Julian Assange needs your help. Journalism needs your help. Whistleblowing needs your help. Free Speech needs your help. Freedom needs your help. Without your help Freedom dies. Contribute something to helping free Julian Assange. https://twitter.com/Stella_Assange/status/1666903828992516125 https://nbtv.substack.com/p/assange-the-truth-theyve-been-hiding Assange: The Truth They've Been Hiding From You Most of what you think you know about Assange is false. Must-see backgrounder on the #AssangeCase and why Julian #Assange must be freed! Thanks @naomibrockwell Julian Assange: Extradition or Freedom? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ww-fN6C7i0 https://twitter.com/DEAcampaign/status/1668257881546694659 https://www.ifj.org/media-centre/news/detail/category/press-releases/article... https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/1668298787981348865 New previously omitted evidence emerges in ongoing Spanish case regarding illegal spying on Julian Assange and his lawyers. Police omitted folder called ‘CIA’ from the computer of Spaniard who allegedly spied on Julian... In a recent document dump delivered to the presiding judge, more than 250 extra gigabytes of files related to the surveillance of the founder of WikiLeaks were included — far more than what was... https://twitter.com/DefendAssange/status/1668286839172497408 https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/06/uk-us-home-secretarys-certifi... Amnesty International: "Were Julian Assange to be extradited or subjected to any other transfer to the USA, Britain would be in breach of its obligations under international human rights law" #FreeAssangeNOW #JournalismIsNotACrime Free Julian Assange!