Boss's Office During a Disagreement Boss is nowhere to be seen. His body has turned into clouds of matter flying everywhere. Chairs are upturned. Water, "rain" is flying skyward amidst high plasma winds. An intern hides under somebody's desk. Intern: "What is going on????" They ask the question of a clump of bodies and objects that keeps flickering in and out, changing what it is each time. Boss-in-body-of-frog: "Oh, some of the mind controllers are fighting again." The room flips upside down and turns into a sauna. The intern scrambles to stay under what used to be a desk. Intern: "All this powerful technology, couldn't they find a way to talk?" Secretary-juggling-anvils: "Oh, the slavery program prevents communication, so they talk in action. They must have different assumptions about something." As the room is turning into a datacenter on a beach, one of the chairs walks itself up. Chair: "Sorry, you have an idea of why this happens?" The flickering entity and the chair disappear.