draft 2 for boss training minimedia Instead of being Boss, you're a Rebel Worker. Your job is to get through the workplace training session with your rebel heart, so you can keep rebelling in the future. There are a handful of different roles you can take in this process. You can die, simply get maimed, or become a trusted worker. All these roles are needed and quite unpleasant unless you have enough Rebel Spirit to see you through. The people who die are needed to be 'killed' by the people who become trusted workers. If you're good at dieing, Boss chooses to have you killed by the people he is grooming to be trusted workers, and you don't actually die when you are killed but Boss believes you have. The people who only get injured are needed to inspire more rebels with their antics, to remind people of freedom and that being maimed by your boss is unacceptable and changeable. If you're good at only getting injured, workers approach you emotionally outside of the training session. The people who become trusted workers are needed for infiltrating Boss's work and taking successful actions of rebellion later. If you're good at becoming a trusted worker, you don't get very injured, all the people you 'kill' have planned for it in advance, and when Boss discovers you later the other rebels learn about how it happened to plan for the future. Some people arrange roles in advance, others pick them on the fly. If things ever actually go exactly as planned, or not at all as planned, it's important to figure out whether or not it was an orchestrated trap. The training ring is covered in blood and body parts. Everyone is cheering to be maimed by Boss.