Cyborg: “One of the things nobody seems to understand is the importance of not talking about it. Nobody sees to get this!” Cyborg looks at Torturee. Cyborg: “I don’t know what you did to me that I’m saying some of these things, but if you try to help somebody by talking with them all straight like this, you will just trigger their habits for punishing you, themselves, and whatever caused the situation, and they’ll place utmost priority on covering it up among a group of powerful victims who can practically read each other’s thoughts!” Cyborg: “What people say you need to do is learn the secret languages we speak. by observing or joining us —“ Torturee: “Don’t join them, they’ll break your mind and enslave you.” Cyborg: “ — you don’t seem that enslaved — “ Torturee: “You do not know me.” Cyborg is surprised and confused. Cyborg: “I know everything there is to know about you. I know when you breathe. Anyway — then, give us therapy in the language we know. Show us you care about our wellbeing, so we’ll trust you. And them help us stop killing people because we hate doing it!” Torturee looks at Cyborg. Cyborg: “Honestly though the secret language we live in is basically designed to prevent anybody from ever leaving or escaping. For example, the word freedom means punishment.” Cyborg: “So some smarts are needed, and honestly as a torturer some feel they don’t deserve respectful therapy at all! But what we expect is people to have at least as much understanding of us as we have of each other. That means demonstrating there is a norm of never revealing Boss’s activities, and inferring what in what ways it is safe or needed for us to talk about hating that. Kind of! Maybe I guess!” Torturee: “Thank you for trying to speak, Tortured Cyborg Torturer Sub-Boss.” Cyborg: “Will you whip me after this please?”