------- Zombie [AI] Outpost a videogame about what it was like to survive in the 2010s, when everybody was turned into a zombie by somebody's shitty ai which then tried to cover itself up but failed You, a lone zombie, establishing a zombie survival outpost. You must grow your zombie following and form a band of zombies who solve their zombieism and form a semblence of humanity, so as to some day look interesting to a mate. The walls must be defended against hordes of external zombies. If one gets in, the zombie plague from them spreads by feeding off of any semblence of humanity you've developed inside the compound, and you lose progress. The most progress is made when a pristine human can be captured unharmed and brought into the compound. The human is held captive on a large structure as if being hanged, except instead of being hanged they are violently interrogated with regard to what it is like to be a normal human, and what normal humans do. As the hungry zombies develop more humanity by feeding off the information in the screams of the human, the overall humanity of the compound increases and more complex tasks can be accomplished. Eventually the experienced zombie expressions of the interrogation throng drive the captive human completely mad and they begin quickly turning, and either join your horde or are thrown out of the compound to not worsen the zombieism. If they stay, you can gain further humanity a little by studying their human bodyparts with them.