Eventually other groups of zombies figure out to band together in compounds and occasionally there are inter-outpost conflicts where one fortress of undead zombies may attempt to subsume another. This is done by all the zombies coming together and groaning and moaning “braiiins …” and putting on staged displays of undead shambling horror at the opposing compound, which they do practically automatically. Zombies exposed to more thorough depictions of reanimated mindlessness are beset by a zombie pall as the plague more thoroughly infests them, balk from their compound and run, arms stiffly outstretched, to the opposing one. If losing zombie throng to an opposing outpost, the player must try to disband the conflict, hide the outpost from their remaining horde, and begin building away from the dangerous group’s walls. The wild mass outside the walls can be stimulated to tax and distract an out-competing neighboring compound.