As I said, I have an unlimited number of these, but it's going to take some months or years I'm afraid. -- Puddles of organs pile up in the hallway by robot janitor. They sit, waiting, giggling. Suddenly one bursts out, "a businessman raped my mom!" The robot janitor whirrs into gear. Gets outs its mushroom. "Cleaning up. Take out the trash. Cleaning up." It begins pushing the organ towards an incinerator. The organs giggle and giggle. "Wheeee!" says the one being pushed towards the incinerator. Others run around behind. They wait, giggling, until the robot is about to reach the disabled incinerator. A little too early, amidst a frown from the one having the ride, one bursts out "I get paid for murdering people. My boss pays off and coerces the prosecutors when I get into trouble." The robot drops their passenger, whirrs around and begins heading back to the new expression. "Trash identified. Disposing as per sanitation protocols." Somebody walks by carrying a huge stack of paperwork, not seeing the robot janitor. ...