The goal is to get through this while introducing as few new forms of massive suffering or destruction as possible.

Usually in the US we have a flipflop between republican and democrat babbling figureheads.

Most people don't discuss that if you know something secret and are willing to risk more than anyone else, you can get the whole nation to do whatever you want, and it used to be that if you tried to pull that somebody would use it to gently reign things in: not to start a competition with you.

The goal is to get through this without hurting huge groups of people any further.

On Sat, Oct 10, 2020, 6:43 PM Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
So Vladimir Putin literally lays out the ideological basis for Russia "developing contacts with the Democratic representative", and it's epic:

   Vlad said:
      "The Democratic Party is traditionally closer to the so-called liberal
      values, closer to social democratic ideas. And it was from the social
      democratic environment that the Communist Party evolved.

      After all, I was a member of the Soviet Communist Party for nearly 20
      years. I was a rank-and-file member, but it can be said that I believed
      in the party's ideas. I still like many of these left-wing values.
      Equality and fraternity. What is bad about them? In fact, they are akin
      to Christian values [author's note: ROFL 😂].

      Yes, they are difficult to implement, but they are very attractive,
      nevertheless. In other words, this can be seen as an ideological basis
      for developing contacts with the Democratic representative."


      "Back in the 1930s, Communist International leaders wrote that both black
      and white workers had a common enemy — imperialism and capitalism. They
      also wrote that these people could become the most effective group in the
      future revolutionary battle. So, this is something that can be seen, to a
      degree, as common values, if not a unifying agent for us."

Found here: