Neuro Therapist, Mind Controller, and Victim Layer 1 V: "Neuro therapist, help me." C: "Don't do that." T: "I raise international treaty 729: mind controllers may not mind control neuro therapists." C: "Fuck." T: "Victim, would you like me to rescue you directly, or work with this mind controller?" V: "Please rescue me directly!" T takes V and protects them. C: "You don't want to do this. It's a horrible idea." V: "You can only say what is false. That's obvious." C is frustrated. Layer 2 V: "Neuro Therapist, I love being mind controlled." C: "Yes, they really do." T: "I raise international treaty 729: the true state of mind control victims must be revealed to neuro therapists." C: "Fuck." T: "Victim, I can see from your mind that you are suffering severely. Let me learn to speak your language." V: "Nobody has ever said this to me before! Are you real?" T takes V and begins showing them a world where trust, kindness, and safety exist at the same time. C: "We will be researching how to better deceive you." T: "We have predicted and prepared for the results of your research." C is frustrated. [leaves out mind-controller-is-victim, which is very blurry in this thread]