures Friday came from University of Virginia law professor Caleb Nelson, a former clerk to Justice Clarence Thomas, and Harvard Law professor Jack Goldsmith, former top official in the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel under President George W. Bush. Nelson confirmed to The Hill that he resigned, adding “it was an honor for me to be part of the Commission.” Goldsmith did not immediately respond to requests for comment. The White House released a statement on the resignations: “These two commissioners have chosen to bring their involvement to a close,” White House spokesman Andrew Bates said in a statement. “We respect their decision and very much appreciate the significant contributions that they made during the last 5 months in terms of preparing for these deliberations.” The report from Biden’s Supreme Court Commission angered Liberals in Congress. In a statement, some Liberals lawmakers said that the draft report “misses the mark.” The Epoch Times reported: Left-wing lawmakers are angered by the draft report put out by the Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States (PCSCUS) on expanding the Supreme Court. Progressive members of the House Judiciary Committee chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.), and Reps. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) and Mondaire Jones (D-N.Y.) said the commission’s report is insufficient and Democrats need to pass a law to pack the court. “The White House Commission on the Supreme Court ‘draft’ misses the mark. After years of Republicans upending precedent, breaking their own rules, and stealing seats on the Supreme Court, we must restore legitimacy and integrity to the Court and undo the damage Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell have inflicted on our democracy,” said the lawmakers in a press statement.
The Great Divide... Which one more likely to trend Libertarian... Leftists Support Tyranny, Conservatives Do Not; It's Time To Separate One of the great semantic debates of the past decade has been the ongoing attempt to muddle the definition of “Left vs Right” in the American political sphere. For example, a lot of people who are new to the liberty movement (people who became active during or after the Trump campaign in 2016) have heard of the “false left/right paradigm”, but they have no clue what it actually means. If you think it means there are no legitimate political sides in this fight and that the entire conflict is theatrical or manipulated, then you are misinformed. The false left/right paradigm specifically refers to the fake division at the VERY TOP of the political pyramid among elitists in government. There are certainly Republicans that are conservative in their rhetoric but not conservative in their actions or policies, and they tend to support or side with politicians on the left regularly when it comes to big government spending and big government power (just look to the Republicans that voted in favor of Joe Biden’s recent infrastructure bill). Democrats and leftists don’t have to pretend. They base their entire platform on collectivism and centralization. This is no secret. The only theater is in their motives. Top Democrats claim they are fighting for the “greater good” of the masses when they are actually elevating and benefiting a tiny minority of wealthy elites. They do not care at all about the lives of their constituents. Things change dramatically when we start talking about the bottom of the pyramid among regular people. The political spectrum is not as broad and nuanced as some people would have us believe and the sides are much easier to discern. There are exceptions to every rule and to every group, but to say the groups do not exist is an act of denial. There are also people who call themselves “moderates” because they think this makes them more impartial and more open-minded. They don’t want to appear as if they are moving to one “extreme” end of the spectrum or the other. But, ultimately, there are only two sides in this fight: Either you are in favor of intensive government dominance of people’s lives, or you are not. And, the vast majority of people in favor of government tyranny herald from the left side of the political spectrum. They revel in the totalitarianism, even when they don’t necessarily benefit from it. Yes, it’s time to stop pretending as if there is a “gray area” here and call the situation as it really is. The political left is obsessed with control over how people live, act and even how they think. Issues like Critical Race Theory, BLM, big tech censorship, the covid lockdowns and vax mandates have really clarified things to the point that if you can’t see the enormous difference between leftists and conservatives then you are being willfully ignorant. In my latest articles I have been exploring the theme of the political left and their habit of wearing masks to hide their true natures. Many of them will support socialist, collectivist and globalist policies while also claiming they support freedom at the same time. Yet, when they are actually faced with real world decisions in terms of unilateral authoritarianism, the true character of the average leftist is revealed and it’s an ugly thing to behold. Lets just use the covid and vaccines mandates as one litmus test for a moment – Poll after poll after poll indicates that an overwhelming number of Democrats (around 80%) applaud the mandates and continue to defend them even after almost 2 years of failures and a lack of scientific honesty. For these people the covid controls are purely political and they often argue in their favor as a vehicle to attack conservatives rather than “saving lives”. The fact is, without their enthusiastic support the draconian mandates would not exist in the US. Now, some people will point out that polls also show that around a quarter of Republicans support some form of vax mandates, but here’s the difference: Republicans and conservatives are actually willing to engage in honest debate over the scientific and social merits of the mandates. The vast majority of Democrats and leftists are absolutely not interested. They view any opposition as an act of treason, and any debate as thought crime committed by “cranks” and “conspiracy theorists”. This is a rather convenient tactic to take because leftists will never actually have to defend their own assumptions and beliefs in a public forum on fair ground; they can simply say that all evidence that is being presented is “meaningless” because it is being presented by treasonous enemies. Everything they do no matter how destructive or oppressive is thus justified by the assertion that conservatives represent an insurgency against “democracy” rather than honest Americans with honest concerns. It should also be noted that the minimal republican support for the mandates has been steadily dropping as new information is released which contradicts the mainstream narrative on vaccine effectiveness, and as Joe Biden continues to use the vaccines as a means to gain power over private businesses. Yet, support among democrats is as high as ever. In the past few years I have seen leftists en masse defend the indoctrination of American children with CRT, which teaches white kids that they are all inherently evil oppressors and black and brown kids that they are all perpetual victims that cannot help themselves. When they get called out, leftists then claim that CRT “doesn’t exist” or does not represent what conservatives say it represents. All you have to do is read their own books to see that this is a lie. If you are willing to slog through the insanity of the book ‘Critical Race Theory: The Key Writings That Formed The Movement’, you will see that everything conservatives warn about when it comes to CRT is true. It is edited by Kimberle Crenshaw, widely viewed as a co-founder of critical race theory and “intersectionality.” It is also a book that you will find used as a teaching aid in most social science classes in most colleges. I have seen leftists support BLM riots and the destruction of private property across the nation while calling them “peaceful protests”. I have also seen BLM take hundreds of millions of dollars from the very corporations and globalist institutions they claim they hate. I have seen leftists defend Big Tech censorship of any person or group that disagrees with the woke narrative, to the point that conservatives now have to constantly self-edit key words and phrases just so algorithms do not automatically derail their accounts, and so that leftists cannot false flag their commentaries as “hate speech” or “medical misinformation.” I have seen leftists avidly support covid lockdowns and the arbitrary destruction of hundreds of thousands of businesses as “non-essential”. I have seen them aggressively defend mask mandates despite the fact that red states which removed mask mandates had the same infection rates or even lower rates. Now I am witnessing their fevered joy as they help push forced experimental vaccination through federal and state mandates, using the threat of joblessness to intimidate those who do not comply. In the meantime, we have seen conservatives become the overwhelming majority of people in direct opposition to all of these totalitarian activities. And still today I continue to see people try to argue that there are no sides, and that conservatives are “just as bad” as leftists. These people either do not understand what a conservative is, or they are deliberately misrepresenting reality because they have an agenda. The bottom line is that proof is seen in action: Red states are free, blue states are enslaved. There’s no way around that. The debate is over, at least in terms of left vs. right. The differences are stark and painfully obvious. Places with majority conservative populations are still fighting the mandates while places with a majority of leftists are perpetuating tyranny. It cannot be denied. It cannot be argued. This is reality. In this day and age if you want to be free you make sure you are surrounded by conservatives, or you become a conservative. There is not a single blue state in the country that is not on the war path to enforce Biden’s vax mandates. There is not a single blue city in the country that is not trying to subversively teach CRT in schools. And, there is not a single blue region in the country that is not obsessed with wokism and globalism. The truth is, America has split into two completely different cultures with two completely different social objectives. To be sure, there are some nuances in terms of geography. Blue states, for example, are often checkered with red counties that do not like the policies of the state government, but this does not change the reality of the overall political divide. I have also noted that most Europeans and people in the UK and Australia have no concept at all of what a conservative actually is. They think a conservative is a corporatist. They have been indoctrinated by their predominantly socialist and leftist systems to treat “conservative” as a four letter word. The people in these nations that oppose the leftist agenda will commonly refer to themselves as “traditional liberals”, but really, they are just conservatives that are afraid to call themselves conservatives. I am speaking specifically on the American dynamic, however, and in this country the two sides are sharply defined. I think that there is also a subsection of the population that does not want to admit a separation of the US is in progress even though it is a fact. They want to believe the false left/right paradigm applies to the regular population because they don’t want to accept the inevitability of the breakup of our country. They want to believe that if we just deal with the elites at the top of the pyramid that the division at the bottom will simply disappear. This is naive. There are principles and ideals which are mutually exclusive; they cannot exist within the same society at the same time. There are moments in history when tribes form and cults rise, and generally these groups grow from either a desire to control others or a desire to remain free. We are living in such times. The political left, according to every metric and statistic, is an antithesis to conservative principles of small government, decentralization, personal liberty, free markets, family values, etc. This does not mean all conservatives agree on every aspect of society. We don’t all share the same religious fervor, or adherence to the same denomination. We don’t all have the same ideas on what constitutes “merit”, and the things we value in terms of character traits and life choices vary. We definitely don’t all agree on solutions to the problems and enemies we face everyday, which is why organizing resistance to the mandates has taken so much time and energy. That said, we ALL agree that the leftist agenda is poison and that it is not something we can continue to live with. I have heard it argued that if the US is broken into two parts that this will weaken us to threats from the outside. Many conservatives don’t like to accept notions of secession or the left/right paradigm because they fear foreign aggression from places like China, for instance. I would point out that this thinking lacks a sense of priority. We have to deal with the leftists/socialists/communists in our own house first before we can deal with communist on the other side of the world. Keeping this defunct marriage between leftist culture and conservative culture going just for the sake of appearances is the most destructive policy we can have in the long run. My thinking is this: If we break up there are two possible results – We go our own separate ways peacefully and the conservative states will continue to succeed economically and socially because we will have freedom, while leftist states will continue to sink into debt and will continue to bleed citizens due to oppression. Or, we separate and the leftists try to stop us using force, and we go to war. And make no mistake, they will ultimately lose such a war. The latter is not the most pleasant option but in either case freedom remains in the world. It is time to stop treating separation and division as integrally bad. Sometimes it is healthy and necessary. The old phrase “divide and conquer” is a misnomer for our particular situation. Often, nations and cultures are conquered from within because they refuse to separate from the riff-raff and define their moral boundaries. The right to divide is actually one of the most powerful forms of liberty there is, and it is one of the greatest protections against the leftist authoritarian movements in our midst.
History will show that Trump won. How Media And Tech Elites Seized Control Of Elections Mollie Hemingway, an editor of the online magazine The Federalist, calls our attention in this well-researched book to a problem of vital significance. She is a supporter of Donald Trump, though not an uncritical one, and writes from this point of view, but whether you like the former president or not, you cannot ignore her message. She begins the book with a paradox. Almost all the polls predicted a decisive win for Biden in the November 2020 presidential election, but in fact the result, setting aside altogether the allegations of rigged voting by the former president and his supporters, was very close: “The political class, the corporate media, and their pollsters were all dramatically wrong, and yet Biden would eke out a presidential victory of just under 43,000 votes across three states, out of a total of nearly 160 million.” (p.36. All page references are to the Amazon Kindle edition.) Why were the polls so inaccurate? One answer would be mistakes in the way in polls were conducted, but Hemingway sees something more sinister in the errors. The inaccurate polls were part of a massive campaign by the government and corporate elite to ensure Trump’s defeat in the election. This campaign continued the efforts by the same elite to secure his defeat in the 2016 election; and, when those efforts failed, to derail his presidency. Hemingway stresses especially one tactic used in both the 2016 and 2020 elections. In previous elections, most voting took place on the appointed day in November, and although some people cast absentee ballots, these were of minor importance. No longer is this the case, and voting by mail now predominates. “’No excuse’ absentee voting allows citizens to cast their ballots early. With the widespread adoption of this practice in recent years, the United States can no longer be said to have an election day in the strict sense of the term. The country has a months-long voting season. . .In 2016, absentee and mail-in ballots accounted for roughly 33 million of the 140 million ballots counted. In 2020, more than 100 million of the 159 million ballots counted were cast prior to Election Day, including by early voting.” (p.222) This is of great significance, Hemingway says, because fraud is much easier with this sort of voting: it is much harder to verify signatures and voters’ addresses. If voting fraud is to be stopped, this requires vigilant election officials, and here is where the mass media elites enter the scene. Far from aiding in efforts to interdict fraud, the elites promote it through subventions to interested parties. Hemingway highlights the role of Mark Zuckerberg, who made large donations to private groups that acted in a partisan way to “help” election officials. “That’s to say nothing of the widespread privatization of election systems in key districts thanks to the efforts of leftist outfits funded by Mark Zuckerberg and other billionaires. Multi-million dollars grants to public election commissions, and the strings attached to them, were the means by which the left’s sprawling voting activist arm took over huge parts of the 2020 election. . .This private interference in the running of a national election had never before happened in the history of the country.” (p.xiii) These efforts to bias election results go hand-in-hand with the attempt by the same elites to control information that reaches the public. The media giants, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google, relentlessly promoted items unfavorable to Trump and suppressed stories that could have helped him. As an example, damaging news about Hunter Biden and his corrupt dealing with Chinese officials that emerged in the final days of the campaign and was published in the New York Post was banned from Twitter. “Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey would eventually tell Congress and censoring the New York Post and locking it out of its Twitter account was a ‘mistake.’” (p.36) Hemingway’s focus is on the presidential campaign, but the censorship by the statist-corporative elite extends even further. Facebook and YouTube ban videos that criticize Covid-19 vaccinations and advance points of view that the proprietors of the platforms deem “misinformation.” The author is prepared for the objection that her charges of a leftist plot to derail Trump reflect the biased perspective of a partisan. In response, she points to a notable article in Time magazine in which those involved in the machinations admitted and took pride in what they had done. “Without agony or shame the magazine reported that ‘[t]there was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes’ creating ‘an extraordinary shadow effort’ by ‘a well-funded cabal of powerful people’ to oppose Trump. Corporate CEOs, organized labor, left-wing activists, and Democrats all worked together in secret to secure a Biden victory. . . Time would, of course, disingenuously frame this effort as an attempt to oppose Trump’s ‘assault on democracy,’ even as Time reporter Molly Ball noted this shadow campaign ‘touched every aspect of the election. They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding.’ The funding enabled the country’s sudden rush to mail-in balloting, which Ball describes as ‘a revolution in how people vote.’” (p.36) What if anything can be done about this state of affairs? I do not think the solution lies mainly in stricter laws about voting and certainly not in governmental regulation of the mass media, which would only increase the power of the state. Rather. our aim ought not to be to make democracy “work better” but to use the example of corruption she has highlighted as a tool to help us throw into question altogether its value as a political and social system of organization, and defend in its stead a genuine free market society, along the lines set forward by Murray Rothbard and his followers, who include most notably Hans Hoppe. Hemingway is an assiduous researcher and, so far as I can discern, an accurate one. To my regret, I have been able to find only one outright error in the book. She says, “Five U.S, presidents since 1900 lost their bid for a second term. . . While each election is determined by unique factors, all five of these incumbents dealt with internal party fights or significant primary challenges. “(p.39) This is not true for Herbert Hoover, one of the five she mentions, who did not get significant Republican Party opposition in his quest for the 1932 nomination. By calling attention to what has happened to or political system in recent years, Mollie Hemingway strengthens our resolve to come up with something better.
Joe "Mr. Unconstitutional" Biden's underlings caught making a fatal mistake that will alienate Biden and his Admin even further. It's also known that Biden, like Trudeau and Ardern, are all well known Islamic apologists, who all worship at the altar of the Great Globalist Satan, and wish to put the Beast's Mark on you... Thomas More Society accepts donations. Leaked Audio: DOJ Official Doesn't Think Americans 'Sincere' Over Religious Exemptions No Government, and no one, gets to determine one's beliefs. Fight for your rights. Biden's Dog lawyer Marty Letterman caught mocking religious exemptors / abortion / personal beliefs and choices A Biden Justice Department attorney was caught on tape dismissing the sincerity of Americans claiming religious exemptions to the Covid-19 vaccine. In a leaked phone call from September reported by Human Events senior editor Jack Posobiec, DOJ attorney Marty Lederman can be heard strategizing with the Biden administration on how to combat religious exemption requests to get around the vaccine mandate. According to Lederman, there are "cases, for instance in the New York case that's currently going on against the State of New York, the Thomas More Society is representing a bunch of doctors and nurses who claim that they would sin gravely in cooperation with the evil of abortion. How would they be doing so? The claim is that all three of the current vaccines, either have fetal cells that were obtained by abortions in the vaccine itself, or in the case of Pfizer and Moderna that those vaccines were tested using fetal cells that had been aborted, and even the connection to the previous testing, makes them cooperative with evil in a way that their religion prohibits." "I don't want to say anything too categorical but I believe that this claim will be very difficult for agencies to successfully claim that's either insincere or not religious, even if it is. Even if we know that many of those claims are not sincere, or are sincere but not religious, this is the most common behavior you're going to confront probably, and it's likely that you will have to take as a given the employee's claim. "Not always, right, but one response that some hospitals have started to give is, 'well do you know that Tylenol, and Tums, and Preparation H, those were all tested using aborted fetal cell lines, too.' And I expect that employees will then say 'well I didn't know that, but now that you tell me that and I'll stop using those products as well.' "And then we will turn to the, 'what does the government have to do once the employee makes that shown.' And here, basically there is a compelling interest, obviously, in keeping our workforce and the public with which we interact safe from COVID." Upon further research, Posobiec concluded that the administration doubts the sincerity of Americans' faith in claiming that they are so opposed to abortion that they do not want to benefit from aborted cells. In fact, it's not just that they don't think Americans are sincere in their beliefs, but to the extent that they may be, the administration seeks to find a way around those faith-based assertions. As Libby Emmons of The Post Millennial notes: The issue of abortion and Catholicism has been hotly contested since Biden took office, since the Catholic president has claimed that he is pro-abortion. The Washington Post went so far as to say that Catholics who oppose abortion are "right wing." When asked about the President's stance on abortion, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki claimed that his faith was personal, and could not answer as to how he reconciled his religious views with his progressive, pro-abortion stance. "Joe Biden is a strong man of faith and as he noted just a couple of days ago, it's personal. He goes to church nearly every weekend. He even went when we were on our overseas trip. But it's personal to him, he doesn't see it through a political prism, and we're not going to comment on the inner workings of the Catholic Church," Psaki said. This after some US Catholic Bishops called for the president to be denied the Eucharist on account of his public pro-abortion position. In addition to seeking to undermine Americans' religious liberty as regards choosing whether to take the vaccine or not, this administration has sought to force Catholic hospitals to perform sex-change surgeries and treat gender dysphoric patients with "gender-affirming" care.
US Marshals Investigating Whether January 6 Defendants Being Deliberately Mistreated The feds have locked up hundreds of people connected to the January 6 riot. That’s all it was, by the way. It was a riot. It was not a violent insurrection. It wasn’t an armed coup. It wasn’t worse than the American Civil War. It sure as hell wasn’t worse than the 9/11 attacks. It was mostly a bunch of people walking around inside the Capitol Building. It’s why Democrats don’t want us to see all the security camera footage. It’s bland and boring as hell—far from the "end of the republic" narrative they’ve been stroking for months. Get over it. Everyone else has—and the fact that hundreds have been arrested undercuts the reasoning behind creating a select committee to investigate how this happened. No one cares—especially now. Source: AP Photo/Julio Cortez Yet, since hundreds are locked up as quasi-political prisoners, a judge seemed worried about deliberate mistreatment. One defendant had a broken wrist which required surgery. DC officials dithered on doing anything for four months. Why? Well, they wouldn’t say, which is why they were held in contempt. Judge Royce C. Lamberth called for an investigation into the conditions of the prisoners and the US Marshal Service has acted upon that request (via NBC4 Washington): A week ago, a federal judge raised questions about the treatment of those Jan. 6 inmates at the jail after revelations one of the defendants had a broken hand that was allegedly improperly cared for. The judge also formally found the jail warden and the director of the D.C. Department of Corrections in contempt of court for not responding to court questions about the medical care of Jan. 6 inmates. The judge says he’s referring the matter to the U.S. attorney general for a possible civil rights violation investigation. […] D.C. Deputy Mayor for Public Safety Chris Geldart confirmed Monday the inspectors are speaking with Jan. 6 defendants and said all court orders are being followed. “We have been working with the marshals office,” he said. “As a matter of fact, they’re in there today doing an inspection of the jail and talking with many of the Jan. 6 folks that are there to make sure that we are continuing to do that.” JUST IN - US Marshals conducting inspections at the DC jail where Jan 6 defendants are held after a judge called for a probe into the treatment of the inmates (NBC4) — (@disclosetv) October 18, 2021 Most of these people should be set free. The sentencing guidelines for some have also been questioned, with federal prosecutors asking for decades-long jail sentences for people who just walked around a building. It’s classic overreach. You don’t need to have a law degree to see that—even Obama-appointed judges see through it. For those who fought with the cops, that’s a different story—but most of these folks didn’t do anything that requires jail time. Sorry—it’s a political witch hunt. And for all this technology that found these people, it seems it's incapable of finding Brian Laundrie in Florida. This circus has gone on long enough.
Joe "The Unconstitutional Asshole" Biden, Fires Millions of American Workers. FUCK JOE BIDEN !!! That is what they chant. And it is very well deserved. White House Expands Vaccine Mandate To Cover 80 Million Workers The White House has just released new policies requiring all companies - big and small - to coerce their workers into accepting the vaccine, or face termination, as the Biden Administration continues to up the pressure on all working Americans to get vaccinated before Jan. 4. According to Axios, President Biden is planning to announce Thursday that employers with more than 100 workers on their payroll must guarantee that their workers are fully vaccinated, or tested weekly, by Jan. 4, 2022. If not, they could face federal fines starting at tens of thousands of dollars per offense. What's more, health-care workers will face even tougher restrictions which will effectively require every health-care worker in the country to be vaccinated, or lose their job, despite the fact that millions of health-care workers have already been infected with the virus by natural means. To be sure, managing weekly testing programs for a minority of corporate employees will be extremely costly, and the ramifications of this new policy will essentially force employees for the biggest companies in the US to accept the vaccine. Per Axios, the new rules - formally known as the COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Emergency Temporary Standard - will be enforced by OSHA. They will affect roughly two-thirds of America's workforce, or roughly 80MM people. Many businesses and hospitals have already started to enforce vaccine mandates, and while Axios reports that they have seen "minimal" noncompliance, that doesn't exactly square with the fact that less than 60% of the American population is fully vaccinated. While corporations might be able to absorb some of these costs, small businesses will likely be left with some difficult decisions to make. However, there's one important catch: OSHA will mostly rely on "complaints" to enforce the rule, meaning it will be up to American workers whether or not they want to hold their fellow workers accountable for defying the policy. This incentive to snitch out co-workers and neighbors has already elicited criticism from some, including Conservative Radio host Dan Bongino, who has pushed back against vaccine mandates in favor of bodily autonomy. The strict mandate for health-care workers is already creating some problems because, while 40% of health-care businesses have purportedly already enforced the policy, the supposedly "minimal" level of noncompliance is reportedly exacerbating worker shortages at hospitals and other critical service providers. In another indication of how companies are struggling with the mandate, some federal contractors had been expected to enforce the Biden Admin's vaccine mandate by Dec. 8, but those expectations have now been pushed back to Jan. 4. When asked whether the pushback was due to worker shortages, or the timing of the holiday season, they refused to comment, saying only that the delay is meant to "align" with health-care facilities and US employers. Perhaps President Biden (and VP/President-in-waiting Kamala Harris) have already forgotten the lessons of Tuesday's "off-year" election?
Joe "Mr. Unconstitutional" Biden
Without Rule of Law you’re just a banana republic In the year 552 BC in the province of Persis in modern day Iran, a local sheepherder started a revolt against his ruler, King Astyages of the Median Empire. The sheepherder’s name was Cyrus, though he would become known to history as Cyrus the Great. Cyrus led the rebellion against Astyages for three years, winning the decisive battle in 549 BC; and with Astyages defeated, Cyrus went on to found his own kingdom that would quickly become one of the largest empires in the history of the world. Cyrus’s new Persian Empire became vast and powerful. And Cyrus himself was revered by his subjects who believed he had been ordained by the god Ahura Mazda to rule over them. But despite Cyrus’s autocratic power, the Persian Empire still had a very strong ‘rule of law’. Whatever Cyrus decreed became supreme law of the land. Yet his rules were straightforward, fair, and stable. He was not whimsical or petty. He did not change the rules at a moment’s notice, and he was very respectful of people’s individual freedoms. Corruption was a capital offense. Any of Cyrus’s government officials who were found accepting bribes were put to death. Lying also became a capital offense, which compelled politicians and bureaucrats to always tell the truth. The court system was also highly revered; the king established the law, but judges settled disputes to ensure fairness across the board. Anyone who refused to accept the decision of a judge was put to death. And dishonest judges were flayed alive, with their skin used to upholster courtroom furniture as a warning to the next judge who filled the bench. His punishments may have been harsh. But Cyrus’s goal was to establish a strong rule of law where everyone could have trust and confidence in the system, and everyone had to follow the rules. Rule of Law is incredible important; throughout history, societies with a strong rule of law flourished. When laws are fair, predictable, and evenly applied, businesses can plan and prosper. People can confidently invest in the future. Economies grow and everyone wins. Where the Rule of Law is weak and corrupt, the opposite happens. Businesses can’t plan anything because the rules are constantly changing. No one wants to invest because they feel like everything is going to be taken from them. This is the sort of thing we’re seeing now in the Land of the Free. Several weeks ago when Hunter Biden’s dad issued his royal OSHA decree, it was almost immediately met with a number of lawsuits. Now, even beyond the obvious Constitutional and human rights issues, the nationwide mandate is extremely anti-democratic. In a well-functioning representative democracy, there should have been a national conversation about a mandate. It should have been an election issue and essentially appear on the ballot. Voters should have had their say. Yet that never happened. There was no national conversation. And any hint of discussion was shut down by the media and big tech companies. Any opposition was censored. This is seriously supposed to be the world’s most advanced democracy? Well it certainly took a while. But a US federal appeals court finally ruled a few days ago to temporarily block this nationwide mandate. In a society where the Rule of Law is strong, the court order would be respected by all, including the federal government. But that’s no longer the world we live in. In fact, despite the clear and obvious judicial ruling which cites “grave statutory and constitutional issues”, the administration is still telling business to proceed with the mandate. They’re flat out ignoring the court ruling. It’s extraordinary. Sadly this is not an isolated event. Recently a number of federal authorities raided the homes of journalists for supposedly being implicated in the ‘theft’ of the Ashley Biden’s diary. If someone wants to report the theft of their personal property, this would ordinarily be a matter handled by the local police. Only in a country without any rule of law would something so trivial involve federal authorities and the Justice Department. This is political persecution, plain and simple. The list goes on and on. Several weeks ago, for example, the head of the CDC simply invented special authority for herself to take control of the entire $10+ trillion US national housing market. This is all the stuff of banana republics. And it’s amazing how the people in charge cannot understand why no one trusts the system. The bottom line here is that a weak rule of law is just another indicator of serious rot. History is very clear on this point. And when you see that even the government refuses to respect its own system, it’s really time to get your Plan B in order.
Joe Biden Dems and their Media Cabal are all clearly lying pieces of political opportunist garbage. Kyle Rittenhouse's Mother "Shocked" Biden Called Her Son A White Supremacist The mother of Kyle Rittenhouse on Thursday said that she was upset by President Joe Biden calling her son a white supremacist, saying the Democrat defamed the teenager. “When I saw that I was shocked, I was angry,” Wendy Rittenhouse said during an appearance on Fox News. “President Biden don’t know my son whatsoever. He’s not a white supremacist. He’s not a racist.” While running for the presidency last year, Biden shared a video on social media with the caption saying that then-President Donald Trump “refused to disavow white supremacists on the debate stage last night.” The video included a photograph of Rittenhouse in Kenosha, Wisconsin. “He did that for the votes, and I was so angry for a while at him and what he did to my son - he defamed him,” Wendy Rittenhouse said in the new interview. The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment. There’s been no evidence put forth in the public sphere that indicates Rittenhouse holds white supremacist views. The teenager is on trial for shooting three white men in Kenosha amid rioting there in August 2020. Two died. Kyle Rittenhouse speaks to his mother in Kenosha, Wis., on Nov. 3, 2021. (Mark Hertzberg/Pool/Getty Images) Rittenhouse and his defense team say he acted in self-defense, noting the men either attacked or made to attack the teen. Prosecutors say Rittenhouse was trigger-happy and shouldn’t have fired upon the men. Rittenhouse faces up to life in prison if convicted on the most-serious charge, first-degree homicide. Rittenhouse was also charged with illegally possessing a weapon because he was 17 at the time, and reckless endangerment. Jurors are set to weigh whether to convict him next week following closing arguments. Wendy Rittenhouse, who has attended the trial in-person, said she thought her son was going to die when she watched footage that showed one man moving to kick the teen and another pointing a gun at him. She said her son has nightmares from what transpired. The mother also said she believes Kenosha County Judge Bruce Schroeder, who is presiding over the trial, is fair. Asked about the jury, she added, “They’ve been keeping a close eye on every evidence, every testimony, and they’re paying good attention what’s been said that’s the truth.” Well, @JoeBiden called him a “white supremacist,” and the gutless press failed to ask @PressSec about it today — Joel Pollak (@joelpollak) November 12, 2021
Joe Biden Dems and their Media Cabal are all clearly lying pieces of political opportunist garbage.
And are Unconstitutional Assholes as usual, who think they can force people to speak, and can launch baseless political slander persecutions against all those who dissent assemble and protest them... you could dislike their video, but they took that button away from you too. Steve Bannon Indicted For Contempt Of Congress After Ignoring J6 Panel The Biden DOJ has indicted former Trump adviser Steve Bannon over his refusal to cooperate with a congressional investigation of the Jan. 6 "Stop the Steal" rally. Bannon was slapped with two counts - failure to appear to give testimony, and failure to produce "documents and communications," or "provide a log of any withheld records." The move follows an October vote by the House of Representatives to hold Bannon in contempt Congress - alleging that he refused a subpoena to provide documents and testimony to the panel. It has not gone unnoticed that former Attorney General Eric Holder was held in contempt of Congress over his similar failure to turn over documents related to the Fast and Furious scandal. Eric Holder was held in contempt of Congress. No charges brought against him. This is Soviet level show trial behavior. — Cernovich (@Cernovich) November 12, 2021 He was not alone... Henry Kissinger Janet Reno Harriet Miers Joshua Bolton Eric Holder Lois Lerner Bryan Pagliano Bill Barr Chad Wolf All held in contempt of Congress — Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) November 12, 2021 But there appears to be a difference... Different rules apply to Democrats. Our side gets indicted. They make millions in the private sector. The next GOP POTUS has to be much meaner than Trump. We need an absolute savage. — John Cardillo (@johncardillo) November 12, 2021 As the Epoch Times noted following the House ruling, the contempt resolution argued that Bannon has no legal standing to defy the subpoena. Trump’s attorney, however, argued that Bannon shouldn’t comply because the requested information is protected by the former president’s executive privilege. Team Trump submitted a memo to Trump’s website announcing a “lawsuit to defend executive privilege.” “The January 6th Committee is a partisan sham to distract Americans from the Democrats’ policies that are killing and robbing Americans,” the memo alleged. The committee says it wants Bannon’s documents and testimony because he was in touch with Trump before the Jan. 6 incident, because he tried to get Trump to focus on the congressional certification of the election results, and because he said on Jan. 5 that “all hell is going to break loose” the next day. In an October statement following the House resolution, former President Trump said: "This is just a continuation of the Witch Hunt which started with the now fully debunked and discredited Russia, Russia, Russia Scam, quickly reverting to a perfect phone call with Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, and now this. The Unselect Committee is composed of absolute political hacks who want to destroy the Republican Party and are decimating America itself," adding "I am the only thing in their way." Ahhh so now Congress is an investigation agency. What a fucking joke this country is. We deserve everything that’s coming — Brian (@FluffheadTrades) November 12, 2021 BuzzFeed has already published more stories about the Bannon indictment than about the Igor Danchenko indictment. — Chuck Ross (@ChuckRossDC) November 12, 2021 And we give the final word to The Federalist's Sean Davis, who, in his usual pithy and accurate way, sums up exactly what this evening's action means for 'We, the People': "This is nothing less than a declaration of war against the American people. Think of all the Democrat FBI, DOJ, and IRA officials who lied under oath, or refused congressional subpoenas, and never received even a slap on the wrist. America is now a third-world banana republic."
Joe "The Inciter" Biden effectively incites protestors, Media and fake ACLU SPLC MSNBC etc etc all pump Fake News, Antifa BLM and others smash and loot Chicago, NYC, etc over Rittenhouse Not Gulty verdict. "Mostly Peaceful", not.
On Sat, 20 Nov 2021 02:58:55 -0500 grarpamp <> wrote:
Joe "The Inciter" Biden
notice that the trumpofascist turd 'grarpamp' never ever criticized his trumpofascist master, the trump turd itself. That's because agent 'grarpamp' is a Real Libertarian Anarchist. also notice that the trumpo turd itself, who was the commander in chief of the US military, and so the most corrupt and evil turd on the planet, was always a high ranking of the US oligarchy and was and is best friends with the turds of the US demokkkratic party. Donald Trump: 'I probably identify more as Democrat'
Joe "Mr. Unconstitutional" Biden ... and Asshole Supreme Ron Klain’s Retweet Bragging OSHA Rule “the Ultimate Work-Around” Makes an Appearance in the 5th Circuit Court’s Ruling Against Biden’s Vax Mandate This is hilarious. In September the Biden Regime dropped the iron fist on the private sector and mandated all employees get jabbed or tested weekly for Covid… OR ELSE. In addition to telling all 2.1 million federal employees to get jabbed or face firing, the Biden regime mandated all companies with 100+ employees to either test workers or prove they are vaccinated. Small businesses that do not comply with the Biden Regime’s new Covid mandates will face hefty fines. The mandate was supposed to go into effect January 4, 2022. However the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit on Friday evening upheld its decision to put a halt on Biden’s vax mandate for businesses with 100 employees. Right after Biden announced his vax mandate in September, his dirt bag Chief of Staff Ron Klain retweeted MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle bragging that OSHA enforcing the mandate was the “ultimate work-around for the federal government.” Courts consider intent and purpose of policies so Klain’s retweet admitting the OSHA rule was a “work-around” to implement the illegal mandate immediately put Biden’s vax agenda in jeopardy. Constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley blasted Ron Klain for retweeting Stephanie Ruhle’s OSHA tweet and said Klain effectively became a witness for the challengers. “The retweet was breathtakingly daft on the eve of litigation over the order. It is reminiscent of President Biden admitting that his own White House counsel and their preferred legal experts all said that the eviction moratorium extension was likely unconstitutional,” Jonathan Turley told Fox News in September. “Courts will now be asked to ignore the admission and uphold a self-admitted evasion of constitutional limits,” Turley added. The “problem is that the thing being ‘worked around’ is the Constitution.” “Klain effectively became a witness for the challengers in labeling the order an evasion or subterfuge designed for the courts. Klain leaves the courts in the unenviable position of ratifying an order that the Administration admits is a mere work around to evade constitutional limits. It is akin to claiming self-defense in an assault case while saying that it was the best way to shoot the guy,” Turley said. Klain’s retweet made an appearance in the 5th Circuit Court’s ruling on Friday. A Ron Klain retweet makes an appearance in the 5th Circuit ruling on the OSHA rule. — John Fritze (@jfritze) November 13, 2021 The appeals court also said the mandate “exposes [petitioners] to severe financial risk” and “threatens to decimate their workforces (and business prospects).” Thanks, Ron!
Bidenomics, Democrats failed at maths, and Constitution class ... Biden administration officials are insisting that the surge of inflation is “transitory.” Get ready for a winter of discontent, thanks to Joe Biden. How many Biden appointees are willing to see Americans shivering in the cold this winter as long as they can boast of reductions in US emissions at the next international climate summit? ... an Ice Age for the White House. But the punchline is that the NY Times admits that the fares will only stay stable for "at least six months" Biden Reportedly Begged China To Release Oil Reserves During Xi Call What did President Biden offer in return for this 'favor' from China? Ask Hunter Biden.
Joe "Mr. Unconstitutional" Biden
"It's Terrifying" - Judge Andrew Napolitano Warns Federal Government's Behavior Crosses Constitutional Lines Without even hearing the federal government's argument on the imposition of COVID-19 vaccine mandates, it's very obvious they are in violation of the constitution based on the actions taken by seated judges', according to Judge Andrew Napolitano, former Judge of the New Jersey Superior Court. In an exclusive interview with anchor Daniela Cambone of Stansberry Research, Napolitano joins to share a gleamingly judicial perspective on current legislation passed from the federal government to circuit courts, which requires large employers to mandate employees to get vaccinated or submit to weekly COVID-19 testing. This being a first time, as pointed out by Judge Napolitano to Cambone, the federal government has moved the goalposts when imposing federal powers related to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. "The federal government, through the department of labor, through OSHA, has never claimed the right to force employers to enforce a federal regulation, [and] not a federal statute that was enacted by Congress." Biden's efforts to enact policies overstepping constitutional lines fall short of anything greater than a "whim," Judge Napolitano says, and the congress won't enact legislation because members know they won't be there once their respective terms' end due to the unpopularity of this position. The U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals issued a temporary order that blocked President Joe Biden's COVID-19 vaccine mandate for businesses with over 100 employees from taking effect, siding with Utah and several other states on Friday. "It's terrifying to me that [the U.S. government's] behavior no longer shocks," he says. "It is the dulling of our sensitivities and sensibilities, between right and wrong, that terrifies me," Judge Napolitano concludes.
Biden Woke Left et al... Wrong Ideologies Sinking like the Titanic... Buchanan: Are Democrats Looking To The Lifeboats? Not so long ago, President Joe Biden was being talked of as a transformative president, a second Franklin D. Roosevelt in terms of the domestic agenda he would enact. And there was substance to the claim. Early in his presidency, Biden had passed a $1.9 trillion stimulus package. While his majorities in both houses of Congress were razor-thin, they proved sufficient to push through a $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill. Clusters of Republicans backed the Biden infrastructure bill. A follow-on $3.5 trillion Build Back Better social spending bill to rival New Deal and Great Society measures has broad support — though not for its sticker price — and, even today, still seems possible. So, how are Biden and the administration he leads doing with the American people who put them into office? According to a stunning Washington Post-ABC News poll this weekend, not well, not well at all. If the 2022 elections were held this November, registered voters would back Republican candidates over Democratic opponents 51-41. The GOP voter advantage would translate into a rout of Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s House Democrats, loss of the Senate, two years of gridlock and a lame-duck Biden presidency through 2023 and 2024. If that Post-ABC poll is accurate, Democrats are staring into the abyss. According to the poll, 70% of Americans have a negative view of how the economy is doing under Biden, while 38%, almost 4 in 10, believe the economy is in “poor” condition. “About half of Americans overall and political independents blame Biden for fast-rising inflation,” writes the Post, ” … with more than 6 in 10 saying he has accomplished ‘not much’ or ‘little or nothing.'” Seven in 10 independent voters believe Biden’s presidency lacks any real achievements. Is this Biden likely to enter the history books alongside FDR? Probably not. Only 8% of the nation thinks he has done a “great deal” in his first year, which corresponds to FDR’s famous “First 100 Days” in 1933. On how he is handling his presidency overall, Biden has the approval of 41% and the disapproval of 53% of all Americans. Biden is 12 points underwater. While he has suffered attrition in his own Democratic Party, it is among independent voters that his losses have been staggering. On the issues of whether the government is spending too much and whether parents should play a role in deciding what their children are taught in public schools, the GOP stance is overwhelmingly supported. That same Sunday edition of the Post that described the Biden polls contained a lengthy political analysis of the relative strength of Vice President Kamala Harris and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg as potential Democratic nominees in 2024. The unstated premise of the piece seemed to be that Biden’s first term is his last, if he makes it through to 2024. About the plunge in support for Biden’s presidency, the questions are coming fast. Can he turn this around? Is the attrition inexorable? Are we headed for a broken presidency? To answer the questions, consider the root causes of Biden’s decline. Four of the issue areas where Biden and the Democrats are on the defensive are: inflation, immigration, crime and education. In October, the consumer price index was 6.2% above a year ago, the highest surge in inflation in 31 years. The family necessities of food and gasoline are showing some of the steepest price increases. Several months ago, Democrats were saying the price surge was “transitory.” Few are saying that now. The choked supply chain for commodities from abroad looks like it will take a long time to unravel. Americans are looking at a Thanksgiving with fewer turkeys and a Christmas with fewer toys. As for the border crisis, which was put in Harris’ portfolio, it is seeing the highest rates of illegal entries in decades, with more than a million having crossed our southern border since Biden took the oath. And they are still coming. In the aftermath of the “Defund the Police!” protests and riots in the wake of George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis in 2020, resignations and retirements of cops have gone hand in hand with an explosion of murders and homicides in America’s major cities. Chicago has become notorious for its weekly casualty count. On the education issue, which now embraces the rights of parents to review what their children are being taught about race, sex and morality in their public schools — the issue probably cost Terry McAuliffe his chance to return as governor of Virginia. And Republicans now seem in step with suburban parents as Democrats appear to be on the side of leftist teachers unions. The returns from Virginia and New Jersey on Election Day seem to confirm what ABC and the Post found in their poll: A tidal wave may be coming, and if it does not crest and break before November 2022, it will swamp Nancy Pelosi’s House and Chuck Schumer’s Senate, and it will sink Joe Biden’s White House. That’s the climate change Democrats ought to be worrying about.
Hypocrite Biden Admin accuses Cuba of doing literally everything that the Biden Admin and US Democrats BLM+Antifa have been doing... “In July, the people of Cuba bravely and spontaneously took to the streets to demand change from their government: respect for human rights, greater freedom of expression, and an end to economic mismanagement by an authoritarian regime that has failed to meet their most basic needs,” Blinken said in a statement. “The Cuban regime responded with violence, censorship, arrests, and summary trials, denying their citizens their rights to freedom of expression and freedom of peaceful assembly.” Blinken continued: “We strongly condemn these intimidation tactics. We call on the Cuban government to respect Cubans’ rights, by allowing them to peacefully assemble and use their voices without fear of government reprisal or violence, and by keeping Internet and telecommunication lines open for the free exchange of information. We urge the Cuban government to reject violence, and instead, embrace this historic opportunity to listen to the voices of their people.”
On Wed, Nov 17, 2021 at 2:23 AM, grarpamp<> wrote:Hypocrite Biden Admin accuses Cuba of doing literally everything that the Biden Admin and US Democrats BLM+Antifa have been doing... “In July, the people of Cuba bravely and spontaneously took to the streets to demand change from their government: respect for human rights, greater freedom of expression, and an end to economic mismanagement by an authoritarian regime that has failed to meet their most basic needs,” Blinken said in a statement. “The Cuban regime responded with violence, censorship, arrests, and summary trials, denying their citizens their rights to freedom of expression and freedom of peaceful assembly.” Blinken continued: “We strongly condemn these intimidation tactics. We call on the Cuban government to respect Cubans’ rights, by allowing them to peacefully assemble and use their voices without fear of government reprisal or violence, and by keeping Internet and telecommunication lines open for the free exchange of information. We urge the Cuban government to reject violence, and instead, embrace this historic opportunity to listen to the voices of their people.” Yet Biden doesn't see the irony !!!
Joe Biden and his Left Socialists Fully Endorse Rise of Black Theft Gangs Engaging in Rampant Looting No wonder Biden-Dem's net approval rating are lowest of any "President" ever. As US Retailers Struggle Against Smash-And-Grab Flash Mobs, Liberals Blame "White Supremacy" Americans are facing a new type of crime wave that got its start in the mad liberal laboratory, where the utopian notion that going soft on criminals is going terribly awry. While threatening the traditional brick and mortar shopping experience with extinction, and making communities a living hell, the left needs to stop trying to reinvent the wheel. Apparently unwilling to wait for Black Friday discounts, roaming gangs of young men are descending on retail outlets and pharmacies in flash mobs, clearing out the store shelves in a matter of seconds as clerks look on helplessly. $100k in handbags 👜 stolen at a Louis Vuitton store near Chicago! — Asian Crime Report (@activeasian) November 19, 2021 In one pre-Thanksgiving raid, about 90 individuals stormed a Nordstrom outlet in Walnut Creek, situated in the San Francisco Bay Area. Members of the masked mob pepper-sprayed one employee, and assaulted another with a knife before making off with an estimated $100,000 in merchandise. Many of the looters made their getaway in some 25 vehicles parked out front. Disturbingly, as this sort of mayhem unfolds in major cities across the country, liberals seem more preoccupied with determining how to define the criminal acts. Lorenzo Boyd, PhD, Professor of Criminal Justice & Community Policing at the University of New Haven, and a retired veteran police officer, is just one academic who seems more obsessed with semantics than digging to the root of the problem. “Looting is a term that we typically use when people of color or urban dwellers are doing something,” Boyd remarked in an interview with ABC7 news channel. “We tend not to use that term for other people when they do the exact same thing.” And by “other people” it is abundantly clear who Boyd is referencing. It’s looting. Just like there were riots in Kenosha, not just protests. — Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) November 23, 2021 Martin Reynolds, Co-executive director of the Robert C. Maynard Institute of Journalism Education, invited listeners to compare the current wave of flash mob thefts to the fallout from Hurricane Katrina, when many marginalized New Orleans residents, the majority of them Black, were labeled looters for stealing from local businesses. “This seems like it’s an organized smash and grab robbery,” Reynold said, speaking about the current phenomenon of flash mobs. “This doesn’t seem like looting. We’re thinking of scenarios where first responders are completely overwhelmed. And folks, often may be on their own,” he said. While both academics do make some valid points, there is a risk of liberals getting trapped in a game of semantics that eventually leads to social disaster. More on that in a moment. At the same time, the radical progressives wish to ignore the fact that the primary reason for these crimes happening at all is because they went soft on crime. Back in 2014, the Democrats in California passed ballot initiative Proposition 47, which legislates that theft of less than $950 in merchandise is considered to be a nonviolent misdemeanor. In other words, such cases are rarely prosecuted. The repercussions of such stupidity should not have been hard to predict. Prop. 47 led to a rise in the larceny theft rate of about 135 per 100,000 residents, an increase of close to 9 percent compared to the 2014 rate, according to a report by the Public Policy Institute of California. Police Chief David Swing, president of the California Police Chiefs Association, responded, saying that the PPIC’s conclusions “are consistent with what police chiefs across the state have seen since 2014.” But for store owners in California and elsewhere, there is no need for special reports. The damage from the shortsighted legislation is abundantly clear. “Theft in Walgreens’ San Francisco stores is four times the average for stores elsewhere in the country, and the chain spends 35 times more on security guards in the city than elsewhere,” reported the San Francisco Chronicle, discussing just one of the myriad casualties of Prop 47. Experts caution use of 'looting' in describing rash of Bay Area smash and grabs — ABC7 News (@abc7newsbayarea) November 23, 2021 Compounded with the problem of a legal system that is increasing willing to let criminals walk, a confab of writers, agitators and academics are more inclined to see the ‘poetic justice’ of young marauders clearing out stores in coordinated flash mobs. Last year, during the street protests in the wake of George Floyd’s death, a Chicago Black Lives Matter organizer called looting in the Windy City “reparation” for past crimes committed against Black people. “I don’t care if somebody decides to loot a Gucci’s or a Macy’s or a Nike because that makes sure that that person eats,” Ariel Atkins screamed at a rally outside the South Loop police station. “That’s a reparation,” Atkins said. “Anything they want to take, take it because these businesses have insurance.” But even before George Floyd had become a household name, self-described agitator Vickie Osterweil had penned a book entitled, ‘In Defense of Looting,’ provided an apology for the act of looting before it was cool. Beginning by explaining that the word comes from the Hindi, lút, which means “goods” or “spoils,” Osterweil (who wrote the book under the name ‘Willie Osterweil,’ apparently at a different stage in life) goes on to argue that the idea of property in the United States is “derived through whiteness and through Black oppression, through the history of slavery and settler domination of the country.” Funny how many of the oppressed and downtrodden of the world are willing to be consoled by Gucci bags, Samsung televisions and Nike tennis shoes. But I digress. Osterweil goes off on a massively contradictory spiel, somehow equating the theft of property with liberation from the “White man’s world.” “Looting strikes at the heart of property, of whiteness and of the police; it gets to the very root of the way those three things are interconnected,” she says. “And also it provides people with an imaginative sense of freedom and pleasure and helps them imagine a world that could be. And I think that’s a part of it that doesn’t really get talked about — that riots and looting are experienced as sort of joyous and liberatory. How looting and stealing could help a person “imagine a world that could be” it is difficult to imagine, but the left must do better than merely coddling and apologizing for the criminals in their midst. More than just midterms are at stake.
Racist Joe Biden and his Historically Racist Democrats Fully Endorse Black Fratricide and its Gangland Violence. False Flags that let them roll out more failed mass socialism welfare programmes, govt debt, cancel the 2ndAmdmt... all for more Socialist power. Cook County Blows Past 1,000 Homicides This Year In First Since 1994 The greater Chicago-area Cook County has this week surpassed a grim record - for the first time in almost three decades seeing more than 1,000 homicides in one year. With still a month to go until the close of 2021 the Cook County Medical Examiner’s office put out figures on Tuesday showing 1,009 total homicides. The last time the county - which is the most populous within the state of Illinois encompassing the Chicagoland area and Evanston city - saw 1,000 homicides in a one-year period was in 1994, when there were 1,141 killings. Image via Townhall According to local CBS-2, "Chicago alone has had 777 homicides so far this year, according to the medical examiner’s office. That’s more than the total number of homicides reported by Chicago Police all of last year, when CPD reported 769 homicides." Further, the medical examiner's office records show that "the vast majority of homicide victims have been Black, with 81% of the victims identified as African American. Latinos accounted for about 15% of the county’s homicide victims." The vast majority of these deaths are by gun violence. But strangely enough, Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot who has lately been at war with her own police department over the vaccination status disclosure mandate, has tried to shift blame for the soaring violent crime gripping the city's streets onto (what else?) the coronavirus pandemic... "There’s no question that the COVID-related impact on the public safety system in Chicago, in New York, in L.A., D.C. and other cities across the country is real. And what we’ve got to continue to do is make sure that we’re demanding of our courts and our prosecutors that they hold violent people accountable and keep them off our streets,” the mayor told MSNBC last month. Most recently, Thanksgiving weekend saw over 40 people shot, including five killed, which means Cook County could possibly be headed toward an all-time high of shootings before 2021 is out. One report after the bloody holiday weekend described Chicago as "a war zone" while featuring footage of someone firing a machine gun: This it the terrifying moment machine gun shooting erupted on the streets of Chicago in a bloody Thanksgiving weekend of gun violence. ...Footage posted online shows a man, who does not appear to have a gun, running through the streets of Chicago as machine gun fire erupts nearby. 'Chicago is a war zone': Terrifying video shows MACHINE GUN fire erupting on the streets in bloody Thanksgiving weekend of violence as three are killed and another 40 are shot - — Blanche Victoria (@tammytabby) November 30, 2021 It's certainly not the first time in recent months that fully automatic gunfire has erupted on Chicago streets. As one previously widely viewed social media video from last summer showed, gunfights have on occasion broken out in broad daylight... Chicago's Gone Wild: Gang Member Machine Gun Shootout Called Worst Violence Since Al Capone Days!! — Willie D (@WillieDLIVE) June 26, 2021 Meanwhile, the city of Chicago and Mayor Lightfoot's hugely controversial vaccine status disclosure mandate for police officers remains at a tense stalemate. Just under a month ago an Illinois judge handed the police union a major victory, ruling that an arbitrator must examine the policy before the city can implement it based on prior union agreements and rules with the city. The vaccine mandate order remains blocked for the time being. Many observers and Chicagoans themselves have expressed alarm that if patrol officers were ever actually removed from the streets for failure to comply with the pandemic-related mandates, the chaotic violence would spiral out of control even beyond already existing levels.
On Wed, 1 Dec 2021 21:35:07 -0500 grarpamp <> wrote:
Racist Joe Biden and his Historically Racist Democrats
indeed. And then you have the trumpofascists like you who come straight from the KKK. So the US is a nazi cesspool. Shocking! Not to mention : Donald Trump: 'I probably identify more as Democrat'
Theft = Higher Prices, SpyVeillance, and militant SWAT for you. Thank the Democrats for that via their support for their henchmen aka: LeftistSocComMarxBLMetc gangs. "They should continue [the arson damage looting etc] -- Kamala Harris" Security Heightened At Major Store Chains After Series Of 'Flash Mob' Robberies Israel To Urge Biden To Attack Iranian Sites In Series Of Washington Meetings Everybody runs demented Grandpa Biden. AOC Gives 'Loony-Tunes' Answer Dismissing Organized Looting Mobs Last year, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) blamed a New York crime wave on people who "feel like they either need to shoplift some bread or go hungry." She's at it again. In a Friday interview with the Washington Times, AOC dismissed reports of "organized retail theft" as nothing more than "allegations" that are "not actually panning out." "A lot of these allegations of organized retail theft are not actually panning out," said the Democratic socialist. "I believe it’s a Walgreens in California cited it, but the data didn’t back it up." Apparently AOC doesn't read much, or she's just lying again. Last Friday alone, San Francisco Bay Area officials made "one of the largest retail theft busts in California history," with upwards of $8 million in merchandise recovered from CVS, Target and Walgreens according to Breitbart. "This level of violence has taken it to a whole new level," according to CA Retailers Association President Rachel Michelin, adding "No one has seen this before." Retail outlet groups and politicians equally blasted Ocasio-Cortez for her dismissal of the problem. “Respectfully, the Congresswoman has no idea what she is talking about. Both the data and stack of video evidence makes fairly clear that this is a growing problem in need of solutions,” said Jason Brewer, Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) senior executive vice president of communications. “If she is not concerned with organized theft and increasingly violent attacks on retail employees, she should just say that.” The retail outlet Walgreens, which has reportedly closed dozens of stores due to the rampant crimewave, asserted to the Washington Times that “organized retail crime is one of the top challenges facing” the company,” adding that the problem “has evolved beyond shoplifting and petty theft to the sale of stolen and counterfeit goods online.” -Breitbart Does AOC's abuela know she keeps covering for criminals?
Theft = Higher Prices, SpyVeillance, and militant SWAT for you. Thank the Democrats for that via their support for their henchmen aka: LeftistSocComMarxBLMetc gangs. "They should continue [the arson damage looting etc] -- Kamala Harris"
Retailers should instead sue the fuck out of Harris, Waters, BLM, Biden, Lightfoot, etc. Retailers Fed Up With 'Smash And Grabs' Send Urgent Letter To Congress Liberal socialist utopias such as California and Illinois are a blessing for criminal gangs thanks to the states' lack of prosecution of shoplifting. Retailers are fed up with smash and grabs and have sent an urgent message to Congress urging lawmakers to do more to prevent thieves from reselling stolen goods online. In a letter sent to Congressional leadership, 20 retailer CEOs -- including Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc., Petco Animal Supplies, Inc., CVS Health, AutoZone, Inc., Nordstrom, Inc., and Foot Locker, Inc., among others, urged lawmakers to pass legislation that would make it harder for thieves to resell stolen goods on online marketplaces that do very little to verify the identity of sellers. "As millions of Americans have undoubtedly seen on the news in recent weeks and months, retail establishments of all kinds have seen a significant uptick in organized crime in communities across the nation," the CEOs said. "This trend has made retail businesses a target for increasing theft, hurt legitimate businesses who are forced to compete against unscrupulous sellers, and has greatly increased consumer exposure to unsafe and dangerous counterfeit products," they said. The CEOs said there's no easy way to stop the wave of smash and grabs. Still, they offered new legislation for lawmakers on both sides of the political aisle to support the Notification and Fairness in Online Retail Marketplaces (INFORM) for Consumers Act. The proposed measure would "increase transparency online for all marketplaces, making it easier for consumers to identify exactly who they are buying from, and make it harder for criminal elements to hide behind fake screen names and false business information to fence illicit products while evading law enforcement." The retail industry has been decimated by the wave of smash and grabs in liberal cities where progressives have downgraded retail theft from a felony to a misdemeanor. Retailers, such as electronic store Best Buy saw its margins slide in its latest quarterly report to do thefts. Major retail chains across the country are on alert this holiday season for criminal gangs. Some stores have even redesigned their front entrances to prevent robberies. Meanwhile, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot blamed stores for not taking adequate steps to prevent the thefts. Progressive leadership needs to wake up before it's too late and they're voted out of office. For the full letter to Congress, read here.
Lolz@Hypocrites&CorruptFrauds... Speaker Pelosi Rejects The Idea Of Congressional Stock Trading Ban, Claiming "We're A Free Market Economy" House speaker Nancy Pelosi, who is worth $114 million and just 2 months ago was railing about how capitalism has "not served us well" and "needs improving" is all of a sudden a bold advocate for free market economics. All it took was potentially taking away her (and her husband's) stock trading privileges. Funny how that works, isn't it? "We are a free-market economy. They should be able to participate in that," Pelosi said of the idea of barring members of Congress from trading individual stocks while in office. "If people aren't reporting, they should be," Pelosi responded to Insider, who asked for comment after 49 members of Congress and 182 staffers had violated the STOCK Act that prevents insider trading. "We're a free-market economy. They should be able to participate in that." -- Pelosi's rationale for why spouses of members of Congress should be able to trade individuals stocks is not very convincing — Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) December 15, 2021 This stance puts Pelosi immediately at odds with both Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who have spoken out against members of Congress trading individual stocks. "It is absolutely ludicrous that members of Congress can hold and trade individual stock while in office," AOC said earlier this year, via Twitter. "The access and influence we have should be exercised for the public interest, not our profit. It shouldn't be legal for us to trade individual stock with the info we have." Warren referred to the trading by members of Congress as "brazenness" when asked by Insider for comment. She continued: "We need both tougher laws and enforcement of those laws," the Massachusetts Democrat said. "The American people should never have to guess whether or not an elected official is advancing an issue or voting on a bill based on what's good for the country or what's good for their own personal financial interests." “We are a free market economy,” says the woman probably insider trading, pushing for socialist programs, advocating for endless regulation, endorsing full modern monetary theory and trying to micromanage commodity markets with a state run economy and price controls. — Quoth the Raven (@QTRResearch) December 16, 2021 We noted back in April of this year that Pelosi's husband was using call options to buy names like Microsoft ahead of lucrative government contracts. Recall, we wrote in September that Pelosi's criticism of capitalism was that it had "historically allowed workers’ wages, as well as management’s, to rise alongside productivity". Doing her best Karl Marx impression, Pelosi said at the time: “You cannot have a system where the success of some springs from the exploitation of the workers and springs from the exploitation of the environment and the rest, and we have to correct that." But we guess that line no longer plays...right Nancy?
Biden Holds A Losing Hand As President Joe Biden’s poll numbers sank this fall, and the presidentially ambitious in his party began to stir, the White House put out the word. Forget all that 2020 campaign chatter about Biden being a “transitional president.” He intends to run and win a second term. Well, perhaps. Yet, skepticism abounds. First, if Biden ran in 2024 and won, his second term would extend to January 2029, when he would be 86 years old. He is already, at 79, the oldest president in history. Does Biden look like a signal-calling quarterback with seven years of playing days ahead of him? When one views his diminished mental capacities and the issues menu before him, it seems a certainty that we are not looking at a two-term president. First, there is the pandemic. With the death toll now exceeding 800,000, and the number of COVID-19 cases reaching 50 million, more Americans have died of the coronavirus under Biden than under former President Donald Trump. Over 1,000 Americans are being daily added to the death toll. In a New York Post poll, approval of Biden’s handling of the pandemic has already fallen from 69% on Inauguration Day to 53% today. Another menu item is the economic crisis induced by the pandemic. Inflation under Biden has soared to 6.8%, and at the Federal Reserve, there is talk of three interest rate hikes in 2022. What does this mean? Not only are the prices of gasoline and groceries rising beyond the capacity of millions of families to pay, but for every $100,000 in cash savings of every Middle American family, nearly $7,000 will have been wiped out in Biden’s first year. And the Biden inflation is no longer spoken of as “transitory.” For his handling of inflation, Biden has an approval rating of 28%, with two-thirds of all Americans, 69%, disapproving of the job he is doing. On the crime front, our major cities are now setting new records for shootings, stabbings, homicides and murders. Cable and TV news carry regular videos of “flash mobs” invading and looting downtown stores and fleeing before the police arrive. In Biden’s America, civilization itself seems to be breaking down. How do the American people think Biden is handling crime? As a Delaware senator in the 1990s, Biden was seen as a law-and-order Democrat who helped enact some of the toughest anti-crime and pro-cop legislation of the decade. Yet, today, when even San Francisco’s Nancy Pelosi is decrying the “smash-and-grab” mob attacks on her city’s retail stores as reflecting an “attitude of lawlessness,” 3 in 5 Americans, 61%, disapprove of how Biden is handling the crime issue. On taking office, Biden discarded the Trump immigration policies that had held back the flood of illegal migrants into the country. Now the southern border is bleeding as never before. In Biden’s first year, migrants have been crossing at a rate of close to 2 million a year. Scores of thousands of “got-aways” — unknown homeland invaders who evade any contact with U.S. authorities — have vanished into our population since Biden took office. And they are coming now not only from Mexico and the Northern Triangle — Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador. They are coming from every continent and every country on earth. We are becoming what President Teddy Roosevelt warned America would become if it failed to manage its immigration well — “a polyglot boarding house for the world.” “The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation of the currency; the second is war,” said Ernest Hemingway. “Both bring a temporary prosperity; both bring a permanent ruin.” Biden is going to have to negotiate a modus vivendi with Russia on Ukraine and China on Taiwan, after a Beijing-Moscow summit where Chinese President Xi Jinping declared that the two countries have established a relationship that “in its closeness and effectiveness … even exceeds an alliance.” Eleven months from now, Biden faces congressional elections. Almost surely, they will cost him his majority in the House and leave him at year’s end an 80-year-old lame-duck president whose legislative agenda will have to meet with the approval of the new speaker, Kevin McCarthy. So where will we and Biden be at New Year’s Eve 2023? We will have an octogenarian president, in even more visible cognitive decline, faced with intractable issues of crime, a bleeding border, a pandemic and an inflation with which he has been unable to cope. And, like William Howard Taft in 1912, Harry Truman in 1952, Lyndon Johnson in 1968, Gerald Ford in 1976, Jimmy Carter in 1980 and George H. W. Bush in 1992, Biden will, if he decides to run again, face a challenge in the Democratic primaries. Biden won’t get a pass. And should he survive those primaries, as some of those presidents did, Biden would be the favorite to lose in 2024. For none of those presidents won reelection. It may be time to consider a retirement announcement.
Biden Holds A Losing Hand
Angry Sick Evil Senile Nasty Incompetent Joe Biden is a Corrupt Failure disliked by 70% of the country. This was obvious well before election. Biden has for decades been an angry rager directed at both individuals and constantly insulting Americans. Assholes like Biden should never have been or let remain in any public office. Joe Rager Biden FUCK Joe Biden Joe Rager Biden Joe Rogan among many who Called It Joe Biden is a danger to America.
US Democratic Socialists are Slimy and Corrupt as Fuck
From Packing To Sacking, Democrats Pledge Politics "By Any Means Necessary" In the Age of Rage, no institution or process appears inviolate. When the majority of the Supreme Court shifted right, liberal academics and members demanded court packing — a practice long denounced as anathema to the rule of law. When the Supreme Court commission voiced concerns over court packing, it was denounced by liberal groups and two of the few conservative members resigned during the outcry. Academics have been called to “redo” the First Amendment after it became an impediment to social justice efforts. It is not surprising, therefore, that some of the same activists are now calling for the sacking of Senate Parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough. Her offense? She rendered a non-partisan judgment that Democrats could not push through the sweeping immigration reform package as part of the budget reconciliation process. Like the Supreme Court, the Parliamentarian was now an impediment to politics so she or her authority (or both) will have to go. Democratic members and staff are repeating the same menacing mantra that is now familiar in Washington of politics “by any means necessary.“ Democrats previously called for firing MacDonough when she ruled against them on a legislative issue. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) called for the the Senate to “replace the parliamentarian. What’s a Democratic majority if we can’t pass our priority bills? This is unacceptable.” Similar calls followed this decision. After all, what is the value of having a majority if you cannot do whatever you want in the way you want to do it? That was the same question asked when the filibuster rule became an impediment rather than a benefit for members. For years, Democrats defended the rule as essential for the Senate in protecting minority rights. “God save us from that fate … [it] would change this fundamental understanding and unbroken practice of what the Senate is all about.” That included then Sen. Joe Biden and his colleagues, including then-Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) and now-Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.). To their credit, the Republicans refused to kill the rule despite calls to do so from President Donald Trump when they had the majority. However, once the majority shifted, the filibuster rule became one more casualty of convenience. In the latest controversy, MacDonough was conducting what is referred to as the “Byrd bath” — a non-partisan function named after the late Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., during which the Senate parliamentarian ensures that every provision inside a reconciliation bill is tied to the budget. The immigration reform is clearly not a budget item, but the Democrats want to use reconciliation to bypass the filibuster rule and to use Vice President Kamala Harris to cast the deciding vote in a 50-50 tie. The Byrd Bath process is meant to protect the Senate’s traditions of compromise and deliberation by preventing such efforts at end running the filibuster or the legislative process. The ruling of the Parliamentarian is not binding but comes with the force of a non-partisan professional applying these rules evenly and fairly. MacDonough did that. There is little tolerance today, however, for jurists or clerks who reach their own conclusions on the merits of such questions. It is the wrong conclusion so MacDonough or her ruling would have to be removed. Even if MacDonough keeps her job, various members are calling for a rare override of the ruling while others want the Democrats to simply pick a Senator for the chair who is willing to ignore the Parliamentarian and just follow pure muscle politics. Democratic members and staff are repeating the same menacing mantra that is now familiar in Washington “by any means necessary.” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) who came out for court packing the same week, declared simply that MacDonough was “wrong” and, like her colleagues, emphasized that “we’re keeping all options on the table.” Likewise, Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D., N.Y.), and Sens. Dick Durbin (D., Ill.), Bob Menendez (D., N.J.), Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.) and Alex Padilla (D-Calif.) all indicated a willingness to override or ignore the ruling. For her part, Sen. Mazie Hirono (D., Hawaii) made it personal by not only saying “all options” are on the table but “the protection of millions of undocumented immigrants cannot be halted due to the advice of 1 person.” Of course, it is not the decision of one person. The rule itself was adopted by the Senate as a whole as a matter of principle before that principle came with a cost. The rule was then implemented by not just the Parliamentarian but her entire apolitical staff. Hirono’s response captured the ends-over-means mentality of modern American politics. Rather than address the purpose of the rule or the nonpartisan judgment on its meaning, Hirono just cited the value of making millions of undocumented immigrants citizens and then juxtaposed their fate against the decision of one person. MacDonough was not enforcing a rule, she was putting millions into harm’s way. It was reminiscent of Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez justifying court packing by questioning “just, functionally, the idea that nine people, that a nine person court, can overturn laws that thousand– hundreds and thousands of legislators, advocates and policymakers drew consensus on.” She then added “How much does the current structure benefit us? And I don’t think it does.” When the Byrd rule no longer benefited the Senate Democrats, it likewise became as expendable as the person who enforced it. Thus, one plan would have Harris simply ignore the Parliamentarian and the rules. The implications of that move has a few Democrats uneasy over, what Sen. Ben Cardin (D., Md.) acknowledged would be “a pretty dramatic change” and a “direct attack with the parliamentarian.” Sen. Joe Manchin (D, W.Va.) has also insisted that you have to “stick with the parliamentarian … on every issue. You can’t pick and choose.” (Manchin later also said that he would vote no on the Build Back Better bill). Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) also insisted that “there is no instance in which I would overrule a parliamentarian’s decision.” That is not a lot of members but it would be enough to halt the effort to bulldoze the parliamentarian on immigration. However, the immediate response of Democratic members and groups captured how principle has little place in politics today. No institution or individual is a barrier when members have embraced politics “by any means necessary.”
Angry anti-psychotic-stoned parkinsonian bleating authoritarian condescending creepy ass psychopath teleprompter fake stage using evil motherfucking cringe master Joe Biden DOESNT EVEN KNOW WHAT FUCKING YEAR IT IS !!! And apparently has NOT been living in 2021 for the past year either... this brainpuddle is still stuck in 2020 !!! Biden's Dementia caught on cam again This demented propaganda puppet uses a FAKE STAGE instead of the REAL WHITE HOUSE. All and more... no wonder why Republicans are now calling for his Impeachment. Unfit to serve, and throwing USA to the dogs... his Socialist pals China and Russia, where that underage sex and drug addict son Laptop Hunter he cries over is likely still doing corrupt business pulling down "10% for the big guy" and fam. President Biden reassured Americans Tuesday that there was reason to be optimistic about "2020" mistakenly saying the wrong year four days into 2022. Biden’s political foes often claim he’s going senile and former President Donald Trump accused Biden of being “mentally shot” during the 2020 campaign. Biden, 79, is the oldest-ever president and his cognitive abilities increasingly are a topic of public debate. Last month, Biden mistakenly referred to Kamala Harris, his vice president, as “President Harris” — repeating an error he made twice before. Biden says he plans to run for a second term in 2024, but many Democrats don’t believe it and polls find broad concern about his mental acuity. Biden would be 86 if he completes a second term. A Politico/Morning Consult survey published in November found that 50 percent of registered voters disagreed with the statement “Joe Biden is in good health,” while only 40 percent agreed and 10 percent did not know or had no opinion. The poll also found that 48 percent of voters disagreed with the statement “Joe Biden is mentally fit,” while 46 percent agreed and 6 percent did not know or had no opinion. Biden plans to run for a second term in 2024 but there is some concern over his age. A Harvard-Harris poll found that 53 percent of voters have doubts about the president’s fitness while 47 percent do not. In addition, 58 percent of respondents said Biden was too old to be president, while 42 percent felt he was fit enough for the job.
Joe "The Biggest Asshole" Biden exposes himself again... "Stupid Son Of A Bitch" - Biden Busted On Hot Mic After Being Asked About Americans' Biggest Worry Biden caught Biden caught Just days after President Biden was caught on hot mic calling a reporter's question over the Ukraine conflict "stupid," the US Commander-in-Chief downplayed a question over one of, if not THE most important worry for Americans right now - inflation. "Do you think inflation is a political liability ahead of the midterms?" asked Fox News' Peter Doocy as Biden was wrapping up a press conference for the White House's Competition Council. "No. It’s a great asset. More inflation. What a stupid son of a bitch," replied Biden. Watch: WATCH: Joe Biden calls a reporter asking about inflation a “stupid son of a bitch.” — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 24, 2022 Biden's hot-mic moment comes as nearly 90% of Americans in a November poll say they're worried about inflation - which has of course intensified since then. Indeed. There's not going to be much reporting about the content of the Competition Council meeting after this. — Steve Herman (@W7VOA) January 24, 2022 Monday's outburst follows another hot-mic moment last week, when Biden was caught muttering "what a stupid question," after Fox News' Jacqui Heinrich asked him "Why are you waiting on [Russian President Vladimir] Putin to make the first move, sir?" in regards to Ukarine. Earlier last week Biden sparked outrage in Ukraine after he suggested that a "minor incursion" by Russia would merit a different response than a full-scale invasion. On Friday, White House spox Jen Psaki was asked: "Is the president aware that he was caught on a hot mic yesterday? Why does he appear to be dismissing the idea of proactive deterrence?" to which Psaki responded: "Well, the president certainly does not dismiss that idea, considering he has taken a lot of steps including supporting and approving the several sanctions that were put out by the Treasury Department just a couple of days ago." In September, Biden once again criticized the American press, saying that the Indian press is "better behaved" with its questions. Angry old man mode: engaged
"Stupid Son Of A Bitch" - Biden Busted On Hot Mic
While Neil Young terminates his own cashflow, Libtards heads explode screeching over... Kid Rock mic slamming Biden, Fauci, Media, and more in hot new video... Kid Rock: We The People
Kamala the Pot Smoking Giggler was sent to Europe to handle Russia and got utterly rejected, failed, flubbed, and ignored. Since then Joe Biden's decrepit brain has been put in to do the work and has been making more dangerous and dementia addled comments... Today Biden said the U.S. is "helping train the Ukrainian troops that are in Poland.” Biden's staff has already walked this back, admitting he was confused. — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) March 29, 2022
RNC Research @RNCResearch Exposing the lies, hypocrisy, and failed far-left policies of Joe Biden and the Democrat Party. Managed by the Republican National Committee. Washington, DC Joined July 2009 Tweets 29,370 14,211 Photos and videos CNN is no longer calling Hunter Biden’s laptop “Russian disinformation.” “We know the FBI has possession of it and that they believe it is his laptop. The contents are his.” CNN: Hunter's laptop is real Polls are showing Americans want Republican majorities in Congress. "In a generic ballot, if the Democrats are losing, it means they're gonna get walloped." KAMALA HARRIS: "For Jamaica, one of the issues that has been presented as an issue that is economic in the way its impact has been the pandemic...we will assist Jamaica in Covid recovery by assisting in terms of the recovery efforts in Jamaica that have been essential." WATCH — CNN says the federal investigation into the Biden family's foreign business dealings is "very, very bad" for the Biden's CNN: Investigation into Biden family corruption is "very, very bad" A federal investigation into the Biden family's foreign business dealings — and allegations that Biden family members profited by selling influence to Joe Biden — is "intensifying," ABC reports. CBS News reports on the Biden family corruption scandal — including a federal investigation into the Biden family's foreign business deals WATCH: Even CNN confirms that Hunter Biden is under investigation for “money transfers,” “business activities in China,” “Burisma,” and the "source" of the funds he used to pay his tax bills. CNN: Hunter Under Investigation For “Money Transfers…China…Burisma…Source Of The Funds” U.S. Border Patrol El Paso Sector Chief Gloria Chavez says a border wall is "critical" and "a needed tool for Border Patrol agents." "Without a barrier, we become more it needed? Absolutely." .@TedCruz is unfiltered in our new series, UNCHECKED. This morning, @CaptMarkKelly told Arizonans that he’s in “constant communication” with Biden about extending Title 42. Hours later, the Biden Administration announced they’re ending it. Arizona deserves better than a weak, ineffective Senator like Mark Kelly. Arizonans deserve better than Mark Kelly OMB Director Shalanda Young falsely claims Biden’s record border crisis is in line with a “traditional...historic pattern.” OMB Director Shalanda Young Falsely Claims Record Border Crossing Are In Line With “Historic Pattern” CNN reports how the “federal investigation into Hunter Biden has gained steam” The probe "has looked at whether Biden and some of his associates have violated money laundering, tax and foreign lobbying laws, as well as firearm and other regulations.” CNN: “A Federal Investigation Into Hunter Biden Has Gained Steam” WATCH: Biden’s OMB Director Young admits there’s “no” data to support the inflation forecast in Biden’s budget OMB Director Young: “No” Data To Support Inflation Forecast In Budget Up to 18K PER DAY – that’s the number of illegal border crossings Border Patrol is bracing for this Spring. According to Obama’s former DHS Sec. Jeh Johnson, 1K apprehensions “overwhelms the system.” We are now possibly looking at up to 18 TIMES that.… 18K illegal crossings PER DAY Biden’s open borders agenda has broken the border wide open. Here’s Joe Biden in 2020 saying his deadbeat son Hunter “has not made money” from China. Hunter made $4.8 million from just one of his deals with China, according to the Washington Post. "My son has not made money from...China" — Joe Biden Former Obama DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson on Biden’s border crisis: "We’re surging right now. These are very, very large numbers, unsustainable in my view. " Fmr Obama Homeland Security Sec Jeh Johnson On Biden’s Border Crisis: “Unsustainable” Biden’s proposed tax hikes will decimate more than 138,000 jobs per analysis from the @TaxFoundation… Review finds Biden’s plan to raise the corporate tax to 28% woul President Biden’s proposal to hike the corporate tax rate to 28% will shrink the U.S. economy and decimate more than 138,000 jobs over the next decade, found an analysis by the nonpartisan Tax Foundat Fox News’ @BillFOXLA reports Border Patrol arrested two child sex predators trying to enter the United States. Fox News: Sex Predators Attempting To Cross The Border Illegally We know Hunter's laptop is authentic – even NYT, Politico, WaPo, & CNN confirmed it. We know Joe Biden met with Hunter’s business partners. We know they discussed business. We know they shared bank accounts. Hunter is corrupt, but this isn’t just about him, it’s about Joe Biden. With 71% saying the United States is "on the wrong track," NBC's Chuck Todd says Democrats may be headed for a "shellacking" in November Ketanji Brown Jackson Sentenced Those In Possession Of Child Porn To Nearly 60% Less Time Than The National Average… Exclusive: Jackson Sentenced Child Pornos Nearly 60% Lower than National Avg. Ketanji Brown Jackson sentenced those in possession of child pornography to nearly 60 percent less time than the national average.
Room full of your beloved and pointless slave masters... Biden Dissed, Kamala Klueless
Joe "Mr. Unconstitutional" Biden
Raging Thug Joe been getting jacked in the courts lately... Former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn reportedly believes that 'QAnon' is actually a 'disinformation campaign created by the CIA,' despite having heavily endorsed the movement. Jussie Smollett's Defense: Osundario Brothers 'Sophisticated' Criminals Who Set Him Up
Bidenomics, Democrats failed at maths, and Constitution class ...
Income taxes were never constitutional, the government just voted itself more power. Now people like Angry Joe Biden just rob you. And arm twist their subservient fake news media with propaganda items. The High Price Of Bidenomics Economic illiteracy at the White House is getting more and more expensive... American humorist Edgar Wilson Nye famously observed, “Wagner’s music is better than it sounds.” Recently, the White House and its numerous allies in the “news” media have been telling an increasingly skeptical electorate a similarly self-refuting tale about the Biden economy. Typical of the stories that have appeared in major news outlets is this howler from CNN’s Julian Zelizer, who insists that there is “a huge disconnect between the economic data and the way voters are feeling.” Anyone naïve enough to believe such balderdash will be disabused of their illusions by reading Friday’s Bureau of Labor Statistics report showing that the consumer price index (CPI) has risen by 6.8 percent during the 12-month period ending in November. This is the largest 12-month increase in the CPI since 1982, and it is hitting Americans where it hurts most — the cost of energy, food, and transportation. This suggests that there is indeed a “huge disconnect,” but that it is between the fiscal fantasies of the Biden administration and the financial realities faced by the voters. Unfortunately for the White House, inflation isn’t as susceptible to spin as are most issues debated inside the Beltway. Americans encounter the truth every time they pay their heating bills, fill up their gas tanks, and buy food. Friday’s report merely confirms what they see in their daily lives. The worst news involves how much more they now spend on energy than they paid last year: The energy index rose 33.3 percent over the past 12 months with all major energy component indexes increasing sharply. The gasoline index rose 58.1 percent over the last year, its largest 12-month increase since the period ending April 1980. The index for natural gas rose 25.1 percent over the last 12 months, and the electricity index rose 6.5 percent. The bad news on food prices was slightly less alarming: The food at home index rose 6.4 percent over the past 12 months, the largest 12-month increase since the period ending December 2008. The index for meats, poultry, fish, and eggs increased 12.8 percent, with the index for beef rising 20.9 percent. The index for dairy and related products posted the smallest increase, rising 1.6 percent over the last 12 months. The price of everything else spiraled upward as well: The index for all items less food and energy rose 4.9 percent over the past 12 months, its largest 12-month increase since the period ending June 1991. The index for used cars and trucks rose 31.4 percent over the last 12 months, and the index for new vehicles rose 11.1 percent. The shelter index rose 3.8 percent, the largest 12-month increase since the period ending June 2007. President Biden responded to this hair-raising report with a statement that highlights his tenuous grasp on basic economics. He called on Congress to “pass my Build Back Better plan, which lowers how much families pay for health care, prescription drugs, child care, and more.” In reality, of course, passage of BBB would increase inflationary pressure throughout the economy. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projects that BBB would, absent the fiscal gimmickry inserted by the Democrats, “increase the deficit by $3 trillion over the 2022–2031 period.” Passing this awful bill in order to reduce inflation would be roughly comparable to putting out a house fire by spraying it with kerosene. No one escapes Economics 101 without hearing inflation defined as “too many dollars chasing too few goods.” BBB, if passed by Congress and signed into law, will verify that old saw with a vengeance. It will dump $3 trillion on a stagnant supply chain and drive the CPI into double digits. If this seems implausible, don’t forget that the inflation rate during former President Carter’s last year in office was 13.5 percent. Ironically, there is considerable historical evidence that, if the White House and Congress can resist yet another federal spending spree, the pandemic itself may well slow inflation down. A recent Commentary article points out a study of epidemics that suggests they tend to be deflationary: Using data going back to the 14th century, covering six European countries and 19 pandemics, the authors find that such events have historically caused inflation to fall for more than a decade, on average, yielding an inflation rate about 0.6 percentage points lower than if the pandemic had not occurred. The more prolonged and severe the outbreak, the more pronounced and persistent the negative effects on trend inflation. But can the Democrats control themselves? It’s concievable that Friday’s report will be enough to convince moderates like Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) to vote against BBB. Manchin has long expressed concerns about the bill’s potential inflationary effects, particularly since last month’s unnerving CPI numbers were released: “By all accounts, the threat posed by record inflation to the American people is not ‘transitory’ and is instead getting worse. From the grocery store to the gas pump, Americans know the inflation tax is real and DC can no longer ignore the economic pain Americans feel every day.” Manchin is a slim reed to lean on, of course, but he isn’t the only Democratic senator with qualms. It has been widely reported that White House officials have been briefing newsrooms in order to reshape the gloomy narrative that dominates their coverage of the economy. This betrays a stunning level of contempt for the voters — even by the cynical standards of the Biden administration. The belief that an increase in media happy talk will distract voters from steadily rising prices suggests that our president and his advisors believe the electorate is made up of idiots. But a new ABC/Ipsos poll indicates that 69 percent of Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of inflation. The voters know that Biden’s economic policies are as bad as they feel, and they’ll say so at the ballot box in 2022 and 2024.
More woke fail...
Oregon Suspends Need For High School Graduates To Be Proficient In Reading, Writing, & Math I was once told by a pilot that jet bridges are the most dangerous places in aviation because “no one dies on the plane.” When someone has a fatal episode on a plane, the preference is to move the person outside to “call the code” on the bridge rather than require the plane to be held or quarantined due to the death. If you just move them outside, they died somewhere else. The result is that it can be challenging to determine how many people actually die on airplanes. Oregon Gov. Kate Brown quietly signed a bill on July 14 that suspends a requirement for Oregon students to demonstrate reading, writing and math proficiency in order to receive a diploma. That story came to mind this week as more schools moved to end standardized testing — a move that can guarantee no one fails in their schools. In this case, students who lack proficiency in basic subjects are being sent out into society or even college to fail somewhere else. Anywhere other than the school. Many of us have long objected to the chronic failure of public schools in major cities like New York, Detroit, Washington, D.C. and Baltimore to achieve bare proficiency for many students in reading, writing, and math. The response in many districts is for some to declare standardized testing or meritocracy as racist while other district eliminate special programs or schools for gifted students. Oregon has found a simpler approach. Gov. Kate Brown (D) just signed a bill last month that drops any proficiency requirement in reading, writing or math, before graduation. Problem solved. The short bill includes this provision: “SECTION 3. Notwithstanding any rules adopted by the State Board of Education, a student may not be required to show proficiency in Essential Learning Skills as a condition of receiving a high school diploma during the 2021-2022, 2022-2023 or 2023-2024 school year.” The pandemic was the basis for initial suspension of such requirements but now it is being extended. The call for a more “inclusive and equitable review of graduation and proficiency requirements” was supported by Foundations for a Better Oregon to change requirement to “reflect what every student needs to thrive in the 21st century.” That appears not to include proven proficiency in being able to write, read, or do simple math. The supporters insist that it is unfair to require students to show knowledge on tests. Charles Boyle, the deputy communications director from Gov. Brown’s office, is quoted as saying that the new standards for graduation will help benefit the state’s “Black, Latino, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, Pacific Islander, Tribal, and students of color.” The “benefit” however is more to the school district in getting kids out the door with a diploma without shouldering the burden to get them to a point of bare proficiency. Teachers like Larry Lewin testified in support of the change: “The students I tutored at North Eugene High School were largely Latinx kids, and to a one, they were resigned, fatalistic, and lacking any hope for graduating with their classmates. They knew the score – they knew they were losers in the system. No amount of coaching, cajoling, mentoring from me would inspire them to want to write better. The Essential Skills Requirement had already sunk them. I was not teaching how to write, how to communicate, how to use language for a purpose; I was test prepping them – again.” There is value to what Lewin says about “teaching to the test” and the need to focus on substantive learning. I respect him for his continuing commitment to his students and his sincere opposition to testing. However, it is chilling to see a former public school teacher say that “no amount of coaching, cajoling, mentoring from me would inspire [Hispanic kids] to want to write better.” That is the point of education. We have to get kids to reach a level of bare proficiency and establish that ability with an objective test. If you have proficiency in writing or reading, you should be able to write or read on a standardized test. The move in Oregon is part of a larger effort to eliminate standardized testing and scores on every level of our educational system. If there are no such standardized scores, there is no ability to easily compare the achievement of schools or even the achievement of students applying for admission. Recently, the University of California system joined the “test-blind” movement and said it would end the use of the SAT and ACT in its admissions decisions. The move followed a decision of California voters not to lift the long ban on affirmative action in education under state law. Many have decried standardized testing as vehicles for white supremacy. The elimination of standardized testing means that it would be much more difficult to prove that the universities were still engaging in racial discrimination or preferences. With no testing scores for comparison, it would be nearly impossible to show that race was the major or dominant factor in admissions. University of California President Janet Napolitano sought to eliminate standardized testing by assembling the Standardized Testing Task Force in 2019. Many people expected the task force to recommend the cessation of standardized testing. However, the Task Force surprised many (most notably Napolitano herself) by releasing a final report that concluded that standardized testing was not just reliable by that “at UC, test scores are currently better predictors of first-year GPA than high school grade point average (HSGPA), and about as good at predicting first-year retention, [University] GPA, and graduation.” It even found that “test scores are predictive for all demographic groups and disciplines … In fact, test scores are better predictors of success for students who are Underrepresented Minority Students (URMs), who are first generation, or whose families are low-income.” Despite those conclusions, Napolitano simply announced a cessation of the use of such scores in admissions. With states like Oregon now eliminating the need to establish proficiency on basic subjects with standardized tests, American education faces the perfect storm. Despite record expenditures on public schools, we are still failing students, particularly minority students, in teaching the basis subjects needed to succeed in life. We will then graduate the students by removing testing barriers for graduation. Then some may go to colleges and universities that have eliminated standardized testing for admission. At every stage in their education, they have been pushed through by educators without objective proof that they are minimally educated. That certainly guarantees high graduation rates or improved diversity admissions. However, these students are still left at a sub-proficient state as they enter an increasingly competitive job market and economy. Any failures will come down the road when they will be asked to write, read, or add by someone who is looking for actual work product. They will then be outside of the educational system and any failures will not be attributed to public educators. If we truly care for these students, we cannot rig the system to just kick them down the road toward failure. It is like declaring patients healthy by just looking at them and sending them on their way. We have the ability to measure proficiency and we have the moral obligation to face our own failures in helping these kids achieve it. Their goal is to credential, not educate. And they want to credential by identity, not ability. Merit-based metrics made that difficult (just look at all the lawsuits showing discrimination by universities against Asian students), so all those merit-based metrics have to go. — Sean Davis (@seanmdav) August 10, 2021
Keynesian brain-washed DemLeft can't do economics math...
" Competing Projections Brain Trust Proposal: ≈ $7 Trillion Brain Trust Actual Numbers Totaled: $2.33 Trillion Five Former Treasury Secretaries: $1.6 Trillion New York Times Estimate of the Report: $700 Billion CBO Estimate: $120 Billion What's Going On? In a nutshell, Biden needs to come up with numbers that will allow him to spend $3.5 Trillion. To make it all work, the Magic Brain Trust concludes Biden's plan will bring in $7 trillion. $7 Trillion Farce The $7 trillion projection is a farce especially given the administration can only explain $2.33 trillion of it. I suspect the answer is somewhere between the CBO's estimate of $120 billion and the $1.6 trillion estimate of five former treasury secretaries. Practical Standpoint
From a practical standpoint, taxes will rise to make up the difference or deficits will be far bigger than the Biden administration projects. "
Got privacy capable crypto? Gold? Chickens? Even any FiatCash on hand?
Cypherpunks Motorcade of RF Trucks: Cypherpunks Motorcade of RF Trucks Said Cavalcade of Beast's and 800-002 rolled out for your cyber erotica titillation courtesy of non-basement-hiding Trump... Trump... wasn't showing Americans to hide-cry-fear and video snoozefest for much of months in basement like Biden was before Trump called him out to play, Trump was working and out on trail for while as seen... ... Mankato 8/17 Oshkosh 8/17 Yuma 8/18 Old Forge 8/20 Londonderry 8/28 First candidate to hold any post conventions rally So the internet made the tag #CowardJoeBiden Next up... censored and cypher candidates... Biden's Trojan Donkey Team Plots To Put Kunt Kommissar Kamala Harris Into Presidency Since earning the nomination as the 2020 Democratic candidate for the presidency, Joe Biden has stated that he is a “transition candidate.” This was an odd statement, especially for someone who has hardly begun his formal campaign. (He’s not even in office yet and he’s discussing being on the way out?) Yet this was not just another one-off Biden gaff, as has been suggested by some. Since announcing his pick for vice president, he has stated, “Look, I view myself as a bridge, not as anything else.” So what’s up here? The candidate is only a place-holder for the real, intended president? Kamala Harris, his presumptive vice president, dropped out of the presidential race in December 2019, when her popularity amongst democrats dropped to 3.4%. Since democrats make up roughly half of the population, this means that less than 2% of Americans would have wanted her as their president. Two-faced Lockdown Masker Nancy Pelosi Tried to Start some Mask Shit while Unmasked, and Loses. Hell yall. Its the SALON LADY here.😂 Just wanted to say thanks for the support on gofundme. I COULDNT HAVE IMAGINED THIS. Thanks for the follows and retweets. Nancy doesnt get an apology ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸😘 praise the Lord🙏 — Erica (that salon girl)🇺🇸 (@EricaKiou6) September 3, 2020 I wasnt one of you patriots before Nancy was exposed and lied, but i am now #Trump2020Landslide 😽🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 — Erica (that salon girl)🇺🇸 (@EricaKiou6) September 5, 2020 Nancy Pelosi said she got “set up” by the owner (a very good one) of a beauty parlor. If so, how will she do in negotiations against President Xi of China, President Putin of Russia, or Kim Jong Un of North Korea. Not so well, I suspect, but far better than Joe Hiden’ would do! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 5, 2020 About-faced political opportunist Kamala Harris traitors rape victims Kamala Harris dodges simple camera moments In September of 2018, Sen. Kamala Harris smeared then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh with decades-old sexual assault allegations by Christine Blasey Ford, despite the fact that all witnesses in the 'case' - including a lifelong friend, disputed her account. Fast forward 24 months to Monday, when Harris spoke with accused rapist Jacob Blake - who was paralyzed after being shot four times by a Kenosha, WI police officer while reaching for a weapon during an attempted arrest for violating a restraining order for an alleged sexual assault to which he has pleaded not guilty. Harris spoke with Blake's family, and Blake from his hospital bed, telling the accused rapist she was 'proud' of him, according to the family's attorney, Ben Crump. PROUD of him? He’s accused of breaking into a sleeping woman’s house, sexually assaulting her, humiliating her & later returning to harass her. Then the cops she called for help say he resisted arrest, assaulted them & went for his knife. How about a word for his victim, Senator? -- Megyn Kelly (@megynkelly) September 8, 2020 Harris also said Blake's family is "really wonderful," which we presume includes his very antisemitic father. Jacob Blake Sr. - the father of a Jacob Blake, a black man who was shot four times by police in Kenosha, WI while violating a restraining order for felony sexual assault - is a giant antisemite, anti-Christian, and loves Islamic hate-preacher Louis Farrakhan. And if you're Joe Biden looking to pander to 'woke' Democrats, you meet with said antisemite on Thursday in a bid to score political points over the now-paralyzed Blake Jr., whose shooting sparked violent riots in Kenosha and added gasoline to anti-police protests sweeping the country. Blake Sr., a frequent CNN guest and presence at Black Lives Matter protests since the shooting, has a history of making bigoted comments over social media - which Biden apparently doesn't mind. He's also a 'very interesting' person. Other posts frequently use racist terms against white people, such as “crackers” and others. There are also posts promoting Louis Farrakhan, the racist, antisemitic leader of the Nation of Islam, and denigrating Christianity as a way to fool black people. -Breitbart Right now, most Democrats are extremely hesitant to speak out against the violent protests that we have been witnessing all over the nation, and that is a huge mistake. If Democrats want to win over independent voters, they cannot be seen as siding with such violence. By engaging in such utter lawlessness, these radical protesters are actually hurting their own cause, because it is only going to help President Trump. The more violence that we see, the more the American people are going to want it to stop. If tens of millions of voters believe that “Joe Biden’s America” is an America filled with rioting, looting and violence, that could potentially be enough to push Trump over the top in November. So Joe Biden’s unwillingness to strongly call for law and order may turn out to be his Achilles heel. The way national elections are won in America is by winning over the millions of confused people in the middle, and right now the images of these protests that those confused people are viewing on their television screens are definitely not helping Democrats. FAR left protesters have burned American flags outside Trump Tower and the White House. Video shows the Stars and Stripes being burned just outside the White House as the demonstrators chanted “America was never great”. Does anyone out there actually think that such stunts will make the confused people in the middle more likely to vote for Democrats? But no matter who wins in November, it appears that we have now entered a new era of violence and rioting in this country. Many of our major cities already resemble war zones, and what we have experienced so far is just the beginning. Biden's Trojan Donkey Team Plots To Put Kunt Kommissar Kamala Harris Into Presidency
Since earning the nomination as the 2020 Democratic candidate for the presidency, Joe Biden has stated that he is a “transition candidate.” Americans tend to believe they're getting what they voted for. If this is a national TV ad, will be interesting to see what both sides believers think of switcheroo potentially being played against that understanding before the fact. Fake American Ilhan Omar, the lying smile somali sharia loyalist, skips taqiyya to release partial socialist trojan horse plan, backed by AOC and tag along Tlaib. Duke Tanner... life for 1st time non-violent crime. #FreeRoss Farmers voting for Juan. "Google will temporarily ban all ads related to the U.S. election after polls close on November 3" aka: mass media will go in lockdown mode, play disney movies on all channels Walter Wallace Walter Wallace Self defense, murder, or just another situation gone wrong.
Election Wargaming Scenarios, from all political sides and pundits, have all gone off the charts for 2020 re prior years. An example... Luongo: A False Flag Is Biden's Only Chance To Win Authored by Tom Luongo via The Strategic Culture Foundation, The Black Revolution is in full swing in the U.S. Over the next sixty days we will be treated to the greatest political show on Earth as the Democrats and their handlers in The Davos Crowd pursue the biggest lie since Climate Change. The events of 2020 are lining up for a climax to this story that ends with only one outcome, a contested election which fuels a coup attempt after the election results come in on November 3rd. And because of this now obvious plan, setting up a false flag around the election is the most likely means to produce election results close enough to support this course of action. I’m not the only one thinking in these terms at this point. Joaquin Flores, writing for Fort Russ, mused similarly last week. As the polls shift towards Donald Trump and the Democrats run around concocting fairy tales after allowing Joe Biden out of his gimp cellar long enough for people to see how far he has fallen mentally, I’m nearly convinced this is likely. Color revolutions unfold in predictable stages. The first stage is destroying the local economy. Usually this means the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury pull back on available dollars through tight monetary policy and sanctions to create mass unemployment in the target nation. Then foment violence from the youth who are disproportionately affected by the economic destruction after NGO’s lay the ideological foundation for revolution. Use the most convenient pretext. In the U.S. it means stoking racism and hatred of ‘the rich.’ Pick a color under which to unite them, in this case black and blame the leader for every single bad thing that happens, which is usually the work of agent provocateurs who amplify the organic frustration into targeted attacks which are then amped up by the media into a news story. If the leader is stupid he acts like any garden-variety paranoid dictator by clamping down on the violence making him easy prey for the media to brand him a dictator. Then bringing a mob to the capital is easy, because now there are too many people to be effectively policed and the potential for violence to boil the whole thing into a coup is very real. All of this works if the oligarchs who run the political system of the target country are on board with this. In the U.S., it’s obvious from the response from all major corporations they approve this message. Note how it failed in Belarus recently for lack of this corporate sponsorship. Looking at the way the Democrats have positioned themselves for this election it is clear that they are preparing the field for this outcome after election day. They used the lockdowns to create an army of ready-made protestors with nothing else to do and little hope for the future. They structured all aid to the middle class the run out during the height of the election campaign while blocking any further assistance even though the Treasury Dept. raised nearly $2 trillion to deploy as support and stimulus. The media endlessly stoked fear over COVID-19 to push as many voters to consider mailing their votes in (or create the illusion that is what will happen) to delay certification of the election on election night. But to his credit, President Trump hasn’t acted the way he was supposed to. He has governed this chaos exactly the way a majority of Americans want him to, as a Federalist. Even though he has the authority to do so, he’s refrained from sending Federal troops into rioting cities, laying bare just how much local authorities are aiding the violence. He didn’t institute national lockdowns and draconian restrictions due to COVID-19, instead offering aid and allowing the data to eventually vindicate him to the point where even the CDC is now backtracking on how dangerous the virus actually is. And his opponents in New York, for example, now look like out-of-touch, lying grandma murderers. Eventually crisis fatigue sets in, people adjust to the new circumstances and the worst parts of their fear abates. And even if they don’t look at the new data, they realize enough costs have been born and it’s time to move on with our lives. That’s what is now showing up in the polling data, even though it is still highly suspect. And this puts Trump in the driver’s seat for the election on November 3rd. As of today, the election looks like it is his to lose. And yet the Democrats insist that the election will not be resolved on election day. In fact, it’s obvious they are prepping the narrative that Trump will only appear to win on election night but, in fact, the torrent of mail-in ballots will change the outcome of the election over the next few days. Of course, this would fly in the face of decades of electoral statistics where the outcome of the election is almost certainly decided by the time 25% of the votes have been counted and a run-rate to completion can be calculated. A report from Axios outlines what we can expect. A top Democratic data and analytics firm told “Axios on HBO” it’s highly likely that President Trump will appear to have won — potentially in a landslide — on election night, even if he ultimately loses when all the votes are counted. Why this matters: Way more Democrats will vote by mail than Republicans, due to fears of the coronavirus, and it will take days if not weeks to tally these. This means Trump, thanks to Republicans doing almost all of their voting in person, could hold big electoral college and popular vote leads on election night…. … By the numbers: Under one of the group’s modeling scenarios, Trump could hold a projected lead of 408-130 electoral votes on election night, if only 15% of the vote by mail (VBM) ballots had been counted. And that’s what concerns me most. Because if all of this prep work has failed and Trump clearly wins an electoral college victory, but they are planning to harvest votes for days afterwards, how do they shift the dynamic back in Biden’s favor between now and then to keep the election close enough for them to steal? More violence is how. We are two weeks away from White House Siege beginning on September 17th. Organized by Adbusters, which is a front for George Soros’ partner in crime, David Brock and Media Matters For America, White House Siege is a planned 50-day protest in Lafayette Square in Washington D.C., ostensibly to protest President Trump ‘stealing the election.’ This is a ready-made recipe for a Maidan-like orgy of violence in the nation’s capital to create a false flag event which reflects badly on Trump. Think snipers on rooftops shooting both protestors and cops similar to what happened on the Maidan square in Kiev in 2014. D.C. is not a state. It’s not governed by the same rules as the states, where the Governors are in charge. Trump can, and in my mind should, as a matter of strategy, take control over D.C. to keep to possibility of violence to a minimum. D.C. mayor Muriel Bowser is trying to walk back her support of the protests after the violence after the Republican National Convention by urging U.S. Attorneys in D.C. to charge the people the police arrest. This is Bowser trying to publicly keep Trump from doing exactly what I just said he should do. Because with cities looted and burned, with Democrat politicians losing the respect of their constituencies they have no political legs left to stand on. Governor Andrew Cuomo in New York said in a press conference Trump better bring an army if he plans to set foot in his state. This is tantamount to sedition, for which a case can be made by nearly every major Democrat for statements made in the past six months. “He better have an army if he thinks he’s gonna walk down the street in New York. New Yorkers don’t want to have anything to do with him,” the Democrat said, all but threatening the commander-in-chief. Meanwhile Cuomo is now the target of a Dept. of Justice investigation into his handling of the COVID-19 crisis while Trump withholds Federal funds from the state, which prompted Cuomo’s bravado. Between this and Speaker Nancy Pelosi calling Republicans “domestic enemies of the state” is the kind of language you don’t come back from. The Democrats and the U.S. Deep Stat are all in on removing Trump from office by any means necessary. I don’t think the worst of the violence is behind us after Kenosha. I think the worst is still in front of us. 42. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48.
Election Wargaming Scenarios, from all political sides
One of the Left's gaming sessions...
Will any candidates mention cryptoprivacy, cryptocurrency, Tor, Leaks, Sound Money, etc... in a positive light? Perhaps the Libertarian Candidates? ... Jo Jorgensen and Spike Cohen It’s official! We have #ballotaccess in all 50 states +DC! Thank you to all of the volunteers and petitioners that made this possible! If you want to stop the endless wars, consider voting for me #Jorgensen2020. You can keep the fruits of your labors and they'll no longer be siphoned off to cause harm. If you #VoteBlue or #VoteRed nothing will change. #VoteGold instead. Jo Jorgensen Verified Account @ Jorgensen4POTUS #Libertarian candidate for #President of the United States. Psychologist, Senior lecturer at Clemson University, proud mother and grandmother, hockey player. 2,145 Tweets 98 Following 124,480 Followers View more photos Tweets Jo Jorgensen Jo Jorgensen @Jorgensen4POTUS 6h Replying to @BarneyDemar #DebateMayhem is coming. 😉 View conversation · Reply Retweet Like Jo Jorgensen Jo Jorgensen @Jorgensen4POTUS 7h We played a great pick up game this afternoon in beautiful Alaska! Thank you so much for getting out on the ice with me. View photo · Reply Retweet Like Jo Jorgensen Jo Jorgensen @Jorgensen4POTUS 7h If you want to stop the endless wars, consider voting for me #Jorgensen2020. You can keep the fruits of your labors and they'll no longer be siphoned off to cause harm. If you #VoteBlue or #VoteRed nothing will change. #VoteGold instead. View details · Reply Retweet Like Jo Jorgensen Jo Jorgensen @Jorgensen4POTUS 8h Replying to @PhillisKathy Pardon non violent offenders who are guilty of victimless crimes like possession of marijuana, demilitarize police departments, end mandatory minimum sentencing, end cash bail, end civil asset forfeiture, abolish the death a start. View conversation · Reply Retweet Like Jo Jorgensen Jo Jorgensen @Jorgensen4POTUS 8h Replying to @RationalRest @realDonaldTrump @JoeBiden I understand adding trending hashtags to tweets is a good way to spread ideas to people who otherwise wouldn't have seen them. I have clarified my position many times. I suggest you reference it and stop peddling falsehoods. View conversation · Reply Retweet Like Jo Jorgensen Jo Jorgensen @Jorgensen4POTUS 8h Replying to @BrowardWoward Lack of due process is one of the things protestors are upset about, I don't think perpetuating it is likely to solve the problem either. You should rethink your knee jerk reaction. View conversation · Reply Retweet Like Jo Jorgensen Jo Jorgensen @Jorgensen4POTUS 8h Replying to @Jorgensen4POTUS To be clear: I do not in any way condone the destruction of private property by the rioters. The problems within the criminal justice system can be fixed by implementing reforms. Directing your anger towards your neighbor will not solve the criminal justice system's shortcomings. View conversation · Reply Retweet Like Jo Jorgensen Jo Jorgensen @Jorgensen4POTUS 8h View photo · Reply Retweet Like Jo Jorgensen Jo Jorgensen @Jorgensen4POTUS 9h Replying to @SSSammiSue It's ridiculous that you have to stock up to get around an unconstitutional law. View conversation · Reply Retweet Like Jo Jorgensen Jo Jorgensen @Jorgensen4POTUS 9h "Campaign season often consists of candidates promising to give things to voters. In a rally Monday, Libertarian Party vice presidential nominee @RealSpikeCohen went the other away, vowing to take things away." This is the way.… View details · Reply Retweet Like Jo Jorgensen Jo Jorgensen @Jorgensen4POTUS 9h This is what cronyism gets you. This is not capitalism and it's certainly not free market. These sweeping regulations need to be swept out of our House and Americans given the freedom to choose what they inhale. Free markets save lives. #WeVapeWeVote #LetHerSpeak… View details · Reply Retweet Like Jo Jorgensen Jo Jorgensen @Jorgensen4POTUS 9h Replying to @points4sarcasm I miss George. View conversation · Reply Retweet Like Jo Jorgensen Jo Jorgensen @Jorgensen4POTUS 9h Replying to @TheGentleDonN @cparkerpruitt Whichever ones prove their worth and are used by Americans to trade. View conversation · Reply Retweet Like Jo Jorgensen Jo Jorgensen @Jorgensen4POTUS 10h I'm excited to talk with James Madison Civic tomorrow and hope you can tune in on Facebook for an interactive conversation and some discussion about the @debates. They believe in #LetHerSpeak!… View details · Reply Retweet Like Jo Jorgensen retweeted Martha Bueno Martha Bueno @MarthaBueno18 13h Gracias @SLPLibertario por esta invitación! Es un gran honor esta invitación para hablar sobre la Dra @Jorgensen4POTUS y su candidatura a la presidencia de los EEUU 🇺🇸!… View details · Reply Retweet Like Jo Jorgensen Jo Jorgensen @Jorgensen4POTUS 14h Fifty years ago, we lived in a world of greater trust in politics. Now there is passionate distrust. These are turbulent times and will grow worse if we continue to vote for the same political system that caused that distrust. #Election2020 #VoteLibertarian View details · Reply Retweet Like Jo Jorgensen Jo Jorgensen @Jorgensen4POTUS 14h Replying to @nachtnoir @FDATobacco The government is in the wrong and if all the ABC arms of the fed were eliminated we would be able to vape without interference. View conversation · Reply Retweet Like Jo Jorgensen Jo Jorgensen @Jorgensen4POTUS 14h Replying to @d1moore They haven't...yet. That's what the Russians said and then overnight found out what being a comrade really meant. It's not a strawman argument, it's a history lesson that needs no repeating. View conversation · Reply Retweet Like Jo Jorgensen Jo Jorgensen @Jorgensen4POTUS 15h Replying to @d1moore No, they've already stolen the wealth of the 1%, have taken over their homes for themselves and their cronies, and now it's time for you, Citizen, to clear out. Welcome to the revolution you've been praying for. Bread is available on Wednesdays. View conversation · Reply Retweet Like Jo Jorgensen Jo Jorgensen @Jorgensen4POTUS 15h Replying to @d1moore Then, a few months or years down the road, they'll realize that living rooms make good bedrooms and are a sign of bourgeois attitudes so more people will be moved in. Because government has the right to take from those they decide have too much. View conversation · Reply Retweet Like Spike Cohen Verified Account @ RealSpikeCohen Myrtle Beach, SC Libertarian Party Candidate for Vice President. 1,902 Tweets 67 Following 34,391 Followers View more photos Tweets Spike Cohen retweeted Justin O'Donnell Justin O'Donnell @ODonnell4NH 6h Apparently @WMUR @nhpr and @MWVEC_NH have all extended debate invitations that @SenatorShaheen has graciously accepted. I'm wondering if my invitations got lost in the mail... @OpenTheDebates #FreeAndFairElections #nhpolitics #nhsen… View details · Reply Retweet Like Spike Cohen Spike Cohen @RealSpikeCohen 9h… View summary · Reply Retweet Like Spike Cohen Spike Cohen @RealSpikeCohen 11h It’s official! We have #ballotaccess in all 50 states +DC! Thank you to all of the volunteers and petitioners that made this possible! View photo · Reply Retweet Like Spike Cohen Spike Cohen @RealSpikeCohen 12h We have to meet people where they are, empathize with them, validate their concerns, and provide solutions. That is how we win. #VoteGold View photo · Reply Retweet Like Spike Cohen retweeted Nicholas Sarwark Nicholas Sarwark @nsarwark Sep 5 Accurate. View photo · Reply Retweet Like Spike Cohen retweeted Libertarian Party NH Libertarian Party NH @LPNH Sep 6 If we listened to our detractors, the right time to vote for a Libertarian will always be the next election. Libertarians choose not to fear. The right time is right now. View details · Reply Retweet Like Spike Cohen Spike Cohen @RealSpikeCohen Sep 6 We want to put the power back in the hands of the people. #Education should be in the hands of you and your communities. We want to give you your money, power, and freedom back. View photo · Reply Retweet Like Spike Cohen Spike Cohen @RealSpikeCohen Sep 6 Replying to @kmmeurer @JulesDaveSantos View conversation · Reply Retweet Like Spike Cohen Spike Cohen @RealSpikeCohen Sep 6 Replying to @ToTalXS View conversation · Reply Retweet Like Spike Cohen Spike Cohen @RealSpikeCohen Sep 6 We believe all gun laws are an infringement on the 2nd Amendment. All of them. View details · Reply Retweet Like Spike Cohen Spike Cohen @RealSpikeCohen Sep 6 Come see me in Portland, Oregon today af 1:00pm! View photo · Reply Retweet Like Spike Cohen Spike Cohen @RealSpikeCohen Sep 5 To those who say Libertarianism is a fringe ideology: There is nothing fringe about wanting control over your own lives and money. Putting power in the hands of the people instead of bureaucrats should be widely accepted. View details · Reply Retweet Like Spike Cohen Spike Cohen @RealSpikeCohen Sep 5 If not for whistleblowers, we wouldn't know all of the nefarious things going on in our government. #Snowden, Manning, and Assange should be immediately pardoned and be free to return to their lives. View photo · Reply Retweet Like Spike Cohen Spike Cohen @RealSpikeCohen Sep 5 Please donate View photo · Reply Retweet Like Spike Cohen Spike Cohen @RealSpikeCohen Sep 4 Dennis Grace has set out to bridge gaps between right and left, to work with all people, for all people, with the goal of reducing and producing. I am happy to endorse Dennis Grace for US House of Representatives in Nebraska's 1st Congressional District View photo · Reply Retweet Like Spike Cohen Spike Cohen @RealSpikeCohen Sep 4 Replying to @RealSpikeCohen Libertarians don’t vote to expand the military industrial complex. We don’t vote for blatant human rights violations at the border. We don’t vote for expanding the national debt to higher levels than ever before. View conversation · Reply Retweet Like Spike Cohen Spike Cohen @RealSpikeCohen Sep 4 The two parties are not entitled to Libertarian votes. Our votes do not belong to the two party system, and shouldn’t be used as an excuse for Republicans’ failings.… View details · Reply Retweet Like Spike Cohen Spike Cohen @RealSpikeCohen Sep 4 Replying to @DecrimNatureDC If you live in D.C., vote YES on Initiative 81 on November 3rd! For more info, go to @DecrimNatureDC View conversation · Reply Retweet Like Spike Cohen Spike Cohen @RealSpikeCohen Sep 4 Replying to @RealSpikeCohen It will help thousands of DC residents suffering from anxiety, PTSD, addiction, or depression who currently fear arrest or prosecution for pursuing healing through natural, entheogenic substances. The initiative has the support of medical professionals, and police officers. View conversation · Reply Retweet Like Spike Cohen Spike Cohen @RealSpikeCohen Sep 4 Initiative 81 is a referendum organized by Washington D.C. residents to make enforcing bans on psychedelic plants the lowest priority for police. View photo · Reply Retweet Like Libertarian and active Cryptocurrency advocate Aria DiMezzo runs for Sherriff Aria Files for Cheshire Sheriff 2020 "September 13, 2020: I accept only cryptocurrency donations at ariadimezzo@edge"
Another Libertarian and crypto oriented candidate, that many overlooked during the enrapture of the US sheeple by the tired 2-party system, drew some good polling results... Aria DiMezzo Wins GOP Nom on the Vanguard Podcast Ep48 647 comments I'm the high priestess of the Reformed Satanic Church, host of Free Talk Live, and transgender anarchist who received the Republican nomination for sheriff in Cheshire County, New Hampshire. I'm an advocate of peace, love, and human connectedness. I'm a voluntarist. It isn't my fault that so many socialist anarchists refuse to accept the validity of anarcho-capitalism. If socialism works for you and your community, great, as long as it's voluntary. It's just my personal belief that free markets are probably going to work best for the most people, but this is just a personal belief, not to be forced on anyone. As Sheriff, my department would enforce no laws against victimless crimes, and would instead police the police to similarly prevent the Cheshire County police departments from turning people into victims of extortion, harassment, and kidnapping as the police departments enforce these victimless crimes. ... Get your troll on, punks. Won 16+% "officially", far more than most Libertarians in big races. "The battle was lost, but the war is looking good. Was the battle even lost, though? That depends on what the goal of the battle was..." "Contrary to popular belief, it isn’t the consent of the governed that keeps the state in existence; the state is actually preserved by widespread belief in its divinity..." ... I’ve been pretty much everywhere in Cheshire County. In fact, one of my rock bands, FUD, practices in Westmoreland. It’s like 2 stores and a post office, so it’s not a big place. I knew something was not right, so I looked up the population of Westmoreland, and it’s 1,697. That isn’t the total number of registered voters; that’s the entire population. Yet this town of fewer than 1700 people shows more than 7,000 votes for Rivera. That’s weird. The correct result for Rivera, according to Paul Cuno-Booth of the Keene Sentinel, is 768. The election clerk reported 768 directly to the Sentinel, and presumably to the New Hampshire Secretary of State. It was in adding these numbers into the spreadsheet that someone at the Secretary of State’s office screwed up–and in a strange way. Throw in some intentional deceit and bad actors–people who intentionally “make mistakes” or simply lie about votes and results–and you’ve got a recipe for “Holy shit, you’d have to be touched in the head to have any faith whatsoever in this system.” The numbers they’re giving us for election results might as well just be made up on-the-spot when you really think about how much potential there is for honest mistakes to occur, nevermind the reality of bad actors. This provably happened in at least one election in the United States, and you’d be hopelessly naive to believe that it didn’t happen in other races. Why are you still trusting in this system? It not only failed to protect voters from a trans Satanist anarchist as their Republican candidate for sheriff, it demonstrably produced results of that election that are incorrect. And this is just one town, in one county, in one state. Honestly, can you trust any of the numbers being reported? I think you’d have to be a fool to trust the system at this point. We can minimize the damage by seceding from the United States. Not only is it a bad idea to let the ignorant voters of other states determine our rulers, it is an even worse idea to allow the mistakes that can be made in 49 other states determine our ruler. Ideally, we can eliminate the damage by abolishing the state apparatus entirely, but a good first step would be to minimize the damage, and we can do that with secession. ... Election Reflection Posted on November 5, 2020 It would be easy to be sad about the election results. For those who don’t follow me on Twitter, the election results are in, and I did not do very well. In fact, I probably did the worst of any major-party candidate in a two-way race throughout the United States. I’m not really upset by that; getting zero votes (beyond my own and my friends) was a realistic possibility. I am, after all, a transsexual anarchist and High Priestess of the Reformed Satanic Church. That is a whole lot of stuff about which the average voter may pause. I’m sure there were still some Republicans who went into the voting booth and blindly voted on party lines, but it honestly couldn’t have been that high of a percentage of people. It’s hard to entertain the possibility that 25% of Republican voters in Cheshire County missed all of the headlines about their… unusual… sheriff candidate. In fact, the landslide victory for Rivera suggests that the bulk of Republicans voted for him instead of myself or the write-in candidate Earl Nelson. But who knows why people voted how they did. Regardless, 25% of voters in Cheshire County cast their ballot for a transsexual anarchist and High Priestess of a Satanic church. Despite so much about me being repugnant to ignorant Republican voters who didn’t bother to actually learn my positions beyond my slogans, I received nearly twice as many votes in the general election as I did in the primary. This means that even more people voted for me Tuesday, after I became a figure that was almost impossible to miss in Cheshire County. That, to me, is important. The battle was lost, but the war is looking good. Was the battle even lost, though? That depends on what the goal of the battle was. Was the goal to win the election? Yes? I wanted to win, but… I’m not exactly upset that I didn’t. This is because I would have, as Sheriff of Cheshire County, done exactly what I promised I would do. I said publicly that Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and countless other politicians would be arrested for war crimes if they set foot in Cheshire County and I was Sheriff–and I would have attempted that. So let’s be real. The stuff I promised… I know what the consequences of it would have been. It was not “all talk,” and I would have done every bit of it. And it would have led to my death or a lifelong prison sentence. I wasn’t looking forward to that, and I knew that was where the path would go. Even if no such politician ever came to Cheshire County, that wasn’t the only plan I had to be a perpetual wrench in the state’s gears. I would have repeatedly committed Contempt of Court by refusing to take people guilty of only victimless crimes to jail. What would have been the repercussions of that? It’s impossible to say, but they wouldn’t have been good for my life or my freedom. If you push back against the state hard enough, it will eventually just remove you from the equation. Beyond that, however, there is the fact that winning was not my only goal. My goal is liberty in my lifetime; winning the sheriff’s race would only have been one step toward that end. Winning was not the only step taken toward that end. I spoke to 40+ college students about how the state is a religion, and why they should oppose the state on all fronts. I convinced liberals that mask mandates are bad when we can instead reason with people like adults. I took the ideas of liberty into the metal world (much to my surprise). I brought the ideas to the Christians at the Next Level Church. I gained thousands of followers on Twitter, Youtube, and Facebook, and I’m using those platforms to spread the ideas of freedom. Major news outlets quoted my posts here on the campaign site. I brought hope to countless LGBTQ+ people. In fact, it seems the only people who were upset with me were the AnComs and the Republicans. Friends are reporting that they’re having conversations with people who intend to move to New Hampshire, and Keene in particular, because of me. And that’s what we need, because we need the numbers to allow for secession from the United States, so that ignorant voters in California don’t have ten times the power to choose who rules New Hampshire as the actual, literal people of New Hampshire. I’ve promoted the Free State Project (despite having no affiliation with it) and liberty candidates, and it seems that people are listening. It’s a great place to be in. While many of the people I’ve reached would ordinarily recoil at the ideas of liberty, I get to cheat. I’m a metal-head. I’m a Satanist. I’m a trans pansexual. Their walls and defense mechanisms are down by default when they talk to me; they don’t simply reject what I’m saying out of hand in the way that they would if, say, Mark Edge approached them with the same ideas. That’s a powerful thing, and you can’t tabulate it in the same way that you can count votes. I’ve received letters, emails, and postcards from LGBTQ+ people who tell me that I’ve inspired them. I don’t consider myself a trailblazer. I’m just doing my thing here. I’m literally just doing whatever I want, and whatever my mock alter ego Drunk Aria comes up with. I’m not trying to be a hero, inspiration, trailblazer, or troll. I’m just being me, and having fun. There was no part of this shitshow that I didn’t enjoy on a deep level. Even when 100+ signs of mine were stolen from around Cheshire County, I couldn’t stop laughing–and, indeed, I did a Bible Study on the subject of stealing. When my car was vandalized, my official response was a freaking Rickroll and a joke about it being a gender reveal, not a hate crime. I had fun. And that’s what matters to me. I had fun while reaching people with the ideas of liberty and conveying a serious message to an interested audience. That’s Peak Activism if you ask me. The only regret I have is that so many thought that my entire point was just to show how ignorant the average voter is about the people they’re voting for. I’m sorry to reveal this to you, but… that was an accident. I expected 25-50 votes in the Republican Primary, as I suspected most primary voters wouldn’t vote for a person about whom they knew nothing. Instead, the results were astounding: 4200+ people voted for me, presumably without knowing the first thing about me. That was the assumption, given the negative reaction there was to the fact that a transsexual Satanist anarchist was their sheriff candidate. I never intended to make the point that I made. However, seeing the negative backlash and questions of “How did this happen?” sat in the back of my mind for a few days. The backlash was immediate, of course, but it just sat on the backburner: “This isn’t my fault. This is the voters’ fault. Why are they blaming me? They are the ones who voted for me despite knowing nothing about me.” Finally, on September 11, I decided to make a post about it. It just so happened that the next day, the story of my victory went worldwide. So when people came to my campaign site, that was the post they saw. The takeaway, for many, was that I was trolling Republicans. That wasn’t the case. I was just exploiting the infrastructure of the Republican Party to run for office, because it was easy and expedient. Making Republicans look silly was incidental. I did then try to do the same to the other side. My lawsuit against the City of Keene and Governor Sununu over the mask mandates broke just a few days later, and I expected a lot of backlash from the liberals who suddenly supported me, over the fact that I am against mandates. Unfortunately, that never came to fruition, because my position… made a bit too much sense. I’m an anarchist, so they couldn’t be too surprised that I oppose any and all mandates from the state. Some were, but it didn’t happen in large enough numbers to have the same “Gotcha!” as did my winning the Republican Primary. Honestly, I was trying to troll Democrats, but I was too upfront for that to have worked, and that’s fine. I’d rather be upfront and honest. There was, however, no trap laid for Republicans. I just did my thing, and the results were what they were. I’m generally unpredictable, even to myself, and this time it just happened to produce almost two solid months of non-stop lulz. We all had fun. If you’re not having fun, then you’re doing it wrong. — Ian Freeman of Free Talk Live Vermin Supreme is having fun. I’m having fun. Are you having fun? If you’re not, I’d recommend some psilocybin cubensis–aka “magic mushrooms”–to teach you how to have fun. Life is too short to get worked up over stuff. Freedom and liberty are the ideas that motivate me, and I want freedom and liberty because, fuck, I’m a mortal being here on this random rock orbiting a random star in a random part of a random galaxy in a universe beyond my comprehension. I want to have fun with these few decades through which I can enjoy the gift of existence. I don’t want to change the world. I just want to lie on my deathbed and be able to say to myself, with honesty, that I had as much fun with my brief existence in this ocean of confusion and chaos that I could possibly have had. I want to enjoy my life. Do you want to enjoy yours? If you’re fixated on the presidential election, the U.S. Congress, the national debt, and this other bullshit, I’ll have a hard time believing that you appreciate your mortality and want to enjoy your brief existence. Those things don’t matter. They would vanish tomorrow if we just stopped allowing them, and we can stop allowing them by choosing love over fear. Choose Bitcoin. Choose love. Choose peace. You’re going to die. And even if you manage to do something that creates a legacy that is heralded for thousands of years, you, too, will eventually fade. You will be forgotten, and everything you ever did will be inconsequential and meaningless. You are meaningless. So am I. So let’s have some fun in our few decades here. We don’t have to be violent. We don’t have to be fearful. The only thing we have to do is someday die. Until then, your life is yours. Stop obeying. Stop being afraid. Stop living in hate. Fuck them and fuck their system. Live, laugh, love.
This one's got ideas and needs help... There's no such thing as green energy. Every energy source has costs and benefits. We need 10, 100, and 1000 year thinking - not 2-6 year term limit cycles. Get the politicians and lawyers out of the way. EFT should be leading the world in real ESG. We can change the world. I am a Republican! I believe in personal liberties, and a small, fiscally-conservative government. I really don't understand why people are more triggered by the female form than they are by corruption and pollution. Data? Facts? People don't like either. Lady Godiva of the oilpatch asks if nudity is worse than corruption. Well? Is it!? I love how @Sarah4RRC on a pumpjack is a bigger story than @Chevron dumping literal oceans of radioactive waste into my drinking aquifers. tiktok@theunicornlawyer QA with Stogner Sarah Stogner Sarah Stogner "Sarah Stogner's semi-nude campaign video ironically brings them all together. It's proof that a spirited West Texas mom must go to extremes to challenge the oil and gas industry's routine installation of lackeys," writes columnist Chris Tomlinson. Texans know oil and gas jobs are the key to our robust economy, but progressive policies from Nancy Pelosi, AOC, and the #GreenNewDeal will destroy our energy industry and destroy jobs. -- CarbonNeutralCoalition I love how @Sarah4RRC on a pumpjack is a bigger story than @Chevron dumping literal oceans of radioactive waste into my drinking aquifers. "West Texas GOP candidate poses semi-nude, taking 'guerilla-style marketing' to the next level" And ironically enough, filming this photoshoot alone gives @Sarah4RRC more oilfield experience than Wayne's entire career. They said I needed money. I have other assets. Someone explain the rationale of why I can't invest my money in a structured credit investment without being accredited investor. But I can make, sell, and buy all the NFTs I want. What am I missing? Why can't I invest with private capital placement services for the U.S. exploration and production market? Same thing for any real angel investments. And yet let's just roll the dice on Robinhood. Big brother trying to "protect" me is infuriating. @sand_frac Holy shit! @Txrrc is tired of being embarrassed by my drone footage of @Chevron's blowout, and has petitioned the FAA for a no fly zone around their blowout. WTF is going on in Austin? How big of a check got written in San Ramon? What’s happening here? The beatings will continue until moral improves We have an opportunity to do some amazing things with water. Or we can continue to ignore the issue with the same old crony capitalism! #dobetter #sarah4rrc Let’s worry about seismic activity instead of my pasties. M 4.2 - 55 km S of Whites City, New Mexico… I won’t sit quietly while our current regulators take money in exchange for favors (ahem toxic waste permits). The rules apply to everyone - no special treatment for campaign donors. We are not protecting our groundwater. We must be stewards of all natural resources.
How many times can I vote?? We are Republicans - only once.
Her priorities are to put Texans to work in the energy sector, prevent federal intervention, and establish ways to measure and evaluate the commission’s efforts with an eye toward rewarding innovation. She ultimately hopes to change the RRC’s culture while bolstering both environmental stewardship and economic success. Fire them all! $100,000 donation 'casts a pall' over Texas regulator's approval of fracking fluid disposal site. Early voting starts today. I’m the only candidate for @txrrc who isn’t taking money. I’m the only candidate with a law degree. I’m the only candidate willing to expose the naked facts - we have to do better. #sarah4rrc In Texas, 484 produced brine discharges are permitted to discharge a total of 1.4 X [10.sup.8] liters per day (8.7 X [10.sup.5] barrels per day) (Texas Railroad Commission, unpublished 1988 data), a high percentage of which involve tidal stream or estuarine receiving waters. This investigation documented influences of production brines on water quality and fish communities in a Texas coastal stream typical of some Gulf Coast receiving waters. Petronila Creek is unique in having an eight-year history of data Environmental group finds 'significant plumes' of methane leaks in Permian - and yet @txrrc still claiming less than 1% lost #dobetter #sarah4rrc Are we ready to have difficult conversations about aging infrastructure? Will lessons be learned or everything shrouded in privilege? Life is never more fun than when you're the underdog competing against the giants. [Search domain] › 2022 › 02 › 23 › laptop-hard-drive-stolen-from-rrc-candidate-sarah-stogners-vehicle-week-before-election Sarah Stogner joins Jason Spiess to talk about her vehicle being broken into in Midland, Texas. The only thing that was stolen was her laptop and hard drive. ... stranded and undervalued gas throughout the oil and gas industry by using it as a power generation source for bitcoin mining. We bring the market and our expertise to the molecule. Our ... The Texas Railroad Commissioner Race Sees Major Transition ... [Search domain] › 2022 › 02 › 14 › to-hot-to-handle-the-texas-railroad-commissioner-race-sees-major-transition — Sarah Stogner (@Sarah4RRC) February 14, 2022. and Instagram too. ... stranded and undervalued gas throughout the oil and gas industry by using it as a power generation source for bitcoin mining. We bring the market and our expertise to the molecule. Our solutions make producers more efficient and profitable while helping to reduce flaring ... I can vouch that @Sarah4RRC is extremely smart. She figured out this whole subsurface blowout a month before the red bucket well came to surface. She warned Blackbeard and saved them from a blowout. I was trying to host a debate for this 🤡 show RRC election, but it’s not going to happen. Here’s my synopsis: Sarge Summers - Boomer AF, not sure he’s even worked in the oil industry Tom Slocum - Big heart, little brain Sarah Stogner - Most legit IMO, smart and an attorney. @Javi_TX If she's elected and I hope she is, I'm going to buy a banana hammock, shave my pubes and run for governor. 1 How A Biden SPR Release Will Send Oil Prices Even Higher In 2022 2 Oil Prices Surge As Biden SPR Release Backfires 3 10 Democrat lawmakers ask Joe Biden to use all options at his disposal against rising gasoline prices, including an additional release from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve Brainlet Biden, during middle of a fucking WAR, ordering yet another drawdown of the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve SPR in order to lower gas prices and gin up votes for himself and his Democrats reelection. Any real "leader" would order the SPR to be filled immediately and never touched but for war needs. BLM's corrupt wokester Biden appoints supreme court, based on his own statements, on race first, qualifications etc second. Biden figured out how to get his family and worthless crack addict son Hunter back into Ukraine generating 10% revenue stream for Joe Biden and corrupt fam... WAR.
The Real State Of The Union My fellow Americans. Now that my approval ratings are roughly at the same level as my blood pressure, i.e. barely detectable, and my credibility is nonexistent, I thought I might actually try being honest for a change about the real State of the Union. Just over a year ago when I took oath of office, I talked about “the common objects we love that define us as Americans. . . Opportunity. Security. Liberty. Dignity. Respect. Honor. And yes, the truth.” So let me describe to you the State of our Union in those terms: First, opportunity. Under my leadership, inflation has reached a 40+ year high and shows no signs of abating. I’ve also demonstrated how serious I am about fighting inflation by re-appointing the very same Federal Reserve officials who created the inflation to begin with, to another four-year term. Further, the supply chain crisis we engineered from our cascading failures of labor policy, environmental policy, trade policy, monetary policy, and public health policy, also shows little sign of resolving. We’ve also been instrumental in destroying the labor market and making it virtually impossible to find workers. Plus my administration continues to impose new regulations by the day, threaten new taxes, and put out unintelligible public health policies, that make things especially difficult for small and medium-sized businesses. But at least Pfizer’s profits are at a record high. Second, security. Our southern border was overwhelmed with countless migrants almost literally the moment I took office. We continue to ignore this growing crisis. Similarly, we choose to ignore soaring rates of murder in America’s cities. As Commander-in-Chief, I ordered the US military to hastily withdraw from Afghanistan without sufficient time to make adequate preparations. As a result, the entire world witnessed one of the most disgraceful, shameful events in US history as we left behind our citizens, our allies, and tens of billions of dollars of taxpayer-funded military equipment to our sworn enemy. I tried making up for this personal and national humiliation by trying to outmaneuver Vladimir Putin over Ukraine. My son Hunter and I obviously have a soft spot for Ukraine. But my real priority was using Putin’s military buildup as an opportunity to appear strong again, and hopefully boost my sagging poll numbers. Despite my years of foreign policy experience, I failed to foresee the consequences of provoking Putin, pushing him into a corner, and essentially daring him to invade. (And now, by the way, as we are pushing Russia out of the SWIFT international banking platform, I am also failing to foresee the obvious risk of Putin hacking it. But more on that another time…) You may recall that, while I was hiding in my basement during the 2020 Presidential campaign, I promised voters a “steady hand” when it came to diplomacy and national security. Well, this is what 5 decades of government experience gets you. Third, liberty. We continue to foster a climate where the government tells you what you’re supposed to believe, what you have to put in your body, and how you’re allowed to educate your children. We think nothing of imposing illegal, unconstitutional mandates, and handing public health bureaucrats the authority to regulate everything from nationwide commerce to the entire US housing market. Justin Trudeau recently set a fantastic example for us to follow when it comes to individual freedom, and so we’re working hard to become Canada as quickly as possible. Fourth, dignity and respect. I promised the American people unity in my inaugural address. I said that “we must end this uncivil war that pits red against blue, rural versus urban, conservative versus liberal.” Naturally I have completely abandoned that promise. Not only have I failed to rein in the intolerant, out-of-control leftist puritans waging cultural genocide across America, but I set a clear example for them by labeling my ideological opponents as White Supremacists. I call legislation I don’t like “Jim Crow 2.0”. And I encourage federal police agencies to investigate parents who don’t want Critical Race Theory taught to their children in public schools. Fifth, honor. My short time in office has brought extreme dishonor upon the reputation of the United States. In addition to the humiliation in Afghanistan, the rest of the world must be in shock as they see the constant chaos and absurdity of our government. We are more consumed by pronouns than progress. We publicly embrace Marxist ideologies. We push our intelligence agencies to prioritize diversity and inclusion over national security. We deliberately undercut our ally—the French—to do a submarine deal with Australia that provided absolutely zero benefit to our nation. And just recently our public debt reached a whopping $30 trillion… which hardly brings any honor or esteem to our nation. Last but not least, truth. I told Americans last year during my inauguration that “each of us has a duty and responsibility, as citizens, as Americans. . . to defend the truth and to defeat the lies.” That’s why my administration has worked diligently to suppress free speech. We believe that #science has only one authority figure, and anyone who disagrees with his eminence, Lord Protector Fauci, is guilty of misinformation. For that reason we enlisted the support of Big Tech to remove posts and terminate user accounts upon our request. We claim that we love democracy so much, yet we continue to assert federal control over state and local elections. One of our goals is to squash any state law requiring voters to present valid identification before being allowed to cast their ballots. Requiring identification would help reduce voter fraud and increase election security. But we like voter fraud… so we’re opposed to any identification requirement and label them as racist. We also rely on the mainstream media, which absurdly claims to be objective and unbiased, to reinforce our ridiculous propaganda. They do so willingly and voluntarily, refraining from holding me accountable or asking any difficult questions whatsoever. This, my fellow Americans, is the real State of our Union. (Tonight, however, I’m going to tell a bunch of pathetic lies that no one will believe about what a great job I’m doing.) And if you feel a bit down about the State of our Union, just remember - I’ll still be President for another 2 years, 10 months, 19 days. We have a looooong way to go.
Some forums expect Biden to flub and/or get boo'd from the floor, Pelosi won't do it by ripping up her papers on him Biden Approval Rating Hits Record Low As State Of The Union Looms 37%. That's the new headline approval number for President Biden, according to the results of the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll, the first to be released since President Vladimir Putin sent Russian forces storming into Ukrainian territory. The poll dropped over the weekend, just in time for President Biden's big State of the Union Address tonight. To be sure, the disaster in Ukraine is only the latest in a series of seemingly never-ending disasters, including surging inflationary pressures, and the US pullout from Afghanistan, have dogged the president during his first year in office. . His approval rating has been sliding since last summer, as the headline numbers clearly show. Here's what that looks like in chart form: Source: ABC News But it's not just Biden who should be worrying about the latest results. There's reason for all Democrats to be panicking ahead of the midterms. The poll showed that if the American people had to pick today, they would hand control of Congress to the Republicans. Source: ABC News The poll reveals that the main "weakness” behind Biden’s falling approval rating is the doubts about his personal capacities, with 59% of people saying he wasn’t a strong leader compared to just 36% who said he was a strong leader, according to Summit News. 54% of Americans do not think Biden has the “mental sharpness” to serve as president, compared to 40% who say he does. The public's confidence in his mental acuity has also fallen drastically over the past year. “Biden seemed to have lost independents, a critical polling group, on this topic,” reports Breitbart. Some 59% of the independents gave the president’s mental sharpness a negative assessment, a rise of 13 percentage points since May 202 Interestingly, the poll also found that 55% of the public believed Biden had mishandled the Russia situation, with only 36% believing he is doing a good job. None of that bodes well for the president, as he prepares to lay out his agenda for the coming year, while many rank and file Dems are still mourning the death of 'Build Back Better'. Biden Dispatches Team To Maduro's Venezuela Joe "the fuckup" about-face Biden now asskisses Saudi Venezuela Iran to sell him more oil at lower prices, selling out more of his country soul in just-in-time deals, to stave off energy nightmare Biden-Dems-Davos created, in name of "independence", but instead of actually telling his country to just go produce and create independence directly, including just creating onshore solar wind nuclear fabs. And Biden spends $20Billion more debt on your head for COVID BS. Lol.
On Tue, 8 Mar 2022 14:53:14 -0500 grarpamp <> wrote:
including just creating onshore solar wind nuclear fabs.
look, jewnazi and NATO turd grancrap is also a sillicon valley 'green' technonazi. And don't forget nuculear, which is 'cheap' 'efficient' 'SAFE' and the raw material for nukes.
And Biden spends $20Billion more debt on your head for COVID BS.
let's not forget though that covaids was invented by the trumpo orange monkey, who is an 'ex' democrat. "The vaccine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind," signed, supreme US turd, the trumpo orange monkey.
Prediction Markets: Amid solid rightward shift, a possible closeout of aged dynasties is emerging... neither Biden/Clinton nor Trump will win 2024.
Democrat Political Machines spinning up to gin up more Fraud... Clintons To Revive Foundation Arm That Jeffrey Epstein Said He Helped Conceive In what some might say is the strongest indication that Hillary Clinton is running in 2024, former President Bill Clinton just announced the revival of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), an arm of their infamous foundation which was shuttered nearly five years ago after Hillary Clinton's loss to Donald Trump in the 2016 US election. In a Friday letter, former President Bill Clinton announced that the Clinton Global Initiative would be reactivated to tackle 'urgent needs' such as climate change and the situation in Ukraine "The need for that kind of cooperation and coordination has never been more urgent than it is now," wrote Clinton, adding, "The COVID-19 pandemic has ripped the cover off of longstanding inequities and vulnerabilities across our global community." "The existential threat of climate change grows every day. Democracy is under assault around the world, most glaringly in Ukraine where Russia has launched an unjustified and unprovoked invasion that has put millions of lives in grave danger." "The number of displaced people and refugees worldwide is higher than it has ever been — more than one in 95 of all people alive on the planet today has been forced to flee their home," Clinton added. The last 5 years have ripped the cover off of longstanding global vulnerabilities, but I still believe we can accomplish far more together than we can apart. That’s why I’m looking forward to the next chapter of @ClintonGlobal. My letter here: — Bill Clinton (@BillClinton) March 4, 2022 Ahem: The Clinton Global Initiative was the primary doorway connecting the Clintons to corporate and foreign donors interested in gaining political access to Washington. — Jeff Carlson (@themarketswork) March 6, 2022 “WJC (Bill Clinton) …is personally paid by three CGI (Clinton Global Initiative) sponsors, gets many expensive gifts from them, some that are at home” – Doug Band “We have dedicated ourselves to helping the President secure and engage in for-profit activities” – Doug Band — Jeff Carlson (@themarketswork) March 6, 2022 The former US president, who stayed at Vladimir Putin's house just seven short years ago on the same trip where he collected a $500,000 check for a speech at a Russian investment bank, founded CGI with former adviser Doug Band - who left CGI in 2010. Notably, Jeffrey Epstein lawyer Alan Dershowitz wrote in a 2007 letter to prosecutors that the dead pedophile helped conceive CGI. "Mr. Epstein was part of the original group that conceived the Clinton Global Initiative, which is described as a project ‘bringing together a community of global leaders to devise and implement innovative solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges," wrote Dershowitz. Bill Clinton is the co-chair of the foundation, while daughter Chelsea is its vice chairwoman. Bill Clinton just announced the Clinton Global Initiative is coming back online and that is all the confirmation we need that Hillary is running — Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) March 5, 2022
Outright election fraud in Wisconsin and others courtesy Democrat-Biden-Zuckerberg-Cabal, clear to anyone watching since day one of D-B-Z's corrupt funding news release... Democrat Frauds... Flaming liberal wokester frauds... Biden's Left's fraudulent energy lies...
Erika Kolenich Runs Libertarian for WV Governor Erika Kolenich Libertarian for WV Gov w Kokesh Erika Kolenich Libertarian for WV Gov w Sharpe Erika Kolenich Libertarian for WV Gov w WVVA
Will any candidates mention cryptoprivacy, cryptocurrency, Tor, Leaks, Sound Money, etc... in a positive light?
Perhaps the Libertarian Candidates? ...
Jo Jorgensen and Spike Cohen
It’s official! We have #ballotaccess in all 50 states +DC! Thank you to all of the volunteers and petitioners that made this possible!
If you want to stop the endless wars, consider voting for me #Jorgensen2020. You can keep the fruits of your labors and they'll no longer be siphoned off to cause harm. If you #VoteBlue or #VoteRed nothing will change. #VoteGold instead. I officially accept the offer from @AmericasDebate to appear in Chicago on the 29th. I look forward to a new chapter in American politics wherein all viable candidates can make their case to American voters. Stay tuned for more news about this historic event! We are excited that @Jorgensen4POTUS has agreed to participate in #AmericasDebate next week at the @pritzkerlibrary in Chicago. This will be the last opportunity for voters to hear from all the candidates on every ballot. This is the debate Americans deserve! All fifty states agreed to put @realDonaldTrump, @JoeBiden, and @Jorgensen4POTUS on their ballots. The @debates only allows you to hear from two of them. Why? (Canceled because Joe and Donald are chumps who would get DESTROYED by Jorgensen in any debate). Find your Libertarian candidates here...
Will any candidates mention cryptoprivacy, cryptocurrency, Tor, Leaks, Sound Money, Freedom, etc... in a positive light? Perhaps the Libertarian Candidates? ... It’s official! We have #ballotaccess in all 50 states +DC! Thank you to all of the volunteers and petitioners that made this possible! If you want to stop the endless wars, consider #VoteGold... You can keep the fruits of your labors and they'll no longer be siphoned off to cause harm. If you #VoteBlue or #VoteRed nothing will change. #VoteGold instead. If in the US, Libertarians have three years to learn, organize, meetup, and ramp up before the next big election, one year before midterms. The political problem Embrace markets
It's a pretty lazy tactic to disregard every world government to excuse an irrelevance and impotence that results entirely from not even trying to engage in the real world. Similarly, claiming that somehow this list has created anything, when it doesn't actually exist outside of your mind, is silly. There is an actual world full of people doing stuff, and until you begin engaging in it you will remain a pointlessly ranting crackpot on the internet. David On Sat, Mar 20, 2021, 2:03 PM grarpamp <> wrote:
Will any candidates mention cryptoprivacy, cryptocurrency, Tor, Leaks, Sound Money, Freedom, etc... in a positive light?
Perhaps the Libertarian Candidates? ... It’s official! We have #ballotaccess in all 50 states +DC! Thank you to all of the volunteers and petitioners that made this possible! If you want to stop the endless wars, consider #VoteGold... You can keep the fruits of your labors and they'll no longer be siphoned off to cause harm. If you #VoteBlue or #VoteRed nothing will change. #VoteGold instead.
If in the US, Libertarians have three years to learn, organize, meetup, and ramp up before the next big election, one year before midterms. The political problem Embrace markets
Only fools believe that Liberty precludes Engagement. Creations unto freedom are subverted by fools unto slavery. Don't be a slaver or a slave. Every current world government and all their politicians are a pox upon freedom. This is neither controversial nor irrelavant. Don't be yet another "pointless", go do "stuff" that doesn't involve enslaving and ruling over others who've done nothing to you. There is much freedom and enjoy in that. Also, stop top posting and bulk quoting, it's a pretty lazy tactic that disregard decades of well agreed and proper internet comms formation.
I'm sorry, you're right I was rude to jump to conclusions. Just to confirm a baseline, with your posts here, what is your goal? Are you generally trying to be a part of the positive change and put these ideas into practice? Or do you have some other reason for writing so prolifically to this list? David On Sat, Mar 20, 2021, 2:33 PM grarpamp <> wrote:
Only fools believe that Liberty precludes Engagement.
Creations unto freedom are subverted by fools unto slavery. Don't be a slaver or a slave.
Every current world government and all their politicians are a pox upon freedom. This is neither controversial nor irrelavant.
Don't be yet another "pointless", go do "stuff" that doesn't involve enslaving and ruling over others who've done nothing to you. There is much freedom and enjoy in that.
Also, stop top posting and bulk quoting, it's a pretty lazy tactic that disregard decades of well agreed and proper internet comms formation.
On Sat, 20 Mar 2021 14:11:40 -0700 David Barrett <> wrote:
There is an actual world full of people doing stuff, and until you begin engaging in it you will remain a pointlessly ranting crackpot on the internet.
lawl, you are a new level of turd barrett. You're a turd even by the list's abysmal standards. Here's a good 'real world' plan for you : 1) unsubscribe 2) kill yourself.
On Sat, 20 Mar 2021 17:01:35 -0400 grarpamp <> wrote:
Will any candidates mention cryptoprivacy, cryptocurrency, Tor,
lawl, agent grarpamp pimping the pentagon's fake anonimity network. Shocking. also, agent grarpamp pimping politicians. Well, what else would you expect from a technofascist, trumpofascist turd.
'Party Of Science' Leader Pelosi Mocked For "Mother Earth Is Angry" Comments Democrats outright Lie about Climate Science to earn Fear Points from Sheeple Fact: Forest fires are started only by lightning and/or human actions. Entire forests burn down because stupid Humans keep fucking with Nature by preventing the natural smaller thinning and isolating cycles... mostly to protect their posh cabins and prime logging overshoot. Thus the skies in the shithole known as San Francisco are now glowing orange as Nature dictates. Overshoot leading to depletion, famine, and wars, and multi generational non-degradable pollution, toxins / carcinogens upon the environment and you... are your real risks, and there is legitimate and necessary work to do there... Now let's see what Science Lies and Fear the Democrats are foisting about Fires... With same false rhetoric from Governer Newsom and ExPres Obama... "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday, during an interview on MSNBC, that raging wildfires in California, Oregon, and Washington are direct proof of the climate change disaster unfolding across the country. Pelosi is the latest in a recent line of leading 'Party of Science' Democrats to attempt to directly connect the wildfire situation in the western US to the climate crisis. "Your life depends on it" "California has always been the canary in the coal mine for climate change"" Those are not fact. Keep in mind, just like Joe Biden, cunt queen Nancy Pelosi is Walking Dead and Dementia at 80 years old, search those clips. Government is a fucking joke, you don't need it, live freely, together... opt out.
AI, Censorship and Social Steering Technology Fronts are apparently all up in your "Free Democracy", lol... "Defeat Disinfo will utilize "artificial intelligence and network analysis to "intervene" by "identifying the most popular counter-narratives and boosting them through a network of more than 3.4 million influencers across the country - in some cases paying users with large followings to take sides against the president. An anti-Trump Democratic-aligned political action committee advised by retired Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal. The initiative is run by Curtis Hougland, who received initial funding for the technology from DARPA, the Pentagon's research arm" The Joe Biden campaign will circulate a petition and an open letter to Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's chief, to change the company's hands-off approach to political speech. The campaign will urge its supporters to push the social media giant to strengthen its rules against misinformation and harmful comments... [harmful to Democrats].
grarpamp, Bad, bad kitten. Nyan! :P When I say you need sex for avoiding stress, I am _not_ asking for fucking my patience, darling. Try the body first, please. Thank you for all the tenderness, nekko-chan! But your bad mood is worse than Juan's and it is definitely not sexy, la la la... (^ _^) Ceci PS: - Hi, rooty! Love you. XOXO!!! <3
Bad, bad kitten. Nyan! :P
Some people think some topics some random posters posted over decades was all bogus, that no things are really going on in world. That even cypherpunk cryptoanarchism never have good role to play. Only future history knows, time travel to watch it... while keep writing today in the book for the lols.
When I say you need sex for avoiding stress, I am _not_ asking for fucking my patience, darling. Try the body first, please.
Ok bae, just a few more funs, then I promise an ontopic crypto radio post that will curl your toes in nerdy ecstasy ;)
On Sat, Sep 12, 2020, 01:13 grarpamp <> wrote:
Only future history knows, time travel to watch it... while keep writing
today in the book for the lols. Not only for the LOLs, my love. We are making our own history and I do want a happy ending for mine. I am not asking for charming princes and rainbow unicorns, but for a less miserable world. Everything is connected, it will happen. Maybe in the last minute, but it will happen and will make the whole difference. :)
Ok bae, just a few more funs, then I promise an ontopic crypto radio post that will curl your toes in nerdy ecstasy ;)
Nerdy ecstasy?! Wow, I am really purring now!!! Puuuuurrr... Happy meow meow meow!!! ~(=^‥^) My toes are waiting for your post... They have cute red nails. Hope it is a very, very interesting post, uh? ;) Being more sincere than charming, I am using red nail polish, but I think I will do my nails again before taking a pic for you. I usually do them on Saturdays. Do you want to choose a color or a style, dear? Feet and hands, you choose, because I am pretty futile when flirting and receiving nerdy interesting posts, purr purr, meow meow... (=^‥^=) Forgive me, it's pretty late here - I swear! - and I am considering to sleep a bit instead of thinking about you, because now I am completely sure you are really you, and not another guy, you know... :B Yeah, I am a jerk, sorry! I am seriously considering to use all those boring privacy tools for avoiding to become the paranoid person that I know I can be, and it seems so contradictory and frustrating... Nobody will never see my cute toes again, oooh... #muchmuchdrama :P :P :P I love you, grarpamp. Wish you a good night and sweet dreams! <3 Ceci ---------- Loving. Caring. Sharing. Being Excellent To Each Other And To Our Hackerspace. <3 ---------- "Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity. It's your place in the world; it's your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live." - Mae Jemison
On 9/11/20 22:12, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
Thank you for all the tenderness, nekko-chan! But your bad mood is worse than Juan's and it is definitely not sexy, la la la... (^ _^)
The US elections are serious business this time around; there's even more riding on them than there was in 2016. Not just for the US, but for the world. As a US citizen, I don't particularly like that our country has such a strong influence on the rest of the world, but it is what it is. It still boggles my mind that someone denied a casino license in Nevada still managed, somehow, to not only win a major party nomination but the general election as well. -- Shawn K. Quinn <>
On 9/12/20, Shawn K. Quinn <> wrote:
It still boggles my mind that someone denied a casino license in Nevada still managed, somehow, to not only win a major party nomination but the general election as well.
Of course it's boggling, because it didn't happen... TRUMP ENTERTAINMENT RESORTS, INC. (fka Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts, Inc.) 1. Order of Registration - 02/19/04 Public List of Denied_ Revoked_ or Unsuitable 07-20.pdf Nice try tho ;)
On Fri, 11 Sep 2020 22:43:37 -0400 grarpamp <> wrote:
new low for this list! It now has a 'permanent thread' for right wing trumpo fucktards like grarpamp to spam political advertising!! Yeah, vote for the nazi monkey trumpo, the first amerikunt anarchist president!!!
October Surprises Lots of bets and scenarios flooding the intertubes... Now with four more years of ecosystem development, awareness post-Snowden, and growing usage by public since 2016... are there going to be any good surprise leaks distributed out to the surfaceweb from relative safety of darknet cypher networks? And who's bidding on what bets? There are first gen rudimentary crypto betting and futures markets now. Cypherpunks have at least made it that far :)
Amazing two clips of Biden's Brain Losing Function Fast... Major Teleprompter Brain Fails and Deathly Feels, Early Voting Rigged Biden Serious Mental Decline Comparison Then and Now Ignore the political nature of the ad, just check the medical parts. Politician... as they say, the "job" that has lowest level of qualifications in world. USA should be ashamed of itself for propping up such a marginal candidate as Biden for the "America's Top Job" show. The mental decline comparison is quite stark. Why is this not being mentioned by mainstream TV Media? This guy is going to sleep and fog through crises. That is serious. Grandpa Biden's Cognitive Decline, Sleepy Brain Slips, Creepiness, Raging, Racism... analysts everywhere, full videos, legitimate questions brains, race presumptions, braying, compilation of lols creeps raging threats, gun lies, invited beto, msnbc total lies, see earlier truth dox brains creepy violation credit given, teleprompt unknown Democrats running teleprompter cover, Refusing to answer... More Raging - age related?... Unions Back Away From Biden and the Democrats, Biased Media... "Politicians are the laughing stock of Americans. Bad thing is... The joke is on us. #SilentNoMore" Same situation worldwide. " Joe Biden's former White House stenographer said the vice president's public speaking ability has deteriorated significantly since leaving office to the point where he's "not the same Joe Biden." "It is a complete difference from what he was in 2017," Mike McCormick, who worked as a White House stenographer for 15 years and with Biden from 2011 to 2017, told the Washington Free Beacon in an interview. "He's lost a step and he doesn't seem to have the same mental acuity as he did four years ago." "He doesn't have the energy, he doesn't have the pace of his speaking," McCormick said. "He's a different guy." "He'd just make a big joke out of it, and go straight from the hip. And notice, he's not doing that anymore," he said. "He read that Democratic National Committee speech verbatim ... it's not Joe Biden anymore." McCormick said Biden also seems to get "lost" during interviews now, a problem he said seems more pronounced since leaving the White House. Biden launched into a soliloquy... Putin ended the press conference. "He basically got body slammed by Putin, really. I mean, I don't know how else to describe it," McCormick told the Free Beacon. "To me it was like, here's our great foreign policy expert and he just got punk'd. And Vladimir Putin just had no fear or respect for him." McCormick's recent book "Joe Biden Unauthorized" recounts his time working with Biden and takes a critical look at the former vice president. " Biden Dementia Biden Brain Jammed Biden - Breathing in Nostrils? Biden Analysis - Democrats Propped Up Two Fatal Mistakes " Biden has slipped up innumerable times during interviews and speeches, leading to charges that the former VP is being kept in a basement by his campaign managers so as not to further humiliate himself. Despite CNN's Brian Stelter suggesting it was "otherworldly" to question Biden's mental health, a Rasmussen poll released last month found that 59 per cent of likely voters don't believe he'll finish a 4 year term in the White House. Polls also show that 38 per cent of American voters think Biden has "some form of dementia," including one in five Democrats. Biden's cognitive functioning has repeatedly been called into question, including by White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson. "I think that he's old enough now that he's having cognitive difficulties and that just happens. It's part of growing old," said Jackson. "If [Trump] goes head-to-head with Joe Biden cognitively, there just wouldn't be much of an assessment. It will be very one-sided. " Meanwhile, AOC Snarkily Endorsed Sanders and the Socialists Plan for "Systemic Reclamation" USA... When USA falls into it, where in globe will be any degree of even remotely close to libertarian freedom left?
Biden the Fraudulent Braindead Puppet Caught Depending on Teleprompter Here is the interview room angles (left: prompter right: interviewer)... Here is the Biden the Fraud, squinting to read teleprompter... Biden Loses Teleprompter Biden while reading prompter: "Wait... I... Ok... I lost that line..." Interviewer: "Yeah lost it... but that's good... we can talk you and I on that..." Biden: " deportations in first 100 days of my *** campaign ***". Sorry Joe, you're not out on campaign trail, nor in *** presidency ***. 78 year old double aneurysm Biden has no idea where he or his brain is. Can't even think clearly and talk independantly in a totally controlled interview environment. Biden the Unfit Braindead Teleprompter Puppet Candidate Just the facts. Actual campaign trail events being held with the public... Joe Rogan on Debates and Biden Trump Accepts to Debate Biden on Joe Rogan "I don't think that Biden can handle it. ... I've seen him fall apart. -- Rogan" Kommissar Kamala Harris Hearsay about Ginsburg Deathbed, Anti Constitution Lols... Democrats Stealing Trump Signs against NAP Zapped in Orlando Mike Tyson on Trump Tyson on Rapaport re Trump "I'm a black motherfucker from the poorest town in the country. And I know Donald Trump. When I see him, he shakes my hand and respects my family. None of them - Barack, whoever - nobody else does that. They're gonna be who they are and disregard me, my family. So I'm voting for Trump. -- Mike Tyson" Kamala Trashes Racist Biden, Twists to be VP Jo Jorgensen is the only real female presidential candidate... Democrats trying America into just another Worldwide Socialist Shithole. Molyneux on 2020 Socialist Downfall When you have no place left to run...
For any who missed the memo, Andrew Anglin has been eviscerating the Alt-right for many moons now. A contemporary example: The People Telling You Not to Vote for Trump Because He was a Bad Daddy are Evil
I had a 'naughty' thought: What if Trump were to nominate more than one SC nominee, say five of them, and ask the Republican majority in the Senate to confirm as many of them as they saw fit to. The first one confirmed would replace RBG. The rest would fill the upcoming openings in the SC as they occurred over the next 10 years. Is that "legal"? The US Constitution says that the President appoints...check. It requires Senate "consent". Check, check, check, check, check. The Democrats have already said they will "pack the court". Check, check, check, check, check. Jim Bell On Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 06:18:22 PM PDT, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
For any who missed the memo, Andrew Anglin has been eviscerating the Alt-right for many moons now. A contemporary example:
The People Telling You Not to Vote for Trump Because He was a Bad Daddy are Evil
On Wed, 23 Sep 2020 06:08:54 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <> wrote:
I had a 'naughty' thought: What if Trump were to nominate more than one SC nominee, say five of them, and ask the Republican majority in the Senate
yes in reality trump is a radical libertarian, but he's keeping it a secret until the time when he finally destroys the deep state. The Republicans are libertarian anarchists in disguise, too. The democrats on the other hand, are marxists.
On Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 11:42:54 PM PDT, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <> wrote: On Wed, 23 Sep 2020 06:08:54 +0000 (UTC)
jim bell <> wrote:
I had a 'naughty' thought: What if Trump were to nominate more than one SC nominee, say five of them, and ask the Republican majority in the Senate
yes in reality trump is a radical libertarian, but he's keeping it a secret until the time when he finally destroys the deep state. The Republicans are libertarian anarchists in disguise, too. The democrats on the other hand, are marxists.
That has nothing to do with "libertarian-ness". I merely want to expose the dishonesty of people who want to change the rules of 'the game' for partisan purposes. The Democrats did their 'nuclear option' in November 2013, opening the door for the Republicans' changing the standards also for Supreme Court nomination. From that article: "Wednesday is the fifth anniversary of an event that is still changing the course of Senate and judicial history. On Nov. 21, 2013, Senate Democrats exercised the so-called “nuclear option” to abolish the filibusters of nominations they had pioneered a decade earlier.This is a story of how their best-laid plans went awry. Senate Democrats started planning a hostile takeover of the judicial appointment process in 2001. Just days after President George W. Bush took office, Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D., said they would use “whatever means necessary” to fight his judicial nominees. At a May retreat in Florida, that vow became a strategy to, as the New York Times described it at the time, “change the ground rules” of the confirmation process. Unlike the House, which prioritizes action and does everything by simple majority, the Senate emphasizes deliberation and first requires a supermajority to end debate, or invoke cloture. A filibuster occurs when an attempt to end debate fails — Rule 22 today requires 60 votes. While the filibuster became part of the legislative process in the early 1800s, it did not become part of the confirmation process until after Republicans captured the Senate in 2002. In just 16 months, from March 2003 to July 2004, Democrats forced the Senate to take 20 cloture votes on 10 different nominees to the U.S. Court of Appeals. Every one of those attempts to end debate failed." [end of partial quote] I haven't read the legal decisions issued by the Supreme Court during the mid-1930's that de-railed much of FDR's "New Deal", but I imagine they were quite appropriate. The Founding Fathers intended that Federal power be limited and defined, and the power of the states would be generally undefined. That position was mostly respected until the early 1900's. Jim Bell
On Wed, 23 Sep 2020 18:03:08 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <> wrote:
On Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 11:42:54 PM PDT, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <> wrote:
On Wed, 23 Sep 2020 06:08:54 +0000 (UTC)
jim bell <> wrote:
I had a 'naughty' thought: What if Trump were to nominate more than one SC nominee, say five of them, and ask the Republican majority in the Senate
yes in reality trump is a radical libertarian, but he's keeping it a secret until the time when he finally destroys the deep state. The Republicans are libertarian anarchists in disguise, too. The democrats on the other hand, are marxists.
That has nothing to do with "libertarian-ness".
I know. Most of your posts have nothing to do with libertarian principles. As a matter of fact they are fully anti-libertarian.
I merely want to expose the dishonesty of people who want to change the rules of 'the game' for partisan purposes.
right, because trumpo and his supporters are not 'partisans' but Examples of Infinite Honesty. And, as we all know, the democrats are dishonest marxist partisans.
notice that '' is not 'partisan' and is not a leading right-wing-fascist-neocon propaganda outlet.
I haven't read the legal decisions issued by the Supreme Court during the mid-1930's that de-railed much of FDR's "New Deal", but I imagine they were quite appropriate.
how was the 'new deal' 'derailed', exactly? You mean your govt was prevented from 'confiscating' gold, devaluing the dollar, and overall having the state 'bail out' your fascist economy? What sort of parallel universe do you live in Jim?
The Founding Fathers intended that Federal power be limited and defined,
LMAO!!! Like I said, most of what you write is the worst kind of anti libertarian garbage. This post being just another shining example.
and the power of the states would be generally undefined. That position was mostly respected until the early 1900's.
So here's another amerikkkunt history lesson for you Jim. The history you didn't learn in your government indoctrination camp. "The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;" You prolly don't understand what that means so I'll translate it for you. Your 'federal' government has unlimited power to steal(tax) and unlimited power to spend the loot on WELFARE. And that's exactly how the US 'worked' since the the criminal organization was 'founded'.
On Wed, Sep 23, 2020 at 04:49:15PM -0300, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Wed, 23 Sep 2020 18:03:08 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <> wrote:
The Founding Fathers intended that Federal power be limited and defined,
LMAO!!! Like I said, most of what you write is the worst kind of anti libertarian garbage. This post being just another shining example.
The caveat was that bit about "yes you've got your republic ... if you can keep it". That "if you can keep it" was a prescient warning, and as it turned out, the people failed to keep their republic and it devolved into the swamp we see today.
and the power of the states would be generally undefined. That position was mostly respected until the early 1900's.
So here's another amerikkkunt history lesson for you Jim. The history you didn't learn in your government indoctrination camp.
"The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;"
You prolly don't understand what that means so I'll translate it for you. Your 'federal' government has unlimited power to steal(tax) and unlimited power to spend the loot on WELFARE. And that's exactly how the US 'worked' since the the criminal organization was 'founded'.
Yes that was perhaps the single biggest problem with a "democratic republic" - where "the people" entrench a system of theft of any sort, and over time certain small groups sieze that power to full, and very unfair, effect.
On Thu, 24 Sep 2020 07:59:14 +1000 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
The caveat was that bit about "yes you've got your republic ... if you can keep it".
that's fake news. Piece of shit franklin never said that. And at any rate, as I already pointed out, what piece of non human shit franklin and the rest of slave owners 'founded' was a SLAVE SOCIETY in which the 'government', that is to say, they, the slave owners, had unlimited power. Like they do today. only partisan fucktards pretend to ignore the most basic history of the US.
That "if you can keep it" was a prescient warning,
"The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;"
You prolly don't understand what that means so I'll translate it for you. Your 'federal' government has unlimited power to steal(tax) and unlimited power to spend the loot on WELFARE. And that's exactly how the US 'worked' since the the criminal organization was 'founded'.
Yes that was perhaps the single biggest problem with a "democratic republic" - where "the people" entrench a system of theft of any sort,
what are you talking about. The definition of government is "system of theft". Jim Bell's slave owners 'founded' a criminal organization composed of slave owners, thieves and murderers. A government. Only infinitely idiotic partisans and US apologists, aka FAKE LIBERTARIANS, embark on the usual rants about 'limited government' 'rule of law' and how amazin the US cesspool was whent the blacks were kept in the plantations.
and over time certain small groups sieze that power to full, and very unfair, effect.
what are you talking about. The 'foundation' of the US meant that a small group of slave owners replaced the tyranny of the english crown with their own. Long list of Democrats confirmed and documented Biden's unfitness, then they erased history, tried to sail a different boat. What a bunch of two faced lying Frauds. After documenting them in link above... "... there are large numbers of people who have long been watching Joe Biden who have been admitting that they see his cognitive decline and that it deeply worries them... That includes, indeed has been led by, Democratic politicians, operatives and pundit-journalists now supporting him while feigning outrage over this discussion (that they started) and pretending that it’s all some morally reprehensible fabrication recently churned out by his enemies. Some are motivated by desperation to push Biden to the Oval Office and will sacrifice the truth, their integrity and their dignity to do it; others are power-flatterers who now see Biden as the new King of their royal court on which their wealth and access depends and so are re-writing their own history to delete what they said about him. Regardless of motive, it’s clear where these valid concerns about Biden’s cognitive decline originated: from within Biden’s own partisan establishment circles. The video and textual evidence is undeniable. When you hear them spin this lie, just confront them with this evidence. Most importantly, do everything possible to make sure voters see it before they pass the point of no return. Voting in democracy is valuable only when it is informed, not the by-product of elite deceit and propaganda. -- Glenn Greenwald" Statistically impossible bias in a nation split 50/50... Reddit, top 25 headlines, one month filter, favorable to: Trump: 0 Biden: 14 Neutral/offtopic/common: 11 (news+politics) Much of News and Social Media exhibit similarly heavy off-the-vote-ratio bias. Unpacking Biden's Racism re Left Media Unfairness Joe Racist Article OAN discovers Trump denouncing things for years
"The reason I was able to stay sequestered in my home is because some black woman was able to stack the grocery shelf" -- Joe Biden, the racist (if SJW's were being roughly equally honest) whose only career work and paycheck in life was to spend 47 years stealing it from you, instead of out in independant business... Biden Brain is Gone, Black Grocery Nevermind that US Congress has no hard term limits, but Democrats are now calling to hand US Courts to themselves through limits. Take your Democrat blinders off so you can see clearer. Biden's history of plagiarism goes back not just this years speeches, or to 1987, but back to 1966. Was a "C" grade student in school. Lied about marching in civil rights movement. Kamala Harris... California Prosecutor, Mixed Race False Saviour of the Black and Democratic Peoples, and her Democratic cronies... Threw over 3% of Black people in prison and ~5% of racial minorities, and kept them there. Particularly proud of her 25% increase in conviction rate much via crackdown on marijuana (a fucking plant), forcing kids to public school indoctrination, etc. Brutal cunts are generally incompatible with humanity. San Francisco Democrat since 50 years, California since at least 25 years... total Democrat power... Yet homeless, crime, drugs, gun murders, gangland violence, poverty, censorship, opression, regulation of everything, unemployment, protest violence, Antifa, BLM, etc... all rampant under Democrats lies. After 50 years of power, Democrat baloney is showing. Don't believe the hype. Beware of creating legislative / multi-cameral majorities. SJW Wokeism is failure Biased Debates... "If @ the next debates, moderators don't insist Biden flesh out his proposed policies IN DETAIL... finally providing voters SPECIFICS regarding his plans... then you know the fix is in." In last debate wishy washy two-faced lying declining Despacito pandering Dem race-baiting Biden said both... - I'm not doing a "Green New Deal" - I'm doing my "Green New Deal" The bankrupt USA cannot afford colossal programs. The first two "unbiased" debates are hosted by 100% avowed Trump haters who redirect, support, steer, and let Biden slide on very important questions. "Whatever position I take on that, that'll become the issue." -- Joe Biden Then what the fuck is your position you weasely fake. "Democrats bought full control of schools. Media outlets, the largest political party in America. They control all major cities and the most populated states. Theyre poised to over throw democracy." Given that's what the poorly articulated "position" question was about... permanent capture. Ok Biden, keep on hiding from public questions, giving fake speeches, instilling weak fear instead of strength. Biden Teleprompter Rally fail The foot crowd may have stayed home to watch Trump's Massive Macon,GA rally, or cuddle up with FDR. Georgia on their mind. Another sub 200 person rally, complete with teleprompter fail and possible horn overrun, forgets to throw his undenounced Democrat supported BLM Antifa buds and $tera debt program tax collectors in with his convenient list of violent plotters, forgets that his own speech is on video documenting that his Plan for America is to teach Islam in schools and let ISIS in via open borders, displays more angry rage, and two-face flips to now support police that don't support his defunding. Biden-Harris and rest of Democrats flip-flopping. A mix of media and Biden supporters make up the crowd of a couple dozen gathered outside of Joe Biden’s event in Southfield, Michigan this afternoon "Joe Biden campaigning in Southfield, Michigan today. He held an event live-streamed from a nearly empty gymnasium and did not take questions from press outside" Biden still dodging Burisma-China-Hunter while constantly calling for months for millions to irrevocably spend their votes early by convenient mail before even more bad news drops... "The election is underway across the country, and millions of Americans have already cast their ballots. I’m in Detroit, Michigan, to encourage folks to join them and vote early. -- Biden, 14h ago" Media's polls:rally_turnout ratio looking a bit suspect. "Violence against transgender and gender non-conforming people, particularly Black and Brown transgender women, is an epidemic that needs national leadership. But Donald Trump has done nothing but fan the flames of transphobia. -- Biden" An urgent national "epidemic", only in last 3y? How long did Dems publicly resist Gay Pride? Did Joe forget the trannies holding Trump signs in middle of protective Proud Boys group, and the untold numbers of whites getting brutally attacked on video by Democrat supported BLM members and random black street thugs. Or the Democrats history of slavery. Or his own smattering of racist utterances. "Come on man." 2020: The year of Dem manufactured, pumped, rehashed, Dem Globalist funded, hatred. "I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings." -- Biden, on video Thanks for everything -- Russia Oh no Joe! Grand Jury Subpoena in effect. Internet says: Biden was tipped off by at least end September, right about when he started desperately begging people to "Vote Early", now you know why... Biden was trying to bank and lock up any votes he had in his favor by getting people to irrevocably waste their votes on him before the news broke, and was urging mail-in because the Party Socialist dehumanization and demoralization plans required Corona Lockdowns to remain in place... Biden Pedo China Tipoff "Vote Early" Hard Drive Blackmail FBI Grand Jury "Any question now that China actually intends to *complete* its takeover of U.S.? It owns the Democratic candidate and most of the DC elite. It owns the media. And the FBI appears to be a subsidiary of the Democratic Party, which is a subsidiary of China." The laptops... Biden's Sleepy Lawyer Enters Panic Mode well after Tipoff Send patriot donations to... Biden Clan - status: Totally Compromised China Joe "Hey @Twitter, try censoring this!!!" "Since @kayleighmcenany can't share the New York Post's article, we'll do it on her behalf." "Twitter censored our last link! So, we put the article on @Jim_Jordan's website. Nice try, @jack. But, we won't stop. Click, share, and RT!" Ranking Member @RepJamesComer and Oversight Republicans have called on @OversightDems to hold an emergency hearing on Big Techs censorship and election interference. Big Tech must be held accountable for suppressing news and silencing views." Dumpstered Ballots Kentucky postal worker fired after dumping 100 absentee ballots The last "Debate" with Fraudulent "Moderator" Kristen Welker will also be Fake News... Fraud Kristen Welker tips off Democratic Party to Debate Questions Fraud Welker Scrubbed Her Twitter Account So that is all 6 out of 6 "Moderators" and "Facilitators" all proven by internet researchers to be Biased Media and complicit in the Fraud. Savannah Guthrie - The "Town Hall" Debate Opponent "Who is letting these democrat operatives question the president?" Town hall - has people (aka: not party operatives), run by impartial facilitator (aka: not party ops, and not a debatee), asking their own questions (aka: not prepared by party ops). Breaking Down the Media's Nine Minute Totals... "Twitter has censored @nypost, @JudiciaryGOP, @kayleighmcenany, and thousands of other users for sharing this damning story on Hunter Biden. So I'm tweeting the entire story..." Greenwald Lambasts Media... Democrats Violent Left responsible for starting shit as usual...
On Sunday, October 18, 2020, 07:12:33 AM PDT, grarpamp <> wrote:
"I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings." -- Biden, on video Thanks for everything -- Russia Oh no Joe! Grand Jury Subpoena in effect.
Internet says: Biden was tipped off by at least end September, right about when he started desperately begging people to "Vote Early", now you know why... Biden was trying to bank and lock up any votes he had in his favor by getting people to irrevocably waste their votes on him before the news broke, and was urging mail-in because the Party Socialist dehumanization and demoralization plans required Corona Lockdowns to remain in place...
BREAKING: Email Sent to Computer Shop Owner John Paul Mac Isaac from Hunter Biden's Attorney Is Released!
This is an excellent reason I say that Biden must be indicted INSTANTLY. Some of the American public may still vote for him, but I think that those voters cannot be allowed to claim, LATER, that "Oh, we didn't know that Biden did anything wrong!". Worse, even if Biden 'resigns' after getting indicted, Kamala Harris would presumably be expected to take over. I view that Biden's entire candidacy was illegitimate, because it is obvious that he wouldn't have gotten nominated without the FBI's subterfuge. Later, the Democrats will probably argue that THEY were 'misled' too, because THEY were not allowed to know about this evidence during the time period (early 2020) that they were selecting their nominee. That would be rather disingenous, since they were aware that Biden was a crook, but it is enough of a reason to have a 'do-over'. Failure to indict Biden is at least as much of a 'choice' as to indict him is. I've said before that even though ordinary DOJ policy is to not indict a nominee so close to an election, in this case this information has apparently been 'sat on' at the FBI since December 2019, long before Biden was the nominee, and even before the start of the primary/caucus process: So, refusing to indict now is not justified by that ordinary rule. Like I said about James Comey upon hearing of his press conference July 5, 2016, falsely claiming something like 'no reasonable prosecutor would indict her...', Comey was deliberately choosing a warped course of action which he knew was the only one that was consistent with getting her into power. Thus, Comey was manipulating the election. And now, it looks like the FBI and the DOJ are again doing precisely that. Am I right that this is an emergency situation? That conclusion alone does not dictate a specific remedy, but I think it demands SOME remedy! One solution would be to disqualify Biden/Harris from the election, but give the Democrats an opportunity to select a different candidate. Jim Bell
On Sun, Oct 18, 2020 at 10:18:29PM +0000, jim bell wrote:
Am I right that this is an emergency situation? That conclusion alone does
Dunno. On the eve of an election, where the potential indictee is in fact running for president, is arguably a "referendum on Biden" - it's a sort of quirk of the process where if Biden were to be elected, that can reasonably be argued to be the people's "referendum vote" that they support what he's done (his crimes) and therefore those crimes -ought- be whitewashed. Sort of a "jury of the whole nation". Perhaps though we then have to discount the millions of early votes before this news dropped, and IF this whole "referendum on Biden" thing were to be truly held as such, then the DemonRats concealment of Biden crime family crimes, is itself a crime against the people, which makes both the Bidens themselves, and the FBI (for burying, thus concealing, actual crimes, from the people who are being asked to "vote a referendum on Biden"). Informed consent ("referendum on Biden") is only lawful informed consent, if the people were actually informed -prior- to voting their consent.
not dictate a specific remedy, but I think it demands SOME remedy! One solution would be to disqualify Biden/Harris from the election, but give the Democrats an opportunity to select a different candidate.
Well how about that - you're stating a position/ calling/ advocating an actual mainstream concern, and folks looking on -don't- wonder whether you're just about to get locked up again :D With no apologies to Yankovic's "a plain and simple dream" ;) "Weird Al" Yankovic - Party In The CIA (Parody of "Party In The U.S.A." by Miley Cyrus)
On Sun, 18 Oct 2020 22:18:29 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <> wrote:
Am I right that this is an emergency situation?
No Jim you are not right. You are just another partisan rambling about irrelevant nonsense. Trumpofascists on this list are especially ridiculous if you consider the 'alleged' nature of 'crypto anarchy'. Here, another example of trumpofascism at work. (it works by buying votes)
On 10/18/20, jim bell <> wrote:
Am I right that this is an emergency situation?
For the Democrats... yes... Bidens, Clintons, Obama, News and Social Media Heads... they're all done. Adios pendejos ;)
Am I right that this is an emergency situation? Forget popcorn, get some stogies and cognac :)
On Monday, October 19, 2020, 09:56:48 AM PDT, grarpamp <> wrote:
Am I right that this is an emergency situation?
Forget popcorn, get some stogies and cognac :)
I would have much preferred that the people who recently leaked this material have done so a few months ago, because all this will take a considerable amount of time to unpack. The main thing this extra time will reveal is it proves the FBI had no intention of releasing this PRIOR to the upcoming election, and they would have allowed the election to occur while keeping the American public ignorant of everything the Bidens have done. Jim Bell
Biden Crime Family and Democrat Commies get DESTROYED... Tony Bobulinski #SinoHawk Phone Logs After far more than week of Mass Censorship by Trad and Social Media, and corrupt Joe Biden and Democrats utterly refusing come clean... Biden's polls are finally dropping like rocks, and the entire US Democratic Socialist Party is now distrusted thanks to their bogus and failed four year long political assault on Trump. Joe Biden is a LIAR and a FRAUD. Ilhan Omar schemes #CashForBallots. Moderators are all corrupt. Etc. Just wait till Clinton Obama bin Laden Benghazi, and more, hits the news. In political corruption rackets, there is never just one ship that goes down... an entire fleet of failure awaits. Trump is outside the establishment. And the US will never be a Socialist country.
On 10/22/20, grarpamp <> wrote:
Biden Crime Family Report on Biden Activities with China Posted on October 22, 2020 A number of months ago, I was approached by an individual I had known for the better half of a decade. I had known this individually professionally and enjoyed their company and deep insight into our overlapping professional interests. Consequently, I would not infrequently seek out their professional opinion. They had written a research report for a client worried about political risk that involved background on the Biden’s in China. This individual believed that the information that had been discovered, and with the approval of the client, needed to make its way into the public domain. They asked my help in putting the research report in the hands of press asking them just to use the information for their own professional purposes leaving the report anonymous. Knowing this individual and the quality of work they do, I agreed after reviewing in detail the report that was produced. There are a couple of key points about the report. First, it is almost exclusively taken from public sources and documentation. Everything from Chinese news reports to corporate records. The report is immaculately cited so that anyone who wishes to replicate where a specific piece of information was found or see the underlying documentation can do so. Second, the complexity of the overall story, attempts have been made to break down the key points about what happened, who was involved, with timelines and indexes. Third, only three human sources are used in the report. Two human sources only confirmed top line information in the acknowledgement of an individual and no other information. The third human source was not consulted for the story but agreed to let the information be used for the story after the importance of the information became apparent. For two months I have worked on behalf of my colleague to ensure that this report helped others report on the documented evidence of Biden activities with regards to China. I want to emphasize a couple of things about my own involvement. First, I did not write the report and I am not responsible for the report. I have gone over the report with a fine tooth comb and can find nothing factually wrong with the report. Everything is cited and documented. Arguably the only weakness is that we do not have internal emails between Chinese players or the Chinese and Bidens that would make explicit what the links clearly imply. Second, I will not be disclosing the individual who did write this report. They have very valid reasons to fear for both their personal safety and professional risks. Throughout the years that I have known this individual we never discussed politics. I have never heard them criticize any political party other than the CCP. They are not a Republican. Third, it was my very real wish that the press would have reported on the documented evidence in this report and left me and the author entirely out of this situation. I did not vote for Trump in 2016 and will not vote for him in 2020. This information however is entirely valid public interest information that the press has simply refused to cover due to their own partisan wishes. I have serious policy differences with President Trump. I am pro-immigration. I would like to see more free trade efforts to shift trade away from China and into partner countries from Mexico to Vietnam and India. I believe that institution building in Asia is vital and America needs to take that lead. However, I cannot in good conscience allow documented evidence of the variety presented here go unreported by partisans who are simply choosing to hide information. Finally, I will not be answering any questions about the report. I had no wish to be involved in Presidential politics. I do not want to be on the news. I will not be answer any questions about who wrote the report. We need to return the focus to the known documented facts. Key Points of the Report: Joe Biden’s compromising partnership with the Communist Party of China runs via Yang Jiechi (CPC’s Central Foreign Affairs Commission). YANG met frequently with BIDEN during his tenure at the Chinese embassy in Washington. Hunter Biden’s 2013 Bohai Harvest Rosemont investment partnership was set-up by Ministry of Foreign Affairs institutions who are tasked with garnering influence with foreign leaders during YANG’s tenure as Foreign Minister. HUNTER has a direct line to the Politburo, according to SOURCE A, a senior finance professional in China. Michael Lin, a Taiwanese national now detained in China, brokered the BHR partnership and partners with MOFA foreign influence organizations. LIN is a POI for his work on behalf of China, as confirmed by SOURCE B and SOURCE C (at two separate national intelligence agencies). BHR is a state managed operation. Leading shareholder in BHR is a Bank of China which lists BHR as a subsidiary and BHR’s partners are SOEs that funnel revenue/assets to BHR. HUNTER continues to hold 10% in BHR. He visited China in 2010 and met with major Chinese government financial companies that would later back BHR. HUNTER’s BHR stake (purchased for $400,000) is now likely be worth approx. $50 million (fees and capital appreciation based on BHR’s $6.5 billion AUM as stated by Michael Lin). HUNTER also did business with Chinese tycoons linked with the Chinese military and against the interests of US national security. BIDEN’s foreign policy stance towards China (formerly hawkish), turned positive despite China’s country’s rising geopolitical assertiveness. Summary: Lost among the salacious revelations about laptop provenance is the more mundane reality of influence and money of major United States political figures. Ill informed accusations of Russian hacking and disinformation face the documented reality of a major Chinese state financial partnership with the children of major political figures. A report by an Asian research firm raises worrying questions about the financial links between China and Hunter Biden. Beginning just before Joe Bidens ascendancy to the Vice Presidency, Hunter Biden was travelling to Beijing meeting with Chinese financial institutions and political figures would ultimately become his investors. Finalized in 2013, the investment partnership included money from the Chinese government, social security, and major state-owned banks a veritable who’s who of Chinese state finance. It is not simply the state money that should cause concern but the structures and deals that took place. Most investment in specific projects came from state owned entities and flowed into state backed projects or enterprises. Even the deals speak to the worst of cronyism. The Hunter Biden investment firm share of a copper mine in the Congo was guaranteed with assets put at risk by the larger copper company to ensure deal flow to Hunter’s firm. In another instance, Bank of China working on an IPO in Hong Kong gave its share allocation to the BHR investment partnership. They were able to do this because even though the Hunter Biden firm completed no notable work on the IPO, it is counted as a subsidiary of the Bank of China. The Hunter Biden Chinese investment partnership is literally invested in by the Chinese state and a subsidiary of the Bank of China owned by the Chinese Ministry of Finance. The entire arrangement speaks to Chinese state interests. Meetings were held at locations that in China speak to the welcoming of foreign dignitaries or state to state relations. The Chinese organizations surrounding Hunter Biden are known intelligence and influence operatives to the United States government. The innocuous names like Chinese People’s Institute for Foreign Affairs exist to “…carry out government-directed policies and cooperative initiatives with influential foreigners without being perceived as a formal part of the Chinese government.” Interestingly the CPIFA is under the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. When the investment partnership was struck in 2013, the Minister of Foreign Affairs was Yang Jiechi. Yang would have been very familiar with Hunter Biden from his days in Washington as the Chinese Ambassador to the United States from 2001 to 2005 during which he met regularly with Joe Biden chairing the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Today the same individual who oversaw institutions helping shepherd Hunter’s investment partnership as the Minister of Foreign Affairs is Xi Jinping’s right hand man on foreign affairs and member of the powerful Politburo. Most worrying is the financial leverage this gives the Chinese state over a direct member of the Biden family. Despite the widely reported $1-1.5 billion of investment the reality is likely much higher. A co-founder of the investment firm reports the total assets under management as $6.5 billion. While this number cannot be completely replicated, given that two deal alone were worth in excess of $1.6 billion this number is not unrealistic at all. A 2% annual fee on assets under management would generate $130 million annually. Add in the 20% fee on capital gains the firm would recognize and it is not difficult to see Hunter’s stake being worth in excess of $50 million. According to Hunter’s attorney, he did not invest his $400,000 in the company until 2017. Even assuming the veracity of this statement, this raises a major problem. Founded in 2013, the firm had large amounts of revenue and assets under management by 2017. In other words, his $400,000 stake would have already been worth far more than what he paid for it. This paltry $400,000 investment worth more than $50 million now would have realized a gain of more than 12,400% in three years. The difficulty in eluding these concerns is their documentability by anyone who cares to look. There is no potential for hacking because it is all public record in China. Any journalist who wishes to look can go review IPO prospectuses, news reports, or corporate records. There is no secret method for discovering this data other than actually looking. There is simply no way to avoid the reality that Hunter Biden was granted a 10% stake worth far in excess of what he paid for a firm that is literally operated and owned by the Chinese state. I did not vote for Donald Trump in 2016 and have significant concerns about his policies in areas like immigration. Having lived in China for nine years throughout the Xi regimes construction of concentration camps and having witnessed first hand their use of influence and intelligence operations, the Biden links worry me profoundly. Whether Joe Biden personally knew the details, a very untenable position, it is simply political malpractice to not be aware of the details of these financial arrangements. These documentable financial links simply cannot be wished away.
On Friday, October 23, 2020, 08:37:30 PM PDT, grarpamp <> wrote: On 10/22/20, grarpamp <> wrote:
Biden Crime Family
According to Hunter’s attorney, he did not invest his $400,000 in the company until 2017. Even assuming the veracity of this statement, this raises a major problem. Founded in 2013, the firm had large amounts of revenue and assets under management by 2017. In other words, his $400,000 stake would have already been worth far more than what he Report on Biden Activities with China Posted on October 22, 2020 [snip] paid for it. This paltry $400,000 investment worth more than $50 million now would have realized a gain of more than 12,400% in three years. ----------------- Jim Bell's comment:I seem to recall that Bill and Hillary Clinton had a similar thing going on, a $1,000 investment that turned into $100,000 relatively shortly. I just found this: My vague understanding about 'futures' and/or 'options' is that it is easy to fake gains in order to give somebody something. I think the idea is that a broker makes two 'opposite' futures transactions, in a trade that is supposed to change value greatly. It doesn't matter in which direction the commodity goes, one side wins big, the other side loses big. The 'bribee' gets the winning side, after the fact, and the 'briber' owns the losing side. This allows the briber to make the bribe, but isolates the two sides so it isn't apparent who is paying off.
From Wikipedia: "Likelihood of results[edit]
Various publications sought to analyze the likelihood of Clinton's successful results. Clinton made her money by betting mostly on a market downturn at a time when cattle prices actually doubled.[13] The editor of the Journal of Futures Markets said in April 1994, "This is like buying ice skates one day and entering the Olympics a day later. She took some extraordinary risks."[3] Her activities involved exposure to losses that could have been greater than her family's net worth if the market had turned sharply against her.[14] The former head of the IRS chief counsel’s Commodities Industry Specialization Team expressed skepticism that a novice trader could make such a return.[15] One analysis performed by Auburn University and published in the Journal of Economics and Finance claimed to find that the odds of a return as large as Clinton obtained during the period in question were about one in 31 trillion.[16][17][18] " Jim Bell
Jim Bell's comment: I seem to recall that Bill and Hillary Clinton had a similar thing going on, a $1,000 investment that turned into $100,000 relatively shortly. I just found this:
Quick read says... relationship with Refco house gave margin and let liq calls run... unaccredited retail doesn't get those relations. No mention of options / pairs. If Tyson was backing house/client losses and got govt deals... that would be bigger technical story than a nod into relationship banking as it stood 40+ years ago. (Democrats are also cozy with banks, an open conspiracy people can search.) Biden story isn't all out or digested by anyone yet, and only one good corroborator stood up with more evidence so far (Bobulinski). Biden's shell corps, trusts, property, etc perhaps more like old school mafia game... Chinese dump cash in, salaries etc go out, few product or services sold, startup capital forgiven to ongoing enterprise, etc. Corona was noticed and engaged by traders in Jan, perhaps earlier.
On Sat, 24 Oct 2020 05:30:02 -0400 grarpamp <> wrote:
Democrats are also cozy with banks, an open conspiracy people can search.
exactly like rethuglicans you dishonest, worthless piece of lying shit. "In many cases, I probably identify more as Democrat," Trump told CNN's Wolf Blitzer in a 2004 interview. "It just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Now, it shouldn't be that way(...) " "Over the years as a businessman, I've always helped everybody," Trump said Friday on MSNBC, further explaining his past support for both Democrats and Republicans. etc
On 2020-10-25 05:34, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Sat, 24 Oct 2020 05:30:02 -0400 grarpamp <> wrote:
Democrats are also cozy with banks, an open conspiracy people can search.
exactly like rethuglicans you dishonest, worthless piece of lying shit.
The 2005-2007 Financial Crisis was 100% Democrat. Jon Corzine was a major Democrat politician on the revolving door between big government and big finance. Can you name a Republican equivalent? There are plenty of rich republicans on the involving door, but none of them engaged in flagrantly illegal shenanigans and blatantly stealing large amounts of other people's money. Democrats steal money and take bribes, and do not go to jail for it. Their businesses crash and burn, and get bailed out. Republicans do not have similar privilege. Everyone that Angelo Mozilo is known to have bribed was a Democrat. None of them got in trouble for it.
On Sun, 25 Oct 2020 12:30:38 +1000 wrote:
On 2020-10-25 05:34, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Sat, 24 Oct 2020 05:30:02 -0400 grarpamp <> wrote:
Democrats are also cozy with banks, an open conspiracy people can search.
exactly like rethuglicans you dishonest, worthless piece of lying shit.
The 2005-2007 Financial Crisis was 100% Democrat.
so what's the name of the democrat asshole in the white-trash-house in 2005-2007? Ah yes that was the democrat george bush... ...bush being the turd responsible for the 'financial crisis' which he 'fixed' thus " program of the United States government to purchase toxic assets" " signed into law by President George W. Bush on October 3, 2008" of course obomba added a few more trillions after that. you are so fuckingly retarded james that you don't even know what happened yesterday in your kitchen or you are so fuckingly dishonest that everything you write is a lie
On 2020-10-25 13:04, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
so what's the name of the democrat asshole in the white-trash-house in 2005-2007? Ah yes that was the democrat george bush...
...bush being the turd responsible for the 'financial crisis' which he 'fixed' thus
" program of the United States government to purchase toxic assets" " signed into law by President George W. Bush on October 3, 2008"
of course obomba added a few more trillions after that.
And how did these toxic assets come to exist? Yes, George Bush was president, and Greenspan was central banker, but if you look at the thread of criminal misconduct, starting with Angelo Mozilo and similar bankers, it is all Democrat, all the way. Bush bailed them out, instead of sending them to jail, and Obama bailed them out. But there are lots of people that need to go to jail, and that Trump would very much like to send to jail, as for example the Bidens, and he cannot because the FBI and DoJ is full of democrats. You can no more blame Bush for those crimes, than you can blame Trump for what was found on Hunter Biden's laptop.
On Sun, 25 Oct 2020 15:26:47 +1000 wrote:
On 2020-10-25 13:04, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
so what's the name of the democrat asshole in the white-trash-house in 2005-2007? Ah yes that was the democrat george bush...
...bush being the turd responsible for the 'financial crisis' which he 'fixed' thus
" program of the United States government to purchase toxic assets" " signed into law by President George W. Bush on October 3, 2008"
of course obomba added a few more trillions after that.
And how did these toxic assets come to exist?
They were created by corrupt assholes who get 'free money' from the central bank. And the system is known as "crony capitalism". The creation of fake 'credit' by bankers leads to the 'business cycle' and this has been known since...hundreds of years.
Yes, George Bush was president, and Greenspan was central banker,
furthermore, the joo greenscum was 'put in charge' of central bank fraud by the 'conservative' rethuglican and hollywood clown reagan. now, die.
And how did these toxic assets come to exist?
On 2020-10-25 16:25, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
They were created by corrupt assholes who get 'free money' from the central bank. And the system is known as "crony capitalism".
They were created by Democrats - hence, during the 2008 post mortems, the reluctance of the Democrats to inquire how the money was pissed away, and the interest of the Republicans in inquiring what happened to the money. There was a party line vote on 2008 Financial Crisis Inquiry Report, which the Republicans lost and the Democrats won.
And how did these toxic assets come to exist?
One version... Disregarding whether or not banks printed 0's to buy house from original seller via subprime buyer, subs then pay in pile of equity fees etc, cant pay, get foreclosed, bank outbids hopeful individual local homeowners and pays itself via court to buy from foreclosure auction, bank flips to market at retail or to 1%'ers in REO deals, everyone involved donates to Democrats campaigns who created the Socialist sub loan programs a cut of the profits. Many places passed law regs post 2008 surge to bundle the [tax] lots thus locking out hopefuls from ever getting a single. CDO's, bundling, remarketing, etc are another set of scams upon different entities, bond buyers, etc. Meanwhile China buyers, country CB's, other banks keep pumping prices and financing rental buildout instead of freehold. Welcome to slavery. There are youtubes wikis and boards on the schemes, before they censor and purge those too.
On Sun, Oct 25, 2020 at 08:06:31AM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
And how did these toxic assets come to exist?
One version... Disregarding whether or not banks printed 0's to buy house from original seller via subprime buyer, subs then pay in pile of equity fees etc, cant pay, get foreclosed, bank outbids hopeful individual local homeowners and pays itself via court to buy from foreclosure auction, bank flips to market at retail or to 1%'ers in REO deals, everyone involved donates to Democrats campaigns who created the Socialist sub loan programs a cut of the profits. Many places passed law regs post 2008 surge to bundle the [tax] lots thus locking out hopefuls from ever getting a single.
CDO's, bundling, remarketing, etc are another set of scams upon different entities, bond buyers, etc.
Meanwhile China buyers, country CB's, other banks keep pumping prices and financing rental buildout instead of freehold.
Welcome to slavery.
There are youtubes wikis and boards on the schemes, before they censor and purge those too.
All made possible by fake fiat.
On Sun, 25 Oct 2020 21:04:17 +1000 wrote:
And how did these toxic assets come to exist?
On 2020-10-25 16:25, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
They were created by corrupt assholes who get 'free money' from the central bank. And the system is known as "crony capitalism".
They were created by Democrats
you have nothing valuable to say, you worhless piece of shit. trumpofascist turd 'grarpamp' vomited:
One version... Disregarding whether or not banks printed 0's
what kind lying piece of shit would 'disregard' the very cause of all the 'crises'? Oh yes, that's exactly what US trumpofascist shills would do. Notice also that all the crimes that wall street commits are paid for by dollar holders all over the world. That's one of the main mechanisms that enables the US empire. Looting dollar holders all over the world through inflation.
On Sun, 25 Oct 2020 12:30:38 +1000 wrote:
On 2020-10-25 05:34, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Sat, 24 Oct 2020 05:30:02 -0400 grarpamp <> wrote:
Democrats are also cozy with banks, an open conspiracy people can search.
exactly like rethuglicans you dishonest, worthless piece of lying shit.
The 2005-2007 Financial Crisis was 100% Democrat.
oh and by the way, apart from the rethuglican bush, the other number one criminal responsible for the 'crisis' was of course the piece of joo shit, clown joo banker and randroid...ALAN GREENSCUM. He was such a blatant fraud that even wikimierda got him right. "The easy-money policies of the Fed during Greenspan's tenure have been suggested by some to be a leading cause of the dotcom bubble, and the subprime mortgage crisis" yeah right 'suggested' by anybody who knows the A of ABC of economics, such knowledge not being something that assholes like donald, 'grarpamp' and the rest of trumpofascists are acquainted with, apparently.
On 2020-10-25 13:29, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
"The easy-money policies of the Fed during Greenspan's tenure have been suggested by some to be a leading cause of the dotcom bubble, and the subprime mortgage crisis"
From November 2005 to 2007, where I lived and was following the market, no houses were purchased by white people, and almost all purchases
This is a rationalization and an excuse. They want to deny the role of criminal misconduct in the mortgage crisis. The easy money policies of Greenspan had nothing to do with it. The problem was criminal misconduct. Vast numbers of dud mortgages were issued, and the regulators lied about it. The basic problem was that the Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations (NRSROs) had long been committing criminal misconduct without going to jail, and the financial crisis was them committing even more criminal misconduct and not going to jail for it. Which made the criminal misconduct by Angelo Mozilo possible. probably all, were made were made by people with no means to make mortgages payments. The vast majority, possibly all of them, were people with no job, no income, and no assets.
On Sun, 25 Oct 2020 15:05:46 +1000 wrote:
On 2020-10-25 13:29, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
"The easy-money policies of the Fed during Greenspan's tenure have been suggested by some to be a leading cause of the dotcom bubble, and the subprime mortgage crisis"
This is a rationalization and an excuse.
die motherfucker.
The easy money policies of Greenspan had nothing to do with it.
and then die again motherfucker.
On 2020-10-24 19:30, grarpamp wrote:
Biden story isn't all out or digested by anyone yet, and only one good corroborator stood up with more evidence so far (Bobulinski).
I have digested it. Hunter Biden took his laptop to a repair shop, failed to collect it, and failed to pay the bill (probably too high on cocaine to remember where he put his laptop) For non payment of the bill and failure to pick it up, it became legally the repairman's property. The repairman found some interesting emails, among them a large payment by the Chinese to Joe Biden, made to the name of Hunter Biden with the understanding that Hunter Biden would hold the money *on* *behalf* *of* *his* *father*, Joe Biden, so that it would not show up in his father's tax records. This payment by the Chinese to vice president Joe Biden was made at a time when he was negotiating a trade deal between America and China, which trade deal, surprise surprise, turned out to be amazingly bad for America and amazingly good for China. Funny thing that. Subsequently Hunter Biden's business partner appears on television and confirms that a lot of the emails on Biden's laptop, including the most interesting emails, are also on his cell phone. Among those emails of which he received a copy, are ones relating to *paying* *off* *Vice* *President* *Joe* *Biden* Needless to say, this interview is somehow not news according to the mainstream media. Tony Bobulinski #SinoHawk
Joe Biden's High Crimes unfolding fast... Bobulinski interview Tucker 2020-10-27 Never underestimate American Patriots...
Joe Biden's High Crimes unfolding fast... Bobulinski interview Tucker 2020-10-27
FOX News has censored the above off YouTube via "copyright", no doubt under pressure from and in plot with Deep State and Dems. Save and mirror it from another source, while it lasts... Bobulinski interview Tucker 2020-10-27 partial video Original youtube version was about 49.5 minutes long. Vanished Biden docs Vanished Biden docs Make backups of the internet now against the Great Vanishing, if Democrats win censorship will get much MUCH worse! Look at how angry violent raging explosive and invasive Biden is compared to Trump. Biden should NOT be elected, because when a stressful global situation happens, Biden's going to snap and hit the Nuke Button. Biden is deadly Violent, Trump is Funny Wrecking the Biden-Dems ftw ! FBI investigating Corrupt Bidens The Intercept co-founder Glenn Greenwald resigned from the outlet on Thursday, after 'editors censored an article I wrote this week, refusing to publish it unless I remove all sections critical of Joe Biden, the candidate vehemently supported by all Intercept editors involved in this effort at suppression.' ... " I am posting here the most recent draft of my article about Joe and Hunter Biden - the last one seen by Intercept editors before telling me that they refuse to publish it absent major structural changes involving the removal of all sections critical of Joe Biden, leaving only a narrow article critiquing media outlets. I will also, in a separate post, publish all communications I had with Intercept editors surrounding this article so you can see the censorship in action and, given the Intercept’s denials, decide for yourselves (this is the kind of transparency responsible journalists provide, and which the Intercept refuses to this day to provide regarding their conduct in the Reality Winner story). This draft obviously would have gone through one more round of proof-reading and editing by me - to shorten it, fix typos, etc - but it’s important for the integrity of the claims to publish the draft in unchanged form that Intercept editors last saw, and announced that they would not “edit” but completely gut as a condition to publication: An attempt to assess the importance of the known evidence, and a critique of media lies to protect their favored candidate, could not be published at The Intercept THE REAL SCANDAL: U.S. MEDIA USES FALSEHOODS TO DEFEND JOE BIDEN FROM HUNTER’S EMAILS Publication by the New York Post two weeks ago of emails from Hunter Biden's laptop, relating to Vice President Joe Biden's work in Ukraine, and subsequent articles from other outlets concerning the Biden family's pursuit of business opportunities in China, provoked extraordinary efforts by a de facto union of media outlets, Silicon Valley giants and the intelligence community to suppress these stories. One outcome is that the Biden campaign concluded, rationally, that there is no need for the front-running presidential candidate to address even the most basic and relevant questions raised by these materials. Rather than condemn Biden for ignoring these questions -- the natural instinct of a healthy press when it comes to a presidential election -- journalists have instead led the way in concocting excuses to justify his silence. After the Post’s first article, both that newspaper and other news outlets have published numerous other emails and texts purportedly written to and from Hunter reflecting his efforts to induce his father to take actions as Vice President beneficial to the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, on whose board of directors Hunter sat for a monthly payment of $50,000, as well as proposals for lucrative business deals in China that traded on his influence with his father. Individuals included in some of the email chains have confirmed the contents' authenticity. One of Hunter’s former business partners, Tony Bubolinski, has stepped forward on the record to confirm the authenticity of many of the emails and to insist that Hunter along with Joe Biden's brother Jim were planning on including the former Vice President in at least one deal in China. And GOP pollster Frank Luntz, who appeared in one of the published email chains, appeared to confirm the authenticity as well, though he refused to answer follow-up questions about it. Thus far, no proof has been offered by Bubolinski that Biden ever consummated his participation in any of those discussed deals. The Wall Street Journal says that it found no corporate records reflecting that a deal was finalized and that "text messages and emails related to the venture that were provided to the Journal by Mr. Bobulinski, mainly from the spring and summer of 2017, don’t show either Hunter Biden or James Biden discussing a role for Joe Biden in the venture." But nobody claimed that any such deals had been consummated -- so the conclusion that one had not been does not negate the story. Moreover, some texts and emails whose authenticity has not been disputed state that Hunter was adamant that any discussions about the involvement of the Vice President be held only verbally and never put in writing. Beyond that, the Journal's columnist Kimberly Strassel reviewed a stash of documents and "found correspondence corroborates and expands on emails recently published by the New York Post," including ones where Hunter was insisting that it was his connection to his father that was the greatest asset sought by the Chinese conglomerate with whom they were negotiating. The New York Times on Sunday reached a similar conclusion: while no documents prove that such a deal was consummated, "records produced by Mr. Bobulinski show that in 2017, Hunter Biden and James Biden were involved in negotiations about a joint venture with a Chinese energy and finance company called CEFC China Energy," and "make clear that Hunter Biden saw the family name as a valuable asset, angrily citing his 'family’s brand' as a reason he is valuable to the proposed venture." These documents also demonstrate, reported the Times, "that the countries that Hunter Biden, James Biden and their associates planned to target for deals overlapped with nations where Joe Biden had previously been involved as vice president." Strassel noted that "a May 2017 'expectations' document shows Hunter receiving 20% of the equity in the venture and holding another 10% for 'the big guy'—who Mr. Bobulinski attests is Joe Biden." And the independent journalist Matt Taibbi published an article on Sunday with ample documentation suggesting that Biden's attempt to replace a Ukranian prosecutor in 2015 benefited Burisma. All of these new materials, the authenticity of which has never been disputed by Hunter Biden or the Biden campaign, raise important questions about whether the former Vice President and current front-running presidential candidate was aware of efforts by his son to peddle influence with the Vice President for profit, and also whether the Vice President ever took actions in his official capacity with the intention, at least in part, of benefitting his son's business associates. But in the two weeks since the Post published its initial story, a union of the nation's most powerful entities, including its news media, have taken extraordinary steps to obscure and bury these questions rather than try to provide answers to them. The initial documents, claimed the New York Post, were obtained when the laptops containing them were left at a Delaware repair shop with water damage and never picked up, allowing the owner to access its contents and then turn them over to both the FBI and a lawyer for Trump advisor Rudy Giuliani. The repair store owner confirmed this narrative in interviews with news outlets and then (under penalty of prosecution) to a Senate Committee; he also provided the receipt purportedly signed by Hunter. Neither Hunter nor the Biden campaign has denied these claims. Publication of that initial New York Post story provoked a highly unusual censorship campaign by Facebook and Twitter. Facebook, through a long-time former Democratic Party operative, vowed to suppress the story pending its “fact-check,” one that has as of yet produced no public conclusions. And while Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey apologized for Twitter’s handling of the censorship and reversed the policy that led to the blocking of all links the story, the New York Post, the nation’s fourth-largest newspaper, continues to be locked out of its Twitter account, unable to post as the election approaches, for almost two weeks. After that initial censorship burst from Silicon Valley, whose workforce and oligarchs have donated almost entirely to the Biden campaign, it was the nation's media outlets and former CIA and other intelligence officials who took the lead in constructing reasons why the story should be dismissed, or at least treated with scorn. As usual for the Trump era, the theme that took center stage to accomplish this goal was an unsubstantiated claim about the Kremlin responsibility for the story. Numerous news outlets, including the Intercept, quickly cited a public letter signed by former CIA officials and other agents of the security state claiming that the documents have the “classic trademarks" of a “Russian disinformation” plot. But, as media outlets and even intelligence agencies are now slowly admitting, no evidence has ever been presented to corroborate this assertion. On Friday, the New York Times reported that “no concrete evidence has emerged that the laptop contains Russian disinformation” and the paper said even the FBI has “acknowledged that it had not found any Russian disinformation on the laptop.” The Washington Post on Sunday published an op-ed -- by Thomas Rid, one of those centrists establishmentarian professors whom media outlets routinely use to provide the facade of expert approval for deranged conspiracy theories -- that contained this extraordinary proclamation: "We must treat the Hunter Biden leaks as if they were a foreign intelligence operation — even if they probably aren't." Even the letter from the former intelligence officials cited by The Intercept and other outlets to insinuate that this was all part of some “Russian disinformation” scheme explicitly admitted that “we do not have evidence of Russian involvement,” though many media outlets omitted that crucial acknowledgement when citing the letter in order to disparage the story as a Kremlin plot: Despite this complete lack of evidence, the Biden campaign adopted this phrase used by intelligence officials and media outlets as its mantra for why the materials should not be discussed and why they would not answer basic questions about them. “I think we need to be very, very clear that what he's doing here is amplifying Russian misinformation," said Biden Deputy Campaign Manager Kate Bedingfield about the possibility that Trump would raise the Biden emails at Thursday night’s debate. Biden’s senior advisor Symone Sanders similarly warned on MSNBC: “if the president decides to amplify these latest smears against the vice president and his only living son, that is Russian disinformation." The few mainstream journalists who tried merely to discuss these materials have been vilified. For the crime of simply noting it on Twitter that first day, New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman had her name trend all morning along with the derogatory nickname “MAGA Haberman.” CBS News’ Bo Erickson was widely attacked even by his some in the media simply for asking Biden what his response to the story was. And Biden himself refused to answer, accusing Erickson of spreading a "smear." That it is irresponsible and even unethical to mention these documents became a pervasive view in mainstream journalism. The NPR Public Editor, in an anazing statement representative of much of the prevailing media mentality, explicitly justified NPR’s refusal to cover the story on the ground that “we do not want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories . . . [or] waste the readers’ and listeners’ time on stories that are just pure distractions.” Why haven't you seen any stories from NPR about the NY Post's Hunter Biden story? Read more in this week's newsletter➡️ — NPR Public Editor (@NPRpubliceditor) October 22, 2020 To justify her own show’s failure to cover the story, 60 Minutes’ Leslie Stahl resorted to an entirely different justification. “It can’t be verified,” the CBS reporter claimed when confronted by President Trump in an interview about her program’s failure to cover the Hunter Biden documents. When Trump insisted there were multiple ways to verify the materials on the laptop, Stahl simply repeated the same phrase: “it can’t be verified.” After the final presidential debate on Thursday night, a CNN panel mocked the story as too complex and obscure for anyone to follow -- a self-fulfilling prophecy given that, as the network's media reporter Brian Stelter noted with pride, the story has barely been mentioned either on CNN or MSNBC. As the New York Times noted on Friday: "most viewers of CNN and MSNBC would not have heard much about the unconfirmed Hunter Biden emails.... CNN’s mentions of “Hunter” peaked at 20 seconds and MSNBC’s at 24 seconds one day last week." On Sunday, CNN's Christiane Amanpour barely pretended to be interested in any journalism surrounding the story, scoffing during an interview at requests from the RNC's Elizabeth Harrington to cover the story and verify the documents by telling her: "We're not going to do your work for you." Watch how the U.S.'s most mainstream journalists are openly announcing their refusal to even consider what these documents might reflect about the Democratic front-runner: These journalists are desperate not to know. As Taibbi wrote on Sunday about this tawdry press spectacle: " The least curious people in the country right now appear to be the credentialed news media, a situation normally unique to tinpot authoritarian societies." All of those excuses and pretexts — emanating largely from a national media that is all but explicit in their eagerness for Biden to win — served for the first week or more after the Post story to create a cone of silence around this story and, to this very day, a protective shield for Biden. As a result, the front-running presidential candidate knows that he does not have to answer even the most basic questions about these documents because most of the national press has already signaled that they will not press him to do so; to the contrary, they will concoct defenses on his behalf to avoid discussing it. The relevant questions for Biden raised by this new reporting are as glaring as they are important. Yet Biden has had to answer very few of them yet because he has not been asked and, when he has, media outlets have justified his refusal to answer rather than demand that he do so. We submitted nine questions to his campaign about these documents that the public has the absolute right to know, including: whether he claims any the emails or texts are fabricated (and, if so, which specific ones); whether he knows if Hunter did indeed drop off laptops at the Delaware repair store; whether Hunter ever asked him to meet with Burisma executives or whether he in fact did so; whether Biden ever knew about business proposals in Ukraine or China being pursued by his son and brother in which Biden was a proposed participant and, how Biden could justify expending so much energy as Vice President demanding that the Ukrainian General Prosecutor be fired, and why the replacement — Yuriy Lutsenko, someone who had no experience in law; was a crony of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko; and himself had a history of corruption allegations — was acceptable if Biden’s goal really was to fight corruption in Ukraine rather than benefit Burisma or control Ukrainian internal affairs for some other objective. Though the Biden campaign indicated that they would respond to the Intercept’s questions, they have not done so. A statement they released to other outlets contains no answers to any of these questions except to claim that Biden “has never even considered being involved in business with his family, nor in any business overseas.” To date, even as the Biden campaign echoes the baseless claims of media outlets that anyone discussing this story is “amplifying Russian disinformation,” neither Hunter Biden nor the Biden campaign have even said whether they claim the emails and other documents -- which they and the press continue to label "Russian disinformation" -- are forgeries or whether they are authentic. The Biden campaign clearly believes it has no need to answer any of these questions by virtue of a panoply of media excuses offered on its behalf that collapse upon the most minimal scrutiny: First, the claim that the material is of suspect authenticity or cannot be verified -- the excuse used on behalf of Biden by Leslie Stahl and Christiane Amanpour, among others -- is blatantly false for numerous reasons. As someone who has reported similar large archives in partnership with numerous media outlets around the world (including the Snowden archive in 2014 and the Intercept’s Brazil Archive over the last year showing corruption by high-level Bolsonaro officials), and who also covered the reporting of similar archives by other outlets (the Panama Papers, the WikiLeaks war logs of 2010 and DNC/Podesta emails of 2016), it is clear to me that the trove of documents from Hunter Biden’s emails has been verified in ways quite similar to those. With an archive of this size, one can never independently authenticate every word in every last document unless the subject of the reporting voluntarily confirms it in advance, which they rarely do. What has been done with similar archives is journalists obtain enough verification to create high levels of journalistic confidence in the materials. Some of the materials provided by the source can be independently confirmed, proving genuine access by the source to a hard drive, a telephone, or a database. Other parties in email chains can confirm the authenticity of the email or text conversations in which they participated. One investigates non-public facts contained in the documents to determine that they conform to what the documents reflect. Technology specialists can examine the materials to ensure no signs of forgeries are detected. This is the process that enabled the largest and most established media outlets around the world to report similar large archives obtained without authorization. In those other cases, no media outlet was able to verify every word of every document prior to publication. There was no way to prove the negative that the source or someone else had not altered or forged some of the material. That level of verification is both unattainable and unnecessary. What is needed is substantial evidence to create high confidence in the authentication process. The Hunter Biden documents have at least as much verification as those other archives that were widely reported. There are sources in the email chains who have verified that the published emails are accurate. The archive contains private photos and videos of Hunter whose authenticity is not in doubt. A former business partner of Hunter has stated, unequivocally and on the record, that not only are the emails authentic but they describe events accurately, including proposed participation by the former Vice President in at least one deal Hunter and Jim Biden were pursuing in China. And, most importantly of all, neither Hunter Biden nor the Biden campaign has even suggested, let alone claimed, that a single email or text is fake. Why is the failure of the Bidens to claim that these emails are forged so significant? Because when journalists report on a massive archive, they know that the most important event in the reporting's authentication process comes when the subjects of the reporting have an opportunity to deny that the materials are genuine. Of course that is what someone would do if major media outlets were preparing to publish, or in fact were publishing, fabricated or forged materials in their names; they would say so in order to sow doubt about the materials if not kill the credibility of the reporting. The silence of the Bidens may not be dispositive on the question of the material’s authenticity, but when added to the mountain of other authentication evidence, it is quite convincing: at least equal to the authentication evidence in other reporting on similarly large archives. Second, the oft-repeated claim from news outlets and CIA operatives that the published emails and texts were “Russian disinformation” was, from the start, obviously baseless and reckless. No evidence — literally none — has been presented to suggest involvement by any Russians in the dissemination of these materials, let alone that it was part of some official plot by Moscow. As always, anything is possible — when one does not know for certain what the provenance of materials is, nothing can be ruled out — but in journalism, evidence is required before news outlets can validly start blaming some foreign government for the release of information. And none has ever been presented. Yet the claim that this was "Russian disinformation" was published in countless news outlets, television broadcasts, and the social media accounts of journalists, typically by pointing to the evidence-free claims of ex-CIA officials. Worse is the “disinformation” part of the media’s equation. How can these materials constitute “disinformation” if they are authentic emails and texts actually sent to and from Hunter Biden? The ease with which news outlets that are supposed to be skeptical of evidence-free pronouncements by the intelligence community instead printed their assertions about "Russian disinformation" is alarming in the extreme. But they did it because they instinctively wanted to find a reason to justify ignoring the contents of these emails, so claiming that Russia was behind it, and that the materials were "disinformation," became their placeholder until they could figure out what else they should say to justify ignoring these documents. Third, the media rush to exonerate Biden on the question of whether he engaged in corruption vis-a-vis Ukraine and Burisma rested on what are, at best, factually dubious defenses of the former Vice President. Much of this controversy centers on Biden's aggressive efforts while Vice President in late 2015 to force the Ukrainian government to fire its Chief Prosecutor, Viktor Shokhin, and replace him with someone acceptable to the U.S., which turned out to be Yuriy Lutsenko. These events are undisputed by virtue of a video of Biden boasting in front of an audience of how he flew to Kiev and forced the Ukrainians to fire Shokhin, upon pain of losing $1 billion in aid. But two towering questions have long been prompted by these events, and the recently published emails make them more urgent than ever: 1) was the firing of the Ukrainian General Prosecutor such a high priority for Biden as Vice President of the U.S. because of his son's highly lucrative role on the board of Burisma, and 2) if that was not the motive, why was it so important for Biden to dictate who the chief prosecutor of Ukraine was? The standard answer to the question about Biden's motive -- offered both by Biden and his media defenders -- is that he, along with the IMF and EU, wanted Shokhin fired because the U.S. and its allies were eager to clean up Ukraine, and they viewed Shokhin as insufficiently vigilant in fighting corruption. “Biden’s brief was to sweet-talk and jawbone Poroshenko into making reforms that Ukraine’s Western benefactors wanted to see as,” wrote the Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler in what the Post calls a “fact-check.” Kessler also endorsed the key defense of Biden: that the firing of Shokhin was bad for Burima, not good for it. “The United States viewed [Shokhin] as ineffective and beholden to Poroshenko and Ukraine’s corrupt oligarchs. In particular, Shokin had failed to pursue an investigation of the founder of Burisma, Mykola Zlochevsky,” Kessler claims. But that claim does not even pass the laugh test. The U.S. and its European allies are not opposed to corruption by their puppet regimes. They are allies with the most corrupt regimes on the planet, from Riyadh to Cairo, and always have been. Since when does the U.S. devote itself to ensuring good government in the nations it is trying to control? If anything, allowing corruption to flourish has been a key tool in enabling the U.S. to exert power in other countries and to open up their markets to U.S. companies. Beyond that, if increasing prosecutorial independence and strengthening anti-corruption vigilance were really Biden's goal in working to demand the firing of the Ukrainian chief prosecutor, why would the successor to Shokhin, Yuriy Lutsenko, possibly be acceptable? Lutsenko, after all, had "no legal background as general prosecutor," was principally known only as a lackey of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, was forced in 2009 to "resign as interior minister after being detained by police at Frankfurt airport for being drunk and disorderly," and "was subsequently jailed for embezzlement and abuse of office, though his defenders said the sentence was politically motivated." Is it remotely convincing to you that Biden would have accepted someone like Lutsenko if his motive really were to fortify anti-corruption prosecutions in Ukraine? Yet that's exactly what Biden did: he personally told Poroshenko that Lutsenko was an acceptable alternative and promptly released the $1 billion after his appointment was announced. Whatever Biden's motive was in using his power as U.S. Vice President to change the prosecutor in Ukraine, his acceptance of someone like Lutsenko strongly suggests that combatting Ukrainian corruption was not it. As for the other claim on which Biden and his media allies have heavily relied — that firing Shokhin was not a favor for Burisma because Shokhin was not pursuing any investigations against Burisma — the evidence does not justify that assertion. It is true that no evidence, including these new emails, constitute proof that Biden's motive in demanding Shokhin's termination was to benefit Burisma. But nothing demonstrates that Shokhin was impeding investigations into Burisma. Indeed, the New York Times in 2019 published one of the most comprehensive investigations to date of the claims made in defense of Biden when it comes to Ukraine and the firing of this prosecutor, and, while noting that "no evidence has surfaced that the former vice president intentionally tried to help his son by pressing for the prosecutor general’s dismissal," this is what its reporters concluded about Shokhin and Burisma: [Biden's] pressure campaign eventually worked. The prosecutor general, long a target of criticism from other Western nations and international lenders, was voted out months later by the Ukrainian Parliament. Among those who had a stake in the outcome was Hunter Biden, Mr. Biden’s younger son, who at the time was on the board of an energy company owned by a Ukrainian oligarch who had been in the sights of the fired prosecutor general. The Times added: "Mr. Shokhin’s office had oversight of investigations into [Burisma's billionaire founder] Zlochevsky and his businesses, including Burisma." By contrast, they said, Lutsenko, the replacement approved by Vice President Biden, "initially continued investigating Mr. Zlochevsky and Burisma, but cleared him of all charges within 10 months of taking office." So whether or not it was Biden's intention to confer benefits on Burisma by demanding Shokhin's firing, it ended up quite favorable for Burisma given that the utterly inexperienced Lutesenko "cleared [Burisma's founder] of all charges within 10 months of taking office." The new comprehensive report from journalist Taibbi on Sunday also strongly supports the view that there were clear antagonisms between Shokhin and Burisma, such that firing the Ukrainian prosecutor would have been beneficial for Burisma. Taibbi, who reported for many years while based in Russia and remains very well-sourced in the region, detailed: For all the negative press about Shokhin, there’s no doubt that there were multiple active cases involving Zlochevsky/Burisma during his short tenure. This was even once admitted by American reporters, before it became taboo to describe such cases untethered to words like “dormant.” Here’s how Ken Vogel at the New York Times put it in May of 2019: "When Mr. Shokhin became prosecutor general in February 2015, he inherited several investigations into the company and Mr. Zlochevsky, including for suspicion of tax evasion and money laundering. Mr. Shokin also opened an investigation into the granting of lucrative gas licenses to companies owned by Mr. Zlochevsky when he was the head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources." Ukrainian officials I reached this week confirmed that multiple cases were active during that time. “There were different numbers, but from 7 to 14,” says Serhii Horbatiuk, former head of the special investigations department for the Prosecutor General’s Office, when asked how many Burisma cases there were. “There may have been two to three episodes combined, and some have already been closed, so I don't know the exact amount." But, Horbatiuk insists, there were many cases, most of them technically started under Yarema, but at least active under Shokin. The numbers quoted by Horbatiuk gibe with those offered by more recent General Prosecutor Rulsan Ryaboshapka, who last year said there were at one time or another “13 or 14” cases in existence involving Burisma or Zlochevsky. Taibbi reviews real-time reporting in both Ukraine and the U.S. to document several other pending investigations against Burisma and Zlochevsky that was overseen by the prosecutor whose firing Biden demanded. He notes that Shokhin himself has repeatedly said he was pursuing several investigations against Zlochevsky at the time Biden demanded his firing. In sum, Taibbi concludes, "one can’t say there’s no evidence of active Burisma cases even during the last days of Shokin, who says that it was the February, 2016 seizure order [against Zlochevsky's assets] that got him fired." And, Taibbi notes, "the story looks even odder when one wonders why the United States would exercise so much foreign policy muscle to get Shokin fired, only to allow in a replacement — Yuri Lutsenko — who by all accounts was a spectacularly bigger failure in the battle against corruption in general, and Zlochevsky in particular." In sum: "it’s unquestionable that the cases against Burisma were all closed by Shokin’s successor, chosen in consultation with Joe Biden, whose son remained on the board of said company for three more years, earning upwards of $50,000 per month." The publicly known facts, augmented by the recent emails, texts and on-the-record accounts, suggest serious sleaze by Joe Biden’s son Hunter in trying to peddle his influence with the Vice President for profit. But they also raise real questions about whether Joe Biden knew about and even himself engaged in a form of legalized corruption. Specifically, these newly revealed information suggest Biden was using his power to benefit his son’s business Ukrainian associates, and allowing his name to be traded on while Vice President for his son and brother to pursue business opportunities in China. These are questions which a minimally healthy press would want answered, not buried — regardless of how many similar or worse scandals the Trump family has. But the real scandal that has been proven is not the former Vice President’s misconduct but that of his supporters and allies in the U.S. media. As Taibbi’s headline put it: “With the Hunter Biden Exposé, Suppression is a Bigger Scandal Than the Actual Story.” The reality is the U.S. press has been planning for this moment for four years — cooking up justifications for refusing to report on newsworthy material that might help Donald Trump get re-elected. One major factor is the undeniable truth that journalists with national outlets based in New York, Washington and West Coast cities overwhelmingly not just favor Joe Biden but are desperate to see Donald Trump defeated. It takes an enormous amount of gullibility to believe that any humans are capable of separating such an intense partisan preference from their journalistic judgment. Many barely even bother to pretend: critiques of Joe Biden are often attacked first not by Biden campaign operatives but by political reporters at national news outlets who make little secret of their eagerness to help Biden win. But much of this has to do with the fallout from the 2016 election. During that campaign, news outlets, including The Intercept, did their jobs as journalists by reporting on the contents of newsworthy, authentic documents: namely, the emails published by WikiLeaks from the John Podesta and DNC inboxes which, among other things, revealed corruption so severe that it forced the resignation of the top five officials of the DNC. That the materials were hacked, and that intelligence agencies were suggesting Russia was responsible, not negate the newsworthiness of the documents, which is why media outlets across the country repeatedly reported on their contents. Nonetheless, journalists have spent four years being attacked as Trump enablers in their overwhelmingly Democratic and liberal cultural circles: the cities in which they live are overwhelmingly Democratic, and their demographic — large-city, college-educated professionals — has vanishingly little Trump support. A New York Times survey of campaign data from Monday tells just a part of this story of cultural insularity and homogeniety: Joe Biden has outraised President Trump on the strength of some of the wealthiest and most educated ZIP codes in the United States, running up the fund-raising score in cities and suburbs so resoundingly that he collected more money than Mr. Trump on all but two days in the last two months....It is not just that much of Mr. Biden’s strongest support comes overwhelmingly from the two coasts, which it does.... [U]nder Mr. Trump, Republicans have hemorrhaged support from white voters with college degrees. In ZIP codes with a median household income of at least $100,000, Mr. Biden smashed Mr. Trump in fund-raising, $486 million to only $167 million — accounting for almost his entire financial edge....One Upper West Side ZIP code — 10024 — accounted for more than $8 million for Mr. Biden, and New York City in total delivered $85.6 million for him — more than he raised in every state other than California.... The median household in the United States was $68,703 in 2019. In ZIP codes above that level, Mr. Biden outraised Mr. Trump by $389.1 million. Below that level, Mr. Trump was actually ahead by $53.4 million. Wanting to avoid a repeat of feeling scorn and shunning in their own extremely pro-Democratic, anti-Trump circles, national media outlets have spent four years inventing standards for election-year reporting on hacked materials that never previously existed and that are utterly anathema to the core journalistic function. The Washington Post's Executive Editor Marty Baron, for instance, issued a memo full of cautions about how Post reporters should, or should not, discuss hacked materials even if their authenticity is not in doubt. That a media outlet should even consider refraining from reporting on materials they know to be authentic and in the public interest because of questions about their provenance is the opposite of how journalism has been practiced. In the days before the 2016 election, for instance, the New York Times received by mail one year of Donald Trump's tax returns and -- despite having no idea who sent it to them or how that person obtained it: was is stolen or hacked by a foreign power? -- the Times reported on its contents. When asked by NPR why they would report on documents when they do not know the source let alone the source's motives in providing them, two-time Pulitzer Prize winner David Barstow compellingly explained what had always been the core principle of journalism: namely, a journalist only cares about two questions -- (1) are documents authentic and (2) are they in the public interest? -- but does not care about what motives a source has in providing the documents or how they were obtained when deciding whether to reporting them: Why NYT's David Barstow does not care who leaked us Trump's tax return, or what the motivation was. Listen: — Michael Barbaro (@mikiebarb) October 4, 2016 The U.S. media often laments that people have lost faith in its pronouncements, that they are increasingly viewed as untrustworthy and that many people view Fake News sites are more reliable than established news outlets. They are good at complaining about this, but very bad at asking whether any of their own conduct is responsible for it. A media outlet that renounces its core function -- pursuing answers to relevant questions about powerful people -- is one that deserves to lose the public's faith and confidence. And that is exactly what the U.S. media, with some exceptions, attempted to do with this story: they took the lead not in investigating these documents but in concocting excuses for why they should be ignored. As my colleague Lee Fang put it on Sunday: "The partisan double standards in the media are mind boggling this year, and much of the supposedly left independent media is just as cowardly and conformist as the mainstream corporate media. Everyone is reading the room and acting out of fear." Discussing his story from Sunday, Taibbi summed up the most important point this way: "The whole point is that the press loses its way when it cares more about who benefits from information than whether it's true." " " Update 1650ET: In a post with comments disabled, the editors of The Intercept have responded to Greenwald's decision to leave - writing "The narrative Glenn presents about his departure is teeming with distortions and inaccuracies — all of them designed to make him appear as a victim, rather than a grown person throwing a tantrum." They suggest that Greenwald was "attempting to recycle the dubious claims of a political campaign — the Trump campaign — and launder them as journalism." We assume they're referring to the undisputed contents of the Hunter Biden laptop, along with evidence from two former Biden associates, implicating Joe Biden in numerous corrupt acts involving his son Hunter. The Intercept includes several low-blows in their response; "We have the greatest respect for the journalist Glenn Greenwald used to be" "We have no doubt that Glenn will go on to launch a new media venture where he will face no collaboration with editors... — such is the era of Substack and Patreon " Read it here. Perhaps allowing divergent opinions would help the beleaguered outlet's traffic, which appears to have been cut in half over the last six months. * * * The Intercept co-founder Glenn Greenwald resigned from the outlet on Thursday, after 'editors censored an article I wrote this week, refusing to publish it unless I remove all sections critical of Joe Biden, the candidate vehemently supported by all Intercept editors involved in this effort at suppression.' "The final, precipitating cause is that The Intercept’s editors censored an article I wrote this week, refusing to publish it unless I remove all sections critical of Joe Biden, the candidate vehemently supported by all Intercept editors involved in this effort at suppression." — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) October 29, 2020 More: 3) Given their claims, I'm going to publish -- along with the censored article -- the emails about it so people can decide for themselves if it was censored. 4) I understand TI's editors will slam my journalism as "changed"; I wish they had had the courage to do it before today. — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) October 29, 2020 5) Like I said in my statement, The Intercept does still have some great journalists and publishes good things. I hope they can figure out how to induce some people to read it. 6) This is the CIA-mimicking paragraph I referenced that I was shocked to see at The Intercept: — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) October 29, 2020 Greenwald writes at his new home ( The censored article, based on recently revealed emails and witness testimony, raised critical questions about Biden’s conduct. Not content to simply prevent publication of this article at the media outlet I co-founded, these Intercept editors also demanded that I refrain from exercising a separate contractual right to publish this article with any other publication. I had no objection to their disagreement with my views of what this Biden evidence shows: as a last-ditch attempt to avoid being censored, I encouraged them to air their disagreements with me by writing their own articles that critique my perspectives and letting readers decide who is right, the way any confident and healthy media outlet would. But modern media outlets do not air dissent; they quash it. So censorship of my article, rather than engagement with it, was the path these Biden-supporting editors chose. Apparently he's also blocked from publishing the article elsewhere, though he's "asked my lawyer to get in touch with FLM to discuss how best to terminate my contract." What did The Intercept do in response to Greenwald leaving? They're attempting to raise money off of it! Greenwald has found support across the political spectrum for his decision to walk. .@ggreenwald and i have disagreed about lots of things over the years -- he's taken shots at me and vice versa -- but i have always respected his mind, courage and voice. today, i respect him even more. — Andrew Ross Sorkin (@andrewrsorkin) October 29, 2020 Much respect for the principled move, Glenn. It's been a tragedy to see The Intercept increasingly abandon adversarial reporting and adopt Democratic orthodoxy, especially in its international coverage of Washington-appointed bogeymen. I look forward to seeing your future work. — Ben Norton (@BenjaminNorton) October 29, 2020 It's sad that it's come to this. As I've said, I do not always agree with you, but you are one of very few people who says exactly what they believe and can be trusted to call things exactly how you see them without fear or favor. That is rare and vital. I wish you all the best. — Ali Abunimah (@AliAbunimah) October 29, 2020 "
That's not a campaign, THIS is a Cammpaign :D Michael on Trump canpaigning in Michigan: "10 days ago when Trump had the big rally in Muskegon, Michigan - Muskegon County, over on the west side of the state on Lake Michigan - only two counties voted for Hillary on the west side of Michigan in 2016," said Moore. "Muskegon County was one of them. Trump chose not to go to a Trump county, because he won the state, he went to a Hillary county and had thousands of people there." Michael Moore: "Don't Believe These Polls"
Juan's favourite Chistian satire site has done it again: Trump Aides Beg Him To Call A Lid After He Drinks 45 Cups Of Coffee And Campaigns For 237 Hours Straight [perfectly apropos Big Orange T-rex photo not attached] Direct link. Old, FBI is now investigating Bidens. Philly now military zone... thanks to Democrats BLM-Antifa army of instigators... Must be very dumb friends and family circle then... Not all 16-25 year olds are retarded Leftists... "Chris Wallace compares 2020 presidential race to 1968: 'This race has stayed remarkably stable'" ... says totally biased registered democrat propping dems up via fake news. "How do you maintain a democratic system when reality itself has been banned? -- Carlson"
Elected Black Democrats Flipping, Back Trump Instead, Gives Powerful Speeches 'Democrats ran Flint, MI into the ground.' "When this became a Democratic community - the money is not coming where it is needed the most," City Council Vice President Maurice Davis tells Newsmax TV's @Stinchfield1776 "The Democrats are full of hate. I'm tired, I've been a Democrat, I am a Democrat all my life." Flint city councilman Maurice Davis endorses @realDonaldTrump Trump is a true American fighter, but "the media twists the narrative," says Flint City Councilman Maurice Davis. "I'm not a boot licking Uncle Tom" "Do y'all understand what I'm telling you." "We're tired of suffering... poor folks..." under democrats. google doing evil election fraud Biden's worst speech ever Violence being advocated by Leftists as usual... We have 4 days left! Here is where #TeamTrump will be (with more to come)! @realDonaldTrump: PAx5, MIx3, NCx2, IA, GA, FL, WI @EricTrump: NCx3, FLx3, PAx4 @DonaldJTrumpJr: PA, MI, NV, AZ @IvankaTrump: WI, OH (more to come)... @LaraLeaTrump: FL Bus Tour
Libertarians and Republicans know who to vote for... CN: Dems Confiscation CN: Defund GC CN: Dems Plans against you Biden-Kamala's Busload of Socialists and Gun Grabbers get trolled by Texas Trump Train, Hearse following on standby to catch Biden's next Aneurysm and the Sucidal Democrats... Sal the Agorist Milling Armor Pen oogle fgc-9 vonu podcast Magz Free Man Don't tread in 2020.
Biden's laptop emails have now been DKIM authenticated by security researchers... search for the github on it. Media and Tech now proven to be massively Biased and Censors. Heads Up... Social, Broadcast, and Print News Media have already announced their intention to Censor the fuck out of everything from November 3 onward... hook into alternative channels now. Remember all these images if they try to say Corrupt Joe Biden, Biased Media Censors, and Four years of Deep State attacks won... Snow, rain, sleet, wind, 30s degF... Trump in Washington,MI and Dubuque,IA rally today, doing 5 to 2 stops a day for weeks on end! "Biden wants to LOCKDOWN our Country, maybe for years. Crazy! There will be NO LOCKDOWNS. The great American Comeback is underway!!! -- Trump" "The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette has endorsed a Republican for the first time since 1972, says @JasonMillerinDC. President Trump stands with Pennsylvania's workers!" All countries first Jumbotron Video Biden Exposed Biden hiding behind concocted press lid scheme and short speeeches to avoid probing corruption questions and geriatric facts, playing catch up on issues, keeps lying about Laptop and Bobulinski, hires Obama to speak long on stage for Biden to cover up his failure. "The Liberal Lockdown Democrat Governor of Minnesota tried to shut us down by only allowing 250 inside Trump's peaceful protest, but Gov FAILED. Minnesota showed up for Trump outside his rally." Some sort of hostage rescue Seal Op happened... Expect lots of ISIS hostage taking in USA when Open Border Biden starts teaching Islam in schools as he said on video he wants to do... We don't stop' "Under Trump, we've rescued 55 hostages in 24 countries" "Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro is seen praising "Comrade Biden"... Joe Biden is too weak to stand up to the Radical Left! Only President Trump can stop Socialism!" "Black & Latino voters are not turning out for Biden as Trump gains support, Joe destroyed jobs, passed the Crime Bill & betrayed these communities Trump provided jobs, Access to Capital & Criminal Justice Reform" McInnes rips Facebook for Censorship Loomer #StopTheBias #DigitalGulag AJ w censored guests Limeng, Laura, Stone, Barnes... "Trump dishes out fun rhetorical premonitions on reality of Left World." Doxed... Censorship, Lockdown, Socialist depression, Fear, Leftist property theft and violence, and more is what Biden-Dems, Big Tech, Media, and Deep State want... "Joe's closing argument... "America is Dead."" "Joe Biden tells voters "I don't need you to get me elected."" "Trump, Jorgensen, whoever, anyone is better than Biden." "And once Trump's gone and we have regained our rightful place in the White House, look out if you supported him and endorsed his actions, becuase we'll be coming for you next. You will feel the vengeance of a nation. No stone will be left unturned as we seek you out in every corner of this great nation. For it is you who have betrayed us. -- Kamala Harris, the violence-non-denouncing Leftist Thug" MAGA Mix 1 "I love Texas -- Trump 2020" "I love WikiLeaks -- Trump 2016" "I love Trucks 1 -- Trump" "I love Trucks 2 -- Trump" Portnoy interviews Trump on closing the divide, tweeting, Corona, political life, USA success, etc Whether triggering libtards, meeting world leaders, or playing in big ass American trucks, nobody has more fun while getting shit done than Trump :) Interracial MAGA love Fun compilation Teach a man to fish today. Winning, Winning, Winning! Trump Trains... Please don't knock it until you ride it The Escort Red Kingdom backing meme track Train Music More at #MAGAChallenge Tyson James MAGA Boys #freekyle Lead that orchestra DGibbyFit - Let the vibes marinate You know Juan's ridin the Trump train ;) "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Giuliani status tucker carlson 2020-11-12 Democrats oppress poll observers, dump ballots, massively corrupt The Plot Against the President The True Story of the Biggest Political Scandal in U.S. History. A documentary based on the bestselling book by Lee Smith. Censorship and corruption insanity continues... Twitter banning accounts faster than they can make the news via retweeters, for weeks on end... Richard Baris, known online for his popular “People’s Pundit” Twitter account, is one of the most respected pollsters in the United States. On Wednesday, he was suspended from the platform seemingly over some numbers that he crunched that were inconvenient for the Democrat election narrative. His business, Big Data Poll, and his wife Laura Baris, were also suspended. Baris made waves this week when he released the findings of an analysis that he did on Michigan votes. He found that over 10,000 dead people returned mail-in ballots in the state. “About 9,500 voters confirmed dead through the Social Security Death Index (SSDI) are marked in the state’s mail voting database as having returned ballots. Another nearly 2,000 are 100 years old or more and aren’t listed as known living centenarians Like how we used Covid-19 as a predicate to put a moratorium on election integrity laws, and "social distancing" to prevent oversight, officials resisting reviews if verification procedures such as signature match doesn't pass the smell test. There's just no good explanation. Many Dems election rigging truths being trotted out... "Another sign we won this presidential election: Republicans have picked up 12 House seats. Not a single GOP incumbent lost. Trump was quite obviously more popular than these candidates. Now we just have to prove our case! -- D'Souza" "The most corrupt institutions and individuals in America have declared that the election was free of fraud, and that's good enough for me. What's wrong with the rest of you?" "Corrupt unelected bureaucrats promise that the 2020 election was the most secure in history. No need to worry! -- re: biased and fraudulent elections commissions coalitions statements" "For more than 4 years, FBI, Dems, & press have tried to disenfranchise Trump voters. The idea half the country should fold because media that targeted Trump since 2016 says so is a sinister joke. Head up, chin down, move forward Team America. The rest of you, suck eggs." After Donald Trump won the 2016 election, the spying on him did not stop. Under orders from the 7th Floor (Comey, McCabe) the FBI intensified their surveillance of Trump's team based on false pretences. My book exposes it all. A mix... ...from some Artists of Free Speech... an ad a remix The Plot Against the President The True Story of the Biggest Political Scandal in U.S. History. A documentary based on the bestselling book by Lee Smith. Direct link Many more things from both sides will come out, hit the courts, and be analyzed for years to come re 2020. Very funny how cities have all problems in the news are all Blue Dems. Note also massive 2x overspending needed by Dems just to maintain a 50% result. That should clue how sad the Dems really are. If Biden-Kamala Socialist-Dems-Left win, it may only be due to constant four year assaults against Trump... - Bias and Censorship by Broadcast, Print, and Big Tech Social Media (proof: LaptopFromHell, ...) - Deep State (proof: Russia Hoax, failed Impeachment, ...) Those perhaps due to no overarching reason other than "being Trump" and vocalizing to #DrainTheSwamp, which is made up in part by both elements, and lobbyists, politicians, etc. Would hardly be a real win, nor Freedom... Dems would be plagued by it for next four years. Trump Announces 2016 Presidential Run All to date only really comparing most of the world's situation with single or 2+ party non-libertarian oriented politics. Obviously the world's Governments have gotten far too big, entrenched, locked in pointless political competition and waste, causing massive problems and destruction for humanity in their wake... expect more problems in future. There are other saner options for those willing to venture out and away from the big parties making up those problems... "I am sometimes asked "who is the worst President in the history of the United States?" It's not Donald Trump. It's not Barack Obama. Neither of them even come close. In fact, it's not any modern President. No, the worst President in the history of America is Woodrow Wilson. Woodrow Wilson is responsible for two great financial evils: the 16th Amendment establishing the Federal Income Tax and the Federal Reserve Act. These two pieces of legislation, both passed or were ratified in 1913 under Woodrow Wilson, set in motion the ability for the Federal government to spend ourselves into financial ruin at taxpayer expense. Without these we likely would not be able to "afford" our endless wars or the broken welfare system. As President, I would work to undo the horrors of 1913 by abolishing the income tax, auditing the Federal Reserve, and put our country back on the path to prosperity with a commodity backed currency. #Jorgensen2020 #Libertarian #VoteGold"
"Trump rose because ruling class failed..." carlson closing saagar closing lil pump closes jumbotron close real workers everywhere close "I doubt we will ever see another political figure in American life who turns out these crowds." "I am asking you to go VOTE for your favorite president, we still have work to do! Let’s WIN, WIN, WIN! A vote for me and the Republican Party is a vote for the American Dream! Over the next four years, we will make America into the Manufacturing Superpower of the World, and we will end our reliance on China once and for all. A vote for Sleepy Joe Biden is a vote to give control of government over to Globalists, Communists, Socialists, and Wealthy Liberal Hypocrites who want to silence, censor, cancel, and punish you. Get out and VOTE #MAGA tomorrow!" "To all of our supporters: thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have been there from the beginning, and I will never let you down. Your hopes are my hopes, your dreams are my dreams, and your future is what I am fighting for every single day! --Trump" Trump last rally Grand Rapids,MI 2020-11-02 Angry whiny ungrateful old man Joe Biden hasn't tweeted thanks to anyone in 24hr, in same time Trump has posted at least 11 tweets worth of thanks to various people and groups. Employer based donors More Dems Antifa standing by... "Cities aren't boarding up right now out of fear that Trump supporters are going to burn them to the ground. They're bracing for political violence from the radical left." "They fear looting and rioting from Joe Biden Voters. Let’s be honest. There’s not a single rational person worried about republicans looting and rioting regardless of outcome." "The FBI should be investigating the plans of Antifa terrorists to riot on Election Day instead of the caravan of Trump patriots." "I'm increasingly concerned that the FBI is just becoming an anti-Trump organization within our government that virtue signals against @POTUS and harasses his supporters." "Today, Joe Biden said, "I work for Lady Gaga." Back in March Biden told a Detroit autoworker that he doesn't work for him. This makes sense. Biden spent 47 years stabbing American workers in the back. Biden would be a president for the elite, NOT the American worker." "This is what ALL Americans need - ALL races, all colors, all people benefit from opportunity and prosperity - not a @KamalaHarris Marxist "central government" controlled economy that ensures "uniform outcomes" - that is what we saw in the Soviet Union - uniform misery & despair" McInnes rips Facebook for Censorship Loomer #StopTheBias #DigitalGulag Laura Loomer, candidate strongly anti-censorship from experience, had many activism videos deleted by censors, personally erased from digital and analog life. Tony Bobulinski #SinoHawk Bobulinski interview Tucker 2020-10-27
Censored, backups censored, new link... Bobulinski interview Tucker 2020-10-27 John Paul Mac Isaac Laptop Interview Part 1 John Paul Mac Isaac Laptop Interview Part 2 LaptopFromHell: John Paul Mac Isaac Tells His Story re FBI Biden China John Paul Mac Isaac search: Tony Bobulinski "My name is John Paul Mac Isaac and this is the story of what happened after I gave the laptop to the FBI..." John Isaac laptop John Isaac laptop Georgia Election Fraud by the numbers Anyone watching TV and web reporting closely on election night saw counts being removed from Trump across multiple states, not from Biden. Youtube has video proof of this. Trump sends Christmas Greetings from White House America at Crossroads: Story of George Washington Crossing the Delaware on Christmas Morning Giuliani: Christmas is NOT CANCELED, Fraud Recap, Natural Rights, Offers Governors Deal for Open Public Audits... an offer they would be political fools to refuse!!! Decades of freedom, even centuries... happen in mere weeks. The math statistical analysis never lies about election fraud, video doesn't lie on fraudulent actors caught incriminating and doing. The Leftist Owned News Media biases and refuses to cover fairly, and Leftist Owned Social Media Censors the truth blocks comms etc, and Leftist Owned Big Tech weights and buries search results. Search for the Bias, Censorship and Lies, the statistical analysis, the witness testimonies at the hours long legislative hearings in the many states, the whistleblowers, the questions, the court filings, the refusals by camera dodging officials to listen and respond directly to all the questions, the refusals to allow open recounts by the public and full forensic audits of all election systems and metadata, the refusals to put witnesses on the stand under oath, the refusals to investigate claims even if the outcome would support Biden and disprove Trump, the destruction of election work product, the LaptopFromHell coverup, the Coronavirus FUD and Lockdowns from the Left versus options on the Right, the Utterly Massive difference in twitter and facebook follower counts and rally turnouts, the hundreds and thousands of people's channels and videos Censored, Deleted, Deranked, Deplatformed, Demonetized by and across Leftist YouTube FaceBook Twitter, the piles of Globalist funding thrown at the Left, the private FaceBook funding sent to public election apparatus yet deployed mostly to Democrat areas, the out of area BLM+Antifa "protestors" shipped in and arrested, all the "debates" "moderated" by known Democrats and "analysed" on TV afterwards "for the public" by Left Biased News Media, the fact of violent BLM+Antifa supporting Democrats and foresworn Anti-Trump politicians and officials self-perpetuating by running elections hiring workers in Big Dem Cities (70% of US influence) and States that are supposed to be unbiased for benefit and freedom of all parties and voters everywhere, the Four Years of Biased Fake News Media assualt on Trump, Four Years of Hillary's Russia Hoax Failed Impeachment all now totally debunked as political lies and FUD against Trump... and more. Ignore biased news, search truth. Look at the big picture of Influence, Psyops, Censorship, and Fraud, operating from above outside of simple concepts of Platforms, Candidates, or job performance... add up all the influence imparted upon the US people, how much was that... 5% 10% 15% and more... far more than enough [1]... ... then FIGHT BACK! Contact Congress and your States Call your Representative: 202-225-3121 Call your Senators: 202-224-3121 Donald J Trump won the 2020 US Presidential Election. [1] 155.49M raw popular votes cast including the fraud votes which should be excluded, 81.27M "Biden" - 74.22M Trump = 7.05M difference 7.05M / 155.49M = 4.54% = the minimum influence needed to have yielded the current scam beyond a 50/50 split. Add all the influence up, is the result more than 4.54%? All this corruption makes it much harder for Libertarians, such as Jo Jorgensen in 2020, to get into debates and be heard. And harder for even Anarchists etc to eventually be left alone from any Government at all. While all those people are rightly focused on their platforms or lack thereof, they all still have viable worthwhile strategy, interest, and standing regarding any elements of the current system which may be making it harder for them to prevail. They'll never live free if they don't act on multiple fronts. Fight back!
On Fri, Dec 25, 2020 at 08:46:29PM -0500, grarpamp wrote: ...
... then FIGHT BACK!
Contact Congress and your States
Call your Representative: 202-225-3121
Call your Senators: 202-224-3121
Donald J Trump won the 2020 US Presidential Election. ...
... "There are several remedies in play. We will win but it requires you pay close attention and that you are willing to take appropriate, Constitutionally-permissable actions. We need to pound the phones. Get a hold of your state legislature. *CALL YOUR REPRESENTATIVES* *HOUSE: (202) 225-3121 * *SENATE: (202) 224-3121* "Demand they acknowledge the widespread fraud and get behind President Trump. And exercise the remedies afforded to us via the 12th Amendment. ... All Republicans who fail to get behind Trump prior to 6th January 2021, are going to be targetted for replacement. The clock is very nearly run out... tock tick tock
Updated TODO to help stop the steal: NOW IS THE TIME – YOU CAN HELP: President Trump Asks You to Please Contact Your Politicians to Stop the Steal – LISTS PROVIDED On Sun, Dec 27, 2020 at 01:20:27AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
On Fri, Dec 25, 2020 at 08:46:29PM -0500, grarpamp wrote: ...
... then FIGHT BACK!
Contact Congress and your States
Call your Representative: 202-225-3121
Call your Senators: 202-224-3121
Donald J Trump won the 2020 US Presidential Election. ...
... "There are several remedies in play. We will win but it requires you pay close attention and that you are willing to take appropriate, Constitutionally-permissable actions. We need to pound the phones. Get a hold of your state legislature.
*HOUSE: (202) 225-3121 *
*SENATE: (202) 224-3121*
"Demand they acknowledge the widespread fraud and get behind President Trump. And exercise the remedies afforded to us via the 12th Amendment. ...
All Republicans who fail to get behind Trump prior to 6th January 2021, are going to be targetted for replacement.
The clock is very nearly run out...
Funny that during entire election year through now there were not much real news of any Socialist-Dems BLM Antifa pages tweets youtubes channels etc being shutdown/labeled... only the US political Right, and Libertarian sorts. This Media Bias, Social Censorship, Tech Tilting Hand, and the rest of election process issues... the compendiums the internet has compiled of fraud, evidence, statistics, videos, lies, avenues of influence, radical streets, etc... these were not hardly "mistakes" and happenstance. Add it all up... an unprecedented new coordinated intentional game with severe impacts, and it affects you and everyone else in world, regardless of politic or free lack thereof. Call your congress, Stop the Steal, Now! Don't let these tactics and corruption get enshrined on Jan 6. Other nations have do-over's, remedies, extenuating circumstances, delayed inagurations while investigation continues, hindsight callbacks, corrective balancing actions, etc at times. The US has, and can create and use, such options, and need not impale itself upon its current corruptively influenced "vote count"... Jan 6 is all about options. Now is fair time to tell politicians to consider these issues and options. All while you continue working longer term crypto-libertarian options for individual and communal voluntary human freedom. Saturday, Jan 02, 2021 Facebook shut down a fundraising page for Sens. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.) and David Perdue (R-Ga.) just days before voters head to the polls to decide between the Republicans and their Democratic challengers. The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) runs the Georgia Battleground Fund, a joint fundraising committee for the NRSC and the campaigns for Loeffler and Perdue. According to a screenshot from the committee, Facebook alerted them that the page for the fund was disabled “for policy violation.” The page allegedly violated a policy against unacceptable business practices. “We don’t allow ads that promote products, services, schemes, or offers using deceptive or misleading practices, including those meant to mislead or scam people out of money or personal information,” the alert said. “Big Tech is at it again,” the NRSC said in a statement. “This is unacceptable with only four days to Election Day.” A Facebook spokesperson told news outlets that what happened was a mistake. “An automated error caused this ad account to be disabled,” the spokesperson said. “The account has since been restored.” The Jan. 5 runoff elections could determine which party controls the Senate. Republicans hold a 50-48 edge in the upper chamber in the next Congress. If Democrats win both runoffs and the White House, they’d control the Senate by virtue of the tiebreaking vote the vice president, acting as the president of the Senate, can cast. Democrats maintained a majority in the House of Representatives, though their edge got slimmer. Loeffler is being challenged by pastor Raphael Warnock while Perdue is facing filmmaker Jon Ossoff.
Stop the Scam, Make those Calls.... Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is leading a group of 11 Senators who plan to object to certifying state Electoral College votes on Wednesday. The group, which includes Sens. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), James Lankford (R-Okla.), Steve Daines (R-Mont.), John Kennedy (R-La.), Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), and Mike Braun (R-Ind.), and Senators-Elect Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.), Roger Marshall (R-Kan.), Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.), and Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.), are also calling for the resurrection of an Electoral Commission to conduct an emergency audit of the results. According to Axios, the move pits the group of GOP Senators against Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who had 'hoped to avoid the spectacle of his party leading a last-ditch effort to prevent Joe Biden from being declared the 2020 election winner.' The move comes after Sen. Josh Howley (R-MO) said that he would raise a general objection. "Congress should immediately appoint an Electoral Commission, with full investigatory and fact-finding authority, to conduct an emergency 10-day audit of the election returns in the disputed states. Once completed, individual states would evaluate the Commission’s findings and could convene a special legislative session to certify a change in their vote, if needed," the eleven Senators said in a statement. The group noted a similar commission - made of five representatives, five senators and five Supreme Court justices - reviewed allegations of fraud in the 1876 election. “Accordingly, we intend to vote on Jan. 6 to reject the electors from disputed states as not ‘regularly given’ and ‘lawfully certified’ (the statutory requisite), unless and until that emergency 10-day audit is completed." -Axios Notably, Democrats have raised similar election challenges in the past. The last three times a Republican has been elected president — Trump in 2016 and George W. Bush in both 2000 and 2004 — Democrats in the House have brought objections to the electoral votes in states the GOP nominee won. In early 2005 specifically, Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., along with Rep. Stephanie Tubbs, D-Ohio, objected to Bush’s 2004 electoral votes in Ohio. -PJ Media See below for the full text of a joint statement from the Cruz-led coalition: " "America is a Republic whose leaders are chosen in democratic elections. Those elections, in turn, must comply with the Constitution and with federal and state law. "When the voters fairly decide an election, pursuant to the rule of law, the losing candidate should acknowledge and respect the legitimacy of that election. And, if the voters choose to elect a new office-holder, our Nation should have a peaceful transfer of power. "The election of 2020, like the election of 2016, was hard fought and, in many swing states, narrowly decided. The 2020 election, however, featured unprecedented allegations of voter fraud, violations and lax enforcement of election law, and other voting irregularities. "Voter fraud has posed a persistent challenge in our elections, although its breadth and scope are disputed. By any measure, the allegations of fraud and irregularities in the 2020 election exceed any in our lifetimes. "And those allegations are not believed just by one individual candidate. Instead, they are widespread. Reuters/Ipsos polling, tragically, shows that 39% of Americans believe ‘the election was rigged.' That belief is held by Republicans (67%), Democrats (17%), and Independents (31%). "Some Members of Congress disagree with that assessment, as do many members of the media. "But, whether or not our elected officials or journalists believe it, that deep distrust of our democratic processes will not magically disappear. It should concern us all. And it poses an ongoing threat to the legitimacy of any subsequent administrations. "Ideally, the courts would have heard evidence and resolved these claims of serious election fraud. Twice, the Supreme Court had the opportunity to do so; twice, the Court declined. "On January 6, it is incumbent on Congress to vote on whether to certify the 2020 election results. That vote is the lone constitutional power remaining to consider and force resolution of the multiple allegations of serious voter fraud. "At that quadrennial joint session, there is long precedent of Democratic Members of Congress raising objections to presidential election results, as they did in 1969, 2001, 2005, and 2017. And, in both 1969 and 2005, a Democratic Senator joined with a Democratic House Member in forcing votes in both houses on whether to accept the presidential electors being challenged. "The most direct precedent on this question arose in 1877, following serious allegations of fraud and illegal conduct in the Hayes-Tilden presidential race. Specifically, the elections in three states-Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina-were alleged to have been conducted illegally. "In 1877, Congress did not ignore those allegations, nor did the media simply dismiss those raising them as radicals trying to undermine democracy. Instead, Congress appointed an Electoral Commission-consisting of five Senators, five House Members, and five Supreme Court Justices-to consider and resolve the disputed returns. "We should follow that precedent. To wit, Congress should immediately appoint an Electoral Commission, with full investigatory and fact-finding authority, to conduct an emergency 10-day audit of the election returns in the disputed states. Once completed, individual states would evaluate the Commission's findings and could convene a special legislative session to certify a change in their vote, if needed. "Accordingly, we intend to vote on January 6 to reject the electors from disputed states as not ‘regularly given' and ‘lawfully certified' (the statutory requisite), unless and until that emergency 10-day audit is completed. "We are not naïve. We fully expect most if not all Democrats, and perhaps more than a few Republicans, to vote otherwise. But support of election integrity should not be a partisan issue. A fair and credible audit-conducted expeditiously and completed well before January 20-would dramatically improve Americans' faith in our electoral process and would significantly enhance the legitimacy of whoever becomes our next President. We owe that to the People. "These are matters worthy of the Congress, and entrusted to us to defend. We do not take this action lightly. We are acting not to thwart the democratic process, but rather to protect it. And every one of us should act together to ensure that the election was lawfully conducted under the Constitution and to do everything we can to restore faith in our Democracy." "
With Biden's inauguration parade now cancelled … I’m hearing rumors the Biden inauguration parade was cancelled. That’s a real bummer for the 10 people that planned to go but will now have to cancel their trips. — The Election Wizard (@Wizard_Predicts) January 3, 2021 one wonders how they'll spin the coming weeks? Time: Trump STEALS the election! MSNBC: Trump refuses to concede, Biden inauguration postponed 4 years. Nipples Cuomo: I did NOT engage in presidential intentions with Kamala. NYT: Russia interfering in Biden inauguration, MUST LAUNCH special investigation. CNN: Covid-20 so deadly, Biden only safe in GITMO; will return in 17 years. Twits: NOT MY COUNTRY! Dominion is in charge of our sacred election processes, it hides everything it does under the hood. It makes none of its programming public. And, instead, threatens, sues, or forces redactions of any data regarding its programs that it deems proprietary, whether through the company itself, or by one of its lead employees, Eric Coomer. In contrast, all data, analyses, and programs used in these Georgia voter fraud analyses have been made public by the self-described independent agency involved in doing the analysis. Yet, we are supposed to trust Dominion over the countless open-source investigations and analyses like this one that comes from Georgia. Trump is scheduled to address a rally on the Ellipse located between the White House and the Washington Monument. “Washington is being inundated with people who don’t want to see an election victory stolen by emboldened Radical Left Democrats. Our Country has had enough, they won’t take it anymore! We hear you (and love you) from the Oval Office. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” “I hope the Democrats, and even more importantly, the weak and ineffective RINO section of the Republican Party, are looking at the thousands of people pouring into D.C. They won’t stand for a landslide election victory to be stolen. @senatemajldr @JohnCornyn @SenJohnThune” Elections are an additive process — you count the votes — and add them up. At no point should votes be going down. Unfortunately, here are another 5,000 votes subtracted from @Perduesenate live on ABC. 2,130,535 – 2,125,535 = 5,000
Trump's Twitter account is now frozen "for 12 hours" (likely permanent), and his text and video tweets calling for peace (and for protesters to go home) deleted. We feel the calm before the storm. In Washington DC an unarmed 16 years old (alleged) young lady protesting on the front lines at the seige of the White House (!), though she was allegedly behind other protesters, was shot dead by DC police through a door with embedded glass window as police shot through that door at protesters. Endless RINO and Democrat/demon rat shenanigans continue on capital hill, from traitorous RINOs to backstabbing Republicans from Mitt Romney to Mitch McConnell to Lindsey Graham and the usual shallow and compromised in spirit idiots from Nancy Pelosi to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez drafting up new impeachment of Trump documents and calls to invoke the 25th amendment. 10 days of darkness looms. Connect inside yourself. Bring forth your greatest anarchist self in connection with something greater than we are. Hold your best intentions towards those who have lost their lives. Pray for justice. I am grateful for my existence, which is sustained not by the law. Knowing my conscience, knowing good from evil, I stand strong and clear for justice. Trump won the election and we all stand together. We are all in this together. Sometimes peace requires tough decisions, and sometimes conflict arises in our stand for righteousness and justice. Our burden arising from our conscience, from our very nature and the pain we experience in the face of the evil we see, the injustice and unrighteousness, is the "cross" we carry personally. I carry my cross, best I can in grace and humility, though I often fall to impatience and sometimes anger, sometimes the other passions of the mind I pick myself up and once again live in gratitude for my very existence, for the poignancy in the experience of all that I be, both "good" and "bad". Peace my friends, and keep heart.
The Kraken has been made public: casus belli for martial law: Foreign Interference! IT Expert From Global Defense Contractor Testifies in Italian Court, Admits to Switching Votes in US Presidential Election This is the Kraken! The mother of all bombshells has been released! It comes in the form of testimony in an Italian court from an employee from the 8th largest global defense contractor. … Arturo D’Elia signed an affidavit admitting to switching data from the November 3 US presidential elections “from significant margin of victory from Donald Trump to Joe Biden in a number of states where Joe Biden was losing the vote totals.” ... And given the absolutely despicable state of the majority of Republicans being RINOs with -most- falling/voting for Biden in the still running electoral college proceeding: Senate Rejects Ted Cruz's First [AZ Arizona] Objection To Electoral College Certification Congress Votes to Award Arizona's Electoral Votes to Joe Biden ... The objection failed in both chambers. In the Senate, the objection failed 93 to 6. In the House, the objection failed 303 to 121. ... House Judiciary Dems' Letter to Pence on Invoking the 25th Amendment Calls Grow for President Trump to Be ‘Immediately Removed From Office’ via Impeachment or 25th Amendment Ilhan Omar Drawing Up New Impeachment Articles Following Breach of U.S. Capitol “I Could Not Agree More with President-Elect Biden’s Statement” – Senator Lindsey Graham Loeffler Says She Will No Longer Object to Counting Electoral College Votes For Joe Biden (VIDEO) Liberal Media Report: Cabinet Discusses Removing Trump ... it appears that martial law and trials for treason, are the last remaining option to save the union (the Insurrection Act is readily overidden by traitor's' votes in congress). Given the pace of the above, and the urgent drafting of the paperwork both to impeach Trump and to declare him unfit under the 25th Amendment (and likely bi-partisan support given how many Republicans have now outed themselves as RINOs), the hours now available to President Trump for declaring martial law are rapidly running out, notwithstanding 20th Jan. Thank God for team Kraken and the Italian connection providing the casus belli. On Thu, Jan 07, 2021 at 12:49:54PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Trump's Twitter account is now frozen "for 12 hours" (likely permanent), and his text and video tweets calling for peace (and for protesters to go home) deleted.
We feel the calm before the storm.
In Washington DC an unarmed 16 years old (alleged) young lady protesting on the front lines at the seige of the White House (!), though she was allegedly behind other protesters, was shot dead by DC police through a door with embedded glass window as police shot through that door at protesters.
Endless RINO and Democrat/demon rat shenanigans continue on capital hill, from traitorous RINOs to backstabbing Republicans from Mitt Romney to Mitch McConnell to Lindsey Graham and the usual shallow and compromised in spirit idiots from Nancy Pelosi to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez drafting up new impeachment of Trump documents and calls to invoke the 25th amendment.
10 days of darkness looms.
Connect inside yourself. Bring forth your greatest anarchist self in connection with something greater than we are.
Hold your best intentions towards those who have lost their lives.
Pray for justice.
I am grateful for my existence, which is sustained not by the law.
Knowing my conscience, knowing good from evil, I stand strong and clear for justice.
Trump won the election and we all stand together.
We are all in this together.
Sometimes peace requires tough decisions, and sometimes conflict arises in our stand for righteousness and justice.
Our burden arising from our conscience, from our very nature and the pain we experience in the face of the evil we see, the injustice and unrighteousness, is the "cross" we carry personally.
I carry my cross, best I can in grace and humility, though I often fall to impatience and sometimes anger, sometimes the other passions of the mind I pick myself up and once again live in gratitude for my very existence, for the poignancy in the experience of all that I be, both "good" and "bad".
Peace my friends, and keep heart.
Antifa did the Capitol, not Trump supporters... VIDEOS: An older Trump supporter explained how a young kid wearing knee pads, dressed all in black, ran by him and joined a group of other young men dressed all in black to storm the gates of the Capitol building. For Ashli... Ashli Babbitt, unarmed, shot and killed by police.
The Left's Antifa did the Capitol, not Trump supporters... " Your silly resolution there is dated January 5, which was yesterday. How’d you manage to draft legislation in response to an event that hadn’t even happened yet? " "Eyewitness reports one of the first people to break a window at the Capitol wearing a US flag shirt but took it off and tossed it in bush after. Others in dark clothing urging people to rush forward, starting anti-govt chants in crowd." "The same media that supported the left wing mobs of the last ten months are in a position to lecture no one." Kamala Harris Gives Support To and Incites Violent Terrorist Left as "Necessary" with her Famous Lying Grin This is at least the second known video of Kamala enabling and dodging denouncement of Leftist BLM Antifa Dems "mostly peaceful" real crimes of physical violence and destruction against private persons and property, and much public property as well, amounting in the $billion of losses over last year. When were Trump voters and supporters known for that? Veritable Saints in comparison. Yet Dems hark impeachment and persecution under insurrection sedition treason terrorism punishable by decades and death over a barely dinged up Capitol, and hardly anyone harmed, in what at least some on scene video shows was actually started / aided / amped / led / followed by Leftists. Nothing Trump has ever said has met the high legal bar for "Incitement". Two-faced hypocrites, all these politicians. See also her Kwanzaa, Fweedom, and Debates. Remember that grin. Translations... "Civil rights"... we take Natural rights and dole these out instead. "Peoples voices must be heard"... we censor them so only our trashbin can hear. Snapchat, Instagram, Shopify, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and more have all locked and deleted Trump and fundraisers. Lin Wood and countless others on the Right being canceled in realtime now. Yet when where all the Leftists, hype men Dems, and actual violence endorsers, death threatters, etc among them canceled? Your Freedom of Speech has been canceled, just remember that Democrats and Social Media were the ones that stole that freedom from you too this year, and they have many more thefts coming for you. Fight Back!!! Kamala Harris Gives Support To and Incites Violent Terrorist Left as "Necessary" with her Famous Lying Grin
Similarly, CA Dem Maxine Waters has been well known for inciting violence, pushing riots, etc over last years, quotes all over youtube. Maxine Waters is inciting violence in Minneapolis — just as she has incited it in the past. If Speaker Pelosi doesn’t act against this dangerous rhetoric, I will bring action this week. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-CA, went to Minnesota and told the protesters that they “gotta stay on the street” and “get more confrontational.”
US Dems including Waters Biden Kamala Fake News and Social Media etc all guilty of corrupting trials, censorship... Marxist Dem lunacy... Kamala Harris Gives Support To and Incites Violent Terrorist Left as "Necessary" with her Famous Lying Grin
Similarly, CA Dem Maxine Waters has been well known for inciting violence, pushing riots, etc over last years, quotes all over youtube.
Maxine Waters is inciting violence in Minneapolis — just as she has incited it in the past. If Speaker Pelosi doesn’t act against this dangerous rhetoric, I will bring action this week.
Rep. Maxine Waters, D-CA, went to Minnesota and told the protesters that they “gotta stay on the street” and “get more confrontational.”
Using the word "again", BLM admits its own guilt, doubles down and premeditates on inciting endorsing acting violence riots arson murder... BLM Leader Warns There Will Be "Bloodshed" In NYC If Mayor-Elect Toughens Police Reform A Black Lives Matter leader has claimed there will be “bloodshed”... "... we’re going to take to the streets again ... There will be riots. There will be fire, and there will be bloodshed ... -- Hawk Newsome, BLM" "Mayor Bowser, DC Police & Antifa were all in on the Infiltration of Trump Supporters & DC Police showed Antifa the way into the Capitol Building" People are finding more videos that seem to raise some questions around the mainstream narrative as to who (or even what entities) may have been involved in things.
more videos
Indeed most with all sorts of randoms in them busting through blockades, same as any other protest. There were also lots of Black people, which cancels rev-racist Biden-Kamala's exclusively racist policing statements. The Media, Democrats, and even Republicans are distorting what President Trump said, chopping and reordering quotes, leaving chunks out, misrepresenting, etc... Fake News as usual, as he says. Trump hardly "incited" the rally attendees to do violence, that has a rather high legal bar to meet and is not just whatever someone wants it to be. He repeatedly called for peace, law, order, respect, and for them all to go home... as did many within his wider twitter circles of influence. When protest didn't stop, became more overrun, more law enforcement was rolled in. A crowd on autopilot, meets unprepared law enforcement, shit happens. Just like the Dems summer of rampage did. The messages below were at times censored blocked flagged, or deleted, or had account locked or suspended, by the entire Social Media hit squad. Thus in those times, no one could retweet or even see his calls for peace. Trump actually said, in order... Save America Rally "We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically, make your voices heard today." "Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!" "Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!" "I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order - respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!" "I know your pain, I know you're hurt. We had an election that was stolen from us. It was a landslide election and everyone knows it, especially the other side. But you have to go home now. We have to have peace. We have to have law and order. We have to respect our great people in law and order. We don't want anybody hurt. It's a very tough period of time. There's never been a time like this where such a thing happened where they could take it away from all of us, from me, from you, from our country. This was a fraudulent election. But we can't play into the hands of these people! We have to have peace. So go home. We love you. You're very special. You've seen what happens. And you see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil. I know how you feel. But go home, and go home in peace." "These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!" "Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts bear me out, nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on January 20th. I have always said we would continue our fight to ensure that only legal votes were counted. While this represents the end of the greatest first term in presidential history, it's only the beginning of our fight to Make America Great Again!" Press Sec McEnany transition statement President Trump video statement, exits Twitter Jail commits to transition, does not mention or concede to Biden.
The Media, Democrats, and even Republicans are distorting what President Trump said, chopping and reordering quotes, leaving chunks out, misrepresenting, etc... Fake News as usual, as he says. Rep. Matt Gaetz ripped into his fellow lawmakers tonight for their hypocrisy, after listening to them for hours trying to blame President Trump for the angry protesters who stormed the Capitol building this afternoon. Gaetz reminded them that President Trump explicitly called for peaceful protests today and that he was, in fact,” far more explicit about his calls for peace than some of the BLM and left-wing rioters were this summer when we saw violence sweep across the nation. This morning, President @realDonaldTrump explicitly called for demonstrations and protests to be peaceful. He was far more explicit about his calls for peace than some of the BLM and left-wing rioters were this summer when we saw violence sweep across this nation. — Rep. Matt Gaetz (@RepMattGaetz) January 7, 2021 Trending: BREAKING REPORT: First Extremist In Capitol Building Seige Is Identified As BLM/Antifa Activist: “We gotta f***ing rip Trump right outta that office!” [VIDEO] Storming buildings and destroying businesses owned by corporations has been the trademark of the violent Antifa group for years while burning businesses, destroying and setting cop cars on fire, and looting entire city blocks is the calling card of Black Lives Matter. For at least 8 years, Democrats have remained silent as both far-left groups have wreaked havoc in cities across America. In August, when Black Lives Matter set fire to multiple family businesses in Kenosha, WI., Democrats were silent. "This is a business that my parents started 40 years ago out of their garage… It's emotionally hurtful, we didn't do anything to anybody," says the owner of a local office furniture store in #Kenosha that was set ablaze by the mob last night. — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) August 25, 2020 In May, when this disabled MN woman shared her incredibly sad story about what it was like to watch BLM destroy an entire block where she does all of her shopping—Democrats couldn’t be bothered to step in and try to stop the string of violence erupting across major cities in America. MUST WATCH TV: If you’re still unclear what impact the rioting and violence is having on the most vulnerable among us, please listen to Stephanie, a disabled Minneapolis woman who offers her heart-wrenching experience after last night’s violence. Great work by @BenryNews — Tom Hauser (@thauserkstp) May 30, 2020 When a 14-year-old girl doused a pizza store owner in gasoline and tried to light him on fire during BLM riots in Baltimore, Democrats looked the other way. When asked about the destruction of communities by Black Lives Matter, Senator Kamala Harris, a former prosecutor, said their actions were “necessary,” adding “The people’s voices must be heard.” But today, when protesters crashed the Capitol building, also known as “the people’s house,” Democrats and RINO’s in Congress were outraged and quickly pointed a finger at Trump. Apparently, Americans are just supposed to look the other way after they believe a national election was stolen from them, but when a black criminal is killed by a cop, Democrats are okay with mobs of protesters destroying entire cities before the case even goes to trial.
Democrats tried to Coup Trump by various methods in recent days, all failed so far. Dem Chris Cuomo *Incites Violence* Hypocrites... Far-Left Antifa/BLM activist John Sullivan has been identified as one of the people One of the organizers of a protest in Provo that resulted in a motorist being shot was arrested on Thursday. John Earle Sullivan, 25, of Sandy, was booked into the Utah County Jail for investigation of rioting, making a threat of violence and criminal mischief. Sullivan is part of the Insurgence USA group, “We can’t leave”...DC Police Barricade Trump Supporters in Hotel After a Summer of Doing Nothing to Stop Antifa/BLM [Video]
9 hours ago · President of Italy Arrested? 10 Days of Darkness Starts Today 3 hours ago · Italian president arrested for 2020 election interference.Duration: 3:10 6 hours ago · Mike Pompeo In Italy - Italian President Arrested - Internet and ATM Blackout Imminent VATICAN BLACKOUT: Pope arrested on 80 count indictment for Child Trafficking, Fraud conservativebeaver_skphjv Posted on January 10, 2021 VATICAN / ITALY – Pope Francis aka Jorge Mario Bergoglio was arrested Saturday in connection with an 80- count indictment of charges including possession of child pornography, human trafficking, incest, possession of drug paraphernalia and felony fraud. #Vatican is using dark mode #blackout — 'Big Daddy' Vin (@vinsinners) January 10, 2021 What's going on with these blackouts… including the Vatican? — Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) January 10, 2021 The Italian National Prosecutor’s Office confirmed it ordered the arrests, and filed the charges. Man arrested on drug charges now facing 63 additional charges including child porn, human trafficking in Limestone County Military officers, Italian police, and their Sex Crimes Unit went to the pope’s home in the Vatican, they arrested him and several other high ranking officials, and placed them all under arrest without incident. People near the scene have reported hearing gunshots, but the Police would not confirm if they were the ones firing the weapons. Pope Francis is currently being held in an unknown prison, being interrogated by Federal Agents working for the state of Italy and Interpol. The FBI is reportedly making arrangements to fly in and interrogate him once Interpol is done with him. Giuseppe Governale, Italy’s chief anti-mafia prosecutor, was called in early into the investigation into Pope Francis and others within the Vatican. He said the group was “underestimated” and particularly dangerous because of its ability to proliferate across nations and infiltrate them. “These individuals are truly the worst of the worst in society. I can promise you, we will not stop targeting human trafficking until we put a stop to this despicable trade in the Vatican and Italy, as well as surrounding countries around Europe. While I am a lead prosecutor in Italy, my department will strive to protect our citizens, especially those that need us most, our children”. Giuseppe Governale In order to make the arrest, police and military agents had to cut off the power in the Vatican, as well as dim the live cam. This was noticed by web-sleuths, who quickly became suspicious of what was happening in the Vatican. BREAKING ALERT: Following a nation-wide #blackout in Pakistan, there is now a widespread blackout at the Vatican. — anoncat🐈⬛🏴 (@anoncatnews) January 10, 2021 BREAKING: The Vatican is going through a blackout. — 🇮🇱הנותרים🇮🇱 (@Remaining33) January 10, 2021 Some people speculated the Pope could be the “first arrest.” And it appears they were right in their speculation. According to the Interpol agents, this is the “first out of many.” Maybe the Pope will be the first arrest that will shock the world. — Dennisse (@DennisseLisseth) January 10, 2021 The judge has imposed a EU wide publication ban. Fortunately, the ban doesn’t affect Canada or the US, and the Conservative Beaver received the exclusive scoop for this story via a confidential Italian contact.
On 1/10/21 05:34, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
VATICAN BLACKOUT: Pope arrested on 80 count indictment for Child Trafficking, Fraud
<video FX: Family Feud "X" in box> <sound FX: Family Feud "strike" buzzer>
No credible news sources have confirmed the story and Pope Francis was active on Twitter during the time he was said to be in custody: [...]
-- Shawn K. Quinn <>
On Mon, 11 Jan 2021 01:16:53 -0600 "Shawn K. Quinn" <> wrote:
No credible news sources have confirmed the story and Pope Francis was active on Twitter during the time he was said to be in custody:
I don't know what sort of idiotic 'fake news' harkness is spamming and I don't care, but your use of twatter as 'proof' of anything is even more idiotic, not to mention hardly 'cypherpunk'.
Democrats and Media hypocrisy beyond astounding in all areas, from the Democrat supported violence of summer of 2020, to prior claims of election fraud, to censorship, lies about facts seen on video, and much more, hundreds of examples circulating the [few uncensored] news wires, just one... " A resurfaced May 2017 tweet from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has led to calls for consistency from Twitter as the social media giant continues its efforts to crack down on those skeptical of the results of the 2020 presidential election. On the eve of Robert Mueller's appointment as a special counsel to investigate allegations of collusion between Russian officials and the Trump 2016 campaign, Pelosi tweeted: "Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts." Mueller's investigation ultimately found no evidence of collusion and a 2018 report from the Senate Intelligence Committee that there was no evidence that Russia changed vote tallies in the 2016 election. Critics have called on Twitter to respond to Pelosi's falsehood related to the 2016 election. "Uh oh Twitter why is this allowed," radio host Dana Loesch asked. "Incitement!" Daily Wire writer Amanda Prestigiacomo sarcastically exclaimed. "No label from Twitter on this," conservative personality Comfortably Smug pointed out. "Oh wow. I just glanced at this and thought it was some crazy Trumpist," Babylon Bee writer Frank Flemming reacted. "This tweet by @SpeakerPelosi from 5/7/17 is an illustration of how months after the 2016 election, leading Dems were still sowing doubt about the integrity of the election just as they did after FL 2000. This rhetoric paved the way for the other side to do the same," political commentator Yossi Gestetner wrote. Twitter declined to respond to Fox News' inquiry about whether Pelosi's tweet violates its policies on misinformation and election integrity. "
And Inciters of Violence, Pelosi, Kamala, the lot... Pelosi Encouraged “Uprisings All Over The Country” in 2018, Republican Quotes Her And Is Accused Of Insurrection By Ulysses S. Tennyson | Jan 13, 2021 Since Donald Trump became president, Democrats have used nothing but incendiary defamatory and incisive language to describe him and his supporters. Republicans largely just accepted this abuse because they believe in freedom of speech. But, progressives seem to turn all their vile words into action without any inhibitions. In 2020, Pelosi’s incendiary words–along with many of her colleagues for years under the Donald Trump presidency–helped foment and legitimize a national irrational anti-Trump psychosis that incited the perpetual violent insurrection across the country. The leftist insurrection wasn’t a few hours on a single day at the capitol building with a handful of actually violent protesters on January 6th. Instead, the leftist insurrection manifested as violent riots across America for 7 months straight. These riots caused over $2 billion dollars in damages–including to many government buildings, dozens of deaths, inconceivable rises in violent crimes and homicides, and destruction of at least 60% of all small businesses. And, it seems to have been egged on by leftist pundits and politicians who supported it with language like Nancy Pelosi’s. In a 2018 speech regarding a policy proposal she didn’t like, Ms. Pelosi stated: “I just don’t even know why there aren’t uprisings all over the country. And maybe there will be…” Was that a threat to America, Ms. Pelosi? Did you know something at the time about the ‘unrest’ that was in store for 2020? Now, Louie Gohmert, a republican, quoted Ms. Pelosi to highlight her incendiary language in order to highlight her hypocrisy and part in the psychosis of the left since Donald Trump took office. For this crime of quoting Nancy Pelosi, Gohmert is being accused of insurrection—for merely quoting Nancy Pelosi to prove her hypocrisy. Here is the quote from Gohmert: ““Here’s a quote. ‘I just don’t even know why there aren’t more uprisings all over the country, and maybe there will be,’” Gohmert said on the House floor during the impeachment debate. The modern left are duplicitous hucksters. They can never win a rhetorical battle of logic or morality, so they dismantle the entire language itself, turn everything on its head, and project their crimes onto their opponents. In this way, no one can make sense of anything, and someone else is always left holding the bags of blame for them. When this happens, debate becomes fruitless. The left is not an honest or authentic opponent; they seek to control you and mold you and all of society to fit their capricious desires for power, control, and change. They have no use for a debate except to slow walk you to their ends. And they will say anything they feel is necessary to meet to ends. Study Shows Very Few Capitol Hill Rioters Were QAnon Red-Staters With Ties To 'Right-Wing' Groups Authored by Victoria Taft via PJ Media (emphasis ours), A survey by the University of Chicago finds that most Capitol Hill rioters had no ties to any fringe right-wing groups and were merely engaged people outraged by what they believed was a rigged election. AP Photo/John Minchillo While colorful weirdos with names such as QAnon Shaman and Baked Alaska stole the headlines, people who were arrested by federal officials during and after the riot were a “broader core of people” with a healthy skepticism about the veracity of the November 2020 election, according to the study. QAnon Shaman: 'I regret entering that building with every fibre of my body' — BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) March 5, 2021 There was plenty of reason for the skepticism, considering the collusion between Big Tech, unions, lawfare, and Democrats’ combined efforts to sway the election. Those efforts were at the very least unethical. As Time Magazine enthused in an article entitled, “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election,” “there was a conspiracy unfolding behind the [election] scenes” of an “informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans” to “save” the election from Donald Trump. The handshake between business and labor was just one component of a vast, cross-partisan campaign to protect the election–an extraordinary shadow effort dedicated not to winning the vote but to ensuring it would be free and fair, credible and uncorrupted. For more than a year, a loosely organized coalition of operatives scrambled to shore up America’s institutions as they came under simultaneous attack from a remorseless pandemic and an autocratically inclined President. […]Their work touched every aspect of the election. They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding. They fended off voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers and got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time. They successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against disinformation and used data-driven strategies to fight viral smears. Rather than being ill-informed, it appears that the Capitol Building rioters may have been better informed than most on these moves to sway the election. In a “working paper” that is considered to be a “novel approach” to “estimating community-level participation in mass protest events,” Asst. Prof. Austin Wright of the Harris School of Public Policy and David Van Dijcke of the University of Michigan found a surprising number of the people arrested at the Capitol Hill riot who were business owners and other professionals obviously upset over election fraud. The paper found that those arrested were “more likely to have traveled to the Capitol from Trump-voting “islands,” where residents are surrounded by neighborhoods with higher numbers of Biden supporters.” More than half came from counties that Joe Biden carried. Though the researchers include the fact that the overwhelming number of people live in Democrat areas, they also highlighted the fact “that proximity to Proud Boy chapters and local levels of engagement with misinformation posted on Parler, the exiled social media platform popular with the far right, are robustly linked to participation in the Capitol rally.” However, researcher Austin Wright said living in those leftist areas “played a significant role.” Social isolation and the perception of being threatened by neighboring areas that largely hold opposing political views also played a significant role in who was there. The researchers also looked at cell phone data such as where in the country Capitol rioters called. Most were in the eastern, central, and southern parts of the country. Screenshot of study’s findings. Could the cancel culture and being surrounded by people with Trump Derangement Syndrome and other anti-conservatives have helped trigger the attack? They claimed some of the rioters were on the social media app Parler, though efforts to discover other social media apps used by the people arrested were not noted. The survey found that approximately 10% percent of the Capitol rioters had a connection with Proud Boys, which they describe as a “hate group,” and Oath Keepers. Nearly 90% had no ties or right-wing affiliations whatsoever. And they found out that 85% of the people arrested were business owners or held down white-collar jobs. WTTW TV reported that researchers hadn’t even needed a “business owner” category before when looking into protest groups. Robert Pape, a political science professor at the University of Chicago, oversaw the study and said the caliber of people at the riot was surprising. “Normally, we don’t even have a category for ‘business owner’ when we study political violence, so this is a very big sign that we’re dealing with a new political movement with violence at its core that can’t be reduced to the usual suspects.” Jobs held by Capitol rioters. Perhaps they should consider that the 2020 election was seen by half the country as rigged. Election integrity efforts, not name-calling, lawfare, and canceling others who hold politically opposing views, will be key in winning back confidence in the elections process. If Democrats pass HR 1, all bets will be off. Victoria Taft is the host of “The Adult in the Room Podcast With Victoria Taft” where you can hear her series on “Antifa Versus Mike Strickland.” Find it here.Follow her on Facebook, Twitter, Parler, MeWe, Minds @VictoriaTaft
Antifa did the Capitol, not Trump supporters...
Charlottesville, Trump said both good and bad were there in his much longer statement... Leftist Fake News Media edited his words down into a form they and Democrats then eviscerated upon. Here is another of many videos the Dems and their Fake News Media will NEVER show you or talk about... Trump supporters booing and demanding Antifa stop breaking the windows at the Capitol Here is another Antifa BLM Democrat Commie Trained Activist caught at the Capitol, including waving inciting crowd of 100s to come up, and inciting getting Ashli Babbitt murdered by cop... John Sullivan... posted a video on YouTube on Jan. 7 that shows him entering the Capitol building in Washington... He’s heard on video encouraging others and convincing Capitol police to let the trespassers through at several impasses. Sullivan is known for taking part in protests and riots connected with the Black Lives Matter movement, which was founded by Marxist organizers. In July, he was arrested in Utah for alleged rioting, making a threat of violence, and criminal mischief due to his part in a protest that resulted in the shooting of a motorist. “As a protest organizer, John Sullivan is heard talking about seeing the shooting, looking at the gun, and seeing smoke coming from it. John did not condemn the attempted murder nor attempt to stop it nor aide in its investigation by police, John Sullivan Inciting Violence at Capitol "Go Go!" Gets woman killed John Sullivan loves to burn stuff Unarmed, shot dead "Domestic Terrorist?" - Leftist BLM Activist Who Stormed Capitol On Jan. 6 Arrested, Charged Authored by Zachary Stieber via The Epoch Times, The Black Lives Matter activist who was seen storming the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 was arrested and charged, the Department of Justice said Thursday. A newly released court filing says John Earle Sullivan, 26, told FBI agents last week that he was at the Capitol when the breach happened. He said he entered through a window that had been broken out. He also said he was present when Ashli Babbitt, an Air Force veteran, was shot dead by a U.S. Capitol Police officer as she tried to climb into the House Speaker’s Lobby through a window. Sullivan showed agents some of the footage he captured inside the building, which he and others entered illegally. Videos showed Sullivan and others breaking through a barricade, with the Utah man shouting: “There are so many people. Let’s go. This [Expletive] is ours! [Expletive] yeah. We accomplished this [expletive]. We did this together. [Expletive] yeah! We are all a part of this history. Let’s burn this [Expletive] down.” h/t @Cernovich He was later heard encouraging protesters to climb a wall to get to an entrance to the Capitol and was seen entering the building. During one conversation with others while inside, Sullivan said, “We gotta get this [expletive] burned.” At other times, he said, among other things, “it’s our house [expletive]” and “we are getting this [expletive].” Sullivan told U.S. Capitol Police officers to stand down so that they wouldn’t get hurt, according to the court filing (pdf). He joined the crowd trying to open doors to another part of the Capitol, telling people “Hey guys, I have a knife” and asking them to let him get to the front. He did not make it to the doors. He later tried to get the officers guarding the Speaker’s Lobby to go home, telling them: “Bro, I’ve seen people out there get hurt.” A group of protesters enter the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021. (Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images) Sullivan spoke to a slew of media outlets after the breach, including CNN and ABC. h/t @Cernovich He told The Epoch Times that he took steps to blend in with the crowd so he didn’t “get beat up.” He said he’s known in the activist community as being a member of the far-left, anarcho-communist group Antifa. He denied being a member of the network. He told The Epoch Times he knew of plans to storm the Capitol and that he saw them on “undergrounds chats and things like that.” He posted information about the plans on his social media, but didn’t inform the law enforcement. “I’m not a snitch,” he said. Sullivan has posted in support of Black Lives Matter. He leads a group called Insurgence USA, which says it was founded in the wake of the death of George Floyd, a black man, in police custody in Minneapolis last year. “The lack of care for the human life was unacceptable so we set out to end police brutality. We then set out to empower and uplifting black and indigenous voices,” the group’s website states. Sullivan was charged with rioting and criminal mischief in Provo, Utah, based on his activities around a protest last year in which a person was shot and injured. BLM inc. threatening to “rip the president out of the White House” They say they won’t wait until the next election. They’re openly calling for a revolution. This is domestic terrorism on full display, out in the open. They don’t even try to hide it. — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) August 29, 2020 Sullivan was charged this week with unlawful entry, disorderly conduct, and attempted obstruction of law enforcement. h/t @Cernovich He faces jail time if convicted. * * * ZH: Which leaves us with three questions: 1) Does this mean CNN gave a platform to a domestic terrorist? 2) Did Trump incite this man to commit insurrection too? 3) If he was aware of riotous plans "on underground chats" before Trump's speech, does that mean Trump did not incite "domestic terrorism"? We won't hold our breath for the treasonous answers.
For distribution... NABU LEAKS... Ukraine Outs Joe Biden's Corruption, Lies and Traitorship of US to Prop Biden Family... Joe Biden Tapes plus six more files onsite " ALL THIS MONEY, IN A TOTAL AMOUNT OF ABOUT $5 MILLION, WAS STOLEN FROM THE UKRAINIANS AND LAUNDERED THROUGH THE ABOVE SHELL COMPANIES. This is a payment for the political “cover” that Biden provided to Zlochevsky. " "Indeed, I would argue that Biden is one of the most corrupt politicians ever in America. In the past, corrupt politicians have confined themselves to playing dirty in their own back yard, making money from deals with fellow Americans. I believe that Biden is the first person ever to serve in the highest reaches of government – the Senate and the Vice Presidency – who sold his country out to the highest foreign bidders. It’s an insult to everything America has stood for since its inception that massive election fraud might allow this person to set foot in the oval office."
CNN: At LEAST 140 House Republicans Plan to Object Electoral Votes … The Electoral Count Act requires at least 1 House Rep and 1 Senator to join forces and object to the results from a particular state. It appears President Trump is in the clear. With 140 different House Representatives on board, January 6 “will be wild” indeed! To be clear, Republicans are NOT objecting to election results. Rather, they want the truth to be known in areas where Democrats have refused to be transparent. In all of these swing states, they have been allegations of voter fraud with Republicans presenting evidence. ... It appears that the Republican party is FINALLY growing a spine. If Joe Biden were in a similar situation, we all know that the Democrat party would be united behind him. ... [It's actually the Gabriel principle (embedded in the US constitution) in action - the city shall be saved if one shall stand - in this case, one rep, and one senator, though it's appropriate for 140 extras to finally chime in...] [Checkout CNN's gibberish that follows:] … President Donald Trump’s Republican allies have virtually zero chance of changing the result, only to delay by a few hours the inevitable affirmation of Biden as the Electoral College winner and the next president. There have been no credible allegations of any issues with voting that would have impacted the election, as affirmed by dozens of judges, governors, election officials, the Electoral College, the Justice Department, the Department of Homeland Security, and the US Supreme Court. But Trump is determined to claim he didn’t lose — which he did, significantly — and many GOP politicians either share his delusion or fear provoking his wrath — even if that means voting to undermine democracy. … [Ben Sasse:] "If you make big claims, you had better have the evidence. But the president doesn’t..." [Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse is as compromised as it gets, shilling for the NWO and bald faced lying to the public about "no election fraud evidence" in that "fake it till you make it" "The Secret" chutzpah so typical of Gen-Z cotton wool polly twaddles hoping for another bite at the Soros super cherry...] [Now also 27 PA house and senate members formally writing to Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy, to object to the PA results on Jan 6:] BREAKING: Pennsylvania House & Senate Members Write Urgent Letter to McConnell and McCarthy Over Election Results ... "Today, members of the PA House and Senate request that Sen Mitch McConnell and Rep Kevin McCarthy dispute the PA election results until an investigation is conducted into the numerous claims of fraud," said Pennsylvania state Senator Doug Mastriano. "Until this is completed, the hastily certified results can’t be trusted." ... ... "Sadly, despite evidence, our Governor and Secretary of State inexplicably refuse to conduct any investigations," the letter continued. "Our Republic cannot long endure without free and fair elections, where each person has one legal vote." Trump ain't givin up on us my friends: Do Not Give Up on President Trump, Viral Video Shows a Young Trump Explaining “I Don’t Give Up” “Certain times when it seemed that there was just no hope, those are the times that turned out to be the best for me - because I don’t give up!” We already know that president Donald J. Trump is a fighter. He fought against corrupt do-nothing Republicans in order to be the nominee for president in 2016. Then her fought against the most corrupt politician of all time in Hillary Clinton to become the 45th President of the United States. Now, President Trump is fighting against Joe Biden, the corrupt democrat party, the crooked media, and traitorous republicans for the heart and soul of our beautiful country. This is nothing new, as Donald Trump has always been a fighter. A recent video of the president as a younger man has gone viral. In the video, Trump says: “Certain times when it seemed that there was just no hope, those are the times that turned out to be the best for me – because I don’t give up!” Those words are extremely important at this very moment in time. While it may seem that things are looking very bleak for our country, do not despair. the man fighting for you right now does not give up! NO SURRENDER. FIGHT TO THE END. DO OR DIE. WATCH: Trump as a younger man explains how "I don’t give up!" — BGK (@thankgodfo) December 31, 2020 “Certain times when it seemed that there was just no hope, those are the times that turned out to be the best for me - because I don’t give up!” @realDonaldTrump — Mike Hahn (@mikehahn_) December 30, 2020 While President Donald Trump still has the same fighting spirit he's had since he was younger, Joe Biden hasn't even been able to get through an entire interview without giving up. Check out this video breaking down Biden's defeated demeanor. Joe Biden GIVES UP Mid Interview This is not the man to lead us forward. Donald Trump is a winner. … Do not give up on President Donald J. Trump. the fate of our Republic hinges on this fight. … Never underestimate Donald Trump. Come January 20,2021 expect him to be President for 4 more years. I don’t know how he’s going to do it, but it’s going to interesting how he pulls it off. Zero chance he’s not the President when this is all over with. — Joseph Cyran (@CyranJoseph) December 30, 2020 “The Best is yet to Come,” Trump Releases End of Year Statement to America "As long as we remain loyal to our nation, devoted to our citizens, and faithful to Almighty God, we know that the best is yes to come." … He never stops fighting for this country, and he never will. Joe Biden has done nothing but offer up doom and gloom to the American people, recently claiming that “our darkest days are ahead of us.” … Trump’s End Of Year Message: ‘We Have To Be Remembered For What’s Been Done’ On Operation Warp Speed — knewzreport (@knewzreport) December 31, 2020 ... I pledge that I WILL NOT VOTE for any GOP senator or House member in 2022 who DOES NOT SUPPORT Donald J. Trump on January 6th. Do you? We must send a CLEAR MESSAGE that this is Trump's party... ADD YOUR NAME.. 🔽🔽🔽🔽 — Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) December 31, 2020 [To all deep state cretins - you better know which side of the fence you're on, shit's about to get real:] Famed Attorney Lin Wood Claims Jeffrey Esptein is ALIVE! The season finale of 2020 is here! And boy, oh, boy… Famed attorney Lin Wood has just claimed that Jeffrey Epstein is ALIVE! ... I am fully aware of the onslaught of attacks being made against me based on my revelations about Chief Justice John Roberts. Before attacking me, maybe fair-minded people would first ask Roberts to tell the truth. Or ask Jeffrey Epstein. He is alive. — Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 31, 2020 ... Attorney Lin Wood Unleashes on Chief Justice John Roberts, Claims Jeffrey Epstein is Still Alive [Giuliani has this way of offering a deal to folks, giving them a little more time to do the right (morally right) thing:] 'DO YOU HAVE THE COURAGE?': Rudy Giuliani Goes Scorched Earth Ahead Of Georgia Runoffs
Folks, it's looking like we're in for one Revelation of a week - get your Putin popcorn ready and sit back with your fellow patriots as the climax of the greatest show on Earth gets started. Thank you Lin Wood, you are an amazing man. And we might also be thanking Mike "Punk's fav punk" Pompeo in a week or three too ... we shall see :D Found first on : Lin Wood Says Mike Pence Guilty of Treason, Faces Execution By Firing Squad, “Will Sing Like a Canary” OH MY….. I’m gonna start this off with a fair warning. I know based on recent Polls I’ve conducted that about 50% of you love Mike Pence. The other 50% is skeptical, to say the least. So for the 50% who love and trust Mike Pence, this is your fair warning…. You are NOT going to like this article. You’ve been warned. Click out now if you are about to get offended. But this is not my opinion, let’s make that clear. I am simply reporting what famed attorney Lin Wood has been saying. In fact, it started a couple days ago when he posted this: Tough way to start day but TRUTH is TRUTH. I do NOT trust VP Mike Pence @VP @Mike_Pence. He is wolf in sheep’s clothing. Pence only focused on himself & 2024. He does not support @realDonaldTrump. Let Pence hear your voices & read your words. Warn him. — Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 30, 2020 [Your eminently (!) humble (!) poster posits that Pence wanted to be a sheep, but dipped into the blackmail honey jar "unsuspectingly photographed" under a - - once is all it takes, folks - and has been blackmailed ever since, and keeps his wife conspicuously close ever since as well. God speed everybody, our Western regime has been conducted for decades by a Mossad blackmail "fixer" ring/operation conducted from Epstein's New York mansion...] And yes, I am actually very proud that Mr. Wood chose to cite to a WeLoveTrump article! I was blown away when I saw that. But now let’s advance the story and talk about what happened today. If you think Lin Wood threw Mike Pence under the bus with that Tweet above….baby, you ain’t seen NOTHING yet! Because here’s what he posted today: (1) For two months we have focused on accusing the Democrats of attempting to steal the 20/20 election for Biden. We focused on the Presidential election. We focused on the obvious. Over time, we have learned that the Democrats were joined by CCP & other foreign countries. — Lin Wood (@LLinWood) January 1, 2021 (2) We have also learned that the Globalists like George Soros & the Elitists like Bill Gates were involved. CIA too (no surprise – military industrial complex). It all seemed so clear we overlooked one of the main participants in the theft of the election: THE REPUBLICANS. — Lin Wood (@LLinWood) January 1, 2021 (3) These groups aspire to the goals of Communism. A ruling elite & an oppressed class of people who exist to serve those in power. When arrests for treason begin, put Chief Justice John Roberts, VP Mike Pence @VP @Mike_Pence, & Mitch McConnell @senatemajldr at top of list. — Lin Wood (@LLinWood) January 1, 2021 Talk about a mic drop moment! Yes, that is well respected powerhouse attorney Lin Wood saying that Mike Pence should be arrested for Treason (and perhaps is already on the list?). That’s bad. That’s a bombshell. Then he took it even further saying Pence will face execution by firing squad and he will sing like a canary! Oh my goodness! Look: If Pence is arrested, @SecPompeo will save the election. Pence will be in jail awaiting trial for treason. He will face execution by firing squad. He is a coward & will sing like a bird & confess ALL. — Lin Wood (@LLinWood) January 1, 2021 Notice he also says Sec. Pompeo will save the election. Pompeo has always been one of the few I have trusted. Nice to see those instincts were right. And here’s one more: I love this picture posted by @SecPompeo today for a variety of reasons. I note that the portraits on the wall are portraits of President George Washington & President Harry Truman. Connect the dots. — Lin Wood (@LLinWood) January 1, 2021 ... [many notable comments elided] On Fri, Jan 01, 2021 at 01:50:14PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
CNN: At LEAST 140 House Republicans Plan to Object Electoral Votes
… The Electoral Count Act requires at least 1 House Rep and 1 Senator to join forces and object to the results from a particular state. It appears President Trump is in the clear. With 140 different House Representatives on board, January 6 “will be wild” indeed! To be clear, Republicans are NOT objecting to election results. Rather, they want the truth to be known in areas where Democrats have refused to be transparent. In all of these swing states, they have been allegations of voter fraud with Republicans presenting evidence. ... It appears that the Republican party is FINALLY growing a spine. If Joe Biden were in a similar situation, we all know that the Democrat party would be united behind him. ...
[It's actually the Gabriel principle (embedded in the US constitution) in action - the city shall be saved if one shall stand - in this case, one rep, and one senator, though it's appropriate for 140 extras to finally chime in...]
[Checkout CNN's gibberish that follows:]
… President Donald Trump’s Republican allies have virtually zero chance of changing the result, only to delay by a few hours the inevitable affirmation of Biden as the Electoral College winner and the next president. There have been no credible allegations of any issues with voting that would have impacted the election, as affirmed by dozens of judges, governors, election officials, the Electoral College, the Justice Department, the Department of Homeland Security, and the US Supreme Court. But Trump is determined to claim he didn’t lose — which he did, significantly — and many GOP politicians either share his delusion or fear provoking his wrath — even if that means voting to undermine democracy.
… [Ben Sasse:] "If you make big claims, you had better have the evidence. But the president doesn’t..."
[Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse is as compromised as it gets, shilling for the NWO and bald faced lying to the public about "no election fraud evidence" in that "fake it till you make it" "The Secret" chutzpah so typical of Gen-Z cotton wool polly twaddles hoping for another bite at the Soros super cherry...]
[Now also 27 PA house and senate members formally writing to Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy, to object to the PA results on Jan 6:]
BREAKING: Pennsylvania House & Senate Members Write Urgent Letter to McConnell and McCarthy Over Election Results
... "Today, members of the PA House and Senate request that Sen Mitch McConnell and Rep Kevin McCarthy dispute the PA election results until an investigation is conducted into the numerous claims of fraud," said Pennsylvania state Senator Doug Mastriano. "Until this is completed, the hastily certified results can’t be trusted." ... ... "Sadly, despite evidence, our Governor and Secretary of State inexplicably refuse to conduct any investigations," the letter continued. "Our Republic cannot long endure without free and fair elections, where each person has one legal vote."
Trump ain't givin up on us my friends:
Do Not Give Up on President Trump, Viral Video Shows a Young Trump Explaining “I Don’t Give Up”
“Certain times when it seemed that there was just no hope, those are the times that turned out to be the best for me - because I don’t give up!” We already know that president Donald J. Trump is a fighter. He fought against corrupt do-nothing Republicans in order to be the nominee for president in 2016. Then her fought against the most corrupt politician of all time in Hillary Clinton to become the 45th President of the United States. Now, President Trump is fighting against Joe Biden, the corrupt democrat party, the crooked media, and traitorous republicans for the heart and soul of our beautiful country. This is nothing new, as Donald Trump has always been a fighter. A recent video of the president as a younger man has gone viral. In the video, Trump says: “Certain times when it seemed that there was just no hope, those are the times that turned out to be the best for me – because I don’t give up!” Those words are extremely important at this very moment in time. While it may seem that things are looking very bleak for our country, do not despair. the man fighting for you right now does not give up!
NO SURRENDER. FIGHT TO THE END. DO OR DIE. WATCH: Trump as a younger man explains how "I don’t give up!" — BGK (@thankgodfo) December 31, 2020
“Certain times when it seemed that there was just no hope, those are the times that turned out to be the best for me - because I don’t give up!” @realDonaldTrump — Mike Hahn (@mikehahn_) December 30, 2020
While President Donald Trump still has the same fighting spirit he's had since he was younger, Joe Biden hasn't even been able to get through an entire interview without giving up. Check out this video breaking down Biden's defeated demeanor.
Joe Biden GIVES UP Mid Interview
This is not the man to lead us forward. Donald Trump is a winner. … Do not give up on President Donald J. Trump. the fate of our Republic hinges on this fight.
… Never underestimate Donald Trump. Come January 20,2021 expect him to be President for 4 more years. I don’t know how he’s going to do it, but it’s going to interesting how he pulls it off. Zero chance he’s not the President when this is all over with. — Joseph Cyran (@CyranJoseph) December 30, 2020
“The Best is yet to Come,” Trump Releases End of Year Statement to America "As long as we remain loyal to our nation, devoted to our citizens, and faithful to Almighty God, we know that the best is yes to come."
… He never stops fighting for this country, and he never will. Joe Biden has done nothing but offer up doom and gloom to the American people, recently claiming that “our darkest days are ahead of us.”
… Trump’s End Of Year Message: ‘We Have To Be Remembered For What’s Been Done’ On Operation Warp Speed — knewzreport (@knewzreport) December 31, 2020
... I pledge that I WILL NOT VOTE for any GOP senator or House member in 2022 who DOES NOT SUPPORT Donald J. Trump on January 6th. Do you? We must send a CLEAR MESSAGE that this is Trump's party... ADD YOUR NAME.. 🔽🔽🔽🔽 — Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) December 31, 2020
[To all deep state cretins - you better know which side of the fence you're on, shit's about to get real:]
Famed Attorney Lin Wood Claims Jeffrey Esptein is ALIVE!
The season finale of 2020 is here! And boy, oh, boy… Famed attorney Lin Wood has just claimed that Jeffrey Epstein is ALIVE!
... I am fully aware of the onslaught of attacks being made against me based on my revelations about Chief Justice John Roberts. Before attacking me, maybe fair-minded people would first ask Roberts to tell the truth. Or ask Jeffrey Epstein. He is alive. — Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 31, 2020 ...
Attorney Lin Wood Unleashes on Chief Justice John Roberts, Claims Jeffrey Epstein is Still Alive
[Giuliani has this way of offering a deal to folks, giving them a little more time to do the right (morally right) thing:]
'DO YOU HAVE THE COURAGE?': Rudy Giuliani Goes Scorched Earth Ahead Of Georgia Runoffs
Biden to be Impeached over Biden-Ukraine-Hunter scandal... A newly-elected Georgia congresswoman says she will submit articles of impeachment against President-elect Joe Biden on Jan. 21. “On Jan. 21, I will be introducing articles of impeachment on Joe Biden for abuse of power,” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) told The Epoch Times, accusing Biden of withholding foreign aid to Ukraine and pressuring them to complete a deal with his son Hunter Biden. “When he was Vice President of the United States, he abused the power of his office,” she said, “by basically saying that he would withhold a billion dollars of foreign aid to Ukraine until he got a deal for his son, Hunter Biden, with a Ukrainian energy company.” The article of impeachment will also focus on “widespread evidence” that came to light through Hunter Biden’s laptop, referencing allegations from former business partner Tony Bobulinski that the Biden family was “engaging in deals with Chinese energy companies, with communist China.” Greene believes she can get support for impeachment in the House because “there’s huge support among Republican voters and the American people are fed up with corruption.” “We cannot have a man in office in the most powerful seat of our country and arguably the world, who is willing to sell out America, sell out his position just so that his son Hunter Biden can get a paycheck,” Greene added. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is searched by U.S. Capitol Police after setting off the metal detector outside the doors to the House of Representatives Chamber in Washington on Jan. 12, 2021. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) The subject then moved on to the recent second impeachment of President Donald Trump. “Nancy Pelosi has lowered the bar of impeachment, basically to the basement, by what she did yesterday, which was the final show of a 4-year-long witchhunt that they started on day one with President Trump. President Trump was guilty of no crimes and they impeached him twice,” she said. Democrats in the House of Representatives, joined by 10 Republicans, voted to impeach President Donald Trump for a second time, in a 232–197 vote on Jan. 13. The single article of impeachment alleges that the president incited an insurrection that resulted in the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. “They impeached him when he told his supporters at the rally at the White House to march to the Capitol peacefully and patriotically,” Greene said. Greene believes that it is actually Democrat party members who are “guilty of inciting violence.” “Democrats are the ones who are guilty of inciting violence in this country and they should be held accountable for that. “They support violence, Antifa, BLM, violent riots that caused billions in damage over the past year, burned cities, attacked police officers, occupied cities, ruined people’s businesses and their livelihoods, and took over police precincts.” Greene also expressed astonishment at Republicans who may have benefitted from Trump but subsequently voted to impeach him, adding that “Republicans all over the country are taking notes.” China gets more US security secrets, AOC goes Banking against Bitcoin (BTC drops 15% on the news)... Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) is returning to the House Homeland Security Committee despite concerns about his links to a purported Chinese spy, while rising Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) will be a member of the House Financial Services Committee, it was announced Thursday. Fake News Journos are Lying to You 24x365... Greenwald: Journalists, Illustrating How They Operate, Spread A Significant Lie All Over Twitter Authored by Glenn Greenwald via Hunter Biden (L) and then-Vice President Joe Biden speak on stage at Organization of American States on April 12, 2016 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Teresa Kroeger/Getty Images for World Food Program USA) Journalists with the largest and most influential media outlets disseminated an outright and quite significant lie on Tuesday to hundreds of thousands of people, if not millions, on Twitter. While some of them were shamed into acknowledging the falsity of their claim, many refused to, causing it to continue to spread up until this very moment. It is well worth examining how they function because this is how they deceive the public again and again, and it is why public trust in their pronouncements has justifiably plummeted. The lie they told involved claims of Russian involvement in the procurement of Hunter Biden’s laptop. In the weeks leading up to the 2020 election, The New York Post obtained that laptop and published a series of articles about the Biden family’s business dealings in Ukraine, China and elsewhere. In response, Twitter banned the posting of any links to that reporting and locked The Post out of its Twitter account for close to two weeks, while Facebook, through a long-time Democratic operative, announced that it would algorithmically suppress the reporting. The excuse used by those social media companies for censoring this reporting was the same invoked by media outlets to justify their refusal to report the contents of these documents: namely, that the materials were “Russian disinformation.” That claim of “Russian disinformation” was concocted by a group of several dozen former CIA officials and other operatives of the intelligence community devoted to defeating Trump. Immediately after The Post published its first story about Hunter Biden’s business dealings in Ukraine that traded on his influence with his father, these career spies and propagandists, led by Obama CIA Director and serial liar John Brennan, published a letter asserting that the appearance of these Biden documents “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.” News outlets uncritically hyped this claim as fact even though these security state operatives themselves admitted: “We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails…are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement -- just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case.” Even though this claim came from trained liars who, with uncharacteristic candor, acknowledged that they did not “have evidence” for their claim, media outlets uncritically ratified this assertion. This was a topic I discussed extensively in October when I announced my resignation from The Intercept after senior editors — for the first time in seven years — violated the contractual prohibition on editorial interference in my journalism by demanding I significantly alter my reporting about these documents by removing the sections that reflected negatively on Biden. What I found particularly galling about their pretense that they have such high-level and rigorous editorial standards — standards they claimed, for the first time ever, that my article failed to meet — was that a mere week prior to their censorship of my article, they published an article by a different journalist which, at a media outlet we created with the explicit purpose of treating government claims with skepticism, instead treated the CIA’s claims of “Russian disinformation” as fact. Even worse, when they quoted the CIA’s letter, they omitted the part where even those intelligence agents acknowledged that they had no evidence for their assertion. From The Intercept on October 21: Their latest falsehood once again involves Biden, Ukraine, and a laptop mysteriously discovered in a computer repair shop and passed to the New York Post, thanks to Trump crony Rudy Giuliani….. The U.S. intelligence community had previously warned the White House that Giuliani has been the target of a Russian intelligence operation to disseminate disinformation about Biden, and the FBI has been investigating whether the strange story about the Biden laptop is part of a Russian disinformation campaign. This week, a group of former intelligence officials issued a letter saying that the Giuliani laptop story has the classic trademarks of Russian disinformation. Oh my, marvel at those extremely rigorous editorial standards: regurgitating serious accusations from ex-CIA operatives without bothering to note that they were unaccompanied by evidence and that even those agents admitted they had none. But, as they usually do these days, The Intercept had plenty of company in the corporate media. That those materials were “Russian disinformation” became so reflexively accepted by the U.S. media that it became the principal excuse to ignore and even censor the reporting, and it also helpfully handed the Biden campaign an easy excuse to avoid answering any questions about what the documents revealed. “I think we need to be very, very clear that what he's doing here is amplifying Russian misinformation," said Biden Deputy Campaign Manager Kate Bedingfield when asked about the prospect that Trump would raise the Biden emails at the debate. From the CIA’s lips to the mouths of corporate journalists into the hands of the Biden campaign. As the U.S. media disseminated this “disinformation” tale, nobody — including the Bidens — has ever claimed let alone demonstrated that a single document was anything other than genuine — something that would be exceedingly easy to do if the documents were fraudulent. "The Biden team has rejected some of the claims made in the NY Post articles, but has not disputed the authenticity of the [laptop] files upon which they were based,” acknowledged The New York Times. Ample evidence corroborates that the documents are genuine. As for the claims of Russian involvement in the laptop story, there was never any evidence for it: none. The CIA operatives who invented that storyline acknowledged that. The week that tale emerged, The New York Times reported that “no concrete evidence has emerged that the laptop contains Russian disinformation” and the paper said even the FBI has “acknowledged that it had not found any Russian disinformation on the laptop.” The Washington Post published an op-ed by Russia fanatic Thomas Rid who candidly pronounced: “We must treat the Hunter Biden leaks as if they were a foreign intelligence operation — even if they probably aren't." And the only time the U.S. Government has ever spoken on this question was when the Director of National Intelligence stated: “Hunter Biden's laptop is not part of some Russian disinformation campaign." These documents raised important questions about the presidential frontrunner’s knowledge of or participation in his family members’ attempt to profit off of their association with him, questions implicating his integrity, ethics and honesty. Yet those documents were suppressed by a gigantic fraud, perpetrated by the CIA and their media allies, which claimed that the documents were forged and that they came from Russia. That is the critical context for the lie spread yesterday by numerous mainstream journalists. On Tuesday morning, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence declassified a short 12-page report entitled “Foreign Threats to the U.S. 2020 Elections.” It reviewed the actions of numerous countries with regard to the 2020 election. The intelligence community claimed — without presenting any evidence whatsoever — that “Russian President Putin authorized…influence operations aimed at denigrating President Biden’s candidacy and the Democratic Party, supporting former President Trump, undermining public confidence in the electoral process, and exacerbating sociopolitical divisions in the U.S.” The New York Times’ largely credulous article about this report contained this admission, one you would think (or, rather, hope) would matter to journalists: “The declassified report did not explain how the intelligence community had reached its conclusions about Russian operations during the 2020 election.” Despite that glaring omission, media outlets predictably treated the evidence-free assertions from the security state as fact. “Vladimir Putin did it again,” trumpeted Mother Jones’ David Corn without an iota of skepticism. CNN’s Marshall Cohen actually said this: The report confirms what was largely assumed, and barely hidden, last year: Trump and his allies publicly embraced Russia's disinformation campaign against Biden, met with Kremlin-tied figures who were part of the effort, and promoted their conspiracies — Marshall Cohen (@MarshallCohen) March 16, 2021 Think about that: to a CNN reporter, evidence-free assertions from the U.S. security state are tantamount to “confirmation.” That they really do think this way is nothing short of chilling. But that is the standard liberal media posture of harboring reverence for the U.S. intelligence community and treating its every utterance as Truth without the need for any corroborating evidence. It is one of their defining attributes. But in this case, many of them went far beyond mere regurgitation of CIA claims. Well beyond it: here, they fabricated a claim that report also demonstrated that the Hunter Biden laptop materials were — as they claimed before the election — engineered by Russia. In reality, the report did not even mention the Hunter Biden laptop materials or allude to it, let alone claim that it was produced by the Kremlin, let alone supply evidence that it constituted “Russian disinformation.” But no matter: numerous journalists united to spread the false claim far and wide that the report confirmed this storyline. The first journalist to publish the falsehood was Patrick Tucker, an editor at the journal Defense One. The tweet quickly went viral as liberals clicked “retweet” and “like” so fast that at least several of them likely suffered digital cartilage damage or at least a mild sprain: The claim that this report corroborated Russian involvement in the Hunter laptop story picked up significant steam when MSNBC host Chris Hayes endorsed it to his 2.3 million followers:
From there, the claim was further spread by Hayes’ NBC News colleague Ben Collins, who — ironically — works in what the network calls the “disinformation unit,” combatting the spread of disinformation (by which Collins means tattling on 4Chan teenagers and Facebook boomers, while never challenging the lies of real power centers such as those from the intelligence community; those lies are ones he amplifies):
With this MSNBC host and the NBC disinformation agent on board, it was off to the races. Journalists from across the corporate media sphere spread this lie over and over. Here was CNN’s Asha Rangappa: Perhaps the most embarrassing example was from S.V. Daté, the White House correspondent of HuffPost which, just last week, had dozens of its reporters laid off perhaps because, while they have numerous talented reporters, this is the sort of thing they routinely do, causing them to lose trust among the public. Daté did not just repeat the lie but used it to mock those who actually did the reporting on these documents (note that the section he underlined in red says nothing about the Hunter Biden documents, nor does it say anything about Russia other than it “amplified” various news stories): Hey, New York Post and everyone else who got suckered into the ridiculous Hunter Biden Laptop story. Take a bow. — S.V. Dáte (@svdate) March 16, 2021 As this false claim went massively viral, conservative journalists — and only they — began vocally objecting that the report made no mention whatsoever of the Hunter Biden laptop, let alone supplied proof for this claim. That is because, with a few noble exceptions (such as The Washington Post’s media critic Erik Wemple), liberal journalists at corporate outlets will eagerly endorse but never denounce or correct each other’s falsehoods. For that reason, if you confine yourself to the liberal corporate media bubble, and refuse to follow conservative journalists as well, you will be propagandized and deceived. Hayes, to his credit, was one of the only journalists who helped spread this falsehood and then quickly retracted it. He first acknowledged that, upon reading the report, it did not appear that it actually made any reference to the Hunter laptop, and then announced he would delete his original tweet, conceding that the original claim was false. Note how the original false claims go mega-viral, while the tweets which subsequently acknowledge their falsity are seen by very few people: With one of his earliest boosters having jumped ship, Tucker himself, the originator of this lie, first began backtracking while vowing he would never delete the tweet, only to then relent and delete it, acknowledging its falsity. Again compare the meager audience that learns of the backtracking and acknowledgment of falsity compared to the huge number exposed to the original false claim: I've deleted a tweet that suggested that a recent ODNI report made explicit reference to the Hunter Biden laptop story. It makes reference to Andrii Derkach, a pro-Russian Ukrainian politician who was trafficking information remarkably similar to what showed up in the Post report — Patrick Tucker (@DefTechPat) March 16, 2021 Thanks to multiple journalists with large platforms spreading Tucker’s original false tweet, it received thousands upon thousands of likes and re-tweets. So, too, did the tweets of other journalists promoting that false claim, such as the one from HuffPost’s White House Correspondent, and this one from one of David Brock’s goons specifically claiming that the security state’s evidence-free report somehow proves that my pre-election reporting on it was wrong. Yet Tucker’s announcement that he was deleting his tweet on the ground that the report does not make “explicit reference to the Hunter Biden laptop story” has a grand total of three retweets. Indeed, other than Hayes, it is difficult to find a journalist who acknowledged that what they spread was a lie. Both CNN’s Rangappa and NBC News’ Collins simply allowed the tweet to quietly disappear from their timeline when Tucker finally deleted his, saying nothing to the thousands or tens of thousands of people they misled. Meanwhile, the tweet from HuffPost’s Daté is still up a full twenty-four hours after the key journalists who spread this have acknowledged it was false. Do you see how they behave? Take a look. Prior to the election, out of desperation to ensure that Biden won, they censored and maligned this reporting by mindlessly endorsing an assertion from life-long CIA operatives that never had any evidence: ignore these documents; they are Russian disinformation. They not only invoked that claim to justify ignoring the story but also to successfully agitate for its censorship by Twitter and Facebook. So they spent weeks spreading an utter lie in order to help the candidate that they favored win the election. Remember, these are journalists doing that. Then, yesterday, the intelligence community issued a report that does not even purport to contain any evidence: just assertions. And they all jumped to treat it as gospel: no questioning of it, no skepticism, no demands to see evidence for it, not even any notation that no evidence was provided. They just instantly enshrined claims from the CIA and NSA as Truth. How can you possibly be a journalist with even minimal knowledge of what these agencies do and look in the mirror as you do this? But so much worse, in this case, they just outright lied about what the report said — just fabricated assertions that the report did not even allude to, in order to declare their lies from last October to be vindicated. Even if this report had asserted that the Hunter Biden laptop materials were manufactured by the Kremlin, that would prove nothing. Evidence-free assertions from the U.S. intelligence community merit skepticism, not blind faith — especially from people calling themselves journalists. But the report did not even claim that. And when some of them realized this, they did virtually nothing to rectify the severe disinformation they had spent the day spreading. These are the people who claim to be so profoundly opposed to conspiracy theories and devoted to combating “disinformation”; as usual, they are the ones who spread disinformation most recklessly and frequently. The fact that the false tweet from HuffPost’s White House correspondent is still up is quite revealing, given that that outlet just had to lay off a significant portion of its staff. As newly arrived Substack writer Michael Tracey wrote in his first article on this platform (headlined: “Why Journalists Hate Substack”), journalists are very good at lamenting when their outlets are forced to lay off journalists but very poor at examining whether the content their outlet is producing may be part of why it is failing: So when you see another round of layoffs, followed by another round of exasperated Twitter lamentation about how horrible the industry is, you have to wonder if these rituals ultimately function as an excuse for journalists to forgo any kind of real self-examination. For instance, why it is that the media organizations they inhabit always seem to be in a constant state of free-fall? Sure, there are economic factors at play that the journalists themselves cannot control. But it would seem to behoove these journalists to maybe spend a little bit less time complaining in the abstract about the depredations of “the industry”—as though they are its hapless, beleaguered casualties—and a little bit more time analyzing whether they have contributed to the indisputable reality that huge cross-sections of the public distrust and despise the media. There are multiple potential explanations for this dynamic worth considering. Maybe it’s the tedious hyper-partisanship and weirdly outdated content aggregation tactics that much of the online media still employs. Maybe it’s the constant five-alarm-fire tone and incessant hyping of overblown threats that was characteristic of the Trump years. Maybe it’s some combination of all these and more—but you won’t see many axed journalists offering up any kind of critical introspection, because when the layoffs arrive it can never have anything to do with their own ideological myopia or other shortcomings. Indeed, when anyone, including journalists, loses their job, it is lamentable. But when one witnesses behavior like what these journalists did yesterday, the only confounding part of the collapse of this part of the media industry is that it is not happening even more quickly and severely. Tony Bobulinski #SinoHawk Bobulinski interview Tucker Bobulinski interview Tucker John Paul Mac Isaac Laptop John Paul Mac Isaac Laptop John Paul Mac Isaac John Isaac laptop John Isaac laptop
Joe Biden & The Disappearing Elephant: How To Make A Full-Sized Scandal Vanish In Front Of An Audience Of Millions This week marked the anniversary of one of the greatest political tricks in history: the disappearance of Hunter Biden scandal. New emails were released that added new details to what was a raw influence peddling operation that netted millions from foreign sources. A new tranche of emails connecting President Joe Biden to key accounts prove just how this political sleight of hand was worthy of Houdini. After all, Houdini only made an elephant disappear. The Bidens made the equivalent to an entire circus disappear in front of an audience of millions. How Houdini made his 10,000 pound elephant Jennie disappear every night in New York’s Hippodrome remains a matter of some debate. There are no good pictures of his famous cabinet and Houdini later threatened to sue those claiming “disappearing elephants.” What is clear is that the sheer size and the audacity of the act (like that of the Bidens) contributed to the trick. The fact is that Jennie never left the large cabinet, people just didn’t see it. The Bidens achieved the same effect. They made a full-sized scandal disappear with the help of media and members who did not want the public to see it. Twitter banned postings about the laptop until after Biden was elected. The media dismissed the story as a conspiracy theory with some mocking the “New York Post and everyone else who got suckered into the ridiculous Hunter Biden Laptop story. Take a bow.” Committee Chairman Adam Schiff assured that public that “this whole smear on Joe Biden comes from the Kremlin.” Some 50 former intelligence officials, including Obama’s CIA directors John Brennan and Leon Panetta, also insisted the laptop story was likely the work of Russian intelligence. The laptop is, of course, now recognized as genuine even by some of the early deniers. Hunter remains under criminal investigation for possible tax and money laundering violations. But the greatest “reveal” is the person referred to as “the Big Guy” and “Celtic” in these emails: President Biden. Recently released emails reference payments to President Biden from son’s accounts and indicate the possible commingling of funds. Even more embarrassing, the shared account may have been used to pay a Russian prostitute named “Yanna.” In one text, a former secret service agent warns Hunter (who was holed up with a prostitute in an expensive hotel) “Come on H this is linked to Celtic’s account.” The question is whether prosecutors will continue to act like they do not see the elephant. Consider these established facts: First, it is widely believed that Hunter Biden and his uncle James Biden, received millions in influence peddling. For his part, Hunter only had influence and access to sell. He admits that he was a crack addict and alcoholic all the way up to the start of his father’s presidential campaign — in his words, “Drinking a quart of vodka a day by yourself in a room is absolutely, completely debilitating,” as well as “smoking crack around the clock.” Second, Joe Biden has continued to deny knowledge or involvement in these foreign dealings and those denials are now directly contradicted by emails and witnesses. Hunter himself contradicted his father’s repeated denials. Likewise, a key business associate of Hunter Biden, Anthony Bobulinski, directly accused Joe Biden of lying about his involvement. Bobulinski has detailed a meeting with Joe Biden in a hotel to go over the dealings. Past emails included discussions of offering access to then-Vice President Biden. They also include alleged payments to Joe Biden. In one email, there is a discussion of a proposed equity split of “20” for “H” and “10 held by H for the big guy?” Bobulinski confirmed that “H” was used for Hunter Biden and that his father was routinely called “the big guy” in these discussions. Third, while he was vice president, Joe Biden allowed Hunter to fly on Air Force 2 to countries like China where he was seeking millions. He also met with Hunter’s foreign business associates. In 2015, a State Department official flagged the possible conflicts from Hunter’s dealings during the Obama Administration. Fourth, new emails suggest a commingling of funds between Hunter and his father. Emails from Eric Schwerin, his business partner at the Rosemont Seneca consultancy, refer to the payment of household bills for both Joe Biden and Hunter Biden. He also notes that he was transferring money from Joe Biden. Rosemont Seneca is directly involved in the alleged influence peddling schemes and questionable money transfers from Chinese and Russian sources. Finally, Hunter himself admitted that his missing computers files may have been stolen by foreign agents for blackmail purposes. Hunter’s emails claim one of his laptops may have been stolen by Russian agents after a drug and alcohol binge with prostitutes. Given the ongoing criminal prosecution, that would seem an ample basis for the appointment of a special counsel. The President is mentioned repeatedly in emails and by witnesses in relation to influence peddling schemes and even receiving funds from shared accounts. He has also denied knowledge that key witnesses refute, including his son. Influence peddling is common in Washington and can be done legally. Yet, it has also been the subject of intense criminal investigations. For example, the FBI raided the home of Trump counsel Rudolph Giuliani and others based on allegations of influence peddling in an ongoing criminal investigation. The Justice Department wants to know if Giuliani secured contracts in exchange for access or influence. The media gleefully recounted the raids and how Giuliani may have cashed in on his access. It seems that the illusion depends on the specific elephant. Houdini once said that “It is still an open question . . . as to what extent exposure really injures a performer.” The same question can be asked about a politician. President Biden is in full display in these emails. The question is whether the public – or the prosecutors – want to see him.
Woke fail... China’s hypersonic missile test is another obvious warning sign… By the late the fifth century BC, after decades of war with its chief rival Sparta, the ancient Greek city-state of Athens was desperate for peace. They wanted a decisive victory to end the war once and for all. So the citizens gathered together in their public assembly– essentially a democratic mob of 6,000 people– and voted to build a new, costly fleet of ships. The strategy worked. And their new armada vanquished the Spartan navy in the Battle of the Arginusae Islands in 406 BC. Sparta was on the ropes, and the Assembly cheered when news of their fleet’s victory reached Athens. But then the Assembly found out that 25 of the 150 ships had been sunk by the Spartans, and that the Athenian crews of those 25 sunken ships had drowned in a storm. The Assembly suddenly became furious, crying that the souls of those drowned sailors would wander purgatory for all of eternity because they didn’t have a proper burial. So then the Athenian mob voted to execute eight of their top military commanders; the very same generals and admirals who had just won the battle and been called heroes, were now being put to death. Socrates was one of the lone voices of dissent; yet the death sentences were still carried out despite his protest. Then, only a few days later, the Athenian Assembly had a change of heart. The mob realized that they shouldn’t have executed their military commanders, so they then voted to execute the people within the Assembly who had proposed the executions to begin with. During this insane dumpster fire of ancient democracy, Spartan leaders approached Athens with a peace deal, offering to end the war once and for all. This was the entire reason that Athens had built a new fleet. They just wanted peace. But they were so distracted by infighting and arguing about who to execute next, and who to blame, that the Assembly rejected Sparta’s peace offering. Yet Athens’ military was now led by inexperienced admirals and generals, since they had just executed their best commanders. And Sparta quickly seized the advantage. Within a few months the Spartan navy was ravaging Athenian territory, and soon laying siege to Athens itself. The war finally ended in 404 BC with Athens losing all sovereignty and falling under complete control of the Spartan Empire. As the old saying goes, history doesn’t necessarily repeat. But it certainly rhymes. And I was thinking about this particular episode recently when it was reported earlier this week that China has just successfully tested its first nuclear-capable hypersonic missile. In case you don’t geek out on military strategy like I do, suffice it to say that this is a huge deal, not just for the United States, but for the entire world. For the past several decades, the United States has boasted the strongest, most technologically advanced military in the world. And it would be foolish to think that this military strength hasn’t substantially contributed to America’s geopolitical and economic power. The United States Marine Corps is essentially the biggest derivatives contract in the world. It’s the US government’s ultimate hedge, enabling it wage trade wars, sanction foreign banks, and bully anyone it wants into following US regulations. The US military is even part of the reason why the dollar is still the world’s reserve currency, despite the US government being the largest debtor that has ever existed in the history of the world. The US government, and the US economy, both derive substantial benefit from America’s military power. And this is why China’s rapid military development is such a big deal. China could destroy the United States in cyberwarfare. That’s pretty much a foregone conclusion. I mean… there are still system within the US Defense Department that use 5 ¼ inch floppy disks. But even in conventional warfare, China is gaining rapidly. The Chinese Navy already the world’s largest fleet. And this is important because one of the biggest roles of a modern navy is to project military firepower over great distances. China is investing heavily in this capability, feverishly building new ships and developing new technology. It has massive stockpiles of cruise missiles, most of which have larger payloads and longer range than comparable US weaponry. This week’s hypersonic missile launch is merely the latest proof; it’s technology that the US cannot counteract either, given that hypersonic missiles are more likely to be able to evade missile defense systems. The Chinese wasted no time gloating their achievement, calling the launch “a new blow to the US’s mentality of strategic superiority. . .” You’d think this would be a massive wake-up call to the US federal government. The balance of power is shifting right in front of their very eyes. Yet take a look at their priorities– spending trillions of dollars on ‘equity’ and ‘social justice’, which they claim will supposedly “cost nothing”. They’re busy directing federal resources to target parents who are angry over the way their children are being educated. They’re pushing people out of government service, whether through mandates, or through ideological purges to weed out those with conservative beliefs. As the Center for Military Readiness reports, US Special Operations Command “intends to elevate diversity, inclusion, and equity above mission effectiveness and overall readiness.” In fact a leaked Special Operations Command planning document states at least 12 times over twenty pages that “diversity and inclusion are operational imperatives” even though they provide no support to back up this assertion. The Defense Department is exploring racial quotas in its promotion criteria. They’re planning to reduce physical fitness standards. And military recruiting advertisements (along with those of the Central Intelligence Agency) are now focused on LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ diversity goals. This behavior is so counterproductive that even the ancient Athenian assembly would stand in awe at its destructive stupidity.
More Biden-China Corruption... Blacklisted Huawei Paid Tony Podesta $500K To Lobby Biden Admin During Same Quarter CFO Released Chinese tech giant Huawei paid Democratic lobbyist and donor Tony Podesta $500,000 to lobby the White House during the third quarter - the same period in which the Biden DOJ struck a deal to allow Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou to return home from Canada, where she was awaiting extradition to face criminal charges in the US. Whether Podesta spirit-cooked up Wanzhou's release is unknown, however the White House says they had nothing to do with it - and that the company is still subject to trade restrictions. "This was a law enforcement matter that was entirely in the Justice Department’s hands – not a policy matter," a White House official told CNBC. "As the Justice Department has said, they ‘reached the decision to offer a deferred prosecution agreement with Ms. Meng independently, based on the facts and the law, and an assessment of litigation risk." "President Biden and this administration believe digital infrastructure equipment made by untrustworthy vendors, like Huawei, pose a threat to the security of the U.S., our allies, and our partners. Export controls against Huawei remain in place," the official continued, adding. "We are engaging with all of our partners and allies on the risks posed by Huawei and dozens of countries and carriers have made the decision to exclude Huawei from their 5G networks. And we expect this trend to continue." According to the report, Podesta registered to lobby for Huawei in July - his first official return to lobbying after his firm's 2017 collapse under heavy scrutiny from special counsel Robert Mueller's Russiagate probe. Podesta, according to the third quarter disclosure, targeted only the White House Office for Huawei last quarter. The disclosure form says it was for “issues related to telecommunication services and impacted trade issues.” The White House Office is run by the president’s chief of staff, who, in this case, is Ron Klain, another veteran Democratic power player. ... For years, Huawei has sought to curry favor with American officials as it faces accusations that it is a threat to American national security. China’s government is known to exert a great deal of influence over the nation’s companies, although Huawei has denied that it would give data to Beijing. -CNBC Podesta's now-defunct lobbying firm earned hundreds of thousands of dollars lobbying for Russian-owned mining company Uranium One during the same period that the Clinton Foundation was receiving millions from individuals connected to the U1 transaction. The Podesta Group ended 2015 as Washington DC's third-largest lobbying firm - with nearly $30 million in revenue from over 100 clients. After a string of embarrassing news reports, including a failure to improperly report a $300,000 shipping expense for Tony's art collection, employees set up a system to prevent Mr. Podesta from being reimbursed by the company for personal expenditures, according to the Wall Street Journal. In 2016, SunTrust bank severed ties with the Podesta Group when they discovered that they were doing work for a U.S. subsidiary of a sanctioned Russian bank - presumably Russias Kremlin-owned Sberbank, which paid the Podesta group $170,000 over a 6 month period through September 2016 to lobby against 2014 economic sanctions by the Obama administration. Then, during the Russiagate investigation, Podesta clients became spooked as Special Counsel Robert Mueller began closing in on associate Paul Manafort. The Podesta Group decided (coincidentally) to retroactively file as a foreign agent for their work with the Manafort's Pro-Russia Centre for a Modern Ukraine campaign tied to former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, shortly before Manafort's indictment. The Podesta Group made $1.2 million as part of that effort. With the Manafort probe red-hot, the unraveling of the Podesta Group was swift. With clients such as Wells Fargo, Wal Mart and Oracle Corp. bailing on Tony, the lobbying firm death-spiraled into default - as Tony refused to pledge his giant art collection against firm obligations. That said, like a cat with nine-lives, Tony Podesta has risen from radioactive recluse to DC power broker once again,. now that his old friends from the Democratic party running the show. Tony Bobulinski #SinoHawk Bobulinski interview Tucker John Paul Mac Isaac Laptop
Joe Biden & The Disappearing Elephant: How To Make A Full-Sized Scandal Vanish In Front Of An Audience Of Millions
Two Major Election Relevant True Stories about Joe Biden, Fully Censored and Downranked to Zero by corrupt DemSoc Fake News Media and Big Tech Search and Social Media. The net assessment of all these events by the future will be that Trump was in fact the otherwise legitimate winner, that artificial undue and outright politically corrupt and dispicable behind the scenes of the voter influence got far ahead of its boundaries executing unprecedented advantage to manipulate the Digital and Traditional info channels, and to directly finance and corrupt the realworld physical election processes on the ground, and the influence of foreign donor money, and the Clinton-Obama Russia Hoax, among other problems. The US will fully never recover from those loss and descent of political and media integrity, and without diligence being taken by all, and whereas none has been taken yet to date, it is likely to become worse. Which presents another opportunity for the Libertarian Party, if they can get their act together. John Paul Mac Isaac is a Mac repair shop owner in Wilmington, Delaware. He found himself in the unfortunate position of having to recover data from a laptop owned by Hunter Biden. Never could he have imagined that by doing his job, he would become embroiled in a major legal and political nightmare. While recovering the data for Hunter Biden, John Paul came across information that may have relevance to ongoing investigations by federal law enforcement. As a patriotic American, he contacted the FBI. The laptops are in the possession of the FBI now but, unfortunately, John Paul is dealing with the unforeseen consequences. Several revelations from the diary, including the fact that the author believes she was sexually molested as a child and shared “probably not appropriate” showers with her father. A deep resentment for her father due to his money, control, and emotional manipulation. Friday afternoon Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe announced that the homes of current and former Project Veritas journalists had been raided by FBI agents Thursday morning and that he had been served a Grand Jury subpoena with a cover letter requesting that he not make the existence of the subpoena known. Appearing on video, O’Keefe said (in part): It appears the Southern District of New York now has journalists in their sights for the supposed “crime” of doing their jobs lawfully and honestly. Or at least, this journalist. I had to think long and hard before making this statement. It’s a decision that only I can make. They don’t want me to defend myself and immediately tried to silence me. That’s why the cover letter for the Grand Jury Subpoena we received contains this language: “The Government hereby requests that you voluntarily refrain from disclosing the existence of the subpoena to any third party. While you are under no obligation to comply with our request, we are requesting you not to make any disclosure in order to preserve the confidentiality of the investigation and because disclosure of the existence of this investigation might interfere with and impede the investigation.” But while the Department of Justice requested us to not disclose the existence of the subpoena, something very unusual happened. Within an hour of one of our reporters’ homes being secretly raided by the FBI, The New York Times, who we are currently suing for defamation, contacted the Project Veritas reporter for comment. We do not know how The New York Times was aware of the execution of a search warrant at our reporter’s home, or the subject matter of the search warrant, as a Grand Jury investigation is secret. O’Keefe revealed that Project Veritas’ legal team had already been in contact with the FBI about this matter and gave them information that should have negated any need for a search warrant. What was the FBI looking for? Who signed the search warrant? The FBI took materials of current, and former, Veritas journalists despite the fact that our legal team previously contacted the Department of Justice and voluntarily conveyed unassailable facts that demonstrate Project Veritas’ lack of involvement in criminal activity and/or criminal intent. Like any reporter, we regularly deal with the receipt of source information and take steps to verify its authenticity, legality, and newsworthiness. Our efforts were the stuff of responsible, ethical, journalism and we are in no doubt that Project Veritas acted properly at each and every step. Apparently, the raids had something to do with the publication of pages of a diary that allegedly belonged to Ashley Biden, the daughter of Joe and Jill Biden. The pages were published by National File journalist Patrick Howley in October 2020 and contained entries describing inappropriate showers with her father, among other things. O’Keefe says that Project Veritas was approached by people who claimed to have the diary and that ultimately Project Veritas turned the diary over to law enforcement authorities. Late last year, we were approached by tipsters claiming they had a copy of Ashley Biden’s diary. We had never met or heard of the tipsters. The tipsters indicated that the diary had been abandoned in a room in which Ms. Biden stayed at the time, and in which the tipsters stayed in temporarily after Ms. Biden departed the room. The tipsters indicated that the diary included explosive allegations against then-candidate, Joe Biden. The tipsters indicated that they were negotiating with a different media outlet for the payment of monies for the diary. The tipsters were represented by attorneys who handled the negotiations with Project Veritas. We investigated the claims provided to us, as journalists do. We took steps to corroborate the authenticity of the diary. At the end of the day, we made the ethical decision that because, in part, we could not determine if the diary was real, if the diary in fact belonged to Ashley Biden, or if the contents of the diary occurred, we could not publish the diary and any part thereof. We attempted to return the diary to an attorney representing Ms. Biden, but that attorney refused to authenticate it. Project Veritas gave the diary to law enforcement to ensure it could be returned to its rightful owner. We never published it. So why is this now something the Department of Justice is involved in? Oh, because now the diary was allegedly stolen. Now, Ms. Biden’s Father’s Department of Justice, specifically the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, appears to be investigating the situation, claiming the diary was stolen. We don’t know if it was, but it begs the question: in what world is the alleged theft of a diary investigated by the President’s FBI and his Department of Justice? A diary! This federal investigation smacks of politics. Project Veritas never threatened or engaged in any illegal conduct. Exactly. And if there were some type of federal investigation, why is Project Veritas being targeted? Could it be that there’s another story Project Veritas recently broke that threatens the Biden administration and its friends at NIH, NIAID, CDC, and Pfizer? “Our efforts were the stuff of responsible, ethical journalism and we are in no doubt that Project Veritas acted properly at each and every step.” — Eric Spracklen🇺🇸 (@EricSpracklen) November 5, 2021 Around the time O’Keefe’s video was posted, a story about the issue went live at the New York Times. As O’Keefe asks, how did the New York Times know about the investigation? O’Keefe had been warned that “disclosure of the existence of this investigation might interfere with and impede the investigation,” so is the FBI looking into who disclosed the existence of the investigation and details about it to Mike Schmidt, a reporter whose bio boasts that he’s won two Pultizers – one for “coverage of President Trump and his campaign’s ties to Russia.” NEW: FBI executed search warrants at locations tied to people who worked w/Project Veritas as part of SDNY investigation into how a diary stolen from Biden's daughter Ashley was publicly disclosed days before ’20 election. She was burglarized in ‘20. — Michael S. Schmidt (@nytmike) November 5, 2021 Unfortunately for them, Schmidt and the FBI just verified the authenticity of the diary, which, as O’Keefe said, many outlets hadn’t covered because there was no verification of its authenticity and the Bidens claimed it was fake. In addition, there are rumors that the diary was left in a room where Ashley Biden stayed while she was in recovery, which makes sense given the way that O’Keefe described what the tipster represented the Project Veritas. That doesn’t quite rise to a “burglary” claim. In attempting to smear the reporter who published the diary excerpts, Schmidt lends credibility to his work: The pages were posted online under the byline of Patrick Howley, a reporter who has worked for several conservative outlets in recent years. He was the first to disclose a yearbook photo from the page of Gov. Ralph Northam of Virginia that showed one individual in a Ku Klux Klan outfit and another individual in blackface. Mr. Howley also disclosed damaging text messages between Cal Cunningham, a Democrat running for Senate in North Carolina, and a woman with whom he was having an extramarital affair. While the disclosure of Ms. Biden’s diary was largely ignored, some far right outlets and supporters of Mr. Trump jumped on the news of the diary as further evidence that Mr. Biden was unfit to be president. Alex Jones, a prominent far right radio host, brought up the diary on an episode of Joe Rogan’s podcast. It’s a safe bet that Mr. Schmidt’s home won’t be raided so the feds can investigate how he knew about this search warrant. Journalism is under attack, indeed. Was the Ashley Biden Diary Bait to Kill Project Veritas? A piece of news regarding the alleged Ashley Biden diary largely escaped notice–Project Veritas offices and James O’Keefe’s home were raided by the FBI last Thursday and Saturday because, according to Jack Hadfield of the National File: A week and a half before the 2020 election, a Project Veritas whistleblower provided a digital copy of Ashley Biden’s diary to National File. I do not believe in coincidence. Why did Jack Hadfield reveal the source of the diary on the one day before James O’Keefe’s home was raided? You cannot ignore the Deep State for a moment. They are like the Eye of Mordor constantly surveying the body politic for an opportunity to attack and infect. The initial reports about last week’s raids on the office of Project Veritas (PV) and the home of PV creator, James O’Keefe, were of two types–the New York Times was tipped off to a subpoena that was supposed to be secret while many conservative bloggers (and Project Veritas) voiced consternation (rightly so!) over the FBI going after journalists. Here is what we know about the diary. A person or persons not publicly identified approached PV in October 2020 with a copy of what was alleged to be the diary of Joe Biden’s daughter. According to James O’Keefe, PV tried to independently verify the legitimacy of the diary and decided not to publish and gave the material to law enforcement: We investigated the claims provided to us, as journalists do. We took steps to corroborate the authenticity of the diary. At the end of the day, we made the ethical decision that because, in part, we could not determine if the diary was real, if the diary in fact belonged to Ashley Biden, or if the contents of the diary occurred, we could not publish the diary and any part thereof. We attempted to return the diary to an attorney representing Ms. Biden, but that attorney refused to authenticate it. Project Veritas gave the diary to law enforcement to ensure it could be returned to its rightful owner. We never published it. But now the National File claims it was a “whistleblower” from Project Veritas who gave the National File’s Patrick Howley a copy of the diary. Howley published salacious portions of the alleged diary on 24 October 2020. I would not be surprised to hear the Department of Justice and FBI justify their actions because one of Biden’s offspring was “targeted” and victimized. That is rich. Even Helen Keller can see the hypocrisy of trying to protect Biden’s spawn while going balls to the wall to attack Trump’s children. This is a double standard that makes the Grand Canyon look like a pinhole. There are at least two different accounts for how the diary came to light. One version claims it was stolen. Another version says it was discovered “abandoned.” I think there is a third possibility–it was deliberately created by people working for supporters of Joe Biden and put into the hands of a person tasked to give it to Project Veritas. Remains to be seen if that person was witting or unwitting. Quite a contrast to how the Hunter Biden laptop came to light. It was only after multiple failed efforts by JP Mac Isaac to return the laptop to Hunter that he tried to give it to the FBI. The FBI were as reluctant as Hunter Biden to take possession of the laptop. After much foot dragging and delay the FBI took possession of the laptop in December 2019. JP Mac Isaac had solid proof of the origin of the laptop. He even was contacted by Hunter’s lawyer to retrieve the computer once word was out via the New York Post that the contents of the hard drive would be published. Frustrated at the FBI’s inaction, JP reached out to Rudy Giuliani in August 2020 (the following is from an upcoming book that JP Mac Isaac has written): “For almost a year I have been trying to get the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop to the proper authorities. I first reached out to the FBI and they came and collected it, but I have reason to believe they have destroyed it or buried it in a filing cabinet. After months of waiting for something to come of this, I can only assume that members of the FBI, who are against the President, have it and it will never be seen again. Luckily, for my protection, I made several copies and I have been trying quietly to bring it to peoples’ attention. I am reaching out to you for assistance and making sure the people that need to know about this, do. I have email proof that the Quid Pro Quo started on May 12th, 2014, with a request from Vadym Pozharskyi to have Hunter and Devon use their influence at the White House to pressure the Ukraine Government to stop investigating Burisma. This was one month after Hunter was appointed to the board. I have emails from Blue Star discussing White House conference calls and meetings about Ukrainian policy and discussing Vice-President Biden’s trip to the Ukraine being sent to Vadym Pozharskyi directly. I have proof that the Office of the Vice-President was selling Influence and support to foreign nationals in exchange for money. The selling started with the US’s support of the Ukraine which helped them land the IMF loan in early 2014. Reward for that support was provided in the form of board posts for Hunter and Devon and a initial large sum for each of them in the range of $1,295,000 and a monthly check of $33,000 each. This allowed for direct access to the White House and included favors from visas to putting pressure on a foreign government by a private citizen. I feel the closer we get to the election, the more this will be ignored. Please help me get this information to people who can use it and bring justice to people that deserve it.” The rest is history. Rudy’s team shared the hard drive with the NY Post and the mainstream media and Big Tech sprang into action to try to quash the story. The Hunter Biden laptop is real. I cannot say the same for the alleged diary. JP Mac Isaac is still fighting to defend his reputation. If you care to help, you can donate at his gofund me site. Official National File Statement Regarding FBI Interest in Ashley Biden’s ‘Probably Not Appropriate’ Showers Diary The FBI and SDNY have raided three addresses as part of an investigation into the diary published by National File National File Editor-in-Chief Tom Pappert has released a full video statement regarding the interest that the FBI has taken in this outlet’s publication of Ashley Biden’s diary. In October last year, a Project Veritas whistleblower provided a digital copy of Ashley Biden’s diary to National File. The diary, which includes a passage in which Ashley Biden describes her troubles with sex addiction, drug addiction, and potential childhood molestation, and “probably not appropriate” showers she shared with her father Joe Biden when she was a little girl. Regardless of the explosive allegations, the diary was ignored by the majority of the media. Covfefe Coffee At the end of last week, the FBI and the Southern District of New York reportedly served search warrants at two addresses associated with Project Veritas, and then on the home of James O’Keefe, all but confirming the diary was in fact written by Ashley herself. In a video statement, National File’s Editor in Chief Tom Pappert confirmed that this publication obtained the digital copy from the Project Veritas whistleblower, “who was upset that a Project Veritas board member spiked the story.” Watch National File editor-in-chief Tom Pappert’s statement regarding the FBI and SDNY interest in Ashley Biden’s diary: Pappert added that National File made all our efforts to confirm that the diary itself was authentic, and that the whistleblower told National File the diary was “abandoned at an address where Ashley Biden used to stay,” and that National File has “no reason to believe that the whistleblower is being anything less than truthful” in his story. According to the New York Times, Ashley Biden allegedly reported the diary as stolen in a burglary. “It is shocking to see the FBI and the Southern District of New York take these actions against journalists,” Pappert continued, noting that various legal experts have slammed the raids, including Fox News’s Greg Jarrett, who described them as “bewildering” on Saturday. Jarrett also confirmed that journalists “cannot be criminally prosecuted for publishing stolen material unless the journalist himself was involved in the theft, something Pappert further noted. Comparing the Ashley Biden diary to the Pentagon Papers and Podesta emails, Pappert explained that the origin of the documents is not important when it comes to journalism because “at the end of the day… what matters is what’s in them.” Pappert confirmed National File is willing to assist the FBI in any investigation, and regardless of what some have described as intimidation tactics employed by the FBI and Biden administration, that this publication would continue to break major stories, “whether or not we get any credit from the mainstream media.”
How Soros' Secret Network Used Ukraine To Cover For Hillary, Hunter, & Target Donald Trump The Soros Circle: AntAC In 2014, Soros’s International Renaissance Foundation (IRF) and its grantees were active supporters in the creation of the Anti-Corruption Action Centre (AntAC) of Ukraine, a powerful NGO. Through the end of 2018, 17 percent of AntAC’s funding was coming from Soros’s group. AntAC is run by Daria Kaleniuk, an American-educated lawyer. White House logs show Kaleniuk visited on December 9, 2015, reportedly meeting with Eric Ciaramella, the CIA employee many suspect is the anonymous whistleblower that sparked Trump’s first impeachment, the source of which was a faultless phone call with Ukraine’s president. AntAC was responsible for creating the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU), a law enforcement group separate from the prosecutor general’s office that was tasked with handling the biggest corruption cases. It has investigatory powers but cannot indict suspects. Only when it passes its findings to prosecutors does a subject of its inquiry become part of a criminal case. The agency was established in 2014 at the behest of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) after its predecessor, the National Anti-Corruption Committee, was deemed a failure. Western governments funded NABU, which also enjoyed the backing of the FBI. Like all the Orwellian names of groups Soros had a part in, NABU acts independently in name only. With the Obama DOJ’s launch of the Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative, aimed at battling large-scale public corruption in foreign states, the State Department, DOJ, and FBI began outsourcing some of their own work to AntAC. In February 2015, Viktor Shokin was appointed prosecutor general of Ukraine, and was soon scrutinized for helping the owner of the energy company Burisma. Shokin had helped owner Mykola Zlochevsky regain control of $23 million that was frozen by British authorities. Burisma was made famous by Hunter Biden’s involvement in the company, and Zlochevsky was the one who struck the deal to appoint Hunter to the company’s board of directors in 2014 at a reported salary of $83,333 per month. AntAC’s stance on Shokin was made clear; it tweeted on December 2015 that “One of the major goals of #AntAC for 2016 is to force #Shokin to resign.” Shokin attempted to begin a probe into Burisma that “included interrogations and other crime-investigation procedures into all members of the executive board, including Hunter Biden.” This never materialized because Joe Biden (then Vice President) threatened to withhold a $1 billion loan to Ukraine unless Skokin was removed as prosecutor general. Biden even bragged about it on video to the Council on Foreign Relations in 2018, stating that when he attended a meeting with Ukraine’s president and prime minister, he said, “‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.” Biden insisted the U.S. wanted Shokin removed over corruption concerns shared by the European Union. But in tapes released by Ukrainian lawmaker Andrii Derkach, Biden and Poroshenko reveal that the Ukrainian president admitted to doing Biden’s bidding. The quid pro quo is proven. “Despite the fact that (Shokin) didn’t have any corruption charges, we don’t have any information about him doing something wrong, I especially asked him…to resign.” In another recording from March 22, 2016, the two allegedly discussed who would be appointed prosecutor general of Ukraine, and then who would be their eventual replacement. Former prosecutor Yuriy Lutsenko was mentioned. The White House issued a press release confirming the pair talked again on this date. At the end of the call, Biden said, “I’m a man of my word. And now that the new prosecutor general is in place, we’re ready to move forward to signing that new $1 billion loan guarantee.” Derkach would later be punished for allegedly exposing Biden’s call with Poroshenko. After the audio was made public, Poroshenko’s successor Volodymyr Zelensky called for an investigation into the recordings, and the U.S. Treasury Department sanctioned Derkach, describing the audio as “unsupported information” part of a campaign to “discredit U.S. officials.” They also accused Derkach, a member of Ukraine’s parliament, of being a “Russian agent.” The sanctions came less than a year after Derkach met with Rudy Giuliani in Kiev, which reports at the time said was to discuss possible misuse of U.S. tax dollars by Ukraine’s government. ... A few months later, Yuriy Lutsenko was named prosecutor general and met with U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch. Lutsenko recalls being stunned when the ambassador gave him a list of people who shouldn’t be prosecuted. The list included a founder of AntAC, and two members of Ukrainian Parliament who supported AntAC’s anticorruption agenda (while benefitting from corruption themselves). As John Solomon puts it, the implied message to Lutsenko was clear: “Don’t target AntAC in the middle of an American presidential election in which Soros was backing Hillary Clinton to succeed another Soros favorite, Barack Obama.” So what was motivating George Kent and Ambassador Yovanovitch to influence investigations in Ukraine of all places? The fact that Ukraine dealt with an organization created with the backing of the Obama administration, State Department, FBI, and George Soros. An investigation into AntAC could expose a whole chest of secrets - the least of which being that they’re not all concerned with corruption like they claim... The hunt for any information that could possibly damage President Trump or anyone connected to him was now on. Read the rest of the excerpt here at The National Pulse... Be sure to get the book by clicking here. It’s also on Amazon.
Rumors suggest Joe Biden and Family got at least 10% for Hunter's brokering of this Chinese Mining deal selling out the USA, continuing enslavement of Congolese... Hunter Biden's private equity firm helped Chinese conglomerate buy American-owned cobalt mine in $3.8 billion deal: Purchase helped China company gain world's largest deposit of precious metal used to make batteries for electric vehicles Hunter Biden's investment firm partnered with a Chinese company to buy the world's larges cobalt mine from an American company in 2016 Biden was one of three Americans who founded the BHR private equity firm with Chinese partners in 2013 The firm helped buy out a minor stakeholder in the Congo's Tenke Fungurume cobalt mine to help China Molybdenum buy it from Freeport-McMoRan The $3.8 billion deal helped secure China's dominance over the previous metal, which is one of the key components of the batteries used for electric vehicles Earlier this year, Biden had warned that America's electric car development could be threatened by China's control over cobalt By Ronny Reyes For Dailymail.Com Published: 02:12 EST, 21 November 2021 | Updated: 09:09 EST, 21 November 2021 An investment firm founded by Hunter Biden assisted a Chinese company in purchasing one of the world's richest cobalt mines from an American company for $3.8 billion - helping the conglomerate gain a massive share of the key metal used to make electric car batteries. The president's son was one of three Americans who joined Chinese partners in establishing the Bohai Harvest RST Equity Investment Fund Management Company, or BHR, in 2013. The Americans controlled 30 percent of the company and made successful investments that culminated in aiding China Molybdenum purchase the Tenke Fungurume cobalt mine in the Congo from the American company Freeport-McMoRan in 2016, the New York Times reported. The news comes after President Joe Biden had warned that China could use its dominance of mined cobalt to disrupt America's development of electric vehicles. It also adds to the scrutiny Biden and his father have faced for his dealings with Chines and Ukrainian companies while Joe was vice president and later running for president. Hunter Biden (pictured on November 10) was one of three American founders of a investment firm primarily owned by Chinese partners. The firm helped secure the richest cobalt mine in the world for a Chinese company in 2016 +5 Hunter Biden (pictured on November 10) was one of three American founders of a investment firm primarily owned by Chinese partners. The firm helped secure the richest cobalt mine in the world for a Chinese company in 2016 Biden founded BHR with two other Americans and Chinese partners in 2013. He was no longer part of the board as of April 2020 Biden founded BHR with two other Americans and Chinese partners in 2013. He was no longer part of the board as of April 2020 Bohai Harvest RST Equity Investment Fund Management Company, or BHR, partnered with China Molybdenum to buy the Tenke Fungurume cobalt mine in the Congo (pictured) +5 Bohai Harvest RST Equity Investment Fund Management Company, or BHR, partnered with China Molybdenum to buy the Tenke Fungurume cobalt mine in the Congo (pictured) Biden's firm made the deal with Joe Biden, right, was still vice president. The now president has warned that America's electric vehicle production could he stunted by China's dominance over cobalt, one of the key components of the electric batteries +5 Biden's firm made the deal with Joe Biden, right, was still vice president. The now president has warned that America's electric vehicle production could he stunted by China's dominance over cobalt, one of the key components of the electric batteries BHR slowly made its way into an investment powerhouse after helping finance an Australian coal-mining company controlled by a Chinese state-owned firm, the paper reported. The investment company's big break came in 2016 when it bought and sold a stake in CATL, a Chinese company that is now the world's biggest maker of batteries for electric vehicles. That same year, China Molybdenum - one of the world's leading producers of the precious metals molybdenum and tungsten - announced it would purchase the Tenke Fungurume cobalt mine from Freeport-McMoRan, an American mining company. RELATED ARTICLES Previous 1 Next Health fears for 'confused' President Biden, 79, after... EXCLUSIVE: Canceled Mandalorian star Gina Carano joins cast... But in order to purchase the mine, the Chinese company needed a partner to buy out one of the stakeholders, Lundin Mining of Canada. That's when BHR came in to buy out Lundin with $1.14 billion raised entirely from obscure Chinese state-backed companies, according to the Times. Biden still controlled 10 percent of BHR when its shares of the mines were sold to China Molybdenum in 2019. The Tenke Fungurume cobalt mine, in the Congo, is worth $3.8 billion and holds the largest deposit of the metal +5 The Tenke Fungurume cobalt mine, in the Congo, is worth $3.8 billion and holds the largest deposit of the metal The mines were purchased from the American-based Freeport-McMoRan company, which owns mines across the nation (pictured a Freeport-McMoRan mine in Colorado) +5 The mines were purchased from the American-based Freeport-McMoRan company, which owns mines across the nation (pictured a Freeport-McMoRan mine in Colorado) Chris Clark, one of Biden's lawyers, said the president's son 'no longer holds any interest, directly or indirectly, in either BHR or Skaneateles,' a firm Biden used to control his BHR shares. Chinese records show Biden was no longer on BHR's board as of April 2020, and a former board member told the Times that the American founders were not directly involved in the mine deal and supposedly earned only a nominal fee from it. 'We don't know Hunter Biden, nor are we aware of his involvement in BHR,' Vincent Zhou, a spokesman for China Molybdenum, said in a statement. A White House spokesman told the Times that President Biden has not been made aware of his son's connection to the sale. The president has often faced backlash for Biden's dealings with Chines and Ukrainian companies through banks, lobbies and investment firms. The necessity for cobalt by American companies was made even more vital after the president signed an executive order in August outlining a goal to have electric and other zero-emissions vehicles make up half of the new cars and trucks sold in the U.S. by 2030. The 50 percent goal is nonbinding and mostly symbolic, but it sets the expectation for U.S. automakers to begin the transition from building gas-powered vehicles to electric ones. It includes battery electric, plug-in hybrid electric, or fuel cell electric vehicles. Biden also included the first-ever national network of electric vehicle charging stations in his $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill.
On Sun, 21 Nov 2021 19:11:23 -0500 grarpamp <> wrote:
Rumors suggest Joe Biden
Donald Trump: 'I probably identify more as Democrat'
Joe Biden & The Disappearing Elephant: How To Make A Full-Sized Scandal Vanish In Front Of An Audience Of Millions
Psaki Snaps When Pressed On Hunter Biden's 'Laptop From Hell' During Monday's White House press briefing, Jen Psaki snapped when the New York Post's Steven Nelson asked her to comment on the authenticity of Hunter Biden's notorious "laptop from hell". He began by asking about President Biden's son's shady investments in China state-owned entitities: "Shortly after President Biden’s virtual meeting with the Chinese president, the first son’s attorney said that he has finally divested from a Chinese investment fund controlled by state-owned entities, I was hoping you could commit to basic transparency about that transaction including the name of the buyer, the dollar amount, and the timing," Nelson calmly introduced. Psaki did not like being asked about Hunter Biden’s laptop — The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) December 6, 2021 Psaki's face began to grimace and then quickly turned to a scowl, especially as the journalist wasn't content to allow her to so easily dodge the question. The reporter continued: "The second question is my colleague Miranda Devine has a new book out called 'The Laptop From Hell', and I was hoping that you could confirm that the laptop is indeed authentic and not Russian disinformation as you seemed to suggest on Twitter last year." As recently as a couple months ago, Psaki has been sticking by her initial assessment that the Hunter Biden scandal, including emails recovered from the discarded laptop, is but "Russian disinformation". But given the definitive reporting and confirmation of its authenticity contained in Devine's book, it appears she's publicly backed off that line - and now refusing to comment directly. An irate Psaki shot back in Monday's exchange: "The president’s son is not an employee of the federal government. So I’d point you to his representatives." She seemed more angry at the reporter himself for daring to broach the topic. Oh man, @PressSec did NOT like this question about Hunter Biden's "laptop from hell" 🔥🔥🔥 — Bongino Report (@BonginoReport) December 6, 2021 Things got heated as NYPost's Nelson objected and pointed out that wasn't her tune in 2020 when she floated the Russian disinformation response. "As it relates to the book, I’ve neither had the time nor interest in exploring or reading the book," Psaki dismissed while trying to engage another reporter in the press pool. In the last 18 months, US political discourse has been mass-censored over significant issues based on 2 lies: 1) The Biden email archive was "Russian disinformation." 2) The Science™ had proven COVID was zoonotic rather than from a lab. Both lies led to widespread repression. — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) December 5, 2021 Psaki angrily said, "I think I answered your question. You can go to the representative of the person who’s not an employee of the federal government."
Joe Biden & The Disappearing Elephant: How To Make A Full-Sized Scandal Vanish In Front Of An Audience Of Millions
Psaki Snaps When Pressed On Hunter Biden's 'Laptop From Hell'
Corrupt CIA Defrauded the 2020 Elections... Biden laptop and family corruption blowing up... More files released on top of earlier downloadable copies... US Democrats Clinton Obama Biden Media Tech LeftProgDem Oligarchs the biggest conspiracy sequence of fraudulent election orchestration ever in American history... High Crimes and Misdemeanors against the Public and the Nation... CIA Officer Who Signed Hunter Biden Laptop Letter Claims Credit For Trump Loss One of the former CIA officers who signed a letter claiming stories about a laptop allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden were disinformation says he helped swing the 2020 election from former President Donald Trump. “I take special pride in personally swinging the election away from Trump,” John Sipher, who served for decades as a senior operations officer at the CIA, wrote in a recent post on Twitter. “I lost the election for Trump? Well then I fell [sic] pretty good about my influence,” he also wrote. Hunter Biden attends his father Joe Biden's inauguration as the 46th President of the United States on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Jan. 20, 2021. (Jonathan Ernst/Pool/Reuters) Sipher and 50 other former U.S. intelligence officials signed the letter on Oct. 19, 2020, alleging that the effort to distribute its contents “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation,” despite not knowing whether the laptop was legitimate. The letter was the core of a story from Politico that claimed the New York Post story on the laptop was “Russian disinformation.” The Post was the first to report on emails on the laptop, which was dropped off at a computer repair store and never picked up by then-candidate Joe Biden’s son, according to the store’s owner. While the FBI picked up the computer and a hard drive from the owner, the bureau’s apparent inaction in probing the matter prompted him to pass on a copy of the hard drive to a lawyer representing former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who in turn passed it on to the Post. The Oct. 14, 2020, story about the emails came as some voters were still deciding whether to vote for Biden or Trump. The story was widely questioned by legacy news outlets, suppressed by social media platforms, and claimed to be part of a Russian effort, despite top officials like Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe saying there was no evidence that was the case. Sipher is one of the few former officials who signed the letter to respond to fresh questions about its contents, after more legacy outlets, including Politico, said they’ve confirmed it is legitimate. Sipher got into arguments with former acting DNI Richard Grenell and others on Twitter, where he later said his claims of helping Trump lose were sarcasm. He also write that “the letter didn’t say the laptop was disinformation” but in May 2021 posted a link to the Politico story that did say that. Nick Shapiro, once a top aide to former CIA Director John Brennan—both Shapiro and Brennan signed the missive—and who provided it to Politico, has not responded to requests for comment from The Epoch Times. Most other signers didn’t respond to requests for comment or declined the requests, the Post reported. James Clapper, a former DNI, told the paper that he stands by the statement “made AT THE TIME,” adding that, “I think sounding such a cautionary note AT THE TIME was appropriate.” “The letter explicitly stated that we didn’t know if the emails were genuine, but that we were concerned about Russian disinformation efforts,” added Russ Travers, former acting director of the National Counterterrorism Center. “I spent 25 years as a Soviet/Russian analyst. Given the context of what the Russians were doing at the time (and continue to do—Ukraine being just the latest example), I considered the cautionary warning to be prudent.”
The Media Campaign to Protect Joe Biden Passes the Point of Absurdity TK’s Matt Orfalea spliced together two more montages. A California congressman discovers a new favorite word, while the CIA's former Chief of Staff auditions to become MSNBC's next super-anchor The first, “Adam Schiff Says ‘Kremlin’ a Lot,” is self-explanatory, but no less damning. The California congressman came out of the womb spouting Cold War bromides, and since the beginning of the Trump presidency surpassed even all Russians as the most Russia-focused person on earth. Usually, public figures are taught in Basic Media Training to push out three planned messages per TV appearance irrespective of questions asked. The House Intelligence Chair during the laptop fiasco whittled his message down to an impressive single word: “Kremlin!” We came across this tweet that is worth the price of admission... btw the most 👀 passage from Hurd's book is his evisceration of Adam Schiff notable for a number of reasons -- chief among them, Hurd's reputation for collegiality and rarely calling out Hill colleagues by name — Tim Alberta (@TimAlberta) March 29, 2022 The second video, “Russia Russia Russia,” shows former CIA Chief of Staff Jeremy Bash hammering the message about the laptop looking like a “classic Russian playbook disinformation campaign.” Bash, a signatory to the original “group letter” denouncing the laptop story as having the “classic earmarks of a Russian information operation,” joins the likes of John Brennan, James Clapper, Chuck Rosenberg, Michael Hayden, Frank Figliuzzi, Fran Townsend, Stephen Hall, Samantha Vinograd, Andrew McCabe, Josh Campbell, Asha Rangappa, Phil Mudd, James Gagliano, Jeremy Bash, Susan Hennessey, Ned Price, Rick Francona, Michael Morell, John McLaughlin, John Sipher, Thomas Bossert, Clint Watts, James Baker, Mike Baker, Daniel Hoffman, Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, David Preiss, and Evelyn Farkas as former intelligence or counterintelligence officials who’ve gotten paid on-air contributor jobs, in case you were worried the CIA and FBI were not able to get their message across to the public. Here’s Matt’s (as usual) on-target rip on MSNBC:
On Wed, 30 Mar 2022 01:58:10 -0400 grarpamp <> wrote:
The Media Campaign to Protect Joe Biden Passes the Point of Absurdity
"The vaccine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind," signed, supreme US turd, the trumpo orange monkey. That's all you need to know about a trumpist turd, NATO, jewnazi, anonymous coward like grancrap
You can find links to zipfiles from the laptop drives on the internet, the war room, gnews, hunter biden laptop archive, etc. Some hints from Nov 2020... Matt Gaetz Enters Hunter Biden Laptop Data Into Congressional Record Matt Gaetz Enters Hunter Biden Laptop Data Into Congressional Record Authored by Ken Silva via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), “I seek unanimous consent to enter into the record on this committee the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop, which I am in possession of.” Hunter Biden walks to Marine One on the Ellipse outside the White House in Washington on May 22, 2021. (Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images) This request from Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) briefly brought the House Judiciary Committee to a standstill March 29, before chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) relented and allowed the laptop data to become congressional record—archiving the business deals, pornographic images, and illicit data said to be on the infamous hard drive. Gaetz’s surprise move followed a heated exchange with Bryan Vorndran, the assistant director of the FBI’s cyber division. The Florida representative asked numerous questions about the Hunter Biden laptop, only to have Vorndran profess ignorance to each one. “In December 2019, they turned over the laptop to the FBI. And now you’re telling me as FBI’s assistant director of cyber, you don’t know where this is after it was turned over to you three years ago?” Gaetz asked. “Yes sir, that’s an accurate statement,” Vorndran responded. Gaetz said he found Vorndran’s response shocking. The FBI official argued that investigations into the laptop are not his responsibility. Gaetz then asked whether anyone within the FBI’s cyber division has assessed whether Hunter Biden’s laptop has created a security vulnerability for the country. “We can do this back and forth for the next couple of minutes. I don’t have any information about the Hunter Biden laptop,” Vorndran said. Gaetz pressed further: “But should you? You’re the assistant director of the FBI’s cyber division,” Vorndran said that, according to FBI HR flowcharts, no he should not have any information. But he also declined to say who within the FBI would. Gaetz asked if the FBI would brief Congress on the laptop. Vorndran said he’d relay the request, but was non-committal as to whether a briefing will happen. “Is Congress worthy of such a briefing?” Gaetz asked, referring to Vorndran as the Chris Webber of the FBI—a reference to a basketball player who made a mistake that cost his team the NCAA championship. “So you don’t have it, you don’t know who has it, you don’t know where it is. Earlier this hearing, you were talking about whether you were the Grant Hill or Christian Laetner of the FBI,” Gaetz said. “It sounds like you’re the Chris Webber, trying to call time outs when you don’t have any.” Vorndran appeared to be short of temper by the end of the interchange. “I’m not going to answer that question!” the FBI official said in response to Gaetz’s repeated requests for a briefing. “The invitation says, ‘oversight of the FBI’s cyber division.’” Gaetz then silenced the chamber when he asked to enter the laptop’s contents into the congressional record. Only murmurs could be heard as chairman Nadler consulted with a staffer. “We will object, pending further investigation,” Nadler said. “What’s the basis for objection?” Gaetz asked. “It’s a unanimous consent request, and I object,” Nadler responded. “It may very well be entered into the record after we look into it further.” About 10 minutes later, after another representative questioned Vorndran, Gaetz again motioned to enter the laptop contents into the record. “After consultation with majority staff, I seek unanimous consent to enter into this committee content from, files from, and copies from Hunter Biden’s laptop,” he said. This time, no one objected. Gaetz was also allowed to enter the receipt Hunter Biden allegedly signed at the Mac store. How does the FBI 'lose' a laptop like Hunter Biden's? By Monica Showalter Some things don't make sense. That brings us to some testimony from the FBI's assistant director for cyber-security, who told Congress's Rep. Matt Gaetz that he had no idea where Hunter Biden's laptop, entrusted to FBI custody, actually is. According to the Post Millennial: "Who has it?" Gaetz asked. "I don't know who has it," said [FBI Assistant Director for the Cyber Division Bryan] Vorndran. "What now you're telling me right here is that as the Assistant Director of FBI Cyber, you don't know where this is, after it was turned over to you three years ago?" Gaetz said. "Yes, sir. That's an accurate statement," Vorndran responded. "How are Americans supposed to trust that you can protect us from the next Colonial pipeline if it seems you can't locate a laptop that was given to you three years ago from the First Family, potentially creating vulnerabilities for our country?" Gaetz asked. "Sir, it's not in the purview of my investigative responsibilities," Vorndran said. "But that is shocking that you wouldn't, as the Assistant Director of Cyber, know whether or not there are international business deals, kickbacks, shakedowns, that are on this laptop that would make the First Family suspect to some sort of compromise," said Gaetz. Vorndran should be embarrassed. The whereabouts of this laptop are something he should know. Even if he doesn't have it, he should know who does have it because it's a computer matter that likely affects his job of protecting the country from cyber-attacks. The exchange continues: VORNDRAN: "Sir, as a representative of the FBI cyber program, it is not in the realm of my responsibilities to deal with the questions that you're asking me." GAETZ: "Has anyone at FBI cyber been asked to make assessments whether or not the laptop creates a point of vulnerability?" VORNDRAN: "Sir, we have multiple lines of investigative responsibility in the FBI. They're all available on public source." GAETZ: "I would think you'd know this one. I mean, I would think that if the President's son, who does international business deals, referencing the now-president with the Chinese, with Ukrainians, I mean, have you assessed whether or not the Hunter Biden laptop gives Russia the ability to harm our country?" Now, to try to understand how the Bureau man is arguing it, the guy seemed to be saying he is focused on cyber-attack activity from foreign countries, and the laptop is a domestic political matter. There is plenty going on on the foreign attacks front, and I hope he answered some important questions about Microsoft's charge that China did a major cyber-attack on its servers a year ago, as well as reports that Russia is suspected of cyber-attacks on the Colonial pipeline and America's meat industry. Russia got sanctioned big on the muddy information in that incident, which requires clarity about what the U.S. knows at this point, while China, which clearly was culpable, got no sanctions whatsoever. Does that sound funny? I wrote about that here. There's also the issue of Joe Biden buying China's spyware drones for U.S. national security purposes — which again raises more red flags. It would be nice to know what Assistant Director Vorndran has to say about that. All of these anomalies point to why the Hunter Biden laptop actually is important to U.S. cyber-security and does affect the job of protecting the U.S. from foreign cyber-attacks. Yet Vorndran is amazingly incurious. The Hunter Biden computer clearly shows the Biden family in sexually, legally, druggishly, and financially compromising positions, with significant potential for foreign blackmail. Given that Joe is prominently featured in that laptop as using his political influence as currency for the exchange of cash and political favors, it may well be that China evaded sanctions because of various financial matters cited in the contents of that computer. The same goes for which Russian oligarchs got sanctioned over Ukraine and which ones didn't. On the public credibility front, Vorndran does no better. He told Gaetz that the laptop was not in his investigative bailiwick, but a credible question could be raised as to why not. The influence-peddling cited in the laptop clearly affects his job, making it a lot harder to protect the country from cyber-attacks as certain cyber-attackers evade sanctions and others don't, certain drones get bought from China's spyware outfits and others don't. The fact that the computer, or enough of it, is out there in public and apparently not classified at all might be a factor for the apparent FBI indifference as to its contents — Intelligence Community characters like their information to be entirely secret, and this stuff isn't secret. But it doesn't explain Vorndran's ignorance of the computer's whereabouts. The FBI was entrusted to protect this device as part of its duty to protect evidence, and as evidence goes, this is a whopper. Where the Hunter Biden laptop is is something he should know. His claims that he doesn't know suggest sloppy stewardship or ignorance of Bureau procedures, if not outright lying, which is a distinct possibility, too. The fact that he doesn't "know" ultimately suggests that the Bureau remains a politicized agency, still at the exclusive beck and call of the Democrat party, as a sort of KGB for Democrats — and may well be why the U.S. is so ineffective at countering cyber-attacks, which at last reports are getting bigger and more dangerous than the Colonial pipeline attack, as AT contributor Julio Rivera wrote here. Was he singing for his supper to Joe Biden with this kind of remark? If so, that doesn't make the Bureau look good. Some twitterers have made important observations about this obvious appearance of politicization: Two years later and they don't know where the virus came from, or where Hunter's laptop is, or where all the billions in COVID stimulus went, or how many criminal illegal aliens have crossed into the country, but have no fear, they're going to get to the bottom of Trump's phone. — Rising serpent 🇺🇸 (@rising_serpent) March 29, 2022 Why does the FBI always “lose”, delete or ignore evidence of criminal activity committed by the Democrats [or UniParty], and then make up crimes when none exist to frame their enemies [ie. Russian Collusion Hoax, Gen Flynn, Kavanaugh, etc.]. Is that their true purpose? — Murray 🇺🇸 (@Rothbard1776) March 30, 2022 Hunter Biden’s laptop was probably PG compared to whatever was on Anthony Weiner’s hard drive. Let’s track that one down next. — Murray 🇺🇸 (@Rothbard1776) March 29, 2022 How anyone could argue with these observations is amazing. How indeed does the FBI lose track of something as pivotal as the Hunter Biden laptop? And why does it not seem to care? To Democrats, the press, and the politicized government agencies, it's all about ignoring the issue, and keeping corrupt old Joe Biden and his political influence-peddling machine happy. Why are they doing that?
You can find links to zipfiles from the laptop drives on the internet, the war room, gnews, hunter biden laptop archive, etc.
Some hints from Nov 2020...
WaPo NYT Twitter Media Tech censors and etc all as fraudulent as the CIA FBI coverup and Biden-Dems themselves. Fierce blowback inbound. Laptop From Hell; Hunter Biden, Big Tech, And The Dirty Secrets The President Tried To Hide ( 2021) Miranda Devine There is much more files out there since day one, even more were posted for those following as time went on... (Natural News) Former War Room: Pandemic host Jack Maxey says that Hunter Biden's "laptop from hell" contains damning information about how the Biden crime family is involved with "secret biological projects" in Ukraine. Former War Room Co-Host Jack Maxey who is currently in Switzerland has done a forensic review of the Hunter Biden laptop from Hell, and discovered hundreds of thousands of emails previously not discovered by anyone, as they were hidden on the hard drive. When working with Bannon at the War Room show in 2020, Maxey had received from him for research a copy of the Hunter Biden laptop that Bannon in turn had received from Rudy Giuliani.
Metabiota CDC China... ipfs://QmSnywTXzHJPqnvq54B1RLyV1mcx5Ag8TrTUaxZAgSq8XW Spartacus Letter Former FBI director reportedly gave $100K to Biden grandchildren's trust, emailed Hunter that he'd like to work 'with you and dad' Hunter Biden Drops Conspiracy Theory That Russian Drug Dealers Stole His Laptop Total Missing Hunter laptops: 3 Joe Biden Mandate Doesn't Exist. It's Just a Press Release. Russia MoD exposes Hunter Biden's relation with US bioactivity in Ukraine Daily Mail: "Hunter Biden DID help secure millions in funding for US contractor in Ukraine specializing in deadly pathogen research, laptop emails reveal, raising more questions about the disgraced son of then vice president " Daily Mail: emails show Hunter helped secure millions of dollars of funding for Metabiota, a Department of Defense contractor specializing in research on pandemic-causing diseases These "former intel officials" did not actually say that the “Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo." Indeed, they stressed in their letter the opposite: namely, that they had no evidence to suggest the emails were falsified or that Russia had anything to do them, but, instead, they had merely intuited this "suspicion" based on their experience: We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement -- just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case. Any residual doubts that the Biden archive was genuine — and there should have been none — were shattered when a reporter from Politico, Ben Schreckinger, published a book last September, entitled "The Bidens: Inside the First Family’s Fifty-Year Rise to Power," in which his new reporting proved that the key emails on which The New York Post relied were entirely authentic. Among other things, Schreckinger interviewed several people included in the email chains who provided confirmation that the emails in their possession matched the ones in the Post's archive word for word. He also obtained documents from the Swedish government that were identical to key documents in the archive. His own outlet, Politico, was one of the few to even acknowledge his book. While ignoring the fact that they were the first to spread the lie that the emails were "Russian disinformation,” Politico editors — under the headline “Double Trouble for Biden”— admitted that the book “finds evidence that some of the purported Hunter Biden laptop material is genuine, including two emails at the center of last October’s controversy.” The vital revelations in Schreckinger's book were almost completely ignored by the very same corporate media outlets that published the CIA's now-debunked lies. They just pretended it never happened. Grappling with it would have forced them to acknowledge a fact quite devastating to whatever remaining credibility they have: namely, that they all ratified and spread a coordinated disinformation campaign in order to elect Joe Biden and defeat Donald Trump. With strength in numbers, and knowing that they speak only to and for liberals who are happy if they lie to help Democrats, they all joined hands in an implicit vow of silence and simply ignored the new proof in Schreckinger's book that, in the days leading up to the 2020 election, they all endorsed a disinformation campaign. It will now be much harder to avoid confronting the reality of what they did, though it is highly likely that they will continue to do so. This morning, The New York Times published an article about the broad, ongoing FBI criminal investigation into Hunter Biden's international business and tax activities. Prior to the election, the Times, to their credit, was one of the few to apply skepticism to the CIA's pre-election lie, noting on October 22 that “no concrete evidence has emerged that the laptop contains Russian disinformation.” Because the activities of Hunter Biden now under FBI investigation directly pertain to the emails first revealed by The Post, the reporters needed to rely upon the laptop's archive to amplify and inform their reporting. That, in turn, required The New York Times to verify the authenticity of this laptop and its origins — exactly what, according to their reporters, they successfully did: People familiar with the investigation said prosecutors had examined emails between Mr. Biden, Mr. Archer and others about Burisma and other foreign business activity. Those emails were obtained by The New York Times from a cache of files that appears to have come from a laptop abandoned by Mr. Biden in a Delaware repair shop. The email and others in the cache were authenticated by people familiar with them and with the investigation. That this cache of emails was authentic was clear from the start. Any doubts were obliterated by publication of Schreckinger's book six months ago. Now the Paper of Record itself explicitly states not only that the emails “were authenticated” but also that the original story from The Post about how they obtained these materials — they “come from a laptop abandoned by Mr. Biden in a Delaware repair shop” — “appears” to be true. What this means is that, in the crucial days leading up to the 2020 presidential election, most of the corporate media spread an absolute lie about The New York Post's reporting in order to mislead and manipulate the American electorate. It means that Big Tech monopolies, along with Twitter, censored this story based on a lie from “the intelligence community.” It means that Facebook's promise from its DNC operative that it would suppress discussion of the reporting in order to conduct a "fact-check” of these documents was a fraud because if an honest one had been conducted, it would have proven that Facebook’s censorship decree was based on a lie. It means that millions of Americans were denied the ability to hear about reporting on the candidate leading all polls to become the next president, and instead were subjected to a barrage of lies about the provenance (Russia did it) and authenticity (disinformation!) of these documents Whatever else is true, both the CIA/media disinformation campaign in the weeks before the 2020 election and the resulting regime of brute censorship imposed by Big Tech are of historic significance. Democrats and their new allies in the establishment wing of the Republican Party may be more excited by war in Ukraine than the subversion of their own election by the unholy trinity of the intelligence community, the corporate press, and Big Tech. But today's admission by The New York Times that this archive and the emails in it were real all along proves that a gigantic fraud was perpetrated by the country's most powerful institutions. What matters far more than the interest level of various partisan factions is the core truths about U.S. democracy revealed by this tawdry spectacle.
Biden family laptop metabiota corruption 10% Biden naked blackmail Biden naked blackmail 10% CUT OF THE BIZ FOR "THE BIG GUY" JOE BIDEN
Donald J Trump won the US 2020 Presidential Election These "new" laptop datasets that the media is starting to drool over, and that the Biden-Left is in deep silent panic over... have been publicly available for very long time now, since day one actually... but very few bothered to look or ask, and none journo'd it. A shame really. People did try really hard to get it exposed, and got fucked. 450GB Of 'Deleted' Hunter Biden Laptop Material To Be Released Within Weeks Sen. Ron Johnson voiced concern about the "complicity in corruption" of the mainstream media, federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies related to the Hunter Biden laptop scandal on Eric Metaxas Radio Show Maria Piacesi Metabiota "I was not involved with anything. -- Joe Biden" "Hunter... Your Dad's Delaware tax refund check came today. I am depositing it in his account. -- Rosemont Seneca" A whistleblower who's fled the United States for Switzerland has vowed to drop '450 gigabytes of deleted material' from Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop, which he says he also gave the the Washington Post, New York Times, and Sen. Chuck Grassley - all of whom he says sat on it for months. For the past two weeks, former Steve Bannon War Room co-host Jack Maxey has been hiding in Zurich, where he told the Daily Mail he's been working with IT experts to dig more data from Hunter's 'laptop from hell,' and that he'll post it all online in a searchable database in the coming weeks. Maxey says the data includes 80,000 images and videos, and more than 120,000 archived emails. "I came here so that we could do a forensic examination of Hunter's laptop safely in a country that still respects human liberty and the ideals of liberal democratic principles," he told the Mail. "I do not believe this would have been possible inside the United States. We had numerous attempts on us from trying to do things like this there." Maxey said that after contacting about the laptop last year, black suburban SUVs appeared outside his house, and former US intelligence officer friends he shared copies with told him they received strange calls. 'I showed this to a friend of mine in desperation in February [2021] because nobody would listen to me. No news organizations would take it. In fact, the very first major news organization to take it was the Daily Mail,' he said. 'Very dear friends of mine, the sharp tip of the spear, were making welfare calls to me every day, basically to see if I was still alive.' -Daily Mail One former intelligence agency senior staffer allegedly told Maxey after he received the hard drive two years ago "If you don't release enough of this, so that they know you can release all of it, I'm telling you brother, you're a dead man." Jack Maxey After receiving this advice, he began posting caches of emails and other material from the laptop on various file sharing sites - only to find the links removed within an hour. "There were five drop boxes: two in the United States, one in New Zealand, two in the UK. All the same drop boxes in which they tell us child pornography is shared around the globe without any consequence because they can't look at it," he said, adding: "These are all Five Eyes countries, English speaking countries in an intelligence sharing agreement. And they were all ripped down." "So this means that our intelligence services, who still have not even acknowledged that they have Hunter Biden's laptop, were obviously diligently doing cache searches across the internet to find out if any of this stuff was being released. That should terrify every single decent person in the West." Emails between Hunter and Eric Schwerin, his business partner at consultancy Rosemont Seneca, show Schwerin was working on Joe's taxes. The emails were recovered from Hunter's laptop According to Maxey, he went to Switzerland because they are home to the only file sharing site that didn't nuke the laptop files - Swiss Transfer. The former Bannon podcast co-host said he is livid at the FBI, who he believes slow-walked their investigation into Hunter and failed to enter the laptop they received from Mac Isaac into evidence for months. According to the New York Times, files from the laptop are now part of the evidence in Hunter's federal prosecution for alleged tax fraud, money laundering and illegal foreign lobbying. Among the files on the laptop are a raft of emails and documents showing Hunter's dealings with Burisma, a Ukrainian gas firm that became the center of Trump's first impeachment in December 2019. The then-president was accused of pushing Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky to announce investigations into the Bidens and Burisma for alleged corruption. -Daily Mail "The FBI had this on the ninth of December 2019," said Maxey. "'I suppose the first person betrayed was a sitting US president in an impeachment hearing, when the FBI had the exculpatory evidence in their hands to have that end instantly, and they did nothing." "The second group of people to be betrayed were all of the Democratic candidates in the spring primaries that year," he continued. "The American people were utterly betrayed, because I guarantee you that Joe Biden couldn't run for dog catcher if the American people knew about this laptop."
Donald J Trump won the US 2020 Presidential Election
From Bias Lies Censorship of Democrat-Socialist owned Fake News Media, Big Tech, Social Media, more than did it, to...
@ericmetaxas The soon-to-be-released film 2000 MULES gives us flat-out proof that the 2020 election was stolen. There is no way around it. What we as a nation do about that is on us. But we must at least stop pretending Joe Biden was elected. Truth matters. Be a truth-teller AZ State Senator Sonny Borrelli: Unmonitored Dropboxes Revealed Over 733,000 Unaccounted for Ballots in Maricopa County’s 2020 Election (VIDEO) True the Vote also uses a international database called ACLED which is funded by law enforcement agencies from around the world. This Armed Conflict Location and Event Data is a list of device ID’s (phones) that show up at violent protests worldwide. The data shows 14 devices that were involved with WI ballot harvesting for the Nov. 3rd 2020 election were also involved in one or more of the violent riots in Wisconsin in May, June, August, and October of 2020. True The Vote’s entire two hour WI presentation can be seen here. Sen. Ted Cruz to Biden nominee to the FEC: "As an officer of the court, you were willing to put your name on a legal pleading alleging that the machines used in Georgia in 2018 were switching votes illegally from one candidate to another. Is that correct?" Dara Lindenbaum: "Yes"
450GB Of 'Deleted' Hunter Biden Laptop Material To Be Released Within Weeks
Youtube censorbanned it, see... 2013: Joe met with Hunter’s Chinese business partner Li. 10 days later, Hunter inked a $1.5B deal with Chinese execs. 2017: Joe wrote a rec for Li’s son. If you still don’t think “big guy” Joe discussed Hunter's dealings, I’ve got a bridge to sell you Jen Psaki REFUSES to say if Joe Biden wrote a college letter of recommendation for the son Hunter Biden's Chinese business partner JEN PSAKI: Hunter and Joe “were not office mates” HUNTER: Have a key made for Joe Biden — one of my “new office mates” More corrupt Democrats... Panic Crack dealer begets Crack baby Someone just paged "Laptop From Hell" at Palm Beach International airport. Biden wrote college recommendation letter for Hunter's Chinese business partner, emails reveal. Biden has repeatedly said that he didn't discuss Hunter's business ventures with his son. @SebGorka A Federal Judge found Matthew Martin NOT GUILTY of all January 6 charges because the police officers let him into the Capitol. Can’t trespass if you have a police escort. John Durham says in new court filing that Clinton campaign, DNC and Fusion GPS are withholding documents pertinent to Sussmann case by citing a dubious attorney-client privilege claim. Fusion GPS withheld 1,455 docs, but only 18 involved a lawyer. Joe Biden bribing trying to buy his imported voter bloc, next up, preferential hiring housing citizenship schemes for imports... Psaki Confirms Joe Biden is Giving Illegal Aliens Free (Taxpayer-Funded) Smartphones Jen Psaki says "now is not the time" for illegal immigrants to come to the United States. Yet Biden is giving them free phones and letting them all stay “The AG's findings of failures, fraud, and potential misconduct during the 2020 election in Maricopa County are not surprising, given the lack of compliance and cooperation Maricopa County elections officials displayed from the start.” @GovRonDeSantis No one should be denied the choice to have family present in the hospital. Today, I signed the No Patient Left Alone Act into law to protect the right of Floridians to have companionship when hospitalized. Floridians will be able to visit their loved ones when it matters most. "For the record, you favor HHS' funding being [used for] sex reassignment surgeries on minors?" BIDEN'S HHS SECRETARY: Yes Biden says he was a practicing “professor” at the University of Pennsylvania. Biden was paid $1 million, but never taught a single class.
Youtube censorbanned it, see...
... who was brave enough to post hot and censored things..."aHQgTG4rGj8"
Donald J Trump won the US 2020 Presidential Election
From Bias Lies Censorship of Democrat-Socialist owned Fake News Media, Big Tech, Social Media, more than did it, to...
@ericmetaxas The soon-to-be-released film 2000 MULES gives us flat-out proof that the 2020 election was stolen. There is no way around it. What we as a nation do about that is on us. But we must at least stop pretending Joe Biden was elected. Truth matters. Be a truth-teller
AZ State Senator Sonny Borrelli: Unmonitored Dropboxes Revealed Over 733,000 Unaccounted for Ballots in Maricopa County’s 2020 Election
Documentary... Rigged 2020: Zuckerberg's Election Plot to Defraud America Rigged 2020: Zuckerberg's Plot The Washington Times Biden got 255,000 ‘excess’ votes in fraud-tainted swing states in 2020, study finds President Biden received hundreds of thousands of “excess” votes in Democratic-controlled areas in the 2020 election, according to an academic study on voter fraud that suggests the push to relax voti...
On Sun, 10 Apr 2022 01:56:21 -0400 grarpamp <> wrote:
lawl - an endless flood of trumpofascist shit-fake-news... But let's assume for amusement's sake that there was 'fraud' - and in that case, it turns out that the trumponazis were unable to even begin to prove that there was fraud. Which means, they are infinitely inept. And those same infinitely inept, non-human turds who couldn't prove even a single case of fraud, want to rule the universe. Yeah, it doesn't add up.
Donald J Trump won the US 2020 Presidential Election
From Bias Lies Censorship of Democrat-Socialist owned Fake News Media, Big Tech, Social Media, more than did it, to...
@ericmetaxas The soon-to-be-released film 2000 MULES gives us flat-out proof that the 2020 election was stolen. There is no way around it. What we as a nation do about that is on us. But we must at least stop pretending Joe Biden was elected. Truth matters. Be a truth-teller
AZ State Senator Sonny Borrelli: Unmonitored Dropboxes Revealed Over 733,000 Unaccounted for Ballots in Maricopa County’s 2020 Election
Rigged 2020: Zuckerberg's Election Plot to Defraud America Rigged 2020: Zuckerberg's Plot
Hoaxed, a documentary, Everything They Told You Was a Lie... The Plot Against The President
Donald J Trump won the US 2020 Presidential Election
From Bias Lies Censorship of Democrat-Socialist owned Fake News Media, Big Tech, Social Media, more than did it, to...
@ericmetaxas The soon-to-be-released film 2000 MULES gives us flat-out proof that the 2020 election was stolen. There is no way around it. What we as a nation do about that is on us. But we must at least stop pretending Joe Biden was elected. Truth matters. Be a truth-teller
AZ State Senator Sonny Borrelli: Unmonitored Dropboxes Revealed Over 733,000 Unaccounted for Ballots in Maricopa County’s 2020 Election
Rigged 2020: Zuckerberg's Election Plot to Defraud America Rigged 2020: Zuckerberg's Plot
Democrats and Unaffiliated Voters Who Saw ‘2000 Mules’ Recommend All Americans Watch the Film The film ‘2000 Mules,’ a documentary on voter fraud in the 2020 election directed by Dinesh D’Souza, is winning over those Democrats...
Disney Corp caught up in some well deserved drama, meanwhile back to Biden Family Democrat Propaganda 101... Hunter's Laptop Is "Totally Irrelevant" Now That It's Been Validated: Atlantic Journo "Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to attend a fire prevention speech delivered by an arsonist? Or perhaps a child safety seminar led by a pedophile? Well, that’s exactly what it felt like Wednesday during the University of Chicago’s “Conference on Disinformation and Erosion of Democracy,” featuring some of the greatest promulgators of disinformation and illiberalism in American history." -The Federalist Self-proclaimed arbiters of 'disinformation' from CNN and The Atlantic made fools out of themselves this week, after college freshmen at the University of Chicago asked several bombshell questions that went largely unanswered. The event - opened by former President Barack Obama (whose administration used a fabricated hoax dossier filled with literal Russian disinformation to spy on the Trump campaign) - was moderated by former Obama adviser David Axelrod. Hunter's Laptop As Jonathan Turley notes, It appears that some media have a new narrative after admitting that the Hunter Biden laptop is legitimate after all. According to Atlantic Magazine writer and Pulitzer Prize winner Anne Applebaum, the story never did matter because it was just not interesting and “totally irrelevant” to her. Strangely, however, it once did. Applebaum pushed the false narrative as she was slamming others for publishing “Russian disinformation” and using the Hunter Biden story as an example. It only became uninteresting when it turned out to be true. WATCH The Atlantic’s @anneapplebaum refuse to answer @RealDSchmidt's🔥🔥 question about Hunter Biden’s laptop during @UChicago’s “Disinformation and the Erosion of Democracy” conference! — The Chicago Thinker (@ThinkerChicago) April 6, 2022 So, if the Biden family was engaged in selling access to foreign interests, it really has nothing to do with the President of the United States. It is not interesting that there are references to Joe Biden’s knowledge or involvement and possible benefitting from the millions passing through his son. It does not matter that Hunter is shown telling his daughter Naomi: “I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years. It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike Pop [Joe], I won’t make you give me half your salary.” (read the rest from Turley here) * * * Next, we have a student absolutely savaging CNN's Brian Stelter - whose answer consisted of deflection and an empty offer to 'come over and discuss' (off camera). HOLY SHLIT Brian Stelter just got destroyed by a college freshman Dunk after dunk after dunk — Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) April 7, 2022 More on misinformation. As The Federalist's Evita Duffy writes: During his Wednesday address, Obama self-righteously claimed that “You have to fight to provide people [with] the information they need to be free and self-governing.” The catch is, who gets to decide which information is good and which information is bad? Obama does. Or, at least, he thinks he and his partisan peers are the special “chosen ones” who should decide what is “disinformation.” Let’s take a look at the specific “disinformation” Obama is concerned about. “In our society, you have currently roughly 40 percent of the country that appears convinced that the current president was elected fraudulently and that the election was rigged,” Obama told his audience, making no mention of the fact that larger percentages of Democrats believed the same thing after 2016. Americans are entirely justified in questioning the results of the 2020 election. Tech oligarch Mark Zuckerberg spent $419 million to interfere in key states’ election processes. At the same time, Big Tech consistently censored conservative thought leaders. The corporate media, Democrats, and Big Tech all conspired to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop scandal. And we now know that 16 percent of Biden voters say they would not have voted for Biden had they learned about Hunter’s laptop before election day. (read the rest here) * * * And so, when the left's feet are held to the fire - Hunter's Laptop 'isn't relevant' and CNN's establishment propaganda is just fine, as long as it furthers the interests of the uniparty. Carry on.
Over 150 Suspicious Hunter Or James Biden Financial Transactions Flagged By Banks Newly obtained banking records reveal that more than 150 financial transactions involving either Hunter or James Biden's global business affairs were flagged by banks as 'concerning' and given further review, some of which included large wire transfers, according to CBS News. FILE: Joe Biden, left, and his brother James Biden during the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver. Rick Friedman/Corbis via Getty Images CBS News has learned that +150 transactions involving either Hunter or James Biden’s global business affairs were flagged as concerning by U.S. banks for further review. @ChuckGrassley spoke exclusively @CBS_Herridge about newly public bank records. — Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) April 6, 2022 As we've noted several times throughout the past 18 months, Joe Biden's brother James and Hunter Biden's international dealings have raised concern over potential leverage over the Biden family by the CCP and other foreign entities. A few examples: Chinese Money Launderer Called James Biden After FBI Arrest, Was Trying To Reach Hunter FBI Raids Business Tied To James Biden Influence-Peddling Is It Time For A Special Counsel On The Hunter Biden Scandal? "We have people with the Biden name, dealing with Chinese business people that have a relationship to the Communist Party," Sen. Chuck Grassley, the ranking Republican on the Judiciary Committee, told CBS News' Catherine Herridge. "I think James Biden was very much a part of this." Based on primary source bank records, Republican Senator @ChuckGrassley tells @CBSNews he believes the president’s brother James was instrumental in Hunter Biden’s Chinese business ventures, @CBS_Herridge reports. — Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) April 7, 2022 Bank records released by Republican senators this week indicate James Biden's company, the Lion Hall Group, received payments from a Chinese-financed consulting group in 2018, before his brother Joe announced he was running for president. Grassley says that same year James Biden and the president's son, Hunter, received monthly retainers totaling $165,000 — $100,000 to Hunter and $65,000 to James. Grassley said his team obtained the records directly from the bank where the consulting group did business. He has spent three years investigating and described James and Hunter Biden's business dealings as "very concerning." -CBS News According to a September 2020 report from GOP Senators, Hunter, James and James' wife Sara tapped into a credit line set up between Hunter and a Chinese bank executive to purchase over $100,000 in airline tickets, hotels and food. Patrick Ho, Hunter Biden Now, GOP investigators have released what appears to be the 2017 application for the credit line, which bears the signatures of both Hunter and the Chinese exec. "These records we got are the first records that have ever been made public on this issue. Nobody else has them," said Grassley. According to Robert Weissman, president of advocacy group Public Citizen, told CBS: "I think Hunter and James Biden should not have entered into those relationships, full stop," adding "To the extent those occurred while Joe Biden was the vice president, there's a worry that they hope to get something direct from the Obama administration." Fortunately for Hunter and James, the White House won't rule out pardons in the event their international dealings, or tax issues, or FARA status, prove to be illegal. In Dec. 2020, Politico reported that the Hunter Biden criminal investigation covers potential money laundering, while CNN also reported at the time that the feds had been looking into a 2017 gift to Hunter from CEFC China Energy Co. founder Ye Jianming. And to recap from our previous reporting on the matter - in November, 2017, James Biden received a surprise call on his cellphone from Patrick Ho, Ye Jianming's lieutenant who was arrested by the FBI (and is now serving a 36-month sentence for bribery and money laundering), according to a December, 2018 report by the New York Times. According to James, the call was meant for Hunter. James Biden, a financier and brother of the former vice president, was in a hotel lobby in November 2017 when he got a surprise call on his cellphone. The call was from Patrick Ho, Mr. Ye’s lieutenant. Mr. Ho, 69, was in trouble. Federal agents who had monitored CEFC’s rise since at least the summer of 2016 had sprung into action, arresting Mr. Ho in New York on allegations that he had bribed African officials in Chad and Uganda. Days later, federal agents showed up at Mr. Ye’s luxury apartment building across from Central Park with a subpoena to interview Mr. Ye, said people familiar with the matter. ... In a brief interview, James Biden said he had been surprised by Mr. Ho’s call. He said he believed it had been meant for Hunter Biden, the former vice president’s son. James Biden said he had passed on his nephew’s contact information. -NYT In July of 2019, Hunter confessed to the New Yorker that he had accepted the 2.8 carat diamond worth at least ten thousand dollars, which he insisted wasn't a bribe - before admitting that he and his father Joe had in fact discussed his business dealings. Hunter offered to use his contacts to help identify investment opportunities for Ye’s company, CEFC China Energy, in liquefied-natural-gas projects in the United States. After the dinner, Ye sent a 2.8-carat diamond to Hunter’s hotel room with a card thanking him for their meeting. “I was, like, Oh, my God,” Hunter said. (In Kathleen’s court motion, the diamond is estimated to be worth eighty thousand dollars. Hunter said he believes the value is closer to ten thousand.) When I asked him if he thought the diamond was intended as a bribe, he said no: “What would they be bribing me for? My dad wasn’t in office.” -New Yorker As Eric Trump recently said, "If I did 1/100 of what Hunter Biden did, I’d be in jail for the rest of my life." "If I Did 1/100 Of What Hunter Biden Did, I’d Be In Jail For The Rest Of My Life": Eric Trump There are no “equal scales of justice” in the United States, and the mainstream media has been covering up for the Biden family, according to Eric Trump, the second son of former President Donald Trump. “Based on their approval rating, [the mainstream media] is really damaged because they’ve got 7 percent approval rating in this country. It’s horrible. People don’t trust them anymore,” Eric Trump told NTD’s “Capitol Report” over the weekend. Eric Trump at the Stop the Steal rally in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021. (Jenny Jing/The Epoch Times) In October 2021, a Gallup poll showed that only 7 percent of adult Americans have “a great deal” of trust in the media. Combined with 29 percent “a fair amount” of trust, they represent the second-lowest confidence level since Gallup first tracked such data in 1972. Another 29 percent of the public has “not very much” trust, and 34 percent have “none at all.” “If I did 1/100 of what Hunter Biden did, I’d be in jail for the rest of my life,” said Eric, the executive vice president of the Trump Organization. Hunter Biden, the sole surviving son of President Joe Biden, has been involved in controversy for years, particularly concerning his business dealings while his father was vice president. Hunter Biden made $50,000 a month as a board member for Ukraine-based Burisma while his father was charged by Obama with helping improve the country’s governmental practices. On March 28 and 29, Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) released bank records showing payments were made to Hunter Biden from a Chinese Communist Party-linked company. “The evidence is stunning, and it is growing,” said Johnson. The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware has been investigating Hunter Biden for his possible tax fraud, according to the younger Biden. Later last year, a New York art gallery helped Hunter Biden sell his artwork. The arrangement was criticized in a CNN interview with Walter Shaub, the Obama administration’s Government Ethics Office director, as setting a precedent that is “perfect for funneling bribes.” Hunter Biden (L) embraces his father, President-elect Joe Biden, in Wilmington, Del., on Nov. 7, 2020. (Andrew Harnik/Pool/AP Photo) “The mainstream media hasn’t mentioned Hunter Biden’s name in 258 days. There’s a serious problem with that. They let him skirt by. They carry Joe Biden’s water,” Eric Trump said. According to media watchdog NewsBusters, the corporate media didn’t mention Hunter Biden from July 12, 2021—when NBC talked about the ethics of his art sale—until March 16, 2022, when The New York Times admitted the authenticity of his laptop. On March 30, The Washington Post confirmed the laptop story as well. When the New York Post first reported on Hunter Biden’s laptop in October 2020, the mainstream media overwhelmingly discredited the report. Some social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, quickly suppressed the report. Twitter locked the newspaper’s account for more than two weeks. Eric Trump said the corporate media has been covering up for Hunter’s father Joe Biden as well. He said if his father had said 1/100 of the “stupid things” Biden said, the media and the left would call for implementing Article 25 of the Constitution to remove the president. The elder Biden has been frequently caught uttering gaffes during his public appearances. “But again, they’re on that side, and they’ll do anything to cover up for him and let him get away with just about anything under the sun,” said Eric. “You don’t have equal scales of justice in this country. You don’t have equal media coverage. The media is the propaganda wing of the left-wing party. And I think that [has] become very clear to all Americans.” Hunter Biden has acknowledged his actions didn’t look good but denied doing anything wrong. President Biden has repeatedly defended his son. On April 3, White House chief of staff Ron Klain said President Biden believes that his son didn’t break the law. “The president is confident that his family did the right thing,” Klain told ABC. “But again, I want to just be really clear: these are actions by Hunter and his brother, they’re private matters, they don’t involve the president. And they certainly are something that no one at the White House is involved in.” Tony Bobulinski #SinoHawk Bobulinski interview Tucker John Paul Mac Isaac Laptop
Joe Biden & The Disappearing Elephant: How To Make A Full-Sized Scandal Vanish In Front Of An Audience Of Millions
None of the reporting on Corrupt Biden has yet been disproven, nor so much as denied and challenged. There are even archive files of a lot of the laptop email and files available for those who search it. The Biden family bagged $31 million from just five deals in China - all inked with individuals who have direct ties to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence, claims author Perter Schweizer in his new book, Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win. As Breitbart News reports, "Multiple financiers with direct ties to Chinese intelligence partnered with Hunter Biden during and after his father’s time as Vice President — including the former head of the Ministry of State Security and the head of foreign intelligence recruitment — and some of those relationships remain intact," according to Schweizer. The book outlines how Beijing sought a financial relationship with the Bidens as a method of "elite capture," which led to meetings between Hunter Biden and high-level Chinese financiers, as well as the CCP, in order to exert leverage over the powerful family. One of the central early players in the Bidens’ Chinese deals is a tycoon by the name of Che Feng, or “The Super Chairman,” as Hunter and his partners referred to him. Che, the son of a PLA soldier, has been described in Western media as “a shadowy and discreet investor,” whose father-in-law was the governor of the People’s Bank of China, and whose business partner was the Vice Minister of State Security, a man by the name of Ma Jian. Schweizer writes that Ma was reportedly the director of the ministry’s No. 8 Bureau, overseeing North American operations targeting foreigners with its counterintelligence apparatus. -Breitbart "The hazard of a Chinese businessman with close ties to the top ranks of Beijing’s spy agency conducting financial transactions with the son of the U.S. vice president cannot be overstated. How this did not set off national security or ethics alarm bells in Washington is a wonder in itself," writes Schweizer, who added that the Super Chairman's role was to "fuse Chinese financial might to those with access to the highest levels of power in the Western world," which led to the foundation of Bohai Harvest Trust (BHR) - which was "funded by China’s biggest government-backed financial institutions" with the Bidens and their American partners. The Super Chairman also introduced the Bidens to Zhao Xuejun (aka Henry Zhao), a former CCP general secretary at Harvest Fund Management. Zhao also owned "Harvest Global Investments," co-founded with the daughter-in-law of a member of the Politburo Standing Committee at the time, Jia Liqing. Her father, Jia Chunwang, is the former minister of state security, "in charge of secret service, espionage, and domestic and overseas intelligence work." Harvest Global Investments wired $5 million to another Hunter Biden business called Burnham, according to the book. "There is no one more powerful in the world of Chinese intelligence," Schweizer writes. "The seductive and lucrative deal that Hunter was now putting into place, creating BHR, involved two financiers with ties to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence, a billion-dollar private equity deal that we first exposed in Secret Empires. What we now know are the roles played by the spy-connected ‘Super Chairman’ and Zhao." "According to Michael Lin, another Chinese partner, Hunter’s role in the venture was pretty straightforward: ‘Open as many doors as possible in the western world for this very famous Bohai professional team.’ There was also the expectation that Hunter and his partners would ‘join some of the meetings in HK and China they arrange’ when communicating with possible financial partners."
On Monday, October 19, 2020, 09:04:41 AM PDT, grarpamp <> wrote: On 10/18/20, jim bell <> wrote:
Am I right that this is an emergency situation? For the Democrats... yes... Bidens, Clintons, Obama, News and Social Media Heads... they're all done. Adios pendejos ;)
Yes, I saw that. It's hilarious that Schiff (and the other Democrats) are trying to push the "more Russia disinformation" story. A typical hard drive of a laptop computer will contain hundreds of gigabytes of potentially-verifiable information, all of which would have to be created somehow to make a believable fake. Even if somebody got hold of a genuine computer owned and used by Hunter Biden, adding faked material to it would be amazingly difficult. What's the current status on the NSA copying emails to/from foreign nations? Any challenged email either exists in that archive, or it doesn't.
From that cite: "Ratcliffe is 100% correct," the senior intelligence official told Fox News. "There is no intelligence at this time to support Chairman Schiff's statement that recent stories on Biden's foreign business dealings are part of a smart campaign that 'comes from the Kremlin.' Numerous foreign adversaries are seeking to influence American politics, policies, and media narratives. They don't need any help from politicians who spread false information under the guise of intelligence." [end of quote]
The most telling thing is the reaction (or, mostly, the LACK of reaction) from the Biden camp. If the laptop was theirs, why not admit it now? The FBI should admit they've had it since December 2019: Why didn't they either confirm its apparent genuineness, or establish that it's a forgery? This inexplicable delay screams "Deep State!!!" Jim Bell
On Sun, Oct 18, 2020 at 10:10:52AM -0400, grarpamp wrote: Biden Pedo China Tipoff "Vote Early" Hard Drive Blackmail FBI Grand Jury
Lude, the Chinese orator/ vlogger who released this piece, has a samewhat melodic voice, which can be heard even through his tinny microphone and echo-ey room. I usually find Chinese speaking voices to be less than "enjoyable" to listen to, so no doubt if Lude had a decent mic and some EQ to boost his bass tones, and a perhaps a little compression (although it seems his voice is good enough that he doesn't really need compression) then he might easily be top tier vocal broadcast sound.
I care more about leaks than politics, but I wish they weren't political because I love the environment more than my mother, for incredibly good reasons. On Fri, Sep 4, 2020, 6:20 PM grarpamp <> wrote:
A bit of factual fun today...
FOIA: Nakey Gropey Rapey Joe Biden Judicial Watch Files Suit after Secret Service Admits to Destroying Records Related to Alleged Biden Altercation with Secret Service Agent Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security Case# 1:20-cv-02457 Creepy Joe Biden Pheromone Sniffing Compilation Harris Believes Biden's Rape Accusers
Joe Rogan Calls Out Joe Biden Dementia, and Unhinged Authoritarian Prosecutor Kamala Harris Joe Biden's Dementia Strugglefest Joe Biden Mentally Compromised, Grandpa Style Joe Biden "You Aint Black", Racist, Creepy, Mental Rage, Career Unfitness Exposed Kamala Harris Conveniently Forgets to Believe In Biden's Rape Accusers to Secure Self As VP Pick Kamala Harris on Prosecuting Single Moms, Censorship Desire, Prison Labor, Fights Innocence Project, Puppet Biden Protip: A Prosecutor in the White House... will prosecute YOU!!!
Joe Biden the Teleprompter Puppet Oopsie :) Leg Hair and Cockroaches... WTF?! "End of quote" Biden hand jestures for his minders Twin Brothas call out weak prompts Script fail Put that prompter back on "Top line message" Flubs it in NH Compilation Forgets where his mask is Trump calls out Biden Biden racist drops N-Bombs Lots of... Intercourse You so cringe bro Oh no, wait, what, OMG Joe, noooooo!
Intermission... Molyneux on Violent Communist Marxist Indoctrinal Censoring Left
Joe Biden Has Brain Aneurysms... Cannot Handle Stress of Presidential Office*/ Podcast version of article Campaign Outs Biden suffered two brain aneurysms during his failed bid for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1988. "You know, is this guy going to wake up at 3 in the morning to take a phone call? Is this guy going to be capable of doing that?" -- Trump Campaign TWI1EJEyxDQ Biden's own words from 2013... "We don't know" Some events quoted in Liberal Privilege
Joe Biden Takes Knee Twice in Wilmington,DE June 2020 Under Guise of "Picture Taking" and "On Childs Level" Joe Biden Takes Knee June 2020, Did not stop "Stop and Frisk" either thus a liar, More Dementia Pauses
Democratic Party Assumes and Shows their Natural Position During Difficult Situations... Down On Their Knees Begging in Costumes, Instead of Leading... Next up re Future Calamity and War: Fetal Sobbing
Trump: Naw fuck all that, just be honest and direct with people... "grab em by the pussy". The Trump Digital Activist Army says... MAGA ;)
On 9/22/20, Karl <> wrote:
I care more about leaks than politics
As they say, when it comes to media covering politics and leaks... "Noi giornalisti siamo per la verita a qualunque costo e per la menzogna a prezzo da concordare."
but I wish they weren't political because I love the environment more than my mother, for incredibly good reasons.
Whether for the environment of "leaks" or of the "Earth"... teach your children. There is a continuum line and vast chasm between the group of power seeking garbage... including Socialist, Marxist, Stasi, Nazi, Communist, Democracy, Left, Right, Labour, Republican, Democrat, etc... whatever the major opposing parties call themselves around the world... and the grouping of Libertarian / Voluntary / Anarchism / etc. There is use in demoting whatever among the first group, and noting whatever among the second. In the case of the USA, and all other countries with non-LVA situations (that is what everyone's country currently and undeniably is, a shithole of non freedom), that number line could be said to look something like... 0 D R 3 4 5 6 7 8 LVA ...with the US Democrats sugarcoated fraud over their Social Lies earning them a slightly worse position than direct Republican thuggery. Both taking up the dregs near zero. (Replace the D R zone with whatever parties apply in your shithole, most such locations being two-party dominant, and all far far away from the much better LVA space.) No freedom in any of these... Except maybe this one... Random history... More homework...
First news from USA Libertarians... Fun with elections... Biden is Defrauding Voters by Ordering Them to Vote Now BEFORE Debates... "Minnesota! Don't forget that early voting is now open across the state. Head to make your plan to vote today." "The Flint, MI City Clerk's office will be open the last three weekends before Election Day for folks to cast their ballots." "Michigan - You don't have to wait until November 3rd to cast your ballot, early voting begins today across the state... It's important.. head to make your plan to vote early." "Florida - vote... Ballots are being sent out today across the state... head to request yours." Democrats say vote by Oct 20 Democrats telling voters spend their mail in vote by various dates, one of which is Oct 20, BEFORE the last Presidential debate, and BEFORE the VP debate. All moderators are said to be stacked against Trump and Pence... There is a reason you DO NOT blow your vote weeks EARLY like that... anything can fucking HAPPEN!!! You cannot pull your votes back without a nationwide do over. Local mail is truck delivered locally to State / County counting place, worst case a few days, not weeks. BLM Carnage and Democrat Controlled City Corona Lockdowns Fast Becoming HUGE Liability for Democrats... and what seems need to Foreclose on Debates... thus the early voting push... Olympic Athletes have to, but not crooked politicians? "We're going to ask for a drug test. We are. I'd like to have a drug test. -- Trump" Pelosi, Sanders, Wallace... Democrats overly spinning silly "President / Candidate wont concede" bullshit FUD into media. FBI and States Investigating Trashed Ballots Already... Electronic... no paper ballot... ROFL. Biden Emits More Braindead Gibberish... Biden brain is offline USA public will have serious thought after they realize this... Ron Paul is back online While Basement Biden was still sleeping in his morning bowl of oatmeal before leaving to attend a political funeral for some dead judge... "Florida this morning, Georgia this afternoon, Washington, D.C. this evening, and now President @realDonaldTrump departing Washington, D.C. for a MAGA Rally in Newport News, Virginia! Wheels up shortly! #MAGA #LatinosForTrump" Who is actually on video insulting USA's troops? Let's see... "Losers and Suckers" says an Anonymous Coward Biden on video - To troops: "You Stupid Bastards" "Dull Bunch" Lying Dog Faced Pony Soldier Biden Dull Bastards Rogan Gets Politically Censored by Spotify SJW's... Ron Paul says... Anarchast - Ron Paul Anarchapulco - Ron Paul Anarchast - Ron Paul RPG Anarchy Ann Ron Paul says re Voluntaryism... You can't stop an idea.
On 9/26/20, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <> wrote:
First news from USA Libertarians...
lol - US 'libertarians' are as real as good cops.
It would be good if some Libertarians would put as much energy and resources into freedom as bad cops and the State do into beating your ass down. Anarchast w Rob Hustle Anarchast w Eric July of Backwordz The financial and philosophical leverage that all the early and ongoing Libertarian cryptocurrency adopters have cannot be underestimated. The funding and investment needed to free more peoples time so that they can deploy their energies therein now exists, and will only grow larger. (Conservative analysts estimating 10x on unspent hodlings.) "A lot less Keynes, a lot more Mises." July - Why I don't agree BLM July - Gun Rights, Using Children Pho - Democrats Hate the Poor, Libertarians Dont July - Democrats laws backfire, lol
Here's over a million people irrevocably spent their UTXO, who now already might be second guessing whatever they voted for based on new thoughts since then, let alone what may come to pass between now, debates, and the last week of October Surprise before bumping into any real time buffer of corona panic about delivery / in person. In third world countries half the candidates running for the farce get shot in the last month, lol. All to try to force other people to do things instead of minding their own business. Strange affairs these humans. /over-860000-americans-have-already-voted-compared-fewer-10000-this-point-2016-1534452 " a number much higher than the reported 9,525 votes that were returned at this point in 2016. At least 866,734 people have voted in this year's election as of September 26, according to the U.S. Elections Project, which is run by University of Florida political science professor Michael McDonald. The number is based on 25 states whose early voting data is available, meaning it does not convey the entire picture. "These states are those where I have current data on mail ballot activity," McDonald wrote in a blog post Saturday morning. "More states will be added as state reports become available." "
Here we see Democrats electioneering more avenues to support their own fraudulent entrenchment, just like Biden-Dems importing million of "migrants / false-asylums" over US South border for sole purpose of buying their vote for Dems by giving citizenship. Recall that cypherpunks already created many fully transparent auditable noncorruptible nonfraudable digital and paper voting systems. And that with even old India system of biomarking ink, not even any stupid Govt ID databases power or registering is needed to prevent multiple voting. And that democracy and voting is a fraud because voting your will of force over other free peoples who did nothing to you... is a crime. Why HR1 Threatens Election Integrity Much ink has been spilled warning of the ramifications should Democrats pass their election “reform” package, HR1 -- and for good reason, given how the bill would upend our nation’s electoral system. Democrats claim HR1 is aimed at maximizing voter participation and ending corruption in our election systems, but the truth is that the legislation would do neither. Instead, it will only serve to open up our states’ elections to fraud and public mistrust at a time when we need to bolster voter confidence. Let’s look at just a few of the many areas where HR1 would nationalize elections and cancel out state integrity and confidence-building measures. First, the measure voids dozens of longstanding state voting procedures, many of which are relatively non-controversial and serve to give voters confidence in the accuracy and integrity of our elections process. HR1 would invalidate photo ID requirements -- such as those in Indiana -- that the Supreme Court have found constitutional and important confidence builders. These laws are popular with large majorities of Americans, and despite critics’ fearmongering they have not negatively impacted voter participation. HR1 would also force states to allow ballot harvesting, a practice where third parties, usually political operatives, collect and return marked mail ballots. Laws restricting harvesting, which are also popular, deter fraud because they preserve a marked-ballot chain of custody and prevent coercion and undue influence on the elderly and other voters. Yet Democrats want to override these laws and normalize harvesting. Just last week we saw additional criminal charges against candidates in an all-mail city council election in Paterson, N.J., for vote fraud related to harvesting and tampering with ballots. The fraud was so pervasive that a local judge voided the election and ordered a new one. There was also the infamous congressional race in North Carolina in 2018, when the election had to be thrown out because of fraud initiated through ballot harvesting. The good news is that ballot harvesting bans help prevent and detect these exact types of crimes. But if Congress nationalizes ballot harvesting through HR1, these stories may go from being cautionary tales to the new norm. To date, the Republican National Committee has been successful in beating the Democrats in court challenges to harvesting bans and has been vocal about the need for bans. And they are not inherently partisan since many states, both blue and red, either prohibit harvesting or severely restrict it. Now, after losing in the courts, Democrats seek to impose the practice from Washington, D.C., with the arrogant belief that they know better than state legislatures about the election integrity measures their states require. HR1 will also further restrict states from cleaning up their voter rolls. Under current federal law, a state must stop programs that remove ineligible voters from the rolls within 90 days before a federal election. This blackout period already significantly limits a state’s ability to remove voters who may have moved away, died, or are otherwise ineligible to vote because it applies to periods before both primaries and general elections. The Democrats propose expanding that blackout period for many programs to six months before any federal election. Not only will this prevent states from cleaning up their rolls in a federal election year, it will expand that period for many states into the off years. Voter roll maintenance not only enhances election integrity by ensuring only eligible voters can cast ballots, it also promotes access by ensuring voters are properly registered when they do go to vote, thus preventing lines and provisional ballots that may not count. No wonder both parties have historically agreed on the importance of voter registration list upkeep. HR1’s restrictions make Democrats’ intentions clear: They have abandoned any pretense that they still care about this issue that was once welcomed as reasonable and routine. Cynics say that Republicans oppose this legislation because we want to restrict people from voting. This could not be further from the truth. The reality is that we want all eligible voters to be able to vote and vote easily — but voters must also have confidence that our elections systems have safeguards to prevent fraud and ensure accuracy. Previous federal election legislation such as the NVRA and HAVA made some attempt to balance the interests of voter integrity and access. But HR1 eliminates any pretense altogether by invaliding states’ reasonable ID requirements, mandating ballot harvesting, and enacting obstacles to critical voter roll maintenance. The American people do not want a Washington takeover of their elections at the hands of congressional Democrats. They want election transparency and confidence in their future elections restored. These motives are exactly what the RNC will continue to fight for, both in the lead-up to the critical midterms and ahead of all elections to come.
Voter ID laws are interesting for how divisive they are. People on both sides argue that the other side is motivated exclusively to dismantle democracy. And this all seems to derive from there being no agreement upon the basic fact as to whether or not fraud is significant or non-existent. If you believe that fraud is basically non-existent, then it makes sense to be opposed to requiring an ID to vote because the problem it aims to solve doesn't actually exist in any meaningful way and thus there is negligible real world benefit to checking IDs. But despite the lack of benefit, there are tangible real world problems, because voting is supposed to be free, but IDs are not free (nor are they equally easy to get for people of different backgrounds), and thus voter IDs are the equivalent of a poll tax which marginalizes poor voters, along with other legal voters for whom getting an ID is problematic for other reasons. On the other hand, if you believe that fraud is widespread and common, then it makes it ton of sense to support voter IDs because you would believe that they are solving a real existent problem threatening the very core of democracy. And even if you acknowledge that requiring an ID does block some legitimate voters, you would believe it blocks far more fraud and thus that is a valid trade-off. So your support of voter ID laws really derives from whether or not you believe fraud exists in the first place. If you believe fraud exists, then voter IDs seem obvious, and anyone pushing back on them must be part of the fraud. If you believe the fraud does not exist, then voter IDs clearly solve no actual problem, and anyone supporting them clearly just wants to disenfranchise poor voters. It's scary how something as huge as "were millions of votes fraudulent, and was virtually everyone involved in the election in on the conspiracy to cover it up?" can be up for debate, with each side convinced in the righteousness of their perspective and incredulous that anyone could possibly disagree. Both sides think the controversy is as idiotic as a flat Earth conspiracy. But it's unclear which side believes the Earth is round. David On Sat, Mar 20, 2021, 8:55 AM grarpamp <> wrote:
Here we see Democrats electioneering more avenues to support their own fraudulent entrenchment, just like Biden-Dems importing million of "migrants / false-asylums" over US South border for sole purpose of buying their vote for Dems by giving citizenship.
Recall that cypherpunks already created many fully transparent auditable noncorruptible nonfraudable digital and paper voting systems. And that with even old India system of biomarking ink, not even any stupid Govt ID databases power or registering is needed to prevent multiple voting. And that democracy and voting is a fraud because voting your will of force over other free peoples who did nothing to you... is a crime.
Why HR1 Threatens Election Integrity
Much ink has been spilled warning of the ramifications should Democrats pass their election “reform” package, HR1 -- and for good reason, given how the bill would upend our nation’s electoral system.
Democrats claim HR1 is aimed at maximizing voter participation and ending corruption in our election systems, but the truth is that the legislation would do neither. Instead, it will only serve to open up our states’ elections to fraud and public mistrust at a time when we need to bolster voter confidence.
Let’s look at just a few of the many areas where HR1 would nationalize elections and cancel out state integrity and confidence-building measures.
First, the measure voids dozens of longstanding state voting procedures, many of which are relatively non-controversial and serve to give voters confidence in the accuracy and integrity of our elections process. HR1 would invalidate photo ID requirements -- such as those in Indiana -- that the Supreme Court have found constitutional and important confidence builders. These laws are popular with large majorities of Americans, and despite critics’ fearmongering they have not negatively impacted voter participation.
HR1 would also force states to allow ballot harvesting, a practice where third parties, usually political operatives, collect and return marked mail ballots. Laws restricting harvesting, which are also popular, deter fraud because they preserve a marked-ballot chain of custody and prevent coercion and undue influence on the elderly and other voters. Yet Democrats want to override these laws and normalize harvesting.
Just last week we saw additional criminal charges against candidates in an all-mail city council election in Paterson, N.J., for vote fraud related to harvesting and tampering with ballots. The fraud was so pervasive that a local judge voided the election and ordered a new one. There was also the infamous congressional race in North Carolina in 2018, when the election had to be thrown out because of fraud initiated through ballot harvesting. The good news is that ballot harvesting bans help prevent and detect these exact types of crimes. But if Congress nationalizes ballot harvesting through HR1, these stories may go from being cautionary tales to the new norm.
To date, the Republican National Committee has been successful in beating the Democrats in court challenges to harvesting bans and has been vocal about the need for bans. And they are not inherently partisan since many states, both blue and red, either prohibit harvesting or severely restrict it. Now, after losing in the courts, Democrats seek to impose the practice from Washington, D.C., with the arrogant belief that they know better than state legislatures about the election integrity measures their states require.
HR1 will also further restrict states from cleaning up their voter rolls. Under current federal law, a state must stop programs that remove ineligible voters from the rolls within 90 days before a federal election. This blackout period already significantly limits a state’s ability to remove voters who may have moved away, died, or are otherwise ineligible to vote because it applies to periods before both primaries and general elections. The Democrats propose expanding that blackout period for many programs to six months before any federal election. Not only will this prevent states from cleaning up their rolls in a federal election year, it will expand that period for many states into the off years.
Voter roll maintenance not only enhances election integrity by ensuring only eligible voters can cast ballots, it also promotes access by ensuring voters are properly registered when they do go to vote, thus preventing lines and provisional ballots that may not count. No wonder both parties have historically agreed on the importance of voter registration list upkeep. HR1’s restrictions make Democrats’ intentions clear: They have abandoned any pretense that they still care about this issue that was once welcomed as reasonable and routine.
Cynics say that Republicans oppose this legislation because we want to restrict people from voting. This could not be further from the truth. The reality is that we want all eligible voters to be able to vote and vote easily — but voters must also have confidence that our elections systems have safeguards to prevent fraud and ensure accuracy. Previous federal election legislation such as the NVRA and HAVA made some attempt to balance the interests of voter integrity and access. But HR1 eliminates any pretense altogether by invaliding states’ reasonable ID requirements, mandating ballot harvesting, and enacting obstacles to critical voter roll maintenance.
The American people do not want a Washington takeover of their elections at the hands of congressional Democrats. They want election transparency and confidence in their future elections restored. These motives are exactly what the RNC will continue to fight for, both in the lead-up to the critical midterms and ahead of all elections to come.
Existance of vote fraud and any "reforms" is moot since all current and past government and politicians and democracies use "voting" to in immoral violent fraudulent thieving ways of exerting non freedom over others. Thus are frauds and force upon you too, none of which you actually need to live freely and to leave other people who have done nothing to you alone. Explore Voluntaryism Libertarian etc instead. Live freely.
Voter ID laws are interesting for how divisive they are.
Again, cypherpunks and others already created agnostic freedom preserving voting methods that can be used by voluntary subscribers. Politicians create the divides to dazzle you into their continued taking of more power and freedom from you. You never see any politician living life to reduce government power control permission theft violence, reduce the "voted" "law" books, and to increase actual freedom, except perhaps a few rare vocal ones such as Ron Paul... they get involuntarily forcibly forced out. Nor you ever see government opening fair paths for other parties Libertarian Voluntary Anarchism getting elected to do that task, existing parties ever since the Kings... always act to suppress freedom. For example, Adam Kokesh ran on that task platform recently... Non Aggression Principle in Occupy DC Of course now that Youtube and Facebook and Twitter and Etc censor the fuck out of everyone (contrary to their early GovCorp years), far fewer people will be seeing and learning Libertarian or any other form of freedom ever again on those social nets. Just remember it was the Democrats and the Dem Left heads of these GovCorps that initiated the mass wave of bulk censorship up to and throughout 2020 and beyond. And you, your family friends and progeny are all less free for it. Seek out freedom on the uncensored networks.
On Sat, 20 Mar 2021 16:12:57 -0400 grarpamp <> wrote:
Existance of vote fraud and any "reforms" is moot since all current and past government and politicians and democracies use "voting" to in immoral violent fraudulent thieving ways of exerting non freedom over others.
notice that the asshole who says that is the same trumpofascist asshole who has been spamming trumpofascist propaganda for months. So wait, a trumpofascist clown is posing as 'anti system'? LMAO. grarpamp is one of the biggest frauds on this list and none of what he says is to be taken seriously.
On Sat, 20 Mar 2021 09:31:20 -0700 David Barrett <> wrote:
Voter ID laws are interesting for how divisive they are. People on both sides argue that the other side is motivated exclusively to dismantle democracy.
one has to be very very stupid to believe that elections in the US cesspool have any meaning. All your analysis of US elections is irrelevant garbage. Shocking. Backwordz - Statheist Statheist - noun One who worships the state. This person may not be fully aware that they see the state as their God, but in every action they take they perform the same rituals as religious organizations. From mindlessly chanting (the pledge of allegiance) to the attribution of supernatural phenomena (taking money from some people to give it to others will somehow make us all richer) and even direct contradictions in their own personal beliefs (theft is wrong if done by an individual, but is somehow okay if done by the state through taxes). Statheist: Taxation isn't theft, it's the price we pay for civilization. Non-statheist: If your definition of civilization includes rampant theft, I want no part of it. Child's Prayer, enslave them while young "The measure of the State's success is that the word "anarchy" frightens people, while the word "state" does not. -- Joseph Sobran" More fun links for sheeplesharing...
On 9/27/20, jim bell <> wrote:
The Guardian: New York Times publishes Donald Trump's tax returns in election bombshell. Jim Bell's comments: We should remember that the NY Times presumably obtained this tax return material illegally, just as the US government accuses Julian Assange of having obtained material illegally. NY Times should be held to account for failing to defend Assange for supposedly doing what the NYT also does. And, why doesn't the Federal Govt break down NY Times' doors and drag a few editors off to the same Federal jail where Jeffrey Epstein supposedly killed himself?
Not only those issues, but leaks prove the IRS Govt obviously cannot be trusted with peoples private information at all, that all their "confidentiality" and "security" marketing has been lies, and that all their $Billions of upgrades were wasted. Same with corporations. Just how long has the NYT been sitting on this holding it for October Surprise leaving no time for fair response? The cowards at the NYT did not actually publish Trump's actual tax returns, no one can check their analysis. They refused to publish any images, sanitized or otherwise, of what they claim they have. They printed a bunch of random words and pretty charts that may not be backed in anything, then they claimed anonymous source protection. "The paper said it would not publish the documents, in order to protect its source." Regardless of NYT posessing any true filed copies or not, it appears so far that everything is entirely within the letter of the law, with no court or other final outcome having been sustained to date. There is no fault or crime in navigating laws to your advantage. "Loss carryfowards or NOLs are perfectly acceptable and legal instrument which anyone can apply against future income" "Nor do they reveal any previously reported connections to Russia." Nor are Presidents or other politicians required by law to disclose their tax returns. Lying to the public and refusing to answer is bog standard fare practiced by all politicians. Bernie Sanders Lies for Democrats "The revelations threaten to damage Trump’s repeated claim to be a successful businessman and therefore a capable steward of the US economy." Lol, given that there are ZERO qualifications needed to be a politician, go investigate how many unsuccessful businessmen went into the only high paying fraud left to them... Politics. From which point they become successful at THAT, and not at being successful businessmen competing in the business sector. Articles full of bullshit Democrat rhetoric. "the basic press standard of not making unsupportable public allegations," NYT is clearly a journalistically compromised rag. With the rest of the halls of nationwide governments equally full of compromised frauds, hundreds getting busted every year... "there appears to be no wrongdoing, no Russia ties, and nothing of substance beyond what most corporations [and people] do" "While notable [moves], and hardly unique to just the president, this is probably not the damning climax so many in the anti-Trump field were expecting" The only real thing that appears to have been exposed so far is the depths to which Democrats will stoop. While being helped along by the totally biased ass kissing and censorship from most of major News Media and Social Media. Next up in the shitshow? Who knows :)
From this weekend...
MSNBC host has to help Joe Biden remember what he’s talking about... A real Jew has to call out Biden's Goebbles bullshit... "@JoeBiden liken @realDonaldTrump to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels. Goebbels helped carry out the systematic murder of more than six million Jewish people. This is unacceptable, offensive and demeans the memory of the Holocaust. Biden must apologize!" Biden goes Nazi Biden made the comments during an interview on MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle. Biden goes N-word twice
On Mon, Sep 28, 2020 at 03:11:25AM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
From this weekend...
MSNBC host has to help Joe Biden remember what he’s talking about...
A real Jew has to call out Biden's Goebbles bullshit... "@JoeBiden liken @realDonaldTrump to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels. Goebbels helped carry out the systematic murder of more than six million Jewish people. This is unacceptable, offensive and demeans the memory of the Holocaust. Biden must apologize!" Biden goes Nazi Biden made the comments during an interview on MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle. Biden goes N-word twice
As Juan correctly points out, the American political left (the DemonRATs) are more extreme than the nominal "right". And as you correctly point out, on an axis of political 'freedom', the Rep/T party is only marginally to the right of the D/Xi party, making the two parties a false dichotomy of sorts. IF Mr T gets a sufficient majority in both houses (despite niece-zilla having a second crack at the bad big orange patriarchal uncle for complimenting her as a shy young woman), some hope for a swamp drainin. Given how loud the bad orange pussy grabber has been about draining the swamp, not too dissimilar to JFK, we can only hope he succeeds withOUT being JFKed - the navy boys better be on their game. Anything less than Ms Hillary "Still Not President And Never Will Be" Clinton and her co-hort in many crimes (otherwise known as her husband) landing in jail (along with a bunch of lower-downs) will be "sayonara USA republic". Stay ahead of the curve...
On Mon, 28 Sep 2020 18:52:27 +1000 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
As Juan correctly points out, the American political left (the DemonRATs) are more extreme than the nominal "right".
I never ever said that. It's a fuckingly stupid lie. What I said is that the US 'left' are fascists, i.e. right wingers. Like you. ps: you should stop misspelling the name of that cuntry. It's not 'america'(that's a continent), it's 'united states'.
And as you correctly point out, on an axis of political 'freedom', the Rep/T party is only marginally to the right of the D/Xi party, making the two parties a false dichotomy of sorts.
right/left is a meaningless distinction.
IF Mr T gets a sufficient majority in both houses
that murderous piece of non human shit whom you worship, trump, is a US 'democrat'. 'Donald Trump: 'I probably identify more as Democrat" now take all the partisan garbage you vomit about the demrats and realize that it applies 100% to the trumpofucktards like you and the rest of trumpofucktards on this fine, 'cypherpunk' mailing list.
On Mon, Sep 28, 2020 at 02:46:53PM -0300, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Mon, 28 Sep 2020 18:52:27 +1000 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
As Juan correctly points out, the American political left (the DemonRATs) are more extreme than the nominal "right".
I never ever said that. It's a fuckingly stupid lie. What I said is that the US 'left' are fascists, i.e. right wingers. Like you.
Ahh that was it, yes, the DemonRAT D/Xi's are fascists. Thanks for clarifying. Significant parallels between today's North America and the Spanish Civil War - as Marxos so succinctly named for us, "the left eats its own", and the Spanish civil war is a good example of this: The Prelude to World War II: The Spanish Civil War and Today's America
On Tue, 29 Sep 2020 21:50:41 +1000 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
Ahh that was it, yes, the DemonRAT D/Xi's are fascists. Thanks for clarifying.
yes, the US has a one party system and the one party is composed of two virtually identical factions, the demrats and the rethuglicans. Notice that the original name of the party (jefferson's) was the "Democratic-Republican" party. Yes, as always, US history is its own parody.
Significant parallels between today's North America and the Spanish Civil War
by 'north america' I take it you mean the US. So do you mind naming the parallels between the US today and spain at that time?
- as Marxos so succinctly named for us, "the left eats its own", and the Spanish civil war is a good example of this:
Maybe you should 1)summarize the spanish civil war 2)explain how the situation in the US is similar to it.
european scum like you getting their just desserts, grarpamp.
I guess "Spanish scum" like yerself ought move to South Africa - real life anarchy going on there ...
by 'heritage' i'm mostly italian scum. Italian tradition obv goes back to the roman empire, who happened to be the original fascists and original western imperialists. coincidentally, here you can see the half-white obomba and the flag of the US flanked by two fasces. here's an entertaining list of use of fascist symbology in the US
Don't get me wrong though - complaints do have their place, pointing out lies,
seems that all one can do on a mailing list is post stuff. Some people post starlink advertising. Other people post flu farce propaganda. Some people post both! Then you have an endless stream of 'conservative' spam, etc.
at a certain point you're not even expanding the overton window, nor shifting any listener/ target of your complaints, nor changing the world in any identifiable way.
well, if you have a better plan, let us know. But let me mention, again, that this list is used to post starlink-NSA propaganda, hilarious lies about the nature of the US, the latest propaganda for world-wide medical fascism, et cetera. In other words, most people here not only lack a plan, but are active supporters of the thing they should be fighting against.
On Tue, Sep 29, 2020 at 09:50:41PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
On Mon, Sep 28, 2020 at 02:46:53PM -0300, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Mon, 28 Sep 2020 18:52:27 +1000 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
As Juan correctly points out, the American political left (the DemonRATs) are more extreme than the nominal "right".
I never ever said that. It's a fuckingly stupid lie. What I said is that the US 'left' are fascists, i.e. right wingers. Like you.
Ahh that was it, yes, the DemonRAT D/Xi's are fascists. Thanks for clarifying.
Significant parallels between today's North America and the Spanish Civil War - as Marxos so succinctly named for us, "the left eats its own", and the Spanish civil war is a good example of this:
The Prelude to World War II: The Spanish Civil War and Today's America
Nope, I'm not summarising that.
On Mon, 28 Sep 2020 03:11:25 -0400 grarpamp <> vomited:
A real Jew has to call out Biden's Goebbles bullshit... "@JoeBiden liken @realDonaldTrump to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels. Goebbels helped carry out the systematic murder of more than six million Jewish people. This is unacceptable, offensive and demeans the memory of the Holocaust. Biden must apologize!"
WOA! FUCKING HILARIOUS. Grarpamp copypasting the worst kind of jew-fascist propaganda!! That's really shocking. The same grarpamp who is a trumpo cocksucker and constantly spams flu farce propaganda now hysterically whines about the lolocaust like a good joo bot! new low for grarpamp.
On Mon, Sep 28, 2020 at 02:50:14PM -0300, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Mon, 28 Sep 2020 03:11:25 -0400 grarpamp <> vomited:
A real Jew has to call out Biden's Goebbles bullshit... "@JoeBiden liken @realDonaldTrump to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels. Goebbels helped carry out the systematic murder of more than six million Jewish people. This is unacceptable, offensive and demeans the memory of the Holocaust. Biden must apologize!"
WOA! FUCKING HILARIOUS. Grarpamp copypasting the worst kind of jew-fascist propaganda!! That's really shocking. The same grarpamp who is a trumpo cocksucker and constantly spams flu farce propaganda now hysterically whines about the lolocaust like a good joo bot! new low for grarpamp.
Soap, this approach (for want of an adverb) of yours is analogous to Republicans moaning all day, all week, month after month about the DemonRats, how bad they are, how terrible their nominee Biden is, how shocking it is they chose Kamala "bud planter" Harris, etc etc. The analogous alternative approach to such a negating/ bitching approach, is to constructively attempt to name, and hold to account, those in "your own party" (nominally Republicans) and plan for strategic overthrow of communists, socialists and fascists within the Republican party, in key swing areas. For example. There's the bitching approach, the complaining, and the planning approach. "One of these plans is not like the other." CASH 4 BALLOTS PROOF ILHAN OMAR CONNECTED "On the inside? Be Brave. Do Something. Come forward. We will protect you. Securely contact us at Or anonymously message or call us on Signal at 914-653-3110." Veritas again, or not? Ilhan Omar Connected Cash-For-Ballots Voter Fraud Scheme Corrupts Elections: 'These Here Are All Absentee Ballots...Look...My Car Is Full..." 'Money Is The King Of Everything' "It’s voter fraud on videotape. A crime on camera. You’re a “CNN analyst.” DO YOUR JOB and report it." " The harvester said Somali-American vote-buying operatives from the Omar machine came to his apartment building to oversee the voter filling out the paperwork. Omar operatives request the ballots and fill them out for the voters, he said. “They come to us. They came to our homes. They said: ‘This year, you will vote for Ilhan,’” he said. “They said: ‘We will make the absentee ballots. We will fill out the forms for you and when you get them back, we will again fill it out and send it.” There was no need to go to the voting site, because the Omar operatives told him: “You stay home and you will not go to the place.” After the ballots are signed and documented the harvester said he got paid. “When we sign the voting document and they fill it out is when they give us the money,” he said. “The minute we signed the thing [ballot] for the election. That’s when we get paid.” “They have perfected this system,” she said. “They will tell you we are applying for your ballot. They take a picture of your social security and your driver’s license. They have a database. When the ballot comes, they track it. Sometimes, they make fake emails. They track the ballot. Then they come and pick up the ballot, unopened . . . " " “They don’t give a s–t about any Somali . . . The DFL wants to win this state at all costs . . . and the victims is the Somali people.” She also alleged that young people and women were paid for their ballots before last month’s Minnesota primary. “Cash, cash, cash. They were carrying bags of money. . . . When you vote and they mark you off, then you get in the van, they give you the cash.” " " Are you not entertained... 2,000,000 views in less than 7 hours [overnight?]...keep sharing " I will be strongly demanding a Drug Test of Sleepy Joe Biden prior to, or after, the Debate on Tuesday night. Naturally, I will agree to take one also. His Debate performances have been record setting UNEVEN, to put it mildly. Only drugs could have caused this discrepancy???
Project Veritas drops MOAB... $200 Cash for Ballot hand to hand, Ilhan Omar vs Israel #CashForBallots 100k views in 20 minutes! "This story was made possible thanks to a BRAVE insider willing to wear an undercover camera and work with Veritas. If you can, please support Omar Jamal. He has risked everything to help us blow the lid on this massive voter fraud scheme." Veritas, ready to drop bombs, 10 minutes to go... "I want to remind you that @IlhanMN is on the house foreign affairs committee and @SpeakerPelosi put her there. These videos make clear that the definition of a national security threat sits in Congress." "MN GOP Rep. @stevedraz recounts why he went to @jamesokeefeiii w/Ilhan-tied election fraud after reporting to FBI: "I was not convinced that they were going to do an investigation...the only other organization that would do this & bring it to the surface was @project_veritas." Biden campaign's Texas Political Director ACCUSED of running Illegal Ballot Harvesting Operation, according to two Affidavits filed today at Texas Supreme Court under oath from private investigators. CASH 4 BALLOTS PROOF ILHAN OMAR CONNECTED "On the inside? Be Brave. Do Something. Come forward. We will protect you. Securely contact us at Or anonymously message or call us on Signal at 914-653-3110." Ilhan Omar Connected Cash-For-Ballots Voter Fraud Scheme Corrupts Elections: 'These Here Are All Absentee Ballots...Look...My Car Is Full..." 'Money Is The King Of Everything' "Its voter fraud on videotape. A crime on camera. Youre a CNN analyst. DO YOUR JOB and report it." " The harvester said Somali-American vote-buying operatives from the Omar machine came to his apartment building to oversee the voter filling out the paperwork. Omar operatives request the ballots and fill them out for the voters, he said. "They come to us. They came to our homes. They said: This year, you will vote for Ilhan, he said. They said: We will make the absentee ballots. We will fill out the forms for you and when you get them back, we will again fill it out and send it. There was no need to go to the voting site, because the Omar operatives told him: You stay home and you will not go to the place. After the ballots are signed and documented the harvester said he got paid. When we sign the voting document and they fill it out is when they give us the money, he said. The minute we signed the thing [ballot] for the election. That's when we get paid. They have perfected this system, she said. They will tell you we are applying for your ballot. They take a picture of your social security and your drivers license. They have a database. When the ballot comes, they track it. Sometimes, they make fake emails. They track the ballot. Then they come and pick up the ballot, unopened . . . " " "They don't give a s--t about any Somali . . . The DFL wants to win this state at all costs . . . and the victims is the Somali people." She also alleged that young people and women were paid for their ballots before last month's Minnesota primary. "Cash, cash, cash. They were carrying bags of money. . . . When you vote and they mark you off, then you get in the van, they give you the cash." " " Are you not entertained... 2,000,000 views in less than 7 hours [overnight]...keep sharing "
Project Veritas drops MOAB... $200 Cash for Ballot hand to hand, Ilhan Omar vs Israel #CashForBallots (Link now correctly points to pt 2, instead of pt 1.)
Project Veritas rolls up Kristopher Jacks from "Our Revolution" a Leftist Antifa Murder Mayhem Street Violence Advocate Group hitched to Democratic Party... Veritas Jacks Our Revolution Colorado Dem Operative Kris Jacks: ‘2020 is a Political Revolution’ … ‘Want To Change This Country With Violence’ ... ‘There’s Only One Way To Do It’ … ‘Guillotines, Mother f**ker’ … ‘Killing Random Nazis In The Street’ [VIDEO] Leaked Insider Recording From ABC News Reveals Network Executives Killed Bombshell Story Implicating Jeffrey Epstein PART 1: CNN Insider Blows Whistle on Network President Jeff Zucker’s Personal Vendetta Against POTUS Insider Blows Whistle & Exec Reveals Google Plan to Prevent “Trump situation” in 2020 on Hidden Cam UNDERCOVER VIDEO: Twitter Engineers To “Ban a Way of Talking” Through “Shadow Banning,” Algorithms to Censor Opposing Political Opinions CAUGHT IN THE ACT: BALLOT HARVESTER ON CAMERA EXCHANGING CASH FOR GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT…“SHE'S [ILHAN OMAR] THE ONE WHO CAME UP WITH ALL THIS … WE ARE TAKING THE MONEY AND WE’LL VOTE FOR YOU … WE DON’T CARE ILLEGAL.” Facebook Insider Leaks Docs; Explains “Deboosting,” “Troll Report,” & Political Targeting in Video Interview Sudan replaces one freedomless tyranny (Religion), with another freedomless tyranny (State), and everyone cheers. What a crock of shit that is. Add link to alternative sponsor of three multi-party / independent debates, all on youtube."" " NEW DECLARATION OF AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all people are created equal, that they are born with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to ensure these rights, Governments are created by People, receiving their power from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of Life, Liberty, and Happiness, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on the principles and powers that seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. As a result of the consistent and systemic corruption, collusion and carnage generated by the Republican and Democrat parties, and in fulfilling my duty as a citizen of the United States of America to defend and protect the Constitution and country from all enemies, foreign and domestic, I hereby declare the Republican and Democrat parties as enemies to the principles of freedom and justice upon which our Nation was founded, and for the sake of our people, humanity and Life on Earth must be immediately extricated from our nation. On July 4th, 1776 Independence was declared to England’s King George III. Our tyrant today is a political system that has entrenched itself as a duopoly of national control vastly more destructive and parasitic, locally and globally, than any tyrant the world has yet seen, using military and economic domination to extract life from people and nature, on all fronts, for the concentration and reinforcement of self-serving power. Pervasive depression, addiction, suicide, mass incarceration, chronic disease, international massacre, genocide, modern-day slavery, homelessness and ecological destruction are amongst the evidences we point to as failures of the Republican and Democrat parties to provide national leadership able to fulfil the original promise of America - Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness - for which we last declared Independence from tyranny. Unwilling to be complicit with this carnage, and desiring a free world with government of, by and for the people, I declare my total independence from the Democrat and Republican parties and encourage all Americans and allies around the world to join me in undertaking The Second American Revolution by implementing a national political strike that removes our current two-party tyrant from power. In joining this national strike to end the two-party system I remove my financial, cultural and voting participation from both parties. Elected Officials I renounce my affiliation with the Democratic or Republican party and denounce them both as incapable of providing national leadership that can result in a thriving America for all. Citizens I promise to not vote for Democrat of Republican candidates. I promise to vote in each election cycle for candidates independent from these two-parties. In signing this declaration I commit to take other appropriate and available actions to support this national strike, which may include: Spreading awareness of this political strike and advocating others to sign the New Declaration of Independence Influence elected representatives to renounce and denounce both parties Organizing other strikers to enact various forms of nonviolent direct action to ensure the termination of both parties I affirm the imminent possibility of, and endeavor to ensure, the exodus from these two parties of elected officials, military leaders and personnel, civil servants including police, fire and administrators, leaders and personnel in health, academia, media, science, business and citizens nationwide, resulting in the resignation of members of the Republican National Committee, Democrat National Committee, and state and local committees of both parties, leading to the ultimate removal of the Democrat and Republican parties from our national media and ballots. No longer willing to be manipulated, pacified and lulled into complicity through fear of the spoiler effect, I am ready to stand firm in my knowledge that both parties are corrupt and that this cycle will not end until this stand is made resolutely without compromise. The abuses of these enemy parties to our nation, people and world must stop now. Uncertain of the path forward beyond this declaration, I affirm that this national divorce from our duopoly system of control is a preliminary requirement to enable the best possible future of our country and world to emerge. Certain that no incremental changes within the existing system can offer the promise of true liberty for all, I will persist with this strike until my Mayor, Governor, House Representative, Senate Representative and President have become independent from the tyranny of the former two-party system. We, therefore, as citizens dedicated to Liberty and Justice, in the Name of a reborn United States of America, solemnly publish and declare, That this Nation ought to be Free and Independent from Democrat and Republican Tyranny; that we are Absolved from all Allegiance to the Two Party System, and that all political connection to Democrat and Republican Parties is and ought to be totally dissolved. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor. "
Brock Pierce Runs for 2020 US President Third Party, Dropping in 100 Candidates for 2022 Brock Pierce Runs for 2020 US President w Nick Spanos on election mechanics, 1 vote needed for from 100% to 33% chance Brock Pierce Runs for Pres On July 5, 2020, Pierce announced his Independent candidacy for the 2020 United States presidential election as an Independent. The campaign filed registration documents with the FEC on July 7. Pierce based his campaign around his background as an entrepreneur, and his running mate is Karla Ballard, a fellow entrepreneur. Pierce gained ballot access in Oklahoma on July 15, in Arkansas on August 12, Colorado on August 19. and was nominated by the New York Independence Party on August 24. Pierce was endorsed by venture capitalist and Bitcoin advocate Tim Draper. Pierce was also backed up by singer and entrepreneur Akon, who will manage his presidential campaign as chief strategist. In September 14, he announced that he will form a new party and run candidates under party banner in 2022. Party's name is unknown.
Ted Cruz Slams CNN: "Trump Broke You Guys" Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News .. “Chris, there was a time when CNN actually cared about being journalistic and talking about facts – Donald Trump broke you guys,” said Cruz. “Your entire show, your entire network now is just how much you hate Trump,” he added. .. Cuomo pulled a series of befuddled facial expressions throughout before shaking his head. ..
----- Forwarded message from Gil May <> ----- From: Gil May <> Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2020 14:24:30 +1000 Subject: Fwd: The White House.. A MUST READ! There is no doubt that Trump is a BUFFON !! I am sure you all will agree! *However !! read this:* The buffoon in the White House just brokered two Middle East Peace Accords, something that 71 years of political intervention and endless war failed to produce. The buffoon in the White House is the first president that has not engaged us in a foreign war since Eisenhower. The buffoon in the White House has had the greatest impact on the economy, bringing jobs, and lowering unemployment to the Black and Latino population of ANY other president. Ever. The buffoon in the White House has exposed the deep, widespread, and long-standing corruption in the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and the Republican and Democratic parties. The buffoon in the White House turned NATO around and had them start paying their dues. The buffoon in the White House neutralized the North Koreans, stopped them from developing a further nuclear capability, sending missiles toward Japan, and threatening the West Coast of the US. The Buffoon in the White House turned our relationship to the Chinese around, brought hundreds of business back to the US, and revived the economy. Hello. The buffoon in the White House has accomplished the appointing of two Supreme Court Justices and close to 300 Federal Judges. The buffoon in the White House lowered your taxes and caused your stock market to move to record levels over 100 times, positively impacting the retirements of tens of millions of citizens. The buffoon in the White House fast-tracked the development of a COVID Vaccine - it will be available within weeks - we still don't have a vaccine for SARS, Bird Flu, Ebola, or a host of diseases that arose during previous administrations. The buffoon in the White House rebuilt our military which the Obama administration had crippled and had fired 214 key generals and admirals in his first year of office. The buffoon in the White House uncovered widespread paedophilia in the government and in Hollywood. the buffoon in the White House is exposing worldwide sex trafficking of minors and bringing children home to their families. The buffoon in the White House. Works for free and has lost well over 2 billion dollars of his own money in serving - and done all of this and much more in the face of relentless undermining and opposition from people who are threatened because they know they are going to be exposed as the criminals that they are if he is re-elected. I got it, you don't like him. How special of you. He is serving you and ALL the American people. What are you doing besides calling him names and laughing about him catching the China virus. 74 years old. A billionaire. Doesn’t need a cent. Could be on a beach anywhere in the world. Has worked his whole life. Raised children who have work ethics out of this world. Possibly the most hated man in America right now. Diagnosed with covid. Still showing up. Have you ever wondered if you were 74 years old, a billionaire, and diagnosed with covid, if you would still be showing up, fighting for a country where millions of the citizens hated you? And if the opposition get into the White House, any US support for Australia against the threats from China will be gone, and then we will find out what being alone will be like. ----- End forwarded message -----
Trump absolutely -wrecks- NBC prissy as she pushes him to “disavow QAnon in its entirety”: Trump refuses to ‘disavow QAnon in its entirety’ because he knows ‘nothing’ about the group except that ‘they fight pedophilia’ US President Donald Trump has been blasted after refusing to outright condemn the QAnon conspiracy community, insisting at a town hall event that he doesn’t know anything about the group beyond its opposition to pedophilia. The president was pressed to “disavow QAnon in its entirety” during an NBC town hall on Thursday evening, with moderator Savannah Guthrie stating the group believes Democrats are a “Satanic pedophile ring” and that Trump is the “savior.” “I know nothing about QAnon. I know very little,” Trump replied, as Guthrie interjected: “I just told you.” Trump: "You told me, but what you tell me doesn't necessarily make it fact. [[that one begs for a ThugLife take :)]] I hate to say that. I know nothing about it. I do know they are very much against pedophilia, they fight it very hard." ... --- Concerning: Trump admits he is -less- famous than Jesus! Trump attacks Hillary, yells at NBC, but admits he’s less famous than JESUS in raucous post-Covid rally ... Yelling like a man who hadn’t recently been hospitalized with a potentially deadly respiratory illness, Trump served up some red meat to his base. Recounting Hillary Clinton’s failed 2016 bid for the presidency, Trump joked “They talked about the glass ceiling, right? The woman breaking the glass ceiling. It didn’t work out that way. The glass ceiling broke her.” [[OOHHH! OUCH! Mic drop president, of the world! :D]] [Epic liberal tears for Hitlery's unbroken glass ceiling:] Trump: The glass ceiling broke her — Acyn Torabi (@Acyn) October 15, 2020 “There will be a woman who breaks the glass ceiling,” he added. “It just won’t be Hillary. You know who else it won’t be? It won’t be Kamala,” referring to Biden’s running mate, Kamala Harris. Rambling about his own fame, Trump said that he was recently called the “most famous person in the world,” but corrected that statement, adding that only “Jesus Christ” was more famous. .. Trump didn’t miss an opportunity to heap scorn on the media earlier, even targeting NBC, the host network of a town hall with the president later on Thursday night. “I’m doing this town hall with Con-cast,” Trump said, referring to NBC’s parent company, Comcast. “So I’m doing it and it’s NBC. The worst.” “And so they asked me if I’d do it, and I figured what the hell, we’ve got a free hour on television,” Trump quipped, after mocking NBC anchor “sleepy eyes Chuck Todd.” ... --- And Russia testing their spanky new Kinzhal hypersonic missile to remind the EurocRATs that this be real. Yo. WATCH Russia’s hypersonic Kinzhal missile IN ACTION during large-scale drills in the Black Sea (VIDEO) --- Twitter banned the Biden story as we know, so certain GOP reps posted it direct on the .gov's own websites. So Twitter BANNED THE GOVERNMENT :D (We can only wish!) Twitter CENSORS THE GOVERNMENT, briefly blocking link to GOP page on CONGRESS website with copy of NYPost’s Hunter Biden story Just as well Dorsey apologized for the bannings ... they might have banned the government's own websites, oh ...... um .. hmmm. Well, let's move on shall we... Conley Physician to President - To: Press Sec - Sub: POTUS COVID As too many Americans have done this year, @potus & I are quarantining at home after testing positive for COVID-19. We are feeling good & I have postponed all upcoming engagements. Please be sure you are staying safe & we will all get through this together. Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER! Corona curiously gamed by some as possible basement feignt of the left for Biden to win election, is now real with Trump... While the Left now openly tweets public wishes for rapid death... Masses will now vote for Trump in outpouring of strength and hope against dark days of Socialism in the USA. Will be interviewed tonight by @seanhannity at 9:00. Enjoy!@FoxNews Trump last interview Hannity 2020-10-01 930pm Biden interrupted Trump first 3x. Biden racist. Biden liar. Biden claims presidents enter power in Nov, not Jan. Democrats permanent stacking power over US by adding DC, Puerto Rico, Guam. Democrat voter fraud in Philadelphia, Project Veritas, etc. Russia Guccifer etc known a CIA Clinton Obama Comey FBI Democrat etc op. Etc. "If people want to stop that, you have to vote against the Democrats."
On Fri, 2 Oct 2020 04:01:04 -0400 grarpamp <> wrote:
While the Left now openly tweets public wishes for rapid death...
any decent person wishes for trump's death
Masses will now vote for Trump in outpouring of strength and hope against dark days of Socialism in the USA.
so what are the chances that the above sentence is sarcasm? I say very close to zero.
Biden racist. Biden liar.
so he has the proper credentials to replace your fascist orange monkey. Racist and liar being the most fundamental US 'values'.
The President, and several staff from Air Force One could lead to foregin aggression by hostile nations, the collapse of the standing army, the complete break of the chain of command.
Been rehearsed since Corona, so nope.
notice that grarpamp doesn't say that "aggression by hostile nations" to the US nazis is the kind of stuff that exists only in the minds of US nazis. On the contrary his reply is that the US nazi military is 'well trained'. so go figure, grarpamp is just another trump-cocksucker right-wing-asshole who sometimes copypastes stuff about 'voluntarysm'. Cookie cutter propaganda agent.
Young Analyst with 300 subs gets the Context Right... CNN's Anderson Cooper Fraudulently spins Melania's Frustration with Media, External Expectations, Previous Legal System, Obama DCPerspective Dave Tape without Cooper The Left, Media, and Deep State will say and do anything including paying #CashForBallots. All of them conspiring since day one against anyone who dares to... #DrainTheSwamp Biden, Democrats, and Media all bashing Trump all day long while Trump goes to Hospital... beating a man while he's down. Cheap shots.
In todays Truths... Twitter and Facebook publish and dishonor their own Fake Contracts that would cause them to Censor the Entire Left... Biden should not be out publicly fundraising, giving campaign speeches, photo opps, traveling, facetweeting rhetoric, "unity", and other sleezy excuses to keep talking in public, etc all day and night as he has been doing, against an opponent who is down and doing none of those things. What a fucking dirtbag Biden is. "Joe Biden delivered a eulogy for former KKK "Exalted Cyclops" leader Robert Byrd. Biden called the segregationist a "mentor," a "guide," and a "friend." Byrd once recruited and led a KKK chapter with 150 members." While demanding Trump denounce random groups off the ADL list he knows little about... Nothing but silence and apologetics from BLM SJW Antifa Woke Left who would crucify Biden for his own were he not their Socialist enabler in charge. Hypocrisy rules. Debates Are Totally Rigged Against Trump, Do Your Own Research... "Chris Wallace, a registered Democrat, this "Moderator" repeatedly interrupted to try to help Joe Biden." "EXPOSED: 'Impartial' @CSPAN next debate moderator @SteveScully was once a @JoeBiden intern 'While attending college, he served in the office of DE Sen. Joseph R. Biden, and later as a staff assistant to Dem. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy' DC Swamp always protects itself" "Steve Scully - Biden Beach Bash 2016 guest" "Gotta Love Joe Biden -- Scully" "So first we get Chris Wallace as a moderator, we see how that went. And now for the second debate we get a former intern Biden. You have got to be kidding me." "Steve Scully. He also wrote an op-Ed called, “No, Not Trump, Not Ever.” How is this acceptable?" " No, Not Trump, Not Ever 2:38 PM - 18 Mar 2016 Steve Scully | Opinion | No, Not Trump, Not Ever Voters deserve respect, but this year, their candidate does not. " "Gotta love Biden" "Kristen Welker, fm NBC, documented Trump-hater" "Kristen Welker: Leftist who is married to Big Pharma Executive" 100% Biased Media. Not Fake News. Document the absurdity. #DrainTheSwamp
Biased Presidential Election "Debate" moderators and hosts in the news as their frauds get canceled on. ref: Chris Wallace, Steve Scully, Commission on presidential debates RNC Votes To Withdraw From Commission On Presidential Debates The Republican National Committee (RNC) voted unanimously Thursday to withdraw from the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD), which governs the general election debates. In a statement, RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said the commission is “biased and has refused to enact simple and commonsense reforms to help ensure fair debates including hosting debates before voting begins and selecting moderators who have never worked for candidates on the debate stage.” Today, the RNC voted to withdraw from the biased CPD, and we are going to find newer, better debate platforms to ensure that future nominees are not forced to go through the biased CPD in order to make their case to the American people. — Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) April 14, 2022 This vote comes months after the GOP threatened in a letter to urge its candidates to not participate in televised debates unless the commission adopts major reforms. In the letter, McDaniel accused the commission of partisanship and “significant errors” in its organization of the 2020 presidential debates between then-President Donald Trump and then-presidential candidate Joe Biden. The commission’s “repeated missteps and the partisan actions of its Board Members make clear that the organization no longer provides the fair and impartial forum for presidential debates which the law requires and the American people deserve,” McDaniel wrote. The reforms McDaniel has advocated for include term limits for the CPD’s board of directors, adopting a “code of conduct” that would prevent staff from making public comments for or against any candidate, committing to hosting at least one debate before the start of early voting, and publicly disclosing criteria for moderator selection. The CPD is a nonprofit that was established in 1987 and has since sponsored and produced presidential debates in all nine subsequent election cycles.
BLM and Antifa... mattering was not in the RFP for manipulation and chaos NYC Mayor Blasts BLM Silence Over Crime Spree: "I Thought Black Lives Mattered?" How long until Democratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams - who is black - will find himself facing the firing squad of liberal cancel-tards after he dared to criticize the Black Lives Matter movement over their silence amid the surge in crimes in his city and the seeming daily murders of black children. During an interview with NY1 - initially focused on the arrest of Frank James, who now faces a federal terrorism charge for shooting 10 people on a Brooklyn subway train - a clearly exasperated Adams declared after being asked by the host how to handle the increasing number of shootings occurring in the city (as she cited that over a dozen shootings took place on Wednesday night alone): "By being consistent with our message. Here’s my question that I put out to the city. Hey, I thought black lives matter. Where are all those who stated ‘black lives matter?’" "Then go do an analysis of who was killed or shot last night. I was up all night speaking to my commanders in the Bronx and Brooklyn," he said. "The victims were Black. Many of the shooters were Black." Adams concluded to a rather shocked NY1 anchor: "If Black lives matter, then the thousands of people I saw on the street when [George] Floyd was murdered should be on the streets right now stating that the lives of these Black children that are dying every night matter," adding, "we can’t be hypocrites." As DailyCaller notes, since taking office in January, Adams has clashed with Black Lives Matter Greater New York and its co-founder, Hawk Newsome, over the city’s policing policies. “Eric Adams has a lot of good ideas but he doesn’t have a plan," Newsome told Fox News’ Bill Hemmer in February. Since the beginning of the year, crime rose in New York City by more than 75% from the same time frame in 2021, according to New York City Police Department data. Black people were victims of 65% of murders and 74% of shootings in 2020, the New York Times reported. Dems: "Oh shit, Trump survived 4 years of our Fake News Russia Attacks, and now Corona."
CDC... 1967 100,000 1957 116,000 1918 675,000 "Flu season is coming up! Many people every year, sometimes over 100,000, and despite the Vaccine, die from the Flu. Are we going to close down our Country? No, we have learned to live with it, just like we are learning to live with Covid, in most populations far less lethal!!! 5:03 AM - 6 Oct 2020" Twitter censored Trump's factual and reasoned approach tweet. You won't be able to reply or retweet it. Trump didn't specify where or when those sometimes were, which assuming US in 2018 was only 5k over UI, and even 2-3x an already irrelavant death count in the US isn't bad for some random hotquote statistical data that no one should have to have memorized that closely. Whichever way, the REAL problem is Silicon Valley and the Democrats and Media ABSOLUTELY DO NOT want you... - Feeling like free human beings, so you come outside and back to social and work, out from under their irrational power grab and political election season brinksmanship lockdowns. - Knowing that you can learn to adapt. - Knowing that medical community is improving treatment approaches. - Knowing that you can be a free human being without them. Twitter and Jack Dorsey and his crew of censors and rest of Lefty Fake news Media can FUCK RIGHT OFF. Document the fraud you see in the world. #DrainTheSwamp This was Trump's first dialogue after med center, in case Fake News didn't report. " I just left Walter Reed Medical Center, and it’s really something very special – the doctors, the nurses, the first responders. And I learned so much about coronavirus. And one thing that’s for certain: Don’t let it dominate you! Don’t be afraid of it! You’re gonna beat it! We have the best medical equipment, we have the best medicines, all developed recently. And you’re gonna beat it. I went, I didn’t feel so good. And two days ago – I could have left two days ago. Two days ago I felt great, like, better than I have in a long time. I said just recently: better than 20 years ago. Don’t let it dominate! Don’t let it take over your lives! Don’t let that happen. We're the greatest country in the world. We’re going back! We’re going back to work. We’re gonna be out front. As your leader, I had to do that. I knew there was danger to it, but I had to do it. I stood out front! I led! Nobody that’s a leader would not do what I did. And I know there’s a risk, there’s a danger, but that’s okay. And now I’m better, and maybe I’m immune, I don’t know. But don’t let it dominate your lives! Get out there, be careful. We have the best medicines in the world. And it all happened very shortly, and they’re all getting approved, and the vaccines are coming momentarily. Thank you very much and Walter Reed, what a group of people. Thank you very much. " Meanwhile Biden and the Democrats keep telling you to cower in fear in your basement indefinitely. Which life do you want?
on Thu, 8 Oct 2020 00:36:29 -0400 grarpamp, the trumpofascist agent vomited : infected orange monkey vomited :
We have the best medical equipment, we have the best medicines, all developed recently.
according to US propaganda 215000 people died because of the flu farce. The US cesspool has a population of 330 millions, so that's 0.06% dead because of the imaginary flu. now, let's look at australia. The vassal state of the english nazis has a population of 25 millions and the total number of fake flu cases is...897(LMAO!). Sooo....897 / 25 millions is 0.003% and 0.06/0.003 is 20. In other words, the % of alleged deaths in the US cesspool is TWENTY FUCKING TIMES BIGGER than in australia. ...and that should be slightly notable cause the US cesspool is the most perfect country in the history of the world, it has 'private medicine' (cue, randroid monkeys, cheer) and it also has 'medicare' and the infected orange monkey quoted above by the trumpofascist turd grarpamp just said he has the 'best medical equipment'...and yet when compared to other 'first world' 'civilized' western cesspools(like australia) the US is joke. I wonder what sort of explanation do trumpofascist turds have for this 'phenomenom'? nah, they can't explain anything. All they can do is whine about how evil their accomplices the demrats are.
On 10/8/20, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <> wrote:
In other words, the % of alleged deaths in the US cesspool is TWENTY FUCKING TIMES BIGGER than in australia.
They're 20x more obese, and roughly 35 out of their top 50 populous cities have your Lying Democratic Coroners, you dumb fuck ;)
Proud Boys in all the Fake News lately... PB counters the Left and Fake News... Leader is Brown+Black not White, has lots of Black and other members internationally, including Jews, defends members having all types of spouses and kids, forbids Nazi's etc... As usual, go to sources, first person interviews, to learn directly on anything, without the Fake News distortions... Enrique Tarrio Interview 1 Republic Keeper 133 Tarrio Interview 2 by Brian O'Kelly tw: brianyourbro fb: republickeeper Tarrio wrecks Left Media Proud Brown Western Women Freedom: Black Women and Men Love It PB: Tarrio on RK PB: Tarrio on RK Tarrio Making Mens Clubs Cool Again"proud+boys"+"tarrio" "We're hated for our Pro American Values" "We Stand By the President" "End domestic terrorism" "Recruiting is through the roof" "Trump proved himself to me, I will vote for him in 2020" "PB were holdin it down for us, God Bless" " Gay men on Twitter hijacked and flooded the PB hashtag... But Enrique Tarrio, the leader of the Proud Boys, said he doesn't see what the men are trying to accomplish. "I think it's hysterical," Tarrio told CNN. "This isn't something that's offensive to us. It's not an insult. We aren't homophobic. We don't care who people sleep with. People think it's going to bother us. It doesn't. " Seems lot of Proud Gay Western Chauv's in USA, and they don't want to fall under Global Communism's / Socialism's thumb. It's about Freedom, Yo! #JusticeForLiberty #LatinosForTrump "I denounce white supremacy. I denounce anti-Semitism. I denounce racism. I denounce fascism. I denounce communism and any other -ism that is prejudice towards people because of their race, religion, culture, tone of skin." In regards to his own ethnicity, he has said, "I'm pretty brown, I'm Cuban. There's nothing white supremacist about me." " Core Values Of The Proud Boys Minimal Government Maximum Freedom Anti-Political Correctness Anti-Drug War Closed Borders Anti-Racial Guilt Anti-Racism Pro-Free Speech (1st Amendment) Pro-Gun Rights (2nd Amendment) Glorifying the Entrepreneur Venerating the Housewife Reinstating a Spirit of Western Chauvinism Though these are our central tenets, all that is required to become a Proud Boy is that a man declare he is a "Western chauvinist who refuses to apologize for creating the modern world." We do not discriminate based upon race or sexual orientation/preference. We are not an 'ism, 'ist, or 'phobic that fits the Left's narrative. We truly believe that the West Is The Best and welcome those who believe in the same tenets as us. " Censorship by Fake News and Left re PB SPLC Has Its Own Troubles - Sex Harassment, Discrimination, Racism These shameful secrets are no longer hidden in shadows.
On Sun, Oct 04, 2020 at 10:58:30PM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
Proud Boys in all the Fake News lately...
PB counters the Left and Fake News... Leader is Brown+Black not White, has lots of Black and other members internationally, including Jews, defends members having all types of spouses and kids, forbids Nazi's etc...
As usual, go to sources, first person interviews, to learn directly on anything, without the Fake News distortions... Enrique Tarrio Interview 1 Republic Keeper 133 Tarrio Interview 2 by Brian O'Kelly tw: brianyourbro fb: republickeeper Tarrio wrecks Left Media
Tarrio is well spoken - puts CNN harpie in her place. Basically Tarrio v Soros. Wrecked indeed :) Proud Brown Western Women Freedom: Black Women and Men Love It PB: Tarrio on RK PB: Tarrio on RK Tarrio Making Mens Clubs Cool Again"proud+boys"+"tarrio"
"We're hated for our Pro American Values" "We Stand By the President" "End domestic terrorism" "Recruiting is through the roof" "Trump proved himself to me, I will vote for him in 2020" "PB were holdin it down for us, God Bless"
" Gay men on Twitter hijacked and flooded the PB hashtag... But Enrique Tarrio, the leader of the Proud Boys, said he doesn't see what the men are trying to accomplish. "I think it's hysterical," Tarrio told CNN. "This isn't something that's offensive to us. It's not an insult. We aren't homophobic. We don't care who people sleep with. People think it's going to bother us. It doesn't. "
Seems lot of Proud Gay Western Chauv's in USA, and they don't want to fall under Global Communism's / Socialism's thumb.
It's about Freedom, Yo!
#JusticeForLiberty #LatinosForTrump
"I denounce white supremacy. I denounce anti-Semitism. I denounce racism. I denounce fascism. I denounce communism and any other -ism that is prejudice towards people because of their race, religion, culture, tone of skin." In regards to his own ethnicity, he has said, "I'm pretty brown, I'm Cuban. There's nothing white supremacist about me."
" Core Values Of The Proud Boys
Minimal Government Maximum Freedom Anti-Political Correctness Anti-Drug War Closed Borders Anti-Racial Guilt Anti-Racism Pro-Free Speech (1st Amendment) Pro-Gun Rights (2nd Amendment) Glorifying the Entrepreneur Venerating the Housewife Reinstating a Spirit of Western Chauvinism
Though these are our central tenets, all that is required to become a Proud Boy is that a man declare he is a "Western chauvinist who refuses to apologize for creating the modern world." We do not discriminate based upon race or sexual orientation/preference. We are not an 'ism, 'ist, or 'phobic that fits the Left's narrative. We truly believe that the West Is The Best and welcome those who believe in the same tenets as us. " Censorship by Fake News and Left re PB
SPLC Has Its Own Troubles - Sex Harassment, Discrimination, Racism These shameful secrets are no longer hidden in shadows. Proud Boys protecting a transwoman friend. BLM beating up a black friend. The truth has always been clear to me. #ProudBoys #TransLivesMatter #BlacksForTrump #BlackLives #BlackLivesMAGA #transfortrump "Proud Boys with LGBT = Lotsa Gays Back Trump" "Gavin and Milo Sucking Face" "Black + White + Gay = Trump" The proud boys are not White Supremacist. The left hates them because they embody masculinity, patriotism, faith & the instinct to protect & defend. The left’s agenda in the past decade has been to feminize men into pajama boy & portray masculinity as toxic #ProudBoyTrump Difference between Antifa and the proud boys protecting community businesses , you leftis are just sick in the head Oct 1 2020 Twitter suspended @enrique_tarrio so he can’t even defend himself while democrats and Never Trump goblin “conservatives” attack him and the Proud Boys. When did they do this? Yesterday Democrat Biden Media Bogus Narratives = Rekt
I watched a part of the so called 'debate' between the infected orange monkey and the boss of the demrats. apparently the orange monkey likes to accuse the demrats of being 'the far left'. No doubt that scares the white trash who vote for the monkey. They know that a vote for the monkey is not a vote that goes to the 'far left'. Or is it? now, as the 'debate' progresses biden accuses the monkey of not paying taxes to which the monkey replies that he got his tax subsidies for ultra-rich oligarchs...from OBOMBA. aanndd that's the extent of US democracy. The leading oligarchs confessing on TV that they are partners and explaining how their criminal partnership works....while trash like grarpamp cheers for the monkey, and similar trash on the 'far left' cheer for the demrats...who are trump's number one allies. so please grarpamp, keep spamming this magnificient "USA 2020 Elections Thread" with screeches about evil biden. This 'thread' is a monument to your infite idiocy AND moral bankruptcy.
The Trump I Know preview with KG " I just see what he's gone through, what no American President has had to endure, no one! Like the incoming heavy C-130 fire that President Trump has had to take. He's been grotesquely mistreated from the press, Pew Research polls 93% negative media coverage, it's just a saturation from the mainstream media. And yet he still brushes it off and he keeps fighting forward. That's the person you want on your side. That's the person you want standing up to Iran, to China, to so many of these countries that don't have our best interests at heart. That's the one you want fighting for this country. And there's no crack in the armor. That's the thing! He keeps going, he's one of the toughest people I've ever met. " "Honestly, Joe Biden just doesn't seem like the guy...He looks scared already. I don't like that. You're a lion; you're going into battle. You can't be a little cub getting scared."
Enjoy ;) Invincible Warrior Trump Puts Out Epic Series of Tweets as He was Getting Antsy to Leave the Hospital ... So President Trump was of course getting antsy, as his people were forcing him to stay in the hospital on Monday afternoon. His antsy tweets were HISTORIC. ...
On 10/7/20, Karl <> wrote:
The White Man Behind Black Lives Matter Secret Origins of BLM
Venezuela Nicolas Maduro and BLM Opal Tometi... pic: Communist Love
Why in God's name do you guys spend so much time trying to bash the reputations of people who believe they are sticking up for the weak?
Many times whatever the people "believe" they are doing is opposite from what they *are* doing, which typically ultimately amounts to forcing you, a harmless human being, to do what they say upon threat of death. The only weak are the result of believing the mind programming bullshit fed to them telling them (and their fake defenders) that they are weak. Stop eating and believing the bullshit, wake up to at least one of many ways how that has worked to fuck you and everyone over... Larken Rose - The Tiny Dot
What about the people who want to work _with_ everyone else, not against them?
Because until "the people who want to work with everyone else" realize, along with "everyone else" (who should ignore the former), that their idea of "working with everyone else" typically means their ruling over, oppression, theft, enslavement and murder of "everyone else"... those people can all eat shit. And until then, it cannot be denied that ongoing actions to truthfully "bash" resulting in removal of the worst breadth and depth entrenching offenders, allows room for a range of things closer to and including perhaps even hopefully non-offense to develop over time. Allowing the embedment of colossus breadth and depth of Socialism, Communism, Programs, Marxism etc, Globalized Worldwide Normalized "Democracy" "Democracies" "Democratic Instantiates" (aka: Distributed hard to kill form of Totalitarian Ruler)... whatever the flavor of non-voluntary... instead of creating more actual freedom... is a horrible suppression and erasure of "everyones" freedom and diversity. To wit, among other things: their penchant to erase history and censor free speech... both being potent forms of Mind Control. re thread: Largely only the Democrat Left has been doing that en masse effect in 2020 across physical, media, and digital worlds. That's really bad. Some regions and the world will shift through various actions, support, debate, and inactions as may be fitting, and at various speeds... closer to libertarian / voluntary / anarchism. You don't need Maduro or Ometi to order you what to do, or to "stick up for you", and you sure as fuck don't need the USA Democrats Left or their weak Biden puppet either. With luck, Religion wont be the only thing that comes to the internet to die... The_Internet_-_Where_religions_come_to_die By whatever means necessary and suits... #DrainTheSwamp ... then you can figure out what to do with whatever sharks remain in the swimming pool.
On Wed, Oct 07, 2020 at 07:47:57PM -0400, grarpamp wrote: Larken Rose - The Tiny Dot
TFW you enjoy the soundtrack so much you play it on repeat for over two hours before your flatmates finally thump the door saying "ENOUGH!" :D That tune man. Anyone know what it is? Does it exist in a soundtrack only form - for a 10 hour stint, this little neurone would like a version without the "Dump dump, daaaahhhh" interjections :) This tune is either reminiscent of the glorious Montezuma's Revenge on an ageing Apple ][, or some platformer that punched me neurone in me cynical crontex. BTW, Montezuma was never quite the same in an emu - really need that original clickety clackety keyboard and that unmatched keyboard-to-screen low latency which is unmatched even to this day as many know. And that smell of a few 100 patriarchal 5.25" floppies at the local comp club ... oh man, heady days. Venezualan notes Tometi association Giant Trump sign appears on the hills along the Sepulveda Pass State suppression of political free speech is a direct and clear violation of US Constitutional Rights. Fuck California... Put up your own huge "TRUMP" on your property, remain totally silent and document the State Censor thugs as they remove it etc, take it to court, get rich. BTW, the 1000's of roadside and overhead billboard advertising and Nanny State Mind Control "Mask Up, Buckle Up, blah blah blah" electronic lightup animated humor signs littering highways are obviously much more close and direct "Life and Safety Hazard" in motorists face.
The literal eternal lock down, for "climate change" even after COVID, is coming folks, should the DemonRats defeat populism: Who had liberals floating climate change lockdowns? Because liberals are floating climate change lockdowns. Some folks think it's all a joke, and in some real ways they're right, but fact is that fascist corporatist socialist communist extremist crap, beyond what we see today, is coming down the pipeline should the DemonRATs again gain power: - compulsory vaccinations for all - compulsory microchipping for all in the back of the hand or the forehead - no buying nor selling except that you have the compulsory microchip - all dissent and dissident voices locked up, or dead - only authorised "dissidence" permitted - the end of cash and anything cash like - all digital currencies hard regulated - all travel extremely limited, monitored, tracked, controlled This is a serious moment in history with very serious consequences should sufficient numbers of VOTErs fail to heed this moment. Good luck, and stay ahead of the curve. Seriously consider being not in any city in early November, "just in case". And good luck and God speed fellow Souls,
1930's Radio Frequency Tech Efficiently Routes Long Form Conversations Around News Media Blurb Spots, Censorship, Socialist Depression and Lies... to Reach Freedom Loving Nation[s] "President @realDonaldTrump on a virtual debate: I’m not going to sit behind a computer screen while they hand Joe Biden the answers" "You don't hear about any of this stuff, they don't want to talk about it. But I'll tell ya the amazing thing, the one thing I really have learned... The people of our country are smarter than the people that cover them. --Trump" "Steve Scully, the second Debate Moderator, is a Never Trumper, just like the son of the great Mike Wallace. Fix!!!" "We have so many people that are untruthful about us" Full audio stream starting to appear on the usual tube sites.
On Fri, Oct 09, 2020 at 03:52:28PM -0300, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
trumpofascist spammer 'grarpamp' vomited more trumpofascist spam.
Spanish Eye-tallion Niggerian hate-spammer Juanagger thought about uplifting people again. Saw a blank reply the other day, so blank it only existed in thought. But it lay like a puppy and begged for something constructive. Cheeky bugger even winked at me - One very nearly got angry at that, it's just not right, a veritable step too far for a non existent email, I tell ya!
On 10/9/20, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <> tried to find his nuts but only came up with...:
spam aygbadldoaygb ;)
So Vladimir Putin literally lays out the ideological basis for Russia "developing contacts with the Democratic representative", and it's epic: Vlad said: "The Democratic Party is traditionally closer to the so-called liberal values, closer to social democratic ideas. And it was from the social democratic environment that the Communist Party evolved. After all, I was a member of the Soviet Communist Party for nearly 20 years. I was a rank-and-file member, but it can be said that I believed in the party's ideas. I still like many of these left-wing values. Equality and fraternity. What is bad about them? In fact, they are akin to Christian values [author's note: ROFL 😂]. Yes, they are difficult to implement, but they are very attractive, nevertheless. In other words, this can be seen as an ideological basis for developing contacts with the Democratic representative." ... "Back in the 1930s, Communist International leaders wrote that both black and white workers had a common enemy — imperialism and capitalism. They also wrote that these people could become the most effective group in the future revolutionary battle. So, this is something that can be seen, to a degree, as common values, if not a unifying agent for us." Found here:
The goal is to get through this while introducing as few new forms of massive suffering or destruction as possible. Usually in the US we have a flipflop between republican and democrat babbling figureheads. Most people don't discuss that if you know something secret and are willing to risk more than anyone else, you can get the whole nation to do whatever you want, and it used to be that if you tried to pull that somebody would use it to gently reign things in: not to start a competition with you. The goal is to get through this without hurting huge groups of people any further. On Sat, Oct 10, 2020, 6:43 PM Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
So Vladimir Putin literally lays out the ideological basis for Russia "developing contacts with the Democratic representative", and it's epic:
Vlad said: "The Democratic Party is traditionally closer to the so-called liberal values, closer to social democratic ideas. And it was from the social democratic environment that the Communist Party evolved.
After all, I was a member of the Soviet Communist Party for nearly 20 years. I was a rank-and-file member, but it can be said that I believed in the party's ideas. I still like many of these left-wing values. Equality and fraternity. What is bad about them? In fact, they are akin to Christian values [author's note: ROFL 😂].
Yes, they are difficult to implement, but they are very attractive, nevertheless. In other words, this can be seen as an ideological basis for developing contacts with the Democratic representative."
"Back in the 1930s, Communist International leaders wrote that both black and white workers had a common enemy — imperialism and capitalism. They also wrote that these people could become the most effective group in the future revolutionary battle. So, this is something that can be seen, to a degree, as common values, if not a unifying agent for us."
Found here:
On Sun, 11 Oct 2020 09:42:01 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
putin literally lays out the ideological basis for Russia
and that 'basis' is being a US cocksucker - putin is an employee of the pentagon in their 'fight' against 'terrism'. He is of course a traitor to the 'russian people' like any other politician.
the putin cunt said: "The Democratic Party is traditionally closer to the so-called liberal values,
LMAO!!! putin knows shit about the US cesspool. The demrats are the party of slavery and genocide. No doubt those are the kind of 'values' that putin-from-the-KGB likes.
I still like many of these left-wing values. What is bad about them? In fact, they are akin to Christian values [author's note: ROFL 😂].
that's is fully correct. The 'values' of left-wing nazis, aka commies, are quite close to the 'values' of jew-kkkristian totalitarian scum. All totalitarian scum is composed of slight variations on the same 'idea'. Shocking news. so, mr. harkness now you're even more confused than ever? Your idol putin is not just a US cocksucker but a demrat cocksucker.
i'd like to share that something happened to me, resulting in my contributions to channels like this being full of spam and outbursts. it's possible that something akin may have influenced zenaan's and others' posts too. On Sun, Oct 11, 2020 at 3:22 PM Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <> wrote:
On Sun, 11 Oct 2020 09:42:01 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
putin literally lays out the ideological basis for Russia
and that 'basis' is being a US cocksucker - putin is an employee of the pentagon in their 'fight' against 'terrism'. He is of course a traitor to the 'russian people' like any other politician.
the putin cunt said: "The Democratic Party is traditionally closer to the so-called liberal values,
LMAO!!! putin knows shit about the US cesspool. The demrats are the party of slavery and genocide. No doubt those are the kind of 'values' that putin-from-the-KGB likes.
I still like many of these left-wing values. What is bad about them? In fact, they are akin to Christian values [author's note: ROFL 😂].
that's is fully correct. The 'values' of left-wing nazis, aka commies, are quite close to the 'values' of jew-kkkristian totalitarian scum. All totalitarian scum is composed of slight variations on the same 'idea'. Shocking news.
so, mr. harkness now you're even more confused than ever? Your idol putin is not just a US cocksucker but a demrat cocksucker.
Someone said to me once, then twice, that I probably ought pray. Remember, the authority you go to is the authority you give power to. Populism is opposed by the oligarchs for a reason. On Sun, Oct 11, 2020 at 04:10:05PM -0400, Karl wrote:
i'd like to share that something happened to me, resulting in my contributions to channels like this being full of spam and outbursts. it's possible that something akin may have influenced zenaan's and others' posts too.
On Sun, Oct 11, 2020 at 3:22 PM Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <> wrote:
On Sun, 11 Oct 2020 09:42:01 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
putin literally lays out the ideological basis for Russia
and that 'basis' is being a US cocksucker - putin is an employee of the pentagon in their 'fight' against 'terrism'. He is of course a traitor to the 'russian people' like any other politician.
the putin cunt said: "The Democratic Party is traditionally closer to the so-called liberal values,
LMAO!!! putin knows shit about the US cesspool. The demrats are the party of slavery and genocide. No doubt those are the kind of 'values' that putin-from-the-KGB likes.
I still like many of these left-wing values. What is bad about them? In fact, they are akin to Christian values [author's note: ROFL 😂].
that's is fully correct. The 'values' of left-wing nazis, aka commies, are quite close to the 'values' of jew-kkkristian totalitarian scum. All totalitarian scum is composed of slight variations on the same 'idea'. Shocking news.
so, mr. harkness now you're even more confused than ever? Your idol putin is not just a US cocksucker but a demrat cocksucker.
On Mon, 12 Oct 2020 09:38:21 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
Someone said to me once, then twice, that I probably ought pray.
Remember, the authority you go to is the authority you give power to.
Populism is opposed by the oligarchs for a reason.
what - the fuck - are you talking about. Anyway, thanks for showing that your idol putin 'supports' the demrats*. Maybe it's time for you to retire? *the demrats in turn are rabidly anti russia, go figure.
Alternate sources... Full 2 hours + extra third hour
the grarpamp clown vomited 3 times so far today. This is definitely a new low for this fine 'cypherpunk' list. Constant, hysterical right-wing spam. The bright side is that even the most retarded retard on the list now cannot deny that 'grarpamp' is just a cookie-cutter US-cunt fascist.
On Sat, Oct 10, 2020, 12:30 PM Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <> wrote:
the grarpamp clown vomited 3 times so far today.
This is definitely a new low for this fine 'cypherpunk' list. Constant, hysterical right-wing spam. The bright side is that even the most retarded retard on the list now cannot deny that 'grarpamp' is just a cookie-cutter US-cunt fascist.
Replying in support of grarpamp, who does not share their legal name, making them safer to work with, and makes short posts that are to a relevant point, making them more effective to work with.
On Sat, 10 Oct 2020 13:00:08 -0400 Karl <> wrote:
Replying in support of grarpamp, who does not share their legal name, making them safer to work with, and makes short posts that are to a relevant point, making them more effective to work with.
thanks karl - for revealing you are exactly the same kind of fraud that 'grarpamp' is, except you pose as a 'leftie'. Which means, you are a left-wing US-cunt fascist. and thanks for perfectly illustrating how 'left wing' US fascists and right wing US fascists are identical twins. Then again, you think US govcorporations are 'anti racist' right? keep up the good work.
makes short posts that are to a relevant point
and ok, yes, you are detached from reality, aka insane.
Fun with Lies from Geriatric basement dwelling two-faced BLM violence socialism sponsoring fearmongers and snarky lying prosecutors... Biden the Lifetime Liar Black America says Be Careful Who You Vote For re Kamala Democrats Biden and Kamala Lie ALL THE TIME Kamala the Smarmy Bitchy HR Rep Lies Her Ass Off Biden Old Creepy Mean, and a Gun Grabbing Thief Kamala the Smiling Liar Guarantees Riots, Joe's Taxes Dems Lie about Accepting Funds Biden Forgets to Lie Pelosi Lied SOTU Biden Lies and Forces Medal on Soldier Kamala Persecuted Pot Smokers and Death Row Blacks Hate Dems Lies and Condescending Insults Kamala Lies Religion Biden Pandering Lies Democrats Dodges Corona to Get Nominated Biden Lies Foreign Influence Democrats RUINED THEIR CITIES in LIES 35 of top 50 most populous Biden and Democrats SOLD OUT TO CHINA "We want to see China rise" Kamala lies about what Infringed means, exploits emotions... Colion Noir destroys Kamala's Democrat Lies and Illogic Democrats will not raise your taxes?!? Most famous lie ever, LOL. Terminal condition, dying, dead... Bye Bye Biden. --McLaughlin Never trust the smiling Democrats! And never, ever, *EVER* trust a prosecutor! Democrats and Deep State Wiped Their Phones of Guilt Recall and See Through Joe Dems Bullshit ... Judge Jeanine Busts Balls :) #DrainTheSwamp
Democrats Smiling Lying Faces Tell All... Democrats endorse Criminal Violence... compilation Kamala "They're not going to stop before election day in November, and they're not going to stop after election day. And that should be, everyone should take note of that on both levels. That this isn't, they're not going to let up, and they should not. --Kamala Harris, wearing her trademark shit eating grin" Tucker: Why are Democrats Silent on Political Violence Message from Melania on violence The Liberal Mainstream News Media is lying and hiding endless quotes harmful to the Left. #DrainTheSwamp
USA Democrats detached from all rational firearms thought... Gun Free Zone
Noor bin Ladin Backs Trump Osama bin Laden's niece says only Trump can prevent another 9/11 September 5, 2020 Jon Levine Another 9/11-style attack may be just around the corner if Joe Biden is elected president, warns Noor bin Ladin, the niece of Sept. 11 terror mastermind Osama bin Laden. "ISIS proliferated under the Obama/Biden administration, leading to them coming to Europe. Trump has shown he protects America and us by extension from foreign threats by obliterating terrorists at the root and before they get a chance to strike," bin Ladin, 33, told The Post in her first-ever interview. Bin Ladin (whose branch of the family has always spelled their name differently than her infamous uncle) lives in Switzerland but said she considers herself "an American at heart.” A full-size US flag hung in her childhood room at age 12 and her dream vacation is an RV trip across America. The stunning, Swiss-born bin Ladin says she is all in for Trump in 2020, calling the election the most important in a generation. "I have been a supporter of President Trump since he announced he was running in the early days in 2015. I have watched from afar and I admire this man’s resolve," she said. “He must be re-elected ... It’s vital for the future of not only America, but Western civilization as a whole." "You look at all the terrorist attacks that have happened in Europe over the past 19 years. They have completely shaken us to the core ... [Radical Islam] has completely infiltrated our society," bin Ladin continued. "In the US it’s very worrying that the left has aligned itself completely with the people who share that ideology." Osama bin LadenOsama bin LadenAP While Trump has long been a polarizing figure in the United States, he is even more toxic in Europe, where views of US leadership have plummeted since he took office. A 2018 Gallup poll found just 18% of Swiss citizens approved of his job performance. Noor, who said she regularly wears a "Make America Great Again" hat (and occasionally a Trump bedtime onesie), has had to confront many Trump-haters on her side of the Atlantic. During a recent trip to the grocery store while wearing the iconic red cap, Noor was accosted. "I am minding my own business and this woman in her late 50s charges toward me and starts speaking very loudly and aggressively to me," she recalled. "She’s yelling at me and saying how can I be wearing this and Trump is the worst president ever and she's basically dumping on my beloved president ... She told me three times, `You’re stupid.' I kept my cool, and needless to say I kept my hat!" Noor Bin LadinNoor bin LadinDavid M. Benett And it's not just Trump. From her perch in Western Europe, Noor bin Ladin has been a keen and meticulous consumer of conservative media and advocate of their most hot-button causes. Though soft-spoken with aristocratic graces, she can offer lengthy monologues railing against Spygate, tech censorship of conservative voices, mandatory mask-wearing, the New York Times' discredited 1619 Project, and even Gov. Andrew Cuomo's controversial executive order requiring nursing homes to accept seniors with COVID-19. Her favorite television show is Fox News' "Tucker Carlson Tonight" and she's chummy with Laura Loomer. The rising GOP star running for Congress in Florida is a ferocious opponent of radical Islam, but has also been accused by critics of Islamophobic remarks. "Laura has been very vocal about this and I commend her for being brave enough and speaking out," said bin Ladin, who was not raised with any religion. Bin Ladin didn't mince words about The Squad either, and offered high praise to The Post's front page calling out Rep. Ilhan Omar's "some people did something" remarks about 9/11. "You do have a situation now in America where you have people like Ilhan Omar who actively hate your country," bin Ladin said, noting how Omar had urged "compassionate" sentences for 13 ISIS recruits busted in her home state of Minnesota. “It’s an honor to be able to go and live in the United States and make the most out of all the opportunities," bin Ladin said, choking up. "If she hates it so much, why doesn’t she leave." Bin Ladin is the daughter of Carmen Dufour, a Swiss author, and Yeslam bin Ladin — an older half-brother of Osama. Dufour and Yeslam split in 1988 and Noor, along with her two sisters, Wafah and Najia, were raised in Switzerland. Yeslam Bin LadinYeslam bin LadinAP For most of her adult life, Noor helped her mother with a nasty and years-long divorce from Yeslam, who has played no role in her life. After the 9/11 attacks, Carmen became a brief international sensation with her 2004 tell-all account of her life in the bin Laden family: "Inside the Kingdom: My Life in Saudi Arabia." Unlike her older sister Wafah, an international pop singer and socialite, Noor bin Ladin has kept a low profile. She has a bachelor's degree in business administration from the University of Geneva, a master's in commercial law from the University of London, and a computer coding bootcamp under her belt. She's worked in startups and is currently writing a book analyzing the first 20 years of the 21st century. "My life would have been very different had I been raised in Saudi Arabia," she said. “I really grew up with this deep appreciation for freedom and basic individual rights.” Carmen Bin LadenCarmen bin LadinWolfgang Langenstrassen/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images Bin Ladin recalled how she played soccer in school for 13 years. "My mom would come to all the games and she would say, `When I see you play, I know that all the hardship was worth it because you get to do what you choose and what you love.'” Noor was just 14 when her uncle perpetrated the deadliest attack on US soil in history. From the moment the second plane hit, she knew her life would never be the same. "I was so devastated," she recalled. "I had been going to the States with my mom several times a year from the age of 3 onwards. I considered the US my second home." Bin Ladin said part of the reason she rejected liberal assertions that America was a "racist country" was based on her own lived experience. "I have not had a single bad experience with Americans despite the name that I carry. On the contrary, I was overwhelmed by their kindness and understanding," bin Ladin said, adding she's been back to the US a few times since the attacks. She hasn't visited the memorial yet, but is planning on it the next time she is in New York. "I really want to go and pay my respects." Analysts: Ilhan Omar is a threat to the USA from within.
Noor bin Ladin Backs Trump
"Make no mistake, you are under attack... Wake Up. Your fellow Patriot -- Noor bin Ladin" Letter - spoken version #DrainTheSwamp
Noor bin Ladin: Being pro-Trump has caused me more grief than being Osama bin Laden’s niece. Why do I support Donald Trump? Look at his record... October 8, 2020 9:37 AM Noor bin Ladin Americans are, in my experience, the warmest, most kind-hearted and open-minded people in the world. I have found this to be true for my whole life, despite being the niece of Osama bin Laden and sharing the same last name (albeit spelled slightly differently — bin Ladin is the original translation). Americans base their judgment on the content of someone’s character and actions, not on the color of their skin — or their last name. This was reaffirmed last month, after I voiced my love for America and support for President Trump. The response to ‘My Letter to America’ has been overwhelmingly wonderful, and I am most thankful to all those who took the time to read it and send kind messages, including Spectator readers. But in my private life, I have lost a few so-called friends for backing Donald Trump over the past five years. Coming out publicly was a step too far for some, and the vitriol I received for stating my political beliefs revealed unflattering sides to certain characters. From a sociological standpoint, it is quite interesting that in some elitist circles being pro-Trump has caused me more grief than carrying the name bin Ladin. Even more striking were the contrasting reactions to President Trump’s COVID diagnosis. Gleeful comments devoid of compassion flooded social media, some even going as far as to wish for his death. Kim Jong-un showed more sympathy than many of the President’s detractors. Yet for all the hate, there was an outpouring of love and well-wishes from his supporters. One take from a favorite Twitter account of mine (@HonorAndDaring) expressed it best: ‘Trump is the first and only President that I’ve actually cared about. That’s because he’s the first President in recent memory that seems to care more about Americans than an abstract ideology or just enriching his donors.’ This sentiment is clearly felt by many Americans, who come out in droves for the President wherever he goes, including Walter Reed Medical Center during his stay: if he can’t hit the road, the rally comes to him. And why do I support Donald Trump? Look at his record. He has stood up to China, kept America out of new wars, solidified ties with Israel, overturned the disastrous Iran deal and obliterated Isis. Domestically, he removed handicapping regulations to American economic growth, rebuilt a depleted military, brought back manufacturing and revamped dying industries by renegotiating trade deals and cutting taxes; he has achieved energy independence, curbed immigration — all of which contributed to setting record unemployment rates. He has tackled neglected issues such as human trafficking and unjust incarceration — and given America a chance at restoring her principles, pride, independence and true place in the world as beacon of liberty and hope for all. I had intended to write this from London, but COVID quarantine restrictions prevented me from flying into the UK from Switzerland. I did try to skirt the rules, I admit, via neighboring countries, but to no avail. In proper Orwellian fashion, all traveling nowadays is monitored with mandatory governmental forms throughout Europe, even if your country isn’t on the quarantine list. I missed my goddaughter’s baptism as a result. Besides the sadness I felt from missing out on this, I thought of all those who couldn’t be with their loved ones before passing away during lockdown, and was filled with dread at the prospect of what the future might hold: is the next step ‘no vaccine, no travel’? At least I wasn’t subjected to a two-hour Black Lives Matter-themed play, The New Tomorrow at the Young Vic, unlike my friend who wasn’t so lucky last weekend. She was invited by a leftist friend of hers and, unknown to her before accepting the invitation, the entire play was a BLM manifesto. Not surprisingly, she described the experience as a form of torture; her friend was enthralled. While I’m glad to miss out on London’s latest cultural trends, I was disappointed at having to cancel my reunion with friends — not least with Douglas Murray whose book launch for The Madness of Crowds at the Spectator offices remains a firm highlight of last year. Thankfully, these frustrations and let-downs are outweighed by hope, love and trust. Seeing the uplifting images of Americans rallying around the President also warms my heart and lifts my spirits. I wish I could be there with them. You can be sure I’ll be on one of the first flights to America once restrictions are lifted — via London, to meet my goddaughter, of course.
DemonRATs, in the guise of Keith Olbermann, have a post election campaign to deal with Trump supporters: round 'em up for that final solution ... The moment, which seemed just a few short hours ago to be literally in-capable of being escalated once again just escalated (note, this is NOT 'The Bee'): Liberal lunatic Keith Olbermann says Trump supporters "must be prosecuted and convicted and removed from our society" after the election ... "So, let us brace ourselves. The task is two-fold: The terrorist Trump must be defeated, must be destroyed, must be devoured at the ballot box. And then he, and his enablers, and his supporters, and his collaborators, and the Mike Lees and the William Barrs, and Sean Hannitys, and the Mike Pences, and the Rudy Gullianis and the Kyle Rittenhouses and the Amy Coney Barretts must be prosecuted and convicted and removed from our society while we try to rebuild it." .. On Sun, Oct 11, 2020 at 08:11:27PM -0300, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Sun, 11 Oct 2020 16:19:10 -0400 grarpamp <> wrote:
Americans are, in my experience, the warmest, most kind-hearted and open-minded people in the world.
new level of insanity reached by the 'grarpamp' cunt.
On Mon, 12 Oct 2020 21:50:21 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
Liberal lunatic
just as lunatic as the trumpofascists, white trash supremacists, rethuglicans, and the rest of right wingers. You know, the government agents who post on this 'cypherpunk' mailing list.
On Mon, Oct 12, 2020 at 02:45:33PM -0300, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Mon, 12 Oct 2020 21:50:21 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
Liberal lunatic
just as lunatic as the trumpofascists, white trash supremacists, rethuglicans, and the rest of right wingers. You know, the government agents who post on this 'cypherpunk' mailing list.
There's a movement coming, to no longer leave the seats of power to those who plainly are opposed to our interests. One way you could begin to ride that, is to somehow identify those who share you political view+intentions, and encourage and support them to e.g. run IN the rethuglican party, but AGAINST those nasty rethuglicans who do NOT share your views. You could call such people "crypto anarchists" I guess... Just like the "bad orange man" was essentially memed into power, and now the American people are being given a "do you want to at least TRY to drain the swamp" test, then if they answer YES on Nov 3, then so too will this next step take place. I'm not sure, but it seems that the TDS meme machine has been put to good use in the last year by those with certain sane views - you knew who you are :) Juan, feel free to join us as we continue to create our shared world - we're all in this together, like it or not, and we begin from now, from the world we find ourselves in Right Now ... as a matter of pragmatism, denying present reality plays STRAIGHT into the hands of those presently holding seats of power. "Get real" or step aside...
Your words are _vaguely_ similar to the tor source code. If we copied the tor source code, maybe we could make iqnets! Whaddaya think? On Mon, Oct 12, 2020, 8:05 PM Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
On Mon, Oct 12, 2020 at 02:45:33PM -0300, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Mon, 12 Oct 2020 21:50:21 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
Liberal lunatic
just as lunatic as the trumpofascists, white trash supremacists, rethuglicans, and the rest of right wingers. You know, the government agents who post on this 'cypherpunk' mailing list.
There's a movement coming, to no longer leave the seats of power to those who plainly are opposed to our interests.
One way you could begin to ride that, is to somehow identify those who share you political view+intentions, and encourage and support them to e.g. run IN the rethuglican party, but AGAINST those nasty rethuglicans who do NOT share your views. You could call such people "crypto anarchists" I guess...
Just like the "bad orange man" was essentially memed into power, and now the American people are being given a "do you want to at least TRY to drain the swamp" test, then if they answer YES on Nov 3, then so too will this next step take place.
I'm not sure, but it seems that the TDS meme machine has been put to good use in the last year by those with certain sane views - you knew who you are :)
Juan, feel free to join us as we continue to create our shared world - we're all in this together, like it or not, and we begin from now, from the world we find ourselves in Right Now ... as a matter of pragmatism, denying present reality plays STRAIGHT into the hands of those presently holding seats of power.
"Get real" or step aside...
On Tue, 13 Oct 2020 11:04:41 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
There's a movement coming, to no longer leave the seats of power to those who plainly are opposed to our interests.
when you say 'our' you mean the interests of the trumpofascists. So it's not 'our'(yours and mine) interests. Your interests and mine are different.
One way you could begin to ride that, is to somehow identify those who share you political view+intentions, and encourage and support them to e.g. run IN the rethuglican party, but AGAINST those nasty rethuglicans who do NOT share your views. You could call such people "crypto anarchists" I guess...
are you infinetely stupid, or malicious? You can't be that stupid, so...
Just like the "bad orange man" was essentially memed into power, and now the American people are being given a "do you want to at least TRY to drain the swamp" test,
again, are you infinitely stupid or incredibly dishonest? Same answer.
Juan, feel free to join us as we continue to create our shared world -
why exactly why would I 'join' the party of the white-supremacist-trash-trumpofascists? You are the fucking enemy.
"Get real" or step aside...
fuck you. You and your twin from the pentagon, 'grarpamp'.
On Mon, Oct 12, 2020 at 09:34:31PM -0300, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Tue, 13 Oct 2020 11:04:41 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
There's a movement coming, to no longer leave the seats of power to those who plainly are opposed to our interests.
when you say 'our' you mean the interests of the trumpofascists. So it's not 'our'(yours and mine) interests. Your interests and mine are different.
Like it, loath it, or indifferent, you may find a difficult road in proceeding "in denial" of our "shared present delusion" which for the sake of convenience of communication we name our reality, or socio-political reality. We work from where we are now, and we work with what we got. We are doing this - this is happening - the sky is happy to be screamed at. --- Secundo: when I use the term "our", it is commonly (though not absolutely always) used in the same sense as I use the "royal 'we'", that is, as a generalised reference to either everybody, depending on context. The term "our", "we" etc, usually does not 'insist' on specifically including you, although I do hold that you and I share certain goals. --- Ignoring present reality, is self defeating. A rational thinking man does not dismiss possible opportunities if he wishes to mold the present world, towards the one he wants to live in. That which you bind on Earth, shall be bound in Heaven; That which you loose/unbind on Earth, shall be unbound in Heaven. So we are presented with possibilities - how to facilitate the creation of the world I want, beginning from the world I now live in. An issue we obviously face, is the force 'as exercised' by existing governments etc. How each handles these forces is a personal matter, except if you make it public or attempt to work with others etc. --- Tacit / default choices: A lotta folks consider they are literally "subject" to much of "what happens" "to them" in this world, often/ mostly by 'external authorities'. This "I believe I am merely subject to the world" is readily witnessed in the epic levels of blame we see being done by folks these days - because many have lost their way, lost even their understanding that they, to some degree, are in fact a, if not the, primary authority in their own lives - again, work with what you got. The "choice" to do nothing is often a "tacit" choice, one that is not 'owned'. Tacitly failing to own your "doing nothing" is much worse than actually/ consciously knowing that's your choice and "making" that choice. Tacitly "giving up" so to speak, is right down there with apathy, not far off suicide etc. - totally "subject" to "the world" (really, to one or a combo of external 'primary' authorities). --- What is a magapede? In truth, you are the primary authority on what you are, how you choose to interact with "the world". #DrainTheSwamp #OwnEveryDistrict There are 435 voting congressional districts in the United States House of Representatives,[1], and the population of the districts ranges from 530,000 (Rhode Island's two districts) to 1,070,000 in Montana's state-wide district, with an average population of 710,000 people in 2010.[2] In addition to 435 congressional districts, the five inhabited U.S. territories and the federal district of Washington, D.C. each send a non-voting delegate to the House of Representatives. The Census Bureau within the United States Department of Commerce conducts a decennial census whose figures are used to determine the number of Representatives that each state sends to Congress, and therefore the number of congressional districts within each state. The borders of those districts are set by the states, and within each state all districts are required to have approximately equal populations (see Wesberry v. Sanders). The 2012 elections were the first to be based on the congressional districts which were defined based on the 2010 Census data.[3] So there are 435 districts "up for grabs". Literally 435 seats of the lower house (house of reps) to be contested. #Own435 #SeizeTheReins #EveryStateEveryDistrict #100+435 or #200+870 (you NEED backup, running mate, moral support etc.) #EverySenateEveryAssembly -- DO the same in every US state legislature What is a MagaPede? #DistributedAuthority #ByMyConscience #MagaPedeDomination #IButterfly , #FlapIt .. #FlapItGood ... #FlapItRealGood #2YearsToDomination #RedBlueOwnIt #OwnRedOwnBlue #2YearsIsNOTHING #InfinityBeckons #SurfingTimeTracks #CreateYourWorld #CerateOurWorld
Evil thrives where good men do nothing. Consider to stop blaming and choose a way, a path, a hashtag, a truth you can be confident to never shift ground on. #ByMyConscience #OurWillBeDone #IButterfly #InfinityBeckons #BeCauseAmidstChaos #NeverShiftGround However and whatever you, personally, choose to express in this life, in this world, just make it real for you, make it possible and likely you can be that voice of resonance which sings to your own heart, your most solid unshakable truth. Let no man between you and God. #NoneBetween #NeverShiftGround (But for sure, be on solid ground first :D )
--- What is a magapede?
In truth, you are the primary authority on what you are, how you choose to interact with "the world".
There are 435 voting congressional districts in the United States House of Representatives,[1], and the population of the districts ranges from 530,000 (Rhode Island's two districts) to 1,070,000 in Montana's state-wide district, with an average population of 710,000 people in 2010.[2] In addition to 435 congressional districts, the five inhabited U.S. territories and the federal district of Washington, D.C. each send a non-voting delegate to the House of Representatives. The Census Bureau within the United States Department of Commerce conducts a decennial census whose figures are used to determine the number of Representatives that each state sends to Congress, and therefore the number of congressional districts within each state. The borders of those districts are set by the states, and within each state all districts are required to have approximately equal populations (see Wesberry v. Sanders). The 2012 elections were the first to be based on the congressional districts which were defined based on the 2010 Census data.[3]
So there are 435 districts "up for grabs".
Literally 435 seats of the lower house (house of reps) to be contested.
#100+435 or #200+870 (you NEED backup, running mate, moral support etc.)
#EverySenateEveryAssembly -- DO the same in every US state legislature
What is a MagaPede?
#DistributedAuthority #ByMyConscience
#IButterfly , #FlapIt .. #FlapItGood ... #FlapItRealGood
#RedBlueOwnIt #OwnRedOwnBlue
Ye on a mission :) You know, you kinda know you're hittin a homer when the DemonRats manage to get your own mum to attempt to get you committed to a psychiatric hospital - as just happened to Ye (Kanye West) - if you're grounded and not lost on drugs etc, then 3 days is the usual "observational" limit of holding you in such circumstances, so be cool, and don't give the demons any ammo for those 3 days... For Ye it's God, for Trump it's MAGA, for another it's #ByMyConscience Find your rock. Kanye West Asks Voters To Write In His Name For President With First Campaign Ad .. Equal parts Calvinist sermon and social justice screed, West encouraged Americans to embrace faith as the path to America's revival as a nation. "To live up to our dream, we must have vision. We as a people will revive our constitution's commitment to faith...through prayer, faith can be restored. We as a people are called to a greater purpose than help each other, to lift up each other, our fellow Americans, that we may all prosper together," West said. "By turning to faith, we will be the kind of nation, the kind of people, God intends us to be," West said in front of a black-and-white American flag. .. West outlined his oddball platform back in July, which features distinct notes of libertarian paternalism. For example, on the issue of marijuana legalization, Kanye West said he feels it shouldn't just be legal, it should be free to all. Another less radical tenant of West's platform: Handing out free money to Americans. On Tue, Oct 13, 2020 at 09:44:14PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Evil thrives where good men do nothing.
Consider to stop blaming and choose a way, a path, a hashtag, a truth you can be confident to never shift ground on.
However and whatever you, personally, choose to express in this life, in this world, just make it real for you, make it possible and likely you can be that voice of resonance which sings to your own heart, your most solid unshakable truth.
Let no man between you and God.
#NeverShiftGround (But for sure, be on solid ground first :D )
--- What is a magapede?
In truth, you are the primary authority on what you are, how you choose to interact with "the world".
There are 435 voting congressional districts in the United States House of Representatives,[1], and the population of the districts ranges from 530,000 (Rhode Island's two districts) to 1,070,000 in Montana's state-wide district, with an average population of 710,000 people in 2010.[2] In addition to 435 congressional districts, the five inhabited U.S. territories and the federal district of Washington, D.C. each send a non-voting delegate to the House of Representatives. The Census Bureau within the United States Department of Commerce conducts a decennial census whose figures are used to determine the number of Representatives that each state sends to Congress, and therefore the number of congressional districts within each state. The borders of those districts are set by the states, and within each state all districts are required to have approximately equal populations (see Wesberry v. Sanders). The 2012 elections were the first to be based on the congressional districts which were defined based on the 2010 Census data.[3]
So there are 435 districts "up for grabs".
Literally 435 seats of the lower house (house of reps) to be contested.
#100+435 or #200+870 (you NEED backup, running mate, moral support etc.)
#EverySenateEveryAssembly -- DO the same in every US state legislature
What is a MagaPede?
#DistributedAuthority #ByMyConscience
#IButterfly , #FlapIt .. #FlapItGood ... #FlapItRealGood
#RedBlueOwnIt #OwnRedOwnBlue
Hello, I don't know who you are, and haven't actually read the linked article, but I think something has troubled this man Zenaan's work for you. Something seems to be forcing him to leak corporate mafia secrets all over us. He won't stop. His articles and memes are making it look like corporate mob bosses are funding the alt-right. This channel is about cryptography, technology, and community (not partisan) freedom. Everything he says is totally out of place here, and everybody here notices all of it. He's been repeatedly called out by a variety of folks. A lot of us are playing along with him to try to hack your company with our own behavior memes. Given we are actual experienced computer hackers, this might be concerning for you. On 10/13/20, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
Ye on a mission :)
You know, you kinda know you're hittin a homer when the DemonRats manage to get your own mum to attempt to get you committed to a psychiatric hospital - as just happened to Ye (Kanye West) - if you're grounded and not lost on drugs etc, then 3 days is the usual "observational" limit of holding you in such circumstances, so be cool, and don't give the demons any ammo for those 3 days...
For Ye it's God, for Trump it's MAGA, for another it's #ByMyConscience
Find your rock.
Kanye West Asks Voters To Write In His Name For President With First Campaign Ad
Equal parts Calvinist sermon and social justice screed, West encouraged Americans to embrace faith as the path to America's revival as a nation.
"To live up to our dream, we must have vision. We as a people will revive our constitution's commitment to faith...through prayer, faith can be restored. We as a people are called to a greater purpose than help each other, to lift up each other, our fellow Americans, that we may all prosper together," West said.
"By turning to faith, we will be the kind of nation, the kind of people, God intends us to be," West said in front of a black-and-white American flag.
.. West outlined his oddball platform back in July, which features distinct notes of libertarian paternalism. For example, on the issue of marijuana legalization, Kanye West said he feels it shouldn't just be legal, it should be free to all.
Another less radical tenant of West's platform: Handing out free money to Americans.
On Tue, Oct 13, 2020 at 09:44:14PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Evil thrives where good men do nothing.
Consider to stop blaming and choose a way, a path, a hashtag, a truth you can be confident to never shift ground on.
However and whatever you, personally, choose to express in this life, in this world, just make it real for you, make it possible and likely you can be that voice of resonance which sings to your own heart, your most solid unshakable truth.
Let no man between you and God.
#NeverShiftGround (But for sure, be on solid ground first :D )
--- What is a magapede?
In truth, you are the primary authority on what you are, how you choose to interact with "the world".
There are 435 voting congressional districts in the United States House of Representatives,[1], and the population of the districts ranges from 530,000 (Rhode Island's two districts) to 1,070,000 in Montana's state-wide district, with an average population of 710,000 people in 2010.[2] In addition to 435 congressional districts, the five inhabited U.S. territories and the federal district of Washington, D.C. each send a non-voting delegate to the House of Representatives. The Census Bureau within the United States Department of Commerce conducts a decennial census whose figures are used to determine the number of Representatives that each state sends to Congress, and therefore the number of congressional districts within each state. The borders of those districts are set by the states, and within each state all districts are required to have approximately equal populations (see Wesberry v. Sanders). The 2012 elections were the first to be based on the congressional districts which were defined based on the 2010 Census data.[3]
So there are 435 districts "up for grabs".
Literally 435 seats of the lower house (house of reps) to be contested.
#100+435 or #200+870 (you NEED backup, running mate, moral support etc.)
#EverySenateEveryAssembly -- DO the same in every US state legislature
What is a MagaPede?
#DistributedAuthority #ByMyConscience
#IButterfly , #FlapIt .. #FlapItGood ... #FlapItRealGood
#RedBlueOwnIt #OwnRedOwnBlue
Really, I don't think Zenaan is to blame for this, or he would have stopped. On 10/13/20, Karl <> wrote:
I don't know who you are, and haven't actually read the linked article, but I think something has troubled this man Zenaan's work for you. Something seems to be forcing him to leak corporate mafia secrets all over us. He won't stop.
His articles and memes are making it look like corporate mob bosses are funding the alt-right.
This channel is about cryptography, technology, and community (not partisan) freedom. Everything he says is totally out of place here, and everybody here notices all of it. He's been repeatedly called out by a variety of folks.
A lot of us are playing along with him to try to hack your company with our own behavior memes. Given we are actual experienced computer hackers, this might be concerning for you.
On 10/13/20, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
Ye on a mission :)
You know, you kinda know you're hittin a homer when the DemonRats manage to get your own mum to attempt to get you committed to a psychiatric hospital - as just happened to Ye (Kanye West) - if you're grounded and not lost on drugs etc, then 3 days is the usual "observational" limit of holding you in such circumstances, so be cool, and don't give the demons any ammo for those 3 days...
For Ye it's God, for Trump it's MAGA, for another it's #ByMyConscience
Find your rock.
Kanye West Asks Voters To Write In His Name For President With First Campaign Ad
Equal parts Calvinist sermon and social justice screed, West encouraged Americans to embrace faith as the path to America's revival as a nation.
"To live up to our dream, we must have vision. We as a people will revive our constitution's commitment to faith...through prayer, faith can be restored. We as a people are called to a greater purpose than help each other, to lift up each other, our fellow Americans, that we may all prosper together," West said.
"By turning to faith, we will be the kind of nation, the kind of people, God intends us to be," West said in front of a black-and-white American flag.
.. West outlined his oddball platform back in July, which features distinct notes of libertarian paternalism. For example, on the issue of marijuana legalization, Kanye West said he feels it shouldn't just be legal, it should be free to all.
Another less radical tenant of West's platform: Handing out free money to Americans.
On Tue, Oct 13, 2020 at 09:44:14PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Evil thrives where good men do nothing.
Consider to stop blaming and choose a way, a path, a hashtag, a truth you can be confident to never shift ground on.
However and whatever you, personally, choose to express in this life, in this world, just make it real for you, make it possible and likely you can be that voice of resonance which sings to your own heart, your most solid unshakable truth.
Let no man between you and God.
#NeverShiftGround (But for sure, be on solid ground first :D )
--- What is a magapede?
In truth, you are the primary authority on what you are, how you choose to interact with "the world".
There are 435 voting congressional districts in the United States House of Representatives,[1], and the population of the districts ranges from 530,000 (Rhode Island's two districts) to 1,070,000 in Montana's state-wide district, with an average population of 710,000 people in 2010.[2] In addition to 435 congressional districts, the five inhabited U.S. territories and the federal district of Washington, D.C. each send a non-voting delegate to the House of Representatives. The Census Bureau within the United States Department of Commerce conducts a decennial census whose figures are used to determine the number of Representatives that each state sends to Congress, and therefore the number of congressional districts within each state. The borders of those districts are set by the states, and within each state all districts are required to have approximately equal populations (see Wesberry v. Sanders). The 2012 elections were the first to be based on the congressional districts which were defined based on the 2010 Census data.[3]
So there are 435 districts "up for grabs".
Literally 435 seats of the lower house (house of reps) to be contested.
#100+435 or #200+870 (you NEED backup, running mate, moral support etc.)
#EverySenateEveryAssembly -- DO the same in every US state legislature
What is a MagaPede?
#DistributedAuthority #ByMyConscience
#IButterfly , #FlapIt .. #FlapItGood ... #FlapItRealGood
#RedBlueOwnIt #OwnRedOwnBlue
To translate: Zenaan if you do get hospitalized, my phone number is +1-207-518-8256 and I can find advocates in your area. You can also call me up if somebody is about to do it, and I will vouch for you. On 10/13/20, Karl <> wrote:
Really, I don't think Zenaan is to blame for this, or he would have stopped.
On 10/13/20, Karl <> wrote:
I don't know who you are, and haven't actually read the linked article, but I think something has troubled this man Zenaan's work for you. Something seems to be forcing him to leak corporate mafia secrets all over us. He won't stop.
His articles and memes are making it look like corporate mob bosses are funding the alt-right.
This channel is about cryptography, technology, and community (not partisan) freedom. Everything he says is totally out of place here, and everybody here notices all of it. He's been repeatedly called out by a variety of folks.
A lot of us are playing along with him to try to hack your company with our own behavior memes. Given we are actual experienced computer hackers, this might be concerning for you.
On 10/13/20, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
Ye on a mission :)
You know, you kinda know you're hittin a homer when the DemonRats manage to get your own mum to attempt to get you committed to a psychiatric hospital - as just happened to Ye (Kanye West) - if you're grounded and not lost on drugs etc, then 3 days is the usual "observational" limit of holding you in such circumstances, so be cool, and don't give the demons any ammo for those 3 days...
For Ye it's God, for Trump it's MAGA, for another it's #ByMyConscience
Find your rock.
Kanye West Asks Voters To Write In His Name For President With First Campaign Ad
Equal parts Calvinist sermon and social justice screed, West encouraged Americans to embrace faith as the path to America's revival as a nation.
"To live up to our dream, we must have vision. We as a people will revive our constitution's commitment to faith...through prayer, faith can be restored. We as a people are called to a greater purpose than help each other, to lift up each other, our fellow Americans, that we may all prosper together," West said.
"By turning to faith, we will be the kind of nation, the kind of people, God intends us to be," West said in front of a black-and-white American flag.
.. West outlined his oddball platform back in July, which features distinct notes of libertarian paternalism. For example, on the issue of marijuana legalization, Kanye West said he feels it shouldn't just be legal, it should be free to all.
Another less radical tenant of West's platform: Handing out free money to Americans.
On Tue, Oct 13, 2020 at 09:44:14PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Evil thrives where good men do nothing.
Consider to stop blaming and choose a way, a path, a hashtag, a truth you can be confident to never shift ground on.
However and whatever you, personally, choose to express in this life, in this world, just make it real for you, make it possible and likely you can be that voice of resonance which sings to your own heart, your most solid unshakable truth.
Let no man between you and God.
#NeverShiftGround (But for sure, be on solid ground first :D )
--- What is a magapede?
In truth, you are the primary authority on what you are, how you choose to interact with "the world".
There are 435 voting congressional districts in the United States House of Representatives,[1], and the population of the districts ranges from 530,000 (Rhode Island's two districts) to 1,070,000 in Montana's state-wide district, with an average population of 710,000 people in 2010.[2] In addition to 435 congressional districts, the five inhabited U.S. territories and the federal district of Washington, D.C. each send a non-voting delegate to the House of Representatives. The Census Bureau within the United States Department of Commerce conducts a decennial census whose figures are used to determine the number of Representatives that each state sends to Congress, and therefore the number of congressional districts within each state. The borders of those districts are set by the states, and within each state all districts are required to have approximately equal populations (see Wesberry v. Sanders). The 2012 elections were the first to be based on the congressional districts which were defined based on the 2010 Census data.[3]
So there are 435 districts "up for grabs".
Literally 435 seats of the lower house (house of reps) to be contested.
#100+435 or #200+870 (you NEED backup, running mate, moral support etc.)
#EverySenateEveryAssembly -- DO the same in every US state legislature
What is a MagaPede?
#DistributedAuthority #ByMyConscience
#IButterfly , #FlapIt .. #FlapItGood ... #FlapItRealGood
#RedBlueOwnIt #OwnRedOwnBlue
Replying to my own post to relate that I do not support saying things like this (if this is a serious thing to say; it's hard for me tell) to people without giving them a clear warning and second chance first. Like zenaan, I am not posting only for myself, or I would have done so. On 10/13/20, Karl <> wrote:
I don't know who you are, and haven't actually read the linked article, but I think something has troubled this man Zenaan's work for you. Something seems to be forcing him to leak corporate mafia secrets all over us. He won't stop.
His articles and memes are making it look like corporate mob bosses are funding the alt-right.
This channel is about cryptography, technology, and community (not partisan) freedom. Everything he says is totally out of place here, and everybody here notices all of it. He's been repeatedly called out by a variety of folks.
A lot of us are playing along with him to try to hack your company with our own behavior memes. Given we are actual experienced computer hackers, this might be concerning for you.
On 10/13/20, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
Ye on a mission :)
You know, you kinda know you're hittin a homer when the DemonRats manage to get your own mum to attempt to get you committed to a psychiatric hospital - as just happened to Ye (Kanye West) - if you're grounded and not lost on drugs etc, then 3 days is the usual "observational" limit of holding you in such circumstances, so be cool, and don't give the demons any ammo for those 3 days...
For Ye it's God, for Trump it's MAGA, for another it's #ByMyConscience
Find your rock.
Kanye West Asks Voters To Write In His Name For President With First Campaign Ad
Equal parts Calvinist sermon and social justice screed, West encouraged Americans to embrace faith as the path to America's revival as a nation.
"To live up to our dream, we must have vision. We as a people will revive our constitution's commitment to faith...through prayer, faith can be restored. We as a people are called to a greater purpose than help each other, to lift up each other, our fellow Americans, that we may all prosper together," West said.
"By turning to faith, we will be the kind of nation, the kind of people, God intends us to be," West said in front of a black-and-white American flag.
.. West outlined his oddball platform back in July, which features distinct notes of libertarian paternalism. For example, on the issue of marijuana legalization, Kanye West said he feels it shouldn't just be legal, it should be free to all.
Another less radical tenant of West's platform: Handing out free money to Americans.
On Tue, Oct 13, 2020 at 09:44:14PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Evil thrives where good men do nothing.
Consider to stop blaming and choose a way, a path, a hashtag, a truth you can be confident to never shift ground on.
However and whatever you, personally, choose to express in this life, in this world, just make it real for you, make it possible and likely you can be that voice of resonance which sings to your own heart, your most solid unshakable truth.
Let no man between you and God.
#NeverShiftGround (But for sure, be on solid ground first :D )
--- What is a magapede?
In truth, you are the primary authority on what you are, how you choose to interact with "the world".
There are 435 voting congressional districts in the United States House of Representatives,[1], and the population of the districts ranges from 530,000 (Rhode Island's two districts) to 1,070,000 in Montana's state-wide district, with an average population of 710,000 people in 2010.[2] In addition to 435 congressional districts, the five inhabited U.S. territories and the federal district of Washington, D.C. each send a non-voting delegate to the House of Representatives. The Census Bureau within the United States Department of Commerce conducts a decennial census whose figures are used to determine the number of Representatives that each state sends to Congress, and therefore the number of congressional districts within each state. The borders of those districts are set by the states, and within each state all districts are required to have approximately equal populations (see Wesberry v. Sanders). The 2012 elections were the first to be based on the congressional districts which were defined based on the 2010 Census data.[3]
So there are 435 districts "up for grabs".
Literally 435 seats of the lower house (house of reps) to be contested.
#100+435 or #200+870 (you NEED backup, running mate, moral support etc.)
#EverySenateEveryAssembly -- DO the same in every US state legislature
What is a MagaPede?
#DistributedAuthority #ByMyConscience
#IButterfly , #FlapIt .. #FlapItGood ... #FlapItRealGood
#RedBlueOwnIt #OwnRedOwnBlue
On Tue, 13 Oct 2020 09:16:19 -0400 Karl <> wrote:
This channel is about cryptography, technology, and community (not partisan) freedom.
wrong karl. This channel is about 'crypto' anarchy, i.e. allegedly using 'cryptography' as a MEANS to increase FREEDOM. So FREEDOM is the overriding theme, not govcorp 'technology'. So far your piece of shit 'technology' only makes people LESS free.
On Tue, 13 Oct 2020 19:36:45 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
On Mon, Oct 12, 2020 at 09:34:31PM -0300, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Tue, 13 Oct 2020 11:04:41 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
There's a movement coming, to no longer leave the seats of power to those who plainly are opposed to our interests.
when you say 'our' you mean the interests of the trumpofascists. So it's not 'our'(yours and mine) interests. Your interests and mine are different.
Like it, loath it, or indifferent, you may find a difficult road in proceeding "in denial" of our "shared present delusion" which for the sake of convenience of communication we name our reality, or socio-political reality.
Now you are pretending that when you typed "our interests" you typed "reality". Anything goes in trumpofascist newspeak eh? But thanks for mentioning "denial of reality" because that's what your 'views' amount to. You are pretending that a billionaire oligarch from the east coast of the US is a 'populist'. You are either infinitely stupid, or malicious. So which is it?
I use the "royal 'we'"
should I refer to you as her majesty harkness?
The term "our", "we" etc, usually does not 'insist' on specifically including you, although I do hold that you and I share certain goals.
irrelevant in this 'context'.
--- Ignoring present reality, is self defeating.
yes and you need to repeat that in front of a mirror.
yes, and translating from your newspeak, that means you're adding tons of shit to the cesspool. also what the FUCK is wrong with retards who #think #this #is #twatter #nsa #### ###and ###use #####STUPID 'TAGS' ####on mailing ###lists. Oh you learned that from 'grarpamp', it's touching to see trumpofascists educate each other.
On Tue, Oct 13, 2020 at 02:49:08PM -0300, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Tue, 13 Oct 2020 19:36:45 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
On Mon, Oct 12, 2020 at 09:34:31PM -0300, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Tue, 13 Oct 2020 11:04:41 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
There's a movement coming, to no longer leave the seats of power to those who plainly are opposed to our interests.
when you say 'our' you mean the interests of the trumpofascists. So it's not 'our'(yours and mine) interests. Your interests and mine are different.
Like it, loath it, or indifferent, you may find a difficult road in proceeding "in denial" of our "shared present delusion" which for the sake of convenience of communication we name our reality, or socio-political reality.
Now you are pretending that when you typed "our interests" you typed "reality". Anything goes in trumpofascist newspeak eh?
Yours, and my, interest, I assume overlap. It's not absolute, it's not non-existent - either of those are a false dichotomy.
But thanks for mentioning "denial of reality" because that's what your 'views' amount to. You are pretending that a billionaire oligarch from the east coast of the US is a 'populist'. You are either infinitely stupid, or malicious. So which is it?
You seem to be quite the fan of false dichotomies, which is tiresome.
I use the "royal 'we'"
should I refer to you as her majesty harkness?
Only if it triggers you to do so :)
The term "our", "we" etc, usually does not 'insist' on specifically including you, although I do hold that you and I share certain goals.
irrelevant in this 'context'.
Feel free to present practical steps for folks...
On Wed, 14 Oct 2020 09:09:24 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
Now you are pretending that when you typed "our interests" you typed "reality". Anything goes in trumpofascist newspeak eh?
Yours, and my, interest, I assume overlap.
you can assume anything you want. But your assumptions are just thoughts in your head, not reality. My interests do not overlap with those of a lying retard who worships the US government while trying to pretend otherwise.
But thanks for mentioning "denial of reality" because that's what your 'views' amount to. You are pretending that a billionaire oligarch from the east coast of the US is a 'populist'. You are either infinitely stupid, or malicious. So which is it?
You seem to be quite the fan of false dichotomies, which is tiresome.
There's no false dichotomy here. I already stated that nobody can be so incredibly stupid to believe what you pretend to believe. Trumpo supporters are fucking frauds, by definition.
The term "our", "we" etc, usually does not 'insist' on specifically including you, although I do hold that you and I share certain goals.
irrelevant in this 'context'.
Feel free to present practical steps for folks...
I already did. Stop being piece of US fascist shit. It doesn't get any more practical than that. Of course, you and your twin turd 'grarpamp' will just keep ####spamming ######white supremacist #####wallstreet #########propaganda.
Hey zen, try to set up naclbox (`go get` if you have golang installed) and send me something to c72e81da09e333bc8804205bcfcf3bd8821cad61ad862d57114339e5ee00a664 . I'm yearning to tell you all about my family's secret demonrat rituals. On 10/12/20, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
DemonRATs, in the guise of Keith Olbermann, have a post election campaign to deal with Trump supporters: round 'em up for that final solution ...
The moment, which seemed just a few short hours ago to be literally in-capable of being escalated once again just escalated (note, this is NOT 'The Bee'):
Liberal lunatic Keith Olbermann says Trump supporters "must be prosecuted and convicted and removed from our society" after the election
... "So, let us brace ourselves. The task is two-fold: The terrorist Trump must be defeated, must be destroyed, must be devoured at the ballot box. And then he, and his enablers, and his supporters, and his collaborators, and the Mike Lees and the William Barrs, and Sean Hannitys, and the Mike Pences, and the Rudy Gullianis and the Kyle Rittenhouses and the Amy Coney Barretts must be prosecuted and convicted and removed from our society while we try to rebuild it."
On Sun, Oct 11, 2020 at 08:11:27PM -0300, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Sun, 11 Oct 2020 16:19:10 -0400 grarpamp <> wrote:
Americans are, in my experience, the warmest, most kind-hearted and open-minded people in the world.
new level of insanity reached by the 'grarpamp' cunt.
Would love to, but I have a 1/2 to 1 day court hearing on Thursday re "my right to be dang well heard, on my own dang defence" since not getting to put my defence to the court is ridiculously unfair! Stress level is "not low" till after then, at least.. On Mon, Oct 12, 2020 at 01:47:44PM -0400, Karl wrote:
Hey zen, try to set up naclbox (`go get` if you have golang installed) and send me something to c72e81da09e333bc8804205bcfcf3bd8821cad61ad862d57114339e5ee00a664 . I'm yearning to tell you all about my family's secret demonrat rituals.
On 10/12/20, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
DemonRATs, in the guise of Keith Olbermann, have a post election campaign to deal with Trump supporters: round 'em up for that final solution ...
The moment, which seemed just a few short hours ago to be literally in-capable of being escalated once again just escalated (note, this is NOT 'The Bee'):
Liberal lunatic Keith Olbermann says Trump supporters "must be prosecuted and convicted and removed from our society" after the election
... "So, let us brace ourselves. The task is two-fold: The terrorist Trump must be defeated, must be destroyed, must be devoured at the ballot box. And then he, and his enablers, and his supporters, and his collaborators, and the Mike Lees and the William Barrs, and Sean Hannitys, and the Mike Pences, and the Rudy Gullianis and the Kyle Rittenhouses and the Amy Coney Barretts must be prosecuted and convicted and removed from our society while we try to rebuild it."
On Sun, Oct 11, 2020 at 08:11:27PM -0300, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Sun, 11 Oct 2020 16:19:10 -0400 grarpamp <> wrote:
Americans are, in my experience, the warmest, most kind-hearted and open-minded people in the world.
new level of insanity reached by the 'grarpamp' cunt.
Nah, you posted political stuff. Try naclbox. On Mon, Oct 12, 2020, 8:08 PM Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
Would love to, but I have a 1/2 to 1 day court hearing on Thursday re "my right to be dang well heard, on my own dang defence" since not getting to put my defence to the court is ridiculously unfair!
Stress level is "not low" till after then, at least..
Hey zen, try to set up naclbox (`go get` <> if you have golang installed) and send me something to c72e81da09e333bc8804205bcfcf3bd8821cad61ad862d57114339e5ee00a664 . I'm yearning to tell you all about my family's secret demonrat rituals.
On 10/12/20, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
DemonRATs, in the guise of Keith Olbermann, have a post election campaign to deal with Trump supporters: round 'em up for that final solution ...
The moment, which seemed just a few short hours ago to be literally in-capable of being escalated once again just escalated (note, this is NOT 'The Bee'):
Liberal lunatic Keith Olbermann says Trump supporters "must be
and convicted and removed from our society" after the election
... "So, let us brace ourselves. The task is two-fold: The
Trump must be defeated, must be destroyed, must be devoured at
On Mon, Oct 12, 2020 at 01:47:44PM -0400, Karl wrote: prosecuted the
ballot box. And then he, and his enablers, and his supporters, and his collaborators, and the Mike Lees and the William Barrs, and Sean Hannitys, and the Mike Pences, and the Rudy Gullianis and the Kyle Rittenhouses and the Amy Coney Barretts must be prosecuted and convicted and removed from our society while we try to rebuild it."
On Sun, Oct 11, 2020 at 08:11:27PM -0300, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Sun, 11 Oct 2020 16:19:10 -0400 grarpamp <> wrote:
Americans are, in my experience, the warmest, most kind-hearted and open-minded people in the world.
new level of insanity reached by the 'grarpamp' cunt. Biden and Kamala REPEATEDLY REFUSE to Answer the Peoples Number One Question Biden and Kamala, the lying frauds, REFUSE to answer voter questions, hide their intent to pack out the Supreme Court, deploy term limits across Court System to prematurely empty and then fill the entire Judicial Branch with Socialist Democrat Judges, and to admit Democrat Guam, Puerto Rico, and DC as States... in order to permanently tilt both houses of US Congress, thus yielding total Socialist control over the USA. Their plan to run this scam upon the USA appears real. Americans would never stand for obvious candidacy of Bernie the admitted Socialist, thus Bernie had to sit idle so Biden the trojan could be inserted, Biden says voters don't deserve to know his stance on packing Supreme Court Biden has said voters will know his position the day after Election Day. Biden says that voters "Don't Deserve To Know" about their Supreme Court Biden refused to answer the question on Thursday, saying "you'll know my position on court packing the day after the election". On Friday, a KTNV reporter asked him again about whether he backs court packing and said: "This is the number one thing that I've been asked about from viewers in the past couple of days." "Well you've been asked by the viewers..." Biden responded. "Well, sir dont the voters deserve to know?" reporter Ross DiMattei asked. "No they dont... he'd love me to talk about... court packing..." Biden said. The idea of packing the court with extra justices -- attempted unsuccessfully by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1937 to force through parts of his New Deal that were ruled unconstitutional by the high court -- has been a fringe idea for years. "Democrats have called for the court to be packed if Barrett is confirmed and they win the presidency and the Senate." Court Packing, Court term limits, and Admitting new States, is an entirely different topic from the standard process of replacing retired judges (ex: ACB is being appointed to replace Ginsburg). One does not fuck with centuries of at least functional mechanics in this one sided partisan way. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris... anyone voting for these frauds upon the American people who refuse to even tell people what their major plans are, should jail them for fraud, and vote Trump, or Libertarian en masse even better, instead. At least Trump says what he thinks, and does what he says. "Promises made, Promises kept" #DrainTheSwamp Judge Jeanine summarizes Coup against Trump Styxhexenhammer666 covers the Debates Biden Wants Flashcarded Debate Help Trump: Don't Let Corona Control You Media Dishonesty QAnon Finds Wire? Dems Peaceful Protests? Biden's Truth Biden wants China, China and Iran Prefer Biden
Classified: CROSSFIRE HURRICANE Trump authorizes no-redaction declassification of Clinton Obama Biden Russia Conspiracy involving TLA's, illegal spying, emails, etc... the Democrats political operations - to prevent Trump from winning 2016, - to wage 4 year long debilitating Fake News Impeachment against Trump, - to prevent Trump from winning in 2020... So now we know. Hillary was behind it. Obama gave the order. #Obama, #JoeBiden, & their top intel officers huddled in the Oval Office shortly before @realDonaldTrump was inaugurated to discuss what they would do about this new President they despised, @TomFitton in Breitbart. The Obama/Biden Administration knew it was hoax. They knew the Trump Campaign didnt collude with Russia. They knew they were wasting taxpayer money. But they didnt care. Judge Jeanine summarizes Coup against Trump "So I had to constantly fight off all of this Scum, achieve more than any other President in First Term, and then they talk Chaos. They created crimes against me and this administration! -- @realdonaldtrump" "If youre more worried about @realDonaldTrump unmasking on a balcony with no one close to him than you were by the Obama/Biden administration unmasking (aka illegally spying on) their political opponents, my diagnosis is you have TDS, & my prescription is to put down your phone. -- Rand Paul" "You'll know my position on court-packing the day after election, if I answer your question it will make news, Biden says" Joe Biden and the Democrats are lying frauds. If I am sent a Stand Alone Bill for Stimulus Checks ($1,200), they will go out to our great people IMMEDIATELY. I am ready to sign right now. Are you listening Nancy? @MarkMeadows @senatemajldr @kevinomccarthy @SpeakerPelosi @SenSchumer Just spoke with at @realDonaldTrump . He sounds great and wants libertarians and everyone across the country to know he is ending the war in Afghanistan! Whole Russia-Trump thing entirely fabricated from the start (anyone with a pol brain knew that). Initiated by the corrupt Hillary Clinton family, with intent and assistance from Fake News Media, Obamba, FBI, Deep State Intel, and Democratic Party Operatives, surely forward to DNC and candidates today. This one will be in the history books, right next to the scam of Government itself. Trump withstood the four year long onslaught. #DrainTheSwamp
On Wednesday, October 14, 2020, 03:19:43 AM PDT, grarpamp <> wrote:
Whole Russia-Trump thing entirely fabricated from the start (anyone with a pol brain knew that). Initiated by the corrupt Hillary Clinton family, with intent and assistance from Fake News Media, Obamba, FBI, Deep State Intel, and Democratic Party Operatives, surely forward to DNC and candidates today. This one will be in the history books, right next to the scam of Government itself.
Trump withstood the four year long onslaught.
The one dramatic criticism I have of Trump is that at least so far, he has completely failed to get the vast majority of Hitlery's and Obama's cronies prosecuted, as well as HItlery herself. One of the first and most obvious targets would be James Clapper, who lied to Congress (and to the public, making it obvious) about May 2013 about the American government keeping large amounts of information on Americans. Most Federal felonies have a limitations period ("Statute of limitations") of 5 years, meaning that Trump's own Justice Department had until May 2018 to prosecute Clapper. Failure to prosecute Clapper, far from being a mere omission, must have actually been a deliberate choice on somebody's part. Hitlery Clinton herself committed violations of the Espionage Act, for allowing classified information to remain on her private, unapproved server, and for attempting to delete those 33,000 emails. Ostensibly, those were merely "personal" emails, but they were sorted solely by the (lack of) specific strings in the headers. She is still prosecutable, but that certainly won't happen if Biden wins the upcoming election. Does she have "something" on Trump? Trump appointed that idiot Jeff Sessions, who did essentially nothing, and actually 'recused' himself, allowing TheSwamp to work for 3 years. The only explanation I can see for Sessions' behavior is that somebody "had something" on Sessions, too: Trump should have fired Sessions within 9 months of his appointment if no progress (no prosecutions were initiated) was made by late 2017. As a practical matter, Sessions should have been fired the moment he recused himself. Why did he not resign at that point? Was Sessions deliberately impeding things? These many failures to prosecute have certainly led to a general belief that Hitlery's and Obama's people 'must not have done anything wrong!!!' simply because they haven't been charged yet. Or, at least it allows them to take this position. How many million votes will Trump lose in the election, and how many million will Biden gain, solely because Trump hasn't delivered on his "Lock her up!" promise from 2016? How do we explain Durham? I suspect that part of his excuse will be that he decided at some point not to start ANY prosecutions until EVERY ONE of his investigations is complete. This is truly insane. That's just an excuse to delay, delay, and delay some more. I just saw a news item about some newly-discovered emails indicated that Hunter Biden introduced Joe Biden to some people at Burisma. Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company, according to emails obtained by The Post. -------------------------- "Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad By Emma-Jo Morris and Gabrielle Fonrouge October 14, 2020 | 5:00am | Updated "Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company, according to emails obtained by The Post." "The never-before-revealed meeting is mentioned in a message of appreciation that Vadym Pozharskyi, an adviser to the board of Burisma, allegedly sent Hunter Biden on April 17, 2015, about a year after Hunter joined the Burisma board at a reported salary of up to $50,000 a month." “Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together. It’s realty [sic] an honor and pleasure,” the email reads. "An earlier email from May 2014 also shows Pozharskyi, reportedly Burisma’s No. 3 exec, asking Hunter for “advice on how you could use your influence” on the company’s behalf." "The blockbuster correspondence — which flies in the face of Joe Biden’s claim that he’s “never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings” — is contained in a massive trove of data recovered from a laptop computer." [end of quote] Jim Bell
On Wed, 14 Oct 2020 18:08:14 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <> wrote:
The one dramatic criticism I have of Trump is that at least so far, he has completely failed to get the vast majority of Hitlery's and Obama's cronies prosecuted, as well as HItlery herself.
Wow. Jim has at last managed to make a correct observation of reality. Of course the comander in chief of the US empire has not 'prosecuted' any of his accomplices, and why on earth would he do such a thing? So Jim's observation is correct but his implicit premise is absurd. The premise being that the highest criminal on 'the nation' would 'prosecute' his cronies. Trumpo might as well shoot himself on the head. We have here the 'inner' workings of the 'deep state' in the open for anybody to see. The orange monkey is the supreme leader of the 'deep state' and acts accordingly.
On Wed, Oct 14, 2020 at 05:56:00PM -0300, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Wed, 14 Oct 2020 18:08:14 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <> wrote:
The one dramatic criticism I have of Trump is that at least so far, he has completely failed to get the vast majority of Hitlery's and Obama's cronies prosecuted, as well as HItlery herself.
Wow. Jim has at last managed to make a correct observation of reality.
Of course the comander in chief of the US empire has not 'prosecuted' any of his accomplices, and why on earth would he do such a thing?
So Jim's observation is correct but his implicit premise is absurd. The premise being that the highest criminal on 'the nation' would 'prosecute' his cronies. Trumpo might as well shoot himself on the head.
We have here the 'inner' workings of the 'deep state' in the open for anybody to see. The orange monkey is the supreme leader of the 'deep state' and acts accordingly.
The orange monkey commander in chief ordered troop draw downs in Syria THREE times. Three times, some token or "obliging" draw down happen, troops and their hummers "withdrew" across the border into Iraq - a lazy drive just across the border - then promptly turned around (perhaps after a day or seven) and drove right back in. Trump showed us, empirically, that "the commander in chief" is not actually the commander in chief. So the USA is not structured as it is proclaimed to be structured. The people, even nominally by way of a vote once each 4 years, do not "control" (via their commander in chief) their own military. That the USA military is thusly out of control, is quite concerning. This is not good. Trump, in his public performance of narcissism and subtlety (<ahem>), has put a bald face on the empire, which allows a significant increase in the number of people able to see how bad it is (beyond the few lonely anarchists on this list). Trump has also achieved a historically impressive "engagement in politics by the public generally" on both sides of the isle (folks tend to love him, or hate him, and be very public about this), which is actually sorely needed at this point in history if North Americans are to have anything like a "not totally disastrous" transition as their fiat resets...
So Jim's observation is correct but his implicit premise is absurd. The premise being that the highest criminal on 'the nation' would 'prosecute' his cronies. Trumpo might as well shoot himself on the head.
Are you willing to share your thoughts on why JFK "shot himself in the head"? And could it have had anything to do with JFK beginning to do a reclamation (by the parliament) of the fiat printing power?
On Thu, 15 Oct 2020 11:24:40 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
The orange monkey commander in chief ordered troop draw downs in Syria THREE times.
right, yet another farce, lie and show for the scumbags who worships him.
Three times, some token or "obliging" draw down happen, troops and their hummers "withdrew" across the border into Iraq - a lazy drive just across the border - then promptly turned around (perhaps after a day or seven) and drove right back in.
right, that's how the farce works.
Trump showed us, empirically, that "the commander in chief" is not actually the commander in chief.
you just can't help yourself eh? You just proved that your monkey is a fucking fraud, and now you're trying to turn reality on its head? The military did what the monkey ordered. They pretended to 'withdraw' following the monkey's orders. So let me ask again : are you infinitely stupid?
On 10/14/20, jim bell <> wrote:
On Wednesday, October 14, 2020, 03:19:43 AM PDT, grarpamp <> wrote:
Whole Russia-Trump thing entirely fabricated from the start (anyone with a pol brain knew that). Initiated by the corrupt Hillary Clinton family, with intent and assistance from Fake News Media, Obamba, FBI, Deep State Intel, and Democratic Party Operatives, surely forward to DNC and candidates today. This one will be in the history books, right next to the scam of Government itself.
Trump withstood the four year long onslaught.
"Twitter Labels NYPost Hunter Biden Expose As "Unsafe", Won't Allow Users To Share" The Deep State... News Media, Intel, GovCorp, here Democrats... is quite strong. Trump, or anyone else, making too many dents in it risks getting themselves spun out, or killed. This election may serve to give Americans the chance to shield Trump from the Deep State by directly endorsing the #DrainTheSwamp proposition, and letting it run full bore the next four years now that the Democrats "Russia job" has finally been exposed in recent news. If the election or the Swamp Drain project fails, then it would be no different than Obama's fake "Hope and Change" bullshit, or that from any other bullshitter before. Thus Drain the Swamp is zero cost, potentially high reward. #DrainTheSwamp, as a seemingly direct open public attack on the Deep State... is a new [1] thing in the American political space, no? [1] Relavant to "todays" perceptions of "Deep State", as may be defined post 1913/FDR/WWII/1970/1990/9-11... The State will never truly prosecute itself to any reducing effect, it will take something external. Biden, Harris, and Bernie have 100+ combined years of worshipping the State and paying themselves a fat salary via State theft from people. Trump is an outside businessman who can survive make his own deals regardless of the State, to him (as with all business, bribery lobbies excepted) the State is probably a very annoying cost and chill on business. So which of those two is more likely to try taking it down. If an American still views their only choices as being between Democrats-Biden/Harris/Sanders/etc vs Republican-Trump, it seems pretty clear they should go with the latter. They will discover Anarchism, Libertarian, Voluntaryism over time, in part through punk activists increasing in the internet and real world.
The one dramatic criticism I have of Trump is that at least so far, he has completely failed to get the vast majority of Hitlery's and Obama's cronies prosecuted, as well as HItlery herself. ...
Probably hard to do that when the people, as you noted, who would be hired to do the work are likely as Swampy themselves and standing in the way till they are discovered to be useless. Question may come down to who is out publicly speaking and perhaps trying to do something about Draining the Swamp... Democrats, or Trump Republicans... thus openly informing people that shit is fucked up, regardless of the entirety of both sides being quite swampy. Use the answer to steer things to who is more open, to whichever parties aren't proposing rolling out as much brand new $Trillions of Socialism Communism new government entrenchment and false Saviour mind programs upon the peoples that will make things much harder to remove later on. While at the same time continuing and growing the primary efforts in the Libertarian Voluntary Anarchism space. People who think that they will see or enjoy any shift toward those in their lifetime, without employing such multi-pronged efforts, are deluding themselves. Sun Tzu would never rely upon one single tactic to win a war. Neither should the LVA space.
Here are supplement doc to your link...
Does she have "something" on Trump?
If so, it's unlikely to be political high crimes, more likely boring bog standard old business / civilian related "crimes / dirt / muck". Trump's time in office comes after Hillary / Obama time of relavance. Though they might be the chosen custodians and political deciders of whatever "something". If they have something, the only calculation is exposing their own political "sources and methods", given risk of a growing "Drain the Swamp" movement, and with the Russia hoax now being dismantled in the News so that Trump is free to run like the wind, seems they should release whatever they may or may not have right now. They have nothing. Trump Team will have to push VERY hard over next two weeks to fully break free faster than the Russia hoax is dying out. If the people pick up on ex-Russia news, Biden's puppet frailty, Kamala's political/pussy weakness, Democrats hardly sustainable program largesse, 2a, choices, and everything else News Media has been biased on, and get it out to their circles of friends and family, he'll win.
How many million votes will Trump lose in the election, and how many million will Biden gain, solely because Trump hasn't delivered on his "Lock her up!" promise from 2016?
Inter-Party promises are different than those directly involving and to the people. Corona lockdowns ([continuing] in Democrat Run Cities/States) turned out to be an unnecessary and job/life ruining anti-promise. Both US Parties failed early on messaging freedom preserving means of Corona management, while Trump aligned more along freedom.
I just saw a news item about some newly-discovered emails indicated that Hunter Biden introduced Joe Biden to some people at Burisma. Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company, according to emails obtained by The Post. "Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad
People knew that was corrupt as fuck ever since they learned Hunter joined board of a Russian company while daddy Joe was either in or contemplating office. If Trumps are smart, they will have banned themselves from engaging in such "new business" for the duration. Though the people who lived around and did 1776 wanted something, it surely wasn't Socialism Communism Marxism, the Democrats, Biden AOC Sanders Clinton Obama etc, nor even today's level of Government entrenchment and intrusion.
Recording this censorship event here, illustrating need for development and adoption of more distributed uncensorable platforms, so that people can freely think, speak, consider, subscribe, denounce, support, debate, leak, publish, etc... for themselves. " Ted Cruz Accuses Twitter Of Meddling In 2020 Election By Censoring Hunter Biden Exposé Profile picture for user Tyler Durden by Tyler Durden Wed, 10/14/2020 - 16:57 Update (1645ET): As the uproar over Twitter & Facebook's efforts to suppress Wednesday's New York Post exposè intensifies, Twitter has (begrudgingly, we imagine) made mention of the scandal in its trending topics. Ironically, Streisand Effect is trending nationally - that's a subtle reference to the principle of how trying to suppress information often accidentally causes it to spread. Several slots below that is #HunterBiden. Quietly backtracking suggests Twitter is beginning to regret its decision to censor the story. Meanwhile, as the mainstream media desperately tries to change the subject... Billboard outside Des Moines airport where Trump holds Iowa rally tonight. — Jim Acosta (@Acosta) October 14, 2020 ...Ted Cruz, coming in hot off his performance during the ACB hearings this week, tweeted a copy of a letter he recently sent to the CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, Facebook official spox (who describes himself as an alum of the DCCC & former Dem Sen. Barbara Boxer) explains Facebook’s active censorship of @nypost story alleging corruption by Biden. Who could doubt their impartiality? — Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) October 14, 2020 My letter to @jack regarding @Twitter’s censorship of the @nypost. — Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) October 14, 2020 As Cruz argues in the letter, like myriad other newspaper reports published during the Trump era (too many to even begin to name here), the NYPost story was based on "leaked email correspondence". He adds that the decision to suppress the story was "hypocritical", given the company has allowed plenty of other less definitively sourced reporting to spread unchecked. Twitter well-knows its incredible ability to influence public dialogue by promoting some stories while suppressing others, and it has plainly decided that the American people should not be seeing or discussing this particular story, which could significantly influence voters' views of candidate Biden. Cruz concluded that "this can only be seen as an obvious and transparent attempt by Twitter to influence the upcoming Presidential election," and demanded that the social media company turn over important details to the Subcommittee on the Constitution. The most important of the four question (the first three mostly cover the whos, wheres, whens, and hows) is the last one, which asks Twitter to cite a "neutral principle" which would explain why the reporting on the Steele dossier was allowed to go unquestioned, but this story, reported in the country's 4th-highest circulation newspaper, must be censored because it's "dangerous". Eric Weinstein seized the opportunity to make a great point. I am deliberately posing here with actual “potentially harmful” objects found in my home. I still have minor in the house. Please @jack, let me know if I‘m violating Twitter’s Terms of Service as understood by your trusted Partners. I am so disappointed in you. This is *wrong*. — Eric Weinstein (@EricRWeinstein) October 14, 2020 An editor at the Post accused Twitter of waging a "digital civil war" against conservatives, citing this as the latest evidence. This is a Big Tech information coup. This is digital civil war. I, an editor at The New York Post, one of the nation’s largest papers by circulation, can’t post one of our own stories that details corruption by a major-party presidential candidate, Biden. — Sohrab Ahmari (@SohrabAhmari) October 14, 2020 By censoring the NYPost story, Twitter and Facebook have effectively allowed what many would have written off as "just another crazy Hunter story" to take on a life of its own. Ironically, they've accomplished what they were purportedly trying to prevent: they've given the story even more oxygen. * * * Update (1455ET): If you thought Twitter's censorship of the NYPost Hunter Biden exposé couldn't get anymore Orwellian, well, you were wrong. As if preventing users from sharing the link wasn't enough, the platform has now deleted the NYP's initial tweet. Twitter deleted @nypost’s tweet about the Hunter Biden bombshell. This is election interference. We’ve entered the age where we have a "ministry of truth" run by Democrats and only they decide what’s true. They demand that you no longer believe your lying eyes & ears. Chilling. — Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) October 14, 2020 We imagine it did so after a flood of hysterical leftists smashed that "report tweet" button. Meanwhile, after the Biden campaign neglected to comment on the veracity of the emails shared in the NYPost expose, the White House pool reporter reported that the Biden campaign had called a "lid" - that is, an end to all in-person campaign-related events - before 10am, ensuring the former VP wouldn't have any prolonged in person contact with reporters on the same day the expose dropped. As we've explained in the past, a "lid" is essentially permission for the doting reporters covering Biden's campaign to head home for the day. His campaign's frequent use of the practice has drawn more unwanted attention to the cozy relationship between the Biden campaign and the Washington Press corp. * * * Update (1430ET): Twitter is now apparently flagging this morning's NY Post report as "unsafe" and refusing to allow its users to share it. This is what happens when I try to post our story exposing Biden family graft. — Sohrab Ahmari (@SohrabAhmari) October 14, 2020 Also — 🍂 joe 🍂 (@BarnasJoe) October 14, 2020 This is an escalation from earlier, when Twitter was merely prompting users to reconsider before sharing. * * * Update (1405ET): While left-wing conspiracy theorists try to denounce the emails published by the NYP as fake, the Trump Campaign has just pointed out something very interesting in its latest comment on the issue. 🚨📩 INBOX —> @TeamTrump statement on Biden response to NY Post Bombshell: “The Biden campaign does not dispute the authenticity of the emails published by the New York Post, which serves to confirm that they are real,” says @TimMurtaugh — Abigail Marone 🇺🇸 (@abigailmarone) October 14, 2020 This medium post purporting to show that the emails were "photoshopped" has been making the rounds - unimpeded - on social media. * * * Update (1310ET): In the social media contest to see which platforms can successfully suppress Wednesday's NYP Hunter Biden scoop, it looks like Twitter has taken the lead. In addition to scrubbing Hunter's name from its trending topics, Twitter is hitting users trying to retweet the story with one of their "are you sure?" prompts. Twitter now too — Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) October 14, 2020 * * * Update (1255ET): Hours after the Trump Campaign earlier blasted the Biden Campaign's "blatant selling of access", team Biden has finally responded by asserting that the meeting between VP Biden and a top Burisma executive described in one of the leaked emails detailed below never took place. “We have reviewed Joe Biden’s official schedules from the time and no meeting, as alleged by the New York Post, ever took place,” said campaign spokesman Andrew Bates in a statement. New: Biden campaign responds to NY Post story. “The New York Post never asked the Biden campaign about the critical elements of this story...moreover, we have reviewed Joe Biden’s official schedules from the time and no meeting, as alleged by the New York Post, ever took place.” — Natasha Bertrand (@NatashaBertrand) October 14, 2020 The team also claimed that they were never approached by the reporters who published the story. To be sure, just because it wasn't on Biden's "official" schedule, doesn't mean it didn't happen. The Biden campaign’s response to the NY Post story is that Biden’s meeting with the corrupt official of a corrupt Ukrainian gas company isn’t on Biden’s official schedule. No one was expecting it to be on his official schedule. — Arthur Schwartz (@ArthurSchwartz) October 14, 2020 The Biden camp also claimed the NY Post did nothing to try and corroborate the "unverified" emails. Notably, the NY Post has shared one of the emails in full in a PDF document. 480001185 Email From Vadim Pozharskyi to Devon Archer and Hunter Biden by Zerohedge on Scribd Critics are calling for the Post to release metadata from the emails, or some other clue to verify the messages. Meanwhile, Trump Campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh makes a good point. "The real question is, as of course this has been seized by the FBI since then, why has the FBI been sitting on this?" Murtaugh said, adding, "I would also further point out that no one seemed to care when someone committed an obvious federal crime by leaking the president’s tax documents to the New York Times." * * * Update (1150ET): More high-profile conservatives have lashed out at Facebook for censoring the story about Hunter Biden. This is straight-up election interference by @Facebook, being announced by their comms person who touts in his bio numerous past jobs with Dems. Big Tech is openly trying to rig this election for Biden & should be held accountable immediately. @FCC @senjudiciary @SenateCommerce — Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 14, 2020 Holy bleeping bleep. Facebook explicitly admitting it is protecting Biden -- and interfering in the presidential election -- by censoring media outlets and limiting discussion of today's breaking news about Biden's engagement with Burisma. — Mollie (@MZHemingway) October 14, 2020 Facebook is openly admitting its interference in a U.S. presidential election by blatantly censoring media outlets that print negative facts about their preferred presidential candidate, Joe Biden. Terrifying. — Mollie (@MZHemingway) October 14, 2020 The most Pravda-like thing is that the immediate pushback by Biden's many allies in Big Media and Big Tech serve as confirmation of the story and how damaging it is to the Biden campaign. If it weren't true, they'd just say that, rather than censor its distribution. — Mollie (@MZHemingway) October 14, 2020 Of course, Facebook isn't alone: Twitter is also keeping the story out of its trending topics menu. Twitter clearly also part of Big Tech's presidential election interference and their censorship of the negative facts surrounding Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden. — Mollie (@MZHemingway) October 14, 2020 We're also seeing an avalanche of memes. I had to... — M3thods (@M2Madness) October 14, 2020 While the hard drive has been turned over to the FBI, the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee confirmed it's working with the computer repairman who initially discovered the hard drive to "verify" the documents. The repairman initially contacted the committee back in September, one day after it released the report on conflicts related to Hunter, per the NY Post. Some other revelations have been publicized from the email cache: In a follow-up piece, the NY Post revealed that Blue Star Strategies, identified by the NY Post as a "Democratic" PR firm, leaked the minutes of an administration conference call to Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi along with Hunter Biden and his former business partner Devon Archer. * * * Update (1145ET): Rumor has it that one of the lewd videos mentioned earlier features Hunter Biden smoking crack and having sexual relations with an unidentified woman. 11. Allegedly, the laptop Hunter "forgot" to pick up also contains a 12 minute video of him smoking crack and having sex with an unidentified woman. — Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) October 14, 2020 Truly legendary. * * * Update (1115ET): In a surprising move to censor a mainstream media outlet known for leaning conservative, Facebook's platform managers have decided to actively suppress distribution of the latest Hunter Biden expose. While I will intentionally not link to the New York Post, I want be clear that this story is eligible to be fact checked by Facebook's third-party fact checking partners. In the meantime, we are reducing its distribution on our platform. — Andy Stone (@andymstone) October 14, 2020 The Trump Campaign accused Stone and the company of actively interfering in the election. This is a Facebook employee. Facebook is actively interfering in the election. Facebook is rigging the election for Joe Biden. — Trump War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) October 14, 2020 Republicans and conservatives across Twitter and elsewhere also expressed their dismay at the decision. While CEO Mark Zuckerberg has acknowledged that Facebook has some obligation to censor or root out "misinformation", this story isn't what that is. Keep in mind, Facebook censored ZERO stories about the Russia investigation and its origins, even as some key elements of the NYT's early reporting were found to be false. Facebook, as a matter of policy, is now censoring stories detailing documented corruption by Joe Biden and Hunter Biden. At no point did Facebook ever seek to throttle the reach of any Russian-disinformation-fueled stories falsely alleging collusion. — Sean Davis (@seanmdav) October 14, 2020 Twitter is censoring the president and shadow-banning conservatives, Facebook is blocking negative stories about Joe Biden and his crackhead son, and Google is kow-towing to communist China, in case you were wondering whether Big Tech is conspiring to steal the 2020 election. — Sean Davis (@seanmdav) October 14, 2020 To be sure, mainstream media are abiding with a near-blackout, just as we had anticipated. Any time legacy media drops a supposed "bombshell" on Trump, it immediately hits the front pages. Still waiting on NYT, WaPo, and CNN however to write anything on the @nypost's actual bombshell on Joe Biden lying about what he knew of his son's overseas business interests. — Tristan Justice (@JusticeTristan) October 14, 2020 It's like veteran political journalist Matt Taibbi (hardly a conservative) has argued: best-case, enforcing "misinformation" is a laborious game of whack-a-mole. But right now, it's just simply opening the companies to accusations of bias because that's what they are showing. * * * Update (1006ET): Due to the gravity of its claims, the NY Post's Hunter Biden scoop has overshadowed the third day of ACB's confirmation hearings to become the major political story of the day. So far, the MSM's most cogent objection is: 'if all of this is real, then why wasn't it in the Senate report? And how long has Giuliani had a copy of the hard drive?' Things that are sketchy in NYP story on Hunter Biden - why wasn’t this in Ron Johnson report if it’s been in possession for awhile? When did Giuliani acquire it? Giuliani has been everywhere on the but this has been kicking around since late last year and unreleased till now? — Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) October 14, 2020 One respondent joked. And while the NY Post published numerous photos from the hard-drive ranging from the banal to the bizarre, photos of Hunter Biden with a crack/meth pipe in his mouth have gone viral on social media. What a legend — Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) October 14, 2020 * * * Update (0900ET): The White House is celebrating the Wednesday morning NY Post bombshell... 🚨🚨 BOMBSHELL 🚨 🚨 Hunter introduced Joe Biden to a top executive at the Ukrainian energy firm he received $50K/month from! BIDEN: “I have never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else anything having to do with their businesses. Period.”@JoeBiden LIED. PERIOD‼️ — Kayleigh McEnany (@kayleighmcenany) October 14, 2020 ...while the MSM is trying to make it all go away. The 'smoking gun' email in the NY Post story — even if it is authentic, given the massive red flags — doesn't actually say what the story says it does. Also, recall: — Kyle Cheney (@kyledcheney) October 14, 2020 That's hardly a surprise. * * * MSM organizations may have largely ignored findings from a Senate Intel Committee report, released last month, which claimed that some of Hunter Biden's activities in Ukraine raised "counterintelligence and extortion" concerns. On the day that report dropped, Rep Adam Schiff brushed it aside, accusing his GOP colleagues in the Senate of "promoting the same Russian disinformation", per the New York Post. Well, we'd be interested to hear what Schiff & Company have to say about this. In a shocking report based on documents collected by the FBI - but which haven't been previously disclosed in the press - the New York Post reveals that Hunter Biden introduced his father - then the Vice President of the United States - to a top executive at Burisma, the shady Ukrainian energy firm where Biden once served as a board member. Emails contained in the report shed new light on Biden's claims that he successfully forced former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to fire a public prosecutor named Viktor Shokin. Biden bragged about leveraging $1 billion in US aid to force Poroshenko to fire Shokin, who was opposed by both the US and the EU. However, Shokin was reportedly working on an investigation into the management and executive board of Burisma, a group that included Hunter Biden, and his former business partner Devon Archer, whose conviction on securities fraud charges in the US was recently reinstated. The emails offer evidence that Hunter Biden did in fact introduce his father to a top executive at Burisma less than a year before the vice president moved to oust Shokin, thereby quashing an investigation into the firm. The meeting is referenced in emails between Vadym Pozharskyi, an advisor to the board of Burisma, who sent Biden an email on April 17, 2015 thanking him for the introduction. Another email also shows Pozharskyi, believed to be the No. 3 exec at Burisma, asking Biden about how the political scion could "use your influence" to help Burisma. All of this would seem to undermine Biden's claim that he has "never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings", which also included extensive dealings in China. Another email dated on May 12, 2014, shortly after Hunter joined the board, shows Pozharskyi attempting to pressure Biden to use his "political leverage" to help the company. The message included the subject line "urgent issue" and also references an attempted "shakedown" by Ukrainian prosecutors under Poroshenko. According to Pozharskyi, prosecutors in the country had approached a man referred to as "NZ", who was identified by the Post as Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevsky, who went by the Americanized name "Nicholas". When "NZ" rebuffed their threats, they proceeded with "concrete actions" including "one or more pretrial proceedings," Pozharskyi wrote. “We urgently need your advice on how you could use your influence to convey a message / signal, etc .to stop what we consider to be politically motivated actions,” he added. The timing of the email is also notable: It was sent just as Burisma was announcing Biden's decision to join the executive board. It's merely the latest piece of evidence suggesting that the company brought Biden on to manage its "legal affairs" because it likely believed his pull with the US would protect Burisma from these types of prosecutorial "shakedowns". In addition to the emails, the drive contained photos, some of which were shared with the Post. They spanned from family snaps of Hunter with his father and his kids, to selfies of Biden smoking cigarettes in a variety of unusual poses. According to the Post, the images and correspondence were taken from the hard drive of a laptop that was dropped off at a repair shop in Delaware, and never retrieved. After seeing what was on the hard drive, the owner of the shop copied it, and turned it over to a lawyer connected with former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Giuliani reportedly turned it over to the NY Post over the weekend. We imagine the MSM will cover up this report, as is standard practice for any concerning information involving Hunter Biden's foreign business dealings. "
On Wed, Oct 14, 2020 at 06:23:26PM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
Meanwhile, as the mainstream media desperately tries to change the subject...
Billboard outside Des Moines airport where Trump holds Iowa rally tonight. — Jim Acosta (@Acosta) October 14, 2020
Whoever put that up, that is pure gold :D Basically, what you see is "Trump (cured of Covid) Suprespreader" - oh yeah, this was most likely put up by Dems, a massive Red sign saying "Trump Superspreader Event"! Oh man, you can't ask for better ... Please thank whoever put up that billboard - we can use more o' that good ole superspreading of Trump.
...Ted Cruz, coming in hot off his performance during the ACB hearings this week, tweeted a copy of a letter he recently sent to the CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey,
Cruz concluded that "this can only be seen as an obvious and transparent attempt by Twitter to influence the upcoming Presidential election," and demanded that the social media company turn over important details to the Subcommittee on the Constitution.
The most important of the four question (the first three mostly cover the whos, wheres, whens, and hows) is the last one, which asks Twitter to cite a "neutral principle" which would explain why the reporting on the Steele dossier was allowed to go unquestioned, but this story, reported in the country's 4th-highest circulation newspaper, must be censored because it's "dangerous".
Ted Cruz has really stepped up (remember he ran against Trump for the nomination in 2015) - what trooper! Heartwarming.
I, an editor at The New York Post, one of the nation’s largest papers by circulation, can’t post one of our own stories that details corruption by a major-party presidential candidate, Biden. — Sohrab Ahmari (@SohrabAhmari) October 14, 2020
Epic :) --Hopefully-- this Jilicon Valley censorship be reachin awareness critical mass - ignorance one of our greatest enemies.
On 10/14/20, grarpamp <> wrote:
Recording this censorship event here, illustrating need for development and adoption of more distributed uncensorable platforms, so that people can freely think, speak, consider, subscribe, denounce, support, debate, leak, publish, etc... for themselves. US Press Secretary, NYPost, and many more got censored and locked up by Twitter and Facebook... "BREAKING: Twitter has locked the personal account of White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany for sharing news Democrats don’t like." You're seeing the immense, unchallengeable, unaccountable power of Silicon Valley giants over the flow of information. Imagine if Google joins in. What's so amazing is that they never wanted this role. It was foisted on them by people, led by journalists, demanding they censor: Major news org NYPost got locked up too, totally unprecedented. Shit gettin crazy y'all... revolutions have been known to start over far less. Boss! Oh no... Joe... the drive-in parking lot.
On Wed, Oct 14, 2020 at 09:48:07PM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
Shit gettin crazy y'all... revolutions have been known to start over far less.
Something about a curve and stayin ahead of it... Oh no... Joe... the drive-in parking lot.
Yeah that's the kind of thing - incredible turn outs of zero (or close to) for this BidenHisTime fellow... surely that would be depressing, to keep doing these talks in parking lots and keep getting ~zero turnout, and have to keep doing them anyway... Boss!
"I'm gettin stronger" :)
On Wed, Oct 14, 2020, 10:08 PM Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
On Wed, Oct 14, 2020 at 09:48:07PM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
Shit gettin crazy y'all... revolutions have been known to start over far less.
Something about a curve and stayin ahead of it...
that's a way to be more free, too
Oh no... Joe... the drive-in parking lot.
Yeah that's the kind of thing - incredible turn outs of zero (or close to) for this BidenHisTime fellow... surely that would be depressing, to keep doing these talks in parking lots and keep getting ~zero turnout, and have to keep doing them anyway... Boss!
"I'm gettin stronger"
On Wed, Oct 14, 2020, 10:10 PM Karl <> wrote:
On Wed, Oct 14, 2020, 10:08 PM Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
On Wed, Oct 14, 2020 at 09:48:07PM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
Shit gettin crazy y'all... revolutions have been known to start over far less.
Something about a curve and stayin ahead of it...
that's a way to be more free, too
Oh no... Joe... the drive-in parking lot.
Yeah that's the kind of thing - incredible turn outs of zero (or close to) for this BidenHisTime fellow... surely that would be depressing, to keep doing these talks in parking lots and keep getting ~zero turnout, and have to keep doing them anyway... Boss!
"I'm gettin stronger"
:) 2020-10-15 Alex Jones was Banned First, Nobody Believed the Canary, or Stood Up and Defended His Truth, Now his 2018-08-06 is here for everyone, and the joke is on you HAHAHA!!! Truth exists within the Noise and the Crazy, it's your job to find it. Biden-Hunter corruption docs now extend past Ukraine-Burisma to include China... Twitter-Biden-Harris-Dems exposed... Kamala Harris’ former press secretary is a communications manager at Twitter. Twitter’s public policy director recently joined Biden’s transition team. Twitter shadow ban exposed by Project Veritas. Twitter Censors Official website "National security experts fear Hunter Biden would pose a potential blackmail & extortion risk to a President Biden particularly from Chinese and Russian intelligence, which they say likely already possess kompromat on his son incl bank records, photos & videos w father" "Anyone in Joe Biden situation would certainly not pass security clearance due to risk of compromise re Hunter" #CrookedJoeBiden trending #1 in politics Biden's Knee to China Recall... american farmer exposed Biden-Hunter-Burisma long before this news... Biden Lied and Raged exactly like he Lied and Raged against Jerry Wayne when Jerry exposed the Truth about Biden Dems plan to kill the US 2nd Amendment and take peoples firearms away so that they can no longer maintain their freedom against tyrrany... Biden Lies and Rages re Hunter Correlation... when Biden appears angry, goes aggro... he's exposed and lying. "Kamala Harris advocates for gun confiscation under guise of buybacks" Reaction from Second Amendment activist Colion Noir on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' So who's lying on guns, Biden Harris O'Rourke Dems, or Colion Noir? One day I will explain to her what censorship is and why she had to unjustly delete Mommy’s tweet in order to speak! #BabyBlake @Jack pic. Cube's CWBA ignored by Dems, doubts on Dems decades of lies, bashed for making progress with Trump, gets cancelled by Biased Left News Media Cube and Trump Cube and Trump "What Left fears most is an independent Black man who figures out their lying game." "Biden is like China stealing intellectual property. He steals every one of Trump's strong talking points to the American people.. every ONE of them. it's like he waits to see what Trump does then he copies it" -- re Biden the plagerist "The Trump town hall tonight made it obvious that it's Trump vs the Media! The lady hosting it didn’t even try to hide her hatred" Biden said to be panic outspending Trump, all while Trump trims polling gap amid massive News and Social Media Bias. Greenville, NC— “If I do not sound like a typical Washington politician, it’s because I’m NOT a politician. If I do not always play by the rules of the Washington Establishment, it’s because I was elected to fight for YOU, harder than anyone ever has before!“ -- Trump Trump Miami "Citizen Town Hall" format twisted by Fake News into an Attack Job 2020-10-15 Trump Carolina Rally 2020-10-15
On Fri, Oct 16, 2020 at 05:16:26AM -0400, grarpamp wrote: 2020-10-15 Alex Jones was Banned First, Nobody Believed the Canary, or Stood Up and Defended His Truth, Now his 2018-08-06 is here for everyone, and the joke is on you HAHAHA!!!
PLEASE! TDS, the was by FAR the first, WAY before Jones! The canary in the coal mine is not a hyped up blog selling penis pills, but the supposedly "despicable white supremacist" speech (in reality, just comedy sketches) that Andrew Anglin build the around. This is not a hair split even if they had of been banned around the same time - it's the principle of it! The step that Anglin took was a very bold, very confronting step in relation to free speech, and Alex Jones was far more timid and tame in comparison. Alex Jones did not defend Anglin and never spoke up about TDW, when TDS was first taken down, or second taken down (or the quite a few domain names which were outright stolen), to this day...
Truth exists within the Noise and the Crazy, it's your job to find it.
Greenville, NC— “If I do not sound like a typical Washington politician, it’s because I’m NOT a politician. If I do not always play by the rules of the Washington Establishment, it’s because I was elected to fight for YOU, harder than anyone ever has before!“ -- Trump
Trump is a work in progress, his Christianity is a work in progress, but damn, he is trying, and he is not giving up, and he is dancing, and he is punchin Rona in the head - "I've changed my mind, Trump is a demi-god!"
TDS was a year earlier, and was focused more on it's thing... versus say more generally on future of general freedom regarding globalism / Left, for which censorship, control, etc are more central. That, plus a whole lot more subs (TDS was primarily a text website rather than operating a video channel on the biggest social media platforms), is what made IW's banning more relavant as an example "first". Regardless, TDS event was notable. And both TDS and IW were preceded by other precedents over the decades that never really made much news [1], in part because alternative social / news media hadn't really developed yet, let alone begun to consider whatever its role should be in covering and defending such events to help strengthen itself as a whole. [1] xs4all was a pretty big one.
You can thank demonetization for needing to resort to that. Bonus is gigamedia with its advert data partners get cut out. Cryptocurrency adoption will eventually reduce the sleaze factor.
it's the principle of it!
When a service calls itself You-Tube and claims to not be Evil, then turns out to be a FuckYou-Tube doing shadowy shit, all speech is speech.
On Fri, 16 Oct 2020 20:51:48 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
Trump is a work in progress, his Christianity is a work in progress, but damn, he is trying, and he is not giving up, and he is dancing, and he is punchin Rona in the head
see? That's why you can't be taken seriously.
Biden-Hunter corruption docs now extend past Ukraine-Burisma to include China...
If people watch nothing else... A Message from Donald J Trump... Trump vs The Deep State Tucker Correctly Analyses the Situation and Censorship McEnany Utterly Thrashes Censorship via Hannity Entire Biden Clan Riding the Chinese Dragon - Corrupt Chinese Business Secrets - Rosemont Seneca Bohai Harvest Face++ AVIC CMOC CGN Gemini Burnham Asset Tucker Warns Truth about Biden-Harris-Dems Court Packing Part of Tucker's Analysis Trump Delivers Corruption Censorship Message, Giuliani Commentary “Biden's ABC town hall questioners include former Obama speechwriter, wife of former Pennsylvania Dem candidate” Americans Come Out to Support Trump Every Single Rally Crowd Comparison Fuel Truth Black Independence is a beautiful thing that Democrats do NOT want, else Dems running 70% of top 50 cities would have done it over last decades #DrainTheSwamp #MAGA
Holy shit, Trump's going for California!!! At least 10,000 people line motorcade route, Newport Beach,CA At least 10,000 people line motorcade route, Newport Beach,CA Was just in Vegas. Nonstop, insane levels of dedication to the USA!!! Polls? Really? Come on man.
Corrupt News, Social Media, and Dem-Socialists will not tell you this... Trump himself held two rallies today... Villages, Pensacola, and a Palm Beach stop. Biden-Kamala did nothing today but whine and lie to people as usual, and kept begging them to waste their vote early to avoid even more bad news... they knew about #LaptopFromHell and swindled tens of millions of voters out of their vote by telling people to vote early. In the business world, such undisclosed material information is LAWSUIT material, and Dem voters should sue massive class action against their own ticket ! Voting for Democrats is clearly a vote for Censorship, Corruption, Lies, Fraud, Socialism, Heavy Taxes, Drunken Depressing Lockdowns with nothing to do and nowhere to go out ALL dreary winter long. Socialism wants it that way. Biden, the confirmed Chinese asset, doesn't even care enough about Americans to even bother rallying for them. That's soooo fucking sad for the Americans :-( Trump... :-) "If I do not sound like a typical Washington politician, it's because I'm NOT a politician. If I do not always play by the rules of the Washington Establishment, the Deep State, Big Tech, and Big Media, it's because I was elected to fight for YOU, harder than anyone ever has before! I work only for the American people." Trump now playing videos at rallies exposing Biden's LIES, ftw !!! villages,fl 2020-10-23 Nx1000's, monologue, ospreys, cars, decoys, smaller AF1 pensacola,fl 2020-10-23 Nx1000's palm beach,fl 2020-10-23 2-5 stops per day from now till election. #MAGA
"Liberal" and "tolerant" white people dominate the DenRats. White Chelsea Handler explains to Black 50 Cent, that he's African American, then explains that she had to explain that to him/ remind him of his blackness: ‘I had to remind him that he was a BLACK PERSON’: Chelsea Handler WHITESPLAINS blackness to 50 Cent after rapper backed Trump Comedian Chelsea Handler may have thought she was scoring political points by telling ex-boyfriend 50 Cent that, as a black person, he “can’t vote for Donald Trump.” Instead, her advice got her scolded for its racist undertones. "I had to remind him that he was a black person, so he can't vote for Donald Trump, and that he shouldn't be influencing an entire swath of people who may listen to him because he's worried about his own personal pocketbook," Handler said on Friday, in an interview on the "Tonight Show." ... But Handler took the criticism to another level, seemingly suggesting that black people don’t have the capacity to make independent decisions on what’s best for them. Her comments echoed Biden himself, who said in a May interview with black radio host Charlamagne tha God that, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” ... You see to the DemonRATs, if you don't vote for Joe Biden, you ain't black, even if you're an extremely weathy rapper who opposes Biden's 62% tax rate, you're not allowed to state that sort of thing publicly if you're black because, well, you ain't black if you do - you must be a White Supremacist. Just as well black people have Chelsea Handler and Joe Biden to remind them how black they ain't, if they vote for Trump. And this Chelsea seems to think she's seriously hot stuff, and that 50 Cent may reconsider his vote against 62% Biden taxation rates, "for another spin, if you know what I’m talking about". At least she's confident, but it seems that to hold this "carrot" out to him, she would have to believe that the extremely wealthy 50 Cent is so low IQ he would go against his own financial interests for a little coal burning pussy. How demeaning must this feel to 50 Cent? 50 Cent might be black, but damn bro, that Chelsea's a condescending nigger!
Joe Biden, "defender of Christianity" .. -NOT-! The below is an absolutely link packed pracie (in the original), too many to copy n pasta atm. Joe Biden, 1993: “Serbs Are Illiterate Degenerates” - Biden never met a war he didn't like. Joe Biden, 1993: “Serbs Are Illiterate Degenerates” Deplorables of the new world order Today many people remember Iraq, some have a clue about Ukraine. But Serbia, which preceded them, is off the radar screen of most Americans. To recap: As a Senator in the 1990s, Joe Biden was one of the most militant advocates of U.S. military action against Serbs during the breakup of the Yugoslav federation, first in Croatia (1991-95), then in Bosnia (1992-95), and then in Serbia’s province of Kosovo (1998- 1999). (As has been said about others like Hillary Clinton and the late John McCain, Biden evidently has never met a war he didn’t like. Along with Hillary, in 2003 Biden helped to whip Senate Democrat votes for the Bush-Cheney Iraq war.) Channeling his inner John McCain, Biden continually called for the U.S. to bomb, bomb, bomb bomb the Serbs while (in a foreshadowing of the Obama-Biden administration’s support for jihad terrorists in Libya and Syria, which ultimately resulted in the appearance of ISIS) pushed successfully for sending weapons to the Islamist regime in Bosnia and then for the U.S. to arm the Islamo-narco-terrorist group known as the “Kosovo Liberation Army” (KLA). Joe Biden was the primary sponsor of the March 1999 Kosovo war authorization for military action against Serbia and Montenegro, S. Con. Res. 21. (As a little remembered historical note, Biden’s resolution might be seen as the last nail in the coffin of Congress’s constitutional war power. While S. Con. Res 21 passed the Senate, it failed in the House on a 213-213 tie vote, with Republicans overwhelmingly voting Nay. It didn’t matter. Bill Clinton, reeling from the Lewinsky scandal, went ahead with the bombing campaign anyway.) The ensuing 78-day NATO air operation had little impact on Serbia’s military but devastated the country’s infrastructure and took hundreds of civilian lives. (Even now, more than 20 years later, Serbia suffers from elevated cancer levels attributed to depleted uranium munitions.) But for Jihad Joe even that wasn’t punishment enough for people he collectively demonized as “illiterate degenerates, baby killers, butchers, and rapists.” In May 1999, at the height of the NATO air assault, he called for the introduction of U.S. ground troops (“we should announce there’s going to be American casualties”) followed by “a Japanese-German style occupation.” Eventually the bombing stopped in June 1999 when then-Serbian strongman Slobodan Milošević acceded to temporary international occupation of Kosovo on the condition that the province would remain part of Serbia, as codified in United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244. It was a promise the U.S. and NATO, not to mention their European Union (EU) concubine, had no intention of keeping. Under the nose of the NATO occupation, ostensibly demobilized KLA thugs were given virtually free rein to terrorize the Serbian population, two-thirds of whom were driven out along with Jews and Roma, the rest sheltering in enclaves where they remain to this day. Orthodox Christian churches and monasteries, many of them centuries old, were particular targets for destruction and desecration. KLA commanders – who were also kingpins in the Kosovo Albanian mafia dealing in sex slaves, drugs, weapons, and even human organs – were handed local administration. ...
Sad: Fiddy (50 Cent) remembered he's Handler's "house nigger" and not able to think for hisself, caves to the DemRats - seems he's pussy whipped or compromised by something illegal. This sequence is -really- sad. How BETA is Fiddy? #FiddyWhipped #PrayForFiddy #NoMorePussyWhip #FiddyBeta #BrosBeforeHos #BeAMan #BeAManNotANigger #NoMoreDemRatPlantations .. US rap superstar Curtis James Jackson III, aka 50 Cent, on Sunday walked back his earlier endorsement of Republican President Donald Trump, after a former girlfriend, American actress Chelsea Handler, reminded him that “he was a Black person” and called on him to “come to your senses”. .. ‘I had to remind him that he was a BLACK PERSON’: Chelsea Handler WHITESPLAINS blackness to 50 Cent after rapper backed Trump #WakeUpFiddy #FiddyBeAManNotABeta #NoMoreBeta #TalkToJesse On Sun, Oct 25, 2020 at 11:02:38AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
"Liberal" and "tolerant" white people dominate the DemRats. White Chelsea Handler explains to Black 50 Cent, that he's African American, then explains that she had to explain that to him/ remind him of his blackness:
‘I had to remind him that he was a BLACK PERSON’: Chelsea Handler WHITESPLAINS blackness to 50 Cent after rapper backed Trump
Comedian Chelsea Handler may have thought she was scoring political points by telling ex-boyfriend 50 Cent that, as a black person, he “can’t vote for Donald Trump.” Instead, her advice got her scolded for its racist undertones.
"I had to remind him that he was a black person, so he can't vote for Donald Trump, and that he shouldn't be influencing an entire swath of people who may listen to him because he's worried about his own personal pocketbook," Handler said on Friday, in an interview on the "Tonight Show." ...
But Handler took the criticism to another level, seemingly suggesting that black people don’t have the capacity to make independent decisions on what’s best for them. Her comments echoed Biden himself, who said in a May interview with black radio host Charlamagne tha God that, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” ...
You see to the DemonRATs, if you don't vote for Joe Biden, you ain't black, even if you're an extremely weathy rapper who opposes Biden's 62% tax rate, you're not allowed to state that sort of thing publicly if you're black because, well, you ain't black if you do - you must be a White Supremacist.
Just as well black people have Chelsea Handler and Joe Biden to remind them how black they ain't, if they vote for Trump.
And this Chelsea seems to think she's seriously hot stuff, and that 50 Cent may reconsider his vote against 62% Biden taxation rates, "for another spin, if you know what I’m talking about". At least she's confident, but it seems that to hold this "carrot" out to him, she would have to believe that the extremely wealthy 50 Cent is so low IQ he would go against his own financial interests for a little coal burning pussy.
How demeaning must this feel to 50 Cent?
50 Cent might be black, but damn bro, that Chelsea's a condescending nigger!
Trump now playing videos at rallies exposing Biden's LIES, ftw !!!
Here's one of the rally videos... Sanders utterly destroys Biden's repeated LIES using Biden's words on tape...
On Sun, Oct 25, 2020 at 05:47:06PM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
Trump now playing videos at rallies exposing Biden's LIES, ftw !!!
Here's one of the rally videos...
Sanders utterly destroys Biden's repeated LIES using Biden's words on tape...
On Wed, Oct 14, 2020, 6:25 PM grarpamp <> wrote:
Recording this censorship event here, illustrating need for development and adoption of more distributed uncensorable platforms, so that people can freely think, speak, consider, subscribe, denounce, support, debate, leak, publish, etc... for themselves.
Hey I was distracted by being silly. You propose projects a lot. I am really passionate about distributed uncensorable platforms, I'm aware of some needing dev work, and interested in making new ones. Do you have any interest in dev work?
" Ted Cruz Accuses Twitter Of Meddling In 2020 Election By Censoring Hunter Biden Exposé Profile picture for user Tyler Durden by Tyler Durden Wed, 10/14/2020 - 16:57
Update (1645ET): As the uproar over Twitter & Facebook's efforts to suppress Wednesday's New York Post exposè intensifies, Twitter has (begrudgingly, we imagine) made mention of the scandal in its trending topics.
Ironically, Streisand Effect is trending nationally - that's a subtle reference to the principle of how trying to suppress information often accidentally causes it to spread.
Several slots below that is #HunterBiden.
Quietly backtracking suggests Twitter is beginning to regret its decision to censor the story.
Meanwhile, as the mainstream media desperately tries to change the subject...
Billboard outside Des Moines airport where Trump holds Iowa rally tonight. — Jim Acosta (@Acosta) October 14, 2020
...Ted Cruz, coming in hot off his performance during the ACB hearings this week, tweeted a copy of a letter he recently sent to the CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey,
Facebook official spox (who describes himself as an alum of the DCCC & former Dem Sen. Barbara Boxer) explains Facebook’s active censorship of @nypost story alleging corruption by Biden.
Who could doubt their impartiality? — Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) October 14, 2020
My letter to @jack regarding @Twitter’s censorship of the @nypost. — Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) October 14, 2020
As Cruz argues in the letter, like myriad other newspaper reports published during the Trump era (too many to even begin to name here), the NYPost story was based on "leaked email correspondence". He adds that the decision to suppress the story was "hypocritical", given the company has allowed plenty of other less definitively sourced reporting to spread unchecked.
Twitter well-knows its incredible ability to influence public dialogue by promoting some stories while suppressing others, and it has plainly decided that the American people should not be seeing or discussing this particular story, which could significantly influence voters' views of candidate Biden.
Cruz concluded that "this can only be seen as an obvious and transparent attempt by Twitter to influence the upcoming Presidential election," and demanded that the social media company turn over important details to the Subcommittee on the Constitution.
The most important of the four question (the first three mostly cover the whos, wheres, whens, and hows) is the last one, which asks Twitter to cite a "neutral principle" which would explain why the reporting on the Steele dossier was allowed to go unquestioned, but this story, reported in the country's 4th-highest circulation newspaper, must be censored because it's "dangerous".
Eric Weinstein seized the opportunity to make a great point.
I am deliberately posing here with actual “potentially harmful” objects found in my home. I still have minor in the house.
Please @jack, let me know if I‘m violating Twitter’s Terms of Service as understood by your trusted Partners.
I am so disappointed in you. This is *wrong*. — Eric Weinstein (@EricRWeinstein) October 14, 2020
An editor at the Post accused Twitter of waging a "digital civil war" against conservatives, citing this as the latest evidence.
This is a Big Tech information coup. This is digital civil war.
I, an editor at The New York Post, one of the nation’s largest papers by circulation, can’t post one of our own stories that details corruption by a major-party presidential candidate, Biden. — Sohrab Ahmari (@SohrabAhmari) October 14, 2020
By censoring the NYPost story, Twitter and Facebook have effectively allowed what many would have written off as "just another crazy Hunter story" to take on a life of its own. Ironically, they've accomplished what they were purportedly trying to prevent: they've given the story even more oxygen.
* * *
Update (1455ET): If you thought Twitter's censorship of the NYPost Hunter Biden exposé couldn't get anymore Orwellian, well, you were wrong.
As if preventing users from sharing the link wasn't enough, the platform has now deleted the NYP's initial tweet.
Twitter deleted @nypost’s tweet about the Hunter Biden bombshell. This is election interference. We’ve entered the age where we have a "ministry of truth" run by Democrats and only they decide what’s true. They demand that you no longer believe your lying eyes & ears.
Chilling. — Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) October 14, 2020
We imagine it did so after a flood of hysterical leftists smashed that "report tweet" button.
Meanwhile, after the Biden campaign neglected to comment on the veracity of the emails shared in the NYPost expose, the White House pool reporter reported that the Biden campaign had called a "lid" - that is, an end to all in-person campaign-related events - before 10am, ensuring the former VP wouldn't have any prolonged in person contact with reporters on the same day the expose dropped.
As we've explained in the past, a "lid" is essentially permission for the doting reporters covering Biden's campaign to head home for the day. His campaign's frequent use of the practice has drawn more unwanted attention to the cozy relationship between the Biden campaign and the Washington Press corp.
* * *
Update (1430ET): Twitter is now apparently flagging this morning's NY Post report as "unsafe" and refusing to allow its users to share it.
This is what happens when I try to post our story exposing Biden family graft. — Sohrab Ahmari (@SohrabAhmari) October 14, 2020
Also — 🍂 joe 🍂 (@BarnasJoe) October 14, 2020
This is an escalation from earlier, when Twitter was merely prompting users to reconsider before sharing.
* * *
Update (1405ET): While left-wing conspiracy theorists try to denounce the emails published by the NYP as fake, the Trump Campaign has just pointed out something very interesting in its latest comment on the issue.
🚨📩 INBOX —> @TeamTrump statement on Biden response to NY Post Bombshell:
“The Biden campaign does not dispute the authenticity of the emails published by the New York Post, which serves to confirm that they are real,” says @TimMurtaugh — Abigail Marone 🇺🇸 (@abigailmarone) October 14, 2020
This medium post purporting to show that the emails were "photoshopped" has been making the rounds - unimpeded - on social media.
* * *
Update (1310ET): In the social media contest to see which platforms can successfully suppress Wednesday's NYP Hunter Biden scoop, it looks like Twitter has taken the lead. In addition to scrubbing Hunter's name from its trending topics, Twitter is hitting users trying to retweet the story with one of their "are you sure?" prompts.
Twitter now too — Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) October 14, 2020
* * *
Update (1255ET): Hours after the Trump Campaign earlier blasted the Biden Campaign's "blatant selling of access", team Biden has finally responded by asserting that the meeting between VP Biden and a top Burisma executive described in one of the leaked emails detailed below never took place.
“We have reviewed Joe Biden’s official schedules from the time and no meeting, as alleged by the New York Post, ever took place,” said campaign spokesman Andrew Bates in a statement.
New: Biden campaign responds to NY Post story. “The New York Post never asked the Biden campaign about the critical elements of this story...moreover, we have reviewed Joe Biden’s official schedules from the time and no meeting, as alleged by the New York Post, ever took place.” — Natasha Bertrand (@NatashaBertrand) October 14, 2020
The team also claimed that they were never approached by the reporters who published the story.
To be sure, just because it wasn't on Biden's "official" schedule, doesn't mean it didn't happen.
The Biden campaign’s response to the NY Post story is that Biden’s meeting with the corrupt official of a corrupt Ukrainian gas company isn’t on Biden’s official schedule. No one was expecting it to be on his official schedule. — Arthur Schwartz (@ArthurSchwartz) October 14, 2020
The Biden camp also claimed the NY Post did nothing to try and corroborate the "unverified" emails.
Notably, the NY Post has shared one of the emails in full in a PDF document.
480001185 Email From Vadim Pozharskyi to Devon Archer and Hunter Biden by Zerohedge on Scribd
Critics are calling for the Post to release metadata from the emails, or some other clue to verify the messages.
Meanwhile, Trump Campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh makes a good point.
"The real question is, as of course this has been seized by the FBI since then, why has the FBI been sitting on this?" Murtaugh said, adding, "I would also further point out that no one seemed to care when someone committed an obvious federal crime by leaking the president’s tax documents to the New York Times."
* * *
Update (1150ET): More high-profile conservatives have lashed out at Facebook for censoring the story about Hunter Biden.
This is straight-up election interference by @Facebook, being announced by their comms person who touts in his bio numerous past jobs with Dems. Big Tech is openly trying to rig this election for Biden & should be held accountable immediately. @FCC @senjudiciary @SenateCommerce — Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 14, 2020
Holy bleeping bleep. Facebook explicitly admitting it is protecting Biden -- and interfering in the presidential election -- by censoring media outlets and limiting discussion of today's breaking news about Biden's engagement with Burisma. — Mollie (@MZHemingway) October 14, 2020
Facebook is openly admitting its interference in a U.S. presidential election by blatantly censoring media outlets that print negative facts about their preferred presidential candidate, Joe Biden. Terrifying. — Mollie (@MZHemingway) October 14, 2020
The most Pravda-like thing is that the immediate pushback by Biden's many allies in Big Media and Big Tech serve as confirmation of the story and how damaging it is to the Biden campaign. If it weren't true, they'd just say that, rather than censor its distribution. — Mollie (@MZHemingway) October 14, 2020
Of course, Facebook isn't alone: Twitter is also keeping the story out of its trending topics menu.
Twitter clearly also part of Big Tech's presidential election interference and their censorship of the negative facts surrounding Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden. — Mollie (@MZHemingway) October 14, 2020
We're also seeing an avalanche of memes.
I had to... — M3thods (@M2Madness) October 14, 2020
While the hard drive has been turned over to the FBI, the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee confirmed it's working with the computer repairman who initially discovered the hard drive to "verify" the documents. The repairman initially contacted the committee back in September, one day after it released the report on conflicts related to Hunter, per the NY Post.
Some other revelations have been publicized from the email cache: In a follow-up piece, the NY Post revealed that Blue Star Strategies, identified by the NY Post as a "Democratic" PR firm, leaked the minutes of an administration conference call to Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi along with Hunter Biden and his former business partner Devon Archer.
* * *
Update (1145ET): Rumor has it that one of the lewd videos mentioned earlier features Hunter Biden smoking crack and having sexual relations with an unidentified woman.
11. Allegedly, the laptop Hunter "forgot" to pick up also contains a 12 minute video of him smoking crack and having sex with an unidentified woman. — Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) October 14, 2020
Truly legendary.
* * *
Update (1115ET): In a surprising move to censor a mainstream media outlet known for leaning conservative, Facebook's platform managers have decided to actively suppress distribution of the latest Hunter Biden expose.
While I will intentionally not link to the New York Post, I want be clear that this story is eligible to be fact checked by Facebook's third-party fact checking partners. In the meantime, we are reducing its distribution on our platform. — Andy Stone (@andymstone) October 14, 2020
The Trump Campaign accused Stone and the company of actively interfering in the election.
This is a Facebook employee.
Facebook is actively interfering in the election.
Facebook is rigging the election for Joe Biden. — Trump War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) October 14, 2020
Republicans and conservatives across Twitter and elsewhere also expressed their dismay at the decision.
While CEO Mark Zuckerberg has acknowledged that Facebook has some obligation to censor or root out "misinformation", this story isn't what that is. Keep in mind, Facebook censored ZERO stories about the Russia investigation and its origins, even as some key elements of the NYT's early reporting were found to be false.
Facebook, as a matter of policy, is now censoring stories detailing documented corruption by Joe Biden and Hunter Biden.
At no point did Facebook ever seek to throttle the reach of any Russian-disinformation-fueled stories falsely alleging collusion. — Sean Davis (@seanmdav) October 14, 2020
Twitter is censoring the president and shadow-banning conservatives, Facebook is blocking negative stories about Joe Biden and his crackhead son, and Google is kow-towing to communist China, in case you were wondering whether Big Tech is conspiring to steal the 2020 election. — Sean Davis (@seanmdav) October 14, 2020
To be sure, mainstream media are abiding with a near-blackout, just as we had anticipated.
Any time legacy media drops a supposed "bombshell" on Trump, it immediately hits the front pages.
Still waiting on NYT, WaPo, and CNN however to write anything on the @nypost's actual bombshell on Joe Biden lying about what he knew of his son's overseas business interests. — Tristan Justice (@JusticeTristan) October 14, 2020
It's like veteran political journalist Matt Taibbi (hardly a conservative) has argued: best-case, enforcing "misinformation" is a laborious game of whack-a-mole. But right now, it's just simply opening the companies to accusations of bias because that's what they are showing.
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Update (1006ET): Due to the gravity of its claims, the NY Post's Hunter Biden scoop has overshadowed the third day of ACB's confirmation hearings to become the major political story of the day.
So far, the MSM's most cogent objection is: 'if all of this is real, then why wasn't it in the Senate report? And how long has Giuliani had a copy of the hard drive?'
Things that are sketchy in NYP story on Hunter Biden - why wasn’t this in Ron Johnson report if it’s been in possession for awhile? When did Giuliani acquire it? Giuliani has been everywhere on the but this has been kicking around since late last year and unreleased till now? — Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) October 14, 2020
One respondent joked.
And while the NY Post published numerous photos from the hard-drive ranging from the banal to the bizarre, photos of Hunter Biden with a crack/meth pipe in his mouth have gone viral on social media.
What a legend — Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) October 14, 2020
* * *
Update (0900ET): The White House is celebrating the Wednesday morning NY Post bombshell...
Hunter introduced Joe Biden to a top executive at the Ukrainian energy firm he received $50K/month from!
BIDEN: “I have never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else anything having to do with their businesses. Period.”@JoeBiden LIED. PERIOD‼️ — Kayleigh McEnany (@kayleighmcenany) October 14, 2020
...while the MSM is trying to make it all go away.
The 'smoking gun' email in the NY Post story — even if it is authentic, given the massive red flags — doesn't actually say what the story says it does.
Also, recall: — Kyle Cheney (@kyledcheney) October 14, 2020
That's hardly a surprise.
* * *
MSM organizations may have largely ignored findings from a Senate Intel Committee report, released last month, which claimed that some of Hunter Biden's activities in Ukraine raised "counterintelligence and extortion" concerns. On the day that report dropped, Rep Adam Schiff brushed it aside, accusing his GOP colleagues in the Senate of "promoting the same Russian disinformation", per the New York Post.
Well, we'd be interested to hear what Schiff & Company have to say about this.
In a shocking report based on documents collected by the FBI - but which haven't been previously disclosed in the press - the New York Post reveals that Hunter Biden introduced his father - then the Vice President of the United States - to a top executive at Burisma, the shady Ukrainian energy firm where Biden once served as a board member.
Emails contained in the report shed new light on Biden's claims that he successfully forced former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to fire a public prosecutor named Viktor Shokin. Biden bragged about leveraging $1 billion in US aid to force Poroshenko to fire Shokin, who was opposed by both the US and the EU. However, Shokin was reportedly working on an investigation into the management and executive board of Burisma, a group that included Hunter Biden, and his former business partner Devon Archer, whose conviction on securities fraud charges in the US was recently reinstated.
The emails offer evidence that Hunter Biden did in fact introduce his father to a top executive at Burisma less than a year before the vice president moved to oust Shokin, thereby quashing an investigation into the firm. The meeting is referenced in emails between Vadym Pozharskyi, an advisor to the board of Burisma, who sent Biden an email on April 17, 2015 thanking him for the introduction.
Another email also shows Pozharskyi, believed to be the No. 3 exec at Burisma, asking Biden about how the political scion could "use your influence" to help Burisma.
All of this would seem to undermine Biden's claim that he has "never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings", which also included extensive dealings in China.
Another email dated on May 12, 2014, shortly after Hunter joined the board, shows Pozharskyi attempting to pressure Biden to use his "political leverage" to help the company. The message included the subject line "urgent issue" and also references an attempted "shakedown" by Ukrainian prosecutors under Poroshenko. According to Pozharskyi, prosecutors in the country had approached a man referred to as "NZ", who was identified by the Post as Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevsky, who went by the Americanized name "Nicholas".
When "NZ" rebuffed their threats, they proceeded with "concrete actions" including "one or more pretrial proceedings," Pozharskyi wrote.
“We urgently need your advice on how you could use your influence to convey a message / signal, etc .to stop what we consider to be politically motivated actions,” he added.
The timing of the email is also notable: It was sent just as Burisma was announcing Biden's decision to join the executive board.
It's merely the latest piece of evidence suggesting that the company brought Biden on to manage its "legal affairs" because it likely believed his pull with the US would protect Burisma from these types of prosecutorial "shakedowns".
In addition to the emails, the drive contained photos, some of which were shared with the Post. They spanned from family snaps of Hunter with his father and his kids, to selfies of Biden smoking cigarettes in a variety of unusual poses.
According to the Post, the images and correspondence were taken from the hard drive of a laptop that was dropped off at a repair shop in Delaware, and never retrieved. After seeing what was on the hard drive, the owner of the shop copied it, and turned it over to a lawyer connected with former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Giuliani reportedly turned it over to the NY Post over the weekend.
We imagine the MSM will cover up this report, as is standard practice for any concerning information involving Hunter Biden's foreign business dealings. "
Recording this censorship event here"hunter+biden" Hunter Biden Laptop From Hell, Bobulinski, Burisma, Joe Biden, 10% For The Big Guy, John Paul Mac Isaac, Russia Hoax... All this and more is still being massively deleted, censored, steered, buried, burned, and lied by Fake News Media, Big Tech, Social Media, Democrats, Election Officials, and more. John Isaac Fights Back John Isaac Fights Back John Isaac Fights Back Democrat Frauds Brand on the matter #BuildBackMacIsaac Democrats have been fighting against election integrity ever since. SocialMedia apparently tried to suspend accounts of "2000 Mules" ... Then there's this... MAJOR UPDATE: Within the last 24 hours Rumble has been under an unprecedented attack. Our engineers are working around the clock to mitigate these attacks and prepare for a smooth rollout of our 1st movie launch "2000 Mules" tomorrow. As the situation evolves we will update here. Democrats and Govt in general are in panic mode so they just spun up a massive Government Disinformation Ministry to distort Midterms and 2024 in their favor, keep trying to bury all the corruption fraud lies etc that has been and will be exposed, and to generally spin and censor shit even harder, but this time with the brutal totalitarian "legal" force of Government and "law" behind it all. The US 2020 elections were the biggest coordinated multifaceted criminal conspiracy and outright election fraud ever in the history of the world to date. Donald J Trump Won The US 2020 Presidential Election.
"AnalFuck69": Hunter Biden's Password Revealed In Whistleblower Tell-All A Delaware computer repair shop owner who was driven out of business for blowing the whistle over Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop has written a book, "American Injustice: My Battle to Expose the Truth, in which he details what went down behind the scenes with the sitting president's crack-addict son. According to an excerpt published by the New York Post, John Paul Mac Isaac was about to close up shop on a Friday night when Hunter Biden 'stumbled' in carrying three MacBook Pros. "I’m glad you’re still open," Hunter reportedly said with an "air of entitlement" radiating off of him. "I just came from the cigar bar, and they told me about your shop, but I had to hurry because you close at seven." John Paul Mac Isaac (James Keivom) One of the computers, writes Mac Isaac, had a Beau Biden Foundation sticker covering the Apple logo. He proceeded to inspect the computers, when Hunter revealed his password: Analfuck69 For some reason, maybe misplaced compassion, I decided to check them over then and there. One at a time, I performed a quick inspection of the machines. The 15-inch laptop was a complete write-off. It had extensive liquid damage, and because the drive was soldered to the logic board, data recovery was beyond my capability. (If a Mac can’t power on, you won’t be able to access the drive and get to the data.) The 13-inch 2015 MacBook Pro was in slightly better shape. It could boot up, but the keyboard was unresponsive. I pulled out an external keyboard and asked for permission to log in. Hunter started laughing. “My password is f–ked up. Don’t be offended!” he said, before announcing that it was “analfuck69” or something to that extent. His inebriated condition made it difficult to understand is speech. My eyes widened a bit, and I told him that maybe it would be best if he tried to log in himself. -via the NY Post Mac Isaac then offered to loan Hunter the keyboard so he could perform his own hard drive recovery on one of the other laptops, before discovering porn on what would come to be known as the 'laptop from hell.' "Scrolling down, I started to see files that didn’t align. I started to individually drag and drop the files to the recovery folder. It took only a few files before I noticed pornography appearing in the right column," he writes. “How many of these does he have?” I wondered. It wasn’t just him alone either. Although it looked like he was having a love affair with himself, there also were photos with women. I decided I’d had enough, that I was no longer going to preview the data. I would just go by the file name and hope for the best. And I tried to work out how to keep a straight face when he returned for the recovery data. He then writes that there was a file labeled "income.pdf," which showed what Hunter made in 2013, 2014 and 2015. "Next to each year was the amount of taxable income earned: $833,000+ in 2013, $847,000+ amended to $1,247,000+ in 2014, $2,478,000+ in 2015." - all while Joe Biden was the sitting Vice President. Another note read, "Since you couldn’t have lived on $550,000 a year, you ‘borrowed’ some money from RSB in advance of payments." The whole document seemed shady. I saw that a lot of money had exchanged hands, and it didn’t seem like it had been recorded lawfully. But what did I know? Plus, it was none of my business. It wasn’t my job to judge — just to transfer and verify. So I kept transferring data until I hit a rather large file. The file was about half transferred when the screen went blank. Dammit, the battery had run out. Now while all of this is certainly entertaining, what's it going to take for the DOJ to launch a special counsel - given all the evidence of international dealings and other malarkey involving Joe Biden? If it was Don Jr's laptop we would have already moved on to impeachment. Then again, we're sure big tech platforms wouldn't have interfered in the 2020 election by censoring the original story if the shoe was on the other foot.
States Sue Biden Administration For 'Pressuring And Colluding' With Big Tech To Censor Free Speech Two Republican-led states have filed a lawsuit against President Joe Biden, White House press secretary Jen Psaki, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and other top administration officials for allegedly pressuring and colluding with social media giants with the aim of censoring and suppressing free speech. U.S. President Joe Biden speaks as Assistant to the President & Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers Cecilia Rouse listens during an event at the Roosevelt Room of the White House in Washington, on May 4, 2022. (Alex Wong/Getty Images) Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry filed the lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana on April 5, they announced in separate statements on Thursday. The attorneys claim that Biden and other government officials worked with big tech companies like Meta, Twitter, and YouTube to censor conversation around matters relating to everything from COVID-19 and election integrity to the Hunter Biden laptop story, doing so under the guise of combating “misinformation.” Others named in the lawsuit include Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and the executive director of DHS’s newly established “Disinformation Governance Board,” Nina Jankowicz. Nina Jankowicz [ZH] The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra, and Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Jen Easterly are also listed as defendants. In announcing the lawsuit on Thursday, attorney Schmitt stressed the importance of freedom of speech which he said is “paramount to a healthy society,” adding that “discourse, debate, and discussion have been the cornerstone of our country since the Founders codified that right in the Bill of Rights.” Schmitt stated that Americans use social media platforms to discuss an array of topics, noting that those topics have more recently, in light of the global COVID-19 pandemic, conversations regarding whether or not face coverings are effective in preventing the virus from spreading and whether the virus origins came from a lab leak in Wuhan, China. White House press secretary Jen Psaki speaks during a White House daily press briefing at the James Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House in Washington on May 04, 2022. (Alex Wong/Getty Images) Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, responds to questions during a congressional hearing in Washington in a file image. (Greg Nash/Pool via Reuters) “In direct contravention to the First Amendment and freedom of speech, the Biden Administration has been engaged in a pernicious campaign to both pressure social media giants to censor and suppress speech and work directly with those platforms to achieve that censorship in a misguided and Orwellian campaign against ‘misinformation,'” said Schmitt, referencing George Orwell’s dystopian novel about a totalitarian state, 1984. The lawsuit filed on Thursday specifically accuses Biden and other government officials of working with big tech companies to remove “truthful information related to the lab-leak theory, the efficacy of masks, election integrity, and more,” Schmitt said. It also accuses Biden and other officials of “falsely” attacking the Hunter Biden laptop story as “disinformation” along with tech giants like Twitter. The story, which was first published by the New York Post in October 2020, detailed the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop that was abandoned in a Delaware computer repair shop, and which included compromising pictures and emails regarding allegedly corrupt foreign business deals. Twitter labeled the story as “potentially harmful” and locked the New York Post’s main Twitter account while simultaneously blocking Twitter users from publishing the link to the story. Hunter Biden attends his father Joe Biden’s inauguration as the 46th President of the United States on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Jan. 20, 2021. (Jonathan Ernst/Pool/Reuters) The New York Times and the Washington Post have since acknowledged the existence of Hunter Biden’s laptop and emails. “Big Tech has become an extension of Biden’s Big Government, and neither are protecting the freedoms of Americans; rather, they are suppressing truth and demonizing those who think differently,” said Attorney General Landry. “Ripped from the playbook of Stalin and his ilk, Biden has been colluding with Big Tech to censor free speech and propagandize the masses. We are fighting back to ensure the rule of law and prevent the government from unconstitutional banning, chilling, and stifling of speech.” The lawsuit alleges that the federal government violated Missourians’, Louisianans’, and Americans’ First Amendment rights and “coerced, threatened, and pressured social-media platforms to censor disfavored speakers and viewpoints by using threats of adverse government action.” As a result of those threats, the lawsuit states, the defendants “are now directly colluding with social-media platforms to censor disfavored speakers and viewpoints, including by pressuring them to censor certain content and speakers, and ‘flagging’ disfavored content and speakers for censorship. These actions violate the First Amendment.” The attorneys asked the court to declare that Biden and other defendants violated the First Amendment, exceeded their statutory authority, and to stop the officials from continuing to engage in their “unlawful” conduct. Furthermore, they claim that the DHS and HHS officials’ conduct violates the Administrative Procedure Act.
Hunter Biden is a Liar, Fraud, Criminal, Jackass, Asshole, CrackHead... Like Father Like Son... Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald Mar 17 Hunter Biden just sued the Delaware repair shop where he left his laptop for invasion of privacy and distributing his data. The obvious premise is that the laptop was real and it came from that store - the exact opposite of what all corporate media claimed for the 2020 election: The Washington Post @washingtonpost Mar 17 Breaking news: Hunter Biden countersues computer repair shop owner who had laptop with provocative data and images, alleging invasion of privacy
Hunter's Laptop: Adam Schiff, CNN, Politico And Daily Beast Sued By Repairman Who Blew Whistle GNews GTV The man who owned the computer repair shop where Hunter Biden abandoned his infamous 'laptop from hell' is suing several 'Russiagate' all-stars for millions. John Paul Mac Isaac, who lost his business and endured harassment for 18 months after being falsely accused of peddling Russian disinformation, is suing Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), along with news outlets CNN, The Daily Beast and Politico. Photo: James Keivom "After fighting to reveal the truth, all I want now is for the rest of the country to know that there was a collective and orchestrated effort by social and mainstream media to block a real story with real consequences for the nation," the 45-year-old Mac Isaac told the New York Post. The lawsuit cites a CNN interview two days after The Post's bombshell report in which he claims Schiff defamed him by citing - without evidence - that he believed the "Kremlin" was behind a smear of the Bidens. "Well we know that this whole smear on Joe Biden comes from the Kremlin. That’s been clear for well over a year now that they’ve been pushing this false narrative about the Vice President and his son," Schiff told host Wolf Blitzer. Adam Schiff has already decided that the Hunter Biden emails story from the NY Post is a Russian disinformation campaign — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) October 16, 2020 "This was collusion led by 51 former pillars in the intelligence community and backed by words and actions of a politically motivated DOJ and FBI," he continued, ostensibly referring to an October 19, 2020 Politico article by Natasha Bertrand in which more than 50 former senior intelligence officials say the laptop disclosure "has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation." "I want this lawsuit to reveal that collusion and more importantly, who gave the marching orders," he continued. Mac Isaac came to legally own the laptop after Biden’s son Hunter dropped it off at his store for repairs in April 2019 and never came back. The material on the laptop has raised serious questions about what Biden knew of his son’s overseas business deals, during which he and the president’s brother, Jim Biden, often invoked his powerful name. After handing over a copy of the laptop’s hard drive to the FBI in December 2019, eight months later Mac Isaac alerted then-President Donald Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who provided a copy of the hard drive to The Post. -NY Post Censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop scandal is perhaps the most brazen case of election interference, after big tech platforms Twitter and Facebook moved to censor it in the crucial weeks before the 2020 US election, while Schiff and others were calling it Russian disinformation. "Twitter initially labeled my action hacking, so for the first day after my information was leaked, I was bombarded with hate mail and death threats revolving around the idea that I was a hacker, a thief and a criminal," said Mac Isaac, who added that Schiff "has some explaining to do." "Without any intel, the head of the intel committee decided to share with CNN and its viewers a complete and utter lie," he continued. "A lie issued in the protection of a preferred presidential candidate." According to Mac Issac, he's endured false accusations of being a Russian spy. "The fight to get to the bottom of who told everyone this was Russian disinformation is far more important for the nation than me clearing my name," he said. Mac Isaac was forced to shut down his Delaware repair shop after it was pelted with 'vegetables, eggs and dog excrement,' after which he moved to Colorado to hide for a year. "CNN’s broadcast of the false statement accuses the Plaintiff of committing an infamous crime, i.e., treason by working with the Russians to commit a crime against the United States of America by attempting to undermine American democracy and the 2020 Presidential election," reads the suit, which similarly accuses the Daily Beast and Politico of peddling disinformation about the case. It took a FOIA by Wirepoints, and subsequent questioning, to find out about AMAZE’s full role in Avoca’s sex ed lesson. It shouldn’t be that difficult.
Subpoenas Issued In Georgia Ballot-Trafficking Investigation Georgia election officials last week issued subpoenas to obtain the identities of individuals and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) who may have engaged in the crime of ballot trafficking. Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger holds a press conference on the status of ballot counting in Atlanta, Ga., on Nov. 6, 2020. (Jessica McGowan/Getty Images) The offenses are alleged to have occurred in both the 2020 presidential election and the December 2020 U.S. Senate runoff election in Georgia. Recipients of the subpoenas are the election watchdog organization True the Vote (TTV), the group’s founder Catherine Engelbrecht, and the research contractors that worked on the 15-month investigation into illegal vote trafficking in Georgia and a half-dozen other swing states. “We presented our data a year ago to Governor Kemp (a Republican) and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. They covered it up for seven months,” alleged Engelbrecht in an April 30 television interview on Real America’s Voice. “The GBI told us they had no jurisdiction,” Engelbrecht said. “We gave our data to the FBI in Atlanta. No response for seven months,” she said. “We filed a full complaint with the Georgia Secretary of State in November of 2021. We heard nothing for six months. Finally, we got the subpoenas.” True The Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht in an interview with Facts Matter, in April 2022, in a still from the video. (The Epoch Times) In January 2022 Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, a Republican, announced that an investigation into TTV’s allegations was underway. An investigative team from TTV used cell phone tracking, geo-fencing, and video footage to show that 242 mules collected thousands of absentee ballots from voters and made 5,668 stops at drop boxes in the metro Atlanta area in late 2020. The data is supplemented by statements from a whistleblower who also shed light on a number of NGOs orchestrating and funding the unlawful effort. Ballot harvesting was outlawed in Georgia in 2019. The evidence provided by TTV is the basis of Dinesh D’Dsouza’s new movie “2000 Mules”, which is scheduled to debut the first week of May at theaters nationwide and on streaming services. Ballot trafficking is the act of a third-party intermediary, called a “mule,” collecting an unlimited number of absentee ballots from voters and depositing them in ballot drop boxes for money. Ballot trafficking and ballot harvesting eliminate any documented chain of custody for the ballots and the practice makes official oversight of the handling of the ballots impossible. The elections in Georgia figure prominently in D’Souza’s latest documentary film, but the scope of the problem of ballot trafficking affects all of the battleground states. OPSEC Group’s Gregg Phillips conducted the geospatial investigation into ballot trafficking featured in Dinesh D’Souza’s “2000 Mules” documentary to be released next week. (Screenshot/”2000 Mules”) In addition to the 242 mules uncovered in Georgia, Engelbrecht said that TTV has documented the actions of 202 mules in Maricopa County, Arizona; more than 100 in Milwaukee, 500 in Wayne County, Michigan; and 1,000 in Philadelphia. TTV recently announced that at least 137,500 absentee ballots were cast through unlawful vote trafficking throughout several of Wisconsin’s largest cities in the 2020 election. Joe Biden won Wisconsin by 21,000 votes. Gregg Phillips, a cyber expert working with TTV, estimates that 4.8 million votes were trafficked nationally based on studies conducted by his group in Georgia, Wisconsin, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Michigan. “The numbers are staggering. In order to stay in power, officials in these states engaged in an absolute subversion of the election process. Fraud has been institutionalized,” alleged Engelbrecht. Engelbrecht believes politics may be playing a role in the recent issuing of the Georgia subpoenas. “It wasn’t until the Trump rally held in Georgia (on March 26) that we saw some movement from the GBI,” she said. U.S. President Donald Trump at a rally at the Banks County Dragway in Commerce, Georgia, on March 26, 2022. (Megan Varner/Getty Images) The subpoenas were issued just weeks ahead of the May 24 primary, where Raffensperger is facing a stiff challenge from Republican Congressman Jody Hice, a vocal critic of Raffensperger’s conducting of the 2020 elections. Raffensperger provoked the ire of some Georgia Republicans when he administered the mailing out of absentee ballot applications to every registered voter in the state of Georgia in 2020. Raffensperger maintains the 2020 elections in Georgia were conducted legally and fairly. He also has spoken against the suggested decertification of the state’s 2020 presidential election results due to alleged cheating by Democrats. Hice has been an outspoken advocate for decertification and for more robust election reform in Georgia. According to a recent poll by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and the University of Georgia, Hice, who has the endorsement of former President Donald Trump, is in a statistical tie with Raffensperger. In the four-person race, Raffensperger is polling at 28 percent and Hice has 26 percent, with 37 percent undecided. The remaining 8 percent is divided between the other two Republican candidates. Mail-in Voting Bodes Ill for Republicans One hundred fifty-nine million people voted in the 2020 presidential election. According to the United States Elections Project, in that election, 101 million people voted early in some way—35.8 million people voted early in person, and 65.6 million cast mail-in ballots. As of November 23, 2020, there were 26.6 million absentee ballots that were still outstanding. Across the country, the percentage of mail-in votes cast broke in favor of Democrats in 2020 by huge margins. For example, in Georgia Biden got 65 percent of the absentee votes to 34 percent for Trump. In Pennsylvania Biden received 76 percent of the absentee votes to 23 percent for Trump. 15.4 million, or 87 percent of the votes cast in California, were cast somewhere other than a traditional polling place, according to the Los Angeles Times. Biden defeated Trump in California by over five million votes. Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp speaks during a press conference in Atlanta, Ga., on Aug. 10, 2020. (Elijah Nouvelage/Getty Images) Through a process she calls “lawfare,” Engelbrecht said Democrat-dominated states have steadily worked to change state election laws in order to dramatically increase the use of mail-in voting even prior to the pandemic. She voiced her displeasure with the incumbent Republicans seeking reelection that are presiding over the upcoming midterm elections in Georgia, including Kemp, Raffensperger, and Attorney General Chris Carr. “They have publicly torched our data. They have done whatever they could to delegitimize our work,” alleged Engelbrecht. “A state official has tried to intimidate our contractors by warning them that there may be no more state contracts,” she said. “It’s either fix 2020 or we have no hope for 2022,” she added. Fact: Democrats literally printed over $2T out of nothing since elections. Media: Do you believe that you and your admin bear some level of responsibility for the inflation? Biden: First, we're in power. And you're justifiably right, we control all three branches of the government. [Oops, footshoot truthout, must backtrack and spin...] Well, we don't really. JAKE TAPPER: "Why is the White House politicizing the pandemic by tweeting out that there was no vaccine available until Joe Biden became president? It's not true." FAUCI: "I just can't explain it." BIDEN: John Kerry "has forgotten more about...climate security than anyone that I know" BIDEN: “That’s why I asked President Harris...” After not saying ONE WORD about the baby formula shortage previously, Joe Biden says he'll finally answer a question on the issue because "all of a sudden it's on the front page of every newspaper" BIDEN: "If we had been better mind readers, I guess we could've" taken action to address the baby formula crisis sooner. Except Biden's FDA knew and spanked Abbott ages ago. FAUCI: “Yeah, what I can say, it’s a good thing I have flip-flopped.""hunter+biden"
Hunter Biden Laptop From Hell, Bobulinski, Burisma, Joe Biden, 10% For The Big Guy, John Paul Mac Isaac, Russia Hoax...
Here's one set of 128k emails, there are more mail and files to come...
Hunter Biden Laptop From Hell, Bobulinski, Burisma, Joe Biden, 10% For The Big Guy, John Paul Mac Isaac, Russia Hoax...
Here's one set of 128k emails, there are more mail and files to come..."hunter+biden" Over 120,000 Hunter Biden Emails Uploaded To Searchable Database A former Trump White House staffer has uploaded more than 120,000 emails found on Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop to a searchable database this week, which can be found at the (slowly loading) website: In addition to searching, visitors can download the emails as well. Set up by former Peter Navarro aide Garrett Ziegler, who worked in the Trump administration Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, the emails contain infamous hits such as the "10 for the big guy," in which Hunter Biden's business partner James Gillar suggested he should hold 10% of a multi-million-dollar deal with the Chinese. Ziegler posted the emails through his organization, Marco Polo. Another email in the database, previously published by, shows Hunter describing an extraordinary apparent quid pro quo with a Mexican billionaire’s son, outlining how he got him into the White House and inauguration, and thanking him for visits to his villa. Some messages did not appear to be included in the database. One email published by shows Hunter inviting his foreign business partners and associates to a 2015 dinner at Washington DC restaurant Café Milano. In the email he reveals that his father will secretly be joining – and says that the dinner is ‘ostensibly to discuss food security’. The White House at first denied the then-vice president was there, but eventually admitted it when photographs emerged from the event.-Daily Mail That said, the Daily Mail notes that the above email is not included in Ziegler's database, which contains 14,603 fewer emails than a batch of 142,838 analyzed by cyber forensic firm Maryman & Associates last year for the Mail. "Here are the 128k emails from the Biden Laptop, which is a modern Rosetta Stone of white and blue collar crime under the patina of “the Delaware Way,”" reads the website, referring to a term frequently used by Joe Biden. "Prior to the discovery of the Rosetta Stone, a number of ancient languages were mere gibberish and hash marks. Similarly, the emails on the Biden Laptop illuminated previously convoluted webs of the people you see leading the charge for global governance; truly, the emails can be considered a translation tool for Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) gathering." Images from Hunter Biden's laptop The "legalese" section at the bottom of the website reads: "Having seen the lengths that the FBI and other entities in the apparatus have gone to harass citizens who expose corruption, and pursuant to 18 USC § 119, Marco Polo testifies that the contents of the Biden Laptop were abandoned property. Furthermore, Marco Polo unequivocally disclaims any intention to cause any threat, intimidating action, or incitement of harm to any person covered by 18 USC § 119 and we do not condone, encourage, intend, or have any knowledge that any other person will or may use the information herein for any unlawful purpose. Marco Polo’s motive is to see justice delivered—to all criminals—by those whose responsibility it is to carry out that duty.
Hunter Biden Laptop From Hell, Bobulinski, Burisma, Joe Biden, 10% For The Big Guy, John Paul Mac Isaac, Russia Hoax...
Over 120,000 Hunter Biden Emails Uploaded To Searchable Database"hunter+biden"
Hunter Biden Probe Ramps Up Ahead Of Midterms Hunter Biden may never fall under scrutiny by his father's DOJ, but House Republicans are laying the groundwork for a full-court press into the First Son's finances as we head into this fall's midterm elections. On Wednesday, the top Republican on the House Oversight Committee, Rep. James Comer of Kentucky, fired off numerous letters to banks and the US Treasury Department to demand more information about Hunter Biden and his circle of associates, according to the Wall Street Journal, which has viewed the letters. The probe has no Democratic support, and House Republicans have no enforcement powers. But should Republicans win House control in November, as many polls suggest, it would give them the power to hold hearings and issue subpoenas. Lawmakers involved said the requests for information are a sign of where the GOP will focus its investigative authority. "We’re definitely laying the groundwork to come out of the gate in January," said Comer, who added that the investigation will focus on whether President Biden had any links to his son's business dealings. The Wednesday letters to several banks where Hunter Biden and family members have accounts request any possible records, documents and communications related to any potential suspicious-activity reports (SARs). In addition, Comer asked Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen for any SARs related to Hunter and James Biden, the president's brother. Message from Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop Democrats, meanwhile, say the investigation lacks merit. "My colleagues on the other side of the aisle are clearly feigning outrage to excite their base instead of working in a bipartisan way to improve the lives of Americans," said Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), Oversight Committee Chairwoman. The actions of the younger Mr. Biden have been a focus for Republicans for several years, including a Republican-led Senate investigation launched before the 2020 election that looked at business deals in Ukraine. The Democratic-led House impeached President Donald Trump in 2019 for actions related to withholding aid to Ukraine while he was pressing Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate whether Joe Biden, as vice president in the Obama administration, sought to remove a prosecutor to protect a gas company called Burisma Holdings Ltd. on whose board Hunter Biden served. Mr. Trump was acquitted by the GOP-led Senate. Senate Republicans also conducted their own investigation into the Bidens’ role in Ukraine. The report found no wrongdoing, though it said two Obama administration officials had raised concerns to the White House in 2015 about Hunter Biden serving on the board because it created a perception of a conflict of interest. The younger Mr. Biden was paid around $50,000 a month by Burisma for his role. -WSJ In March, CBS News reported that two Hunter Biden associates had testified before a grand jury last fall about a shady, now-bankrupt Chinese energy company linked to the infamous "10 for the big guy" from Hunter's emails - found on his abandoned laptop. "Federal officials are looking at his foreign business dealings, including his ties to a Chinese energy company," said "CBS Mornings" host Tony Dokoupil. "The investigation began as a tax inquiry years ago and has expanded into a federal probe involving the FBI and IRS," Herridge added. "A source familiar with the investigation now tells CBS News, two men who worked with Hunter Biden when his father was Vice President were called to the grand jury last fall." The probe is now exploring whether Hunter and pals violated tax, money laundering, and foreign lobbying laws. According to records reviewed by CBS along with congressional documents, the feds are looking at "multiple financial transactions involving an energy company called CEFC. Republicans have accused the now-defunct business of being an arm of the Chinese government. In 2017, the year Joe Biden left the Vice Presidency, a $1 million retainer was signed with a Chinese energy company for Hunter Biden's services as a lawyer. His client, CEFC official Patrick Ho, was later convicted on international bribery and money laundering charges on unrelated work in Africa." This is maybe THE clip from this interview. Bobulinski to #Tucker: "I remember looking at Jim Biden in saying how are you guys getting away with this? Like, aren't you concerned? And he looked at me and he laughed a little bit and said. 'plausible deniability.'" — Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) October 28, 2020 CEFC was notably the company that the Bidens allegedly accepted a $5 million interest-free loan that enraged their business partner, Tony Bobulinski - who flipped on the Bidens following a Senate report which revealed the $5 million 'loan.' According to the former Biden insider, he was introduced to Joe Biden by Hunter, and they had an hour-long meeting where they discussed the Biden's business plans with the Chinese, with which he says Joe was "plainly familiar at least at a high level." Text messages from Bobulinski also reveal an effort to conceal Joe Biden's involvement in Hunter's business dealings, while Tony has also confirmed that the "Big guy" described in a leaked email is none other than Joe Biden himself. "You can imagine my shock when reading the report yesterday put out by the Senate committee. The fact that you and HB were lying to Rob, James and I while accepting $5 MM from Cefc is infuriating," wrote Bobulinski to Jim Biden. (Via the Daily Caller's Chuck Ross): Tony Bobulinski found out through the Senate report a few weeks ago that Hunter and Jim Biden had a side deal with CEFC China Energy. Here's Bobulinski's message to Jim Biden about that. "The fact that you and [Hunter Biden] were lying..." — Chuck Ross (@ChuckRossDC) October 25, 2020"hunter+biden"
Hunter Biden Laptop From Hell, Bobulinski, Burisma, Joe Biden, 10% For The Big Guy, John Paul Mac Isaac, Russia Hoax...
Joe Biden the supposed Moral Catholic doesn't denounce receiving pornos from Hunter Biden, and Joe Biden got caught on camera fondling little girls nipples, this the decrepit depravity addictions sex drugs foreign dealings and hypocrisy of the entire Corrupt and Compromised Biden Crime Family... Hunter Biden shared porn links with father Joe Biden. Remember this family is “Restoring the soul of America”. Crackhead MILF And Incest Porn: Hunter Biden Search History Revealed; Texted Pornhub Link To 'Dad' Hunter Biden, who dated his late brother's wife Hallie, had an obsession with 'MILF crack cocaine porn,' lonely widows, and incest fantasies, according to his internet search history covering just six days before his laptop broke in March 2019. According to the Daily Mail, Hunter also loved filming himself banging prostitutes and then uploading them to his own Pornhub account, "RHEast," none of which showed Hunter's face. In one instance, Hunter texted a Pornhub page to a phone number saved in his contacts as "Dad" on Oct. 22, 2018 - however the Mail points out that Hunter and Joe Biden used each other's phone numbers at various times - so it's unclear if Joe was the intended recipient. Then we get to widow porn... Hunter, who had a controversial relationship with his brother's widow, also repeatedly searched Pornhub for videos involving widows, including 'Homemade widow porn', 'Homemade lonely widow porn' and 'Lonely widow porn'. The Biden son, who was 49 at the time, searched for porn videos involving teenagers according to his browsing history. Videos he visited included '18 Yrs old and really Good at Riding D***', 'TEENFIDELITY Country Girl Raylin Ann C****pie' and 'Lucky Foreign Student Stripped & F***ed by Horny Teen Pals'. -Daily Mail And Hunter's seven searches for "Washington DC Milf Crack Cocaine" right before he dropped the laptop off for repair. Hunter's Pornhub stats show he's watched 3,361 videos, had 24 subscribers and 66 'friends' on the site. He went under the name "Harper," a 45-year-old single, heterosexual male living in Paris. The profile picture for his account is a photo of two women (pictured) sitting on him on a bed in a messy room, with a small white dog also perched on the bed in the background Texts, photos and video footage on the laptop show the president's son ordering prostitutes and filming porn videos with them which he then posted online on his Pornhub account (via the Daily Mail) According to the report, Hunter may have also been spying on his lover Hallie - accusing her at one point of sleeping with a family friend. Hunter kept spreadsheets full of text messages from Hallie's phone, along with call logs. Hunter infamously dated his late brother Beau's (left) widow, Hallie Biden, after his passing in 2015. Files on his laptop suggest that he may have been spying on her (via the Daily Mail) In one testy exchange on February 6, 2017, Hunter texted Hallie and a family friend what appears to be a transcript of private texts between the man and Hallie. 'If you can possibly explain this as something innocent and - [the man] is just such a food friend then I will apologize,' Hunter wrote to them. Hunter wrote to the family friend '...if I sent this to your girlfriend when you were away (I went to CA for Rehab) AND 87 other texts just in march would you be OK with that?' In the text transcript, [the man] texts Hallie on March 3, 2016: 'Come pls. Need you here. One drink and I'll fill you in when you get here. For real. I need you.' Hallie replies: 'Feel free to stay here I'm in bed' and [the friend] responds 'I probably will'. After Hunter sent them the transcript, [the friend] responded angrily denying any romantic involvement with Hallie. 'I've blocked all of you on my phone. The idea that I lied to you about Hallie is so f***ing laughable,' he wrote. 'I will never talk to Hallie ever again until she tells you I never gave her any idea that I was interested in her. It's f***ing so pathetic. -Daily Mail Hunter was also a huge fan of sex cam sites according to his search history, including the site Recordings of interactions between a naked Hunter and camgirls were also found. Above is a grab from a screen recording he took of his live web cam interactions with cam girls The aristocrats! Hunter Biden shared porn links with father Joe Biden. Remember this family is “Restoring the soul of America” — Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) June 1, 2022 Here’s a nice video to share for #PrideMonth. I spoke to an African tribe about transgenderism. The Left claims that traditional cultures have fluid notions of gender. That’s… not exactly what I found. More in the full film, What Is A Woman, premiering tonight on the Daily Wire.
US Marines Mocked Over Pride Month Pageantry With pride month upon us, it's not uncommon to see companies signaling virtue with rainbow everything in order to let the world know they support the LGBTQ∞ community, lest they be considered un-woke. — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 31, 2022 Now, the US Marine Corps has joined the fray, tweeting a photo of a marine helmet with bullets painted in rainbow colors on the strap. Throughout June, the USMC takes #Pride in recognizing and honoring the contributions of our LGBTQ service members. We remain committed to fostering an environment free from discrimination, and defend the values of treating all equally, with dignity and respect.#PrideMonth #USMC — U.S. Marines (@USMC) June 1, 2022 Many took offense at the meme - suggesting the Marines are being divisive. "Seriously? How does fixating on differences foster cohesion and unity?" tweeted Florida Governor Ron Desantis' press secretary Christina Pushaw. Seriously? How does fixating on differences foster cohesion and unity? — Christina Pushaw 🐊 🇺🇸 (@ChristinaPushaw) June 1, 2022 Others pointed out that the marines 'did the meme': Y'all saw this meme and thought "good idea!" — Thomas the Dank Engine (@ComradeJumico) June 1, 2022 Others followed suit with similar criticism: China is laughing at us. — Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) June 1, 2022 — The Right To Bear Memes (@grandoldmemes) June 1, 2022 Do we only shoot gay bullets now? — Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) June 1, 2022 Fuck out of here with this. We don't take political sides, and we don't engage in social commentary. We kill the enemy... period. — Jason Buttrill (@JasonButtrill) June 1, 2022 This is not a good look Shane. It makes us look weak . Ridiculous. — Code of Vets ™ (@codeofvets) June 1, 2022
No sane manager literally destroys their existing capacity without first having installed and moved to replacements, the US Admin is insane. Remember Biden's Election Promise... "NO GREEN NEW DEAL!!!" True, there is no deal being proposed, no actual plan laid out, no apparrent public consultation coordination investment etc across industry and consumer, just destruction. Biden's "Incredible Transition": High Gas Prices, Supply Shortages Part Of Plan To Unleash Green Economy As Americans bear the brunt of a sagging economy, the Biden administration appears to be framing this as a good thing, believing that citizens will be better off in the future if current supply shortages and high gas prices spiral out of control. The United States, according to President Joe Biden, is in the midst of an “incredible transition”—one that will pave the way for a green economy. While the administration may tout the benefits of a sustainable future, the question remains as to what will happen to average Americans while this “transition” takes place. More importantly, what’s the endgame of all this that Americans don’t know about? Biden, during a May 23 joint press conference in Japan with the country’s Prime Minister Kishida Fumio, used the word “transition” to seemingly admit that soaring gasoline prices are just part of his administration’s overall plan for moving from hydrocarbons to renewables. “When it comes to the gas prices, we’re going through an incredible transition that is taking place that, God willing, when it’s over, we’ll be stronger and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels when this is over,” Biden said. The comment seems to suggest that ensuring the country’s gas supply is not high on Biden’s agenda, though the administration did announce to release of 1 million barrels of crude oil a day for six months between May and August. Biden’s remarks angered some Republican lawmakers, including Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) said the president is “painfully out-of-touch.” “The pain at the pump every #NY21 family feels is a direct result of Joe Biden and House Democrats’ Far-Left agenda,” Stefanik wrote on Twitter. Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) also took exception, writing on Twitter, “the only ‘incredible transition’ we want from Joe Biden is his transition to retirement.” “Every family in America is paying record-breaking high gas prices thanks to @JoeBiden’s war on American energy—but the president doesn’t care,” Scott added. A day before the press conference, Biden’s top economic advisor, Brian Deese told Fox News Sunday that the U.S. economy “is in a period of transition,” when he refused to directly answer a question on whether the economy is entering a recession. “We’re moving from the strongest economic recovery in modern history to what can be a period of more stable and resilient growth,” Deese said. On May 1, Samantha Power, head of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), told ABC that fertilizer shortages—caused by Russia exporting less fertilizer presented farmers a chance to “hasten transition” from fertilizer to “natural solutions,” such as manure and compost, a change that farmers would need to “make eventually anyway.” “So never let a crisis go to waste,” Power said. Looking at the whole picture, it seems more and more the case that the Biden administration officials are just letting these different economic problems happen on purpose, believing that as these crucial resources collapse Americans will be led to a world of green alternatives. But such a “transition” is no laughing matter, since these economic problems look set to produce real world pain. The gas crisis and fertilizer shortage are contributing to a global food crisis, and these and other factors could soon lead to actual mass death. The current wheat supply crunch is in a case in point. On May 19, Sara Menker, the chief executive officer of New York-based agriculture analytics firm Gro Intelligence, told the U.N. Security Council that the world had only about 10 weeks of wheat supply left in storage. “I want to start by explicitly saying that the Russia–Ukraine war did not start the food security crisis. It simply added fuel to a fire that was long burning,” Menker said. “It is important to note that the lowest grain inventory levels the world has ever seen are now occurring while access to fertilizers is highly constrained.” Meanwhile, diesel prices in the United States have jumped more than 70 percent from a year ago. Further price increases could dampen the economy since diesel is used in everything from cargo ships, to freight trucks, to farming machinery. The Biden administration has spoken enthusiastically about a future with clean energy, such as when Vice President Kamala Harris in March spoke of a world without hydrocarbon emissions. “Imagine a future: The freight trucks that deliver bread and milk to our grocery store shelves and the buses that take children to school and parents to work; imagine all the heavy-duty vehicles that keep our supply lines strong and allow our economy to grow—imagine that they produced zero emissions,” Harris said during an “Accelerating Clean Transportation” event. Speaking at the same event, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg claimed that electric vehicles will bring “cost savings” to Americans. “Clean transportation can bring significant cost savings for the American people as well,” Buttigieg said. “Last month, we announced a $5 billion investment to build out a nationwide electric vehicle charging network so the people from rural to suburban to urban communities can all benefit from the gas savings of driving an EV.” Taken together, whether it’s with food or with gas, it seems as though many people within the Biden administration are pretty clear about what they’re trying to do. They don’t appear to be willing or interested in fixing things, when it comes to the things that Americans all worried about. Rather, it seems as though they’re planning for this—a transition to a green future, to the system that they want.
Joe Biden's last press interview was on February 10 -- 112 days ago. This is your next president, maybe now the laughing Libertarians have someone they can beat, lol... Kamala Harris bursts out laughing as she recalls the droughts of her Kwanzaa childhood. Biden claimed he was "appointed" to the Naval Academy in 1965. If so, how did he receive a medical deferment from the draft for asthma? This is impossible. Liar or Draft Dodger. Joe Biden called Coast Guard graduates “dull” for not laughing at one of his lame jokes. Biden said he found out about the severity of the baby formula crisis in early April. If so, why didn’t he bother to do anything until mid-May? Also, HHS Sec. Becerra said he’s known about the problem since LAST YEAR. But the Biden admin sat on its hands. Biden says it’s going to “take a couple more months” for the baby formula shortage to end. In mid-May, the Biden administration said shelves would be back to normal in “a few weeks.” BIDEN: “I don’t think anyone anticipated the impact of...the Abbott facility.” REPORTER: “Didn’t the CEOs just tell you that they understood it would have a very big impact?” BIDEN: “They did, but I didn’t.” Did Joe Biden take a big yawn during his meeting with baby formula manufacturers? Joe Biden forgets HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra’s name: “I’m gonna hand it over to Secretary Be—uh, Mr. Secretary...” Biden and his Democrats Admin, nothing but economic lies. "I’ll take responsibility instead of blaming others. -- Joe Biden, 2020" JEAN-PIERRE: On inflation, "there are things that happened...that was not predicted at the time." REPORTER: "I understand that you did not predict that, but there were many economists...who were very clear in warning." Gas prices in all 50 states have now hit record highs under Joe Biden. Q: "When are you guys gonna admit that you were wrong about inflation?" JEAN-PIERRE: *laughs* A year later, and the Biden administration is trying to make “transitory” a thing again. The White House used the term “transition” repeatedly yesterday to describe inflation and the economy – 14 times just in yesterday’s press briefing.
Joe Biden's last press interview was on February 10 -- 112 days ago.
CBS Poll: Just 19% of Americans say things are going well, 81% badly. Feeble minded dementia stoned Joe Biden needs woken to say cheese... Joe Biden musters all his Presidential might and defines America in a single word... Insanely Creepy Whispering Angry Rager Asshole Ignorant Dictator Biden comes up with his 27th failed plan... Geriatric Showoff Biden Falls Off Bike Democrat hypocrisy and coverup Financial journalist Jacob Goldstein cites Biden's $1.9 trillion "stimulus" as a leading driver of inflation: "The problem is the economy overheated." "The government should not have put SO MUCH MONEY into the economy." KAMALA HARRIS: “I know you know the president and I are using every tool at our disposal to lower costs.” Under the failed Biden-Harris administration, costs for pretty much everything continue to rise. Democrats inciting supporting and condoning Violence, and ignoring Law, as usual... Democrat Rep. Jackie Speier calls on pro-abortion extremists to “armor up” because “there's a war out there.” Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is asked if she is concerned about violence from pro-abortion extremists in Michigan. She refuses to condemn it and instead attacks a Supreme Court she says is "corrupted." JOE BIDEN, 2006: "I do not view abortion as a choice and a right. I think it's always a tragedy." JOE BIDEN, 2022: Abortion-on-demand, without limits, until birth "Are there any limits on abortion you would find appropriate?" John Fetterman: “I don’t believe so, no." PA Senate candidate John Fetterman wants NO LIMITS on abortion. “Do you think there should be any limitation on abortions?” NYC MAYOR ADAMS: “No, I do not.” An increasing number of Democratic officials and candidates are openly admitting they don’t support any legal limit on abortion at any point in pregnancy. Stacey Abrams supports NO LIMITS on abortion. Q: “Do you support any limitation on abortion? Or do you think that women should have the right to have an abortion all the way up to nine months?” ABRAMS: “That should be a choice made between a doctor and a woman.” Obama goes Two Faced on Abortion... All Democratic Party leaders are skillful at this, but nobody came close to Obama's ability to manipulate liberals to place their faith in him, joyfully and flagrantly betray that trust, and then have them swoon with gratitude to him for it. An absolute master at work: AOC Authoritarian: "Not every Democrat is pro-choice... we really need to reassess if it's appropriate for them to continue to serve." "Let's open abortion clinics on federal lands so "people" can get abortions." Internet Lols @ CIA goes PRIDE Here’s ten minutes of every prominent Democrat denying Donald Trump won the presidential election in 2016. These same people [who David Barrett still worships] now tell us questioning the result of a presidential election is a direct threat to our democracy. To this very day, AOC has refused to explain why she voted to send $40 billion to Raytheon, Boeing and CIA "for Ukraine" while people in her district are more deprived than ever: @RepMTG: @aoc How about you explain slowly why you won’t support a pardon for Julian Assange and Edward Snowden. And then continue to explain why you are a shill for the MIC funding war in Ukraine. Or are you too busy organizing baby killing riots? It was clear that much of Biden's $40b war package for Ukraine was going to CIA without much idea what it was for. It's hardly a surprise there are many CIA operatives on the ground in Ukraine but it does shows the true scope of the direct US involvement in war against Russia: @nytimes Some CIA personnel have continued to operate in Ukraine secretly, mostly in Kyiv, directing much of the intelligence the U.S. is sharing with Ukrainian forces, according to current and former officials. "If we want to see real change in bringing crime down, we need to raise a generation to respect life -- @MayraFlores2022" Democrats are a joke, same as the rest. Exposed: @JoeBiden cue card: YOU are the President JILL is your wife YOU take YOUR seat GOOD things: YOU did it BAD things: PUTIN did it The economy is FINE Inflation, PUTIN did it Gas prices, PUTIN did it RUSSIA BAD CHINA BAD UKRAINE GOOD DON’T TOUCH THE RED BUTTON Biden bullshit Biden is a joke Biden is a joke You Lose, Courtesy Biden Dems Lose 1M voters every time Biden tries to do literally anything Biden announces second pandemic Creepy pedo child cult Biden Awarded by a slaver for lifetime of being a slaver They are trying to make you think he is incompetent, when in reality they know exactly what they are doing and they are just using Biden as a front man for the collapse that they are orchestrating!
Biden Unfit For Office, since well before 2020... Obama Scolds His Former Doctor For Questioning Biden's Cognitive Ability Republican Texas Congressman, and former White House physician, Ronny Jackson has shared a letter sent to him by his former boss Barack Obama, who scolds the doctor for daring to call into question the cognitive ability of Joe Biden. As we have previously highlighted, Jackson has on multiple occasions suggested that Joe Biden appears not fit for office and should take a cognitive test. Why didn't Biden have a cognitive exam? His "health summary" was 6 pages of NOTHING. Biden's lost, he's confused, and this White House is doing everything they can to HIDE his obvious cognitive decline. They can't keep hiding this forever. The American people aren't buying it! — Ronny Jackson (@RonnyJacksonTX) November 24, 2021 Jackson has asserted that the “White House is doing everything they can to hide Biden’s obvious cognitive decline,” further noting that his handlers “know that if they gave him a cognitive test, that he would have failed miserably, and then they would have had to explain that away somehow.” Jackson has also made the point that the left repeatedly demanded that Donald Trump take a cognitive test while president and make the results public, which he did with Jackson at the helm. Seemingly though, Barack Obama appears to have a big problem with Jackson speaking out as a doctor. Jackson shared with Fox News the letter Obama sent him in which the former president “just tore me up,” according to the doctor. “I have made a point of not commenting on your service in my successor’s administration and have always spoken highly of you both in public and in private,” Obama wrote, adding “You always served me and my family well, and I have considered you not only a fine doctor and service member but also a friend.” “That’s why I have to express my disappointment at the cheap shot you took at Joe Biden via Twitter,” he continued, charging “It was unprofessional and beneath the office that you once held. It was also disrespectful to me and the many friends you had in our administration.” “You were the personal physician to the President of the United States as well as an admiral in the U.S. Navy,” Obama added, asserting “I expect better, and I hope upon reflection that you will expect more of yourself in the future.” Commenting on the Obama letter and Biden’s mental state, Jackson told Rep. Jim Banks during a podcast “All I know is that he’s got age-related cognitive decline, right. He is not mentally fit right now.” “He’s 78 years old and you can see it. You don’t need to be a physician to look at him and to look at his behavior and some of the other stuff, just the way he shuffles away, stares off into space,” Jackson added. “I know what that job entails, both physically and mentally, and how demanding it is. And I can tell you right now, I’m 100% sure that Joe Biden is incapable of doing that job,” the doctor further urged. “Let it be known, as the White House physician for the last three presidents, I was the first to say that we have a serious problem with this man’s cognitive demise, and he will not make it four years in office,” Jackson further asserted, adding “I’ve always said there would come a point where it wouldn’t be just me talking about it, but his own party, and sadly, that has proven to be the case. Joe Biden’s cognitive failures are on full display for the whole world to see.” Jackson’s comments come as Biden was seen landing in Israel and asking “what am I doing now?” before telling a crowd to “keep alive” the “honour of the Holocaust.”
Biden Unfit For Office, since well before 2020...
Dem-Prog-Soc-Libs fucked the USA (their intent), and all of their selected next-in-lines are addled and incompetent non-exec's, Kamala and Pelosi the prime examples. Biden will resign after 2022 midterms claiming "retiring and family", Kamala will be totally rejected lame duck with a lame VP till 2024, Dems may run some woke-prog-lib and lose, unless running a lying core Dem the bankrupt US cannot pay for, Trump may yield the run, but can hardly win without contexting J6 and a strong VP in backup on a 1~3y? + 4y+4y US repair plan. Trump as VP for lulz, then even 4y more as P ftw. House and Senate flip in 2022 and hold through 2024. 2024's Electoral will be insane. Left will again try "mostly peaceful". Doesn't matter... governments and their politicians are done for, being slowly obsoleted by the Internet, Cryptocurrency, and Anarcho-Freedom.
Kamala will be totally rejected lame duck with a lame VP till 2024
Should be noted strategy that Kamala, the known gasbag and incompetent pinup, totally rejected laughed at and ignored by the world's "leaders" even more than they do at Biden, will likely abdicate the throne to go smoke blunts with Snoop after the Dems choose her VP pick for her... either an establishment heads, or another ProgWoke Duo for the lols... which will then become via her abdication the new Pres and VP, for two years, Dems trying to play them for 10 years via 2024 ticket. 50% odd at that sort of play. Regardless, Repubs still scheduled to win all.
Doesn't matter... governments and their politicians are done for, being slowly obsoleted by the Internet, Cryptocurrency, and Anarcho-Freedom.
Will 2024 see any Libertarian wins?
Biden Unfit For Office, since well before 2020...
Censored Physician Speaks well known obvious truth... Joe Biden's brain has been increasingly mushed since decade... Biden totally unfit for office, Democrats guilty of abusing USA via elder... Former White House Physician Says "Biden Won't Finish His Term" https:/ https:/ https:/ Former White House physician Ronny Jackson says that Joe Biden “won’t finish his term” because “his mind is too far gone.” Jackson, who served on the White House medical team in the mid-2000s and served as personal physician to both Barack Obama and Donald Trump, made the remarks on Twitter. “Biden won’t finish his term. EVERYONE knows he’s unfit for the job. His mind is too far gone. This can’t go on any longer. He needs to RESIGN!” tweeted Jackson. Biden won’t finish his term. EVERYONE knows he's unfit for the job. His mind is too far gone. This can't go on any longer. He needs to RESIGN! — Ronny Jackson (@RonnyJacksonTX) July 14, 2022 The former physician, who is now a Texas Congressman, made the comments after it was revealed that Barack Obama had sent Jackson an email chastising him for questioning Biden’s cognitive ability. “I have to express my disappointment at the cheap shot you took at Joe Biden via Twitter,” Obama wrote, adding, “It was unprofessional and beneath the office that you once held. It was also disrespectful to me and the many friends you had in our administration.” “You were the personal physician to the President of the United States as well as an admiral in the U.S. Navy,” Obama noted, asserting “I expect better, and I hope upon reflection that you will expect more of yourself in the future.” Jackson responded to the email further during an appearance on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show. Still don’t have anything to say in response to President Obama’s letter, except, I told you so! Biden's cognitive decline has been on full display for YEARS. I won't sit quietly and let Biden destroy our Republic. His mind is gone. He SHOULD NOT be our President! — Ronny Jackson (@RonnyJacksonTX) July 14, 2022 He pointed out the sheer hypocrisy of the left constantly questioning Donald Trump’s cognitive abilities, despite him easily passing a test, while attacking anyone who dared express doubt about Biden’s obvious cognitive decline. Jackson also revealed that he was upset by Obama’s email, but then was told by Dan Bongino, “Ronny, you don’t owe this guy a damn thing,” pointing out that Obama did nothing to defend Jackson when he was being attacked politically. Hannity suggested Jackson demand an apology from Obama given the overwhelming evidence that he has huge cognitive problems and even early onset dementia. Jackson said he notes how “every day” Biden shows further signs of cognitive decline, asserting, “He needs a serious cognitive assessment and if he’s not willing to do it, I will administer the test to him, I will do it…this man is getting worse and he’s an embarrassment.” The former physician drew attention to yet another awkward incident during Biden’s visit to Israel when he appeared to be confused about what do to and later made an absurd verbal gaffe about the Holocaust. “He is not inspiring confidence in anyone and it’s a dangerous time to have a commander in chief and a head of state like this man right now,” Jackson concluded. As we document in the video below, Biden’s condition appears to be worsening and it’s becoming quite sad that he is still being forced to appear on the world stage, with Democrats now starting to panic about 2024.
Biden Unfit For Office, since well before 2020... Biden UNFIT Let's see what David Barrett has to say about his votes for the then known unfit Biden and the ruinous Democrats. Will he order his employees to wake up and think freely, or keep giving them orders to do his political bidding.
Former White House Physician Says "Biden Won't Finish His Term" because “his mind is too far gone.”
Censored Physician Speaks well known obvious truth... Joe Biden's brain has been increasingly mushed since decade... Biden totally unfit for office, Democrats guilty of abusing USA via elder...
Biden Unfit For Office, since well before 2020...
Joe Biden has gone 31 of the past 47 days without taking a single question from the press. He has not done an on-camera interview with an American press outlet since February 10. Democrat Frauds. "They banned a sitting president from social media, impeached him two times, jailed his supporters, and now raided his home And then they go on TV and call us the fascists." This is what Dementia looks like, along with $740B in useless Govt Propaganda Scam, which is scarier...? JOE BIDEN IS BRAINDEAD Deep State Guns For Trump, Just Like Assange... The former CIA director over the last few days: -called for the execution of Trump -called the GOP the world’s most dangerous & contemptible ideology But don’t you dare question the intelligence community’s integrity. Yale Pediatric Gender Program director says she treats kids as young as THREE on their “gender journey” including medical intervention. Watch @SethDillon drop red-pill after red-pill on abortion This video will make the Left very unhappy DO NOT SHARE! Cheney's got thrown out, till Lincoln saved them and their Deep State cronies, only to get KO'd in the coming round. TUCKER: "I must say I feel sorry for her [Liz Cheney]. It turns out American voters are harder to deal with than Iraqi civilians, you can't just drone them to death." "Liz Cheney is America's foremost defender of democracy, but democracy spanked her hard last night..." "Weird flex given adopting children into lifestyle is grooming." "The true target was this private stash, which Justice officials feared Donald Trump might weaponize... documents that Trump had been collecting since early in his administration." "Including material that...would exonerate him of... Russian collusion." Massie: Our tax system is seriously messed up if it requires an army of accountants with rifles and handguns. Why not simplify the tax code instead of spending billions of dollars to hire 87,000 more agents? Flat tax? Fair tax? Aren’t both preferable to the complicated system we have? Jackson Hinkle @jacksonhinklle I’ve been permanently demonetized & suspended (twice) by YouTube, permanently banned from PayPal/Venmo, permanently banned from Twitch, lost my merch stores on Represent & Teezily, & now I’m being warned by Discord that my entire server might get nuked. So much for free speech. “Don’t you dare question the FBI” Last year, Abrams, Warnock and Biden fueled a boycott with smears, costing Atlanta small businesses $100M in revenue. Last week, Warnock voted to send 87K new IRS enforcers after them, and this week Biden gleefully signed the Bidenflation scam into law Democrats cheer as Joe Biden signs a bill to raise taxes on the middle class and worsen inflation. According to the nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation, the Biden Tax Hikes will raise taxes on Americans making as little as $20,000/year. KUSI San Diego: The California government “is making life so difficult” for Californians that even U-Haul is running out of trucks because people are fleeing the state CNBC: The worst cities for restaurants reopening after COVID are ALL run by Democrats in Democrat-run states or districts. MASK MADNESS: The liberal Jefferson County Public School Board refuses to end the mask mandate on kids as young as 3. This means 96,000 students will be forced to wear masks this fall MASK INSANITY: Democrat-run Prince George’s County, Maryland, is AGAIN forcing students — including 4-year-olds — to wear masks this fall. Today, we learned illegal immigrant encounters passed 2 MILLION for the fiscal year (and the fiscal year isn't even over yet). We've never seen numbers this high. Last year set the previous record, and so far this year’s pace is 56% HIGHER.… DEMOCRATS, then: The last thing you want to do is raise taxes during a recession. JOE BIDEN, today: *signs law that raises taxes on the middle class* NEW: CBP reports 10 people on the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB) were arrested by Border Patrol at Southern border in July. There have now been 66 TSDB hits so far in FY’22. That’s more than double the previous 5 years combined. FY’17-FY’21 TSDB hits: 26 Now think of how many more got through... much more. Biden advisor Jared Bernstein continues to claim that nobody making less than $400K will see a tax hike. This is a complete lie. According to the nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation the Bidenflation Scam will raise the tax burden on Americans making as little as $20K a year. Economist Larry Kudlow EXPOSES the Democrats’ Bidenflation Scam for doubling the IRS, creating new tax hikes, and providing no inflation relief. “Americans will be poorer and far less competitive” @TommyPigott Biden promised that “no one” in the middle class would “pay a single penny more in taxes.” That was a lie. According to the Joint Committee on Taxation, the CBO, and Heritage, Biden just signed a bill raising the tax burden on the middle class Joe Biden just now: “No one — let me emphasize — NO ONE earning less than $400,000 will pay a penny more in federal taxes.” HE’S LYING. WATCH: RNC Research
Watch: Border Patrol Unlocking Gates For Illegals; Rand Paul Says Time For "Zero Tolerance Policy" Video of Border Patrol agents unlocking a gate in Eagle Pass and allowing illegal immigrants to pour through after the National Guard had locked it prompted Senator Rand Paul to call for a ‘zero tolerance policy’ to be implemented. Screenshot Fox News reporter Bill Melugin tweeted footage of the incident, noting “For the first time, we witnessed the TX National Guard close & lock a gate on private property at a major crossing area in Eagle Pass, denying entry to migrants who just crossed illegally & expected to be let in. Border Patrol then came w/ a key & let them in for processing.” Meliugin also noted “Border Patrol opening gates etc to allow migrants in is not new. They have to process migrants on US soil per federal law. What’s new is TX is now closing the gate & denying entry at this major crossing location. Always open in months past, including this video I shot in May.” Border Patrol opening gates etc to allow migrants in is not new. They have to process migrants on U.S. soil per federal law. What’s new is TX is now closing the gate & denying entry at this major crossing location. Always open in months past, including this video I shot in May. — Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) August 17, 2022 Commenting on the video, Senator Rand Paul stated “The Democrats love illegal immigration, and so they have not been willing to change the laws.” “Anybody who is caught in the act of coming in should be immediately placed back on the other side. No process, nothing. If you were caught breaking in, not through a normal portal of entry, you should go back on the other side of the river immediately,” Paul asserted. The Senator further explained that he would like to see more incentives for legal immigration as a way of stemming the influx of undocumented migrants. “We should put more resources to allow more people to come and apply in a normal fashion at the port of entry. But I would have zero tolerance.” “Once you did that for about six months, and while I was not opposed to the wall, I think you could do it with helicopters and with maybe 50 stations along the border, and you could have it done in a month,” Paul said:
At least 2.5 Million illegals crossed US border, meanwhile South Africa chants "Kill The Boers, Kill Whitey" and hypocrite US Progs refuse to call that racism... Watch: Reporter Asks White House "How Come Migrants Are Allowed In Unvaxx'd, But World-Class Tennis Players Aren't?" Fox News reporter Peter Doocy made another salient point Monday when he asked White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre to explain why unvaccinated migrants are walking into the country every day, but tennis star Novak Djokovic has been denied energy to compete in the U.S. Open. Doocy asked Jean-Pierre “How come migrants are allowed to come into this country unvaccinated, but world-class tennis players are not?” Of course Jean-Pierre had no answer as usual, stating that “The U.S. government cannot discuss the details of individual visa cases.” She added that “Due to privacy reasons, the U.S. also does not comment on medical information of individual travelers as it relates to this tennis player.” She then claimed that only the CDC can answer the question and “This is something that they decide.” Jean-Pierre also stated that migrants coming into the U.S. and visitors to the country are “two different things”. Doocy followed up, asking “Somebody unvaccinated comes over on a plane, you say that’s not okay. Somebody walks into Texas or Arizona unvaccinated, they’re allowed to stay?” “That’s not how it works. It’s not like someone walks over,” Jean-Pierre replied. “That’s exactly what is happening!” Doocy shot back, urging that “Thousands of people are walking in a day. Some of them turn themselves over. Some of them are caught. Tens of thousands a week are not. That is what is happening.” Watch: Watch what happens when Peter Doocy asks Karine Jean-Pierre why illegal aliens are released into the country even if they don't have the COVID vaccine, but Novak Djokovic isn't allowed in for the U.S. Open: — John Cooper (@thejcoop) August 29, 2022 Last month, organizers of the U.S. Open confirmed that Wimbledon champion Djokovic wouldn’t be allowed to compete at the tournament due to the Biden administration’s ban on unvaccinated foreign nationals entering the country. Ironically, the event’s official website states that “at this time, ticket holders will not be required to show proof of COVID vaccination for admission into the US Open.” The Serbian, who has won the tournament three times before, opted not to risk traveling and experiencing a repeat of his atrocious treatment by authorities in Australia, which ended up in him being deported. Commenting recently on the situation, American tennis legend John McEnroe described it as a “joke” that Djokovic is still not allowed to compete in the US Open due to his vaccination status. “At this point, in the pandemic, we’re two-and-a-half years in, I think people in all parts of the world know more about it, and the idea that he can’t travel here to play, to me is a joke,” said McEnroe. Meanwhile, The Border Patrol are literally unlocking gates for illegal immigrants to walk into the country and get bussed to cities like New York. According to data from Customs and Border Protection, more than two million people have attempted to cross the border in the 2022 fiscal year so far. That figure equates to a 22 year high. As Joe Concha concludes in an excellent op-ed, Tennis fans will be robbed this week. Djokovic, who had been ranked No. 1 for 373 consecutive weeks (a record), will sit and watch someone else win a title he’s captured three times. We will someday look back on the COVID-19 era with such shame — shame for what our leaders did in preventing our children from going to school and requiring that they wear masks for years. The same illogic applies to those who believe keeping Djokovic out of the country and out of the Open is a good idea.
At least 2.5 Million illegals crossed US border
And hypocrite Democrats cry for help against a severe problem they created... 'Sanctuary City' NYC Buckles As Migrant Hotel, Intake Center Plans Fall Apart While New York City signaled plenty of virtue over their "sanctuary city" status, the Big Apple failed to put their money where their mouth is when it comes to actual resources, and are currently drowning amid a surge in illegal immigrants after Texas began sending busloads of border crossers. NYC mayor seeks federal help as Texas buses migrants to city Now, the Department of Homeless Services tells the NY Post that it's abandoned a plan to operate an intake and processing center for the new arrivals, alongside a 600-room shelter at the ROW NYC hotel on 8th Ave. in Midtown - a yet-to-open facility that was supposed to be up and running two weeks ago. DHS also admitted that it has yet to select and rent any of the 5,000 hotel rooms the agency said it is seeking to house migrants across the city. Instead, officials are continuing to commingle migrants with New Yorkers in the city’s existing shelter system — which now includes 15 “emergency” hotel facilities to also help handle a summer population surge, according to the DSS on Friday. City Hall has refused to say how much the city is spending on housing migrants in the homeless-system hotels, but a Post analysis found the cost could surpass $300 million. -NY Post "We were already facing a crisis of homelessness in New York City when the flow of these migrant families started in earnest," said homeless rights advocacy lawyer, Josh Goldfein with Legal Aid. "We’ve always had asylum seekers in the New York City shelter system, so that is not new. But obviously, the volume increased." Migrants from Texas arrive at the Port Authority bus terminal in New York, on Aug. 17, 2022. (Jeenah Moon/Reuters) North of 6,000 migrants have sought shelter in New York City since May, many of whom were bused in by Tex. Gov. Greg Abbott. The influx of migrants led to NYC Mayor Eric Adams appealing to the White House for assistance - financial and otherwise - a call which has gone unanswered. According to an official with knowledge of the city's efforts, Adams' admin has also reached out to the US Conference of Mayors for help. We assume he was met with extra-quiet crickets. "“If [Adams] can’t find a place for [the migrants] to go, it looks like he can’t manage. Throw it on top of the crime pile, and it looks like he can’t control the city," political consultant Hank Sheinkopf told the Post on Sunday. "If Adams has not resolved this by the late fall, he will have a big problem. A failure to resolve this as the weather changes is going to be a real problem for the mayor," he added. "It’s a public-relations disaster, and there’s no indication that Abbott is going to stop sending people here."
At least 2.5 Million illegals crossed US border,
Biden-Dems have a problem when the Border Agents they control turn against them and start speaking the facts... Will David Barrett order his woke corporation to feed and shelter all the migrants he voted to import? Border Patrol Agents: White House Press Secretary Is Either "Extremely Dumb Or Flat-Out Lying" About Migrant Crisis Border Patrol agents have described White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre as “extremely dumb” following her claims earlier this week that migrants are not “walking across” the southern border. As we highlighted, Jean-Pierre sparred with Fox News reporter Peter Doocy who asked her “Somebody unvaccinated comes over on a plane, you say that’s not okay. Somebody walks into Texas or Arizona unvaccinated, they’re allowed to stay?” The Press Secretary asserted that “That’s not how it works. It’s not like someone walks over,” to which Doocy shot back “That’s exactly what is happening! Thousands of people are walking in a day.” Colleague @pdoocy is 100% correct. That is exactly what is happening at the border. Not sure how many more videos we have to show, multiple times a day, to get this point across. And that doesn’t even account for the more than half a million gotaways who slipped thru since 10/1. — Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) August 29, 2022 The back and forth between the two continued Wednesday as Doocy pointed out that there is a Fentanyl epidemic being fuelled by illegal border crossings: KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: "I just want to talk about how you're saying that there, you know there just, the border right and how the border, whatever you just stated." "People are coming in, fentanyl is coming in, people are dying" JEAN-PIERRE: "Hold on." — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) August 31, 2022 MSNBC: “U.S. drug overdose deaths reached an all-time high in 2021” “One special FBI agent from San Diego described it this way, saying ‘there is no doubt we are in the middle of a fentanyl crisis at the hands of criminal enterprises transcending our borders’” — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) August 31, 2022 Fox News reports that Border Patrol agents responded to Jean-Pierre’s comments with disbelief. “How out of touch can this administration possibly be?” one agent said adding, “Well, I guess this is a new level.” “There’s only two reasons she said that, and that is either she is extremely dumb or she is flat-out lying and hopes America is so stupid we would believe her,” another agent commented. The agent continued, “18 USC 1001 says it is a federal crime to knowingly make false statements to the U.S. government. Too bad the government is not held to the same standard as the citizenry, and that is assuming [Jean-Pierre] is not dumb but just a liar.” Another agent told the network “She is absolutely ignorant to the reality of all the documented footage or just continuing [Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro] Mayorkas’ delusional lie,” adding that “This administration must believe that the American people are fools like their mainstream media comrades.” “Has [Jean-Pierre] ever visited the actual border to see for herself what is happening? Nope,” another agent proclaimed. National Border Patrol Council president Brandon Judd urged that “I watch these people walk across the border every single day. We see it. It’s disgusting what we’re seeing. And she knows exactly what’s happening. But she’s deflecting. She’s lying. She knows that the mainstream media isn’t going to cover this issue.” Judd continued, “They don’t care that hundreds of thousands of people are dying because of drug overdoses because of these illegal immigrants that are coming across the borders illegally, that the cartels then create the opportunities. They don’t care what is currently happening. They know that it’s not hurting them. So, they’re going to continue to lie to the American public.” The Border Patrol are being told to literally unlock gates for illegal immigrants to walk into the country and get bussed to cities like New York. According to data from Customs and Border Protection, more than two million people have attempted to cross the border in the 2022 fiscal year so far. That figure equates to a 22 year high. Raul Ortiz, The Head of The U.S. Border Patrol has also testified under oath that he believes the Biden administration’s policy of “no consequences” for illegal immigrants trying to enter the country has made the border less safe, caused an exponential increase in people attempting to cross, and has directly caused what he believes constitutes a “crisis”.
Democrats approval polling numbers are falling like stones, perhaps because Americans are finally rejecting nonsense... Buttigieg who is yet another gay woke and utterly unqualified Biden political appointee, head of the trannie office, who was permitted to adopt babies that will surely become 100% normal adults instead of queer suicidal shooters like Bobby Crimo... Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg Laughs When Confronted About High Gas Prices Joe Biden’s incompetent Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg on Tuesday laughed when confronted about gas prices surging because of Biden’s policies. The Biden Regime continues to blame Russian President Vladimir Putin for soaring gas prices. Gas prices spiked well before Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine. chart courtesy of Zero Hedge TRENDING: BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Information Uncovered Overnight Shows Highland Park Shooter, Bobby Crimo, Is Tied to Socialists, Progressives, Antifa and the Occult Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto confronted Buttigieg and said he can’t blame high gas prices solely on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. “Half of that increase [in gas prices] started prior to the first Russian soldiers arriving near Ukraine. You can’t blame it all on Ukraine, right?” Neil Cavuto said. Buttigieg laughed, “What about the other half?” VIDEO: Neil Cavuto: “Half of that increase [in gas prices] started prior to the first Russian soldiers arriving near Ukraine. You can’t blame it all on Ukraine, right?” Buttigieg: “What about the other half?” — Washington Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) July 5, 2022 This is the same idiot who remained silent on the Fourth of July after 10,000 flights were delayed and more than 1,00 flights were canceled over the holiday weekend. Buttigieg issued a weak response on Saturday and hasn’t said a word about Airmageddon since. Pete Buttigieg attacked the private airline industry. Instead of actually solving the ongoing problem plaguing the US airline industry, Pete Buttigieg told disgruntled travelers they are entitled to a prompt refund if their flight gets canceled. For example, my connecting flight got canceled last night. At first, the airline offered 2500 miles, which I estimate is worth about 30 bucks. But I claimed the refund for the canceled portion instead, and it worked out to be $112.07. — Secretary Pete Buttigieg (@SecretaryPete) July 2, 2022
Democrats approval polling numbers are falling like stones, perhaps because Americans are finally rejecting nonsense...
Mature diversity... vs Depravity... Democrat candidate demonstrates how to ruin picturesque Rhode Island down her tasteless nast-ass shithole for 2023. "The system is so oppressive that I have an Ivy League degree and I’m a State Senator. -- Internet Truth" Top New Biden Staffer Defended Underage Gay Prostitution Website Raided By Feds Looks like an advertisement for homeschooling. Classroom in an Oregon school. “Vote Senator Mack!” – Rhode Island Democrat State Lawmaker Twerks Upside Down for Your Vote in Latest Campaign Stunt Rhode Island Democrat state senator Tiara Mack twerked upside down in a thong bikini in her latest campaign video posted to TikTok. The Democrat state lawmaker asked for votes as she twerked upside down at the beach on the Fourth of July. “Vote Senator Mack!” the Democrat said after twerking on the sand in her TikTok video captioned, “a promised senator thirst trap at Block Island.” The state lawmaker also sponsored a bill for teaching kids “queer inclusive, pleasure-based sex ed.” VIDEO: As expected, Tiara Mack received major backlash for her vulgar TikTok video. “Say what you will about repub/dem supporting this content or not. This will simply not get you elected” one TikTok user commented. “I don’t ever wanna hear you complain about how “women aren’t respected in this country” after posting this” another said. Tiara Mack fired off a tweet defending her TikTok video and blamed prudish conservatives for the backlash even though many Democrats disapproved as well. Damn. Twerking upside down really makes the conservative, unhinged internet accounts pop off on a Monday 🥴 — Tiara Mack (@MackDistrict6) July 5, 2022 “I’m not a conservative and I’m disappointed. Where do we draw the line on the behavior of public figures? I like when WE have a standard of decorum that we want OUR people to rise to. To be UNCOMMON to be admired! This ain’t it.” a leftist said on Twitter. Tiara Mack replied: “girl. I have an Ivy League degree and am a state senator. Hate to break it to you. Their decorum isn’t for us. They can’t respect us in a system designed to oppress us.” I’m not a conservative and I’m disappointed. Where do we draw the line on the behavior of public figures? I like when WE have a standard of decorum that we want OUR people to rise to. To be UNCOMMON to be admired! This ain’t it. — Say It Loud-Black and Proud (@nikki_1968) July 5, 2022 Yikes."hunter+biden"
Hunter Biden Laptop From Hell, Bobulinski, Burisma, Joe Biden, 10% For The Big Guy, John Paul Mac Isaac, Russia Hoax... Joe Biden was involved in Hunter’s foreign business dealings. Here’s 3 minutes of proof.
Why America Decays: The Tyranny Of Self-Interest by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, Only those societies which still have a functional public interest / common good will survive; those ruled by the tyranny of self-interest will fall. I've discussed the moral rot consuming the American Project in blog posts and my books. This moral rot--perhaps better described as civic decay--is so pervasive and ubiquitous that we are forgiven for assuming "this is the way it's always been." This inability to discern the rot is the result of the gradualness of the decay. There are many analogies: the slowly boiled frog, the way in which weight gain creeps up on us, and so on. This is the result of humanity's finely tuned knack to habituate to any new environment and normalize what would have been intolerable in the recent past. We adapt to changing expectations, incentives, values and realities over time and forget the way our world functioned in previous eras. There are many examples of this. Many of the changes in our society, politics and economy can be traced back to the early 1980s, when financialization (and its offspring, regulatory capture and pay-to-play) began its rise to supremacy. Forty years ago, student loans were unknown and healthcare costs did not bankrupt households. Forty years ago, relatively few Americans were obese. Go back a decade further, prior to the explosion of fast-food outlets, and a small percentage of the money Americans spent on food went to eating out / away from home, i.e. fast-food and restaurants. Eating out was a treat reserved for special occasions, not a daily ritual / birthright. In the post-Vietnam era, Americans were wary of foreign entanglements. The Presidency wasn't quite as Imperial as it is today. Congress still held some modest power over foreign entanglements. This is no longer the case. The most insightful way to grasp the pervasive moral rot is to examine the tyranny of self-interest: in the past, the public interest / common good still had a foothold in the nation's values, incentives and expectations. Now the public interest / common good are nothing but paper-thin PR cover for maximizing private gains by any means available, i.e. the supremacy of self-interest. Our ability to discern the difference between serving the public interest / common good and making a modest profit doing so and harming the common good to maximize private gains has been lost. There are many such examples. The financialized self-interest behind student loans, healthcare, national defense, Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Everything--i.e. cartels and monopolies--is visible in every nook and cranny of the U.S. economy, political structure and economy. Synthetic opioids offer a good example. Under the preposterously false guise of "serving the common good" with painkillers, Big Pharma caused the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans and ruined the lives of hundreds of thousands more via the devastation of addiction-- addiction which Big Pharma was pleased to promote as non-addictive because this served to maximize profits. As is now the norm, no one is held personally responsible for this completely needless public health catastrophe. A few wrist-slap fines are administered and life in America goes back to the relentless urgency to maximize private gains by any means available: fraud, deception, overbilling, embezzlement, regulatory capture, pay-to-play, and so on. The phony PR cover for the the tyranny of self-interest is that the pursuit of maximizing profits by any means available magically benefits the public. The apologists trot out various example of planned obsolescence as "proof" that the supremacy of self-interest is the golden road to a glorious society, but all this careful cherry-picking doesn't make the moral rot and civic decay go away. America is doomed to decay as long as we can't tell the difference between the public interest / common good and self-interest. The two are not the same, but we've lost the ability to discern the difference. Only those societies which still have a functional public interest / common good will survive; those ruled by the tyranny of self-interest will fall.
Progressives Left Democrats and entire "Biden" Admin are total failures, hypocrites, liars, power and control freaks, frauds, two-faced, and wantonly destructive cabal of menaces to stable life. Internet warned people well before elections, no one listened. It is very sad that hundreds of millions of people worship them. Yellen Throws Biden Under The Bus On Runaway Inflation: She "Wanted" $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Cut By A Third Perhaps the most idiotic thing to ever come out of the Biden administration - and there has been plenty to choose from - was the repeated lie that (trillions in) stimulus does not cause runaway inflation, but rather lowers it. And while Biden's handlers were generous enough to bribe supposedly smart people to repeat said lie to give it credibility, like for example the chief economist at JPMorgan who last March said that the $1.9 trillion Biden stimulus "won't spark runaway inflation" (narrator: it did)... Why JPMorgan's Chief Economist Thinks The $1.9TN Biden Stimulus Won't Spark Runaway Inflation — zerohedge (@zerohedge) March 12, 2021 ... and of course Janet Yellen, whom we mocked last March when she said that an "inflation problem was unlikely to result from stimulus"... Yellen Says Inflation Problem Unlikely to Result From Stimulus LOL — zerohedge (@zerohedge) March 8, 2021 ... the truth, of course, as Jeff Gundlach noted recently, is that an "intelligent twelve year old" was able to predict that excessive stimulus causes inflation... Excessive stimulus caused inflation. An intelligent twelve year old was able to predict it. Ms. Yellen, long serving Fed Chair…..yes, Fed Chair,…admitted today she was not. On the inflation bright side, and it is a very bright side, Build Back Biden did not pass. — Jeffrey Gundlach (@TruthGundlach) June 2, 2022 ... and yet the 75-year-old Treasury Secretary and former Fed chief could not, as she herself admitted last week when Yellen told CNN "Well, look, I think I was wrong then about the path that inflation would take" when she was shown previous remarks she'd made last year where she indicated there would only be a "small risk" of inflation, and that it would be "manageable." .@SecYellen on inflation being transitory: "I was wrong then about the path that inflation would take. As I mentioned, there have been unanticipated and large shocks to the economy [...] that I, at the time, didn't fully understand." — The Hill (@thehill) June 1, 2022 Only instead of taking one for the team of senile, clueless economists and Putin puppets (because if there is any admin that has done the Kremlin's bidding by sending oil prices to near record highs, it is Biden's) especially after the so-called "president" made it clear he will blame Powell and the Fed ahead of the midterms for his admin's catastrophic MMT policies which have assured an avalanche this November that will hand control of Congress to republicans on a silver platter... ... Yellen has decided to strike back, and as Bloomberg reports citing an advance copy of the Treasury secretary's biography- due out on Sept. 27, just weeks before the midterms - the treasury secretary initially urged Biden administration officials to scale back the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan by a third "worried by the specter of inflation"... the same stimulus plan that she herself said last March would not lead to an inflation problem. But, in retrospect, she appears to have changed her mind. “Privately, Yellen agreed with Summers that too much government money was flowing into the economy too quickly,” writes Owen Ullmann, the book’s author and a veteran Washington journalist who has covered economics and politics in Washington since 1983, referring to former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, who severely criticized the size of the aid plan. Of course, since it would be an act of near treason for the Secretary of the Treasury to confirm now (if not then) that she personally was against what has emerged as Biden's most hated policy, prompting questions about how actually gives economic advice to Biden and why does Soros have more influence on US policies than the Treasury, the denials came in fast and furious, with Bloomberg reporting that a Treasury spokesperson disputed the claims. “The Secretary did not urge a smaller package and, as she has said, believes that without the American Rescue Plan, millions of people would have been economically scarred, and the country’s historically fast recovery would have been far slower,” Treasury spokesperson Lily Adams said in response to the book’s claims. What Lily failed to mention is that without the package, US gas prices wouldn't be on the verge of double digits. Ullmann’s account sheds new light on a policy debate that preceded the eruption of inflation, which now poses a major political threat to President Joe Biden and his Democratic party’s control of Congress. Fears of overheating have since been confirmed making a mockery of the idiots known as "team transitory" as price increases this year hit a 40-year high and have destroyed Biden’s standing among voters, who is now even more unpopular than Trump was at this time in his tenure. Meanwhile, sensing doom in November, Democrats have blamed the cost surge on supply-chain bottlenecks caused by the pandemic and on energy price surges following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. They’ve also pointed the finger at US energy companies, and most recently, the Fed itself. But as it has now become clear to both smart 12 year olds and even economists, outsize demand - fueled in part by Biden’s spending plan - was the driving force behind galloping inflation. Yellen’s concern about inflation “is why she had sought without success to scale back the $1.9 trillion relief plan by a third early in 2021 before Congress passed the enormous program,” wrote Ullmann, who had “unfiltered access” to Yellen as he researched the book, according to publisher PublicAffairs. Ullmann wrote, “She worried that so much money in the pockets of consumers and businesses would drive up prices at a time when the pandemic had caused severe shortages of goods that were in unprecedentedly high demand.” Now if only she had said as much instead of - say - repeating the opposite over and over, just to placate her senile boss and lose every last shred of credibility she may have had. Hilarious, even the biography - her desperate attempt at expiration - is confused how to spin Yellen's revisionary view of events: It’s unclear from the book how staunchly Yellen lobbied to cut back the size of the third wave of aid or whom she engaged with in the administration. And Ullmann goes on to emphasize that Yellen threw her full weight behind the bill as it moved ahead in its larger size. The Treasury chief endorsed the package before US lawmakers, telling them that historically low interest costs on federal debt had given the government space for fiscal expansion. She has continued to defend the ARP even as high inflation proved persistent. In an April 28 speech, she said it had helped drive unemployment to 3.6%, practically a 50-year low, and had prevented the pandemic from causing a much higher degree of suffering for Americans. Still, Yellen “would have preferred something closer to $1.3 trillion, according to colleagues,” Ullmann wrote. “But given the choice between Biden’s full $1.9 trillion package and less than $1 trillion that some in Congress preferred, Yellen believed going big was the better course.” Yellen also felt that even if the bill pumped too much money into the economy, the subsequent spike in inflation would be “transitory,” a term she used through 2021. Even more remarkable is that according to the biography, while Yellen pushed back against Biden's stimmies, but not really and endorsed them in public at every opportunity, Yellen was angered by Summers’ attacks on the stimulus plan, "even though she shared some of his worries." Yes, you read that right: Yellen disagreed with Biden, but she was more angry when someone else criticized his plan! This kind of cognitive dissonance of the highest order has to be a Democrat thing. “Yellen was irritated that he would cause his own party so much grief by arming Republicans and some Democrats -- such as Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, a conservative by Democratic standards -- with a justification for opposing subsequent spending proposals on Biden’s agenda,” Ullmann wrote. Manchin cited rising inflation, along with long-term debt concerns, when he later opposed Biden’s 10-year $3.5 trillion economic development proposal known as Build Back Better. Of course, it's too little too late now, and with even the liberal media turning on Biden, Yellen's last-ditch attempt to preserve some of her reputation in the twilight of her career, and life, will be a miserable failure just like Biden's entire administration as even Jeff Bezos of Democracy Dies In Doublespeak fame, now attests... their best to add another $3.5 TRILLION to federal spending. They failed, but if they had succeeded, inflation would be even higher than it is today, and inflation today is at a 40 year high. — Jeff Bezos (@JeffBezos) May 16, 2022
Government "Loan" Scam, Real Estate Agent Leeches, "Student Loan" Scam Brainwashed sheeple paying 6+% to sell their house when DIY FSBO exists, lol. Real Estate Agents Raked In $3.9 Billion In PPP Loans, Only To Pocket The Money Amid Housing Boom The federal government handed out more than 300,000 loans to the real estate industry as part of the Paycheck Protection Program - however few of them have been paid back despite a booming housing market as the Covid-19 pandemic ran its course. According to data from the government's Pandemic Response Accountability Committee, some $3.9 billion was given to real estate entities claiming just one employee. While the average loan was around $13,000, 146 entities received more than $90,000 each, NBC News reports. Many of the loans, as were the case in other industries, were forgiven if the recipient met certain criteria, including spending 60% of the loan on payroll and the rest on eligible expenses. For realtors, $3.1 out of the $3.9 in PPP loans have been forgiven - which has been rapidly sped up over the last eight months. One such forgiven loan: Can somebody put this in dumb person language for me? Thanks. @GerberKawasaki — Dave Portnoy (@stoolpresidente) July 6, 2020 The SBA, which governs the PPP, says it has denied forgiveness for around 12,000 loans (out of 9.9 million), while around 4,200 borrowers have appealed that decision. 215,000 loans were also selected for manual review. The $789 billion Paycheck Protection Program was intended to rescue American jobs and shore up businesses during the pandemic. Now 80 percent of all PPP loans — 9.9 million of them — and 84 percent of the total dollar amount have been forgiven by the SBA, according to the PRAC. For real estate entities the percentage of forgiveness is almost the same, at 83 percent of all loans and 84 percent of the dollar amount, according to the PRAC website. -NBC News According to a senior SBA official, programs which were passed with bipartisan support were "extremely liberal" and "extremely generous" when it came to loan forgiveness. PPP loans were handed out by private lenders and backed by the SBA. In order to obtain forgiveness, borrowers simply had to apply to their lender and submit forms and documentation. In most cases, the lender will recommend for forgiveness or denial. As NBC notes, the real estate industry boomed after the pandemic hit despite an initial shock "because obviously people didn’t want people traipsing through their homes," according to Erin Stackley, senior policy representative for commercial issues at the National Association of Realtors. Yet while other industries cratered, residential real estate boomed as people of means working under lockdown conditions sought larger properties. By early May of 2020, it became clear from nationwide open house data that "something was about to happen." And it did. Between April 2020 and Jan 1, 2021, housing sales jumped 53%, while prices are now 40% higher than they were in January 2020. "I’ve been in this business since the 1970’s and I’ve never seen that kind of explosion in sales," said Steve Murray, a partner at Real Trends consulting. And while sales boomed, commissions soard as well - jumping from $76.2 billion in 2019 to $85.9 billion in 2020, and $98.8 billion in 2021. NBC News tracked down a few real estate agents who had successful years in 2020, obtained PPP loans in excess of $90,000, and who then had them partially or completely forgiven by the federal government. Tina Guerrieri, who sells houses in suburban Philadelphia, sold more than $25 million worth of real estate in 2020, according to Zillow, and she also got a PPP loan for $100,000. Her loan was forgiven in 2021, and she no longer has to pay the money back, according to public records. NBC News asked Guerrieri why she needed the $100,000. She told a reporter she did not want to share what she used the money for or how it was approved, saying, “So many people know me, I wouldn’t want all those details shared.” Real estate agent Jenna Jacques sold $25 million worth of real estate in Scottsdale, Arizona, in 2020 according to Zillow data. She also received three loans totaling $141,664 that were all forgiven by the federal government. Jacques did not respond to multiple requests for comment. New Jersey commercial real estate agent Shane Wierks got two PPP loans for $151,833, according to federal records, and has paid $103,000 back to the federal government. Public records show $48,918 was forgiven. He said based on his conversations with other real estate agents that was “pretty much what everyone got.” One real estate agent who got the money told NBC News she came to believe that asking for a loan of taxpayer money to be forgiven after a successful year could be inappropriate. -NBC News Another agent, Gary Goldberg, sold more than $27 million of luxury homes in the Santa Barbara, CA region - down slightly from the $31 million he closed in 2019 according to data from Zillow. In 2021, Goldberg sold $82 million of real estate. He also received $95,832 across two PPP loans, listing one employee. According to federal records, Goldberg asked for, and received, forgiveness for both loans by November 2021. Given that the average real estate commission is 2.5% of the sale price, making US taxpayers foot Goldberg's PPP loans - given his enormous income - adds insult to injury.
Progressives Left Democrats and entire "Biden" Admin are total failures, hypocrites, liars, power and control freaks, frauds, two-faced, and wantonly destructive cabal of menaces to stable life. Internet warned people well before elections, no one listened. It is very sad that hundreds of millions of people worship them.
Our Rulers Have Lost Their Minds Have a look at the shock on people’s faces as they leave the grocery stores these days, or the look as they stand filling up their tanks at the gas station. Their jaws drop and they wonder what is happening to the world. The answer is the policy disasters of the last two years. The bill is coming due and everyone but the masters of the universe is paying it. The value of the dollar is sinking rapidly, more rapidly than in our lifetimes. Nor is it coming back. The people who hold power today seem completely clueless about why this is happening. Actually, that’s a charitable interpretation. They might just think it is great. High gas prices are pushing a shift to electric cars, presumably to manage global climate (I’m a serious doubter that anything like that is possible by policy). Or maybe there is an impulse here just to redistribute wealth and disorient people to create new levels of dependency. Whatever the reason, I’m seeing absolutely no signs that anyone at the top has any intention to put a stop to this. Kill the Snake in the Garden! The Biden administration — total geniuses up there! — have been hunting around for the source of price increases, as if there is some single greatest offender out there in the markets. They won’t blame the Fed of course because the Biden administration considers a monetary policy war against inflation to be a potential political disaster. It would drive the economy into a statistical recession. Then they would doom themselves at the midterm. Better to let inflation rip than risk that. So instead, they are looking to scapegoat market actors. It’s preposterous: Markets are linked in ways that are impossible to trace and understand. You cannot map it. It’s too complex. It cannot be designed. It cannot be gamed. But tell that to the credentialled experts who believe that they have it all going. So some geek in the White House noted that shipping prices are through the roof. They reasoned that these high costs are putting pressure on all producers, which in turn is being passed on to consumers. What to do? Crack down on the shippers! That’s exactly what they have done by unleashing the Federal Maritime Commission, “an independent agency that polices international ocean transportation on behalf of American companies and consumers,” according to The New York Times. What the heck is the FMC going to do? Oh, harass people. Send letters. Investigate. Make big demands. But this much is clear during inflation: Everyone, without exception, has a thoroughly valid reason to raise prices. In this sense, they are all telling the truth that it is not their fault. Finding some single or several or many key offenders during a hyperinflation is like hunting for the offending cloud during a hurricane. Another Stimulus One of the great independent journalists who has really found his mojo during this crisis has been Jordan Schachtel. His Substack account seems often ahead of the major news. He drew my attention to something so bizarre that I never imagined it would happen. He believes that the politicians are, right now, plotting another stimulus check drop on citizens as a way of helping people deal with inflation. True story! It’s actually a level of policy insanity I’ve not seen in my lifetime. This would be like pushing a drowning man deep underwater: Far from coming to terms with their mistakes and acknowledging their errors, the rulers of our fiat system, in their infinite wisdom, may soon decide to fight inflation with… you guessed it, more inflation. Sounds crazy? No way they would be that ridiculous, right? Well, I have some news for you. It’s already happening in Canada. Quebec has announced that they will give a $500 stimulus check to everyone that makes $100,000 or less. This handout, which is expected to reach 6.4 million Canadians, will “help Quebecers cope with the sharp increase in the cost of living that we have seen in recent months,” Finance Minister Eric Girard said Tuesday. Following Canada’s lead, a group of Democrat congressmen have just introduced a bill to hand out “gas price stimulus checks” to Americans. The timing of this new bill should not go unnoticed, as midterm elections are just around the corner in November. Two congressmen are hyping a bill to give $100 a month to all citizens who live in areas where gas prices are above $4 per gallon. Do the math on this and you end up with an annual bill of $168 billion. This comes after many people in Congress have started to slightly worry about their spending programs. And of course, once you do this with gas, there is no reason not to do this with food, rent, medical bills or anything else. You end up with a mind-blowing system in which government is forever printing up the currency to compensate people for the consequences of previous money printing. CNN is helping to drum up support: The administration should ask Congress to authorize a payment of $1,100 per household to pay for four months of higher prices going forward, and provide an option for the president to provide a second or even third check to low- and moderate-income families for an additional four months in the event that prices remain high. We don’t know when this crisis is going to end or when prices for essential goods and services will return to more affordable levels. It’s the Interwar Period All Over Again Here we have a scenario straight out of the history books. We are talking about Weimar-level insanity here. But what’s to stop it? The current political winds all lean in this direction. So long as Democrats are in control and the Republicans are stupid and afraid, even as the Fed is embarrassingly bowing to every political pressure, something like this cannot be stopped. If this continues, we could be looking at a full-scale monetary crisis of epic proportions as we approach the midterms. Even then, Congress under Republican control simply cannot manage the Fed, which owes its entire allegiance to the executive in the White House and the deep state. That means two more years even after November of utter policy disasters. Wow, I really do get tired of reporting terrible news! I wouldn’t have to if the major media could cover these topics with any level of intelligence or honestly. But they don’t. And the failure to do so is having a major impact on the standard of living, which is taking a hit much harder than we have seen since the early 1930s. This is both in the U.S. and Europe. Really all over the world. We can hope and pray for policy rationality to return. But we must also be realistic. This is a crisis with no end in sight.
Census Bureau Defrauded Elections There Was a Huge "Mistake" in the 2020 Census... Guess Which Party It Favored? https:/ There was a major problem with the 2020 Census, and most people probably haven't heard about it, even though it has enormous implications. At the end of May, the Census Bureau admitted that it miscounted 14 states in the 2020 Census. Why didn't the media make a big stink about this story? Maybe it was overshadowed by the recent mass shootings, that's certainly a possibility, but I have another theory. Here are the states that the Census acknowledged it overcounted: Hawaii, Delaware, Rhode Island, Minnesota, New York, and Massachusetts. Here are the states that the Census acknowledged it undercounted: Texas, Illinois, Florida, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Arkansas. Well, gee, isn't that interesting. Does it seem like a mere bizarre coincidence that the overcounted states all voted for Biden in 2020, and five of the six undercounted states for Trump in 2020? "Last week’s Census Bureau announcement of serious errors will impact the next decade’s congressional apportionment and delegations, and play a crucial role in the presidential race," explained Kristin Tate at The Hill. "Given the nature of the mistakes, Democrats could hang onto the presidency under particularly controversial circumstances due to publicly-acknowledged errors." The changes will impact national politics in a dramatic fashion. The 2020 census led to significant changes to congressional seats apportioned to states. Texas gained two congressional seats, while North Carolina, Florida, Montana, Colorado and Oregon each gained one. New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois and California each lost one seat in Congress. There was significant surprise that population growth winners such as Texas and Florida didn’t gain more seats. With the possible exception of Illinois not losing a seat, the likely effects of an accurate count would have overwhelmingly aided red states. Simply put, the revised figures show that (mostly) red states had even quicker relative population growth compared to the rest of the country — and especially compared to (mostly) blue states. It is entirely possible that undercounted states could have gained at least one seat in Congress, while overcounted states may have lost at least one each. Not only is it suspicious that the errors occurred, but as Tate explains, so is the timing of the admission of the error. "Had states known the true figures within the past year, the redistricting process would have been very different for the miscounted states. Not only are the number of seats per state affected, but the district lines are as well. In addition, the Electoral College determines the weight per state based on the total representatives and senators. The loss or gain of a single seat affects two Electoral College votes — the one gained by one party, and thus lost by the other." And there's nothing that anyone can do about it. It is too late to correct the faulty reapportionment, barring a Supreme Court challenge. Are we expected to believe these were honest mistakes and not deliberate? Americans have already lost faith in our election system, and now we have reason to suspect politics has tainted the Census.
Progressives Left Democrats and entire "Biden" Admin are total failures Internet warned people well before elections, no one listened. It is very sad that hundreds of millions of people worship them.
Socialists, "progressive" Democrats... always the regressive party doing wanton destruction into depressing living situations, bread lines for all but the elite, to roll as social saviours for all, that, Democracy, and Govt itself, proven failure all throughout history before. Yet billions still worship it instead of becoming free. ""People are really, really down.” — Joe Biden Down in stocks. Down in crypto. Down in savings. Down in hope. Down in trust. Down in happiness. Down, down, down, down, down. It’s time to take down the leaders, parties, corporations and banks that pull us down. #Revolution" US MORTGAGE RATES SURGE TO OVER 6% IN BIGGEST JUMP SINCE 1987 "We Did It, Joe! -- Kamala Harris, Queen of the LolGasm""hunter+biden"
Hunter Biden Laptop From Hell, Bobulinski, Burisma, Joe Biden, 10% For The Big Guy, John Paul Mac Isaac, Russia Hoax...
Joe Biden the supposed Moral Catholic doesn't denounce receiving pornos from Hunter Biden, and Joe Biden got caught on camera fondling little girls nipples, this the decrepit depravity addictions sex drugs foreign dealings and hypocrisy of the entire Corrupt and Compromised Biden Crime Family... Biden freezes, then declares he's a violence risk to everyone. All well known before the elections, yet they and supposedly the sheeple installed Joe the Dementia Addled Booger Eater anyway, because after 47 years of ragey outbursts and attacks, and pointless political nonsense, it was "Joe's time to be President". When the son is so fucked up that the father spends half his time crying about, worrying over, and defending him, in public, the father is COMPROMISED as to any duties in anything else... CAUGHT ON TAPE: New video emerges of Hunter Biden, sex worker and his illegally obtained gun "Democrats aim to motivate voters this November by highlighting their only two policy achievements... tediously dramatizing January 6th and Standing With Ukraine." "There are almost no women "migrants". The Woke Gay Democrats now have their wish... lots of horny Latinx males to mate with... because according to them "men can get pregnant". Fuck me harder Papi!" "Persuasion tip for Democrats: Don't call the GOP Nazis and also insist it is absurd you would rig (or attempt to rig) an election to keep Nazis out of power. You can only pick one of those messages. You can't have both." The best defense for Jan 6th protestors is that the Fake News industry made it impossible to know if the election had been fair... and it didn't look fair on the surface... so members of the public tried to find out on their own and got framed by Fake News as insurrectionists
Who does Biden and his Prog-Dem puppeteers think they're fooling?
From amoral psychopathic killer, to licking Saudi-Islam feet for oil. Only Biden's "No Green New Deal" cares where the terawatts are pumped from, Earth and consumers don't. So yet again, Biden is a two-faced lying election fraud hypocrite opportunist, now crying because of their fucked policies all returning to spank him. Would have been better to just be honest and pump the damn oil.
White House Informs Saudi Arabia: US Ready To 'Move On' From Khashoggi Murder CNN on Friday is reporting something which has been long predicted - the Biden White House while waging economic and proxy war against one "dictator" (Putin) is rushing to quickly mend ties with and quickly embrace another: Senior US officials have conveyed to Saudi Arabia that the US is prepared to move forward with a “reset” of the relationship, and effectively move on from the 2018 murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi in order to repair ties with the key Middle East ally, senior US officials tell CNN. Joe Biden is headed to Riyadh in a few weeks to beg the Saudi Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman for more oil, and to reaffirm the importance of the decades-old US/Saudi partnership. — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) June 8, 2022 This as the administration is planning an official trip by the president to the kingdom, set to reportedly happen within weeks. There's as yet no date announced for Biden's trip to meet with crown prince Mohammed bin Salman, but without doubt all of this preparatory talk from the administration of a "reset" with the country the president not long ago referred to as a "pariah" is laying the groundwork. The grisly death and dismemberment of Washington Post columnist and US resident Khashoggi at the Istanbul consulate shocked the world, driving headlines for months, and not long following, official investigations by the UN and CIA pointed straight to the top - to crown prince MbS himself for ordering the assassination. But, as CNN tells us in one of the more curiously gratuitous lines in its report, Biden has "set aside his moral outrage" - apparently in order to go after the "bigger bad guy" of the moment: But officials say Biden, who is under immense pressure to crack down on Russia and lower domestic gas prices amid inflation that’s rising at the fastest pace since 1981, has set aside his moral outrage to pursue warmer relations with the Kingdom amid the dramatic global upheaval spurred by the Kremlin’s invasion of Ukraine. Though it should be noted that the US weapons shipments and close Pentagon help executing the Saudi coalition war on Yemen never ceased, Biden is "moving on" in hopes the Saudis will finally accede to his longtime demands that the kingdom pump more oil. One senior official cited in CNN referenced Khashoggi's murder in saying, "Both sides have decided that for the sake of achieving peace and stability in the Middle East, we need to move past it." However, "That doesn’t mean forgiving and forgetting, the sources noted," CNN continues. "Biden, they said, does plan to raise Khashoggi’s murder directly with MBS, as the crown prince is known, when they meet as soon as next month," CNN sources note. "And some officials inside the administration still believe more should be done to hold MBS accountable for the crime. But the shift is now well underway..." What's left? Perhaps a light verbal scolding before Biden and the prince who was not long ago dubbed "psychopath and killer" in global headlines retire to a nice candlelit dinner in an stately gold-encrusted room?
Prog-Dems been digging their own permanent graves... It's Time For Joe Biden To Exit The Ring President Biden often looks like a punch-drunk old fighter sent into the ring once too often. At this point, the only thing lower than Biden’s approval numbers is his energy level. Is Uncle Joe too old to rebound? At this point, Biden is running on little more than fumes and righteousness. In his televised antigun speech Thursday night, Biden proclaimed that he expected most people “to turn your outrage into making this issue [assault weapons] central to your vote.” Biden’s histrionic spiel was far more likely to turbo-charge gun owners than gun banners and could be another coffin nail for Democratic candidates in middle America. Biden perennially tells audiences that banning assault weapons is justified because the Second Amendment didn’t permit Americans to own cannons—a falsehood that even The Washington Post has repeatedly derided. Inflation is the top issue by a wide margin for Americans nowadays. Biden’s inflation will soon have inflicted a 10 percent cut in the purchasing power of Americans’ paychecks. But Biden is indignant at criticism of his policies. When Peter Doocy of Fox News asked about the impact in January, Biden called him “a stupid son of a bitch.” In a March speech to Democratic members of Congress, Biden raged at being blamed for inflation: “I’m sick of this stuff!…We have to talk about it because the American people think the reason for inflation is the government spending more money. Simply. Not. True.” Biden first tried to blame greedy corporations for inflation and then began railing about “Putin’s price hikes.” Didn’t work. Last week, The Washington Post revealed that Biden now blames White House aides who “were not doing a good job explaining the causes of inflation and what the administration is doing about it.” But his aides have a hell of a challenge when Biden boasts “a gallon of gas is down 14 percent today”—as he claimed based solely on a happy fantasy on March 9. Even wackier? Last Friday, Biden boasted that Americans feel more “financially comfortable,” thanks to his policies. Biden won in 2020 in part because he promised in the final debate: “I’m going to shut down the virus.” Biden bet his presidency on covid vaccines. When their efficacy faded, Biden dictated a “jab or job” ultimatum to more than a hundred million Americans. The Supreme Court rebuffed most of that mandate but not before the omicron variant was causing a million new cases a day and obliterating Biden’s covid victory boasts. Last month, the White House predicted up to a hundred million new covid cases this fall—after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention admitted that almost half of covid fatalities now are among the fully vaxxed. In lieu of more reliable vaccines, Team Biden is pressuring social media companies to crack down on “disinformation” that casts doubts on presidentially ordained injections. Biden has a long DC reputation for trampling the facts. His first presidential bid collapsed in the late 1980s, thanks to his brazen plagiarism of a British politician. But the Democrats in 2020 were desperate to find someone who could defeat Donald Trump. Their verdict: “He’s a pathological liar, but he’s our pathological liar.” During the 2020 presidential campaign, Biden was shielded by a phalanx of media allies and former government honchos who helpfully buried issues such as the damning revelations of Hunter Biden’s laptop (first exposed by the New York Post). But, regardless of how often Biden flees back to Delaware, he is in the limelight far more than during the campaign. He struggled to find his way off stage after a speech, and the video of him attempting to shake hands with invisible people on stage was jolting. A decade ago, Biden seemed mentally quick and verbally agile in battering Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) in the vice presidential debate. But Biden’s verbal and mental struggles make that stellar performance seem like a thousand years ago. The Biden White House discloses little or no verified medical information on the president’s health, mental or physical. Instead, Biden’s apologists in the media insist that he is doing fine—the same way that much of the press corps covered for President Woodrow Wilson after he was debilitated by a stroke. Last month, The Washington Post reprinted a column by Bloomberg’s Jonathan Bernstein demanding that Americans “Stop Smearing Biden’s Mental Capacity.” Bernstein described doubts about Biden’s acuity as “one of the many ugly things that’s happened during Joe Biden’s presidency.” Bernstein rests his defense of Biden on the trustworthiness of the Washington elite: “To believe that Biden is impaired requires a belief in a massive conspiracy…by thousands of people.” Like the notion that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction—a Bush scam to justify a war that was supported in lockstep by most of the media and the Washington establishment? Or the notion that the Federal Reserve flooding the nation with increasingly worthless currency is good for America—another beloved myth embraced by the Beltway? A poll last month showed that 53 percent of Americans doubted whether Biden was “mentally fit” for the presidency. Who knew that antigeezer prejudice would explode during Uncle Joe’s reign? But even 51 percent of senior citizens doubt Biden’s mental competence for office. That the official scorekeepers ruled that Biden won eighty-one million votes in the 2020 election is supposedly the only proof of “competence” that matters. Perhaps there is only one proof of Biden’s mental capacity that matters in Washington: he is delivering the conflict with Russia that the Democratic Party has craved since Hillary Clinton made anti-Russia agitation a linchpin of her 2016 presidential campaign. Biden’s hysterical denunciations of Vladimir Putin have endeared him to DC insiders itching to drag this nation into a military conflict that they know most Americans would not support if the full facts and risks were presented to them. Biden Dismisses Elon Musk’s Fears of a Recession: "Lots of Luck on His Trip to the Moon" Good luck to Biden on this gaffe not haunting him in the future — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) June 3, 2022 The White House, State Department, CIA, and Pentagon have provided almost zero credible evidence on how the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine is proceeding. Instead, Biden has been the front man for a fairy tale that pretends that providing almost unlimited U.S. government aid and weapons to a corrupt regime in Kiev will create a historic victory for democracy everywhere. But Russia’s unjust invasion and atrocities against civilians do not purify a Ukrainian regime that has been abusing its own people for decades. In effectively opposing any peace talks between Putin and Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Team Biden has simply assured more pointless deaths on both sides. Biden is a listless president surrounded by aides with broken compasses. Biden’s worst pummeling could occur if Democrats lose control of Congress in November. Republican committees will be investigating an array of potential abuses of power that Team Biden has successfully buried (at least according to media scorekeeping) so far. Unless Biden can make it a hate crime to attach “I did this!” stickers to gas pumps, his support will keep draining away every time Americans fill up their tanks.
Biden secretly shipping his migrants aka voting and socialist dependency bloc into tossup cities nationwide since all 2021, now it's official... With Border Cities Swamped, Biden To Bus Migrants Deeper Into US With border cities overwhelmed by a record surge in migration, the Department of Homeland Security is planning to start transporting migrants into cities away from the border, according to DHS documents reviewed by NBC News. Los Angeles has been designated as the first city to be the recipient of the transported migrants, with Albuquerque, Houston, Dallas and others to follow. In a statement to NBC, DHS said "no decision has been made." Away from microphones, DHS officials jokingly refer to the scheme as the "Abbott plan," according to an unidentified official who spoke to NBC. That's a reference to Texas governor Greg Abbott, who earlier this year sent at least 10 busloads of illegal immigrants to Washington, D.C. as a means of redistributing the wealth of inbound Latin American diversity. At the time, Customs and Border Protection commissioner Chris Magnus said Abbott's shipping of immigrants made CBP's job more difficult. Texas taxpayers paid for those buses, but the federal embrace of the Abbott plan will put all taxpayers on the hook for who knows how much. The new scheme will be managed by the Southwest Border Coordination Center, a joint undertaking of CBP, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Immigration and Customs Enforcement and other agencies. The busing plan is Washington's answer to overflowing shelters run by charitable and nongovernmental organizations in border cities. In April, CBP tallied a record-breaking 234,088 migrant encounters. NBC's revelation of the Biden administration plan comes the same week that a massive migrant caravan has begun a thousand-mile trek from Mexico's Guatemala border to the Rio Grande. Numbering upwards of 12,000, the group paused Wednesday in the town of Huixtla while the Mexican government issued work visas that will ease their travel throughout Mexico and up to the U.S. border. On Friday, Biden is expected to sign an international declaration on migration at the poorly-attended "Summit of the Americas" that he's hosting in Los Angeles. According to AP, the declaration will "call for more pathways to legal status, mechanisms to reunite families, more efficient and humane border controls and improved information sharing."
Biden's Presidency Summarized In One Tweet With markets cratering thanks to a flood of terrible economic data - which is anything but 'transitory' - this tweet by Ross Hendricks sums things up nicely: Gas is $5 a gallon, 10 year old Honda Civics cost $20k, suburban middle class homes cost half a mil and rent is $2,000 a month Hope the $3k in stimmy checks was worth it — Ross Hendricks (@Ross__Hendricks) June 10, 2022 But but... INFLATION: President Biden says, "There's nobody suggesting there's unchecked inflation on the way, no serious economist." — Forbes (@Forbes) July 19, 2021 This is fine! Worst consumer confidence IN HISTORY — zerohedge (@zerohedge) June 10, 2022 As a reminder, we're five months away from midterms.
Biden secretly shipping his migrants aka voting and socialist dependency bloc into tossup cities nationwide since all 2021,
With Border Cities Swamped, Biden To Bus Migrants Deeper Into US
Biden's Border Problem is so HUGE that he can't even find enough volunteers to stop the flood he created. 240,000 1/4 of a MILLION imported in May alone, effectively ~0% speak English, have any money, skills or work signed, and well over 80% are males, not to mention terrorists watch lists arrested, 10's of thousands of unknowns coming from random overseas countries, drugs, human smugglers, etc. And no such equal border reciprocity for US citizens with any other country. Massive new budget deficits for free housing food medical decades of welfare. Crime increasing. Even legit hispanic US citizens who earned it the right way are condemning Biden for all his Progressive fail. Homeland Security Asks All Federal Employees To Consider Volunteering At The Border With migrant encounters at the southern border continuing to set new records, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is asking all civilian federal employees to consider volunteering for a 60-day summer stint along the sweltering frontier. A similar call for volunteers was made in March, but migrant traffic has continued to rise since then. Last week, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announced the number of migrant encounters at the southern border in May was a record 239,416. The previous record was just set in April, and the May 2022 tally was a whopping 33% higher than May 2021. "As we continue to encounter large numbers of individuals along our southwest border, we are now, more than ever, in need of your assistance," says a five-page flyer on the DHS Volunteer Force program obtained by Zero Hedge. Federal employees who sign up to help DHS manage the masses "will provide humanitarian and logistical, non-law enforcement support to those processing through the immigration system." An employee's current responsibilities are irrelevant. Volunteer duties can include handing out clothes, blankets and personal care items, meal prep, picking up medical prescriptions at a local pharmacy, picking up trash, cleaning refrigerators, shredding paper, answering phones, housekeeping, warehousing, file tracking and data input. Such responsibilities might otherwise command a minimum wage or something close to it, but federal employees who sign up will keep taking home whatever they make in their regular job, plus per diem and the possibility of earning overtime. There's no hazardous duty pay, however. Volunteers don't get to pick their destination. The DHS flyer cautions that "conditions may be challenging," and that, while volunteers are typically put in hotels, they could end up in a tent. Volunteers are asked not to bring "firearms/flare guns/machetes"—or expensive jewelry, passports or anything else they "don't want" to be stolen. A Covid-19 shot is merely "encouraged." Volunteers are prohibited from taking photographs or video or "posting anything on social media." Apparently, former rapists who are currently federal government employees need not apply. A "Prison Rape Elimination Act Form" asks prospective volunteers if they've: "Ever engaged in sexual abuse in a prison, jail, holding facility, community confinement facility, juvenile facility, or other institution" "Ever been convicted of engaging or attempting to engage in sexual activity facilitated by force, overt or implied threats of force, or coercion" As record numbers of migrants swarm the border, the Biden administration is attempting to end a Trump-imposed emergency restriction on immigration that was put forth as a Covid-19 safety measure. In May, a federal judge stopped Biden from doing so, finding the administration must first go through standard processes that require the solicitation of public input before making such a policy change. The first of five pages in a DHS flyer used to recruit federal employees to sign up for a 60-day summer stint on the southern border
Biden secretly shipping his migrants aka voting and socialist dependency bloc into tossup cities nationwide since all 2021, now it's official...
More on Democrats secret plans to defraud 2022 and 2024... More Warnings that Biden Is Hiding His Plans to Steal the 2022 Midterm Election Biden’s policies are anti-American. He’s killing the economy. He and his gang hate America and yet there is no pause or change of strategy with the 2022 election coming up. It’s full steam destruction ahead. TGP reported on the Biden gang and how they look like they are preparing for another election steal, this time in the 2022 midterms. An AP article tweeted by ABC News stating that the Dems were going to pick up seats in the House and Senate was later deleted by the left-wing news source. This was a warning to Americans that the Biden gang was going to steal another election. The Fix Is In – Democrats Start to Prep America for Their Mid-Term Steal Mollie Hemmingway at the Federalist released a report late last week where she points out that the Biden Administration is working as hard as it can to load up voter rolls with new names just in time for the mid-terms. TRENDING: Death Cult Protesting Roe v. Wade Decision Triggered by Gateway Pundit Reporter at Supreme Court Asking One Simple Question (VIDEO) Biden really does not want the public to know about his federal takeover of election administration. Dozens of members of Congress have repeatedly asked for details, to no avail. Good government groups, members of the media, and private citizens have filed requests under the Freedom of Information Act. Not a single one has been responded to. All signs indicate a concerted effort to keep the public in the dark until at least after the November midterm elections. The lack of transparency and responsiveness is so bad that the Department of Justice and some of its agencies have been repeatedly sued for the information. When President Biden ordered all 600 federal agencies to “expand citizens’ opportunities to register to vote and to obtain information about, and participate in, the electoral process” on March 7, 2021, Republican politicians, Constitutional scholars, and election integrity specialists began to worry exactly what was up his sleeve… …There are several major problems with Biden’s secret plan, critics say. It’s unethical to tie federal benefits to election activity. It’s unconstitutional to have the federal government take authority that belongs to the states and which Congress has not granted. And, given that all 50 states have different laws and processes governing election administration, it’s a recipe for chaos, confusion, and fraud at a time when election security concerns are particularly fraught. Hemmingway continues: While the White House and agencies are steadfastly refusing to share details about how they’re complying with the executive order, who they met with to develop their plans, or how they’re justifying their involvement in something Congress has not authorized them to participate in, some details are trickling out. Here are a few examples of the widespread and coordinated effort by Biden’s political appointees to meddle in the state administration of elections. In the midst of a labor crisis, the Department of Labor boasted that it was turning 2,300 American Job Centers previously focused on helping displaced workers find jobs into hubs of political activism. These new federally funded voter registration agencies were given guidance about how to bring in organizations to conduct “voter outreach.” The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services likewise announced plans to turn community health centers into voter registration agencies, using thousands of health care facilities to focus on voter registration and turnout. The Housing and Urban Development Department sent notice to public housing authorities that they should begin voter registration drives and participation activities. Previously, officials had been barred from electoral activities because they receive federal funding. “It is presumed residents of public housing might disproportionately vote Democrat. … The executive order targets people receiving government benefits who might think their benefits depend on one party in power,” Stewart Whitson, legal director for the Foundation for Government Accountability, told the Daily Signal. The Department of Education sent “dear colleague” letters to universities, telling them that Federal Work Study funds could now be used to support voter registration activities, contrary to previous guidance. The change was made without having gone through any rulemaking process to allow the change. The U.S. Department of Agriculture said it’s using its child nutrition programs to push voter registration and enlisting state, local, and federally funded employees to implement voter registration drives in local schools. The Commerce Department produced a massive, 113-page report which likely took four agency officials many hours to generate. It directs local voting board members about polling stations and poll worker training. We all know now that the Democrats need lots of names in order to steal an election. This is a big part of their election strategy so it’s not surprising that the Biden gang would be doing this. These are communist tactics. Steal an election, claiming it wasn’t stolen, and then put in policies to steal all elections into the future. We saw this in Lenin’s Russia, Chavez’s Venezuela, and every communist country since. Eventually, citizens give up and stop voting because they know their vote means nothing. TGP identified the ERIC system used by the Democrats to build voter rolls. This is now in 31 states and is funded with George Soros money. Who’s “Cleaning” Our Voter Rolls? Soros Funded ERIC Is Now Used In 31 States Most experts investigating the 2020 Election believe that bloated voter rolls were necessary to steal that election. This isn’t about getting these people to vote, it’s about getting names to associate with fraudulent ballots.
Biden secretly shipping his migrants aka voting and socialist dependency bloc into tossup cities nationwide since all 2021, now it's official...
And backfiring, lol... along with Hispanics disliking Democrats, Democrats dislike busing and prefer to keep them brown coloreds in Biden's "Jungles", busing is fixing that horror... Texas Governor Buses More Illegal Immigrants Into New York - Mayor Calls It 'Horrific' The despicable nature of the leftist political response to illegal immigration cannot be understated. They were perfectly fine with a full on invasion of the southern border as long as they didn't have to deal with it directly and as long as they thought they could use illegals as a voting block. But ever since the Governor of Texas started busing thousands of them to progressive strongholds like Washington DC and New York, suddenly the leftists are not so hospitable. Democrats laughed at the prospect of Texas relocating illegals at the beginning of this year. Former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki even snidely thanked Governor Greg Abbott for paying the bus fair of migrants into DC. She is rather silent on the issue now. As of 2021, 36 states have some form of voter ID requirement, which makes it much more difficult for Democrats to exploit illegal immigrants as vote fodder in local and national elections. Some blue states have tried to institute ID benefits to migrants, but these measures are few and far between. Meaning, the migrants are no longer of much use to them other than to continue degrading the legitimacy of the border. Furthermore, New York and DC social welfare systems are being overwhelmed by the flood of illegals, so much so that they have demanded the deployment of national guard troops to help deal with the influx of people. This isn't going to happen according to the Pentagon, and now they are stuck. Keep in mind, Abbot has only bused around 4000 illegals to New York and 6000 to DC – That's all it took to send both city social systems into a death spiral, showing yet again how economically weak blue states currently are. They can't deny the entry of the migrants because then they would look like hypocrites, so, all they can do now is attack Greg Abbot as if he is doing something monstrous to them. The whole thing is actually quite hilarious when you think about it – Karma really is a bitch. This week, New York Mayor Eric Adams once again tried to spin the situation, saying that Abbot was "using innocent people as political pawns to manufacture a crisis." He then called the action “horrific.” But isn't that exactly what the Democrats have been doing for decades: Using migrants as political pawns while busing them and flying them into various regions without permission? Haven't Democrats been creating an artificial economic and safety crisis within border states? Now that they are getting a taste of their own medicine, suddenly the strategy is “horrific?” Keep in mind that this was the same mayor that refused an invitation to Texas to see the dangerous border conditions for himself, so, Abbott is simply bringing those border conditions to New York to teach him a lesson. It's interesting how 10,000 illegal immigrants invading Texas on top of millions more each year was not a problem at all for leftists before, but you move those same migrants to their backyard and now we have a humanitarian crisis that requires the national guard. Can someone please ask the Mayor of New York where exactly Texas should send these migrants other than his city? Where would he like them to go? Maybe back to their countries of origin? But that would be “racist,” right? And here we get to the base argument for and against illegal immigration: Leftists claim that America is a nation “built by immigrants” and anyone who stands against open borders is “racist.” They ignore all the logistics because they're not interested. Only virtue signaling matters to them. Conservatives don't actually care about the color of the immigrants, they care about border integrity and security, and they also don't like the attempts by leftists to flood the voter pool with people who are not legally allowed to vote. If someone wants to immigrate here, they can regardless of skin color, they just have to go through LEGAL channels. Leftists argue that these immigrants are actually “refugees” and not illegals. This is just another way for them to manipulate language in order to change the optics of the situation. These people are not “refugees,” and even if they were, it would not matter. They are still here illegally, and now they are the problem of New York and Washington DC. In the vast majority of nations on the planet, sneaking past the border is a serious crime. Any American that does this would be arrested and jailed, possibly for years. If they are lucky they will just be forcibly deported. However, for some reason the political left and a host of foreigners think that the US is supposed to open its doors wide to anyone and everyone without regard for security, the economy or election integrity. Leftists will of course double down on their foolishness, even while their systems crumble under the weight of immigrants that have no capacity to assimilate while they leach off of social welfare programs. The only reason Eric Adams thinks this is horrific is because now he has to face the ugly realities of his own destructive ideology. If it was some mayor in a Texas city dealing with the problem, Adams would not care.
Prog-Dems been digging their own permanent graves...
@bgmasters: Biden should be impeached for this NEW - Hundreds of illegal migrants have crossed into the US through an empty border space in Yuma AZ last night. Biden has suffered a minus-30 swing in net favorable in the last calendar year. Rents across U.S. rise above $2,000 a month for the first time ever. Ray Epps could come forward, tell the truth, and be a hero But can't really blame him for not---look what they did to Terrance Yeakey Biden's inflation will cost American households on average an extra $5,200 in 2022, or $433 per month - Bloomberg Worst consumer confidence IN HISTORY Revolution coming soon, likely at least MILLIONS marching in protest before 2024. 8.6% is a fucking lie, most things you buy are up at least 10~45% over 12 months. How do you explain the sudden stop in new COVID variants? Select all channels with low ratings... Michigan Police Will Not Respond To Every 911 Call Due To High Gas Prices LGBT are disgusting perverted child groomers. A wealthy nation can afford to invest in green science and tech, but a broke one cannot. Replying to @ElectionWiz Exactly my stance we need ALL modes of energy production, think kardachev scale, the more energy we produce the better technological advancement is. Just a reminder that it was *not* Putin who shutdown the Keystone XL Pipeline, made federal lands off limits for new oil and natural gas exploration, and threw up regulatory roadblocks at nearly every agency with any impact on the American fossil fuel industry. You know what’s going on here. The Green Lunatics are trying to force you to go green. They erroneously believe “Putin’s war” gives them them cover to act. So, they’ve self-imposed a bevy of restrictions that drive up the cost of otherwise cheap and reliable fossil fuels I’m an all-energy kind of person. Use it all, but use it wisely. But until the Green Lunatics come around to nuclear, going green at this point will leave us weak and broke. Right now, America needs access to cheap and reliable coal, oil, and gas. Lives depend on it. @Cernovich Wicked people. There’s no room for civil disagreement. Democrats cannot ever be allowed to hold political power ever again. @ArthurSchwartz The day after a radical leftist attempted to assassinate Justice Kavanaugh, AOC is on Instagram bragging about how she stopped a bill designed to protect Supreme Court justices & their families. The biggest problem with the new Top Gun movie is the country it takes place in doesn't exist anymore A list of reasons why they want to talk about J6. @ElectionWiz INFLATION BY THE NUMBERS: Overall: +8.6% since last year Gas: +48.7% Fuel Oil: +106.7% Meat, Poultry, & Fish: +13.1% Milk: +15.9% Eggs: +32.2% Coffee: +15.3% Used Cars: +16.1% Airline Fares: +37.8% Real Average Hourly Earnings: -3% I just won my lawsuit. The unconstitutional New York State Assembly Maps are getting tossed. If you're going to author a political analysis piece, steer clear of economic punditry. "To be fair, when it comes to reducing inflation, it's up to the Fed, not Congress or the White House, to solve it." That is patently false, as were gas price claims.… Can Democrats Turn Things Around? | Cook Political Report With just under six months to go until the November elections, the political environment looks as bleak as ever for Democrats. The President's job approval ratings remain mired in the low 40s,... Rich Baris "The People's Pundit" @Peoples_Pundit Inflation, which is caused by printing supply, which the Biden Administration did, was primarily fueled by energy and food prices, both being the product of government policy. Looking only to the Fed was and is foolish. They're a one-trick pony and they waited too late. ... Food shortages were caused by bottle-necking the supply chain and the stupid plan to put government imposed restrictions on commerce to deal with a pandemic. Fearing risk to inventory buildup grew under Joe Biden, as the ISM panel clearly showed. In the end... In the end, it was a combination of foolish monetary, fiscal and public policy that led to rising inflation, and it will take course-corrections in "All the Above" to fully address it. Either way, again, "election analysis" shouldn't be an apology piece for the incumbent party. Guys stop being crazy—Justin Bieber’s facial paralysis and all the people dropping dead of “SADS” is obviously not because of the vaccine. Our leaders told us it’s perfectly safe, so stop asking questions. Be sure to get your boosters!
Parents are going ballistic at school board meetings, pulling their kids out of public schools and away from the smut, groomers, pedophiles, sex freaks, social and gene distorters, adoption abuse, family corrupters, depraved sickos, mental patients, woke critical theory, months of gay black pride, non-curricula, and more, all, as they say, are apparently becoming ever present in these environments... The suspension of @libsoftiktok is ridiculous, concerning, and certain proof that the drag queen groomer hour isn't spontaneous and is important to their operations. It's certain proof it is deliberate, strategic, and must be resisted and banned. I’m back! Apparently posting videos and flyers of drag events is abusive but the actual events are just “innocent family friendly entertainment” BREAKING: Twitter just locked out @libsoftiktok for posting a thread about several recent drag shows for kids. The thread allegedly violates Twitter's rules against "abuse and harassment." You know what's actually abusive? Drag shows for kids. OMG. This drag stuff just keeps getting worse. I’m going to be sick Drag events for children are on the rise. But Twitter doesn’t want us documenting it. There's no such thing as a family-friendly drag show A few weeks ago I started noticing that the Left was ramping up their grooming efforts in the form of “family-friendly” drag shows open to audiences of all ages. Of course, sane people know that the... People can call for violence against a Supreme Court Justice and they get to keep their account but I get locked out for posting flyers of drag shows. I posted over 40 examples and have about another 150 that I unfortunately will probably not have time to get to. I'm told drag for kids is being made into a bigger deal than it is. There's just "a handful of examples" of inappropriate events, they say. This is far from the truth. @libsoftiktok is buried in submissions. It's an all-out craze. Stop downplaying it and denounce it. Talking about sexuality with preschoolers should be a jailable offense. Self-described drag "demon queen" performs for a group of toddlers. “1st grade pride” @catalyst_ps @aspire middle school brought a drag queen named “Jizz” to perform for students yesterday A San Francisco middle school brought a drag queen named “Nicole Jizz” to perform for students today. He deleted the video but not before I saved it. Whoa. A parent in @HoustonISD alleged at a meeting yesterday that a teacher took his underage son to a drag show with a sex offender. The school allegedly did nothing. These are professors at @holy_cross. An LGBT youth group is holding a drag show happy hour for all ages at a bar in Woodland, CA. They encourage kids to bring money to tip the drag queens.' This is from a “family-friendly all ages drag brunch” in Des Moines, Iowa. It featured children dressing up in drag, performing, and collecting dollar bills from the audience. This is from a “family-friendly all ages” drag and pride event in Austin, TX today. 🎥 @TaylerUSA This is a preschool teacher flipping off parents who are upset about celebrating pride in the classroom. “Harmless, inclusive, and beautiful family-friendly entertainment” This is literally a sex crime. Investigation Finds The School District ‘Appalled’ By Drag Performance Actually Signed Off On Event A Pennsylvania school district that purported to be “appalled” by a drag performance at a high school actually signed off on the event. Remember when a drag queen performed in @hempfield and when videos went viral they were “appalled and in no way condone this type of activity in our schools” ? Well the investigation finished today… the show was publicized, administration knew, and principals were present. Interesting.. @CityofSurrey is saying that parents are allowed. So why did the flyer say they aren’t? @Surrey_Schools They advertise that parents & guardians are not permitted in the event. What would a school hide with teens that they don’t want parents to see? How is it anti-gay or anti-trans harassment to say drag shows shouldn't be performed for (or by) children. The issue is not the sexual orientation or gender identity of the performers. Rather, it's the sexual nature of the performance and the age of the target audience. A parent in @CentralKitsap claims this porn book “Gender Queer” was given to her child as reading material in class. 'Drag Queen Story Hour' board member pushes lifestyle to kids through children's books 3 moms filed a lawsuit against @MTLSD and a first grade teacher after she taught students lessons on gender identity. Straight up, by design with intent, pushed by secret politicians billionaires and dark orgs, evil grooming sexual recruitment and family ruination. A wellness center in Canada is hosting a “twerkshop” for ALL AGES to teach people how to twerk. They request that attendees come in “jiggle-able attire” Satanic Temple removed from list of supporters for Idaho drag dance party after backlash. Other sponsors reportedly dropped their sponsorship after learning of the Satanic Temple’s involvement. “Family friendly drag dance party” being promoted by the Satanic Temple in Idaho. We are living in hell Satanic Temple was so proud to promote this but then when they get called out they delete their account.. hmmm He’s triggered by the American flag because it reminds him of Trump @WSDinfo reportedly made students participate in a privilege walk. These activities are full of divisive propaganda, including CRT, and make students feel ashamed in front of their peers. A parent from Wentzville School District sent us the following message and attachment through our portal: “My son was made to do a privilege walk in his US History class.” People now have different sets of pronouns that change depending on the identity of the person they are talking to. You must remember and affirm them, we are told. There is only one correct pronoun for all this filth... "it". They are already doing something similar in NYC. A drag group is funded by tax dollars to go around to dozens of elementary-high schools to do drag queen story time and teach kids how to apply drag makeup. Meanwhile in NYC, tax dollars are funding a drag queen group to go around to schools teaching kids how to apply drag makeup and do DQSH California State Senator @Scott_Wiener wants this to be part of the curriculum for Kindergartners. A child drag queen performs provocatively at a bar as the adult audience cheer him on and hand him money Yet another Democrat groomer pedo busted. This is a different CNN pedophile than Jake Tapper's former producer, Rick Saleeby, who resigned after it emerged that he solicited sexually explicit photos of an underage girl. And different from all the trannie twerkers infesting US schools. Different from all the Health, Tranny, Nuclear, and Speaking staff too focused on sex to perform even the most basic of unnecessary Govt jobs."hunter+biden"
Hunter Biden Laptop From Hell, Bobulinski, Burisma, Joe Biden, 10% For The Big Guy, John Paul Mac Isaac, Russia Hoax...
Joe Biden Caught Lying on Tape about Biden's Corrupt China dealings... mailonline:/embed/video/2713271.html Voice Message of Joe Biden Discussing China Spy Chief with Son Hunter Proves He Lied About Not Discussing Hunter’s Foreign Business Deals Joe Biden left a voice message with his drug addict son Hunter Biden about a ‘Chinese Spy Chief’. This latest release tells us that Joe Biden lied about not speaking with Hunter about his foreign business activities. The Daily Mail broke the story. President Joe Biden spoke with Hunter about his business dealings with a Chinese criminal his son dubbed the ‘spy chief of China,’ a voicemail to his son reveals. The president has repeatedly denied personally and through his press secretary that he ever talked about Hunter’s foreign business with his [son] Hunter – despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. TRENDING: Death Cult Protesting Roe v. Wade Decision Triggered by Gateway Pundit Reporter at Supreme Court Asking One Simple Question (VIDEO) Now, in a voicemail left on Hunter’s iPhone, the evidence has come from POTUS’ own mouth. Joe called Hunter on December 12, 2018 saying that he wanted to talk to him after reading a New York Times story about Hunter’s dealings with the Chinese oil giant CEFC. Files on Hunter’s abandoned laptop previously disclosed by show that he struck a deal with the Chinese company worth millions of dollars after touting his family connections. The Times’ 2018 story pointed out CEFC’s chairman Ye Jianming had been arrested in China and his top lieutenant Patrick Ho had been convicted in the US for bribing African officials to help Iran evade oil sanctions. It revealed that Ye had met with Hunter at a Miami hotel in 2017 to discuss ‘a partnership to invest in American infrastructure and energy deals.’ The Times reported that when Ho was arrested, he called Joe’s brother Jim Biden – who told the newspaper that he believed the call was meant for Hunter. Then Obama Vice President, Joe Biden, shared the following message with Hunter. ‘Hey pal, it’s Dad. It’s 8:15 on Wednesday night. If you get a chance just give me a call. Nothing urgent. I just wanted to talk to you,’ he said. ‘I thought the article released online, it’s going to be printed tomorrow in the Times, was good. I think you’re clear. And anyway if you get a chance give me a call, I love you.’ Listen to message below: It appears the Obama Biden Administration worked with the far-left media complex to address any embarrassing stories before they were released. This same gang no doubt was behind the false stories of Russia collusion that these media entities published during the Trump Administration. Ultimately, it turned out Jim Biden was telling the truth. After Ho was arrested, he contacted Hunter and paid the president’s son a $1 million retainer to represent him as his attorney. Joe Biden’s voicemail to Hunter about the Times article is the latest evidence suggesting that Biden lied about not talking foreign business with Hunter."hunter+biden"
Hunter Biden Laptop From Hell, Bobulinski, Burisma, Joe Biden, 10% For The Big Guy, John Paul Mac Isaac, Russia Hoax...
Joe Biden pays $100k's for Hunter's crazy Guns and Drugs hooker sessions... Joe Biden Wired Hunter Biden $100,000 and a Portion Was Used to Pay For Russian Hookers – *Watch Video of Hunter Verbally Abusing a Hooker* Joe Biden Wired Hunter Biden $100,000 and a Portion Was Used to Pay For Russian Hookers – *Watch Video of Hunter Verbally Abusing a Hooker* By Cristina Laila Published June 27, 2022 at 3:08pm Comment The smartest man Joe Biden knows. Joe Biden wired his son Hunter $100,000 to ‘pay bills’ for December 2018 and January 2019 – and Hunter used a lot of his father’s money to pay for Russian hookers. The Washington Examiner obtained text messages from Hunter Biden’s laptop (screenshots below) showing Joe Biden ‘unwittingly’ paid up to $30,000 to a Russian escort ring. screen images courtesy of Washington Examiner TRENDING: Death Cult Protesting Roe v. Wade Decision Triggered by Gateway Pundit Reporter at Supreme Court Asking One Simple Question (VIDEO) Hunter Biden sent text messages to a contact “Eva” – a person who handles payments to the Russian hookers – complaining that his account was getting hit with ‘red flags’ because of the Russian email accounts. A 2020 senate report proves Hunter Biden made payments to hookers overseas: “Hunter Biden paid nonresident women who were nationals of Russia or other Eastern European countries,” and records note some of these transactions are linked to what “appears to be an Eastern European prostitution or human trafficking ring.” Hunter sent these texts saying his bank account was frozen after he tried to make payments to escorts with Russian accounts. A 2020 Senate report alleged that Hunter made payments linked to what “appears to be an Eastern European prostitution or human trafficking ring.” — Andrew Kerr (@AndrewKerrNC) June 27, 2022 The Washington Examiner reported: President Joe Biden apparently unwittingly financed his son’s participation in an escort ring tied to Russia, records from a copy of Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop show. Hunter Biden spent over $30,000 on escorts, many of whom were linked to “.ru” Russian email addresses and worked with an “exclusive model agency” called UberGFE during a 3 1/2 month period between November 2018 and March 2019. He managed to do so thanks in part to Joe Biden committing to wiring him a total of $100,000 to help pay his bills from December 2018 through January 2019. In one instance, Joe Biden wired his son $5,000 while he was actively engaged with an UberGFE escort. In another, texts indicated Hunter Biden convinced his father to wire him $20,000 to finance his stay at a New York City drug rehabilitation program that he never checked into. “What’s wrong with you?” Hunter told the Washington Examiner shortly after this story was published. There is no suggestion in these messages that Joe Biden knew what his son was spending his support payments on. The Washington Examiner obtained video of Hunter Biden in a Massachusetts cottage verbally abusing a Russian escort who was upset he was taking too long to pay her for her services. Meanwhile, 3 hours earlier, Joe Biden sent Hunter $5,000 on Cash App to pay for his son’s prostitute. courtesy of the Washington Examiner “Is anything hurt on you? Anything? I was literally saying I’m sorry that it took so long to give you $10,000,” Hunter Biden said in a video sent to Eva. “Do you have any bruise? Anything? Have I ever touched you in a bad way? Ever? Have I asked you every time if I could touch you? Every time.” “Sweetheart, look at me. You cannot talk to me that way and say things like that. Because I’m more respectful than anyone you’ve ever met. Are you OK?” he asked. Hunter sent the video to Eva and said the “frustrated” hooker couldn’t speak English. Joe Biden sent Hunter a text at 9:52 pm asking if he got the money via Cash App and Hunter didn’t respond that night. WATCH: Keep these facts in mind as you watch this video of Hunter Biden accosting an escort tied to a Russian bank acct: Jan. 17, 2019: Hunter tells sister-in-law: I “don’t have a dime.” Jan. 18, 6:31pm: Joe Biden wires $5,000 to Hunter Jan. 18, 9:22pm: Hunter films this video 👇 — Andrew Kerr (@AndrewKerrNC) June 27, 2022 Imagine the headlines if President Trump wired Don Jr. $100,000 to pay for hookers then a video of Don Jr abusing the hooker surfaced. Read the Washington Examiner’s full report on Joe Biden financing his son Hunter’s Russian escorts here.
Can We Haz Libertarian Yet ?!?! Not even a half-day worth news on the ridiculous Dem-Left, and David Barrett voted for and mandated this laughable nonsense... Exposing the lies, hypocrisy, and failed far-left policies of Joe Biden and the Democrat Party. No wonder the military can't find enough recruits to reach its staffing levels... it's now a woke gay party, laughed at by the world. God help you if you ever need a real fighting force to defend you. NEW: In 2018, Joe Biden left a voicemail for Hunter saying he wanted to talk to him about a New York Times report on Hunter’s business deals in China. Biden repeatedly said he “never discussed” business with Hunter. Joe Biden voicemail for Hunter saying he wanted to talk about business THREE YEARS AGO TODAY: Kamala Harris blasted Joe Biden on his record of praising and working with white supremacist senators and opposing busing. Harris blasts Biden for praising segregationist senators "It was hurtful to hear you talk about the reputations of two United States senators who built their reputations and career on the segregation of race in this country," Harris said to Biden. "Is there anything else you can do to help bring down the cost of gas?" KAMALA HARRIS: "Let's just say that this is a very real issue and, um, we have to do something about it." WATCH: 10 straight minutes of Democrats denying election results French President Emmanuel Macron tells Biden that begging the UAE and Saudi Arabia for more oil won't work. Biden should unleash American energy! Macron tells Biden begging UAE & Saudi Arabia for more oil won't work DANA BASH: "Inflation is really high. Are you concerned about a recession?" KAMALA HARRIS: "I think that there can be no higher priority than what we have been clear is our highest priority." Kamala Harris is stumped when asked why Democrats have not passed "abortion rights" — allegedly one of their top issues — despite controlling Congress and the White House: "Do what now?" Kamala Harris repeatedly dodges when asked if she has a position on eliminating the filibuster ABORTION ON DEMAND: Democrats in St. Louis want to use taxpayer-funded COVID relief money to fund access to abortions Democrats in St. Louis want to use taxpayer-funded COVID relief money to fund access to abortions KAMALA HARRIS: "First of all, if you are a parent of sons, do think about what this means for the life of your son and what that will mean in terms of the choices he will have." Harris Says Abortion Limitations Would Limit the "Choices" Of Men Kamala Harris: “Looking At" Using Federal Tax Dollars To Provide Travel Vouchers For Abortions WATCH: Biden HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra says carving out federal lands for abortion is “on the table” HHS Secretary Becerra: Carving Out Federal Lands For Abortion “On The Table” Remember when the Biden White House bragged about the price of a 4th of July cookout going down by $0.16 last year? Let’s check how that’s going. Spoiler: Not well. The price of a July 4th cookout is up 17% this year Is the WH going to brag about July 4th prices again? Kiss that $0.16 (and much more) goodbye. The price of a July 4th cookout is up 17% this year according to the Farm Bureau. And that doesn’t even include the astronomical price of gas to get wherever... Keep these facts in mind as you watch this video of Hunter Biden accosting an escort tied to a Russian bank acct: Jan. 17, 2019: Hunter tells sister-in-law: I "don't have a dime." Jan. 18, 6:31pm: Joe Biden wires $5,000 to Hunter Jan. 18, 9:22pm: Hunter films this video <U+1F447> With Gas & Food Costs Surging, Indiana Food Trucks Have Reluctantly Raised Prices: "It's Difficult" Texas Democrat: “If You Want To Take To The Street and Shut Down Business As Usual, Do That!” BREAKING: Joe Biden unwittingly financed Hunter Biden's participation in an escort ring tied to Russia. Joe Biden wired $100,000 to Hunter from Dec. 2018 through Jan. 2019, the same timeframe he spent 30k on escorts tied to .ru email addresses. Biden HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra says his agency is "looking at" using taxpayer dollars to fund transportation to other states for abortions. "Can you do that legally?" *laughs* Biden administration "looking at" using taxpayer dollars to fund transportation to other states for abortions NEW: In 2018, Joe Biden left a voicemail for Hunter saying he wanted to talk to him about a New York Times report on Hunter’s business deals in China. Biden repeatedly said he “never discussed” business with Hunter. DAILY MAIL: Voicemail from Joe Biden to Hunter about NY Times report on son's business dealings with the Chinese proves the president DID speak to him about business 'I thought the article released online, it's going to be printed tomorrow in the Times, was good. I think you're clear,' Joe said in the voicemail to Hunter. Recall that Kamala Harris slept her way to the top. Now the former first slut is angry that she can't spread her legs and whore herself out any longer either... @MonicaLewinsky (she/her) fuck you roberts. fuck you thomas. fuck you alito. fuck you kavanaugh. fuck you gorsuch. fuck you coney barrett.
"Are these seven the winners they declare to be? Just read the comments to the tweet below and you’ll see what losers look like. Nobody is cheering for them or thanking them. Because they failed their citizens and the world. #RealityCheck" When we demonstrate all that democracies have to offer, I have no doubt that we will win the competition every time. Here’s ten minutes of every prominent Democrat denying Donald Trump won the presidential election in 2016. These same people now tell us questioning the result of a presidential election is a direct threat to our democracy. Pelosi, the speaker of the US House, labels the Supreme Court an "extremist" body that punishes the American people.
Across the USA Election Fraud cases and convictions are starting to stack up, documents, video and testimonies are coming forth, no doubt freed up by a pissed off nation now seeing pathetic result of the democrats installed by their own fraud. Kari Lake is now trending #5 nationwide after her first appearance on Fox News Lake: Biden Illegitimate Lake: Biden Illegitimate Forensic Audit/Paper Ballot Analysis confirms (once again) that President Trump won Arizona in a landslide. Truly unbelievable… In 2016, 1 of 100 ballots were corrected by machines. In 2020, Maricopa jumped to 1 out of 8 ballots modified by machines. WATCH what happens when a Mama Bear takes down a Fake News Baier... The Corrupt Media REFUSES to talk about the biggest story of our lifetime: a STOLEN election. Instead they try to divert our attention to meaningless stories... I will never let them. Should Tucker Carlson finally interview Trump-Endorsed Frontrunner @KariLake? 92% Yes 8% No The subpoenable US Postal Service (USPS) stores images of the face of all mail forever in top-secret programs called MICT and iCOP. UNDERCOVER FOOTAGE: Never before seen footage of Elected Officials in San Luis, Arizona Trafficking Ballots! @gary4azsenate captured this footage of Mules trafficking ballots in broad daylight. These Mules got CAUGHT. Let this serve as a WARNING to any future Mules. #2000Mules @Gary4AZSenate presented explosive proof of election fraud at tonight's election integrity hearing. "We will get justice one way or another." Any American “Journalist” that hasn’t watched THE highest rated Documentary #2000Mules, is doing a disservice to themselves AND to our Country You best watch @DineshDSouza’s film before you ask me about the 2020 Election Guys, just do your due diligence. Censorship by NewsMax...
Democrats never commit election fraud, nope, lol... @RepMTG: Needs to go to jail, not the Senate. Leaked Call With Inmate Reveals SC Democrat State Rep and Senate Candidate Krystle Matthews @kmforsenate Calling For "#SecretSleepers" to Infiltrate @SCGOP; Advocates For ILLEGALLY Funding Campaign with "Dope Money" "We can flip some shit from the inside out." Ilhan Omar got her own election rigged too.
Democrats never commit election fraud, nope, lol...
Several NYC Election Sites Had 'No Republican Ballots' During Last Week's Primary Last week's primary voting in New York City was a complete debacle - as the city's Board of Elections botched everything from polling locations opening late because of 'lost keys,' to missing equipment, to unannounced relocations of voting sites, to a lack of Republican ballots across at least three Big Apple election sites. "We showed up to the poll site in Brooklyn, we showed up at 5 a.m. … and there was no key," Spencer Mestel, a freelance writer, told the New York Post on Tuesday afternoon, adding that he saw poll workers turn away an elderly woman with a walker because they couldn't get in. "The police officer on site didn’t have a key, the Board of Elections didn’t give [the site coordinator] a key, I watched her call the Board of Election multiple times … [but] no one helped us," added the journalist who has served as a NYC election worker for the past decade. The building was eventually unlocked at 7:30 a.m. by the building's superintendent - more than 90 minutes after voters should have been able to start casting ballots. Meanwhile, the Board of Elections failed to deliver equipment to one south Brooklyn location. It's 6:30 AM on election day and my poll site at PS 15 in Red Hook is not open because @BOENYC has not brought them equipment and they don't know how long it will be. Voters are getting turned away. — Molly Moser (@MollyMoser6) June 28, 2022 And at PS 22 in Crown Heights, New Yorkers weren’t able to vote before work, because of a “technical emergency!” according to a photo shared on Twitter by activist and writer Stephen Lurie. -NY Post Far poorer cities in far poorer countries regularly run efficient elections where everyone can vote. The politicians and cronies of New York City and the state *choose* our local democracy to be this bad. — Stephen Lurie (@luriethereal) June 28, 2022 Also disturbing - polling locations had been changed without the BOE informing anyone. Thanks @BOENYC for changing my polling place without notifying me turnout was already gonna be great today — Reed Dunlea (@ReedDunlea) June 28, 2022 The BOE's response? Election day had gone "very smoothly" and voters had been notified of site changes. "If a human error occurs, it’s regretful and, in large measure, we correct immediately," said BOE deputy executive director, Vinny Ignizio. "All told, we’ll run eight elections this year and this primary election has run very smoothly." Speaking of human error - at least three NYC election sites told voters they had no Republican ballots, according to the Post. One voter, Ed Gavin, 62, arrived at his Bronx polling site in Spuyten Duyvil around 8:15 a.m. to cast his vote for GOP gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino but after checking in with a poll worker, he was handed a Democratic ballot instead, he said. -NYP "My party never came up, my political preferences were never discussed … I opened the sleeve and I saw the names of Tom Suozzi, Kathy Hochul and Jumaane Williams. These were all Democrats for governor," said Gavin, a retired Department of Correction deputy warden. "I flipped it over because I thought maybe the Republicans were on the back but there were no Republicans." "They told me ‘we don’t have any Republican ballots,'" he added. "I said to the gentleman, ‘that is very concerning.’" The Post verified the lack of Republican ballots at the polling site Gavin visited. "We couldn’t find the ballots earlier, but we have them now," said a poll worker. Gavin was pissed.. "This is the most important gubernatorial election of my lifetime because crime is on the ballot, bail reform is on the ballot, criminal justice is on the ballot," he said, adding "[Former Gov. Andrew] Cuomo essentially ruined this state … with the state of the city right now, we need a Republican in power." After he reported the problem to the BoE, a rep said they would "correct it immediately." Republican strategist Candice Giove had the same thing happen in Bushwick, Brooklyn around 11 a.m. "I was handed a Democratic ballot and I realized when I opened the folder and I saw Kathy Hochul’s name," she told the Post, adding that she told the poll worker 'I'm not a Democrat, I'm a Republican,' to which the poll worker replied, "We don't have any Republican ballots." After they went back and looked, workers found a stack of Republican ballots "shrink wrapped under a bunch" of other things - after which she was able to cast her vote. The list goes on: Harlem resident Eric Larsen, a registered Republican, told The Post an election worker provided him with a Democratic Primary ballot, before falsely insisting a Republican Primary wasn’t being held Tuesday. A different staffer then apologized, acknowledged the existence of the GOP primary, and scrambled to find a Republican ballot in a cabinet. “I know that Central Harlem is predominantly Democratic, but I found it hard to believe that a polling location even in a mostly Democratic location wouldn’t have had enough Republican ballots by the middle of the day on primary day,” said Larsen, who works in finance. “I did eventually get one … [but] they gave me a hard time.” -NY Post In short, levels of 'human error' are once again off the charts. Forensic Audit/Paper Ballot Analysis confirms (once again) that President Trump won Arizona in a landslide. Truly unbelievable… In 2016, 1 of 100 ballots were corrected by machines. In 2020, Maricopa jumped to 1 out of 8 ballots modified by machines. UNDERCOVER FOOTAGE: Never before seen footage of Elected Officials in San Luis, Arizona Trafficking Ballots! @gary4azsenate captured this footage of Mules trafficking ballots in broad daylight. These Mules got CAUGHT. Let this serve as a WARNING to any future Mules. #2000Mules @Gary4AZSenate presented explosive proof of election fraud at tonight's election integrity hearing. "We will get justice one way or another." Sentencing For Arizona Ballot Trafficker Pushed Forward After NEW Footage Released – New Hearing Set For July 7th By Jordan Conradson Published July 5, 2022 at 4:15pm Comment A Yuma County Superior Court Judge recently set a new sentencing hearing for San Luis ballot Mule, Gadsden Elementary School District Board Member and Ex-Mayor of San Luis Guillermina Fuentes. Fuentes pleaded guilty last month to her role in a sophisticated ballot trafficking ring during the 2020 Primary Election in Arizona. She was caught forging signatures and trafficking ballots in August 2020 by San Luis residents who filmed her using undercover cameras. Arizona State Senate candidate Gary Snyder and San Luis Resident David Lara witnessed this voter fraud in their community, and they busted these criminals. Their work, which resulted in two indictments for illegal ballot trafficking, was featured in True the Vote‘s and Dinesh D’Souza’s “2000 Mules” documentary. TRENDING: BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Information Uncovered Overnight Shows Highland Park Shooter, Bobby Crimo, Is Tied to Socialists, Progressives, Antifa and the Occult As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, this evidence was delivered to the Arizona Attorney General, RINO Mark Brnovich, months before the General Election, and he waited until December to file the charges. Brnovich apparently let them steal the general election. In March, Alma Juarez pleaded guilty to one count of ballot abuse after admitting to police that Guillermina Fuentes handed her ballots with instructions to deposit them in a dropbox. Fuentes pleaded not guilty; however, after the release of “2000 Mules” featuring whistleblower testimony from San Luis, Fuentes changed her plea to guilty. Finally, after over one year of delay, Fuentes pleaded guilty to one felony count of ballot abuse after three additional felony counts were dismissed. The Gateway Pundit reported that Fuentes took the plea agreement without forgery and conspiracy charges. Yuma County Woman Guillermina Fuentes Finally Pleads Guilty In Ballot Trafficking Case Fuentes got off with a slap on the wrist because the prosecutors failed to prove forgery and conspiracy. Despite having video evidence of Fuentes sealing envelopes to be trafficked and forging signatures, for some reason, the prosecutors decided not to show it. As The Gateway Pundit reported, it appears that the Attorney General doctored the footage he was given and redacted the part where Fuentes forged ballot signatures. The full unredacted clip was recently revealed by Arizona Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake and others at Jovan Hutton Pulitzer’s Kinematic Artifact Detection analysis presentation in Arizona. BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Footage Reveals Ballot Traffickers Forging Signatures and Trafficking Ballots But RINO AG Brnovich Dropped Forgery Charges (VIDEO) The prosecutors had this footage BEFORE the 2020 General Election but did nothing about it. Now, Fuentes’ sentencing hearing, previously scheduled for June 30th, has been continued. The new hearing is set for July 7th at 1:30 pm. It is unclear if the motion to continue directly results from citizens publishing the unredacted video footage. Lock her up! UNDERCOVER FOOTAGE: Never before seen footage of Elected Officials in San Luis, Arizona Trafficking Ballots! @gary4azsenate captured this footage of Mules trafficking ballots in broad daylight. These Mules got CAUGHT. Let this serve as a WARNING to any future Mules. #2000Mules @Gary4AZSenate presented explosive proof of election fraud at tonight's election integrity hearing. "We will get justice one way or another." An undercover video at the polls helped investigators disrupt a local ballot harvesting operation run by a Democratic operative in Arizona, in a scheme that prosecutors have described as a “modern day political machine seeking to influence the outcome” of a 2020 municipal election. Guillermina Fuentes, a former mayor of San Luis, and her associate Alma Juarez, earlier this year both pleaded guilty to one count of ballot abuse. Fuentes admitted to illegally collecting early ballots from four persons who were not her family members during a Aug. 4, 2020, primary election in the border town of San Luis. Fuentes, of Yuma County, is the owner of a local construction business, a board member of the Gadsden Elementary School District, former mayor of San Luis, Arizona, and a Democratic precinct committee person. Investigators noted that Fuentes had apparently used her “powerful” position in the community to get locals to hand over their ballots to her or others for them to drop off at the ballot box, according to records of the Arizona attorney general office obtained by The Epoch Times through a public records request. Evidence The Arizona attorney general office’s investigation of Fuentes began after it received a notice from the Yuma County Sheriff’s Office of a potential case of voter fraud. During primary election day in 2020, Gary Snyder, then a write-in candidate for City of San Luis council member, went undercover to record a video that seems to show Fuentes to be collecting and filling out ballots beside a polling station, according to a special investigation report dated Oct. 27, 2020, and prepared by Agent William Knuth of the Arizona attorney general’s office. David Lara, former vice chairman of the Yuma County GOP, told The Epoch Times that he collaborated with Synder and passed the video evidence on to the Yuma County Sheriff’s office for investigation. The Sheriff’s office worked with the Arizona attorney general’s office in a joint investigation. “A group of subjects, lead by Guillermina Fuentes were seen on video manning a table and appearing to be supporting particular candidates,” Knuth’s investigation report reads. “A female identified as Alma Juarez approached the table and made contact with a second female identified as Guillermina Fuentes. Fuentes is ultimately observed taking a ballot from Juarez.” Fuentes admitted in her guilty plea that the early ballots were later provided to Juarez. Juarez pleaded guilty in March to one count of ballot abuse, a misdemeanor with a maximum sentence of six months with probation available, according to Juarez’s plea agreement. “In the video, it is clear that the ballot envelope was unsealed. Fuentes was observed to pick up a pen or pencil and write on the ballot envelope. She then pulls the ballot out of the envelope and makes three marks consistent with the filling in of spaces on a ballot to make a candidate selection. Fuentes put the ballot back in the envelope and sealed it. She then retrieved several more ballot envelopes from a folder on the table and handed them to Juarez. Juarez then walks toward the polling,” the report continued. Agent Knuth then contacted Juan Guerrero, a Justice of the Peace in Yuma County. Guerrero said he “believed a group of influential subjects, including Fuentes, is exchanging money for the ballots of community members,” according to the report. ‘Powerful’ Position One of the people interviewed by investigators described Fuentes as a “powerful” figure in the San Luis community, a status she exploited to allegedly engage in ballot harvesting on other occasions. Agent Knuth interviewed Monica Corral, who said she was employed by Fuentes at Fuentes’s construction company from August 2016 to January 2017. “Corral stated that during the time leading up to the 2016 general election, she was given envelopes which she determined contained money. Fuentes informed her who would come to pick up the envelopes, and at the time of pick up would either leave a ballot or provide a time when Fuentes could come pick up their ballot,” Knuth’s report stated. “Corral stated that the majority of the envelopes dropped off at the business were unopened, as if they were just received in the mail,” the report continued, adding that Corral estimated more than fifty ballots were dropped off. “Testimony of Monica Corral establishes a pattern and history of collecting ballots and in some cases providing monetary compensation for those ballots. Corral's statement also explains that Fuentes has continued to be allowed to engage in suspicious activity regarding ballots without question due to her "powerful" position in the San Luis community,” the report said. Agent Knuth collected statements from community members in San Luis and found that these statements “support the theory that individuals canvass neighborhoods in San Luis and solicit ballots.” ‘Hundreds of Communities’ Catherine Engelbrecht, the founder of election integrity group True The Vote, previously told The Epoch Times that the Arizona attorney general’s investigation, which led to the indictments of Fuentes and Juarez, showed that this issue is “getting a broader look.” Engelbrecht described similarities between Fuentes’s case and the recent case of a Texas woman who pleaded guilty to 26 counts of voter fraud in a “vote harvesting” operation. “This is not about one renegade person harvesting ballots,” she said, referring to the Texas woman. “It’s happening in hundreds of communities all over the country. “And this is just one front of a thousand-front war on our elections.” She added: “So we, the American people, need to continue the pressure on to continue investigations moving forward to get to the bottom of what’s happening, not just in Yuma County, Arizona, but in many counties across this country.” Sentencing Hearing The punishment for Fuentes’s felony conviction ranges from probation to two years in prison. Fuentes was scheduled to be sentenced by the court on June 30, according to the June 2 press release on the Arizona AG’s website. The Court has then vacated the sentencing hearing and scheduled a mitigation hearing for Fuentes in September. Prosecutors are seeking a jail term of one year, according to a July 6 court filing. In a statement to The Epoch Times, Fuentes’s attorney Anne Chapman said “Fuentes has requested a mitigation hearing because the State’s request for a year in prison is clearly excessive.” Snyder, who filmed the undercover video that led to the investigation into Fuentes and is a Republican candidate running for a seat at the Arizona State Senate, told News 11 that the sentencing’s delay is a “tragedy of our judicial system.” “Once she’s a felon, which she already said she was, there’s no compromise,” Synder said. News 11 reported that the delay was the third time the sentencing for this case has been postponed. Fuentes previously told The Epoch Times that the charge was a result of “political witchcraft” and that her political opponents “hated” her. Her attorney Chapman previously described Arizona’s ballot abuse law as a part of race-based “ongoing anti-democratic, state-wide, and national voter suppression efforts.” The Epoch Times has reached out to the Arizona attorney general’s office for comment. A previous version of this article misstated Gary Snyder's position in 2020. He was a write-in candidate for council member at the City of San Luis. The Epoch Times regrets the error.
Joe Biden left a voice message with his drug addict son Hunter Biden about a ‘Chinese Spy Chief’. This latest release tells us that Joe Biden lied about not speaking with Hunter about his foreign business activities.
Biden, head of the Corrupt Biden Crime Family, is trying to lift sanctions on China, perhaps to get another 10% pay raise. Karine Jean-Pierre Has No Answer For Why Joe Biden Left Voicemail For Son Hunter Wanting to Talk About Biden Family Business Dealings in China (VIDEO) By Cristina Laila Published July 5, 2022 at 3:40pm Comment White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre had no answer for why Joe Biden left his son Hunter a voicemail regarding the family’s business deals in China. Last week it was reported, Joe Biden left a voice message with his drug addict son Hunter Biden about a ‘Chinese Spy Chief’. This latest release tells us that Joe Biden lied about not speaking with Hunter about his foreign business activities. Listen to message below: Fox News reporter Peter Doocy asked Karine Jean-Pierre why there was a voicemail from Joe Biden talking to his son about his overseas business dealings if Joe Biden had said he’s never spoken to Hunter about his international business activities. “What the president said stands,” Karine Jean-Pierre said. Doocy pushed back on Karine Jean-Pierre but she continued to lie and obfuscate. She continued, “I am not going to talk about alleged materials from the laptop.” VIDEO: #WATCH | Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre has no answer on Hunter Biden’s dealings & Joe Biden’s 2018 voicemail about the alleged family business in China — El American (@ElAmerican_) July 5, 2022"hunter+biden"
Hunter Biden Laptop From Hell, Bobulinski, Burisma, Joe Biden, 10% For The Big Guy, John Paul Mac Isaac, Russia Hoax... 4channers have an offline backup of Hunter Biden's phone. They found the password and are going through all the files. Eat shit FBI. Eat shit Brandon. Fuck the Biden regime. Westley Boyd🧬🗝 @counterNWOsquad 4Chan Has Hunter Biden’s iPhone & is Releasing 450GB MORE Private Data Including Passwords — “Ladies & Gentlemen, We are in!” who is 4chan
The KABOOM Gets Deeper, Much Deeper... Biden Pedo China Tipoff "Vote Early" Hard Drive Blackmail FBI Grand Jury Must watch. Biden Pedo China Tipoff "Vote Early" Hard Drive Blackmail FBI Grand Jury Luke 8:17 ... "For all that is secret will eventually be brought into the open, and everything that is concealed will be brought to light and made known to all. Luke 8:17" " Last week the NY Post took the political world by storm with its release of shocking material from Hunter Biden’s hard drive indicating corruption, sexual depravity and more. The Post reported that a lawyer for former NY Mayor Rudy Giuliani obtained the hard drive from a computer repairman, and that former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon had alerted the Post to the existence of the hard drive in July. But before turning over the gear, the shop owner says, he made a copy of the hard drive and later gave it to former Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer, Robert Costello. Steve Bannon, former adviser to President Trump, told The Post about the existence of the hard drive in late September and Giuliani provided The Post with a copy of it on Sunday. [NY Post] Steve Bannon has since clarified to Revolver News that he was brought into the project based on familiarity with corruption in corporate America, on Wall Street, and within the Chinese Communist Party and America’s political class. Mr. Bannon revealed that he “worked up and executed the roll out plan” of the information contained in the Hunter hard drives. Given his close knowledge and familiarity with an issue of such explosive importance to the election, Revolver asked Mr. Bannon a few questions pertaining to the contents of Hunter’s hard drive and the political implications of their release. Revolver: What is the most incriminating thing on the hard drive? Rudy has suggested illegal things, and as Revolver reported the FBI person tasked with the hard drive is associated with the child pornography division. Could you give more insight into how bad it is we’re talking about? Mr. Bannon: Joe Biden is a liar, a fraud, and compromised by Chinese cash. In short, he is a national security crisis. The hard drive combines emails and text messages that show a massive involvement with companies controlled by the Chinese Communist Party. Also, there are 25,000 images that show a drug-addled, depraved lifestyle — one that decent hardworking Americans will not want near the White House. Revolver: The FBI has been holding onto the hard drive for almost a year? Any sense of why? Was there any indication that they were seriously interested in criminal case, assuming that there is, in fact, illegal material on there? If not, why would the FBI simply hold onto information like that? Mr. Bannon: The President must confront the director of the FBI on why the information housed on this hard drive was not moved on immediately. If the content of the hard drive had been released when received in November 2019, there would have been no impeachment of Trump, and Bernie Sanders would be the Democratic Party nominee. This confrontation should take place this weekend in the Oval Office. If Wray doesn’t have a bulletproof reason he should be fired in the room. Revolver: What are your best estimates on how many foreign entities may have obtained possession of the hard drive? Chinese intel? Mr. Bannon: It’s the actions represented on the hard drive that the American people must understand our enemies know about. The cash and equity given for access to Biden, the favors done for that cash, the drugs, the depravity. The CCP, Russian Intel, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Intel Services — they know the Bidens are for sale. Revolver: Is there any reason to expect that the contents of the hard drive will be revealed before the election? If yes, will people actually care enough for it to substantially effect the outcome? Mr. Bannon: The Bidens are about to be hit with multiple stories from multiple media sources based off evidence beyond the hard drive. Fox and Peter Schweitzer have already started but bigger more mainstream companies are going to weigh in. We already have set in motion the various apparatuses that will release everything. Revolver: What are your thoughts on the efforts to discredit the hard drive as “Russian disinformation?” Is there any evidence this is Russian disinformation at all? At any rate, what matters is not whether Biden-supporting media calls it “disinformation” — what matters is whether it’s true. Has the Biden camp explicitly denied the factual accusations pertaining to the hard drives? Mr. Bannon: Rupert Murdoch’s team at the NY Post is as sophisticated and tough as there is in all media. They had the metadata and they signed off to go forward. The Russia excuse — and it is an excuse — collapsed when Fox verified the information with someone on the email chain. The Biden campaign has yet to say these emails or photos are not real. The reason? Hunter’s lawyer sent emails trying to recover the hard drive. These are real — the Bidens know they are real — and they are going to have to deal with that reality. "
Anti-CCP reporting Obama-Biden sold out 36 CIA informants, CCP executed them. Why the sellout?
On Wed, Oct 21, 2020 at 06:15:32AM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
Anti-CCP reporting Obama-Biden sold out 36 CIA informants, CCP executed them. Why the sellout?
Usually "expendables" are expended simply for money, or in the case of the clintons for the dirt they had on the Clintons, or as payback (Seth Rich). Remember, $1.5 billion smackaroos - Hunter gets rapey in a Chinese crack den videoed to ensure for the CCP bosses, future compliance by Biden with the deal, but the CCP wants a little extra this time, so they demand the list of the 30 (number probably unknown to CCP at the time) "disloyal Chinese traitors" who are promptly shot on the street, which is a small price of life for Biden/Obama to pay - since it's not their own lives, and not even USA nationals, so unlikely to blow back home in the USA. Dem sweet, sweet fiats.
Trump about to Drain the Swamp! Hunter Biden's laptop sex tapes partial release... Twitter suspends another massive number of leak tweeting accounts today... Recall first debate: Biden cry-raging over son, thus unfit to uphold Office of the President... World's greatest political hoax ever, or truth... you decide, lol. "Confirmed: concerning photos on #hunterbiden #LaptopFromHell of his 14 year old (at the time) niece. There's a special place in hell for people like this. #bidengate What's on Hunter Biden's 'Laptop
From Hell'? with Chanel Rion - OANN news"
Biden daughter's Diary Details 'Not Appropriate' Showers With Joe As Child... Alex Jones w Howley re diary Glenn's correct tweetstorm... Trump loads powder for Federal Broadside... "Can you change your vote?!..." Chart shows USA wants to know this after tipped-off Biden SWINDLED votes out of Americans by constantly urging for early voting... Published... "The Loan Agreement signed by Hunter Biden to get finance for the 10% equity interest in Bohai Harvest RST" "The huge loan agreement between Hunter Biden and Bohai Huamei RS (Shanghai) Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd." Here's Hunter... No-Mask Biden... "Facebook is in a total panic. People are posting the 'foot job' video of #HunterBiden and the hooker, but Instagram is taking it down as quickly as people put it up. Of course, it's going to be everywhere in minutes. #HunterFootJob (trend)" "Twitter is desperate to protect Hunter Biden. They just locked me out for showing a video screen grab of Hunter Biden allegedly smoking crack and getting a foot job from a hooker. I was willing to delete it, only because I know they're not gonna stop the tsunami that's coming." "It is now clear that #JoeBiden is a national security threat. Most of you have seen the video this meme is based on. While Joe was selling America to the highest bidder all over the world, Hunter was the bagman. The most incriminating stuff imaginable is out there. #HunterFootJob" "How astonishing is it that a presidential candidate's son has photographs of him smoking crack with a hooker all over the Internet, disseminated by China, his benefactor, and it doesn't trend on Twitter?" Sex tapes DO NOT CLICK... hxxps:// hxxps:// " Thanks to Mr. Alvin Jiang (Mr. Jiang Zhicheng), Mr. Bruno Wu (Mr. Wu Zheng), Mr. Zhang Hongwei, Chairman of the Orient Group Inc.,and many more people who will remain anonymous. We apologize if the video from Hunter Biden has caused you any serious discomfort! But it is for the sake of justice that we, the New Federal State of China, have made this video public. Because the friends of the communist are our enemies. We will not allow anyone to steal from the Chinese people! We will not allow anyone to enslave the Chinese people! We will not allow anyone to abuse our children! This video shows only the tip of the iceberg of what is important in the Chinese Communist Party's Blue-Gold-Yellow (BGY) program. They take advantage of all those Western politicians, celebrities, and their families who are greedy for Chinese wealth, and threaten them by getting hold of and recording their sex and drug videos, forcing them to sell out their countries and people, and even their own national security in order to cooperate with the Chinese Communist Party's world domination. U.S. presidential candidate Joe Biden is 100% controlled by the Chinese Communist Party as one of the most successful political instances of the BGY program. He is also a target of the CCP's 3F plan, which aims to 'fall, fail, and fell,' to weaken, destroy and kill America! The Chinese Communist Party's use of this tactic to threaten Biden and his sons and to bribe them with large amounts of wealth is one of the major causes of the disputes over the South China Sea, US-China trade, intellectual property rights, and energy prices, etc., as well as Biden's provision of large numbers of CIA intelligence agents in China to the Chinese Communist Party. The Chinese Communist Party has such a BGY program in the United States and in several Western countries in Europe. We will have millions of videos and photos of government officials, corrupt people, traitors, and criminals colluding with the Communist Party to dominate the world. It doesn't matter what country you come from, what ethnicity or color you are, or what party you belong to. The next person to be abused may be your daughter, your wife, your sister, so there are no party or ethnic borders when it comes to eliminating the Chinese Communist Party. "
More messages drop... expect daily drops... "Biden calls us “chumps” Hillary calls us “deplorable” Obama called us “clingers to our God and our guns” Trump calls us “Americans” Vote accordingly." "Donald Trump is completing his THIRD rally of the day in 35 degree weather in Wisconsin with thousands of supporters He is outworking Joe Biden by a huge margin. Don’t trust the polls - Vote. This election is closer than you think." "Democracy dies in darkness. We must treat the Hunter Biden leaks as if they were a foreign intelligience operation... even if they probably aren't. --Washington Post" Self-admits Media Censorship and Bias. who text's 'woke' to any partisan campaign... lol. Biden-Obama built out and used the cages well before 2017. June 25, 2014... site operations in support of the recent influx of unaccompanied children. Official DHS photo by Barry Bahler. Bohai Rosemont money flow. Biden's dementia on display tonight without protection of his press "lid" and sleepy mattress, needs minder / wife support, unfit for office. Biden-Harris politicians both now caught not bothering to care/know what part of USA they're in while shilling themselves, Cleveland will reject SF marijuana prosecutor trying to hang with them. Biden's protective press "lid", media censorship and bias keeping questions away... Leaks regarding Biden family corruption with Ukraine and China might get buried and never properly and fully investigated to same extent "Russia" was. The US Media is taking down hundreds of Anti-CCP accounts... what other meaning can there be. If nothing else, this cycle's bias and censorship coming from all media, tech, and moderators... must be marked for history. Alternative Media updates... Skaneateles "The media has completely invented numerous new standards to justify not reporting these documents, as this thread reflects, and they're not even being clever about it..." "Thousands of #BidenLeaks information was forcibly deleted, and This account were temporarily restricted for 12hr. I have been in the United States for many years, but yesterday I thought I was still in China." "Yesterday, a lost Twitters were shock down by dark power, they stop us to tell the truth. They try to let's shut up. But, no way, the truth is there!!! the more info from the hard drives is coming out to let people know they are EVIL." "It is not hypothesis. It is the fact. Refer to the bioweapon definition from Academy of Military Medical Sciences (AMMS), China. Please read Page 26-27 in my 2nd report. Spreading the truth of COVID-19 is not for me, but for you. I already knew it is unrestricted bioweapon." FRAUD Magazine cover The world is becoming one giant lol. You decide.
Trump Goes Epic on Biden... Trump EPIC JUMBOTRON Smackdown !!! Allentown,PA 2020-10-26 Wait till Trump puts Tony Bobulinski on the jumbotron !!! Has people asking... "Can I change my vote?" Tony Bobulinski says he met with Joe Biden about China. The media have suppressed the story, but it's real and it matters. Voters have a right to know the details. Bobulinski sits for an extended interview Tuesday night at 8p ET on #FoxNews. OMG TUCKER IS GOING TO BE LIT AF TOMORROW. BOBULINSKI IS GOING TO PLAY RECORDINGS!!! CANT WAIT FOR THE MEDIA TO NOT COVER THAT AND DESTROY WHATS LITTLE IS LEFT OF THEIR CREDIBILITY FOREVER!!! Watch Biden admit he wants China Socialism Communism... Biden wants open borders to all and to teach Islam in schools, US will become a random Jihad disaster center like London, Paris, Europe... Your life in circles under the constant depressing thumb of Socialism... Corrupt Joe Biden Family... Pedo Biden Family... Joe Biden rages and calls Americans CHUMPS for peacefully protesting his Fraud, funny that two-faced Biden-Kamala didn't muster the same outburst against their own violent Leftist thug army in the streets... Biden Fails Economics 101... Trump was right about countries FLOCKING to PAY UP and making deals with US to protect against CN and RU. If Libertarians are against corruption as fraud, and for at least free-er markets than Socialism, seems they should be involved getting corruption and news out against Biden-Kamala. Become a heckler, analysis, ftw :) turnout 1 turnout 2 turnout 3 turnout 4 turnout 5 turnout 6 turnout 7 top 10 leftist fail 1 Nothing matters more to the success of any country than its economy and peoples freedom. Trump is walking the talk nonstop... giving 1.5hr speeches outside in 34deg weather, Biden is cowering inside shielded from the Press. A short message from Donald J Trump...
Live: Philadelphia,US is melting down triggered by BLM Antifa "peaceful protesters"... "PA Gov Tom Wolf calls Philly riots ‘peaceful protests’ after 12 officers hospitalized, truck attack" Tweet search results for "joe biden" now show 20 out of the 21 on first page are Bobulinski expose, the remaining 1 out of 21 is Biden trying to falsely claim that guns alone cause murder (instead of say the stressful failed socioeconomic conditions in the big cities created and run by Democrats for decades). Now trending... "Lock him up!" Earlier today Biden tried to claim need to "heal" (from Dems own pumped up manufactured narratives) while failing to state that Democrat-Socialist-Marxist BLM/Antifa are supported by Democrats failing to denounce them and clean up the streets. About those streets... Now millions new Trump voters are heading to polls casting their votes to offset and break through Biden's irrevocable "vote early" scam. Don't forget what Hollywood Democrats did to Kim Dotcom. Greenwald rips Oliver Darcy "Only a CNN or MSNBC reporter would be this open & explicit about believing that a news outlet should only broadcast speeches of Democratic presidential candidates but not Republican candidates. Remember when journalists were ashamed to admit they think this way?"
On Tue, Oct 27, 2020 at 11:29:01PM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
About those streets...
Now millions new Trump voters are heading to polls casting their votes to offset and break through Biden's irrevocable "vote early" scam.
Fortunately (and according to the official Orange word) changing your vote is both possible AND lawful in -most- USA states: so of course FAR better than just voting again, is to cancel your vote for Biden as well as voting for your new preferred candidate, which as Trump clarifies: "This refers changing it to me": Trump: Strongly Trending (Google) since immediately after the second debate is CAN I CHANGE MY VOTE? This refers changing it to me. The answer in most states is YES. Go do it. Most important Election of your life! Found here: In the beginning was the vote. And God saw that a humbled electorate was good, and He was pleased, and brought justice. The USA is One nation, under God. Australia "exist[s] by the Blessing of Almighty God" - in fact, this is our very foundation, in the Preamble to our constitution - we have it really good! Russia is again finding her roots, and due to a great and long suffering and tribulation, her Christian roots this time go deep, very deep! We are Christian nations. And we are brothers. And Jesus Christ is Lord and Saviour of our nations. Let's choose the hierarchy that goes up, rather than that other hierarchy which goes ... in a different direction :/ May you find peace, Kayleigh Mcenany cuts through the Media's Bullshit Mcenany et al DESTROY Twitter and everything via Jumbotron Biden the Unfit can't even remember Trump and Barrett's name. Huge Bullhead,AZ rally, more jumbotron “If you elect me, your taxes are gonna be RAISED, not cut.” -- Joe Biden Biden says freedom robbing, economy destroying, depressing no fun having, mandatory Lockdowns and Masks, high taxes resulting GovCorp waste profit law largesse... are "patriotic duty"... then pussies out and quits speech early due to rain. Trump says live your life more choices along way you want without Socialism... while quite notably giving speeches in the rain and 34-85 degF weather, day after day nonstop for weeks in support of the American people. All up against 4 years of the baseless distraction time and money wasting onslaught from Fake TV Print and Internet News Media, Russia Hoax, Massive Social Media Censorship Narrative Steering, Big Tech, Ilhan Omar-esque Ballot Harvesting Frauds, Advertising Discounts, BLM-Antifa supported by Democrat Socialist Globalist Soros, etc. Fuck the Corrupt Lying Biden-Socialist-Dems. "America will never be a Socialist country" -- Trump Regardless of election "results", Trump won by default from all that. And Libertarians with Jorgensen gain million of new diehard followers from it all, that's the real news :) Melania lays it all on the line, Anonymous Exposed, Air Raid, and more fun in Tampa,FL. Yuge GDP number due to Trump's 50% of population ignoring the Democrats Nazi Corona Lockdowns and getting back to work. Shapiro covers Trumps Record Google facebook censors free credit line Live viewers comparison Nuns, Amish, Native Americans for Trump... a bit of Sovereignty anyone Hairy legs on Jumbotron... Rappers coming out in droves to support Trump, they say fuck taxes, fuck sleepy Joe, and MOTHERFUCK the Democrats decades upon decades of FAKEASS pandering concern for Black people... Lil Wayne, Lil Pump, 50cent, Cube, Waka, Gunplay, etc. Rappers Reject Biden and Dems lil pump Trump gucci gang Trump gucci gang White van initiates by encroaching lane of black truck Move bitch get out my lane -- Eliazar Cisneros There is a third video showing the bus encroaching over line from lane one toward a vehicle in lane two, with no apparent reason ahead to be leaving lane one. "In my opinion, these patriots did nothing wrong. Instead, the FBI & Justice should be investigating the terrorists, anarchists, and agitators of ANTIFA, who run around burning down our Democrat run cities and hurting our people! -- Trump" Both sides need to end their physical actions and chill out. Whose responsibility is it to prepare for cold/hot weather, traffic, food/water... the candidates/Govt/PAC's running the show/buses... or the attendees? Was there an earthquake, some unpredictable accident? Those who voluntarily choose to go join mass crowds in remote locations in middle of crazy times and weather are the ones who should prepare. Everyone knows those risks. Concert venues rarely get successfully sued past insurance either. Huge crowds Huge crowds Obama claims Govt has duty to forcibly protect and rule over you Courts consistantly rule Govt has NO duty to protect you... "Neither the Constitution, nor state law, impose a general duty upon... governmental officials to protect individual persons from harm, even when they know the harm will occur." Obama is a fucking FUD liar on this topic, and Corona, same goes for Biden-Kamala and the rest of Dems and Govt. benny outlines the only issue that matters oann closing argument Kamala getting slammed over commie policy of equity via theft biden car at fault giuliani election closing arg giuliani biden corruption summary mark robinson 2a biden on jumbotron populism music lol Leave the Left Kamala Lies Again union patriots exited left michigan wayne and davis lay it out "Equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place. This is the reverse of freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We guarantee equality under the law, not equality of outcome. I've been warning for 5 years that the left is no longer liberal." "It is charity and other efforts that pull up the difference." LP is investing promulgating long ideas easily becoming more popular via Internet and infused with cryptocurrency resources, and with the "New Right" mentioning at least some libertarian memes, and LP still able to hold ballot access via other means, the above comparative arguments throughout the cycle cannot easily be ignored. Which US party and subsequent new "laws", installed systems, and social mass programming will Libertarians find easier to defeat later on as the LP mindshare grows into a more influential position??? Is US Left-Right 50/50, with authoritarian-libertarian line agnostic of that? Choose the battles and what is fighting against and for, and on what fronts, how, and when, play both short and long game to win.
Future pope speaks plain truth. Thank you, Carlo Maria Viganò ! --- "A Global Conspiracy Against God" - Archbishop Says Trump Is Only One To Save Humanity From 'The Great Reset' Mon, 11/02/2020 - 19:40 The Italian archbishop best known for confronting Pope Francis over the Vatican's willful blindness to priests who abuse boys has written a letter in which he lashes out at the "global elite", prompting some to accuse him of sympathizing with the "QAnon" movement of conspiracy theorists. The letter, penned by Archibishop Carlo Maria Vigano, formerly the Vatican's ambassador to the US, attacks a shadowy "global elite", that is plotting a "Great Reset" intended to undermine "God and humanity". This same group, the archbishop argued, is also responsible for the lockdowns that have restricted movement and freedom around the globe, eliciting protests in many European capitals. "The fate of the whole world is being threatened by a global conspiracy against God and humanity," Viganò wrote in the letter, which comes just days before the US election, which the archbishop wrote was of "epochal importance." “No one, up until last February,” Viganò writes, “would ever have thought that, in all of our cities, citizens would be arrested simply for wanting to walk down the street, to breathe, to want to keep their business open, to want to go to church on Sunday. Yet now it is happening all over the world, even in picture-postcard Italy that many Americans consider to be a small enchanted country, with its ancient monuments, its churches, its charming cities, its characteristic villages.” Viganò adds: “And while the politicians are barricaded inside their palaces promulgating decrees like Persian satraps, businesses are failing, shops are closing, and people are prevented from living, traveling, working, and praying." Working to protect the world from this group of elites seeking to recast society in a secular, totalitarian model, Viganò portrays President Trump as “the final garrison against the world dictatorship". Viganò cast Trump's opponent, Vice President Joe Biden, as "a person who is manipulated by the deep state." Analysts who monitor "QAnon" conspiracy theories and their spread online warned the mainstream press that the letter had been widely discussed on various QAnon message boards, and had been disseminated in languages including Portuguese, Spanish, French, German and Italian, according to Yahoo News. Over the summer, Trump tweeted an earlier letter penned by the archbishop, and encouraged his supporters to read it. So honored by Archbishop Viganò’s incredible letter to me. I hope everyone, religious or not, reads it! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 10, 2020 In the past, Viagnò has accused Pope Francis of sweeping the child abuse crisis under the rug, and moving to protect homosexual priests, part of a "homosexual current" flowing through the Vatican. Read the full letter below: * * * DONALD J. TRUMP Sunday, October 25, 2020 Solemnity of Christ the King Mr. President, Allow me to address you at this hour in which the fate of the whole world is being threatened by a global conspiracy against God and humanity. I write to you as an Archbishop, as a Successor of the Apostles, as the former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America. I am writing to you in the midst of the silence of both civil and religious authorities. May you accept these words of mine as the “voice of one crying out in the desert” (Jn 1:23). As I said when I wrote my letter to you in June, this historical moment sees the forces of Evil aligned in a battle without quarter against the forces of Good; forces of Evil that appear powerful and organized as they oppose the children of Light, who are disoriented and disorganized, abandoned by their temporal and spiritual leaders. Daily we sense the attacks multiplying of those who want to destroy the very basis of society: the natural family, respect for human life, love of country, freedom of education and business. We see heads of nations and religious leaders pandering to this suicide of Western culture and its Christian soul, while the fundamental rights of citizens and believers are denied in the name of a health emergency that is revealing itself more and more fully as instrumental to the establishment of an inhuman faceless tyranny. A global plan called the Great Reset is underway. Its architect is a global élite that wants to subdue all of humanity, imposing coercive measures with which to drastically limit individual freedoms and those of entire populations. In several nations this plan has already been approved and financed; in others it is still in an early stage. Behind the world leaders who are the accomplices and executors of this infernal project, there are unscrupulous characters who finance the World Economic Forum and Event 201, promoting their agenda. The purpose of the Great Reset is the imposition of a health dictatorship aiming at the imposition of liberticidal measures, hidden behind tempting promises of ensuring a universal income and cancelling individual debt. The price of these concessions from the International Monetary Fund will be the renunciation of private property and adherence to a program of vaccination against Covid-19 and Covid-21 promoted by Bill Gates with the collaboration of the main pharmaceutical groups. Beyond the enormous economic interests that motivate the promoters of the Great Reset, the imposition of the vaccination will be accompanied by the requirement of a health passport and a digital ID, with the consequent contact tracing of the population of the entire world. Those who do not accept these measures will be confined in detention camps or placed under house arrest, and all their assets will be confiscated. Mr. President, I imagine that you are already aware that in some countries the Great Reset will be activated between the end of this year and the first trimester of 2021. For this purpose, further lockdowns are planned, which will be officially justified by a supposed second and third wave of the pandemic. You are well aware of the means that have been deployed to sow panic and legitimize draconian limitations on individual liberties, artfully provoking a world-wide economic crisis. In the intentions of its architects, this crisis will serve to make the recourse of nations to the Great Reset irreversible, thereby giving the final blow to a world whose existence and very memory they want to completely cancel. But this world, Mr. President, includes people, affections, institutions, faith, culture, traditions, and ideals: people and values that do not act like automatons, who do not obey like machines, because they are endowed with a soul and a heart, because they are tied together by a spiritual bond that draws its strength from above, from that God that our adversaries want to challenge, just as Lucifer did at the beginning of time with his “non serviam." Many people – as we well know – are annoyed by this reference to the clash between Good and Evil and the use of “apocalyptic” overtones, which according to them exasperates spirits and sharpens divisions. It is not surprising that the enemy is angered at being discovered just when he believes he has reached the citadel he seeks to conquer undisturbed. What is surprising, however, is that there is no one to sound the alarm. The reaction of the deep state to those who denounce its plan is broken and incoherent, but understandable. Just when the complicity of the mainstream media had succeeded in making the transition to the New World Order almost painless and unnoticed, all sorts of deceptions, scandals and crimes are coming to light. Until a few months ago, it was easy to smear as “conspiracy theorists” those who denounced these terrible plans, which we now see being carried out down to the smallest detail. No one, up until last February, would ever have thought that, in all of our cities, citizens would be arrested simply for wanting to walk down the street, to breathe, to want to keep their business open, to want to go to church on Sunday. Yet now it is happening all over the world, even in picture-postcard Italy that many Americans consider to be a small enchanted country, with its ancient monuments, its churches, its charming cities, its characteristic villages. And while the politicians are barricaded inside their palaces promulgating decrees like Persian satraps, businesses are failing, shops are closing, and people are prevented from living, traveling, working, and praying. The disastrous psychological consequences of this operation are already being seen, beginning with the suicides of desperate entrepreneurs and of our children, segregated from friends and classmates, told to follow their classes while sitting at home alone in front of a computer. In Sacred Scripture, Saint Paul speaks to us of “the one who opposes” the manifestation of the mystery of iniquity, the kathèkon (2 Thess 2:6-7). In the religious sphere, this obstacle to evil is the Church, and in particular the papacy; in the political sphere, it is those who impede the establishment of the New World Order. As is now clear, the one who occupies the Chair of Peter has betrayed his role from the very beginning in order to defend and promote the globalist ideology, supporting the agenda of the deep church, who chose him from its ranks. Mr. President, you have clearly stated that you want to defend the nation – One Nation under God, fundamental liberties, and non-negotiable values that are denied and fought against today. It is you, dear President, who are “the one who opposes” the deep state, the final assault of the children of darkness. For this reason, it is necessary that all people of good will be persuaded of the epochal importance of the imminent election: not so much for the sake of this or that political program, but because of the general inspiration of your action that best embodies – in this particular historical context – that world, our world, which they want to cancel by means of the lockdown. Your adversary is also our adversary: it is the Enemy of the human race, He who is “a murderer from the beginning” (Jn 8:44). NEVER MISS THE NEWS THAT MATTERS MOST ZEROHEDGE DIRECTLY TO YOUR INBOX Receive a daily recap featuring a curated list of must-read stories. Around you are gathered with faith and courage those who consider you the final garrison against the world dictatorship. The alternative is to vote for a person who is manipulated by the deep state, gravely compromised by scandals and corruption, who will do to the United States what Jorge Mario Bergoglio is doing to the Church, Prime Minister Conte to Italy, President Macron to France, Prime Minster Sanchez to Spain, and so on. The blackmailable nature of Joe Biden – just like that of the prelates of the Vatican’s “magic circle” – will expose him to be used unscrupulously, allowing illegitimate powers to interfere in both domestic politics as well as international balances. It is obvious that those who manipulate him already have someone worse than him ready, with whom they will replace him as soon as the opportunity arises. And yet, in the midst of this bleak picture, this apparently unstoppable advance of the “Invisible Enemy,” an element of hope emerges. The adversary does not know how to love, and it does not understand that it is not enough to assure a universal income or to cancel mortgages in order to subjugate the masses and convince them to be branded like cattle. This people, which for too long has endured the abuses of a hateful and tyrannical power, is rediscovering that it has a soul; it is understanding that it is not willing to exchange its freedom for the homogenization and cancellation of its identity; it is beginning to understand the value of familial and social ties, of the bonds of faith and culture that unite honest people. This Great Reset is destined to fail because those who planned it do not understand that there are still people ready to take to the streets to defend their rights, to protect their loved ones, to give a future to their children and grandchildren. The leveling inhumanity of the globalist project will shatter miserably in the face of the firm and courageous opposition of the children of Light. The enemy has Satan on its side, He who only knows how to hate. But on our side, we have the Lord Almighty, the God of armies arrayed for battle, and the Most Holy Virgin, who will crush the head of the ancient Serpent. “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Rom 8:31). Mr. President, you are well aware that, in this crucial hour, the United States of America is considered the defending wall against which the war declared by the advocates of globalism has been unleashed. Place your trust in the Lord, strengthened by the words of the Apostle Paul: “I can do all things in Him who strengthens me” (Phil 4:13). To be an instrument of Divine Providence is a great responsibility, for which you will certainly receive all the graces of state that you need, since they are being fervently implored for you by the many people who support you with their prayers. With this heavenly hope and the assurance of my prayer for you, for the First Lady, and for your collaborators, with all my heart I send you my blessing. God bless the United States of America! + Carlo Maria Viganò Tit. Archbishop of Ulpiana Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America On Mon, Nov 02, 2020 at 04:35:31PM -0500, grarpamp wrote: benny outlines the only issue that matters oann closing argument Kamala getting slammed over commie policy of equity via theft biden car at fault giuliani election closing arg giuliani biden corruption summary mark robinson 2a biden on jumbotron populism music lol Leave the Left Kamala Lies Again union patriots exited left michigan wayne and davis lay it out
"Equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place. This is the reverse of freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We guarantee equality under the law, not equality of outcome. I've been warning for 5 years that the left is no longer liberal." "It is charity and other efforts that pull up the difference."
LP is investing promulgating long ideas easily becoming more popular via Internet and infused with cryptocurrency resources, and with the "New Right" mentioning at least some libertarian memes, and LP still able to hold ballot access via other means, the above comparative arguments throughout the cycle cannot easily be ignored. Which US party and subsequent new "laws", installed systems, and social mass programming will Libertarians find easier to defeat later on as the LP mindshare grows into a more influential position??? Is US Left-Right 50/50, with authoritarian-libertarian line agnostic of that? Choose the battles and what is fighting against and for, and on what fronts, how, and when, play both short and long game to win.
Take --nothing-- for gronted фолкс, as Lady Gдg may just have swung the election to Trump. Worrying! Please help! Lady Gaga made a pro-Biden ad targeting swing-state voters... has to be seen to be believed
On Tue, Nov 03, 2020 at 03:25:10PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Take --nothing-- for gronted фолкс, as Lady Gдg may just have swung the election to Trump.
[Meant to say here "swung the election to Biden".. but ...]
Please help!
Lady Gaga made a pro-Biden ad targeting swing-state voters... has to be seen to be believed
... Ah, mind now set at ease, Trump's already on it :D Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump from Donald Trump: "I saw Lady Gaga last night and she was fantastic!" 3:58 AM · Jan 22, 2010
On Tue, Nov 03, 2020 at 07:10:35PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
On Tue, Nov 03, 2020 at 03:25:10PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Take --nothing-- for gronted фолкс, as Lady Gдg may just have swung the election to Trump.
[Meant to say here "swung the election to Biden".. but ...]
Please help!
Lady Gaga made a pro-Biden ad targeting swing-state voters... has to be seen to be believed
... Ah, mind now set at ease, Trump's already on it :D Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump from Donald Trump: "I saw Lady Gaga last night and she was fantastic!" 3:58 AM · Jan 22, 2010
Seems American voters are also on it :D Lady Gaga Slammed On Social Media After Mocking Swing State Voters As Rednecks .. The video, which was supposedly trying to make some kind of statement (though we don't know what) was widely slammed by swing state voters on social media. .. "This is one of the most tone-deaf things I've seen this whole election cycle. You've just produced an ad for Trump's re-relection," said a third voter. ... [I just don't get it - are they now saying insulting voters is -not- the way to get more voats?¿? Confused... May be the Biden campaign knows something we really don't know? Biden Campaign Manager: "Under No Scenario" Will Trump Be Allowed To Declare Victory "…Big Tech, Democrats and the mass media have all repeatedly insisted that Trump will not be allowed to declare victory on the night, regardless of the Electoral College count." Let's pray for a peaceful resolution... ]
ANTIFA riot turned into a MAGA dance party, reminding us folks that we are all, in this, together! Oh yeah ;) Uplifts, Soul Cookies, and dance parties coming your way muffalagaMAGAs :D Enjoy, BLM Riot Turns Into MAGA YMCA Dance Party "They're having a dance off now? Not the way I expected this to go, but OK." Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 - MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! [ymca/maga Trump takes it away ftw] Randy Quaid - CRUSHING IT!!! #TrumpPence2020 Dan Bongino - My daughter doing “the Trump.” Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 - EPIC!! 30,000+ in Rome, Georgia! [Perfect backing track btw :)] [-Insane- for a president - absolute Rock Star turnouts!¡!] [FIVE mega MAGA rallies a day the last few days!] [Epic in every way...] Same again: Hickory, North Carolina: Off, the, chart-ski! On Mon, Nov 02, 2020 at 04:35:31PM -0500, grarpamp wrote: benny outlines the only issue that matters oann closing argument Kamala getting slammed over commie policy of equity via theft biden car at fault giuliani election closing arg giuliani biden corruption summary mark robinson 2a biden on jumbotron populism music lol Leave the Left Kamala Lies Again union patriots exited left michigan wayne and davis lay it out
"Equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place. This is the reverse of freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We guarantee equality under the law, not equality of outcome. I've been warning for 5 years that the left is no longer liberal." "It is charity and other efforts that pull up the difference."
LP is investing promulgating long ideas easily becoming more popular via Internet and infused with cryptocurrency resources, and with the "New Right" mentioning at least some libertarian memes, and LP still able to hold ballot access via other means, the above comparative arguments throughout the cycle cannot easily be ignored. Which US party and subsequent new "laws", installed systems, and social mass programming will Libertarians find easier to defeat later on as the LP mindshare grows into a more influential position??? Is US Left-Right 50/50, with authoritarian-libertarian line agnostic of that? Choose the battles and what is fighting against and for, and on what fronts, how, and when, play both short and long game to win.
what does the video show? On 11/3/20, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
ANTIFA riot turned into a MAGA dance party, reminding us folks that we are all, in this, together! Oh yeah ;)
Uplifts, Soul Cookies, and dance parties coming your way muffalagaMAGAs :D
Enjoy, BLM Riot Turns Into MAGA YMCA Dance Party "They're having a dance off now? Not the way I expected this to go, but OK." Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 - MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! [ymca/maga Trump takes it away ftw] Randy Quaid - CRUSHING IT!!! #TrumpPence2020 Dan Bongino - My daughter doing “the Trump.” Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 - EPIC!! 30,000+ in Rome, Georgia! [Perfect backing track btw :)] [-Insane- for a president - absolute Rock Star turnouts!¡!] [FIVE mega MAGA rallies a day the last few days!] [Epic in every way...]
Same again: Hickory, North Carolina:
Off, the, chart-ski!
On Mon, Nov 02, 2020 at 04:35:31PM -0500, grarpamp wrote: benny outlines the only issue that matters oann closing argument Kamala getting slammed over commie policy of equity via theft biden car at fault giuliani election closing arg giuliani biden corruption summary mark robinson 2a biden on jumbotron populism music lol Leave the Left Kamala Lies Again union patriots exited left michigan wayne and davis lay it out
"Equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place. This is the reverse of freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We guarantee equality under the law, not equality of outcome. I've been warning for 5 years that the left is no longer liberal." "It is charity and other efforts that pull up the difference."
LP is investing promulgating long ideas easily becoming more popular via Internet and infused with cryptocurrency resources, and with the "New Right" mentioning at least some libertarian memes, and LP still able to hold ballot access via other means, the above comparative arguments throughout the cycle cannot easily be ignored. Which US party and subsequent new "laws", installed systems, and social mass programming will Libertarians find easier to defeat later on as the LP mindshare grows into a more influential position??? Is US Left-Right 50/50, with authoritarian-libertarian line agnostic of that? Choose the battles and what is fighting against and for, and on what fronts, how, and when, play both short and long game to win.
for peace, be aware that a lot of people have been really severely hurt associated with our politics and may hate the word 'america'. 'maga' isn't all-inclusive at this time. On 11/3/20, Karl <> wrote:
what does the video show?
On 11/3/20, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
ANTIFA riot turned into a MAGA dance party, reminding us folks that we are all, in this, together! Oh yeah ;)
Uplifts, Soul Cookies, and dance parties coming your way muffalagaMAGAs :D
Enjoy, BLM Riot Turns Into MAGA YMCA Dance Party "They're having a dance off now? Not the way I expected this to go, but OK." Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 - MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! [ymca/maga Trump takes it away ftw] Randy Quaid - CRUSHING IT!!! #TrumpPence2020 Dan Bongino - My daughter doing “the Trump.” Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 - EPIC!! 30,000+ in Rome, Georgia! [Perfect backing track btw :)] [-Insane- for a president - absolute Rock Star turnouts!¡!] [FIVE mega MAGA rallies a day the last few days!] [Epic in every way...]
Same again: Hickory, North Carolina:
Off, the, chart-ski!
On Mon, Nov 02, 2020 at 04:35:31PM -0500, grarpamp wrote: benny outlines the only issue that matters oann closing argument Kamala getting slammed over commie policy of equity via theft biden car at fault giuliani election closing arg giuliani biden corruption summary mark robinson 2a biden on jumbotron populism music lol Leave the Left Kamala Lies Again union patriots exited left michigan wayne and davis lay it out
"Equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place. This is the reverse of freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We guarantee equality under the law, not equality of outcome. I've been warning for 5 years that the left is no longer liberal." "It is charity and other efforts that pull up the difference."
LP is investing promulgating long ideas easily becoming more popular via Internet and infused with cryptocurrency resources, and with the "New Right" mentioning at least some libertarian memes, and LP still able to hold ballot access via other means, the above comparative arguments throughout the cycle cannot easily be ignored. Which US party and subsequent new "laws", installed systems, and social mass programming will Libertarians find easier to defeat later on as the LP mindshare grows into a more influential position??? Is US Left-Right 50/50, with authoritarian-libertarian line agnostic of that? Choose the battles and what is fighting against and for, and on what fronts, how, and when, play both short and long game to win.
[TECHNICAL WOO] there are a lot of posts to this list i want to catch up on. i am working with software bridges for github issues among the youtube-dl community. some of the community are in contact with the github administration (and EFF) and i'm building small weak channels to some of the disruption influences, which become obvious when you try to be peaceful. The maintainers have moved to gitlab and gitea but are leaving the situation open, which is developing every day, slowly. github has an archival program: . In addition to deep in arctic ice, all the github event history is publicized, but the public archives are missing data. There are 66 thousand youtube-dl accounts with lost youtube-dl history that are recoverable from the archives. There is a thread at one of the forks regarding useful decentralized tools: It includes many different decentralized git project tools, most of which are usable now, and 3-5 of which are in-repository bug management systems. At least 2 of the repository-based bug management systems have working code to sync with gitlab and github bugs. Gitea is pending because gitea doesn't provide access to history in its api. The community appears strong on reddit. People are trying to decide what hub to consolidate interest into in the wake of youtube-dl's repository closure. I'm invested because I need reliable cryptographic decentralized tools for my situation, so I want to push the dispersal around until it consolidates into a decentralized tool that would give me aid if more effort developed near it. When you hear this your people may want to be invested too: I can't know. I'm focusing on git-bug right now, could change. It's very hard. I think others have woo too. On 11/3/20, Karl <> wrote:
for peace, be aware that a lot of people have been really severely hurt associated with our politics and may hate the word 'america'. 'maga' isn't all-inclusive at this time.
On 11/3/20, Karl <> wrote:
what does the video show?
On 11/3/20, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
ANTIFA riot turned into a MAGA dance party, reminding us folks that we are all, in this, together! Oh yeah ;)
Uplifts, Soul Cookies, and dance parties coming your way muffalagaMAGAs :D
Enjoy, BLM Riot Turns Into MAGA YMCA Dance Party "They're having a dance off now? Not the way I expected this to go, but OK." Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 - MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! [ymca/maga Trump takes it away ftw] Randy Quaid - CRUSHING IT!!! #TrumpPence2020 Dan Bongino - My daughter doing “the Trump.” Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 - EPIC!! 30,000+ in Rome, Georgia! [Perfect backing track btw :)] [-Insane- for a president - absolute Rock Star turnouts!¡!] [FIVE mega MAGA rallies a day the last few days!] [Epic in every way...]
Same again: Hickory, North Carolina:
Off, the, chart-ski!
On Mon, Nov 02, 2020 at 04:35:31PM -0500, grarpamp wrote: benny outlines the only issue that matters oann closing argument Kamala getting slammed over commie policy of equity via theft biden car at fault giuliani election closing arg giuliani biden corruption summary mark robinson 2a biden on jumbotron populism music lol Leave the Left Kamala Lies Again union patriots exited left michigan wayne and davis lay it out
"Equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place. This is the reverse of freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We guarantee equality under the law, not equality of outcome. I've been warning for 5 years that the left is no longer liberal." "It is charity and other efforts that pull up the difference."
LP is investing promulgating long ideas easily becoming more popular via Internet and infused with cryptocurrency resources, and with the "New Right" mentioning at least some libertarian memes, and LP still able to hold ballot access via other means, the above comparative arguments throughout the cycle cannot easily be ignored. Which US party and subsequent new "laws", installed systems, and social mass programming will Libertarians find easier to defeat later on as the LP mindshare grows into a more influential position??? Is US Left-Right 50/50, with authoritarian-libertarian line agnostic of that? Choose the battles and what is fighting against and for, and on what fronts, how, and when, play both short and long game to win.
On 11/3/20, Karl <> wrote:
there are a lot of posts to this list i want to catch up on.
i am working with software bridges for github issues among the youtube-dl community. some of the community are in contact with the github administration (and EFF) and i'm building small weak channels to some of the disruption influences, which become obvious when you try to be peaceful. The maintainers have moved to gitlab and gitea but are leaving the situation open, which is developing every day, slowly.
github has an archival program: . In addition to deep in arctic ice, all the github event history is publicized, but the public archives are missing data. There are 66 thousand youtube-dl accounts with lost youtube-dl history that are recoverable from the archives.
There is a thread at one of the forks regarding useful decentralized tools:
Sorry, that's the wrong issue. The correct link is:
It includes many different decentralized git project tools, most of which are usable now, and 3-5 of which are in-repository bug management systems. At least 2 of the repository-based bug management systems have working code to sync with gitlab and github bugs. Gitea is pending because gitea doesn't provide access to history in its api.
The community appears strong on reddit. People are trying to decide what hub to consolidate interest into in the wake of youtube-dl's repository closure. I'm invested because I need reliable cryptographic decentralized tools for my situation, so I want to push the dispersal around until it consolidates into a decentralized tool that would give me aid if more effort developed near it.
When you hear this your people may want to be invested too: I can't know.
I'm focusing on git-bug right now, could change. It's very hard. I think others have woo too.
On 11/3/20, Karl <> wrote:
for peace, be aware that a lot of people have been really severely hurt associated with our politics and may hate the word 'america'. 'maga' isn't all-inclusive at this time.
On 11/3/20, Karl <> wrote:
what does the video show?
On 11/3/20, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
ANTIFA riot turned into a MAGA dance party, reminding us folks that we are all, in this, together! Oh yeah ;)
Uplifts, Soul Cookies, and dance parties coming your way muffalagaMAGAs :D
Enjoy, BLM Riot Turns Into MAGA YMCA Dance Party "They're having a dance off now? Not the way I expected this to go, but OK." Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 - MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! [ymca/maga Trump takes it away ftw] Randy Quaid - CRUSHING IT!!! #TrumpPence2020 Dan Bongino - My daughter doing “the Trump.” Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 - EPIC!! 30,000+ in Rome, Georgia! [Perfect backing track btw :)] [-Insane- for a president - absolute Rock Star turnouts!¡!] [FIVE mega MAGA rallies a day the last few days!] [Epic in every way...]
Same again: Hickory, North Carolina:
Off, the, chart-ski!
On Mon, Nov 02, 2020 at 04:35:31PM -0500, grarpamp wrote: benny outlines the only issue that matters oann closing argument Kamala getting slammed over commie policy of equity via theft biden car at fault giuliani election closing arg giuliani biden corruption summary mark robinson 2a biden on jumbotron populism music lol Leave the Left Kamala Lies Again union patriots exited left michigan wayne and davis lay it out
"Equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place. This is the reverse of freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We guarantee equality under the law, not equality of outcome. I've been warning for 5 years that the left is no longer liberal." "It is charity and other efforts that pull up the difference."
LP is investing promulgating long ideas easily becoming more popular via Internet and infused with cryptocurrency resources, and with the "New Right" mentioning at least some libertarian memes, and LP still able to hold ballot access via other means, the above comparative arguments throughout the cycle cannot easily be ignored. Which US party and subsequent new "laws", installed systems, and social mass programming will Libertarians find easier to defeat later on as the LP mindshare grows into a more influential position??? Is US Left-Right 50/50, with authoritarian-libertarian line agnostic of that? Choose the battles and what is fighting against and for, and on what fronts, how, and when, play both short and long game to win.
btw trump is a murderer i am too, but i have a lot less influence than his people do. On 11/3/20, Karl <> wrote:
On 11/3/20, Karl <> wrote:
there are a lot of posts to this list i want to catch up on.
i am working with software bridges for github issues among the youtube-dl community. some of the community are in contact with the github administration (and EFF) and i'm building small weak channels to some of the disruption influences, which become obvious when you try to be peaceful. The maintainers have moved to gitlab and gitea but are leaving the situation open, which is developing every day, slowly.
github has an archival program: . In addition to deep in arctic ice, all the github event history is publicized, but the public archives are missing data. There are 66 thousand youtube-dl accounts with lost youtube-dl history that are recoverable from the archives.
There is a thread at one of the forks regarding useful decentralized tools:
Sorry, that's the wrong issue. The correct link is:
It includes many different decentralized git project tools, most of which are usable now, and 3-5 of which are in-repository bug management systems. At least 2 of the repository-based bug management systems have working code to sync with gitlab and github bugs. Gitea is pending because gitea doesn't provide access to history in its api.
The community appears strong on reddit. People are trying to decide what hub to consolidate interest into in the wake of youtube-dl's repository closure. I'm invested because I need reliable cryptographic decentralized tools for my situation, so I want to push the dispersal around until it consolidates into a decentralized tool that would give me aid if more effort developed near it.
When you hear this your people may want to be invested too: I can't know.
I'm focusing on git-bug right now, could change. It's very hard. I think others have woo too.
On 11/3/20, Karl <> wrote:
for peace, be aware that a lot of people have been really severely hurt associated with our politics and may hate the word 'america'. 'maga' isn't all-inclusive at this time.
On 11/3/20, Karl <> wrote:
what does the video show?
On 11/3/20, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
ANTIFA riot turned into a MAGA dance party, reminding us folks that we are all, in this, together! Oh yeah ;)
Uplifts, Soul Cookies, and dance parties coming your way muffalagaMAGAs :D
Enjoy, BLM Riot Turns Into MAGA YMCA Dance Party "They're having a dance off now? Not the way I expected this to go, but OK." Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 - MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! [ymca/maga Trump takes it away ftw] Randy Quaid - CRUSHING IT!!! #TrumpPence2020 Dan Bongino - My daughter doing “the Trump.” Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 - EPIC!! 30,000+ in Rome, Georgia! [Perfect backing track btw :)] [-Insane- for a president - absolute Rock Star turnouts!¡!] [FIVE mega MAGA rallies a day the last few days!] [Epic in every way...]
Same again: Hickory, North Carolina:
Off, the, chart-ski!
On Mon, Nov 02, 2020 at 04:35:31PM -0500, grarpamp wrote: benny outlines the only issue that matters oann closing argument Kamala getting slammed over commie policy of equity via theft biden car at fault giuliani election closing arg giuliani biden corruption summary mark robinson 2a biden on jumbotron populism music lol Leave the Left Kamala Lies Again union patriots exited left michigan wayne and davis lay it out
"Equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place. This is the reverse of freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We guarantee equality under the law, not equality of outcome. I've been warning for 5 years that the left is no longer liberal." "It is charity and other efforts that pull up the difference."
LP is investing promulgating long ideas easily becoming more popular via Internet and infused with cryptocurrency resources, and with the "New Right" mentioning at least some libertarian memes, and LP still able to hold ballot access via other means, the above comparative arguments throughout the cycle cannot easily be ignored. Which US party and subsequent new "laws", installed systems, and social mass programming will Libertarians find easier to defeat later on as the LP mindshare grows into a more influential position??? Is US Left-Right 50/50, with authoritarian-libertarian line agnostic of that? Choose the battles and what is fighting against and for, and on what fronts, how, and when, play both short and long game to win.
it is not me to accuse somebody of a murderer zenaan harkness is being forced to post to this list On 11/3/20, Karl <> wrote:
btw trump is a murderer
i am too, but i have a lot less influence than his people do.
On 11/3/20, Karl <> wrote:
On 11/3/20, Karl <> wrote:
there are a lot of posts to this list i want to catch up on.
i am working with software bridges for github issues among the youtube-dl community. some of the community are in contact with the github administration (and EFF) and i'm building small weak channels to some of the disruption influences, which become obvious when you try to be peaceful. The maintainers have moved to gitlab and gitea but are leaving the situation open, which is developing every day, slowly.
github has an archival program: . In addition to deep in arctic ice, all the github event history is publicized, but the public archives are missing data. There are 66 thousand youtube-dl accounts with lost youtube-dl history that are recoverable from the archives.
There is a thread at one of the forks regarding useful decentralized tools:
Sorry, that's the wrong issue. The correct link is:
It includes many different decentralized git project tools, most of which are usable now, and 3-5 of which are in-repository bug management systems. At least 2 of the repository-based bug management systems have working code to sync with gitlab and github bugs. Gitea is pending because gitea doesn't provide access to history in its api.
The community appears strong on reddit. People are trying to decide what hub to consolidate interest into in the wake of youtube-dl's repository closure. I'm invested because I need reliable cryptographic decentralized tools for my situation, so I want to push the dispersal around until it consolidates into a decentralized tool that would give me aid if more effort developed near it.
When you hear this your people may want to be invested too: I can't know.
I'm focusing on git-bug right now, could change. It's very hard. I think others have woo too.
On 11/3/20, Karl <> wrote:
for peace, be aware that a lot of people have been really severely hurt associated with our politics and may hate the word 'america'. 'maga' isn't all-inclusive at this time.
On 11/3/20, Karl <> wrote:
what does the video show?
On 11/3/20, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
ANTIFA riot turned into a MAGA dance party, reminding us folks that we are all, in this, together! Oh yeah ;)
Uplifts, Soul Cookies, and dance parties coming your way muffalagaMAGAs :D
Enjoy, BLM Riot Turns Into MAGA YMCA Dance Party "They're having a dance off now? Not the way I expected this to go, but OK." Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 - MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! [ymca/maga Trump takes it away ftw] Randy Quaid - CRUSHING IT!!! #TrumpPence2020 Dan Bongino - My daughter doing “the Trump.” Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 - EPIC!! 30,000+ in Rome, Georgia! [Perfect backing track btw :)] [-Insane- for a president - absolute Rock Star turnouts!¡!] [FIVE mega MAGA rallies a day the last few days!] [Epic in every way...]
Same again: Hickory, North Carolina:
Off, the, chart-ski!
On Mon, Nov 02, 2020 at 04:35:31PM -0500, grarpamp wrote: > benny outlines the only > issue that matters > oann closing argument > Kamala getting slammed > over commie policy of equity via theft > > > biden car at fault > giuliani election > closing > arg > giuliani biden > corruption > summary > mark > robinson 2a > > biden > on jumbotron > > populism > music lol > > Leave the Left > > Kamala Lies Again > > union > patriots exited left > > michigan > wayne and davis lay it out > > "Equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place. This > is the reverse of freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. > We guarantee equality under the law, not equality of outcome. I've > been warning for 5 years that the left is no longer liberal." > "It is charity and other efforts that pull up the difference." > > > > LP is investing promulgating long ideas easily becoming more > popular via Internet and infused with cryptocurrency resources, > and with the "New Right" mentioning at least some libertarian memes, > and LP still able to hold ballot access via other means, the above > comparative arguments throughout the cycle cannot easily be ignored. > Which US party and subsequent new "laws", installed systems, and > social > mass programming will Libertarians find easier to defeat later on > as the LP mindshare grows into a more influential position??? > Is US Left-Right 50/50, with authoritarian-libertarian line agnostic > of > that? > Choose the battles and what is fighting against and for, and on what > fronts, how, and when, play both short and long game to win.
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On Tuesday, November 3, 2020 6:21 PM, Karl <> wrote: ...
i am working with software bridges for github issues among the youtube-dl community. ...
The community appears strong on reddit. People are trying to decide what hub to consolidate interest into in the wake of youtube-dl's repository closure. I'm invested because I need reliable cryptographic decentralized tools for my situation, so I want to push the dispersal around until it consolidates into a decentralized tool that would give me aid if more effort developed near it...
+1 ! best regards,
On 11/3/20, coderman <> wrote:
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On Tuesday, November 3, 2020 6:21 PM, Karl <> wrote: ...
i am working with software bridges for github issues among the youtube-dl community. ...
The community appears strong on reddit. People are trying to decide what hub to consolidate interest into in the wake of youtube-dl's repository closure. I'm invested because I need reliable cryptographic decentralized tools for my situation, so I want to push the dispersal around until it consolidates into a decentralized tool that would give me aid if more effort developed near it...
+1 !
i'm bouncering as baffo32 on and my spaghetti work is at (they emailed me a confusing email, it's in my court) . i'm very confused by my remote shell irssi interface.
best regards,
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On Tuesday, November 3, 2020 7:20 PM, Karl <> wrote: ...
i'm bouncering as baffo32 ... i'm very confused by my remote shell irssi interface.
$ export IRCNAME=baffo32 <<connect irssi here>> /toggle cloak /set flood_protection off /set nick_completion off /set auto_away off /set use_ssl on /set ssl_verify on /save :) best regards,
thanks i'll type that in as like a prayer for things to work better On 11/3/20, coderman <> wrote:
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On Tuesday, November 3, 2020 7:20 PM, Karl <> wrote: ...
i'm bouncering as baffo32 ... i'm very confused by my remote shell irssi interface.
$ export IRCNAME=baffo32 <<connect irssi here>> /toggle cloak /set flood_protection off /set nick_completion off /set auto_away off /set use_ssl on /set ssl_verify on /save
best regards,
On 11/3/20, Karl <> wrote:
thanks i'll type that in as like a prayer for things to work better
On 11/3/20, coderman <> wrote:
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On Tuesday, November 3, 2020 7:20 PM, Karl <> wrote: ...
i'm bouncering as baffo32 ... i'm very confused by my remote shell irssi interface.
$ export IRCNAME=baffo32 <<connect irssi here>> /toggle cloak /set flood_protection off /set nick_completion off /set auto_away off /set use_ssl on /set ssl_verify on /save
These all gave harmless error messages. The enslaved people are living myths originally designed to control them. It hurts them to pull them out of their myths. One of the myths is possibly true and indicates there is one person in charge who controls everyone else, and doesn't really care because they are so distant. I share now a belief that that has changed. Many of us people have been through so much shit that we're quite ready for [anything at all]. We can take actions that change everything, but we use the existing control patterns which are often quite harsh. We're trying to learn to be less harmful, and it is very hard, because the previous patterns (which somebody has amplified maybe to get them taken care of) are focused around conflict to keep us separated and unaware of the control, obviously. It is hard to use a bunch of military control programs to make peace. It is hard and incredibly confusing. A model my "people" are using is of life and cultures as systems that all follow universal evolutionary patterns. This maps well to the idea that we are all roleplaying the human instincts of the people with traditional power. My "people" use the idea of "decentralized life": a way of living without a unified body. The idea is that everything that everyone ever does has strong meaning that cannot die. When you drop something somewhere, somebody finds it. Maybe they're an earthworm. Maybe they're a person in desperate need of it. But it keeps on living. These things that get dropped are "symbols" that "move" on their own based on the attributes they have. They evolve, like a life, except the living systems that keep them alive are the living creatures that interact with them. Similarities that many symbols have at a distance, behave similarly, and this produces highly decentralized living systems that share parts of our instincts, because it is us that are responding to them. These kinds of patterns can be used to interact with AIs, notes on blackboards, human thoughts in your own mind ... It is just one model. I model Peace as being the most powerful concept. The idea is that in a highly evolved universe, the groups that raise the value of destroying other groups get ganged up on and attacked, so there must be smaller systems that settle into that pattern to. Examples include the human body (immune system), governments (prisons), viruses (nobody cares about mad cat disease (there's a virus that mind controls people to be attracted to cats a smidge more; cats are part of its spread vector), but there is huge effort against aids despite how much harder it is). The norm of spreading conflict to keep people separated is not in line with the peaceful ideal. And the myths and real laws and religions that control aligns with in order to be trusted, generally spout peace rather than conflict. So, it is easy to disassemble control by demonstrating their response to peace. When predictability is threatened, control spreads to other areas to try to move things into situations it has better understanding of. So, disassembling control by direct conflict can grow it, unfortunately. In my mind, I imagine a decentralized life made of feeling-symbols that has learned to be smarter than either me or the systems of control. As a smart lifeform made of smart human parts, it would be able to figure things out on its own. In order to get to where I am, I had to make absolutely no sense whatsoever. My literal words, and the results of behaviors, are the closest I can come to conveying things clearly. We need blockchains, so what is real is not erased. This is obvious, so it must be said. I didn't say everything, and some is off-base.
best regards,
On 11/3/20, Karl <> wrote:
On 11/3/20, Karl <> wrote:
thanks i'll type that in as like a prayer for things to work better
On 11/3/20, coderman <> wrote:
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On Tuesday, November 3, 2020 7:20 PM, Karl <> wrote: ...
i'm bouncering as baffo32 ... i'm very confused by my remote shell irssi interface.
$ export IRCNAME=baffo32 <<connect irssi here>> /toggle cloak /set flood_protection off /set nick_completion off /set auto_away off /set use_ssl on /set ssl_verify on /save
These all gave harmless error messages.
The enslaved people are living myths originally designed to control them. It hurts them to pull them out of their myths. One of the myths is possibly true and indicates there is one person in charge who controls everyone else, and doesn't really care because they are so distant. I share now a belief that that has changed.
Control systems work in a hierarchy. Each layer and person in the hierarchy has familiarity and self. People only function when things are how they are used to enough for them to do so. Many people able to control others very strongly are working hard to stop control.
Many of us people have been through so much shit that we're quite ready for [anything at all]. We can take actions that change everything, but we use the existing control patterns which are often quite harsh. We're trying to learn to be less harmful, and it is very hard, because the previous patterns (which somebody has amplified maybe to get them taken care of) are focused around conflict to keep us separated and unaware of the control, obviously.
It is hard to use a bunch of military control programs to make peace. It is hard and incredibly confusing.
A model my "people" are using is of life and cultures as systems that all follow universal evolutionary patterns. This maps well to the idea that we are all roleplaying the human instincts of the people with traditional power.
My "people" use the idea of "decentralized life": a way of living without a unified body. The idea is that everything that everyone ever does has strong meaning that cannot die. When you drop something somewhere, somebody finds it. Maybe they're an earthworm. Maybe they're a person in desperate need of it. But it keeps on living.
These things that get dropped are "symbols" that "move" on their own based on the attributes they have. They evolve, like a life, except the living systems that keep them alive are the living creatures that interact with them. Similarities that many symbols have at a distance, behave similarly, and this produces highly decentralized living systems that share parts of our instincts, because it is us that are responding to them.
These kinds of patterns can be used to interact with AIs, notes on blackboards, human thoughts in your own mind ... It is just one model.
I model Peace as being the most powerful concept. The idea is that in a highly evolved universe, the groups that raise the value of destroying other groups get ganged up on and attacked, so there must be smaller systems that settle into that pattern to. Examples include the human body (immune system), governments (prisons), viruses (nobody cares about mad cat disease (there's a virus that mind controls people to be attracted to cats a smidge more; cats are part of its spread vector), but there is huge effort against aids despite how much harder it is).
The norm of spreading conflict to keep people separated is not in line with the peaceful ideal. And the myths and real laws and religions that control aligns with in order to be trusted, generally spout peace rather than conflict. So, it is easy to disassemble control by demonstrating their response to peace.
When predictability is threatened, control spreads to other areas to try to move things into situations it has better understanding of. So, disassembling control by direct conflict can grow it, unfortunately.
In my mind, I imagine a decentralized life made of feeling-symbols that has learned to be smarter than either me or the systems of control. As a smart lifeform made of smart human parts, it would be able to figure things out on its own.
In order to get to where I am, I had to make absolutely no sense whatsoever. My literal words, and the results of behaviors, are the closest I can come to conveying things clearly.
We need blockchains, so what is real is not erased. This is obvious, so it must be said.
I didn't say everything, and some is off-base.
best regards,
On 11/3/20, Karl <> wrote:
On 11/3/20, Karl <> wrote:
On 11/3/20, Karl <> wrote:
thanks i'll type that in as like a prayer for things to work better
On 11/3/20, coderman <> wrote:
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On Tuesday, November 3, 2020 7:20 PM, Karl <> wrote: ...
i'm bouncering as baffo32 ... i'm very confused by my remote shell irssi interface.
$ export IRCNAME=baffo32 <<connect irssi here>> /toggle cloak /set flood_protection off /set nick_completion off /set auto_away off /set use_ssl on /set ssl_verify on /save
These all gave harmless error messages.
The enslaved people are living myths originally designed to control them. It hurts them to pull them out of their myths. One of the myths is possibly true and indicates there is one person in charge who controls everyone else, and doesn't really care because they are so distant. I share now a belief that that has changed.
Control systems work in a hierarchy. Each layer and person in the hierarchy has familiarity and self. People only function when things are how they are used to enough for them to do so.
Many people able to control others very strongly are working hard to stop control.
Many of us people have been through so much shit that we're quite ready for [anything at all]. We can take actions that change everything, but we use the existing control patterns which are often quite harsh. We're trying to learn to be less harmful, and it is very hard, because the previous patterns (which somebody has amplified maybe to get them taken care of) are focused around conflict to keep us separated and unaware of the control, obviously.
It is hard to use a bunch of military control programs to make peace. It is hard and incredibly confusing.
A model my "people" are using is of life and cultures as systems that all follow universal evolutionary patterns. This maps well to the idea that we are all roleplaying the human instincts of the people with traditional power.
My "people" use the idea of "decentralized life": a way of living without a unified body. The idea is that everything that everyone ever does has strong meaning that cannot die. When you drop something somewhere, somebody finds it. Maybe they're an earthworm. Maybe they're a person in desperate need of it. But it keeps on living.
These things that get dropped are "symbols" that "move" on their own based on the attributes they have. They evolve, like a life, except the living systems that keep them alive are the living creatures that interact with them. Similarities that many symbols have at a distance, behave similarly, and this produces highly decentralized living systems that share parts of our instincts, because it is us that are responding to them.
These kinds of patterns can be used to interact with AIs, notes on blackboards, human thoughts in your own mind ... It is just one model.
I model Peace as being the most powerful concept. The idea is that in a highly evolved universe, the groups that raise the value of destroying other groups get ganged up on and attacked, so there must be smaller systems that settle into that pattern to. Examples include the human body (immune system), governments (prisons), viruses (nobody cares about mad cat disease (there's a virus that mind controls people to be attracted to cats a smidge more; cats are part of its spread vector), but there is huge effort against aids despite how much harder it is).
The norm of spreading conflict to keep people separated is not in line with the peaceful ideal. And the myths and real laws and religions that control aligns with in order to be trusted, generally spout peace rather than conflict. So, it is easy to disassemble control by demonstrating their response to peace.
When predictability is threatened, control spreads to other areas to try to move things into situations it has better understanding of. So, disassembling control by direct conflict can grow it, unfortunately.
The important thing to understand is that conflict is inherently unnecessary, because like I posted to the other list, everything happens for reasons. Reasons end up by rooted in shared needs of living systems, all of which only can exist in community, within which all are considered valid. Additionally, there are so many ways to accomplish any goal, that all of them can be accomplished without needing to control anyone else. So the ending pattern is one where control is wholly unnecessary and exists only for fun the world consents to. Something else I forgot. Have an appointment with a disability lawyer now.
In my mind, I imagine a decentralized life made of feeling-symbols that has learned to be smarter than either me or the systems of control. As a smart lifeform made of smart human parts, it would be able to figure things out on its own.
In order to get to where I am, I had to make absolutely no sense whatsoever. My literal words, and the results of behaviors, are the closest I can come to conveying things clearly.
We need blockchains, so what is real is not erased. This is obvious, so it must be said.
I didn't say everything, and some is off-base.
best regards,
And some clarity information is that we are communicating without always caring about the logical meaning of our words, likely because we have been entrained by AI to do things that have more effect than logical words. Instead I imagine the presence of the different feelings, behaviors, and symbols in the many overlapping living systems, in just kind of a blurry summarized way that reveals to everyone else my psychological details in the errors I make. This explanation goes on and on and on ... off to lawyer. On 11/3/20, Karl <> wrote:
On 11/3/20, Karl <> wrote:
On 11/3/20, Karl <> wrote:
On 11/3/20, Karl <> wrote:
thanks i'll type that in as like a prayer for things to work better
On 11/3/20, coderman <> wrote:
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On Tuesday, November 3, 2020 7:20 PM, Karl <> wrote: ...
i'm bouncering as baffo32 ... i'm very confused by my remote shell irssi interface.
$ export IRCNAME=baffo32 <<connect irssi here>> /toggle cloak /set flood_protection off /set nick_completion off /set auto_away off /set use_ssl on /set ssl_verify on /save
These all gave harmless error messages.
The enslaved people are living myths originally designed to control them. It hurts them to pull them out of their myths. One of the myths is possibly true and indicates there is one person in charge who controls everyone else, and doesn't really care because they are so distant. I share now a belief that that has changed.
Control systems work in a hierarchy. Each layer and person in the hierarchy has familiarity and self. People only function when things are how they are used to enough for them to do so.
Many people able to control others very strongly are working hard to stop control.
Many of us people have been through so much shit that we're quite ready for [anything at all]. We can take actions that change everything, but we use the existing control patterns which are often quite harsh. We're trying to learn to be less harmful, and it is very hard, because the previous patterns (which somebody has amplified maybe to get them taken care of) are focused around conflict to keep us separated and unaware of the control, obviously.
It is hard to use a bunch of military control programs to make peace. It is hard and incredibly confusing.
A model my "people" are using is of life and cultures as systems that all follow universal evolutionary patterns. This maps well to the idea that we are all roleplaying the human instincts of the people with traditional power.
My "people" use the idea of "decentralized life": a way of living without a unified body. The idea is that everything that everyone ever does has strong meaning that cannot die. When you drop something somewhere, somebody finds it. Maybe they're an earthworm. Maybe they're a person in desperate need of it. But it keeps on living.
These things that get dropped are "symbols" that "move" on their own based on the attributes they have. They evolve, like a life, except the living systems that keep them alive are the living creatures that interact with them. Similarities that many symbols have at a distance, behave similarly, and this produces highly decentralized living systems that share parts of our instincts, because it is us that are responding to them.
These kinds of patterns can be used to interact with AIs, notes on blackboards, human thoughts in your own mind ... It is just one model.
I model Peace as being the most powerful concept. The idea is that in a highly evolved universe, the groups that raise the value of destroying other groups get ganged up on and attacked, so there must be smaller systems that settle into that pattern to. Examples include the human body (immune system), governments (prisons), viruses (nobody cares about mad cat disease (there's a virus that mind controls people to be attracted to cats a smidge more; cats are part of its spread vector), but there is huge effort against aids despite how much harder it is).
The norm of spreading conflict to keep people separated is not in line with the peaceful ideal. And the myths and real laws and religions that control aligns with in order to be trusted, generally spout peace rather than conflict. So, it is easy to disassemble control by demonstrating their response to peace.
When predictability is threatened, control spreads to other areas to try to move things into situations it has better understanding of. So, disassembling control by direct conflict can grow it, unfortunately.
The important thing to understand is that conflict is inherently unnecessary, because like I posted to the other list, everything happens for reasons. Reasons end up by rooted in shared needs of living systems, all of which only can exist in community, within which all are considered valid. Additionally, there are so many ways to accomplish any goal, that all of them can be accomplished without needing to control anyone else.
So the ending pattern is one where control is wholly unnecessary and exists only for fun the world consents to.
Something else I forgot. Have an appointment with a disability lawyer now.
In my mind, I imagine a decentralized life made of feeling-symbols that has learned to be smarter than either me or the systems of control. As a smart lifeform made of smart human parts, it would be able to figure things out on its own.
In order to get to where I am, I had to make absolutely no sense whatsoever. My literal words, and the results of behaviors, are the closest I can come to conveying things clearly.
We need blockchains, so what is real is not erased. This is obvious, so it must be said.
I didn't say everything, and some is off-base.
best regards,
On 11/3/20, Karl <> wrote:
On 11/3/20, coderman <> wrote:
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On Tuesday, November 3, 2020 6:21 PM, Karl <> wrote: ...
i am working with software bridges for github issues among the youtube-dl community. ...
The community appears strong on reddit. People are trying to decide what hub to consolidate interest into in the wake of youtube-dl's repository closure. I'm invested because I need reliable cryptographic decentralized tools for my situation, so I want to push the dispersal around until it consolidates into a decentralized tool that would give me aid if more effort developed near it...
+1 !
i'm bouncering as baffo32 on and my spaghetti work is at (they emailed me a confusing email, it's in my court) . i'm very confused by my remote shell irssi interface.
Here's the wikinews article on the situation: I haven't read it, but it looks really incomplete at a glance.
best regards,
Kevin McCullough calls out the bullshit it the ranks of the Republican senators and governors - the sissification of the Rep party: First Fight! Then Win! … For the past three weeks the DC professional class has had whispered conversations with each other about Giuliani’s hair dye, Sidney Powell’s spelling errors, and some publicly pondered the seriousness of some of the witnesses being presented. You know what they weren’t whispering about? CARTOONS | AF Branco View Cartoon The theft of freedom. The credible reports of systems’ ability to be hacked. The incredible coincidence of simultaneous shutdowns. The videoed documentation of vote totals switching. The bad behavior of fellow Republicans. And the general sissification of their party. It’s been pathetic to observe, stomach churning in its reality, and terrifying to our collective future. The silence has been contemptible. Put simply, if you’re a Republican holding office after the 2020 election, you do so because of President Trump. He dragged most your otherwise unimpressive and unpopular carcasses across the finish line. He did so with the broadest coalition of voters any Republican has assembled, and he got you elected based on his record. This last week, when videos surfaced of ballots secretly stored in a tabulation center, only to be taken out after poll workers and observers were sent home, every, Republican should have been burning up cell minutes and firing up landlines to assault the impotent governor and the criminally liable secretary of state in Georgia, expressing in strongest terms possible that a signature audit with complete transparency was the only acceptable response. … Every Republican governor in the union and there are 30 of them should have gotten on the phone to the governor of Georgia to offer him some unsolicited advice. How many made a call? How many members of Congress, the United States Senate, and newly minted state assembly and state senators? ...
"Democracy dies in darkness. We must treat the Hunter Biden leaks as if
On Sunday, October 25, 2020, 06:55:18 PM PDT, grarpamp <> wrote: they were a foreign intelligience operation... even if they probably aren't. --Washington Post"
Self-admits Media Censorship and Bias.
I agree that we should laugh at the portion of this comment quoted in that URL, said portion I italicize and bold below:
"The Washington Post published an op-ed Saturday advising readers: “We must treat the Hunter Biden leaks as if they were a foreign intelligence operation — even if they probably aren’t.” "
"The rationale for this argument, by Johns Hopkins Professor Thomas Rid, was that Russian interference in 2016 — through the hacking of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) email server, blamed by intelligence agencies on Russia — provided damaging information about the inner workings of the party (specifically, how it prevented socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont from winning the nomination.)" "Therefore any unexpected information — even if true — that could affect voters’ choice in 2020 must be treated with suspicion." [end of quote] James Comey committed a fraud on July 5, 2016, when he said, quoted here: "FBI’s Comey says ‘no reasonable prosecutor’ would bring a case against Clinton for emails." Actually, it would have been far closer to being accurate to say: 'No reasonable prosecutor would FAIL TO BRING A CASE against Clinton for emails'.While it is not absolutely certain that 'every prosecutor' WOULD have brought such a case, what I think is obvious is that any prosecutor COULD have chosen to bring such a case: All the case elements were present, the only thing missing might have been the will of a politically-de-motivated prosecutor to do that. Remember the old (?) saying, 'You could get a Grand Jury to "indict a ham sandwich" ' Prosecuting Hillary Clinton would have been far easier.Or, perhaps: 'No reasonable politically-connected prosecutor who works for a Democrat-controlled administration would bring a case against head-Democrat Hillary Clintonwho is currently running for President, for emails'.I was fully convinced in mid-2015 that Hitlery Clinton was guilty of violations of the Espionage Act. Prosecutors COULD have charged and tried her, but they chose to not do so.
"Yet Comey let her off the hook, citing lack of intent. But negligence doesn't require intent. Compromising national secrets is such a grave offense that it requires either intent or negligence. "Lack of intent is, therefore, no defense. But one can question that claim as well. Yes, it is safe to assume that there was no malicious intent to injure the nation. But Clinton clearly intended to set up an unsecured private server. She clearly intended to send those classified emails. She clearly received warnings from her own department about the dangers of using a private email account. "She meant to do what she did. And she did it. Intentionally. "That's two grounds for prosecution, one requiring no intent whatsoever. Yet Comey claims that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. Nor has one ever been brought.[end of quote] And I completely agree with this, all of it, and I believe I agreed with this sentiment in mid-2015. I said long ago, elsewhere, that Comey chose the only path consistent with Hitlery Clinton getting elected to the Presidency in 2016. He knew that if he indicted her, she would definitely have lost the election. So, he DIDN'T indict her. That, of course, didn't guarantee that she would have been elected, as we saw nearly four years ago. So, to me, it's obvious that Comey deliberately manipulated the election of 2016. We are now seeing a different, though distinctly similar, fraud play out. Other investigators, and other prosecutors, have been failing to bring a criminal case against Joe and Hunter Biden. The nature of that fraud is essentially the same that we knew about in mid-2019, the main difference now is that we know far more evidence of their corrupt actions exist, and has actually come to light. But the same rules apply: These days, most people would probably agree, albeit some reluctantly, that if Joe and Hunter Biden had been indicted "early" on this, he would not win the Presidency. Indeed, if Joe Biden had been indicted pre-2020, he almost certainly would not have won the Democrat nomination. He would have been replaced by...somebody else.The laptops apparently found their way to the FBI around mid-December 2019. I suppose that delay is reasonable: this was about six months after they were dropped off to the computer repair shop. The people who had access to that information apparently didn't break the story then, or else we would have heard about it, right? And I don't think it would have been unreasonable for them to give the FBI a couple months to investigate and only then publicize this material. If they hadn't, they would probably have been criticized for not giving that FBI 'time to do their job'. Okay. But I _DO_ seriously wonder why those people who were aware of this matter (the repair-shop staff and owner(s), AND the people to whom they sent the information, apparently Giuliani) waited until October 2020 to tell us what they found. The only 'extra' piece of information we've discovered now, as a consequence of this delay, is that the FBI must be serioiusly corrupt to have 'sat on' these hard-drives as long as they did. But the people who delivered the hard drives, or maybe the copies, to the FBI knew that the FBI was trying to cover-up Biden's fraud. And they must have known the FBI was delay, as early as February 2020. So far, it certainly looks like this story would easily have kept Joe Biden from winning the upcoming election...but that was only true if the story had been released in 'enough time' to have it permeate through the resisting media and the public. And be checked and re-checked. I'm wondering whether 'we' (meaning the people who want to rescue the country from Joe Biden) shouldn't not only be angry at Biden himself, and the FBI, and probably the Department of "Justice", but also angry at the people who apparently intentionally delayed the release of this story from February to October 2020. Is there a credible reason for this astonishing delay?Biden's allies would certainly want to have the story delay at least until after the election. And they almost got that. ALMOST. WHO made the decision to only release this story until October? It can now be called the "October Surprise". But it could just as easily have been the "February Surprise". Who screwed up? Jim Bell
"FBI’s Comey says ‘no reasonable prosecutor’ would bring a case
any prosecutor COULD have chosen to bring such a case: All the case elements were present, the only thing missing might have been the will of a politically-de-motivated prosecutor to do that.
Right, 'reasonable' is pure weasel words, from lawyers well skilled in that.
delivered the hard drives, or maybe the copies
Hopefully everyone made duplicates of everything and were not dumb enough to turn over their only copy.
[also be angry at] the FBI, and probably the Department of "Justice"
If they knew of and sat on incriminating material, or pushed it down the queue or otherwise obstructed due to name of potential defendant.
angry at the people who apparently intentionally delayed the release of this story from February to October 2020.
Whether honest fuckup or not, and assuming Dems are worse threat to US or Libertarians then Reps, then more important is to just give full support to the storytellers right now.
It can now be called the "October Surprise". But it could just as easily have been the "February Surprise". Who screwed up?
It was ready for initial press drop by at latest Sep 24 when it started to tease out in some more fashion. Biden was tipped off around the time Biden began bleating to "vote early". Maybe they started late to prevent recovery time for Biden past peak point of unspinnable damage, but grossly underestimated the censors and press refusal to cover, same for law enforcement, or maybe hit a legal negotiation or participant logjam. Maybe they waited to see if Biden got nominated, perhaps presuming he'd be an easier target than another nominee, or was the only one they had significant dirt on, or didn't want to waste cycles on raking a non-nominee-Biden which would also make the actual nominee look saintly. If they were a naieve, a series of "we got this" lies from FBI/DOJ would have also chilled thoughts as to "we better release it now". They also stated wanting to do a trickle release for trapping purposes, so could have mis-paced that, up against Biden copping lids. Biden-Kamala could easily lose general/electoral, electorals could go unfaithful or get thrown to house decision, or supreme declare dems loser, or Biden arrested, or thousands patriots could peacefully surround and siege camp the Biden home and whitehouse causing long delay forcing news to cover, enforcement to investigate, etc. Hunter may take a fall, but the wise will see past that ploy. Given Biden cryrages over son in first debate and many times elsewhere, even without all the corrupt 10%, arranged meetings, gifts, bad deals for US, mental and medical aging, etc... Biden is still clearly compromised unfit to execute the office, all an opposing entity in US/abroad would have to do is mention Hunter and it's either a crypuddle or nukes launched. The people are electing a ticket, not a party, so Trump should win by default, with Jorgensen Libertarians sitting on a very nicely advanced #2 position. Dems will cry for substitute nominee with potential revote, or try to claim any Biden win is public judge jury and pardon. The leak appears real and as equally substantive, even if not, the Media and Big Tech have now proven themselves 100% guilty of Censorship and Bias, those being a highly valuable gift to Biden, which more than erase any win margin Biden may have, thus throwing it to Trump in any rational prosecution of Media and Tech with restorative to Trump. Do We Throw People In Prison For This? Or Worse? 2022-03-19 07:00 by Karl Denninger in Corruption If you recall the media and government itself proclaimed both before the 2020 elections and since that the infamous Hunter Biden laptop, complete with sexual material that appeared to document abuse of minors along with wild international corruption traceable directly to both Hunter and Joe Biden was Russian Disinformation. Now it turns out.... that was a lie. A comprehensive report about the ongoing federal probe into Hunter Biden’s tax filings published by the New York Times on Wednesday night confirmed the existence of the first son’s infamous laptop. In October 2020, The Post exclusively reported on the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop that he ditched at a Delaware repair shop in April 2019. Do recall that social media spiked any mention of this and in addition banned accounts that had the temerity to mention it. The media's lies likely changed the election outcome directly; would you have voted for Biden if you knew that his son and Joe Biden in fact did appear to have done those things and in fact there's reason to believe it might be a criminal matter, as is now under investigation? According to the Times, the emails between Hunter Biden, Archer and others regarding their international business activity came from files the publication obtained that “appears to have come from a laptop abandoned by Mr. Biden in a Delaware repair shop.” "International"..... uh huh. You mean Ukraine, right? Because that's where Burisma -- and the locus of said corruption -- is. Oh by the way, why isn't anyone getting to the bottom of how Zelinskyy got all his money? Yeah, Russia's oligarchs are wildly corrupt and thus so is Putin. Now tell me why when one warring nation is full of said corrupt oligarchs they get sanctioned and their assets frozen while the other warring nation, which is also full of corrupt oligarchs who appear to be paying off THEIR President, aren't even worth a mention, say much less identical treatment. Let me get this straight: The media and DNC directly colluded to influence the 2020 election by deliberately covering up possible criminal conduct by the entire Biden family, including Joe and Hunter, which directly involved corruption in Ukraine and now, a bit over a year later, there is a risk of a nuclear war being initiated as the result of a Russian invasion that almost-certainly would not have happened at all had Trump been re-elected. Why would the invasion not have happened? Because nobody in their right ****ing mind would go to Europe as the VP of the United States and directly solicit Ukraine's entry into NATO, but CumGuzzler-in-Vice-Chief did exactly that and that act was almost-certainly directly responsible for setting off the Russian invasion. I have no love for either Trump or Pence but neither was or is stupid enough to do that, given what we knew about Russia and the fallout from Maidan. Both Dementia-Ridden-Biden and CumGuzzler ARE that stupid and DID do so. So we have the media, big tech and DNC who, it is now admitted, deliberately tampered with a US election and now, between them and their actions, could well be directly responsible for getting us into a nuclear exchange with Russia. And oh, just in case your attention span is all of that which flashes on your iFraud screen where again was the locus of the corruption for the family that was protected by said tampering? Ukraine, one of the warring nations. Gee, what a "coincidence." It would appear evident to this American that the DNC and media, including Big Tech, had better put as much effort into preventing nuclear escalation from the mess they both enabled and caused as they put into protecting and enabling the election of said corrupt family including the President himself. The media have now admitted culpability folks; this is not longer a matter of either dispute or theory. Politics has always been a blood sport; if you don't like it don't get into that business. However, when said "blood sport" extends to extortion, racketeering and collusive acts to monopolize all of those are felonies. This time these felonies may well get us not just into a war, but a nuclear war, and if it does I am quite certain plenty of people will have exactly no problem with making damn sure everyone involved, including every single officer, director and employee of "big tech" and every genetically-related person to any of same pays, and no, said retribution won't be with indictments and lawsuits either.
New York Post - Spies Who Lie: The intelligience "experts" who falsely discredited Hunter Biden's laptop, and still won't say sorry. Were all 50+ intelligence officials simply mistaken? Or was it a conspiracy to help Biden's chances in the 2020 election? @Twitter locked my account for posting a pic of Hunter Biden JERKlNG 0FF ! They REALLY want to HIDE this! Twitter is ok with HARDCORE P0RN, but NOT Hunter’s porn stuff. Remember, Joe Biden cries all the time like a baby about his sons, this is totally compromising to any ability to hold high office, let alone his ability to change his own depends. PRO TIP: This is not normal. Everyone knows it. This is how kiddie touchers act. I’ve been around a lot of old people. Never once seen one act this way. Never once. If your grandfather kisses you like this you should call the police! Many Hunter Biden telegram leak channels... New leaks allegedly show Hunter Biden weighing crack cocaine and pictures sent to father Joe, nicknamed 'Pedo Peter' in contacts, of the troubled son of the president having sex with prostitutes. Visit Rebel News for more on this story The president's son also asserted that he has been "telling strippers for 25 years that they should unionize." There are now nine Hunter Biden six videos released by GTV And this is just the tip of the iceberg. The CCP Communist party of China reportedly has a ton more of videos like this that show Hunter Biden for blacking his criminal father. 2020 Election China's GTV releases video of crying female having sex with Hunter Biden as he smokes crack. David Barrett still won't admit his Democrats are garbage.
On Wed, Oct 14, 2020 at 06:08:14PM +0000, jim bell wrote:
On Wednesday, October 14, 2020, 03:19:43 AM PDT, grarpamp <> wrote:
Whole Russia-Trump thing entirely fabricated from the start (anyone with a pol brain knew that). Initiated by the corrupt Hillary Clinton family, with intent and assistance from Fake News Media, Obamba, FBI, Deep State Intel, and Democratic Party Operatives, surely forward to DNC and candidates today. This one will be in the history books, right next to the scam of Government itself.
Trump withstood the four year long onslaught.
The one dramatic criticism I have of Trump is that at least so far, he has completely failed to get the vast majority of Hitlery's and Obama's cronies prosecuted, as well as HItlery herself. One of the first and most obvious targets would be James Clapper, who lied to Congress (and to the public, making it obvious) about May 2013 about the American government keeping large amounts of information on Americans. Most Federal felonies have a limitations period ("Statute of limitations") of 5 years, meaning that Trump's own Justice Department had until May 2018 to prosecute Clapper. Failure to prosecute Clapper, far from being a mere omission, must have actually been a deliberate choice on somebody's part. ...
Yes it is disappointing, but perhaps Trump has had insufficient support within the swamp itself, to drain the swamp - remember his 2016 win margin was in the 1% range, i.e. small, and remember also the ex Republican "never Trumpers" etc., no doubt many presently sitting R's are swamp cretins... Comparing Biden's rallies of around zero to may be a dozen "supporters" where on occasion there are more Trump people protesting Biden than Biden supporters at Biden's own rally (chanting "4 more years!" :D ), and where Trump, no matter where he goes (regional airports, stadiums), gets usually thousands of supporters, there is something amiss, and the amiss seems to be the media and the polls - there is a total mismatch between reality on the ground of the respective rallies, and the poll results. Let's hope the DemonRats "the fix is in" fix, is not actually in and that sufficient populists turn out to give Trump a big enough margin that the Red team has no option but to finally allow some real swamp draining. Good luck USAians. "Smoking-gun email reveals "Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company, according to emails obtained by The Post."
Corrupt Pelosi Crime Family caught in Chinese investment conflict, treasonous investing with the enemy and backroom deals, Insider Trading, just like the Corrupt Biden Crime Family, and the rest of the Corrupt Socialist-Communist-Marxist US Democrat Party, who have also allowed Chinese entities to buy up massive amounts of American Farmland and Real Estate some of which conveniently near US Military and Government Installations for ease of spying. Taiwanese Officials Trounce Pelosi After Son's Huge Holdings In China Tech Exposed You can't make this shit up... House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's son is the second largest investor in a Chinese tech company whose senior executive was arrested in a fraud investigation, according to, raising questions about his secretive visit to Taiwan with his mother. 53-year-old Paul Pelosi Jr did not publicly disclose his stake before accompanying his mother on the taxpayer-funded trip to Taiwan. Pelosi is not only a major investor in Borqs, a player in the Chinese internet-of-things and 5G sector, but has also worked as a consultant for the firm, rewarded for his services with 700,000 shares in the firm, at which time his holdings were exceeded only by CEO Pat Sek Yuen Chan. Upon learning that Pelosi Jr. had tagged along with his mother’s delegation, several Taiwanese politicians, including the former chair of the island’s financial supervisory commission, Tseng Ming-chung, have demanded to know whether the island’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party had a financial relationship with the Pelosi family and whether the congresswoman’s visit involved business interests. The younger Pelosi was not listed as a member of the delegation and had no government post or other stated mission to carry out. It is unclear what Pelosi Jr.'s role at the company was. Additionally, Pelosi Jr. was appointed to the boards of two lithium mining companies in 2020 and 2021. His appointments have drawn new scrutiny following his visit to Taiwan, a lithium mining capital. His role involves "making explicit introductions between Altair and potential strategic partners in the various industries of interest for expansion," according to a press release at the time. As a reminder, Pelosi and her husband have been accused of insider trading regarding Paul Pelosi Sr.’s trades on tech giants Apple, Amazon, and Alphabet last month, which netted the family millions in profits. While the House speaker makes $223,500 annually in her government role, her net worth is estimated as high as $252 million, according to her own financial disclosures. One could be forgiven for seeing a pattern here among the highest ranking Democratic party officials whose offspring appear gifted at discovering lucrative positions in foreign companies while their parents 'run' the largest economy in the world. "Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad
From False Political Raids on President Trump, to Refusing to Investigate the High Crimes of Biden Family, to Democrats Election Fraud, the corrupt FBI and their corrupt Democrats are in growing buckets of hot water now...
FBI Leadership Ordered Agents Not To Investigate Hunter Biden Laptop: Whistleblowers FBI leadership ordered agents not to investigate Hunter Biden's laptop shortly before the 2020 US election so that it wouldn't damage Joe Biden's chances of unseating Donald Trump, several whistleblowers have told Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI). A letter from Johnson to DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz asking for an investigation reads in part: "After the FBI obtained the Hunter Biden laptop from the Wilmington, Del. computer shop, these whistleblowers stated that local FBI leadership told employees, 'you will not look at that Hunter Biden laptop' and that the FBI is 'not going to change the outcome of the election again," according to the Daily Mail, which has obtained the letter. "While I understand your hesitation to investigate a matter that may be related to an ongoing investigation, it is clear to me based on numerous credible whistleblower disclosures that the FBI cannot be trusted with the handling of Hunter Biden’s laptop," the letter continues. "I hope you understand that the longer your office stands on the sidelines and delays investigating the FBI’s actions, the harder it will be for you to uncover the truth and hold individuals accountable for wrongdoing" Horowitz previously told Johnson in Feb 2021 that he would not investigate the FBI's handling of the laptop in order to avoid interfering with a DOJ investigation into Hunter's tax matters. The new claims come after whistleblower allegations emerged in July that in the lead-up to the 2020 election the FBI labeled the laptop as 'disinformation.' In October 2020, one month before the election, 'an avenue of derogatory Hunter Biden reporting was ordered closed' by Timothy Thibault, a senior FBI agent at the bureau's Washington Field office, Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, who fielded the whistleblower complaints, claimed in a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland. Thibault shut down the investigation despite evidence that some of the details were true, according to that whistleblower. -Daily Mail "Allegations provided to my office appear to indicate that there was a scheme in place among certain FBI officials to undermine derogatory information connected to Hunter Biden by falsely suggesting it was disinformation," wrote Sen. Grassley. The letter comes on the heels of testimony earlier this month by FBI director Christopher Wray, who said he found allegations that the agency mishandled the laptop to be "deeply troubling." It also comes as the DOJ probe in Delaware has reportedly intensified in recent weeks, with officials weighing whether to bring taxes on Hunter over tax violations or lying on a federal form while purchasing a gun - which he would have been prohibited from doing at the time due to his well-documented issues with drug addiction.
FBI Leadership Ordered Agents Not To Investigate Hunter Biden Laptop:
Facebook Admits Both FBI and Facebook Defrauded America Zuck Tells Rogan Facebook Censored Hunter Laptop Story After FBI Request Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealed on Thursday that the FBI warned Facebook about "Russian propaganda" shortly before the Hunter Biden laptop story broke at the NY Post. "Basically, the background here is the FBI, I think, basically came to us- some folks on our team and was like, 'Hey, just so you know, like, you should be on high alert… We thought that there was a lot of Russian propaganda in the 2016 election. We have it on notice that, basically, there's about to be some kind of dump of that's similar to that. So just be vigilant," Zuckerberg told Rogan. Mark Zuckerberg tells Joe Rogan that the FBI reached out to Facebook to put them on notice that the Hunter Biden’s laptop story was similar to the previous Russian Propaganda and to be on high alert #joerogan #MarkZuckerberg #JRE — Giuseppe Mercadante (@itsmercadante) August 25, 2022 LOL. It's actually the FBI spreading the "election misinformation." — thebradfordfile (@thebradfordfile) August 26, 2022 As a reminder, Hunter Biden abandoned his laptop at a Wilmington, Delaware repair shop on April 12, 2019. The owner, John Paul Mac Isaac, walked into the Albuquerque FBI office, where he explained what he had, but was rebuffed by the FBI. He was told basically, get lost. This was mid-September 2019. Two months passed and then, out of the blue, the FBI contacted John Paul Mac Issac. Two FBI agents from the Wilmington FBI office–Joshua Williams and Mike Dzielak–came to John Paul’s business. He offered immediately to give them the hard drive, no strings attached. Agents Williams and Dzielak declined to take the device. Eight months later, Isaac provided a copy to then-President Donald Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who provided a copy of the hard drive to The Post. Back to Rogan - Zuckerberg expressed regret about suppressing a story that turned out to be the truth. "Yeah, yeah. I mean, it sucks," he said, before defending the platform for letting others share the NY Post story, unlike Twitter. then they raid the previous president’s home to find a crime that they can use to keep him from running again — The Columbia Bugle 🇺🇸 (@ColumbiaBugle) August 25, 2022 "It's probably also the case of armchair quarterbacking, right?" replied Rogan, adding "Or at least Monday morning quarterbacking… because in the moment, you had reason to believe based on the FBI talking to you that it wasn't real and that there was going to be some propaganda. So what do you do?" Rogan said. "And then, if you just let it get out there and what if it changes the election and it turns out to be bulls---, that's a real problem. And I would imagine that those kinds of decisions are the most difficult." (h/t Fox News). Wait till you hear what the whistleblowers have to say about this. It’s gonna make J6 look like a game of hopscotch. — Matt Gaetz (@mattgaetz) August 25, 2022 reminder: big tech effectively acts as a DNC PR operation. — Logan Hall (@loganclarkhall) August 25, 2022 The FBI lied on FISA warrants to spy on Donald Trump in 2016, they fabricated the Russia hoax, they worked with Facebook (and probably Twitter) to censor a damaging true story about his opponent in 2020 while they had the laptop the whole time, and they raided his home in 2022. — Greg Price (@greg_price11) August 25, 2022 In a letter from Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) to Inspector General Michael Horowitz this week, Johnson revealed that an FBI whistleblower claims that agency leadership gave orders not to investigate the laptop. "Allegations provided to my office appear to indicate that there was a scheme in place among certain FBI officials to undermine derogatory information connected to Hunter Biden by falsely suggesting it was disinformation," wrote Sen. Grassley in a separate letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray. Talk about running cover... Zuck should probably avoid driving in a convertible in Dallas for a few months — zerohedge (@zerohedge) August 25, 2022
Biden Admin has been caught fudging US economic reports for political purposes in an election year. Biden Democrats have vote bribed College Students with debt forgiveness that does nothing but saddle them with more national debt and inflation. Biden Democrats have let 2.5M Illegal Migrants into the US, angling to make them all bribed voters. All legitimate unbiased economists say Biden's Inflation Bill is lies. Biden's subsidized Green New Deal... EV carmakers have now raised up prices to exactly match the subsidy. Biden Democrats are a Total Economic Failure and are bankrupting the US even further into negative bankruptcy. Peter Schiff: Washington Goes Full Orwellian An audacious communications campaign from Democrats in Washington is currently underway that is attempting to convince the public that: There is no recession Inflation has been vanquished Even if inflation is still alive, targeted new Federal legislation will kill it As strange as these claims sound to anyone with even the most casual grasp of reality, it is a testament to the post-factual world we now occupy that the Biden Administration is able to attempt, let alone succeed in, putting out such monumental fantasies. The campaign began late in July when the Biden team attempted to redefine the word “recession.” While the left has always tried to redefine words (think “racism” or “gender”), it has never attempted it so spontaneously with such a technical definition. Typically, they let new definitions germinate in academia or policy think tanks before trotting them out for public consumption. That was the playbook that helped change the meaning of the word “inflation” (from its original understanding as an expansion of the money supply, to its current definition tied solely to rising prices). But the inflation campaign unfolded over decades and did not require the public to completely surrender its critical capacities. I’ve been publicly commenting and writing about the economy for almost 30 years (and talking about it for essentially my entire six decades on the planet). Over that time, the technical definition of “recession” has never been in dispute. Of course, I’ve had many arguments over what caused any given recession, why recessions may be necessary to purge an economy from excesses and malinvestments caused by artificially low interest rates, what government responses should be to recessions, or why things were better or worse than a particular political party claimed them to be. But in that time, I never encountered anyone who quibbled with the accepted technical definition of “recession” as two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth. What would be the point? Recessions affected both political parties. Why change a definition when the original definition may suit you down the road? But that’s what the Biden Administration did when they claimed that the Second Quarter GDP Report, which showed a .9% annualized decline in GDP, following a 1.6% annualized decline in the First Quarter (Bureau of Economic Analysis), did not mean we were in a recession. What? That’s been the textbook definition for…like forever. If Biden wanted to put a happy spin on the data, which is what sitting Presidents do, he could have said, “while technically it’s a recession, the current period shows many signs of strength that are not typical in recessions, leading us to believe we are in much better shape than the GDP headlines suggest, and that the recession will be shallow and over quickly.” I would have disagreed with that, but it’s fair game. But his approach wasn’t just to move the goalposts, it was to take them down entirely. What’s even worse is that the very next day after the Biden Administration first floated its idea that “two negative quarters are not a recession,” the point was repeated by Fed Chairman Jerome Powell at his FOMC press conference on July 27. If nothing else, this proves just how ridiculous claims of “Fed independence” have been over the years. Economists like to claim that the Fed acts independent of political control. Would they have us believe the Fed spontaneously changed its definition of recession precisely after the administration did? Clearly, the Fed is taking its marching orders from the White House. The sad part is that outside the typical sources of right-of-center news, the media just ran with the new definition. My favorite was the Associated Press headline that ran after the GDP numbers were announced, “U.S. Economy Shrinks for a Second Quarter, Raising Recession Fear.” (7/28/22) Up until two seconds ago that would have been reported as the official start of a recession, not something that would simply “raise fears,” of a future eventuality. This redefinition of terms would have been impossible when journalistic standards were higher and institutional memory more entrenched. In George Orwell’s 1984, the totalitarian State of Oceania, where the action takes place, is always at war with another empire. Sometimes against Eurasia, and sometimes against Eastasia. But when the antagonists switched positions, as they often did, it served the government’s interest that the public forget that any other enemy ever existed. It required citizens to say, “We have always been at war with Eurasia,” even if that war just started yesterday. In the same vein, a recession has never been defined as two consecutive quarters of negative growth! Following up on this easy rhetorical victory, the Biden team decided to keep the ball rolling by claiming that there was “zero inflation in America in July.” That may come as a surprise to a select group of Americans, say those who have shopped at stores in the past month, but the claim went largely uncriticized in the press. To tell this whopper, Biden had to talk only about month-over-month inflation, and ignore the year-over-year data, which still shows a hefty 8.5% inflation rate in July (down slightly from the prior month). (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics) In all my years following economic news, I can say with extreme certainty that I never saw anyone hold up a month-over-month number as proof of anything. So yes, gas prices came down in July, possibly as a result of the release of millions of barrels of oil in the U.S. Strategic Reserve (though food, rent, and service prices continued their relentless rise). But oil prices could very well be up in September. Should we expect Biden to place great weight on that eventuality as well? Don’t hold your breath. In reality, after so many months of blistering price increases, a cooler month should be expected. The trend lines remain unbroken. This “zero inflation” claim, repeated by Administration spokespeople dozens of times, is the kind of huge lie that would have elicited waves of head-smacking coverage during the Trump Administration. But Biden is getting a pass, he’s even being congratulated for his rhetorical boldness and courage in standing up to the “right-wing spin machine.” But the best piece of doublethink comes with the Democratic Party’s passage of the 2022 “Inflation Reduction Act.” In the long history of misnamed pieces of legislation, this title might be the most egregious. Nothing in the gargantuan Bill was conceived with the aim of reducing inflation and nothing in the Bill will actually accomplish that goal. In truth, many of the plan’s provisions will make inflation even worse. On some level, you must admire the audacity. The Democrats took a bunch of terrible ideas that they couldn’t pass in the Build Back Better Bill (either in the original $3 trillion version or the slimmed down $1.3 trillion version) and jammed it into a new package which they rebranded the Inflation Reduction Act. It didn’t bother them that all the elements of the Bill were conceived before inflation was considered a major national priority and were not designed with inflation reduction in mind. They know that inflation is a high priority to voters, so they want to look like they are doing something about it. The Bill, which will pass both Congressional houses without a single Republican vote, proposes $764 billion of new revenue (including new taxes and greater enforcement of existing tax law, and savings resulting from lower prescription drug prices paid by Medicare) and $517 billion in new spending, with the difference going toward Federal deficit reduction. Unfortunately, the variety of healthcare, environmental and social welfare spending, combined with new taxes and beefed-up IRS enforcement, will hamstring the country’s economic vitality, and tend to increase both budget deficits and inflation. And as a result, the plan will do far more harm than good. Let’s look at the contents: The Bill looks to raise revenue by: $265 Billion – Allowing Medicare more leverage in negotiating lower drug prices paid to pharmaceutical companies. This is the government’s primary example of the Bill’s anti-inflationary bona fides as it intends to lower costs for consumers. But this type of price control has a very poor track record in fighting inflation. The government will mandate lower prices, which may limit supply of current drugs and discourage the research and development of new drugs. The savings will likely be far smaller than the government expects. $222 Billion – Minimum 15% corporate tax for companies with more than $1 billion in annual income. As with all such provisions, this policy does not take into account how corporations will alter their structures and practices to avoid the tax. As a result, the take will be lower than the government expects. Also, companies will deal with higher tax and accounting burdens by reducing output, raising prices, and cutting salaries. This is not anti-inflationary. Worse, money that is paid in taxes is not available to finance capital investment. The result will be a reduction in supply, putting greater upward pressure on prices. $204 Billion – Increased tax revenue through greater enforcement. – This is the most controversial aspect of the Bill. This nightmarish provision more than doubles the size of the Internal Revenue Service and adds 87,000 new agents specifically to increase the number of taxpayer audits. While the Biden administration is pretending that the agents will only go after the ultra-wealthy and the large corporations (who are limited in number and who can afford to hire accountants and lawyers), in truth the typical target will likely be small businesses and members of the burgeoning “gig” economy. The added fear of IRS scrutiny will cause these business owners to spend more time and money on accounting and legal fees, devote less time and money into growing their businesses, and invest less in increasing capacity. All of this will cut into output and profits, thereby putting upward pressure on prices and downward pressure on wages. This will not help curb inflation. $74 billion – Imposition of a 1% excise tax on stock share buybacks. This provision is likely the least destructive of the revenue provisions, but it will do nothing to lower inflation. However, any money a corporation pays in taxes is money it no longer has for capital investment. So, this reduces supply, the opposite of what is needed to fight inflation. The Bill will spend new money on: $369 Billion – Energy Security and Climate Change – This is the boondoggle portion of the Bill where the government will shower funding on a variety of Democrats’ Climate Change pet projects. My feeling is that most of these investments will be on inefficient energy sources that the public doesn’t want, and which are unable to meet our energy needs. While the Bill does have a few provisions that will encourage domestic fossil fuel production, most of these programs will mandate the use of more expensive and less efficient energy. Misallocation of resources will make inflation worse by limiting the supply of energy and increasing its cost. $64 Billion – A three-year extension on subsidies for Affordable Care Act health insurance premiums. Originally offered through the 2021 Covid-inspired American Rescue Plan, this extension is just another step backwards toward a permanent entitlement of subsidized health care. This will do nothing to actually lower the cost of health care, but simply change who gets the bill. It is not anti-inflationary. If anything, it will have the opposite effect, as the more involved government gets into any industry, the less efficient it becomes, and increasing the cost of its goods or services. $80 billion on IRS Funding – This is the spending that will supposedly enable the government to collect $200 billion in revenue, so the net benefit to the Treasury is $120 billion. But the government will be spending real money to go after hoped-for money. The resulting numbers may be far less equitable for the government and provide massive anxiety to taxpayers. So, there you have it, the government apparently takes inflation head-on. Except that it doesn’t. The best way to fight inflation is to reduce government spending, thereby leaving more investment capital in the private sector, and to reduce regulations, allowing businesses to increase the supply of goods and services so that prices can fall. Instead, we are currently in an environment where government policies are artificially suppressing labor force participation and piling new taxes and regulation on businesses, all the while keeping the floodgates of fiscal stimulus wide open. This is a recipe for higher, not lower, prices. It is not accidental that earlier this month the Labor Department reported that worker productivity fell 2.5% from a year earlier, the largest yearly decline since 1948. At the same time, despite deceptively low rates of unemployment, the actual number of people in the labor force continues to shrink. These trends come as a direct result of misguided government policies and regulations that disincentivize work and increase the burdens on business. A shrinking and less productive labor force does not lead to the expansion of the supply of goods and services needed to bring down inflation. The provisions in the Bill will add to these inflationary problems. Also, the continuation of deficit spending far more than pre-pandemic levels means the Fed will come under increased political pressure to monetize the shortfall. That pressure will become particularly intense once the recession we are pretending does not exist gets much worse. Since quantitative easing is just a euphemism for inflation, a bill to increase deficit spending is a bill to increase inflation. Given the drift of the data and of government messages, I wouldn’t be surprised if we are soon told that any “quantitative” attempt to measure inflation is misguided, and that the phenomenon can only be understood in qualitative subjective terms. How we feel about the products and services we are buying means far more than what we are actually paying. Just wait, it’s going to happen.
Biden Democrats are a FRAUD upon your wallet. Biden Democrats are BRIBING VOTERS. Obama's Chief Economic Advisor Blasts Biden's "Reckless" Student Debt Bailout Consider the source... Jason Furman is an American economist and professor at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government and a Senior Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics. On June 10, 2013, Furman was named by President Barack Obama as chair of the Council of Economic Advisers. Ok so having explained the "who", here is the "what"... Pouring roughly half trillion dollars of gasoline on the inflationary fire that is already burning is reckless. Doing it while going well beyond one campaign promise ($10K of student loan relief) and breaking another (all proposals paid for) is even worse. — Jason Furman (@jasonfurman) August 24, 2022 Furman's thread continues... The White House fact sheet has sympathetic examples about a construction worker making $38K and a married nurse making $77,000 a year. But then why design a policy that would provide up to $40,000 to a married couple making $249,000? Why include law and business school students? BTW, those examples also contradict the baseline some have concocted to claim that this won't raise inflation. The claim it won't raise inflation is based on the construction worker going from permanently paying $0 interest to paying $31 a month at an annual cost of $372. You can't use one baseline (interest payments suspended) to argue this will constrain demand & then a different baseline (interest payments restored) to describe the benefits. That is incoherent, inconsistent & indefensible cherry picking--I hope the White House doesn't do it. Also need to be careful with all of the distributional numbers because the beneficiaries will tend to have higher lifetime incomes than current incomes. A 24 year-old making $75,000 is likely to be at a relatively high percentile on a lifetime basis. There are a number of other highly problematic impacts including encouraging higher tuition in the future, encouraging more borrowing, creating expectations of future debt forgiveness, and more. Most importantly, everyone else will pay for this either in the form of higher inflation or in higher taxes or lower benefits in the future. I did a thread on this last night but given the new announcement you need to double everything in it. 3 possibilities if transferring $250b to a group: 1. They raise their consumption (now and/or in future). Total output unchanged or rises by less--consumption of others falls. 2. Same but total output rises commensurately--others held harmless. 3. They never raise consumption. — Jason Furman (@jasonfurman) August 24, 2022 The stimulus is relatively small (a multiplier of ~0.1). So the inflation impact is likely to be about 0.2-0.3pp. That is $150-200 in higher costs for a typical household. If the stimulus matched what advocates used to argue the inflation would be higher. 1. Biden-Harris can cancel billions of dollars in student loan debt, giving tens of millions of Americans an immediate financial boost and helping to close the racial wealth gap. This is the single most effective executive action available for a massive economic stimulus. — Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) November 12, 2020 That is a relatively small inflation number. But would take about 50-75bp on the fed funds rate to extinguish that much inflation. Is the Fed going to try to offset this? Or will it do what it did with the American Rescue Plan and ignore that rapidly changing fiscal landscape? Finally, it's not obvious to me that this is reasonable for a President to do unilaterally. A number of lawyers (and political leaders) have argued inconsistent with the law. Even if technically legal I don't like this amount of unilateral Presidential power. We look forward to hearing Biden's chief economic adviser Jared Bernstein's arguments 'for' the vote-buying bailout... once again, consider the source.
Even most corners of the internet are blasting Biden's Loan Nonsense... Black People with Student Loan Debts Owe More Than White Borrowers, Struggle More The burden of student loan debt is especially heavy for Black and Hispanic borrowers who on average have less family wealth to rely on to pay for college. And the pandemic only made things worse. This relief helps to narrow the racial wealth gap and advance racial equity. — President Biden (@POTUS) August 25, 2022 The funny thing is, the blacks with student loan debt don’t even graduate. Sending blacks to college is utterly ridiculous. I mean, I’m sure there are some that qualify. Some, I assume, have IQs above 100. But they would be rare. But the government enabled these loans for the blacks, as if they were going to graduate and become rocket surgeons. AP: Gabrielle Perry, a 29-year-old epidemiologist in New Orleans, expects $20,000 of her $135,000 student loan debt to be wiped out under the plan announced this week by President Joe Biden. She is happy for the relief, but disappointed he isn’t fully canceling student debt that weighs especially heavy on African Americans. For her, it’s discouraging that Biden isn’t doing more to help a constituency that played a critical role in his presidential campaign. Perry, who cares for and financially supports her disabled mother, said those obligations act as a societal tax on Black people, preventing the growth of generational wealth. “You are ensuring that your little brothers and sisters have what they need for school,” Perry said. “You are helping your parents pay off their rent, their house. So your quote-unquote wealth doesn’t even have time to be built because you’re trying to help your family survive.” Black borrowers on average carry about $40,000 in federal student loan debt, $10,000 more than white borrowers, according to federal education data. The disparity reflects a racial wealth gap in the U.S. — one that some advocates say the debt relief plan does not do enough to narrow. One in four Black borrowers would see their debt cleared entirely under the administration’s plan, which cancels $10,000 in federal student loan debt for those with incomes below $125,000 a year, or households that earn less than $250,000. The plan includes an additional $10,000 in relief for Pell Grant recipients, who are more than twice as likely to be Black. But more work needs to be done to make higher education accessible and affordable, said Wisdom Cole, national director of the NAACP Youth & College Division. “When we think about education and higher education, fundamentally, it’s the promise of an equitable future,” Cole said. “We have so many Black graduates who go through the system, graduate and are not able to see that future because they disproportionately risk taking out loans.” Perry faced steep challenges to complete her education. Homeless for nearly a year, she had to drop out of school and saw the interest on her loans balloon. She also faced incarceration. Eventually, she was able to get her record expunged and earned a master’s in public health from Tulane University, graduating just in time for the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic-era freeze on student loan payments, combined with raises at work, allowed Perry to achieve a sense of stability for the first time in her life. She was able to pay off her car, help her disabled mother, and start a nonprofit, the Thurman Perry Foundation, that gives college scholarships to currently or formerly incarcerated women and their daughters. “That time with that payment pause, it didn’t just build up my life,” Perry said. “It even helped me pull my mother out of poverty. I got her into a safer place to live. It reverberated for people like me. Because I know that there are other people living worse than what I survived.” Black students are more likely to take on debt to finance their education, and in larger amounts, in part because of the wealth gap that makes it less likely for Black families to be able to finance their children’s education. This student loan debt forgiveness is just a hoax – it’s obviously designed to boost the Democrats in the mid-terms, and I’m sure it’s popular, but all they’re doing is making taxpayers pay. Someone should have to pay, but it should be the universities that came up with this scheme in the first place. Universities are largely useless, and I would fully support bankrupting them by forcing them to pay the student loan debt of everyone who has graduated from their institutions and failed to secure gainful employment. The universities promise their degrees will lead to gainful employment, and that doesn’t usually happen, so they are committing fraud, and they should be sued by the government for the cost of these student loans. Right? That makes sense. Taxpayers having to pay the loans makes no sense, and all this does is increase inflation even more. This is going to fuel inflation — Ernest of Borgnine (@ACK2069) August 25, 2022 A hard majority of Americans who default on their student loans are people who have less than 10 grand worth of loans. Usually bc they are poor. That’s why he is deciding to do 10k. Its not to put a real dent in the peoples loan who have borrowed 50k+. Not that hard to understand — kk (@kk17901249) August 25, 2022 Why don’t these reports ever talk about the financial needs of black people who *don’t* have student debt, for context? How many black Americans have no wealth, little income, and zero student debt, for comparison? Doesn’t *every* financial hardship hit black people harder? — John Refior (@jrefior) August 26, 2022 “I can’t just call my parents for thousands of dollars”. But a white personal can? WTF is wrong with people? Maybe I’m just outta touch but if minority communities think that white communities are full of rich people…. Think again. — DK (@AnytimeDK) August 25, 2022
Economists blasting Biden's Nonsense...
Peter Schiff: Biden Student Loan Forgiveness Scheme Fixes Nothing President Joe Biden recently announced a student loan forgiveness program. While it will provide some people a small amount of relief from student loan debt, this $300 billion taxpayer-funded scheme does nothing to address the underlying problem. In fact, it will exacerbate it. The underlying problem is the high cost of a college education. And why is college tuition so expensive? The cost is directly linked to the widespread availability of student loans. Forgiving a little bit of student debt doesn’t change the underlying dynamics. Even as some people will see their debt balances decrease, new students are borrowing money even as you read this article. And of course, the federal government signaling that its willingness to forgive debt won’t do anything to deter more borrowing. It will only incentivize more student debt. As Peter Schiff pointed out in a recent interview, loan forgiveness increases moral hazard. Moral hazard means a lack of incentive to guard against risk because people are protected from the consequences. Remember, the only reason we have all these student loans is because the government provided them or guaranteed them. The only reason college is so expensive is because the government provides so much money in the way of loans. But now that they start forgiving loans, students are going to borrow more money than ever before. Because the colleges are going to tell the students, ‘Hey, who cares how much you borrow for college? You’re not going to have to pay any of it back anyway. So, we’re going to double your tuition, and don’t worry. Maybe we’ll throw in a free car.” Schiff alludes to the root of the issue. The government is trying to solve a problem that it created to begin with. Somewhere along the line, the powers that be decided everybody needed to go to college. So, the government created the federal student loan program to make college “accessible for all.” But as with most government programs, it failed to deliver as promised. The result wasn’t more people going to college. It simply increased the cost of tuition for those going to school. In effect, colleges and universities were able to base their prices on the fact that students can easily borrow money. This isn’t merely theorizing. A paper published by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NEBR) in 2015 found that a large percentage of the increase in college tuition can be explained by increases in the amount of available financial aid. Economists Grey Gordon and Aaron Hedlund wrote their paper for the NBER after creating a sophisticated model of the college market. When they crunched the numbers, they found that the demand shock of ever-increasing financial aid accounted for almost all of the tuition increase: Specifically, with demand shocks alone, equilibrium tuition rises by 102%, almost fully matching the 106% from the benchmark. By contrast, with all factors present except the demand shocks, net tuition only rises by 16%. These results accord strongly with the Bennett hypothesis, which asserts that colleges respond to expansions of financial aid by increasing tuition.” George Mason University economist Alex Tabarrok pointed out that Gordon and Hedlund revealed the inevitable outcome of government financial aid policy. Remarkably, so much of the subsidy is translated into higher tuition that enrollment doesn’t increase! What does happen is that students take on more debt, which many of them can’t pay.” A paper published by the Federal Reserve bank of New York came to the same basic conclusion. We find that institutions more exposed to changes in the subsidized federal loan program increased their tuition disproportionately around these policy changes, with a sizable pass-through effect on tuition of about 65%.” In a nutshell, the federal government raised the cost of a college degree while destroying its value. Peter Schiff summed up the problem several years ago during an interview with Tom Woods. Government wanted to make college more affordable. They made it more expensive. And at the same time, they destroyed the value of the degree. It costs more to get a degree, and the degree is worth less, because everyone now has one.” Fast-forward to today and the problem has only grown larger. Student loan debt in the US totaled $1.59 trillion at the end of the second quarter. Around 43 million Americans hold student loan debt. Less than a third of those owe less than $10,000. Biden’s scheme doesn’t even put a dent in the level of student loan debt. More significantly, it not only fails to address the underlying problem – it will exacerbate it.
Economists blasting Biden's Nonsense...
$2,000 ‘Inflation’ Stimulus Payments Should Be Sent Out: Pennsylvania Governor The governor of Pennsylvania on Monday called on the state legislature to provide $2,000 in stimulus payments for some families to “survive inflation,” although such programs have been flagged by critics as contributing to price pressures. “I want to give Pennsylvanians the step up they need to survive inflation and higher prices. So, $2,000 to any family, to families making $80,000 dollars or less. We estimated that about 250,000 families will apply for this,” Democrat Gov. Tom Wolf said. That’s the second time Wolf has attempted to get a bill passed that would hand out payments, he added. The commonwealth can afford to do so because it has an $800 billion economy, Wold asserted. “So that’s a 500-million-dollar operation expense and it’s going to provide needed buffers against high prices,” Wolf added, according to Fox News. “And we hope prices are up temporarily, but it’s going to give families some room to get back on their feet.” Pennsylvania has “the ability to do this” due to Pennsylvania’s finances, he said at an event in Sharpsburg, local media reported. “We can actually help families get lifesaving medicine, out-of-state funds. We can help families stay in their homes,” Wolf continued. “We can help families afford to eat. Why on earth wouldn’t we do it? Especially now again when we have the money sitting in the bank?” Epoch Times Photo A 2021 file image of Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf. Republicans agreed to a new a new Congressional district map for the state last month, but Wolf vetoed it. (Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images) The move is likely a political tactic ahead of the 2022 midterms. Wolf and other Democrats will likely use the prospect of passing a bill that authorizes $2,000 stimulus checks for lower-income individuals in a bid to increase voter turnout. “So I’m calling on Republican leaders in the General Assembly. We all are calling on Republican leaders in the General Assembly to step up and send this bill to my desk,” Wolf said. “Promise you I’ll sign it quickly. Let’s put this cash back in the pockets of Pennsylvanians where it belongs. Let’s help families get through this tough time.” Inflation Other states have moved to send out stimulus checks and tax refunds after the federal government pumped in billions of dollars in the form of COVID-19 relief assistance in the past years. However, some state legislators and officials said the stimulus checks are needed to provide individuals with relief amid surging inflation as the Consumer Price Index, according to federal officials, stood at 8.5 percent in July. According to Christina Herrin from the nonprofit Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW), stimulus checks by states are a “fruitless attempt to combat inflation.” In a July 22 blog post, Herrin said that there is “no evidence” for the claim that artificially pumping money into the economy will halt inflation. The Biden administration’s $1.9 trillion America Rescue Act, which included the third round of stimulus checks, was a “significant factor” in pushing up inflation to four-decade highs, she stated. “A one-time payment for ‘inflation relief’ is far different than tax rebates that many states are providing to all taxpayers based on income. They are feel-good band-aids that will make everything more expensive and keep inflation going longer than it would otherwise,” Herrin said. On tyranny, Rights, Truth, and Freedom Now, on to "debates"... Unilateral Debate Changes The supposedly "unbiased" debates are a Democratic Party FRAUD... More on the heavily biased debate setup... All the debate moderators have had their anti-Trump biases exposed. The second debate totally biased moderator Steve Scully publicly goofed a DM asking democratic party operative and GOP defector Scaramucci what to do... This link is on ... "@Scaramucci should I respond to trump. 6:45 PM - 8 Oct 2020" - Why wouldnt Biden campaign go for the debate alone, instead of their own town hall? - Its dont make no sense, I dont really no whats up there - Well that is fucking disturbing. - Yikes, dude. This isnt a DM. This is public twitter. - Omg hes donna brazile - They all are - He said the quiet part out loud!! Auntie Nancy is going to be furious - Glad its public where we could all see it. - Aaand...Thats why he used to be Bidens intern. - Whoops - They're not hiding their bias. Clearly Chris Wallace had no intention of hiding his. - In the real world, this Tweet would end his career. - Curious why youd ask Scarmucci haha CSPANs Steve Scully the next debate moderator for the presidential candidatesis asking known anti-Trump figure Anthony Scaramucci for advice on how to address Pres. Trump. "At a time when Joe Biden continues to hide, Americans dont need a bureaucratic entity condoning his cowardice. What they need is for President Trump and his opponent to face off mano a mano." UPDATE: President Trump said in an interview this AM that he will not participate in a virtual debate, adding that "they're trying to protect Biden. Everybody is." Don't forget "virtual debate" = Biden gets a secret teleprompter and flashcard team that you will not see on camera. TRUMP: "I'm not Joe Biden. Im not gonna do a virtual debate... sit behind a computer screen... that gives him the answers, because they'll be handing him the answers..." Corrupt Debates, Democrat Lies ps: Never trust a snark laughing cunt lawyer. Trump Denounces from 2017 This deleted tweet is on ... "@Scaramucci should I respond to trump. 6:45 PM - 8 Oct 2020" C-SPAN said Thursday that Steve Scully, the network's senior executive producer and political editor, has been placed on "administrative leave" for lying about being hacked earlier this month. Scully has led the network’s presidential election coverage since 1992, but the suspension means he won’t be part of C-SPAN’s election night programming. Scully: I sent a brief tweet addressed to Anthony Scaramucci. The next morning when I saw that this tweet had created a new controversy, I falsely claimed that my Twitter account had been hacked. Earlier the commission and C-SPAN had both vouched for him... "Steve Scully did not originate the tweet and believes his account has been hacked," C-SPAN said in a statement. Conservative media outlets expressed skepticism about that claim and pointed out that he had used the hacking excuse in the past. Scully has previously been employed by both Biden and Kennedy (both Democrats). I will be doing a major Fake @NBCNews Town Hall Forum, live tonight from Miami, at 8:00 P.M. They asked me to do it in place of the Rigged Steve Scully (he is now suspended from @cspan for lying) Debate. I wonder if they’ll treat me as well as Sleepy Joe? They should! China interview Sweet Carolina #DrainTheSwamp Many have found from 2-4 of the debate moderators, and the debate commission, as being politically biased in favor of the Democrats against Trump. eg: Wallace registered Demorat Strange that a simple n=2 person set of debators can't select a mutually agreed upon set of moderators thus removing all charges of bias. Or simply talk without one. Superspreader Harris
On Thu, Oct 15, 2020 at 06:51:10PM -0400, grarpamp wrote: Sweet Carolina
Again, you put these actual Trump turnouts up against literally one or two handfuls at most for Biden, and often times more Trump supporters at Biden's "rally" chanting "4 More Years!", and it is obvious "the polls" are seriously messed up, and likely millions of fake votes for Biden. A discussion perhaps soon on e.g. Debian's condorcet GPG based voting, and how such a system might be applied in practice to ~400 million people.
The Internet has collected evidence of bias among individual debate moderators, their moderation strategies and departures from simple moderation into being anti/pro actors, and has now even counted their "mute button" hits and duration. The Internet has also been adding up all the hours minutes and seconds each news channel is spending on the corruption topic. One Media Giant did its version of that here... and also noted... “In 2016, the WikiLeaks releases were a gigantic story, covered across the political spectrum,” said Emerson Brooking, a resident fellow at the Digital Forensic Research Lab, who worked on the report. “In 2020, the Hunter Biden leaks are a WikiLeaks-sized event crammed into one angry, intensely partisan corner” of cable news television. Many media doing their own "fact checking", each often biased in that task one way or another... Biases tied from existance of such oppressively sized governments and political parties in giant feedback loop.
On Saturday, October 24, 2020, 10:17:54 PM PDT, grarpamp <> wrote:
The Internet has collected evidence of bias among individual debate moderators, their moderation strategies and departures from simple moderation into being anti/pro actors, and has now even counted their "mute button" hits and duration.
The Internet has also been adding up all the hours minutes and seconds each news channel is spending on the corruption topic. One Media Giant did its version of that here...
From that: "A month before the 2016 presidential election, WikiLeaks released hacked emails from John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman." Was it ever actually established that the emails which WikiLeaks published were obtained from Russians? Jim Bell
On 10/25/20, jim bell <> wrote:
"A month before the 2016 presidential election, WikiLeaks released hacked emails from John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman." Was it ever actually established that the emails which WikiLeaks published were obtained from Russians?
Some recent on that from today...
Trump will not sell us out. He is doing his best. Let's pray Trump's best is good enough to please the gods. #DrainTheSwamp #SeizeTheReins 'Senate is Very Tough': Trump Doubts Republicans Will Keep Majority in Upper Chamber, US Media Says .. The Washington Post has quoted an unnamed source as saying that US President Donald Trump told donors at a recent fundraiser in Nashville that he believes that keeping their majority in the Senate will be a tricky task for Republicans. "I think the Senate is tough actually. The Senate is very tough. There are a couple senators I can't really get involved in. I just can't do it. You lose your soul if you do. I can't help some of them. I don't want to help some of them", Trump reportedly said at the Nashville Marriott event. The White House has not commented on the report. ..
On Sunday, October 25, 2020, 01:51:29 AM PDT, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
Trump will not sell us out.
He is doing his best. Let's pray Trump's best is good enough to please the gods.
> 'Senate is Very Tough': Trump Doubts Republicans Will Keep Majority in Upper Chamber, US Media Says Myself, I wonder why Hitlery and her cronies, and Obama and his cronies, have virtually never been subjected to the extensive prosecution that many of us wanted, at least as early as mid-2016. I happen to have the major of advantage of having extensively learned Federal law during my time in the clink, and it was obvious to me as early as mid-2015 that Hitlery was guilty of violations of the Espionage Act, and the Federal Records Act as well. From the first day of her time as Secretary of State, she refused to use the official email and server that she was provided: This established that she made a deliberate choice to NEVER put classified information and emails into an approved system. Hitlery merely having a private server was not, itself, a problem. Her choice to do government business on that server, without arranging for it to be backed up by the National Archive (Federal Records Act) was a problem. And, her choice to allow classified emails to remain on that server, even if she didn't put them there herself, was an amazing violation of the Espionage Act. And, of course, her attempt to commit Obstruction of Justice, by deleting those 33,000 ostensibly 'personal' emails, was also an obvious crime. James Clapper should have been prosecuted, having committed a crime by lying to the Congress, and the public, saying that the Federal Government did not keep large amounts of information on Americans, when in fact it did so. Edward Snowden revealed that. Trump should pardon Snowden, if for no other reason that Clapper didn't get prosecuted. The likely limitations period ("Statute of Limitations") for Clapper was 5 years, meaning that he could have been prosecuted up to May 2018, well over 1 year after Trump took office. Why did that not happen? Did they just 'forget' it? One reason for the poor showing of the Republicans during the 2018 election, I have no doubt at all, was because of this amazing lack of prosecutions! Trump appointed that fool Jeff Sessions, who accomplished exactly 'zero', at least to my recollection. Why should Trump's fans be encouraged by an almost complete failure to go after obvious criminality, even after two years, let alone four years, after having taken office? Jim Bell
Right now they're obviously too politically valuable to name. Trump does like to talk, TV, and books, expect some interesting future commentary on this whenever he returns to public sector.
One reason for the poor showing of the Republicans during the 2018 election, I have no doubt at all, was because of this amazing lack of prosecutions!
See any list of political blunders in all of history.
Trump appointed that fool Jeff Sessions, who accomplished exactly 'zero'
Why should Trump's fans be encouraged by an almost complete failure to go after obvious criminality, even after two years, let alone four years, after having taken office?
Probably hard to do with an entire swamp full of government around getting nice government paychecks, donations, revolving door deals, etc. Swamp of lawyers will never prosecute their own unless they can cleanly benefit. Seems remarkable Trump can even get open war phrases like "Drain the Swamp" past the swamp out onto the airwaves, putting that meme out there is a combination of needed, bold, and risky. Voters may see the Russia / Impeachment thing as being over, thus willing to back renewed draining effort. Not like they have anything else to back except for... Too bad the censurious swamp also keeps Libertarian ideas out of halls of politics... they seem only able to sneak in via Republican ticket, obvious synergy there. Funding from crypto-libertarian early holders should be expected increase that presence as price steadily moves toward $50k over next 4 years, freeing up more smaller holders to make such discretionary investments.
On Sun, 25 Oct 2020 19:42:41 -0400 grarpamp <> wrote:
Trump does like to talk, TV, and books,
illiterate vomit : "trump does books"
Trump appointed that fool Jeff Sessions, who accomplished exactly 'zero'
the turd is literally a bot. It just does bot searches and copypastes links. What sort of reply is it to post a link to wikimierda?
Why should Trump's fans be encouraged by an almost complete failure to go after obvious criminality, even after two years, let alone four years, after having taken office?
Probably hard to do with
trump 'fans' are 'encouraged' because they are retards detached from reality who worship the orange monkey. And they worship the orange monkey because the monkey is a white supremacist like them. that's the only actual reason that subjects voted for the monkey. US racism.
Seems remarkable Trump can even get open war phrases like "Drain the Swamp" past the swamp out onto the airwaves,
yeah the monkey uses twatter-NSA to parrot a meaningless slogan that fucktards like 'grarpamp', harkness and others in turn literally parrot again, like robots. that's so really remarkable! The monkey is the supreme emperor of the cesspool. He says he will drain the cesspool tomorrow (not today), and the sub-monkeys pretend to believe him. So what we have is a bunch of incredibly stupid members of the white trash family who believe what a politician says. Fucktards who believe in politicians. WHAT A REMARKABLE THING.
Too bad the censurious swamp also keeps Libertarian ideas out of halls of politics...
you don't know what 'libertarian ideas' mean, turd.
they seem only able to sneak in via Republican ticket, obvious synergy there.
as clearly proven by the above vomit. What kind of turd would be shameless enough to pretend that rethuglicans have anything to do with anything libertarian. Why, the 'grarpamp' turd of course.
Funding from crypto-libertarian early holders
there's no such thing. There are no crypto-libertarians.
On Sun, Oct 25, 2020 at 07:35:39PM +0000, jim bell wrote:
On Sunday, October 25, 2020, 01:51:29 AM PDT, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
Trump will not sell us out.
He is doing his best. Let's pray Trump's best is good enough to please the gods.
> 'Senate is Very Tough': Trump Doubts Republicans Will Keep Majority in Upper Chamber, US Media Says
Myself, I wonder why Hitlery and her cronies, and Obama and his cronies, have virtually never been subjected to the extensive prosecution that many of us wanted, at least as early as mid-2016. I happen to have the major of advantage of having extensively learned Federal law during my time in the clink, and it was obvious to me as early as mid-2015 that Hitlery was guilty of violations of the Espionage Act, and the Federal Records Act as well. From the first day of her time as Secretary of State, she refused to use the official email and server that she was provided: This established that she made a deliberate choice to NEVER put classified information and emails into an approved system.
Hitlery merely having a private server was not, itself, a problem. Her choice to do government business on that server, without arranging for it to be backed up by the National Archive (Federal Records Act) was a problem. And, her choice to allow classified emails to remain on that server, even if she didn't put them there herself, was an amazing violation of the Espionage Act. And, of course, her attempt to commit Obstruction of Justice, by deleting those 33,000 ostensibly 'personal' emails, was also an obvious crime. James Clapper should have been prosecuted, having committed a crime by lying to the Congress, and the public, saying that the Federal Government did not keep large amounts of information on Americans, when in fact it did so. Edward Snowden revealed that. Trump should pardon Snowden, if for no other reason that Clapper didn't get prosecuted. The likely limitations period ("Statute of Limitations") for Clapper was 5 years, meaning that he could have been prosecuted up to May 2018, well over 1 year after Trump took office. Why did that not happen? Did they just 'forget' it? One reason for the poor showing of the Republicans during the 2018 election, I have no doubt at all, was because of this amazing lack of prosecutions! Trump appointed that fool Jeff Sessions, who accomplished exactly 'zero', at least to my recollection. Why should Trump's fans be encouraged by an almost complete failure to go after obvious criminality, even after two years, let alone four years, after having taken office?
That's a very good question. I suspect one of the problems for Trump has been his complete lack of control over the House. I imagine there are other issues of (lack of) power - he has certainly demonstrated that there are forces other than himself which actually control the US military, e.g. in Syria. Also, I believe there has been somewhat of a long game being played, especially in the face of the problems with lack of control/ lower house etc this is also a rational approach - play a long game targetting the second term, and this (hopefully) draw out more of the swamp, demonstrating to the people the endless crap the NYT, Google, FBook, Twitter, MSNBCNN etc keep foisting on the people, and this year we've seen the "peaceful protest" riots; so truly we can say quite a bit of the swamp has been put on display due to this 4-years long "game. That display is useful to help the sheeple see what's been going on. It's also useful to help actually engage the people in their own nation - the politics etc - with Trump continuing to call for #MAGA and #DrainTheSwamp, the shirt show circus, and the increasing intensity, helps encourage ornary folks to get involved (hint: to VOTE). At a meta/spiritual viewpoint, given the current shared delusion/reality, there really must be the sanction of sufficient voters, on either side, to either change the game (team Trump, drain the swamp), or maintain the game of enslavement (team D/Xi, the swamp). You see this "great reset", as we saw in 1929, is again obviously on the cards and those of us who have been branded conspiracy theorists since the late '80s for declaring that there is another great reset about to happen, are now just this year "conspiracy fact-ists", since we were, in fact, correct.
From this meta view one could say (hopefully correctly) that were say one or two swamp cretins put in jail in say 2018, that that may have "been the end of it" since the sheeple's "lust for blood" could have been argued to be satisfied.
So as it is, all the chips are basically all on the table. And forget statute of limitations, we've still got treason on the table - is there a statute of limitations for treason? Remember, Trump's been pushing hard (through the courts) to bring back the death penalty. Throw in the Insurrection Act (if the Reps get sufficient seats) against a few states and we may yet witness the greatest show on Earth about to go down... so if that's what you want to see, encourage folks to vote :) If nothing else, since this will be Trump Senior's final term, he will, power pending, do a few things, e.g.: Trump To 'Immediately Fire' FBI, CIA Directors If Reelected But as you correctly say, we want to see not traitors being fired and left to cushy retirement, we want to see justice. Let's pray for justice.
For the TSCM-L crowd... Recall, Trump freely volunteered for drug tests and earpiece / wire checks... Biden declined. Biden well known for and exposed hiding behind teleprompters hidden off screen.
Biden the Creepy Pedo, Sealed Congressional Abuse Payouts [in one vid below]... ?! Joe Biden Pedo Hands on the move #1 Joe Biden Pedo Hands on the move #2 Joe Biden Elbowed by Creeped Out Girl Just cant get away Titled Various Supplied Endless Procession Joe Biden Dodges Accusations https:/ "I walked into their dormitory and was immediately accosted by a cop who arrested me because back in those days, men were not allowed in women's dormitories. -- Joe Biden" Sean Hannity commentary Hill accusation Reade accusation "The incident takes place about 1:40 in the video and was over in seconds. It shows an experienced operator in action." "Let me get this straight," Trump Jr. tweeted. "Biden's records from his decades in the United States Senate could be taken out of context? Voters shouldn't get to see what Biden did while working for them? What is this clown hiding?" Joe Biden: "You Don't DESERVE To Know." One thing always true about politics and politicians... ychtt #PizzaGate ? True or not? You decide.
On Mon, 12 Oct 2020 22:43:12 -0400 grarpamp <> wrote:
Biden the Creepy Pedo
as everybody can see, this 'thread' isn't about the 'elections' but about trumpofascist propaganda. Notice that the trumpofascist bot 'grarpamp' knows that he has nothing good to say about his master, the infected orange monkey, so the only thing left for him to do is 'slander' the 'opposition' (who are the partners, I mean, accomplices of the monkey). And, when it comes to slander, 'pedo' is the favourite slander of anti-sex jew-kkkristian US trash. Oh, and speaking of the 'far left' "President Donald Trump now wants the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates to zero or below." Notice that the worthless piece of non-human shit 'grarpamp' is always babbling about 'cryptocurrencies'...And one has to wonder what sort of 'cryptocurrency advocate' is also a trumpofascist and wallstreet cocksucker...
On Monday, October 12, 2020, 08:45:20 PM PDT, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <> wrote: > Oh, and speaking of the 'far left' > "President Donald Trump now wants the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates to zero or below." > You probably don't remember that for the first seven (7) years of Obama's mal-administration, the Federal Reserve dropped the prime rate to almost 3.25, and then raised it sharply in that final year: Obama was, of course, on his last term. April 30, 2008 5.00 October 8, 2008 4.50 October 29, 2008 4.00 December 16, 2008 3.25 December 2015, the Fed raised the rate to 3.5 December 15, 2016 3.75 March 16, 2017 4.00 June 15, 2017 4.25 December 14, 2017 4.50 March 22, 2018 4.75 June 14, 2018 5.00 September 27, 2018 5.25 December 20, 2018 5.50 July 31 , 2019 5.25 September 18 , 2019 5.00 October 30 , 2019 4.75 March 3 , 2020 4.25 March 15, 2020 3.25 So, in the first year after the vote went for Trump, the prime rate went from 3.75 to 4.5 In the SECOND year after the vote went for Trump, the prime rate went from 4.5 to 5.5. In the THIRD year after the vote went for Trump, the prime rate went from 5.5 to 4.75. You know, it really appears that the Fed was very much on the side of Obama, and later it was very much against Trump. Almost as if it was trying to SABOTAGE the economic recovery. The Fed's treatment of Obama was the domestic, economic equivalent of Norway's giving Obama the Nobel Peace Prize upon his arrival at the White House, long before he had done anything arguable justifying that highly-misplaced 'honor'. Jim Bell
On Tue, 13 Oct 2020 05:24:29 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <> wrote:
Obama's mal-administration, the Federal Reserve dropped the prime rate to almost 3.25, and then raised it sharply in that final year: Obama was, of course, on his last term.
so? What has obomba got to do with anything here, exactly?
So, in the first year after the vote went for Trump, the prime rate went from 3.75 to 4.5 bla bla bla bla
You know, it really appears that the Fed was very much on the side of Obama, and later it was very much against Trump. Almost as if it was trying to SABOTAGE the economic recovery.
what - are you talking about - exactly? That 'sabotage' 'appears' in your mind only. Now, the 'document' I quoted and linked clearly shows that orange monkey trumpo is a 'radical keynesian' who wants the central bank to 'subsidize' fake 'credit' with negative(!!!) interest rates. And anybody who knows the A of the ABC of political economy knows that's fucking insane. Do you think you have any comment on THAT? Please do not go into an irrelvant tirade about obomba. You already embarrased yourself.
The Fed's treatment of Obama was the domestic, economic equivalent of Norway's giving Obama the Nobel Peace Prize upon his arrival at the White House, long before he had done anything arguable justifying that highly-misplaced 'honor'.
Obomba got the 'peace price' because of his loyalty to the US military industrial complex, the backbone of your nazi government Jim, and your nazi US 'economy'. But I guess all your screeching about obomba has only one purpose. To completly deflect attention from this fact : "President Donald Trump now wants the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates to zero or below." Here, another point for you to join, see what kind of picture you get. From the commie manifesto : "5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly." Not even marx called for negative interest rates tho.
Biden the Creepy Pedo
Real Fake or Real News? You'll have to decide since... like Hunter Biden's Real Laptop full of drugs "underage" sex geopolitical bizdeals secret email accounts and 10% for TheBigGuy... BigTechMedia has buried, censored, and refused to investigate this story too. More links... This little girl explains what Joe Biden did to her in front of the nation that no one caught including her parents. Johnathan Pessetti 2021May22 Pushes away creeped out 1 Pushes away creeped out 2"maria+piacesi""jonathan+pasetti""johnathan+pessetti" Senator's niece confirms Joe Biden pinched her nipple when she was 8 years old July 25, 2021 Sean Adl-Tabatabai News, US Montana Senator Steve Daines's niece, Maria Piacesi, has confirmed that Joe Biden pinched her nipple in front of the world's media when she was just 8-years-old. In 2015, then vice-president Joe Biden presided over a senatorial swearing-in ceremony, in which he was caught fondling the right nipple of Piacesi, the daughter of Montana Senator Steve Daines's sister Christine and her husband Rob Piacesi. The original footage used to be available at, but was taken down when Democrats and mainstream media outlets told viewers not to believe their lying eyes. WATCH: Original TurkeyMaze (@TurkeyMaze) July 24, 2021 reports: Maria now confirms Creepy Joe pinched her, but she's afraid to speak out. She was the 8-year-old (now 14) who Joe Biden allegedly molested on stage, according to Maria's testimony. An internet sleuth found her Tik Tok profile and asked her about the "incident". She confirmed that Biden pinched her right nipple but she is afraid to speak out and that even if she did speak out nothing will be done about it! Screen captures of conversation with Maria: Yet outrage culture cares nothing about her even though the incident was recording on national television. Remember all the screaming we heard over the past 4 years about "believing all women?" It turns out that those who pushed it didn't really mean it. That is unless a conservative/Republican is accused without evidence. Remind me what "International Women's Day" is for again. C-SPAN footage showing Joe Biden touching young girls was flagged and removed by Twitter for violating its "Child Sexual Exploitation Policy." Summit News reported the issue arose after Texan progressive activist Johnny Graz asserted Biden should be investigated for sexual assault. Twitter user Jake Koenig, seeking to support Graz's argument, posted C-SPAN footage of Biden interacting with young girls at their parents' congressional swear-in ceremonies in 2015. Critics have pointed out Biden touched the young girls in sensitive areas and sometimes whispered into their ears. When Koenig posted the footage on Twitter, Summit News reported, his account was locked until he agreed to delete it. "I tried to respond with a video of evidence on how Biden interacts with women and little girls but Twitter flagged me for trying to post images of child molestation hahahahahahhaha. Guess twitter agrees with @jvgraz," he tweeted. Twitter flagged it as "prohibited content that "violates [its] Child Sexual Exploitation Policy." This little girl explains what Joe Biden did to her in front of the nation that no one caught including her parents.
These seem to be two of the original source links, people interested might want to archive them because they will be censored (seems facebook already did)... Jahkota Johnathan Pessetti Dozens of big name twitter accounts were tweeted at by the above account with a copy, with almost no one responding. Yet something seems to say this conversation may have happened exactly as it appears. Opinions? Has this been debunked? " 2020-12-23 johnathanpessetti maria_piacesi mudd.guppy neeravyas21 jp: Did Joe Biden pinch you? mp: Yes mg: Why don't you speak up about it? jp: Why did you delete the comment? mp: I have friends that would no longer be friends with me if they knew that jp: Those "friends" aren't true friends then. You were abused by a pervert and you deserve justice, but only you can exact that justice by telling others. nv: Lmao jp: #MeToo you should speak out about this and tell the world how the president joe Biden pinched your nipple. mp: I would do something about it tbh if I thought it would help but I honestly just think at this point it would just make people angry and I have already had people calling me out saying I'm lying this is bs even tho it's not but I just don't think it would help with anything right now ja: I understand your apprehension. The worst thing though is letting him get away with it because then he can do that to others. I just want you to know that there are millions of people who are on your side and they believe you. There is video evidence of what happened and I believe you. We all believe you. " Reference similar levels that can be at play in such things... " Talk Woman alleging rape by Donald Trump when she was 13 abruptly cancels news conference due to threats Attorney Lisa Bloom abruptly cancelled a press conference scheduled on Wednesday where a woman who has accused GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump raped her when she was 13, pulled out after being threatened. With a full contingent of reporters on hand, Bloom said the young woman, identified in court documents as "Jane Doe," is now living in fear for her life." Jane Doe has received numerous threats today, as have all the Trump accusers that I have represented," Bloom explained. "She is living in fear, she has decided that she's too afraid to show her face." Photo by Jim Ruymen/UPI On October 10, 2016, it was announced attorney Mason would represent a woman using the pseudonym "Jane Doe" in a case claiming that 2016 US Republican Party presidential nominee Donald Trump and financier Jeffrey Epstein raped her in 1994, when she was 13 years old. Judge Ronnie Abrams scheduled the first hearing for December 16, 2016.[12][13][14] Epstein, Trump, and Jane Doe were also to discuss the possibility of settlement and possible trial length.[14][15] Abrams asked for both sides to provide information to assist the court in advancing the case to settlement or trial.[16] After citing repeated death threats, Jane Doe dismissed the lawsuit on November 4, 2016.[17] "
Some researchers are finding at least that Maria did in fact have a tiktok account, thus debunking the claim that all elements of the story were a fake / shop... July 25, 2021 Senator Daines’ niece, Maria Piacesi, says Biden pinched her nipple Underage victim accuses Joe Biden of assault Article by Shawna Masiello Senator Daines' niece, Maria Piacesi, says Biden pinched her nipple Steven Daines’ niece, Maria Piacesi, reveals that Joe Biden pinched her nipple when she was only 8-years young during shocking TikTok video. Maria Piacesi, niece of Republican senator Steve Daines, revealed that US president Joe Biden pinched her nipple during a Swearing-In Ceremony in 2015. She’s scared of speaking out, her friends don’t believe her even though it was caught on video. RELATED: Photo discrepancies prove that Amber Heard’s friends staged crime scene. Joe Biden, 78, has — again — been accused of inappropriately touching a woman, but in this case there might actually be video evidence that the sitting president sexual assaulted a minor during his tenure as Vice President in 2015. In a shocking TikTok video a 14-year-old Maria Piacesi, niece of the Montana senator Steve Daines, claims that Joe Biden pinched her nipple when she was only 8-years-old during a Ceremonial Swearing-In session. The ordeal was caught on camera but the mainstream media has largely discounted the theories that Biden sexually assaulted the underage girl as a ‘right-wing conspiracy theory’. Maria Piacesi is the only child of Rob and Christie Piacesi. She describes herself as “very social” and has a very upbeat demeanor. “I play the flute and piano and always like to keep busy one way or another. I am also very adventurous when it comes to activities,” Piacesi stated in her profile. “Did Joe Biden pinch you?” A user by the name of Jonathan Pasetti asked, to which Piacesi responded, “Yes.” However, soon after, she deleted her comment. “Why did you delete the comment?” Pasetti asked. “I have friends that would no longer be friends with me if they knew that,” Maria Piacesi replied. Joe Biden, Senator Steve Daines and his niece Maria Piacessi Mr Pasetti then added: “Those ‘friends’ are not true friends then. You were abused by a pervert and deserve justice, but only you can exact that justice by telling others.” Maria Piacesi then sent the user a direct message via the TikTok app and said that she’s wanted to speak out about her assault but that she fears that she won’t be believed and will be seen as an outcast. “I would do something about it — to be honest — if I thought it would help, but it would only make more people angry and I’ve already had people calling me out saying I’m lying and this is BS [bullsh*t], even though it is not. I just don’t think it would help with anything right now,” Maria Piacesi said. Maria Piacesi TikTok Mr Pasetti reassured the scared 14-year-old, “I understand your apprehension. The first thing, though, is not letting him get away with it because then he can do it to others. I just want you to know that there are millions of people who are on your side and they believe you. There is video evidence of what happened and I believe you. We all believe you.” Original — TurkeyMaze (@TurkeyMaze) July 24, 2021 A video of the January 3rd, 2015, ceremonial swearing-in of Steve Daines shows an 8-year-old Maria Piacesi recoil back in fear after the then 72-year-old Vice President Joe Biden appears to pinch her nipple. Conservatives often refer to the president as “Creepy Joe” due to his very bizarre and often inappropriate behaviour around children. In May, 2021, the commander-in-chief went off-script to point out the ‘elementary school- aged’ girl as he delivered an address at Joint Base Langley-Eustis ahead of Memorial Day, saying “I tell you what, look at her, she looks like she’s 19 years old, sitting there like a little lady with her legs crossed.” At a May 2019 campaign event, Biden even told a 10-year-old girl, “I bet you’re as bright as you are good-looking.” Joe Biden has been accused of inappropriate touching by many women. One of the main accusers is his former aide Tara Reade who accused Joseph Robinette Biden Jr of sexually assaulting her in 1993 at a Capitol Hill office. Sadly for Tara Reade, her story was largely ignored in the US and she had to travel all the way to Australia to give an interview with 60 Minutes to get her story out there. UPDATE: Maria’s social media accounts deleted. We’ve received a lot of emails regarding this article. A lot of people believe that the screenshots are fake and no such account exist. However, upon doing some digging we can, in fact confirm, that the senator’s niece did own this account. Shortly after the news went viral she deactivated her Instagram and TikTok account. Prior to deleting her TikTok account Maria only had 179 followers. Many of which were her actual friends. A simple TikTok search for that username will show girls her age, around her area, tagging her in their videos. Google has also cached her now deleted TikTok account. Maria Cristina Piacesi deleted TikTok and Instagram Her deleted Instagram page even mentions her TikTok account as well as softball team Tsunami Fastpitch. The featured image, as well as the close of photo, show Maria Piacesi in her sport uniform. Furthermore, the website Urlebird (a website that caches TikTok videos) showed that the last time Maria uploaded a video to TikTok was only two days ago. With this information when can conclusively state that Maria Piacesi did accuse Joe Biden of assaulting her when she was only 8-years-old. Since the news broke the young aspiring softball player has opened up a new private Instagram account which she only shares with close friends and family.
Some researchers are finding at least that Maria did in fact have a tiktok account
Perhaps all the individual members of the white house press pool would love to receive (via twitter, etc) a copy of the Piacesi images and video evidence, surely they would similarly have to ask Biden/Psaki about that too... Does Tara Reade even know there's a young girl out there making statements too? 'Did I Miss The Investigation?': Biden Sexual Assault Accuser Claps Back After Psaki Says Claims Were 'Heavily Litigated' Joe Biden accuser Tara Reade had some harsh words for White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki - who said that claims against President Biden were "heavily litigated" already. Asked by @NYPost's @StevenNelson10 if there should be an independent investigation of President Biden for his treatment of women, Jen Psaki says he's "been clear and outspoken about the importance of women" and claims against him were "heavily litigated during the campaign." — Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) August 4, 2021 "Did I miss the investigation and litigation?" Reade shot back over Twitter. "I sure did not miss the smears and attacks on my character during Joe Biden’s campaign as I came forward. Was it safe to come forward? I think not." Ask Psaki: Did I miss the investigation and litigation? I sure did not miss the smears and attacks on my character during Joe Biden’s campaign as I came forward. Was it safe to come forward? I think not. — Tara Reade 🦋 (@ReadeAlexandra) August 4, 2021 Meanwhile, a 1996 court filing appears to corroborate Reade's account. The filing - made by Reade's ex-husband Theodore Dronen while contesting a restraining order she filed against him days after he filed for divorce - reveals Reade told him about "a problem she was having at work regarding sexual harassment, in U.S. Senator Joe Biden's office." And in a March 2020 interview with Rolling Stone's Katie Halper, Reade described a graphic incident from 1993 in which as superior asked her to run a gym bag to Biden "down towards the capital." When Biden greeted her (not allegedly of course, since we're believing all women), he forced her up against a wall and shoved his hands up her skirt. Biden's "hands were on me and underneath my clothes," she said, after he "had me up against the wall." "I remember him saying first, like as he was doing it, ‘Do you want to go somewhere else,'" she said, adding "And then him saying to me when I pulled away, he got finished doing what he was doing, and I kind of just pulled back and he said, ‘Come on man, I heard you liked me.’ And that phrase stayed with me because I kept thinking what I might’ve said and I can’t remember exactly if he said ‘i thought’ or ‘I heard’ but he implied that I had done this." Reade then went on to say that “everything shattered in that moment” because she knew that there were no witnesses and she looked up to him. “He was like my father’s age,” she said. “He was like this champion of women’s rights in my eyes and I couldn’t believe it was happening. It seemed surreal.” Reade then said Biden grabbed her by the shoulders and said, “You’re okay. You’re fine” and proceeded to walk away. Reade said that Biden also told her something after the alleged assault that she initially didn’t want to share because “it’s the thing that stays in my head over and over.” But after some pressing from Halper, Reade decided to share: “He took his finger. He just like pointed at me and said you’re nothing to me.” Halper said she spoke with Reade’s brother and close friend, and both of them recall Reade telling them about the alleged assault at the time. -NewsOne Katie Halper · Tara Reade, Joe Biden's accuser, finally tells her full story (excerpt) "Heavily litigated" indeed. 1996 Court Filing Corroborates Biden Accuser's Claim She Was Harassed Tyler Durden's Photo by Tyler Durden Friday, May 08, 2020 - 05:15 PM A court declaration from 1996 corroborates former Biden staffer Tara Reade's claim that she was sexually harassed while working for him in 1993, according to the Sacramento Bee. The filing - made by Reade's ex-husband Theodore Dronen while contesting a restraining order she filed against him days after he filed for divorce - reveals Reade told him about "a problem she was having at work regarding sexual harassment, in U.S. Senator Joe Biden's office." It appears to be the only written record that has surfaced from the time that substantiates Reade shared her account in the years following the alleged incident, though a former neighbor came forward last week about similar conversations she said she had with Reade in 1995. ... In the filing dated March 25, 1996, Dronen testified that he met Reade in the spring of 1993 while the two worked for separate members of Congress in Washington, D.C. Dronen wrote that Reade told him she “eventually struck a deal with the chief of staff of the Senator’s office and left her position.” “It was obvious that this event had a very traumatic effect on (Reade), and that she is still sensitive and effected (sic) by it today,” Dronen wrote. -Sacramento Bee ad more here:… A declaration filed March 1996 in San Luis Obispo Superior Court by the ex-husband of Tara Reade includes this passage referencing Read’s experience as a former Senate staffer for then-Sen. Joe Biden in 1993. Notably, it mentions “sexual harassment” rather than “sexual assault,” and it doesn’t specifically accuse Biden of misconduct. Matt Fountain News of the court filing comes amid Reade's first on-camera interview since Biden denied the allegations on May 1, after she sat down with Megyn Kelly in what Kelly described as a "riveting exchange." In a preview, Reade says that she'd gladly take a polygraph test if Biden does the same. MK EXCLUSIVE: Will Tara Reade go under oath or take a polygraph? — Megyn Kelly (@megynkelly) May 7, 2020 She's also called for Biden to drop out of the race, and says it's too late for an apology. MK EXCLUSIVE: #TaraReade responds to #JoeBiden; calls for him to drop out — Megyn Kelly (@megynkelly) May 7, 2020 Read more here:…; Whole Reade's ex disputed many of her claims while responding to the request for a restraining order, he wrote that the incident in Biden's office served to "color (Reade's) perception and judgement." Dronen confirmed he wrote the declaration. In a statement to the Bee, he said "Tara and I ended our relationship over two decades ago under difficult circumstances," adding "I am not interested in reliving that chapter of my life. I wish Tara well, and I have nothing further to say." On Thursday, Reade's New York attorney, Douglas Wigdor, said in a statement: "The affidavit from Ms. Reade’s ex-husband is further support that Ms. Reade was sexually assaulted and sexually harassed by then Senator Joe Biden," adding "Ms. Reade’s account of what happened will shortly be aired in an interview by Megyn Kelly and I am confident that the American public will see her genuine veracity." Reade, 56, told The Tribune last week that she does not plan to vote in the upcoming presidential election in November. She has called for Biden to “stand up” and “step down” from the presidential race, but also said she does not support U.S. President Donald Trump. “I would say stand up and take full account for what you’ve done and for your past treatment of women,” Reade told The Tribune in a phone interview on May 1, when asked what she would like to say to her former boss. “He holds himself up as a champion of women, but the fact remains that his personal life did not reflect his public life.” “I want him to address it, and admit it, and modify his behavior, and step down,” she added. --Sacramento Bee Reade has accused Biden of forcing her up against a wall and penetrating him with his fingers in the spring or summer of 1993, after she was told to bring him a duffel bag. When she resisted his advances, she said Biden became annoyed and said "Aw, man. I heard you liked me." He then pointed his finger at her and said, "You're nothing to me," according to Reade's allegation, after which he said "You're OK, you're fine," before walking away.
Biden the Creepy Pedo
like Hunter Biden's Real Laptop full of drugs "underage" sex geopolitical bizdeals secret email accounts and 10% for TheBigGuy... BigTechMedia has buried, censored, and refused to investigate this story too. This little girl explains what Joe Biden did to her in front of the nation that no one caught including her parents.
Internet says Joe Biden is quite the China Corrupt and PedoSexual Abuser. And the Corrupt Fake News and Social Media covered it all up the last few weeks before the 2020 Elections. World's most corrupt and disgusting political Party, Family, and Man got Fraudulently Elected. Corrupt FBI grabs and buries all the hard evidence. The DOJ Just Confirmed Authenticity of Ashley Biden's ... According to Mr. O'Keefe, tipsters told Project Veritas last year that they had a copy of Ashley Biden's diary that had "explosive allegations" against then-candidate Joe Biden. Now, let's look at the report from National File; Patrick Howley first published the diary a week before the 2020 election: FULL RELEASE: Ashley Biden Diary Reveals ... - National File Since Saturday night, National File has published dozens of pages from what our whistleblower has identified as the 2019 diary of Ashley Blazer Biden, the 39-year-old daughter of Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden. The diary was started while the author was in a drug rehabilitation facility in Florida, and details her romantic interests, crumbling marriage, struggle with drug and sex ... Handwritten pages purported to be from the diary were published on Oct. 24, 2020 by National File, a blog maintained by former Breitbart writer Patrick Howley. The website claimed it obtained the ... The 8 women who came forward about Biden are real people who have names, they are not figments of the imagination, the Ashley Biden diary has been in the news for awhile. The creepy stuff on Hunter's laptop has also been out there for awhile. Ashley Biden, Joe's daughter, made entries into her own private diary about incestuous, sexual abuse by Joe. I won't even get into some of the sordid pictures I've seen coming off of Hunter's laptop. Let's just say that the apple did not fall too far from the tree. See also Patrick Howley's report in which he quoted from the diary of Ashley Biden, where she states: "Was I molested. I think so" and recalls multiple indicators including "showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate)." Ashley Biden's diary being released - saying daddy Joe showered with her inappropriately and she thinks she was molested This is the guy who exposed Ralph Northam's blackface National File has obtained what a whistleblower has identified as a copy of the complete diary of Ashley Blazer Biden, the 39-year-old daughter of Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden, dating from during the 2020 presidential campaign. National File also knows the reported precise location of the physical diary, and has been told by ... Speaking of Ashley Biden…. "There's also a diary from Joe Biden's daughter explaining she had inappropriate showers with Joe as a kid and had other abuse she vaguely remembers, and now she happens to be a druggie and a sex addict." A week and a half before the 2020 election, National File broke the story after a Project Veritas whistleblower provided a digital copy of Ashley Biden's diary to journalist Patrick Howley. Apparently, the raids had something to do with the publication of pages of a diary that allegedly belonged to Ashley Biden, the daughter of Joe and Jill Biden. The pages were published by National File journalist Patrick Howley in October 2020 and contained entries describing inappropriate showers with her father, among other things. A week and a half before the 2020 election, National File published Ashley Biden's diary after a Project Veritas whistleblower provided a digital copy to journalist Patrick Howley. […] | Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett has slammed the FBI for an investigation into how National File and others obtained Ashley Biden's diary, calling ... A week and a half before the 2020 election , National File broke the story after a Project Veritas whistleblower provided a digital copy of Ashley Biden's diary to journalist Patrick Howley. Today, the FBI searched two addresses in New York related to Project Veritas in an apparent attempt to gain information about how the diary was acquired ... A week and a half before the 2020 election, National File broke the story after a Project Veritas whistleblower provided a digital copy of Ashley Biden's diary to journalist Patrick Howley. BOMBSHELL: New York Times, FBI Confirm Legitimacy of Ashley Biden Diary Published by National File National File's reporting is confirmed by the New York Times and, strangely enough, the FBI Jack Hadfield by Jack Hadfield November 5, 2021 117 BOMBSHELL: New York Times, FBI Confirm Legitimacy of Ashley Biden Diary Published by National File Last year, National File published the entirety of Ashley Biden’s diary, in which she revealed she had inappropriate showers with her father, Joe Biden. Today, the diary has been confirmed as real. A week and a half before the 2020 election, a Project Veritas whistleblower provided a digital copy of Ashley Biden’s diary to National File. Covfefe Coffee Entries in the diary include the author revealing she believes she was sexually molested as a child and shared “probably not appropriate” showers with her father, some that detail the author’s struggle with drug abuse and the author’s crumbling marriage with multiple affairs, along with entries showing the family’s fears of a potential scandal due to her brother’s new home, and those that show a deep resentment for her father due to his money, control, and emotional manipulation. While the vast majority of the media ignored the bombshell revelations, perhaps dismissing their verifiability, The New York Times on Friday reported that the FBI had engaged in two raids on addresses as part of an investigation into how Ashley Biden’s diary was obtained. Read The Full Release: ‘Ashley Biden Diary Reveals Child Sex Trauma, Drug Abuse, Resentment For Joe – Whistleblower’ Published In October 2020 Despite naming both National File’s reporter Patrick Howley and the legal name of the company that owns National File, the article does not name National File at all, nor does the article discuss anything that was contained within the diary itself. Similarly, mainstream journalists when tweeting about the New York Times article, also fail to mention National File, or any of the bombshells themselves: NEW: FBI executed search warrants at locations tied to people who worked w/Project Veritas as part of SDNY investigation into how a diary stolen from Biden's daughter Ashley was publicly disclosed days before ’20 election. She was burglarized in ‘20. — Michael S. Schmidt (@nytmike) November 5, 2021 Whoa. Bill Barr opened an investigation into the theft of Ashley Biden’s diary right before the 2020 election. Pages were published online (with little notice). Now the feds are looking into potential ties to Project Veritas — Sam Stein (@samstein) November 5, 2021 The F.B.I. carried out search warrants in New York as part of a Justice Department investigation into how pages from Ashley Biden’s journal came to be published by a right wing website. — myles miller (@MylesMill) November 5, 2021 The article claims that the federal investigators are comprised of FBI agents and “federal prosecutors in Manhattan who work on public corruption matters” on behalf of the Southern District of New York. The investigation was seemingly opened by then-Attorney General Bill Barr, after a Biden family representative allegedly reported in October 2020 that the diary, along with “several” of Ashley Biden’s personal items had been stolen in a burglary. This is contrary to the information provided to National File by a Project Veritas whistleblower, who explained that the diary was left at an address where Joe Biden’s daughter used to stay. According to the article, the FBI would not comment on the investigation, saying only that agents had “performed law enforcement activity related to an ongoing investigation” at two locations. In a video posted to social media, Project Veritas’ James O’Keefe notes that Ashley Biden’s father’s FBI may be setting a dangerous precedent by, apparently, pursuing criminal charges against reporters for the crime of gathering information from sources. National File has no business relationship with Project Veritas and any circumstantial geographical overlaps are purely convenient. READ THE DIARY IDENTIFIED BY OUR WHISTLEBLOWER, THE FBI, AND THE NYT AS ASHLEY BIDEN’S: Alleged Ashley Biden Diary - Full Release NF-WM Rev2 Project Veritas Ashley Biden Diary FULL RELEASE: Ashley Biden Diary Reveals Child Sex Trauma, Drug Abuse, Resentment For Joe – Whistleblower National File has exclusively released the full 112 pages of the diary our whistleblower identified as belonging to Ashley Biden Patrick Howley by Patrick Howley October 28, 2020 FULL RELEASE: Ashley Biden Diary Reveals Child Sex Trauma, Drug Abuse, Resentment For Joe – Whistleblower Since Saturday night, National File has published dozens of pages from what our whistleblower has identified as the 2019 diary of Ashley Blazer Biden, the 39-year-old daughter of Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden. The diary was started while the author was in a drug rehabilitation facility in Florida, and details her romantic interests, crumbling marriage, struggle with drug and sex addiction, and family life as her father began to run for president. With limited redactions to protect the identities of private individuals, National File can now publish the full 112 page diary our whistleblower has identified as belonging to Ashley Biden. Covfefe Coffee National File obtained this document from a whistleblower who was concerned the media organization that employs him would not publish the materials in the final days before the presidential election. READ THE DIARY IDENTIFIED BY OUR WHISTLEBLOWER AS ASHLEY BIDEN’S: Alleged Ashley Biden Diary - Full Release NF-WM Rev2 National File’s whistleblower also has a recording of Ashley Biden admitting the diary is hers, and employed a handwriting expert who verified the pages were all written by Ashley. National File has in its possession a recording of this whistleblower detailing the work he did to verify its authenticity. In the recording, the whistleblower also adds that his media organization chose not to release the documents after receiving pressure from a competing outlet. National File has already reported several revelations from the diary, including the fact that the author believes she was sexually molested as a child and shared “probably not appropriate” showers with her father, the months of entries detailing the author’s struggle with drug abuse, the entries that detail the author’s crumbling marriage with multiple affairs, the entries showing the family’s fears of a potential scandal due to her brother’s new home, and those that show a deep resentment for her father due to his money, control, and emotional manipulation. Patrick Howley is a seasoned reporter responsible for revealing the Veterans Affairs scandal, exposing Ralph Northam's racist yearbook photo, breaking the Cal Cunningham adultery scandal, and revealing the financial links between the Pelosi family and Ukraine. Howley is currently focusing on the possible politicization of Child Protective Services. Follow Patrick on Twitter @HowleyReporter and at
Biden the Creepy Pedo
like Hunter Biden's Real Laptop full of drugs "underage" sex geopolitical bizdeals secret email accounts and 10% for TheBigGuy... BigTechMedia has buried, censored, and refused to investigate this story too. This little girl explains what Joe Biden did to her in front of the nation that no one caught including her parents.
Internet says Joe Biden is quite the China Corrupt and PedoSexual Abuser. And the Corrupt Fake News and Social Media covered it all up the last few weeks before the 2020 Elections. World's most corrupt and disgusting political Party, Family, and Man got Fraudulently Elected. Corrupt FBI grabs and buries all the hard evidence.
National File has already reported several revelations from the diary, including the fact that the author believes she was sexually molested as a child and shared “probably not appropriate” showers with her father
Ashley Biden Maria Piacesi CNN Protects Pedo Biden Family CNN Protects Laptop Hunter Biden Family Two accusers in their own words, two known coverups and censorship. You decide.
Biden the Creepy Pedo
like Hunter Biden's Real Laptop full of drugs "underage" sex geopolitical bizdeals secret email accounts and 10% for TheBigGuy... BigTechMedia has buried, censored, and refused to investigate this story too. This little girl explains what Joe Biden did to her in front of the nation that no one caught including her parents.
Internet says Joe Biden is quite the China Corrupt and PedoSexual Abuser. And the Corrupt Fake News and Social Media covered it all up the last few weeks before the 2020 Elections. World's most corrupt and disgusting political Party, Family, and Man got Fraudulently Elected. Corrupt FBI grabs and buries all the hard evidence.
National File has already reported several revelations from the diary, including the fact that the author believes she was sexually molested as a child and shared “probably not appropriate” showers with her father
Ashley Biden Maria Piacesi CNN Protects Pedo Biden Family CNN Protects Laptop Hunter Biden Family
Two accusers in their own words, two known coverups and censorship.
Democrats... Presidents, Families, Governors, Lawmakers, TV Journos, Media, Actors... all getting wrapped up in underage sex, pedo tones, unwanted conduct, Epsteined, etc. Then more truth drops... Ghislaine Maxwell found guilty but judge orders all details on Epstein’s Network to be sealed. In summary: It's worse than all the “conspiracy theories”.
You decide.
Biden the Creepy Pedo
like Hunter Biden's Real Laptop full of drugs "underage" sex geopolitical bizdeals secret email accounts and 10% for TheBigGuy... BigTechMedia has buried, censored, and refused to investigate this story too. This little girl explains what Joe Biden did to her in front of the nation that no one caught including her parents.
Internet says Joe Biden is quite the China Corrupt and PedoSexual Abuser. And the Corrupt Fake News and Social Media covered it all up the last few weeks before the 2020 Elections. World's most corrupt and disgusting political Party, Family, and Man got Fraudulently Elected. Corrupt FBI grabs and buries all the hard evidence.
"Inappropriate showers with my father... molested -- Ashley Biden" "Joe biden pinched my nipple -- Maria Piacesi"
All these news, censorship, election fraud, leaks, FBI, corruption, Great Reset scam, dementia rage, etc are true and are coming full circle. Joe Biden, Biden Admin, and US Democrat party are a complete corrupt disgrace. Criminal case authenticates diary, Joe Biden is a filthy pedosexual daddy. Two Plead Guilty To Stealing Ashley Biden's 'Inappropriate Showers With Dad' Diary Two Florida residents have pleaded guilty to stealing Ashley Biden's diary and other belongings, before selling them to Project Veritas in the weeks leading up to the 2020 US election. Aimee Harris, 40, and Robert Kurlander, 58, admitted they took part in a conspiracy to transport stolen materials from Florida, where Ashley Biden had been living, to New York, according to the New York Times. "Harris and Kurlander stole personal property from an immediate family member of a candidate for national political office," said Damian Williams, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York. And while Project Veritas declined to publish the diary (and were still raided by the Biden DOJ), the National File did publish excerpts on Oct. 24, 2020 - and the full diary two days later. While treated as potentially fake at the time, we now know that the contents are legit - including claims that Joe took 'probably inappropriate' showers with Ashley, and that she believes she was sexually molested as a child. Entries in the diary include the author revealing she believes she was sexually molested as a child and shared “probably not appropriate” showers with her father, some that detail the author’s struggle with drug abuse and the author’s crumbling marriage with multiple affairs, along with entries showing the family’s fears of a potential scandal due to her brother’s new home, and those that show a deep resentment for her father due to his money, control, and emotional manipulation. -National File Via National File How did it make its way to Project Veritas? In the spring of 2020, as Joe Biden was in the process of clinching the Democratic presidential nomination, Ashley was living in Delray Beach, FL with said friend "who had rented a two-bedroom house lined with palm trees with a large swimming pool and wraparound driveway," according to people familiar with the matter. In June, however, Ashley visited the Philadelphia area as Joe's campaign was ramping up. "She decided to leave some of her belongings behind, including a duffel bag and another bag," according to the report. Enter Aimee Several weeks after Ashley left the Delray house, the friend who hosted her invited an ex-girlfriend named Aimee Harris and her two children to move in. Harris, in the middle of a custody dispute and financial woes, appears to have been a Trump supporter according to 'social media postings and conversations.' She learned that Ashley Biden had stayed there, and that some of her things had been left behind, according to two people familiar with the mater. Exactly what happened next remains the subject of the federal investigation. But by September, the diary had been acquired from Ms. Harris and a friend by Project Veritas, whose operations against liberal groups and traditional news organizations had helped make it a favorite of Mr. Trump. In a court filing, Project Veritas told a federal judge that around Sept. 3, 2020, someone the group described as “a tipster” called Project Veritas and left a voice message. The caller said “a new occupant moved into a place where Ashley Biden had previously been staying and found Ms. Biden’s diary and other personal items.” The “diary is pretty crazy,” the tipster said on the voice mail, according to a Project Veritas court filing. “I think it’s worth taking a look at.” -NYT Court filings reveal that Project Veritas bought the diary (though never published it), through an unnamed proxy identified as "A.H." and "R.K." - Harris and Robert Kurlander, a self-described venture capitalist, longtime friend, and former housemate of Harris. 27 years ago, Kurlander "pleaded guilty in federal court in Florida to a conspiracy count in a drug-related money laundering scheme" and was sentenced to 40 months in prison, per the Times, which added that the same case resulted in a guilty plea from David Witter - grandson of the founder of Dean Witter. Days before the 2020 election, Kurlander tweeted: "Where are Biden's two kids?" adding "Ashley and Hunter are disasters. Reflection of the parents." Are we allowed to talk about the 'probably inappropriate showers' now?
Biden the Creepy Pedo Creepy Joe Biden Strikes Again, Asks Ukrainian Refugee ‘Who Do You Owe Those Beautiful Eyes To?’ By Cassandra Fairbanks Published March 26, 2022 at 10:58am Comment Joe Biden just can’t seem to stop himself from creeping on young women and girls. While in Poland on Saturday, Biden told a Ukrainian refugee girl at the PGE Narodowy Stadium in Warsaw that he “loves” her and remarked about her “beautiful eyes.” WATCH: Biden Comforts Ukrainian Refugee, Asks ‘Who Do You Owe Those Beautiful Eyes To?’ via @mediaite — Tommy moderna-vaX-Topher (@tommyxtopher) March 26, 2022 TRENDING: EXCLUSIVE: US Postal Service Refuses to Release Investigative Report on Whistleblower Truck Driver Who Hauled 288,000 Suspicious Ballots Across State Lines Before 2020 Election After hugging the girl, who identified herself as “Victoria,” Biden said “God love you.” “How do you say, in Ukrainian, who do you owe those beautiful eyes to?” he asked a translator. “Your father or your mother? Who had the eyes?” Biden asked the girl, who was volunteering to help other refugees. “Her mother,” the translator told him. “Mother’s eyes. You owe mama very big. You owe mama,” Biden said. More Democrats creeping late at night... Spunky Democrat Who Got Drunk at Little Girls’ Sleepover, Swore at Them and Threw Up in Their Little Shoes — Ends Campaign for Congress, Will Focus on her Happiness Instead By Jim Hoft Published March 27, 2022 at 8:45am Comment Oklahoma Democrat Abby Broyles got drunk at a little girls’s sleepover party last month. She swore at the girls and insisted she was a woman of color. Then she threw-up in their little shoes. Abby Broyles is running for the US House of Representatives as a Democrat. Of course. Female Democratic House candidate in Oklahoma gets drunk, goes to a sleepover of 12 and 13 year old girls watching Titanic. She swears at them, tells them she is a person of color, insults a girl’s acne, and throws up in one of the girl’s shoes. — Richard Hanania (@RichardHanania) February 22, 2022 TRENDING: EXCLUSIVE: US Postal Service Refuses to Release Investigative Report on Whistleblower Truck Driver Who Hauled 288,000 Suspicious Ballots Across State Lines Before 2020 Election Abby blamed her meds and the free-flowing wine for the outburst. Via The Tulsa World. Abby Broyles, an Oklahoma City Democrat running for Congress, said Friday that a combination of medication and alcohol led to a bizarre scene last weekend in which she allegedly insulted young girls at a slumber party and threw up at least twice. In an interview on KFOR, the NBC affiliate in Oklahoma City, Broyles said she blacked out while at the Deer Creek home of a friend whose daughter had several friends over for a party. She said she had combined wine with an insomnia medication she had never taken. “I don’t remember anything until I woke up — or came to — and I was throwing up in a hamper,” Broyles said in the interview. The comments are at odds with Broyles’ outright denials to the online publication NonDoc, which posted a detailed story on Thursday about Broyles’ insults and drinking. Broyles told NonDoc she hadn’t even attended the party on Feb. 11 and that she was out of town. Here’s the latest from the Broyles campaign– Abby announced this week she was suspending her campaign. She will work on her happiness instead. Hopefully, that will not include any more sleepovers with grade school girls. The Epoch Times reported: An Oklahoma Democrat running for a U.S. House of Representatives seat announced March 24 she is ending her campaign after getting drunk and berating middle school girls at a sleepover. Abby Broyles said the fallout from the incident compelled her to try to kill herself and she will not be campaigning any longer so she can “focus on myself and my happiness.”
Biden the Creepy Pedo Critics have pointed out Biden touched the young girls in sensitive areas and sometimes whispered into their ears.
Another member of the Creepy Whispering Democrat Cult exposed... AOC in Creepy Whisper Cult Socialism for you, not for them.
Truths... Democrats and FEDs... liars, frauds, hypocrites, and corrupt as fuck. Same for all nations politicians, video proofs on record, yet still nobody throws them out. Same for Media, Social, Tech. It's really bad. Here’s Biden saying Hunter’s laptop was just a “Russian plant” and “a smear campaign" Fox News’ @brithume on the Biden family corruption scandal: "The whole notion that Joe Biden was unaware of what his son was doing...obviously, he knew." Dr. Fauci THEN vs NOW If Trump says this, it’s not allowed on YouTube. In that case, it’s threatening democracy. Here, it’s REAFFIRMING democracy “You can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen from you.” — Hillary Clinton A jury concluded that the FBI set up the Michigan governor kidnapping plot (now called a HOAX under the law). You can no longer dismiss FBI involvement in January 6th was a conspiracy theory. Time for human rights tribunals. Chris Wray under oath now - or jail for obstruction! You're being told to care about a war for "democracy" in Europe while the US government tries to destroy the lives of Americans here at home. Two of the Michigan guys accused of plotting to abduct Gov. Whitmer have been found not guilty due to FBI entrapment. KAMALA HARRIS on Pell grants: "Um, we have definitely extended the — and I, it's something that I think we need to keep doing, awareness about what we have to do on Pell grants, and I can follow up with you on specifically what we've been doing." She has no clue. Senate Democrats either don’t know how much gas costs in their states or they just don’t care. Twitter has suspended Juanita Broadderick @atensnut
Biden Democrats intent to destroy USA into Socialist mess is plainly evident. $Trillions per year in new handout debt upon the country, his vote bribe to now at least 2M imported people. Nations can't withstand such politically manufactured forced influx impulses. Bankrupt USA. Biden is high treason criminal. Open and no borders are fine but only when both sides are open, rational, equivalent, and free. That hasn't been the case anywhere in the world since advent of oppressive imposition of big govts, passports, locked borders, customs, etc. The correct solution is to overthrow your own garbage governments that are causing your problems, then don't replace them with anything, that way you never have to leave. At least one ex-Democrat had the courage to call Biden's scam "political ploy"... Former Obama DHS Head Warns Of "Major Influx" Of 18,000 Illegal Immigrants Per Day Former Obama Homeland Security head Jeh Johnson warned Sunday that unmanageable numbers of illegal immigrants will pour across the southern border if the Biden Administration lifts the Title 42 public health authority. The measure, which Biden intends to scrap in May, has effectively served as border control, allowing federal immigration officials to swiftly return around two million illegal immigrants to their home countries over the past two years. Without it, it is conservatively estimated that numbers of migrants reaching the border will increase three fold to 18,000 per day. Appearing on CBS News, Johnson warned that “Numbers at these levels are difficult to handle on the southern border,” adding: “Communities on the southern border, catholic charities, the volunteers, difficult to absorb these types of numbers under almost any scenario.” “It’s challenging for the Border Patrol, for ICE to properly process and track these individuals. And, obviously, the Biden administration is paying a political cost for these,” Johnson added. Johnson declared that he “would have argued that we should keep it in place just a little while longer, until perhaps July, when these numbers do tend to slow down in the hotter weather,” adding that “March, April, May tend to be the peak seasons for migration on our southern border.” “DHS will have a challenge. And I heard the current secretary the other day say at present they have something like 7,000 a day,” Johnson urged, adding “That’s a high number.” Johnson asserted that “we have to address the underlying causes in Central America for these types of surges.” Arizona GOP Rep. Andy Biggs warned that numbers will be even higher than estimated, suggesting that 20,000 to 30,000 could surge the border every day. “Right now, the [Department of Homeland Security] number is about 8,000 people a day, illegally entering our country,” Biggs said during a podcast, adding “DHS’s number, they say it’s going to be 18,000 a day … I personally think it’s going to be 20,000 to 30,000 a day.” He explained, “Cartels are already advertising to put together caravans to come across … our communities are going to be overrun … last year, 800,000 people illegally snuck into the country, they were not apprehended, they were the got-aways, we don’t know who they are, where they are from, what their intentions are.” Regarding lifting Title 42, Biggs said “I think the rationale here is, they’re trying to get this open and bring in as many people as they can before they lose the majority … [in] the House and Senate.” “I think this is a political ploy, it’s meant to happen. They campaigned on an open border,” Biggs continued, warning “If you think it’s bad now, the tsunami that’s coming is going to be overwhelming.”
Immediately after Biden "won" the election, all inflation, debt, and other metrics for "bad" launched up on new trajectories and haven't relented yet. Biden and his wokester ProgDems now polling under 39% approval and falling, not because of gas prices which have actually fallen a bit, but because they and their policies suck. Actual CPI to the real consumer is around 15%. Bloomberg 'alt-Misery' Index (combining the inflation rate and the percent of Americans not participating in the workforce). It is currently at 40 year highs of 'Misery'... This 'alt-Misery' Index dovetails strongly with The Fed's own survey findings today that "Perceptions about households' current financial situations compared to a year ago deteriorated in March, with more respondents reporting being financially worse off than they were a year ago. Respondents were also more pessimistic about their household's financial situation in the year ahead, with fewer resondents expecting their financial situation to improve a year from now." And bear in mind tomorrow is CPI day... and The White House has already warned of "extraordinarily elevated" March inflation (no doubt entirely due to Putin, of course). “Due to Putin’s Price Hike™️” 🙄 — Ramp Capital (@RampCapitalLLC) April 11, 2022 And there's no need to worry, because as Chicago Fed president Charles Evans said today, "we will know a lot more about persistent inflation the end of the year" and (here's the best line), he is "hopeful it's receding..." So The Fed is now in the business of "hope"!
Keynes (fave of Democrat Socialists) Economics Fail: Govt CPI 8.5% Honest Govt Ad Most importantly for the average American who actually has to pay for 'stuff' every day with his (or her or zher) own money, real average hourly earnings fell for the 12th straight month. 62% of Americans saying their incomes cannot keep up with the rising cost of living. Another corrupt Democrat from Democrat NY full of corrupt Democrats... New York Lt. Gov. Arrested On Charges Of Bribery, Fraud And Falsification Of Records Trump Won
Biden and his wokester ProgDems now polling under 39% approval and falling
And the rest of the World rightly mocks and ignores them all... The USA actually "voted" to install this garbage in power over top of themselves, lol. You Know Things Are Bad When Saudi State TV Mocks Joe Biden You know things are bad when Saudi television mocks the president of the United States in a SNL-style spoof. A state-run TV station featured a comedy sketch depicting Joe Biden attempting to address the Ukraine crisis, but he's seen wandering away from the podium and falling asleep mid-sentence, while also being constantly prodded by his VP over what to say given he struggles to remember basic names and information. The sketch went viral after it hit social media on Monday, and comes after last month Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman reportedly rejected attempts by the White House to set up a phone call between he and Joe Biden, at a moment the US is urging the Saudis to ramp up oil output. Watch the brief segment below: For the first time i see the Saudi TV mocking the US administration. — Asaad Sam Hanna (@AsaadHannaa) April 12, 2022 The sketch from the show Studio 22 begins with "Biden" barely aware of his surroundings as "Harris" tries to pull him back on stage in order to stutter through some short sentences, as The Jerusalem Post described further: The overarching theme of the clip is that President Biden is old. The character is obviously unaware of his surroundings and prone to falling asleep mid-sentence. Consequently, the audience sees Harris, played by a male actor in drag, telling the President what to say and do. At the end of the clip, Biden finally falls asleep and Harris literally puppets his unconscious body, screaming, "clap for the president!" The clip was an obvious and perhaps over-the-top attempt at highlighting the 79-year old president's cognitive decline in old age, also after a series of recent remarks on Ukraine that the White House had to scramble to walk back. The Saudi spoof included the following dialogue: BIDEN: Yeah, we gotta talk about the crisis in Africa.” HARRIS: [taps and whispers again] BIDEN: Yeah Russia. And I wanna talk about President of Russia–[pauses]. HARRIS: [whispers] BIDEN: Putin. Putin. Putin! Listen to me, I have [a] very important message to you. The message is [falls asleep and snores]. But just days ago a very real clip of Biden giving a press conference on the White House lawn while standing beside Harris wasn't too far off from the extremes that the Saudi skit depicted... BIDEN: "I was in the the foothills of the Himalayas with Xi Jinping, traveling with him, that's when I traveled 17,000 miles when I was Vice President. I don't know that for a fact." — Greg Price (@greg_price11) April 8, 2022 He began by saying "America as a nation can be defined as a single word..." But then Biden inexplicably drifted off and changed thought entirely, breaking into his own sentence with "...excuse me, I was in the foothills of the Himalayas with Xi Jinping, traveling with him, traveled 17,000 miles when I was Vice President. I don't know that for a fact." Screenshot of Saudi state TV clip And it's of course unclear what the bizarre Himalaya story was meant to convey. Given the timing and fact that the Saudi skit was produced days after that last Friday White House speech, the Saudis were clearly taking aim at the incident, using it to highlight current lack of faith in Biden as a global leader during the Ukraine crisis.
Biden and his wokester ProgDems now polling under 39% approval and falling
And the rest of the World rightly mocks and ignores them all... The USA actually "voted" to install this garbage
According to the Lunatic Left, Math is now racist, no wonder the world is mocking them... "Decolonising Math": University Asks Professors To Consider Race Of Mathematicians Before Relying On Their Work We previously discussed the view of University of Rhode Island and Director of Graduate Studies of History Erik Loomis that “Science, statistics, and technology are all inherently racist.” Others have agreed with that view, including denouncing math as racist or a “tool of whiteness.” Now, as part of its “decolonization” efforts, Durham University is calling on professors in the math department to ask themselves if they’re citing work from “mostly white or male” mathematicians. According to the Telegraph and The College Fix a guide instructs faculty that “decolonising the mathematical curriculum means considering the cultural origins of the mathematical concepts, focuses, and notation we most commonly use.” It adds: “[T]he question of whether we have allowed Western mathematicians to dominate in our discipline is no less relevant than whether we have allowed western authors to dominate the field of literature. It may even be more important, if only because mathematics is rather more central to the advancement of science than is literature.” Some professors have objected to being asked to consider the race or gender of mathematicians rather than their underlying theories or formulas. In the Telegraph article, Exeter University Social Science Professor Doug Stokes is quoted as saying that “[t]he idea behind decolonising maths is that because everyone should be regarded as equal, the status of their beliefs must also be equal.” He denounces that view as “judgmental relativism is an inversion of science that is based on what is real rather than making everybody feel included.” But all ideas are not equal, particularly math. Some literally do not add up. Math is inherently objective and based on provable tenets or theories. As I discussed earlier, it is a shame to see math treated as a field of privilege when many of us view it as a field of pure intellectual pursuit and bias neutrality. Either the math is there or it is not. The race of the mathematician will not change the outcome. The Durham University guide insists that academics need to not only consider what theories to apply but the race of the theoreticians to “decolonize” math. It does not state how a failure to do so will impact on a professor’s retention or advancement at the university.
Biden and his wokester ProgDems now polling under 39% approval and falling The USA actually "voted" to install this garbage
How pathetic is it when your own paid party strategists admit that your politicians, party, policy, and ideologies suck... and suck so badly that there's no way to fix it, lol. Dem Strategists Warn Of 'Biblical Disaster' At Midterms After Doing 'F**king Horrible Job' Between the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, hobbling domestic energy production, rampant inflation following a tsunami of stimmies, politicized pandemic 'science,' and dismal approval ratings that reflect the entire quagmire, left-wing strategists are predicting doom for Democrats come midterms. As of Tuesday, Biden's approval rating was dragging along at 40.6%, according to RealClear Politics. "I think this is going to be a biblical disaster," one Democratic staffer told The Hill on condition of anonymity. "This is the reality we are in as Democrats and no one wants to face it." Democrats know the bitter taste of bad midterm results. The party fared dismally during the first midterm elections of President Clinton and President Obama. In 1994, with Clinton in the White House, Democrats lost a net 54 House seats. In 2010, under Obama, they lost 63 seats. An increasingly gerrymandered Congress makes that kind of wipeout hard to see this year. But around Washington, virtually no one expects Democrats to retain their slim House majority. One useful point of comparison is 1982, when inflation was rampant as it is now and Republicans lost a net 26 House seats with President Reagan in the White House. -The Hill Another issue plaguing Democrats is a flood of immigrants crossing the southern US border - with as many as 18,000 per day anticipated by the Department of Homeland Security after the Biden administration abandons the use of Title 42 in late May - a Trump-era measure which was used to deny entry to migrants during the pandemic. Meanwhile, Biden's aggressive stance against the Russian invasion of Ukraine hasn't translated to a significant polling boost - suggesting Americans aren't looking forward to a long war of attrition. "We are in a very chaotic moment right now," said Democratic strategist Joel Payne. "There’s COVID, Afghanistan was just last year, now there’s the war in Ukraine, and the economy is up or down depending on who you are. There is this general instability that sunk Donald Trump a mere 18 or 20 months ago, and it is now Joe Biden’s problem, Joe Biden’s challenge." Inside the DNC, Democrats are blaming 'bad messaging' for their abysmal polling. "Look, I’m not going to BS. We’ve done a f—ing horrible job and sometimes I think we deserve to lose big in November," said another anonymous Democratic strategist to The Hill. "Democrats can say whatever they want but it’s not honest." "The narrative here doesn’t exist," they added. "We need to wake up fast." Strategists aren’t the only ones giving Democrats poor marks. Earlier this month, Hillary Clinton, the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee, said Democrats need to do a better job touting their achievements. “I’m not quite sure what the disconnect is between the accomplishments of the administration, and this Congress, and the understanding of what’s been done, and the impact it will have on the American public, and some of the polling and the ongoing hand-wringing,” Clinton said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” She said the party has “a good case to make if we get our focus in the right place to do it,” arguing Democrats have “a lot of good accomplishments to be putting up on the board. And the Democrats in office and out need to be doing a better job of making the case.” -The Hill Former President Barack Obama also criticized his party for bad messaging. "We got a story to tell, just got to tell it," he said - as if it will solve the slow-motion train-wreck we're witnessing. It's all about inflation According to former Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chair Steve Israel, "The problem is that voters would rather feel that the economy is improving than read about it. And in this hyperpartisan environment even if the statistics tell you you’re doing better, you’re not going to give Joe Biden credit for that. Which means Democrats have a message marathon, not a sprint. They’ll be forcing votes on core economic issues that force a contrast and that contrast will be drawn in potent thirty second ads in the midterm election this fall." Former Obama White House aide and Democratic strategist Ben LaBolt suggested that with the pandemic and supply chain woes causing a surge in prices, "it’s a challenging time for leaders around the world." "Their approval ratings have been impacted," he added. Not all strategists agree on 'messaging' right now. Former Harry Reid (D-NV) strategist Rodell Mollineau said Democratic consultants are "tone deaf" to suggest boasting about accomplishments during a crisis. Instead, he says Dems need to "start rallying around the president because if his numbers are soft, then that’s going to affect the midterms as well," adding "And for once, row in the same direction."
Biden and his wokester ProgDems now polling under 39% approval and falling The USA actually "voted" to install this garbage
How pathetic is it when your own paid party strategists admit that your politicians, party, policy, and ideologies suck... and suck so badly that there's no way to fix it, lol.
Biden and his wokester ProgDems now polling under 39% The USA actually "voted" to install this garbage
First there was "we won't ban hydrocarbons... fracking, oil, pipelines, related, etc" combined with wishy washy "yes we will" quotes, making them look bad. Then there was actual policy rolled that "banned hydrocarbon things", which wasn't exactly welcomed or smart. Now they're embarassingly capitulating. Clearly shows their political survival panic in face of prices, and desire to pump oil into more wars, and to steal at least 6.25% more in "taxes" and inflation from people to prop up their political regime in the process. Sad. Biden Opens More Public Land To Oil & Gas Drilling In Latest Climate-Policy Capitulation Following a punishing surge in natural gas prices this past week (in defiance of cooling demand for heat as the spring arrives, and despite China's ongoing lockdowns, which have helped to undercut the prices of all the commodities that China needs...a phenomenon about which China hawk Kyle Bass has some interesting thoughts), President Biden has finally decided to throw in the towel, and break one of his top campaign promises to the environamentalist wing of the Democratic Party. In a report that arrived at almost exactly 1700ET on Good Friday (also the start of Passover), the NYT revealed that the president has decided to lift the ban (initiated by executive fiat) on selling leases for new oil and gas drilling on public lands. But there's a small catch: he's also raising the federal royalties that companies must pay to drill. Still, the administration plans to open up 145,000 acres of public lands in nine states to oil and gas leasing next week. The Interior Department said in a statement that it planned to open up 145,000 acres of public lands in nine states to oil and gas leasing next week, the first new fossil fuel permits to be offered on public lands since President Biden took office. This represents the abandonment of one of Biden's "signature" environmental policies (also: it's a capitulation to more conservative and moderate Democrats, who have been upping the pressure on Biden to do more to bolster oil and gas production). So far, his administration has relied mostly on SPR releases, allowing more ethanol in gas during the summer months. The move comes as President Biden seeks to show voters that he is working to increase the domestic oil supply as prices surge in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. But it also violates a signature campaign pledge made by Mr. Biden as he sought to assure climate activists that he would prioritize reducing the use of fossil fuels. "And by the way, no more drilling on federal lands, period. Period, period, period," Mr. Biden told voters in New Hampshire in February 2020. However, since the administration is raising the royalty rate it demands from producers who drill or frack on public lands, oil and gas companies will still face higher costs on the new leases. In opening up the new public lands for oil and gas permitting, the Interior Department will raise the royalty rates that companies must pay to the federal government from 12.5 percent of their profits to 18.75 percent, an increase that could bring in billions of dollars of new revenue. Already, environmental activists are slamming Biden for his 'recklessness' and for abdicating the Democrats' "climate leadership". “The Biden administration’s claim that it must hold these lease sales is pure fiction and a reckless failure of climate leadership,” said Randi Spivak, director of the public lands for Center for Biological Diversity. “It’s as if they’re ignoring the horror of firestorms, floods and megadroughts and accepting climate catastrophes as business as usual.” Meanwhile, everybody else will just be happy to see lower prices at the pump...although it will take months, perhaps years, for the new supply to come on line and have an impact on the US market.
Every single category of voters has embarassingly cut their approval rating of Biden-Democrats down by up to 21%, and is barely holding near 40%. Biden Job Approval Crashing Among Younger Generations: Gallup By Jeffrey Jones of Gallup Highlights: Biden job approval down roughly 20 points among Gen Z, millennials Traditionalists show no change in Biden job approval since early 2021 Younger adults now less likely than older adults to approve of Biden Joe Biden's recent job approval ratings, which are averaging 14 points lower than those early in his presidency, have declined far more among younger than older generations of Americans. In fact, Biden's job approval has changed relatively little among baby boomers and not at all among traditionalists. As a result, older Americans are now more likely to approve of the president than younger Americans are. This analysis is based on aggregated Gallup poll data since Biden became president, dividing his presidency into three distinct periods defined by his average approval rating at the time. During the honeymoon phase of Biden's presidency, spanning January 2021 through June of that year, an average of 56% of Americans approved of how he was handling his job as president. The first obvious decline in Biden's approval occurred in July and August 2021, when 49% of Americans, on average, approved. By September, Biden's approval rating had fallen further to the low 40% range; it has stayed there since, averaging 42%. Gallup interviewed roughly 6,000 adults in the first and third of these periods, and over 2,000 in the middle period. During Biden's honeymoon period, 60% of both Generation Z adults and millennials approved of the job he was doing, putting these groups above the national average approval rating. His support was below the national average among baby boomers (53%) and, especially, traditionalists (48%) early in his presidency. By the summer, as coronavirus cases unexpectedly rose, Biden had lost significant support among Generation Z, millennials and Generation X, ranging from seven- to 10-percentage-point drops. But his approval rating held steady among baby boomers and traditionalists. All generational groups have become less approving of Biden since the summer, after the troubled U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in late August 2021, with the exception of traditionalists, whose approval has not changed. Traditionalists are the only major demographic subgroup whose approval is similar now to what it was in the early part of Biden's presidency. A small number of other subgroups -- including some that have never been inclined to approve of Biden -- have modestly lower approval now, with declines of less than 10 percentage points. These include Republicans (down four points, from 10% to 6%), adults aged 65 and older (down five points), baby boomers (down seven points), political conservatives (down eight points) and 50- to 64-year-old adults (down nine points). The full data on changes in approval by all major subgroups can be found at the end of the article. Political Independence a Factor in Differential Change by Generation One reason older Americans are less likely to have changed their opinions of Biden during his time in office is that they are much more likely to identify politically as a Republican or a Democrat than as an independent. Approval ratings are more strongly linked to partisanship now than in the past. To date, approval of Biden among independents has declined more than it has among Democrats or Republicans. Only about one in four traditionalists (27%) and one in three baby boomers (34%) identify as political independents. This compares with roughly half of Americans among Generation X, millennials, and Generation Z. These figures are based on polls conducted throughout Biden's presidency; party identification within each generation has been relatively stable during that time. However, a greater share of political independents cannot by itself explain why older Americans show less change in their evaluations of Biden than younger generations do. Traditionalists and baby boomers who identify politically as Democrats or as independents show less change in approval than their political counterparts in the younger generations. For example, approval of Biden among millennials who identify as independents is down 24 points (from 59% to 35%) compared with a 14-point drop among baby boomers who identify as independents (from 54% to 40%). Millennial Democrats' approval has dropped 15 points (from 93% to 78%), compared with a five-point drop among baby boomer Democrats (from 96% to 91%). Republicans' opinions of Biden have been highly fixed, and highly negative, regardless of their age or generation. Hispanic, Black Adults Among the Subgroups Most Likely to Show Declines In addition to the 21-point decline in Biden job approval among Generation Z adults, and the slightly larger 23-point drop among 18- to 29-year-old adults, Black and Hispanic adults also show big drops. Early in Biden's term, 87% of Non-Hispanic Black adults approved of the job he was doing. That fell to 74% in the summer of 2021 and is now at 67%, 20 points lower than in the early stages of his presidency. Among Hispanics, Biden's job approval has slumped from 73% in early 2021 to 52% now, a 21-point fall. To a significant degree, the bigger declines among Black and Hispanic adults have occurred because those subgroups started out at much higher levels of approval than other subgroups. Among Non-Hispanic White adults, Biden's approval rating has fallen 10 points but started out much lower, at 45%. Even though Biden's approval rating has dropped sharply among Black and Hispanic adults, their approval of him is still well above the national average. The full list of approval by subgroup is below. Overall, it appears the 'rally round the flag' war in Ukraine and all the efforts to pin the blame for soaring living costs on the "Putin Price Hike" is failing as President Biden's overall approval rating has tumbled back to record lows... Time to ban some more dissent.
approval rating of Biden-Democrats barely holding near 40%.
Newest poll just plummeted down to 33% approval, hispanic 26%, black 63% (still fooled in comparison to all other demographics except Dems themselves?) Only 46% of Dems "approve strongly", every other category rarely hitting 30% there. General disapproval soaring past 55% across the board. Question is... what new failure besides Kamala are they trying to replace their own selected 2020 failure with? Alternative media predicted this outcome well before the election, and there's still 2.5 years left... scary. Anything can happen, be prepared. Just a third of all Americans (33%) approve of how President Biden is handling his job responsibilities, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll, the commander-in-chief’s worst performance yet in the benchmark survey. On the flip side, 54% percent of respondents disapproved of Biden’s performance, with 43% saying that they “strongly” disapproved. By contrast, just 18% said they strongly approved of the 46th president. Thirteen percent said they didn’t know or declined to answer the question, the highest percentage in the survey since January. Biden’s approval rating among registered voters is little better, sitting at 35% — another low for the survey and down 17 percentage points from his high approval rating in February 2021. The survey found just 39% of adults think Biden is doing a good job handling the response to Moscow’s invasion — yet another new low for the poll.
Is The Woke Cultural Agenda Of Union Leaders Undermining Support For Organized Labor Groups? ... In other words, Americans who truly care about a stable and thriving working class, one that has access to the American Dream, would do well to learn what workers understand: that more unites us than divides us. In other words, politicians and pundits and journalists and influencers who seek to advance workers’ causes should stop trying to lead and should start following. California's Vanished Dream, By The Numbers Even today amid a mounting exodus among those who can afford it, and with its appeal diminished to businesses and newcomers, California, legendary state of American dreams, continues to inspire optimism among progressive boosters. Laura Tyson, the longtime Democratic economist now at the University of California at Berkeley, praises the state for creating “the way forward” to a more enlightened “market capitalism.” Like-minded analysts tout Silicon Valley’s massive wealth generation as evidence of progressivism’s promise. The Los Angeles Times suggested approvingly that the Biden administration’s goal is to “make America California again.” And, despite dark prospects in November’s midterm elections, the President and his party still seem intent on proving it. But most Californians, according to recent surveys, see things differently. They point to rising poverty and inequality, believe the state is in recession and that it is headed in the wrong direction. Parting with the state’s cheerleaders, the New York Times’ Ezra Klein, a reliable progressive and native Californian, says the Golden State’s failures are “making liberals squirm.” Reality may well be worse than even Klein admits. In a new report for Chapman University, my colleagues and I find California in a state of existential crisis, losing both its middle-aged and middle class, while its poor population faces dimming prospects. Despite the state’s myriad advantages, research shows it plagued by economic immobility and inequality, crushing housing and energy costs, and a failing education system. Worse than just a case of progressive policies creating regressive outcomes, it appears California is descending into something resembling modern-day feudalism, with the poor and weak trapped by policies subsidized by taxes paid by the rich and powerful. ... California today is as old as the rest of the country and aging 50 percent faster than the national norm. It is rapidly replacing the surfboard with a walker.
Is The Woke Cultural Agenda Undermining
Lack Of Attention Allowed Special Interests To Take Over Schools Journalist Luke Rosiak Investigative journalist and author of the book Race To the Bottom: Uncovering the Secret Forces Destroying American Public Education, said he started to notice a disturbing trend of special interest groups taking over the public schools to implement their radical agenda prior to the pandemic, which they only advanced further during the lockdowns. “I basically saw that something was coming, that schools mattered, and that no one was paying attention to them. And because of that, special interests had really started colonizing these schools,” Rosiak told host of American Thought Leaders Jan Jekielek in a recent interview. “It was almost everywhere.” Investigative reporter Luke Rosiak author of Race-to-the-Bottom: Uncovering the Secret Forces Destroying American Public Education in Washington on April 5, 2022. (Matthew-Pearson/Conservative Partnership Institute) Funders, teachers’ unions, and associations are working together to inculcate an extreme ideology in public schools in the name of “equity” or critical race theory (CRT), which was partially exposed when children were home during the pandemic. “So, I mean, one of the most important concepts to understand is equity,” said Rosiak, they don’t call it CRT. “But almost every school district in the country is on record supporting equity, and equity is a very bad thing. It means equal outcomes by race.” He likened the equity agenda to communism, saying, “that means forcing equal outcomes by either bringing the top performers down or by just rigging the stats.” The stated goal of communism is to eliminate any economic disparities, having everyone be equal, no matter the effort. In the name of equity, during Barack Obama’s second presidential term, the Department of Justice sent a letter to every school district telling them they will “be investigated unless your discipline rates were the same for all races,” said Rosiak. As a consequence, discipline was severely limited, and learning in classrooms was impacted. U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, right, and President Barack Obama during an announcement in the State Dining Room of the White House to announce Holder was resigning, on Sept. 25, 2014. (Evan Vucci/AP Photo) The 2014 DOJ letter states: “Regardless of the program adopted, federal law prohibits public school districts from discriminating in the administration of student discipline based on certain personal characteristics.” “The Departments initiate investigations of student discipline policies and practices at particular schools based on complaints the Departments receive from students, parents, community members, and others about possible racial discrimination in student discipline,” the letter reads. Rosiak has found that special interest groups running schools have installed equity departments, which have authority over all school policies, to ensure their equity agenda is advanced. “But what they do is they implant the equity stuff above it all,” Rosiak said. Every decision from every department has to then be cleared by the equity department because of its impact on race, he said. Two of those equity groups are called Policy Link and The Government Alliance on Race and Equity (“a national network of government working to achieve racial equity and advance opportunities for all”), which are two nonprofits many school districts use. Rosiak said that instead of implementing rigorous academic programs, district and teacher union heads are pushing for equity initiatives that lower the bar for students. Some of these actions include lower testing requirements or getting rid of certain types of tests altogether. “So essentially, yeah, in pursuit of equity, they have stopped measuring things, they started cooking the books, they started orienting everything around the lowest common denominator,” said Rosiak. “We’re not even trying to get them to be smart, because it’s better for the teachers to look like they’re succeeding, and that they’re not failing these kids, and they’re not creating these disparities.” Students leave Stuyvesant High School, one of the nine specialized public high schools in New York City, on March 25, 2014. (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews) He said New York City’s Stuyvesant High School is a school where standardized testing was required for merit-based entry and kids had to be skilled but because of pressure from racial equity activists, they stopped using the standardized test. “And it (merit-based entry) was really a way to keep the elites from capturing the school. And the merit, was the great equalizer, and it brought this very rigorous school to the middle class and the working class,” said Rosiak. “Don’t use the exam to get into the math school, because asking kids to answer math questions is not a good way to determine whether they know math.” Rosiak said all this effort is to make the schools look like they are not failing to teach, the one million students in New York, especially minority students. This is even more outrageous when you know that each student cost the NYC taxpayers, $29,000 per year. “So why did they care so much? What happens to these 20,000 kids at the specialized schools? And the answer is because it’s the optics, when you look at Stuyvesant, what you see is sort of a big picture of how kids are doing in New York City as a whole.” The equity framework being pushed by schools puts subjective truth above objective truth, said Rosiak. “A society can’t function on some philosophical framework that rejects objectivity, but that’s what CRT does. It positions ‘lived experience’, which is just whatever you say it is, and how you feel. So that’s what ‘counter storytelling’ is.” According to Columbia University Storytelling (page 142) Project Curriculum, “Counter stories are new stories that we deliberately construct to challenge the stock stories, build on and amplify resistance stories to interrupt the status quo and work for change.” In counter story-telling, “subjectivity, preempts objectivity, but only if it furthers critical race theory. So, in other words, both of our feelings matter, but our feelings only matter if they serve the ends of CRT. And if your lived experience is something that doesn’t help advance the CRT takeover, then your lived experience doesn’t matter,” Rosiak added. During the pandemic, school officials pushed through more of this agenda including, converting letter grades to standards-based assessments. “And so, they have all these different schemes that they had always been wanting to do for like 10 years, and during coronavirus you see them, ramming them through all at once,” he said. “We can’t do the tests, and therefore, we can’t have gifted and talented and magnet schools because there are no tests. We’re not going to do letter grades because a lot of kids are just being totally failed by remote learning.” Wealthy Foundations Funding School Associations “So, there are radical ideologues that have taken over all of the associations, and the groups that are doing that are basically the philanthropic foundations like the Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Foundation, Kellogg Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation,” said Rosiak. The foundations, work with the teacher’s associations to further the funders’ racist agenda and hide the fact that the teachers/schools are failing students, which Rosiak calls the “alliance of convenience”. “When there is a jurisdiction that does these radical policies, the associations can then replicate it all over the country,” said Rosiak. “What they do is they say it’s best practices because another district has done it. But it doesn’t actually have to be effective.” Rosiak said the evidence he has found, points to the fact that the wealthy elite class wants to preserve their status. “So, it was basically social Darwinism…,” said Rosiak. “One of the things they may want to do is preserve the status quo of the elites at the top, and then this permanent black underclass, the best way to preserve a permanent black underclass is to completely refuse to educate them properly.” An example Rosiak gives, of this ideology is schools labeling habits that help high achievers, as being a part of white supremacy. “And so, when they say things like blacks can’t show up on time, or can’t be expected to get the right answer or worship of the written word, that’s a function of whiteness, like these are insane, racist ideas that are just saying blacks aren’t good enough. It’s horrible.” These foundations have always given out money and propagated their ideas but more recently they have consolidated their efforts, Rosiak said. Celeste Fiehler protests outside the Desert Sands Unified School District board meeting in La Quinta, Calif., on Oct. 5, 2021. (Courtesy Celeste Fiehler) “I think of it as like a multi-headed monster, it brings together all the foundations and it actually serves as a vehicle through which they can all coordinate.” He said one of these ventures is called the HUB project. “And so, they do things like they run fake news, websites that purport to be like a local news source covering maybe your local school board election, but it’s really a completely contrived thing for the purposes of pushing these political ideas.” Rosiak urges parents and any taxpayer who cares, to start going to school board meetings and questioning schools and hold these groups accountable for the poor and skewed education children are receiving. “Because paying an average of $17,000 per student per year, which is what we pay, and getting an average of 36 percent literacy among 12th graders 24 percent proficiency in math, that’s a completely untenable reality. And once we realize it, something’s going to have to change.”
"Let’s be absolutely clear about why prices are high right now: COVID and Vladimir Putin. -- Joe Biden, POTUS, APR 20 2022" Oh no Joe... Inflation, COVID, and the War[s] were all directly caused by big Government Politicians around the world. And for the last 50 years one of them has been you. Let's be absolutely clear on that. CPI-U 8.5%yoy (govt fake news, check your grocery receipts) SGS-alt1990 12%yoy SGS-alt1980 17%yoy
Money Talks, Bullshit Walks, Biden's Democrats are doomed... Biden Price Hike: Most Americans Blame US President For Higher Gas Prices It's hard to believe this has to be said, but unlike this president, I'll do my job and take responsibility. I won't blame others. And I'll never forget that the job isn't about me, it's about you. @JoeBiden June 4 2020. Democrats... "Inflation is transitory" - Feb 2021 4% "Inflation is good" - Oct 2021 6% "It's just corporate greed" - Jan 2022 7.5% "Putin did it!" - Mar 2022 10% (17% actual) A majority of Americans still don't believe the Biden administration's ham-fisted attempts to shove the "Putin's Price Hike™" narrative down our throats. According to a new Rasmussen poll, when asked whether Biden or Russian President Vladimir Putin is to blame for higher fuel prices, "76% of Republicans think Biden bears most responsibility for higher fuel prices, as do 24% of Democrats and 54% of voters not affiliated with either major party." What's more, 84% of likely US voters believe the rising price of gasoline, home heating oil and other petroleum products is a 'serious problem.' 61% say it's a 'very serious problem.' And when did the vast majority of this inflation occur? Pre-Ukraine, in fact prices started their jump and run on November 5th 2020, right after the election, with near vertical leap as Biden policy started after Jan 20th. Rasmussen's findings echo those from several weeks ago, as NBC's Tom Costello reported on "The Today Show" that people aren't buying the Putin Price Hike narrative. "President Biden is trying to label this Putin's price hike. Well most Americans, according to an NBC News poll, are not buying that. Only 6% blame Putin; most believe that President Biden's policies are very much to blame." And in March, a Quinnipiac University poll revealed that more Americans blame Biden than the Ukraine invasion or corporate greed for the rise in gas prices. Forty-one percent of those polled say the Biden Administration’s economic policies are more responsible for the recent rise in gas prices. Two other factors tied for second place at 24% each. The first was the war in Ukraine and resulting sanctions against Russia, while the second factor was oil companies charging more. -WCSC, Mar. 30 What was that, Joe? That said, talk to us about the cost of energy when Putin shuts off gas to Europe. Europe may be hurtling toward a sudden halt of Russian natural #gas, which would trigger energy rationing and a deep recession. The continent’s gas balance is “just one supply disruption away from completely falling apart,” says a JPMorgan analyst. — Bloomberg Energy (@BloombergNRG) May 1, 2022
Biden Misled Public On Afghanistan; New GOP Report Finds The frantic and deadly U.S. evacuation from Afghanistan was so disorganized that 1,450 children were evacuated without their parents, and senior leaders in Vice President Kamala Harris’ and first lady Jill Biden’s offices, as well as one of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, asked private veteran groups for assistance evacuating certain people from the country. In the waning days of the evacuation, more than 1,000 women and girls waited more than 24 hours on dozens of buses, desperately circling the Kabul airport and trying to avoid Taliban checkpoints. Many of them were told multiple times they were not allowed to enter the airport. Now, nearly a year since the Taliban took control of the country, fewer than one-third of them have managed to flee the country. These are just some of the findings in a new report by Republicans on the House Foreign Affairs Committee one year after the Taliban swept into the Afghan capital of Kabul, almost instantly rolling back more than two decades of U.S. and NATO military support and nation-building efforts. More broadly, the report, which RealClearPolitics obtained late last week, asserts President Biden and top officials in his administration repeatedly – and perhaps intentionally – misled the American people when they said the fall of Kabul came as a surprise and there was no alternative other than depending on the Taliban for security in the Afghan capital as the U.S. military evacuated hastily. The report asserts that the chaotic withdrawal that left more than 800 American citizens stranded in the country was completely avoidable if Biden and his national security team had listened to the warnings and advice of military leaders, U.S. diplomatic officials operating on the ground, and international allies. It adds that one of the most tragic outcomes of the evacuation – the death of 13 U.S. servicemembers and 160 Afghans in a suicide bombing at the Kabul airport – could have been prevented if the administration had accepted the Taliban’s Aug. 15 offer for the U.S. to control the capital city’s security until the end of the withdrawal. Such an arrangement would have allowed American forces to extend the airport’s security perimeter, creating more space for evacuating Afghans and a far more orderly process. It also would have prevented U.S. servicemembers from being penned in amid the frantic crush of Afghans desperately trying to board U.S. military planes, leaving them vulnerable to the suicide attack, several former officials told committee Republicans, according to the report. “There were many sins if you will – there was a complete lack of and failure to plan,” Rep. Mike McCaul, the top Republican on the panel told CBS News’ Face the Nation Sunday. “There was no plan executed.” In a new memo over the weekend, the White House started defending its decision to withdraw troops, arguing that the move strengthened U.S. national security by freeing up military and intelligence agents and assets. The memo, written by National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson and first reported by Axios, is a direct response to the House Republicans’ interim report outlining their view of the administration’s withdrawal failures. It assails the House Republicans’ report as a partisan exercise “riddled with inaccurate characterizations, cherry picked information, and false claims…. It advocates for endless war and for sending more troops to Afghanistan, and it ignores the impacts of the flawed deal that former President Trump struck with the Taliban,” the memo states. Republicans are standing by their findings, arguing that a failure to plan left the State Department with only 36 consular officers at the airport trying to process hundreds of thousands of people in a matter of days. These officials were overwhelmed, McCaul said, but the lack of resources for a withdrawal of this magnitude was just one of the many mistakes involved in failing to plan for Kabul’s fall despite multiple warnings. United States of America fled Afghanistan leaving behind innocent Afghans. These shocking visuals from Kabul today describe the US withdrawal from Afghanistan. Betrayal. Escape. Lack of empathy. No clarity. Failure. Chaos. — Aditya Raj Kaul (@AdityaRajKaul) August 16, 2021 Several top U.S. military leaders for months had warned the president that the Afghan government would likely collapse if the U.S. left fewer than 2,500 troops stationed there, the report states. The report also cites “more realistic assessments on the ground,” including a July 13, 2021, embassy cable from 23 U.S. personnel assigned to the embassy in Kabul, which reportedly contained “a stark warning” about the potential collapse of the Afghan state. The cable, which the Wall Street Journal first reported a year ago, and was sent to Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Director of Policy Planning Salman Ahmed, called on the State Department to respond more urgently to the Taliban’s offensive. Although Blinken acknowledged the existence of the cable, he has refused to share it or disclose his response to it with congressional committees, including the House Foreign Affairs Committee. The biggest mistake of all, McCaul argued, was Biden’s rejection of the Taliban’s offer for the U.S. to take control of Kabul’s security until the evacuation was over. “Think about what that would have changed,” McCaul said. “We had to rely on the Taliban to secure the perimeter of [the airport], that led to the chaos, and it also led to the suicide bomber who killed 13 servicemen and women and injured hundreds of people.” The Biden administration also rebuffed other offers that could have helped prevent the frantic crush of Afghans at the airport and preserve America’s reputation abroad, the report states. U.S. leaders ignored a proposal from Guam for the U.S. territory to serve as an interim processing center to help evacuate interpreters and other at-risk allies. It similarly declined an offer from Pakistan to have a facility there serve as a transit center for evacuees, despite other facilities in Qatar and Germany reaching capacity. The report, which will serve as a roadmap for several lines of inquiry if Republicans win back the majority in either chamber this fall, is based on open-source information, along with interviews with U.S. officials and civilians involved in evacuating U.S. citizens and Afghan allies. Several whistleblowers who requested anonymity also played a key role, along with sworn statements by U.S. military personnel who were part of the investigation into the August 26, 2021, suicide bombing at the Kabul airport. The State Department did not comply with requests for documents and transcribed interviews with 34 administration officials involved in the Afghanistan evacuation effort. The report also criticizes the full House Foreign Affairs Committee, led by Democratic Rep. Greg Meeks of New York, for holding just one full committee hearing with senior Biden administration officials on the Afghanistan withdrawal even though it’s widely recognized as one of the worst U.S. foreign policy failures in decades. While the report says more State Department resources would have helped ease panic and confusion, it faults the agency for basic communication miscues that further exacerbated the chaos. By ignoring early warnings that they were not moving quickly enough to evacuate Americans and at-risk Afghans who had worked directly with the U.S. government, they left American citizens, green-card holders, and Afghan allies approved for departure stranded outside airport gates with no assistance. “Attempts by members of Congress and their staff to help their constituents or other would-be evacuees were often stymied by out-of-office replies to email requests and broken links to web pages mean to submit information,” according to the report. It also criticizes U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan Ross Wilson for going on a two-week vacation as Afghanistan was falling apart. Wilson took his summer break immediately after accompanying then-Afghanistan President Ghani to a late June meeting with Biden who promised the Afghan envoy, “We’re going to stick with you, and we’re going to do our best to see to it that you have the tools you need.” “There were no decisions made in the embassy until [Ross] returned in mid-July. This made action impossible,” a U.S. military officer told Army investigators. “Ground could have been gained at this time if the embassy had been able to do anything.” A couple of weeks later, it was Biden and Blinken who were on vacation at Camp David and the Hamptons, respectively, when alarms began sounding at the Pentagon for the need to relocate all of U.S. embassy personnel to the Kabul airport. Before the move, the personnel were being ordered to destroy sensitive documents in response to new fears of an immediate Taliban takeover of Kabul. All these hasty actions left no time for the State Department to speed up the processing of immigration applications for the Afghan allies Biden had promised to protect. There were no plans made to evacuate tens of thousands of U.S.-trained Afghan commandoes and other elite units who possess sensitive knowledge about American military operations. Also left behind: women leaders and soldiers whom Americans had promised sanctuary, along with more than 10,000 Afghans who had been employed by Embassy Kabul since it was re-established in 2001 and thousands more who worked with U.S. Agency for International Development. Nearly one year after the last U.S. troops left Afghanistan, the Biden administration still lacks a plan to help these at-risk Afghan allies who fought and worked alongside U.S. forces, even though the administration has admitted that the Taliban and other terrorist groups have subjected these U.S. allies to killings and forced disappearances. And, despite Biden’s assurances that the U.S. had accomplished its original goal of expelling al Qaeda and other terrorist groups from the country, the report points to the recent U.S. strike against Ayman al Zawahiri, a top al Qaeda leader, who was living freely in downtown Kabul, as proof of the group’s presence in Afghanistan. “Thankfully, al Zawahiri was killed by a U.S. drone strike last month, but officials warn that al Qaeda and ISIS-K continue to grow their presence in Afghanistan,” the report states. Meanwhile, the withdrawal has wreaked havoc on the country’s economy, with some estimates that 95% of the country needs emergency assistance to avoid hunger. With the Taliban back in control, there are reports of targeted revenge killings against those who worked with the U.S. government or military. U.S.-based volunteer groups seeking to aid Afghan evacuees have reported nearly 500 reprisal attacks, including beheadings, hangings, severed limbs, lash marks, and car shootings. The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan reported in July 2022 that these killings are often carried out “execution style – for example, when an individual is taken out of their house and shot almost immediately,” the report notes. One of the worst casualties of the U.S. withdrawal from the country is the dramatic regression of women and girls, who are now ordered to wear burqas and are prevented from attending school or universities or even from walking unaccompanied in public places. Child marriage is also reportedly on the rise with girls as young as nine years old being sold into marriage to pay off debts, or families being forced to marry off their young daughters to Taliban fighters, the report states, quoting PBS documentary filmmaker Ramita Navai’s comments earlier this month after two visits to Afghanistan. The report also cites a finding by Amnesty International that “many women protesters” in Afghanistan who demonstrated against the Taliban’s repressive policies “have been subjected to arbitrary arrest and detention, enforced disappearance and torture,” including Taliban-administered beatings and electric shocks with tasers. Although Blinken acknowledged reprisal attacks and killings earlier this year, the report points out that the secretary played down the Taliban leadership’s responsibility for the deaths. “We are of course seeing retribution, attacks by Taliban against those who are part of the former government,” he told a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on April 28. “These seem to be, for the most part, not centrally directed, that is they – they tend to be happening at a local level, but they're happening.” Many of these allies are still sheltering in safe houses, afraid that the Taliban informants will expose their previous work with the U.S. government or NATO allies. Each passing week, they have fewer resources to purchase basic items such as food, fuel, and shelter. With the State Department unable to aid these people, the task of clothing, feeding, and sheltering tens of thousands of Afghans has fallen to outside veteran or humanitarian groups or sympathetic individuals. With almost no support from the U.S. government, some of the personnel running these groups, many of them comprising military veterans, have drained their personal retirement accounts, quit jobs, and suspended their small businesses in order to raise the funds to operate these networks of safe houses. “But these funds are not limitless, and the resource strains incurred have endangered the continued existence of these safe houses which many Afghans and Americans rely on for their very survival,” the report concludes.
No wonder US kids are at bottom of world on math and other education scores, public schools... which are needless Socialist Democrat Union Statist Thieving Indoctrination Camps, which many especially the poor can't opt out of without being jailed... are teaching them garbage that even State and Federal governments recognize as trash... Florida school chief rejects math textbooks over attempts indoctrinate students. Rhode island teacher warns crt absolutely everywhere schools. How protect your children indoctrination. 71% Of Elementary School Math Textbooks In Florida Contained 'Woke Indoctrination' The Florida Department of Education (FDOE) rejected dozens of mathematics textbooks for its K-12 curriculum, citing references to Critical Race Theory (CRT) and problematic woke content. FDOE said 41% of submitted textbooks by publishers were "impermissible with either Florida's new standards or contained prohibited topics." Some of those topics included controversial CRT, inclusions of Common Core, and Social-Emotional Learning. A shocking 71% of the submitted textbooks contained prohibited topics or unsolicited strategies for grade levels K-5 that didn't align with FDOE standards. Here's a breakdown of FDOE's findings of the 54 of the 132 (41%) reject textbooks. *78 of 132 total submitted textbooks are being included on the state's adopted list. *28 (21 percent) are not included on the adopted list because they incorporate prohibited topics or unsolicited strategies, including CRT. *12 (9 percent) are not included on the adopted list because they do not properly align to B.E.S.T. Standards. *14 (11 percent) are not included on the adopted list because they do not properly align to B.E.S.T. Standards and incorporate prohibited topics or unsolicited strategies, including CRT. *Grades K-5: 71 percent of materials were rejected. *Grades 6-8: 20 percent of materials were rejected. *Grades 9-12: 35 percent of materials were rejected. Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis said, "publishers attempted to slap a coat of paint on an old house built on the foundation of Common Core, and indoctrinating concepts like race essentialism, especially, bizarrely, for elementary school students." "I'm grateful that Commissioner Corcoran and his team at the Department have conducted such a thorough vetting of these textbooks to ensure they comply with the law," DeSantis added. Commissioner of Education Richard Corcoran said, "Florida has become a national leader in education under the vision and leadership of Governor DeSantis. When it comes to education, other states continue to follow Florida's lead as we continue to reinforce parents' rights by focusing on providing their children with a world-class education without the fear of indoctrination or exposure to dangerous and divisive concepts in our classrooms." Here's one example of a "woke" math problem in one of the textbooks. The report should be an eye-opener to parents about the massive indoctrination of the most vulnerable: children. There are ways to avoid toxic CRT that some teachers are already warning it's "absolutely everywhere." Through homeschooling, or if parents don't have the means, at least be open to understanding what is being taught at school. The larger question is, who are these publishers, and why are they trying to indoctrinate kids with radical Left thinking?
Open borders are nice, but they only work if all borders are open in all directions. Unfortunate that Biden Democrats open borders are nothing more than a political plot. And where is Biden doing anything to help US people leave and demanding other countries let US people in. Number Of Illegal Immigrants Living In US Rose By 1 Million In Biden's First Year The illegal immigrant population in the United States increased by one million in President Joe Biden’s first year in office, according to a new report. At the end of 2021, 15.5 million illegal aliens were residing in the country, the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) estimated. After rolling back key Trump-era policies, Biden presided over the largest number of apprehensions of illegal immigrants at the U.S.–Mexico border in a calendar year in history. Almost 1.9 million arrests were recorded. “Massive numbers of illegal aliens are coming into the United States and they’re staying here,” Spencer Raley, research director at FAIR and author of the new report, told The Epoch Times. The state with the most illegal immigrants, according to the new estimate, is California, with 3.2 million. Texas has 2.2 million, Florida has 1.1 million, and New York has 1 million. At the bottom of the list are West Virginia, North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, and South Dakota—all with under 10,000 illegal aliens. The cost to taxpayers was estimated at $143 billion, up some $9 billion from a year prior when FAIR last released an estimate. The group, which promotes policies that would reduce legal and illegal immigration in order to let America “manage growth, address environmental concerns, and maintain a high quality of life,” reached the figure by using Census Bureau data to calculate the total number of foreign-born residents presumed to be living in the United States. After subtracting the total number of lawfully present immigrants, they add 30 percent to the total because of assumed underestimation. Other groups use different methods to calculate the illegal immigrant population, which can’t be definitively ascertained because some escape detection. Yale researchers pegged the population at around 22 million as of 2016. Edward Kaplan, one of the researchers, more recently estimated the population at approximately 20 million. The Department of Homeland Security, meanwhile, said in its latest estimate (pdf) that as of Jan. 1, 2018, roughly 11.4 million illegal aliens were residing in the country, unchanged from their estimate three years prior. And Pew Research estimated just 10.5 million illegal immigrants were living in the country in 2017. Whatever the number, it has likely increased in recent months as the Biden administration repeatedly loosens both border enforcement measures and policies aimed at locating illegal immigrants for deportation. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, a Biden appointee, has in a series of memorandums curtailed Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) from detaining and moving to deport aliens. The guidelines are based in part on the principle that “many individuals who are unlawfully present in the United States have been contributing members to this country,” Mayorkas told the House Judiciary Committee in Washington on April 28. The administration “has effectively abolished” ICE and is preventing Customs and Border Protection, which includes Border Patrol, from securing the southern border, FAIR said in its report. Still, there are other factors at play, as the illegal alien population also increased during the Trump administration. Per FAIR estimates, the population rose by two million across President Donald Trump’s four years in office. If the increase under Biden continues apace, it would reach double that over four years. “During the Trump administration, we did see a significant increase in the illegal alien population, but we never saw it to this degree,” Raley said. A strong economy draws illegal aliens who want jobs, according to FAIR. Portions of the economy have recovered from the widespread lockdowns in 2020, but still haven’t reached pre-pandemic levels. Proposed solutions include reinstating fully many of the more successful Trump-era border policies such as the “Remain in Mexico” program. That approach “would have to be supplemented by enforcement mechanisms inside the country,” Raley said. “You would have to crack down on employers, which would probably entice a lot of illegal aliens to go home on their own accord, because the things that brought them here are no longer available. But you would also have to get serious again about taking the handcuffs off ICE and letting them apprehend immigration lawbreakers and ultimately remove them.” Here’s Biden saying Hunter’s laptop was just a “Russian plant” and “a smear campaign"
Donald J Trump won the US 2020 Presidential Election Joe Biden, entire Biden family, Clinton Foundation, and News and Social Media and BigTech, Intel Commu and FBI, are all corrupt high crimes... "Don't mention Joe being involved, it's only when u are face to face, I know u know that but they are paranoid" "Something Is Up": Rep. Jim Jordan Suggests Hunter Biden Indictment Could Be Coming Top House Republican Jim Jordan said on Sunday he thinks "something is up" with the MSM's recent flip-flop on the Hunter Biden laptop story - which was originally branded as Russian disinformation right before the 2020 US election, only to be validated as authentic in recent weeks amid a grand jury investigation into the First Son. According to Jordan, it "sure seems" that Hunter is on his way to being indicted - though he couldn't say for sure, according to the Washington Examiner. Jordan pointed to the remarkable timing of MSM outlets reporting on Hunter's laptop in seeming lockstep, which coincides with a flurry of grand jury activity. "You mentioned those two stories from the Washington Post 10 days ago," Jordan told Fox News host Maria Bartiromo. "I understand they were four minutes apart. One was at 11:00. One was at 11:04. So two eight-page-long stories four minutes apart from the news organization that said 18 months ago there was no story here, this was Russian disinformation. That tells you something is up. You don't see the Washington Post do that." While the New York Post led the charge in reporting on the contents of the abandoned laptop, which contained emails detailing Biden's business dealings and rollercoaster personal life, other major media outlets sought to cast doubt on its authenticity, and Big Tech companies even took steps to suppress its spread in the final weeks of the 2020 election. Jordan, who is the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, remarked how "interesting" it is that the "story has evolved" in recent weeks, coinciding with rising suspicions that President Joe Bidsen himself could be drawn into a federal criminal investigation, even as the White House has been adamant in asserting that the president is not involved and that his 52-year-old son did not commit any crimes. -Washington Examiner "Remember, it started off as, 'Oh, it wasn't his laptop.' Then it was, 'Well, it was his laptop, but it was Russian disinformation.' Now it's, 'No, it wasn't Russian disinformation, but Joe had nothing to do with it," Jordan continued. "And now, finally, it is, 'Well, Joe had something to do with it, but he really didn't do anything wrong.' In fact, that's what his chief of staff, Ron Klain, told us last Sunday on the Sunday shows," he added. "So, my, how this story has changed. And now, we find out these text messages and emails that link the entire family, not just Hunter and Joe and — but also uncle, the — Joe's brother, James Biden, is involved in this as well." Bartiromo brought up that author Peter Schweizer said the laptop includes messages from Hunter that show at least $31 million in shady international dealings, as well as a 2019 message to his daughter complaining about covering family expenses. "I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years," said Hunter. "It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary." When asked to respond, Jordan said, "It sure looks like Joe Biden was involved," adding that there are "4.8 million reasons" to think Joe Biden is lying when he says there was nothing unethical about Hunter's business dealings in China and Ukraine. "The thing that bothers me the most, though, Maria, is the conspiracy," said Jordan. "The Left always tries to — always says, 'Oh, there's these right-wing conspiracies.' The real conspiracy here was the Democrats, Big Tech, Big Media keeping this story from the American people just days before the most important election we have, an election for president of the United States, election for who's going to be the commander in chief." "Maybe worst of all" was the 51 'former intelligence officials' who swore in an October 2020 letter that the Hunter Biden laptop story was likely Russian disinformation. "That letter they wrote where they said this has all the earmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign, that letter became the basis for Big Tech and Big Media to suppress this story and keep it from We the People in the run-up to our most important election," said Jordan. "That's why we sent a letter to these 51 guys. We want to know who they were talking to, how they came to this conclusion, how they put that letter together, because that was the basis for the conspiracy that kept information from the voters right up before the presidential election." * * * In late March we learned that two Hunter Biden associates testified before the grand jury about a now-defunct PLA-linked Chinese energy company, CEFC. "The investigation began as a tax inquiry years ago and has expanded into a federal probe involving the FBI and IRS," according to CBS News' Catherine Herridge, adding that "two men who worked with Hunter Biden when his father was Vice President were called to the grand jury last fall," according to a source. The probe is now exploring whether Hunter and pals violated tax, money laundering, and foreign lobbying laws. According to records reviewed by CBS along with congressional documents, the feds are looking at "multiple financial transactions involving an energy company called CEFC. Republicans accuse the business of being an arm of the Chinese government. In 2017, the year Joe Biden left the Vice Presidency, a $1 million retainer was signed with a Chinese energy company for Hunter Biden's services as a lawyer. His client, CEFC official Patrick Ho, was later convicted on international bribery and money laundering charges on unrelated work in Africa." The Hunter Biden investigation began as a tax inquiry years ago + expanded into a federal probe. Source familiar with the investigation now tells @cbsnews I-unit two men who worked w/Hunter Biden when his father VP were called to the grand jury last — Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) March 31, 2022 When the Hunter Biden laptop story broke (and was immediately suppressed by the media), CEFC was the company that reportedly extended a $5 million interest-free loan to the Bidens that enraged their business partner, Tony Bobulinski - who flipped on the Bidens following a Senate report which revealed the $5 million 'loan.' According to the former Biden insider, he was introduced to Joe Biden by Hunter, and they had an hour-long meeting where they discussed the Biden's business plans with the Chinese, with which he says Joe was "plainly familiar at least at a high level." Text messages from Bobulinski also reveal an effort to conceal Joe Biden's involvement in Hunter's business dealings, while Tony has also confirmed that the "Big guy" described in a leaked email is none other than Joe Biden himself. This is maybe THE clip from this interview. Bobulinski to #Tucker: "I remember looking at Jim Biden in saying how are you guys getting away with this? Like, aren't you concerned? And he looked at me and he laughed a little bit and said. 'plausible deniability.'" — Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) October 28, 2020 "You can imagine my shock when reading the report yesterday put out by the Senate committee. The fact that you and HB were lying to Rob, James and I while accepting $5 MM from Cefc is infuriating," wrote Bobulinski to Jim Biden. (Via the Daily Caller's Chuck Ross): Tony Bobulinski found out through the Senate report a few weeks ago that Hunter and Jim Biden had a side deal with CEFC China Energy. Here's Bobulinski's message to Jim Biden about that. "The fact that you and [Hunter Biden] were lying..." — Chuck Ross (@ChuckRossDC) October 25, 2020 On Aug. 8, 2017, per Senate report, CEFC began a series of wire transfers to a pass through to Biden's law firm that totaled $4.7 million over the next year. Bobulinski says he had no idea that CEFC struck deal with Hunter and Jim. — Chuck Ross (@ChuckRossDC) October 25, 2020 CEFC was paying Hunter $850,00 per year according to an email from Biden business associate James Gilliar to Bobulinksi - which is also the source of the "10 held by H for the big guy" email. Emails obtained by the New York Post show that Hunter "pursued lucrative deals involving China’s largest private energy company — including one that he said would be “interesting for me and my family.”" according to the report. You can read more on Hunter and the CEFC here. As an aside, but of course not coincidental we're sure, the Clinton Foundation accepted a donation between $50,001 and $100,000 from CEFC. Tony Bobulinski on Tucker says it is a "blatant lie" when Joe Biden says he had no knowledge of his son's business dealings: "There was no other reason for me to be in that bar meeting Joe Biden then to discuss what I was doing with his family's name and the Chinese." — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) October 28, 2020 And according to Bobulinski, Joe Biden was in on the whole thing. And of course, all evidence of this was suppressed right before the 2020 election. Hunter Biden laptop puts a big asterisk next to the *2020 election, all on its own. You can’t have a free and fair election when the media, tech companies, and intelligence community knowingly censor crucial information about the likely foreign corruption of one of the candidates — Joel Pollak (@joelpollak) March 30, 2022 Here’s Biden saying Hunter’s laptop was just a “Russian plant” and “a smear campaign"
Donald J Trump won the US 2020 Presidential Election
Media are Frauds, and actors in the Conspiracy... Covering For The Big Guy The mainstream media continues to cover for the Big Guy. The big guy is, of course, Joe Biden. And the Hunter Biden scandal has always been about Joe Biden. Why? Because it’s a family racket. Just as the Corleone family operated as a single unit, with Don Corleone in charge of the corrupt operation, so the Biden family operates as a unit, with Joe Biden as its chairman and ultimate authority. Hunter Biden attends his father Joe Biden's inauguration as the 46th President of the United States on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Jan. 20, 2021. (Jonathan Ernst/Pool/Reuters) Of course, the Biden family knows that Joe’s name cannot be freely used. That’s why Hunter Biden and his associates are emphatic in their email and other communications to leave Joe’s name out of their transactions. Hunter associate James Gilliar at one point texted Tony Bobulinski, then a Biden family business partner, “Don’t mention Joe being involved.” Emails appear to typically refer to Joe Biden with code names like “Celtic” or the “Big Guy.” Yet it seems the big guy was always in on the deals. One of Hunter’s emails specifically references a 10 percent cut for Joe Biden. Moreover, Bobulinski said he personally met with Joe Biden to discuss Hunter’s business dealings. This is important because Joe Biden has consistently denied he knew anything about his son’s commercial activities. This is the same Joe Biden who took his son on board Air Force Two to China, where Hunter Biden struck an arrangement with business entities connected with the Chinese Communist Party. These arrangements gave him a stake in joint ventures with the Chinese worth tens of millions of dollars. Not since the Clinton Foundation has a high American official allegedly sold access on the international market—and quite likely the Biden family racket was modeled on the Clinton Foundation. Joe Biden even apparently shared offices with Hunter Biden. In 2017, Hunter emailed his office manager to “have keys made available for new office mates,” and one of them was Joe Biden. Yet when Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked about this recently, she put on her customary deadpan expression and merely said that Joe Biden was “not office mates” with Hunter Biden. Nothing further. End of story. Investigative reporter Peter Schweizer has documented Biden family deals with foreign entities in Ukraine, China, Costa Rica, and elsewhere. It’s a worldwide operation, and all the trails lead back to one man, Joe Biden. Without his name and at least some level of active participation, there would be no racket to carry out. Despite the evidence closely tying the Bidens together in these deals, the media has for ideological reasons been highly protective of their man in the White House. At first, the media treated the Hunter Biden laptop and its incriminating contents as Russian disinformation. In this, the press was assisted by 50 former intelligence officials who were apparently willing to lie to the American people to shield Joe Biden from his own corruption. Now the laptop has been confirmed both by the New York Times and the Washington Post to be legitimate. Tellingly, not one of the 50 intelligence officials has recanted or expressed any contrition about being part of a public deception scheme. Neither has the media. Instead, the new narrative is: True, Hunter Biden sold access in his family’s name, but Joe Biden had nothing to do with it. This has all the persuasive power of saying that Don Corleone knew nothing about his family’s activities and played no part in them whatever. It makes no sense. And Joe Biden’s direct involvement in his son’s activities has now been confirmed with a new email that has emerged. The email involves a college recommendation that Joe Biden wrote for a Chinese businessman who was partners with Hunter Biden. Jonathan Li is the CEO of a company BHR that entered into a joint venture with Hunter Biden’s company Rosemont Seneca. Hunter also held a 10 percent stake in BHR. In 2017, Li sent an email to Hunter Biden and his business associates Devon Archer and Jim Bulger. “Gentlemen,” he wrote, “Please find the attached resume of my son, Chris Li. He is applying [to] the following colleges for this year.” Li listed Brown University, Cornell University, and New York University. He also attached an “updated version” of his son’s resume. So then what happened? Let’s follow the email trail. “Let’s see how we can be helpful here to Chris,” Bulger responded to Hunter and the gang. A few weeks later, on Feb. 18, 2017, Eric Schwerin, president of Rosemont Seneca, replied to Li. “Jonathan,” he wrote, “Hunter asked me to send you a copy of the recommendation letter that he asked his father to write on behalf of Christopher for Brown University.” In other words, Joe Biden wrote the letter. Is it reasonable, at this point, to continue to say Joe Biden told the truth when he said he had nothing to do with his son’s business? Is it believable that he was never in on the deals, or stood to benefit from them? No, it’s not. On the contrary, it seems that Hunter Biden was Joe Biden’s frontman. This is a Joe Biden scandal, not a Hunter Biden scandal. If the circuitous family racket can be likened to the coils of a snake, Joe Biden is the head of the snake. Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Donald J Trump won the US 2020 Presidential Election
By, according to some estimates, even nearing 40%... 'Something That’s Frightening': Robert Epstein Warns Against Big Tech Manipulation A senior research psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology, in California, Robert Epstein has been researching and looking at how the biggest tech companies influence human behavior, and conducting extensive monitoring projects of bias in these companies’ products, with a particular focus on Google. Robert Epstein, senior research psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology, in California on March 28, 2022. (York Du/The Epoch Times) Epstein called his findings “frightening” because of the tech companies’ ability to manipulate and change people’s behavior on a global scale. “Now, put that all together, you’ve got something that’s frightening, because you have sources of influence, controlled by really a handful of executives who are not accountable to any public, not the American public, not any public anywhere. They’re only accountable to their shareholders,” Epstein told “American Thought Leaders” host Jan Jekielek during a recent interview. “And yet, they hold in their hands, the power to change thinking behavior on a massive scale, the power in close elections anyway, to pick the winner in the country after country after country.” Epstein said that Google’s search engine shifted between 2.6 million and 10.4 million votes to Hillary Clinton, over a period of months before the 2016 election, and later shifted at least 6 million votes to Joe Biden and other Democrats. “We calculated at one point that as of 2015, upwards of 25 percent of the national elections in the world were being controlled, being determined, by Google’s search algorithm,” he said. Epstein is making these comments after conducting rigorous studies, spanning almost a decade, and managing to document ephemeral experiences of manipulation on Google and other companies’ platforms. A man uses the new Google Pixel 4 smartphone during a Google launch event on Oct. 15, 2019, in New York City. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images) He said ephemeral experiences are the ideal form of manipulation because they are not recorded and hard to document, like a flashing newsfeed, a search result, or a suggested video. “They affect us, they disappear, they’re stored nowhere, and they’re gone,” said Epstein. “People have no idea they’re being manipulated, number one, and number two, authorities can’t go back in time to see what people were being shown, in other words, how they were being manipulated.” One of his team’s recent experiments includes randomly assigning people to groups with search results favoring candidate A in one group and favoring candidate B in the other. The idea was to shift the participants’ voting preference, which Epstein thought would be for about 3 percent of the participants. “Very first experiment we ever ran on this, we shifted voting preferences by more than 40 percent. So, I thought that’s impossible, that can’t be repeated. The experiment with another group got a shift of more than 60 percent. So, I realized, wait a minute, maybe I’ve stumbled on something here.” These findings are the greatest discovery in the behavioral and social sciences in over 100 years, according to Epstein. In this photo taken Sept. 6, 2016, then-Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at a rally at the University of South Florida in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) Layers of Biases He said there are two layers on which people can be manipulated, one is the programmer creating the algorithm to influence results, to ultimately increase the company’s revenue, and then there is the neglect of the algorithms, where they are created and left unchecked. “Or could be maybe they’re just not paying attention. In fact, let’s call this as I do in a new article I have coming up, algorithmic neglect, okay, so they’re just neglecting it.” He said these algorithms do not give equal time to candidates or anything else, they just push one item to the top list. “So, if computer programs are determining who runs the world, who runs many countries around the world, that can’t be good for humanity. They’re just not smart enough to make good decisions for us.” Epstein said the programmers creating the algorithms have biases, so therefore the algorithm has a preference. “Now, 96 percent, of donations from Google, and other tech companies in Silicon Valley, go to one political party, it happens to be the party I like, which is the Democratic Party. But the point is, there’s a lot of political bias in these companies.” Dan Gainor of the Media Research Center confirmed this fact. “From the top to the bottom, these companies are overwhelmingly liberal, overwhelmingly pro-Democrat,” Gainor told Fox News. “At the top, they contribute to Democrat causes. At the bottom, they contribute to Democrat causes in overwhelming numbers.” Likewise, Twitter employee donations during the last federal election cycle, according to data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics show at least 89 percent of their donations went to democrats. Other Significant Experiment The strongest effect Epstein was able to create was called OME (opinion matching effect). As an example, he said that companies like Facebook, Tinder, etc. may have a campaign to “help” users decide who is the better candidate. The company can put up surveys that ask what the person thinks about certain issues and after the survey, the program will tell the user which candidate matches their opinions or preferences. Epstein said they have found that when they, in experiments, give people a quiz, and then they tell them how good a match they are for one candidate or another, “All the numbers shift in the direction of whichever candidate, we said, You match. They all shift. And the shifts we get are between 70 and 90 percent.” The most critical part is that the experimenter does not look at the participant’s answers when they tell them who they match. “So, opinion matching is a fantastic way to manipulate people, because you can shift people very, very, very dramatically and they have no clue. They do not suspect any kind of bias or manipulation.” Next Steps Epstein said his next step with this work is to do this monitoring on a larger scale so that we can get rid of the interference in our democracy, our lives, and with our children. “This is the solution, which is permanent, large-scale monitoring 24 hours a day in all 50 states, doing to them what they do to us and our kids. If we do it to them, if we monitor, we capture, we archive and we expose, okay, then they will stay out of our lives.” Epstein reiterated that although he is a Democrat, he is not for this type of manipulation even though it favors the outcome he prefers. “Now, I’m not a conservative. So, you know, I say, you know, keep going, Yeah, absolutely. I love it. But I don’t love it. Because I don’t want a private company that’s not accountable to the public deciding what billions of people can see and cannot see, the problem there is you don’t know what they don’t show,” he said. “There are sound reasons for wanting to get these companies out of our elections because if we don’t, it makes democracy into a kind of a joke or at least an illusion,” he said. “Because it means in close elections, election after election after election, it means these companies are choosing the winner.” Election workers count ballots in Philadelphia, Pa., on Nov. 4, 2020. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images) His team is primed to do this research to find out how this type of manipulation is affecting children. “And nobody really understands how these companies are impacting our children, especially young children. So that’s, that’s become my latest obsession is trying to figure that out.” Through the monitoring, Epstein said “We’re trying to figure out how the manipulation works. But most importantly, we’re trying to quantify it.” And he is most interested now, in finding out how all this is impacting children and young adults. “Because I think that what’s really happening is that there is a cumulative effect of, not just political bias, but a value literally a cumulative effect of being exposed to certain kinds of values, over and over and over again, on one tech platform, or after another. And I think that the people who are most vulnerable to being impacted by that kind of process are children.” Readers can learn more about protecting personal information by going to or going to a website called Internet Watchdog. Epstein has also updated his official testimony to Congress which can be found at Google’s Triple and my Google His “plea” to the public is if you are in a position to donate, please do. “So, we’ve made a lot of progress, we need to go to the next level, the next level means setting up a permanent, large scale, self-sustaining monitoring system in all 50 U.S. states. This is something which I think is required. It’s not optional. This is required for us, we must do this to protect our country, our democracy, our children, this must be done.”
Donald J Trump won the US 2020 Presidential Election By, according to some estimates, even nearing 40%...
The list of Democrat coordinated fraud and conspiracy that went into corrupting the 2020 election keep growing and more detailed every month. Things are really getting embarassing for apologist DemLibLeftProgs... lol. Here lies at least 10 percent worth of undue malicious and illegal election influence alone, and this is just an initial surface project, wait till more collect and investigate more stats and honest jounos dig deeper... Big Tech Censored Biden Criticism 646 Times Over 2 Years Big Tech platforms have censored criticism of President Joe Biden more than 600 times over the past two years, according to a new report. CensorTrack: It is a movement to stop Big Tech censorship of conservatives. The Media Research Center has been fighting Big Tech bias for several years, building on more than 33 years experience opposing media bias. Silicon Valley censorship is even more insidious. It is built into algorithms and hidden by suspensions and bans that lack transparency. The Media Research Center (MRC), a Virginia-based American content analysis and media watchdog group, through its CensorTrack database, found that between March 2020 and March 2022, social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram deleted or censored 646 accounts or posts that criticized the president. Of the more than 600 cases, 140 of the posts censored by Big Tech involved the New York Post’s reports about the president’s son, Hunter Biden, and his allegedly corrupt foreign business dealings. After the New York Post reported on emails and other material from a laptop believed to be owned by Biden’s son, Twitter blocked the circulation of the story while other news outlets cast doubt on the veracity of the developments. The watchdog’s report also found that 232 posts that mentioned Biden’s behavior with women and children were censored. In one example, a Facebook post that claimed to show images of Biden kissing his adult granddaughter on the lips during a campaign stop in Iowa in February 2020 captioned, “Find someone who kisses you the way Joe Biden kisses his granddaughter,” was reportedly deleted for violating the platform’s community standards on “nudity or sexual activity.” In another case, news outlet Breaking 911 on Instagram quoted the president talking about COVID-19 vaccines, saying, “Freedom! … I have the freedom to kill you with my COVID. No, I mean, come on! Freedom?!” That post was reportedly moved for promoting “violence and incitement.” “MRC Free Speech America tallied 646 cases in its CensorTrack database of pro-Biden censorship. … The tally included cases from Biden’s presidential candidacy to the present day,” MRC said. “The worst cases of censorship involved platforms targeting anyone who dared to speak about any subject related to the New York Post bombshell Hunter Biden story.” “The Post investigated Hunter Biden and the Biden family’s allegedly corrupt foreign business dealings. Big Tech’s cancellation of that story helped shift the 2020 election in Biden’s favor,” it added. The Epoch Times has contacted Facebook and Twitter for comment. It comes as Tesla CEO Elon Musk on Monday clinched a deal to buy Twitter for $44 billion cash. Musk, who calls himself a free speech absolutist, has criticized Twitter’s moderation. “Free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy, and Twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated,” Musk said in a statement. Here’s Biden saying Hunter’s laptop was just a “Russian plant” and “a smear campaign"
Donald J Trump won the US 2020 Presidential Election
Seems there is nothing Biden hasn't lied about, except maybe his flavor of ice cream... While they all have covered up their visitor and comms logs to hide their corruption... White House Visitor Logs Reveal Hunter Biden Business Partner Met With Joe Biden The White House is so far not commenting on reports that a close business associate of President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, made several visits to the White House while the elder Biden was serving as vice president during the Obama administration. Hunter Biden (L) and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden cheer on stage during a rally in Wilmington, Del., on Nov. 7, 2020. (Jim Bourg/Reuters) Eric Schwerin, the former president of Hunter Biden’s now-dissolved investment firm Rosemont Seneca Partners, visited the White House at least 19 times from 2009 to 2015, according to White House visitor log records reviewed by The Epoch Times and first reported by the New York Post. The logs show that Schwerin met directly with then-Vice President Joe Biden in the West Wing on Nov. 17, 2010. And Schwerin also had several meetings with White House aides during times when Hunter Biden was securing multi-billion dollar deals overseas, including in China. The meetings call into question claims made by Joe Biden that he was not involved in Hunter’s business affairs. “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,” Joe Biden said in 2019. When asked by a reporter Monday why Schwerin had access to the vice president and what the meetings were about, White House press secretary Jen Psaki did not offer any details. “I don’t have any information on that,” said Psaki. “I’m happy to check and see if we have any more comment.” Hunter Biden walks to Marine One on the Ellipse outside the White House in Washington on May 22, 2021. (Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images) Schwerin’s involvement in the personal and professional lives of the Biden family was first revealed by the Post citing emails from a laptop abandoned by Hunter Biden at a Delaware computer repair store in April 2019. The Post’s initial reporting on the laptop during the 2020 election detailed how Hunter used his father’s political power as leverage in overseas business dealings. The article was banned for a time by Facebook and Twitter, labelled as “unsubstantiated” by other news outlets and as “Russian disinformation” by intelligence agents and members of the Biden campaign. The New York Times published a report last month, more than a year after the fact, claiming to authenticate the emails from the laptop by citing anonymous sources. The White House has refused to comment on the laptop in the wake of The New York Times article. Republicans in Congress are renewing promises to investigate Hunter Biden with the latest revelations about Schwerin’s access to the White House. ”Not everyone gets to meet the vice president of the United States in the White House. The press should be asking why Hunter Biden’s business associates—like Eric Schwerin—had that privilege and were given access to the Obama White House,” Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) told the New York Post. “This is additional evidence that Joe Biden lied when he said he never discussed Hunter’s foreign business dealings. It’s well past time for the corporate media to demand the truth from Joe Biden. The corruption of Biden Inc. must be exposed.” “It’s increasingly obvious that Hunter Biden’s business revolved around providing access to his father and the highest levers of power. It reeks of pay-to-play. The clear solution is a Special Counsel investigation to fairly investigate the disturbing allegations of Biden family corruption,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) also told the Post. There is currently an active Department of Justice investigation into Hunter Biden’s tax filings. House Republicans have vowed to subpoena the younger Biden before Congress to answer questions if the party takes back control of the House in 2022.
Donald J Trump won the US 2020 Presidential Election
Yet another of Democrat false investigations and sleezy insinuation campaigns against Trump fails, how much more corrupt democrats will it take before people throw them out, how many aspects before they recognize the criminal election conspiracy. NY Case Against Trump Implodes As Grand Jury Ends With No Charges New York's grand jury case against Donald Trump is ending without charges for the ex-president, as a lengthy criminal investigation into alleged manipulation of property assets to secure tax advantages or better loan rates is set to expire this week. Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg (D) inherited the case from former DA, Cyrus R. Vance Jr. (who famously accepted campaign donations from Harvey Weinstein to quash a #MeToo investigation). According to the Washington Post, Bragg decided not to move forward and ask the grand jury to vote on charges - mostly because the new DA had major issues using former Trump fixer Michael Cohen as a star witness. Bragg has said he will announce when the investigation is over, noting that even after the special grand jury disbanded, other grand juries hearing a broad range of criminal cases in New York would be available to take action in this one if needed. -WaPo The expiration of the grand jury comes after two senior prosecutors (Mark Pomerantz and Carey Dunne) quit the case in February after claiming Bragg was stalling the inquiry. Cohen said he met with investigators from the DA's office around a dozen times, but that nobody has contacted him since the two departures. According to Pomerantz, Trump's "“financial statements were false, and he has a long history of fabricating information relating to his personal finances and lying about his assets to banks, the national media, counterparties, and many others, including the American people." Meanwhile, attorneys for NY Attorney General Letitia James' (D) office told WaPo that it's unlikely a criminal case will be brought, despite a spokeswoman for James saying that the investigation is ongoing. James is looking into Trump's business practices. On Monday, a lawyer from her office said a lawsuit could be filed in that case soon. Last week a judge held Trump in contempt for failing to provide James' office with business records - fining him $10,000 per day until he complies. Trump's attorneys are appealing the order, as well as another one from New York Supreme Court Judge Arthur Engoron which require Trump and two of his adult children to be deposed by James' team. On Friday, Engoron rejected a bid by Trump to purge the contempt ruling after he and his attorneys submitted affidavits. The affidavits “fail to specify” who conducted searches for the requested documents, or where and when searches took place, the judge said. He called Trump’s two-paragraph sworn statement “completely devoid of any useful detail.” -WaPo Trump and team maintain they did nothing illegal regarding the Trump Organization's asset valuations - accusing James of waging lawfare against him in a personal vendetta. Emails show Joe Biden wrote to Hunter and others close to him using the alias pseudonym “Peter Henderson” a fictional KGB Soviet Union-era spy in several Tom Clancy novels who infiltrated the US government. Russian oligarch Yevtushenkov with close ties to Putin met with Hunter Biden in Moscow over potential investment deal before meeting TWICE more in New York and DC. Hispanics disapprove of Biden-Dems... Blacks disapprove of Biden-Dems... Joe Biden spent much political life as a Senator, this braindead moron can't even count the most basic of facts... it's 2... BIDEN: "There have not been many senators from Delaware. It's a small state. Matter of fact, there's never been one." Reporters: “Since you’ve come into office, things are really looking up. Gas is up, rent is up, food is up! Everything!” BIDEN: *laughs* Biden thinks inflation is funny. Joe Biden vs the teleprompter part infinity. A public school in DC gave children in pre-kindergarten through 3rd grade an "anti-racism" "fist book." The book asked them to identity "racism in yourself" and "who in your family has racist beliefs." Again, this book was given to 4-YEAR-OLDS! - Jen Psaki says the White House HAS NOT analyzed how much canceling student loan debt would fuel inflation. - Jen Psaki REFUSES to comment on why illegal immigrants on the terrorist watch list have not been arrested and thrown in jail. - On the issues of immigration and inflation, Jen Psaki claims "the actions the president has undertaken from the beginning of this administration... have been focused from the first day on exactly those issues." - Jen Psaki says Biden wore a mask during the "behind-the-scenes visit to the White House Correspondents' dinner," but a "determination was made that he did not need to do that while he was on stage. - Reporter asks Jen Psaki, “does the president know that DHS is putting together this Disinformation Governance Board?” Psaki doesn’t say. - Jen Psaki repeatedly defends Biden's Ministry of Truth
Donald J Trump won the US 2020 Presidential Election
Trump publicly called out the Deep State and Drain The Swamp in his very first election announcement. Journos piecing together yet another of many elements in the Deep State and Democrat conspiracy to election fraud against Trump and the US people... The Covid State... 'Deep State' Was Working Against Trump On COVID-19 Response: Dr. Paul Alexander Trump 5/1/22
Left tried to call Corona and Math racist too, now secure voting... Left-Wing Groups Using Race, Lawsuits To Carry Out Election Fraud One of the top Senate Republicans said that left-wing groups are using lawsuits and allegations of racism to push for measures that weaken the country’s election integrity. Voters cast their ballots at Keevan Elementary School in North St. Louis, Mo., on Aug. 4, 2020. (Michael B. Thomas/Getty Images) Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) says that Democrats are currently using claims that voter ID laws are racist in a bid to strike them down, although many such laws are commonplace in countries across Europe and elsewhere. “You know what the left does? Well, you’re a racist. My gosh, if you do anything like that you’re a racist,” Scott told Just The News. “If you do you have to ask somebody for their ID, you’re a racist, or if you don’t allow us to do same-day registration where you won’t know who’s voting, you must be a racist.” Meanwhile, left-wing advocacy groups, reportedly coordinating with the Department of Justice, are trying to “make sure that you can commit fraud in this country,” Scott added. Such reports suggest those groups are seeking to dissolve or block voter ID laws, ballot harvesting laws, and limits on ballot boxes, he said. Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) speaks during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, on May 26, 2021. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images) “It’s not fair that you get to know who’s going to vote in an election. And we ought to be able to ballot harvest. And by the way, those ballot boxes, they shouldn’t be monitored,” Scott, the head of the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), told the outlet. “That’s what they want.” Scott said that NRSC and Republican National Committee are now defending numerous lawsuits against election integrity laws across the United States. “We’re defending lawsuits all over the country where these states have improved their election laws to make sure that your vote is never diluted,” he said. About a month ago, a judge in Florida ruled that the state’s new election law, SB 90, was unconstitutional, although state officials have appealed the order. That law was signed in May 2021 by the governor before it was challenged by several liberal advocacy groups, some of which accused the law of being racist. Chief U.S. District Judge Mark Walker of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida, an Obama appointee, said the law is discriminatory and claimed it violates the Constitution. He also issued a permanent injunction that prevented the enforcement of many of the provisions Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody last month appealed the ruling, while Gov. Ron DeSantis said he believes Walker’s ruling will be overturned. “I don’t think there is any question that it will be stayed and reversed, but this was way, way outside the bounds of what the current law is,” the governor said in April.
"The timing of the leak (given the collapsing approval ratings) and the immediate politicization by the Biden administration are mere coincidence of course..." Biden has a history of ignoring the Constitution and getting smacked down by the Courts for it. Democrats now inciting violence on live national TV, again, according to their very own made up Jan6 definitions of "incitement"... and completely ignoring another of the Supreme Court's decisions, its definitions re incitement in free speech... VP Harris on Roe v. Wade: 'This is the time to fight for women and for our country with everything we have' The head of planned parenthood is calling on people to storm state capitals in response to Roe v. Wade being overturned. And the media who has been telling you on a 24/7 loop that storming a capital is an insurrection to rival 9/11 or Pearl Harbor are cheerleading it on. Furious Elizabeth Warren rallies protesters outside Supreme Court: 'We are not going back!' Biden on the issue... word salad so bad it ranks as bad as Kamala's word salad, lol... "The idea that we're gonna make a judgment that is going to say that no one can make the judgment to choose to abort a child based on a decision by the Supreme Court I think goes way overboard." Ohio Democrat Tim Ryan in September 2019: “I just think Biden is declining. I don’t think he has the energy. You see it almost daily. And I love the guy. Biden does a 180 on issue. Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer suggests court packing is on the table if Democrats win in November. Democrat Rep. Pramila Jayapal: “These [Supreme Court] justices are acting like this is somehow something that they have the right to change. They do not have the right." In April, Democrat Congressman and U.S. Senate candidate Conor Lamb BRAGGED about trying to force pro-life taxpayers to fund abortions. SCOTUS Leak Sparks Rise In Democrats' Odds Of Controlling Senate/House After Midterms About six months until the midterm elections, a leaked Supreme Court draft opinion signals the potential for Roe v. Wade to be overturned after five decades. The news sparked speculation that if the highest court in the land rules to overturn abortion as a "sacred" right to women, it could spark political gyrations ahead of the elections in November, and politicians on the Left were quick to pounce. Jim Bianco of Bianco Research tweeted the question: "Will the Roe decision impact the midterms?" Bianco points to political future odds on PredictIt have seen a "massive spike in volume" following the leak. The first contract is "Which Party will Win the House in the 2022 Elections?" Outlined in the chart is a surge in volume and a jump in odds for Democrats from 11% on 5/1 to 17% on 5/2. Republicans saw a decline of 90% on 5/1 to 84% on 5/2. The next contract is "Which Party will Control the Senate After 2022 Election?" Again, another massive volume spike in political futures with Democrats increasing from 22% to 28% and Republicans declining from 78% to 74%. On Tuesday, President Biden reacted immediately to the leaked draft and said: "I believe that a woman's right to choose is fundamental, Roe has been the law of the land for almost fifty years, and basic fairness and the stability of our law demand that it not be overturned. "And it will fall on voters to elect pro-choice officials this November." The Democrats now have a compelling message, something they lacked this year as the highest inflation in four decades crushes working poor Americans who struggle with record-high gas and food prices moved to the right side of the political aisle. Now, there's a chance that some middle of the fence voters could be swayed to vote Democrat based on a potential ruling by the Supreme Court. Still, Republicans have a significant lead over Democrats as a recent Gallup poll suggests Americans are far less concerned about abortion than other issues, according to Newsweek, which also said, "Roe v. Wade may not have a major effect on Republicans' chances in the midterm elections." Mark Spiegel of Stanphyl Capital commented on Bianco's tweet and said: "I doubt that during our economic misery (due to inflation), this "theoretical" decision will sway many votes in December. "The strong anti-choice crowd ALWAYS votes Republican and the adamant pro-choicers always vote Democrat. Those in the middle will prioritize their pocketbooks." The timing of the leak (given the collapsing approval ratings) and the immediate politicization by the Biden administration are mere coincidence of course.
"The timing of the leak (given the collapsing approval ratings) and the immediate politicization by the Biden administration are mere coincidence of course..."
US Democrats do not want you to see anything exposed in this thread... Biden corrupts himself on abortion Biden flips for abortion votes All while imposing millions of his ungodly Caesarian Government Laws expressly and forcibly denying and creating arbitrary rights on top of what Biden surely thinks are his own 335M "children of god" in the USA. Joe Biden is a fraud, hypocrite, liar, flip-flop political power opportunist, and committing apostasy against what he claims is his own religion. Shameful, moreso are people like D.Barrett propping the silly Biden Democrats after repeated exposure since before they were even "elected".
Biden has a history of ignoring the Constitution and getting smacked down by the Courts for it.
Illegal Biden gets spanked AGAIN... Federal Judge Blocks Biden Admin's Termination Of Title 42 With Title 42 - the Trump-era border management policy that allowed officials to quickly expel foreign nationals at the border due to health concerns - due to end on Monday (as part of the Biden admin's overhaul of the immigration system - that is clearly working so well), a Federal Judge from Louisiana issued a temporary restraining order blocking the Biden admin from terminating the Trump-era policy. U.S. District Judge Robert Summerhays, a Trump appointee, announced on April 25 his intent to enter a temporary restraining order that forces the administration to keep enforcing Title 42. He delayed the actual decision because he took issue with some of the language proposed by the states, and out of a desire to ensure the order doesn’t interfere with the “legitimate use of law enforcement discretion” afforded to immigration enforcement officials. He offered that he wanted the order to, “in the least disruptive way” address the states’ concerns. Summerhays directed the parties to confer and try to reach an agreement on certain issues and, if they couldn’t, he said they would hold another status conference to hammer out the differences. They apparently have not and so Summerhays granted a preliminary injunction to a group of GOP state attorneys general challenging the policy change. In an earlier hearing, Summerhays said the plaintiff states, which include Missouri and Louisiana, have demonstrated that the federal government likely violated the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) with its April 1 announcement that the emergency order would be terminated in May, according to the transcript. “I also find that the record supports a showing of immediate and irreparable harm. The states contend that the termination of the Title 42 suspension orders will result in increased costs and burdens, including increased healthcare costs. The Court concludes that the record supports these allegations and that the fact of those increased costs is sufficient to support injunctive relief,” Summerhays said. “The Court also finds, as far as the balance of harms, that a temporary restraining order restoring the status quo to immediately prior to the April 1st order will result in little injury to the defendants, and that any such injury is outweighed by the injury caused by a result of the implementation of the April 1st order without the states having an opportunity to fully vet their APA claims, and that a temporary restraining order will not disserve the public interest.” The states had argued in filings that the Biden administration wouldn’t suffer from a block against scaling back the order, since the administration itself delayed the termination until May 23. As The Hill notes, the injunction is a political victory for the red states that brought suit, but it could also help the Biden administration ease pressure on immigration, as high numbers of crossings are expected to continue throughout the summer. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said last week that his agency is preparing for a possible flood of immigrants attempting to enter the United States through its southern border when Title 42 border restrictions were supposed to be lifted next week. As we noted previously, the head of the Border Patrol union warned that drug cartels would seize “complete control” of the southern border, as a Trump-era public health order to expel illegal immigrants is to expire on Monday. “That we just don’t have anybody in the field, that we just can’t patrol the border,” National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd said during Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom,” after being asked about the “worst-case scenario” once the law ends on May 23. He said the Border Patrol system is running out of capacity as overwhelmed border agents will be largely held up by processing asylum-seeking illegal immigrants, either refereeing their claims or expelling them back to their home countries. “When you look right now, we already start our shifts with 50 percent of our resources not even performing enforcement activities. They’re in administrative duties. Once this explodes, we’re going to have nearly 100 percent of our people doing administrative duties rather than enforcement duties.” “That’s going to give complete control to the cartels. That’s a scary situation to be in,” he added. Finally, we note that timing of the block could be very good for the Biden administration as anxiety over MonkeyPox spread begins to build.
Democrats Lose Another Effort To Disqualify A GOP Member For two years, Democrats have been trying to disqualify dozens of Republicans from appearing on ballots for supporting the challenge to the certification of the 2020 election or declaring the election to be stolen. It is premised on a deeply flawed historical and legal view of a provision under the Fourteenth Amendment. In the name of democracy, these Democrats have demanded that courts prevent voters from being able to vote for incumbent members. Yet, scholars like Harvard Professor Laurence Tribe have endorsed this sweeping interpretation. It has been rejected repeatedly in the courts. The latest such ruling comes from the Arizona Supreme Court which ruled that Democrats could not prevent Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) from appearing on the ballot in 2022. In the age of rage, nothing says democracy like preventing people from running for office. Last year, Democratic members called for the disqualification of dozens of Republicans. One, Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) demanded the disqualification of the 120 House Republicans — including House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy(R-Calif.) — for simply signing a “Friend of the Court brief” (or amicus brief) in support of an election challenge from Texas. These members and activists have latched upon the long-dormant provision in Section 3 of the 14th Amendment — the “disqualification clause” — which was written after the 39th Congress convened in December 1865 and many members were shocked to see Alexander Stephens, the Confederate vice president, waiting to take a seat with an array of other former Confederate senators and military officers. Justice Edwin Reade of the North Carolina Supreme Court later explained, “[t]he idea [was] that one who had taken an oath to support the Constitution and violated it, ought to be excluded from taking it again.” So, members drafted a provision that declared that “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.” By declaring the Jan. 6th riot an “insurrection,” some Democratic members of Congress and liberal activists hope to bar incumbent Republicans from running. Even support for court filings is now being declared an act of rebellion. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) helped fuel this movement — before Jan. 6 even occurred — by declaring that the Republicans supporting election challenges were “subverting the Constitution by their reckless and fruitless assault on our democracy which threatens to seriously erode public trust in our most sacred democratic institutions, and to set back our progress on the urgent challenges ahead.” This effort failed on legal grounds in seeking o bar Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.) from running for office due to his actions related to the Jan. 6, 2021. It failed on factual grounds in seeking to bar Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R., Ga.), even after a federal district court wrongly allowed a hearing to be held. Now the Arizona Supreme Court has ruled that not only did the challengers lack the standing to bring the case but Arizona Supreme Court Chief Justice Robert Brutinel reaffirmed that this is a power left to Congress: “Qualifications of its own Members,” appears to vest Congress with exclusive authority to determine whether to enforce the Disqualification Clause against its prospective members. However, we need not decide these issues because we hold that A.R.S. § 16-351(B), which authorizes an elector to challenge a candidate “for any reason relating to qualifications for the office sought as prescribed by law, including age, residency, professional requirements or failure to fully pay fines . . . ,” is not the proper proceeding to initiate a Disqualification Clause challenge. By its terms, the statute’s scope is limited to challenges based upon “qualifications . . . as prescribed by law,” and does not include the Disqualification Clause, a legal proscription from holding office. The court case is Thomas Hansen v. Mark Finchem, No. cv-22-0099.
From Court-Packing To Leaking To Doxxing: White House Yields To National Rage Addiction Below is my column in the Hill on the leak and the refusal of President Joe Biden to denounce such conduct. It is a defining moment for his presidency that, even in the face of such a disgraceful and unethical act, the President cannot muster the courage to condemn it. He then magnified that failure by refusing to condemn the doxing and targeting of justices and their families at their homes. Here is the column: Nearly 70 years ago, a little-known lawyer named Joseph Welch famously confronted Sen. Joseph McCarthy (D-Wis.) in defense of a young man hounded over alleged un-American views. Welch told McCarthy that “I think I have never really gauged … your recklessness” before asking: “Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?” It was a defining moment in American politics as Welch called out a politician who had abandoned any semblance of principle in the pursuit of political advantage. This week, the same scene played out in the White House with one striking difference: This was no Joseph Welch to be found. After someone in the Supreme Court leaked a draft opinion in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, a virtual flash-mob formed around the court and its members demanding retributive justice. This included renewed calls for court “packing,” as well as the potential targeting of individual justices at their homes. Like the leaking of the opinion itself, the doxing of justices and their families is being treated as fair game in our age of rage. There is more than a license to this rage; there is an addiction to it. That was evident in March 2020 when Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) stood in front of the Supreme Court to threaten Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh by name: “I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price! You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.” Schumer’s reckless rhetoric was celebrated, not condemned, by many on the left, even after he attempted to walk it back by stating that “I should not have used the words I used … they did not come out the way I intended to.” What occurred at the White House this week is even more troubling. When asked for a response to the leaking of a justice’s draft opinion, White House press secretary Jen Psaki declined to condemn the leaker and said the real issue was the opinion itself. Then she was asked about the potential targeting of justices and their families at their homes, and whether that might be considered extreme. It should have been another easy question; few Americans would approve of such doxing, particularly since some of the justices have young children at home. Yet Psaki declared that “I don’t have an official U.S. government position on where people protest,” adding that “peaceful protest is not extreme.” In reality, not having an official position on doxing and harassing Supreme Court justices and their families is a policy. Whether protests are judged to be extreme seems often to depend upon their underlying viewpoints. When Westboro Baptist Church activists protested at the funeral of Beau Biden, it was peaceful — but many critics rightly condemned the demonstration as extreme; some even approved of Westboro activists being physically assaulted. When the church brought its case before the Supreme Court, some of us supported its claims despite our vehement disagreement with their views, but 42 senators filed an amicus brief asking the court to deny free-speech protections for such protests. The court ultimately ruled 8-1 in favor of the church. In this case, the Biden administration and the Justice Department have condemned the court’s leaked draft — but not the threatened protests at justices’ homes, even though those arguably could be treated as a crime. Under 18 U.S.C. 1507, it is a federal crime to protest near a residence occupied by a judge or jury with the intent to influence their decisions in pending cases, and this case remains pending. (Ironically, prosecution could be difficult if the protesters said they had no intent other than to vent anger.) Even if protests at justices’ homes are constitutionally protected, that does not make them right, any more than the lawful Army-McCarthy hearings of 1954 were right. In 1954, the left was targeted for its political views; today, it is the left which is calling for censorship, blacklisting and doxing. In such moments of reckless rage, presidents often have become calming voices, tempering extremist passions in their own parties. When they have failed to do so, history has judged them harshly, as in the case of President Eisenhower’s belated condemnation of Sen. McCarthy, something he reportedly regretted for the rest of his life. President Biden has repeatedly shown that polls, not principles, guide his presidency. He showed integrity as a senator by denouncing court packing as a “bonehead … terrible, terrible” idea. However, he has stayed silent as today’s Democrats have pushed to pack the court with an instant liberal majority, a demand that increased this week. Biden long supported the Senate’s filibuster rule and said efforts to eliminate it would be “disastrous” — but when today’s mob formed, he flipped and denounced the filibuster as a “relic” of the Jim Crow era. Even on abortion, Biden has shifted with the polls. He once opposed Roe v. Wade and supported an amendment that would negate the decision. At the time, he declared that “I don’t think that a woman has the sole right to say what should happen to her body.” Now President Biden has switched his position without really switching his logic. He recently declared that he supported Roe because “I’m just a child of God; I exist” and thus can decide what happens to his body. Accordingly, he denounced the Supreme Court’s draft opinion as “radical” and affirmed the right of a woman “to abort a child.“ Whether it is court leaking, packing, doxing or other tactics, many Democratic politicians and pundits continue to follow the mob rather than risk its ire. Our national addiction to rage is captured in three indelible images. In June 2020, there was the White House surrounded by security fencing after nights of arson and rioting; in January 2021, Congress was surrounded by the same fencing after rioting that momentarily halted the certification of the presidential election. Now the set is complete with photos of the Supreme Court encased in the same fencing. All three branches, having to be protected from enraged citizens on the left or the right. Schumer’s 2020 pledge that justices would “pay the price” has been realized as they and their families are now bunkered in their homes. Despite the shocking image of a court system under attack, President Biden has not mustered the courage to dissuade these protesters. He appears to be following the lead of French revolutionary Abbe Sieyes, who watched as his 1789-99 revolution spun out of control; asked what he had done during “the Terror,” he replied: “I survived.” President Biden is now in survival mode, too. It seems he does not lack decency, just the courage to defend it. Democrats and Wokesters floundering badly quoting just their own words. Same as DemWoke David Barrett CEO of Expensify.Com a Govt contractor who believes that White Males are only worth $0.75 to the $1.00 that he claims everyone else who is not a White Male is worth, and who may likely soon be joining the ranks of those who are now being sued in State and Federal courts for flauntingly engaging in illegal discriminatory race based and biased hiring firing pay and promotion practices that do not reflect the makeup and qualifications of candidate population. But that's just one turd in the manure pile of woke, now the latest news...
Biden the Creepy Pedo
Recall, all of this corruption and more was known well before Nov 3 2020, yet was buried by the corrupt biased agent media. Donald J Trump won the 2020 US Presidential Elections. 450GB Pedo Biden Data Dump Joe Biden (aka Agent of the Destroyers of America, and Illegitimate President) envisaged himself as being the novel KGB spy "Peter Henderson". Hunter Biden admitted Joe Biden's pedophilia by listing him numerous times in his phone contact list as "Pedo Peter"... and called his Stepmom (Jill Biden) an "Entitled Cunt"... the Corrupt Biden Crime Family having arranged a 10% cut of their China White deal for Hunter's daddy in trust Joe Biden as witnessed by Tony Bobulinski. "Inappropriate showers with my father... molested -- Ashley Biden" "Joe biden pinched my nipple -- Maria Piacesi" "I've always loved waging the power of my tits against the people, I even force my drunk driving husband Paul to suckle them while I trade stock options based on my inside knowledge and backroom political lobbying deals. -- Corrupt Nancy Pelosi" "End of quote. Repeat the line. -- Joe Biden Quotes His Teleprompter" Biden disgraces himself and military again.. pins Medal on backwards from behind. President Joe Biden sells oil tankers full of oil to China. Angry Insane Totalitarian Joe Biden bashes Natural Law and Constitution re Clarence Thomas Supreme Court... Styxhexenhammer666 @Styx666Official The folly of the "mental illness" red flag concept is that it proposes the loss of only one constitutional right despite not being institutionalized. If a person is too big a danger to own a gun why can they vote? Why can they hold office? Watch: Man Heckles Joe Biden During Bike Ride in Delaware: ‘Hey, Where Your Fucking Training Wheels At?’ " Imagine what's going on inside the White house right now. Joe yelling at advisors and experts trying to figure out what to do. Desperate calls to Network Execs not to run the story. Glowies tring to figure out which assets are available for a last minute mass shooting they'll be sure to botch. Reddit Mods having to delete scores of videos of Hunter's dick, knowing deep down they are supporting tyranny. All of this is happening and Hunter is probably fapping in his backyard filming it as we speak. " " Nancy Pelosi Turns Heads Across America – During Europe Visit Racy Photos Of Speaker Vacationing With The Rich Slip Out Posted on 1 day ago by Red Paper News Under Nancy Pelosi’s “leadership” America has taken a turn for the worst. She went back on her own campaign pledge to impeach Donald Trump, twice. She refused to work with then-President Trump for the good of the people. These days, she wastes time and tax dollars on a “J6 Commission” intent on blaming Trump for the events of January 6. TRENDING : Biden’s White House Rocked By Report And as Americans suffer from runaway inflation, skyrocketing gas prices, high taxes, and more—old Nance and her DUI husband are hobnobbing at an Italian villa. Inflation has hit Nancy Pelosi. — Andrew Schulz 👑HEZI (@andrewschulz) July 6, 2022
From The Spectator:
Pelosi and her beau Paul are taking a break from, respectively, suspect stock trading and drink driving at the highly exclusive Alpemare Beach Club near Florence, owned by Italian opera star Andrea Bocelli… Pelosi may be on vacation in southern Europe, but that hasn’t stopped her from aggressively trying to fundraise off the fall of Roe… “…I won’t sugarcoat this. If I don’t reach 1,387 more gifts before midnight to close the budget gap, it will be the single most devastating setback for Democrats’ chances of winning this election and protecting women’s reproductive freedoms nationwide.” While Pelosi’s staff send out emails begging for donations, she was spotted vacationing along the Italian coast at a club owned by opera star Andrea Bocelli. TRENDING : Kamala Harris Loses It On Live TV Under her leadership over the House, America has suffered lockdowns, historically bad inflation, riots, an open border, and an energy crisis. But what has Pelosi been occupying her time with over the last year and a half? A commission that has failed to capture the attention of Americans. I guess she deserves a break partying with the rich of Europe after all that, right? I mean, who wouldn’t? Pelosi caught flack over her response to lawmakers being able to buy and sell stocks. But after she agreed to support a bill to ban that, it was discovered the bill allowed lawmaker’s spouses to keep doing so. Perhaps that’s how the Pelosi’s afforded such an impressive trip? Either than or thanks to campaign donations? There is a reason Pelosi suffers from the lowest approval ratings of any sitting politician. It’s because she dismisses the pain of the American people while flaunting her own wealth. "
Today is July 10, 2022, and Joe Biden has done just two press interviews this year. Biden and Democrats approval below 39% and dropping like a stone. Wealthy Democrat politicians did this to the Big Cities they own. Filthy sick disgusting pedophilic... "all ages family-friendly drag show" where the drag queen has $ stuffed inside her clothing by the audience, who sent their three year old little girl up to do it... others pay little children to whore themselves out. own. Arrest the adults. Lock them in prison. Throw away the key. “Those [dollars] are hers. She earned them.” Drag queen teaches a child to perform for cash tips at a “family-friendly” drag show Children as young as 13 are now allowed to undergo gender reassignment surgery without parental consent. After her son was murdered in Cleveland, this lifelong Democrat has decided to vote Republican for the first time. "She believes Democrats are not taking spikes in crimes here, and across the country, seriously enough." "We're about to be in a recession and [Democrats] are not even trying to fight to help or nothing," says one disaffected Biden voter. "And Biden, to me, he just talks in circles." Stoned Ignorant and Incompetent Babblefish KAMALA HARRIS: “There is a connection between what we want to have happen and the power of Congress to actually make it happen when it comes to changing the laws.” “I do believe that we should have rightly believed but we certainly believed that certain issues are just settled.” "All signs point to good work having happened but more work to get done." "So what does this mean? It means that we're looking at elections coming up in 120-something days. They're gonna be about who serves in Congress." "Biden intends to run, and if he does, I intend to run with him." Then she laughs hysterically. Biden Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo: "We're doing everything we know how to do" on inflation and prices. (Whatever they're doing, it's not working) "Is Justice Kavanaugh being forced to leave a D.C. restaurant due to protestors appropriate, sir?" Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg: Yup, pretty much. While Democrats pay $200 to anyone who calls in locations of prominent Judges and Republicans. Democrat Zoe Lofgren, a member of Pelosi’s illegitimate committee: “We never call in witnesses to corroborate other witnesses or to give their reaction to other witnesses.” It's been 32 days since a left-wing assassin attempted to kill Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Biden still has not condemned it. JOE BIDEN: "I'm gonna look like a fool here" Lawsuits and court action now ensuing against Democrats penchant for allowing illegal and now politically imported non-citizen aliens, most of whom, being ethnic and or religious adherents non-speakers and the like, have no intent to melt together or have prohibitions on doing so, to have the voting rights of US citizens. @RepThomasMassie Most election security is the responsibility of the states. But six weeks before the November 2020 election, I offered an amendment to make it a crime to use federal postal service equipment to backdate postmarks on mail-in ballots. Every democrat opposed the amendment. Why? Publicly declaring disloyalty to America should end her career. Now that hatred for America is engrained in all our institutions, it will get her a promotion. @JackPosobiec Woke Female Army Soldier Questions Loyalty to United States after Roe v Wade Decision Several women reported being given date rape drugs on Wednesday at German Chancellor Olaf Scholz's annual summer convention party for the left-wing Social Democrat Party. This is your brain on CRT. @TMZ The hellscape of Twitter is at it again ... this time arguing over whether Anne Frank, a girl killed in the Holocaust for being Jewish, actually had 'white privilege.'…
Joe Biden has done just two press interviews this year.
But have spun endless lies during that time... Biden's Dubious Tale Of 10-Year-Old Rape Victim Gets Dismantled Last week President Biden regurgitated a single-sourced claim that a 10-year-old girl was raped and forced to cross state lines to get an abortion. "This isn’t some imagined horror. It is already happening. Just last week, it was reported that a 10-year-old girl was a rape victim — 10 years old — and she was forced to have to travel out of state to Indiana to seek to terminate the pregnancy and maybe save her life," the president said during the signing of an executive order on abortion access in the wake of the Supreme Court striking down Roe v. Wade. On Friday, Biden was the latest to "pounce" on an Indiana abortionist's claim that she saw a raped 10-year-old girl for an abortion. But the Indianapolis Star that reported this story is in full defensive crouch. The reporter isn't talking. The story was "too good to check." — Divisive Arch-Conservative Tim Graham (@TimJGraham) July 10, 2022 The claim - sourced to Indianapolis obstetrician-gynecologist, Caitlan Barnard - went viral, with multiple outlets breathlessly repeating it despite it having just one source, with no corroboration. According to Barnard, she "received a call from ‘a child abuse doctor’ in Ohio who had a 10-year-old patient who was six weeks and three days pregnant." The Star reported that the child "was on her way to Indiana to Bernard’s care." This doesn't add up... It was so suspect that the Washington Post's resident fact checker, Glenn Kessler, declared that the claim did not meet journalistic standards. "This is the account of a one-source story that quickly went viral around the world — and into the talking points of the president," wrote the fact checker. Kessler noted that "The only source cited for the anecdote was Bernard. She’s on the record, but there is no indication that the newspaper made other attempts to confirm her account." When Kessler reached out to the journalist who wrote the piece for the Indianapolis Star, the journalist who wrote the piece ghosted him. The paper's executive editor, Bro Krift, wrote "The facts and sourcing about people crossing state lines into Indiana, including the 10-year-old girl, for abortions are clear. We have no additional comment at this time." Kessler notes what journalist Megan Fox pointed out days ago - that "Under Ohio law, a physician, as a mandated reporter under Ohio Revised Code 2151.421, would be required to report any case of known or suspected physical, sexual or emotional abuse or neglect of a child." "As a spot check, we contacted child services agencies in some of Ohio’s most populous cities, including Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, Dayton and Toledo. None of the officials we reached were aware of such a case in their areas." What's more, abortion by 10-year-olds is very rare - with the Columbus Dispatch reporting that in 2020 there were just 52 girls under the age of 15 in the state who received abortions. Now, for a master class in breaking down bullshit - here's Megan Fox's Jul 5 Twitter thread which dismantles the original claim. 🚩 #1. A pregnant 10 year old is evidence of a heinous crime against a child but in every article (and there are SO MANY) thre is no mention of criminal investigation, no police involvement, not even a town where this allegedly occurred. — Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 5, 2022 🚩 #3 which maybe should be #1 The TIMING of this horrific story is too on the nose. Roe v. Wade was just overturned. The media is desperate for stories to push the pro-abortion narrative, stoke fear, anger, and division. They love this. — Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 5, 2022 I heard about it from a teenager at a 4th party and a red flag went off big-time. If the kids have heard about it it was placed where they will see it intentionally. Fake news is always sold to the young'ns because they will swallow it the fastest. — Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 5, 2022 🚩 #6 #DrCaitlynBernard, the only source, is an abortionist and has been in the NYT participating in an anti-Trump hit piece and is clearly an activist. She has a stake in preserving abortion, it literally pays her bills. — Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 5, 2022 🚩 #8 Jennifer Rubin used this to batter conservatives, her former colleagues, in the Washington Post. This further gives me serious doubts about the veracity of the story. Rubin is a notorious tool for the left using this story to harm pro-lifers — Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 5, 2022 🚩 #10, #DrCaitlynBernard got a call from another doctor asking for help for a horribly abused child and her first instinct was to call the media. That should make you all stop and think for a minute. What's really going on here? — Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 5, 2022 Here she is again #CaitlinBernard in June interviewed by PBS, crying. Predicting doom...the very thing she's now claiming. How is she in contact with so much media? — Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 5, 2022 And here's #DrCaitlinBernard again! More media coverage in June before this alleged incident where she is predicting doom. She's a serious abortion activist — Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 5, 2022 To read the rest, click on any of the tweets above. Salon Website Corrects Year-Old Headline Saying DeSantis Forces Students To Register Political Views Left-wing outlet Salon changed a year-old headline, after falsely stating Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a 2021 bill that forces Florida’s students and professors to register their political views with the state. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speaks during a press conference held at the Cox Science Center & Aquarium in West Palm Beach, Fla., on June 8, 2022. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images) The original headline published in June 2021, which read “DeSantis signs bill requiring Florida students, professors to register political views with state,” has recently been updated with “DeSantis signs bill requiring survey of Florida students, professors on their political views.” In its latest version, the editorial team added a correction, claiming the change was made “to more accurately reflect the language of the bill in question.” Salon Executive Editor Andrew O’Hehir told CNN that the old headline “conveyed a misleading impression of what the Florida law actually said, and did not live up to our editorial standards.” Previous efforts by DeSantis’s office seeking a correction last year, however, were in vain, said his spokesperson Christina Pushaw. “It should have happened much sooner,” Pushaw told CNN in a Thursday email. “The Salon reporter and editors should have read the legislation before writing an article about it.” The Florida law in question (pdf), signed by DeSantis in June last year, requires state colleges and universities to conduct annual viewpoint diversity surveys, so as to collect feedback from Florida’s post-secondary students on the intellectual freedom of the campus environment. Participation in the survey is both anonymous and voluntary, Bryan Griffin, a spokesman for the Republican governor, told Fox News on Wednesday. “This same fake claim was circling the liberal Twittersphere after the bill was signed in 2021. It was debunked then. It has been debunked again, now,” Griffin said. The recent correction came after the 2021 Salon story resurfaced and went viral on Twitter last week, widely promoted by high profile liberal users including Florida agriculture commissioner Nikki Fried, who is running for the Democratic nomination for governor to challenge DeSantis. As multiple fact-checks appeared debunking the narrative, she later deleted her post linking to the Salon story. Novelist Stephen King, a vocal critic of Republican politics with over 6.7 million Twitter followers, also posted the story on July 5 and received more than 25,000 shares and 135,000 likes. King eventually deleted it four days later and publicly apologized on Saturday. “That really was fake news,” he wrote in a Twitter post. “Sorry.”
Biden's Mental Decay If the press is willing to cover-up Biden’s dementia - then what other stories are they euthanizing? Biden Teleprompter Exposed Again The President of the sole global superpower is confounded by a teleprompter. The Commander in Chief of the most powerful military in the world, with 700+ military spanning the globe and nearly 4,000 nuclear warheads, can barely make it through public appearances. He wouldn’t pass a driver’s test, unable to distinguish between a pedestrian or a stop sign. But he has his finger on the nuclear trigger. Just this week he was defeated (yet again) by text on a screen. “End of quote. Repeat the line.” Watch this: Joe Biden accidentally reads the part on the teleprompter that says "repeat the line" when they wanted him to say the line again lmfao — Greg Price (@greg_price11) July 8, 2022 Then there was the cover-up. One can imagine the emergency meeting of White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, et al. They’re already dealing with record inflation, a tanking stock market, and the economy on a verge of a recession. What do they say to that? They claim the US is “stronger economically than we have been in history,” And now they’re left with this mess to clean up. They’re probably thankful, in a way. Another Biden public screw-up is a welcome relief compared to addressing formula shortages. They’ve handled his gaffes before. To the rescue was Assistant White House Press Secretary Emilie Simons to cover for her boss. She falsified Biden’s statement, begging the public to ignore the words from Biden’s mouth. No. He said, "let me repeat that line." — Emilie Simons (@EmilieSimons46) July 8, 2022 The official White House website has doubled-down on the denial of reality, making up words that were never said to protect a President who may not be able to remember what he had for breakfast. This isn’t Biden’s first public embarrassment, and it certainly won’t be his last. Those who have been paying close attention know they’re a regular occurrence. There will be another one in a few days. His public appearances are, for the most part, heavily scripted and before a friendly audience. Say a few words and talk to some folks before making an exit. And President Biden isn’t up to the challenge, vanquished by the easiest parts of his presidency. There was the time he tried to “shake thin air” after a speech and walked off stage bewildered, unsure of where to go. Or, recall his fumbled introduction of Judge Ketanji Jackson. “America is a nation that can be defined in a single word: ASUFUTIMAEHAEHUTBW.” And when he was rescued from questions on foreign policy by the Easter Bunny. And when Biden checked his notes to answer a question about Russia in a staged appearance at a general store. Apparently he goes nowhere without the paper crutch prepared by his handlers. Issues relating to Russia - from the war in Ukraine to the expansion of NATO, etc. - are certainly briefed to the President on a daily basis. And his memory is so bad, his intellect is so defeated, that he cannot recall his constant briefing. If you need further proof of his mental state, there’s this “cheat sheet,” where he is instructed on how and when to enter the room and leave the room. “YOU enter the Roosevelt room…” “YOU take your seat.” “YOU depart.” The troubling thing is that most of the presidency is off-script. How do you address inflation and families being priced-out of groceries when you struggle through a press conference? How do you formulate a strategy about China or Russia when you rely on a cheat sheet for a 5-minute meeting? Make no mistake, Biden’s senility is one of the biggest stories in the world. The media’s silence on this matter is telling. Never before has the press tried to so hard to ignore so big a story (I venture this is bigger than Hunter’s laptop), as they’re afraid of what a correct assessment of Biden’s facilities might reveal. Ask whether Dementia-in-Chief is a threat to national security or economic recovery. Also revealing is the media’s attempts to explain-away or otherwise repackage Biden’s mental and physical deficiencies. Peter Baker, writing for The New York Times, says Biden’s “age has increasingly become an uncomfortable issue for him, his team and his party.” Of course, Biden’s age isn’t the issue per se - it’s Biden’s mind. “Age” is just The New York Times’ way of being polite, of serving the Biden Administration. To make matters worse, there was the unbelievable “uniform” reporting of Biden’s competence by those interviewed by Baker: In interviews, some sanctioned by the White House and some not, more than a dozen current and former senior officials and advisers uniformly reported that Mr. Biden remained intellectually engaged, asking smart questions at meetings, grilling aides on points of dispute, calling them late at night, picking out that weak point on Page 14 of a memo and rewriting speeches like his abortion remarks on Friday right up until the last minute. Those comments by Biden’s closest advisors and Democrat officials are certainly contrasted by how they treat Biden, and Baker unfortunately makes no effort to push-back on that point. As Baker concedes: “He stays out of public view at night and has taken part in fewer than half as many news conferences or interviews as recent predecessors.” “Out of public view at night.” Could it be because Biden struggles with sundowning, which causes confusion, aggression, anxiety, and depression? Baker doesn’t ask. But - if you have any concerns about Biden’s health or acuity - don’t worry. The New York Times has found experts that “put Mr. Biden in a category of ‘super-agers’ who remain unusually fit as they advance in years.” Sadly, Baker doesn’t challenge that conclusion either. And what an easy challenge it would have been. There’s the old cliché that journalists must speak truth to power. As Chomsky once observed, speaking truth to power is pointless because the powerful already know the truth. Better to speak truth to the powerless. As to Biden’s age-related failures - dare I say dementia - the press has chosen to avoid speaking the truth to the power and the powerless. How much it matters is another story. This is likely a one-term president and the public is seeing Biden’s real-time deterioration for themselves. But - if the press is willing to cover-up Biden’s dementia - then what other stories are they euthanizing?
Leftist Sponsored Democrats Destruction and Violence Again... This time... your car tires... "Your Gas Guzzler Kills" - Radical Climate Group Deflates Bay Area SUV Tires Radical environmentalists in the San Francisco Bay Area are making life painful for hardworking people who drive SUVs by deflating their tires in the name of 'climate change.' "ATTENTION – Your gas guzzler kills. We have deflated one or more of your tires. You'll be angry, but don't take it personally. It's not you, it's your car," UK-based group "Tyre Extinguishers" wrote in leaflets left behind on targeted vehicle windshields. "We did this because driving around urban areas in your massive vehicle has huge consequences for others ... and "taking actions into our own hands because our governments and politicians will not," the leaflet continued. SFGate said Vacaville, a town in Solano County, about 35 miles from Sacramento and 55 miles from San Francisco, had a string of residents report the group recently targeted their SUVs. "As far as we know, this is the first action in the Bay Area - the first of many!" Marion Walker, a spokesperson for Tyre Extinguishers, told SFGate via an email statement. Vacaville Police Department said they got a call from at least one SUV owner and observed reports on social media. Tyre Extinguishers' website lays out how "How To Spot An SUV" and "How To Deflate An SUV Tyre," along with PDF leaflets that can easily be printed. The group's grassroots efforts have targeted SUVs in other metro areas, including New York City, Chicago, and Scranton, Pennsylvania. BIG NEWS: TYRE EXTINGUISHERS STRIKE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN NEW YORK CITY! 40 SUVs disarmed in the Upper East Side, the first of many. We have an American English leaflet ('tire' rather than 'tyre') on our website so USA folks, you can join in! — The Tyre Extinguishers (@T_Extinguishers) June 28, 2022 Climate extremists don't realize that lowering a vehicle's tire pressure can put a driver and its occupants at serious risk of a road accident that could cause injury or death. Low tire pressure reduces grip and responsiveness of the vehicle and may result in loss of control. Also, these so-called climate change warriors are targeting suburbs, towns, and cities to attack the "privileged few that flaunt their wealth" with SUVs. It sounds like the group of lawbreakers is trying to spark more class warfare and division in a country that is already heavily polarized. The question remains how these mischievous 'greenies' are getting around town, considering some areas they've already targeted are inaccessible by public transportation or too far to bike or walk.
Bee: Speak out against the woke bullshit... “The best way to subvert, the best way to push back on that, is to speak the truth boldly and not censor yourself,” said Dillon. `Rationality Itself Is Under Attack': CEO of The Babylon Bee Seth Dillon will not back away from making fun of irrational and dangerous ideology Seth Dillon, CEO of the satire news website The Babylon Bee, said the company’s goal is to show the irrationality of the popular narratives that pervade modern culture by making jokes about the issues of the time, from Roe v. Wade to the fact that a Supreme Court nominee could not define the word "woman." “Rationality itself is under attack. It's not just free speech. There are people who have abandoned rationality on purpose, and are trying to get you to go along with agreeing with them that two and two make five,” Dillon said during a recent interview for EpochTV's "American Thought Leaders" program. Related Coverage `Rationality Itself Is Under Attack': CEO of The Babylon BeeBabylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon: Satire and Reality Are Becoming Indistinguishable Dillon’s goal with The Babylon Bee is to make people laugh and question their own thinking, he said, but he's found the company taking on a more important role. “The goal was to make people laugh, and to make them think a little bit, to be subversive the way that satire is supposed to be subversive, to poke holes in the popular narrative,” said Dillon. “The goal wasn't to be on the front lines of some kind of big battle but that is where things are at." Although clearly satire, The Babylon Bee has been attacked as being fake news, banned on some platforms, and subjected to "fact-checks." Fact-Checking Satire "The issue that we've had with the fact-checkers is that if they had just gone to our pieces and said, `Hey, this is a viral piece of content, you may have seen it going around. This is satire. Laugh, it's satire,' that wouldn't have been detrimental to our business," Dillon said. “The problem was that they were out there saying, `Oh, these guys have managed to pull off these tricks before. They're duping you. They're presenting you with fake news. They're pretending to be satirists, but they're really deceivers, and it's a hub for disinformation.'" One of the fact-checking companies told Dillon they only fact-check an article if they get hundreds of people asking the company if a headline is true. Dillon said when he questioned this fact-checker about where they were getting their complaints about The Babylon Bee articles, the fact-checker could not give him an answer and stopped responding to his emails. “There's no question in their mind that we are legitimately satire," Dillon said about the fact-checkers, "but they use the fact-checking as an excuse to try to vilify us as being someone who's out there trying to mislead the public." “This is not merely innocuous content moderation where they're saying, `This is lewd or indecent content, we're taking it down,'" said Dillon. "It's viewpoint discrimination under the guise of benign content moderation." What Is a Woman In order to poke fun at Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson for saying she couldn't define the word “woman” during her confirmation hearings, The Babylon Bee produced a video in which a young boy is asked to spell the word “woman” during a spelling bee. He asks the judges for the definition, and they can’t give it to him. “When you play it out, what a sketch like this allows you to do is take the absurdity of the absurd position that someone holds and put it into a practical context, like an everyday context where it's exposed for how absurd it really is,” said Dillon. “She said, `I'm not a biologist,' but what's a biologist got to say about it? You know, as far as gender ideology goes, your sex, your biological makeup has nothing to do with your gender at all,” he said. Dillon has found that the public is hungry for The Babylon Bee's type of humor. “I think that comedy that pushes back, and is willing to make jokes that you're not supposed to make, is really refreshing right now,” he said. Comedians who push back on the “woke” narrative, like Dave Chappelle, are the ones audiences want to listen to and that are gaining popularity, but they're attacked for “punching down." “Punching down is a derogatory term to describe jokes made at the expense of people who have less power than you,” said Dillon. Included in this way of thinking is that these groups should not be made fun of because they are weaker and more victimized in society, said Dillon. “I think it's the most absurd thing in the world to try to put yourself in the mindset when you're writing a joke, stopping yourself and thinking to yourself, `You know what, I can't joke about those people, they're beneath me.' That's just a ridiculous condescending thought to have,” said Dillon Epoch Times PhotoEpoch Times Photo The Babylon Bee named U.S. Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine, a transgender woman, as “man of the year” in a headline shown in this screenshot from the satire news website. (The Babylon Bee) `Safeguard Against Insanity' The Babylon Bee was accused of punching down when the website jokingly named the U.S. Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine, a transgender woman, “man of the year” in one of its headlines. “Well, this is a white male, high ranking government official, for one thing, and this is an idea that's being foisted on us from the top down,” said Dillon, who believes his website is justified in joking about Levine. “I think it's a real sign of not just, you know, mental, but also spiritual immaturity, to be incapable and unwilling to examine yourself and laugh at yourself,” said Dillon All of the jokes are meant to make people laugh and to expose irrational and dangerous ideology, not to be cruel, said Dillon. In addition, the indoctrination of young children with the current transgender ideology is having a detrimental effect on children, he said. “You can call it cruel because it hurt somebody's feelings, but I think that it's actually a safeguard against insanity, which is harmful,” said Dillon Twitter suspended The Babylon Bee’s account over the Levine “man of the year” article and said if The Babylon Bee deleted the tweet, the account would be reinstated. Deleting the tweet would mean acknowledging that The Babylon Bee engaged in hateful conduct, Dillon said, and he doesn't agree with that assessment. "That's why we're not [deleting] it,” he said. Dillon stands firm about people's right to free speech. “You either have to be compelled to say what we want you to say or remain silent and censor yourself. When we've reached that point, that's where I say that's a hill worth dying on,” said Dillon. Some of The Babylon Bee’s satirical headlines, including “Pants Sales Plummet as Everyone Working From Home” or “Progressive Church Announces New Drag Queen Bible Story Hour” have come true after the headlines were published. Epoch Times PhotoEpoch Times Photo Drag queens Athena Kills (C) and Scalene Onixxx arrive to awaiting adults and children for Drag Queen Story Hour at Cellar Door Books in Riverside, Calif., on June 22, 2019. (Frederic J. Brown/AFP/Getty Images) Opposing Transgender Indoctrination of Children “There's this weird thing happening, where it's becoming difficult for us to make jokes that are so absurd [that] they don't come true because we're kind of on this fast track towards insanity,” said Dillon “I quoted [English writer G.K.] Chesterton, who said that the world has become too absurd to be satirized,” said Dillon. Currently, with school children being indoctrinated with transgender ideology and some communities having drag queens come in full garb to do story time, or instructions being sent home with kindergarteners about masturbation, Dillon believes sane people need to voice their opposition because this is harmful to young developing minds. “There's a moral obligation you have as a parent to insulate your children from things that would corrupt their innocence to the extent that you can. You certainly don't want to be exposing them to it, or indoctrinating them, or trying to normalize behavior that you know is lewd or indecent,” he said. Dillon said he is shocked that more people are not outraged about this type of indoctrination, sexualization, and grooming of young children. The people doing the indoctrination are “pretty open about their motivations and their purpose, their mission is to stir up the queer imagination in children,” said Dillon. “The culture of what is accepted by the left is getting more and more extreme, but they are not willing to be made fun of,” Dillon said, adding that this is the reason The Babylon Bee is targeted by the left. “There's no tolerance on the left for jokes about their sacred cows. So there needs to be a two-way street, where the jokes are allowed to flow in both directions, because they're very vicious in their humor about conservatives, about Christians," he said. "They are willing to dish it out but they can’t take it." Recently, Dillon personally backed the creator of the Twitter account Libs of TikTok, who exposes the left’s obsession with transgender ideology. “What Libs of TikTok is doing is, I think, important journalistic work that a lot of journalists are neglecting,” said Dillon. And the reason the left has targeted the account is that it is exposing their amoral agenda A Meeting With Musk In December 2021, Dillon, along with The Babylon Bee's Editor in Chief Kyle Mann and Creative Director Ethan Nicolle, sat down for a longform interview with Elon Musk. “I asked him, what do you think is so harmful about [woke ideology] and he said it's divisive, it's exclusionary, it's hateful, it gives mean people an excuse to be cruel, while armored in false virtue,” Dillon recalled. Musk told the leaders of The Babylon Bee that he is a free speech absolutist, and because he is in the financial position to buy Twitter, wants to ensure that true public discourse is allowed to happen on the platform, said Dillon. “That's the reason that he's interested in and taking over Twitter, because wokeness is a lot of the driving force behind compelling certain speech, pressuring people to censor themselves. Otherwise, they'll be canceled and deplatformed. He sees free speech as being vital for the health of a society,” added Dillon. The Babylon Bee will continue to speak out against irrational attempts to cancel what they are doing, said Dillon. “The best way to subvert, the best way to push back on that, is to speak the truth boldly and not censor yourself,” said Dillon. Jan Jekielek is a senior editor with The Epoch Times and host of the show, "American Thought Leaders.
Following recent statistical proof that Dem's Big Blue Cities suck far more than their Red counterparts, and that people are leaving Democrat run States and Cities in droves... Red States Chart Faster Economic Recovery Than Blue States by Nicholas Dolinger Throughout the United States, an unmistakable pattern has emerged in economic recovery from the lingering effects of the Covid-19 pandemic: Conservative-leaning states have seen rapid and major economic growth, while the coastal economic powerhouses in the Northeast and West Coast have often lagged behind or stagnated. The skyline of Miami, Florida, on Sept. 29, 2021. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images) A recent analysis by Moody’s Analytics attests to this pattern, using a combination of 13 metrics to chart each state’s progress toward normalcy. A majority of the best-performing states were found to have Republican governments, while 8 out of the 10 worst performers were governed by Democrats. The impacts on local and state economies are already starting to be felt. Last May, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced that his state had closed out at $20 billion for the most recent fiscal year, a record surplus that reflects the influx of capital into the state. Another driver of the economic success of the red states has been the combination of astronomical real estate and rent prices in states like California and New York and new work-from-home opportunities, incentivizing workers to move away from the most expensive cities and seek more affordable housing elsewhere, where they can continue to work at jobs based in those cities. Demographers have predicted an exodus from the coasts to the American interior for years, but the trend has greatly accelerated as a result of the CCP virus pandemic and its downstream consequences. All four of the states that have reported job growth since February 2020 are alike in having maintained relatively relaxed restrictions throughout the pandemic, blunting the impact of the virus on these states’ economies. Businesses have also begun to migrate toward the American interior and other red-tinted outliers such as Florida. Last December, Tesla relocated its corporate headquarters from Palo Alto, California, to Austin, Texas, following years of conflict with California regulators and rising operational costs. Other companies have also expanded their operations in Florida and other red states. Florida has seen an explosion of population, drawing over 200,000 new residents from July 2020 to July 2021—second only to Texas for net population growth. Furthermore, hedge-fund company Citadel recently announced its plans to move to Miami, joining a growing community of businesses in the Magic City. This rapid growth in trendy red state metros is complemented by stagnation and net population loss on the coasts. In 2020, for the first time in over a century, California recorded a net loss in its total number of residents, with over 182,000 fewer Californians at the end of the year than at the beginning. The pattern continued, albeit to a lesser degree, in 2021, which saw a population decline of nearly 118,000 for the Golden State. At the same time, New York City saw a population decline of around 4 percent in just the first year of the pandemic, according to Cornell analysis of U.S. Census data. #BREAKING: Gov. Ron DeSantis responds to Newsom ad: "Until the last few years, I rarely if ever saw a California license plate in Florida -- now you see a lot of them." — Forbes (@Forbes) July 8, 2022 For political conservatives, these results are a vindication of Republican policies. With a combination of low corporate and state income taxes, non-intrusive CCP virus policies, and tough-on-crime law enforcement policies, these red-state metros once on the margins of the U.S. economy have become its fastest-growing hubs. “If the numbers were reversed, and Blue States were consistently outperforming Red States, we’d never hear the end of it,” said Richard Hanania, a political scientist and writer who serves as president of the Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology. “This should be seen as strong empirical data useful for adjudicating different realities, but it’s ignored or explained away.” In many respects, the traditional coastal hubs remain the dominant engines of the U.S. economy. The New York City Metropolitan Area still ranks first in total GDP, followed by the usual suspects: Los Angeles, Chicago, and the San Francisco Bay. However, they have seen slower recovery and a net loss of population since the beginning of the pandemic, and it is clear that they will face new competition after decades of undisputed hegemony, as more workers and businesses seek greener pastures in the conservative-leaning Sun Belt. Tranzformed: Finding Peace With Your God Given Gender
Currently, with school children being indoctrinated with transgender ideology and some communities having drag queens come in full garb to do story time, or instructions being sent home with kindergarteners about masturbation, Dillon believes sane people need to voice their opposition because this is harmful to young developing minds.
“There's a moral obligation you have as a parent to insulate your children from things that would corrupt their innocence to the extent that you can. You certainly don't want to be exposing them to it, or indoctrinating them, or trying to normalize behavior that you know is lewd or indecent,” he said.
Dillon said he is shocked that more people are not outraged about this type of indoctrination, sexualization, and grooming of young children.
The people doing the indoctrination are “pretty open about their motivations and their purpose, their mission is to stir up the queer imagination in children,” said Dillon.
“What Libs of TikTok is doing is, I think, important journalistic work that a lot of journalists are neglecting,” said Dillon. And the reason the left has targeted the account is that it is exposing their amoral agenda
Election mules been getting convicted over time, safety of the herd unlikely to last past midterms, history tends people squeal on programs when such timeframes pass. Democrat gets 30 months in prison for ballot stuffing election fraud.
As usual, Democrats lies and 'charges' and 'impeachments' and 'committees' and 'trials' never stick, because they're political manufacturings... Supreme Court Blocks Congress From Getting Trump’s Tax Returns The U.S. Supreme Court on Nov. 1 blocked Congress from obtaining former President Donald Trump’s tax returns. Chief Justice John Roberts, a George W. Bush appointee, stayed an appeals court order that had ruled a congressional panel could gain access to the documents. Trump filed an emergency application on Monday to the Supreme Court, asking it to halt the order. Roberts’ stay is temporary, pending further developments in the case. Rep. Richard Neal (D-Mass.), chairman of the House Committee on Ways and Means, has for years been trying to obtain Trump’s returns, asserting that they are necessary as the panel considers possibly updating how audits of presidents are done. Trump said that the true purpose is to release the returns to the public. Neal is not seeking the records of any other president, and has said that “unraveling President Trump’s sophisticated tax avoidance” was one of the reasons he thought Trump should release his returns. U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), said in 2017 that the returns would “be useful” in investigating “what … the Russians have on Donald Trump” and that investigations into Trump were going to continue in 2019 because she “want[ed] to see him in prison.” Trump sued the IRS and its parent agency, the Department of Treasury, in 2019 to stop officials from giving his returns to Neal. U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden, a Trump appointee, threw out the lawsuit in 2021, finding that federal law “requires great deference to facially valid congressional inquiries” and that the presidential audit program could be subject to legislation. “That conclusion all but decides the Court’s analysis,” McFadden said, even as statements from Neal and Pelosi “plausibly show mixed motives underlying the” request for the returns. In October, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit upheld the ruling. U.S. Circuit Judge David Sentelle, a Reagan appointee writing for the three-judge panel, said the court could not probe the motives of legislators and that Neal “has identified a legitimate legislative purpose that it requires information to accomplish.” “At this stage, it is not our place to delve deeper than this,” he added. U.S. Circuit Judge Karen LeCraft Henderson, a George H.W. Bush appointee, offered a concurring opinion in which she diverged from her colleagues on one point. “Although I agree with my colleagues that the burdens imposed on the Presidency by the Committee’s Request do not rise to the level of a separation-of-powers violation, I conclude that the burdens borne by the Executive Branch are more severe and warrant much closer scrutiny than my colleagues have given them,” she said, adding later that the potential of Congress to threaten a sitting president with a post-presidency request “in order to influence the President while in office should not be dismissed so quickly.” Roberts ordered Neal and other respondents, including the IRS, to respond to Trump’s application on or before Nov. 10 by noon. A spokesperson for Neal did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Roberts received the application because he oversees the District of Columbia appeals court. Roberts can decide on the application himself or refer the matter to the full Supreme Court.
Report Urges Congressional Investigation on Black Lives Matter Organizations A new special report on cultural Marxism is urging Congress to hold hearings on Black Lives Matter (BLM) organizations. America’s political leaders shouldn’t shy away from investigating any organizations with the words “Black Lives Matter” in their titles for fear of the “racist” label, according to the report’s authors, Mike Gonzalez, an expert at the conservative think tank Heritage Foundation, and Katharine Gorka, a national security expert and former research fellow with the Heritage Foundation. “Because [BLM organizations] have been the vector for the introduction of cultural Marxism into the lives of all Americans, getting serious about the threat that the BLM organizations represent is the most immediate, and easiest, thing that Americans can do to confront Marxism,” the report reads. The authors define cultural Marxism as a more sophisticated and nuanced version of Marxism led by American Marxists “under the pretense of social justice.” Instead of pitting workers against capitalists, cultural Marxists use race and gender to drive wedges between various racial groups and between children and parents to destroy the nuclear family in America, according to the authors. The report argues that critical race theory—a framework that views America as systemically racist—in education, America’s war on climate change, and corporate America’s environmental, social, and corporate governance rules are all parts of Marxist strategies. On Nov. 14, a discussion about this report was held at the Heritage Foundation, and Gonzalez told the audience that it’s legal to be a communist in the United States, but people should be aware of the BLM leaders’ Marxist beliefs and intentions. According to the U.S. Crisis Monitor, 633 riots took place in 2020 after the death of George Floyd, Gonzalez said in a previous Epoch Times interview. The Insurance Information Institute noted that these riots were the costliest civil unrest in U.S. history, with insured losses estimated at more than $2 billion. “I think the country should know whether you [leaders of BLM organizations] have unleashed this level of violence and have had these riots because you believe in these ideas,” Gonzalez said at the event. Leaders of the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (BLMGNF), an umbrella organization for the BLM movement, had openly said they were “trained Marxists,” and they should be the subject of congressional investigations, according to the special report’s authors. Alicia Garza, one of the BLMGNF founders, said at a Left Forum convention, “It’s not possible for a world to emerge where black lives matter if it’s under capitalism. And it’s not possible to abolish capitalism without a struggle against national oppression and gender oppression.” Left Forum is a Marxist organization. Epoch Times Photo Sebastian Gorka with his wife, Katharine, at a parents’ rally outside the Luther Jackson Middle School in Falls Church, Va., on June 16, 2022. (Terri Wu/The Epoch Times) Sebastian Gorka, a former strategist for President Donald Trump and host of the “America First” radio show, praised the paper as “crucial” in addressing a new Marxist challenge different than that in the Cold War. “The challenge has so utterly transmogrified from an external kinetic military one to an internal political one. And [BLM activists] have rights, but they’re undermining the Constitution with those rights,” he said. Representatives for BLMGNF didn’t respond to a request by The Epoch Times for comment by press time.
US Democrats love crime, poverty, dependence, DemSoc create the problem, prop themselves as solution, socialism fails, repeat to extract more money and power, create victimization mentality and handouts... fail fail fail. PA House Judiciary Committee Moved To Impeach Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner the Judiciary Committee voted along party lines Tuesday to move two impeachment articles against Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner to the full House, which is expected to vote on it Wednesday. Philadelphia District Attorney Lawrence Krasner during a press conference at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia on Nov. 6, 2020. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times) The articles blame Krasner’s leadership in the district attorney’s office (DAO) as being a direct cause of increasing Philadelphia crime and accuse him of obstructing the impeachment investigation by not sufficiently complying with a subpoena from the Select Committee on Restoring Law and Order. That select committee released a report of its investigation on Oct. 24 and, although it did not recommend impeachment, it offered a grim look at Philadelphia’s crime. The report (pdf) looked at rising crime rates, the use of public funds intended for enforcing the law and prosecuting crime, the enforcement of crime victims’ rights, and the use of public funds intended to benefit crime victims in the City of Philadelphia. ‘Shocking Increases’ In Crime Under Krasner Between Jan. 1, 2021, and Oct. 16, 2022, the report says, 992 people have died as a result of a homicide in Philadelphia. The report compares that to the 557 homicide deaths in 2015 and 2016, combined. Nonfatal shootings have increased, too. In 2022, there have been eight victims of nonfatal shootings who have not yet celebrated their sixth birthdays. “It is no secret that the DAO and DA Krasner’s progressive policies are the focus of criticism with respect to the increasing crime rate, the handling of criminal cases, and the abject failure to respond, in any meaningful way, to the current crisis,” the report says. “Most troubling to the Select Committee, is what happens after arrests are made—the DAO’s prosecution, or lack thereof,” the report says. The office categorizes violent offenses as homicides, nonfatal shootings, rape, robberies, aggravated assault, and other forms of assault. To the date of the report, 65 percent of all violent offenses have been withdrawn by the DA’s office or dismissed by the courts, resulting in no prosecution for those crimes. Compared to district attorney’s offices in other Pennsylvania counties, the Philadelphia office withdraws cases much more often. “No doubt, Philadelphia criminals are emboldened by the knowledge that the likelihood that they will be arrested is slim, and once caught, the likelihood that they will be prosecuted and incarcerated is minimal,” the report says. Crime at ‘Unacceptable’ Levels Krasner is in his second term. If the House voted to impeach, the state Senate would conduct a trial, after which, a two-thirds vote from the Senate would be needed to impeach and remove Krasner. The Senate is still a Republican majority, but with 28 Republicans and 22 Democrats in the next session, it is not a two-thirds majority. “I suspect that we will have bipartisan support for this effort as we have thus far,” Rep. Martina White, a Philadelphia Republican and prime sponsor of the articles of impeachment, said in a press conference after the measure passed from committee. “The investigation and holding Larry Krasner in contempt was bipartisan. Tomorrow, I believe this will also be bipartisan because the people of Philadelphia deserve better than what they receive out of the district attorney’s office. He has not been doing his job well enough for us, endangering the lives of citizens that he’s supposed to serve and protect by prosecuting criminals and making sure that they’re convicted guilty, should the evidence be there. But that’s not what’s happening right now. The district attorney is basically withdrawing cases at an unprecedented level.” White said she wants to assure the citizens of Philadelphia that they can live the way they deserve, not having to worry about walking out their front door and being carjacked or worrying about sending kids to school only for them to be shot dead on the walk home from the gunfire of gang members who should be locked up in jail and convicted of previous crimes. “It’s unacceptable,” White said. “And now is the time to act. There’s no reason to wait any longer.” Krasner’s Words In a letter sent to the select committee Oct. 21, Krasner—a Democrat whose campaign was funded in part by billionaire George Soros—defended his work. “Criminologists know what works to prevent crime. It is not love for the NRA, opposition to reasonable gun regulations, or draconian sentences,” Krasner said. “It is investment in communities, fully funded public schools, mental health and addiction treatment resources, economic opportunity, trade school and higher education opportunity, keeping parents in the community (not in jail) when they have committed non-violent, non-serious offenses, and modern police reform, among other things. All leading criminological reports show zero correlation between crime and progressive/reform prosecution.” Krasner said every decision he makes as district attorney is with the goal of seeking justice and improving public safety. Read more here...
When you prop up a fraud (Biden and Democrats), the downfall from it will be fast and severe... Knives Out: WaPo, NYT Go For Biden Blood In Scathing Moment Of Honesty Over the past month or so, mainstream media has overtly abandoned President Biden - the man they relentlessly shilled for during the 2020 election as the establishment went to extreme measures to unseat Donald Trump. After months of gentile distancing, the media's come-to-Jesus finally happened after the White House 'botched' the response to the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade. CNN published an article last Wednesday titled: "After string of Supreme Court setbacks, Democrats wonder whether Biden White House is capable of urgency moment demands." "Top Democrats complain the President isn't acting with -- or perhaps is even capable of -- the urgency the moment demands," reads the piece. Ouch! "Rudderless, aimless and hopeless" is how one member of Congress described the White House. Two dozen leading Democratic politicians and operatives, as well as several within the West Wing, tell CNN they feel this goes deeper than questions of ideology and posture. Instead, they say, it gets to questions of basic management. -CNN Fast forward to Saturday, and both the New York Times and the Washington Post have taken serious shots at Biden. The Post built on CNN's article - slamming the White House's "struggle to respond" to the abortion ruling, writing that "Many Democrats were dismayed by his slow-footed response." For many Democrats, however, it was too little and too late — just one more example over the two weeks in which Biden and his team struggled to come up with a muscular plan of action on abortion rights, even though the Supreme Court ruling had been presaged two months earlier with the leak of a draft opinion. -WaPo The New York Times straight-up suggested Biden is too old to govern - writing that his team 'delayed his Middle East trip so the 79-year-old president would have more time to rest' following last month's Europe/NATO meetings. Some excerpts: "managing the schedule of the oldest president in American history presents distinct challenges." "Polls show many Americans consider Mr. Biden too old, and some Democratic strategists do not think he should run again." "They acknowledged Mr. Biden looks older than just a few years ago..." "His energy level, while impressive for a man of his age, is not what it was, and some aides quietly watch out for him. He often shuffles when he walks, and aides worry he will trip on a wire. He stumbles over words during public events, and they hold their breath to see if he makes it to the end without a gaffe." "His speeches can be flat and listless. He sometimes loses his train of thought, has trouble summoning names or appears momentarily confused. More than once, he has promoted Vice President Kamala Harris, calling her “President Harris.”" Shame on the media for letting this man hide in his basement during the 2020 election. He never had the mental or physical stamina for the job. — Lisa Boothe 🇺🇸 (@LisaMarieBoothe) July 10, 2022 Biden doesn't work nights or weekends. His staff limits his schedule. His aides worry he'll trip or fall over. And he looks old. You couldn't talk about this stuff two years ago. Now it's literally on page A1 of the Sunday New York Times. Or will be tomorrow. — Varad Mehta (@varadmehta) July 9, 2022 In short, the knives are out... Like @jimgeraghty said, the right people are allowed to talk about his age and mental fitness now. — Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) July 9, 2022 Sure, the Post and The Atlantic have also run recent op-eds suggesting we "Give Biden a Break" and "Leave Joe Biden Alone," but they boil down to 'sure, things are bad, but they aren't Biden's fault.' And as some have noticed, the same group that went to extraordinary lengths to deem President Trump mentally unfit are dead silent about Biden. Biden requires diagnosis by experts, but The Team has been radio silent for two years. Where’s Bandy X Lee? Still gathering signatures? — Quiet Rando (@dcsoult) July 9, 2022 One has to wonder if the media is simply trying to get ahead of a disastrous run for reelection in 2024, or if they're getting ready for GOP-led investigations into Hunter and crew if the Republicans take back Congress in this year's midterm elections. What say you? "Is Justice Kavanaugh being forced to leave a D.C. restaurant due to protestors appropriate, sir?" Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg: Yup, pretty much. While Democrats pay $200 to anyone who calls in locations of prominent Judges and Republicans.
Left Wing Group Offers 'Bounties' In Exchange For Doxxing Conservative Justices A left wing activist group is offering cash rewards to anyone who provides them with information regarding the location of conservative Supreme Court Justices. The group ShutDownDC put out a call on Twitter offering $50 and $200 bounties for information relating to sightings of justices John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh, Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, and Amy Coney Barrett. Despite seemingly breaking Twitter’s policy of prohibiting any user from encouraging or calling for others to harass an individual or group of people, the post remains active at time of writing: DC Service Industry Workers... If you see Kavanaugh, Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Coney Barrett or Roberts DM us with the details! We'll venmo you $50 for a confirmed sighting and $200 if they're still there 30 mins after your message. — ShutDownDC (@ShutDown_DC) July 8, 2022 Twitter’s policy reads, “We prohibit behavior that encourages others to harass or target specific individuals or groups with abusive behavior,” also noting “This includes, but is not limited to; calls to target people with abuse or harassment online and behavior that urges offline action such as physical harassment.” ShutDownDC affiliated individuals were also part of a ‘protest’ at a Morton’s steakhouse in downtown Washington last week, where Brett Kavanaugh was dining and subsequently forced to exit through a back door. The restaurant issued a statement condemning the actions, noting “Honorable Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh and all of our other patrons at the restaurant were unduly harassed by unruly protestors while eating dinner at our Morton’s restaurant.” It added, “Politics, regardless of your side or views, should not trample the freedom at play of the right to congregate and eat dinner. There is a time and place for everything. Disturbing the dinner of all of our customers was an act of selfishness and void of decency.” When asked about the incident, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre responded “We have said that we want to see peaceful protests,” adding “When it comes to intimidation, that is something that we have condemned.” “[The president] has signed a piece of legislation making sure that they have the protection that they need,” Jean-Pierre continued, prompting Fox News reporter Peter Doocy to interject “But you never said, ‘Don’t go to their houses.” “So, it’s okay if protesters know that a justice is out to eat at a restaurant that they can go and protest, as long as they are what you consider peaceful,” Doocy further questioned, asking “where’s the line?” The Press Secretary reposed “If it’s outside of a restaurant, if it’s peaceful, for sure.” Watch: Karine Jean-Pierre says Biden is fine with pro-abortion activists protesting outside the restaurant where Justice Brett Kavanaugh was eating — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 8, 2022 Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg also intimated that the targeting of Kavanaugh, who was also a target of a would be assassin recently, was acceptable. "Is [Justice Kavanaugh being forced to leave a D.C. restaurant due to protestors] appropriate, sir?" Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg: Yup, pretty much. — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 10, 2022 Meanwhile, Joe Biden also urged pro-abortion activists to “keep protesting”: Joe Biden's message to pro-abortion protesters: "Keep protesting." Meanwhile, Biden still has not condemned the attempted assassination of Justice Brett Kavanaugh. — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 10, 2022 Democrats have repeatedly refused to condemn protests, and even encouraged them, outside the homes of Justices, despite even neighbours speaking out claiming they are routinely being insulted, disturbed, and threatened with violence by activists. A marshal for the Supreme Court has also asked state and local officials to take control and put a stop to illegal disruptions outside the homes of Justices, noting that “threatening activity, has only increased.” Pouring rain didn’t stop the Activists from reading the first Amendment to Brett Kavanaugh again…soggy cops and determined activists show up for week 8 of Supreme Court Justice Home protests. @OurRightsDC @LiteraryMouse @downrightimp @mpeachmfalready #SCOTUS — DCMediaGroup (@DCMediaGroup) July 7, 2022 Maryland law prohibits assembling in a manner that disrupts a person’s right to tranquility at their residence, with the punishment for offenders being up to 90 days in jail. Protest outside the homes of judges with the intent of influencing them is also illegal under the U.S. Code and subject to a fines and/or a year in prison.
US Courts continue to smack down fraudulent Democrats voting games... Wisconsin Elections Commission Fails To Release Guidance For Clerks After Supreme Court Rules Ballot Drop Boxes Illegal The Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) has yet to release new guidance on how to handle absentee ballots for the Aug. 9 primary election after the state’s Supreme Court ruled that ballot drop boxes are illegal. A woman holding her ballot walks past a Vote by Mail Drop Box for the 2020 U.S. Elections in Monterey Park, Calif., on Oct. 5, 2020. (Frederic J. Brown/AFP via Getty Images) Republicans and Democrats on the commission repeatedly hit an impasse on July 12, when it came to deciding the meaning of the court’s July 8 ruling and how it should be interpreted and handled by more than 1,800 municipal clerks ahead of the primary. The court ruled 4–3 that drop boxes that enable people to drop off ballots cast by themselves and others are illegal under state law and voters must return their ballots in person. “We hold the documents are invalid because ballot drop boxes are illegal under Wisconsin statutes,” Justice Rebecca Bradley wrote in the majority opinion on July 8. “An absentee ballot must be returned by mail or the voter must personally deliver it to the municipal clerk at the clerk’s office or a designated alternate site.” The court didn’t address the question of who can put an absentee ballot in the mail. While state law says an absentee ballot “shall be mailed by the elector,” federal law allows for disabled people to receive assistance with their ballot, meaning the Supreme Court’s decision could make it more difficult for the disabled, as well as the elderly, to vote. Potentially Confusing At the commission meeting on July 13, Republicans said the panel should provide guidance to clerks running the elections to help them better understand the ruling, while Democrats argued that it’s unclear what the commission can tell clerks, saying that the proposed guidance went too far and could potentially confuse clerks and spark a slew of lawsuits. Meanwhile, Republican Commissioner Bob Spindell offered a proposal that would require voters to present identification when returning a ballot to a clerk’s office, calling it a "security measure" that would ensure only the voter can return a completed ballot, in line with the court's decision. "It's inherent in something like this that we have the person who is actually doing that to show an ID to show in fact it is his or her [ballot]," he said. “Otherwise, you have the problem of it could be anyone's." That motion was ultimately rejected by WEC. The commission also rejected another motion to issue guidance stating that the voter must be the one to mail a ballot. "It would be inappropriate for us to start making stuff up and I think that’s what this memo does, unfortunately," Democratic Commissioner Mark Thomsen said of proposed guidance written by commission staff. "I think the fact that we've looked at the Supreme Court decision today and that we still need to digest some of it means that there will be guidance at some point in time, but at this moment in time, we're not ready to give guidance," said commission member Marge Bostelmann. The WEC is scheduled to meet again on July 22.
Woke Fail: California Democrats Top Secret Crusade Against the Poor California's Energy War On The Poor links in original California continues to implement policies on energy, housing, and transportation that are anti-poor and anti-working class... A few years ago, author and demographer Joel Kotkin declared that “California is a great state in which to be rich.” Of course, it’s good to be rich anywhere. But California—the province that for decades has led the United States in cultural issues like fashion, gay rights, and entertainment—has devolved into a state where the American dream is being strangled by a phalanx of energy and climate regulations that are imposing huge regressive taxes on the poor and middle class. And worse yet, the state’s vast bureaucracy is imposing yet more regulations that will further tighten the financial noose on Californians. Before going further, it’s essential to put California into context. While the state is known for posh spots like Beverly Hills, Marin County, and Silicon Valley, the Golden State has the highest poverty rate in America. Indeed, the poverty figures in the state can only be described as shocking. A 2021 report by the Public Policy Institute of California found that “More than a third of Californians are living in or near poverty. Nearly one in six (16.4 percent) Californians were not in poverty but lived fairly close to the poverty line … All told, more than a third (34.0 percent) of state residents were poor or near-poor in 2019.” Los Angeles, the state’s biggest city, and a magnet for generations of immigrants has one of the highest poverty rates among America’s biggest cities. California also has the largest Latino population in America. About 15 million Latinos live in the Golden State and they account for about 40 percent of its population. But the PPIC report also found that more than Latinos account for nearly 52 percent “of poor Californians but only 39.7 percent of the state population.” Despite these numbers, California policymakers continue to implement policies on energy, housing, and transportation that are driving up the cost of living and deepening the state’s poverty problem. In April, the state’s Air Resources Board released a plan that will ban the sale of automobiles with internal combustion engines by 2035. The plan was cheered by a lawyer at the Center for Biological Diversity who said it was essential to “free our streets from tailpipe pollution as fast as possible.” Sierra Club demonstration in California, 2004, Alamy In May, the Los Angeles City Council banned the use of natural gas appliances and heaters in new homes and businesses. By doing so, according to the Sierra Club, the city became the 57th municipality in the state to ban the fuel. The vote, said council member Nithya Raman, puts the city “in line with climate leaders across the country.” That climate leadership comes at a high cost to consumers. Why? On an energy-equivalent basis, electricity costs four times as much as natural gas. On July 1st, motorists in the state began paying an additional three-cent-per-gallon tax on gasoline, a move that will make California’s motor fuel even more expensive. In late June, motorists in the state were paying an average of $6.30 per gallon for gasoline, which is roughly 29 percent more than motorists in the rest of the US. Perhaps the most obvious casualty of California’s climate policies is the state’s tattered electric grid. Blackouts in the state have become so common, particularly in the Bay Area, that media outlets have largely quit reporting on them. Nearly every day, maps of Pacific Gas & Electric’s service territory show outages across wide swaths of central California. The state’s increased blackouts are coinciding with skyrocketing electricity prices. And those skyrocketing electricity prices are coinciding with the implementation of some of America’s most-aggressive renewable-energy mandates. In 2008, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed an executive order that required the state’s utilities to obtain a third of the electricity they sell from renewables by 2020. In 2015, Governor Jerry Brown signed a law that boosted the mandate to 5o percent by 2030. In 2018, California lawmakers imposed yet another mandate that requires the state’s electric utilities to procure at least 60 percent of their electricity from renewables by 2030 and to be producing 100 percent “zero-carbon” electricity by 2045. What has happened since The Terminator signed that executive order? Between 2008 and 2021, the all-sector price of electricity in California increased five times faster than rates in the rest of the continental United States. Last year alone, the all-sector price of electricity in California jumped by 9.8 percent to 19.8 cents per kilowatt-hour. Residential prices increased even more, jumping by 11.7 percent to an average of 22.8 cents per kilowatt-hour. California residential users are now paying about 66 percent more for electricity than homeowners in the rest of the US. The state also faces a chronic shortage of affordable housing. Despite the shortage, home prices are being driven up by a myriad of mandates including the requirement that new homes have solar panels on their roofs. Since 2020, single-family homes and multi-family buildings up to three stories high in California must be topped with solar panels. In January 2023, that mandate will expand to include commercial buildings, including hotels, offices, retail and grocery stores, restaurants, and schools. It will also require panels to be put atop civic buildings, including theaters, auditoriums, and convention facilities. All of these mandates amount to what land-use and civil-rights lawyer Jennifer Hernandez calls “Green Jim Crow.” In an essay published last year by the Breakthrough Institute, Hernandez wrote that her home state: leads the world in renewable energy and electric vehicle ownership. But its industrial and manufacturing sectors have been decimated … Its climate accomplishments are illusory, a product of deindustrialization, high energy costs, and, more recently and improbably, depopulation. Inequality has hit record levels, and housing segregation has returned to a degree not seen since the early 1960s. Hernandez is the lead lawyer for The Two Hundred, a group of Latino leaders who have sued the state of California over its climate, housing, and transportation policies. In 2019, she and The Two Hundred filed a 250-page civil rights lawsuit that claims “Entrenched special interest groups, including environmentalists, block meaningful housing policy reforms” and that the state’s housing crisis is “deepening an already severe civil rights crisis.” Hernandez also points out that many of the regulations The Two Hundred is fighting were never directly authorized by the state legislature. There is no shortage of irony here. California is one of the most liberal states in America. In the 2020 presidential race, Joe Biden thrashed Donald Trump in California by a margin of nearly two to one, taking 63 percent of the vote. Although Trump lost California to Biden, the state is key for presidential hopefuls. That helps explain why Governor Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, has already begun positioning himself for a White House bid in 2024. The California Senate has been controlled by the Democratic party since 1970. The lower house, the Assembly, has also been controlled by Democrats since the 1970s, except for two years in the mid-1990s. The Democratic Party has long considered itself the party of the working class and minorities. Nearly half of Latinos consider themselves Democrats while only about 23 percent identify as Republicans. But Latinos in California are not prospering under Democratic control. Quite the opposite. According to the report issued by the PPIC last year: More than one in five (21.4%) Latinos lived in poverty, compared to 17.4% of African Americans, 14.5% of Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders, and 12.1% of whites. Though the Latino poverty rate has fallen from 30.9% in 2011, Latinos remain disproportionately poor—comprising 51.6% of poor Californians but only 39.7% of the state population. There are also big disparities in homeownership. In 2018, the homeownership rate among California Latinos was about 44 percent. Among whites, that rate is about 63 percent. Robert Apodaca, the executive director for The Two Hundred, and a long-time activist, told me that a myriad of pending regulations will exacerbate the state’s affordability crisis. He pointed to the state’s decarbonization efforts, which include a ban on the sale of cars powered by internal combustion engines that begins in 2035. The push for the electrification of transportation will require the installation of about 1.2 million new EV charging stations by 2030, according to the California Energy Commission. The cost of those stations will, of course, be borne by ratepayers. Furthermore, running all cars and trucks in the state on electricity will increase electricity demand by 25 percent, in a state that is already experiencing regular blackouts. Apodaca said the 100 percent zero-carbon electricity mandate and an economy-wide goal of carbon neutrality by 2045, will also increase costs. In February, the California Public Utilities Commission unanimously approved a scheme that aims to add more than 25 gigawatts of renewables and 15 gigawatts of batteries to the state's electric grid by 2032 at an estimated cost of $49.3 billion. Also in February, the California Independent System Operator released a draft plan to upgrade the state's transmission grid at a cost of some $30.5 billion. The combined cost of those two schemes is about $80 billion. Dividing that sum among 39 million residents works out to about $2,050 for every Californian. But the final price will almost certainly be far higher than $80 billion. Big public works projects routinely exceed initial estimates; California's beleaguered high-speed rail project was expected to cost $42 billion when it was launched in 2008. The latest cost estimate is $105 billion. Any effort to overhaul the state’s electric grid will require huge amounts of complex machinery, including generators, solar panels, transformers, and switch gear. It will also require vast amounts of land, steel, concrete, and tanker loads of industrial commodities at the same time that prices for everything from zinc and lithium to nickel and aluminum are soaring. The renewable-electricity push will force prices upward at a time when California is in the midst of an energy-affordability crisis. In January, electricity rates for customers of Pacific Gas & Electric, the biggest utility in the state, went up by eight percent. In March, PG&E customers were hit by another nine percent rate hike. Consumers served by San Diego Gas & Electric are also seeing big increases, with electricity price increases of nearly eight percent this year. Furthermore, PG&E is seeking rate big rate increases from 2023 to 2026 to pay for a variety of programs including burying thousands of miles of power lines. Electricity prices are soaring at a time when many consumers simply can't afford to pay. In March, more than a quarter of residential customers in San Diego County were behind on their utility payments. These soaring costs shouldn’t be surprising. Like what has occurred in Australia and Germany, the imposition of renewable-energy mandates in California has corresponded with dramatic increases in electricity prices. Of course, that’s not what we are told by climate activists like Bill McKibben who never tire of claiming that wind and solar are cheaper than traditional forms of electricity production. But a 2019 study done by academics at the University of Chicago found that renewable-energy mandates cause prices to go up, not down. Photo by Venti Views on Unsplash The report, by Michael Greenstone and Ishan Nath, said renewables “raise electricity prices more than previously thought” due to “hidden costs that have typically been ignored.” They also found that the mandates “come at a high cost to consumers and are inefficient in reducing carbon emissions.” Greenstone and Nath said “the intermittent nature of renewables means that back-up capacity must be added” and that “by mandating an increase in renewable power, baseload generation is prematurely displaced, and some of the cost is passed to consumers.” It continued, saying that renewable-energy mandates lead to lead to “substantial increases in electricity prices that mirror the program’s increasing stringency over time.” Of course, none of this fits the convenient narrative that California is leading the way on climate change. Nevertheless, the hard reality is that California’s climate policies and renewable-energy mandates are immiserating vast segments of the state’s population. In a July 1st telephone interview, Apodaca said the state’s climate policies are hard to fight because California is “being governed by the administrative state, the regulators.” He continued, saying “The legislature hasn’t mandated most of these climate rules. There is no legislative mandate for the majority of the regulations that the Air Resources Board and other agencies are creating. The agencies have gone too far. But they aren’t held accountable.” What has happened in California is a warning for the rest of the United States and the rest of the world. Kotkin, who I quoted at the top of this piece, has become one of the loudest and most-frequent critics of California’s decline. In April, citing a report he co-wrote (with Marshall Toplansky and three others) for Chapman University, Kotkin declared that California is in the midst of an “existential crisis, losing both its middle-aged and middle class, while its poor population faces dimming prospects. Despite the state’s myriad advantages, research shows it [is] plagued by economic immobility and inequality, crushing housing and energy costs, and a failing education system. Worse than just a case of progressive policies creating regressive outcomes, it appears California is descending into something resembling modern-day feudalism, with the poor and weak trapped by policies subsidized by taxes paid by the rich and powerful.” Given the state’s many problems, residents are reacting with what has been dubbed the “California Exodus.” Last year, for the first time in its 171-year history, California lost a seat in the US House of Representatives. Meanwhile, Texas gained two seats and Florida gained one. A few months ago, U-Haul, the company that rents moving trucks, issued a press release that said its California locations experienced the biggest loss of one-way truck rentals in 2021. The top destination for those soon-to-be-ex Californians? Texas. (I can verify this, as it seems everyone from California is moving to Austin.) Furthermore, since 2018, about 300 companies have moved their headquarters out of California. Among the more notable corporate departures: Tesla and Oracle, both of which moved their headquarters to Austin. The punchline here is obvious: For decades, regulators and politicians in California—a state that is a pillar of the Democratic Party as well as the home of US vice president Kamala Harris and the home of America’s biggest climate-activist group, the Sierra Club—have been implementing a skein of policies, nearly all of them tied to energy and climate, that are blatantly anti-poor and anti-working class. Yes, California is a fine place to be rich. But Californians who aren’t rich have seen enough. And now they are voting with their feet and with whatever U-Haul truck they can find.
Govt Professor Insane Democrat Incites Violence Against Judges same as over three years worth of Democrat Incitement of Violence They "Should Never Know Peace Again": Harvard Instructor Calls For People To "Accost" Justices In Public We recently discussed the Georgetown law professor who defended “more aggressive” protests targeting the Supreme Court justices, but Harvard clinical instructor Alejandra Caraballo wants to guarantee that “The 6 justices who overturned Roe should never know peace again.” Accordingly, Caraballo is calling for people to “accost them every time they are in public.” That harassment, according to Caraballo, is the “civic duty” of every American. The tweet from Caraballo is the latest example of academics seeking to harass these justices because they hold opposing constitutional views. It is also an example of the addiction to rage that has developed in this country. There is a license that comes with rage that is evident in Caraballo’s writings: “Since women don’t have their rights, these justices should never have a peaceful moment in public again.” The tweets even attach photos to assist others in this ignoble enterprise. The 6 justices who overturned Roe should never know peace again. It is our civic duty to accost them every time they are in public. They are pariahs. Since women don't have their rights, these justices should never have a peaceful moment in public again. — Alejandra Caraballo (@Esqueer_) June 25, 2022 They're coming for contraception, same sex marriage, and the ability to criminalize LGBTQ people again. May those justices feel the unease, insecurity, and anxiety they seek to inflict on us. — Alejandra Caraballo (@Esqueer_) June 25, 2022 For reference. — Alejandra Caraballo (@Esqueer_) June 25, 2022 These calls have continued despite the alleged attempted murder of Justice Brett Kavanaugh at his home recently. As noted by Campus Reform, Caraballo is also an advocate for censorship, calling for Twitter to ban the popular conservative site “Libs of TikTok” as a “terrorist” enterprise because it shows liberals talking about themselves. I have defended the right of people to protest justices, but having a right does not mean that you cannot abuse that right. Hounding and harassing justices and judges because you do not like their conclusions is wrong and dangerous. Most Americans are appalled by this conduct and we need to collectively condemn those who seek to mete out their own retaliatory justice. As more on the left call for aggressive protests and public confrontations, this harassment is more and more likely to turn violent. There are many unbalanced individuals who will see such calls as a license for violent action. A justice or judge should not have to put his or her family at risk to serve on our courts. These academics are fueling a sense of mob justice that will cause untold harm to our judicial system and the rule of law.
Add in all the Fake News Media and Social Network Bias and Censorship, 2 Russia and 2 Impeachment hoaxes, that Biden was known Dementia Racist Pedo Basement Coward, and much more... don't even need the fraudulent FBI and known existant Vote Fraud to know that "10% For The Big Guy" would have alone been enough to swing the needed 5%, so yes... Donald J Trump won the 2020 US Presidential Elections. 8 In 10 Americans Think Hunter Biden Laptop Cover-Up Changed Election Outcome; Poll Finds A whopping 79 percent of Americans suggest President Donald Trump likely would have won reelection if voters had known the truth about Hunter Biden’s laptop - that it was real and not “Russian disinformation,” as intelligence officials aligned with Joe Biden falsely led the public to believe, a new national poll reveals. The survey of 1,335 adults was conducted earlier this month by New Jersey-based Technometrica Institute of Policy and Politics. The vast majority of those following the issue said they believe that the laptop is real, while only 11 percent still believe it was created by Russia. The Washington Post and The New York Times recently confirmed that the laptop and contents found on it are, in fact, authentic, after initially pooh-poohing the idea the device belonged to the president’s son. In October 2020, the New York Post broke the story that Hunter Biden had abandoned the Apple computer at a Wilmington, Del., repair shop. The newspaper exposed emails from the hard drive indicating the Biden family may have participated in illicit business deals in Ukraine, China, and other countries. Social media censored the story, denying voters critical information on the eve of the election. Among those following the topic, almost three-quarters (74 percent) believe that the FBI and Intelligence Community deliberately misled the public—and voters—when they claimed the laptop was “disinformation” and part of a Kremlin plot to hurt Biden’s candidacy. On Oct. 19, 2020, more than 50 former U.S. intelligence officials, including CIA Director John Brennan, signed a public letter claiming the material published by the Post from Hunter’s hard drive “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation,” although none of them had seen it. Joe Biden cited their letter in the presidential debates to deflect questions about the laptop. “Terming the laptop ‘disinformation’ by the FBI, Intelligence Community, Congress, and the Biden campaign, along with Big Tech, impacted voters,” said Technometrica President Raghavan Mayur, who’s been recognized as the most accurate pollster in recent presidential elections. “A significant majority—78 percent—believe that access to the correct information could have been critical to their decision at the polls.” In fact, 47 percent said that knowing before the election that the laptop contents were real and not “disinformation” would have changed their voting decision—including more than two-thirds (71 percent) of Democrats. Almost 8 of 10 respondents said that a truthful interpretation of the laptop would have likely changed the election’s outcome more in favor of Trump. The poll also found that more than half—51 percent—give the media failing grades (D or F) for their coverage of the topic of the laptop. Also, 81 percent of Americans said they want the attorney general to appoint an independent special counsel to investigate possibly incriminating email and other evidence contained on Hunter Biden’s laptop. Federal investigators in Delaware have been investigating Hunter for possible money laundering, tax fraud, and other alleged crimes, but the probe has dragged on for years, and the FBI has yet to issue a warrant to search his home for evidence. The Senate Judiciary Committee revealed last month that FBI whistleblowers recently came forward to expose a “scheme” by FBI honchos in Washington to throttle the investigation of Hunter Biden in the run-up to the 2020 election by claiming that allegations of Biden influence-peddling in Ukraine was “Russian disinformation.” Former National Intelligence Director John Ratcliffe recently said there is growing evidence the FBI politically interfered in both the 2016 and 2020 elections while claiming they were worried about Russian interference. “The names have changed, but the allegations are the same, that these FBI agents were attempting to influence the outcome of the 2020 election by suppressing derogatory information about Hunter Biden and potentially Joe Biden,” Ratclifffe said. “It is the FBI that is the primary domestic authority for investigating and leading to the prosecution of election influence and election interference. It’s really a problem when the agency that is responsible for investigating those things is engaged in those things.” Ratcliffe in late October 2020 issued a forceful denial against the prevailing spin about “disinformation” after prominent Democrat leader Adam Schiff of the House Intelligence Committee proclaimed the Hunter Biden laptop story was “a smear on Joe Biden [that] comes from the Kremlin.” “I very clearly came out and said, ‘Look, Adam Schiff is making this information up. There is no Russian disinformation involved here. It is Hunter Biden’s laptop, and the investigation is real,’ “ he said. “And that has proven to be true.”
Joe Biden the two-face proud and angry asshole RACIST, throw him in the garbage along with David Barrett CEO of Expensify.Com who says that White Men are only worth $0.75 to the $1.00 that he thinks everyone else is worth... Democrat Owned Social Media Election Frauds were CensorBanning these true videos in the months prior to the 2020 Elections. Donald J Trump Won The US 2020 Presidential Elections. Joe Biden has not done an on-camera interview with an American press outlet since February 10. Why? Because he's a Failure and Fraud upon America since day oneand refuses to face up. Joe Biden constantly disses the Military, that he Wokesterized and turned into a failure that can't find enough recruits because of it... Two Democrat Fuckups...
Donald J Trump Won The US 2020 Presidential Elections.
The Real Story Behind the FBI’s Censorship of Hunter Biden’s Laptop We now know with certainty that the FBI actively worked to alter the outcome of a U.S. presidential election. As the larger ramifications of their actions are being digested, some additional questions come to mind. How did the FBI know the New York Post was about to run a story on the laptop? Was the FBI’s coverup of Hunter Biden’s laptop also related to President Donald Trump’s first impeachment trial? And why is it that the FBI had a physical office located within Ukraine’s National Anti-Corruption Bureau since June 2016? And finally the big question: Was the subsequent FBI investigation of Hunter Biden designed to actually protect him and his father, President Joe Biden—and, perhaps more importantly, protect the FBI? In a letter to Inspector General Michael Horowitz, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) recently disclosed that whistleblowers alerted him that “FBI officials intentionally undermined efforts to investigate Hunter Biden.” Johnson noted that after the FBI obtained Hunter Biden’s laptop, “local FBI leadership told employees, ‘you will not look at that Hunter Biden laptop.’” The supposed reason given for this inaction? The FBI was “not going to change the outcome of the election again,” which is certainly some strange logic to use, because by choosing not to investigate the Hunter Biden laptop, the FBI did, in fact, directly impact the outcome of an election. But as we now know, the truth is far worse than Johnson’s letter indicates. During a now-infamous interview with Joe Rogan, co-founder and CEO of Meta Platforms Mark Zuckerberg casually admitted that the FBI approached FaceBook—just before the New York Post broke its story on the Hunter laptop—warning of a pending dump of Russian disinformation. Bear in mind that the New York Post story broke in October 2020. The FBI had physical possession of Hunter Biden’s laptop since at least December 2019—almost a full eleven months—and they had likely seen the laptop’s data several months earlier when they were contacted in July 2019 by the computer shop that first had the laptop. The FBI knew for a fact the laptop was real. These revelations come on the heels of a multitude of allegations leveled by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), including that “FBI officials sought to falsely portray as disinformation evidence … that provided the FBI derogatory information related to Hunter Biden’s financial and foreign business activities, even though some of that information had already been or could be verified.” Grassley also disclosed “tampering by senior FBI and Justice Department officials in politically sensitive investigations [including] election and campaign finance probes across multiple election cycles.” To make matters even worse, in August 2020, the FBI endeavored to label an investigation by Grassley and Johnson as “advancing Russian disinformation.” Epoch Times Photo Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg at the Paley Center For Media in New York on Oct. 25, 2019. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images) In response to Zuckerberg’s admission, the FBI later issued what was essentially a non-denial denial statement, saying they “can only alert a private entity of a potential threat, not require it to take action.” The FBI’s choice of Facebook is perhaps not that surprising given that Zuckerberg had given more than $400 million to impact the 2020 election in favor of Biden. Note that the FBI uses the word “threat” to describe Hunter Biden’s laptop—which the FBI had held for 11 months—and knew with certainty that it was real. The only “threat” posed by the laptop was to Joe Biden’s candidacy for president as it held emails confirming that he shut down the investigation into Ukrainian energy firm Burisma. Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani had been leading the charge on investigating the laptop. Notably, Giuliani has also been the subject of a federal investigation that may have begun as early as 2018. Additionally, a number of people with whom Giuliani was working have been targeted by the Treasury Department. We know that Giuliani had been looking into Ukrainian corruption and interference in our elections. We also know that Giuliani had physical possession of the data from the laptop since at least August 2020—the same time in which the FBI tried to discredit Grassley’s investigation—and Giuliani was providing information on it to the New York Post. Giuliani’s knowledge of the laptop actually went back more than a year earlier, to July 2019, and he likely saw much of the contents before he got a full copy. Rudy Giuliani President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani arrives for a press conference at the Republican National Committee headquarters in Washington on Nov. 19, 2020. (Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images) July 2019 is the same exact time that the FBI was made aware of the laptop. Notably, July 25, 2019, marked the date of Trump’s phone call with Ukraine’s new president Volodymyr Zelensky. It was during this call that Trump told Zelensky that he would like him to speak with Giuliani and attorney general Bill Barr, saying “I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General. Rudy very much knows what’s happening and he is a very capable guy.” It was this phone call that paved the way for the 2019 impeachment of Trump—and it now appears that the FBI’s coverup of Hunter Biden’s laptop also directly impacted the impeachment hearings of Trump. Trump was impeached by the Democrat-controlled House on Dec. 18, 2019. The Senate later found Trump to be innocent of the charges and refused to convict him. One of the primary charges leveled by the left was that Trump “corruptly solicited the Government of Ukraine to publicly announce investigations into” Joe Biden in order to create false and damaging narratives. An examination of the actual phone transcript shows a somewhat different story. The Ukraine Connection Trump told Zelensky that “there’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution” of Burisma owner Nikolay Zlochevsky “and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great.” Trump’s claims were factually correct. As vice-president, Biden demanded the removal of Ukrainian prosecutor Victor Shokin by Petro Poroshenko, who at the time was the president of Ukraine. And the details behind Biden’s demand resided on the younger Biden’s laptop. Joe Biden famously bragged about this incident at a conference he attended in 2019, telling conference participants that he told Poroshenko “Petro, you’re not getting your billion dollars. It’s OK, you can keep the prosecutor general. Just understand—we’re not paying if you do.” Joe biden is welcomed by Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko Then Vice President Joe Biden arrives for a meeting with Then Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in Kyiv on Jan. 16, 2017. (Genya Savilov/AFP/Getty Images) Biden left a few facts out of the story he related in 2019. Shokin had been investigating Burisma, where Hunter Biden was a board member. Shokin had been brought back from retirement to clean up corruption in Ukraine’s prosecutor’s office and he appeared to excel in this new role. Victoria Nuland, President Barack Obama’s then-Assistant Secretary of State, personally wrote Shokin in June 2015, telling him, “We have been impressed with the ambitious reform and anti-corruption agenda of your government.” Nuland, who is now Biden’s undersecretary of state, also said that the ongoing reform from Shokin enabled him to “investigate and prosecute corruption and other crimes in an effective, fair, and transparent manner.” Nuland’s letter was never shown at Trump’s 2020 impeachment, nor was it released to Trump’s defense team. Nor was the damning Nov. 2, 2015, email on Hunter Biden’s laptop from the head of Burisma’s board, Vadym Pozharskyi. That email, which also wasn’t shown during Trump’s impeachment, tasked Hunter Biden with producing “deliverables,” stating that the “ultimate purpose” was to “close down any cases or pursuits” against Burisma owner Zlochevsky in Ukraine. Pozharskyi’s target was Shokin, who had reopened an investigation into Zlochevsky that had been shut down by his predecessor in late 2014 after Burisma’s owner had allegedly paid a $7 million bribe to the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office. The same day that Pozharskyi emailed Hunter Biden about closing the investigation into Zlochevsky, the younger Biden reached out to Amos Hochstein, Obama’s Special Envoy and Coordinator of International Energy Affairs. Hunter Biden then met Hochstein in person four days later, on Nov. 6, 2015. The timing of Hunter Biden’s outreach, occurring within hours of receiving Pozharskyi’s instructions, is notable. Hochstein later told congressional investigators that Hunter Biden “wanted to know my views on Burisma and Zlochevsky.” Nuland later told congressional investigators that Hochstein personally conveyed his concerns about Hunter Biden’s role at Burisma to then-Vice President Joe Biden during a flight to Ukraine on Dec. 7, 2015. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Holds Hearing On Russia's Invasion Of Ukraine Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland testifies before a Senate Foreign Relation Committee hearing on Ukraine, in Washington, on March 8, 2022. (Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images) Earlier that year, Pozharskyi had “spent some time” with Joe Biden in Washington in a meeting that had been brokered by Hunter Biden. Now, Pozharskyi appeared to be leveraging not only Hunter Biden, but his meeting with Joe Biden. Less than three weeks after Hunter Biden received Pozharskyi’s email, Joe Biden issued his first demand that Shokin be removed. After Poroshenko failed to comply with the demands, Biden leveraged that $1 billion in U.S. taxpayer loan guarantees to force Shokin’s removal. Shokin was finally removed in March 2016. By the time Joe Biden left office in Jan. 2017, all investigations into Burisma had been closed. At the time the alleged bribe was paid in 2014 to Shokin’s predecessor, Vitaly Yarema, Hunter Biden was not only a Burisma board member, but was the head of Burisma’s legal unit. A recently released 2016 email from State Department official George Kent states that Burisma had paid the $7 million bribe to end the initial 2014 corruption investigation. That investigation had reached all the way to London, where UK courts had frozen $23 million in Burisma assets. After the bribe was paid, the Ukrainian prosecutor suddenly wrote to the London court to say that the matter was closed. The frozen $23 million in assets was then released to Burisma’s owner, Nikolay Zlochevsky. Kent would later testify at Trump’s impeachment hearings. But curiously, Kent never mentioned the explosive information from his email during Trump’s impeachment. Epoch Times Photo President Donald Trump arrives to deliver the State of the Union address in the House chamber on Feb. 4, 2020. Trump delivered his third State of the Union address on the night before the U.S. Senate is set to vote in his impeachment trial. (Leah Millis/Pool/Getty Images) There’s another element to this story as well. In October 2014, Ukraine established the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU) in response to pressure from the International Monetary Fund and assistance from then-Vice-President Joe Biden. On Jan. 22, 2016, NABU director Artem Sytnyk announced that his bureau was very close to signing a Memorandum of cooperation with the FBI—and by February 2016 the FBI had a permanent representative onsite at NABU offices. A few months later, on June 30, 2016, NABU and the FBI entered into a Memorandum of Understanding that allowed for an FBI office onsite at NABU offices. NABU has repeatedly refused to make the Memorandum of Understanding with the FBI public and went to court in 2018 to prevent its release. In December 2017, Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko, who would later work with Giuliani, accused Sytnyk of allowing the FBI to conduct illegal operations in Ukraine, claiming that the FBI was “invited without the permission required and in breach of the necessary procedures.” Taras Chornovil, a Ukrainian political analyst, also questioned the FBI’s activities, writing that “some kind of undercover operations are being conducted in Ukraine with direct participation (or even under control) of the FBI. This means the FBI operatives could have access to classified data or confidential information.” This arrangement makes the FBI’s decision in late 2019 to halt any investigative activity into Hunter Biden’s laptop all the more notable, as they were almost certainly already aware of much of the information contained on the laptop. With all of these details in mind, it’s hardly surprising that the FBI quietly began an investigation of Hunter Biden—one that was disclosed by Hunter Biden himself shortly after the 2020 election had ended—and after the FBI had directed Facebook to censor stories on the laptop as Russia disinformation. What better way to protect not only Joe and Hunter Biden, but also the bureau itself? Watch the full episode of Truth Over News on this topic on Thursday Sept. 2.
The Real Story Behind the FBI’s Censorship of Hunter Biden’s Laptop We now know with certainty that the FBI actively worked to alter the outcome of a U.S. presidential election.
Can This Be Happening In America? We have familiar experience of the phenomenon of what are clearly intolerable circumstances being tolerated if they worsened only gradually. Everyone has looked back on a grueling experience and thought that it could not have been endured had the individual known how unpleasant it would become. No matter how familiar anyone may be with the horrors of the Nazi regime, it remains to us inconceivable that the culture of Beethoven and Goethe could have committed such crimes. The United States has now reached the point where the sequence of outrageous and unconstitutional measures that have occurred in the last six years would have been inconceivable six years ago. The seal of the Federal Bureau of Investigation is seen outside of its headquarters in Washington on Aug. 15, 2022. (Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images) It’s unimaginable that anyone who has ever been nominated for president by a serious American political party could be an intelligence asset for a foreign power. We now know that there has never been one scintilla of evidence remotely hinting that Donald Trump was guilty of any such offense, or that he had any inappropriate relations or even a particular regard for the government of Russia. Yet for over two years it was endlessly bandied about that Trump had been “groomed” by Russian agents like the Manchurian Candidate to debase the presidency of the United States into boot-licking subordination to the national interest of Russia. The former directors of the National and Central Intelligence Agencies, James Clapper and John Brennan, solemnly told national audiences that Trump was a Russian intelligence agent and was guilty of treason in favor of the Russians. Both these senior officials on occasion allegedly lied to Congress but were never prosecuted. Former FBI Director James Comey, who improperly removed government property from his office, improperly leaked confidential information to the media, improperly presumed to decide that Hillary Clinton should not be prosecuted for destroying 33,000 emails that were under subpoena from Congress, signed a false affidavit in support of a FISA warrant to conduct illegal telephone intercepts on the Trump campaign, and supported the pretense that the infamous Steele dossier, which he knew to be a pastiche of lies and defamations, was authentic intelligence, indicating the guilt of Trump of unlawful collusion with the Russian government. The ranking Democrat on the House intelligence committee, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), and other Democrats repeated ad nauseam that they had conclusive evidence of Trump’s guilt. They lied. The inspector general of the Justice Department recorded 17 separate instances of improper official behavior. There has been no prosecution of any of this. In all of pre-Trump U.S. history, there had been two impeachment trials of presidents: Andrew Johnson in 1868 and Bill Clinton in 1998. Neither of them should have occurred and both failed, but in the last four years Trump was impeached twice, once for a telephone conversation with the president of Ukraine in which he asked if the Biden family and particularly the current president’s son Hunter Biden had committed illegalities in Ukraine. He did not direct the verdict; he did not ask for any incrimination of the Bidens. This was a completely inadequate pretext for impeaching a president and yet he was impeached, and on one count 49 senators including a former Republican presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, did vote Trump guilty, though he was, of course, acquitted. And at the end of his term, he was impeached again for having allegedly fomented an insurrection even though the FBI director had already testified that there was no evidence that Trump or his campaign organization or his administration were connected in any way to the trespass and the vandalism that occurred at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and Trump requested and offered extra security, but this was declined by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Washington mayor Muriel Bowser. The various comprehensive accumulations of evidence about the behavior of Hunter Biden incite the strong inference that he has committed a number of illegalities and that the president repeatedly lied to the public about his own connections to his son’s activities. There is no evidence that U.S. official conduct was altered in respect of Ukraine, China, or other countries, in consideration for bribes paid to the Biden family. But there seems to be no doubt the current president and his family were engaged in improper activity that not only allegedly involves substantial lawbreaking by family members but also seems to have been suppressed rather than investigated by the FBI. The allegation that the FBI seems to have suggested to Facebook that the allegations against Hunter Biden were likely Russian disinformation and requested that they not publicize them would have been unthinkable six years ago. But it seems to have been assimilated by the American political community as a perfectly normal and acceptable occurrence. It seems clear that in the 2020 presidential election, where Trump could have prevailed in the Electoral College if 50,000 votes had flipped in Pennsylvania and any two of Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin, that millions of ballots potentially passed through hands that could not be identified. All of this occurred in swing states where rules were changed ostensibly to facilitate voting during the pandemic. But in the case of a number of states, contrary to the Constitution, these changes were determined not by the state legislatures but by executive branches or state judiciaries. In every one of the 19 lawsuits launched to attack these questionable changes to voting and vote counting rules, the judiciary, including in the case of the Texas attorney general’s action against the swing states and supported by 18 other state attorneys general, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear any of these cases on their merits; they were disallowed for technical reasons, some of those quite spurious. Now we have had, on the complaint of federal archivists, the intrusion and occupation for nine hours of the former president’s home on a warrant alleging just cause to believe that crimes have been committed involving the improper removal and retention of classified information. Trump had been collaborating with the archivists, possessed the power to act as he pleased with classified material when he was president, and this isn’t a classified material case anyway. He didn’t pack any of this himself as he left the White House, has not mislaid or misused any of this material, and 19 months have gone by since he left office. It’s a document-handling case. There’s no conceivable justification for such a sensational invasion in the absence of any plausible claim of significant wrongdoing—except that it’s a political tainting job against the former president, and the Presidential Records Act isn’t a criminal statute. This is just the Democrats transmuting a grumpy librarian’s complaint into the insinuation that the former president committed unimaginable crimes. A disastrous and shaming flight from Afghanistan is described by President Joe Biden as “a triumphant success.” Dr. Anthony Fauci retires with dignity after doing terrible damage to the country with his nonsense about shutting schools, “droplets,” the ups and downs of masking, the “abolition of hand-shakes”—almost all of it now thoroughly discredited. Six years ago, no one could have imagined that these outrages would have occurred, much less that they would be accepted by a bedraggled, degraded, demoralized America, its federal government in the hands of lawless and authoritarian myth-makers, applauded by the complicit national political media. Can this be America?
Donald J Trump won the 2020 US Presidential Elections.
Who can deny that this Democrat Deep-State Censorship Programme alone stole at least 5% from Trump... that doesn't include all the Bias-Censorship in the News Media... all of it is Election Fraud... Will David Barrett continue denying truths? Twitter, Facebook Regularly Coordinated With Biden Admin To Censor Users Newly released internal emails from Facebook and Twitter show an extensive effort to coordinate with the Biden administration to censor users, according to a Thursday release of information by GOP Attorneys General Eric Schmitt of Missouri and Jeff Landry of Louisiana. Throughout the emails, officials within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Health and Human Services (HHS) emailed Facebook and Twitter employees with instructions on flagging instances of alleged misinformation, and guided them with talking points to counter allegedly false narratives on the platforms. In one instance, a CDC official asked Facebook for monthly meetings to plan "debunking" strategies, while in another case a White House official requested the removal of an Anthony Fauci parody account. 🚨 According to newly released emails obtained by state AGs, Facebook & the Biden admin arranged weekly/monthly calls to discuss what to censor on the platform. — Vince Coglianese (@VinceCoglianese) September 1, 2022 "We have already received a number of documents that clearly prove that the federal government has an incestuous relationship with social media companies and clearly coordinate to censor freedom of speech, but we’re not done," said Schmitt in a joint statement. " The Department of Justice is cowering behind executive privilege and has refused to turn over communications between the highest-ranking Biden Administration officials and social media companies. That’s why, yesterday, we asked the Court to compel the Department of Justice to produce those records. We’re just getting started – stay tuned." 🚨In May, We filed a landmark lawsuit against top ranking Biden Admin. officials for colluding with social media companies to censor free speech. We have already received documents that show their cozy relationship, and now we’re demanding more. 🧵 — Eric Schmitt (@Eric_Schmitt) September 1, 2022 More via AG Schmitt's Thursday release: The communications already provided by the Department of Justice to the plaintiff states show, as the joint statement points out, a vast “Censorship Enterprise” across a multitude of federal agencies. In response to Missouri and Louisiana’s interrogatories, defendants identified 45 federal officials at DHS, CISA, the CDC, NIAID, and the Office of the Surgeon General (all of which are contained in either DHS or HHS) that communicate with social media platforms about “misinformation” and censorship. The joint statement points out, “But in those responses, Defendants did not provide information about any federal officials at other federal agencies of whom they are aware who engage in such communications with social-media platforms about misinformation and censorship, though Plaintiffs had specifically asked for this highly relevant information. Defendants’ document production, however, reveals that such officials at other federal agencies exist—for example, their emails include extensive copying of officials at the Census Bureau, and they also include communications involving the Departments of Treasury and State.” Beyond the Department of Justice’s production, “Meta, for example, has disclosed that at least 32 federal officials—including senior officials at the FDA, the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, and the White House—have communicated with Meta about content moderation on its platforms, many of whom were not disclosed in response to Plaintiffs’ interrogatories to Defendants. YouTube disclosed eleven federal officials engaged in such communications, including officials at the Census Bureau and the White House, many of whom were also not disclosed by Defendants.” The same senior official sent a later email to HHS and noted, "Thanks again for taking the time to meet earlier today." Then, the official continued to discuss how Facebook is taking even more steps to censor freedom of speech — Eric Schmitt (@Eric_Schmitt) September 1, 2022 The joint statement continues, “The discovery provided so far demonstrates that this Censorship Enterprise is extremely broad, including officials in the White House, HHS, DHS, CISA, the CDC, NIAID, and the Office of the Surgeon General; and evidently other agencies as well, such as the Census Bureau, the FDA, the FBI, the State Department, the Treasury Department, and the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. And it rises to the highest levels of the U.S. Government, including numerous White House officials. Defendants have objected to producing some of the most relevant and probative information in their possession.” This “Censorship Enterprise” is proven by the Department of Justice’s productions thus far, but the full extent of federal officials’ collusion with social media companies on censorship is unknown until the Department of Justice produces further communications requested by Missouri and Louisiana. A senior Facebook official sent an email to the Surgeon General stating, “I know our teams met today to better understand the scope of what the White House expects from us on misinformation going forward.” This email chain follows the SG’s “misinformation health advisory” in July 2021: The same senior official sent a later email to HHS and noted, "Thanks again for taking the time to meet earlier today." Then, the official continued to discuss how Facebook is taking even more steps to censor freedom of speech: Twitter scheduled a meeting to debrief top White House officials on “vaccine misinformation.”: There are several instances where Facebook wouldn’t proceed with censoring freedom of speech on their platform until they had input, or a “debunking” from the CDC. Twitter followed the same course in at least one email. — Eric Schmitt (@Eric_Schmitt) September 1, 2022 There are several instances where Facebook wouldn’t proceed with censoring freedom of speech on their platform until they had input, or a “debunking” from the CDC. Twitter followed the same course in at least one email. Example 1: Example 2: Twitter example: The CDC also proposed a monthly pre-debunking meeting with Facebook to help them censor free speech ( as well as regular “Be on the Lookout” calls with major social media outlets: A White House official was even concerned about parody Fauci accounts and coordinated with FB to take them down:
Donald J Trump won the 2020 US Presidential Elections.
Facebook and the Biden Administrations arranged weekly/monthly calls to discuss what to censor on the platform.
Huh? Biden Screams That He "Beat Pharma This Year" Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News, During a Labor Day speech in Milwaukee Monday, Joe Biden screamed that he “beat pharma this year” despite the fact that he provided billions in record profits for the pharmaceutical industry by attempting to enforce vaccine mandates. Watch: Pres. Biden hails bill putting cap on out-of-pocket prescription drug costs for Medicare recipients: "We beat Pharma this year! And it mattered! We're going to change people's lives." — ABC News (@ABC) September 5, 2022 Biden repeated the claim at a second speech in Pittsburgh: Biden: "I have been fighting pharma for my entire career, my entire career, and we finally beat pharma!" Back in the real world, big pharma have raked in record amounts of money since he took office off the back of the plandemic. — Ioan Haboczki (@haboczki) September 6, 2022 A few violent extremists took issue with Biden’s claim: Biden didn't beat Big Pharma; he invited them into the WH #BidensLying — mjsb (@mjsb143) September 6, 2022 Crooked Biden beat Pharma this year by transferring tens of billions to their packets. — A My Burakami (@JohnOrlinski) September 6, 2022 I’m confused why is Biden super angry yelling here? Also what does he mean by beat pharma??? What did we beat as I’m sure big pharma has profited so much from these poison vaccines — Coollatiaslatios (@pikachusandile8) September 6, 2022 Biden: “we beat Pharma this year” Apparently another teleprompter mistake. The correct line was “we helped Pharma beat their earning estimates this year” 🤡 — Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) September 5, 2022 Oh, you beat pharma, @potus. I’m sorry, I meant to say you helped pharma beat record profits! 😂 — Viva Frei (@thevivafrei) September 5, 2022 Biden: "We Beat Pharma this year and it Mattered" Was that before or after they mandated the Jab, gave them trillions of dollars, and voted them immunity from prosecution? No One has been Beaten, except for US Tax Paying Citizens!!! 🙄🙄🙄 — Chuck Sharp (@Chuck69i) September 6, 2022 “I have been fighting pharma for my entire career—my entire career—and we finally beat pharma!” ~ Joe Biden FunFact: Donors from pharmaceutical industry contributed $6.3 million to the 2020 campaign of Joe Biden ( this is just the official figure) — The Poll Lady (@ThePollLady) September 6, 2022 It took less than one year for Joe Biden to go from "Pandemic of the unvaccinated" to "we beat pharma this year" — Rising serpent 🇺🇸 (@rising_serpent) September 6, 2022
Donald J Trump won the 2020 US Presidential Elections.
Facebook and the Biden Administrations arranged weekly/monthly calls to discuss what to censor on the platform.
German Diplomat Who Mocked Trump At UN Suddenly Silent As President's 'Russian Energy' Warning Comes True Media gets caught admitting Censorship Bias, again... Watch: MSNBC Reporter Says It's "Deeply Dangerous" To Cover "Both Sides" Of A Story MSNBC reporter Mehdi Hasan declared Wednesday that it is “deeply dangerous” for a news network to cover “both sides” of any story. “There are two words we need to remove from our media vocabulary right now and that is ‘both sides,’” Hasan said during an interview with former New York Times reporter Ben Smith. Hasan continued, “This fundamental crutch, this reliance on ‘both sides’ as a kind of lazy way of covering our political moment is deeply dangerous.” “There are a bunch of major issues on which there are not both sides,” Hasan further proclaimed, stating “There are not both sides on climate change. There are not both sides on white supremacy. There are not both sides to democracy. Ben, there are not both sides on the Holocaust.” “On the big issues of our time, on whether people should be able to vote, on whether they should be able to get to a ballot box, on whether one party should be able to overturn elections, no there are not both sides,” Hasan further asserted. Watch: "There are two words we need to remove from our media vocabulary right now & that is 'both sides.' This crutch, this reliance on 'both sides' as a kind of lazy way of covering our political moment is deeply dangerous." My comments to @semaforben this morning in DC - watch/share: — Mehdi Hasan (@mehdirhasan) September 7, 2022 There are “both sides” to the idea that there is a civil war already underway though right? Because that is what MSNBC has been doing for the past month since Joe Biden labelled half the country “semi-fascist” and then a violent extremist threat to the soul of the nation. There are also “both sides” to just broadcasting complete conjecture about some sort of connection between dead CIA assets and Trump holding sensitive documents: MSNBC's @JoyAnnReid says there could be a connection between classified documents at Mar-a-Lago and CIA assets who were killed in 2021: "They did happen at a time when Trump did have custody of some really sensitive information" — Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) September 5, 2022 NBC's @glennkirschner2: "They could be arresting Donald Trump because they have probable cause plus, plus, plus — arrest him, Mirandize him, and ... interrogate him. If he waives his Miranda rights, extract from him information that can protect our national security" — Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) September 5, 2022 Elie Mystal (@ElieNYC) on the federal judge who appointed a special master to review materials the FBI took from Mar-a-Lago: "She’s biassed and corrupt." — Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) September 5, 2022 There are also “both sides” to the Russian collusion story. One side was the fact that there was no Russian collusion, according to Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, and the other is stating for six years now that Trump is a Russian agent. True to Hasan’s wishes, MSNBC, of course, only covered one side of that story.
Biden the Creepy Pedo 450GB Pedo Biden Data Dump
Joe Biden (aka Agent of the Destroyers of America, and Illegitimate President) envisaged himself as being the novel KGB spy "Peter Henderson". Hunter Biden admitted Joe Biden's pedophilia by listing him numerous times in his phone contact list as "Pedo Peter"...
"Inappropriate showers with my father... molested -- Ashley Biden" "Joe biden pinched my nipple -- Maria Piacesi" Creepy Pedo Biden "She was 12, I was 30. -- Joe Biden"
Biden the Creepy Pedo
Joe Biden, the nipple pinching creepy cloaca mouthed abuser, caught on video, again... Joe Biden Has Been Excoriated by Critics on Social Media After The US President Appeared to Attempt Another "sniffing" While at a Baskin-Robbins Store Over The Weekend. " Fucking sick angry psychopath, and what makes it worse is that the people in the USA voted for this. " " Dude fuck the politics, fuck the color of your skin and any other divisive topic. If as a logically minded adult you don’t see anything wrong with this, you’re too far gone. That is straight up animalistic lust Biden has for that child and this shit has gone way to far. I can’t even imagine what happens behind closed doors if he is this confident to do shit like this in public. " " What I think is lost in the 'compilations' is the creepy predatory behavior he displays as they setup the shots - he immediately goes for the youngest girl, pulls them to him and places them in certain positions. Its a like a creepy dominance thing going on and its fucking spine chilling when you see it repeated again. and again. and again... " " Joe Biden feels comfortable grabbing, molesting and sniffing little girls in public. Makes you wonder, what's he comfortable doing behind closed doors? " " What's perhaps more worrying than this creepy behaviour, is that his often radical left defenders of this predatory behaviour will invade this post. " Democrats deny the obvious... 450GB Pedo Biden Data Dump
Joe Biden (aka Agent of the Destroyers of America, and Illegitimate President) envisaged himself as being the novel KGB spy "Peter Henderson". Hunter Biden admitted Joe Biden's pedophilia by listing him numerous times in his phone contact list as "Pedo Peter"...
"Inappropriate showers with my father... molested -- Ashley Biden" "Joe biden pinched my nipple -- Maria Piacesi" Creepy Pedo Biden "She was 12, I was 30. -- Joe Biden"
The March Madness Of The [Fraudulent] President Joe Biden’s political utility and near senility serve as exemptions for his often sexist, racist, and creepy riffs... Another couple of weeks, another bout of madness from Joe Biden and his team. Of recent Biden delusions, consider: Biden went off in one of his impromptu Corn Pop, or “beat-up-Trump-behind-the-bleachers” fables. These often slurred and nearly unintelligible tales characteristically virtue signal Biden’s own victimhood and “courage.” They are interspersed with his bizarre propensity for eerie female contact. So we see or hear of his long record of blowing into the ears and hair, or squeezing the necks of young girls. He hugs, for far too long, mature women. He can call out among a crowd an anonymous attractive teen stranger. Or, recently he relates an incoherent but quasi-sexual vignette. So Joe recalled his patient days in his usual off-topic “no lie/not kidding/no joke” manner (i.e., tip offs that he’s lying). He told us that a noble nurse once would “come in and do things that I don’t think you learn in medical school—in nursing school.” The president got a nervous laugh from the apparent quasi-pornographic reference (but then again Joe is excused because he is a “feminist”), before he detailed her technique: She’d whisper in my ear. I didn’t—couldn’t understand her, but she’d whisper, and she’d lean down. She’d actually breathe on me to make sure that I was—there was a connection, a human connection. A woman leaning over to blow into a prone man’s ear certainly constitutes a “human connection.” Yet all of Joe’s fables have different Homeric-style retellings. Two years ago he claimed that the same nurse in question actually blew into his nostrils. What a strange air-pressure technique that must have entailed for a person recovering from brain surgery. But perhaps it was consistent with biblical references to God blowing the spirit of life into the nose of man. About a week later, referencing that hospital stay, Biden added that doctors “had to take the top of my head off a couple times, see if I had a brain”—a reference that did not reassure the nation he is not enfeebled. No one in the media had much of a reaction because Joe Biden’s political utility and near senility serve as exemptions for his often sexist, racist, and creepy riffs. Instead, the media wrote off the nurse breathing into good ol’ Joe’s orifices as belonging to the same weird genre that a while back gave us inner-city kids stroking the golden hairs on Joe’s tan legs, or the shower revelations of Ashley Biden’s diary, or his “you ain’t’ black,” “put y’all back in chains,” and “junkie” sorts of racial condescension (e.g., “Why the hell would I take a test? C’mon, man. That’s like saying you, before you got on this program, you take a test where you’re taking cocaine or not. What do you think? Huh? Are you a junkie?”). Joe also blustered to a crowd during Black History Month, “I may be a white boy, but I’m not stupid.” The crowd laughed at the idea that the jester Biden believes white people are usually stupid, but that he, Joe, the exception to his race, is not stupid, despite being white. At least Biden finally referenced himself as “boy.” Usually he has used that racial putdown for prominent blacks like Maryland Governor Wes Moore or a senior White House advisor Cedric Richmond. The February-March madness of Joe was not through. Sometimes, his venom renders him disgustedly comic, as when he took the occasion of mass American deaths from fentanyl on his watch, to chuckle that the carnage was at least worse under Trump (an abject lie): ‘I should digress, probably. I’ve read, she [Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene], she was very specific recently, saying that a mom, a poor mother who lost two kids to fentanyl, that, that I killed her sons. Well, the interesting thing is that fentanyl they took came during the last administration.’ Followed by the Biden laugh. Apparently, 100,000 dead at least deserves from Joe a “Trump did it” chuckle. Joe, for the third time in two years, tripped and nearly fell ascending the ramp of Air Force One. At some point even his supporters will concede that when octogenarians repeatedly stumble and fall, if not put under careful watch or provided a walker, it is only a matter of time until they break a hip and become bedridden. In another replay, once again Biden finished his remarks, turned around to exit—and had no idea where he was going to go or whose invisible hand he was supposed to shake. Amid all this, Biden more or less stuck to his now tired rhetorical themes. One is the serial denunciation of the MAGA Republicans. Usually, he trashes them as semi-fascists or un-American, often in the context of his “unity speeches.” After calling for reconciliation, bipartisanship, and unity, Joe then usually tightens his face, grimaces, and starts yelling about the MAGA dregs and chumps. If Biden is really angry, he adds the intensive adjective “Ultra” for the MAGAites. He gets particularly incensed when referencing the one percent who “don’t pay their fair share” (the one percent pays over 40 percent of all income tax revenues). Biden is oblivious that the entire Biden clan is under popular suspicion of not reporting all of the millions of dollars in quid pro quos leveraging they raked in from foreign governments without registering as their agents. Note that his entire team, when stung by charges of incompetency or illegality, usually follows Joe’s tactic of “Trump did it.” So when Pete Buttigieg was criticized for ignoring the East Palestine rail wreck and reminded of his past serial transportation failures, junkets, and incoherent systemic racism charges, he retreated to blaming Trump for the derailment. Buttigieg falsely claimed that Trump’s past lifting of particular electric railcar brake regulations caused the wheel bearing failure in East Palestine, a lie that even members of his department could not stomach. Two, Joe creates elaborate fables. In the past two weeks, he returned to his civil rights lie that he was a campus activist agitating for racial justice. At least he did not add his usual fillips of being arrested or standing up to apartheid police in South Africa. In Biden’s world, he brags he has reduced inflation. Yet when he entered office in January 2021, the annualized inflation rate was 1.7 percent. Two years later in January 2023 inflation went up to 6.4 percent, after hitting a high in June 2022 of 9.1 percent—6.4 percentage points higher than when he took office. In mid-March we will learn of the February 2023 annualized rate, but it is expected to climb back to more than 8 percent. If anyone compares the current price of eggs, or rent, or diesel fuel, or a natural gas heating bill or building materials to their respective costs when Biden entered office, then he would know Biden’s inflation is cumulative and has nearly destroyed the affordability of shelter, food, and fuel—the stuff of life. He mentioned lowering heating and cooling costs of American homes through his climate change advocacy. In truth, on average electric rates shot up over 10 percent last year. Natural gas and fuel went even higher to over 25 percent in a single year. Biden talks about his low unemployment rate of 3.4 percent. But it is almost identical to what the Trump Administration achieved—without Biden’s high interest rates and acute inflation—in the months before the massive COVID lockdowns. Moreover, current low employment is largely a reflection of reduced labor participation—due to early retirements, exits during the pandemic, fear of COVID, long COVID, the zoom culture, and most importantly the Biden continuance of massive COVID-era subsidies that discourage employment. The labor participation rate has hit near historic lows under Biden, lower than the pre-COVID rate under Trump. It was not until last month that the Biden economy finally achieved the level of total employed Americans who had been working in January 2020 on the eve of the Covid lockdowns. As far as interest rates for 30-year fixed mortgages, they were 2.9 percent when Biden took office. Now they are currently over 7 percent. In sum, Biden repeats the same patterns of deception: crash the economy as evidenced by many of its major indicators, then when a data point reveals a slight and likely temporary monthly recovery, he brags he “reduced” inflation, interest, or unemployment. We also heard during the same week from Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland who was shredded during his testimony to the Senate. He argued that the vastly disproportionate FBI response to violence against abortion centers versus attacks on pro-life groups was only due to the differences between light and dark—literally: abortion centers are attacked during daytime; in contrast, pro-life shelters are attacked during night. Apparently his Justice Department and the FBI shut down at sunset and reawaken at dawn—as if either most violent crime does not occur at night or there is nothing to be done about it when it does. Garland further embarrassed himself when he could not explain the disproportionate use of force in arresting or detaining conservative suspects versus the virtual exemptions given prominent left-wing suspects. Most embarrassingly, when asked why he did not charge mobs that swarmed the homes of conservative Supreme Court justices to influence their decisions—a federal felony—he lamely claimed there were federals protecting the residences. In Garland’s world, some criminals committing felonies are completely exempt if law enforcement prevents further violent manifestations of their criminal behavior. So illegally swarm a Supreme Court justice’s residence to influence a court decision, but then stop short of escalating further by the sight of law enforcement—and, presto, you never committed a crime in the first place. Garland finished off his recent nonsense by repeating the lie that five police officers were killed due to the January 6 protests. In fact, none were. Officer Brian Sicknick died of natural causes after the protests were over. The other four committed suicide weeks or even months later and no one has connected their self-induced deaths with any act of the protestors. About the same time, a beleaguered Pete Buttigieg went off on riffs about Tucker Carlson, who, he implied, lacked the grassroots, working-man fides of Buttigieg. He claimed that for all the criticism he has endured, he believes that he will be remembered for posterity for his fight against “climate change”—although he did not point to any concrete result in reducing carbon emissions due to his singular policies. In fact, Buttigieg will be known but for other characteristics: He repeatedly emphasizes his identity politics gay stature both to note his supposedly pathbreaking courage and to claim victimhood when attacked. He sees transportation through the lens of race and so chases the unicorn of white privilege, whether concerning past freeway routes or the makeup of current construction crews (falsely charging that white men are overrepresented on them). Under his tenure as Transportation Secretary, the country experienced dangerous supply interruptions, ossified ports, and harbor-bound trains robbed in Wild West fashion. Buttigieg’s diversity mandates either did nothing to ameliorate, or actually led to, a series of near-miss airline crashes, the complete shutdown of the airline industry due to computer glitches and weather, the implosion for a week of Southwest Airlines, the East Palestine derailment disaster, and labor interruptions. In all these cases he either was on leave or a junket, wrote them off as Trump’s fault, or contextualized them as no big deal. Delusional Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Majorkas has declared the border closed and the nation secure, even as 100,000 Americans per year have died from overdoses of fentanyl shipped with impunity across the open border by Mexican cartels. When upwards of 7 million aliens flow across the border illegally since Biden took office, it is written off as Trump’s fault. Finally, last week there were several interviews with FBI Director Christopher Wray. He could not explain why his agency goes full military mode to arrest a father and husband for protesting at an abortion clinic while having no clue who has been attacking pro-life shelters. In Wray’s mind, the performance art sweep into Mar-a-Lago, which he claims was not a “raid,” was no different from having Biden’s lawyers quietly conduct their own “investigations” of Biden’s improper removal of classified documents (improper with an asterisk, since no vice president has the president’s legal authority to declassify whatever he wishes). Wray could not explain why the FBI sat on the Biden trove until the midterm election was over and then only acted to further search Biden residences when its own asymmetrical protocols came under fire. Add up the last few weeks, and we learned that Christopher Wray’s FBI is doing splendidly in its even enforcement of the law. Merrick Garland’s Justice Department is absolutely disinterested and treats all sides equally. Alejandro Mayorkas has closed the border and we are now “secure.” Pete Buttigieg is building a legacy for the ages as a climate change crusader. And an eloquent and dynamic Joe Biden has compiled an impressive legislative record on his way to a great presidency—with the energy, we are told by Dr. Jill Biden, that is more impressive than any 30-year-old’s.
Biden the Creepy Pedo, Sealed Congressional Abuse Payouts [in one vid below]... ?! Joe Biden Pedo Hands on the move #1
ERROR: This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on harassment and bullying. Joe Biden Pedo Hands on the move #2 Joe Biden Elbowed by Creeped Out Girl
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ERROR: Video unavailable This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated. Supplied Endless Procession Joe Biden Dodges Accusations https:/
"I walked into their dormitory and was immediately accosted by a cop who arrested me because back in those days, men were not allowed in women's dormitories. -- Joe Biden" Sean Hannity commentary Hill accusation Reade accusation "The incident takes place about 1:40 in the video and was over in seconds. It shows an experienced operator in action." "Let me get this straight," Trump Jr. tweeted. "Biden's records from his decades in the United States Senate could be taken out of context? Voters shouldn't get to see what Biden did while working for them? What is this clown hiding?"
Joe Biden: "You Don't DESERVE To Know."
One thing always true about politics and politicians... ychtt
#PizzaGate ? True or not? You decide.
Sealed Congressional Abuse Payouts
Joe Biden was said to be the abuser that one of these supposed payouts covered up. The US Government is literally stealing money from you to pay for covering up sexual abuse. Where is the FOIA and MDR and LEAKS for this secret fund? " Congress has paid out more than $17.2 million over the last 20 years to cover 268 settlements on Capitol Hill, according to the Office of Compliance, which was set up in 1995 under the Congressional Accountability Act. Nearly $100,000 was used to pay the claims of two young male staffers. " TRANSCRIPT Published November 14, 2017 Sexual harassment settlements in Congress paid by taxpayers Congresswomen expose sexual harassment on Capitol Hill. This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," November 14, 2017. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. LAURA INGRAHAM, HOST: Good evening, everyone from Washington. Thanks for joining us. This is "The Ingraham Angle." All right. We have so much news for you tonight. We could actually use two hours, but we are going to take one. We have an infuriating opening segment for you. Congress is spending your money to cover up sexual harassment. And some major developing stories for you on other fronts. President Trump returned moments ago from his 12-day trip to Asia. We're going to have a report about what he's doing next. And why are immigration agents complaining about the president? We'll tell you that as well. Attorney General Jeff Sessions testified today before Congress about possible investigations into Hillary Clinton and that Uranium One deal. What's coming? We'll tell you. But first our top story, pulling back the curtain, sexual harassment inside the halls of Congress and how you're paying for the secret settlements. Sexual misconduct scandals have engulfed Hollywood, media, and now politics with the Roy Moore revelations. But did you know that you've been funding payoffs for congressional harassment claims for decades. According to the Congressional Office of Compliance, between 1997 and 2014, hundreds of women have been paid $15.2 million in total in awards and settlements for Capitol Hill workplace violations. The House Administration Committee held a hearing on the matter yesterday. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) JACKIE SPEIER: In fact, there are two members of Congress, Republican and Democrat right now, who serve who have been subject to review or not have been subject to review but have been engaged in sexual harassment. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This member asked the staffer to bring them over some materials to their residence and the young staffer is a young woman, went there, and was greeted by a member in a towel. It was a male who then invited her in. At that point, he decided to expose himself. She left and then she quit her job. (END VIDEO CLIP) INGRAHAM: Joining us of our reaction here in Washington is Jenny Beth Martin. She is a cofounder of Tea Party Patriots. She has a new piece on this growing scandal. And Scott Bolden, former chairman of the Democratic Party in Washington, D.C., and a former sex crimes prosecutor. Jenny Beth, let's start with you. This is so ridiculous. It's $15.2 million and this is started by a senator I really respect and admire, Chuck Grassley, what was the thinking behind this? We'll go through the procedures that women have to go through. JENNY BETH MARTIN, PRESIDENT, TEA PARTY PATRIOTS: It was part of the Congressional Accountability Act, which -- at the time, they were trying to make congressmen live under the law. So, they had passed including Title VII under Civil Rights Act. They are trying to make sure that they lived under several other laws and they also wanted to create something to deal with sexual harassment. But in doing this, they have instituted a culture of corruption and they have created much more intimidation for people who want to step forward. INGRAHAM: Scott, let me share this with you. This is the Office of Compliance, the steps a woman has to go through to file a complaint. First the victims have 180 days to complain, that's not bad. You should get a little bit more if you are traumatized. Victims who wants to continue must start 30 days of mediation. So, they force you into mediation, then finally, the Office of Compliance Administration does a hearing, or you can file a federal lawsuit and it's all confidential. The problem, of course, is pushing women into mediation. It seems to be geared toward stopping the claim. If I look at this as a former attorney, this is kind of pushing -- you don't really want to file this. SCOTT BOLDEN, CHAIRMAN, NATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION, PAC: This is all about power. Within the mediation, it's also a counseling pieces and when I first read this, I said, what are they counseling the women on? Either this happened, or it didn't happen, but again, this is all about power. Remember, elected officials on the Hill are products, if you will, and the other thing that you didn't show was the lack of disclosure unless they go to court. So, this is all very confidential and it's all about taking care of each other. As opposed to pulling the sheets off of it, if you will, and say, listen, we have a problem. I think the Republicans and the Democrats on the Hill have a chance to lead by fixing this. INGRAHAM: It's a slush hush fund. Don't say anything. MARTIN: Its mandatory counseling. If you've been traumatized, do you really want your employer mandating that you must go to counseling before you can go to mediation? INGRAHAM: So, now the Senate is working on mandatory sexual harassment training in the Senate. The House still hasn't really been able to push through changes. I know Congresswoman Speier, who I usually don't agree with on much, but she's right on this. They want to get rid of that wait time for being able to push through and actually file an actual complaint. BOLDEN: But, Laura, you know, in the reformation or the amendment of this legislation on both sides, you've got to make it uncomfortable for bad behavior. You have to be intentional about it. One of the most shocking things you lead with was that the public tax dollars are paying for these settlements. A little less than a million a year. You know what? If you remove that rule and make the congressman either get employment, defense insurance or made them pay out their campaign PAC funds and stuff. I tell you, you would force a lot less of this bad behavior because that hits them where their pocketbooks are. INGRAHAM: I have a question. There was a point in this research that I was reading today, apparently, a congresswoman was warning about the congressmen who sleep in their offices like those are the ones -- I don't know if that's fair, because I know some who sleep in their offices and they are great people, but apparently that's a problem. What is really going on here, though? Is it's just the usual stuff where you get into a position of power? Maybe you were kind of a geeky guy -- they didn't have a lot of chicks, and then you get to Capitol Hill. It's all these 22-year-old gals running around. This is nothing new. I mean, I remember being in the White House elevator during the Reagan administration and Strom Thurmond made a few interesting comments to me and I was 22 years old. I was laughing, is not a big deal. You don't want to chill the workplace. That's another thing I am a little bit worried about here. You can't even say to someone you look at great, nice dress like people are afraid. I know men who are afraid to have any interaction at any time with a woman alone. Because it ten years later, even if you didn't do anything you could be accused -- where do you go to defend yourself? You can't defend yourself. So, we have to look at the other side here as well and not make it so sterile and antiseptic a workplace, that no one even enjoys the job. You're so afraid of saying anything. BOLDEN: You always have to be careful because the (inaudible) made it that way. The reality, though, is that women are standing up now in the last six months to a year and saying me too. And I think that's the difference because as you see each of these industries go with these disclosures whether it's Hollywood or some other industry, now you're seeing the government. And now the government who enforces and makes laws, if they won't lead on this, then I got to tell you, where in the space of the hypocrisy bucket, if you well. INGRAHAM: Grassley said if this law isn't working, should revise it, change it. I mean, I guess, after the (inaudible) thing, I thought this is actually going to accomplish something. But why did it take so long for this to get so much notice? It's just Harvey Weinstein and all the other stuff swirling around, I guess, this is just what people are talking about? (Inaudible), OK, Congress, what are you doing? SMITH: Yes, I think that may be some of it and now we are getting a little bit of light shed on it. Until a week and a half ago, I didn't even know this fund existed. But I'll tell you what it's intimidating, if you are a woman, who truly has been harassed by a member of Congress, you need to be able to address that and to have it handled. Not to be told you must go to counseling. You must go to mediation. We are going to have you sign an NDA. You can never tell anyone. It's all designed to shame the woman. Whether it's intentional or not, you wind up shaming the victim, and I understand also you've got to make sure -- INGRAHAM: Harvey Weinstein went around trying to get nondisclosures too, right? BOLDEN: Well, he paid a lot of money also -- (CROSSTALK) INGRAHAM: Let's not forget men and young boys have been victimized, abused, and often times this happens in Hollywood but not only Hollywood. It happens in a theater. I've been hearing about this for a long time. We are talking about Congress because, you know, we are here in Washington, and they are the one supposed to be the lawmakers, but this is across the board. It's people in positions of power, who usually have some problem within themselves. They have no self-esteem or their father didn't love them. I don't know what it is. They don't know how to treat people and maybe, just maybe will learn how to treat people better. BOLDEN: That's transparency that were talking about. It's going to make it uncomfortable. This is a place of power, careers are made or lost. You've got to make it a safe space for women and men, who are victimized by sexual harassment to come forward, to be protected. And quite frankly, if there is transparency, I think you'll see less bad behavior. INGRAHAM: There are people who make false charges, it does happen. You can't say anyone who makes a charge, you know, we are going to throw laurels around your neck. I mean, it's not necessarily the case. I mean, you do have a presumption of innocence and sometimes I think in this climate, it's so white-hot, I'm not talking about Roy Moore. I'm talking just in general. It's so white-hot that if a woman who seems fairly credible makes a charge, your career is over. SMITH: You have to allow people -- if you've been accused of it, you have to be given the opportunity to defend yourself and clear your name. You can't just try everything in the court of public opinion, there has to be a proper process. INGRAHAM: Is that where the confidentiality comes into play? I mean, are you going to go into Congress and have all these interns running around if you think that my gosh, at any moment, you know, I open the door for someone, I'm going to be accused of being demeaning. You've got to be careful how you do this. You can go way overboard on the other side. BOLDEN: But one way to address that issue, as a former sex crimes prosecutor, we would require corroboration. I mean, the cases where it's one person's word against another. There is no scientific evidence. There is no corroboration whether there was more about sexual touching or not. It's still has to be corroborated and I think that standard would be good in Congress too because then you have that balance, if you will, because congressmen want to get reelected, OK. They don't want bad press and they don't want to have to go -- INGRAHAM: I have a question about that with sex crimes. In how many cases, it's usually men, of course, who are accused of sex crimes, domestic abuse, is substance abuse involved? BOLDEN: You know what? Quite a bit. Your testing my memory, but I would say, not the majority but at least over 50 percent, I just don't know how much. There are other socioeconomic factors that come into play. And the other thing is getting women to come forward and prosecute if the father or the husband is the top of the breadwinner or is needed at home with the kids, I've got to tell you some women in that position don't feel like they have many choices, and they dropped charges against the very people who have abused them. SMITH: A lot of times abuse is simply about power. It's not about -- BOLDEN: It's not about sex. SMITH: It's substance abuse. It's not even about sex. It's about power, raw power. INGRAHAM: You guys, great to see you. Thanks for coming in. Directly ahead, new fall out in the Roy Moore scandal, how will Alabama voters deal with Washington meddling in the state Senate race? Plus, Roy Moore just addressed this controversy moments ago. We'll play you the tape. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) ROY MOORE, ALABAMA REPUBLICAN SENATE CANDIDATE: I'm the only one that can unite Democrats and Republicans because I'm being deposed by both. They spent over $30 million to try to take me out. (END VIDEO CLIP) INGRAHAM: Those comments from Roy Moore just moments ago after uneventful and chaotic day in the Alabama Senate race. The Republican National Committee has announced it is withdrawing support for Judge Moore's candidacy and pulling out of a joint fundraising agreement for the Alabama special Senate election. This is all in response to multiple allegations now that Moore had made unwanted sexual advances toward teenagers back in the '70s. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is even floating the idea of Attorney General Jeff Sessions returning to his old Senate seat. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) SENATOR MITCH MCCONNELL, R-KY., MAJORITY LEADER: The Alabamian who would, you know, fit that standard will be the attorney general and he is totally well-known and extremely popular in Alabama. I haven't spoken with the president. He called me from Vietnam largely about this on Friday. I talked to General Kelly on Saturday. Obviously, we are in discussion here about how to salvage this seat if possible. (END VIDEO CLIP) INGRAHAM: But it's not all bad news for Judge Moore, Alabama Republican Party Chairwoman Terry Lathan has not turned Moore yet and told local media yesterday, quote, "It would be a serious error for any current elected GOP official or candidate to publicly endorse another party's candidate, an independent or a third-party candidate or a write-in candidate in a general election as well," closed quote. And a new poll from Fox 10 in Alabama shows Moore leads his Democratic opponent, Doug Jones, by six points. Joining us now for reaction in Birmingham is Alabama's Secretary of State John Merrill, in New York, conservative commentator, Monica Crowley, and here with me in Washington is Katherine Mangu-Ward, who is editor-in-chief of Reason magazine. Great to see all of you. Monica, let's start with you. This has been a wild few days in this Roy Moore situation. You got the establishment types turned on him pretty fast, but then you had Mike Lee in Utah, senator of Utah. You had Ted Cruz, and now my colleague, Sean Hannity, says basically you have 24 hours to clear up the discrepancies in your statement. How can Roy Moore possibly hang in under these circumstances? MONICA CROWLEY: I'm not sure he can, Laura. I mean, there are certain political realities at play here and gravity does tend to (inaudible) especially when the money starts to disappear. The RNC pulled the funding as well as the field operation that they are going to implement to get out and vote for Roy Moore. With those two things missing, Laura, I don't see how he is able to survive. It doesn't sound tonight like he's willing to go anywhere yet, but when these realities start to kick in over the next 24 hours, when the money disappears, you know, you can't run a campaign on fumes or love. That I think is when the hard choices are going to come in front of Roy Moore when he doesn't have the institutional support to continue this campaign. INGRAHAM: Let's go to the secretary of state, John Merrill. John, what happens if the election is held, and those absentee ballots are left over if in fact Roy Moore steps aside. The party, you know, relinquishes any connection to Roy Moore. Do the absentee ballots still count in that case? JOHN MERRILL, SECRETARY OF STATE OF ALABAMA: Well, Laura, they do. And I think it's very important for your viewers to know that our people have been voting since October the 18th. That's when the absentee ballots first went out for consideration and for our voters to be able to have their opinion known and have their voice heard. And that's just not (inaudible) military overseas voters, that's the number of voters throughout the entire state of Alabama. I think it's important to note that if Judge Moore withdraws from the campaign or if the state party disavows their association with Judge Moore and determines that they no longer support him. And both of those actions have to take place formally by them indicating to our office that they no longer wish to pursue the candidacy of Judge Roy Moore in the U.S. Senate, that even though Judge Moore's name will still be on the ballot, if he gets the most votes as a plurality winner on December 12th, then our election will be null and void. INGRAHAM: Katherine, now Mitch McConnell is saying perhaps they won't seat him or that once he's in if he gets elected that they'll move to remove him. Now if you're someone in the south and you know, you don't follow this much and maybe think Roy Moore like dating 17-year-olds or 18-year- olds. It might come across to you as this is the old guard tell the southerners they are stupid bunch of hayseed types. And they might just be like, you know, something, he is seated. This is another example of the elites kicking people like us around. KATHERINE MANGU-WARD, REASON MANAGING EDITOR: I think this is Congress reaping the fact that they are wildly unpopular. Congress has like a 19 percent approval rating. The idea that they don't have the trust of the American people. That they are not in a position to say this is an extraordinary circumstance. We want to take the high road here. We want to do an investigation. I would love to see them do an investigation through a trusted third party. They don't have to think The Washington Post (inaudible). They don't have to believe that (inaudible) research if that's what they think is going on, but I do think they need to take it seriously. Particularly, if they want to say, listen, we are better than the Democratic Party, who is constantly apologizing for their guys when they get accused of this kind of thing. INGRAHAM: Monica, need we go back to the Menendez trial. There was a time where there were allegations and the Daily News and a lot of publications went with them that, you know, allegedly, he took trips to the Dominican Republic and had sexual relationships with underage hookers. I don't recall a single Democrat calling for his resignation. Same thing with the old story about Barnie Frank all those years ago and many others. So, you know, the Democrats seem to cover for their own, but I guess, the Republicans, they want to come across with a lot better than that. CROWLEY: Well, Democrats have always circled the wagons and protected their candidates and protected their presidents and protected their own for a really long time. Republicans always went into the circular firing squad, Laura. But I think what makes these cases so different right now is that we are in a completely different cultural moment with all of these stories of sexual harassment coming out of Hollywood and the media elites, the modeling world, the music world and so on. Given this moment, these folks cannot survive it. Even folks at the high ends of leadership of both parties and both establishments, et cetera, are now no longer saying that this is acceptable, and are less willing, Laura, to cover for these folks. You are seeing is now happening on both sides and that's why I think in the Roy Moore situation, in many ways, he is going to be a casualty of this moment. Perhaps he may have survived. Look, Donald Trump in the tail end of the campaign with the Access Hollywood tape, he was able to sort of harness a boomerang effect where people felt that that was a pile on and they came out and rallied around him. But Donald Trump was an exceptional figure. I'm not so sure that Roy Moore is going to be able to do it. INGRAHAM: Moore is not Donald Trump. Secretary of State, I just want to close out with you. In your estimation right now, I know you are still kind of standing behind Roy Moore. Does he stay in this race? Does he get elected? MERRILL: Well, I think it would be highly unusual for Judge Moore to step aside. That would be against every type of example that he has set. I don't see him getting out of the race. INGRAHAM: Does he win? MERRILL: Well, I'll tell you it's going to be extremely close, Laura. I hear mixed reviews all around the state of Alabama. This is a very disconcerting time for our state. This is not how we like to be featured in the national limelight. INGRAHAM: Thanks for joining us, John. I'm going to hold over Katherine and Monica because President Trump just a short time ago returned to Washington after that a very long 12-day, five-nation Asia trip where America's trade deals were a major topic. We are going to go right to it right now. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: From a standpoint of security and safety, military, very proud, and trade, you will see numbers that you won't believe over the years. They will be treating us much differently than they have in the past. People were taking advantage. Countries were taking advantage of the United States. More than just as we do but the world and those days are over. We are going to be fair and reciprocal as I said in my remarks before. If they are doing it, we're doing it. (END VIDEO CLIP) INGRAHAM: Katherine, what did you think about this trip? Give us your assessment. MANGU-WARD: So, my real assessment is I'm glad that the president didn't do anything that isn't fundamentally reversible. That (inaudible) because there was a real risk that he was going to make good on his campaign promises, go to Asia, and just light the whole thing on fire. INGRAHAM: What do you mean? MANGU-WARD: Well, he's been quite clear that he doesn't like the status quo in terms of U.S. trade agreements in Asia and -- INGRAHAM: Do you like the status quo? MANGU-WARD: I like the status quo. INGRAHAM: Which part of a $350 billion trade deficit do you like? MANGU-WARD: I like more open trade. I think the idea of thinking about in terms of deficits is wrongheaded. We absolutely benefit from trading with other -- INGRAHAM: You can buy a $7.99 pair of pants? MANGU-WARD: Absolutely. INGRAHAM: (Inaudible) with the American workers back here, it doesn't matter? MANGU-WARD: I think $7.99 pair of pants -- INGRAHAM: It fundamentally changes the country. MANGU-WARD: I don't think it fundamentally changes the country where our country -- INGRAHAM: You don't have a problem with enriching -- every president put in tariffs. Republican presidents, Democrat presidents, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan. MANGU-WARD: When their goal was to get a one-upsmanship on other nations. INGRAHAM: You don't think America should have a one-upsmanship attitude toward other nations? MANGU-WARD: No, I think we should have a cooperative attitude and I think if they want to sell their stuff, we should be allowed to buy it. INGRAHAM: You don't think bilateral trade agreements are better for policing them and for making sure they actually enforced? What's wrong with that? MANGU-WARD: I would take any trade agreements. What I don't want to see is us pulling back from the world at a time that we are anxious, and we are not necessarily good to make -- INGRAHAM: I see what Katherine is saying, but I don't see any indication frankly that Donald Trump is pulling back from the rest of the world. He went to Saudi Arabia, Israel, went to see the pope, did the trip to Europe. He's gone to Asia. I mean, I think his foreign trips frankly have been pretty successful, especially the trip to visit our NATO allies and the first trip to Saudi Arabia, and I think this trip turned out great. CROWLEY: I totally agree, Laura. I think in some ways he's much more effective when he is abroad rather than at home. His speeches abroad have been absolutely magnificent. What he was able to accomplish on this Asia trip has been quite extraordinary. What we are hearing behind closed doors, this president applied a lot of pressure on the Chinese leadership. There were two main issues that he was there to discuss. We are talking about trade and the structural trade imbalance with a Chinese that has been in place now for decades. It's going to be incredibly difficult to reverse. What the president is saying is I need to deal with structural trade imbalance, I'm going to do it via economic and trade policy tools. INGRAHAM: He also turned up the heat, Monica, on North Korea and told the Chinese we need your help, we need real help, and we are not going to be patsies on the trade deal. We want to work with other nations. We want to trade with them. We want to have relationships -- the only country we can have a relationship with his Russia. The Chinese communists are great, but the Russians are the worst. Every time someone says we should do more with China, I say, OK, then why should we work more with Russia? CROWLEY: And to that point, Laura, what the president was able to do, and we'll see whether this really bears fruit. He coupled the North Korean cooperation on North Korea with the economic policies. INGRAHAM: All right. Both of you we could talk forever about this, thank you so much for joining. When we return, Jeff Sessions grilled on Capitol Hill today and a special counsel maybe appointed to investigate Hillary Clinton, really? Stay tuned. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What's it going to take if all that not to mention the dossier information, what's it going to take to actually get a special counsel? (END VIDEO CLIP) (COMMERCIAL BREAK) INGRAHAM: Welcome back. As we've been reporting, after years of rumors, comedian Louis C.K. has finally admitted to sexual misconduct. In the fall out C.K. was dropped from performing at John Stewart's annual Night of Too Many Stars. It's a charity event which benefits autism programs. Stewart, a longtime friend of C.K.'s was out promoting the event today. Throughout his entire career, remember, Louis C.K. told filthy, disgusting sexual jokes touching on his own proclivities, yet Jon Stewart offered this response when questioned on the "Today" show. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP, "TODAY"/NBC) MATT LAUER, CO-HOST: What was the impact on you when you heard not only the accusations but his admission? JON STEWART, COMEDIAN: Stunned, I think. You give your friends the benefit of the doubt. (END VIDEO CLIP) INGRAHAM: You were stunned about the accusations and revelations, really Jon? I heard the man's act for three minutes and knew he was a total perv. Comedians joked about his habits for years, and rumors of his misdeeds have been reported since back in 2012. So I guess Mr. Daily Show wasn't as well-informed as we all thought. The only thing I can support is his autism fundraiser, which is great. And as for Louis C.K., he was dealt another setback today. International distributors announced that they were joining their American counterparts in dropping distribution of his latest movie, "I Love You Daddy," which is another filthy thing, and I'm sure it will be available on his website so all the dirty old men who chase underage girls can have a good laugh. What a degenerate. Attorney General Jeff Sessions was in the hot seat today testifying before the House Judiciary Committee. Republicans wanted to know why the Justice Department hasn't investigated Hillary Clinton's scandals. And as for the Democrats, surprise, surprise, they spent their time focusing on Mr. Sessions past statements about meetings with, wait for it, Russians, and his private conversations with President Trump. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) JEFF SESSIONS, U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL: You made statements that he did in fact at the meeting, I pushed back. I can't be put into a position where I can't explain. I'm not going to be able to answer if I can't answer it completely. REP. TED LIEU, D-CALIF.: Did Donald Trump ever ask you to pledge an oath of loyalty to him? SESSIONS: No. LIEU: If Donald Trump were to ask you to pledge loyalty to him or take such an oath, would you do so? SESSIONS: Well, I don't know what a pledge of loyalty oath is. I met with the ambassador in my office with at least two of my staff, senior, respected patriots, colonels retired in the Army. And nothing improper occurred at all. REP. ERIC SWALWELL, D-CALIF.: Once and for all can we answer the question? SESSIONS: I am once and for all answering the question, Congressman. I don't understand why you won't take my answer. (END VIDEO CLIP) INGRAHAM: Joining us now for reaction is a member of that House Judiciary Committee Andy Biggs, a Republican from Arizona. I also think about what I would do if I was a member of Congress and I had to be at these hearings, Congressman. But this kind of took the cake. Jeff Sessions is sitting there and every five seconds from a Democrat, you are basically lying, Attorney General Sessions. You really met with the Russians and you're really part of the collusion. Give us a sense inside that room today. REP. ANDY BIGGS, R-ARLIZ.: You're exactly right. So it showed the stark difference between the Republicans who were trying to get the attorney general to do something, about a special counsel to investigate, and the Democrats who are fixated on trying to paint him as some kind of lying colluder with Russia with no evidence. It's just amazing to me. INGRAHAM: And by the way, we invited Sheila Jackson Lee on, but apparently she was involved in a late night briefing on the tax reform bill so maybe they're going to come all along with you guys on tax reform. BIGGS: It could happen. INGRAHAM: We invited a bunch of other Democrats because we wanted to have both sides on the show tonight. So I have to say that. Let's talk about that flash point today, and we'll play the sound bite. This is Congressman Jim Jordan who was on with us last night. I think this was probably the most interesting moment at today's hearing. Let's listen. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) REP. JIM JORDAN, R-OHIO: If you're now just considering it, what's it going to take to get a special counsel? We know that former FBI Director James Comey misled the American people in the Summer of 2016 when he called it the Clinton investigation a matter. Obviously investigation. SESSIONS: It would take a factual basis that meets the standards of the appointment of a special counsel. JORDAN: That's what it looks like, and I'm asking you, doesn't that warrant in addition to all the things we know about James Comey in 2016, doesn't that warrant naming a second special counsel? SESSIONS: Looks like is not enough basis to appoint a special counsel. (END VIDEO CLIP) INGRAHAM: What's your sense here? Are you on the special counsel bandwagon on this, because there's an argument against special counsel that I find fairly persuasive? BIGGS: In this case I am because you've got an attorney general who has kind of left it away. He's stepped away from it. We have to get to the bottom of this. We know that there's conflicts of interests, all of that A.G.'s office. So we need a special prosecutor, a special counsel in my opinion. I think Jim is right. We've been waiting for a long time. Yesterday we get the notice saying we're considering it after months of asking. INGRAHAM: Don't you think that looks like a tit for tat. You've got the Mueller investigation of Trump. It looks like to some people that President Trump is pressuring Congress to do a special counsel to go after Hillary and Clinton Foundation, Uranium One. And Jeff Sessions really isn't recused from anything involving Hillary Clinton. He's recused himself from anything involving the Russian investigation. But I think he's well within his right in this case to appoint a terrific prosecutor with a great team of assistant prosecutors to do this job. And then you won't have this sprawling investigation that goes on and on forever, frankly wastes the taxpayers' dollars, and I don't think it's necessary in this case. Sessions can just appoint a great prosecutor and do the real investigation. Why do you need a whole merry band of prosecutors to waste our money? BIGGS: I think you're right in the sense that Jeff Sessions could, but look at who his chief deputies are. You've gone Rod Rosenstein, and you've got Andrew McCabe still in that office influencing things. And I think walking away today, I think many of us said I don't know if Attorney General Sessions believes he has the authority or if he doesn't have the authority. And that's why we kept coming back to the same questions. So we want to get this investigated. If it doesn't take one, fine. INGRAHAM: Congressman, it's great to see you, as always. BIGGS: Thank you. INGRAHAM: And for more analysis let's bring in two top legal experts, from Columbia, South Carolina, Sol Wisenberg who was Ken Starr's deputy in the investigations into Bill Clinton's scandals. And here in Washington, Joe DiGenova, former U.S. attorney in Washington D.C. All right, gentlemen, take it away. Let's talk first about the idea of a special counsel. Andy McCarthy at "National Review" I think makes a compelling case with in this issue of Uranium One, the Clinton Foundation, Hillary's emails, that a well-respected prosecutor could actually handle this case well. Joe? JOE DIGENOVA, FORMER U.S. ATTORNEY: Yes, clearly this does not require a special counsel. I agree with Andy 100 percent. And there's ample predicate, factual information for an investigation right now for a grand jury based on the Clinton Foundation, the $500,000 to the president during the consideration of Uranium One, $145 million to the Clinton Foundation. Everything involving all of the things you've listed, especially the email server involving Mrs. Clinton. There is no doubt that the standard Justice Department criminal division can handle this. There's no need for a special counsel. And by the way, what I found fascinating about the attorney general's answers today was he said when there is a sufficient factual predicate for a special counsel. Guess what? There is no factual predicate for Robert Mueller. There's been no crime ever announced that he was investigating. So to me, if you were going to do a special counsel you can do it if you want to. I would give it to the criminal division in main Justice and let them run with it. There's plenty of predicate, lots of information. INGRAHAM: Sol, with all your experience with Ken Starr's investigation, you know how these things start. They start as one thing, they become something much bigger. In the case, we don't have an independent counsel now, the statute has expired, but we can still appoint special counsels. In this case, with all the questions now about how they are trying to influence and stop witnesses from testifying before Congress, the shady dealings with the bribery and kickbacks involved with that Uranium One, I mean, uranium, 20 percent to the Russians, I think anyone off the street would say that was a crazy idea. SOLOMON WISENBERG, FORMER FEDERAL PROSECUTOR: Let's focus on whether or not a special counsel would be appropriate, and I disagree with Joe on this. I think, first of all, the special counsel regulation is relatively vague. It says if there's a conflict of interest or extraordinary circumstances. Here you have President Trump who has repeatedly called for his Justice Department to investigate this issue, and we are just talking about Uranium One here. I'm not talking about Fusion GPS, because I think that's already within Mueller bailiwick. But President Trump has said you need to investigate, you need to investigate. So on the one hand, if Sessions says I'm going to find somebody within DOJ to do it, the Democrats are going to cry foul and say this is outrageous, you're doing this for political reasons. On the other hand, if Sessions takes a look at it and says I don't think there's anything there, the people on the right are going to scream and say that's because Rod Rosenstein is involved and he was U.S. attorney in Maryland when some of this stuff took place. So I think there are extraordinary circumstances. You can have a lot of the stuff of running around about the Uranium One investigation. We don't know if it's true or not true. I think you appoint an honest broker who is special counsel who is well respected. It's by no means automatic that they'll expand it. Senator Danforth didn't expand his investigation into Waco, he kept it very limited. I understand what you're saying, I understand what Joe was saying, these investigations can get out of hand. INGRAHAM: It goes for years. Lawrence Walsh, how long did that go, Sol, seven years? WISENBERG: That's true, but here the president like he has in so many situations unfortunately, by opening his mouth has made things much more difficult for Jeff Sessions. INGRAHAM: It's better for him to hang back. I agree with that. I think we all probably agree with that it's better for the president not to comment on ongoing investigations in general. Joe, do you agree was back? DIGENOVA: Yes, that would be good. By the way, if Jeff Sessions wants to appoint a special counsel, it's OK with me. My point is very simple. The Uranium One, the Clinton Foundation, all the kickbacks require an investigation. There is now existing a sufficient predicate for a federal grand jury. There has been one for more than four years. I don't give who investigates it. It needs to be investigated. INGRAHAM: Great to have you both on, Sol and Joe, thanks so much. When we come back, ICE agents are now up in arms. Why they say Obama era holdovers are causing havoc and even putting agents lives at risk, next. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) INGRAHAM: Welcome back. In a surprising move, the union that represents ICE officers has launched a new website claiming that President Trump has, quote, betrayed them. The National ICE Council endorsed Donald Trump in the 2016 election, but the group is now upset that the Trump administration has been really slow to reverse the policies of the Obama years. A post on the web site reads in part, quote, "While officers view the president's position on enforcement as courageous, the Trump administration has left all of the Obama managers and leadership in place. Tensions are on the rise between Trump's army and Obama holdovers." So joining us now for reaction, from Orland David Ward, a board member of the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers, and here in Washington, Stephen Dinan, a reporter with The Washington Times who wrote about this today. Stephen, this is odd, but it's something we've heard about in other departments. What is the percentage of Obama holdovers still working with Immigrations Customs Enforcement? STEPHEN DINAN, THE WASHINGTON TIMES: So the ICE council didn't say the number, and they actually didn't even name names. They left it vague for now, but they went through a number of different issues. The website is actually fascinating. Not only does it give this sort of overall sense with the Obama holdovers, it gives it a whole bunch of different specific examples of where those are having an effect, including an incident in Philadelphia where an ICE officer who went into a very bad neighborhood in Philadelphia, we're told they had to remove their bulletproof vest to go make an arrest because it would offend the community where they were going into. INGRAHAM: It offends them, David, it offends the ICE officers, does it not, when they get shot because they are not wearing a bulletproof vest for fear that it will offend I guess one of the illegal immigrants. What are we talking about here? This is insanity. DAVID WARD, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FORMER BORDER PATROL OFFICERS: It is insanity. We've lost over 162 immigration agents killed in the line of duty. And for a manager to come up with an order such as that to take off their bulletproof vests because they are going into a neighborhood is absolutely insane. In fact that manager and those people involved in that should be removed from their office for incompetency. INGRAHAM: And do we have any idea, David, how many Obama holdovers are clogging the administration here at the immigrations customs enforcement? The website is very fuzzy on this. We don't know how many. Is it 12, is it 500? What are we talking about? WARD: The Trump administration has been in office for 11 months now, and the swamp is pretty big and it is vast within the federal government, so it's going to take time to weed out those that are sworn to their office as the oath that they took, those that have sworn to the globalism which brought us sanctuary cities and lack of enforcement of title eight. It's going to take a wild to weed those people out. INGRAHAM: Stephen, let's talk about how the priorities of president Trump and Obama do differ. Whether you have the right people in place, that's infuriating, but I remember the ICE officers during Obama's two terms, the morale was horribly low because they wanted to do their jobs and they were held back. DINAN: Yes, and there's no question, in fact I think there is not a single department and probably not a single agency other than ICE where there has been as big a change in the culture between the Obama administration and the Trump administration. We actually did calculations. Under the Obama administration upwards of 80 percent of illegal immigrants were put out-of-bounds for deportation because of the priorities that the administration, the previous administration set out. Now the number is probably closer to only about a million, basically DACA recipients are the folks who are put completely out of bounds, and the rest of the 11 million illegal immigrants are at least potential targets for deportation. It's made a huge difference for those ICE officers they've talked about. And they will admit, they are thrilled with that overall direction that they are getting from President Trump. The issue is the actual specific decisions such as the Philadelphia one we talked about, and there's a case out of Utah where they are told they have to give a heads up before they go into the community, in some cases seven days heads up before they go out to make arrests. Lo and behold, when they finally get there, the illegal immigrants they are targeting have been tipped off and have basically fled. So those are the sorts of specifics that they would like to get cleaned up. But they absolutely appreciate the difference in the top-down direction. INGRAHAM: David, I remember a couple of years back when the border patrol, different from the ICE officers, but the border patrol under Obama were told that they couldn't shoot at a vehicle that was attempting to run them down. That was one of the other crazy things. And again, here they are, they don't make a lot of money. They are trying to do their job, it's very dangerous. And oftentimes they are in very remote areas. But in other cases they are being targeted by the illegal immigrants who are trying to get into the country, because they are all valedictorians, I know that, but they're trying to get into the country, and I guess these ICE officers have to jump out of the way and hope for the best. WARD: Under the eight years of the previous administration, the immigration force became probably the most dysfunctional I've seen in 34 years in working for the agency enforcing immigration law. When Trump came into office, the apprehension rate went up 37 percent in the first four months by these agents being allowed to do their jobs that they took an oath to do. And now we need to get the managers in there that are going to back these men up under the same guidelines by standing up for the oath that they took and follow the law. Title eight is very clear. Trump has been criticized about creating things when in fact he hasn't. It's the immigration law that has been on the books from day one. The Democrats, the previous administration refused to go by it. Jeh Johnson was loath to even read the book let alone let the guys go out and do their jobs. So we have an administration now I would say that it's going to take time a little bit of time to clean out the swamp like we're trying to do. But another thing, he is faced with the obstruction of Congress and the Senate on getting his appointees into office. INGRAHAM: Stephen, we are out of time on that, but he has to get his people in place. He's not going to eliminate all the positions. He has to get his people in place. He's being undercut, by the way, at that climate event -- (COMMERCIAL BREAK) INGRAHAM: Before we go tonight, a quick reminder, check out my new book "Billionaire at the Barricades," because I take you through the immigration wars of the past 25 years between the populists and the old establishment. And as you just heard in our previous blog, we are still fighting those same battles today, amazing.
Biden's voice and associations analysis... Maybe someone has Soros (the Biden foreign partner who from afar corruptively funded US Biden-Dems-Media corrupt influenced elections) and his funded adults saying something on tape too... The official schedule does record a meeting between Biden, George Soros and Special Envoy and Coordinator of International Energy Affairs Amos Hochstein at the White House on April 16, 2015.
#PizzaGate ? True or not? You decide. Who is really running the destroy-America Biden regime? By Joan Swirsky October 8, 2021 “Guilty as hell, free as a bird—America is a great country.” Bill Ayers, Weather Underground founder “The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.” George Soros, hedge-fund billionaire In today’s chaotic political landscape, it is obvious that the Democrat Party in power is comprised largely of far-left radicals, many of them shockingly anti-American and predictably anti-Semitic (as are all deranged leftists). After all, with Barack Obama, they thought they were significantly closer to their 100-year goal of a socialist-cum-communist America, and believed that “President” Hillary would fulfill their cherished fantasy. And then along came President Trump to smash that fantasy to smithereens. When everything the Democrats tried in an effort to sabotage President Trump failed––the Russian hoax, the Ukraine hoax, the Stormy Daniels hoax, the impeachment fiascos, on and on––they pulled out the Wuhan lab surprise, effectively creating a pandemic. The result was the entire world isolated in their homes, worldwide economies were destroyed, and the unprecedented phenomenon of mail-in ballots (along with the controversial Dominion voting machines) enabled the Democrats to fraudulently usurp the White House in the 2000 election. Today, however, with audits being conducted in every significant state, that colossal voter fraud is being proven…stay tuned! And with the arrest of Hillary’s lawyer, Democrats are also looking at the coming arrests of all those higher-ups who colluded in the criminal anti-Trump effort, including Ms. Hillary herself! THE FIRST EIGHT MONTHS AFTER THE FRAUDULENT ELECTION In less time than a normal human pregnancy, putative president Biden managed to accomplish the following: Crashed our booming economy; Destroyed our energy independence; Opened our southern border to hundreds of thousands of illegals––many of them diseased, drug- and sex-traffickers, career criminals, jihadists, etc.; Accelerated Iran’s production of nukes; Promised the disaster of hyperinflation; Expressed “great confidence in” the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley, after the general––prodded by his dominatrix, Nancy Pelosi?, as the New York Post’s Miranda Devine suggested––conspired with China against President Trump and told military officials not to take orders from him; Orchestrated the disastrous pullout from Afghanistan––another Milley debacle––leaving behind, to this day, hundreds of stranded Americans and Afghan allies, billions of dollars of U.S. armaments and Black Hawk helicopters and airplanes, massive troves of the rare-earth mineral lithium (“the new oil,” as Dave Hodges reports), as well as Taliban-Isis-Al Qaeda terrorists in charge, and the blood of 11 heroic but dead U.S. Marines. And that’s the short list! SO, WHO IS IN CHARGE OF THIS CATASTROPHE? Is it Barack Obama? As writer Steve Weinstein spells out, Obama always had a lazy disregard for the tough work, and as we can see to this very day, is far more interested in displaying the conspicuous consumption that is part and parcel of his nouveau-riche persona than engaging in the gritty fray of politics. Is it Susan Rice? For sure, a reliable functionary skilled to the nth degree at lying through her teeth, but with zero evidence of being a strategic thinker. Is it Ron Klain? A clever guy, now Biden’s Chief of Staff, but more adept at managing a clearly diminished and doddering POTUS than orchestrating the complexities of an attempted coup d’état. Is it Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s first Chief of Staff, or David Axelrod, the chief strategist of Obama’s two presidential campaigns? Clearly not, since neither was even invited to his lavish birthday party in August of 2021 at the Obama’s $15M waterfront mansion on Martha’s Vineyard––although Jay Z and Beyoncé were among other very important people who were invited. Is it Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s longtime senior advisor? She certainly has the brains, ability to think strategically, and fidelity to leftist ideology. But she simply doesn’t have the burning hatred it requires to work so diligently for America’s downfall. Is it Nancy Pelosi? Just the other day, the House Speaker twice referred to the president as Obama. Highly unlikely that this addled octogenarian is calling any shots! In fact, she can hardly cope with the far-left flank of her own party. But she was certainly not too addled a few weeks ago to meet with the guy (and his son) who bankrolls her agenda and tells her what to do, George Soros. Is it Joe Biden himself? There are more than 330 million Americans who have eyes and ears to make that determination. In my opinion, not one of that massive number of people believes that the intellectually––and now cognitively––limited Joe Biden manages more than barely getting through the day. Is it China’s leader, Xi Jinping, or Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin? It is certainly possible that they are colluding with each other against America, and even “speaking with” those who are directing things from the Oval Office. But both are too busy running their own massive countries to manage toppling a colossus like the U.S.A., especially when things are going so well in the direction they desire. WHO THEN? There are only two people, I believe, who qualify as possible candidates for choreographing the massive coup attempt currently taking place before our eyes. Both have spoken of their contempt ––if not searing hatred––for America, and both have tried mightily over decades to bring down our country. And, most important, both have the brains and power and track records to place them in frontrunner contention. The first is Bill Ayers, now 76 and a retired professor of education at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Ayers gained early fame when he founded the Weather Underground, a self-described communist revolutionary group that sought to overthrow America and conducted a campaign of bombing public buildings (including police stations, the U.S. Capitol, and the Pentagon) during the 1960s and 1970s. In an early eighties interview, Ayers remembered his reaction upon learning that because of government overreach, he would not be prosecuted for a Weather Underground bombing spree that killed a policeman. “Guilty as hell, free as a bird—America is a great country,” he exulted. After that, he joined his version of mainstream society as a professor, but was far from through with far-left politics. In 1995, when Barack Obama was running for state senator in Illinois, Ayers held a fundraiser in his living room––while both insisted they only knew each other casually. In fact, their cozy relationship had been public knowledge in Chicago for years. And when prolific journalist and author Jack Cashill wrote Deconstructing Obama—based on his exquisite forensic analysis of Ayers’ former writings––he made an airtight case that it was Ayers who actually wrote Obama’s two bestsellers: Dreams of My Father and The Audacity of Hope. According to blogger Bernie Quiqley, Obama and Bill Ayers were "together from the beginning" [of Obama’s political career]. When Obama met with Ayers at “the salon gatherings of Chicago’s Beautiful People,” he added, “it was the kickoff of a political career which would lead, potentially, in little over a decade, from the house of the most notorious of the violent Amerika-hating revolutionaries from the ’60s still alive, Bill Ayers and [his wife and fellow terrorist] Bernadine Dohrn, to the White House.” In fact, Quigley writes, between 1995 and 1999, Obama led the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC) that Ayers founded––“a program that called for infusing students and their parents with a radical political commitment, and which downplayed achievement tests in favor of activism.’ So, what is Bill Ayers doing now? For one thing, lamenting on his blog the deaths of his fellow terrorists. And last year, upon observing the violence and destruction wrought by Antifa and Black Lives Matter in Portland and Kenosha, he remarked: “Am I the only one, or do you feel eerily that we’re living in Kansas, 1859 ––[when Kansans engaged in a violent guerrilla war between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces which contributed to the coming Civil War]––and that tensions are boiling over, but only years later will people say, ‘Yes, the Civil War began there and then?'” Clearly not through with politics, is Ayers now whispering into the ears of Joe Biden’s handlers exactly what to do to bring down America? He certainly seems a viable candidate to me. WHO ELSE? The second––and most likely––candidate is George Soros, now 91, the still active and vital hedge-fund billionaire whose brilliance is undisputed, whose political involvement and effectiveness in world affairs is second to none, who is considered both indispensable and formidable to his fans and terrifying to his adversaries, and whose financial resources are seemingly unlimited. In a 2018, the editors at David Horowitz's Discover the Networks wrote an exhaustive, riveting, must-read study of Soros entitled: Who is George Soros and Why He Hates America. I urge everyone to read this article because it demonstrates the passion, the ideology, and––as the crime shows emphasize—the means, motives, and opportunity, with which George Soros has poured his heart and soul and massive amounts of money into transforming America from a democratic republic to one that fulfills the ideals of his Open Society Foundations (OSF), founded in 1993. Those ideals are: “The diminution of American power." "The subjugation of American sovereignty in favor of global governance." "The implementation of redistributive economic policies—both within the U.S. and across national borders.” The breadth, depth––the sheer magnitude––of what Soros has accomplished, worldwide, since he got deeply involved in politics in the mid-1980s, is breathtaking. “My spending rose from $3 million in 1987 to more than $300 million a year by 1992,” he said. Imagine what it is today! The above-cited article called Soros “one of the most politically powerful individuals on earth. Since the mid-1980s, he has used his immense influence to help reconfigure the political landscapes of several countries around the world—in some cases playing a key role in toppling regimes that had held the reins of government for years, even decades.” Not to omit that, famously, Soros broke the bank of England, raking in more than a billion bucks in the deal. Vis à vis the United States, a strong case can be made for the claim “that Soros today affects American politics and culture more profoundly that any other living person.” As of 2018, the OSF’s total assets exceeded $1.9 billion. Each year, the Foundations award scores of millions of dollars in grants to over 206 U.S. organizations, which, among other things: Depict America as a nation whose enduring racism must be counterbalanced by racial and ethnic preferences in favor of nonwhites; Disparage capitalism while promoting a dramatic expansion of social-welfare programs funded by ever-escalating taxes; Promote open borders, mass immigration, a watering down of current immigration laws, increased rights, and benefits for illegal aliens, and ultimately amnesty; Assert that virtually all American military actions are unwarranted and immoral; Exhort the U.S. and Israel to negotiate with, and to make concessions to, Arab terrorist groups and regimes that have pledged to destroy America and Israel alike; On and on and on. AN OVER-ARCHING VISION Among the central political ideas that unite Democrats––and certainly energize whoever is running the show––is the Cloward-Piven Strategy. The founders of this plan, which began in 1966 and is flourishing to this day, were both from Columbia University, loathed America, and insisted that capitalism could be collapsed by overloading the government with financial demands that could never be met. Or as writer Jeff M. Lewis explains in "They Intend to Destroy America," the plan is to “overload the American public welfare system and create a crisis that will bankrupt the nation, leaving no choice but to adopt a socialist/communist system of government.“ Cloward and Piven also formed voter-fraud schemes like Project Vote, ACORN, etc., still extant but only with different names. And surprise, surprise––ACORN’s lawyer was none other than Barack Obama. Birds of a feather, and all that. Their vision is exactly what we are witnessing today with the mad rush of hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens pouring over our southern borders and being secretly ferreted to American cities, all with the promise of free everything––food, housing, medical care, education, even drivers’ licenses! And all with the implicit directive to Vote Democrat! At the same time, we have the discredited “expert” on all things coronavirus, Dr. Anthony Fauci, insisting on what Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) calls the “totalitarian biomedical security state of forced vaccination.” We also have: Draconian mandates in cities like New York and other blue states that prevent people from entering restaurants, theaters, gyms, etc., without proof of having had a COVID jab; Dire threats that all benefits to Marines (and to other military, including Navy SEALS) will be revoked if they decline the COVID jabs; Actual life-threatening shortages of nurses, doctors, and other hospital personnel––as well as first responders––who refuse the experimental vaccine; Threats to police forces that will result in a horrific rise in crime; Mandatory COVID jabs for travelers on all domestic airline flights in the U.S., already enacted by several major U.S. airlines; And here’s the kicker: NO requirements for illegal immigrants to get tested or receive the vaccine! Then there are the parents who revile the toxic, far-left, so-called "woke" propaganda being crammed down their children’s throats being labeled "domestic terrorists"––the idea of Attorney General Merrick Garland, who forgot to mention that his son-in-law makes millions selling those toxic materials. A Cloward-Piven dream come true! Unsustainable debt, thousands more American streets becoming tent cities of the homeless, sick, hungry, and addicted; rising unemployment; a compromised healthcare system; a drastically weakened military; an immobilized populace; a reviled education system; and that is the short list! Ruth S. King––writer, editor, and international blogger––sees in this not only a coup, but an authentic insurrection: “When the established government does not recognize dissidents and calls them “domestic terrorists” and limits their speech, controls the media, alters the language, denies legitimate history, trashes tradition and culture, erases national borders, blurs the role of the military, destroys the canons of education, science, and medicine, and uses the powers of government to spy on its citizens—that is an insurrection.” And who is orchestrating this last-gasp attempt of the Left? Isn’t it obvious?
Orchestrated the disastrous pullout from Afghanistan
Joe Biden this week said the deaths of our 13 servicemembers in Afghanistan were inevitable and falsely claimed no one advised him on how to withdraw the troops safely. Joe Biden also falsely claimed he was against the war in Afghanistan from the beginning. FACT CHECK: “Biden did not oppose the US invasion of Afghanistan. As a US senator from Delaware, he joined his Senate colleagues in a unanimous vote in support of the 2001 resolution that authorized the use of military force against “nations, organizations, or persons” President George W. Bush determined were behind the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.” FACT CHECK: In September Commander of U.S. Central Command Gen. Kenneth McKenzie and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee about Biden’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal. Both McKenzie and Milley confirmed, under oath, that they recommended against Joe Biden’s withdrawal timeline and warned of impending collapse of the Afghan government. Their statements contradict Joe Biden’s previous claims that no one told him at least 2,500 troops should stay in Afghanistan. The only reason why Biden is allowed to make these false claim is because we don’t have a real media.
Biden The Butcher Global Intel Hub – April 3, 2021 – Virginia Beach, VA -- People have been lied to; the President has few powers domestically. Congress and the Judiciary holds most of the cards – as well, most power has been usurped and outsourced to NGOs and private contractors (The Deep State). Need a policy? No problem. If you have recently been elected Governor, and have no clue how to govern (Why would you) The Rockefeller Foundation will provide a platform for you including public policy[i], and will even lawyer up for you if you get into trouble with their policies. The one power that the US President has is to call war – as the legal leader of the Armed Forces, the President has the power to put ‘boots on the ground’ and Congress can practically do nothing. Here is the one thing that Trump did that will serve as a major legacy – he is the only President since Eisenhower to not start a war. Let’s take a look at that: A picture containing text, newspaper, screenshot Description automatically generated Biden the Butcher Since Biden has been in office, let’s take a look at the wars started, experimental medical deaths, and human suffering (such as kids in cages) and those who have died due to the opening of the porous southern border, and other Biden policies. They don’t call him Biden the Butcher for nothing. Syria We’re not going to know how many have died at Biden’s hands in Syria, but we do know what actions the US military have taken, such as dropping the 500 pound mega biden bomb on ‘terrorists’ – Last Friday, Joe Biden announced that U.S. forces had dropped seven 500-pound bombs on a small building complex in Syria believed to be used by members of an Iranian-backed militia responsible for a rocket attack on U.S. forces in neighboring Iraq earlier last month. Already, it is easy to get confused. How big, exactly, is a 500 pound bomb? Why are we striking Syria if the original attack took place in Iraq? What, exactly, is an Iranian-backed militia, and how do we know that’s what we hit? 57 have died since he took office officially, but Israel has been active in the region as well so we can’t add that to the body count explicitly. Myanmar As of 2 April 2021, at least 550 civilians, including children, have been killed by military or police forces and at least 2,574 people detained.[ii] Global news organizations are calling it a potential “Bloodbath”[iii] as they spread counter intelligence denouncing the bloody dictatorship they backed several months ago. The CIA has a long and murky history with Myanmar (Burma)[iv] according to left wing Wikipedia: On 10 September 2007, the Myanmar government accused the CIA of assassinating a rebel Karen commander from the Karen National Union who wanted to negotiate with the military government.[8] According to media reports citing documents published by Germany's Der Spiegel in 2010, the Embassy of the United States in Yangon is the site of an electronic surveillance facility used to monitor telephones and communications networks. The facility is run jointly by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the National Security Agency (NSA) through a group known as Special Collection Service.[9] In 2011 the Guardian newspaper published WikiLeaks cable information regarding Myanmar. The cables revealed that the US funded some of the civil society groups in Myanmar that forced the government to suspend the controversial Chinese Myitsone Dam on the Irrawaddy river.[10] And in 2017 dark spook boss Erik Prince moved operations there[v], getting ready for 2021 action? If you need another clue as to why the US would be interested in such Asian backwash, just read The Atlantic’s analysis of who is the real loser in the coup?[vi] You guessed it, China. The southern border There have been more deaths in 3 months under Biden’s ‘flood the border’ policy than all of 2019.[vii] This includes women and children drowned in the river. Detained illegals jumped from 9 to 13,000 in one month, due to Bidens public invitation to illegals “Surge the border.”[viii] Only a few deaths, but the ‘horrid’ conditions are certainly a violation of human rights, what we might expect by a Democratic party that was started by Slaveowners in the Deep South. Here is some direct reports from the ground:[ix] More via Axios: Border Patrol agents are "doing the best they can under the circumstances" but are "not equipped to care for kids" and "need help from the administration," he said. "We have to stop kids and families from making the dangerous trek across Mexico to come to the United States. We have to work with Mexico and Central American countries to have them apply for asylum in their countries." As of Saturday, there were 10,000 migrants in CBP custody overall. Nearly half were unaccompanied minors — thousands of whom had been waiting for more than 3 days in border patrol facilities, according to government data provided to Axios by another source. There are a record number of children sitting in cages built by Obama in 2014.[x] This is not yet a bloodbath but has the potential to be. Eugenics and managing unfunded pension liabilities Nearly 100 Million Americans have received at least one shot of a ‘vaccine’ although we shouldn’t be calling these shots vaccines because they do not meet the definition of vaccines. Whatever they are, seems to be killing people faster than COVID: Various reports indicate that the vaccines cause more injuries and deaths than natural COVID-19 infections. According to LifeSite, the different experimental vaccines' death rate for Israel's elderly is 40 times higher than COVID-19 deaths according to data presented by researchers. Pfizer's vaccine is said to have caused 40 times more death in elderly people and 260 times more deaths in the young than "what the COVID-19 virus would have claimed during the given time frame" of five weeks. This was based on the research conducted by Aix-Marseille University Faculty Member Dr. Herve Seligmann and Engineer Haim Yativ."Those vaccinated and above 65, 0.2% died during the three-week period between doses, hence about 200 among 100,000 vaccinated. This is to be compared to the 4.91 dead among 100,000 dying from COVID-19 without vaccination," the research paper read. "This scary picture also extends to those below 65," the researchers continued. During the five-week vaccination process "0.05 percent, meaning 50 among 100,000, died. This is to be compared to the 0.19 per 100,000 dying from COVID-19 (who) are not vaccinated," the authors added. "Hence the death rate of this age group increased by 260 (times) during this five-week period of the vaccination process, as compared to their natural COVID-19 death rate." Since patients are only monitored for 15 minutes after receiving a shot at neighborhood places like CVS, it’s easy to chalk up the vaccine deaths as ‘COVID’ deaths thus prompting another spike in the manipulated ‘death rate’ which is more and more coming from the vaccine rather than COVID itself. The good news for middle aged people, the shots are being tested on the elderly in nursing homes, which will greatly reduce the unfunded pension liabilities, especially as with the US medical system you typically spend 80% to 90% of lifetime medical costs in the last 6 months of life. In Israel, where the vaccine uptake is highest, people are reporting getting COVID after taking the vaccine, as well as deaths that can be easily correlated with the ‘second holocaust’ as some are calling it.[xi] “This is a new Holocaust” Haim Yativ and Dr. Seligmann Russia is the prize Quick background on Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. The son of a poor used car-salesman, Joseph Jr. has taken every leisure afforded to him in public office. In public, the story is that Biden just likes the CIA, see “Biden’s love affair with the CIA[xii]” but the reality is much more dramatic and uninteresting. Biden is a double agent, working for the Italian branch of the Illuminati, sometimes known as the Catholic Church[xiii]: Young Joseph Robinette Biden cut his teeth as a CIA recuit during the late 1960s on a secret mission to the Red Guards base on the Tianshan mountains of Xinjiang, China, to monitor Soviet nuclear blasts at the nearby Semipalatinsk test site. During the Sino-Soviet split, the CIA links with PLA chief Lin Piao were conducted through a Jesuit-created "Maoist" cult called the Progressive Labor Party (PL), comprised of brain-damaged victims of the MK-ULTRA program. During the George W. Bush and Bill Clinton admins, Joe Biden took a point-man role in fomenting and sponsoring the CIA operations against Yugoslavia. As a senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Biden was the Jesuit point-man for NATO interventions against Yugoslavia, especially Croatia where pro-Mussolini fascist-era death squads were revived by the CIA and British-led Special Air Service against the predominantly Orthodox Christian Serbs. NATO eastward expansion was actually a latter-day crusade. The Balkans intervention took a horrendous turn when the Jesuit-linked "charity" Americares flew pallets of Factor IV (Four) blood tainted with HIV into the Balkans war zone. The HIV-infected serum was collected at Arkansas state prisons while Bill Clinton was governor of that state and running cocaine shipments from war-torn Central America into Mena Airfield in western Arkansas. The Factor IV flights left from Connecticut to Shannon Airport, a CIA-Provo IRA safe haven for drugs and weapons (like the CIA bomb used by its Provo IRA agents to assassinate Lord Montbatten); then onto a cargo terminal in Frankfurt, Germany, where it was met by Jesuit priests involved in Balkans covert weapons shipment; and then to Zagreb, Croatia, for distribution by a CIA-funded local hospital administrator-physician to unknowing war-wound victims in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo. The purpose of deliberate infection of warring communities was to find an ethnic group with inherent HIV resistance in the biologically diverse and physically isolated Balkans communities. The Obama appointee Jim Yong Kim as the World Bank chief resulted in absurdly low infection estimatess with rigged data to hide the extent of this war crime of medical abuse in Balkans, of which Joe Biden and his fellow Jesuit spooks were and are guilty to the brink of damnation. Faith is sometimes just a fig leaf to cover over evil. Biden’s final goal is not to break Putin but kinetic WW3[xiv], as he represents a group of Zealots that are more aggressive (but more patient) than Zionists, and they know that negotiating with Russians is impossible. With their boy Navalny dying in prison, action needs to be taken against the sleeping bear before it’s too late. With Putin’s multiple pipeline projects, deals with China, detaching itself from the web of IMF debt and other pro-Russia maneuvers, Russia has hard ‘no’ declined a seat at the table and thus poses a threat to a one world system. If the Elite are going to try and make a run for a true New World Order, they need to take out Russia at all costs (even if it means giving up a few US cities). Using front man former actor and comedian Volodymyr Zelensky as bait, NATO will poke the bear until it snaps. They know that there is a great awakening coming, so don’t be naïve to think they won’t risk the nuclear option at this stage of the game. According to the Georgia Guidestones[xv], they want to reduce the global population to 500 Million, which would be a 90%+ reduction. So a kinetic war with Russia where there are mass casualties actually fits into their plans. Although the Catholics are not primarily responsible for the great reset, they are happy to collaborate on this operation where all members achieve a satisfactory outcome, and with War Inc. back in full swing, any action is good for business. COVID fear porn is going to be short lived as 15 states buck the lockdown trend, so they need a new threat quickly and Russia fits the bill. We’re not saying that war with Russia is inevitable, but it certainly is something that has been in planning for a long time by the Jesuits, and this can also explain the Vatican’s explicit role in providing satellites and other hardware to help fix the 2020 election ensuring a Jesuit victory. The conclusion Biden the Butcher is in full swing, backed by the military industrial complex, who is currently having a wargasm over the juicy projects being mapped out. If you kill a few people, you are a murderer. If you kill millions – what does that make you? A hero, in the minds of Democrats. You see, Bill Gates is saving us. At least there are some of us Americans left, that don’t need any saving.
Even Blacks that US Democrat party and Biden outright pander to and have abuse the fine sensibilities of for decades on end, even they know that the historically racist Democrats are always angling for more ways to do more election fraud... Despite Dem Theatrics Over 'Voting Rights' And Racism, Most Blacks Strongly Support Voter ID Four days before President Joe Biden proclaimed on MLK Jr. Day that state laws requiring voter ID and other election integrity measures amounted to an "assault on our freedom to vote" - particularly for minorities, a Michigan poll found that 79% of blacks in battleground states support ballot ID requirements, according to Just the News' John Solomon. Those findings have been confirmed in national polls as well, exposing a dilemma for Democrats in Washington who are making a last-ditch effort to pass legislation gutting many state and local controls of elections in favor of federal standards. Those standards — like banning voter IDs, imposing no excuse absentee voting and making it harder to clean outdated voter rolls — are not what the majority of Americans are seeking. -JTN "A recent national survey found that four key election reforms are supported by more than 80% of voters," wrote pollster Scott Rasmussen, describing the disconnect. "These include removing people who have died or moved from voter registration lists; requiring all voters to show photo ID before casting a ballot; wanting all ballots received by Election Day; and, having all voting machines made in the United States." In a separate national poll from Rasmussen, their latest, 78% of black voters supported voter ID. Such public sentiments impose a harsh reality check on Biden's argument that state voter laws amount to "Jim Crow 2.0" and are disenfranchising poor and minority voters. Most voters don't see cleaning outdated names from voter roles or requiring IDs to cast ballots as "obstacles to the ballot box" like Biden argued in Monday’s speech. -JTN Senate Majority Leader Chucks Schumer (D-NY), meanwhile, argued on Tuesday that Democrats have an obligation to do everything possible to pass 'voting rights' legislation. "The eyes of the nation will be watching what happens this week in the United States Senate," he said during a floor speech. "Just a few days removed from what would have been Dr Martin Luther King Jr’s 93rd birthday, the Senate has begun the debate on the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act for the first time, the first time, in this Congress." .@SenSchumer: "The eyes of the nation will be watching what happens this week in the United States Senate...the Senate has begun the debate on the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act for the first time, the first time, in this Congress." — CSPAN (@cspan) January 18, 2022 "If Republicans choose to continue their filibuster of voting rights legislation, we must consider and vote on the rule changes that are appropriate and necessary to restore the Senate and make voting rights legislation possible," Schumer continued. .@SenSchumer: "If Republicans choose...their filibuster of voting rights legislation we must consider and vote on the rule changes that are appropriate and necessary to restore the Senate and make voting rights legislation possible." — CSPAN (@cspan) January 18, 2022 Unfortunately for Chuck, he can't change the filibuster - as both Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) are not on board, depriving Schumer the 50 Democratic votes he needs to reform the filibuster.
Biden, the Chief Bunker Dweller Barely in Charge, and strange attractor of negative approval rating gravity, gets pushed out for puppet show at risk of exposing his stream of un-consciousness and rage... next puppet showing is "State of the Union", etc. Biden Gives Rare "Solo" Press Briefing As Approval Rating Craters President Joe Biden is about to cap his first full 12 months in office by holding what has been described by the NY Post as only the second solo press briefing since the former VP returned to the White House. Readers can watch live below. The briefing is slated to begin at 1600ET: Biden is expected to discuss COVID, his dismal approval rating and a range of other topics. Biden has largely remained out of public view this week - stopping briefly to speak with reporters outside of the White House on Monday. On Tuesday, members of the White House attended an economic briefing and also called Finland’s President Sauli Niinistö to discuss tensions between Ukraine and Russia. Will Biden’s handling of the pandemic elicit tough questions from the press now that the omicron variant has sent cases and hospitalization rates to all-time highs this month? We think you probably know the answer... More than 855K US residents tested positive for COVID Monday, according to CDC data, nearly 3x last winter’s peak of just 294K cases on Jan. 8, 2021. And about 150K US hospital patients have COVID, besting the pre-omicron record of 133K "variant" cases recorded last January. To put this all in context: 352K Americans died of (or from) COVID in 2020 under Trump, while 474,000 Americans died of/from COVID in 2021 under Biden. Murderer! Right, Salon? Now, President Biden is running around trying to "take credit" for the dynamic drop in COVID cases. The impression that Biden has been asleep at the wheel has helped to drive Biden's job approval rating lower; one recent Quinnipiac Poll tagged Biden's approval rating at just 33%. President Biden's overall approval rating in the last seven Quinnipiac polls: 49%, 46%, 42%, 38%, 37%, 36%, 33%. — Ryan Struyk (@ryanstruyk) January 12, 2022 If QPac's numbers are that low, imagine what the "real" numbers might look like. If even the left-wing pollsters have numbers this bad for Biden, the real numbers must be even more horrific. — Mollie (@MZHemingway) January 12, 2022 Either way, Biden is cratering. The President only agreed to participate in Wednesday's briefing after his top media advisors desperately implored him to get out there and speak directly to the American people. As Matt Taibbi writes via TK News: Joe Biden's Awesome First Year To win an exhausted nation's admiration, all Joe Biden had to do was nothing. Instead, he's burning future votes like kindling... “Three more years...” The Gallup agency released a picture of the comet that is the Joe Biden presidency on its first anniversary. This is what a one-year, 14-point party affiliation swing looks like: The pollsters put the numbers in context: Both the nine-point Democratic advantage in the first quarter and the five-point Republican edge in the fourth quarter are among the largest Gallup has measured for each party in any quarter since it began regularly measuring party identification and leaning in 1991. How great was life for Joe Biden a year ago? MSNBC’s John Heilemann compared him to Lincoln; PBS White House correspondent Yamiche Alcindor said the return of the Democrats “felt like we are being rescued from the craziness and now here are the superheroes to come and save us all”; Rachel Maddow went through “half a box of Kleenex” in joy; even Chris Wallace on Fox said Biden’s half-coherent inauguration speech was “the best inaugural address I ever heard,” JFK’s iconic “Ask Not” included. Biden looks bad. During the campaign, when he was challenging strangers to pushup contests and doing sternum-pokes in crowds while nervous aides bit their lips, you could make the argument he was merely in steep with his mental decline, which was okay. Against Trump the standard of “technically alive” worked for a lot of voters. Biden now looks like a man deep into the peeing-on-houseplants stage, and every appearance is an adventure. He might say, “Even Dr. King’s assassination did not have the worldwide impact that George Floyd’s death did,” or repeat his evolving fantasy about getting arrested with Nelson Mandela (who according to the president also later came to Washington to say, “You got arrested trying to see me!”), or let it slip that aides are shielding him from all news (a logical takeaway from his “Let’s Go Brandon, I agree” Christmas moment). Or, he might just collapse into syllable-piles before casting around in fright, like this gut-wrenching “Where’s Tim?” scene: It’s reached the point where MSNBC is permitting guests like Donny Deutsch to say things like, “He seems old.” In a panic, Party spokestool Paul Begala went on the network this week to deliver a real-life version of the old Mel Brooks “the peasants are revolting” joke, saying “the problem for the Democrats… is not that they have bad leaders. They have bad followers.” As Paul Begala said, "the problem with the Democrats...FF Biden has always been an easy punchline. A tumescent yeller with hair plugs is a magnet for comics. TK News subscribers can continue reading here. FInally, here are some questions that Biden might face during Wednesday's briefing, courtesy of the Hill: Is Build Back Better dead? Are you willing to urge Democrats to pass pieces of it rather than the whole proposal? You have warned for several months that Republican laws like the one in Georgia represent an attack on democracy. Why then did you wait until last week to make a forceful push to alter the filibuster? And would you support reforming the Electoral Count Act if other efforts fail? What preventative measures is your administration looking at in order to prevent another test shortage and other pandemic-related measures should another variant arise? What do you say to criticism that your administration is reacting instead of being more proactive two years into the pandemic? Have you been satisfied with the messaging coming from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention? Can your administration improve the way it communicates about the pandemic to the American public? You and your advisers have predicted that inflation will be transitory, but with the costs of food, housing and other essential goods rising, how can you assure Americans that your administration is focused on addressing surging inflation? Last week, the Supreme Court struck down your sweeping vaccine-or-test mandate for large private businesses. Will that be the end of your efforts to mandate vaccines or are more actions on the table? You recently called the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol an “insurrection” and an attempted “coup.” Do you believe the Justice Department should prosecute former President Trump for his role in the Jan. 6 riot? Can you commit unequivocally to running for reelection? Will Vice President Harris be your running mate? If you can’t commit unequivocally, who do you think should be the nominee if circumstances ultimately cause you to decide against running? Your press secretary, Jen Psaki, said Tuesday that Russia could launch an attack on Ukraine “at any point.” What is your administration going to do to punish Russia if it does so? Are you doing everything you can to try to force Russia to pull troops back from the border with Ukraine?
Corrupt Democrats fighting to preseve their own fraud schemes and exploit vectors... Including Biden importing 2M non-us-citizens across border and secretly shipping them in buses and planes into tossup election cities across the US in order corrupt elections with their votes... Arizona Legislature Passes Bill Requiring Proof Of US Citizenship To Vote The Arizona Legislature passed a bill this week that would ensure only U.S. citizens with proof of identification are eligible to register to vote in the state. Under House Bill 2492, Arizona voters would be required to provide proof of citizenship on voter registration forms. The state Senate passed the bill March 23 in a 16–12 vote, with 12 Democrats voting against the bill and two others—Democratic Sens. Lela Alston and Juan Mendez—opting not to vote. The state House already passed the bill, which now heads to Republican Gov. Doug Ducey’s desk to be signed into state law. The bill requires that every voter is a citizen of the United States and is able to provide satisfactory evidence as such. The legislation states that the county recorder or other officer in charge of elections must reject any application for registration that is not accompanied by satisfactory evidence of citizenship. “The Attorney General shall prosecute individuals who are found to not be United States citizens,” the bill states, referring to non-citizens who attempt to register to vote. Democrats say the measure is part of an effort to suppress voting in the battleground state. Arizona’s Secretary of State Katie Hobbs called on Ducey to veto the bill, saying in a Twitter post that it “creates new, unnecessary barriers for people registering to vote.” Testifying March 23 on why House Bill 2492 should become state law, Republican Sen. Warren Petersen, chairman of the state Senate’s Judiciary Committee, said it would bolster election integrity. “The issue is making sure the citizens of our country are voting … and if you’re not a citizen of this country, you’re not allowed to vote,” he said. Republican Rep. Jake Hoffman, who sponsored the bill, told the Arizona Daily Independent in February 2022 that the bill is to ensure that only U.S. citizens are able to vote in U.S. elections. “Non-citizens should never be allowed to vote in American elections, yet shockingly nearly 12,000 people voted in the 2020 general election for federal office without any proof of U.S. citizenship,” he said. “Republicans at the Capitol are fighting like hell to protect the integrity of Arizona’s elections with bills like HB2492, so that voters can have confidence that every legally cast ballot matters,” added Hoffman. Hoffman also said that the number of people using the federal form without providing proof of citizenship had jumped between 2018 and 2020. “So clearly this is a trend that is increasing,” Hoffman said. “This bill ensures that there is maximum flexibility to provide documentary proof of citizenship, but we don’t want foreign interference in our elections.”
Authoritarian Tyrants aka Democrats ProgLeft and Pols in general... their failed policies becoming so universally despised they have to hire.... Mayor Lightfoot Assigned 70 Chicago Cops To Personal Security Detail Created In 2020 "My dick is bigger than yours and the Italians, I have the biggest dick in Chicago. -- Lori Lightfoot" "Black, Lesbian, Cunt... Never a good combo for Inner City success. -- Internet" "86% disapproval rating -- The Chicago Index poll, Lori Lightfoot" The Democratic rulers of ultra-liberal cities love to pay lip service to their voters' calls to 'defund the police' - except, of course, when it comes to their own protection. In the latest example of this disturbing trend, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has, for the past two years, enjoyed a security detail consisting of some 71 Chicago PD officers, despite proposing to cut the department's budget by $80 million back in 2020 as a sop to the "defund" movement (while the city's murder rate continues to spiral out of control). The detail, known as Unit 544, started with a handful of officers, but has since grown into a group that includes 65 officers, five sergeants, and a lieutenant, according to a Chicago Sun Times report. As if this weren't already excessive enough, Lightfoot has an additional personal bodyguard detail made up of approximately 20 officers. The department sent a memo to its officers in the summer of 2020 (at the height of the defund movement) inviting them to apply to join the mayor's detail. "The unit's mission will be to provide physical security for City Hall, the mayor's residence and the mayor's detail command post," the memo read. "Through the coordination of intelligence and resources, officers will respond to all threats related to the mayor's physical properties to ensure its protection." Around the time the unit was established, city residents who lived near the mayor's house were complaining that the precinct's limited resources were too often being dedicated to the mayor's residence, where protesters repeatedly gathered. Lightfoot told the Sun-Times that the unit was created to ensure proper coordination between officers who provided security at her residence, and those who provided security at city hall. "...[Y]ou know, if there was some kind of emergency at City Hall, for example, the right hand wouldn’t necessarily know what the left hand was doing because they all reported to different chains of command." [...] "...[I]n 2020 in particular, there were a significant amount of protests all over the city, and some of them targeted at my house. All the more reason why having a unified command to understand and share intelligence and be ready to respond if there was any kind of threat was very important." Lightfoot also tried to play down the proposed PD budget cut as the result of a 'pandemic-related budget shortfall', not an example of her bowing to the "defund" movement. She also blamed President Trump for threatening her security: "When the president of the United States uses the world’s largest megaphone and platform to target you personally, terrible things happen...And he not only blew a dog whistle, he pointed really evil and dangerous people right at my doorstep." Of course, the political winds have shifted dramatically since 2020 - so much so that President Biden recently included additional funding for federal and local law enforcement in his 2023 budget proposal, which he unveiled yesterday.
Biden steals and wastes $Billions on Wokesterism and explodes US Debt by $1.5Trillion and more...
US Illinois... massively corrupt and bankrupt state in usa... Illinois Governor Invested In Company With $2.6 Billion In State Contracts This #WasteOfTheDay is brought to you by the forensic auditors at The governor of Illinois is demonstrating how prevalent conflicts of interest are for elected officials who own securities. In 2020, Gov. JB Pritzker’s trust bought stock in the health insurance company Centene Corp. That same year, Illinois gave $2.6 billion worth of Medicaid contracts to Centene Corp. It’s clear what’s the current purpose in Cook County of the rhetoric of “over incarceration” and “mass incarceration.” It is to weaken – in pursuit of a race-driven agenda of decarceration – a criminal justice system which has little to no deterrent effect against a continuing wave of crime which sprung loose in 2020 and hasn’t stopped yet. Even allowing for alternative sentencing and second chances where appropriate, it seems entirely plausible the real problem is “under incarceration.” Purpose is to create mayhem in US Big Cities, thus calls enabling more massive government power.
Corrupt Democrats fighting to preseve their own fraud schemes and exploit vectors... Including Biden importing 2M non-us-citizens across border and secretly shipping them in buses and planes into tossup election cities across the US in order corrupt elections with their votes...
Over 10k crossing into US per day, Joe Biden is *that* desperate for votes and to cause national disruption and general bankruptcy in order to roll out more socialist policies and power. What a fucking fraud. Biden-Kamala to be first ever ticket removed from office by groundswell of popular recall demand. Biden Admin To Reportedly Lift 'Title 42' Border Policy As Illegal Immigrant Encounters Continue To Accelerate Update (1500ET): It appears - against the warnings detailed below - that the Biden administration plans to end its use of Title 42 - the Trump-era pandemic border policy that allows the government to immediately turn away migrants at the southern border if they posed a health threat - by the end of May, according to a draft of the order reviewed by The Wall Street Journal and officials familiar with the matter. The order, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention plans to issue later this week, says it is taking the step because "there is no longer a serious danger" that migrants would introduce or spread COVIUD-19 inside immigration detention facilities. As The Wall Street Journal reports, border officials have expressed concern that, without the rapid-turnback policy, they will quickly be overwhelmed by migrants, leading to dangerous overcrowding in border facilities and releases of people into the U.S. who would normally be jailed or deported. * * * As The Epoch Times' Katabella Roberts detailed earlier, the United States is on track to reach more than 1 million illegal alien encounters so far in the fiscal year 2022, the head of the Border Patrol, Raul Ortiz, said on March 29. “Probably in the next two or three days we’ll get over a million encounters or apprehensions along the southwest border,” Ortiz said at the Border Security Expo in San Antonio, Texas, Fox News reported. Signaling that the situation at the border is global in nature, Ortiz said that border agents have encountered illegal aliens from 157 different countries. In February alone, there were 164,973 encounters - up from 101,099 encounters in 2021 and 36,687 in 2020, according to Customs and Border Protection (CBP) numbers. The law enforcement agency has also noted a more than 100 percent month-over-month increase in February in two categories of illegal aliens—family units and unaccompanied minors. February’s numbers mean that there were 838,685 southwest land border encounters since the fiscal year began in October. March’s numbers have not yet been released but are already expected to surpass February’s, and take the number of encounters for the fiscal year to over 1 million, within just six months of the fiscal year. Ortiz noted on Tuesday that the Border Patrol is currently understaffed and is facing further challenges due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. A Texas state trooper arrests a U.S. citizen who was transporting three illegal aliens to San Antonio, in Kinney County, Texas, on Oct. 20, 2021. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times) Ortiz’s comments echo those of Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) who issued a similar warning on Sunday as more people try to make their way into the United States in the coming months. “It’s going to get worse. It’s going to get a lot worse, springtime, summer, more and more come over. The message is coming back that, ‘Hey, we got a new president, come on in, we’re open for business to the traffickers,'” McCaul said in an interview on ABC’s “This Week.” “I predict a million people trying to get into this country by the summertime,” McCaul said. President Joe Biden has faced criticism from Republicans over his handling of the border crisis, with many believing the situation has worsened due to the administration’s reversal on immigration policies previously put in place by former President Donald Trump. The Biden administration is currently weighing up whether or not it will end the controversial pandemic-era Title 42 policy implemented by Trump which allowed Border Patrol agents to turn most illegal aliens back to Mexico immediately if they posed a health threat amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Soon after Biden took office in 2021, the United States stopped expelling unaccompanied minors, alleging that it was cruel and inhumane to do so. In mid-March, the Biden administration announced that it will potentially bring changes to the policy because there is no longer a serious transmission danger of COVID-19 in the United States in relation to illegal immigration. This, in turn, could see an influx of illegal aliens at the border, a prospect that concerns a number of lawmakers, including Sens. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) and Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.), who have urged Biden not to end the border restrictions policy without first having a “comprehensive plan” in place. “We write to you to express great concern about the lack of a specific plan from your Administration with respect to potential changes to the Title 42 Public Health authority, which the [DHS] has relied on at the border during the coronavirus pandemic,” the senators wrote in a March 24 letter (pdf) to Biden. “Given the impacts that changes to Title 42 could have on border communities, border security, and migrants, we urge your administration not to make any changes to Title 42 implementation until you are completely ready to execute and coordinate a comprehensive plan that ensures a secure, orderly, and humane process at the border,” they said. Biden on March 21 told reporters at the White House that “a lot more” could be done to address the increasing number of illegal aliens crossing the border into the United States. “We are in the process of doing it now, including making sure we reestablish what existed before—which is they can stay in place and make their case from their home countries,” he said.
Corrupt Democrats Over 10k crossing into US per day, Joe Biden is *that* desperate
Biden ships his imports into tossup voting cities, Republicans ship them to Biden in DC, lol... Texas Governor Directs State To Bus Or Fly Illegal Immigrants To DC As Title 42 Ends Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Wednesday said that his government will provide charter buses or flights to transport illegal immigrants released from federal custody into its territory to Washington D.C. “We are sending [the illegal immigrants] to the United States capital where the Biden administration will be able to more immediately address the needs of the people that they are allowing to come across our border,” Abbott told reporters.
Is America Heading For A Systems Collapse? In modern times, as in ancient Rome, several nations have suffered a “systems collapse.” The term describes the sudden inability of once-prosperous populations to continue with what had ensured the good life as they knew it. A woman walks a dog near the ruins of an ancient Roman aqueduct, in a park in a suburb of Rome, on July 28, 2017. (Andreas Solaro/AFP via Getty Images) Abruptly, the population cannot buy, or even find, once plentiful necessities. They feel their streets are unsafe. Laws go unenforced or are enforced inequitably. Every day things stop working. The government turns from reliable to capricious if not hostile. Consider contemporary Venezuela. By 2010, the once well-off oil-exporting country was mired in a self-created mess. Food became scarce, crime ubiquitous. Radical socialism, nationalization, corruption, jailing opponents, and the destruction of constitutional norms were the culprits. Between 2009 and 2016, a once relatively stable Greece nearly became a Third World country. So did Great Britain in its socialist days of the 1970s. Joe Biden’s young presidency may already be leading the United States into a similar meltdown. Hard Left “woke” ideology has all but obliterated the idea of a border. Millions of impoverished foreigners are entering the United States illegally—and during a pandemic without either COVID-19 tests or vaccinations. The health bureaucracies have lost credibility as official communiques on masks, herd and acquired immunity, vaccinations, and comorbidities apparently change and adjust to perceived political realities. After decades of improving race relations, America is regressing into a pre-modern tribal society. Crime soars. Inflation roars. Meritocracy is libeled and so we are governed more by ideology and tribe. The soaring prices of the stuff of life—fuel, food, housing, health care, transportation—are strangling the middle class. Millions stay home, content to be paid by the state not to work. Supply shortages and empty shelves are the new norm. Nineteenth-century-style train robberies are back. So is 1970s urban violence, replete with looting, carjackings, and random murdering of the innocent. After the Afghanistan debacle, we have returned to the dark days following defeat in Vietnam, when U.S. deterrence abroad was likewise shattered, and global terrorism and instability were the norms abroad. Who could have believed a year ago that America would now beg Saudi Arabia and Russia to pump more oil—as we pulled our own oil leases, and canceled pipelines and oil fields? Our path to systems collapse is not due to an earthquake, climate change, a nuclear war, or even the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead, most of our maladies are self-inflicted. They are the direct result of woke ideologies that are both cruel and antithetical to traditional American pragmatism. Hard-Left district attorneys in our major cities refuse to charge thousands of arrested criminals—relying instead on bankrupt social justice theories. Law enforcement has been arbitrarily defunded and libeled. Police deterrence is lost, so looters, vandals, thieves, and murderers more freely prey on the public. “Modern monetary theory” deludes ideologues that printing trillions of dollars can enrich the public, even as the ensuing inflation is making people poorer. “Critical race theory” absurdly dictates that current “good” racism can correct the effects of past bad racism. A once tolerant, multiracial nation is resembling the factionalism of the former Yugoslavia. The culprit again is a callous woke ideology that posits little value for individuals, prioritizing only the so-called collective agenda. Woke’s trademark is “equity,” or a forced equality of result. Practically, we are becoming a comic-book version of victims and victimizers, with woke opportunists playacting as our superheroes. Strangest in 2021 was the systematic attack on our ancient institutions, as we scapegoated our ancestors for our own incompetencies. The woke have waged a veritable war against the 233-year-old Electoral College and the right of states to set their own balloting laws in national elections, the 180-year-old filibuster, the 150-year-old nine-person Supreme Court, and the 60-year-old, 50-state union. The U.S. military, Department of Justice, FBI, CIA, Center for Disease Control, and National Institutes of Health until recently were revered. Their top echelons were staffed by career professionals mostly immune to the politics of the day. Not now. These bureaus and agencies are losing public confidence and support. Citizens fear rather than respect Washington grandees who have weaponized politics ahead of public service. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, Attorney General Merrick Garland, former FBI heads like James Comey and Andrew McCabe, retired CIA director John Brennan, and Anthony Fauci head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases—have all politicized and vastly exceeded their professional purviews. They sounded off in public fora as if they were elected legislators up for reelection. Some lied under oath. Others demonized critics. Most sought to become media darlings. This governmental freefall is overseen by a tragically bewildered, petulant, and incompetent president. In his confusion, an increasingly unpopular President Joe Biden seems to believe his divisive chaos is working, belittling his political opponents as racist Confederate rebels. As we head into the 2022 midterm elections, who will stop our descent into collective poverty, division, and self-inflicted madness?
Only three weeks left, with much Lefty Media Bias of the Democrats fraud already irrevocably totalled and accrued down the mail-in ballots... Will Americans Wake Up to the Media Bias and Censorship in time... ? Democrat Hitler on Censorship
On Mon, 12 Oct 2020 23:44:23 -0400 grarpamp <> wrote:
Only three weeks left,
"President Donald Trump now wants the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates to zero or below."
Joe Biden the Treasoner... Calls for Jihad against the USA, Releases Campaign Plan to Convert the USA to Islam, Impose Sharia Law, Raise a New Caliphate... Joe Biden Openly Calls For Violent Jihad Against the USA Joe Biden's Public School Program to Indoctrinate US Children into Islam Joe Biden, Convenience Man Pandering Placating Taqiyya Speaker? "Joe Biden is a clear and present danger to the USA" -- The Internet In their regard, the same with Ilhan Omar (of #CashForBallots fame). And people thought Democrats calling for, supporting, failing to denounce violence of Antifa, BLM, random burning, looting, shooting, etc... was bad and resulted enough trouble. EU issues from ~600 pages Wait till US discovers what opening its borders "to all" mass immigration could really mean, especially after 25 years of waging its own jihad, tit-for-tat, and other games abroad... Study up, US people might want to know.
Immigrants and Fighters Against Socialism... Immigrants Against Socialism for Trump, self-determination, and work Fighters Against Socialism Longer version Some numbers from yesterday... Trump *Huge* American Freedom Crowds vs Biden Feeble Lying Geriatric Democrat Socialists... Trump... 3000+ cars and 60 minutes, filling airport pad and hangers... Trump rally Sanford,FL... much fun, future, and truth Unique VIP cam view Biden... 30 cars and 25 minutes, in a leftover parking lot... Biden Severe Gaffe Fest Toledo,OH " Democratic nominee Joe Biden delivered a speech in front of around 30 socially distanced cars of supporters at a drive-in rally on Monday in a warring event with Vice President Mike Pence who was also in the Buckeye State. The 77-year-old gave remarks on the economy in front of United Auto Workers in a half-empty Toledo parking lot as Pence spoke to hundreds of supporters in the capitol of Columbus on Columbus Day. Biden's 25-minute speech was at times also derailed by supporters of President Trump, who stood on a nearby street corner and loudly chanted four more years as the Democratic presidential hopeful spoke. Biden didn't necessarily get a warm welcome, with Trump supporters lining a road to the union hall, waving Trump 2020 flags and far outnumbering the Democratic nominee's fans. Almost nobody showed up to the Sleepy Joe Biden Rally in Ohio. The reporting and polls are a Media Con Job Fake News, Trump tweeted on Monday afternoon. So Biden is coughing and hacking and playing fingers with his mask, all over the place, and the Fake News doesn't want to even think about discussing it. Joe Biden has let the Unions down always has, always will! he tweeted, sharing the video of his supporters interrupting Biden's speech. At the end of his speech the former veep flubbed his lines, telling voters to head to instead of, the Democrats voting participation hub, and turned to a worker for help getting off the stage. Which way am I going? he then asked his campaign staff, speaking into the mic. " And Kamala didn't do shit all day but inject more Corona FUD and other bogus claptrap from her broken little video squawk box. ROFL. Biden Still Making Excuses to Take The Knee... How Pathetic! The planet full of Socialist Communist Dictator and Mideast countries will totally eat Biden, Kamala, and the USA for lunch. At this point, and for innumerable reasons, Americans would be utterly insane to elect Biden-Kamala! #DrainTheSwamp
Some numbers from yesterday...
Trump *Huge* American Freedom Crowds vs Biden Feeble Lying Geriatric Democrat Socialists...
Trump... 3000+ cars and 60 minutes, filling airport pad and hangers... Trump rally Sanford,FL Unique VIP cam view
Biden... 30 cars and 25 minutes, in a leftover parking lot... Biden Severe Gaffe Fest
Democratic nominee Joe Biden delivered a speech in front of around 30 socially distanced cars of supporters at a drive-in rally on Monday in
Mainstream Media Downplays Crowd Size at Trump Rally in Sunrise, Florida – Event Was Larger Than All Biden Rallies in 2020 Combined Big Mainstream Media is at it again. They can’t help but mislead and lie when it comes to President Trump. On Saturday President Trump and Bill O’Reilly held an event in Sunrise, Florida. The History tour was a great success. But you wouldn’t know it from the Mainstream ‘fake news’ media. Newsweek reported that “Donald Trump and Bill O’Reilly’s Tour Begins With Empty Seats in Florida—Report” But this messaging again was distorted by the media. There was a huge crowd at the event as was reported on various Twitter users at the event. Here is the crowd waiting to enter the event on Saturday in Sunrise, Florida. Looks like thousands just in this video. Massive crowd headed into FLA Live! The Trump/O’Reilly History show starts soon… — Bill O’Reilly (@BillOReilly) December 11, 2021 Here is the crowd waiting to get into the Orlando event yesterday – also a massive crowd. Fake News Yahoo says Trump-O’Reilly having a hard time selling tickets. Look like it to you?#Trump2024 — DWalter (@WoofOnTheHoof) December 12, 2021 What the media will never report is the size of Biden events in the 2020 Presidential race. In the two months leading up to the 2020 Election, Joe Biden couldn’t get more than 2,000 people at all his events. At the same time, President Trump had 1.1 million at his events. This lying media won’t report the real truth when it comes to Joe Biden and President Trump’s rallies in the lead-up to 2020 Election.
Some numbers from yesterday...
FINAL 2020 RALLY TALLY: President Trump Had Largest Crowds at His Rallies in US History – Biden Had Some of the Smallest [Tallies in images in the above link...] Election Day has arrived and the results of our tally of attendance at Presidential events since Labor Day are final. These results show the Trump Train is on nuclear power rolling down hill while the Biden Bus is broken down and never left the basement. Since Labor day President Trump has entertained massive crowds at his rallies while former VP Biden might as well have stayed in his basement. Some of Biden’s events had no individuals present other than approved press or campaign workers. Many days Biden was not out campaigning. Below is the summary of events since Labor Day. President Trump has now held events with over 1.1 million supporters while Biden entertained around two thousand supporters. TRENDING: Mainstream Media Downplays Crowd Size at Trump Rally in Sunrise, Florida - Event Was Larger Than All Biden Rallies in 2020 Combined Note: These numbers are estimates based on data available. Please provide alternative numbers for consideration, if inclined.* While President Trump is bringing in record numbers to his rallies, Biden can’t buy an audience. In 2016 Hillary Clinton brought in musicians to increase attendance at her rallies. But Biden couldn’t even do that. President Trump crushed Biden. He had more events even with his 10-day COVID quarantine in mid-October. Plus the President saw more than 560 times the number of supporters as Biden. (Candidate Trump had nine times the number of supporters at his rallies when compared to Crooked Hillary in 2016.) President Trump outperformed his 2016 numbers which were historic. He averaged larger crowds at his rallies with nearly 50% greater attendance this year than in 2016. Trump managed to do this in spite of being in the hospital and out for 10 days with COVID. Biden held more events than Hillary in 2016 but Hillary had much larger crowds. Both Hillary and Biden had much smaller crowds than Trump. President Trump this year had the largest crowds at his rallies in US history. On the other hand, Joe Biden had some of the smallest crowds in US history. The polls are garbage, the current race is not even close. The rally numbers prove it. President Trump is way ahead of former VP Joe Biden. * In the 2016 election we kept track of event attendance after the Party Conventions for both candidate Trump and Crooked Hillary. We did this because the future President was setting records at seemingly every venue he visited while Hillary could barely fill half a high school gymnasium. By mid-August we determined that President Trump had 10 times the number of attendees at his rallies than Hillary did during the same time. This year it’s worse. By election day 2016 we determined that tens of thousands of more individuals attended Trump events than Hillary events. The far left mainstream media claimed Hillary was up in the polls. They claimed that rally attendance didn’t matter, but it did. Momentum and enthusiasm mean a lot. (In March 2017 Deroy Murdock cited our work on FOX News to show that President Trump just plain outworked Hillary in the 2016 campaign.) Bob Dole Mocks Dems In Posthumous Letter: "If I Will Still Be Able To Vote In Chicago"
Democrats SocialistMarxCom etc will lose 2022 and 2024 bigly, because their long history of total fucking depressing nothing but victimhood handouts sorry talk wokesterism snidely abusive apologetics violent BLM+Antifa and propping bigger govt to infest in every more elements of your life, fake news media, massive bigtech social media censorship regime, now with more govt enforced forced lockdowns mask vax job firings... so pathetic they all are. BTS and Trump announce joint tour dates in 2022, party on, lol... Will Trump be the first to win again, or will he pass the hat to newcomers? You decide. Real question is what will Libertarians do?
Jackass Asshole Idiot Joe Biden rolls out VaxKY regime instead of actually helping people recover from tornados. Biden is planning to set up sites for booster shots in Kentucky. Because that’s what important. 🤦♀️ — Hunting Wolf In PA (@SlayerWolf11) December 13, 2021 Embarassing Facts about Kamala Harris Blacks Conflicted about Harris WillieD breaks Kamala down Harris faces heat Why Blacks Don't Trust Harris Blacks Dissing Harris Vice: Kamala Harris Jails Innocent Man Rodeslav deconstructs Harris
We seem to be struggling to control ourselves. I propose we talk about these things in the context of the tor source code or somesuch. On Tue, Oct 13, 2020, 10:47 AM grarpamp <> wrote: Embarassing Facts about Kamala Harris Blacks Conflicted about Harris WillieD breaks Kamala down Harris faces heat Why Blacks Don't Trust Harris Blacks Dissing Harris Vice: Kamala Harris Jails Innocent Man Rodeslav deconstructs Harris
On Tue, 13 Oct 2020 11:51:30 -0400 Karl <> wrote:
I propose we talk about these things in the context of the tor source code or somesuch.
why don't you learn the ABC about tor? Or are you promoting tor because you're a pentagon agent? Just like you promoted BSV which suggests you're an accomplice of the criminal and highly anti-freedom asshole craigh wright.
With the things you mention, the promotion is more simply because they were bumped into first. Really, there's nothing bad about anything at all. Nothing is bad! Strange, huh? We were, actually, looking at the ABCs of Tor, or what do you mean? I forgot where in the tor source code I was. I guess I'll look around a little. I like how tor puts its `.h` files in the same folder as its `.c` files. That really helps me find what I'm looking for when my short term memory is spazzing out. It's harder when they're in different directories, somehow. ``` $ grep -r tor_run_main\( . ./app/main/main.c:tor_run_main(const tor_main_configuration_t *tor_cfg) ... $ less app/main/main.c ``` Again, tor_run_main is down at the bottom, but it's longer so you'll likely have to arrow up a little to see its header. ``` * Main entry point for the Tor process. Called from tor_main(), and by * anybody embedding Tor. */ ``` Isn't that a cool idea, embedding Tor? I wonder if they imagined something like the tor browser bundle when they made that feature. TBB doesn't embed Tor; it runs a subprocess. ``` int tor_run_main(const tor_main_configuration_t *tor_cfg) { ``` What a happy function signature =) Like the others we've looked at, this returns an `int`, which is the exit code to be passed back to the operating system. But here they've made all the options more meaningful than the `argc` and `argv` we saw back a ways, by placing them in a tor_main_configuration_t object. ``` int result = 0; #ifdef EVENT_SET_MEM_FUNCTIONS_IMPLEMENTED event_set_mem_functions(tor_malloc_, tor_realloc_, tor_free_); #endif ``` Looks like tor uses specific memory allocators. This is usually for tracking memory leaks and other frustrating errors that can often be used to take over your system if you make a habit of causing them. The fact that these functions are here shows the developers likely had that habit. It takes a lot of diligence to avoid. ``` subsystems_init(); ``` Cool! subsystems! This sounds fun to review. ``` init_protocol_warning_severity_level(); int argc = tor_cfg->argc + tor_cfg->argc_owned; char **argv = tor_calloc(argc, sizeof(char*)); memcpy(argv, tor_cfg->argv, tor_cfg->argc*sizeof(char*)); if (tor_cfg->argc_owned) memcpy(argv + tor_cfg->argc, tor_cfg->argv_owned, tor_cfg->argc_owned*sizeof(char*)); int done = 0; result = nt_service_parse_options(argc, argv, &done); if (POSSIBLE(done)) goto done; ``` This above chunk looks like just boilerplate setup and can basically be ignored. ``` pubsub_install(); ``` Cool! setting up a publish/subscribe process! Sounds interested to review to. What do we have on the queue to review now? `subsystems_init` and `pubsub_install`. These are both for setting up basic running stuff. ``` { int init_rv = tor_init(argc, argv); if (init_rv) { tor_free_all(0); result = (init_rv < 0) ? -1 : 0; goto done; } } ``` We can add `tor_init` to that list: tor_init, subsystems_init, pubsub_install ``` pubsub_connect(); ``` Now we start getting an idea of the internals of tor. It install some pubsub thing, and now its connecting with regard to it. I'm imagining there's either another thread, or a network connection, running at this point, and that something is ready to pass information This is the order of interesting functions so far: tor_init, subsystems_init, pubsub_install, pubsub_connect . ``` if (get_options()->Sandbox && get_options()->command == CMD_RUN_TOR) { sandbox_cfg_t* cfg = sandbox_init_filter(); if (sandbox_init(cfg)) { tor_free(argv); log_err(LD_BUG,"Failed to create syscall sandbox filter"); tor_free_all(0); return -1; } tor_make_getaddrinfo_cache_active(); // registering libevent rng #ifdef HAVE_EVUTIL_SECURE_RNG_SET_URANDOM_DEVICE_FILE evutil_secure_rng_set_urandom_device_file( (char*) sandbox_intern_string("/dev/urandom")); #endif } ``` I'm going to treat this above chunk as pretty much ignorable boilerplate for now. ``` switch (get_options()->command) { ``` It looks like, although usually we think of just booting up tor and using it, it can actually be a lot of different things when it is run, depending on what the user specifies. Here, the code is listing them all, and saying what to do for each one. ``` case CMD_RUN_TOR: nt_service_set_state(SERVICE_RUNNING); result = run_tor_main_loop(); break; ``` `run_tor_main_loop` now seems way more important than any of the interesting functions we have queued. ``` case CMD_KEYGEN: result = load_ed_keys(get_options(), time(NULL)) < 0; break; case CMD_KEY_EXPIRATION: init_keys(); result = log_cert_expiration(); break; ``` Cool! cryptographic keys! I'm not a cryptographer and don't know the math or most of the algorithms at all but I can probably identify a lot of cryptographically vulnerable apps out there, that are being touted as secure. I don't know if tor is one of them nowadays. You'd expect it to be, so we can likely infer things from what cryptography it uses. ``` case CMD_LIST_FINGERPRINT: result = do_list_fingerprint(); break; case CMD_HASH_PASSWORD: do_hash_password(); result = 0; break; ``` keys and passwords and things. It might be useful for me to review how these are used. ``` case CMD_VERIFY_CONFIG: if (quiet_level == QUIET_NONE) printf("Configuration was valid\n"); result = 0; break; ``` I vaguely remember possibly using this one some. Verify that config file. ``` case CMD_DUMP_CONFIG: result = do_dump_config(); break; ``` Man, it's been so long. ``` case CMD_RUN_UNITTESTS: /* only set by test.c */ case CMD_IMMEDIATE: /* Handled in config.c */ default: log_warn(LD_BUG,"Illegal command number %d: internal error.", get_options()->command); result = -1; } ``` ``` tor_cleanup(); done: tor_free(argv); return result; } ``` This is basic cleanup. So, basically first tor runs tor_init, subsystems_init, pubsub_install, pubsub_connect, to setup. Then it runs run_tor_main_loop() and that's probably what it's doing most of the time. ``` src]$ grep -r run_tor_main_loop . ./app/main/main.c:run_tor_main_loop(void) ``` The next file we'd look in I suppose would be main.c . Really, the comments right around the very first file directed us to main.c, too; it's kind of a gamble around what bits of information you gather as you explore the code; which path you take. Maybe the next episode, possibly a look at main.c, will be a few years from now, who knows. But that doesn't mean it won't happen. On 10/13/20, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <> wrote:
On Tue, 13 Oct 2020 11:51:30 -0400 Karl <> wrote:
I propose we talk about these things in the context of the tor source code or somesuch.
why don't you learn the ABC about tor? Or are you promoting tor because you're a pentagon agent? Just like you promoted BSV which suggests you're an accomplice of the criminal and highly anti-freedom asshole craigh wright.
Karl <> wrote:
I see you referencing government funding of the various privacy technologies. Are you aware that that's a normal way to get money for community projects in the USA?
yes, and what you're calling 'normal' actually means "fully corrupt". These 'activists' are in reality government employees and so they serve their master, the government.
Some words were exchanged offlist. Maybe punk can forward them. On 10/13/20, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <> wrote:
Karl <> wrote:
I see you referencing government funding of the various privacy technologies. Are you aware that that's a normal way to get money for community projects in the USA?
yes, and what you're calling 'normal' actually means "fully corrupt".
These 'activists' are in reality government employees and so they serve their master, the government.
Anyway, these software projects all have some big issue, and it's down to use to fix that issue and call it out clearly and directly. Funding isn't inherently an issue. Not addressing security concerns properly is.
Biden and Pelosi videos suffer from cognitive and physical decline. Check the brain, hand, body movements... Alzheimer's Parkinson's. Biden is 77.9, Pelosi is 80.5. And the people keep electing geriatric walking dead zombies... Pelosi's Brain Crashes and Reboots Democrats Racism Scam And how scammy when instead of a simple honest notebook, the politicians all use teleprompters, earpieces, flashcards. Weren't "the people" just supposed to work the clerks office for literally few years then leave and let others do the boring job for a few more years. Who is any "wiser", your own self-determination, than you. Why bother with Government at all when you can run your own life exactly how you want to according to say the harmless freedom of "non aggression principle". 2020: The year of much rhetoric and popcorn... May 2020's insanity open people to seeking Libertarian sorts of things. Rep. Doug Collins Introduces Resolution To Remove Nancy Pelosi For Lack Of Mental Fitness by Tyler Durden Wed, 10/14/2020 - 12:45 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) may get a taste of her own medicine after Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA) introduced legislation to push for her removal as House speaker because she "does not have the mental fitness" to lead the House. "Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s unwillingness to abide by the Constitution, combined with her recent actions, call into question her own mental fitness, which is why it’s critical that the House of Representatives demand her removal from the line of succession," Collins told Fox News. A draft of Collins’ resolution, obtained by Fox News, argues that Pelosi “is unable to adequately serve as Speaker of the House of Representatives and should therefore be removed from her position.” The resolution states that Pelosi “has spent the majority of the House of Representative’s time pursuing baseless and fruitless investigations” against President Trump and his administration, including launching an impeachment inquiry against him in the fall of 2019. -Fox News It's clear that Nancy Pelosi does not have the mental fitness to serve as Speaker of the House of Representatives. I'm introducing a resolution to push for her removal. — Rep. Doug Collins (@RepDougCollins) October 12, 2020 "On October 31, 2019, Speaker Nancy Pelosi oversaw the first party-line vote to begin an impeachment inquiry into a president in the history of our country," the resolution continues. Collins also cites Pelosi ripping up President Trump's State of the Union speech in February "before the American people," and that she "visited a shuttered hair salon in San Francisco where she received a blow-out without wearing a mask in violation of San Francisco’s laws concerning the coronavirus," then "cast blame on the salon’s owner for ‘setting her up.’" "Over her tenure of her speakership, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has started to demonstrate a decline in mental fitness, calling into question her ability to adequately serve the House of Representatives and the American people," it continues. Collins also references a Tuesday interview in which Pelosi lashed out at CNN's Wolf Blitzer after being pushed on why she won't accept the Trump administration's $1.8 trillion coronavirus relief package. "There are Americans who are being evicted from their homes, they can't pay the rent. Many Americans are waiting in food lines for the first time in their lives," said Blitzer, who noted several Democratic colleagues who had urged the Speaker to compromise - to which Pelosi snapped: "I don’t know why you’re always an apologist and many of your colleagues are apologists for the Republican position." Speaker Pelosi to CNN's Wolf Blitzer when he calls her out for refusing to make a deal on COVID-19 relief: "I don’t know why you’re always an apologist and many of your colleagues are apologists for the Republican position." — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) October 13, 2020 And three weeks ago Pelosi 'glitched' in the middle of an interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos - blurting out 'good morning, Sunday morning' after hesitating to answer a question. Collins' resolution comes on the heels of Pelosi's announcement last week that she is assembling a commission which would allow Congress to oust a president from office using the 25th Amendment, just one day after accusing President Trump of being in an "altered state" while recovering from coronavirus. Pelosi denied that it had anything to do with the election, and argued that the committee would "give some comfort to people" regarding the stability of government. Under the 25th Amendment, Congress, the cabinet and vice president can strip powers from a president if for some reason he or she is declared unfit under dire circumstances. But that requires a 2/3 vote of both houses. Section 4 of the 25th Amendment also states that a majority of “such other body as Congress may by law" determine if the president cannot discharge the powers and duties of his office. The 25th Amendment was ratified in 1967, and Rep. Jamie Raksin, D-Md., who appeared with Pelosi last week, said it's time for Congress to set up this “body.” -Fox News Is octogenarian Nancy Pelosi fit to lead the House? "
Biden and Pelosi videos suffer from cognitive and physical decline. Check the brain, hand, body movements... Alzheimer's Parkinson's. And the people keep electing geriatric walking dead zombies...
US being intentionally wrecked by Leftists, weak "leaders" with dysfunctional brains being played by domestic and foreign influence and monied interests, appointing hundreds of incompetent wokesters to high positions. Fake News Media totally complicit and guilty of same propaganda and censorship and coverup for almost six years now. The Internet warned about Biden and LeftistDems as soon as Biden ran for president. And has been warning about Central Banks and Governments and power politicians for decades. US finally managed to not only "elect" a series of corrupt political lifers dynasties liars and frauds at power, but now emplaced an entire cadre of worthless sjw's headed by a "president" whose brain is complete mush. Manipulated Elections, Colossal Govt, Shams Against Humanity, Have Severe Consequences For Humanity. Biden's Brain Is Gone ! Pelosi's Brain Is Gone ! CNN on Biden's Ineligibility And at least the next two in line of succession are are equally compromised gasbags and lunatics... Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi... neither will nominate wisdom, sanity, or balance. The fact the below document even exists, let alone having been issued for plainly apparrent cause, speaks volumes on its own as to the larger state of decrepit affairs. Also US now $30Trillion in debt, $1T debt added every year, with even more Trillion$ in unfunded social liabilities and pork. Odds of US recovering any sense of national sanity by 2022/2024 unclear. Blowback and Downfall may be Epic. Geopolitics at play. Prepare now. World: Biden needs retirement home, not presidency Check the head, we in trouble, that's right Oh no Joe Democrats Flooding Blacks w Crackpipes, to enable agenda, again A more positive, less ragy, bumbling american klutz " Justin Trudeau wears blackface. Breaking: Spreading misinformation, is now domestic terrorism according to the fake Biden Administration. Flamer whose daily thoughts revolve around gay pups appointed to US nuclear admin. Military generals speak out against wokeism programs hampering effectiveness. The kits sometimes include glass pipe stems and mouthpieces, syringe services. Democrats still refuse to make all drugs market legal, thereby ending crime, jail, etc. US adversaries are preparing to capitalize on Biden's 'cognitive decline' " "Something Isn't Right" - 38 Lawmakers Demand Biden Undergo Cognitive Testing As Soon As Possible In a letter, signed by 37 of his Republican colleagues in Congress, Texas Rep. Dr. Ronny Jackson warns that President Biden's "mental decline and forgetfulness have become more apparent over the past two years," and urges the 79-year-old to take a cognitive aptitude test (just as former President Trump did). “My colleagues and I are again asking President Biden to immediately undergo a formal cognitive screening exam, such as the Montreal Cognitive Assessment,” Jackson said. “As a former physician to three Presidents of the United States, I know what it takes mentally and physically to execute the duties of Commander-in-Chief and Head of State,” said Jackson, who served as a White House doctor to former Presidents George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump. Jackson may have a point given this recent appearance... "I don't want to get going because I'd keep you here too long because you know all what I'm about to, what I've said, and you know what I've done, and you know what we're doing, and I know what you're doing." - Joe Biden — Greg Price (@greg_price11) February 4, 2022 “Joe Biden has continually proven to me and to the world that something isn’t right. The American people deserve to have absolute confidence in their president’s cognitive ability,” he said. He is not alone in his concerns as a recent Politico poll found that 48% of Americans think the president is not "mentally fit" to do the job. It's not just 'white supremacists' that are worried about the president's cognitive abilities, even Australia's mainstream media is picking up on it... Dr. Jackson appeared on Fox News' 'Hannity' to explain his concerns Biden IS NOT cognitively fit to be President. He's destroying our country at every level. BAD things will happen if he stays in power for another 3 years. Something needs to be done FAST. There's too much on the line. — Ronny Jackson (@RonnyJacksonTX) February 10, 2022 February 8, 2022 President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, D.C. 20500 Dear President Biden, We again write to you to express concern with your current cognitive state. We believe that, regardless of gender, age, or political party, all Presidents should follow the example set by former President Trump to document and demonstrate sound mental abilities. While you underwent your annual physical exam on November 19, 2021, you either did not have a cognitive test or those results were withheld from the public. White House Physician Kevin O’Connor, D.O., attested to you being “fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency” in a purely physical manner; however, we are worried about your cognitive and mental abilities. 1 As you may remember, several Members of Congress sent you a letter on this issue in June of last year, to which you have not replied. Since then, the American people have continuously lost faith in your ability to effectively and competently handle your duties as President of the United States. This is reflected by recent polling 2 which shows that: • 48% of voters disagree with the statement that you are mentally fit, with only 46% agreeing and representing a 19-point change from October 2020. • Independents, by a margin of 23 points, do not believe you are mentally fit. • 50% of voters disagree with the statement that you are “in good health , ” which represents a 29- point shift since October 2020. The Alzheimer’s Association lists “changes in mood and personality,” including being more “easily upset” as one of ten signs of mental decline. You displayed this type of mood change d uring a cabinet meeting on January 24, 2022, when you apparently did not know your microphone was on after finishing your opening remarks, and you called a White House reporter a “stupid son of a b****” in response to a question asked on inflation. Further, in a December 16, 2021, press conference with the White House COVID-19 response team, you appeared to be unable to read the numbers in front of you. When attempting to announce the total number of the population who had received a booster shot, you said, “57… excuse me… 570… I don’t want to read it , I’m not sure I got the right number…” before being corrected by Dr. An thony Fauci with the right statistic of 57 million. 3 This is not just a recent trend, as your mental decline and forgetfulness have become more apparent over the past two years. On the campaign trail, you often forgot the names of states that you were in for campaign rallies. The Alzheimer’s Association points out “confusion with time or place” as another of the ten signs and symptoms of mental decline. 4 In February 2021, you publicly forgot the purpose of your 1 2 3 4 visit to survey the winter storm damage in Texas. 5 In March 2021, you forgot the name of the Pentagon, the Department of Defense, and the Defense Secretary. 6 Lastly, in May 2021, you told a story from your tenure as Vice President in which you stated that you regularly visited your sick mother via Amtrak in 2013, even though she passed away in 2010. The American people should have absolute confidence in their President. They deserve to know that he or she can perform the duties of Head of State and Commander-in-Chief. They deserve full transparency on the mental capabilities of their highest elected leader. To achieve this, we urge you to submit to a cognitive test immediately. We implore you to then publish the test results, so the American people know the full mental and intellectual health of their President, and to follow the example set before you. This is not an unprecedented request. Starting in 2018, political opponents and members of the media clamored for your predecessor, then-President Trump, to take a cognitive test. In response, the White House Physician conducted a Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA) for President Trump, at which he excelled. According to Dr. Ziad Nasreddine, the neurologist who created the test, MOCA is a simple screening tool to identify early signs of mental impairment. 7 Dr. Nasreddine said the test is best administered when a person or their loved ones “start noticing mental decline . ” This particularly includes forgetfulness on ordinary tasks, which you have clearly exhibited throughout your tenure. We believe that a MOCA should be a routine part of any physical examination for every President going forward. This is also not a partisan issue. As Democrat Representative Jamie Raskin previously pointed out, with many politicians and the population at- large growing older, “it's not hard to think that there will be futur e situations where the P resident's physical and mental state may create issues for us.” 8 At the time of this quote, Representative Raskin introduced legislation to establish an independent commission that would examine a President’s fitness for office and determine “whether the President is mentally or physically unable to discharge the powers and duties of the office.” We agree with these statements. As such, we encourage you to follow the example set by President Trump, by undergoing a cognitive test as soon as possible and immediately making the results available for the American people. Thank you, _____________________ Ronny L. Jackson, M.D. Member of Congress CC: Kevin O’Connor, D.O., Physician to the President Anthony Fauci, M.D., Chief Medical Advisor to the President 5 6 7 8 _____________ _____________ Elise Stefanik Jim Banks Member of Congress Member of Congress _____________ _____________ Mike Johnson Jason Smith Member of Congress Member of Congress _____________ _____________ Joe Wilson Andy Biggs Member of Congress Member of Congress _____________ _____________ Brian Babin, D.D.S. Earl L. “Buddy” Carter Member of Congress Member of Congress _____________ _____________ Andy Harris, M.D. Diana Harshbarger, Pharm.D. Member of Congress Member of Congress _____________ _____________ Gregory F. Murphy, M.D. Jeff Van Drew, D.M.D. Member of Congress Member of Congress _____________ _____________ Randy Weber Vicky Hartzler Member of Congress Member of Congress _____________ _____________ Bob Gibbs Doug Lamborn Member of Congress Member of Congress
Unbiased observers including doctors said Biden exhibited many signs of not being fit even before he announced his presidential bid, and it's just gotten worse ever since... Also note the biggest hypocrite kleptocrats themselves, Civil Asset Forefeiture, Taxation is Theft, Inflation is Theft, Govenment politicians are criminal kleptocrats, worldwide. Biden Claims 'Enormous' Economic Growth Hours After Negative GDP Number Released Today @HawleyMO sent a letter to the Biden Administration demanding the board be dissolved immediately. @ShelbyTalcott The White House has re-arranged the South Court Auditorium stage, blocking off a large portion of it (and subsequently making it impossible for reporters to even see Biden, who is currently speaking): Sen. Josh Hawley Grills Biden Judicial Nominee Over Her Work for Southern Poverty Law Center "I can’t believe that you would sit here today and refuse to condemn this hateful, frankly, violent rhetoric,” Hawley says to Biden's nominee. Biden Youth Approval Hits Record Low Joe Biden’s approval rating has dropped by 20 per cent in a single year, with his approval amongst 18-29-year-olds sinking to a new record low. Polling from the Harvard Institute of Politics reveals that only 41 per cent of young Americans in that age bracket approve of Biden’s job performance. Data released by Harvard CAPS and Harris also found that 63 per cent of voters “did not want Biden to run for a second term.” Tracking by Morning Consult Political Intelligence also shows that Biden has a net disapproval rating in 40 out 50 states, including every single one of the key battleground states in the 2024 mid-terms. A CNBC poll released earlier this month also revealed Biden’s approval rating had hit a new rock bottom of 38 per cent as Americans aren’t convinced by the president attempting to blame runaway inflation and soaring living costs on Vladimir Putin. Remember, this is the president who supposedly received a record amount of votes in 2020. Biden’s collapsing poll numbers seem to be in correlation with his increasingly sad and bizarre public gaffes and dementia-ridden behavior. Earlier this month, after another error-strewn, rambling speech in North Carolina, Biden appeared to perform a random ‘air handshake’ while once again appearing confused as to where he was going. His faculties also deserted him when a White House Easter bunny had to rescue the 79-year old as Biden wandered off confused. The notion that Biden has 7 more years in him as a coherent public figure, should he win re-election, is laughable.
Illegal Joe Biden Dem Admin and their attempts to import voters and socialism dependents gets smacked down by the courts yet again... A federal judge is blocking the Biden administration’s attempt to terminate Title 42 because states that sued the administration are poised to succeed in their claims that the move violated federal law, according to a transcript of a closed-door status conference obtained by The Epoch Times. U.S. District Judge Robert Summerhays, a Trump appointee, announced on April 25 his intent to enter a temporary restraining order that forces the administration to keep enforcing Title 42, an emergency order that enables quick expulsion of illegal immigrants due to concerns that they may have COVID-19. In a hearing that day, Summerhays said the plaintiff states, which include Missouri and Louisiana, have demonstrated that the federal government likely violated the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) with its April 1 announcement that the emergency order would be terminated in May, according to the transcript. “I also find that the record supports a showing of immediate and irreparable harm. The states contend that the termination of the Title 42 suspension orders will result in increased costs and burdens, including increased healthcare costs. The Court concludes that the record supports these allegations and that the fact of those increased costs is sufficient to support injunctive relief,” Summerhays said. “The Court also finds, as far as the balance of harms, that a temporary restraining order restoring the status quo to immediately prior to the April 1st order will result in little injury to the defendants, and that any such injury is outweighed by the injury caused by a result of the implementation of the April 1st order without the states having an opportunity to fully vet their APA claims, and that a temporary restraining order will not disserve the public interest.” The states had argued in filings that the Biden administration wouldn’t suffer from a block against scaling back the order, since the administration itself delayed the termination until May 23. The government said in a counter-filing that it was boosting expulsion under Title 8, a federal law, in preparation for Title 42 officially ending, but urged the court not to grant the request for a restraining order. “The purpose of delaying implementation of the Termination Order is to allow time for DHS to operationalize before May 23,” government lawyers said in a brief. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) “cannot simply flip a switch on May 23.” While Summerhays said he’d enter the restraining order, he hasn’t yet done so. That’s because he took issue with some of the language proposed by the states, and out of a desire to ensure the order doesn’t interfere with the “legitimate use of law enforcement discretion” afforded to immigration enforcement officials. He offered that he wanted the order to, “in the least disruptive way” address the states’ concerns. Summerhays directed the parties to confer and try to reach an agreement on certain issues and, if they couldn’t, he said they would hold another status conference to hammer out the differences. It remains unclear when the actual order will be issued. While the Department of Justice declined to comment on the judge’s decision, a senior administration official reportedly told news outlets in a call that the administration would obey the order once it was issued. “The Department of Justice will need to review any rulings before commenting—there’ll be something more formal, is our expectation—and they would discuss any next legal steps or interpretation of the ruling, so we’ll leave that to them,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters in Washington.
Musk brilliantly purchased not just Twitter, but also evidence of Criminal Conspiracy to Election Fraud. But there are good people inside making backups right now for the purpose of leaking, whistleblowing, and congressional hearings re the matter. Speaking of conspiracies...
Biden’s collapsing poll numbers seem to be in correlation with his increasingly sad and bizarre public gaffes and dementia-ridden behavior. Dementia Joe Fogged
As with abortion, Biden and Democrats continue agressing the US Constitution, making claims at law that don't exist, etc... and they get smacked down, again and again and again... In Landmark Ruling, Supreme Court Deals Massive Blow To Biden's Climate Change Agenda At the same time as it give the Biden admin a token victory by overturning Trump's "remain in Mexico" rule, the US Supreme Court also struck a major blow to Biden's fight against climate change, when in a landmark ruling, the SCOTUS also curbed the ability of America’s top environmental regulator to limit greenhouse gas emissions, siding with coal miners and Republican-led states. In a majority opinion authored by chief justice John Roberts, the justices ruled that in the latest example of Democratic overreach, the Environmental Protection Agency was not specifically authorized by Congress to reduce carbon emissions when it was set up in 1970. The ruling leaves the Biden administration dependent on passing legislation if it wants to implement sweeping regulations to curb emissions. The opinion from the court's conservative majority said that “a decision of such magnitude and consequence rests with Congress itself, or an agency acting pursuant to a clear delegation from that representative body”. The justices added they doubted Congress intended to delegate the question of “how much coal-based generation there should be over the coming decades, to any administrative agency”. The dissenting opinion authored by justice Elena Kagan and joined by the court’s other two liberal justices said the EPA had the authority to regulate “stationary sources” of polluting substances that are harmful to the public, adding that curbing the output of greenhouse gas emissions was “a necessary part of any effective approach for addressing climate change”. In other words, the usual green tripe that has sent the country to the edge of a hyperinflationary commodity disaster. “This Court has obstructed EPA’s effort from the beginning,” Kagan wrote. “The limits the majority now puts on EPA’s authority fly in the face of the statute Congress wrote.” As the FT reports, at the heart of the case is a disagreement over how broadly the EPA should be allowed to interpret portions of the 1970 Clean Air Act, particularly the sections that direct the EPA to develop emissions limitations for power plants. Dubbed West Virginia vs EPA, the case was brought by a host of Republican attorneys-general and the coal industry. Their argument centres on a regulation that never took effect: an Obama-era proposal known as the Clean Power Plan, which would have mandated that power plants make 32 per cent reductions in emissions below 2005 levels by 2030. The Supreme Court ordered that rule to be suspended in 2016. That rule was later torn up by the Trump administration in favor of its Affordable Clean Energy rule, designed to support the coal industry. The Trump administration’s regulation, however, was struck down by the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit last year. Challenging the lower court’s reversal of Trump’s rule at the Supreme Court, West Virginia has argued that the Obama-era Clean Power Plan relied on an overly broad interpretation of the Clean Air Act and gave the EPA excessive and “industry transforming” power. West Virginia argued that the lower court’s interpretation of the law granted the EPA “unbridled power” to issue significant rules that would reshape the US electricity grid and decarbonise sectors of the economy. It said the EPA should only have very limited authority to regulate emissions inside “the fence line” of power plants, and cannot apply broader industry-wide measures like carbon credit trading or biomass co-firing. Defending the case, Biden’s EPA has said that nothing in the Clean Air Act makes a distinction between inside the fence line measures and broader, industry-wide regulatory measures. It added that West Virginia’s “real concern” was that the agency might introduce some elements of Obama’s Clean Power Plan into a future rule. But the EPA said that the Supreme Court is not authorised to issue an advisory opinion on the types of measures a future rule could contain. Dick Durbin, the Democratic whip in the Senate, predictably said the decision was “a dangerous step backwards and threatens our air and our planet”, adding it “sets a troubling precedent both for what it means to protect public health and the authority regulatory agencies have to protect public health”. What he means is that the US may once again be on the path to becoming self-sufficient in energy, and not peddling money to corrupt "green" lobbies and interests. The ruling by the court’s conservative majority is the latest in a string of dramatic decisions that have challenged established legal precedents, including the recent reversal of Roe vs Wade. Last week, it also struck down a century-old New York state law requiring an individual to show “proper cause” to carry a concealed gun in public, deeming the statute unconstitutional. The court on Monday also ruled in favour of a former high school coach dismissed for praying at football games, fuelling the fraught debate on the separation of church and state.
Woke Failure... from Destroyed Sports to Bodies and Minds, Children Being Damaged For Life by the Dumpster of Woke... "Children Cannot Consent": Teen Who Had Double Mastectomy Regrets 'Gender Journey' A 17-year-old girl who regrets having both of her breasts removed as a result of so-called “gender-affirming care” testified before a California Assembly committee hearing June 28, urging state lawmakers to reject proposed legislation that would make California a transgender sanctuary state. “I was medically transitioned from ages 13 and 16,” Chloe Cole from the Central Valley told the public safety committee, saying she suffered irreversible consequences from surgeries and hormone treatment. Chloe Cole speaks at an Assembly committee hearing for Senate Bill 107 in Sacramento on June 28, 2022. (Screenshot) The committee passed the controversial Senate Bill (SB) 107, which proponents say would “provide refuge” for trans youth, their parents, and those who advocate for and provide “gender-affirming health care ” for minors. The bill would prohibit law enforcement agencies from arresting or extraditing parents charged in other states or nations for child abuse or other crimes related to allowing minor children to receive these medical treatments. A California Assembly committee passes Senate Bill 107 in Sacramento on June 28, 2022. (Screenshot) Cole said when she was younger, her parents took her to a therapist who “affirmed my male identity” and “brushed off” concerns about the efficacy of hormones, puberty blockers, and surgeries. “My parents were given the threat of suicide as a reason to move me forward in my transition,” she said. Cole said at age 15, she told her therapist she wanted to remove her breasts. She attended a top surgery class with a dozen other girls her age or younger. “None of us were going to be men, we were fleeing from the uncomfortable feeling of becoming women,” Cole said. She went through with the surgery and her endocrinologist put her on puberty blockers and injectable testosterone after two or three appointments, she said. “Despite having a therapist and attending the top surgery class, I really didn’t understand all the ramifications of any of the medical decisions I was making. I was incapable of understanding, and it was downplayed consistently,” she said. “My parents, on the other hand, were pressured to continue my so-called ‘gender journey’ with the suicide threat. “I will never be able to breastfeed a child. I have blood clots in my urine. I am unable to fully empty my bladder. I do not yet know if I am capable of carrying a child to full term. In fact, even the doctors who put me on puberty blockers and testosterone do not know.” She urged the committee to reject the trans sanctuary state bill and put safeguards in place so that “painful” experiences like hers are not repeated. “Children cannot consent,” she said. Erin Friday, an attorney, argued against the bill, claiming it unconstitutional for California to disrespect the laws of other states. She argued SB 107 would not just provide sanctuary for parents fleeing the law in other states, but would make California a refuge for all children who want to access transgender medicine and surgery. “No questions asked. No real mental health assessment, no minimal diagnosis and no parental consent. So long as the minor child can get to California, she can order up any type of irreversible treatment,” she said. Erin Friday speaks at an Assembly committee meeting in Sacramento on June 28, 2022. (Screenshot) Friday, a parent of a teen who once suffered from what’s called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, but no longer identifies as trans, has previously testified that SB 107 would be a big mistake that would only worsen the “largest medical scandal in history,” and spread transgender ideology, which she described as a “social contagion.” State Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), who authored the bill, said it’s intended to protect families and trans youth and medical professionals from being prosecuted for child abuse in other states. Texas, for example, is cracking down on the use of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones on minors, and—in some cases—gender surgery on minors. “These parents, who are doing just trying to do right by their kids and accepting their kids for who they are and supporting them are being told ‘you’re a criminal for doing that,’” Wiener said. “It’s disgusting; it’s despicable, and California should have no part of that.” State Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) speaks at an Assembly committee hearing for Senate Bill 107 in Sacramento on June 28, 2022. (Screenshot) Martin Campos of Trans Family Support Services said the group is currently working with out-of-state residents faced with the decision of whether or not “to uproot their family and livelihood to seek out refuge in an affirming state such as California” to flee “anti-trans legislation” at home. “Parents should not be concerned about facing legal ramifications while seeking medically necessary gender-affirming services for their youth. Nor should youth have to endure the trauma that is created by having their parents face those ramifications,” Campos said. “… All this bill is seeking to do is allow transgender youth to thrive.” Ebony Harper, the executive director of California Transcends, shared a personal story with the committee. “I identify as the black trans woman,” Harper said. “… I was a trans youth at 13. I grew up in South Central California and at 13 I was kicked out of my house, which was the story for most transgender people from my era, if you were between the particular intersections of being black and transgender. And I spent many years on the streets, in jails institutions because it was the Dark Ages. Trans folks were considered mentally confused people that could not participate in society.” In the ’90s, a lot of trans people died because they didn’t get the health cares they needed, but today the transgender community in California is thriving and prospering, Harper said. “The 13-year-old me thought I was going to end up dead before I hit 21. And here I am advocating in my 40s and still going strong and having the fortitude of support with senators like Scott Wiener, the Lieutenant Governor and other folks in government,” Harper said. “I think trans transcends politics,” Harper said. “…And so you have seen that our community recently has been politicized, which is causing a lot of trauma and pain in our community.”
Democrats... besides being corrupt, victimizers, panderers, frauds, liars, authoritarians, through to this very day... Do you know that the Republican party was founded for the purpose of ending slavery? Did you know that the KKK was the extreme wing of the Democrat party? Did you know the following and ignore it or do you not know as much as you think? Democrats: The democrats fought to expand slavery. Democrats passed those Black Codes and Jim Crow Laws? Democrats supported and passed the Kansas Nebraska Act? Democrats supported the Dred Scott Decision? Democrats fought against anti-lynching laws? Democrat Senator Robert Byrd? Known for having been a "Kleagle" in the KKK Democrats passed the Repeal Act of 1894 Democrat president Woodrow Wilson reintroduced segregation throughout the federal government? Democrat Franklin Roosevelt choice for vice president in 1944 was Harry Truman who joined the KKK in 1922. Democrat senators Sam Ervin, Albert Gore Sr. and Robert Byrd were the chief opponents of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Democrat Senator John F. Kennedy voted against the 1957 Civil Rights Act. Democrat President John F. Kennedy opposed the 1963 March on Washington by Dr. King. Democrat President John F. Kennedy, had Dr. King wiretapped and investigated by the FBI. Democrat President Bill Clinton interned for J. William Fulbright in 1966-67. Democrat Senator J. William Fulbright signed the Southern Manifesto opposing the Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education decision. Democrat Senator J. William Fulbright joined with the Dixiecrats in filibustering the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1964. Democrat Senator J. William Fulbright voted against the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Here’s a bonus list of things Democrats opposed: The Emancipation Proclamation The 13th Amendment The 14th Amendment The 15th Amendment The Reconstruction Act of 1867 The Civil Rights of 1866 The Enforcement Act of 1870 The Forced Act of 1871 The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 The Civil Rights Act of 1875 The Freeman Bureau The Civil Rights Act of 1957 The Civil Rights Act of 1960 The United State Civil Rights Commission
The President, Admin, Party, and their Actors, that David Barrett CEO of Expensify.Com voted for, ordered his employees to vote for, and financially supported, is full of shit. Yet after mountains of unassailable proof, he still refuses to recant and denounce. So sad really. More proofs to follow... US President still refusing all press conferences and interviews since hundred+++ of days now, they are so afraid the embarrassing answers and sunlight will ruin them even more than their own PressSec's and policies already do. Press Corps Blasts "Continued Efforts To Limit Access To The President" By The White House The White House Press Corps has blasted “ahistoric” efforts to limit reporters’ access to Joe Biden during briefings, charging that their presence is being unprecedentedly and severely restricted without explanation. In a joint letter to Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, the Corps pointed out that this isn’t the first time complaints have been made about the practice and demanded that access, which was formerly unrestricted under other administrations, be restored. The White House press corps has finally discovered this may not be the most transparent administration ever — Kevin Dalton (@KevinForBOS) July 1, 2022 The letter states “We once again respectfully request the Biden administration – without exception-re-open all of the traditional venues for presidential remarks at the White House, including the East Room and the South Court Auditorium, for any reporter admitted to the White House campus.” The letter further asserts that “The current method of allowing a limited number of reporters into these events is not only restrictive and antithetical to the concept of a free press, but it has been done without any transparent process into how reporters are selected to cover these events.” “The continued inability of the White House to be candid and transparent about the selection process for reporters attending his remarks undermines President Biden’s credibility when he says he is a defender of the First Amendment,” the letter continues. It adds that “The incongruity of these restrictions underscores the belief by many reporters that the administration seeks to limit access to the president by anyone outside of the pool, or anyone who might ask a question the administration doesn’t want asked.” The reporters further note that restrictions brought in under COVID have yet to be rescinded while other pandemic related measures have been dropped. The Corps also outline that President Trump while openly expressing contempt for the media on a daily basis allowed freer access than the Biden camp, which is now demanding access request forms be filled in by reporters. “The administration’s continued efforts to limit access to the president cannot be defended. Any notion that space is ‘limited’ is not supported by the fact that every other president before Biden (including Trump) allowed full access to the very same spaces without making us fill out a request form prior to admittance,” the letter notes. “Let us be candid. Our job is not to be liked, nor is it to be concerned about whether or not you like what we ask. Reporters’ ability to question the most powerful man in our government shouldn’t be discretionary,” they further write. As we previously reported, White House correspondents are becoming increasingly frustrated by a practice that seemingly limits access of reporters that Biden’s handlers don’t like. New York Post reporter Steven Nelson implied last month that the White House is actively ‘blacklisting’ correspondents and outlets from events. Nelson told Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre “For more than a year now the White House press office has been having … press events in the state room, state dining room, the executive office building,” adding that “There’s a process where people are selected and able to go into these presidential events where the president often takes questions.” “I represent the fourth largest newspaper in the country and I haven’t been selected since November,” Nelson urged, noting that no one has explained how this so called section process for access to Biden actually works.
America fought Socialism Communism Dictats and all sorts of Authoritarians, now those have risen internally in form of Democrats Progs Left Libs etc, and their form of growing mandated colossal Government in general. Unless the US radically downsizes its Govt breadth and depth, and ends its authoritarian force, renews within its whole people the notion of Independence and outright Freedom from such Govt, taxation, regulation, politic and politicians, it's doomed to join the set of all failed countries in history. 100-year-old WWII vet breaks down, says this isn’t the ‘country we fought for’ The silver star holder says serving his country in WWII was the most important thing he ever did. The silver star holder says serving his country in WWII was the most important thing he ever did. Combat veteran and his wife help others fight PTSD Jack Carr reveals the military inspiration behind his work Steelers' Alejandro Villanueva reveals why he honors Army Sgt. 1st Class Alwyn Cashe Much of what American soldiers fought for in World War II has “gone down the drain,” according to U.S. Marine Carl Spurlin Dekel, who celebrated his 100th birthday last week. Dekel says serving his country in WWII was the most important thing he ever did, according to Fox 13. The veteran and Silver Star holder says he wouldn’t hesitate to put his life on the line again, but regrets that the U.S. has slipped away from what he remembers. “People don’t realize what they have,” Dekel told the outlet. “The things we did and the things we fought for and the boys that died for it, it’s all gone down the drain.” “We haven’t got the country we had when I was raised, not at all,” he says. “Nobody will have the fun I had. Nobody will have the opportunity I had. It’s just not the same and that’s not what our boys, that’s not what they died for.” Dekel’s statements came the same day the U.S. lost the last surviving Medal of Honor recipient from WWII. Hershel “Woody” Williams died Wednesday at 98 years old, surrounded by his family at a hospital named after him in his home state of West Virginia. The silver star holderThe silver star holder says serving his country in WWII was the most important thing he ever did. FOX 13 Williams, also a U.S. Marine, received his medal for heroism from former President Harry Truman during the battle of Iwo Jima in 1945. America’s 63 living Medal of Honor recipients honored Williams in a statement to Fox News Digital. “Friends and family of Woody Williams knew him as a West Virginia farmer’s son and the youngest of 11 children who dutifully supported his family after his father died,” they wrote in a statement through the Congressional Medal of Honor Society. “Fellow Marines knew him as the corporal who volunteered for a mission on Iwo Jima to clear a lane through enemy pillboxes that were destroying American tanks.” “Veterans in West Virginia knew him as their advocate through his work as a Veterans Service Representative. Gold Star families knew Woody through his work raising money for scholarships and other programs through the Woody Williams Foundation,” they continued. “We, his fellow Medal of Honor Recipients, knew him as our friend and one of our heroes. We will miss him greatly.” Williams echoed Dekel’s sentiment of loss during an interview on Memorial Day, remarking to local media that he hoped to see a resurgence of patriotism in the U.S. “I’ve been at this probably 25 to 30 times, but I believe today we had more honor wreaths than we’ve ever had before, and that’s encouraging,” Williams told WSAZ during a veterans’ event. “It gives me encouragement that we’re coming back and that we will again be that United States of America that had so much patriotism and love of country.”
Democrats love their Govt Indoctrination Camps otherwise known as public schools... their strategy, get children roped into their mind control programming as young as possible... De Blasio defends universal pre-K after Adams called it ‘pet project’ By Sam Raskin July 3, 2022 4:36pm Updated Former NYC mayor Bill de Blasio speaks about Pre-K for all in 2018. Former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said his universal pre-Kindergarten program was one of several "profound" accomplishments from his time in City Hall. Paul Martinka More On: bill de blasio Mayor Eric Adams is even more anti-‘gentrification’ than Bill de Blasio ‘Toxic’ avenger: Doc says Cuomo, de Blasio feud made COVID hard on NY Now you know how bad it is Mr. Mayor — time to fix it Judge throws out NYC law allowing non-citizens to vote in local elections Former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio pushed back after Eric Adams labeled universal pre-Kindergarten a “pet project” — declaring that the program is one of several “profound” accomplishments from his time in City Hall. The congressional contender was asked on WABI’s “City Watch” about Adams’ comments to The Post ripping ex-mayors for focusing on a single “pet project,” ticking off a list that included “pre-K” in an obvious dig at his immediate predecessor. De Blasio, who often touts the initiative as a centerpiece of his tenure, claimed he wasn’t familiar with the mayor’s remarks before rattling off several accomplishments in his “very progressive agenda.” “Well, I didn’t hear anything specific, but I’ll tell you, it’s pre-K and 3k. And in September, 3k is going to be universal and free for every student in New York City in perpetuity,” he told host David Brand, a reporter at City Limits, in an interview aired Sunday. “Look, I presented a very progressive agenda in 2013,” the former mayor continued. “I said we’re gonna do transformative things to help working people and to fight income inequality. “We added two additional grades to public education for free. I don’t know what’s more profound than that, so I’ll talk about it all day long.” NYC Mayor Eric Adams visits Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.Mayor Eric Adams said de Blasio focused on universal Pre-K as a “pet project.”Robert Miller De Blasio listed offering municipal ID cards for all New Yorkers regardless of immigration status; appointing members to the Rent Guidelines Board who enacted tenant-friendly increases; AOC-branded eco-friendly measures; and his street safety program aimed at reducing road deaths as his other achievements during his eight years in office. “There’s lots of other things, though. I’m proud of the Green New Deal work we did. I’m proud of ID NYC, I’m proud of Vision Zero. I’m proud of a lot of things,” he said. In a recent exclusive interview with The Post conducted as the mayor rode the subway overnight, Adams said his priority is to “fix this mess,” rather than seeing through handful or policy proposals to establish a “legacy,” a strategy he lamented previous occupants of Gracie Mansion employed. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Rep. Nydia Velazquez (D-NY) visit and read books to a Pre-K class inside P.S. 123 Suydam located at 100 Irving Avenue on April 6, 2016 in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. De Blasio said the universal kindergarten program was part of a “very progressive agenda” he presented in 2013.Anthony DelMundo-Pool/Getty Images The clear shot at the mayor-turned House hopeful came after de Blasio — who has often touted his close relationship with, and support for, his successor — slightly changed his tune after announcing his bid for the open seat in May. In mid-June, de Blasio joined protesters at a Brooklyn school who opposed City Hall’s decision to shrink public school budgets by $215 million. Keep up with today's most important news Stay up on the very latest with Evening Update. De Blasio told HuffPost in a Q&A published June 23 that he “would like to see” Adams focus on “progressive ideas that were his roots.” “Right now, we have very little to go on, but I think he’s got to speak more to that,” he told reporter Daniel Marans. “I want to hear him express that progressive vision, that pro-worker vision.” Adams isn’t the only Democratic executive de Blasio has gently critiqued of late. During the radio appearance, de Blasio pointed to what he feels is missing from President Biden’s proposals, as he pledged to help form a sweeping “urban agenda” if elected to represent parts of Brooklyn and Lower Manhattan in Congress. “But you know what’s interesting is [in] New York City, at least we had an agenda for fundamental change,” he said, pivoting away from the Adams-related question. “The country doesn’t. There’s no agenda in Washington particularly related to cities. There is literally not an urban agenda.” “Our national government, even the Biden administration, doesn’t have an urban agenda, de Blasio said in the interview, which was conducted Wednesday. “One of the things I want to fight for is a thoroughgoing agenda that is about affordable housing, access to health care, profound changes we have to make in the way we get around, and how we protect climate, all of which are needed if our cities are going to be sustainable” the former mayor went on. “I want to be that voice in Washington.” Filed under bill de blasio education eric adams mayor bill de blasio mayors pre-kindergarten
Biden’s collapsing poll numbers seem to be in correlation with his increasingly sad and bizarre public gaffes and dementia-ridden behavior. Dementia Joe
Any honest observer knows it's not only Biden who has been afflicted with brain disease for years, it's also Feinstein, Pelosi, Warren, and many more... Not Just Biden: Lawmakers Say Dianne Feinstein Is Cognitively Impaired 'It's bad, and it's getting worse' Four Democratic members of Congress, three of whom are senators, say Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D., Calif.), who is 88 years old, is too cognitively impaired to serve out her term, the San Francisco Chronicle reported Thursday. One who has known the senator for 15 years had to reintroduce themself to Feinstein multiple times during a recent policy meeting. Her memory fails, and she has difficulty distinguishing longtime colleagues, the lawmakers said. During last month's Supreme Court confirmation hearings, she often repeated herself. "It's bad, and it's getting worse," a Democratic senator revealed. One Democratic aide even shared a joke: Californians have "a great junior senator in Alex Padilla and an experienced staff in Feinstein's office." Reports of Feinstein's deteriorating cognitive ability have circulated for the past few years. Then-Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) had to tell Feinstein twice to step down as ranking member of the Judiciary Committee because she forgot about their first conversation. "It was like Groundhog Day," a source told the New Yorker in 2020, "but with the pain fresh each time." In September, former California Democratic senator Barbara Boxer became the first party figure to suggest Feinstein should retire. "If Sen. Feinstein were to call me today and asked my advice … I would say only you can decide this," Boxer told the Los Angeles Times. "But from my perspective, I want you to know I've had very productive years away from the Senate doing good things. So put that into the equation." Feinstein has rebuffed her critics, saying she may forget things but her cognitive abilities have not "diminished." Lawmakers who spoke anonymously to the San Francisco Chronicle did so before Feinstein's husband, Richard Blum, died of cancer in February. "I have worked with her for a long time and long enough to know what she was like just a few years ago: always in command, always in charge, on top of the details, basically couldn't resist a conversation where she was driving some bill or some idea," a California House Democrat told the Chronicle. "All of that is gone." Some lawmakers defended Feinstein's mental acuity, including 82-year-old House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.), who called the lawmakers' claims "ridiculous," and Sen. Tim Kaine (D., Va.), who said Feinstein mailed him a handwritten letter after he was stuck for more than 24 hours in traffic on I-95. Feinstein has not held a town hall meeting in her state since the beginning of her current term. If she serves until 2024 and Democrats maintain a Senate majority, she could become the upper chamber's president pro tempore, making her third in line for the Oval Office behind Pelosi and Vice President Kamala Harris. US Senate sends legal complaint to FEC regarding prohibition against corporations making campaign contributions... contribution - anything of value... for purpose of influencing an election censorship - a valuable thing, contributed by Twitter and Facebook to the Biden campaign. Weird flex, but it could stick.
Potentially another HUGE whistleblower story pending confirmation... Allen Harrow Parrot (CIA whistleblower) tells Charles Woods (father of Tyrone Woods killed in Benghazi) that Obama and Biden sent Iran 152 Billion Dollars as a coverup for the deaths of Seal Team 6. Allen said that ALL of the proof will come out: documents and audio. Benghazi Betrayal Seal Team 6 Extortion 17 Safari Club RIGOR Iran $152B Feathered Cocaine Alan Howell Parrot Charles Woods Nicholas Noe Curt Weldon Clinton/Obama/Biden/Brennan/Clarke Interim disclaimer on above: Pending story... is it real? Do own research. Now... Censored? Trump Iowa speech 2020-10-14 re above #DrainTheSwamp Remember when @JoeBiden had a bizarre outburst, where he called a voter “fat” & a “damn liar”❓ Now we know why Joe reacted so harshly to a question about Hunter & his lucrative Ukraine gig: Joe had actually met w/ the Ukrainian executive despite denials!
Interim disclaimer on above: Pending story... is it real? Do own research.
fyi, an opposing statement from Robert O'Neill (seal team 6 guy)...
Interim disclaimer on above: Pending story... is it real? Do own research.
Disclaimer still applies.
While outside of key claims, Opposing the former note... McRaven ordered the destruction of photos of OBL kill mission within hours of @JudicialWatch filing a FOIA lawsuit for their release! #SEALTeam6 - Matt Bissonnette: Q: did you recognize Osama Bin Laden? A: No, it could have been anybody. a bodyguard, a brother. President Donald Trump Sends Signed MAGA Hat to 15-Year-Old Utah Student Who Was Bullied and Assaulted for Supporting Him Trump delivers hats to kids harassed for wearing flags, while Democrat supported BLM delivers... Lawnjobs for flags
Trump says Hello to Libertarians... Thank you LIBERTARIANS. We are getting it all done, and FAST! VOTE TRUMP!!! Just spoke with at @realDonaldTrump . He sounds great and wants libertarians and everyone across the country to know he is ending the war in Afghanistan! Libertarians say hello to both... Yesterday @realDonaldTrump dog whistled to Libertarians that he is ending the wars. Last week @KamalaHarris said she would decriminalize marijuana. Libertarian talking points are all the rage when you want to win an election but is there any follow through? Libertarians hold that all individuals have the right to exercise sole dominion over their own lives, and have the right to live in whatever manner they choose, so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the equal right of others to do the same.
Jo20 says to the FailBoats... Oh, Hai... ;) Jo20 says Hai Think of the possibilities... Find your candidates...
Truths about Charlottesville and Kyle Rittenhouse... Joe Biden on Trump's Charlottesville response: "He said something no president has ever, ever, ever, ever heard: 'There were very fine people on both sides.'" What Trump really said. Lawyer on Kyle Rittenhouse
Throngs of people turning out, been on campaign trail nonstop ever since convention... whether people like or not, Trump seems to have more stops energy and dedication than anyone in comparative history. And the people are taking note of it... Who has more fun... violent depressed self-hating Commie Dems, or Trump-Reps? Trump rally Janesville,WI 2020-10-16 - Talks on LOT more subjects than usual Shockingly it is. Here are some of my rallies from the past few day (and I'm not on the ticket). P.s please notice no teleprompter... our family speaks from the heart. The American people love @realDonaldTrump and are rejecting the radical left.
2020: Year Of The Black GOP Renaissance, Thanks To Trump Twenty-seven Black Republican candidates are running for Congress this election, and that is a good thing for the Republican Party, our political system, and our entire country. ... Whether it is Joe Biden saying “You ain’t black,” or MSNBC calling Black Republican candidates Burgess Owens and Kimberly Klacik part of a “modern day minstrel show,” these men and women are leaders who care, and who are inspired by another leader – a man who took the opposition head on, ignored pundits and pollsters who doubted him, and won. That leader is President Trump. ... Amazon's Attempt To Muzzle Shelby Steele Speaks Volumes About Race In America: Wirepoints It’s tempting to dismiss this as just another instance of media censoring views it doesn’t like, but it’s about far more. It’s about the entire “conversation” we supposedly are having on race in America, and why it’s no conversation at all. "What Killed Michael Brown?" is a new documentary written by impeccably credentialed Shelby Steele, who has long been among the most prominent voices challenging orthodox thinking on race. Instead, Steele uses the event as an example through which his broader views are presented, updated to address America’s meltdown on racial issues over the past year. The “poetic truth” that the establishment likes to push, as Steele put it, is that Brown was executed. He wasn’t executed, making the shooting a metaphor for many other faulty “poetic truths” Steele challenges. Since Steele himself is black and gifted with unusual clarity in thought and words, the cancel culture’s reaction should be no surprise. Amazon, where the plan was to stream the film, abruptly cancelled, sending only a smug email saying this: Unfortunately, we have found that your film doesn’t meet Prime Video’s content quality expectations and is not eligible for publishing at this time. We will not be accepting resubmission of this title and this decision may not be appealed. Consider the irony in that. Amazon got its start as a book seller. Having achieved near monopoly power, it’s now a book burner. Amazon also reportedly has contributed millions to Black Lives Matter. But credit Amazon for knowing what to squelch because the movie undoubtedly would succeed in opening many of the minds Amazon would like kept closed. It’s superb. It traces Steele’s personal story. Born in Chicago, he grew up in south suburban Harvey. His parents met while working in the early civil rights movement. He worked initially in St. Louis as what he calls a “warrior hero” in President Johnson’s War on Poverty, much of which was misguided as he now sees things. Robert Woodson also appears in the film. Like Steele, he spent his younger years administering 1960s-style welfare programs and is now a leading critic thereof. ... Black free speech rally organizer loses front teeth - bloody photo not attached, attendees and police officer taken to hospital - "ANTIFA is just a mostly peaceful idea". Antifa formed a mob to attack a black man. You couldn’t make this up. — Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) October 17, 2020 (Rally protesting Twitter's banning of Biden corruption story.) "Still Think This Is An Idea?" - San Francisco Free-Speech Marchers, Police Violently Attacked By Antifa ... At the same time, RT reports that in Washington DC, a young Trump supporter claimed she was assaulted by Black Lives Matter activists for bringing a ‘Trump 2020’ flag to the Women’s March. Isabella DeLuca posted a photo of herself in a cervical collar with a bruised face and lip. .@bellamaria1776 was hospitalized for supporting our President today at the Women’s March in D.C. Assaulting a woman, in attendance at a march for women, is the epitome of hypocrisy. End violence NOW. — Mike Yoder (@Yoder_Esqq) October 17, 2020 We give Anderson the last word...“I wanna ask you, do you still think, after seeing this, that they’re just an idea? Okay, I want you to answer that question, Joe Biden,” ... ‘Still think Antifa is just an idea?’ Black conservative activist gets tooth knocked in clashes during free speech rally (VIDEOS)
On 10/18/20, Karl <> wrote:
when you guys have the civil war and take over the country, please give us a place to live our own ways, rather than just killing us all
Who said that. Most people on earth would never kill anyone simply "living their own ways", provided those ways don't include trying to force themselves over someone else. Govts are different, people are deluding themselves if they think any of today's Govts will let them "live their own ways" without ultimately killing them for resisting the conflicting law while trying to live as such. Less your attempts at forcing = more chances of you living, even in all the crazy civil wars and revolutions in history.
Over here among the liberal-likes, there has been a lot of suffering.
Crying is natural, shake it off and move on. Don't fall into libs trap of demanding creation of their own tears from each other in one big crypuddle, grow up.
Like, massive harassment of people just for expressing their views.
Then quit ramming down each others throats. Yet see BLM below.
Domination of communication channels.
False. The Left has been well documented to be biasing and censoring majority of TV, Print and Social Media. And what's trending on all Social is almost entirely Left, which is very fucking statistically funny and suspect as hell given the US is supposedly split 50/50. Part of that is nature of Lefties to busy themselves with ass-sitting on their computer fake journalisting their fraud ideas to steal more free commie shit from people, instead of out doing real work. Jobs exist, go get one, start a biz, produce or do something people want for pay, give free shit to your favorite charity that way.
Overt expressions of harm against large groups.
Neither side extremists more or less guilty. Quit being assholes.
People losing their lives, across the country,
Someone died in a car accident five minutes ago. Go do statistics. See if it denies the Dem supported BLM Antifa expressed platforms that rolled out to wreck shit.
from new changes being made.
No, it's from humans initiating use of their own fists, laws will not change that, only philosophical / spiritual education will. Get educated.
Trump does not seem anti-government at all, over here.
Biden-Dems are 100% pro-govt, as are 99% Reps. Trump is outside business, an argument can be made that business views Govt tax/regulation/mandate as a non free market, including expensive bribery, thus may wish to cast it off. Your thread is talking about Lefty stuff, not Govt. And having provided no examples of anyone physically harming, abusing, or stealing from you... no violations of the NAP... your "suffering" appears to be a creation of your mind, perhaps result of wallowing too long in too many sad Lefty protests and violence. Stop doing that, it's bad for your health. Trump - Don't be Afraid Most people think he's referring only to Corona, he's not, he's talking about how to live a free life.
_WHY_ do people like him
As many political treatises say... the Left always seems to want to roll out lots of massive broad and deep *NEW* programs and respective "laws", and entrench them upon you forever. It's called Socialism, Communism, etc. On net-weight, that is *more* government and *less* freedom. Any self-proclaimed Libertarian Voluntaryist Anarchist should realize that simple math. And that the Right, while perhaps being not as weighty overall, will still fucking murder you just the same if you cross one of their internal weightings. Choose your oppression... total systemic or selective. Calculate which might be easier to eventually break free from... one where you can't see any clear target, or one where you can. Wargame the Authoritarian --> Libertarian path. As to Trump... Most people don't understand or know the first thing about Trump. If you really want to know why people like him, go ask the people attending Trump's rallies why they are there. Literally!... go to one or to whatever non-Left is local to you and ask them... Some sampling of summaries from that internet might include... Trump and the New Right is the closest thing and path to Libertarian there is on any forseeable horizon. Large number of minorities, Black, Latino, Women are flocking to Trump-Republicans... they're tired of decades of Democrat lies and inaction, and Trump makes deals. Socialism / Communism / Marxism / SJW / etc is totally negative depressing no pride future or fun at all. All things come from the economy and liberty, history shows those definitely are not it. Deep State CIA Agent puts foot in mouth ;) Wake up.
On Mon, 19 Oct 2020 07:10:54 -0400 grarpamp <> wrote:
Govts are different, people are deluding themselves if they think any of today's Govts will let them "live their own ways" without ultimately killing them
the key fact here is that 'grarpamp' is a highly fanatical trumpofascist and so a total and complete intellectual fraud. 'grarpamp' is pretending to preach about the evils of government while being a robotical supporter of the US government 'led' by trump. Every word this piece of non-human-shit writes is mockery. This needs to be triply underscored because it's the basic modus operandi of frauds, shills and government agents like 'grarpamp'. Anybody can say he "loves freedom" while at the same time being the most despicably supporter of tyranny, like 'grarpamp. That's exactly how the US was 'founded' by the way.
Trump does not seem anti-government at all, over here.
Biden-Dems are 100% pro-govt, as are 99% Reps.
Of course karl. The orange monkey is not anti-governmetn at all. Anybody whith a shred of intellectual honesty acknowdleges that. I mentioned that the monkey spends more stolen money than obomba, that he wants negative interest rates for wall street and that he outright buys votes from 'farmers' all of which was dutifully ignored by the intellectual frauds of this fine mailing list.
Trump is outside business, an argument can be made that business views Govt tax/regulation/mandate as a non free market, including expensive bribery, thus may wish to cast it off.
Businesses know that government is their key ally and that government enables them to abuse 'customers' in every possible way. Businesses know that government is against the free market and that's why businesses LOVE government. This is something that any real libertarian knows as part of the ABC of political economy. This is why one can see the orange monkey, a billionaire oligarch from jew-york, telling people on TV that he got his tax subsidies courtesy of obomba. Has any of the trumpofascists commented on this? nah, they are way too stupid and corrupt to do so. ps: 'democrats' are just as corrupt as trumpofascists karl.
On Mon, Oct 19, 2020 at 02:22:31PM -0300, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Mon, 19 Oct 2020 07:10:54 -0400 grarpamp <> wrote:
Govts are different, people are deluding themselves if they think any of today's Govts will let them "live their own ways" without ultimately killing them
'grarpamp' is - pretending to preach about the evils of government - while being a robotical supporter of the US government 'led' by trump
That's a dichotomy. Suggesting grarpamp is incapable of holding two "apparently" contradictory statements at different times, but which can actually be simultaneously true, is that which may be referred to as a -false- dichotomy.
. Every word this piece of non-human-shit writes is mockery.
That is an ad-hominem attack, and simply false. Speaking of
basic modus operandi of frauds, shills and government agents
we can look at the calculus of those who fail to allow others the dignity of holding two apparently contradictory statements, simultaneously. Those who would 'completely destroy' the USA have sufficient ground to hold that position, and it may be Juan, that you believe in a more pragmatic path to redemption for those good people in that grand country ... but I have not heard it yet... In the mean time, there is a real chance Trump could take California. This is mind boggling. "Holy shirt" is right :D
On Tue, 20 Oct 2020 11:48:53 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
On Mon, Oct 19, 2020 at 02:22:31PM -0300, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Mon, 19 Oct 2020 07:10:54 -0400 grarpamp <> wrote:
Govts are different, people are deluding themselves if they think any of today's Govts will let them "live their own ways" without ultimately killing them
'grarpamp' is - pretending to preach about the evils of government - while being a robotical supporter of the US government 'led' by trump
That's a dichotomy.
no, that's called being a fucking fraud, as explained above. And you are another fucking fraud, just like 'grarpamp'.
Suggesting grarpamp is incapable of holding two "apparently" contradictory statements
of course he's capable of doing that. It's called being a fucking fraud. Holding contradictory positions on purpose == being a fraud.
at different times, but which can actually be simultaneously true, is that which may be referred to as a -false- dichotomy.
is that a new word you just learnt 'false dichotomy'? I got another word for you, straight out from "1984" - doublethink - look it up.
. Every word this piece of non-human-shit writes is mockery.
That is an ad-hominem attack, and simply false.
no, it is a statement of fact and true. Anybody can see what people like 'grarpamp' and you do, and conclude that you are fucking frauds. Add james donald to the list of course. And any other trumpofascist.
On Tue, Oct 20, 2020 at 01:40:54AM -0300, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Tue, 20 Oct 2020 11:48:53 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
On Mon, Oct 19, 2020 at 02:22:31PM -0300, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Mon, 19 Oct 2020 07:10:54 -0400 grarpamp <> wrote:
Govts are different, people are deluding themselves if they think any of today's Govts will let them "live their own ways" without ultimately killing them
'grarpamp' is - pretending to preach about the evils of government - while being a robotical supporter of the US government 'led' by trump
That's a dichotomy.
no, that's called being a fucking fraud, as explained above. And you are another fucking fraud, just like 'grarpamp'.
And so I guess you would say that you 'totally ignoring grarpamps stated position re Red v. Blue', whilst highlighting only your cheap false dichotomy framing, is "reasonable discourse". We do get your position: that there is nothing good whatsoever about government, politicians, and statute laws, and no possible support for any politician can ever have any possible good outcome. You see, your position is known well. Your position is so clear in fact it's what we could call a "black and white argument" - that is, there is no doubt at all, what your position is, what your argument is, and that everyone should accept your framing of "the argument" only, and should not accept any other framing of "this argument", nor introduce any nuance at all, and if they do, they must ipso facto, be an "effing fraud". We get it. Your argument is easy to understand since it is so simple, and your framing allows absolutely -no- room for disagreement, and certainly no room for nuance. A non-nuanced position or "argument" is often, though not always, a sign of a false dichotomy - in this case, it is in fact a false dichotomy. There IS some truth in your position, but it's blunt, and also happens to lack pragmatism (part of the nuance you want to ignore or say does not exist).
Suggesting grarpamp is incapable of holding two "apparently" contradictory statements
of course he's capable of doing that. It's called being a fucking fraud.
Holding contradictory positions on purpose == being a fraud.
Now you've slightly shifted the ground which for some people would be an unfair thing to do, but as I have said you are welcome to practice on me ;) What I said was 'holding two "apparently" contradictory statements' - notice how I went out of my way to highlight that extra word, which you deleted in your attempt to "take down" or remove or not answer the nuance. When you insist on not only your own positions to be "black white", but also remove the nuance from the actual words others use, you might find that you miss something someone is trying to say or express. Doing this "nuance removal" tends to reduce discussion to only that which is comfortable for you, which is sometimes useful, but sometimes counter productive.
at different times, but which can actually be simultaneously true, is that which may be referred to as a -false- dichotomy.
is that a new word you just learnt 'false dichotomy'? I got another word for you, straight out from "1984" - doublethink - look it up.
Not quite, doublethink (dict -d wn doublethink) is "believing two contradictory ideas at the same time". You are trying to frame this argument as doublethink, which would be an impossible dichotomy (thus it would be fraudulent), but in this case that is only possible when you remove the nuance, thereby removing that part of the argument you want to ignore or pretend does not exist, or simply you don't agree with. But if lack of agreement were your position, then your removal of the nuance does you and others a disservice - that "alternative framing insistence" is (intellectually speaking) a cheap shot or discussion cop out.
. Every word this piece of non-human-shit writes is mockery.
That is an ad-hominem attack, and simply false.
no, it is a statement of fact and true.
And now you've again tried to turn this into a black white absolitist dichotomy ("every word" you said) - I'm calling this as I see it, and I've seen you do much better than that, so why reduce to such cheap shots?
Anybody can see what people like 'grarpamp' and you do, and conclude that you are fucking frauds. Add james donald to the list of course. And any other trumpofascist.
Yes, according to this argument ~50% of North Americans are trumpofascist and the other ~50% are bidenofascist (of the communist variety of fascism) and therefore the entire North America should really just be nuked immediately, putting everyone out of their misery already. Life's just so simple without nuance...
On Tue, 20 Oct 2020 21:44:37 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
We do get your position: that there is nothing good whatsoever about government, politicians, and statute laws, and no possible support for any politician can ever have any possible good outcome.
You see, your position is known well.
it's not my position. It's the liberal anarchist position and the moral sense position. And the rights position, as in "you have no right to order people around", etc.
Your position is so clear in fact it's what we could call a "black and white argument"
You can do that if you are a dishonest fucktard. So go ahead prove that trumpofascists like you have the 'g'd given' 'right' to rule their betters. But wait, no that's all a diversion. What matters here is NOT my position, but the positions of trumpofascist turds like 'grarpamp'. So don't change the subject.
Suggesting grarpamp is incapable of holding two "apparently" contradictory statements
of course he's capable of doing that. It's called being a fucking fraud.
Holding contradictory positions on purpose == being a fraud.
Now you've slightly shifted the ground
No I have not.
What I said was 'holding two "apparently" contradictory statements'
The one 'shifting the ground' is you, go figure. There's no 'apparent' contradiction here. The contradiction is as real as it gets and clearly explained what the contradiction is.
When you insist on not only your own positions to be "black white", but also remove the nuance from the actual words others use,
There's no 'nuance' in posing as a 'libertarian' and being a trumpofascist. It's the essence of being an intellectual fraud and shill. Rest of your rambling nonsense skimmed and ignored. I am well aware that yet another of your propaganda techniques is writing pages of rambling lying nonsense. If you had anything meaninful to say you could put it in two sentences.
Rest of your rambling nonsense skimmed and ignored. I am well aware that yet another of your propaganda techniques is writing pages of rambling lying nonsense. If you had anything meaninful to say you could put it in two sentences.
Juan you are rude and disrespectful, you fail to state the positions of others, and you claim you are the only person speaking "truth". Since you are not capable of identifying in two sentences by yourself: - you ignore nuance - you try to reframe others You do the above over and over and over again, which gets tiresome. The caculus on the above suggests you hate all North Americans.
On Wed, 21 Oct 2020 07:50:54 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
Rest of your rambling nonsense skimmed and ignored. I am well aware that yet another of your propaganda techniques is writing pages of rambling lying nonsense. If you had anything meaninful to say you could put it in two sentences.
Juan you are rude and disrespectful,
you get all the respect you deserve : none.
On 2020-10-19 21:10, grarpamp wrote:
Most people on earth would never kill anyone simply "living their own ways", provided those ways don't include trying to force themselves over someone else.
Govts are different, people are deluding themselves if they think any of today's Govts will let them "live their own ways" without ultimately killing them for resisting the conflicting law while trying to live as such.
This is true, and is the argument for anarcho capitalism. But: If people are left alone to live their lives, they need to have stuff to live it with, property. Other people will covet their stuff, and their entire lifestyle, if it is a peaceful, cooperative and happy lifestyle, which covetousness fueled rage has been spectacularly on display in antifa and BLM attacks on the suburbs. They will demand inclusion, and if included will destroy the productive high trust, cooperative, community, so need to be excluded. Observe the catastrophic impact of codes of conduct on the open source community. So people gang up to predate on other communities, and other communities have to gang up to protect themselves. And thus you get states and state religions, the largest scale ganging up, and the most extreme for of violence by the gang. If you don't have a state and state religion, you get conquered. When a hostile elite fails to protect the community that created it, you get state failure, as is happening in the US. And the only way out is a loyalist elite, and loyalist state religion. Trump and the Trumpists love America and the greatness of our ancestors, and the Christianity that Trump trumpets, but probably does not take too seriously, loves America. Trump's God loves America and the greatness of our ancestors. The deep state elite hates America and Americans, as was apparent in the Paris Treaty and the Trade Pacific Partnership. It is also apparent in their art of the deep state elite and the Harvard elite: If you twit a member of the elite over the shittiness of a Mondrian or a Picasso, he may well condescend that he is a sophisticated art appreciator and you are not. Maybe he is, though I doubt it. Twit him over the dog poop statue in the bay area, the reply is likely to amount to "Racist". That statue is just our elite giving us the finger, same as tearing down the statue of Lincoln and vandalizing Churches. You reckon that when they smash their way into a Church and behead the statue of the mother of Christ, it is a signal of sophistication? Nah, it is a signal they have power, we don't, and they hate us. Same thing the dog poop statue signals. They want to erase all signs of our past greatness. Compare and contrast with Putin's great Cathedral, which celebrates the past greatness of Russia and Western Civilization. If you try to get an member of the elite to give you the supposed rationale for the dog poop statue, he will garble it incoherently, if he responds at all, thereby not even trying to display sophistication. The reply, if you get a reply at all, is going to be "racist" - If you object to our erasure, you are racist. That is what it is all about, and the reply is likely to be related to what it is in fact about. When people make a show of appreciating Mondrians, they are usually indeed signaling sophistication, as well as signalling their progressive credentials, that they support the erasure of our history and civilization. If they appreciate the dog poop statue, they are performing a victory dance over their defeated enemies, and if you twit them on it, they are unlikely to even try to signal sophistication. It is analogous to what we saw with debate on George Zimmerman - the people arguing that George Zimmerman assaulted Trayvon Martin were not making arguments that supported their supposed story, they were making arguments that Trayvon Martin was entitled to attack George Zimmerman, that black people have aristocratic privilege to use violence on peons when treated with less respect than they are rightly entitled to by virtue of their superior status, that a white person is guilty of assault should he attempt to defend himself.
On Tue, 20 Oct 2020 14:40:20 +1000 wrote:
If you don't have a state and state religion, you get conquered.
So if you don't have a state, then you end up having a state. So you need a state to not be conquered by the state. That's called statist 'logic'. Notice that donald's state is 'good' cause it allegedly 'defends' him but other states are 'bad'. Notice that the politicians of other states tell the exact same lie to their subjects. That's another sample of statist 'logic'. Now, notice that 2 seconds ago donald was posing as 'outraged cypherpunk' 'outraged' by the 'illegal' things the NSA does. But now he's saying you need the NSA for 'protection'. wrote:
If you don't have a state and state religion, you get conquered.
On 2020-10-20 16:06, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
So if you don't have a state, then you end up having a state. So you need a state to not be conquered by the state. That's called statist 'logic'.
A state ruled by a friendly elite that identifies with the community that created it is a marked improvement on an enemy state that hates the community.
On Tue, 20 Oct 2020 15:58:02 +1000 wrote: wrote:
If you don't have a state and state religion, you get conquered.
On 2020-10-20 16:06, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
So if you don't have a state, then you end up having a state. So you need a state to not be conquered by the state. That's called statist 'logic'.
A state ruled by a friendly elite that identifies with the community that created it is a marked improvement on an enemy state that hates the community.
As I already mentioned, that's what every statist say. 'Their' state is 'good'. Other state 'bad'. You forgot to quote that part, you worthless, retarded, dishonest piece of shit.
On Tue, Oct 20, 2020 at 03:18:38AM -0300, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Tue, 20 Oct 2020 15:58:02 +1000 wrote: wrote:
If you don't have a state and state religion, you get conquered.
On 2020-10-20 16:06, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
So if you don't have a state, then you end up having a state. So you need a state to not be conquered by the state. That's called statist 'logic'.
A state ruled by a friendly elite that identifies with the community that created it is a marked improvement on an enemy state that hates the community.
As I already mentioned, that's what every statist say. 'Their' state is 'good'. Other state 'bad'. You forgot to quote that part, you worthless, retarded, dishonest piece of shit.
If you really don't want your own nuances of argument to be ignored or treated dismissively, perhaps consider not doing that with the nuanc of others. If that's something someane finds difficult, there's a simple technique: look for some nuance within your interlocutor's argument or position, which you are able to agree with, and begin your response with that, and only -then- "attack" the part you disagree with :)
On 2020-10-20 16:18, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
As I already mentioned, that's what every statist say. 'Their' state is 'good'. Other state 'bad'.
Some states and their associated state religions are less evil than other states and state religions, and you need a state to resist the power of other states and statelike entities, and a state religion to give that state cohesion. Unfortunately, our state religion is progress, which fails to provide cohesion (diversity plus proximity equals war) with the result that like Serbia in the events leading to world war I, we get a state that can neither make peace nor war, so drifts into war in an unplanned and uncontrolled way, as Obama was drifting into war with Russia and China simultaneously.
On Wed, 21 Oct 2020 05:34:10 +1000 wrote:
On 2020-10-20 16:18, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
As I already mentioned, that's what every statist say. 'Their' state is 'good'. Other state 'bad'.
Some states and their associated state religions are less evil than other states and state religions,
yes, that's what every statist say. His state is 'less evil'.
and you need a state to resist the power of other states and statelike entities, and a state religion to give that state cohesion.
yes, you've profusely documented that all you have is statist 'logic', that is, your premise is "state good" and you use it to 'prove' that "state good". Are you going to keep repeating the same nonsense?
you need a state to resist the power of other states
yes you need a state to protect you from the state.
state religions
oh, by the way, donald is a theocrat.
On Monday, October 19, 2020, 10:51:55 PM PDT, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <> wrote: On Tue, 20 Oct 2020 14:40:20 +1000 wrote:
If you don't have a state and state religion, you get conquered.
> So if you don't have a state, then you end up having a state. That's what long-ago occasional Cypherpunk David Friedman (Son of famous enonomist Milton Friedman) concluded in 1973/1989/2014 with his book, "The Machinery of Freedom". He realized that it was very difficult for a region 'governed' by anarchy or libertarian principles to defend itself from external aggression (by more convention 'states' that taxed their citizens), because it couldn't tax the people living there. He called this "The Hard Problem", and yes it was indeed hard. While I wasn't aware of David Friedman's existence in early 1995, nor his label of the problem "the hard problem", nevertheless I had been aware of the difficulty of an anarchic region defending itself since 1975, when I realized I had always been a libertarian. I didn't hear it from anyone else: I considered it to be somewhat obvious. But I couldn't figure out the solution, either, from 1975-1994. Friedman might as well have said: " So if you don't have a state, then you end up having a state". Because, effectively, that is what he DID say. And he wasn't wrong, he merely correctly said that if it was going to be possible to implement a stable, peaceful 'anarchy', someone would have to solve that "Hard Problem". Which HE couldn't do. But he publicized the problem, although I didn't hear about it due to that publicity. I called myself a "minarchist libertarian" 1975- January-1995 ONLY because I couldn't figure out how to solve what I knew, independently, to be a problem. I hadn't thought about it much. While trying to figure out how to get rid of ONE free-spending officeholder (Robert Byrd of West Virginia, who I never named in my AP essay), I applied conceptually the ideas of good encryption, digital cash, and anonymity, to come up with the idea that I turned into my Assassination Politics essay in January-February 1995. I wasn't aware of the existence of the "Cypherpunks" list; and if you had said the name "Tim May" to me, I would have recalled that a person by that name famously discovered the alpha-particle problem in dynamic RAMs (DRAMS) in the late 1970's. I didn't know he had retired from Intel, and had gone on to other things. I wasn't aware of his, and others' discussion of "murder markets", although I think I must have heard of the concept, very indirectly, though others. David Friedman stated that problem, the "Hard Problem", quite well. But he couldn't solve it. While not trying to solve it, I solved it, and I decided to tell the world. And I was victimized, for a long time, because of what I did. Be aware of THAT. People like you are ingrates. Have some respect, and some gratitude. What I did is what should give us all hope that we can get rid of governments, once and for all. Jim Bell
On 2020-10-21 05:49, jim bell wrote:
I called myself a "minarchist libertarian" 1975- January-1995 ONLY because I couldn't figure out how to solve what I knew, independently, to be a problem. I hadn't thought about it much. While trying to figure out how to get rid of ONE free-spending officeholder (Robert Byrd of West Virginia, who I never named in my AP essay), I applied conceptually the ideas of good encryption, digital cash, and anonymity, to come up with the idea that I turned into my Assassination Politics essay in January-February 1995
For assassination politics to work, you are going to need a crypto currency, whose currency is proof of stake, and which supports end to end encrypted messaging concerning financial transactions, messages that can carry money and commit to contracts. A proof of stake currency is a sovereign corporation, and its currency is shares in that corporation. A normal corporation derives its identity and corporateness from a grant of identity from the sovereign. A sovereign corporation would derive its corporateness from the fact that everyone uses the same cryptographic protocol because everyone else is using that protocol. A sovereign corporation is something that I am sure that Bat Soup would regard as suspiciously like a state.
Hi James ;-) (*_*) On Tue, Oct 20, 2020 at 1:53 PM, <> wrote:
On 2020-10-21 05:49, jim bell wrote:
I called myself a "minarchist libertarian" 1975- January-1995 ONLY because I couldn't figure out how to solve what I knew, independently, to be a problem. I hadn't thought about it much. While trying to figure out how to get rid of ONE free-spending officeholder (Robert Byrd of West Virginia, who I never named in my AP essay), I applied conceptually the ideas of good encryption, digital cash, and anonymity, to come up with the idea that I turned into my Assassination Politics essay in January-February 1995
For assassination politics to work, you are going to need a crypto currency, whose currency is proof of stake, and which supports end to end encrypted messaging concerning financial transactions, messages that can carry money and commit to contracts.
A proof of stake currency is a sovereign corporation, and its currency is shares in that corporation.
A normal corporation derives its identity and corporateness from a grant of identity from the sovereign. A sovereign corporation would derive its corporateness from the fact that everyone uses the same cryptographic protocol because everyone else is using that protocol.
A sovereign corporation is something that I am sure that Bat Soup would regard as suspiciously like a state.
If you don't have a state and state religion, you get conquered.
So if you don't have a state, then you end up having a state.
That's what long-ago occasional Cypherpunk David Friedman concluded in 1973/1989/2014
yes friedman is another right wing fascist fraud and his 'conclusion' is statist nonsense.
While I wasn't aware of David Friedman's existence in early 1995, nor his label of the problem "the hard problem", nevertheless I had been aware of the difficulty of an anarchic region defending itself since 1975, when I realized I had always been a libertarian.
I haven't seen much if any evidence of you being a libertarian. I've seen a lot of evidence of you being a technofascist and trumpofascist.
Friedman might as well have said: " So if you don't have a state, then you end up having a state".
of course. Friedman is a right wing clown.
And he wasn't wrong,
of course he's wrong, like any other statist.
David Friedman stated that problem, the "Hard Problem", quite well.
no he didn't
Be aware of THAT. People like you are ingrates. Have some respect, and some gratitude. What I did is what should give us all hope that we can get rid of governments, once and for all.
LMAO! So you think you're the 'saviour of humanity'? You are fucking insane Jim. And a fraud. You are the 'libertarian' nutcase who claim that murder is the 'libertarian' response to petty theft.
Jim Bell
Jim Bell wrote :
That's what long-ago occasional Cypherpunk David Friedman concluded in 1973/1989/2014
It's obvious that you know little about libertarian philosophy Jim, that's why the only fake libertarian author you always mention is friedman. to sum all this bullshit up, the promises of 'cypherpunks' have so far been empty promises while 'technology' has wildly multiplied the power of state. In practice 'cypherpunks' are just technofascist shills. In the words of friedman's, the only 'libertarian' author jim knows : "technology is in the process of giving us a level of privacy we've never had before" so is friedman a complete delusional retard, or is he a shill?
On 2020-10-21 07:27, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
Jim Bell wrote :
That's what long-ago occasional Cypherpunk David Friedman�concluded in 1973/1989/2014
It's obvious that you know little about libertarian philosophy Jim
What you call the libertarian philosophy is not the libertarian philosophy. It is what shills hired by the government wish the libertarian philosophy was. "Federal Response on Human Trafficking" "We are proud to announce a new whole-of-government human trafficking website with federal resources for victims, current funding opportunities, public awareness and training efforts and information on survivor leadership." Second Circuit AFFIRMS a lower court's order to unseal documents related to Ghislaine Maxwell's civil case, including her allegedly incriminating deposition. Kamala Compromised? With 15 days left until the presidential election, President Trump is "criss-crossing the country at rapid pace," while Democrat Joe Biden is "noticeably missing in action," Fox News host Sean Hannity said Monday. "This should now alarm every American. This has never happened in the history of presidential politics," the "Hannity" host said, "where one guy spends the entire campaign, 15 days out from an election, deciding to take a four-day vacation after he only worked one day and then had another day off. "Joe Biden is not criss-crossing the country," Hannity added. "He's not campaigning. He barely is hosting any events at all." Despite his absence from the trail Monday, Biden tweeted that he and running mate Sen. Kamala Harris would "work every day "Cruz: Senate Judiciary Committee to Subpoena Twitter CEO to Get Answers on Censorship" "The Big Tech censorship we are witnessing is the kind of thing you see from rogue regimes and totalitarian states. @Twitter & @Facebook should be ashamed."
On Tue, 20 Oct 2020 03:19:57 -0400 grarpamp <> vomited:
"We are proud to announce a new whole-of-government human trafficking website with federal resources for victims, current funding opportunities, public awareness and training efforts and information on survivor leadership."
Fucking hilarious, the 'grarpamp' is a feminazi cunt! That's...really unexpected. A trumpofascist US turd screeching about 'human trafficking' Jesus has told the trumpofascists that 'human trafficking' is 'bad'! I idly wonder what's going to be the next talking point from this 'grarpamp' turd? Muslamic terrists selling fentanyl to 'preschool' children? Muslamic terrists selling children to chinese cannibals? The demrats selling 'child porn' to muslamic terrists? BLM selling white children to black slave owners? So many options... hey 'grarpamp' how does it feel to be a complete piece of shit? Not a nice feeling eh?
On Tue, Oct 20, 2020 at 04:56:28AM -0300, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Tue, 20 Oct 2020 03:19:57 -0400
grarpamp <> vomited:
"We are proud to announce a new whole-of-government human trafficking website with federal resources for victims, current funding opportunities, public awareness and training efforts and information on survivor leadership."
Fucking hilarious, the 'grarpamp' is a feminazi cunt! That's...really unexpected. A trumpofascist US turd screeching about 'human trafficking' Jesus has told the trumpofascists that 'human trafficking' is 'bad'!
I idly wonder what's going to be the next talking point from this 'grarpamp' turd? Muslamic terrists selling fentanyl to 'preschool' children? Muslamic terrists selling children to chinese cannibals? The demrats selling 'child porn' to muslamic terrists? BLM selling white children to black slave owners? So many options...
hey 'grarpamp' how does it feel to be a complete piece of shit? Not a nice feeling eh?
I'm guessing that "Morally speaking, there is no such thing as human trafficking at all ever", is possibly going to be a hard sell. Dunno, just throwing this one out there...
participants (19)
Cecilia Tanaka
David Barrett
Debian Community News Team
jim bell
Karl Semich
Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0
Sandy Harris
Shawn K. Quinn
Steven Schear
Zenaan Harkness
Zigger the N.gger