On Wed, Nov 17, 2021 at 2:23 AM, grarpamp
<grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
Hypocrite Biden Admin accuses Cuba of doing literally
everything that the Biden Admin and US Democrats
BLM+Antifa have been doing...


“In July, the people of Cuba bravely and spontaneously took to the
streets to demand change from their government: respect for human
rights, greater freedom of expression, and an end to economic
mismanagement by an authoritarian regime that has failed to meet their
most basic needs,” Blinken said in a statement.

“The Cuban regime responded with violence, censorship, arrests, and
summary trials, denying their citizens their rights to freedom of
expression and freedom of peaceful assembly.”

Blinken continued: “We strongly condemn these intimidation tactics. We
call on the Cuban government to respect Cubans’ rights, by allowing
them to peacefully assemble and use their voices without fear of
government reprisal or violence, and by keeping Internet and
telecommunication lines open for the free exchange of information. We
urge the Cuban government to reject violence, and instead, embrace
this historic opportunity to listen to the voices of their people.”

Yet Biden doesn't see the irony !!!